标准答案:2 学员答案:2 本题得分:2.5 题号:14 题型:是非题 本题分数:2.5 内容: 懒惰属于人的能力特征。
1、 错
2、 对
标准答案:2 学员答案:2 本题得分:2.5 题号:15 题型:是非题 本题分数:2.5 内容: 离差智商是实际年龄/智力年龄。
1、 错
2、 对
标准答案:2 学员答案:2 本题得分:2.5 题号:16 题型:是非题 本题分数:2.5 内容: 权利动机属于习得性动机。
标准答案:A 学员答案:A 本题得分:2.5 题号:2 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 本题分数:2.5 内容: 人对某种意外的环境刺激所作出的适应性反应,我们称之为:
标准答案:D 学员答案:D 本题得分:2.5 题号:9 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 本题分数:.5 内容: 我们通常所说的 IQ 指:
标准答案:C 学员答案:C 本题得分:2.5
题号:10 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 本题分数:2.5 内容: 记忆过程的首要环节是什么?
题号:4 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 本题分数:2.5 内容: 下列哪一种现象不能证明短时记忆的存在?
东北师范大学16春期末作业考核 青少年心理学答案
![东北师范大学16春期末作业考核 青少年心理学答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6824959771fe910ef12df867.png)
A、多血质B、粘液质C、胆汁质D、抑郁质5.智力的核心是()A.感知能力B.注意力C.记忆力D.思维能力6.味觉(sense of taste)的适宜刺激是溶于水的化学物质。
心理学与生活在线作业1-0002记忆过程中最重要的环节是()A:识记B:保持C:再认D:回忆正确选项:B表象的直观性表明它接近于()A:思维B:记忆C:感知D:想象正确选项:C积极情绪的协调作用和消极情绪的破坏、瓦解作用,这表明情绪具有() A:适应功能B:组织作用C:动机作用D:信号作用正确选项:B大脑皮层是指()A:大脑半球内面由大量神经纤维的髓质组成的白质B:大脑半球表明由大量神经细胞和无髓鞘神经纤维组成的灰质C:灰质与白质的总和D:灰质与部分白质的和正确选项:B长时记忆的信息来源大部分是对()内容的加工A:感觉记忆B:短时记忆C:工作记忆D:长时记忆正确选项:B客观刺激停止作用后,感觉信息在一个极短的时间内保存下来的记忆是() A:感觉记忆B:短时记忆C:长时记忆D:内隐记忆正确选项:A()是短时记忆存储的重要条件A:机械复述B:精细复述C:联想D:回忆正确选项:B表象的概括是一种()概括A:本质B:形象C:语词D:动作正确选项:B观察学习是()提出的A:班杜拉B:桑代克C:托尔曼D:斯金纳正确选项:A下列四种方法中,最合适对罕见的心理现象研究的是()A:观察法B:调查法C:访谈法D:个案法正确选项:D在现代心理学流派中,主张采用内省法研究人们的直接经验(即意识)的是()A:构造主义B:机能主义C:行为主义D:格式塔心理学正确选项:A感觉阈限与感受性之间的关系是()A:正比关系B:反比关系C:对数关系D:常数值正确选项:B。
心理学与生活16TH 习题与答案true_or_false
![心理学与生活16TH 习题与答案true_or_false](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7d724aeae009581b6bd9eb33.png)
答案针对的书是Psychology and Life, 16th Edition ,作者:Richard Gerrig and Philip Zimbardo版权声明:此文件中所有题目及答案来自于网络,作者保留一切版权,任何人不得以此文件作为商业之目的。
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愿所有有志于心理学事业的人在在自己的努力下获得成功!整理编辑:Conge1.Behavioral data are the observational reports about the behavior of organisms and the conditions under which the behavior occurs or changes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.The ultimate goal for many psychologist in many Asian and African countries is to understand behavior rather than many American psychologist try to do, which is control behavior.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.William James wrote a two-volume work entitled The Principles of Psychology. FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.One of the criticisms of functionalism was reductionism.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.One important alternative to structuralism was Gestalt Psychology.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6.Psychologists study mental processes primarily in lower animals.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7.Structuralism is the perspective on mind and behavior that focuses on the examination of their functions in an organism 抯 interactions with the environment.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8.Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology in Your LifeTrue FalseSocial psychologists are best equipped to answer the question, “How does peer pressure work?”--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9.A scientific prediction specifies the conditions under which behaviors will change.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------10.One important alternative to structuralism was Gestalt Psychology.Results Reporter--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Correct Behavioral data are the observational reports about the behavior of organisms and the conditions under which the behavior occurs or changes.Your answer: TRUE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Correct The ultimate goal for many psychologist in many Asian and African countries is to understand behavior rather than many American psychologist try to do, which is control behavior.Your answer: TRUEWhile Asian and African psychologists primarily work to understand behavior and American psychologists work to control behavior, no one goal is fundamentally better than the other.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Correct William James wrote a two-volume work entitled The Principles of Psychology.Your answer: TRUEWilliam James wrote this text in 1890 and many experts considered it to be the most important psychology text every written.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Correct One of the criticisms of functionalism was reductionism.Your answer: FALSEReductionism was a criticism of structuralism not functionalism.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Correct One important alternative to structuralism was Gestalt Psychology.Your answer: TRUEGestalt psychology moved away reductionism by exploring people's relationships to stimulus groupings rather than all of the intricate pieces of the stimulus.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. Incorrect Psychologists study mental processes primarily in lower animals.Your answer: TRUEThe correct answer: FALSEMany psychologists seek answers to the fundamental question: What is human nature? Psychology is the scientific study of the behavior of individuals and their mental processes.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. Incorrect Structuralism is the perspective on mind and behavior that focuses on the examination of their functions in an organism’s interactions with the environment.Your answer: TRUEThe correct answer: FALSEFunctionalism is the perspective on mind and behavior that focuses on the examination of their functions in an organism’s interactions with the environment.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. Correct Social psychologists are best equipped to answer the question, “How does peer pressure work?”Your answer: TRUETo further examine the diversity of psychological inquiry, take a look at Table 1.2 on page 14 of your text. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. Incorrect A scientific prediction specifies the conditions under which behaviors will change.Your answer: FALSEThe correct answer: TRUEA causal prediction specifies the conditions under which behaviors will change. A scientific prediction is based on an understanding of the ways events relate to one another, and it suggests what mechanisms link those events to certain predictors.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------10. Incorrect One important alternative to structuralism was Gestalt Psychology.Your answer: FALSEThe correct answer: TRUEGestalt psychology moved away reductionism by exploring people's relationships to stimulus groupings rather than all of the intricate pieces of the stimulus1.It is unethical to use animals in research if they are not going to benefit from it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.A case study is an effective way to get at cause and effect relationships. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.An independent variable is one that is manipulated by an experimenter.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.It is unethical to conduct a study without debriefing human participants. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.Strong correlations demonstrate causality.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6.Only experimental research can demonstrate cause and effect relationships. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------7.Reliability is a measure of consistency.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8.The arithmetic average of a set of scores is the mode.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9.Chapter 2: Research Methods in PsychologyTrue FalseThe major focus of the Stanford Multifactor Risk Reduction Program for smokers is that smokers should take self-directed control of their smoking behavior.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------10.If a driver is given a ticket for speeding, he or she will be less likely to exceed the speed limit in the future. This statement is an example of a operational definition.Results Reporter--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Incorrect It is unethical to use animals in research if they are not going to benefit from it.Your answer: TRUEThe correct answer: FALSEIt is not a prerequisite that animals directly or even indirectly benefit from the research that they are involved in.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Correct A case study is an effective way to get at cause and effect relationships.Your answer: FALSEThe only method that provides information about cause and effect relationships is an experiment.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Correct An independent variable is one that is manipulated by an experimenter.Your answer: TRUEIf you were interested in the how caffeine influences attention, then what you are controlling is the independent variable (i.e., caffeine) and what you are measuring is the dependent variable (i.e., attention).--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Incorrect It is unethical to conduct a study without debriefing human participants.Your answer: FALSEThe correct answer: TRUEDebriefing, that is, explaining the rationale and purposed results of a study, is a key component to ethical research. This is particularly important when some level of deception was involved, so the subject can, at least, understand that he or she is not unusual or a "bad" person (i.e., depending on the type of research being conducted).--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Incorrect Strong correlations demonstrate causality.Your answer: TRUEThe correct answer: FALSEThe strength of a correlation says absolutely nothing about whether or not one variable is directly influenced by the other. For example, note the big difference between the two statements: “Having a high SAT score causes college success,” rather than “having a high SAT score often predicts success.”--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. Incorrect Only experimental research can demonstrate cause and effect relationships.Your answer: FALSEThe correct answer: TRUEOnly studies in which the scientist directly manipulates the independent variable and measures those effects with the dependent variable are capable of producing cause and effect relationships. All of the other measures simply provide information concerning the degree to which two or more variables relate to one another.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. Correct Reliability is a measure of consistency.Your answer: TRUE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. Correct The arithmetic average of a set of scores is the mode.Your answer: FALSEIt is the mean.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. Correct The major focus of the Stanford Multifactor Risk Reduction Program for smokers is that smokers should take self-directed control of their smoking behavior.Your answer: TRUE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------10. Correct If a driver is given a ticket for speeding, he or she will be less likely to exceed the speed limit in the future. This statement is an example of a operational definition.Your answer: FALSEIt is a hypothesisChapter 3: The Biological Bases of BehaviorTrue False1.The hypothalamus plays a role in eating, drinking, temperature regulation, and sexual arousal.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.The cerebrum is the largest structure in the brain.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.The parietal lobe is involved specifically with hearing and language.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.To say that the brain is lateralized means that each hemisphere looks different.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.The hypothalamus is also called the master gland.Results Reporter--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Correct The hypothalamus plays a role in eating, drinking, temperature regulation, and sexual arousal.Your answer: TRUEThe hypothalamus, through its role in regulating hormones, is capable of changing a great number of behaviors, particularly those related to basic survival.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Incorrect The cerebrum is the largest structure in the brain.Your answer: FALSEThe correct answer: TRUEThe cerebrum (the cortex) is a very large structure found in a relative small space. This is possible because the cortex has many folds, twists, and turns, thereby, increase the amount of surface area. Just imagine how small a space would be required to hold a king-size bed sheet if it were all crumpled up!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Correct The parietal lobe is involved specifically with hearing and language.Your answer: FALSEThe parietal lobe deals with the skin senses, while the temporal lobe deals with hearing and language.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Correct To say that the brain is lateralized means that each hemisphere looks different.Your answer: FALSEActually, the two hemispheres would look almost identical to an untrained observer. However, the two halves of the brain are very different in terms of their function, which is the defining feature of lateralization.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Correct The hypothalamus is also called the master gland.Your answer: FALSEThe hypothalamus exerts much control over the pituitary gland, which is the master gland.Chapter 4: Sensation Sensory Knowledge of theWorldTrue False1.The most widely accepted model of pain is the gate-control theory.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.The two types of photoreceptors are color receptors.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.Signal detection theory deals with people response biases in detecting a particular stimulus.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.Weber's law describes people1s performance in detecting absolutethresholds.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.The correct order of information traveling through neurons in the visuals system is bipolar cells and then ganglion cells.Results Reporter--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Correct The most widely accepted model of pain is the gate-control theory.Your answer: TRUEThe gate-control theory of pain explains how cells in the spinal cord and brain contribute to perception of pain. Additionally, this model can account for the sociocultural variables that influence pain perception.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Correct The two types of photoreceptors are color receptors.Your answer: FALSERods, which are sensitivity to dim light, and cones, which are sensitive to color light, are the two broad categories of photoreceptors located within the retina.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Incorrect Signal detection theory deals with people response biases in detecting a particular stimulus.Your answer: FALSEThe correct answer: TRUESignal detection models make it possible to empirically examine the psychological variables involved in detecting a particular stimulus, such as motivation, expectancy, attention, and fatigue. This becomes very important when that signal might be a plane on a radar screen or someone's heartbeat on a nurse's monitor.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Correct Weber's law describes people1s performance in detecting absolute thresholds.Your answer: FALSEWeber's law actually describes how people perform in detecting just-noticeable-differences, which is concerned with the ability to recognize that a particular stimulus has increased or decreased in intensity.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Incorrect The correct order of information traveling through neurons in the visuals system is bipolar cells and then ganglion cells.Your answer: FALSEThe correct answer: TRUEInformation first interacts with photoreceptors in the retina, which subsequently synapse on bipolar cells, and finally with ganglion cells. Off of these cells are actually located within the eye, and the axons of the ganglion cell eventually form the optic nerve.Chapter 5: PerceptionsTrue False1.A percept is what is perceived.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.Perceptual organization refers to process of collecting and encoding sensory information.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.One of the key features to the perceptual process is synthesis.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.With respect to the visual system, a proximal stimulus is one that is containedwithin the body.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.A single image at the sensory level that can result in multiple interpretations is referred to as an illusion.Results Reporter--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Correct A percept is what is perceived.Your answer: TRUEThe world generally appears to be organized and continuous. This is due, in part, to our ability to group certain stimulus elements together. For example, when looking at someone's yard, most people would group certain elements together, like grass, flowers, and shrubbery rather than analyze each stimulus element by itself. So, with the lawn example, the grass, flowers, and shrubbery could each be a percept. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Correct Perceptual organization refers to process of collecting and encoding sensory information. Your answer: FALSEPerceptual organization is the process that places sensory information together to give the perception of a coherent scene over the whole visual field.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Incorrect One of the key features to the perceptual process is synthesis.Your answer: FALSEThe correct answer: TRUESynthesis refers to the bringing together of multiple stimulus elements to generate a percept. For example, an orchestra is made up of many instruments yet is generally perceived as a whole not as nearly sixty individual instruments playing.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Incorrect With respect to the visual system, a proximal stimulus is one that is contained within the body.Your answer: FALSEThe correct answer: TRUEWith regard to the visual system, looking at a car off in the distance would be an example of a distal stimulus; however, it would become a proximal stimulus once the image reaches the retina.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Correct A single image at the sensory level that can result in multiple interpretations is referred to as an illusion.Your answer: FALSEThe above is generally referred to as perceptual recognition, while an illusion is an experience of a stimulus pattern in a manner that is demonstrably incorrect but shared by others in the same perceptual environment.Chapter 6: Mind, Consciousness, and AlternateStatesTrue False1.One of the primary and most important functions of consciousness in humans is self-awareness--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.When your personal construction of reality remains stable, your sense of self has continuity over time.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.Lucid dreaming is a theory which purports that conscious awareness of dreaming is a learnable skill that enables dreamers to control the direction and content of their dreams.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.Non-REM sleep has been shown to be important in learning, memory, mood, and skill learning--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.One of the most common sleep problems is narcolepsy, which is characterized by difficulty sleeping at night due to respiratory distressResults Reporter--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Correct One of the primary and most important functions of consciousness in humans is self-awarenessYour answer: TRUESelf-awareness refers to one¹s sense of who one is in terms of social relationships, skills, personal memories, and one¹s relation with oneself. Humans are thought to be the only species that are truly self-aware.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Correct When your personal construction of reality remains stable, your sense of self has continuity over time.Your answer: TRUEAn important component to one¹s sense of self is autobiographical information, that is, one¹s memory of their own life with respect to time.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Incorrect Lucid dreaming is a theory which purports that conscious awareness of dreaming is a learnable skill that enables dreamers to control the direction and content of their dreams.Your answer: FALSEThe correct answer: TRUEResearch has demonstrated that being consciously aware that one is dreaming is a learnable skill that enables dreamers to control the direction of their dreams.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Incorrect Non-REM sleep has been shown to be important in learning, memory, mood, and skill learningYour answer: TRUEThe correct answer: FALSEActually, it is REM sleep that is thought to play a role in learning, memory, mood, and skill learning. It isfor this reason that REM sleep deprivation can impair such abilities.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Correct One of the most common sleep problems is narcolepsy, which is characterized by difficulty sleeping at night due to respiratory distressYour answer: FALSEActually, sleep apnea is one of the most common reasons for sleep difficulty and is problematic because the person wakes up many times a night due to the fact that they stop breathing.Chapter 7: Learning and Behavior AnalysisTrue False1.Blocking experiments can be explained by the informativeness of the stimulus.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.The study of Little Albert shows that emotions are not learned but innate--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.Edward Thorndike was responsible for the school of thought called radical behaviorism.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.Both negative punishment and positive punishment decrease the likelihood that a behavior will occur.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.Variable ratio schedules tend to produce that greatest amount of work per unit or reward.Results Reporter--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Correct Blocking experiments can be explained by the informativeness of the stimulus.Your answer: TRUEA blocking experiment works the way it does because the additional stimulus is unnecessarily redundant. Thus, the organism ignores it.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Correct The study of Little Albert shows that emotions are not learned but innateYour answer: FALSEWhile it is true that some emotional responses have a biological basis, the story of Little Albert demonstrates that certain aspects of emotions can be learned or conditioned.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Correct Edward Thorndike was responsible for the school of thought called radical behaviorism. Your answer: FALSEActually, B.F. Skinner was responsible for the school of thought called radical behaviorism, while Thorndike helped develop the concept of trial-and-error learning.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Incorrect Both negative punishment and positive punishment decrease the likelihood that a behavior will occur.Your answer: FALSEThe correct answer: TRUEThe term punishment denotes that the organism¹s behavior will likely decrease. Thus, punishment is something aversive, whether it is positive or negative punishment.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Incorrect Variable ratio schedules tend to produce that greatest amount of work per unit or reward. Your answer: FALSEThe correct answer: TRUEThe main reason why variable ratio schedules produce a large amount of work per unit of reward is because they are unpredictable, so the subject continues to work due to the fact that it does not know the exact time the reinforcer will be dispensed.Chapter 8: MemoryTrue False1.For Hermann Ebbinghaus, the term "saved" referred to how much information was retained after a set amount of time had elapsed.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.The flow of information through memory is storage, encoding, and retrieval. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.Sensory memory exists for all of the senses.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.Human memory searches are superior to computer searches, because human searches can be based on concepts rather than just words.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.Schemas are conceptual frameworks, or cluster of knowledge, regarding objects, people, or situations.Results Reporter--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Incorrect For Hermann Ebbinghaus, the term "saved" referred to how much information was retained after a set amount of time had elapsed.Your answer: TRUEThe correct answer: FALSEThe term "saved" referred to the amount of energy required to relearn a set of words after they had been forgotten. What he found was that much less time was required the second time compared to the first, showing that the information wasn1t totally lost.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Correct The flow of information through memory is storage, encoding, and retrieval.Your answer: FALSEThe typically flow of information through the information processing model is encoding (putting information into a way the brain can use), storage (placing information into memory), and retrieval (bringing the information back to a place of usefulness).--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Correct Sensory memory exists for all of the senses.Your answer: TRUEAlthough it has only been shown to exist for audition and for vision, it is thought to exist for each of the sensory systems.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Correct Human memory searches are superior to computer searches, because human searches can be based on concepts rather than just words.Your answer: TRUEComputers are particularly good at organizing data and doing calculations, but particularly bad at doing searches based on concepts. Instead, computers are limited to doing search based on words alone.。
东北师范大学普通心理学16春在线作业3 合辑
![东北师范大学普通心理学16春在线作业3 合辑](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9d3cb11b4a7302768e9939e4.png)
一、单选题(共10 道试题,共30 分。
)1. 受经验与习惯影响而产生的心理活动的准备状态,它影响问题解决时的倾向性。
这是:A. 定势B. 迁移作用C. 动机状态D. 变式满分:3 分2. 詹姆斯-兰格情绪的外周理论认为()A. 情绪的生理机制不在外周而在中枢神经系统的丘脑B. 认知在情绪的发生中起着决定的作用C. 情绪与动机有密切的联系D. 情绪是对身体变化的知觉满分:3 分3. 由生理需要引起的,推动个体进入恢复机体内部平衡的唤醒状态叫()A. 内驱力B. 诱因C. 情绪D. 兴趣满分:3 分4. 卡特尔找出了()种人格根源特质。
A. 12B. 16C. 20D. 24 满分:3 分5. 长时记忆的编码主要有:A. 形象编码和抽象编码B. 语义编码和声像编码C. 图像编码和声像编码D. 图像编码和语义编码满分:3 分6. 能溶于液体的物质是()觉适宜刺激的主要特点A. 听B. 嗅C. 味D. 触满分:3 分7. 对错觉不恰当的描述是:A. 多人共有的知觉歪曲现象B. 必须克服的一种错误知觉C. 研究人类知觉的一条有效途径D. 错觉产生是多种因素的结果。
满分:3 分8. IQ的平均值为100,标准差是16。
一个人的IQ是116,表示他的智力比总体中多少人要高?A. 50℅B. 68℅C. 84℅D. 95℅满分:3 分9. 注意的两个特点是A. 指向性和集中性B. 指向性和选择性C. 调节性和集中性D. 选择性和集中性满分:3 分10. 艾森克的人格理论属于人格的()。
A. 动力理论B. 类型理论C. 特质理论D. 五因素模型理论满分:3 分二、多选题(共10 道试题,共30 分。
)1. 陈述性记忆可分为:(AB)A. 情景记忆B. 语义记忆C. 程序记忆D. 短时记忆满分:3 分2. 感觉的属性包括(AC)A. 它是对直接作用于感觉器官的客观事物的反应B. 它是对过去作用于感觉器官客观事物的反应C. 它是人脑对客观事物个别属性的反应D. 它是人脑对客观事物的整体反应满分:3 分3. 以沟和裂为界线,可把大脑皮层分为(ABCD)等组成部分A. 额叶B. 顶叶C. 枕叶D. 颞叶满分:3 分4. 随意后注意的特点包括:(ABCD)A. 它和自觉的目的、任务联系在一起B. 是在随意注意到基础上发展起来的C. 服从于当前的活动目的与任务,节省意志努力D. 有利于完成长期、持续性的任务5. 下列阶段中属于皮亚杰划分的儿童心理阶段包括(AB)A. 前运算阶段B. 具体运算阶段C. 前习俗水平D. 后习俗水平满分:3 分6. 处于具体运算阶段具有(ABC)的特征。
一、单选题(共10 道试题,共30 分。
)1. 下面哪种量表包括言语和操作两个分量表?A. 韦克斯勒智力量表B. 斯坦福-比奈智力量表C. 成就测验D. 瑞文推理量表满分:3 分2. 流体智力的发展模式为:A. 在成人阶段里缓慢上升的趋势B. 在成人阶段是缓慢下降的趋势C. 在成人阶段基本保持相对稳定D. 倒U型曲线满分:3 分3. 情绪和情感变化的维度包括()A. 动力性、激动度、强度和紧张度B. 积极性、消极性C. 强和弱的程度D. 增力性、减力性、饱和度和外显度E. 兴奋性、激动性、外显度和内隐度满分:3 分4. 月亮在云中穿行是哪一种运动知觉现象A. 诱导运动B. 似动现象C. 自主运动D. 运动后效满分:3 分5. 一名熟练的汽车驾驶远在开车过程中,一面观察道路的状况,同时操纵方向盘,这种现象属于:A. 注意的稳定性B. 注意的转移C. 注意的分配D. 注意的集中满分:3 分6. 当代科学心理学的创始人是:A. 艾宾浩斯B. 铁钦纳C. 冯特D. 华生满分:3 分7. 多血质的神经过程特征是:A. 强、不平衡B. 强、平衡、不灵活C. 强、平衡、灵活D. 弱满分:3 分8. “晕车”主要是两个感觉系统提供信息冲突的结果。
A. 平衡觉(前庭觉)与视觉B. 动觉与平衡觉(前庭觉)C. 视觉与内脏感觉D. 内脏感觉与动觉满分:3 分9. 提出智力三元结构理论的心理学家是:A. 卡特尔B. 吉尔福特C. 斯滕伯格D. 达斯和纳格利里满分:3 分10. 下面内容不属于影响问题解决主要因素的是:A. 无关信息的干扰B. 功能固着性C. 年龄D. 心向满分:3 分二、多选题(共10 道试题,共30 分。
)1. 情绪和情感(ABCD)A. 是主体以一种主观感受的形式进行反映的B. 是人脑对客观外界事物与主体需要之间关系的反映C. 有其外部表现形式D. 会引起一定的生理变化满分:3 分2. (ABCD)在听觉适宜刺激的范围内。
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