【复旦大学 投资学】Section2 Equity Premium Puzzle
“Equity Premium Puzzle”(Mehra and Prescott, 1985)“The difference between the return on stocks and the return on a risk-free asset such as treasury bills is called the equity premium. [...] The fact that it is too large to be explained by standard economic models is called the equity premium puzzle.” (Siegel und Thaler, 1997, p. 192).Eine Anlage von $ 1000 im Jahr 1925 wäre 1995 wert gewesen: •=$ 12,720 (bei Anlage in Treasury bills).•=$ 842,000 (bei Anlage in Aktien).Warum lässt sich das nur schwer mit Standardmodellen erklären?Wieder beginnt man mit der Eulergleichung (1) und nimmt nun zusätzlich an, dass die Nutzenfunktion der CRRA-Klasse entstammt. Somit:)])1[(1111θθρ−++−++=t i t t t C r E C Das lässt sich umschreiben als:tt t c t c t i t C C C gg r E −=+=++++−++1111 ei wob ,1])1)(1[(ρθMittels einer Taylor-Approximation zweiter Ordnung (siehe unten) kann man dies schreiben als (unter Weglassung der Zeitindices):)()1(21),(][][c ci c i g Var g r Cov g E r E +−++≈θθθθρ Für ein risikoloses Asset kann man schreiben:)()1(21][c cg Var g E r +−+≈θθθρ Das führt zu:Relative Risikoaversion Risikoprämie Kovarianz von Konsum-wachstum und Aktienrenditen [] (,)i i c E r r Cov r g −≅θ× " "! " "! " "!Herleitung der Gleichung (7.37): Taylor-Approximation zweiter Ordnung des Ausdrucks: θ−++)1)(1(g r ander Stelle r=0, g=0. θθθθθθθθθθθθθ−=+−===+=+−−−+==+=−=+−+==++=++++++≈==−−==−−==−==−−−0,010,020,00,0122)1()0,0()0,0(0)0,0()1()1)(1)()(1()0,0(1)1()0,0()1)()(1()0,0(1)0,0()1)(1(),()0,0(21)0,0(21)0,0(21)0,0(21)0,0()0,0()0,0(),(g r rg gr rr g r gg g r r g r g rg gr rr gg r g g f f f g r f g f g r f f g r r g f rg f rg f r f g f r f g f f r g fEmpirie :Daten für 1890-1979Risikoprämie : 06.0][≅−r rE iKovarianz: 0024.0),()()(),(4.0036.0167.0≅="!" "!" "!" c i c i c i g r Corr g Var r Var g r CovDas impliziert einen Koeffizienten der relativen Risikoaversion von θ gleich 25, was unplausibel erscheint. Warum?Was bedeutet θ = 25?Ich bin sehr sehr risikoavers! Ich bin indifferent zwischen•=Einkommen 1000, das mit Wahrscheinlichkeit ½ um 50 % steigt und mit Wahrscheinlichkeit ½ um 50% sinkt.•=Sicheres Einkommen von 515.Bei θ = 25 ist man bereit, 48.5 % seines Einkommens mit Sicherheit bezahlen, um eine 50%-ige Möglichkeit eines Verlustes von 50% zu vermeiden!Versuche zu einer …Lösung” desEquity Premium Puzzles(folgt: J. Siegel und R. Thaler, …The Equity Premium Puzzle“, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Winter 1997)1. Empirisch:Man müsste zeigen, dass die “equity premium” (EP) in Wirklichkeit kleiner ist und/oder die Aktienerträge riskanter sind, als oben angenommen.1.1 Betrachtung anderer (längerer) ZeitperiodenWar die Periode 1890-1979 “speziell”?Siegel hat die Intervalle: 1802-1871, 1872-1925, 1926-1997 betrachtet. Die Aktienrenditen waren konstant (8 % - 9 %), während die Anleihenrenditen stetig gesunken sind. Die EP ist entsprechend angestiegen (von 2.9% auf 4.7% und 8.1%).Aber die EP über die gesamte Periode war mit 5.3% immer noch zu hoch, um durch …vernünftige“ RRA-Werte erklärt zu werden.1.2 …Survivorship-bias”Die tatsächliche Rendite auf Aktien wird durch die verfügbaren Daten überschätzt.Die heute noch bestehenden Börsen sind keine Zufallsstichprobe (“survivorship-bias”). Von den 36 zur Jahrhundertwende geöffneten Börsen hatten mehr als die Hälfte erhebliche Unterbrechungen oder wurden sogar gänzlich geschlossen. Anleger sind auch über die winzige Wahrscheinlichkeit eines katastrophalen Ereignisses (Börsenzusammenbruch, Totalverlust etc.) besorgt.Gegenargument: Selbst die NYSE hatte eine …Katastrophe“ (Crash 1929), und auch die Erträge von Ländern, deren Börsen zeitweilig (Zweiter Weltkrieg) geschlossen waren, sind vergleichsweise hoch. (Deutschland, 1926-1995: 5.9%; Japan, 1926-1990: 4%).2. TheoretischDas zugrundeliegende Modell beschreibt das Verhalten der Individuen (Anleger) schlecht. Die Annahmen bezüglich Nutzenfunktion und Eulergleichung sind möglicherweise falsch.2.1 Abgehen von der ErwartungsnutzentheorieVerwenden von Nutzenfunktionen, in denen der perfekte Zusammenhang von Risikoaversion und intertemporaler Substitutionselastizität durchbrochen wird. (Epstein und Zin, 1989).2.2 AggregationsproblemDie Theorie wird meist anhand von aggregierten Daten getestet, obwohl sie eigentlich nur für individuelle Entscheidungen zutreffen sollte. Mankiw und Zeldes (1991) betrachten die Daten für Aktienbesitzer und Nicht-Aktienbesitzer (3/4 der Bevölkerung) getrennt. Der Konsum der Aktienbesitzer ist tatsächlich 3 mal volatiler als der aggregierte Konsum. Dennoch bräuchte man auch hier noch ein θ=10, um die Daten zu erklären.2.3 Interdependente NutzenfunktionenDer Nutzen heute hängt auch vom Konsum der Umgebung (…Referenzgruppen“) oder vom eigenen vergangenen Nutzen ab (…habit-formation“). z.B. Campbell and Cochrane, “By Force of Habit”, 1999.Nutzen hängt ab von Konsumniveau relativ zu …Referenzkonsum“Konsumsenkungen haben grösseren Einfluss auf den Nutzenhohe kurzfristige Risikoaversion, langfristig Anpassung des Referenzniveaus2.4. Myopic Loss AversionBernartzi und Thaler (1995). Baut auf der Prospect Theory auf. Individuen erhalten Nutzen von Änderungen des Wertes ihres Portefeuilles, nicht von der Höhe des Wertes selber. Zusätzlich gilt Loss aversion: d.h. Verluste wiegen schwerer als Gewinne.Der Zeithorizont der Anlage spielt hier eine grosse Rolle. Über lange Zeiträume sind die Aktienrenditen höher als Zinsen auf sichere Anlagen. Bei kürzeren Anlagehorizont sind Verluste wahrscheinlicher. Jemand der ständig die Kurse verfolgt möchte für das …Wechselspiel der Gefühle“ kompensiert werden.。
复旦大学经济学院2013~2014学年第二学期期末考试试卷A卷答案(共4页)课程名称:投资学原理课程代码: ECON130031.01开课院系:经济学院考试形式:闭卷姓名:学号:专业:一、选择题(单选或多选:4’*5=20’)1、B2、A C3、B D4、ABD5、CDF二、名词(4’*5=20’)1、股权风险溢价股权风险溢价ERP(equity risk premium,ERP)是指市场投资组合或具有市场平均风险的股票收益率与无风险收益率的差额。
2、资本配置线正是由于无风险资产引入,才可以形成无风险资产和风险资产之间的资本配置线CAL(capital allocation line,CAL),但是CAL仅仅为风险资产和无风险组合的“一般搭配”,并非“最优搭配”;而市场组合M与无风险资产构成全部资产组合的集合形成资本市场线(CML),是与“有效边界”相切的资本配置线,是一种“最优的”资本配置线。
其中,用估计盈利增长率除市盈率可以测算公司成长的速度,这就是著名的预期市盈率增长因子(Prospective PEG)。
4、动量效应投资者行为的研究表明,股票上涨得越多,就有也越多的投资者认为它继续上涨,因而股价的上涨存在一种自我实现机制,即存在动量效应(momentum effect)。
equity risk premium 公式(二)
![equity risk premium 公式(二)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9d088d431611cc7931b765ce0508763231127409.png)
equity risk premium 公式(二)Equity Risk Premium公式什么是Equity Risk Premium?Equity Risk Premium(ERF),也称为股权风险溢价,是指投资者对股票投资相对于无风险投资的额外收益要求。
Equity Risk Premium公式的意义Equity Risk Premium公式是通过计算股票市场预期回报率减去无风险回报率,得出的预期股权风险溢价。
Equity Risk Premium公式根据经济学家们的研究和实践经验,有几种常用的Equity Risk Premium公式。
以下是其中三种常见的公式:1.Historical Equity Risk Premium公式: EPR = (Rp - Rf)–其中,EPR表示股权风险溢价,Rp表示股票市场的历史回报率,Rf表示无风险回报率。
2.Implied Equity Risk Premium公式: EPR = Rp - Rf–其中,EPR表示股权风险溢价,Rp表示股票市场的预期回报率(通过市场定价模型计算得出),Rf表示无风险回报率。
3.Country Risk Premium公式: CRP = Default Spread +Equilibrium Spread–其中,CRP表示国家风险溢价,Default Spread表示违约风险溢价,Equilibrium Spread表示平衡风险溢价。
复旦大学本科生课件 - 投资学
![复旦大学本科生课件 - 投资学](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a51fb4c476eeaeaad1f330fc.png)
第 1章
金融中介 机构
储蓄 证券
贷款 资金
贷款人(储蓄者 投资者): 1、个人与家庭 2、企业 3、政府 4、外国投资者
证券 资金
证券 资金
借款人(筹资者、 发行者): 1、个人与家庭 2、企业 3、政府 4、外国投资者
能并不比印制债券的纸张更值钱。 整个社会财富的总量与金融资产数量无关,金融资产 不是社会财富的代表。
投资学 第 1章 5
消费的时间安排( Consumption Timing):个 人现实消费与现实收入分离,将高收入期的购 买力转移到低收入期。 风险的分配( Allocation of Risk):风险来源 于实际资产,风险在全社会的分散和优化配置。 问题:金融工具能否减少总体经济的风险? 所有权与经营权分离( Separation of Ownership),复合所有权:变不可分割的资 产为可分割的资产。例如:GE的股东有50万, 股东的退出不影响公司的经营。
第 1章
1.2 金融市场
1.2.1 金融市场(Financial market)是金融 资产的交易场所。 合约性质:债券市场、股票市场、期货市 场、期权市场。 期限长短:货币市场和资本市场 功能:初级(一级)市场——发行市场, 二级市场——交易市场。
投资学 第 1章 17
1.2.3 金融机构(Financial institutions) (1)金融中介( Financial intermediaries)为 间接融资提供服务,包括:商业银行、保险 公司、投资基金、养老基金等。 (2)证券业(Security industry)为直接融资提 供服务:
上海金融学院2009--2010 学年度第二学期《投资学》课程A卷代码:23330295(集中考试考试形式:闭卷考试用时: 90 分钟)考试时只能使用简单计算器(无存储功能)试题纸一、单项选择题(每题1分,共10分;在答题纸上相应位置填入正确选项前的英文字母):1、证券持有人面临预期收益不能实现,是证券的( )特征。
A、期限性B、收益性C、流通性D、风险性2、证券交易所内证券交易的竞价原则是( )。
A、市场收益率B、零收益率C、负收益率D、无风险收益率7、收益率曲线向右下方倾斜意味着在同一时点上,长期债券收益率( )短期债券收益率。
A、高于B、等于C、低于D、不能判断是否高于8、一张5年期零息票债券的久期是( )。
那么这只股票的贝塔值是多少?()A、0.67B、0.75C、1.0D、1.3310、已知一张3年期零息票债券的收益率是7.2%,第一年、第二年的远期利率分别为6.1%和6.9%,那么第三年的远期利率应为多少?( )A、7.2%B、8.6%C、6.1%D、6.9%二、多项选择题(每题1分,共10分;在答题纸上相应位置填入正确选项前的英文字母):1、( )是金融资产。
CHAPTER 2: ASSET CLASSES AND FINANCIALINSTRUMENTSPROBLEM SETS1. Preferred stock is like long-term debt in that ittypically promises a fixed payment each year. In thisway, it is a perpetuity. Preferred stock is also likelong-term debt in that it does not give the holdervoting rights in the firm.Preferred stock is like equity in that the firm is under no contractual obligation to make the preferred stock dividend payments. Failure to make payments does not set off corporate bankruptcy. With respect to the priority of claims to the assets of the firm in the event of corporate bankruptcy, preferred stock has a higher priority than common equity but a lower priority than bonds.2. Money market securities are called cash equivalentsbecause of their high level of liquidity. The prices ofmoney market securities are very stable, and they canbe converted to cash ., sold) on very short notice andwith very low transaction costs. Examples of moneymarket securities include Treasury bills, commercialpaper, and banker's acceptances, each of which ishighly marketable and traded in the secondary market.3. (a) A repurchase agreement is an agreement whereby theseller of a security agrees to “repurchase” it from the buyer on an agreed upon date at an agreed upon price. Repos are typically used by securities dealers as a means for obtaining funds to purchase securities.4. Spreads between risky commercial paper and risk-freegovernment securities will widen. Deterioration of the economy increases the likelihood of default on commercial paper, making them more risky. Investors will demand a greater premium on all risky debt securities, not just commercial paper.5.6. Municipal bond interest is tax-exempt at the federallevel and possibly at the state level as well. Whenfacing higher marginal tax rates, a high-incomeinvestor would be more inclined to invest in tax-exemptsecurities.7. a. You would have to pay the ask price of:% of par value of $1,000 = $b. The coupon rate is % implying coupon payments of$ annually or, more precisely, $ semiannually.c. The yield to maturity on a fixed income security isalso known as its required return and is reported byThe Wall Street Journal and others in the financialpress as the ask yield. In this case, the yield tomaturity is %. An investor buying this security todayand holding it until it matures will earn an annualreturn of %. Students will learn in a later chapterhow to compute both the price and the yield to maturitywith a financial calculator.8. Treasury bills are discount securities that mature for$10,000. Therefore, a specific T-bill price is simply the maturity value divided by one plus the semi-annual return:P = $10,000/ = $9,9. The total before-tax income is $4. After the 70% exclusionfor preferred stock dividends, the taxable income is: $4 = $Therefore, taxes are: $ = $After-tax income is: $ – $ = $Rate of return is: $$ = %10. a. You could buy: $5,000/$ = shares. Since it is notpossible to trade in fractions of shares, you could buy77 shares of GD.b. Your annual dividend income would be: 77 $ = $c. The price-to-earnings ratio is and the price is $.Therefore:$Earnings per share = Earnings per share = $d. General Dynamics closed today at $, which was$ hi gher than yesterday’s price of $11. a. At t = 0, the value of the index is: (90 + 50 + 100)/3= 80At t = 1, the value of the index is: (95 + 45 + 110)/3 =The rate of return is: 80) 1 = %b. In the absence of a split, Stock C would sell for110, so the value of the index would be: 250/3 =with a divisor of 3.After the split, stock C sells for 55. Therefore,we need to find the divisor (d) such that: = (95+ 45 + 55)/d d = . The divisor fell, which isalways the case after one of the firms in an indexsplits its shares.c. The return is zero. The index remains unchangedbecause the return for each stock separatelyequals zero.12. a. Total market value at t= 0 is: ($9,000 + $10,000 +$20,000) = $39,000Total market value at t= 1 is: ($9,500 + $9,000 + $22,000) = $40,500Rate of return = ($40,500/$39,000) – 1 = %b.The return on each stock is as follows:r A = (95/90) – 1 =r B = (45/50) – 1 = –r C = (110/100) – 1 =The equally weighted average is:[ + + ]/3 = = %13. The after-tax yield on the corporate bonds is: (1 – == %Therefore, municipals must offer a yield to maturity of at least %.14. Equation shows that the equivalent taxable yield is: r = r m/(1 –t), so simply substitute each tax rate in the denominator to obtain the following:a. %b. %c. %d. %15. In an equally weighted index fund, each stock is given equalweight regardless of its market capitalization. Smaller cap stocks will have the same weight as larger cap stocks. The challenges are as follows:Given equal weights placed to smaller cap andlarger cap, equal-weighted indices (EWI) will tendto be more volatile than their market-capitalization counterparts;It follows that EWIs are not good reflectors ofthe broad market that they represent; EWIsunderplay the economic importance of largercompanies.Turnover rates will tend to be higher, as an EWImust be rebalanced back to its original target. Bydesign, many of the transactions would be amongthe smaller, less-liquid stocks.16. a. The ten-year Treasury bond with the higher coupon ratewill sell for a higher price because its bondholderreceives higher interest payments.b. The call option with the lower exercise price has morevalue than one with a higher exercise price.c. The put option written on the lower priced stock hasmore value than one written on a higher priced stock.17. a. You bought the contract when the futures price was$ (see Figureand remember that the number to the right of theapostrophe represents an eighth of a cent). Thecontract closes at a price of $, which is $ more thanthe original futures price. The contract multiplier is5000. Therefore, the gain will be: $ 5000 = $b. Open interest is 135,778 contracts.18. a. Owning the call option gives you the right, but notthe obligation, to buy at $180, while the stock istrading in the secondary market at $193. Since thestock price exceeds the exercise price, you exercisethe call.The payoff on the option will be: $193 - $180 = $13The cost was originally $, so the profit is: $13 - $ = $b. Since the stock price is greater than the exerciseprice, you will exercise the call. The payoff on theoption will be: $193 - $185 = $8The option originally cost $, so the profit is $8 - $ =-$c. Owning the put option gives you the right, but not theobligation, to sell at $185, but you could sell in thesecondary market for $193, so there is no value inexercising the option. Since the stock price is greaterthan the exercise price, you will not exercise the put.The loss on the put will be the initial cost of $.19. There is always a possibility that the option will be in-the-money at some time prior to expiration. Investors will pay something for this possibility of a positive payoff.20.Value of Call aInitial Cost ProfitExpirationb.04-4c.04-4d.541e.1046Value of Put aInitial Cost ProfitExpirationb.56-1c.06-6d.06-6e.06-621. A put option conveys the right to sell the underlyingasset at the exercise price. A short position in a futures contract carries an obligation to sell the underlying asset at the futures price. Both positions, however, benefit if the price of the underlying asset falls.22. A call option conveys the right to buy the underlyingasset at the exercise price. A long position in a futures contract carries an obligation to buy the underlying asset at the futures price. Both positions, however, benefit if the price of the underlying asset rises.CFA PROBLEMS1.(d) There are tax advantages for corporations that ownpreferred shares.2. The equivalent taxable yield is: %/(1 = %3. (a) Writing a call entails unlimited potential losses asthe stock price rises.4. a. The taxable bond. With a zero tax bracket, the after-tax yield for thetaxable bond is the same as the before-tax yield (5%),which is greater than the yield on the municipal bond.b. The taxable bond. The after-tax yield for thetaxable bond is:0.05 (1 – = %c. You are indifferent. The after-tax yield for thetaxable bond is:(1 – = %The after-tax yield is the same as that of the municipal bond.d. The municipal bond offers the higher after-tax yieldfor investors in tax brackets above 20%.5.If the after-tax yields are equal, then: = × (1 –t)This implies that t = =30%.。
投资学基础 证券分析与投资工具 资产组合理论 资本资产定价模型 投 资 学 资本市场均衡理论 因素模型与套利定价理论 效率市场和行为金融理论 权益证券分析
金融衍生证券分析 基金投资管理
பைடு நூலகம்
基金投资与绩效评价 投资绩效评价
第二节 投资与投资流程
一、投资的含义 传统的投资视角:实物投资 现代的投资视角:金融投资 更一般化的视角: 延迟即期消费的行为。
投资学意义上的投资,主要指的家庭或企业部 门的证券投资活动,因此又可以称为证券投资 学。
投 资 目 标
投资策略 监控评价 监控评价
第三节 本书的结构框架
第一部分,投资学基础。 第二部分,资本市场均衡理论。重点探讨资产组合 理论、资本资产定价模型、指数模型和套利定价理 论、和有效市场假说 第三部分,证券市场估值。重点对固定收益证券、 权益证券和衍生证券三大类金融投资工具进行估值 。 第四部分,基金投资与绩效评价。
投 资 实 施
投资过程的首要步骤,就是投资者的投资目标 (objectives)。 投资者应首先应该制定投资策略(investment policy),最好能够写出一个涉及投资对象的详 细的书面文件。 投资策略的内容:有关收益要求和风险承受能 力的具体目标。
在投资流程的这一步骤中,我们实际上是在实 施资产配置的决定和选择具体的证券。 投资实施过程中的管理策略:消极管理和积极 管理。
复旦投资学原理课件 (2)
![复旦投资学原理课件 (2)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6ae68ae7c1c708a1284a44b4.png)
1、夏普比率 u 测量超额收益与总风险比率来测量风险调整后的
u 夏普比率与资本配置线斜率 u 夏普比率的作用及判断方法
u 资产组合承受每单位系统风险所获取风险收益的 大小。
u 特雷诺比率与证券市场线斜率
u 特雷诺比率的作用及判断方法
u 基金投资业绩持续性的含义; u 基金投资业绩持续性的意义; u 基金投资业绩持续性研究的结论;
1、基于基金输赢变化的双向表法(Contingency Table)
u 双向表法的检验思路; u 双向表法的检验统计量; u 双向表法的检验结果的解读;
3、詹森指数 u 获取高于风险调整后的平均收益率的能力;
u 詹森指数与资本市场线 u 詹森指数的作用和判断方法
(1) M2测度指标 将资产组合的风险调整到市场风险水平后测度其 超额收益。
(2)基于VaR的RAROC指标 风险价值VaR(Value at Risk),是指资产价值中 暴露于风险中的部分,准确来说:给定时间间隔 和一定的置信水平,在正常的市场条件下,某资 产或投资组合的最大可能损失值。 基于VaR的风险调整收益(RAROC)为:
u 资产配置导向 u 资产配置风格
u 战略性资产配置(Strategic Asset Allocation) u 战术性资产配置(Tactical Asset Allocation) u 两者结合型
复旦大学 研究生投资学讲义 CHPT12-1-Modern portfolio Theory
![复旦大学 研究生投资学讲义 CHPT12-1-Modern portfolio Theory](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/76ec5802cc1755270722081f.png)
i =1 n n
ERP = ∑ ω i ERi = ϖ ' E ( R)
i =1
var(RP ) = ϖ ' Σϖ Σ = (σ ij )
Portfolio optimization without riskless asset 1 min 2 ϖ ' Σϖ {ω }
1 δ pδ q 1 A B ⎛ B⎞ + D = + ( µ p − )⎜ µ q − ⎟ A AB 2 A D A⎝ A⎠
Portfolio correlation
• For any minimum-variance portfolio P except the global-minimumvariance portfolio, there exists a unique minimum-variance portfoliodenoted by Z which has zero covariance with P; Consider P and Z 1 A B B cov( R p , Rz ) = + ( µ p − )( µ z − ) A D A A when µ z satisfies
• First-order condition ∂L
v v = 0 ⇒ Σϖ = λ ( µ − R f 1) v v
v ∂L v v = 0 ⇒ R f + ϖ ' ( µ − R f 1) = µ p ∂λ
v ϖ * = λΣ ( µ − R f 1) v
µ p − Rf v −1 v v λ= v ( µ − R f 1)' Σ ( µ − R f 1)
复旦大学投资学课件Section3 Returns equity mutual funds
![复旦大学投资学课件Section3 Returns equity mutual funds](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7073fd3426fff705cd170a33.png)
❖ Several caveats: ❖ The results are not robust ❖ The strategy worked during the 1970s for
the 8% load charges and survivorship bias
4.B strategies involving the purchase of Forbes “Honor Roll” Funds.
❖ Jensen(1968): performance of mutual funds was inferior to randomly selected portfolios with equivalent risk
❖ Henriksson(1984): fund managers have enough private information to offset expenses.
❖ Good performance continue: two cautions; survivorship bias; not robust since the strong persistence in 1970s does not exist during the 1980s
are not independent and correlated over time. The predictability of returns ❖ Most efficiency test are joint tests ❖ Eugene Fama:”Sequels are rarely as good as the originals.”
❖ Positive relationship between advisory expenses and performance
INVESTMENTS 投资学 Chap018 Equity Valuation Models 39页PPT文档
![INVESTMENTS 投资学 Chap018 Equity Valuation Models 39页PPT文档](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/437e0bc26294dd88d0d26bd3.png)
Valuation: Fundamental Analysis
• Fundamental analysis models a company’s value by assessing its current and future profitability.
• The purpose of fundamental analysis is to identify mispriced stocks relative to some measure of “true” value derived from financial data.
• V0 =current value; Dt=dividend at time t; k = required rate of return
• The DDM says the stock price should equal the present value of all expected future dividends into perpetuity.
• CAPM gives the required return, k:
krf E(rM)rf
• If the stock is priced correctly, k should equal expected return.
• k is the market capitalization rate.
dividends. • The stock price is expected to grow at the
same rate as dividends.
Estimating Dividend Growth Rates
投资学 (2)
![投资学 (2)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c8510f0b844769eae009ed8f.png)
Stage of Business Development
S&P 500 Index ’Enterprises Assets and Market Value (1988-1998)
Figure 3.1 Relationship Among a Firm Issuing Securities, the Underwriters and the Public
Public Offerings
Public offerings:
Shelf registration (Rule 415, since 1982):An important
Figure 3.2 A Tombstone Advertisement
Public Offerings
Chapter 3
How Securities Are Traded
How securities are traded on both the primary and secondary markets
Organized exchange and over the counter activities
- Underwritten: firm commitment on proceeds to the issuing firm.
固定增长模型( 固定增长模型(Constant growth model)——Gordon ) model
若 股 息 d t = d t −1 (1 + g ), 则 d t = d 0 (1 + g ) v0 =
t =1
∞ dt (1 + g ) t = d0 ⋅ ∑ t (1 + k ) (1 + k ) t t =1
dt vT - = ∑ (1+ k)t t =1 dt dt +1 vT + = ∑ = t T (k − g)(1+ k) t =T (1+ k )
T dt +1 dt v0 = +∑ T (k − g)(1+ k) t =1 (1+ k)t ∞
(k > g)
Intrinsic Value内在价值 and Market Price市场价格 内在价值 市场价格
t =1 n t =1 n
=∑ =∑
t =1
d 0 (1 + g 1 ) t d n +1 + t (1 + k ) (1 + k ) n ( k − g 2 )
其 中 , d n +1 = d n (1 + g )
两阶段模型假设公司的股利在头n年以每年 的速率增长, 两阶段模型假设公司的股利在头 年以每年g1的速率增长, 年以每年 个从g 从(n+1)年起由 1立刻降为 2,而不是稳定地有 个从 1 )年起由g 立刻降为g 而不是稳定地有1个从 的过渡期,这是不合理的,为此, 到g2的过渡期,这是不合理的,为此,Fuller(1979)提 ( ) 出了三阶段模型
复旦大学 研究生投资学讲义 CHPT15- the equity market cross-section and time-series properties
![复旦大学 研究生投资学讲义 CHPT15- the equity market cross-section and time-series properties](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b929f70516fc700abb68fc1e.png)
Chapter 15 the equity market (cross-section patternsand time-series patterns)Fan LongzhenIntroduction•In this class, we again look at the stock return data, but with a very different view point;•Previously, we examined the data through the “eyes”of CAPM. We had a noble intension, although it didn’t work very well;•Now we are going to get our hands “dirty”, and plunge right into the data, without a formal model;•In particular, we will look at some well-established patterns---size,value, and momentum—that have beensuccessful in explaining the cross-sectional stock returns.Multifactor-regressions•For each asset i, we use a multi-factor time-series regression to quantify the asset’s tendency to move with multiple risk factors:• 1. Systematic factors:•:risk premium•:risk premium • 2 idiosyncratic factors:•: no risk premium • 3. Factor loadings:•beta(i): sensitivity to market risk;•: sensitivity to the factor risk.i tt i f t M t i i f t i t e F f r r r r ++−+=−)(βαM t r )(f t M t M r r E −=λtF )(t F F E =λi t e 0)(=i t e E i fThe pricing relation•Given the risk premia of the systematic factors, the determinants of expected returns:•What are the additional systematic factors?FiM i f t i t f r r E λλβ+=−)(Size: small or big•We sort the socks by their market capitalization: share price* number of shares outstandingValue or growth•We can sort the cross-section of stocks by their book-to-market ratios: growth stocks:firm with low book-to-market ratios;•Value stocks:firms with high book-to-market ratios.Other factors•Price-to-earining ratios,•The market skewness fcator•---Havey and Siddique(JF,2000) report that systematic skewness is economically important and commands an average risk premium of 3.6% per year.Time-series behavior•For the time-series behavior of stock returns, we focus in particular on the time-varying nature of expected return and volatility;•We are interested in building dynamic models that explicitly incorporate conditioning information to best describe the behavior of future stock returns.Predictability and marketefficiency•In addition to the random walk test, there is mounting evidence that stock returns are predictable;•Some argue that predictability implies market inefficiency. What do you think?•Others contend it is simple a result of rational variation in expected returns;•Suppose this is true. Can we find a coherent story that relates the variation through time of expected returns to business conditionsWhat cause expected returns to vary?•Using the intuition of CAPM, expected returns canvary for two reasons:• 1. Varying risk aversion;• 2. Varying exposure to market risk, or varying market risk.•When income is high, investor want save more, higher saving lead to lower expected returns;•Empirical implication?Variables related to business condition •Default spreads: difference in yields between defaultable bonds and treasury bonds with similar maturities. When the business condition is bad, the systematic default risk increases, widening the default spread.•Term premiums: difference in yields between long-and short-term treasury bonds. This is a forward-looking variable predictive of future inflation, and is found to be important in forecasting real economic activity.•Financial ratios: book-to-market, dividend yields, ect. Variables that are important in fundamental valuationTime-varying volatility---volatility also changes with time •If the rate of information arrival is time-varying, so is the rate of price adjustment, causing the volatility to change over time;•The time-varying volatility of the market return is related to the time-varying volatility of a variety of economic variables, includinginflation, money growth, and industrial production;•Stock market volatility increases with financial leverage: a decrease in stock price causes an increase in financial leverage, cause volatility to increase;•Investors’s sudden changes of risk attitudes, changes in market liquidity, and temporary imbalance of supply and demand could all cause market volatility to change over time.•What are the testable empirical implications?Stochastic volatility•More generally, volatility is a stochastic process of its own, this is an active area of research in academics and in industry.•Some well-known facts about stochastic volatility:• 1. It is persistent: volatile periods are followed by volatile periods;• 2. It is mean-reverting: over time, volatility converges to its long-run mean.• 3. There is a negative correlation between volatility and return: large negative price jumps are coupled with large positive volatility jumps.。
授课教师:张宗新 复旦大学金融研究院
第三章 资产组合理论
第一节 风险与风险偏好
一、风险概述 (一)金融风险的内涵 金融市场是一个若干状态变量构成的复杂多变 性随机系统,这种金融系统中状态变量的事前不 确定性就是风险。 从整个金融经济学框架看,其核心在于如何分 散风险以及如何确定风险的合理价格。 对于投资学而言,其核心在于如何对资产定价 以及对不同风险资产进行优化配置。
R a R b 且 a2 b2 R a R b 且 a2 b2
n 2 T min w w ij wi w j w i , j 1 T s.t. w w1 w2 wn 1 T w w
当投资者投资风险资产时,其期末财富(或投资结果)是一 个随机变量。如果期末存在n种投资结果,其中第i种情形下 的财富为Xi,发生的概率为 Pi (0 i 1)
E[U ( X )] PU i (Xi )
i 1
u( E( x)) E(u( x))
•••i 的
• • • a.完全正相关
b . 完全负相关
三、资产组合的收益率与方差 (一)资产组合的收益率计算 资产组合的预期回报率:
E ( R p ) R p wi ri
其中, n 代表证券组合中所包含资产类别的数 量; r 代表第 种资产的期望收益率;w 代 i i i 表第 种资产的投资比重。 i
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Is the post-1926 period special?
• Mehra & Prescott(1985)
• Since 1926, annual returns for stocks and TB are 7 % and less than 1 %
1% for T-B (real)
• Mehra and Prescott (1989) argue that it is difficult to explain
• coefficient of relative risk aversion
• 30 VS 1
• Why is the premium so large? • Why is anyone willing to hold bonds?
the bet played out.
• Samuelson’s theorem of irrationality:
• Rationale for turning down the bet:
• “Because I would feel $100 loss more than $200 gain”
• Mental accounting • aggregation rules are not neutral • Example: • 50% win $200 • 50% loss $100 • Whether you will accept such a bet?
• Turn down one bet • Accept two or more bets without watching
Premium 6.Do organization display myopic loss
aversion? 7.Conclusion
• Discrepancy between returns on stocks and fixed income securities
• Since 1926 , 7 % for stocks (real)
• That is the Loss aversion.
Utility function (x is the change in wealth)
One bet: 200*0.5 – 2.5*100*0.5= -- 25
Two bets: 400*0.25+100*0.5-2.5*200*0.25=75
• The relevance to equity premium puzzle • Stock 7% return ,20% SD • Safe asset 1% return,0 SD(?) • The longer to hold the asset, the more
attractive the risky asset, only if the investment is not evaluated frequently
• Proposition: Myopic Loss aversion • Based on two concepts: • 1.Loss aversion (tendency to be more
sensitive to loss than gain) asymmetry of S-shaped value function • 2.mental accounting (implicit methods to code and evaluate financial outcomes)
Three bets: 600*0.125+300*0.375+0*0.375—
300*2.5*0.125= 93.75
• When preference is loss averse, they will be more willing to take risks if they evaluate performance infrequently
Myopic Loss Aversion and the Equity Premium Puzzle
1.Introduction 2.Is the Equity Premium Puzzle Real? 3.Prospect Theory and Loss Aversion 4.How often are portfolios evaluated? 5.Myopia and Magnitude of the Equity
• Two factors contribute to an investor being unwilling to hold equities:
• Loss aversion and short evaluation period • Which combines as • Myopic loss aversion.
• Can Mபைடு நூலகம்A explain the EPP?
• The hypothesis is plausible after various tests.
• How to do the tests?
• First, What combination of loss aversion and evaluation period is necessary to explain EPP?
• 2nd,How often to evaluate the portfolio in order to accept the EPP?
• 3rd,what combination of assets will be optimal with a given one-year period?
2.Is the Equity Premium Puzzle Real?