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2、“白虎山学道”(White Tiger): Fa Mu Lan现代花木兰故事 3、“乡村医生”(Shaman):母亲勇兰 4、“西宫门外”(At the Western Palace):姨妈月兰 5、“羌笛野曲”(A Song for a Barbarian Reed Pipe):蔡文姬
Tripmaster Monkey:His Fake Book
《孙行者:他的伪书》(1989) a picaresque (流浪汉)novel set in the San Francisco area during the 1960s The protagonist of this novel, Wittman Ah Sing, is a fifth-generation Chinese-American, and like many of Kingston's characters, he struggles to escape racism as he grows and questions the world around him.
China Men

The second novel: China Men (《中国佬》,1980) The book, steeped in historic detail and set in early California and Hawaii, details the male influences of her life and describes the lives of the men in her family who came to America--"Gold Mountain." China Men includes a chronological list of discriminatory laws regarding Chinese immigrants and celebrates the strengths and achievements of the first Chinese men in America as well as the exploitation and prejudice they faced.

因为《女勇士》打破了关于女子属性和 华裔美国女子属性的极度沉默,在就民间 传说、家史和个人沉思所想像出来的历 史和神话的“他者”之中重新排列了民 族和性别的位置。

(一)内容 1、“无名女子” (No Name Woman) Maxine retells a story originally told to her by her mother. Her father's sister had a baby by a man who was not her husband and was a disgrace to the family and the entire village. She committed suicide with her baby by drowning in the family well. As Maxine writes "the real punishment was not the raid swiftly inflicted (造成) by the villagers, but the family's deliberating forgetting her . always hungry, always needing, she would have to beg food from other ghosts, snatch(抓举) and steal it from those whose living descendants give them gifts."

Baidu Nhomakorabea
Kingston's first language was Say Yup, a dialect of Cantonese(粤语). She grew up surrounded by other immigrants from her father's village, and the storytelling she heard as a child influenced her later writing. By the age of nine, her progress in English enabled her to write poems in her new language, and though she was a gifted storyteller like her mother, she preferred the solitary task of writing.
新移民文学、华裔文学和华文 文学
新移民文学:第一代移民在海外的写作,语言 可能是移居国语言,也可能是汉语。 华裔文学:严格意义上的华裔文学指在移居国 出生、长大、国籍为移居国的作家,使用移居 国语言进行写作。 华文文学指在海外的华人使用汉语的写作,包 括大陆的移民写作,也包括台湾等地的华人移 民写作。

She received her B.A. degree in 1962 and her teaching certificate in 1965. In 1962, she married Earll Kingston, an actor, and they moved to Hawaii where they both taught for the next ten years.

一般认为,汤亭亭1976年发表自传体小说 《女勇士》标志着华裔作家创作进入美 国文学主流的开始。
第二节 汤亭亭和《女勇士》

汤亭亭(Maxine Hong Kingston ,1940)
Biography and Writing

She was born on October 27, 1940 in Stockton, California . She was the first of six American-born children; her parents, Tom and Ying Lan Hong, had had two children in China before they came to America.


1.女性主义思想对男权中心的解构 首先,“无名氏女人”与“女勇士”的对立。 Maxine recalls her Mother and herself singing a song about Mu Lan very frequently during her childhood. She also dreams the tale of Mu Lan and puts herself in her place. In Chinese culture a girl is not as worthy as a boy so the legend of Mu Lan is extremely important and significant to girls. Feminists might retaliate(报复) that although Mu Lan had the skills of a warrior she had to disguise herself as a man in order to fight.

"The Chinese are always very frightened of the drowned ones, whose weeping(哭 泣的) ghost, wet hair hanging and skin bloated(膨胀), waits silently by the water to pull down a substitute."

An extremely bright student, she won eleven scholarships that allowed her to attend the University of California at Berkeley. Kingston began as an engineering major, but she soon switched to English literature.
日裔美国诗人加勒特· 洪果的评价 : 70年代中期对于亚裔美国作家来说,最重要的事 件也许是汤亭亭《女勇士》的出版和随后的畅 销。该作品的文学成就和热销在简短而轰轰烈 烈的亚裔美国文学史上是空前的。小说副标题 “群鬼之中的一个少女的回忆”激起了大家对 在美国的一个亚裔女子个人经历的关注,画出了 神话意识,它似乎能给许多无名女子以力量,而 且可能给我们的文化的任何消声了的“他者” 以力量,不管其背景如何。
The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts

《女勇士:一个生活在鬼中间的女孩的童年回 忆》,1976

"Me and Mom" genre.
“You must not tell anyone…what I am about to tell you”[我要给你说的事情,对谁也不许讲]

可以看作《女勇士》的续篇,《女勇士》 聚焦于家族中的女性, 《中国佬》则记 录了家族中几代男性漂洋过海来到美国 的经历,他们为美国的开发出力流汗, 汤亭亭认为他们才是这块土地的主人。

After the success of her first books, she was financially able to give up teaching as an occupation and continued to write, but she continued to teach on and off as a visiting professor in Hawaii, Michigan, and California.
汤亭亭笔下这个“变身”了的巾帼英雄 形象折射出的是作者在美国现代社会求 得性别、种族上的平等生存权力的欲望。 是汤亭亭进行中西跨文化再创造的结果。 汤亭亭:“这不是中国的神话,而是改造 过了的美国寓言”。

"The Chinese are always very frightened of the drowned ones, whose weeping ghost, wet hair hanging and skin bloated, waits silently by the water to pull down a substitute."

第四部作品是尚未在中国问世的《第五 部和平之书》 。 “我为美国华裔而写作” ——汤亭亭

Writing: the central in her life

"My writing is an ongoing function, like breathing or eating,"

She admires the changes a storyteller can implement(实施) when he or she tells the same tale many times, and in her work, she tries to retain this freedom to change a story's interpretation by guarding ambiguity in the static(静态的) writing. Doubt is a part of every story, not certainty, and that is part of what makes her writing unique.