
2016理工类职称英语答案【篇一:2016年职称英语理工类b级考试真题与答案】ass=txt>1.the revelation of his past led to his resignation.a.imaginationb.disclosurec.confirmationd.recall参考答案:b2.jensen is dangerous man, and can be very brutal.a.carelessb.cruelc.strongd.hard参考答案:ba.jumpb.escapec.rund.prepare参考答案:c4.we are worried about this fluid situation full with uncertainty.a.changebleb.stablec.suitabled.adaptable参考答案:a5.the new garment fits her perfectly.a.haircutb.pursec.clothesd.necklace参考答案:c6.the phobia may have its root in a childhood trauma.a.fearb.joyc.hurtd.memory参考答案:ca.decorateb.waterc.changed.visit参考答案:b8.her overall language proficiency remains that of a toddler.a.disabledb.pupilc.teenagerd.baby参考答案:d9.the coastal area has very mild winter, but the central plains remain extremely cold.a.warmb.severec.hardd.dry参考答案:a10.the details of the costume were totally authentic.a.realb.outstandingc.creatived.false参考答案:aa.globalb.possiblec.ongoingd.central参考答案:b12.the idea was quite brilliant.a.positiveb.cleverc.keyd.original参考答案:b13.stock market price tumbled after rumor of a rise in interest rate.a.regulatedb.increasedc.maintainedd.fell参考答案:d14.the course gives you basic instruction in car maintenance.a.coachingb.ideac.termd.aspect参考答案:aa.in dangerb.out of controlc.between equalsd.in particular 参考答案:a二、阅读判断the theory of everyoneif stephen hawking lives until the year 2017, he will have lived more than 50 years longer than his doctors expected. when he was a college student, doctors discovered that he had a rare disease. this disease causes a gradual disintegration(分解)of thenerve cells in the brain cells that regulate voluntary muscle activity. death almost always occurs within two or three years. today stephen hawking cannot walk or speak. he cannot move his arms or his head. he cannot taste or smell anything. and yet this man is professor ofmathematics at cambridge university, a position held by the famous scientist isaac newton in 1669.hawking is often described as the greatest scientist since albert einstein, but to the world outside science, he is also known as the man who made scientific theory understandable. his book, a brief history of time, has sold over eight million copies.he says that since he does not have to think about his body or do any of the things other men have to worry about, such as washing the car or working in the yard, he can dedicate all of his time to thinking. this puts him in the perfect position to find the answer to the question that he has dedicated his life to. his question is: is there a complete theory of the universe and everything in it?despite his tremendous physical disabilities, he has already made some very important discoveries about the origin of the universe, how the universe holds together, and how it will probably end. he has also been able to explain the secrets of【篇二:2016年职称英语理工类教材变动情况(完整详细版)】n questions about dreamsdoes everyone dream?yes. research shows that we all dream. we have our most vivid dreams during a type of sleep called rapid eye movement (rem) sleep. during rem sleep, the brain is very active. the eyes move quickly back and forth under the lids, and the large muscles of the body are relaxed. rem sleep occurs every 90-100 minutes, three to four times a night, and it lasts longer as the night goes on. ___1___ we dream at other times during the night, too, but those dreams are less vivid.do people remember their dreams?a few people remember their dreams. however, most people forget nearly everything that happened during the night —dreams, thoughts, and the short periods of time when they were awake. ___2___ it seems that the memory of the dream is not totally lost, but for some reason it is very hard to bring it back. if you want to remember your dream,the best thing to do is to write it down as soon as you wake up.are dreams in color?most dreams are in color. however, people may not be aware of it for two reasons :t hey don’t usually remember the details of their dreams, or they don’t notice the color because it is such a natural part of our lives. ___3___ do dreams have meaning?scientists continue to debate this issue. ___4___ some people use dreams to help them learn more about their feelings, thoughts, behavior, motives, and values. others find that dreams can help them solve problems. it’s also true that artists, writers, and scientists often get creative ideas from dreams.how can i learn to understand my dreams?the most important thing to remember is that your dreams are personal. the people, actions, and situations in your dreams reflect your experience, your thoughts, and your feelings.some dream experts believe that there are certain types of dreams that many people have,even if they come from different cultures or time periods. usually, however, the samedream will have different meanings for different people. for example, an elephant in a dream may mean one thing to a zookeeper and something very different to a child whose favorite toy is a stuffed elephant. ___5___ then look for links between your dreams and what is happening inyour daily life. if you think hard and you are patient, perhapsthe meaning of your dreams will become clearer to you.词汇:vivid /vivid/ adj. 清晰的,生动的,逼真的 lid /lid/ n. 眼睑(=eyelid) motive /m?utiv/ n. 动机stuffed /st?ft/ adj. 填充的,塞满了的注释:1. back and forth:来回地,反复地。

职称英语考试真题理工B级阅读理解(2)2016职称英语考试真题理工B级阅读理解Acoustic problems often are caused by poorauditorium design. Smooth, curved reflecting surfaces create large reflections.Parallel (平行的)wallsreflect sound back and forth, creating a rapid, repetitive pulsing rge pillars (柱)and comerscan cause acoustic shadows as the sound waves try to pass around the object.Some of these problems can be solved by using absorbers and reflectors tochange the reverberation time of a room. For example, hanging large reflectors,called clouds, over the performers will allow some sound frequencies to reflectand others to pass to achieve a pleasing mixture of sound.41 This passage is mainly aboutA. Sound waves and their effects.B. the types of music orchestras play.C. walls of an auditorium.D.the design of an auditorium.答案:D42. Wagner operas and Mahler symphonieswith full-sound effect haveA. a short reverberation time.B. an intermediate reverberation time.C. no reverberation time.D. along reverberation time.答案:D43. This passage suggests that a goodauditorium shouldA. get rid of all reflections.B. not have absorbers.C.achieve a pleasing mixture of soundD. have smooth surfaces.答案:C44. Large pillars and corners mayA. make sound rich and full.B. be cures for sound problems.C.be sources of sound problems.D. function as effectively as clouds.答案:C45. The word" acoustic" in thelast paragraph has something to do withA. performanceB.soundC. audienceD. weather答案:B第三篇Sports Star Yao MingIf YaoMing is not the biggest sports star in the world, he almost certainly thetallest. At 2.26m, he is the tallest player in the National BasketballAssociation (NBA) and holds the record as the most towering Olympian ever to competein the Game.But whatreally stands out about the giant center is his celebrity (名气). Few, if any, Chinese athletesare as well-known as Yao Ming around the world. People across the globe arefascinated with Yao, not only for his basketball prowess(接杰出的才能)but also for being a symbolof international commerce.When Yaojoined the Houston Rockets as the No. 1 pick in the 2002 NBA draft he was thefirst international player ever to be selected first. His assets on the courtare clear enough 一 no NBA playerof his size has ever possessed his mobility, so he is ahandful (难对付的人)for opponents on either end ofthe court. But what makes Yao invaluable to the Rockets organization is hisrole as a global citizen and as a bridge to millions of potential basketballfans in China.When itwas announced in February that Yao would miss the rest of the NBA season andpossibly the Olympics with a stress fracture (骨折)in his left foot, a collective shudder spread across China. Afterconsiderable debate and discussion, Yao opted to get his foot surgicallytreated in an operation that placed several tiny screws across the bone, tooffer his overburdened foot more support. The surgery was a success, and thoughthe estimated four-month recovery period will leave him little time to preparewith Team China. Yao has vowed to be ready for the Beijing Olympics.Yaowrapped up a 10-day trip to China, where he underwent a series of traditionalChinese medicine (TCM) treatments, hoping to accelerate his recovery process.Western experts are generally skeptical of TCM’s benefits, although newresearch from the University of Rochester suggests that a certain compoundderived from shellfish may indeed stimulate bone repair.“Thereis no reason to dismiss TCM, “ Yao told a press conference in Beijing. “It’sbeen used in our country for thousands of years. I don’t think that it’s shorton science.”36. Theword“towering”in Paragraph 1 meansA. large.B. fat.C. tall.D. great.答案:C37. Opponentsfind it very difficult to control Yao Mingbecause of hisA. mobility.B. assault.C. defense.D. celebrity.答案:A38. YaoMing had to undergo a series of TCM treatments becauseA. hisright foot had been hurting.B. he wanted to make a more rapid recovery.C. thesurgical operation had been a failure.D. hecouldn't afford all the medical expenses.答案:B39. Whichstatement about Yao Ming is NOT true?A. He missed the Athens Olympics.下载文档。
河北省 最新 2016年职称英语(理工B)答案

第6篇 The Apgar test (阅读理解,完型填空)(1)第10篇:The biology of music (阅读理解,完型填空)(2)第8篇:What is dream? (阅读理解,完型填空)(3)第10篇 Washoe learned American language(阅读理解,完型填空)(4)第7篇 Ice cream taster has sweet job (阅读理解,完型填空)(5) 第17篇: A sunshine for the planet(阅读理解)(6)第 18篇 Thirst for oil (阅读理解,完型填空)(7)第21篇 Plant gas (阅读理解,完型填空)(8)第32篇 Mind‐reading machine (阅读理解,完型填空)(往年试题)(9)第22篇 Real‐world robots (阅读理解,完型填空)(10)第7篇:Moderate earthquake strikes England (阅读理解,完型填空)(11)第9篇 Lightening strikes (阅读理解)(12)第6篇Car thieves could be stopped remotely(阅读理解,完型填空)(13)第8篇 Why India needs its dying vultures(阅读理解,完型填空)(14)第20篇 Explorer of the extreme deep(完型填空)(15) ——————————————————————————第25篇 Eat to live (阅读理解,完型填空)(16)第7篇 An intelligent car(完型填空)(17)第10篇 Chicken soup for the soul: comfort food fights loneliness (阅读理解,完型填空)(18)第31篇 Hurricane Katrina (阅读理解,完型填空)(往年试题)(19)。

2016职称英语理工类B级概括大意考试真题及答案概括大意与完成句子Geothermal(地热) Energy1 Since heat naturally moves from hotter regionsto cooler ones, the heat from the earth's center flows outwards towards thesurface. In this way. it transfers to the next layer of rock. If thetemperature is high enough, some of this rock melts and forms magma (岩浆). The magma ascends in its turn towards theearth's surface. It often remains wen below the earth s surface, creating vastareas of hot rock. In such regions, there are deep cracks, which allowrainwater to descend underground. Some of the heated rainwater travels back upto the earth's surface where it will appear as a hot spring. However, ifthis ascending hot water reaches a layer of impermeable (不可渗透的)rock, it remains trapped, forming a geothermal reservoir. If geothermal reservoirs arecloseenough to the surface, they can be reached by drilling wells. Hot water andsteam shoot up the wells naturally, and can be used to produce electricity ingeothermal power plants.2 A few geothermal power plants depend ondry-steam reservoirs which produce steam but little or no water. In thesecases, the steam is piped up directly to provide the power to spin a turbinegenerator. The first geothermal power plant, constructed at Lardarello inItaly, was of this type, and is still producing electricity today.3 Most currently operating geothermal powerplants are either "flash" steam plants or binary (双重的) plants. Flash plants produce mainly hotwater ranging in temperature from 300℃to 700℃Fahrenheit. This water is passed through one or two separatorswhere released from the pressure of the underground reservoir, itHashes" or boils into steam Again, the force of this steam provides theenergy to spin the turbine and produce electricity. The geothermal water andsteam are then reinjected directly back down into the earth to maintain the volumeand pressure of the reservoir. Gradually they will be reheated and can then beused again.4 A reservoir with temperatures below 300℃Fahrenheit is not hot enough to flash seam but it can still be usedtogenerate electricity in a binary fluid. The steam from this(参照图片) isused to power the turbines. As in the flash steam plant, the geothermal water is recycled backinto the reservoir.23.Paragraph 1_____C____24.Paragraph 2____A_____25.Paragraph 3____E_____26.Paragraph 4____B_____A. Dry steam plantsB. Binary plantsC. Origin of geothermal energyD. Generation of electricityE. Flash steam plantsF. Recyclable water and steam27. A geothermal reservoir is formed when hotwater is trapped under__B____.28. A dry-steam reservoir produces steam with___D___.29. Flash plants produce hot water through___C___.30. In a binary plant, the heat of the geothermalwater can be converted into__A____.A. the energy to turn a turbineB. impermeable rockC. one or two separatorsD. turbine operatorE. little or no waterF. hot springs。

1. The revelation of his past led to his resignation.A. imaginationB. disclosureC. confirmationD.recall答案为B. revelation(揭露) – disclosure(揭露)2. Jensen is a dangerous man, and can be very brutal.A.carelessB.cruelC.strongD.hard答案为B. brutal(残忍的)-cruel3. You’ll have to sprint if you want to catch the train.A. jumpB.escapeC. runD.prepare答案为C. sprint (快速奔跑) – run(奔跑)4. We are worried about this fluid situation full with uncertainty.A. changeableB. stableC. suitableD.adaptable答案为A. fluid(不稳定的) – changeable (易变的)5. The new garment fits her perfectly.A. haircutB.purseC. clothesD.necklace答案为C. garment(衣服) – clothes(衣服)6. The phobia may have its root in a childhood trauma.A. fearB.joyC. hurtD.memory答案为C. trauma(精神上的创伤) – hurt (感情上的伤心或痛苦)7. They have to build canals to irrigate the desert.A. decorateB. waterC. changeD.visit答案为B. irrigate(灌溉) – water(给…浇水)8. Her overall language proficiency remains that of a toddler.A. disabledB.pupilC. teenagerD. baby答案为D. toddler(学步的儿童) – baby (婴儿)9. The coastal area has very mild winter, but the central plains remain extremely cold.A. warmB.severeC. hardD.dry答案为A. mild(温暖的) – warm(温暖的)10. The details of the costume were totally authentic.A. realB. outstandingC. creativeD. false答案为A. authentic(逼真的) – real (逼真的)11. We are aware of the potential problems.A. globalB. possibleC. ongoingD.central答案为B. potential(可能的)- possible(可能的)12. The idea was quite brilliant.A. positiveB. cleverC. keyD. original答案为B. brilliant(绝妙的) – clever (聪明的)13. Stock market price tumbled after rumor of a rise in interest rate.A. regulatedB. increasedC. maintainedD. fell答案为C. tumbled(暴跌) –fell(下降)14. The course gives you basic instructions in car maintenance.A. coachingB. ideaC. termD. aspect答案为A. instructions (指导说明)—coaching(教导)15. All houses within 100 metres of the seas at risk of flooding.A.in dangerB.out of controlC.between equalsD.in particular答案为A indanger of (处于危险中)— at risk of (处于风险中)第2部分:阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断;如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。

词汇选项1.—Are those ______?---No, they aren’t. They’re _____.A. sheep ; cowsB. sheep ; cowC. sheeps ; cowD. sheeps ; cows2.Mum, I’m quite thirsty. Please give me ____.A. two orangeB. two bottles of orangeC. two bottles orangeD. two bottles of oranges3.I have got ___ news from my friend. Do you want to know?A. a very goodB. anyC. a piece ofD. two pieces4.___ room is on the 5th floor.A. Lucy and LilyB. Lucy and Lily’sC. Lucy’s and LilyD. Lucy’s and Lily’s5.Every morning Mr. Smith takes a ____ to his office.A. 20 minutes’ walkB. 20 minute’s walkC. 20-minutes walkD. 20-minute walk6.This is James Allan Green. We can call him ____.A. Mr. GreenB. Mr. AllanC. Mr. JamesD. James Green7.Jack and T om are ____.A. good friendsB. good friendC. a good friendD. good a friend8.It’s only about ten ____ walk to the nearest post office.A. minutesB. minute’sC. minutes’D. minute9.He often has ____ for breakfast.A. two breadsB. two piece of breadsC. two pieces of breadD. two pieces of breads10.Mrs. Green has two ____. They’re very bright.A. childsB. childC. children'sD. children参考答案:ABCBD AACCD完形填空The White HouseWe got up early this morning and __1__ a long walk after breakfast. We walked through the business section of the city. I told you yesterday that the city was larger__2__ I thought it would be. __3__ the business section is smaller than I thought it would be. I suppose that's__4__ Washington is a special kind of city. __5__the people in Washington work for the government. A bout 9:30 we went to the White House. It's__6__ to the public from 10 till12, and there was a long line of people waiting to get in. We didn't have to wait very long, because the line moved __7__quickly.The White House is really white. It is painted every year. And it seems very white, because it's got beautiful lawns all around it, ____8____many trees and shrubs. The grounds__9__ about four square blocks. I mean, they're about two blocks long__10__ each side. Of course, we didn't see the whole building. The part__11__the President lives and works is not open to the public. But the part we saw was beautiful. We went through five of the main rooms. One of them was the library, on the ground floor. On the next floor, there are three rooms named__12__ the colors that are used in them: the Red Room, the Blue Room, and the Green Room. The walls are covered with silk__13__. There are__14__ old furniture, from the time__15__ the White House was first built. And everywhere there are paintings and statues of former presidents and other famous people from history.1. A) made B) did C)took D) got2. A) than B) as C) so D) like3. A) But B) Yes C) So D) Then4. A) since B) as C) because D) because of5. A) Much of B) Most of C) A lot D) Lots6. A) open B) opening C) being opened D) opened7. A) pretty B) little C) much D) very much8. A) / B) having C) with D) together9. A) include B) cost C) cover D) spread10. A) by B) on C) for D) with11. A) which B) what C) that D) where12. A) by B) for C) after D) before13. A) cloth B) clothes C) clothing D) cloths14. A) Much pieces of B) many pieces of C) many a D) a great many15. A) that B) which C) who D) when答案:1. C 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. B 11. D 12.C 13. A 14. B 15. DThe Greatest Mystery of WhalesThe whale is a mammal - warm-blooded, air-breathing, giving birth to its young alive, sucking them-and, like all mammals, originated on land. There are many signs of this. __1__ front flippers, used for steering and stability, are traces of feet.Immense strength is built into the great body of the big whales, and in fact most of a whale's body is one gigantic muscle. The blue whale's pulling __2__ has been estimated at 400 horsepower. One specimen was reported to have __3__ a whaling vessel for seven hours at the __4__ of eight knots.An enraged whale will attack a ship. A famous __5__ of this was the fate of whaler Essex, which was sunk __6__ South America early in the last century. More recently, steel ships have had their plates buckled in the same way. Sperm whales were known to __7__ the old-time whaleboats in their jaws and crush them.The greatest mystery of whales is their diving ability. Thesperm whale __8__ the bottom for his favourite food, the octopus. __9__ he is known to go as far down as 3,200 feet, where the pressure is 1,400 pounds, to the square inch. Doing __10__ he will remain submerged as long as one hour. Two feats are involved in this : storing up enough __11__(all whales are air-breathed) and withstanding the great change in pressure. Just __12__ he dose it scientists have not determined. It is believed that some of the oxygen is stored in a special system of blood vessels, rather than just held in the lungs. And __13__ that a special kind of oil in his head is some sort of compensating mechanism that automatically adjusts the internal pressure of his body. But __14__ you can't bring a live whale into the laboratory for study, no one __15__ just how these things work.EXERCISE:1. A)Their B)His C)Theirs D)Its2. A)strength B)width C)height D)length3. A)eaten B)crashed C)towed D)lifted4. A)distance B)rate C)voyage D)sail5. A)picture B)film C)example D)book6. A)off the coast of B)of the coast of C0away the coast ofD)in the coast of7. A)hit B)seize C)damage D)overturn8. A)sink to B)rest on C)dive to D)hide on9. A)In that search B)Because of this C)In spite of that D)In support of this10. A)so B)such C)above D)the same11. A)air B)oxygen C)energy D)heat12. A)what B)where C)how D)when13. A)it is believed B)he believes C)we believe D)it believes14. A)because of B)due to C)since D)owing to15. A)communicates B)knows C)hears D)develops答案:D A C B C A B C A A B C A C B阅读理解A Sunshade for the PlanetEven with the best will1 in the world,reducing our carbon emissions is not going to prevent global warming.It has become clear that even if we take the most strong measures to control emissions,the uncertainties in our climate models still lea'ye open the possibility of extreme warming and rises in sea level.At the same time,resistance by governments and special interest groups makes it quite possible that the actions suggested by climate scientists might not be implemented soon enough.Fortunately,if the worst comes to the worst2,scientists still have a few tricks up their sleeves3.For the most part they have strongly resisted discussing these options for fear of inviting a sense of complacency that might thwart efforts to tackle the root of the problem.Until now,that is.A growing number of researchers are taking a fresh look at large-scale “geoengineering” projects that might be used to counteract global warming.“I use the analogy of methadone4,” says Stephen Schneider,a climate researcher at Stanford University in California who was among the first to draw attention to global warming.“If you have a heroin addict,the correct treatment is hospitalization,and a long rehab. But if they absolutely refuse,methadone is better than heroin.”Basically the idea is to apply “sunscreen” to the whole planet.One astronomer has come up with a radical plan to cool Earth;launch trillions of feather-light discs into space,where they would form a vast cloud that would block the sun’s rays.It’s controversial,but recent studies suggest there areways to deflect just enough of the sunlight reaching the Earth’s surface to counteract the warming produced by the greenhouse effect.Global climate models show that blocking just 1.8 per cent of the incident energy in the sun’s rays would cancel out the warming effects produced by a doubling of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. That could be crucial,because even the most severe emissions-control measures being proposed would leave us with a doubling of carbon dioxide by the end of this century,and that would last for at least a century more.1. According to the first two paragraphs,the author thinks thatA strong measures have been taken by the government to prevent global warming.B to reduce carbon emissions is all impossible mission.C despite the difficulty,scientists have some options to prevent global warming.D actions suggested by scientists will never be realized.2. Scientists resist talking about their options because they don't want people toA know what they are doing.B feel their efforts are useless.C think the problem has been solved.D see the real problem.3. What does Stephen Schneider say about a heroin addict and methadone?A Methadone is an effective way to treat a hard heroin addict.B Methadone is not a correct way to treat a heroin addict.C Hospitalization together with methadone can work effectively with a heroin addict.D Methadone and heroin are equally effective in treating aheroin addict.4. What is Stephen Schneider’s idea of preventing global warming?A To ask governments to take stronger measures;B To increase the sunlight reaching the Earth.C To apply sunscreen to the Earth.D To decrease greenhouse gases.5. What is NOT true of the effectiveness of “sunscreen”,according to the lastparagraph?A It deflects sunlight reaching the Earth to counteract the warming.B It blocks the incident energy i n the sun’s rays.C It is a controversial method.D It decreases greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.答案:CCACD补全短文The first four minutesWhen do people decide whether or not they want to become friends? During their first four minutes together, according to a book by Dr. Leonard Zunin. In his book, "Contact: The first four minutes," he offers this advice to anyone interested in starting new friendships: __1__. A lot of people's whole lives would change if they did just that.You may have noticed that average person does not give his undivided attention to someone he as just met.__2__. If anyone has ever done this to you, you probably did not like him very much.When we are introduced to new people, the author suggests, we should try to appear friendly and self-confident. In general,he says, "People like people who like themselves."On the other hand, we should not make the other person think we are too sure of ourselves. It is important to appear interested and sympathetic, realizing that the other person has his won needs, fears, and hopes.Hearing such advice, one might say, "But I'm not a friendly, self-confident person. That's not my nature. It would be dishonest for me to at that way."__3__. We can become accustomed to any changes we choose to make in our personality. "It is like getting used to a new car. It may be unfamiliar at first, but it goes much better than the old one."But isn't it dishonest to give the appearance of friendly self-confidence when we don't actually feel that way? Perhaps, but according to Dr. Zunin, "total honest" is not always good for social relationships, especially during the first few minutes of contact. There is a time for everything, and a certain amount of play-acting may be best for the first few minutes of contact with a stranger. That is not the time to complain about one's health or to mention faults one finds in other people. It is not the time to tell the whole truth about one's opinions and impressions.__4__. For a husband and wife or a parent and child, problems often arise during their first four minutes together after they have been apart. Dr. Zunin suggests that these first few minutes together be treated with care. If there are unpleasant matters to be discussed, they should be dealt with later.The author says that interpersonal relations should be taught as a required course in every school, along with reading, writing, and mathematics. __5__ that is at least as important as how much we know.A. In reply, Dr. Zunin would claim that a little practice can help us feel comfortable about changing our social habits.B. Much of what has been said about strangers also applies to relationships with family members and friends.C. In his opinion, success in life depends mainly on how we get along with other people.D. Every time you meet someone in a social situation, give him your undivided attention for four minutes.E. He keeps looking over the other person's shoulder, as if hoping to find someone more interesting in another part of the room.F. He is eager to make friends with everyone.The first four minutes下载全文。

2016年职称英语.理工B考试真题及答案一:词汇选项1.【题干】The revelation of his past led to his resignation.【选项】A.imaginationB.disclosureC.confirmationD.recall【答案】B2.【题干】Jensen is dangerous man, and can be very brutal.【选项】A.carelessB.cruelC.strongD.hard【答案】B3.【题干】You'll have to sprint if you want to catch the train.【选项】A.jumpB.escapeC.runD.prepare【答案】C4.【题干】We are worried about this fluid situation full with uncertainty.【选项】A.changebleB.stableC.suitableD.adaptable【答案】A5.【题干】The new garment fits her perfectly.【选项】A.haircutB.purseC.clothesD.necklace【答案】C6.【题干】The phobia may have its root in a childhood trauma.【选项】A.fearB.joyC.hurtD.memory【答案】C7.【题干】They have built canals to irrigate the desert.【选项】A.decorateB.waterC.changeD.visit【答案】B8.【题干】Her overall language proficiency remains that of a toddler.【选项】A.disabledB.pupilC.teenagerD.baby【答案】D9.【题干】The coastal area has very mild winter, but the central plains remain extremely cold. 【选项】A.warmB.severeC.hardD.dry【答案】A10.【题干】The details of the costume were totally authentic.【选项】A.realB.outstandingC.creativeD.false【答案】A11.【题干】We are aware of the potential problems.【选项】A.globalB.possibleC.ongoingD.central【答案】B12.【题干】The idea was quite brilliant.【选项】A.positiveB.cleverC.keyD.original【答案】B13.【题干】Stock market price tumbled after rumor of a rise in interest rate.【选项】A.regulatedB.increasedC.maintainedD.fell【答案】D14.【题干】The course gives you basic instruction in car maintenance.【选项】A.coachingB.ideaC.termD.aspect【答案】A15.【题干】All houses within 100 meters of the seas are at risk of flooding.【选项】A.in dangerB.out of controlC.between equalsD.in particular【答案】A二、阅读判断The Theory of EveryoneIf Stephen Hawking lives until the year 2017, he will have lived more than 50 years longer than his doctors expected. When he was a college student, doctors discovered that he had a rare disease. This disease causes a gradual disintegration(分解)of the nerve cells in the brain cells that regulate voluntary muscle activity. Death almost always occurs within two or three years.Today Stephen Hawking cannot walk or speak. He cannot move his arms or his head. He cannot taste or smell anything. And yet this man is Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University, a position held by the famous scientist Isaac Newton in 1669.Hawking is often described as the greatest scientist since Albert Einstein, but to the world outside science, he is also known as the man who made scientific theory understandable. His book, A Brief History of Time, has sold over eight million copies.He says that since he does not have to think about his body or do any of the things other men have to worry about, such as washing the car or working in the yard, he can dedicate all of his time to thinking. This puts him in the perfect position to find the answer to the question that he has dedicated his life to. His question is: Is there a complete theory of the universe and everything in it?Despite his tremendous physical disabilities, he has already made some very important discoveries about the origin of the universe, how the universe holds together, and how it will probably end. He has also been able to explain the secrets of “black holes”in space. Now he is looking for a set of rules that everything in our universe must obey. He calls it the Theory of Everything. He thinks that someone will have found the answer within the next 20 years.If Stephen Hawking is able to find his Theory of Everything, he will have given the world the opportunity to understand things that will change the whole nature of science and probably also the way we live.16.【题干】Stephen Hawking will be 50 years old by 2017.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned【答案】BIf Stephen Hawking lives until the year 2017, he will have lived more than 50 years longer than his doctors expected.17.【题干】Stephen Hawking suffers from a rare brain disease.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned【答案】A18.【题干】Stephen Hawking is Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned【答案】A19.【题干】A Brief History of Time is very difficult for students to understand.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned【答案】B20.【题干】Stephen Hawking has much time to think because he doesn't have to work.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned【答案】A21.【题干】Stephen Hawking has spent around ten years explaining the secrets ofA.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned【答案】C22.【题干】The Theory of Everything is about the rules that everything in the universe follows.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned【答案】A三、概括大意与完成句子Geothermal(地热)Energy1 Since heat naturally moves from hotter regions to cooler ones, the heat from the earth's center flows outwards towards the surface. In this way, it transfers to the next layer of rock. If the temperature is high enough, some of this rock melts and forms magma(岩浆). The magma ascends in its turn towards the earth's surface. It often remains well below the earth's surface, creating vastareas of hot rock. In such regions, there are deep cracks, which allow rainwater to descend underground. Some of the heated rainwater travels back up to the earth's surface where it will appear as a hot spring. However, if this ascending hot water reaches a layer of impermeable(不可渗透的)rock, it remains trapped, forming a geothermal reservoir. If geothermal reservoirs are close enough to the surface, they can be reached by drilling wells. Hot water and steam shoot up the wells naturally, and can be used to produce electricity in geothermal power plants.2.A few geothermal power plants depend on dry-stem reservoirs which produce steam but little or no water. In these cases, the steam is piped up directly to provide the power to spin a turbine generator. The first geothermal power plant, constructed at Lardarello in Italy, was of this type, and is still producing electricity today.3.Most currently operating geothermal power plants are either "flash" steam plants or binary(双重的)plants. Flash plants produce mainly hot water ranging in temperature from 300°to 700°Fahrenheit. This water is passed through one or two separators where released from the pressure of the underground reservoir, it "flashes" or boils into steam Again, the force of this steam provides the energy to spin the turbine and produce electricity. The geothermal water and steam are then reinjected directly back down into the earth to maintain the volume and pressure of the reservoir. Gradually they will be reheated and can then be used again.4.A reservoir with temperatures below 300°Fahrenheit is not hot enough to flash steam but it can still be used to generate electricity in binary fluid. The steam from this is used to power the turbines. As in the flash steam plant, the geothermal water is recycled back into the reservoir.23.【题干】Paragraph1_____【选项】A.Dry steam plantsB.Binary plantsC.Origin of geothermal energyD.Generation of electricityE.Flash steam plantsF.Recyclable water and steam【答案】C24【题干】Paragraph2_____【选项】A.Dry steam plantsB.Binary plantsC.Origin of geothermal energyD.Generation of electricityE.Flash steam plantsF.Recyclable water and steam【答案】A25【题干】Paragraph3_____【选项】A.Dry steam plantsB.Binary plantsC.Origin of geothermal energyD.Generation of electricityE.Flash steam plantsF.Recyclable water and steam【答案】E26【题干】Paragraph4_____【选项】A.Dry steam plantsB.Binary plantsC.Origin of geothermal energyD.Generation of electricityE.Flash steam plantsF.Recyclable water and steam【答案】F27.【题干】A geothermal reservoir is formed when hot water is trapped under _____.【选项】A.the energy to turn a turbineB.impermeable rockC.one or two separatorsD.turbine operatorE.little or no waterF.hot springs【答案】B28.【题干】A dry-steam reservoir produces steam with _____.【选项】A.the energy to turn a turbineB.impermeable rockC.one or two separatorsD.turbine operatorE.little or no waterF.hot springs【答案】E29.【题干】Flash plants produce hot water through _____.【选项】A.the energy to turn a turbineB.impermeable rockC.one or two separatorsD.turbine operatorE.little or no waterF.hot springs【答案】C30.【题干】In a binary plant, the heat of the geothermal water can be converted into _____. 【选项】A.the energy to turn a turbineB.impermeable rockC.one or two separatorsD.turbine operatorE.little or no waterF.hot springs【答案】A四、阅读理解Smart Windows1.Windows not only let light in to cut down an electricity use for lighting, but the light coming through the window also provides heat. However, windows are not something people typically associate with being a cutting edge technology. Researchers are now working on new technologies that enable a window to quickly change from clear to dark and anywhere in between easily.2."It took us a long time to figure out what a window really is," says Claes Granqvist. He's a professor of solid-state physics at Uppsala University in Sweden. "It's contact with the outside world. You have to have visual contact with the surrounding world to feel well." So, windows and natural light are important for improving the way people feel when they're stuck indoors.3.Yet, windows are the weak link in a building when it comes to energy and temperature control. In the winter, cold air leaks in. When it's hot and sunny, sunlight streams in. All of this sunlight carries lots of heat and energy. And all of this extra heat forces people to turn on their air conditioners. Producing cold air, which can feel so refreshing(使人清新的), actually suck up enormous amounts of electricity in buildings around the world.4.Windows have been a major focus of energy research for a long time. Over the years, scientists have come up with a variety of strategies for coating, glazing(用玻璃覆盖), and layering windows to make them more energy efficient. Smart windows go a step further. They use some chromogenic(发色的)technologies involving changes of color.5.Electrochromic(电致色的) windows use electricity to change color. For example, a sheet of glass coated with thin layers of tungsten oxide(氧化钨)works a bit like a battery. Tungsten oxide is clear when an electric charge is applied and dark when the charge is removed, that is, when the amount of voltage(电压)is decreased, the window darkens until it's completely dark after all electricity is taken away. So applying a voltage determines whether the window looks clear or dark.6.One important feature that makes a smart window so smart is that it has a sort of "memory". All it takes is a small shock of voltage to turn the window from one state to the other. Then, it stays that way. Transitions take from 10 seconds to a few minutes, depending on the size of the window. The development of smart windows could mean that massive air conditioning systems may no longer need. "In the future," Granqvist says, "our buildings may look different."31.【题干】Which of the following values of windows is NOT mentioned?【选项】A.They let light in to brighten the house.B.They let light in to heat the house.C.They let us have visual contact with the surrounding world.D.They let us think about the outside world.【答案】D32.【题干】The expression "when it comes to" in Paragraph 3 is used to_____.【选项】A.signal the arrival of a guest.B.indicate the recovery of consciousness.C.show our understanding of something.D.introduce a new aspect of a topic.【答案】D33.【题干】According to Paragraph 4, smart windows are the windows that_____.【选项】A.are costed.B.are glazed.C.have several layers.D.can change color.【答案】D34.【题干】Which paragraph gives an account of the way electrochromic windows changing?【选项】A.Paragraph 5.B.Paragraph 3.C.Paragraph 4.D.Paragraph 6.【答案】A35.【题干】A smart windows is smart mainly because_____.【选项】A.it can change its size.B.it can change its structure.C.it can change the voltage of electricity.D.it has a sort of memory.【答案】DSports Star Yao MingIf Yao Ming is not the biggest sports star in the world, he is almost certainly the tallest. At 2.26m, he is the tallest player in the National Basketball Association (NBA) and holds the record as the most towering Olympian ever to compete in the Games.But what really stands out about the giant center is his celebrity(名气). Few, if any, Chinese athletes are as well-known as Yao around the world. People across the globe are fascinated with Yao, not only for his basketball prowess(杰出的才能)also for being a symbol of international commerce.When Yao joined the Houston Rockets as the No.1 pick in the 2002 NBA draft(选抜),he was the first international player ever to be selected first. His assets on the court are clear enough—no NBA player of his size has ever possessed his mobility, so he is a handful(难对付的人)for opponents on either end of the court. But what makes Yao invaluable to the Rockets organization is his role as a global citizen and as a bridge to millions of potential basketball fans in China.When it was announced in February that Yao would miss the rest of the NBA season andpossibly the Olympics with a stress fracture(骨折)in his left foot, a collective shudder(震动)spread across China. After considerable debate and discussion, Yao opted to get his foot surgically treated in an operation that placed several tiny screws across the bone, to offer his overburdened foot more support. The surgery was a success, and though the estimated four-month recovery period will leave him little time to prepare with Team China, Yao has vowed to be ready for the Beijing Olympics.Yao wrapped up a 10-day trip to China, where he underwent a series of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatments, hoping to accelerate his recovery process Western experts are generally skeptical of TCM's benefits although new research from the University of Rochester suggests that a certain compound derived from shellfish may indeed stimulate bone repair."There is no reason to dismiss TCM," Yao told a press conference in Beijing." It's been used in our country for thousands of years. I don't think that it's short on science."36.【题干】The word "towering" in Paragraph 1 means_____【选项】rge.B.fat.C.tall.D.great.【答案】C37.【题干】Opponents find it very difficult to control Yao Ming because of his_____【选项】A.mobility.B.assault.C.defense.D.celebrity.【答案】A38.【题干】Yao Ming had to undergo a series of TCM treatments because_____【选项】A.his right foot had been hurting.B.he wanted to make a more rapid recovery.C.the surgical operation had been a failure.D.he couldn't afford all the medical expenses.【答案】B39.【题干】Which statement about Yao Ming is NOT true?【选项】A.He missed the Athens Olympics.B.He is an NBA player.C.He fractured his left foot.D.He is an international figure.【答案】A40.【题干】In general, the Western experts' attitude towards TCM is_____.【选项】A.indifferent.B.positive.C.negative.D.doubtful.【答案】DCan you hear This?When something creates a sound wave in a room or an auditorium, listeners hear the sound wave directly from the source. They also hear the reflections as the sound bounces off the walls, floor, and ceiling. These are called the reflected wave or reverberant(反射的)sound, which can be heard even after the sound is no longer coming from the source.The reverberation time of an auditorium is determined by the volume or interior size of the auditorium. It is also determined by how well or how poorly the walls, ceiling, floor, and contents of the room (including the people) absorb sound. There is no ideal reverberation time. Because each use of an auditorium calls for different reverberation. Speech needs to be understood clearly: therefore rooms used for talking must have a short reverberation time. The full-sound performance of music such as Wagner operas or Mahler symphonies should have a long reverberation time. The light, rapid musical passages of Bach or Mozart need a reverberation time somewhere between.Acoustic problems often are caused by poor auditorium design. Smooth, curved reflecting surfaces create large reflections. Parallel(平行的)walls reflect sound back and forth, creating a rapid, repetitive pulsing effect. Large pillars(柱)and corners can cause acoustic shadows as the sound waves try to pass around the object. Some of these problems can be solved by using absorbers and reflectors to change the reverberation time of a room. For example, hanging large reflectors, called clouds, over the performers will allow some sound frequencies to reflect and others to pass to achieve a pleasing mixture of sound.41.【题干】This passage is mainly about_____A.sound waves and their effects.B.the types of music orchestras play.C.walls of an auditorium.D.the design of an auditorium.【答案】D42.【题干】Wagner operas and Mahler symphonies with full-sound effect have_____A.a short reverberation time.B.an intermediate reverberation time.C.no reverberation time.D.a long reverberation time.【答案】D43.【题干】This passage suggests that a good auditorium should_____A.get rid of all reflections.B.not have absorbers.C.achieve a pleasing mixture of sound.D.have smooth surfaces.【答案】D44.【题干】Large pillars and corners may_____A.make sound rich and full.B.be cures for sound problems.C.be sources of sound problems.D.function as effectively as clouds.【答案】C45.【题干】The word "acoustic" in the last paragraph has something to do with_____A.performance.B.sound.C.audience.D.weather.【答案】B五、补全短文What Is a Dream?For centuries, people have wondered about the strange things that they dream about. Some psychologists say that this nighttime activity of the mind has no special meaning. Others, however, think that dreams are an important part of our lives. In fact, many experts believe that dreams can tell us about a person's mind and emotions.Before modern times, many people thought that dreams contained messages from God. _____(46)The Austrian psychologist, Sigmund Freud, was probably the first person to study dreams scientifically. In his famous book, The interpretation of Dreams (1900), Freud wrote that dreams are an expression of a person's wishes. He believed that dreams allow people to express the feelings, thoughts, and fears that they are afraid to express in real life.The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung was once a student of Freud's. Jung, however, had a different idea about dreams. Jung believed that the purpose of a dream was to communicate a message to the dreamer._____(47)For example, people who dream about falling may learn that they have too high an opinion of themselves. On the other hand, people who dream about being heroes may learn that they think too little of themselves.Modern-day psychologists continue to develop theories about dreams. For example, psychologist William Domhoff from the University of California, Santa Cruz, believes that dreams are tightly linked to a person's daily life, thoughts, and behavior. _____(48)Domhoff believes that there is a connection between dreams and age. His research shows that children do not dream as much as adults. According to Domhoff, dreaming is a mental skill that needs time to develop.He has also found a link between dreams and gender. His studies show that the dreams of men and women are different. _____(49)This is not true of women's dreams. Domhoff found this gender difference in the dreams of people from 11 cultures around the world, including both modern and traditional ones.Can dreams help us understand ourselves? Psychologists continue to try to answer this question in different ways._____(50)The dream may have meaning, but it does not mean that some terrible event will actually take place. It's important to remember that the world of dreams is not the real world.46.【题干】_____【选项】A.For example, the people in men's dreams are often other men, and the dreams often involve fighting.B.Men and women dream about different things.C.A criminal, for example, might dream about crime.D.However, one thing they agree on this: If you dream that something terrible is going to occur, you shouldn't panic.E.It was only in the twentieth century that people started to study dreams in a scientific way.F.He thought people could learn more about themselves by thinking about their dreams.【答案】E47.【题干】_____A.For example, the people in men's dreams are often other men, and the dreams often involve fighting.B.Men and women dream about different things.C.A criminal, for example, might dream about crime.D.However, one thing they agree on this: If you dream that something terrible is going to occur, you shouldn't panic.E.It was only in the twentieth century that people started to study dreams in a scientific way.F.He thought people could learn more about themselves by thinking about their dreams.【答案】F48.【题干】_____【选项】A.For example, the people in men's dreams are often other men, and the dreams often involve fighting.B.Men and women dream about different things.C.A criminal, for example, might dream about crime.D.However, one thing they agree on this: If you dream that something terrible is going to occur, you shouldn't panic.E.It was only in the twentieth century that people started to study dreams in a scientific way.F.He thought people could learn more about themselves by thinking about their dreams.【答案】C49.【题干】_____【选项】A.For example, the people in men's dreams are often other men, and the dreams often involve fighting.B.Men and women dream about different things.C.A criminal, for example, might dream about crime.D.However, one thing they agree on this: If you dream that something terrible is going to occur, you shouldn't panic.E.It was only in the twentieth century that people started to study dreams in a scientific way.F.He thought people could learn more about themselves by thinking about their dreams.【答案】A50.【题干】_____【选项】A.For example, the people in men's dreams are often other men, and the dreams often involve fighting.B.Men and women dream about different things.C.A criminal, for example, might dream about crime.D.However, one thing they agree on this: If you dream that something terrible is going to occur, you shouldn't panic.E.It was only in the twentieth century that people started to study dreams in a scientific way.F.He thought people could learn more about themselves by thinking about their dreams.【答案】D六、完形填空Warmer climate will bake tropical bugsGlobal warming could cook tropical insects, with unpredictable knock-on effects, say researchers who warn that rising temperatures also_____(51)tropical frogs and lizards(蜥蜴).Temperatures are_____(52)to increase much faster in temperate(温和的)and polar(极地的)regions than in the tropics. But no-one had looked at how warming would affect insects and other cold-blooded animals_____(53)had evolved in tropical regions with little temperature variation.Curtis Deutsch at the University of California at Los Angeles and colleagues analysed data_____(54)insect survival and reproduction for 38 species in different ecosystems(生态系统), and then estimated how these values would_____(55)with predictions of climate change for the 21st century.The team found that the reproductive_____(56)of tropical insects tends to peak very close to the temperatures where they normally live, but_____(57)sharply at higher temperatures. This means that cranking up(提高)the heat only a small amount can exert a heavy toll, leaving insects unable to reproduce_____(58)enough to keep up their numbers.Temperate insects reproduce well over a broader range, and do not live as_____(59)to their thermal(热的)limit, so they can reproduce successfully when their climate warms more than in the tropics."Tropical insects do very well in a narrow band of temperatures, but move them above that_____(60)and they die," says team member Josh Tewksbury of the University of Washington in Seattle.The heart of the_____(61)is temperature tolerance. Temperate-zone insects have evolved to survive the much broader temperature swings of seasonal climates, than have their tropical relatives.The_____(62)appears worse for animals that live in hot stable climate of the lower levels of tropical forests. Lizards in clear areas can find shade to cool down, but those living in the forest are already in the_____(63), and there's not much they can do to get cooler, Deutsch says.Too few tropical insects have been studied so far to_____(64)if any particular group will be particularly hard-hit, says Tewksbury. Insects play important_____(65)in forest ecology(生态学).The team are now starting to evaluate how temperature affects ecological interactions of insects with other species, including crops such as African corn.51.【题干】_____ threaten52.【题干】_____ expected53.【题干】_____ that54.【题干】_____ on55.【题干】_____ change56.【题干】_____ rate57.【题干】_____ drops58.【题干】_____ fast59.【题干】_____ close60.【题干】_____ range61.【题干】_____ problem62.【题干】_____ effect63.【题干】_____ shade64.【题干】_____ tell65.【题干】_____ roles。

2015年真题 ADHD finked to Air Pollutants Children have an increased of attention problems seen as early as grade school. If their noses inhaled ( 吸⼊) a certain type of air pollution when they were pregnant. That's the finding of a new study, released when things aren't burned completely, this pollution is known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons of PAHs. The biggest sources of these PAHs: the bruning of fossile fuels, wood and trash. Frederica Perera works at Columbia University's Mailman School of public Health is Ne York City. She and her team studied the xposure to air pollution of 233 nonsmoking pregant women in New York City. Because burning tobacco can spew (排放) PAHs into the air and lungs. Perera's team focused on nonsmokers. The researchers investigated signs of attention problems in those children, now age 9. They asked each child's mother a series of questions. These included wahtever her child had problems doing things that needed sustained(长期的 )mental effort, such as homework or games with friends. The scientists also asked if the kids had trouble following instructions or made grequent, careless mistakes. All of these can be sumptoms of a disorder called Attention Deficit Hyperactiviety Disorder, or ADHD. About one in U.S. children has ADHD. Among the women stueied traffic and home heating were the primary sources of air pollution exposure. Perera and her team suspect. Some of these women had low levels of PAHs in their bolld. Others had ghigh levels. Those with high levels were five times as likely to have dhilren who showed attention problems by age 9. The new findings were published November 5 in the journal PLOS ONE. 16. Perera and her team chose nonsmiking pregnant women all over America. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 17. The main purpose of the research was to find out how exposure to PAHs played a role in harming the subjects' physical health. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 18. Nonsmoking mothers were selected because the effect of smoking on PAHs was unclear. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 19. The blood of each woman was tested once a month during pregnancy. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 20. Kids with ADHD commonly fail in school. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 21. The women with high levels of PAHs in their blood were more likely to have kids with ADHD. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 22. Traffic and home heating were considered to be the biggest sources of PAHs for the subjects in the research. A..Right B. Wrong D. Not mentioned 2014年真题 So Many "Earths" The Milky Way (银⾏) contains billions of Earth-sized planets that could support life. That's the finding of new study. It draws on data that came from NASA's top planet-hunting telescope. A mechanical failure recently put that Kepter space telescope out of service. Kepler had played a big role in creating a census of planets orbiting some 170,000 stars. Its date have been helping astronomers predict how common planets are in our galaxy. The telescope focused on hunting planets that might have conditions similar to those on Earth. The authors of a study published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences conclude that between 14 and 30 out of every 100 stars with a mass and temperature similar to the Sun may host a planet that could support life as we know it. Such a planet would have a diameter at least as large as Earth's but no more than twice that big. The planet also would have to orbit in a star's habitable zone. That's where the surface temperature would allow any water to exist as liquid. The new estimate of how many planets might fit these conditions comes from studying more that 42,000 stars and identifying suitable worlds orbiting them. The scientists used those numbers to extrapolate (推算) to the rest of the stars that the telescope could not see. The estimate is rough, the authors admit. If applied to the solar system, it would define as habitable a zone starting as close ot the Sun as Venus and running to as far away as Mars. Neither planet is Earthlike (although either might have been in the distant pase). Using tighter limits the researchers estimate the between 4 and 8 out of every 100 sunlike stars could host an Earth-sized world. These are ones that would take 200 to 400 days to complete a yearly orbit. Four out of every 100 sunlike stars doesn't sound like a big number. It would mean however that the Milky Way could host more than a billion Earth-sized planets with a chance for life. 16. The Kepler space telescope has been in service for 15 years. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 17. The main task of the Kepler space telescope is to find out planets with similar conditions to Earth's. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 18. The planet that could support life might be a little bit smaller than Earth. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 19. The Earth is a planet orbiting in the Sun's habitable zone. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 20. The new finding is based on a thorough study of 170,000 stars on the Milky Way. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 21. The estimate of the number of planets that could support life is not very accurate. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 22. This is the first research finding about the planets with a chance for life. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 2013年真题 Wide World of Robots Engineers who build and program robots have fascinating jobs. These researchers tinker (修补) with machines in the lab and write computer software to control these devices. "They're the best toys out there,"says Howle Choset at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Choset is a roboticist, a person who designs, builds or programs robots. When Choset was a kid, he was interested in anything that moved---cars, trains, animals. He put motors on Tinkertoy cars to make them move. Later, in high school, he built mobile robots similar to small cars. Hoping to continue working on robots, he studied computer science in college. But when he got to graduate school at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Choset's labmates were working on something even cooler than remotely controlled cars: robotic snakes. Some robots can move only forward, backward, left and right. But snakes can twist (扭曲) in many directions and travel over a lot of different types of terrain (地形) . "Snakes are far more interesting than the cars, "Choset concluded. After he started working at Carnegie Mellon, Choset and his colleagues there bagan developing their own snake robots. Choset's team programmed robots to perform the same movements as real snakes, such as sliding and inching forward. The robots also moved in ways that snakes usually don't, such as rolling. Choset's snake robots could crawl (爬⾏) through the grass, swim in a pond and even climb a flagpole. But Choset wondered if his snakes might be useful for medicine as well. For some heart surgeries, the doctor has to open a patient's chest, cutting through the breastbone. Recovering from these surgeries can be very painful. What if the doctor could perform the operation by instead making a small hole in the body and sending in a thin robotic snake? Choset teamed up with Marco Zenati, a heart surgeon now at Harvard Medical School, to investigate the idea. Zenati practiced using the robot on a plastic model of the chest and they tested the robot in pigs. A company called Medrobotics in Boston is now adapting the technology to surgeries on people. Even after 15 years of working with his team's creations, "I still don't get bored of watching the motion of my robots," Choset says. 16. Choset began to build robots in high school. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 17. Snake robots could move in only four directions. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 18. Choset didn't begin developing his own snake robots until he started working at CamegieMellon. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 19. Choset's snake robots could make more movements than the ones others developed. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 20. The application of a thin robotic snake makes heart surgeries less time-consuming. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 21. Zenati tested the robot on people after using it in pigs. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 22. The robotic technology for surgeries on people has brought a handsome profit to Medrobotics. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 答案与解析 2015年真题 16.B。

职称英语考试理工B真题————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:2016年职称英语考试理工B真题职称英语考试练习题库,点击天宇考王免费下载试用一、单选题(词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 。
)1、The committee comprises five persons.A) absorbsB)concernsC) excludesD)involvesA B C D标准答案:d解析:comprise v.包含, 由...组成;该词和D(involve vt.包括) 是近义词。
absorb vt.吸收, 吸引; concern vt.涉及, 关系到n.(利害)关系, 关心; exclude vt. 把...排除在外; 该句含义是“这个委员会是由5个人组成。
”2、The room was furnished with the simplest essentials, a bed, a chair, and a tableA)suppliedB) gatheredC)graspedD)madeA B C D标准答案:a解析:分析:根据划线词后的介词搭配(with)判断答案A。
furnish..with..= supply/provide..with../给..提供..; gather n.集合, 聚集vi.集合, 聚集vt.使聚集; grasp vt./ n.抓住,掌握, 领会;该句含义是“这个房间配备了最基本的物品:一张床,一把椅子,和一张桌子。
”3、The local government decided to merge the two firms into a big one.A)motivateB) combineC)compactD)nominateA B C D标准答案:b解析:分析:根据句意(当地的政府决定把两家公司合并成一家公司)判断B((使)联合)是答案。

第一篇Smart WindowsWindows not only let light in to cut downon electricity use for lighting, but thelight coming through the window also provides heat. However, windows are notsomething people typically associate with an advanced technology. Reseachersare now working on new technologies that enable a window to quickly change fromclear to dark and anything in between easily.“It took us a long time to figure out whata window really is,”says Claes Granqvist. He’s a professor of solid-statephysics at Uppsala University in Sweden. “It contact with the outside world.You have to have visual contact with the surrounding world to feel well.” So,windows and natural light are important for improving the way people feel whenthey’re stuck indoors Yet. windows are the weak link in abuilding when it comes to energy and temperature control. In winter cold airleaks in. When it’s hot and sunny, sunlight streams in. All of this sunlightcarries lots of heat and energy. And all of this extra heat forces people toturn on their conditioners. Producing blasts of cold air, which can feel so refreshing(使人清新的),actually sucks up enormous amountsof electricity in buildings around the world.Windows have been a major focus of energyresearch for a long time. Over the years, scientists have come up with avarietyof strategies for coating, glazing (用玻覆盖),and layeringwindows to make them more energy efficient. Smart windows go a step further.They use chromogenic (发色的')technologies which involve changes of color.Electrochromic (电致色的)windows use electricity tochange color. For example, a sheet of glass coated with thin layers of chemicalcompound such as tungsten oxide (氧化钨)works a bit like a batter. Tungsten oxides is clear when anelectric charge is applied and dark when the charge is removed, that is, whenthe amount of voltage(电压)is decreased, the window darkens until it’s completely dark afterall electricity is taken away. So applying a voltage determines whether thewindow looks clear or dark.One important feature that makes a smartwindow so smart is that it has a sort of“memory”. All it takes is a small changeof voltage to turn the window from one state to the other. Then, it stays thatway. Transits take anywhere from in10 seconds to a few minutes, depending onthe size of the window. The development of smart windows could mean thatmassive air conditioning systems may no longer be needed. “In thefuture,”Granqvist says, “our buildings may look different.”31. Which of the following of values ofwindows is NOT mentioned?A. Theylet light in to brighten the house.B. Theylet light in to heat the house.C. Theylet us have visual contact with the surrounding world.D. They let us think about the outside world.答案:D32. The expression “when it comes to “ inParagraph 3 is used toA. signalthe arrival of a guest.B. indicatethe recovery of consciousness.C. show our understanding of something.D. introduce a new aspect of a topic.答案:D33. According to Paragraph 4, smart windowsare the windows thatA. are coated.B. are glazed.C. have several layers.D.can change color.答案:D34. Whichparagraph gives an account of the way electrochromic windows……A. Paragraphs 5.B. Paragraph3.C. Paragraph4.D. Paragraphs6.答案:A35. Asmart window is smart mainly becauseA. itcan change its size.B. itcan change its structure.C. itcan change the voltage of electricity.D. it has a sort of memory.答案:D第二篇Can You Hear This?When something creates a sound wave in a room or anauditorium, listeners hear the sound wave directly from the source. They alsohear the reflections as the sound bounces off thewalls. floor, and ceiling. These are called the reflected wave orreverberant(反射)sound, which can be heard evenafter the sound is no longer coming from the source.The reverberation time of an auditorium isdetermined by the volume or interior size of the auditorium. It is alsodetermined by how well or how poorly the walls, ceiling, floor, and contents ofthe room (including the people) absorb sound. There is no ideal reverberation time,because each use of an auditorium calls for different reverberation. Speechneeds to be understood clearly; therefore rooms used for talking must have ashort reverberation time. The full-sound performance of music such ad Wagneroperas or Mahler symphonies should have a long reverberation time. The light,rapid musical passages of Bach or Mozart need a reverberation time somewherebetween.下载文档润稿写作咨询。

2016职称英语理工答案【篇一:2016年职称英语理工类b级考试真题与答案】ass=txt>1.the revelation of his past led to his resignation.a.imaginationb.disclosurec.confirmationd.recall参考答案:b2.jensen is dangerous man, and can be very brutal.a.carelessb.cruelc.strongd.hard参考答案:ba.jumpb.escapec.rund.prepare参考答案:c4.we are worried about this fluid situation full with uncertainty.a.changebleb.stablec.suitabled.adaptable参考答案:a5.the new garment fits her perfectly.a.haircutb.pursec.clothesd.necklace参考答案:c6.the phobia may have its root in a childhood trauma.a.fearb.joyc.hurtd.memory参考答案:ca.decorateb.waterc.changed.visit参考答案:b8.her overall language proficiency remains that of a toddler.a.disabledb.pupilc.teenagerd.baby参考答案:d9.the coastal area has very mild winter, but the central plains remain extremely cold.a.warmb.severec.hardd.dry参考答案:a10.the details of the costume were totally authentic.a.realb.outstandingc.creatived.false参考答案:aa.globalb.possiblec.ongoingd.central参考答案:b12.the idea was quite brilliant.a.positiveb.cleverc.keyd.original参考答案:b13.stock market price tumbled after rumor of a rise in interest rate.a.regulatedb.increasedc.maintainedd.fell参考答案:d14.the course gives you basic instruction in car maintenance.a.coachingb.ideac.termd.aspect参考答案:aa.in dangerb.out of controlc.between equalsd.in particular 参考答案:a二、阅读判断the theory of everyoneif stephen hawking lives until the year 2017, he will have lived more than 50 years longer than his doctors expected. when he was a college student, doctors discovered that he had a rare disease. this disease causes a gradual disintegration(分解)of thenerve cells in the brain cells that regulate voluntary muscle activity. death almost always occurs within two or three years. today stephen hawking cannot walk or speak. he cannot move his arms or his head. he cannot taste or smell anything. and yet this man is professor ofmathematics at cambridge university, a position held by the famous scientist isaac newton in 1669.hawking is often described as the greatest scientist since albert einstein, but to the world outside science, he is also known as the man who made scientific theory understandable. his book, a brief history of time, has sold over eight million copies.he says that since he does not have to think about his body or do any of the things other men have to worry about, such as washing the car or working in the yard, he can dedicate all of his time to thinking. this puts him in the perfect position to find the answer to the question that he has dedicated his life to. his question is: is there a complete theory of the universe and everything in it?despite his tremendous physical disabilities, he has already made some very important discoveries about the origin of the universe, how the universe holds together, and how it will probably end. he has also been able to explain the secrets of 【篇二:2016年职称英语理工a级考试题及答案】om2016年职称英语理工a级考试题及答案考场查词技巧 :1、对于词汇选项题,建议查词时最好从b)和c)答案查起据美国权威机构通过对标准化考试的研究与分析,最终得出结论:在a)、b)、c)、d)四个选项的情况下,往往b)和c)正确的几率较大。

2016年职称英语理工类b级真题及答案1.The revelation of his past led to his resignation.A.imaginationB.disclosureC.confirmationD.recall 参考答案:B2.Jensen is dangerous man, and can be very brutal.A.carelessB.cruelC.strongD.hard参考答案:B3.You'll have to sprint if you want to catch the train.A.jumpB.escapeC.runD.prepare参考答案:C4.We are worried about this fluid situation full with uncertainty.A.changebleB.stableC.suitableD.adaptable参考答案:A5.The new garment fits her perfectly.A.haircutB.purseC.clothesD.necklace参考答案:C6.The phobia may have its root in a childhood trauma.A.fearB.joyC.hurtD.memory参考答案:C7.They have built canals to irrigate the desert.A.decorateB.waterC.changeD.visit参考答案:B8.Her overall language proficiency remains that of a toddler.A.disabledB.pupilC.teenagerD.baby参考答案:D9.The coastal area has very mild winter, but the central plains remain extremely cold.A.warmB.severeC.hardD.dry参考答案:A10.The details of the costume were totally authentic.A.realB.outstandingC.creativeD.false参考答案:A11.We are aware of the potential problems.A.globalB.possibleC.ongoingD.central参考答案:B12.The idea was quite brilliant.A.positiveB.cleverC.keyD.original参考答案:B13.Stock market price tumbled after rumor of a rise in interest rate.A.regulatedB.increasedC.maintainedD.fell参考答案:D14.The course gives you basic instruction in car maintenance.A.coachingB.ideaC.termD.aspect参考答案:A15.All houses within 100 meters of the seas are at risk of flooding.A.in dangerB.out of controlC.between equalsD.in particular参考答案:A二、阅读判断The Theory of EveryoneIf Stephen Hawking lives until the year 2017, he will have lived more than 50 years longer than his doctors expected. When he was a college student, doctors discovered that he had a rare disease. This disease causes a gradual disintegration(分解)of thenerve cells in the brain cells that regulate voluntary muscle activity. Death almost always occurs within two or three years.Today Stephen Hawking cannot walk or speak. He cannot move his arms or his head. He cannot taste or smell anything. And yet this man is Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University, a position held by the famous scientist Isaac Newton in 1669.Hawking is often described as the greatest scientist since Albert Einstein, but to the world outside science, he is also known as the man who made scientific theory understandable. His book, A Brief History of Time, has sold over eight million copies.He says that since he does not have to think about his body or do any of the things other men have to worry about, such as washing the car or working in the yard, he can dedicate all of his time to thinking. This puts him in the perfect position to find the answer to the question that he has dedicated his life to. His question is: Is there a complete theory of the universe and everything in it?Despite his tremendous physical disabilities, he has already made some very important discoveries about the origin of the universe, how the universe holds together, and how it will probably end. He has also been able to explain the secrets of“black holes”in space. Now he is looking for a set of rules that everything in our universe must obey. He calls it the Theory of Everything. He thinks that someone will have found the answer within the next 20 years.If Stephen Hawking is able to find his Theory of Everything, he will have given the world the opportunity to understand things that will change the whole nature of science and probably also the way we live.16.Stephen Hawking will be 50 years old by 2017.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned参考答案:BIf Stephen Hawking lives until the year 2017, he will have lived more than 50 years longer than his doctors expected.17.Stephen Hawking suffers from a rare brain disease.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned参考答案:A18.Stephen Hawking is Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned参考答案:A19.A Brief History of Time is very difficult for students to understand.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned参考答案:B20.Stephen Hawking has much time to think because he doesn't have to work.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned参考答案:A21.Stephen Hawking has spent around ten years explaining the secrets ofA.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned参考答案:C22.The Theory of Everything is about the rules that everything in the universe follows.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned参考答案:A三、概括大意与完成句子Geothermal(地热)Energy1 Since heat naturally moves from hotter regions to cooler ones, the heat from the earth's center flows outwards towards the surface. In this way, it transfers to the next layer of rock. If the temperature is high enough, some of this rock melts and forms magma(岩浆). The magma ascends in its turn towards the earth's surface. It often remains well below the earth's surface, creating vast areas of hot rock. In such regions, there are deep cracks, which allow rainwater to descend underground. Some of the heated rainwater travels back up to the earth's surface where it will appear as a hot spring. However, if this ascending hot water reaches a layer of impermeable(不可渗透的)rock, it remains trapped, forming a geothermal reservoir. If geothermal reservoirs are close enough to the surface, they can be reached by drilling wells. Hot water and steam shoot up the wells naturally, and can be used to produce electricity in geothermal power plants.2.A few geothermal power plants depend on dry-stem reservoirs which produce steam but little or no water. In these cases, the steam is piped up directly to provide the power to spin a turbine generator. The first geothermal power plant, constructed at Lardarello in Italy, was of this type, and is still producing electricity today.3.Most currently operating geothermal power plants are either "flash" steam plants or binary(双重的)plants. Flash plants produce mainly hot water ranging in temperature from 300°to 700°Fahrenheit. This water is passed through one or two separators where released from the pressure of the underground reservoir, it "flashes" or boils into steam Again, the force of this steam provides the energy to spin the turbine and produce electricity. The geothermal water and steam are then reinjected directly back down into the earth to maintain the volume and pressure of the reservoir. Gradually they will be reheated and can then be used again.4.A reservoir with temperatures below 300°Fahrenheit is not hot enough to flash steam but it can still be used to generate electricity in binary fluid. The steam from this is used to power the turbines. As in the flash steam plant, the geothermal water is recycled back into the reservoir.23.Paragraph1_____A.Dry steam plantsB.Binary plantsC.Origin of geothermal energyD.Generation of electricityE.Flash steam plantsF.Recyclable water and steam 参考答案:C24Paragraph2_____A.Dry steam plantsB.Binary plantsC.Origin of geothermal energyD.Generation of electricityE.Flash steam plantsF.Recyclable water and steam 参考答案:A25Paragraph3_____A.Dry steam plantsB.Binary plantsC.Origin of geothermal energyD.Generation of electricityE.Flash steam plantsF.Recyclable water and steam 参考答案:E26Paragraph4_____A.Dry steam plantsB.Binary plantsC.Origin of geothermal energyD.Generation of electricityE.Flash steam plantsF.Recyclable water and steam参考答案:F27.A geothermal reservoir is formed when hot water is trapped under _____.A.the energy to turn a turbineB.impermeable rockC.one or two separatorsD.turbine operatorE.little or no waterF.hot springs参考答案:B28.A dry-steam reservoir produces steam with _____.A.the energy to turn a turbineB.impermeable rockC.one or two separatorsD.turbine operatorE.little or no waterF.hot springs参考答案:E29.Flash plants produce hot water through _____.A.the energy to turn a turbineB.impermeable rockC.one or two separatorsD.turbine operatorE.little or no waterF.hot springs参考答案:C30.In a binary plant, the heat of the geothermal water can be converted into _____.A.the energy to turn a turbineB.impermeable rockC.one or two separatorsD.turbine operatorE.little or no waterF.hot springs参考答案:A四、阅读理解Smart Windows1.Windows not only let light in to cut down an electricity use for lighting, but the light coming through the window also provides heat. However, windows are not something people typically associate with being a cutting edge technology. Researchers are now working on new technologies that enable a window to quickly change from clear to dark and anywhere in between easily.2."It took us a long time to figure out what a window really is," says Claes Granqvist. He's a professor of solid-state physics at Uppsala University in Sweden. "It's contact with the outside world. You have to have visual contact with the surrounding world to feel well." So, windows and natural light are important for improving the way people feel when they're stuck indoors.3.Yet, windows are the weak link in a building when it comes to energy and temperature control. In the winter, cold air leaks in. When it's hot and sunny, sunlight streams in. All of this sunlight carries lots of heat and energy. And all of this extra heat forces people to turn on their air conditioners. Producing cold air, which can feel so refreshing(使人清新的), actually suck up enormous amounts of electricity in buildings around the world.4.Windows have been a major focus of energy research for a long time. Over the years, scientists have come up with a variety of strategies for coating, glazing(用玻璃覆盖), and layering windows to make them more energy efficient. Smart windows go a step further. They use some chromogenic(发色的)technologies involving changes of color.5.Electrochromic(电致色的) windows use electricity to change color. For example,a sheet of glass coated with thin layers of tungsten oxide(氧化钨)works a bit like a battery. Tungsten oxide is clear when an electric charge is applied and dark when the charge is removed, that is, when the amount of voltage(电压)is decreased, the window darkens until it's completely dark after all electricity is taken away. So applying a voltage determines whether the window looks clear or dark.6.One important feature that makes a smart window so smart is that it has a sort of "memory". All it takes is a small shock of voltage to turn the window from one state to the other. Then, it stays that way. Transitions take from 10 seconds to a few minutes, depending on the size of the window. The development of smart windows could mean that massive air conditioning systems may no longer need. "In the future," Granqvist says, "our buildings may look different."31.Which of the following values of windows is NOT mentioned?A.They let light in to brighten the house.B.They let light in to heat the house.C.They let us have visual contact with the surrounding world.D.They let us think about the outside world.参考答案:D32.The expression "when it comes to" in Paragraph 3 is used to_____.A.signal the arrival of a guest.B.indicate the recovery of consciousness.C.show our understanding of something.D.introduce a new aspect of a topic.参考答案:D33.According to Paragraph 4, smart windows are the windows that_____.A.are costed.B.are glazed.C.have several layers.D.can change color.参考答案:D34.Which paragraph gives an account of the way electrochromic windows changing?A.Paragraph 5.B.Paragraph 3.C.Paragraph 4.D.Paragraph 6.参考答案:A35.A smart windows is smart mainly because_____.A.it can change its size.B.it can change its structure.C.it can change the voltage of electricity.D.it has a sort of memory.参考答案:DSports Star Yao MingIf Yao Ming is not the biggest sports star in the world, he is almost certainly the tallest. At 2.26m, he is the tallest player in the National Basketball Association (NBA) and holds the record as the most towering Olympian ever to compete in the Games.But what really stands out about the giant center is his celebrity(名气). Few, if any, Chinese athletes are as well-known as Yao around the world. People across the globe are fascinated with Yao, not only for his basketball prowess(杰出的才能)also for being a symbol of international commerce.When Yao joined the Houston Rockets as the No.1 pick in the 2002 NBA draft(选抜),he was the first international player ever to be selected first. His assets on thecourt are clear enough—no NBA player of his size has ever possessed his mobility, so he is a handful(难对付的人)for opponents on either end of the court. But what makes Yao invaluable to the Rockets organization is his role as a global citizen and as a bridge to millions of potential basketball fans in China.When it was announced in February that Yao would miss the rest of the NBA season and possibly the Olympics with a stress fracture(骨折)in his left foot, a collective shudder(震动)spread across China. After considerable debate and discussion, Yao opted to get his foot surgically treated in an operation that placed several tiny screws across the bone, to offer his overburdened foot more support. The surgery was a success, and though the estimated four-month recovery period will leave him little time to prepare with Team China, Yao has vowed to be ready for the Beijing Olympics.Yao wrapped up a 10-day trip to China, where he underwent a series of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatments, hoping to accelerate his recovery process Western experts are generally skeptical of TCM's benefits although new research from the University of Rochester suggests that a certain compound derived from shellfish may indeed stimulate bone repair."There is no reason to dismiss TCM," Yao told a press conference in Beijing." It's been used in our country for thousands of years. I don't think that it's short on science."36.The word "towering" in Paragraph 1 means_____rge.B.fat.C.tall.D.great.参考答案:C37.Opponents find it very difficult to control Yao Ming because of his_____A.mobility.B.assault.C.defense.D.celebrity.参考答案:A38.Yao Ming had to undergo a series of TCM treatments because_____A.his right foot had been hurting.B.he wanted to make a more rapid recovery.C.the surgical operation had been a failure.D.he couldn't afford all the medical expenses.参考答案:B39.Which statement about Yao Ming is NOT true?A.He missed the Athens Olympics.B.He is an NBA player.C.He fractured his left foot.D.He is an international figure.参考答案:A40.In general, the Western experts' attitude towards TCM is_____.A.indifferent.B.positive.C.negative.D.doubtful.参考答案:DCan you hear This?When something creates a sound wave in a room or an auditorium, listeners hear the sound wave directly from the source. They also hear the reflections as the sound bounces off the walls, floor, and ceiling. These are called the reflected wave or reverberant(反射的)sound, which can be heard even after the sound is no longer coming from the source.The reverberation time of an auditorium is determined by the volume or interior size of the auditorium. It is also determined by how well or how poorly the walls, ceiling, floor, and contents of the room (including the people) absorb sound. There isno ideal reverberation time. Because each use of an auditorium calls for different reverberation. Speech needs to be understood clearly: therefore rooms used for talking must have a short reverberation time. The full-sound performance of music such as Wagner operas or Mahler symphonies should have a long reverberation time. The light, rapid musical passages of Bach or Mozart need a reverberation time somewhere between.Acoustic problems often are caused by poor auditorium design. Smooth, curved reflecting surfaces create large reflections. Parallel(平行的)walls reflect sound back and forth, creating a rapid, repetitive pulsing effect. Large pillars(柱)and corners can cause acoustic shadows as the sound waves try to pass around the object. Some of these problems can be solved by using absorbers and reflectors to change the reverberation time of a room. For example, hanging large reflectors, called clouds, over the performers will allow some sound frequencies to reflect and others to pass to achieve a pleasing mixture of sound.41.This passage is mainly about_____A.sound waves and their effects.B.the types of music orchestras play.C.walls of an auditorium.D.the design of an auditorium.参考答案:D42.Wagner operas and Mahler symphonies with full-sound effect have_____A.a short reverberation time.B.an intermediate reverberation time.C.no reverberation time.D.a long reverberation time.参考答案:D43.This passage suggests that a good auditorium should_____A.get rid of all reflections.B.not have absorbers.C.achieve a pleasing mixture of sound.D.have smooth surfaces.参考答案:Drge pillars and corners may_____A.make sound rich and full.B.be cures for sound problems.C.be sources of sound problems.D.function as effectively as clouds.参考答案:C45.The word "acoustic" in the last paragraph has something to do with_____A.performance.B.sound.C.audience.D.weather.参考答案:B五、补全短文What Is a Dream?For centuries, people have wondered about the strange things that they dream about. Some psychologists say that this nighttime activity of the mind has no special meaning. Others, however, think that dreams are an important part of our lives. In fact, many experts believe that dreams can tell us about a person's mind and emotions.Before modern times, many people thought that dreams contained messages from God. _____(46)The Austrian psychologist, Sigmund Freud, was probably the first person to study dreams scientifically. In his famous book, The interpretation of Dreams (1900), Freud wrote that dreams are an expression of a person's wishes. He believed that dreams allow people to express the feelings, thoughts, and fears that they are afraid to express in real life.The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung was once a student of Freud's. Jung, however, had a different idea about dreams. Jung believed that the purpose of a dream was tocommunicate a message to the dreamer._____(47)For example, people who dream about falling may learn that they have too high an opinion of themselves. On the other hand, people who dream about being heroes may learn that they think too little of themselves.Modern-day psychologists continue to develop theories about dreams. For example, psychologist William Domhoff from the University of California, Santa Cruz, believes that dreams are tightly linked to a person's daily life, thoughts, and behavior. _____(48)Domhoff believes that there is a connection between dreams and age. His research shows that children do not dream as much as adults. According to Domhoff, dreaming is a mental skill that needs time to develop.He has also found a link between dreams and gender. His studies show that the dreams of men and women are different. _____(49)This is not true of women's dreams. Domhoff found this gender difference in the dreams of people from 11 cultures around the world, including both modern and traditional ones.Can dreams help us understand ourselves? Psychologists continue to try to answer this question in different ways._____(50)The dream may have meaning, but itdoes not mean that some terrible event will actually take place. It's important to remember that the world of dreams is not the real world.46._____A.For example, the people in men's dreams are often other men, and the dreams often involve fighting.B.Men and women dream about different things.C.A criminal, for example, might dream about crime.D.However, one thing they agree on this: If you dream that something terrible is going to occur, you shouldn't panic.E.It was only in the twentieth century that people started to study dreams in a scientific way.F.He thought people could learn more about themselves by thinking about their dreams.参考答案:E47._____A.For example, the people in men's dreams are often other men, and the dreams often involve fighting.B.Men and women dream about different things.C.A criminal, for example, might dream about crime.D.However, one thing they agree on this: If you dream that something terrible is going to occur, you shouldn't panic.E.It was only in the twentieth century that people started to study dreams in a scientific way.F.He thought people could learn more about themselves by thinking about their dreams.参考答案:F48._____A.For example, the people in men's dreams are often other men, and the dreams often involve fighting.B.Men and women dream about different things.C.A criminal, for example, might dream about crime.D.However, one thing they agree on this: If you dream that something terrible is going to occur, you shouldn't panic.E.It was only in the twentieth century that people started to study dreams in a scientific way.F.He thought people could learn more about themselves by thinking about their dreams.参考答案:C49._____A.For example, the people in men's dreams are often other men, and the dreams often involve fighting.B.Men and women dream about different things.C.A criminal, for example, might dream about crime.D.However, one thing they agree on this: If you dream that something terrible is going to occur, you shouldn't panic.E.It was only in the twentieth century that people started to study dreams in a scientific way.F.He thought people could learn more about themselves by thinking about their dreams.参考答案:A50._____A.For example, the people in men's dreams are often other men, and the dreams often involve fighting.B.Men and women dream about different things.C.A criminal, for example, might dream about crime.D.However, one thing they agree on this: If you dream that something terrible is going to occur, you shouldn't panic.E.It was only in the twentieth century that people started to study dreams in a scientific way.F.He thought people could learn more about themselves by thinking about their dreams.参考答案:D六、完形填空Warmer climate will bake tropical bugsGlobal warming could cook tropical insects, with unpredictable knock-on effects, say researchers who warn that rising temperatures also_____(51)tropical frogs and lizards(蜥蜴).Temperatures are_____(52)to increase much faster in temperate(温和的)and polar(极地的)regions than in the tropics. But no-one had looked at how warming would affect insects and other cold-blooded animals_____(53)had evolved in tropical regions with little temperature variation.Curtis Deutsch at the University of California at Los Angeles and colleagues analysed data_____(54)insect survival and reproduction for 38 species in different ecosystems(生态系统), and then estimated how these values would_____(55)with predictions of climate change for the 21st century.The team found that the reproductive_____(56)of tropical insects tends to peak very close to the temperatures where they normally live, but_____(57)sharply at higher temperatures. This means that cranking up(提高)the heat only a small amount can exert a heavy toll, leaving insects unable to reproduce_____(58)enough to keep up their numbers.Temperate insects reproduce well over a broader range, and do not liveas_____(59)to their thermal(热的)limit, so they can reproduce successfully when their climate warms more than in the tropics."Tropical insects do very well in a narrow band of temperatures, but move them above that_____(60)and they die," says team member Josh Tewksbury of the University of Washington in Seattle.The heart of the_____(61)is temperature tolerance. Temperate-zone insects have evolved to survive the much broader temperature swings of seasonal climates, than have their tropical relatives.The_____(62)appears worse for animals that live in hot stable climate of the lower levels of tropical forests. Lizards in clear areas can find shade to cool down, but thoseliving in the forest are already in the_____(63), and there's not much they can do to get cooler, Deutsch says.Too few tropical insects have been studied so far to_____(64)if any particular group will be particularly hard-hit, says Tewksbury. Insects play important_____(65)in forest ecology(生态学).The team are now starting to evaluate how temperature affects ecological interactions of insects with other species, including crops such as African corn.51.A.treat B.threaten C.help D.protect参考答案:B52.A.demanded B.needed C.promised D.expected参考答案:D53.A.while B.where C.that D.what参考答案:C54.A.on B.in C.at D.with参考答案:A55.A.meet B.spread C.decrease D.change参考答案:D56.A.rate B.value C.system D.type参考答案:A57.A.develops B.stops C.rises D.drops参考答案:D58.A.fast B.typically C.firmly D.jointly参考答案:A59.A.important B.possible C.close D.necessary 参考答案:C60.A.range B.order C.rank D.XX参考答案:C61.A.proposal B.project C.thesis D.problem 参考答案:D62.A.reason B.cause C.level D.effect参考答案:D63.A.cave B.shade C.sunshine D.open参考答案:B64.A.tell B.speak C.wonder D.doubt参考答案:A65.A.tricks B.roles C.games D.rules参考答案:B。
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第二部分、阅读判断The Theory of EveryoneIf Stephen Hawking lives until the year 2017, he will have lived more than 50 years longer than hi s doctors expected. When he was a college student, doctors discovered that he had a rare disease . This disease causes a gradual disintegration(分解)of the nerve cells in the brain cells that regulate voluntary muscle activity. Death almost alway s occurs within two or three years.Today Stephen Hawking cannot walk or speak. He cannot move his arms or his head. He cannot t aste or smell anything. And yet this man is Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University, a p osition held by the famous scientist Isaac Newton in 1669.Hawking is often described as the greatest scientist since Albert Einstein, but to the world outside science, he is also known as the man who made scientific theory understandable. His book, A Bri ef History of Time, has sold over eight million copies.He says that since he does not have to think about his body or do any of the things other men ha ve to worry about, such as washing the car or working in the yard, he can dedicate all of his time t o thinking. This puts him in the perfect position to find the answer to the question that he has de dicated his life to. His question is: Is there a complete theory of the universe and everything in it? Despite his tremendous physical disabilities, he has already made some very important discoverie s about the origin of the universe, how the universe holds together, and how it will probably end. He has also been able to explain the secrets of “black hole s” in space. Now he is looking for a set of rules that everything in our universe must obey. He calls it the Theory of Everything. He thinks that someone will have found the answer within the next 20 years.If Stephen Hawking is able to find his Theory of Everything, he will have given the world the oppo rtunity to understand things that will change the whole nature of science and probably also the w ay we live.16. Stephen Hawking will be 50 years old by 2017.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned17. Stephen Hawking suffers from a rare brain disease.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned18. Stephen Hawking is Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned19. A Brief History of Time is very difficult for students to understand.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned20. Stephen Hawking has much time to think because he doesn't have to work.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned21. Stephen Hawking has spent around ten years explaining the secrets ofA. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned22. The Theory of Everything is about the rules that everything in the universe follows.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned第三部分、概括大意与完成句子Geothermal(地热) Energy1 Since heat naturally moves from hotter regions to cooler ones, the heat from the earth's c enter flows outwards towards the surface. In this way, it transfers to the next layer of rock. If the temperature is high enough, some of this rock melts and forms magma(岩浆)The magma ascends in its turn towards the earth's surface. It often remains well below the ea rth's surface, creating vast areas of hot rock. In such regions, there are deep cracks, which allow r ainwater to descend underground. Some of the heated rainwater travels back up to the earth's su rface where it will appear as a hot spring. However, if this ascending hot water reaches a layer of i mpermeable(不可渗透的)rock, it remains trapped, forming a geothermal reservoir. If geothermal reservoirs are close en ough to the surface, they can be reached by drilling wells. Hot water and steam shoot up the well s naturally, and can be used to produce electricity in geothermal power plants.2. A few geothermal power plants depend on dry-stem reservoirs which produce steam but l ittle or no water. In these cases, the steam is piped up directly to provide the power to spin a turb ine generator. The first geothermal power plant, constructed at Lardarello in Italy, was of this typ e, and is still producing electricity today.3. Most currently operating geothermal power plants ar e either "flash" steam plants or binary(双重的)plants. Flash plants produce mainly hot water ranging in temperature from 300° to 700°Fahr enheitThis water is passed through one or two separators where released from the pressure of th e underground reservoir, it "flashes" or boils into steam Again, the force of this steam provides th e energy to spin the turbine and produce electricity. The geothermal water and steam are then re injected directly back down into the earth to maintain the volume and pressure of the reservoir. Gradually they will be reheated and can then be used again.4. A reservoir with temperatures below 300° Fahrenheit is not hot enough to flash steam but it can still be used to generate electricity in binary fluid. The steam from this is used to power the turbines. As in the flash steam plant, the geothermal water is recycled back into the reservoir.23. Paragraph1_____24Paragraph2_____25Paragraph3_____26Paragraph4_____A. Dry steam plantsB. Binary plantsC. Origin of geothermal energyD. Generation of electricityE. Flash steam plantsF. Recyclable water and steam27. A geothermal reservoir is formed when hot water is trapped under _____.28. A dry-steam reservoir produces steam with _____.29. Flash plants produce hot water through _____.30. In a binary plant, the heat of the geothermal water can be converted into _____.A. the energy to turn a turbineB. impermeable rockC. one or two separatorsD. turbine operatorE. little or no waterF. hot springs第四部分:阅读理解(第30~45题,每题3分,共45分)下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。