
外企面试常见情景英语对话场景阅读想要去外企工作,拥有一定的外语水平是必须的,今天学习啦小编在这里为大家介绍外企面试常见情景英语对话,希望这些对于即将面试外企公司的你有所帮助!人物介绍: C i n d y是应届毕业的大学生,她成功通过校园招聘的笔试环节,来到梦寐以求的这家外企面试,这是她的第二轮面试,与人力资源部总监C a r o l i n e的情景英语对话就此展开。
外企面试常见情景英语对话场景一见面问好C a r o l i n e:N i c e t o m e e t y o u,C i n d y.I mC a r o l i n e,H RD o f t h e c o m p a n y.P l e a s e h a v e a s e a t.C a r o l i n e:很高兴认识你C i n d y。
我是人力资源总监C a r o l i n e,请坐。
C i n d y:N i c e t o m e e t y o u,M s.C a r o l i n e.C i n d y:你好C a r o l i n e女士。
外企面试常见情景英语对话场景二测试应聘者对公司的了解程度C a r o l i n e: F r o m r e v i e w i n g y o u r r e s u m e, I c a n s e et h a t y o u p e r f o r m e d e x c e l l e n t l y i n s c h o o l.W h a t Iw a n t t o k n o w i s w h y y o u t h i n k y o u r e r i g h t f o r t h i s j o b.C a r o l i n e:从你的简历,我可以看出你在校时很优秀。
C i n d y:I a m a l w a y s i n t e r e s t e d i n n e w s c o m i n g f r o m y o u r i n d u s t r y, a n d I m d e e p l y i m p r e s s e d b y y o u r c o m p a n y s s a l e s p e r f o r m a n c e.T o h a v e r i s e n20**里中国市场的业绩增长了两倍,这给我留下了很深的印象。

英语外企面试情景对话篇一:A: Tell me a little bit about yourself.请介绍一下你自己。
B: My name is Mike and I live in Singapore, I was born in 1980. My major was electrical engineering.我叫Mike, 住在新加坡,出身于1980年。
A: What kind of personality do you think you have?你认为你有怎样的性格?B: Well, I approach things very enthusiastically, I think, and I don t like to leave things half-done.I m very organizedand extremely capable.嗯,我做事非常热心,我不喜欢把事情做一半。
A: What would you say are your weaknesses and strengths?你的弱点和优点是什么?B: Well, I m afraid I m a poor speaker, however I m fully aware of this, so I ve been studying how to speak in public. I suppose my strengths are I m persistent and a fast-learner.嗯,我不太擅长说话,我已经意识到这点,因此正在如何在公众场所说话。

外贸面试英语口语对话【四篇】【篇一】外贸面试英语口语对话A: To start with, may I know why you are interested in working for our company?A:我想问下, 你为什么有兴趣来我们公司工作?B: First of all, as far as 1 know,your company has had impressive records in business.Second,I want to enter the foreign trade field.B:第一,据我所知,贵公司卓越的业绩给人留下深刻的印象。
第二, 我想从事外贸行业。
A: What was your chief responsibility in your past work?A:过去那份工作你主要负费什么?B:I am in charge of marketing activities in Southeast Asia, for example, organizing trade conferences and arranging exhibitions.B:我负责东南亚的市场营销活动, 比如说,组织贸易洽谈会,安排展会等。
【篇二】外贸面试英语口语对话A: Tell me about yourself and your past experience.A:说说你自己和你过去的经历吧。
B:I have worked as an executive secretary for five years, first for a trading company, and now I am working for a trust company. I interact well with peers,clients, administratorsand bosses. I thrive on challenge and work well in high-stress environments.B:我已经做执行秘书五年了。

Linda: Welcome, Steve. I am in charge of Sales in the Notebook Divisi on. My name is Linda.Linda: 欢迎你Steve,我负责笔记本事业部的销售工作,我叫Linda。
Steve: A pleasure to meet you, Linda.Steve: 很荣幸见到你Linda。
Linda: Vivian has told me that you’ve done excellent work in your cu rrent company. Why have you decided to leave your present job?Linda: 我听Vivian说你在你目前的公司做的很优秀,为什么决定放弃目前的工作呢?Steve: Well, I do like my current work and I get along well with my c olleagues. But I think it’s time for me to make a change. You see, I like work that is challenging, and I think I am ready for more challe nging work.Steve: 我很喜欢现在的工作,而且与同事们保持着良好的关系。
Linda: Could you tell me what types of people you like to work with?Linda: 能不能告诉我你喜欢与哪一类人一起工作?Steve: To tell you the truth, I can cooperate with a wide range of pe ople. I’m naturally an easygoing person, and I especially enj oy work ing with people who are responsible, friendly and helpful.Steve: 说实话,我能和各种各样的人合作。

外企面试常见情景英语对话场景阅读人物介绍: Cindy是应届毕业的大学生,她成功通过校园招聘的笔试环节,来到梦寐以求的这家外企面试,这是她的第二轮面试,与人力资源部总监Caroline的情景英语对话就此展开。
见面问好Caroline: Nice to meet you, Cindy. I’m Caroline,HRD of the company.Please have a seat.Caroline: 很高兴认识你Cindy。
Cindy: Nice to meet you, Ms. Caroline.Cindy: 你好Caroline女士。
测试应聘者对公司的了解程度Caroline: From reviewing your resume, I can see that you performed excellently inschool.What I want to know is why you think you’re right forthis job.Caroline: 从你的简历,我可以看出你在校时很优秀。
Cindy: I am always interested in news coming from your industry, and I’m deeplyimpressedby your company’s sales performance. To have risen 200-percent in the domesticmarket overjust the pastthree years is an incredible feat. I also admire and agree with theemployeedevelopmental values that the company has adopted. I find that my personal goalsand ideasabout business operations fitperfectly with the companys goals and missionstatement.Cindy: 我一直关注你们行业的新闻,公司在过去三年里中国市场的业绩增长了两倍,这给我留下了很深的印象。

外企英语面试常见情景对话外企英语面试常见情景对话面试外企时常见的情景对话有:Q:Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Go for it. (你能在两分钟內自我推举吗?大胆试试吧!)A:With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible and diligent in any project I undertake. Your organization could benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills.(依我的资格和阅历,我觉得我对所从事的每一个项目都很努力、负责、勤勉。
)Q:Give me a summary of your current job des cription. (对你目前的工作,能否做个概括的说明。
)A:I have been working as a computer programmer for five years. To be specific, I do system analysis, trouble shooting and provide software support. (我干了五年的.电脑程序员。
) Q:Why did you leave your last job?(你为什么离职呢?)A:Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity knocks, I will take it.(我希望能获得一份更好的工作,假如机会来临,我会抓住。
) A:I feel I have reached the glass ceiling in my current job. / I feel there is no opportunity for advancement. (我觉得目前的工作,已经到达顶峰,即沒有升迁机会。

外企求职英语面试常见的场景对话英语(外企)常见的场景英文对话场景一A: So,Francois.What do you think are my chances?B: Well,Harold,it's not for me to say.This is a decision that willbe made by the board..A: Yes,I know that,but I know that your opinioncounts.That womancan't possibly do the job.She's not up to it.B: What do you mean?A: Look,I know the work she's done on course development, but thatcan be delegated.What I'm good at is working with outside people,and getting people to attend the programmes.I don't think shecould handle that...常见的场景英文对话场景二A: Why do you begin by ___ing me something about yourself?B: What do you want to know?A: The usual,you know,something about your background and exper-ience and anything personal that you feel is pertinent.B: Well,I was born in Iowa and went to school there,right up th-rough college.My father is a doctor,and my mother is a lawyer.A: Sounds as if you e from a professional family.B: That's right.One of my sisters is a dentist and the other oneteaches at a university.A: What made you decide to get into puters?B: Oh,nothing in particular,I guess.I always liked mathematicsand tinkering with machines.A: Now what about your experience?How long have you been workingwith puters?B: More than five years now.After I did my engineering degree,Ibegan to specialize in puter technology and I even had myown pany for a while.A: It certainly sounds impressive.Why don't you have your creden-tials sent to me and I'll show them to the board.We'll probablyget back to you in a week.B: Thanks very much.外企面试常见的场景英文对话场景三A: Good morning.My name's James Goodman.B: Ah,good morning,Mr goodman.Nice to meet you.I'm Peter Banksfrom Personnel.Do sit down.A: Thank you very much.B: Now,have you brought your curriculum vitae with you?A: Oh,my CV.Yes,here it is.There are three copies.B: Have you brought your certificates as well?A: No,I havn't.I'm awfully sorry.Can I send them to you?B:Yes,that'll be all right.Now,let's talk about the post.中文对照翻译场景一A:那么,弗兰科西斯,你看我能获得这个职位吗?B:呃,哈罗德,这事不能由我做主,要由董事会来决定。

外企面试英语口语对话1.开场白A: Hello, this is Mr. Smith of C&C Corporation. Is that Johnson & Johnson Company? 您好,这是C&C公司,我是史密斯,请问您是强生公司吗?B: Yes. 是。
A: Good morning, miss.早上好,小姐。
B: May I help you, sir? 有什么事吗,先生?A: Do you have any vacancies for full-time job? 你们有全日工作的空缺吗?B: Yes, we need an aountant in our Finance Department. 是的,我们的财务部还缺一个会计。
2.工作经验A: What're your qualifications? Can you say something aboutyourself? 您的资历如何?您能介绍一下自己的情况吗?B: I've just got my Ph.D. in engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but I had worked for two years before I started to work on a doctor's degree. 我刚从麻省理工学院获得工程学博士学位,在攻读博士以前我工作过两年。
A: That's very good. 那很好。
3.技能与证书A: I've passed the tests for business skills in puter and shorthand. 我通过了计算机和速计的商业技能考试。
B: That's impressive. 很不错。
A: I think I'm quite fit for aounting work.我觉得我非常适合会计工作。

外企面试英语情景对话(2)你认为和你未来的老板能够建立并保持良好关系的最主要因素是什么?Cindy: All the supervisors have rich experience. So first of all I will obey the demands of thesupervisors. Secondly, I will ask their advice and maintain an open mind. Thirdly, when there arequestions, I will communicate in-depth with my supervisors to achieve a functional and propersolution.Cindy: 领导都是工作很丰富的人。
Caroline: Good, then do you have any question about our company?Caroline: 好的,对于公司,你有什么问题吗?Cindy: Could you tell me something about your training program?Cindy: 能否介绍一下你们的培训?Caroline: In brief, we offer both in-house and off-site training to our AP or U.S. headquarters.We have a few daylong training sessions for topics like business writing skills and software training.These sessions are available to everyone whoapplies. We also have a variety of other programsbased on each work function. Our program is essentially a job-rotation program, and we believe itis more effective than traditional on-the-job training.Caroline: 简单来说,我们既有在岗培训,也有去亚太总部或美国总部专门培训。

外资企业面试英语情景对话模拟,喜欢的就进来看看!1.how did you come? a very heavy traffic?yes, it was very heavy but since i came here, i found out the direct line from my home to your company through the network,and of course. i left my home very early so it does not matter to me.2.do you know anything about this company?yes, a little,as you mentioned just now , yours is an america-invested company,as far as i know, yours is a world-famous company in Electronics<電子> Manufacturing Services <EMS-Electronic Manufacturing Service>,which design and engineering solutions that are combined<合并> with core<核心> electronics manufacturing and logistics<物流> services.3.introduce yourself ,please?i was admitted by east china jiaotong university in 2006,My specialty is design and manufacture of machinery and automation.in 2006, my first work in GEMS PLASTIC COMPANY LIMITED as a Project Engineer,responsible for mobile phone shell project managment.in 2007, my second work in BYD COMPANY LIMITED as a Project manager, ALSO responsible for mobile phone shell project managment.the several years working experience give me full play to my creativity,diligence<勤奋〕,and intelligence<智慧〕,i believe i can do my job well.i developed several professional interests, like study japanese, making the e-magazine,hitting snooker at my spare time.4.give me a summary of your current job description?i have been working as a mobile phone shell Project manager for 3 years, to be specific is:Responsible for insertion and progress that new event develops in charge of accusing of meeting customer's demand.Responsible for writing the project and producing BOM.In charge of accusing of the project and developing the cost of course and in charge of accusing of.In charge of accusing of the project and developing the course problem to trackand solve.Coordinate all quarters concerned on schedule finishing customer event progress require.Channel into SAP system, improve and produce in charge of accusing ofing.5.why did you leave your last job?well, i am hoping to get an offer of a better position,if opportunity knocks,i will take it.6.how did you rate yourself as a professional.i realize that there are many other people who have the ability to do this job,i also have that ability,but i also bring an additional quality that makes me the very best person for the job--my attitude for excellence.i am a multi-tasked individual who work well under pressure.my ability to be trained in any area would definitely be a good reason to hire me to work for this firm.7.whatsteps do you follow to study a problem before making a decision? following standard models for problem-solving and decision-making can be very helpful,here are the steps and how i solve a problem with a group project<1>:define the problem to be solved and decision to be made.<2>:have a plan,to solve a problem,you must establish a plan of attack which leads to a specific goal.<3>:solve the problem.8.what is your strongest traits?helpfulness,caring,adaptability,cheerfulness and friendliness.9.how would your friends describe you?they say i am an active,friendly,caring and determined person.10.how do you normally handle criticism?when we cool off,we will discuss it later.11.hou do you handle your conflict with your colleagues in your work?i will try to present my ideas in a more clear and civilized manner in order to get my points across.12.how do you handle your failture?none of us was born perfect,i am sure i will be given a second chance to correct my mistake.13.how long would you like to stay with this company?i will stay as long as i can continue to learn and to grow in my field.14.what is your greatest weakness?i am such a perfectionist that i would not stop until a job is well down.15.what is a project manager in your eyes?the PM defines,plans,schedules,and controls the project,meeting the project's requirements and ensuring completion on time ,within cost and to required quality standards. is a coordinator.16.what is your favorite working atmosphere?in a harmonious surrounding,everybody pay great effort to do his job for the company,accomplish every project with the best of my ability.what provide me with a sense of accomplishment, your effort would won approbation.working as a team member allows me to gain from others within the group.it also gives the individual to focus their strengths.。

Caroline: Nice to meet you, Cindy. I’m Caroline, HRD of the company. Please have a seat.Caroline: 很高兴认识你Cindy。
Cindy: Nice to meet you, Ms. Caroline.Cindy: 你好Caroline女士。
Caroline: From reviewing your resume, I can see that you performed excellently in school.What I want to know is whyyou think you’re right for this job.Caroline: 从你的简历,我可以看出你在校时很优秀。
Cindy: I am always interested in news coming from your industry, and I’m deeply impressedby your company’s sales performance. To have risen 200-percent in the domestic market overjust the past three years is an incredible feat. I also admire and agree with the employeedevelopmental values that the company has adopted. I find that my personal goals and ideasabout business operations fit perfectly with the companys goals and mission statement.Cindy: 我一直关注你们行业的新闻,企业在过去三年里中国市场的业绩增长了两倍,这给我留下了很深的印象。

Caroline: Nice to meet you, Cindy. I’m Caroline, HRD of the company. Please have a seat.Caroline: 很高兴认识您Cindy。
Cindy: Nice to meet you, Ms. Caroline.Cindy: 您好Caroline女士。
Caroline: From reviewing your resume, I can see that you performed excellently in school.What I want to know is why you think you’re right for this job.Caroline: 从您的,我可以看出您在校时很优秀。
Cindy: I am always interested in news coming from your industry, and I’m deeply impressedby your company’s sales performance. To have risen 200-percent in the domestic market overjust the past three years is an incredible feat. I also admire and agree with the employeedevelopmental values that the company has adopted. I find that my personal goals and ideasabout business operations fit perfectly with the companys goals and mission statement.Cindy: 我一直关注您们行业的新闻,公司在过去三年里中国市场的业绩增长了两倍,这给我留下了很深的印象。

外企招聘面试会用到的英语对话外企招聘面试会用到的英语对话 1 、问:为什么在这个行业里你能做得特别出色?答:我是一个做酥皮点心的师傅,所以我对甜点比较了解并能帮助开发新产品。
Q: Why would you be particularly good at this business? A: I was a pastry chef, so I understand dessert products well and can help you with new product development. Recent preservatives have come a long way toward eliminating texture difference in pastry dough. This means we can investigate many more products than before. 问:你是如何关注当前时势的?答:我仔细研读《华尔街日报》、《时代周刊》、《慈善机构投资者》和几家共同基金时事通讯。
1/ 3----通过描绘一些符合你目标的出版物或贸易团体来证明你对该企业或职业领域的兴趣。
Q: How do you stay current? A: I pore over the Wall Street Journal, the Times, Institutional Investor, and several mutual fund newsletters. And I have a number of friends who are analysts. 2、问:为什么你认为你对该行业会保持长久的兴趣?答:撇开晋升的机会不说,该行业的技术变化得如此快,所以这里有广阔的就业机会。

Caroline: Nice to meet you, Cindy. I’m Caroline, HRD of the company. Please have a seat.Caroline: 很高兴认识你Cindy。
Cindy: Nice to meet you, Ms. Caroline.Cindy: 你好Caroline女士。
Caroline: From reviewing your resume, I can see that you performed excellently in school.What I want to know is why you think you’re right for this job.Caroline: 从你的简历,我可以看出你在校时很优秀。
Cindy: I am always interested in news coming from your industry, and I’m deeply impressedby your company’s sales performance. To have risen 200-percent in the domestic market overjust the past threeyears is an incredible feat. I also admire and agree with the employeedevelopmental values that the company has adopted. I find that my personal goals and ideasabout business operations fit perfectly with the companys goals and mission statement.Cindy: 我一直关注你们行业的新闻,公司在过去三年里中国市场的业绩增长了两倍,这给我留下了很深的印象。

你有什么事?A:.Nicetomeetyou,Mr.xxxI'minghereforaninterviewbyappointmen t.见到你真快乐,XXX先生。
I:I'veinvitedseveralcandidatestoetoday.Youarethefirstonetoh avearrived.sojustrelax,andlet'shaveachat,shallwe?今天我邀了几位面试者,你是第一个到的。
I:Whatkindofpersonalitydoyouthinkyouhave?你认为你有怎样的性格?A:Well,Iapproachthingsveryenthusiastically,Ithink,andIdon't liketoleavethingshalf-done.I'mveryorganizedandextremelycapable.嗯,我做事非常热心,我不喜欢把事情做一半。
B:Whatwouldyousayareyourweaknessesandstrengths?你的弱点和优点是什么?A:Well,I'mafraidI'mapoorspeaker,howeverI'mfullyawareofthis, soI'vebeenstudyinghowtospeakinpublic.Isupposemystrengthsare I'mpersistentandafast-learner.嗯,我不太擅长说话,我已经意识到这点,因此正在学习如何在公众场所说话。

外企常用的英文对话英文回答:Formal Greeting and Introduction."Good morning/afternoon, my name is [Your Name]. How do you do?""I am pleased to meet you, Mr./Ms. [Last Name]. I am [Your Position] at [Your Company].Making Small Talk or Breaking the Ice."How was your flight/journey here?""Have you had a chance to visit our city before?""I understand it's your first time in [City Name]. Do you have any plans to explore it?"Discussing Business."I would like to discuss the details of our proposed partnership.""Could you please provide us with a breakdown of the project timeline?""We are interested in exploring the possibility of a joint venture."Negotiation and Resolution."We have a slight concern regarding the terms of the contract.""We would like to propose an alternative solution that we believe aligns with both our interests.""We are willing to compromise on certain aspects of the deal to reach a mutually acceptable outcome."Following Up and Closing."Thank you for your time today. I will send you a follow-up email with the details discussed.""We look forward to continuing our discussions and finding a way to collaborate effectively.""I appreciate your willingness to consider our proposal."Informal Communication."Nice to meet you. Let's get some coffee and chat.""Can you recommend a good restaurant nearby?""What are your favorite things to do in [City Name]?"中文回答:正式问候和介绍。

外企英语面试对话场景英语面试场景对话一:询问职位空缺的英语对话1.开场白A: Hello, this is Mr. Smith. Is that Seattle Working English? 您好,我是史密斯,请问您是西雅图工作英语吗?B: Yes. 是。
A: Good morning, miss.早上好,小姐。
B: May I help you, sir? 有什么事吗,先生?A: Do you have any vacancies for full-time job? 你们有全日工作的空缺吗?B: Yes, we need an aountant in our Finance Department. 是的,我们的财务部还缺一个会计。
2.工作经历A: Whatre your qualifications? Can you say something aboutyourself? 您的资历如何?您能介绍一下自己的情况吗?B: Ive just got my Ph.D. in engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but I had worked for two years before I started to work on a doctors degree. 我刚从麻省理工学院获得工程学博士学位,在攻读博士以前我工作过两年。
A: Thats very good. 那很好。
3.技能与证书A: Ive passed the tests for business skills in puter and shorthand. 我通过了计算机和速计的商业技能考试。
B: Thats impressive. 很不错。
A: I think Im quite fit for aounting work.我觉得我非常适合会计工作。
B: Would you please fill in this form? 请填一下表好吗?面试场景二:关于英语水平的对话A: Are you learning English for any particular reason?你学英语有没有什么特别的原因?B: Yes. At home in China I work in advertising and many of the words we use are English, so I want to understand English better because that will help my job.有。

外企面试英语对话想找一份满意的工作吗? 中面对外国老板连珠炮似的提问, 有没有觉得心慌意乱、无所适从?接下来小编搜集了外企面试英语对话,欢迎大家查看。
M:Nice to meet you, C. I’m M, HRD of the company. Please have a seat.M:很高兴认识你C。
C:Nice to meet you, Ms. M.C:你好M女士。
M:From reviewing your resume, I can see that you performed excellently in school.What I want to know is why you think you’re right for this job.M:从你的,我可以看出你在校时很优秀。
C:I am always interested in news coming from your industry, and I’m deeply impressedby your company’s sales performance. To have risen 200-percent in the domestic market overjust the past three years is an incredible feat. I also admire and agree with the employeedevelopmental values that the company has adopted. I find that my personal goals and ideasabout business operations fit perfectly with the companys goals and mission statement.C:我一直关注你们行业的新闻,公司在过去三年里中国市场的业绩增长了两倍,这给我留下了很深的印象。

外企求职英语面试常见的场景对话外企求职英语面试常见的场景对话英语(外企)面试常见的`场景英文对话场景一A: So,Francois.What do you think are my chances?B: Well,Harold,it's not for me to say.This is a decision that will be made by the board..A: Yes,I know that,but I know that your opinion counts.That womancan't possibly do the job.She's not up to it.B: What do you mean?A: Look,I know the work she's done on course development, but thatcan be delegated.What I'm good at is working with outside people,and getting people to attend the programmes.I don't think shecould handle that...英语面试常见的场景英文对话场景二A: Why do you begin by telling me something about yourself?B: What do you want to know?A: The usual,you know,something about your background and exper-ience and anything personal that you feel is pertinent.B: Well,I was born in Iowa and went to school there,right up th-rough college.My father is a doctor,and my mother is a lawyer.A: Sounds as if you come from a professional family.B: That's right.One of my sisters is a dentist and the other oneteaches at a university.A: What made you decide to get into computers?B: Oh,nothing in particular,I guess.I always liked mathematics and tinkering with machines.A: Now what about your experience?How long have you been workingwith computers?B: More than five years now.After I did my engineering degree,Ibegan to specialize in computer technology and I even had myown company for a while.A: It certainly sounds impressive.Why don't you have your creden-tials sent to me and I'll show them to the board.We'll probablyget back to you in a week.B: Thanks very much.外企面试常见的场景英文对话场景三A: Good morning.My name's James Goodman.B: Ah,good morning,Mr goodman.Nice to meet you.I'm Peter Banksfrom Personnel.Do sit down.A: Thank you very much.B: Now,have you brought your curriculum vitae with you?A: Oh,my CV.Yes,here it is.There are three copies.B: Have you brought your certificates as well?A: No,I havn't.I'm awfully sorry.Can I send them to you?B:Yes,that'll be all right.Now,let's talk about the post.中文对照翻译场景一A:那么,弗兰科西斯,你看我能获得这个职位吗?B:呃,哈罗德,这事不能由我做主,要由董事会来决定,,资料共享平台《外企求职英语面试常见的场景对话》(https://www.)。

外企常用的英文对话English:Employee A: Good morning, how was your weekend?Employee B: Good morning! My weekend was great, thank you for asking. I went hiking with some friends and relaxed at home. How about you?Employee A: Sounds like a fun weekend! I just stayed home and caught up on some reading. Did you watch the latest company update video that was sent out last Friday?Employee B: Yes, I did! It was really informative. I appreciate how transparent our company is with keeping us updated on important information. Have you received any feedback on the new project we're working on?Employee A: I haven't heard anything yet, but I'm looking forward to seeing how it progresses. Our team has been working hard on it, so I'm hopeful for a positive outcome.中文翻译:员工A: 早上好,你周末过得怎么样?员工B: 早上好!我周末过得很开心,谢谢你关心。
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A: Hello, this is Mr. Smith. Is that Seattle Working English? 您好,我是史密斯,请问您是西雅图工作英语吗?
B: Yes. 是。
A: Good morning, miss.早上好,小姐。
B: May I help you, sir? 有什么事吗,先生?
A: Do you have any vacancies for full-time job? 你们有全日工作的空缺吗?
B: Yes, we need an accountant in our Finance Department. 是的,我们的财务部还缺一个会计。
A: What're your qualifications? Can you say something about
yourself? 您的资历如何?您能介绍一下自己的情况吗?
B: I've just got my in engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but I had worked for two years before I started to work on a doctor's degree. 我刚从麻省理工学院获得工程学博士学位,在攻读博士以前我工作过两年。
A: That's very good. 那很好。
A: I've passed the tests for business skills in computer and shorthand. 我通过了计算机和速计的商业技能考试。
B: That's impressive. 很不错。
A: I think I'm quite fit for accounting work.我觉得我非常适合会计工作。
B: Would you please fill in this form? 请填一下表好吗?
A: Are you learning English for any particular reason?你学英语有没有什么特别的原因?
B: Yes. At home in China I work in advertising and many of the words we use are English, so I want to understand English better because that will help my job.有。
A: Did you learn English at home in China before you came to study English here?你来这里之前在中国学过英语吗?
B: Sure. When I was a student in China I studied English for six years. But that was a long time ago and
in the meantime I forgot all my grammar. So before I came to America I went to English classes for two hours each week for six months. Now I study 20 hours each week and sometimes I have an extra lesson.学过。