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As a young man from the city, there was nothing I liked better than Sunday afternoons at my grandfather's farm in Western Pennsylvania.

I can still recall one afternoon when I was eight years old. I had _____1_____ to climb the stone walls near the farm ever since my first visit there. My parents would _____2_____ agree. The walls were old and some stones were missing. Still, my desire (欲望) to climb across those walls grew so strong that finally one spring afternoon, I built up _____3_____ to enter the living room, where the adults had gathered after Sunday dinner.

"I, uh, I wanna, uh, can I climb the stone walls?" I said in a _____4_____ voice. Everyone looked up. At once a chorus (异口同声) went up. "No!" they cried. "You'll hurt yourself!" I wasn't too _____5_____. The reply was just as I had expected. But, I was stopped by my grandfather _____6_____ I could leave the room. "Now hold on just a minute," I heard him say. "Let the boy climb the stone walls. He has to learn to do things for himself."

"_____7_____ , " he said to me, "come and see me when you get back." For the next two and a half hours I climbed those old walls _____8_____ and had the time of my life. Later I met with my grandfather to tell him about my adventures. I'll never forget what he said.

"Fred," he said, "you made this day a special day just by being _____9_____. Always remember there's only one person in this whole world like you, and I like you exactly as you are."

Today I host a TV program seen by millions of children in America. There have been changes over the years, but one thing _____10_____: my message to children at the end of almost every episode (集)—"There's only one person in this whole world like you."

1. A.promised B.expected C.refused

2. A.always B.sometimes C.never

3. A.trust B.courage C.friendship

4. A.low B.loud C.proud

5. A.moved B.surprised C.pleased

6. A.after B.when C.before

7. A.Hurry up B.Go ahead C.Keep out

8. A.secretly B.gradually C.enjoyably

9. A.myself B.yourself C.ourselves

10. A.remains B.happens C.increases


Long long ago, there was a legend (传说) about a monster that lived in a lake by the side of a little village in Scotland. No one had ever seen the monster, _____1_____ the whole village talked about her. People said that the monster had four eyes and _____2_____ all the little children who went near the lake.

Jake, a little boy from the village, decided to set off for the lake. Jake went off _____3_____ his backpack full of food. When he reached the bank of the lake, he began throwing the _____4_____ to the monster to attract it.

Suddenly he heard a great _____5_____ coming from the lake—the monster! And after a few seconds, her four eyed head popped out of (从……中突然出来) the water right in front of Jake.

Of course Jake was very _____6_____, but he stood quietly. The monster asked, "Aren't you afraid, little boy?" Jake didn't say a word. So the monster kept on talking, "I like you. You're the first person not to _____7_____ when seeing me." Little by little, Jake grew calmer and replied, "I'm sure you _____8_____ be all bad. You don't eat children, do you?"

And that was how Jake and the monster ended up being friends. Jake told the story all over the village and made _____9_____ see that the monster wasn't as bad as they thought.

As the old saying goes, "seeing is believing". Something that we have ever heard of may be not true. Sometimes we should use our own eyes to _____10_____ what it really is. Maybe there will be a big surprise waiting for us if we are brave enough.

1. A.and B.or C.but

2. A.helped B.fed C.ate

3. A.by B.with C.in

4. A.water B.food C.backpack

5. A.light B.noise C.voice

6. A.annoyed B.sad C.scared

7. A.run away B.lie down e out

8. A.needn't B.mustn't C.can't

9. A.her C.them

10. A.look for B.find out C.ask for


On Jan 27, the 28-year-old US actress, Emma Stone _____1_____ the Best Actress Oscar for her performance in La La Land (《爱乐之城》). She _____2_____ an aspiring (有抱负的) actress in La La Land. She works in a caféand auditions (试镜) for movies in her spare time. But she fails again and again.

In fact, Stone experienced _____3_____ things in her own life. She loved acting as a child. At 14, she dropped out of high school and moved to Los Angeles and auditioned for small TV roles. But it didn't go well. "I was trying hard to even get an audition that year and when I did, was often being turned down after singing or _____4_____ one line," she told the BBC.

One of the _____5_____ moments was an audition for the NBC show Heroes. "I could hear that, in the other room, a girl had just gone in and they were saying," You are the one we want…On a scale (数值范围) of 1 to 10, you're an 11'," That _____6_____ Stone very sad. Luckily, she did not _____7_____ and became successful in 2010 with the comedy Easy A.

"I _____8_____ that a moment like this is a combination of luck and opportunity," she said in her winning _____9_____ at the Oscars. "I still have a lot of
