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Section D. Put the following sentences into English.


2 由东道国主办的开幕式如此成功以致受到全世界的赞扬。(sponsor;such)


4 他突然想起了一个奇怪的主意,可以用照相机记录下发生的一切。(strike; that)

5 到底是谁能忍受水泵发出的噪音(it, stand)

6.总经理关于没有库存油的声明使大家震惊。(that; stock)

7 自从上世纪末以来,在电枧的接收效果,(step)


9 如果你想在别人失败的地方成功,就得加倍努力。(succeed; where)


*************************************************************************************** Keys:

Section A.

1-5 CEGIF 6-10 KM OB A 11-15 DHJLN

16-20 bdfhk 21-25 monli 26-30 jgeca

Section C.

1. sportsmanship

2. stablize

3. standardized

4. starvation

5. statement

6. steepened

7. steadiness

8. sticky

9. stimulation 10. stormy

11. strengthened 12. stuff 13. Subconsciousness 14. substitute 15. suburban

Section D.

1. Any candidate who can stand the hard training will be hired.

2. The opening ceremony sponsored by the host country was such a successful one that it was praised all over the world.

3. No matter how strict you are in your work, sometimes you cannot avoid making small mistakes.

4. It suddenly struck him that/ A strange idea struck him that he can keep a record of everything with a camera.

5. Who is it that can stand the noise given out by the pump?

6. The general manager's statement that there was no oil in stock shocked everybody. 7 Since the end of last century, great steps have been made in the reception of TV.

8. Buying insurance has protected them from suffering greater losses.

9. If you want to succeed where others fail, you must work twice as hard.

10. Lincoln said we should strengthen the government of the people, for the people and by the people.

二、Test 34

Section A. Match Column A with Column B and write down the right order below.

10. I am_____________at the prospect of being alone in the house.

11. When the medicine cannot cure him of his illness, why not try some mental_____________.

12. Having hunted for a job anxiously for three months, he finally got a____________one.

13. In time of danger I saw his face____________with anxiety.

14. We aim to provide a_____________training in all aspects of the work.

15. I don't think what we have done is against the____________

Section D. Put the following sentences into English.

1 贪婪和懒惰驱使他步人罪恶的一生。(tempt )

2 最近的法律有限制言论自由的趋势。(tendency)




6 母亲踮着脚走进房间,她害怕把儿子弄醒。(tiptoe)

7 现在是我们把羊捆在树上的时候了。(tie)

8.到火星上的极地冰冠融化的时候,它上面就会有水了。(Not until)



**************************************************************************************** Keys:

Section A

1-5 CAGE I 6-10 JKFML 11-15 NDOBH

16-20 b c g e I 21-25 a m n d o 26-30 ti k f j

Section C

1 televised 2. temptation 3. tendency 4. terrific 5. theft

6. thought

7. threatened

8. tidiness

9. tight ' 10. terrified
