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iPhone,是美国苹果公司研发的智能手机,它搭载iOS操作系统。那么它的英文广告词有哪些?下面是橙子带来的内容,欢迎阅读! 苹果手机的英文广告语介绍 1, this is everything, this is the key. Product experience, it will give people what kind of feeling. Can we make life better? Is there a sense of existence? We spend a lot of time on a few great things. Until we touched each idea, changed the life it touched. You may not notice, but you can always feel it. This is our mark, it represents all. Designed by Apple in California

2, Apple is good or bad, bite one to know.

3,5880, iphone to take home. There are more than 100,000 programs for you to use ... ... the charm of technology everywhere!

4, iphone 3Gs in China is "80,000 application software, can do almost anything, all in the iphone

5, once again to change everything. --iphone 4

6, only dare not do, can not do, the world's most advanced mobile phone is it - iPhone

7, iPhone change everything.

1/ 4

8, only dare not do, no can not do. The world's most advanced mobile phone is it, iPhone.

9, excellent iPhone, now better.

苹果手机的英文广告语推荐To those who always look at things with extraordinary vision,

Those who are unwilling to behave, and has been chasing the ideal person.

When other people are the first to benefit,

You can always focus on important things;

When others eyeful for a variety of new things occupied, You can from a variety of fresh insights into the unique significance of the phenomenon;

Even if you have long been aware of the way to create change,

But you still believe that the strength of the team work together will be greater, never doubted.

As a result, we explore together, and constantly try to change,

Time after time, time and time again.

Always keep optimistic,

In order to have the power to move the world forward.

Therefore, please always maintain a different vision to 2/ 4

look at all things,

Always believe that there will be another way (method), another better way (method), a more broad (more coercive) road (method).

苹果手机的英文广告语精选向那些疯狂的家伙们致敬Here’s to the Crazy Ones.

他们我行我素 The misfits.

桀惊不逊 The rebels.

惹事生非 The troublemakers.

与世人格格不入 The round pegs in the square holes.

他们用不同的角度看待事物The ones who see things differently.

他们从不墨守成规They’re not fond of rules.

他们也从不安于现状And they have no respect for the status quo.

你可以引用他们,也可以否决他们You can quote them, disagree with them, 质疑他们,颂扬抑或是诋毁他们 disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them.

但唯独不能漠视他们About the only thing that you can’t do, is ignore them. 因为他们改变了事物 Because they change things.

他们发明、想象、治愈 They invent. They imagine. They heal. 3/ 4
