国外高端转子发动机全套图纸3(aixro XF40 rotary engine2Ddrawings)




转子发动机简介转子发动机(rotary engine)又称米勒循环发动机,是20世纪50年代出现的一种结构新颖的内燃机,由德国人菲加士·汪克尔(Wankel)博士发明。

















斯特林 发动机 图纸

斯特林 发动机 图纸

1981 wurde erstmals eine kleine 2 Zylinder Oszillierende nachveröffentlichten Plänen gebaut. Die Maschine hätte ein Länge von 58 mm, einen Bohrung von 6 mm und eine Schwungscheibe von 32 mm. Nun Ralph Weidman in Wooster, Ohio, liebte es nicht in so kleinen Dimensionen zu arbeiten und verdoppelte kurzer Hand die Masse des Plans und fügte 2 Zylinder und ein Umsteuerventil hinzu. Seine Pläne waren die Grundlage für die Überarbeitung der hier gezeigten Pläne.Die Anfertigung der SeitenrahmenDie Rahmen haben einen 1.6mm Passstift, damit wird der Endblock gegen verdrehen fixiert. (Siehe Plan). Nach dem ausschneiden derRahmen werden diese zusammengespannt und die 3mm Bohrungen gebohrt. Dann werden beide Rahmen zusammengeschraubt und mit einem 7,7 mm Bohrer das Kurbelwellenlager gebohrt und auf 8mmaufgerieben. Das Gleiche wird mit den 4 mm Drehzapfenlagern derZylinder gemacht.Die Endblöcke.Nach dem die 2 Endblöcke hergestellt sind, werden diese passendmit den Seitenrahmen zusammen gespannt und mit einen 3mmBohrer die Bohrungen für die 3mm Gewindebohrungen markiert.Nach lösen der Klammern werden die 3mm Gewinde Sackbohrungen angefertigt.Die Bohrlehre für die Dampfkanäle,ist ein einfacher Stahlstreifen mitgeriebenen Bohrungen für das 8mmKurbelwellenlager, das 4mmZylinderdrehzapfenlager und der1,6mm Bohrung für die Dampfpassagen.Markiere eine Seite.Das Bohren für die PassstifteBaue die Seitenrahmen und die Endblöcke zusammen und richte sie exakt aus. Nimm einen 1,6mm Bohrer und bohre durch die Rahmen in die Endblöcke. Entferne die Rahmen und klebe mit Loctite die Passstifte in die Endblöcke. Warte ca. 20 min bis der Kleber fest ist, entferne sorgfältig den Kleber von den Außenseiten der Endblöcke und schraube die Rahmen wieder an. Alle vier Ecken werden von 1 bis 4 markiert und die Ober und die Unterseite auf den Endblöcken gekennzeichnet. So sind das Zerlegen und der Zusammenbau einfach und rasch möglich.Das Bohren der DampfkanäleStecke ein 8mm Rundmaterial durch die Kurbelwellenbohrungen und ein 4mm Rundmaterial durch die Zylinder Drehlager.Die Bohrlehre wird auf die 4mm Achse gesteckt und das untere Ende gegen die Kurbelwellenachse gedrückt, wie im Foto gezeigt. Bohre dann den Dampfkanal mit einem Bohrer ungefähr 8mm tief durch die 1,6mm Bohrung der Bohrlehre.Entferne die Bohrlehre und drehe sie um auf die gegenüberliegende Seite und wiederhole das Ganze für den 2. Dampfkanal.Bohre alle 8 Dampfkanäle auf gleiche Weise. Entferne die Rahmen und bohre die Kanäle mit einem 2,5 mm Bohrer von der jeder Seite bis zur Mitte. Achtung bohre nicht den Dampfkanal nur von einer Seite durch.Bohre dann so tief bis eine Durchgangsbohrung für die Dampfkanäle entsteht.Jetzt werden die restlichen Bohrungen der zwei Endblöcke angefertigt.Auf einen der Blöcke wird das Dampfsteuerventil angebracht.Von der inneren Seite wie im Schnitt B-B gezeigt wird eine Bohrung zum untern Dampfkanal gebohrt. Die Ventilbohrungen werden im Abstand von 6mm wie im Plan gezeigt hergestellt. Zwei Bohrungen gehen durch den Block und haben Anschlüsse für den Dampfein- und Austritt.Die dritte Bohrung führt zum oberen Dampfkanal, die vierte zum unteren Dampfkanal. In der Mitte ist die Bohrung für die Achse des Dampfventils.Die Oberfläche des Blocks muss eben und spiegelglatt geschliffen sein, um gut abzudichten. Dies muss auch an den allenZylinderflächen der Fall sein. Das polieren der Flächen geschieht mit einen feinen Schmirgelleinen in Stufen. Beginnend mit einerKörnung von 120 hinauf, Stufe für Stufe, bis zur Körnung 800. (120, 180,240,320,400, …) Es wir immer solange geschliffen bis keine Spur mehr von der letzten Körung zu sehen ist.Die Bohrungen auf der Innenseite der Endblöcke werden mitStiftschrauben und Loctite dampfdichtverschlossen. (Siehe Bild)Baue die Rahmen und Endblöckezusammen. Verbinde mitKupferrohren(kann auch Messing sein) dieunteren Dampfkanäle der einen Seite mitden oberen Dampfkanälen der anderenSeite.Ein Rohr verbindet die Einströmkanäle, das andere Rohr verbindet die Ausströmkanäle. Mit dem Dampfsteuerventil werden die Strömungsrichtungen gewechselt, und damit die Drehrichtung der Maschine bestimmt.Die Lager der Kurbelwelle werden vorsichtig mit Loctite in die Rahmen geklebt. Dabei ist es wichtig die Kurbelwelle einzufetten, einzubauen und bis zum Aushärten des Klebers in den Lagern zu belassen. Danach werden die Ölbohrungen in die Rahmen eingebracht. Reinigen sie alles gründlich und schließen Sie dieDie Zylinder werden nach den Plänen gefertigt, Dabei ist zubeachten dass diese 0,3mm kleinergebohrt und dann mir einer Reibahle aufEndmaß gerieben werden. Der Drehzapfenmuss exakt im rechten Winkel moniertwerden. Dafür ist es von Vorteil wenn dasGewindeloch auf der Bohrmaschine perHand hergestellt, (exakt rechter Winkel)und das Gewinde des Zapfens auf derDrehbank geschnitten wird.Der Zapfen wird dann mit Loctiteeingeklebt.Die Herstellung der Kolben beginnt mit den Kolbenstangen laut Plan. Die Pleuellager werden fertig gestellt und hart mit den Stangenverlötet. Danach werden die Kolben mit einen Übermaß von 0,5mmvorgefertigt und mit den Kolbenstangen verbunden. Auch hier wird mit Loctite geklebt. Danach werden die Kolbenstangen in Die Drehbank eingespannt und auf das vorläufige Endmaß abgedreht. Der Kolben muss streng in die Zylinderbohrung passen. Durch vorsichtiges schleifen mit einer Läpppaste wird der Kolben in den Zylinder eingepasst.Jeder Kolben und Zylinder wird mit der Nummer der Ecke an der er montiert wird gezeichnet.Die Kurbelscheiben werden laut Plan hergestellt und die Kurbelzapfen eingepresst und eingeklebt. Um 90° versetzt werden die Kurbelscheiben auf der Kurbelwelle montiert. Dies macht die Maschine selbstanlaufend.Das Schwungrad kann nach eigenen Ideen gefertigt werden und wird zwischen den Rahmen montiert. Dabei kann sowohl ein Seilrad wie auch ein Zahnrad zur Kraftübertragung mit montiert werden. Die Verrohung kann mit Kupferrohren wie auch mit Messingrohren erfolgen. Beachten sie dabei das vor dem biegen die Rohre ausgeglüht werden. Messingrohr sollte nur in glühenden Zustand gebogen werden.Die Maschine ist sehr drehfreudig und läuft bereist mit 0.3 bar an wenn sie exakt gebaut ist.Das Dampfventil wird aus Messing oderBronze Rundmaterial hergestellt.Nachdem es fertig gedreht ist und dieMitte mit einen Zentrumsbohrervorgebohrt ist, wird eine Seite mitwasserfesten Filzstift bemalt. Das Layoutder Umsteuerkanäle wird darauf markiert und die Endpunkte mit einem passenden Bohrer gebohrt. Die Kanäle auf der Fräsmaschine hergestellt, und der Rest fertig gedreht. Der Hebel für das Ventil wird gebogen und hart eingelötet. Das Ventilwird an der Unterseite dampfdichtgeschliffen.Die Kurbelscheiben werden laut Planhergestellt und die Kurbelzapfeneingepresst und eingeklebt. Um 90°versetzt werden die Kurbelscheiben aufder Kurbelwelle montiert. Dies macht dieMaschine selbstanlaufend.Das Schwungrad kann nach eigenen Ideen gefertigt werden und wird zwischen den Rahmen montiert. Dabei kann sowohl ein Seilrad wie auch ein Zahnrad zur Kraftübertragung mit montiert werden. Die Verrohung kann mit Kupferrohren wie auch mit Messingrohren erfolgen. Beachten sie dabei das vor dem biegen die Rohre ausgeglüht werden. Messingrohr sollte nur in glühenden Zustand gebogen werden.Die Maschine ist sehr drehfreudig und läuft bereist mit 0.3 bar an wenn sie exakt gebaut ist.Von diesem Grunddesign lassen sich viele Varianten der Maschine bauen. Zum Beispiel eine 4 Zylinder zweifach wirkende Maschine oder eine V-Maschine.Viel Spaß beim bauen.666ABCDHelmut PirkerCAD GENERATED DRAWING,DO NOT MANUALLY UPDATEUNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN MMMATERIAL--Kurbelwellen GruppeMATERIALOszillierende 4 Zylinder Boxer Dampfmaschine ABCDPOS.-NR.BENENNUNGM E N G E1Kurbelwelle12Schwungscheibe 13Kubelscheibe 2 Kurbelscheibe 1 Kurbelstift1 ISO 4029 - M3 x 8-S 1。







按照气缸体的排列方式可分为气缸体有直列、V 形和水平对置三种形式。




















$55.00 气缸体 $56.00 气缸体 $63.00 气缸体 $52.00 气缸体
$0.20 气缸盖螺母 $0.30 气缸盖垫片 $6.50 气缸套 $0.10 封水圈 $0.40 气缸盖螺栓 $2.50 油底壳 $0.50 油底壳垫片 $0.05 机油油孔闷头 $0.02 弹簧垫圈 $0.05 定位销 $0.05 六角螺栓 $0.20 室盖垫片 $0.05 轴用弹性挡圈 $0.20 起动轴衬套(甲) $0.60 调速齿轮轴 $0.40 凸轮轴前衬套 $0.10 六角螺栓
$36.00 飞轮 $44.00 电启动飞轮
$0.05 曲轴平健 $1.20 曲轴正时齿轮 $0.05 轴用弹性挡圈30 $4.00 下平衡轴
Price Chinese $0.20 曲轴油封 $0.05 六角螺栓 $0.02 弹簧垫圈 $5.00 主轴承盖 $0.10 主轴承盖密封圈 $0.25 轴用弹性挡圈70 $8.00 轴承314 $0.50 轴承垫圈 $0.10 止退片
cylinder head ,air iatake and exhaust assembly No. Name of part
Price Chinese $0.40 主轴承盖垫片 $0.05 六角螺栓 $0.02 弹簧垫圈 $0.03 六角螺栓 $0.25 平衡轴盖 $0.70 轴承205 $0.10 闷头 $0.05 铜垫圈 $1.00 吊环 $0.35 上盖板 $0.30 后盖板垫片 $3.50 后盖 $4.60 后盖 $0.02 垫圈 $0.10 上盖板垫 $0.05 六角螺栓 $0.05 机油泵垫片 $0.05 六角螺栓 $0.02 垫圈 $0.35 吊环螺栓 $0.35 吊环螺栓 $0.02 垫圈 $0.10 油标尺 $0.30 凸轮轴盖 $0.05 凸轮轴盖垫片 $0.20 凸轮轴后衬套 $1.00 放水开关 $0.20 水箱垫片

国外高端转子发动机全套图纸2(aixro XF40 rotaryenginespecifications)

国外高端转子发动机全套图纸2(aixro XF40 rotaryenginespecifications)

© Aixro GmbH / Woelfle Engineering GmbHaixro XF40 engine specifications 110407 Engine Datatype Wankel type 4-stroke single rotor rotary enginecapacity 294 ccmpower 26 kW at 6500 rpmtorque >35 Nm from 4500 rpmmax. rpm 7000 rpm (limited)ignition CDI-magnetoalternator 50Woutput ventilated poly-V belt pulley (Ø59mm, 16 stripes, PJ profile)Weight engine - complete with ignition system, carburettor, air filter, fuel pump, water pump, onboard starter, belt pulley 18,7 kgexhaust system example (280g head pipe, 440g 90° bow, 3120g silencer) 3,8 kgradiator with hoses and water example (850g radiator 200x350x20mm, 400g hoses + clamps, 1150g water) 2,4 kgtotal excluding attachments and reduction drive24,7 kg DimensionsComponent DescriptionsSafety InformationThe Aixro XF40 is not a certified aircraft engine. It has not received safety and durability testing specified by aircraft standards. It may only be used in non-certified experimental aircraft or vehicles and only when an engine failure is not a safety risk. Never use the Aixro XF40 in circumstances or in areas, in weather conditions or in altitudes where you need to rely on the engine. The user is taking all risk resulting from the use of this engine, and he is aware of the possibility of sudden functional disturbances.dual intake manifoldexhaust port ignition/alternator stator + rotor Bing float carburettorK&N air filter direct intake control(vacuum or mechanical)onboard starter gearbox water pump v-belt pulleyfuel pump water channel vent (3x)。





1 概述当今世界上,ISO国际标准规定,第一角和第三角投影同等有效。






图1 第一角画法标记符号图2 第三角画法标记符号2 第三角投影空间可由正平面V、水平面H、侧平面W将其划分成八个区域,分别为第1、第2、第3、第4、第5、第6、第7、第8分角,如图3所示。

图32.1 将物体放在第一分角内投影称为第一角投影,又称E法——欧洲的方法。

2.2 将物体放在第三分角内投影称为第三角投影,又称为A法——美国的方法。



图4 图52.3 第三角投影中六个基本视图的位置ISO国际标准规定,第三角投影中六个基本视图的位置如图6所示。
































斯特林发动机图纸AKI_2.GIF (13.83 KB, 下载次数: 13) 2012-7-5 04:57 上传点击文件名下载附件斯特林发动机图纸AKI_3.GIF (12.04 KB, 下载次数: 10) 2012-7-5 04:57 上传点击文件名下载附件斯特林发动机图纸分享0 收藏0回复使用道具 举报提升卡 置顶卡沉默卡 喧嚣卡 变色卡 显身卡hopehope 当前离线2#发表于 2012-7-5 04:57:59 |只看该作者在线时间18 小时威望534金钱最后登录2012-7-5注册时间2010-8-4帖子286精华积分1218UID32537IP卡狗仔卡65主题好友1218积分金牌会员金牌会员, 积分1218, 距离下一级还需1782 积分发消息2012-7-5 04:57 上传下载附件(17.24 KB)斯特林发动机图纸AKI_5.GIF (13.12 KB, 下载次数: 5)2012-7-5 04:57 上传点击文件名下载附件斯特林发动机图纸AKI_6.GIF (12.49 KB, 下载次数: 5)2012-7-5 04:57 上传点击文件名下载附件hopehope 当前离线3#发表于 2012-7-5 04:58:26 |只看该作者在线时间18 小时威望534金钱最后登录2012-7-5注册时间2010-8-4帖子286精华积分1218UID32537IP卡狗仔卡65主题好友1218积分金牌会员金牌会员, 积分1218,距离下一级还需1782积分发消息2012-7-5 04:58 上传下载附件(9.79 KB)斯特林发动机图纸AKI_8.GIF (12.01 KB, 下载次数: 5)2012-7-5 04:58 上传点击文件名下载附件斯特林发动机图纸AKI_9.GIF (16.42 KB, 下载次数: 7)2012-7-5 04:58 上传点击文件名下载附件-hopehope 当前离线在线时间18 小时威望534金钱最后登录2012-7-5注册时间2010-8-4帖子286精华积分1218UID32537IP卡狗仔卡65主题好友1218积分金牌会员金牌会员, 积分1218,距离下一级还需1782积分发消息4#发表于2012-7-5 05:00:43 |只看该作者第二款斯特林发动机图纸Let's Build a Can Stirling EngineThe Can Stirling engine can rotate using a candle as the heat source.This engine is constructed with very simple materials. There are acan, a balloon, a wood board and others.2012-7-5 05:00 上传下载附件(42.93 KB)斯特林发动机图纸A Can Stirling Engine(This engine was proposed by Mr.Saburo Tsucchida.He is teacher of Kasukabe technical high scool.)Step 1 - Material Preparation and StructureTo make the Can Stirling engine you require these materials: woodboard 10mm thick; balsa wood 10mm thick; wire 1.5mm diameter;fishing thread; a balloon; square lumber 5mm square; twothumbtacks; a paper clip; clay; a 200ml steel can; cardboard; acandle; nails (or wood screws); and rubber bands.These tools are required: cutting pliers; scissors: a saw: wood glue:some quick-drying glue: and machine oil.This engine has a very simple structure as illustrated. It makes use ofwood frames, a wire crank shaft, a can cylinder, a rubber balloondiaphragam. You can get these materials easily. The wood piston isconnected to the crankshaft with fishing thread.下载附件(13.94 KB)斯特林发动机图纸View of a Can Stirling EngineStep 2 - Cut a Wood BoardAs illustrated in the following figure, you must make two side boards, two boards to fix to the can, and a bottom board, all of 10mm thickness.You must make the holes for the crank somewhat bigger to reducefriction.2012-7-5 05:00 上传下载附件(12.76 KB)斯特林发动机图纸回复hopehope 当前离线在线时间18 小时威望534金钱最后登录2012-7-5注册时间2010-8-4帖子286精华积分1218UID32537IP卡狗仔卡65主题好友1218积分金牌会员5#发表于2012-7-5 05:01:28 |只看该作者Cut a Wood BoardStep 3 - Make a Wood PistonFit the pieces of cut balsa together with wood glue. Attach a length offishing line to the center of the piston with quick-drying glue.CAUTION: The diameter of the can which I used is about 50mm. Theheight of the can is about 100mm. If you use an other-sized can thediameter and the height of the wood piston must be fitted to the can.Clearance should be 2 or 3mm.2012-7-5 05:01 上传下载附件(9.62 KB)Make a Wood PistonStep 4 - Make a DiaphragmYou will make a diaphragm using a rubber balloon. As shown in thefollowing figure, cut the balloon and reinforce it by pasting thecardboards. Make a hole in the center of the diaphgram and pass througha fishing thread. Be careful to make a close-fitting hole - not a big hole.金牌会员, 积分1218, 距离下一级还需1782 积分发消息2012-7-5 05:01 上传下载附件(11.53 KB)Make a DiaphgramStep 5 - Make Connecting Rods and a Crank ShaftAs illustrated in the following figure, make two connecting rods usinglumber that is 5 mm square. Make the holes for the crank shaftsomewhat bigger to reduce friction. Bend a wire of1.5 mm. diameter. Puton the connecting rods before bending the wire.2012-7-5 05:01 上传下载附件(12.37 KB)回复使用道具举报显身卡hopehope 当前离线在线时间18 小时威望534金钱最后登录2012-7-5注册时间2010-8-4帖子286精华积分1218UID32537IP卡狗仔卡65主题好友1218积分金牌会员金牌会员, 积分1218, 距离下一级还需1782 积分发消息6#发表于2012-7-5 05:02:13 |只看该作者Connecting Rods and Crank ShaftStep 6 - Construct a Diaphragm and Crank MechanismAs illustrated in the following figure, attach the diaphgram and theconnecting rods with two thumbtacks.2012-7-5 05:02 上传下载附件(9.63 KB)斯特林发动机图纸Construct a Diaphgram and Crank MechanismStep 7 - Construct the FrameYou will construct the wood frame (See the Step 2). When youconstruct the frame, you must make sure that the crank shaft canrotate with a very small friction loss.2012-7-5 05:02 上传下载附件(9.34 KB)斯特林发动机图纸hopehope 当前离线在线时间18 小时威望534金钱最后登录 7# 发表于 2012-7-5 05:02:40 |只看该作者 Construct a Wood Piston and Crank Mechanism Step 9 - Fit Up a Can Cut off the top face of a can and fix the can to the frame securely. Place the diaphram over the can with some rubber bands. Adjust a length of the fishing thread so the piston moves without touching the can. And for the final measure, put on a drop of machine oil in the hole of the diaphram. The Can Stirling Engine is completed.2012-7-5注册时间2010-8-4帖子286精华积分1218UID32537IP卡狗仔卡65主题好友1218积分金牌会员金牌会员, 积分1218,距离下一级还需1782积分发消息2012-7-5 05:02 上传下载附件(11.07 KB)斯特林发动机图纸Fit Up a CanStep 10 - Let's Try to MoveWhen the engine is completed, Please heat a bottom face of the cancylinder with a candol. When the face is fully heated, rotate the crankshaft with your hand. Does the engine start to move?There are two important points to move model Stirling engines. Oneis a perfect seal of the air in the engine. Another is low friction of themechanical parts. If your engine does not move, check these points.Does the air leak from the hole of the diaflam ? Does the woodpiston touch the cylinder?。















转子发动机工作原理(doc 11页)

转子发动机工作原理(doc 11页)

转子发动机工作原理(doc 11页)让这种动力装置更紧凑,并提高它的进气和燃烧效率。


自然吸气式MSP-RE 随后作为RX-8的动力总成进行批量生产,并更名为RENESIS,它代表着“The RE (rotary engine)’s GE NESIS”(转子发动机的起源)。

RENESIS转子式发动机,这种自然吸气式转子发动机在8,500 rpm下能够产生184 kW (250 PS)的最大功率(针对日本的高功率车型),结构紧凑的轻量化车身使RX-8得以采用先进的前中置动力总成布置,和以前的RX-7相比,发动机位置更低更靠后。

由于R ENESIS具有平稳的性能、紧凑的尺寸和独特的行驶特点,在全新的RX-8推出不久,即在2003年6月被命名为International Engine of the Year (国际年度最佳发动机)。




















关键词:转子式翻车机;托辊;靠压机构;驱动装置O-Rotary DumperAbstractTipper is a highly efficient large-scale mechanization and Unloading equipment for metallurgical plants, coal-fired power plants, sintering plants, chemical plants, coal washing plant, a cement plant, port and other large and medium-sized enterprises over the railway unloading the gondola car loaded with ore, concentrate , coal, grain and other bulk materials. Tipper unloading by means turn and roll can be divided into two types of rotor. Rotary Car Dumper which is divided into "O"-type rotor-type roll-over and "C"-type rotor two tipper; rotor driven mainly by the tipper body, pressure on agencies, and compacting roller and some other group of institutions into.The working principle is to open freight car laden drum into the shape of the metal framework after clamping, so that by the end of Central Drive Rotation 140 ° ~ 170 °, the bulk material inside the vehicle under the self-dumping hopper into the ground. Tipper is the work of the state of the left and the right end of the ring rotation at the same time to do so bring the whole body and the inside rotation planes to achieve over the dumping of materials. The driver device is a dual-motor drive, the two speed gear reducer cylindrical straight through coupling with the small gear connected with the small gear ring fixed in the side of the meshing gear drive to achieve the rotation of the overall roll-over. By the pressure of its body mainly by the on board, hydraulic cylinders, rocker components; and pressed mainly by the plate and hydraulic cylinder components. The design of the main drive of the roll-over machine program, the left and the right end of the ring structure, the former, Later Liang structure, platforms, roller structure design, etc.; the dynamics of the tipper and kinetic parameters were calculated; on the main drive The main components of the motor and the design and verification; the economy of equipment and environmental protection are also analyzed.Key words: rotor-type roll-over machine; idler; pressure on institutions; drive目录1绪论 (1)1.1 课题的选择 (1)1.2 翻车机的类型及原理 (1)1.2.1 转子式翻车机 (2)1.2.2 侧卸式翻车机 (4)1.3翻车机设计的内容 (6)2 设计方案的选择及评定 (7)2.1传动方案的设计 (7)2.2设计方案的评定 (7)2.3设计参数 (8)3传动装置的设计 (9)3.1选择电动机 (9)3.1.1驱动功率计算 (9)3.1.2选择电机的型号 (13)3.2传动装置传动比的分配 (14)4 主要零件的设计和校核 (16)4.1齿轮的设计计算 (16)4.1.1选定齿轮类型、精度等级、材料及齿数 (16)4.1.2 按齿面接触强度设计 (16)4.1.3按齿根弯曲强度设计 (19)4.1.4 齿轮几何尺寸计算 (20)4.2液压缸的设计 (21)4.2.1液压缸的选用 (21)4.2.2液压缸的校核 (22)4.3轴的设计 (23)4.3.1轴的结构设计 (23)4.3.2轴的计算 (25)4.4轴承的选择和校核 (28)4.4.1轴承的选择 (28)4.4.2轴承寿命的验算 (29)4.5键的强度校核 (30)5联轴器的选择 (31)6托辊与端环之间接触强度校核 (32)7润滑与密封 (34)8经济性分析 (35)8.1传动方案经济性分析 (35)8.2 结构经济性分析 (35)8.3 环保经济性分析 (36)结束语 (37)致谢 (38)参考文献 (39)1 绪论1.1 课题的选择翻车机是一种大型的高效率机械化卸车设备,适用于冶金厂、火力发电厂、烧结厂、化工厂、洗煤厂、水泥厂、港口等大中型企业翻卸铁路敞车所装载的矿石、精矿、煤炭、粮食等散状物料。

国外高端转子发动机全套图纸1(Aixro XFXH40 RotaryEngineOperation Manual)

国外高端转子发动机全套图纸1(Aixro XFXH40 RotaryEngineOperation Manual)

OPERATION MANUAL1. INTRODUCTION1.1. ForewordThank you for purchasing an aixro 4-stroke rotary engine. We are pleased that the many ad-vantages of this proven engine concept have convinced you.! But before getting started, please read and understand the instructions and proce-dures outlined in this operator manual!You will obtain important safety advice and information about the correct installation, first launch and service of the engine.We wish you lots of fun with your aixro engine!distribution and contact: aixro GmbH Woelfle Engineering GmbH Münsterstraße 44 Randstraße 109 52076 Aachen 47804 Krefeld Deutschland Deutschland www.aixro.de w-e@1.2. General Safety Instructions! Depending on the application aixro engines require a particular fine tuning. If you have purchased your aixro engine to install it into an application yourself, a technical re-view and extensive testing are recommended.! Note that aixro engines are not certified aircraft engines. They have not received safety and durability testing specified by aircraft standards. They may only be used in non-certified experimental aircraft or vehicles and only when an engine failure is not a safety risk. Never use an aixro engine in circumstances or in areas, in weather condi-tions or in altitudes where you need to rely on the engine.! The user takes all risk resulting from the use of an engine, and he is aware of the pos-sibility of sudden functional disturbances.! The exhaust can become very hot, over 1000°C! Avoid any contact when hot.! Always keep your engine in a good, clean condition. This helps detect defects earlier and avoid dangerous accidents.! You will find further (safety) advice in this manual, marked by “!”. Please read each of these tips carefully. If you have any questions, please contact your dealer or our-selves BEFORE you use the engine.1.3. Development StageThe operation manual is based on the state of knowledge at the time of publication. It was produced to best knowledge, however excluding any liability. The specifications may deviate from the actual performance due to production-related and external conditions.The information presented in this manual is subject to change without notice.1.4. Copyright, Circulation, Date of IssueAll rights reserved.The circulation or duplication of this document, even in extracts, is not permitted without ap-proval by Aixro GmbH or Woelfle Engineering GmbH.Title: XF40 / XH40 Operation ManualEdition 1.1 Aachen/Krefeld: August 20112. TABLE OF CONTENTS1.INTRODUCTION (2)1.1.Foreword (2)1.2.General Safety Instructions (3)1.3.Development Stage (3)1.4.Copyright, Circulation, Date of Issue (3)2.TABLE OF CONTENTS (4)3.FUNCTION OF AIXRO ENGINES (5)4.ASSEMBLY (6)4.1.Cooling System (6)4.2.Carburettor / Fuel Supply (7)4.3.Throttle Cable (8)4.4.Ignition/Starter (10)4.5.Exhaust (11)4.6.Reduction Drive (12)4.7.Data Acquisition (12)5.FIRST LAUNCH (13)5.1.Water (13)5.2.Fuel (13)5.3.Refuel / System Fill (13)5.4.Control (13)5.5.Start Preparation (13)5.6.Engine Start / Test Run (14)6.Operation (15)6.1.Preparation / Control (15)6.2.Starting (15)6.3.Running In (15)6.4.Operation (16)6.5.Shut Down (17)6.6.Storage (17)7.SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE (18)7.1.Air Filter (18)7.2.Service (18)8.FINE TUNING / TROUBLESHOOTING (19)8.1.Engine Dropout (19)8.2.Engine Stutters (19)8.3.No Engine Start (19)8.4.Dripping Carburettor / Overflow (19)8.5.Engine Suddenly Lean (20)8.6.Wet Conditions (20)8.7.Carburettor Setup (20)9.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (21)9.1.Engine Data (21)9.2.Fastening Torque (21)9.3.Operating Fluids (21)10.WARRANTY / LIABILITY (22)10.1.Liability (22)10.2.Warranty Grant (22)10.3.Warranty Procedure (22)3. FUNCTION OF AIXRO ENGINESEach aixro engine is a rotary engine based on the Wankel principle. Its main components are ∙Rotor with seals (equivalent to the piston with rings of a reciprocating piston engine)∙Eccentric shaft (equivalent to the crankshaft)∙Housing, also called trochoid due to its oval-like epitrochoid shape∙Side Plates, closing the sides of the housingThe engine is a 4-stroke suction engine. Its rotor has a triangular shape, and the edges of the rotor are in permanent contact with the trochoid through the apex seals. This creates three separate combustion chambers along the flanges of the rotor and allows three 4-stroke processes to run simultaneously. The rotor only rotates at 1/3 of the speed of the eccentric shaft, so with every rotation of the shaft a different combustion chamber passes the spark plug.The processes within the engine, especially the long timings, lead to favourable emissions, which can be as low as 1% of comparable 2-stroke engines and reach best 4-stroke level in the driving cycle. The engine can be operated with a catalytic converter.The engine uses a carburettor and fuel lubrication at a ratio of 50:1. Contrary to a two-stroke engine the oil burns almost without residues.To access the combustion chamber the fresh gases first flow though one side plate. Then they flow through the rotor and the eccentric shaft in axial direction to reach the opposing side plate. From there they access the combustion chamber. This cools and lubricates the rotor, main bearing and eccentric shaft. A separately controlled butterfly valve can open a second channel of the split inlet port to allow additional gases to flow directly into the com-bustion chamber. These cold fresh gases allow an additional power boost.The particular advantages an aixro engine are its lack of vibration due to balanced rotating masses, its very compact design, the extreme performance with a very flat torque curve, as well as very low emissions. In addition the lifetime is enormous for a performance engine, and it has long times between overhauls.4. ASSEMBLY4.1. Cooling SystemThe dimension and position of the water cooling system depends on the application. The cooling system should be tested extensively in every new application. The water connectors are made for hoses sized ⅔” (16.5mm).If the radiator is equipped with a filler and mounted above the engine, it can be connected with the engine as described in section 4.1.1. If the radiator is mounted below the engine, a separate overflow tank is required as described in section 4.1.2.XF40 and XH40 are equipped with vent connectors for 6mm hoses on the trochoid (=centre housing) and the side plates. These are required to vent the engine’s water chann els if the engine is mounted upside-down, i.e. with the four attachment points upwards. If the engine is mounted with its attachment points downwards, the vent connectors can be blocked.4.1.1. Radiator above the engineIf you mount the radiator above the engine, please do the following:1. Mount the engine on its 4 attachment points (M8 thread).2. The water pump can be mounted in two different positions. Make sure that the radialoutlet points upwards when the engine is mounted, so air can escape from the pumpand the pump is properly vented.3. Connect the engine, radiator and water pump as shown in the diagramme below:4. Note the positions of the in- and outlets, route and attach the hoses properly and en-sure that there are no kinks or sharp bends in the hoses.5. Attach all hoses with hose clamps.6. If the engine is mounted upside-down, connect the three 6mm vent connectors with aninline coupling above the engine.4.1.2. Radiator below the engineIf the radiator is mounted below the engine, proceed as follows.1. Mount the engine on its 4 attachment points (M8 thread).2. The water pump can be mounted in two different positions. Make sure that the radialoutlet points upwards when the engine is mounted, so air can escape from the pumpand the pump is properly vented.3. Connect the engine, radiator and water pump as shown in the diagramme below:4. Note the positions of the in- and outlets, route and attach the hoses properly and en-sure that there are no kinks or sharp bends in the hoses.5. Attach all hoses with hose clamps.6. If the engine is mounted upside-down, connect the three 6mm vent connectors with aninline coupling above the engine.! If you want to mount the engine in a different position, this is possible, but needs to be verified to ensure proper venting and even water flow through the engine.! Check whether the hoses are positioned far enough away from the exhaust to avoid melting or cooking, and secure them with tie wraps if necessary.! Make sure that there are no kinks or sharp bends in the hoses, and that they do not touch any moving parts or the ground.4.2. Carburettor / Fuel SupplyAixro XF40 and XH40 are equipped with a float carburettor. To accommodate different pack-aging requirements, two different inlet manifolds are available. One is parallel with the en-gine’s eccentric main shaft, the other is radial to the engine.First attach the carburettor to the inlet manifold:1. When using the radial inlet manifold, slide the rubber carburettor connector over theinlet manifold, so it snaps into the grove of the manifold, and attach it with a hoseclamp.1. When using the parallel manifold, attach the rubber connector flange with two M8 bolts.2. Push the carburettor into the connector, so it snaps as well, and attach it with anotherhose clamp.3. The fuel tank should have two connectors. One connector needs to have a line on thebackside, which leads to the bottom of the tank, or it needs to be located right at thebottom of the tank (fuel supply). The other connector must be at the top of the tank,and it must not be connected with any fuel lines inside the tank (vent). If the fuel tankshould have a third connection, it should be blocked off or connected to a separate line,which has an open end secured above the level of the overflow tank.4. The overflow tank itself must be attached above the fuel tank, and it must be open toallow decompression.5. Connect the carburettor, fuel pump, fuel tank and overflow tank as shown in the dia-gramme below:! Ensure that the carburettor is in an upright position.! The fuel lines must be made from fuel-resistant rubber.! Attach the fuel lines using tie wraps or tape, making sure they are not touching the exhaust, the engine, moving parts or the ground! Ensure that the fuel lines are not restricted by the attachment (kinks or sharp bends), as this can damage the engine.If the fuel tank is mounted higher than the carburettor, the fuel supply is supported and the operation safety is increased. Inversely the required pump performance increases the further the fuel tank is located below the carburettor.! If the fuel tank is mounted above the carburettor, the fuel line must be equipped with a shut-off valve. Otherwise the carburettor can be flooded when the engine is not in use.4.3. Throttle CableThe engine is equipped with a device to control the admission of air directly into the combus-tion chamber, which is attached to the inlet manifold. It is designed so it only opens when maximum engine power is required. The throttle cable controls both the carburettor and the direct intake control.1. Remove the cover of the direct intake control, which is attached with 3 bolts.2. Loosen the hex bolt underneath, but do not fully remove it.3. Loosen the nut of the elbow section at the top of the carburettor, so its direction can beadjusted.4. The direct intake control has two cable adjusters. One is closer to the lever, which pro-trudes from the mechanism. Lay an outside throttle cable from this cable adjuster to thethrottle.5. Now lay an outside throttle cable from the other cable adjuster of the direct intake con-trol to the carburettor’s elbow section.6. Make sure the outside throttle cables have a good length, so they don’t distort (toolong) or kink (too short) the throttle cable. Check the ends of the outside throttle cablesmaking sure they are round and have no sharp edges.7. Align the elbow to the external cable and secure the position by re-tightening the nut onthe carburettor.8. Pull the throttle cable through the first outside cable, then through the direct intake con-trol, and then through the second outside cable.9. Pull the throttle cable tight and attach it to the throttle. The throttle cable should stillhave a bit of play, so the carburettor will be fully closed in idle position (throttle 0%, see picture A).10. After this, check if the carburettor fully opens in full throttle position (100%) and adjustthe cable adjusters if necessary (picture B).11. Now move the throttle forth and back and push against the direct intake control’s hexbolt until the lever is in block position. (picture C).12. Tighten the hex bolt in this position (picture D).13. Tighten down the throttle cable at the throttle as well as all throttle cable adjusters andcounter nuts and double-check the throttle adjustments.14. Attach all outer throttle cables, so they cannot make contact with moving parts or theground.15. Attach the air filter to the flange of the carburettor and secure it with a hose clamp.! The throttle cable should be properly cut to length when the installation is finished.Otherwise the throttle might get stuck.! Check the throttle cable for smooth operation. A sticking cable may result in injuries or engine damage.! Check that tie wraps used to attach the throttle cable cannot move in operation. Oth-erwise the throttle cable might get stuck. In case of doubt it is better to use tape.4.4. Ignition/StarterXF40 and XH40 are equipped with a light magneto ignition system, which supplies approx.50W alternator current to charge the starter battery and potentially supply further compo-nents. The integrated voltage regulator maintains an even voltage of 12V.In addition the ignition has an integrated start support, which uses battery current to produce an ignition spark from 100rpm in the starting phase.The timing curve is pre-installed, and the engine speed is limited to 7000rpm. Still the engine should be set up to reach a maximum of 6500rpm in operation.Use a maintenance-free (MF type) lead-acid battery (no gel) with min. 7,2Ah and temporary 100A. Though the ignition has an integrated charging function, make sure the battery is al-ways charged sufficiently.Depending on the engine configuration the ignition will normally come partially or fully as-sembled. If it should come unassembled, or you want to integrate the components in a differ-ent way, connect the components as shown on the diagramme below.1. Attach the CDI box in a protected area without any stress on the wires.2. Attach the ignition coil either directly on the engine or on rubber mounts, which protectthe coil from vibration. If the ignition coil is not mounted directly to the engine, use asufficient ground cable to connect the coil’s mounting plate with the engine (ground).3. Connect the black and yellow wire with the stop button (kill switch). The stop buttonshould always be visible and within reach of the operator, and it should be market to beeasily visible. By connecting the sto p switch’s circuit with the engine (ground), the ign i-tion will be cut off, and the engine will stop immediately.4. Attach the battery in an upright position with a suitable bracket.5. Connect – of the battery (ground) with the engine, preferably with one of the mountinglinks of the starter motor.6. Connect the ignition coil with the spark plug. If the cable should be too long, removethe spark plug cap, cut the cable to length and firmly re-install the spark plug cap.Use sufficiently big cables for the conductive circuit between battery, relay and starter motor (10mm² / AWG8). 1.5mm² / AWG16 cables are sufficient for the control circuits.! Note that the red/violet wire should only be supplied when the onboard starter is run-ning. If it is permanently supplied with +12V, it can get damaged thus potentially caus-ing an ignition failure.! Make sure all wires are properly routed and attached to avoid damage in operation.! Ensure that (especially the stop button wires) cannot wear or make contact with mov-ing parts or the ground. Otherwise the engine might not start, it might not be possible to turn it off, or it could stop in operation.4.5. ExhaustThe exhaust should be specially adapted to each application. Therefore a modular system of straight tubes, 90° L-bows, a silencer and a silencer support are available.Make sure that the exhaust is attached without stress or tension to avoid cracks or other po-tential damage.When making your own exhaust you should only use stainless steel or titanium due to the high exhaust temperatures.! Make sure that the exhaust has a sufficient distance to heat-sensitive components, such as electronics, fuel supply and carburettor. In doing so please also consider po-tential heat conduction and outside influences in use, as well as hot exhaust gasesfrom the exhaust outlet.4.6. Reduction DriveThe standard aixro XF40 is equipped with a pulley for a V-belt (PJ profile, 16 stripes, Ø59mm). If you intend to use this for a reduction drive, make sure that the engine and the reduction drive are precisely aligned. Ensure that the belt is tightened by manufacturer rec-ommendations, and that the pulleys are absolutely flush.The same also applies to the XH40, which is equipped with an additional centrifugal clutch.The clutch is designed to decouple the engine in the starting phase. As soon as the engine reaches idle rpm, the clutch will be engaged in order to reduce wear and friction in the clutch.In addition the clutch is designed like a freewheel, so it will disengage as soon as the engine rotates more slowly than the drivetrain.4.7. Data AcquisitionIt is recommended to monitor and record different engine parameters in operation. There are many good and very refined systems available nowadays. The most important parameters are:4.7.1. Engine SpeedThe engine speed is relevant for the performance and temperatures in the engine. It also al-lows to draw conclusions about the chosen reduction drive. The range of operation should not exceed 6500rpm and not reach the (limited) maximum of 7000rpm.1. Use the ignit ion’s rpm output (brown wire), or connect a wire to the ignition cable if us-ing an inductive system.2. Though the aixro is a 4-stroke engine, it ignites with every engine revolution like a 2-stroke engine. Therefore your system should be set to “2-stroke”.4.7.2. Water TemperatureThe water temperature provides information on the engine load and the capacity of the cool-ing system. The sensor should be installed near the engine in the connection between the engine and the radiator.1. Use an adapter suiting the sensor and the hose.2. Cut the hose, which connects the engine with the radiator, close to the engine.3. Insert the adapter, and secure it with hose clamps.4. Insert the sensor in the adapter and secure it, making sure that there are no leaks.4.7.3. Main Bearing / Transfer Port TemperatureIt is possible to measure the temperature of the fuel-air-mixture in the transfer port of the side inlet behind the main bearing. This provides the most valuable information about the engine, especially the main bearing. You will discover that the temperature increases with engine speed and load. This means you get very quick feedback on the engine load and the strain of the main bearing.Use a quickly responding temperature sensor (K-type) with a M5 thread.1. Ensure that the engine is absolutely clean in the area of the screw, which is locatednext to the inlet manifold in the ignition side plate (engine housing).2. Remove the screw and insert the sensor.3. Connect the sensor as described by the manufacturer.! Double-check that the position of the sensor is right. If it protrudes the thread much more than 10mm, it can make contact with the rotor. If it does not stick out far enough, you will not get feasible results.! Make sure the attachment is airtight. If the engine can pull air from the sensor area, it will run too lean and can get damaged.5. FIRST LAUNCH5.1. Water1. Remove the cap from the radiator, and fill the cooling system with (distilled) water andaluminium compatible antifreeze.2. Let air ascend from the system and add water until the system is really full.3. Tighten the radiator cap to close the system.! Make sure the system is watertight (especially the hose connections).Antifreeze prevents corrosion and prevents engine damage especially in the wintertime.5.2. FuelPremium unleaded brand name pump fuel (ROZ 95) is recommended. Standard unleaded fuel (ROZ 91) can also be used without problems. The engine must be operated with a fuel-oil-mixture at a 50:1 ratio, i.e. 100ml per 5l (US: 2.56fl.oz per 1gal / UK: 3.2fl.oz per 1gal).Use pre-diluted fully synthetic 2-stroke racing oil only.We recommend only to use the oil Mobil 1 Racing 2T.! If you use the wrong oil or mixing ratio, this can cause damage or total loss of the en-gine – even if damage is not immediately apparent.! Ensure that fuel and oil are pre-mixed properly in a petrol can.5.3. Refuel / System FillIn order to protect the engine, you should never start or run the engine without sufficient fuel supply. Before starting the engine, the fuel tank should always be at least ¾ full, and all fuel lines should be full as well.1. Fill the fuel tank with pre-mixed fuel.2. Blow air into the overflow tank until the fuel line to the carburettor is completely full (afew air bubbles will stay in the line – this is no problem).! Make sure all fuel lines are properly secured and do not leak.5.4. Control! Double-check the assembly and the steps for first launch.5.5. Start PreparationMake sure that the starter battery is fully charged.! Normally the engine will start immediately. If it should not start right away, you should look for errors instead of trying again.! Never run the starter for more than 5 seconds without interruption.5.6. Engine Start / Test RunWhen testing the engine for the first time, you should only let it run briefly and maybe without load. Only use the throttle very carefully, and never play with the throttle (as some do to keep 2-stroke engines running). Always be prepared to switch off the engine.! The engine is equipped with a rev limiter. For safety reasons you should not acceler-ate the engine to the rev limiter though.1. Pull the carburettor’s choke lever and leave the throttle in id le or just very slightly aboveidle (no half or full throttle).2. Do not play with the throttle.3. Start the engine.4. Let the engine run in idle for approx. 20 seconds.5. Switch the choke off and leave the engine in idle.6. Let the engine run in idle for about 10 seconds.7. Switch off the engine.8. Let the engine cool down.9. Check the water level in the cooling system and refill if necessary.10. The engine is now ready for operation.! Never make any adjustments while the engine is running.! The exhaust becomes very hot and can cause severe burns.! If the engine should not switch off, cover the air filter with your hands or pull off the air filter to cover the carburettor inlet.6. Operation6.1. Preparation / ControlCheck the engine before running it:1. Is the engine in a good condition and free from damage?2. Are the radiator and the cooling system still completely filled and leak proof?3. Does the fuel contain the right oil in the right ratio?4. Is the fuel tank at least ¾ full?5. Are the fuel lines to the carburettor filled and in good condition?6. Are the carburettor and the air filter attached properly?7. Does the throttle cable operate smoothly and without sticking?8. Does the throttle cable slightly slack in idle position?9. Is the throttle cable tight in full throttle position?10. Does the throttle touch a limit (screw) in full throttle position?11. Is the off-switch properly connected with the engine?12. Is the off-switch cable in good condition?13. Is the exhaust properly attached without strain or tension?14. Is the battery of the starter fully charged?15. Are all engine bolts tight?16. When using a belt drive, is the belt in good condition?17. Is the belt properly aligned?18. Is the belt tension correct?6.2. Starting1. Start the engine as described previously. When the engine is warm, it still helps in mostcases to apply the choke.2. Let the engine warm up, if necessary with light load, until the water temperature hasreached its operation level.6.3. Running InThe engine should be run in once. Let it run with light load (3000rpm) in the first hour of op-eration, and after that slowly apply full load when necessary.The engine has very good emergency running properties, and it will also withstand running on full load immediately, but running the engine in reduced internal friction and thus facili-tates power output.Make sure that you to run the engine within its optimum operation parameters:6.4.1. Engine SpeedXF40 and XH40 are intended to run at a maximum engine speed of 6500rpm. The pro-grammed rev limit in the CDI system is 7000rpm. Still you should operate the engine below the limiter rpm as this is only intended as a safety device.! Make sure that you don’t or hardly don’t hit the rev limiter.6.4.2. Water TemperatureAfter heating up the engine, the water temperature should be between 60°C and 80°C (140°F to 175°F). If the water temperature should deviate a bit from this, it is not an immedi-ate issue, but should be corrected when possible.If the water temperature is too low, you can mask part of the radiator with tape. If it is too high, the radiator may have too little capacity, or there may be a problem.! Do not run the engine with too high water temperature, as this may lead to engine damage.! If you observe a strange water temperature (e.g. significantly lower than usual), the cooling system may have a leak. In such a case stop the engine as quickly as possible and check the cooling system when the engine has cooled down.6.4.3. Main Bearing / Transfer Port TemperatureThe transfer port temperature swings significantly while you are driving. It should never ex-ceed 140°C (285°F).! If the temperature exceeds 140°C (285°F), you should reduce the load as soon as pos-sible. If the temperature then should continue to increase, this can indicate a problem in the area of the main bearing.6.4.4. Emergency OperationA rotary engine has very good emergency running properties. It can be operated beyond itslimits without necessarily failing immediately. Still an operation outside the recommended pa-rameters can cause damage to the engine.Therefore you should reduce the load on the engine and switch it off as soon as possible when noticing too high temperatures (water and especially main bearing). After that you should check the engine or have it checked to avoid damage that may not yet be apparent.1. Let the engine run briefly with light load if the radiator can still cool properly.2. Then turn off the engine.3. Let the engine cool down.! The exhaust becomes very hot. Caution! It will cause severe burns!! Before using the engine again, review the checklist to make sure that everything is in good condition and fully operational.It is normal to see the water temperature increase after stopping the engine, because the wa-ter pump is not running any more, and the radiator is not cooled by any wind.6.6. StorageIf you do not want to use the engine for a longer period, fully drain the fuel system. After longer downtimes you should remove fuel remains from the carburettor, fuel pump and fuel tank before refilling the system.It can also be sensible to drain the cooling system when longer downtimes are expected. If doing so, mark the engine so you will remember to refill the system before the next use.! If you remove ancillary engine parts, such as the carburettor and the exhaust, all en-gine openings should be covered airtight.。


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