
((0065)《英语阅读二》复习思考题I Sentence comprehension1. My discovery of Tillie Olsen was a gift from a friend; years ago she gave me her copy of Tell Me a Riddle because she liked the stories and wanted to share the experience.What do we know about Tillie Olsen?A. She is a friend.B. She likes stories.C. She gives gifts.D. She is an author.2. What is most obvious in this book are all those details of daily living that make Mrs. Richards anything but common.According to this statement, what kind of person is Mrs. Richards?A. She is very obvious.B. She is an unusual person.C. She is anything she wants to be.D. She is quite ordinary.3. The Green Tiger Press believes that the relatively unknown works of great children‘s illustrators are sources of vast beauty and power, and is attempting to make these treasures more easily available.What is the goal of this printing company?A. to publish more children‘s booksB. to develop powerful storiesC. to make children‘s illustrations more e asily availableD. to encourage artists to become children‘s illustrators4. Any thought that this new custom will remain unchanged--or in Europe will remain uniquely English--is ridiculous.What does the author believe about the new custom?A. It will remain limited.B. The custom will change.C. Acceptance of the custom is ridiculous.D. The custom will remain in Europe.5. The student revolt is not only a thorn in the side of the president‘s newly established government, but it has international implications as well.Whom or what does this revolt affect?A. the studentsB. the side of the president‘s bodyC. only the national governmentD. national and international affairs6.The medical journal reported that heart attack victims who recover are approximately five times as likely to die within the next five years as those people without a history of heart disease.What did this article say about people who have had a heart attack?A. They are more likely to die in the near future than others.B. They will die in five years.C. They are less likely to die than people without a history of heart disease.D. They are likely to recover.7.Young people need to develop the values, attitude, and problem-solving skills essential to their participation in a political system that was designed, and is still based, on the assumption that all citizens would be so prepared.What is a basic assumption of this political system?A. All people will be capable of participation.B. All people participate in the system.C. All people should have the same values and attitudes.D. Most people cannot develop the skills to participate in the system.8. While we may be interested in the possibilities of social harmony and individual fulfillment to be achieved through nontraditional education, one cannot help being cautious about accepting any sort of one-sided educational program as a cure for the world‘s ills.How does the author feel about nontraditional education?A. He believes that it has no possibility of success.B. He doubts that it can cure the world‘s ills.C. He feels that it is a cure for the world‘s ills.D. He believes it will bring social harmony.9. The complexity of the human situation and the injustice of the social order demand far more fundamental changes in the basic structure of society itself than some politicians are willing to admit in their speeches.What is necessary to correct the problems of society?A. basic changes in its structureB. fewer political speechesC. honest politiciansD. basic changes in political methods10. Since industry and commerce are the largest users of electrical energy, using less electricity would mean a reduced industrial capacity and fewer jobs in the affected industries and therefore an unfavorable change in our economic structure. According to this sentence, decreasing the use of electricityA. Must begin immediately.B. Isn‘t important.C. Will cause difficulties.D. Won‘t affect industry.11.The student revolt is not only a thorn in the side of the president‘s newly established government, but it has international implications as well.Whom or what does this revolt affect?A. the studentsB. the side of the president‘s bodyC. only the national governmentD. national and international affairs12.Just before his birthday John received a horse from his father; this was the first of a series of expensive gifts intended to create the impression of a loving parent.Why did John receive the horse?A. because he was tenB. because his father loved himC. because his father wanted to seem lovingD. because his father wouldn‘t be able to give him expensive gifts in the future13.Heavy smokers and drinkers run a fifteen-times greater risk of developing cancer of the mouth and throat than nonsmokers and nondrinkers.Which of the following sentences best reflects the meaning of the above one?A. Cancer of the mouth and throat is more likely to occur in heavy smokers and drinkers than in nonsmokers and nondrinkers.B. People who never drink and smoke will not get mouth or throat cancer.C. Heavy drinkers who run have a greater risk of developing cancer than nondrinkers.D. People would probably be healthier if they did not drink and smoke too much.14.This is not just a sad-but-true story; the boy‘s experience is horrible and damaging, yet a sense of love shines through every word.How does the author of this sentence feel about the story?A. It transmits a sense of love.B. It is not true.C. It is just sad.D. It is horrible and damaging.15.The financial si tuation isn‘t bad yet, but we believe that we have some vital information and, if it is correct, unemployment will soon become a serious problem.What do we know about the financial situation?A. It won‘t change.B. It is not bad now.C. It will become a serious problem.D. It will improve.16. The general then added, ―The only reasonable solution to the sort of problems caused by the current unstable political situation is one of diplomacy and economic measures and not the use of military force.‖What type of solution does the general support?A. economic and diplomatic actionB. diplomatic and economic action if military force failsC. only diplomatic actionD. military actions in response to political problems17. Because the supply of natural gas was plentiful in comparison to other choices like coal and fuel oil, and because it burns cleaner, many people changed their eating systems to natural gas, thereby creating shortages.Why did people prefer gas?A. It was natural.B. There were no other choices.C. The other fuels were dirtier and less plentiful.D. There is, even today, a plentiful supply of it.18. Few phenomena in history are more puzzling than this one: that men and women with goals so vague, with knowledge so uncertain, with hopes so foggy, still would have risked dangers so certain and tasks so great.What historical fact is puzzling?A. that people had such vague goalsB. that people took such great risksC. that people had foggy hopes and uncertain knowledgeD. that people completed such great tasks19. Alexis, ruler of a city where politics was a fine art, concealed his fears, received the noblemen with extravagant ceremonies, impressed them with his riches, praised them, entertained them, bribed them, made them promise he had no intention of keeping—and thus succeed in keeping their troops outside his city walls.Why did Alexis give money and attention to the noblemen?A. because they praised himB. in order to prevent their armies from entering the cityC. in order to impress them with his richesD. because they were his friendsII Reading comprehensionPassage 1Joe Templer should have known better. After all, he works for a large auto-insurance company. It won‘t hurt to leave the key in the truck this once, he thought, as he fille d his gas tank at a self-service gas station. But moments later, as he was paying the money, he saw the truck being driven away.In 1987, 1.6 million motor vehicles were stolen in the United States? One every 20 seconds. If current trends continue, experts predict annual vehicle thefts could exceed two million by the end of the decade.Vehicle theft is a common phenomenon, which has a direct impact on over four million victims a year. The cost is astonishing.Many police officials blame professional thieves for the high volume of the thefts. It is amajor money-maker for organized crime. Typically, stolen cars are taken to pieces and the parts sold to individuals. But as many as 200000 cars are smuggled out of the country every year. Most go to Latin America, the Middle East and Europe.Only about 15 percent car thefts result in an arrest, because few police departments routinely conduct in depth auto-investigations. When thieves are arrested, judges will often sentence them to probation, not immediately put them in prison because the prisons are overcrowded with violent criminals.One exception is a Michigan program that assigns 92 police officers to work full-time on the state‘s 65000 car theft cases a year. Since 1986, when the effort began,the state‘s auto-theft rate has fallen from second in the nation to ninth.How can you protect your car? If you live in a high-theft area or drive an expensive model, consider a security system. It may cost anywhere from $25 to$1,000. Some systems engage automatically? Simply removing the key disables the fuel pump and the starter. When cars are equipped with such systems, thefts may drop by one-third. In some states, you may be able to use a device that transmits radio signals, allowing stolen cars to be tracked by police.1. What does the author think Joe Templer should be blamed for?A. He should have equipped his car with a security system.B. He should not have his car refilled at the gas station.C. He should not have been so sure of himself.D. He should have shut down the engine of his car.2. What is NOT a reason for the increase of car theft as mentioned in the passage?A. Police don‘t give enough attention to car theft cases.B. More people park their cars and left the keys inside.C. Measures and laws against car thieves are not effective enough.D. Car theft brings car thieves much money.3. It is obvious that the Michigan program _____ .A. has no effect on the overall picture of the whole state.B. involves much work but proves to be quite effective.C. involves the construction of larger prisonsD. involves the development of a new security system4. What type(s) of security system can help the police find a stole car back?A. The device that sends out radio signalsB. The device that disables the fuel pump.C. The device that disables the starter.D. All of the above.Passage 2After a three-year survey of the social and behavioral sciences, a committee of the NRC has concluded that these sciences are losing out in the race for federal science funds. Between 1972 and 1978, federal support for the social and behavioral sciences fell 25 percent, while support for other areas of science rose 36 percent.Psychological, social and cultural studies pertaining to virtually everything that people treat as a problem in our civilization, the committee writes, play a large role. Paradoxically, one would think these would be times when social science research would be riding high. Yet eve though governments are more that alarmed about a variety of social problems, they are inclined to deal with them by trial and (often) error. The abuse of drugs is a widespread concern, but governments seem to with the qualifications of teachers and their salaries.If we lack an adequate understanding of drug abuse and educational processes, are we flying blind attempting to deal with these behaviors? What domains of your life could benefit from social and behavioral science research? For instance, are we concerned about crime? Consider that recent sociological research reveals that nearly half of all urban-dwelling American males can expect to be arrested for some non-traffic offense during their lives. However, a very small group of career predators are responsible for a grossly disproportionate share of all crimes committed. What does this insight suggest to you about American criminal Justice and prison policies. Sociological work also shows that most criminals halt their careers by age 25 to 30. Does this finding have policy implication? If a 29-year-old-burglar whose criminal career is nearly over is imprisoned for ten years, may many years of that imprisonment be wasted on expensive and unnecessary confinement?5. According to the author, social and behavioral sciences are losing federal financial support chiefly because some people _____ .A. don‘t see the seriousness of the present situationB. don‘t quite see the use for these sciencesC. only consider natural sciences as true sciencesD. are unable to solve social problems with them6. In the second paragraph, the author gives two examples of social problems to show that _____ .A. social problems are on the rise currentlyB. the government does not try hard to solve such problemsC. some attacks on such problems are often blindD. such problems often go unsolved7. In the third paragraph, the author uses some findings to illustrate _____ .A. some achievements made in social and behavioral sciencesB. the demand for social and behavioral studiesC. the current trend in the increase of crimesD. the inefficiency of criminal justice and prison policies8. In the last sentence of the passage, the word confinement is closest in meaning to the word_____ .A. fundsB. solutionC. researchD. imprisonmentPassage 3Writing to learn makes it possible to show learning in writing. Much of the writing you will do in college and at work will ask you to demonstrate what you have learned. The success of that demonstration will depend on, among other things, revising your writing to show your knowledge to best advantage. When you have begun to see what you want to say (frequently this becomes clear at the very end of a first draft), it is time to start thinking about how to present your ideas to others. It is time to start thinking about revising.Revising can be described as the most important (and frequently most neglecteD. part of writing. Novelists Doris Lessing has said that many novels miss greatness because authors are unwilling or unable to revise them. James Michener explains the importance of revision this way: I have never thought of myself as a good writer. Anyone who wants reassurance of that should read one of my first drafts. But I‘m one of the world‘s great revisers.Revising takes many forms. It means thinking about the audience for your writing. Who will read your work and why? It also means developing an overall plan for the writing that will make your ideas clear. Often the organization of a first draft will reflect your process of discovery, but that may not be the best way to present your ideas to someone else. Revising also gives attention to the style of language, to the structure of a paragraph, and to the shape of sentences and other forms that show learning to its best advantage.Writing to learn and writing to show learning are never, of course, entirely separate processes. Writers frequently consider issues of demonstrating learning while writing to learn, and writing to show learning often leads to new understandings. In drafting, for example, you may start thinking about what an audience will need to know in order to understand your point and change a word or a phrase to make your meaning clearer. But understanding the differences between writing to learn and writing to show learning is central to seeing writing as a process.9. The author thinks that revising starts when _____ .A. you want to show what you knowB. you think about your audienceC. you have discovered your ideaD. you have developed an overall writing plan10. The chief purpose in revising your writing is for you to _____ .A. learn in the course of writingB. add new ideas to your writingC. show your learning to its best advantageD. use an appropriate style of language11. What Doris Lessing said helps to support the idea that _____ .A. he is one of the wo rld‘s great revisersB. he is not a good writerC. revising is very importantD. many writers are unwilling to revise their works12. The passage is mainly about _____ .A. the importance of revisingB. the importance of writingC. how to compose good writingD. how to revise your writingPassage 4That an ecological crisis confronts humankind is now so central to our thinking that the notion that human beings adapt to their natural environment seems obvious. But ecological interpretations of world history are surprisingly recent. Sociologists, in attempting to classify societies, have looked increasingly to a people‘s relationship with their natural environment and, provide food, clothing, and shelter. Human beings meet these needs in a wide variety of environments, including deserts, rain forests, grasslands, and so on. Such environments are part of ecosystem, a complex web of interdependencies among organisms, communities of organisms, and the natural habitat. Some societal variation derives from the different demands made by different ecosystems. Customs and ways of life that would be adaptive in one ecosystem would be maladaptive in another.We confront a habitat and evolve a mode of existence not so much as lone individuals, but cooperatively as larger social units. Social organization and technology are our chief adaptive mechanisms. Social organization develops, as we create stable, ordered relationships and become infused with common cultural traits. Much depends on whether or not our values, norms, beliefs and institutions favor or foreclose new avenues of adaptation. Likewise, technology—the application of knowledge for practical weds—allows us to harness and change aspects of our environment. In its broadest sense, technology entails the practical arts and skills of human society. As technology has become more advanced, we have gained access to greater amounts of non-human energy (animal, water, fossil fuel, solar, and so on). In turn, new sources of energy have allowed our cultures to expand and change. Other changes follow as well.13. The author points out that differences in people‘s ways of life come from _____ .A. their cultural traditionsB. their adaptations to the environmentC. their demands for natural resourcesD. their notions about the environment14. Different ways of life exist among different peoples because of _____ .A. their adaptive valueB. their distinctive valueC. lack of better technologyD. mutual isolation15. Social organizations and technology develop as a result o f people‘s _____ .A. adaptation to the environmentB. attempt to change natureC. efforts to create peaceful societiesD. desire to create bigger societies16. The ultimate goal in developing technology is for people to _____ .A. get practical skills and artsB. obtain greater amounts of energyC. effect social changesD. create new culturesPassage 5The subject of my study is women who are initiating social change in a small region in Texas. The women are Mexican Americans who are, or were, migrant agricultural workers. There is more than one kind of innovation at work in the region, of course, but I have chosen to focus on three related patterns of family behavior.The pattern I life style represents how migrant farm workers of all nationalities lived in the past and how many continue to live. I treat this pattern as a baseline with which to compare the changes represented by pattern II and III. Families in pattern I work and travel in extended kin units, with the eldest male occupying the position of authority. Families are large eight or none children are not unusual and all members are economic contributors in this strategy of family migration. Families in pattern II manifest some differences in behavior while still maintaining aspects of pattern I. They continue to migrate but on a reduced scale, often modifying their schedules of migration to allow children to finish the school year. Parents in this pattern often find temporary local jobs as checkers to make up for lost farming income. Pattern II families usually have fewer children than do pattern I families.The greatest amount of change from pattern I, however, is in pattern III families, who no longer migrate at all. Both parents work full time in the area and have an average of three children. Children attend school for the entire year. In pattern III, the women in particular create new roles for themselves for which no local models exist. They no only work full time but may, in addition, return to school. They also assume a greater responsibility in family decisions than do women in the other patterns. Although these women are in the minority among residents of the region, they serve as role models for others, causing moderate changes to spread in their communities.Now opportunities have continued to be determined by pre-existing values. When federal jobs became available in the region, most involved working under the direction of female professionals such as teachers or nurses. Such positions were unaccepted to many men in the areabecause they were not accustomed to being subordinate to women. Women therefore took the jobs, at first, because the income was desperately needed. But some of the women decided to stay at their jobs, at first, after the family‘s distress was over. These w omen enjoyed their work, its responsibility, and the companionship of fellow women workers. The steady, relatively high income allowed their families to stop migrating. And, as the benefits to these women became increasingly apparent, they and their families became even more willing to consider changes in their lives that they would not have considered before.17. Which of the following titles best reflects the main focus of the passage?A. A Survey of Three Mexican-American Families at Work in Texas.B. Innovative Career Women: Effects on Family Unity.C. Changes in the Life-styles of Migrant Mexican-American Families.D. Farming of Family: The Unavoidable Choice for Migrant Farm Workers.18. All of the following statements about pattern II children express differences EXCEPT _____ .A. they migrate for part of each yearB. they spend less time contributing to family incomeC. they spend more months on schoolD. their parents sometimes work at jobs other than farming19. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true of women in pattern III families?A. They earn a reliable and comparatively high income.B. They continue to work solely to meet the urgent needs of their family.C. They enjoy the fellowship involved in working with other womenD. They serve as models of behavior for others in the region.20. The author‘s attitude towards the three patterns of behavior mentioned in the passage is best described as one of _____ .A. great admirationB. unbiased objectivityC. dissatisfactionD. indifferencePassage 6If sustainable competitive advantage depends on work force skills, American firms have a problem. Human resource management is not traditionally seen as central to the competitive survival of the firm in the United States. Skill acquisition is considered as an individual responsibility. Labor is simply another factor of production to be hired-rented at the lowest possible cost-much as one buys raw materials or equipment.The lack of importance attached to human resource management can be seen in the corporation hierarchy. In an American firm the chief financial officer is almost always second incommand. The post of head of human resource managements is usually a specialized job, off at the edge of the corporate hierarchy. The executive who holds it is never consulted on major strategic decisions and has no chance to move up to Chief Executive Officer (CEO).By way of contrast, in Japan the head of human resource management is central-usually the second most important executive, after the CEO, in the firm‘s hierarchy.While American firms often talk about the vast amounts spent on training their work forces, in fact they invest less in the skill of their employees than do the Japanese or German firms. The money they do invest is also more highly concentrated on professional and managerial employees. And the limited investments that are made in training workers are also much more narrowly focused on the specific skills necessary to do the next job rather than on the basic background skills that make it possible to absorb new technologies.As a result, problems emerge when new breakthrough technologies arrive. If American workers, for example, take much longer to learn how to operate new flexible manufacturing stations than workers in Germany(as they do),the effective cost of those stations is lower in Germany than it is in the United Stated. More time is required before equipment is up and running at capacity, and the need for extensive retraining generates costs and creates bottlenecks that limit the speed with which new equipment can be employed. The result is a slower pace of technological change. And in the end the skills of the bottom half of the population affect the wages of the top half. If the bottom half can‘t effectively staff the processes that have to be operated, the management and professional jobs that go with these processes will disappear.21. Which of the following applies to the management of human resources in American companies?A. They hire people at the lowest cost regardless of their skills.B. They see the gaining of skills as their employees own business.C. They attach more importance to workers than to equipment.D. They only hire skilled workers because of keen competition.22. What is the position of the head of human resource management in an American firm?A. He is one of the most important executives in the firm.B. His post is likely to disappear when new technologies are introduced.C. He is directly under the chief financial executive.D. He has no authority in making important decisions in the firm.23. The money most American firms spend in training mainly goes to----.A. workers who can operate new equipmentB. technological and managerial staffC. workers who lack basic background skillsD. top executives.24. What is the main idea of the passage?A. American firms are different from Japanese and German firms in human resource management.B. Extensive retraining is indispensable to effective human resource management.C. The head of human resource management must be in the central position in a firm‘s hierarchy.D. The human resource management strategies of American firms affect their competitive capacity.Passage 7Internet is a vast network of computers that connects many of the world‘s businesses, institutions, and individuals. The Internet, which means interconnected network of networks, links tens of thousands of smaller computer networks. These networks transmit huge amounts of information in the form of words, images, and sounds.The Internet was information on virtually every topic. Network users can search through sources ranging from vast databases to small electronic ―bulletin boards ,‖where users form discussion groups around common interests. Much of the Internet‘s traffic consists of messages sent from one computer user to another. These messages are called electronic mail or email. Internet users have electronic addresses that allow them to send and receive email. Other uses of the network include obtaining news, joining electronic debates, and playing electronic games. One feature of the Internet, known as the World Wide Web, provides graphics, audio, and video to enhance the information in its documents. These documents cover a vast number of topics.People usually access the Internet with a device called a modem. Modems connect computers to the network through telephone lines. Much of the Internet operates through worldwide telephone networks of fiber-optic cables. These cables contain hair-thin strands of glass that carry data as pulses of light. They can transmit thousands of times more data than local phone lines, most of which consist of copper wires.The history of the Internet began in the 1960s.At that time, the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA. of the United States Department of Defense developed a network of computers called ARPA net. Originally, ARPA net connected only military and government computer systems. Its purpose was to make these systems secure in the event of a disaster or was. Soon after the creation of ARPA net, universities and other institutions developed their own computer networks. These networks eventually were merged with ARPA net to form the Internet. By the 1990s,anyone with a computer, modem, and Internet software could link up to the Internet.In the future, the Internet will probably grow more sophisticated as computer technology becomes more powerful. Many experts believe the Internet may become part of a larger network called the information superhighway. This network, still under development, would link computers with telephone companies, cable television stations, and other communication systems. People could bank, shop, watch TV, and perform many other activities through the network.25 .This passage is about the------of the Internet.A future.B general introductionC use.D history.26 .Which of the following statements about the Internet is true?A. ARPA was the first net used by American universities and institutions.B. The history of the Internet can be traced back to fifty years ago.C. The purpose of the Internet is to protect the world in the event of war.D. ARPA net formed the foundation of the Internet nowadays...。

(0161)《中学英语教学法》复习思考题一、判断正误题(8分)The following statements are about the facts presented in the textbook, please indicate in the brackets before the statements whether they are true( T ) or ( F ).( ) 1. Role play and improvisation are social interaction activities.( ) 2. Discovering missing information and discovering differences and following directions are all functional communicative activities.( ) 3. Stress in pronunciation is sometimes as important as grammar.( ) 4. Students need to be able to write phonetic transcripts of words.( ) 5. Adult learners need to focus on pronunciation, but young learners don‟t.( ) 6. Students need to know phonetics in order to learn English.( ) 7. Students need to be given detailed grammar rules if they are to learn a foreign language successfully.( ) 8. If the students get enough chance to practise using a foreign language, they do not need to learn grammar.( ) 9. Teaching and learning grammar should focus on practice rather than the study of grammar itself.( ) 10. Grammar should be taught an practised in context.( ) 11. The best way to explain vocabulary is to translate.( ) 12. Words must be learned in language contexts.( ) 13. Knowing a word means that you know the pronunciation and meaning of it.( ) 14. Students‟ errors are a very useful way of showing what they have and have not lear nt. So instead of seeing errors negatively, as a sign of failure, we see them positively as an indication of what we still need toteach.( ) 15. Testing implies evaluation based on a collection of information about what students know and can do.( ) 16. Classroom climate is strongly affected by the teachers‟ attitude and behaviour.( ) 17. In the Communicative Approach, a teacher is described as an “instructor” and students as “listeners” in class.( ) 18. The students‟ native language has no particular role in the Communicative Approach. The target language should be used not only during communicative activities, but also in explaining the activities to thestudents or in assigning homework.( ) 19. Words which we want students to understand, but which they will not need to use themselves. We call this passive vocabulary.( ) 20. Students‟ errors are a sign of failure, so we must correct every mistake they make.( ) 21. Culture is received greater attention in the Communicative Approach.( ) 22. Spoken language is generally produced in informal, simple or commonvocabulary.() 23. All new words in a lesson are equally important.( ) 24.Classroom climate is strongly affected by both the teachers‟ attitude and the students‟ behavior.( ) 25. V ocabulary can be divided into productive and receptive.( ) 26. Communicative competence refers to knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary of the language.( ) 27. Post-reading work usually contributes to the development of all the language skills and may involve using other skills than just reading.( ) 28. Written language is generally produced in fairly simple sentence structures.( ) 29. In the Communicative Approach, both teachers and students have multiple roles.( ) 30. Spoken language is sometimes produced in incomplete sentences.( )31. The skill practised in the pre-reading stage is anticipation.( ) 32. Communicative activities can be divided into functional communicative activities and social interaction activities.( ) 33. One way to teach reading is following the framework: presentation, practice and production. Each stage has a different goal and deals with different reading strategies.( ) 34. Students are given the structure in context and are asked to work out the rule for themselves. They are given guidance from the teacher in using evidence from the context to work out the usage of the structure. This is called the inductive method.( ) 35. Reading is an active process, during which the reader tries to understand the meaning of a given text. ( )36. If the aim of activity is to check that students can use the verbs correctly, you have to correct any major errors, especially those involving the verbs you have taught, or the activity will lose its point.( ) 37. The skill practised in the pre-reading stage is inference.( ) 38. Words which we want students to understand, but which they will not need to use themselves. We call this active vocabulary.( ) 39. The typical example of functional communication activities is role play.( ) 40. The target language should be used not only during communicative activities, but also in explaining the activities to the students or in assigning homework.( ) 41. Y ou glance quickly through a text in order to find a specific piece of information, this skill is called scanning.( ) 42. Types of mistakes are slips, errors and attempts.( ) 43. The language you are learning is called target language.( ) 44. There is an important difference between assessment and testing.( ) 45. In many cases the term “materials” is used in place of “textbooks”, which refers to anything that is used by teachers or students to facilitate the learning of a language.( ) 46. It‟s unnecessary for teachers to know how to evaluate, select and adapt textbooks.( ) 47. It is clearly whether someone can become a good language teacher solely depends on his/her command of the language.( ) 48. Foreign Language Teaching Methodology is a science which studies the processes and patterns of foreign language teaching, aiming at revealing the nature and laws of foreign language teaching.( ) 49. According to the Grammar Translation Methods, the spoken form of language is the most important aspect of language.( ) 50. Interactional view sees language as a linguistic system but also as a means for doing things.( ) 51. Functional view considers language as a communicative tool, whose main use is to build up and maintain social relations between people.( ) 52. Students are given the opportunities to use the newly presented language items in a controlled framework.This may be done by drills, or by repeating parts of the dialogue presented in the first stage. This stage isintended to develop accuracy skills. This describes the presentation stage.( ) 53. When reading a text, I start by predicting the probable meaning, then I get to read and understand the words and phrases in the text to check whether that is really what the writer means. Sometimes I go theother way round. That‟s to say, I combine the above 2 ways in my reading. This is the interactive model. ( ) 54. Learners have the opportunity to integrate the new language items with the old through activities that give free and extensive expression aimed at developing fluency skills. This refers to the production stage. ( ) 55. I usually start reading a text by recognising words, word connections, and phrase patterns as well as sentence patterns, then I can rapidly and automatically get meaning from the text. This is the top-downmodel.( ) 56. When reading a text, I first identify the topic, purpose and structure of the text, then I make guesses, predictions during reading. In this way, I create meaning from the text as a whole. This is the bottom-upmodel.( ) 57. Structural view sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems. To learn a language means to learn these structural items so as to be able to understand and produce language.( ) 58. 语言技能包括听、说、读、写四个方面的技能以及四种技能的综合运用能力。

(0187)英语阅读三复习思考题答案Part I Translation (15)1.每个人看到的景致是相同的,但每个人察觉出的东西却不同。

(0063)《综合英语六》复习思考题I. Paraphrase the following sentences from the textbook. (20)1.I have often wondered at the savagery and thoughtlessness with which our early settlersapproached this rich continent.2.This tendency towards irresponsibility persists in very many of us today.3.The colonists farmed meager lands close to their communities and to safety.4.It is little wonder that they went land-mad.5.Mental depression is a recurring nightmare.6.I often go the supermarket for the pure fun of it.7.Such signs are unmistakable forms of body language.8.People with a more dominant attitude will use more expansive gestures.9.What if a woman decides that she isn’t interested in a man’s overtures?10.In such settings, “hands off” is the best policy because a well-intentioned touch can be badlymisconstrued.11.God had not struck Westley dead for taking his name in vane.12.At first thought, it seems a trivial pursuit to examine the ways in which we address oneanother.13.Our initial decision about the appropriate address form is based on relative ages.plications arise when relative age and relative rank are not both the same.15.There would be widespread agreement that there is linguistic deficiency.16.Let me touch upon one other way in which we are equipped somewhat less than ideally tosay what we want to say.17.Can we not begin to imagine how near to despair these people must come who can almostnever find the word they are hunting for?18.There are thousands of ideas that it is impossible to translate into popular language.19.The man rattled of f an account of the killer’s second attack.20.What are some other universal nonverbal signals?(Consult your book and the relevant online material for the answers)II. Please identify the figures of speech in the following sentences.(15)1.It is ages since I saw you last time.2.He has a heart like stone.3.More haste, less speed.4.If winter comes, can spring be still far behind?5.There is a garden on her face where white lilies and red roses grow.6.He lives in his dream, by his dream and for his dream.7.Stay away from him; the man is a snake in the grass.8.Spring blew its trumpet of color; her green sang in my mind.9.She has been raised on the bottle since her mother died at the time of her birth.10.I enjoyed a happy time yesterday.11.Give me liberty, or give me death.12.My love is like the melody that’s played in tune.13.There is a garden on her face where white lilies and red roses grow.14.The man was in a sea of trouble.15.She has a heart like gold.16.He lives in his illusion, by his illusion and for his illusion.17.Spring returned and everything awoke from its dream.18.He had a miserable childhood.19.Look! The kettle is boiling..20.We are in need of a hand.(Consult your book)III. Answer the following questions according to the texts you have learned. (15)1.What is the story “Salvation” mainly about? (Lesson one)2.Why was Langston Hughes crying that night? (Lesson one)3.What are those factors we must consider when addressing a person in a formal situation?(Lesson two)4.Is it easy to choose words to express our ideas and feelings? Why? (Lesson three)5.Why did the 38 people fail to call the police when the lady was in danger? (Lesson four)6.What is body language? (Lesson five)7.According to Steinbeck, what is the attitude of the Americans towards the land? (Lesson six)8.What is mental depression? (Lesson seven)9.Why do most people go to the supermarket when they have no intention to buy anything?(Lesson eight)10.Can you explain why the author prefers wanting instead of having in terms of food and otherwonderful things? (Lesson nine)11.Who does the sec ond person “you” refer to in Lesson ten—“What Is It Like to Be Poor”?12.Is it a record of George Orwell’s own life experience? (Lesson ten)13.Why does Lawrence say London is “dull”? (Lesson twelve)14.Were the animals warmly received by the Indians? (Lesson thirteen)15.What does the musicians refer to in Lesson fourteen, men or animals?(Consult your book)IV. Reading comprehension. Read the following poem and interpret (understand and explain) it in your own words. (20)What happens to a dream deferred?What happens to a dream deferred?Does it dry uplike a raisin in the sun?Or fester like a sore--And then run?Does it stink like rotten meat?Or crust and sugar over--like a syrupy sweet?Maybe it just sagsLike a heavy load.Or does it explode(Consult your book and the relevant online material for the answers)LamentListen, children:Your father is dead.From his old coatsI'll make you little jackets;I'll make you little trousersFrom his old pants.There'll be in his pocketsThings he used to put there,Keys and penniesCovered with tobacco;Dan shall have the penniesTo save in his bank;Anne shall have the keysTo make a pretty noise with.Life must go on,And the dead be forgotten;Life must go on,Though good men die;Anne, eat your breakfast;Dan, take your medicine;Life must go on;I forget just why.(Consult your book and the relevant online material for the answers)(0063)《综合英语六》复习思考题答案I. Paraphrase the following sentences from the textbook. (20)21.I have often wondered at the savagery and thoughtlessness with which our early settlersapproached this rich continent. (I cannot understand why the early settlers were so savage and thoughtless in their attitude towards the American land.)22.This tendency towards irresponsibility persists in very many of us today. (Many of us todayare as irresponsible as our ancestors in treating the land.)23.The colonists farmed meager lands close to their communities and to safety. (They ploughedthose pieces of land that were poor and close to their living places where they were safe.) 24.It is little wonder that they went land-mad. (It is not strange that they were foolishlyenthusiastic about land.)25.Mental depression is a recurring nightmare. (Mental depression is a terrible thing that occursagain and again.)26.I often go the supermarket for the pure fun of it. (I often go there without the intent to buyanything but just for fun.)27.Such signs are unmistakable forms of body language. (These signs are forms of non-verbalcommunication understood by everyone.)28.People with a more dominant attitude will use more expansive gestures. (More aggressivepeople will employ more dominating forms of body language.)29.What if a woman decides that she isn’t interested in a man’s overtures? (What would happenif a woman were not interested in a man’s preliminary attention?)30.In such settings, “hands off” is the best policy because a well-intentioned touch can be badlymisconstrued. (When this happens, “no touching” is the best thing to do because a touch can be seriously misunderstood even if you have a good intention.)31.God had not struck Westley dead for taking his name in vane. (God had not killed him thoughhe cheated.)32.At first thought, it seems a trivial pursuit to examine the ways in which we address oneanother. (In the beginning, it seems unimportant to study how we greet each other.)33.Our initial decision about the appropriate address form is based on relative ages. (The firstthing about the proper form of address that we must consider is how old or how young the addressee is.)plications arise when relative age and relative rank are not both the same. (Difficultsituations would occur if the addressee’s age and rank do not agree.)35.There would be widespread agreement that there is linguistic deficiency. (All people agreethat language is not everything and cannot do everything we want it to do.)36.Let me touch upon one other way in which we are equipped somewhat less than ideally tosay what we want to say. (I will treat briefly another way in which we cannot say want we have to say in mind.)37.Can we not begin to imagine how near to despair these people must come who can almostnever find the word they are hunting for? (Can’t we say that people are sometimes in a desperate situation in looking for the words wanted?)38.There are thousands of ideas that it is impossible to translate into popular language. (Manyideas are abstract and cannot be conveyed by language.)39.The man rattled off an account of the killer’s second attack.(The man described in detail howthe man attacked the girl for the second time.)40.What are some other universal nonverbal signals? (Are there more forms of non-verbalcommunication recognized all over the world? And what are they?)II. Please identify the figures of speech in the following sentences.(15)21.It is ages since I saw you last time. Hyperbole or exaggeration or overstatement22.He has a heart like stone. Simile23.More haste, less speed. Antithesis24.If winter comes, can spring be still far behind? Rhetorical question25.There is a garden on her face where white lilies and red roses grow. Metaphor26.He lives in his dream, by his dream and for his dream. Parallelism27.Stay away from him; the man is a snake in the grass. Metaphor28.Spring blew its trumpet of color; her green sang in my mind. Personification29.She has been raised on the bottle since her mother died at the time of her birth. Metonymy30.I enjoyed a happy time yesterday. Transferred epithet or hypallage31.Give me liberty, or give me death. Antithesis32.My love is like the melody that’s played in tune. Simile33.He has a stone heart. Metaphor34.The man was in a sea of trouble. Hyperbole or exaggeration or overstatement35.She has a heart like gold. Simile36.He lives in his illusion, by his illusion and for his illusion. Parallelism37.Spring returned and everything awoke from its dream. Personification38.He had a miserable childhood. Transferred epithet39.Look! The kettle is boiling. Metonymy40.We are in need of a hand. SynecdocheIII. Answer the following questions according to the texts you have learned. (15)16.What is the story “Salvation”mainly about? (Lesson one) (The author’s first religiousexperience and his disillusionment)17.Why was Langston Hughes crying that night? (Lesson one) (For he was cheated and he liedfor the first time in life)18.What are those factors we must consider when addressing a person in a formal situation?(Lesson two) (Relative age and rank)19.Is it easy to choose words to express our ideas and feelings? Why? (Lesson three) (No.Linguistic insufficiency)20.Why did the 38 people fail to call the police when the lady was in danger? (Lesson four)(They were afraid and indifferent.)21.What is body language? (Lesson five) (Non-verbal communication)22.According to Steinbeck, what is the attitude of the Americans towards the land? (Lesson six)(Irresponsible, savage and thoughtless)23.What is mental depression? (Lesson seven) (The state of being in low spirits)24.Why do most people go to the supermarket when they have no intention to buy anything?(Lesson eight) (For fun; to be a part of the public life; not to be forgotten by others)25.Can you explain why the author prefers wanting instead of having in terms of food and otherwonderful things? (Lesson nine) (Once you get it, you will not value it. It’s the death of desire.)26.Who does the second person “you”refer to in Lesson ten—“What Is It Like to Be Poor”?(The author himself and people in similar situations)27.Is it a record of George Orwell’s own life experience? (Lesson ten) (Yes, it is)28.Why does Lawrence say London is “dull”? (Lesson twelve) (He did not like it and was notpopular among people there.)29.Were the animals warmly received by the Indians? (Lesson thirteen) (Yes)30.What does the musicians refer to in Lesson fourteen, men or animals? (Animals)IV. Reading comprehension. Read the following poem and interpret (understand and explain) it in your own words. (20)What happens to a dream deferred?What happens to a dream deferred?Does it dry uplike a raisin in the sun?Or fester like a sore--And then run?Does it stink like rotten meat?Or crust and sugar over--like a syrupy sweet?Maybe it just sagsLike a heavy load.Or does it explode(The poem was written by Langston Hughes. It is about dream and what would happen if a dream has no chance of being realized. More specifically, the poem is about the dream of the American blacks for equality, freedom, and other human rights. The poet encourages the blacks to hold their dreams, for it is what gives meaning and generates hope to a life of misery and suffering. The poem also sounds a warning: if nothing is done to help the blacks, and if the blacks cannot fulfill their dream, then it would be “fire”next time. Their dream is going to “explode,”destroying everything in the American society. The poem is in the convention of free verse. It contains a number of questions, which is very unique. And simile is the most conspicuous figure of speech in it.)LamentListen, children:Your father is dead.From his old coatsI'll make you little jackets;I'll make you little trousersFrom his old pants.There'll be in his pocketsThings he used to put there,Keys and penniesCovered with tobacco;Dan shall have the penniesTo save in his bank;Anne shall have the keysTo make a pretty noise with.Life must go on,And the dead be forgotten;Life must go on,Though good men die;Anne, eat your breakfast;Dan, take your medicine;Life must go on;I forget just why.(This poem is a lament over the death of the father, the bread-winner of the family. As can be seen from the poem, the family has been poverty-stricken in the past years. And the untimely death of the father has plunged it into deeper misery. The mother, though grief-stricken, is a strong-minded woman. She assumes the whole responsibility of looking after the children. Life must go on, though it is difficult. The poem is written in the tradition of free verse. Parallelism is the major figure of speech.)。

(0086)《综合英语二》复习思考题I. V ocabulary, Structure and GrammarDirections:There are some incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You must choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.1. The _________ time you waste, the __________ it is to go on wasting time.A. more, easierB. most, easierC. more, easiestD. most, easiest2. The specialist was the person _________.A. whom state dinner was given in honorB. for whom the state dinner was given honorC. in whose honor the state dinner was givenD. whose honor the state dinner was given3. It is ______ work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it.A. a so unusualB. such an unusualC. so unusualD. such unusual4. Scarcely ______ the door shut behind me when I realized I had forgotten to take the key withme.A. I had pulledB. had I pulledC. did I pullD. I pulled5. The old lady who saw the bus ___________ into the river phoned the police instantly.A. plungedB. to plungeC. was plungingD. plunge6. Y ou may come with us to Florida for the winter _________ you don‟t mind the cost.A. unlessB. on conditionC. exceptD. if7. If you don‟t put the cheese in the refrigerator, it may _____.A. go outB. go offC. go wrongD. go over8. Children who are over-protected by their parents may become _______.A. hurtB. spoiledC. damagedD. harmed9. The delay of the flight is due to _________ beyond our control.A. conditionsB. causesC. circumstancesD. in convenience10. The teacher was using too many new words, and the children could not take ______ what he was teaching.A. inB. awayC. toD. about11. Please don‟t leave without _______ the lights.A. you turnB. turning offC. turn off D you‟ll turn off12. It‟s none of your business. Y ou have no right to ______.A. disturbB. interruptC. interfereD. break in13. _______ a nice thing that you succeeded.A. What‟sB. It‟sC. That‟sD. There‟s14. __________ did Arthur realize that there was danger.A. Upon entering the storeB. No sooner had he entered the storeC. Scarcely had he entered the storeD. Only after entering the store15. Each teacher and student _______ responsible for learning the material assigned.A. isB. areC. wereD. has16. I ______ play tennis than golf.A. would ratherB. like better toC. had betterD. prefer to17. The students went to their _______ rooms.A. respectableB. respectfulC. respectiveD. respected18. Practically all jobs in new China, _____ those harmful to their health, are open to womenwithout discrimination.A. except forB. besidesC. exceptingD. with the exception of19. This exercise is certainly not so difficult as it _____.A. soundsB. appearsC. isD. happens to be20. ______ my expectation, I quite enjoyed my self at the party.A. In terms ofB. Counter againstC. Consistent withD. Contrary to21. Don‟t e late, _______?A. will youB. do youC. don‟t youD. shan‟t we22. The reference book ________ can‟t be found anywhere.A. that I need itB. I need itC. which I need itD. I need23. So urgent ______ that the doctor rode away without delay.A. the case wasB. was the caseC. it was the caseD. the case being24. He has been singled out as representative. _______ surprises us all.A. whichB. whereC. thisD. it25. _____, he would feel exhausted after a whole day‟s work.A. As strong is heB. Ashe is strongC. Strong if he isD. Strong as he is26. Children who are over-protected by their parents may become _______.A. hurtB. spoiledC. damagedD. harmed27. He‟ll be very glad if you agree to ______ this matter.A. book upB. look forC. look atD. look into28. The boat drifted along on the sea for a good hour ___________ it was safely anchored at the dock.A. beforeB. whenC. afterD. while29. Everything I‟ve described went wrong. ______ the whole affair was a disaster.A. In smallB. SummarilyC. In brief wordsD. In short30. Caves and hollow tress are not the only places ___________.A. where do bats liveB. where bats liveC. bats live thereD. there bats live31. It was because the applicant was too proud _________ he failed in the interview.A. thereforeB. thatC. so thatD. so32. I came so early for supper today because I thought the bell ______.A. had already rangB. has already rungC. already had rungD. had already rung33. There was so much noise that the speaker couldn‟t make himself _________.A. heardB. to hearC. hearingD. being heard34. Not until many years later, _________ known.A. was the whole truth becomeB. did the whole truth becomeC. the whole truth becameD. the whole truth had become35. If you don‟t _______ smoking you will never get recovered.A. give offB. give inC. give outD. give up36. Here are some toys. Y ou can _______ one or two for your little son as a birthday present.A. single outB. pick outC. work outD. find out37. It ____ me _____ the village where I spent my summer vacation last year.A. calls … back toB. reminds …ofC. recalls …toD. takes … to38. The United States _________ an enormous wealth of resources.A. persuadesB. performsC. possessesD. permits39. Her display of bad temper completely ________ the party.A. harmedB. damagedC. hurtD. spoilt40. We are all indignant _______ the injustice done to him.A. aboutB. forC. withD. at41. Writing stories and articles ______ what I enjoy most.A. isB. have beenC. areD. were42. He asked ______ for a while.A. not to have been disturbedB. to have not been disturbed.C. not to be disturbedD. to be disturbed43. Since the mountain is white, it_____ last night.A. must be snowedB. must snowC. must have snowedD. must have been snowed44. John, as well as his brothers, ______ wounded in the battle.A. wereB. areC. isD. was45. Without the help of radar, a plane _______ unable to fly.A. isB. will have beenC. would beD. would have been46. Walking into the room ________.A. our footsteps echoed through the corridorsB. our footsteps could be heard through the corridorsC. our footsteps were heard by ourselvesD. we heard the echoes of our footsteps through the corridors47. ___________ car we take, we‟ll have to get gas for it.A. WhateverB. WhereverC. HoweverD. Whichever48. It‟s impossible to avoid ______ by the strong weather.A. being much affectedB. to be much affectedC. having much affectedD. to have been much affected49. The platform would collapse if all of you _________ on it.A. standB. stoodC. would standD. had stood50. This factory _______ a thousand cars a day.A. turns intoB. turns outC. turns againstD. turns toII. CorrectionDirections: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts. These parts are labeledA, B, C, and D. Identify the part of the sentence that is incorrect.1. I have read the article on socialist realism appeared in yesterday‟s paper.A B C D2. Shanghai is larger than any city in China.A B C D3. Some of us have to study their lessons more carefully if we expect to pass this examination.A B C D4. Nobody besides little children thinks that a trip by bus is exciting.A B C D5. Man has used metals for centuries in gradual increasing quantities, but it was notA Buntil the Industrial Revolution that they came to be employed in real vast quantities.C D6. They asked us, Henry and I, whether we thought that the statistics had been presentedA B Cfairly and accurately.D7. The teacher, along with a committee of bright students, have compiled a reading list.A B C D8. My hat was blown off by the wind while walking down a narrow street.A B C D9. Just outside the ruins are a magnificent building surrounded by tall trees.A B C D10. The judge was hearing a case when a time bomb exploded and shaking the wholeA B C Dbuilding.11. I didn‟t mind their coming late to the lecture, but I objected their making so much noise.A B C D12. A man cannot be really happy if that he enjoys doing is ignored by society as of noA B C Dvalue or importance.13. Having studied your report carefully, I am convinced that neither of your solutionsA B Care correct.D14. Of the various plans submitted for our consideration, Mr. Baker‟s seemed betterA B Cfrom all points of view.D15. The ice was so slipper that even show tires were helpless.A B C D16. We don‟t get there in time if we hurry up.A B C D17. I hope you will act as a man when difficulties confront you.A B C D18. If you want to write a report or to find the answer of a question, where do you look forA B C Dfacts?19. Because of the approaching storm, the wind began to blow hard and the sky became darkA B Cas evening.D20. Harvey seldom pays his bills on time, and his brother does either.A B C D21. On entering the hotel, we immediately realized the reason for being so popular with tourists.A B C D22. It is extremely important for an engineer to know to use a computer.A B C D23. It‟s a good idea to bite your tongue for ten minutes before to say what‟s on your mind.A B C D24. Fertilizers are used primarily to enrich the soil and increasing yield.A B C D25. Most people rely on television because of the main news and read newspapers toA B Cbe entertained.D26. The teacher told the students that everyone must do their best to pass the examination.A B C D27. There is hardly any reason for you to feel badly and, blame yourself for this misfortune.A B C D28. The teacher asked them who had completed their tests to leave the room as quietly asA B C Dpossible.29. The more the relative humidity reading rises, the worst the heat affects us.A B C D30. Rain clouds and smoke caused by pollution look so much alike that one cannot hardlyA B Ctell the difference between them.D31. The opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is the main attraction of a bookshop.A B C D32. Ambassadors spoke of the political situation in that area with a dismay.A B C D33. The traditional Beijing opera appeals very much for the public.A B C D34. I persuaded him into accepting the offer, but he just wouldn‟t listen to me.A B C D35. It is important that every citizen who expects to cast his vote takes time to evaluate the issueA B C Dclearly.36. When she entered into the room in that fancy dress, everyone looked at her in surprise.A B C D37. It is interesting to compare the early stylized art forms of ancient civilizations to the modernA B C Dabstract forms of today.38. A good artist like a good engineer learns as much from their mistakes as from successes.A B C D39. Upon reading Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain, one begins to understand the value of yourA B C D common sense.40. All of us thanked our hostess once more for the delighted dinner.A B C D41. They like strong-flavored dish and hot seasonings such as onions and mustard.A B C D42. When I was at college I studied this subject with great interests.A B C D43. Not until we reached the top of the hill did we find Xiao Wu missed.A B C D44. He freely confessed that there was some measure of truth in it.A B C D45. Y ou didn‟t need tell him the news; it just made him sad.A B C D46. America will never again have as a nation the spirit of adventure as it was before the westA B Cwas settled.D47. Those of us who smoke should have their lungs X-rayed regularlyA B C D48. It seems that flow is a “floating action” which the individual is aware of his actions but notA B C Daware of his awareness.49. Natural foods also include animals which have allowed to feed and move freely in healthyA B C Dpastures.50. The music in the film is lightly, gay and catchy and remains in everyone‟s memory.A B C DI I I. ClozeDirections:There are 10 blanks in each of the following passages. For each blank there are four choices marked A. B. C. and D. You should choose the one answer that fits best into the passage.Passage 1Nobody likes taking exams: exams in your own language can be stressful enough but somehow exams in a foreign language always seem to cause more worry and anxiety. Well, the good news is that, if you 1 some simple steps, taking English language exams can be really quite 2 . it won‟t exactly be fun, but it certainly shouldn‟t give you too many headaches or sleepless nights.If you are planning to 3 one of the well-known exams such as Cambridge First Certificate, you will probably find that there‟s a preparation course 4 at a school near you. Check that the school has a good 5 of exam success and that the teacher is 6 . It is a good idea to ask if you will be given homework and 7 your written work will be marked by a teacher who knows the level of English 8 by the exam.If you take 9 exam preparation course your teacher will give you all the information you need and you will find that 10 in a class helps you to study more effectively. But you will still need to put in a lot of work yourself.1. A. take B. walk C. follow D. keep2. A. painful b. painless C. enjoyable D. marvelous3. A. get B. prepare C. participate D. take4. A. ready B. available C. offering D. existing5. A. management B. foundation C. expectation D. record6. A. experience B. experiencing C. experienced D. experiences7. A. how B. that C. what D. whether8. A. required B. determined C. corresponded D. accorded9. A. a B. an C. the D. one10. A. going B. coming C. being D. gettingPassage 2The population of an area is the total number of people __1___ live there for many years, the world population ___2__ rapidly. In 1981, the world population was about 4,490,000,000. The number of people has grown by about 79 million ___3__ 1980. This was an increase of 1.8 ____4__. If the population continues to increase at this rate, the world population will be about 6,250,000 by the year 2000.Every thirty seconds about one hundred and fifteen babies ___5___. probably about forty-five people die ___6____ the same thirty seconds. This means that one hundred and forty people are added to the world population every minute.If the population ___7____ distributed evenly throughout the world, there would be about thirty persons per square kilometer of land. ___8___, people aren‟t distributed evenly. No one lives in most parts of Antarctica or in parts of some deserts. In some parts of the world, thereare ___9___ four hundred of persons per square kilometer. The average number of persons living ____10____ an area is the population density. The greatest population densities are in Europe and Asia.1. A. they B. who C. which D. as2. A. grows B. has grown C. is growing D. has been growing3. A. since B. by C. in D. from4. A. percentage B. rate C. percent D. rent5. A. are born B. was born C. were born D. had been born6. A. at B. during C. on D. through7. A. is B. are C. was D. were8. A. As a result B. In the way C. However D. Finally9. A. as large as B. as many as C. as few as D. as well as10. A. within B. without C. beyond D. withPassage 3A house in Clarktown caught fire on Christmas Eve,1982. The old woman who lived in the house was in poor health and she even had trouble in walking.. 1 her house burning down around her, she was not able to go anywhere. The smoke 2 her choke. The fire was very hot. Without quick help she would have 3 .Fire fighters 4 the house. They started to put the fire out. They did not know the ol d woman was still 5 .The people heard her crying for help. The fire was still very hot 6 there was lots of smoke.A man 7 like Santa Claus was passing by. He was on his way to give gifts to poor families. 8 had he heard the old woman‟s cry when he ran into the 9 house. After a while he rushed out with the old woman on his back and came to her safety. Then, as 10 as he had done that, the man left. No one knew the real name of the hero who had saved the old woman‟s life.1. A. Because B. For C. With D. During2. A. suffered B. broke C. forced D .made3. A. lived B. died C. left D. stayed4. A. looked for B. searched through C. got to D. set up5. A. out of doors B. in the open air C. outside D. inside6. A. but B. and C. or D. though7. A. dressed B. chosen C. looked D acted8. A. Only B. Hardly C. Never D Badly9. A. empty B. crowded C. burnt D. burning10. A. bravely B. carefully C. quickly D. proudlyPassage 4In recent years, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past. New ___1_____ and machines are being developed every day to extend life. _____2_____ , some people ,___3_____ some doctors don‟t ap prove these life-extending measures, and they say that people should have the ____4___ to die when they want. They saythat the___5____ of life is as important as life itself, and that people should not be forced to ___6____ living when the conditions of life have become very bad. They say that people should be allowed to decide when they want to die. ____7______ say that life _____8_____ any circumstances is better than ____9_____ and that the ____10_____ of doctors is always to extend life as long as possible.1. A. medicines B. inventions C. discoveries D. techniques2. A. But B. Wherever C. However D. Despite3. A. concluding B. including C. excluding D. Despite4. A. right B. ability C. capability D. reason5. A. quantity B. quality C. value D. meaning6. A. make B. earn C. lead D. go on7. A. the other B. other C. others D. The others8. A. at B. on C. below D. under9. A. death B. dead C. die D. dying10. A. task B. work C. job D. dutyPassage 5I ____1___ dislike television, thinking that people spent too much time ____2____ it. A lot of my friends used to talk _____3____ the sports programs, the films and the shows. They never read any books or went out in the evening. I always ____4_____ to buy a television set.Last year I was 60, and I _____5_____ from my job. My son bought me a television set. “I‟ll keep you ____6_____.” he said. And it is quite _____7___. I watch all the news programs and know far more about the world now. And I read some books, too. ______8_____ I think I may follow one of the open University television ____9______ next year. Perhaps I‟ll get a ____10______ when I‟m 65.1. A. usedn‟t to B. was used to C. used to D. didn‟t use to2. A. watching B. looking at C. seeing D. looking3. .A. of B. to C. with D. about4. A. wanted B. refused C. stopped D. hoped5. A. retired B. was dismissed C. escaped D. ran6. A. calm B. active C. fit D. up-to-date7. A. wrong B. disgusting C. true D. terrible8. A. Moreover B. Of course C. In fact D. Above all9. A. books B. papers C. programs D. courses10. A. degree B. promotion C. job D. color TVIV. Reading ComprehensionDirections:There are some passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked a. B. C. and D. You should decide on the best choice.Passage OneAdam Smith, writing in the 1770s, was the first person to see the importance of the division of labor and to explain part of its advantages. He gives as an example the process by which pins were made in England.“One man draws out the wire, another strengthens it, a third cuts it, a fourth points it, a fifth grinds it at the top to prepare it to receive the head. To make the head requires two or three different operations. To put it on is a separate operation, to polish the pins is another.It is even a trade by itself to put them into the paper. And the important business of making pins is, in this manner, divided into about eighteen operations, which in some factories are all performed by different people, though in others the same man will sometimes perform two or three of them. Ten men, Smith said, in this way, turned out twelve pounds of pins a day or about 4,800 pins apiece. But if all of them had worked separately and independently without division of labour, they certainly could not each of them have made twenty pins in a day and perhaps not even one.There can be no doubt that division of labour, provided that it is not taken too far, is an efficient way of organizing work. Fewer people can make more pins. Adam Smith saw this but he also took it for granted that division of labour is in itself responsible for economic growth and development and that it accounts for the difference between expanding economies and those that stand still. But division of labour adds nothing new; it only enables people to produce more f what they already have.1. According to the passage, Adam Smith was the first person to ________.A. take advantage of the division of labourB. introduce the division of labour into EnglandC. understand the effects of the division of labourD. explain the causes of the division of labour2. Adam Smith saw that the division of labour _________.A. enabled each worker to make pins more quickly and more cheaplyB. increased the possible output per workerC. increased the number of people employed in factoriesD. improved the quality of pins produced3. According to Adam Smith‟s example, the number of operations required in making pins is about _________.A. fiveB. eightC. twelveD. eighteen4. Adam Smith mentioned the number 4,800 in order to __________.A. show the advantages of the division of labourB. show the advantages of the old craft systemC. emphasize how powerful the individual worker wasD. emphasize the importance of increased production5. According to the writer, Adam Smith‟s mistake was in believing that division of labour________.A. was an efficient way of organizing workB. was an important development in methods of productionC. always led to economic developmentD. increased the production of existing goodsPassage TwoThe Red Cross is an international organization which cares for people who are in need of help. A man in a Paris hospital who needs blood, a woman in Mexico who was injured in an earthquake, and family in India that lost their home in a storm may all be aided by the Red Cross.The Red Cross exists in almost every country around the globe. The world Red Cross organizations are sometimes called the Red Crescent, the Red Mogen David, the Sun, and the Red Lion. All of these agencies share a common goal of trying to help people in need.The idea of forming an organization to help the sick and wounded during a war started with Jean Henri Dunant. In 1859, he observed how people were suffering on a battlefield in Italy. He wanted to help all the wounded people regardless of which side they were fighting for. The most important result of his work was an international treaty called the Geneva Convention. It protects prisoners of war, the sick and wounded, and other citizens during a war.The American Red Cross was set up by Clara Barton in 1881. Today the Red Cross in the United States provides a number of services for the public, such as helping people in need, teaching first aid and providing blood.6. Which of the following could best replace the title for this selection?A. People in Need of Help.B. Safety and Protection.C. The International Red Cross.D. Forming an organization to Help People.7. The word “aided” in the first paragraph means ___________.A. neededB. helpedC. caughtD. protec ted8. The author really tries to make the reader see that this organization ____________.A. costs very little moneyB. works in many nationsC. teaches first aid if necessaryD. is called the Sun9. We may drew a conclusion that ___________ during a war.A. the Red Cross only protects the woundedB. the Red Cross only helps prisoners of warC. the Red Cross only helps citizensD. the Red Cross helps all the people in need no matter which side they are fighting for10. The person who started the idea of this organization was ____________.A. CrossB. DunantC. BartonD. Mogen DavidPassage ThreeFootball is, I believe, the most popular game in England: one has only to go to one of the important matches to see this. Rich and poor, young and old, one can see them all there, shouting for one side or the other.To a stranger one of the most surprising things about football in England is the great knowledge of the game which even the smallest boy seems to have. He can tell you the names of the players in most of the important teams, he has pictures of them and knows the results of large numbers of matches. He will tell you whom he expects will win such and such a match and his opinion is usually as good as that of men three or four times his age.Most schools in England take football seriously much more seriously than nearly allEuropean schools, where lessons are all important, and games are left for the children themselves. In England it is believed that education is not only a matter of filling a boy‟s mind with facts in the character is by means of games, especially team games, instead of working for himself alone. The school therefore plans games and matches for its pupils. Football is a good team game, it is good both for the body and the mind. That is why it is very school‟s game in England.11. At football matches, people often _______ one team or the other by shouting.A. watchB. win overC. laugh atD. support12. In England school boys seem ________ football games.A. to know a great deal aboutB. not to know much aboutC. to know a little aboutD. to know nothing about13. In the sentence “His opinion is as good as that of men three or four times his age”, “that”means ______.A. the matchB. the opinionC. the ageD. the team14. In England, education means ____________.A. filling a boy‟s mind with storiesB. more than teaching of knowledgeC. the teaching of knowledge onlyD. training character by means of football games15. Football games are very popular among _____________.A. all peopleB. adultsC. boys and girlsD. boys onlyPassage FourInsects‟ lives are very short and they have many enemies, but they must survive long enough to breed and perpetuate their kind. The less insect like they look, the better their chance of survival. To look “inedible” by resembling or imitating plants or objects that hold no interest or their enemies is a deception widely practiced by insects. Mammals rarely use this type of camouflage, but many fish and invertebrates do.The stick caterpillar is well named. It is hardly distinguishable from a brown or green twig. This caterpillar is quite common and can be found almost anywhere in North America. It is also called “measuring worm” or “inchworm”. It walks by arching its body, then stretching out and grasping the branch with its front feet, then looping its body again to bring the hind feet forward. When danger threatens, the stick caterpillar stretches its body away from the branch at an angle and remains rigid and still, like a twig, until the danger has passed.Walking sticks, or stick insects, do not have to assume a rigid, twig like pose to find protection; they look like inedible twigs in any position. There are many kinds of walking sticks, ranging in size from the few inches of the North American variety to some tropical species that may be over a foot long. When at rest their front legs are stretched out, heightening their camouflage. Some 9f the tropical species are adorned with spines or ridges, imitating the thorny bushes or trees in wh9ch they live.。

(0033)《英语写作上》复习思考题I. Find out the misplaced word or words in each sentence. Then rewrite the sentences, placing related words together and making the meaning clear.1. The meeting is to be held tomorrow evening at 7:30 in Room 202.2. These trees early come into blossom in spring.3. The only available material here is stone.4. Where water is scarce it is very difficult to live in the regions.5. Our production is going up at an unprecedented in history speed.6. Sofia and Mike only finished their novels by the assigned date.7. Tim and Rita decided to send their daughter to university on the day she was born.II. Revise the following sentences so as to make them concise.1. Because he did not know what to say, he kept silent.2. There are numerous business companies that exist throughout China.3. Xiao Wang was greatly frightened and he immediately went to his father for help.4. I have the feeling that she is upset by something.5. She eyed me with a look of hatred.III. Revise the following sentences to make the elements in them parallel.1. Leonardo da Vinci was known both as an inventor and painting pictures.2. Shirley has been a waitress, a tour guide, and taught school.3. It took Ulysses ten years of wondering and he suffered to reach his home.4. My friend‟s fat her is a good man who is kind.5. Gloria knew that patience, calmness, and if she was affectionate would quiet the child down.IV. The following paragraphs are not unified because each paragraph contains a sentence that does not relate to the controlling idea. If you find such a sentence, please underline it.1. As more women in the United States move up the professional ladder, more arefinding it necessary to make business trips alone. Since this is new for many, some pieces of advice are certainly needed. If you are married, it is a good idea to encourage your husband and children to learn to cook a few simple meals while you are away. They will be much happier and probably they will enjoy the experience. Certainly, children should be given more time to practice independence. If you will be eating alone a good deal, choose good restaurant. In the end, they will be much better for your digestion. You may also find it useful to call the restaurant in advance and state that you will be eating alone. You will probably get better service and almost certainly a better table. Finally, and most importantly, anticipate your travel needs as a business woman;this starts with light-weight luggage which you can easily manage even when fully packed. Take a folding case inside your suitcase;it will come in extremely handy for dirty clothes, as well as for business documents and papers you no longer need on the trip. And make sure you have a briefcase so that you can keep currently required papers separate. Obviously, experience helps, but you can make things easier on yourself from the first by careful planning, so that right from the start you really can have a good trip!2. Peirce's extensive publications are scattered among various publication media, andhave been difficult to collect. The only intelligent way to publish his works is to organize them chronologically and with extremely careful editing. Shortly after his death in 1914, his widow Juliette sold his unpublished manuscripts to the Department of Philosophy at Harvard University. Initially they were under the care of Josiah Royce, but after Royce's death in 1916, and especially after the end of the First World War, the papers were poorly cared for. Many of them were misplaced, lost, given away, scrambled, and the like.Carolyn Eisele, one of several heroes in a great effort to locate and assemble Peirce'swritings, reports having found a lost trunk of Peirce's papers only in the mid-1950's; it had, apparently for decades, been secreted in an unlit, obscure part of the basement in Harvard's Widener Library.3. In many businesses, computers have largely replaced paperwork, because they are fast, and do not make mistakes. As one banker said, “Unlike humans, computers never have a bad day.” And they are honest. Many bank s advertise that their transactions are “untouched by human hands” and therefore safe from human temptation. Obviously, computers have no reason to steal money. But they also have no conscience, and the growing number of computer crimes shows they can be used to steal. Computer criminals probably break into big banks‟ computer systems just for fun. And even if they are caught, it is hard to punish them because there are no witness and often no evidence.4. Why people go to graduate schools? Well, first of all, there's the economy. More people signed up for the GMAT, the business school entrance exam, last year than in any previous year in its history, while 10 percent more law school hopefuls suffered through the LSAT this past December than did in 2001. Seeking refuge in grad school during an inhospitable job market is a time-tested strategy. Universities with higher employment rate naturally enjoy better reputation. When work was scarce in the mid-1980s, graduate applications rose about 7 percent a year. "It's a respectable thing to do," says Susan Krinsky, dean of admissions at the Tulane School of Law in New Orleans. "It's even a productive thing to do." And then there's the money. The lifetime income of those holding master's degrees surpasses those who received only a bachelor's by about $335,000, while professional and doctoral graduates earn $890,000 more than the bachelor's holders, according to the Employment Policy Foundation.5. Learning a foreign language has changed. Not so long ago, students would sit with pens in hand, writing the basic forms of a language, learning structures they would never be able to speak. In that same classroom today, pens and notebooks have been put away. Thespoken sounds of foreign tongue fill the room. Today, the last skill learned writing a foreign language comes as a natural and possible part of the total language learning process. Yet, just a few years ago, the last skill learned was the first skill mastered today speaking a foreign tongue. To visit some foreign countries, travelers have to apply for visas.V. Put the sentences of each group in correct order.Group 11. He called the device the photophone.2. The photophone did not use electricity to carry sound over wires between two people.3. Most people know that Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.4. …Photophone ‟comes from the Greek words for …light‟ and …sound‟.5. But not many know about another talking device he invented just four years later, in1880.6. With his invention, Bell could actually transmit human speech on a beam of light.7. Instead, the photophone used a beam of sunlight traveling through the air.Group 21. It is not necessary for you to write in it everyday, but it helps to record various insightsyou gain as you go about living your life.2. One of the things that have helped me to listen to my thoughts has been to keep ajournal.3. Because your words and your thoughts will determine your actions.4. (I've found that if I don't immediately write down ideas and insights as they come, it'shard to remember them later, at least with the same degree of clarity.)5. Whichever method you choose, what's most important is that you write your thoughtsdown.6. It will help you know what's in your heart.7. Listen to your words and listen even more closely to your thoughts. Why?8. Instead of using a big notebook, you might use a small note pad that you can keep inyour purse or pocket for easy access to record your thoughts as they occur to you.Group 3The last decade has brought about a revolution in our understanding of the earth and the forces that shape it. Centuries ago geographers noticed that the continents of Africa and South America appear to fit together like a jigsaw puzzle (拼板玩具).1. The evidence comes from two quite different sources.2. Moreover, he suggested that the movement was the result of forces related to the spin ofthe earth.3. One was the exploration of the geology of the oceans.4. In 1912 the German scientist Wegener put forward the idea that all the continents of theearth have moved, on the grounds that they all seem to fit together like a jig saw puzzle and that there are many similarities in the distribution of animals and plants.5. Wegener's idea was attacked for over half a century by conservative geologists whocould not believe how continents could move, but now the evidence is becoming overwhelming that they do.6. Other evidence comes from the study of paleogeomagnetism.VI. Fill in the blanks with appropriate transitions or prepositions listed below.In this technical business world, the process of management decision-making has grown more complex. There is, however, a limit (1) the number of decisions that can be made by one person. (2) practice, this means that every company must limit the amount of responsibility that is given to individual employees. There are various opinions about the number of people that one person can manage directly in an efficient way;but, for higher executives (e.g. Heads of Departments), it is (3) agreed that the maximum number should be eight. People operate in groups in order to achieve objectives that they cannot achieve by working individually. In an efficiently-run company, the activities of the various groups and the responsibilities of the individuals (4) work within them must be carefully defined in anorganization structure.VII. Identify the way the following paragraph is developed. Then, write your answer on the Answer Sheet.Marriage by kidnappingThere was an engagement between a poor man and a rich girl. The man‟s family was afraid that the bride‟s family would not let her go through with the marriage. Spurred on by his family, one day the man kidnapped his bride-to-be. But, in a rush, he grabbed his fiancee‟s younger sister by mistake. The girl‟s family rushed out of the house and shouted, “You got the wrong one!” However, the younger sister said, “Don‟t listen to them. You got the right one. Run q uickly!”A. development by processB. development by timeC. development by definitionD. development by generalizationVIII. Read the following paragraphs and identify the best topics for them. Then write your answers on the Answer Sheet.1. Only the Gothic gained the popular acceptance with anything like the Modern Architecture. Like the Gothic, which required a full seventy-five years of experiment before it produced the cathedral of Charters, the Modern Architecture has continually improved its structural techniques, gained in scale, and revised its aesthetics as it has attempted to meet the full range of people‟s civilized needs.A. Modern Architecture develops from the Gothic.B. Modern Architecture is the best ever in the history of art.C. Modern Architecture is aesthetically superior to the Gothic.D. Modern Architecture is noted for its structural techniques.2. (1) It is often said that lightning never strikes twice in the same place. (2) But this is not true.(3) Go ask the forest rangers. (4) Rangers who spend their summers as fire fighters will tellyou that every thunderstorm brings several bolts of lightning to their craggy lookout stations.(5) Not only can lightning strike twice in the same place, it is likely to. (6) The familiar saying actually states the opposite of what really happens during an electrical storm.A. 1B. 4C. 5D. 63. (1) People who live in cities today think that meat is something that comes wrapped in cellophane from the supermarket. (2) Potatoes come by the pound in plastic or paper bags, and feathers grow in hats. (3) The city dwellers‟ views are quite different from the views of their ancestors, who knew that meat is hunted down in the forest, potatoes are planted and weeded, and only birds can produce feathers. (4) Yet, whether people today realize it or not, they are still as dependent on animals and plants for their existence as their ancestors were.A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4IX. Study the following topic sentence and outline. Choose the sentence that does not belong to the outline and write your answer on the Answer Sheet.1. Topic sentence: All the people on our block give us trouble.A. Mrs. Brown plays music extremely loud when we want to sleep.B. Mrs. Gonzalas invites us in for lemonade every day.C. If our sons happen to sneak into Mr. Hardy‟s yard, he yells at them.D. Mrs. Johnson complains our dog smells terrible and spoils her flowerbed.X. Combine the sentences in each group into a single sentence.1. The engineers have developed some new devices. These devices can change thepoisonous gases into harmless gases. After that these gases are sent out into the air.2. Some people have a strong will. To these people, failure is not a bad thing. It is a step tosuccess.3. Our city is getting increasingly crowded. Traffic is becoming increasingly heavy. Theremay be more and more road accidents.4. S ome factories cause much air and water pollution. They should be removed out of theurban areas. The municipal government demands this.5. The students can remain in the classroom to do their homework. They can go to thelibrary to do their homeworkXI. C omposition writing (analytic writing)Composition oneThe following verse, by unknown writer(s), has been popular on the Internet. It pictures some aspects of our everyday life. Each pair in this verse consists of two sentences opposite in meanings. Choose any pair that impresses you in certain way and write about it in 150 words.Easy and Difficult1.Easy is to show victoryDifficult is to accept defeat with dignity…2.Easy is to set rulesDifficult is to follow them…3.Easy is to promise to someoneDifficult is to fulfill that promise…4.Easy is to criticize othersDifficult is to improve oneself…5.Easy is to make mistakesDifficult is to learn from them…6.Easy is to receiveDifficult is to giveComposition twoA young Chinese father, now living in the U.S., has found out oceans of differences in the teaching and learning practices between the Chinese and American schools. Two years‟ observation of his son‟s improving performa nce at the American primary school led the father to believe that children should be taught to seek knowledge in a creative and enjoyable way. He has posted his opinions on his blog. Read part of his opinions below and write a passage of about 150 words on how teachers can help students to learn happily and successfully in the Chinese contexts.学校和老师正是在这一个个设问之中,向孩子们传输一种人道主义的价值观,引导孩子们去关注人类的命运,让孩子们学习思考重大问题的方法。

(0199)《综合英语四》复习思考题I. Vocabulary, Structure and GrammarDirections:There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A. B. C. and D. You must choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.1. Not until my mother told me the sad news last night _______ that our neighbor Dr Li waskilled in a car accident the week before.A. I had knownB. I knewC. had I knownD. did I know2. He had a great collection of books, _____ are written in English.A. many in whichB. may amongC. many of thatD. many of which3. _______ to spend the vacation in the country.A. All but him and me are goingB. All but he and me am goingC. All but I and he is goingD. All but he and I are going4. __________ with air, a life jacket will keep a person afloat.A. It is filledB. FillingC. When filledD. When filling it5. He didn‟t go to the party, but he does wish he _________ there.A. had beenB. beC. wereD. would be6. Never _________ till tomorrow what you can do today.A. put upB. put outC. put offD. put over7. The rate at which scientific knowledge is increasing is ________ all the time.A. going offB. going withC. going outD. going up8. On New Year‟s Eve, there will be a firework _________ at People‟s Square.A. displayB. performanceC. showD. exhibition9. My brother likes eating very much but he isn‟t very _________ about the food he eats.A. specialB. peculiarC. particularD. unusual10. They lay almost flat and _______ through the tube-like underground passage.A. crouchedB. crawledC. creptD. glided11. __________ since we moved to our new apartment.A. There have been five monthsB. It‟s five monthsC. There are five monthsD. I was five months12. The more Bill worked on the math problems, __________.A. he was much more confusedB. and the much confused he wasC. the more he was much confusedD. the more confused he was13. The two police officers rushed to the scene of the crime _______ they received the report from the old couple.A. the momentB. the timeC. the pointD. the split second14. _________ breaks the law will be fined or put in jail.A. No matter whoB. WhoeverC. Those whoD. Whenever one15. The old man jumped aside just in time to avoid _________.A. knocking downB. to be knocked downC. to knock downD. being knocked down16. It suddenly occurred to Anne that money couldn‟t ______ all that Bob had suffered in thepast five years.A. live up toB. make up forC. make outD. live through17. Every day thousands of businessmen fly the Atlantic and Pacific to have _____ with American firms.A. conversationsB. bargainingC. negotiationsD. dialogues18. The crippled John proudly walked with a ________ to the platform to join the children.A. jumpB. limpC. hopD. jog19. Undergraduate students have no _________ to the rare books in the school library.A. accessB. entranceC. wayD. admission20. Although many young people are keen ________ going abroad, he prefers to live and work inhis own country.A. forB. toC. onD. of21. She was _______ of his honesty.A. convincedB. persuadedC. temptedD. inclined22. If you wear that red hat, I‟ll be able to ________ you in the crowd.A. pickB. spotC. discoverD. realize23. The doctor recommends me _________ on a strict diet.A. to goB. goingC. I should goD. go24. Since that time he has _________ grown weaker and has been able to do less and less.A. rarelyB. steadilyC. activelyD. probably25. The ________ affairs of a country should not be interfered in.A. innerB. interiorC. internalD. inward26. She _______ the exam again since she had already passed it.A. needn‟t takeB. mustn‟t takeC. didn‟t need ta keD. didn‟t have to take27. The output of our factory this year has increased thirty percent as ______ with that of lastyear.A. compareB. comparingC. comparedD. to be compared.28. The book contains many beautiful ________.A. casesB. illustrationsC. examplesD. instances29. The decimal system _______ the system of counting by ten.A. proposesB. intendsC. meansD. supposes30. The football game comes to you __________ from Beijing.A. livingB. aliveC. liveD. lively31. Have you invited _________?A. the BrownsB. the Brown‟sC. Brown‟sD. the Browns‟32. In America, a lot of people believe that television _____ children.A. has a harmful effect onB. has an advantage overC. has a connection withD. has something to do with33. This problem will be further discussed _______ in our next class.A. in detailB. in partC. in generalD. in short34. He didn‟t go to the party, but he does wish he _________ there.A. had beenB. beC. wereD. would be35. Please remind me of it again tomorrow _______ I forget.A. in caseB. in most casesC. in the caseD. in the case of36. To tell a problem to a stranger is sometimes easier than ______ it to a friend.A. explainingB. explainC. to explainD. explains37. We often hear about airliners ______ because of technical faults.A. delayingB. delayC. having delayedD. being delayed88. It depends on _______ they will support us.A. itB. thatC. whetherD. so39. Paul‟s mother forbade ______ in her house.A. to smokeB. smokeC. smokingD. to have a smoke40. It is said that the piano ______ at the moment.A. was repairedB. being repairedC. is to be repairedD. is being repaired41. Riding his bicycle home from school, ______ as he went around the corner.A. a car hit himB. a car hitting himC. he was hit by a carD. he had been hit by a car42. I am considering __________ a university in New York.A. attendingB. to attendC. attendD. attended43. The noise was so _________ that only those with excellent hearing were aware of it.A. dimB. faintC. gentleD. quiet44. Never _________ till tomorrow what you can do today.A. put upB. put outC. put offD. put over45. We must ___________ our expenses, otherwise we won‟t be able to make both ends meet.A. cut down onB. cut short ofC. cut down withD. shorten with46. My steamboat voyage to Albany and back has ___________ rather more favorable than I hadexpected.A. turned inB. turned upC. turned toD. turned out47. Before the 16the century, guns were large, _________ weapons requiring two hands.A. handmadeB. cumbersomeC. portableD. inaccurate48. During their first teaching training year, the students often visited local schools for the________ of lessons.A. observationB. investigationC. inspectionD. examination49. My three daughters would like to have dancing lessons, but the _________ are very expensive.A. pricesB. costsC. feesD. wages50. That‟s a nice coat, and the color _________ you well.A. fitsB. suitsC. matchesD. showsII. CorrectionDirections: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts. These parts are labeled A, B, C, and D. Identify the part of the sentence that is incorrect.1. You wouldn‟t feel tired this morning if you went to bed earlier last night.A B C D2. The only way to influence others is to talk about that they want and show them how to get it.A B C D3. No sooner had he begun to speak when an ominous muttering arose from the audience.A B C D4. When Rose returned by abroad, she told me all about her trip.A B C D5. To a worker, leisure means simply the hours he needs relax and rest in order to workA B Cefficiently.6. Like the committee has written in its current report, the rules need to be enforced more strictly.A B C D7. I know a young man who is uncertain if to be a boat builder or an accountant.A B C D8.Any world traveler has eating many exotic foods in the different countries he has visited.A B C D9. It is not easy to write good history even if all the facts could be known and documents.A B C D10. Financial institutions are able to create exchange, provision, and utilize funds.A B C D11. Ben droped his packages, smothered the blood flow with his hand as best he could.A B C D12. Two women, horrified, did a gesture of helplessness, and drove off.A B C D13. The children were so absorbed at their game that they did not notice the passage of time.A B C D14.It is difficult to do generalization about the characteristics of modern music becauseA B Cof the variety of existing styles.D15.In modern industrious areas, socio-cultural change is occurring at an accelerated rateA B C D16. Each of the major glacial stages produces distinctive land farms that remain long after theA B Cglacier had disappeared.D17. Your semester grade is based not only on how well you do on each test, but also how youA B C Dparticipate in class.18. Gatherings of more than three persons were prohibited, supposedly in the name of theA B Claw and order.D19. Alexander graham Bell received a patent in 1880 for the ideas of using light to relay soundA B C Dvia a telephone.20. I had to work last Sunday because I have been asked to write an article for a magazine.A B C D21. Although George has attended college until recently, he left without getting his degree.A B C D22. These reference books are not allowed to take out of the library.A B C D23. The consumer‟s desire for a commodity tends diminishing as he buys more units of thatA B C Dcommodity.24. Don‟t you agree that one‟s devotion to do tasks well is to be admired?A B C D25. By reading the instructions carefully, mistakes on the examination can be avoided.A B C D26. Cliff‟s and Al‟s car broke down again, but luckily they knew how to fix it.A B C D27. Electric power had become a so important part of American life that a complete shut-downA Bfor even a few seconds would have created chaos.C D28. Either Xiao Zhang or his father are going to the theatre, but one of them has to stay home.A B C D29. Statistics are his most difficult subject and Bob is worried that he won‟t pass the test.A B C D30. After he finishes his duties at the farm, Peter often occupies his self by fishing.A B C D31. When cutting flowers for arranging, leave two healthy leaves and the remaining stems to helpA B Cthe plant maintain it‟s vigor.D32. Jim is studying the engineering and hopes to work for the city designing bridgesA B Cwhen he graduates.D33. If I was 21 and wanted to study medicine, I don‟t think I would pack off to school.A B C D34. Parents are slow at realizing how unimportant the learning side of school is.A B C D35. When I was a little girl, my mother told me to wait for the light to turn green after I crossedA B C Dthe street.36. Parents are slow at realizing how unimportant the learning side of school is.A B C D37. We do not know how many creation is killed in the classroom with its emphasis on learning.A B C D38. In desperate Ben staggered into a storefront office.A B C D39. Many of those Miss may taught are teachers now them.A B C D40. It is not advisable to subordinate your work for pleasure.A B C D41. Laugher is one of the ways which we relax and recreate the Self.A B C D42. Logic trains the mind to draw the right conclusion, and avoid the wrong, to make the trueA B C Dinference and not the false.43. The distinction between truth and validity must be carefully observe.A B C D44. Many primitive peoples have a “secret mane” which they will not reveal anyone.A B C D45. Many comedis today are capable of biting satire.A B C D46. Don‟t leave the books on the desks. Put them back immediately where they belong to.A B C D47. The new model costs twice more than last year‟s model.A B C D48. When the clerk at a supermarket makes a mistake in my favor I sometimes receive it quietly.A B C D49. Sometimes laughter is a mean of releasing tension when we realize the futility of trying harder.A B C D50. The logical of his argument persuaded us that he was right.A B C DIII. ClozeDirections: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A. B. C. and D. You should choose the one answer that fits best into the passage.Passage 1Advertising can be thought of “as the means of making 1 in order to buy or sell goods or services”. Advertising 2 increase people‟s awareness and arouse interest. It tries to inform and 3people to purchase. The media are all used to spread the message. The press offers a fairly cheapmethod. Magazines are used to reach special sections of the market. The cinema and commercial radio are useful 4 local markets. Television, 5 more expensive, can be very effective. Posters are fairly cheap and more permanent in their power of attraction. Other ways of increasing consumer interest are through exhibitions and trade fairs as 6 as direct mail advertising.It is difficult to measure exactly the influence of advertising 7 sales. 8 the market is growing, advertising helps to increase demand. When the market is shrinking, advertising may prevent a bigger fall in sales 9 would occur without its support. What is clear is that businesses would not pay large sums for advertising if they were not 10 of its value to them.1. A. to be known B. knowing C. known D. to know2. A. aims to B. deals with C. aims at D. gets to3. A. persuade B. to persuade C. dissuade D. to dissuade4. A. for B. to C. in D. at5. A. however B. but C. although D. if6. A. well B. much C. good D. soon7. A. for B. on C. in D. at8. A. If B. Although C. Unless D. When9. A. and B. that C. as D. than10. A. convinced B. believed D. thought D. arguedPassage 2Those who criticize economic growth argue 1 we must slow down. They believe that society is approaching certain limits 2 growth. These include the fixed supply of natural resources, the possible negative effects of industry on the 3 environment, and the continuing increases in the world‟s populating. As society reaches these limits, economic 4 can no longer continue, and the quality of life will decrease.People who want more economic growth, on the 5 hand, argue that even at the present growth rate there are still many poor people in the world. They believe that only more growth can create the capital 6 to improve the quality of life in the world. Furthermore, they argue that only continued growth can provide the financial resources required to protest our natural surroundings 7 industrialization.This debate over desirability of continued economic growth is of vital importance 8 business and industry. If those who argue against economic growth 9 correct, the problems they mention cannot be ignored. To find a solution, economists and the business community must 10 attention to these problems and continue discussing them with one another.1. A. which B. where C. that D. how2. A. on B. against C. by D. to3. A. nature B. natural C. naturally D. national4. A. grows B. growing C. grow D. growth5. A. others B. other C. another D. other‟s6. A. needed B. need C. needing D. needs7. A. in B. on C. from D. over8. A. both B. on C. in D. to9. A. is B. are C. were D. to be10. A. pay B. give C. have D. showPassage 3In every cultivated language there are two classes of words which, taken together, comprises the whole vocabulary. First, there are those words 1 which we become acquainted in daily conversation, which we learn, that is to say, from the members of our own family and from our familiar associates, and which we should know and use 2 we could not read or write. They 3 the common things of life, and are the stock in trade of all who use the language. Such words may be called “popular”, 4 they belong to the people at large and are not the exclusive share of a limited class.On the other hand, our language comprises a multitude of words which are comparatively 5 used in ordinary conversation. Their meanings are known to every educated person, but there is little 6 to use them at home or in the market-place. Our first acquaintance with them comes not from our mother‟s lips or from the talk of our school-mates, 7 from books that we read, lectures that we attend, or the more 8 conversation of highly educated speakers who are discussing some particular topic in a style appropriately elevated above the habitual 9 of everyday life. Such words are called “learned”, a nd the 10 between them and the “popular” words is of great importance to a right understanding of linguistic process.1. A. in B. by C. with D. through2. A. for B. even C. despite D. even if3. A. concern B. care C. mind D. relate4. A. since B. before C. after D. when5. A. much B. frequently C. never D. seldom6. A. reason B. prospect C. necessity D. preface7. A. or B. but C. and D. besides8. A. casual B. sincere C. formative D. formal9. A. direction B. border C. obstacle D. extent10. A. distinction B. variety C. diversion D. similarityPassage 4Passengers have been flying around the world on Boeing aircraft for over 70 years, but stewardesses only began serving on airplanes in 1930s. one day ___1_____ the CEO of the Boeing Aircraft Company was ____2_____ the lack of services on airline flights, a pretty former nurse ____3_____ Ellen Tetchy came and ____4_____ to do the job. She strongly recommended that women ____5____ for providing services on airline flights. The chairman of the board of Boeing approved and eight young women, including Ellen Tetchy, were hired for an eight-month ____6____ period which they began actually ____7_____ services on planes. With warmth and smiles they _____8_____ food and drinks to the passengers and did all theycould to make passengers comfortable, winning the _____9_____ praise of the passengers and the _____10_____ of newspapers all over the world with their outstanding service. After that, Boeing formally hired them as “air hostesses”, soon the airlines of all other countries followed suit.1. A. that B. during C. while D. when2. A. bothering B. annoying C. worrying about D. troubling3. A. named B. called by C. named after D. calling4. A. said B. volunteered C. applied D. presented5. A. will be hired B. shall be employedC. be hiredD. would be employed6. A official B. trial C. trival D. trying7. A. giving B. exhibiting C. offering D. proposing8. A. served B. issued C. distributed D. made9. A. national B. anniversary C. universal D. daily10. A. praise B. attention C. award D. attributePassage 5The book is the best research machine invented. ___1__ mass printing began a few hundred years ago, it has given hundreds of millions of people information they could not have found anywhere ___2___.But many readers don‟t know how a book is organized to help them. They see the different __3__ of a book. However, the reason for such organization escapes them.The first thing to ___4___ at is the title and author. Every now and then, a title doesn‟t tell you very much about ___5____ is inside, but usually it does. Sometimes a subtitle gives you more information than the main title. ___6_____ a book has a dust jacket, read the inside flaps. They usually give you a fairly good breakdown ____7______ what the book is about. Behind the title page in most books is the copyright notice. It is ____8____ to look at this, especially the last date of copyright. Suppose you are studying space travel, a book with a 1916 copyright will not cover moon landings.Check the author‟s background, if possible. Now and then, you can ____9____ it in a beginning part called a preface. Read carefully about the author. Do you think he or she is ___10____ to write on the book‟s subject? Does his or her background make the author an expert in this field?1. A. As B. Although C. Because D. Since2. A. else B. earlier C. yet D. later3. A. elements B. chapters C. parts D. portions4. A. study B. look C. attempt D. try5. A. what B. that C. which D. it6. A. That B. Where C. If D. For7. A. on B. for C. of D. in8. A. convenient B. easy C. important D. world9. A. make B. write C. find D. check10. A. possible B. qualified C. capable D. knownIV. Reading ComprehensionDirections: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked a. B. C. and D. You should decide on the best choice.Passage OneIt is an inescapable fact that to most people there comes time when failing powers of mind or body make it impossible for them to manage their daily lives without some sort of help, and despite the weakened sense of family solidarity, this help is still forthcoming in many cases from children, other relatives, or occasionally friends. When an old person or old couple gives up an independent home and becomes part of another household it does not mean that all the problems of old age are automatically solved; the problems are different, not so pressing perhaps, and their solution lies more with the younger relatives than with the older people themselves.Caring for the aged, wherever they may be living, requires skill as well as goodwill. Much advice is now available for those caring for young children and babies, and there are numerous books to help mothers in bringing up their families, but as far as I know little has been written about the day-to-day care of old people. Fortunately the first essentials, sympathy and affection, are very often to be found, and will carry relatives, friends and old people a long way, but not the whole way; without these two virtues the work of caring for the old can be burdensome and unrewarding.1.The author states that it is ______ that most people in course of time, become too old to takecare of themselves.A. generally acceptedB. undeniableC. very regrettableD. just inevitable2. People, when too old to manage their daily lives, usually can get help from children and otherrelatives ________.A. because of the strong sense of family solidarity.B. though the sense of family solidarity has been weakened.C. even if they insist on living independentlyD. so they prefer to live in another household3. Whether the problems of old age can be properly solved depends mainly on ______.A. the younger family membersB. the older people themselvesC. how much advice is availableD. how cooperative the older people are4. The author suggests that _______.A. the work for the old can be highly rewarding though very burdensomeB. much more is to be written about the day-to-day care of the oldC. Not all young people are aware that it calls for thoughtfulness and skill to take good careof old peopleD. not all young people have enough sympathy and affection for old people5. What do you suppose the author will go on to discuss in the following paragraphs?A. The importance of solving the problems of old age.B. The need for the young to foster deep sympathy and love for the aged.C. Some advice on how to treat the old thoughtfully and tactfully.D. A request for setting up more homes-for-the-aged.Passage TwoMan is a gregarious creature. Companionship plays an important role in human development at all stages in life. The hours that a child plays in company with his peers expand his life space, help him to develop his physical skills, and provide him with experience in getting along with others. Contact with peers becomes the primary means for the adolescent to achieve independence from parents and the attainment of status as an individual in his own right.Finding a congenial social group is one of the major development tasks of adulthood. In the later years of life, the loss of the loved ones through death, the preoccupation of sons and daughters with their own adult problems, the decline of physical powers, and the loss of occupation all serve to make the search for companionship of lifelong importance in the satisfaction of fundamental psychological needs. As long a one lives, adjustment will be conditioned by the capacity for, and skill in the conduct of, companionship.The capacity for establishing effective relationships with others results from social contacts, not primarily from what one learns out of books. You need to form and preserve friendships. In college this means the participation in at least one club or organization and in at least some extracurricular campus activities. This participation will aid you in improving your social skills and will provide you with desirable companionship.In seeking satisfaction from companionship, you also need to cultivate a deep friendship with several special persons with whom you can share your triumphs and disappointments. It is a psychological fact that telling your troubles to another person affords release from psychological tensions, provides feedback so as to give you a truer and more valid perspective of your problems. True, special friends will overlook your shortcomings and at the same time assist you in evaluating and overcoming your difficulties. The benefits of such special companionship cannot be all one-sided or there would be no friendship. Your special friends have the right to expect and receive these same satisfactions from you.6. This selection is concerned mainly with ________.A. the important role which companionship plays the development of human lifeB. the capacity for companionshipC. the skills in conduct of companionshipD. cultivation of a deep friendship with special persons7. Which of the following is NOT true?A. companionship helps the young people shape their character.B. companionship helps adults succeed in their career.C. the best way to develop one‟s capacity for companionship is to find a good book on thattopic.D. the best way to find a good friend is to be one.8. According to the author, good friends will _____ your shortcomings.A. criticizeB. help you analyze and overcomeC. forgiveD. pay no attention to9. According to the author, com0anionship can enrich personal satisfactions by _______.A. affording emotional releaseB. providing an opportunity to care about othersC. creating a feeling of true significanceD. all of the above10. a suitable title for the passage might be ________.A. “Man −− A Social Creature”B. “Companionship − A Basic Psychological Need”C. “Friendship − A Mutual Relationship”D. “How to Seek Personal Satisfaction from Companionship"Passage ThreeBy far the most common snake in Britain is the adder. In Scotland, in fact, there are no other kinds of poisonous snakes. It can be found almost anywhere, but it prefers sunny hillsides and rough open country, including high ground. In Ireland there are no snakes at all.Most people regard snake bites as deadly, but not all bites are serious, and very few are deadly. Sometimes attempts at emergency treatment turn out to be more dangerous than the bite itself, with someone heroically, but mistakenly, trying to do-it-yourself surgery and other unnecessary measures.All snakes have small teeth, so it follows that all snakes can bite, but only the bite of the adder presents any danger. British snakes are shy animals and are far more frightened of you than you could possibly be of them. The adder will attack only if it feels threatened, as can happen if you take it by surprise and step on it accidentally, or if you try to catch it or pick it up, which it dislikes intensely. If it hears you coming, it will normally get out the way as quickly as it can, but adders cannot move very rapidly and may attack before moving if you are very close.The effect of a bite varies considerably. It depends upon several things, one of which is the body-weight of the person bitten. The bigger the person, the less harmful the bite is likely to be, which is why children suffer far more seriously from snake bites than adults. A healthy person will also have better resistance against the poison.Very few people actually die from snake bites in Britain, and though these bites can make some people very ill, there are probably just as many cases of bites having little or no effect, as there are of serious illness.11. Adders are to be found___________.A. in many parts of Britain and IrelandB. Everywhere in Britain except ScotlandC. on wild land throughout BritainD. in shady field in Scotland12. If you are with someone who is bitten by an adder, you should __________.A. try to catch the adderB. make no attempt to treat the bite by yourselfC. not worry about the victimD. operate on him as soon as possible13. We are told that adders are _________.A. normally friendly towards people。

(0162)《综合英语三》复习思考题答案I. V ocabulary, Structure and Grammar1. B2. B3. D4. B5. C6. C7. C8. D9.C 10. A 11. A 12. C 13. C 14. D 15. C 16. C 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. C 21. B 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. A 26. A 27. C 28. B 29. B 30. B 31. C 32. B 33. D 34. B 35. A 36. A 37. B 38. A 39. B 40. D 41. C 42.B 43. D 44. C 45. C 46 C 47 C 48. A 49. A 50. B II. Correction1. D2. C3. C4. D5. C6. A7. B8. B9. A 10. B 11. C 12. C 13. B 14. D 15. D 16. C 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. D 21. C 22. C 23. C 24. A 25. A 26. C 27. C 28. C 29. D 30. D 31. C 32. D 33. D 34. B 35. C 36. B 37. B 38. D 39. B 40. D 41. D 42. A 43. C 44. C 45. B46. B 47. A 48. A 49. C 50. CI I I. ClozePassage 11. B2. D3. C4. C5. D6. A7. B8. C9. D 10. APassage 21. D2. B3. C4. A5. D6. A7. C8. D9. D 10. APassage 31. B2. A3. A4. B5. D6. C7. A8. A9. B 10. DPassage 41. B2. A3. C4. C5. C6. B7. A8. B9. D 10. D Passage 51. B2. A3. D4. A5. A6. C7. B8. B9. D 10. BIV. Reading Comprehension1. D2. B3. B4. B5. C6. C7. B8. B9. D 10. A11. A 12. A 13. D 14. D 15. C16.A 17. B 18. C 19. B 20. D21. C 22. B 23. D 24. B 25. A26. C 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. B31. C 32. B 33. B 34. D 35. C36. D 37. C 38. A 39. B 40. C41. C 42. C 43. B 44. C 45. B46. C 47. A 48. D 49. B 50. B51. D 52. A 53. D ............................ 54. C 55. A56. A 57. B 58. C ............................ 59. C 60. C61. B 62. C 63. D ............................ 64. C 65. A66. D 67. C 68. A 69. B 70. B71. C 72. A 73. B 74. B 75. BV. Translation1. He dreamed of going to college all his life, but never made it.2. Their line of argument is that passive smoking is harmful to people’s health, and many people suffer from it.3. She spent much money buying clothes, so that she had little left soon.4. A few grey hairs at her temples showed up in the light.5. He left angrily, slamming the door behind him.6. The foreign visitors visited the whole campus in the president’s company.7. The general manager of this company was under a barrage of questions from the pressmen.8. This article is meant to warn the public of the danger of water pollution.9. She is so weak that I can knock her down with feather.10. She staged a very artistic performance.11. He’s susceptible to woman’s tears.12. The chairman of the congress raised an interesting proposal worthy of our discussion.13. They are very seriously concerned about the problems.14. The Japanese grammar is a bother to him.15. Use every opportunity to stress the importance of speaking English.16. He tried to avoid getting involved in it.17. In the contemporary society, competition and challenge often afford a chance to develop one’s talent.18. Don’t be disappointed with temporary setbacks. Y ou should believe “All roads lead to Rome”.19. For explorers, adventure and excitement mean one and the same thing.20. This couldn’t have been his fault. He didn’t come to work that day.V I. Writing(Omitted.)。

《综合英语三》复习思考题(后附答案)L Vocabulary, Structure and GrammarDirections: There are some incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A. B. C. and D. You must choose the one answer that best completes the sentence ・ 1. Mary tried to teach her little brother how to pronounce words _________ her teacher did.A. in much the same way like B ・ with much the same way as C. in much the same way that D. using much the same of2. They can enter professions, such as medicine and law, ____________ are generally thought of asmerTs work in other countries. A. this B. which C. whose D. what3. _________ the new actress ____________she forgot all her lines when she faced the angryaudience ・A. Such frightened ・•・ asB. So frightened was ... afterC. So frightened was … whenD. So frightened was •…that 4. He ______ here for ten years by the end of this year.A. has livedB. will have livedC. has been livedD. will be lived 5.1 don^ think he will pass his examination, ___________ he works hard or not.A. whetherB. thoughC. unlessD. however 6. He just couldift _______ what in the world she had been talking about all the time.A. figure outB. catch onC. set outD. work on7. He couldn^ join the police, because he was belowthe ________ height allowed by the iules. A. maximum B. minimum C. smallest D. greatest & The price of meat is already up _________from what it was a year ago.A. sharplyB. highlyC. urgcrnlyD.primarily9. Tom was absorbed _______ h is work ・A. atB. inD ・ over10. Our house ________ in a large plot of land.A. lies D. stands11・ Suddenly ___ to give an answer, I found myself at a loss.A. being pressedB. having pressedC. pressingD. pressedC. with B. sitsC. restsJane Miller _______ was here yesterday. A. to whom we had heard somuch B ・who we had heard so muchC. about whom we hadheard so muchD. about whom we heard so much It is not so easy to tell the truth _______ the false.A. fromB. withC. byD. offJane is working hard this term, _______ ・ A. that she does not usually do B ・ which she does not usually do C. it she did not usually do D. this she will not do I stood up ______ him and said I had always found him to be honest.A. byB. withC. forD. at _______ it is you 5ve found, you must give it back to the person it belongs to.A. HoweverB. ThatC. BecauseD. Whatever He _______ here for ten years by the end of this year.A. has livedB. will have livedC. has been livedD. will be lived William has cut his smoking _______ to five cigarettes a day.A. downB. in D. out______ 、the worlds transport and communication system would fall apart. A. With all the electricity turning off B. With all the electricity turned olf C. All the electricity has turned off D. Has turned off all the electricity I wonder if anything _____ to Tom. I _______ an hour now.A. happened / have waitedB ・ will happen / am waitingC ・ has happened / have been waiting D. was happened / have waitedSmith drove all the ___________ to Los Angeles and was just in time for theceremony of the 23,d Olympiad. A. way B. road C. trip D. journeyAfter so many weeks without rain, the ground quickly _______________ t he little rairlast night. B ・ absorbed D. drainedIf I could __________ these shoes a little, they would be much more comfortable.A. straightB. strengthenC. stretchD. stress I don't ___________ giving children expensive presents.A. agree withB. agree toC. agree aboutD. agree of I believe reserves of coal here are ___________ to last for fifty years.A. sufficientB ・ efficient C. offopeningthat fellA. dripped C. soakedC. persistentD. richHe keeps on with his running in the morning _________ ・A. no maHer how cold it isB. no matter the weather is coldC. whatever the weather is coldD. however it is coldAlthough Bob had certainly not been sickly as a boy, in recent years he ______________ A. didn't feel well B. felt sickC・ has been sick all the time D. had frequently felt goodIf you live in the country __________ all sorts of flowers in your garden.A. you would haveB. you will haveC. you would have hadD. you shouldCould you please tell me where ___________ ?A. is the student storeB. the student store isC. locates the student storeD. can I find the student store Everyone admires her __________ ・A.because of her kindness and she is gentleB.because of both her kindness and her gentlenessC.both because of her kindness and her gentlenessD.bo(h because of her kindness and she is gentleBy arriving early, they _______ to get good tickets.A. were ableB. obtainedC. gotD. succeededThe jailor _________ the prisoner to do exactly as he wished.A. allowedB. hiredC. toldD. compelledShe is so _________ t hat she cried for days when her pet rabbit died.A. sensibleB. sensationalC. sentimentcdD. senselessHis manner was so bright and pleasant that Arthur felt ___________ with him at once.A. at easeB. at peaceC. at libertyD. at leisureHe climbed up into the tree and picked all the fruit _________ reach.A. atB. nearC. withinD. beyondThe young man regretted _______ the tactless words to the old man.A. sayingB. to sayC. having been sayingD. to be sayingShe repeated his words to ______ them in her memory.A. affectB. influenceC. impressD. eftectHardly ______ the airport when he got on his plane・A. I had reachedB. did I reachC・ had I reached D. I reachedA. to be invitedB. to have been invitedC. invitingD. having been invited40.The secretary ________ three letters by 什2 time I came in.A. has typedB. typedC. had typedD. would have typed41.The students wrote notes in the ________ of the book.A. bordersB. edgesC. marginsD.boundaries42.The reason why light is said to be a form of energy will be explained ________A. as following B・ as followsC. as shownD. as usual43.Sophia _______ it but she forgot.A. was to doB. was doingC. was to be doingD. was to have done44.What do you suppose would happen if we _______ the other way?A. tryB. triedC. had triedD. have tried45.Your apartment needs ______ at least once a week・A. being cleanedB. to cleanC・ cleaning D. be cleaned46.He came up with a suggestion ______ the chairman strongly disapproved.A. of thatB. for whichC. of whichD. that47・ She proposed that he ______ into hospital at once・A. wentB. must goC. goD. ought to go48.Any person ______ h as the money can join the group.A. whoB. whomC. /D. which49.Mr. Smith was _______ because no one seemed to understand his words.A. annoyed B・ puzzledC. disturbedD. interrupted50._____ such a good chance, Td love a cup of tea.A. To be givenB. Having been givenC. Had goneD. Had beenIL CorrectionDirections: Each of the fallowing sentences has four underlined parts・ These parts are labeled A, B, C, and D. Identify the part of the sentence that is incorrect.1.When he was s(ill a little boy, he showed an exlraorciinary apiiUide to physics.A BCD2.Although she seems lo be very mature, Ann is much younger as (he 5hcr girls in her class.3.They had a quarrel last week. Now they are not on Chris tian-name term any longer.A B C D4.To be good for agricultural purposes, soil must have in_it the materials plants required.A B C D5.Although tea drinking is a considerably old custom in the Far East, this custom firstA Breached Europe for the first time during the 17th century.C D6.When asking if you have any questions, the first thing oul of your mouth should iwi be、A B C“What is the salary? What are the benefits?"D7.Her elder sister is now regarded one of the most promising students in her class・A B C D8.He had no sooner returned 山en he bough] a fine house and went lo live there・A B C D9.Nobody besides liMle children thinks that a trip by bus is exciting.AB C D10.A man cannot be really happy if that he enjoys doing is ignored by society as of noA B CDvalue or importance・11 ・ It is now standard practice for mother to keep the children quite by putting them in the A B Cliving-room and【urning on the TV set.D12.It is_so easy to sit in our armchairs watch others working.A B C D13.Examinations that covers the syllabus are therefore quite a fair test of knowledge.A B C D14.If you manage (o get an interview, do not waste an opportunity.A B C D15.Build your experience with each interview so that you become more confident andA B Cknowledge fuLD16.People in the United States generally consider self-reliance and independence to idealA B Cpersonal qualifies.D17.When I finally got college, I discovered that most students felt exactly as I did.A B C D18.Actually. I got most of my homework do well before midnight and I met all my due dates.A B C D19.I was convinced he would have no patience in my stupid questions.A B C D20.But when informality is a cult, you have to leani how【o informal.A B CD21.Don't mince words. Don’t make the interviewer think that you have something to sayA B Cabout yourselfD22.It is not known exactly when the first immigrants arrived in the New World, but whereA Bdid that event occur is certain,C D23.The instructor had gone over the problems many times before the students will take theA B C Dfinal examination.24.1( is necessary that the directors will sign all of the copies, not just the top one.A B C D25.Looking back, the house seemed to have been engulfed by the snow, which fell faster andAB C Dfaster.26.Everyone who takes the examination will receive their score reports in six weeks.A B C D27.The sun has always been a important guide to direction.A B C D28.Generally speaking, tax returns must be filled annually, but in fbw cases they must beA B Csubmitted every six monthsD29.By the (imc we had pulled the drowning child from (he water、he wasn’t scarcely breafhing.A B C D30.I returned to the room, but its appearance was changed since the days had shortened and theA B Cweather had grew cold.D31.It is important that the teacher js in possession of the necessary inforniation.A B C D32.The technique of teaching the individual sourkls also needs to consider.A BCD33.Choose your referees carefully but ask their permission before you give their names in anA B Capplication to ajob・D34.If you are ambitious, try to rise your own standards of work all the time.35.No town in Britain is more (han eighty miles from the sea and there are seaside resortA B Call round the coast.D36.AJBournemouth, where is a hundred miles from London, the beaches are wide and sandy,AB C D37.During summer everything of delightful occurred in the world outside.A B C D38.The stillness reseMled itself as genlle as the dust.A B C D39.They are usually willing to work, but they hate work without obtaining the results they thinkABCthey should obtain.D40.1( is in this period 山students can be mos〔easily and permanently influence.AB C D41.Five minutes later, the guest was ushered in【o his present,A BCD42.Don't be friendly. Be aware that interview anxiety can make you seem haughty, aloof or evenA B Chostile.D43.The reason he has been such a success is because he never gives up.A B C D44.Children, she believes, are supposed to answer politely when spoke to by an adult.A B CD45.Only by practice you can improve your written English and gradually write fluently・A B C D46.Do you think its going to rain tomonow?A B C D47.It was her who suggested that he go to New York in order (o get a direct flight・A B C D48.The plums looked sweetly, but he could not eat the fruit that he had stolen.AB C D49.Behind that unsmiling face was a wami and quietly humorous person who few had theA B Copportunity of knowing.D50.He said softly that he would rather stay at home than going out for a walk.A B CDIDL ClozeDirections: There are 10 blanks in each of the following passages. For each blank there arefour choices marked 4. B. C. and D・ You should choose the one answer that fits best into the passage.Passage 1Most people who work in London get a ______ 1___ of about an hour for lunch. As they mostly live too far from home to go back there for lunch, they are obliged to make other —2 for their midday meal.Many large firms have a canteen on the premises tor their employees・ In such canteens the food served is ____________ 3 __ but adequate, ad although there is some variety of choice, thenumber of dishes is usually small. The employees themselves fetch their dishes from a counter at which they are served・ There they can find a tray on which to carry their knives, forks, spoons, plates, cups, saucers, and of course, their food. A meal in a canteen is inexpensive and may 4soup, fish and chips or met and two vegetables, with fruit ora pudding of some sort as _____ 5 __ ・ Some firms that do not ______ 6__ a canteen providetheir staff with luncheon-vouchers, which many restaurants will accept _____ 7 ___ money・As there are so many people at work in London, there are numerous cates and restaurants in every area that is not purely residential. A meal may —8 _______________________ a nything from a modest sum to quite a few pounds, —9 ______ t he restaurant and the food chosen. _____ 10 ____ one can generally get a meal, or at least a snack, in a pub .In recent years there has also been a big increase in the number of 'take away' food shops of all kinds.1. A. walk B. break C. nap D. pay2. A. food B. judgments C. decisions D. arrangements3. A. delicious B. terrible C. plain D. rich4. A. make up of B. think of C. consist of D. make of5. A. deserve B. desertion C. desert D. dessert6. A. run B. walk C.jog D. waddle7. A. out of place B・ in place of C. for a place of D. make place for& A. take B.spend C. cost D. expend9. A. depended on B. depends on C. depend on D. depending on10. A. Moreover B. However C. By the way D. That's to sayPassage 2When reading an article or textbook in English, many foreign students feel they must stop and look up every unfamiliar word in a dictionary. This may be a 1 way of learning new words when you are studying the 2 , but it is certainly nor an 3 way of studying your own subject through the language・ Students forget that they often meet strange words _4 reading in their first language, but usually continue 5 successfully without using a dictionary. There are several 6 of doing the same thing in English.Knowing something about 7 words are formed can help・ For example, the following prefixes usually have the meaning of 44not M; un-, im-, i「, in-, il・ and non-. 8 impossible means "not possible5, uneducated means "not educated^ and so on. These suffixes usually mean the action, practice, condition or state of something. Knowing this helps you 9 the meaning of other words, and your knowledge of English grammar will also assist you 10 guessing unknown vocabulary items.1. A. normal B. useful C. new D・ strange2. A. 1 anguage B. dictionary C. subject D. textbook3. A. enough B. adequate C. affective D. efficient4. A. when B. that C. which D. what5. A. to read B. to have read C. reading D. being reading6. A. treatments B. ways C. channels D. outlets7. A. what B. how C. where D. that& A. For B. However C. Whatever D. Thus9. A. to determine B. determine C・ determining D. determined10. A. for B. on C. in D. byPassage 3Abstraction is the act of leaving characteristics out in order to include more items in a group. For example, __________ 1____ writing of a town in which no two houses are exactly _________ 2 _____ , each house may be _______ 3 _____ by a difterent word・ The comer house maybe called a cottage,the next a split-level, the third a duplex, and so forth. If, _______ 4 ___ 、the writer wants to describe the common characteristics of the things in which families live, he must use a more inclusive word, such as a house・_______ 5____ he will have to do a lot of repeating and explaining.____ 6 ____ then that the writer wants to indicate how many houses, office structures, stores and factories there are in the entire town. To do this economically, he ___________________ 7 ____ need another word ——buildings・ If he wants to talk about all the buildings, bridges, fences, dams, and so forth, he uses still another word —— _____ 8 ____ . This is what is meant ______ 9 ___ abstracting. Each of these words is more abstract than the one before it.The more abstract a writer is, the more words he can save・ The less abstract he is, or the more concrete he is, the surer he is ___________ 10 ____ being understood・1. A. by B. in C. on D. at2. A. alike B. like C. likely D. likewise3. A. referred to B・ dealt with C. looked D.spoken as4. A. therefore B. however C・ nevertheless D. furthermore5. A. thus B. Then C. Therefore D. Otherwise6. A. Imagine B. provide C・ Suppose D. Notice7. A. will B. must C. can D. should8. A. structures B. works C・ designs D. devices9. A. at B. by C. for D. in10. A. in B. on C. at D. ofPassage 4Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you 1 wonder how it is possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the 2 that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child -or even an animal, such as a pigeon can learn to recognize faces・ We all 3 this ability for granted.We also tell people apart by how they behave. When we talk about someone\ personality, we mean (he _ in which he or she acts, speaks,and feels that make that individual different from others.Like the human face, human personality is very complex・ But describing someone^s personality 5words is somewhat easier than describing his face. If you were asked to describe what a "nice face M looked like, you 6 have a difficult time doing so. But if you were asked to describe a “nice person二you might begin to think about someone who was kind 7 friendly, wami, and so forth・There are many words to describe how a person thinks, feels, and acts. Gordon Allport、8 U.S, psychologist, found nearly 18 000 English words characterizing differences in people's behavior. And many of us use this information as a 9 for describing, or typing, a personality. Hippies, bookworms, 10 , military types-people are described with such tenns.1. A. sometimes B・ ever C. always D. anytime2. A. features B・ characteristics C. distinctions D. qualities3. A. have B. use C. take D. regard4. A. manners B・ means C. ways D. patterns5. A. with B. by C. in D. using6. A. will B. would C. shall D. should7. A. considerate B・ considerable C・ considering D. concerned& A. a B. an C. the D. that9. A. base B. foundation C. point D. criterion10. A. politicians B. scholars C. professionals D. conservativesPassage 5Scientific problems are many and complex; almost all must be approached indirectly. In some cases, different _1 _________ to the same problem lead to conflicting theories. it is generally difficult totest a theory rigorously for several reason. The scale of many problems may _______ 2 __ laboratory studies. For example, we cannot bring a volcano into the laboratory, although some _________ 3 __ of the volcano can be studied —4 ____ ・ Besides, our ideas changes as new date become 5 ・ allthis might mean that science is —6 in exactness. But I don't think that it is a basic weakness of science・Nol that science is inexact,____________ 7 ___ much more remains to be done・ Reasoning abilityand a broad background in all —8 ______ of science are the main tools of the scientist・ He mustmake experiments or use the working hypotheses to test theories to attempt to arrive at the best-reasoned theory. This thought process requires as many hypotheses as possible and the ability to 9_ ways to test each one. _________________________ 10 always is it possible to reach a unique solution —but this is the goal.1. A. means B. ways C. approaches D. answers2. A. help B. facilitate C. ask for D. prevent3. A. aspects B. parts C. sections D. segments4. A. inside door B. indoors C・ inside door D. outdoors5. A. obtained B. helpful C. available D. convenient6. A. lacking B・ wanting C. short D. absent7. A. in that B・ but that C. but because D・ exceptthat& A. groups B. sets C・ regions D・branches9. A. design B. device C. devise D. collect10. A. Almost B. Exactly C. Not D. NoIV. Reading ComprehensionDirections: There are some passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements ・ For each of them there are four choices marked a. B. C. and D. You should decide on the best choice.Passage OneThe advantages and disadvantages of a large population have long been a subject of discussion among economists・If has been argued that the supply of good land is limited・To feed a large population, inferior land must be cultivated and the good land worked intensively. Thus, each person produces less and this means a lower average income than could be obtained with a smaller population. Olhcr economists have argued that a large population gives more scope for specialization and the development of facilities such as ports, roads and railways, which are not likely to be built unless there is a big demand to justify (hem.One of the difficulties in carrying out a world-wide birth control program lies in the fact that official attitudes to population growth vary from country to country depending on the level of industrial development and the availability of food and raw materials. In the developing country where a vastly expended population is pressing hard upon the limits of food, space and natural resources, it will be the first concern of government to place a limit on the birthrate, whatever the consequences may be. In a highly industrialized society the problem may be more complex. A decreasing birthrate may lead to unemployment because it results in a declining market for manufactured goods. When the pressure of population on housing declines, prices also decline and the building industry is weakened. Faced with considerations such as these, the government of a developed country may well prefer to see a slowly increasing population, rather than one which is stable or in decline・1.A small population may mean _________ .A.higher productivity, but a lower average incomeB.1 over productivity, but a higher average incomeC.lower productivity and a lower average incomeD・ higher productivity and a higher average income2.According to the passage, a large population will provide a chance for developingA.agricultureB. transport systemC. industry D・ national economy3.In a developed country, people will perhaps go out of work if the birthrate __________A.goes upB. goes downC・ remains stable D. is out of control4.According to the passage, slowly rising birthrate perhaps is good for ___________ ・A.a developing nationB. a developed nationC. every nation with a big populationD. every nation with a small population5.Il is no easy job to carry out a general plan for birth control throughout the world becauseA.there are too many underdeveloped countries in the worldB.underdeveloped countries have low level of industrial developmentC.different governments have different views of the questionD.even developed countries may have complex problemsPassage TwoThe early feminists fought for the right to be equal with men. Then women found themselves with the freedom to study and think. But it was too often at the price of sacrificing a personal life. So they went back into the home・ In the present generation women who have devoted themselves to home making have rediscovered its hardships and limitations and are demanding the right to leave the home・ But this time they do not want to give up anything homemaking entails. They would have the period of child rearing considered a special episode・ In their view, the woman with a job is to be more admired as a mother and its more stimulating as a wife・ it would be well to ask; is this an expression of anything more that another swing of the pendulum?The problems facing articulate, educated women remain as vivid today as they have been throughout European history. The continuous care given to small children, a husband, and a household usually is incompatible with the single-minded pursuit of a career. The life style of the good wife and mother contrasts sharply with that of the good scientist, artist, or executive.6.The early feminists * attitude towards equality and personal life is that _____ .A.they were willing to pay any price for equalityB.they were willing to give up their personal lives to gain the freedom to study and thingC.they wanted the freedom to study and think but were not willing to pay the price of giving up theirpersonal lifeD.wanted to spend their whole lives devoted to their families7.According to the passage the modern feminists hold the view that _______ .A.home making is not necessaryB・ a woman with a job is much better than a mere mother and wifeC.it's worthwhile to spend their lives devoted to their familiesD.equality is the most important thing in their lives8.According to the passage the problem modem women face ________ ・A.has changed through historyB.remains as sharp as beforeC・ is that they no longer have the right to be equal with menD.is independence9.The writer feels that _______ ・A.having a family is better than having a careerB.having a career is better than having a familyC.the tow lifestyles van fit togetherD.the two lifestyles can't fit together10.It is probably implied that _______ .A.women face more problems than menB.women want to pursue good careersC.women want to enjoy personal livesD・ women want equalityPassage ThreeMarket prices may move up or down (or remain the same) in response to a host of factors causing shirts in supply (the whole supply curve) or demand (the whole demand curve) or both together.Bad weather makes process go up ——not just the prices of agricultural products, but of a greatmany other goods ranging from steel to night-gowns —— because of interruptions of production, breakdowns in transportation, power failure, etc.Changes in technology cause shifts in supply curve; a more efficient way of making transistors brings down the prices of calculators, computer, radios, television sets, record players, recorders・Increases in the scale of production, as we have seen, often bring down certain product prices・Shrinking oil and mineral reserves contract supply, and prices move up. diseconomies' resulting from shrinking scales of production, as when the market for handmade pocketbooks, horse drawn carriages, grandfather clocks, custom tailoring, and handmade furniture contracts, push up the price of such products not only absolutely, but relatively far above what they were in the old day, when skilled labor was cheaper and more abundant.11.What is the main idea of this passage?A.The fluctuation of market price has a number of causes・B.Climate affects economy.C.The cost of skilled labor is increasing.D.Shrinking oil and mineral reserves cause the change of price・12.Why does bad weather make prices go up?A.Because it can interfere with production fro some time・B.Because the factories are broken down.C.Because there is a shortage of labor.D.Because it can interfere with the development of technology.13.Which of the following products9 prices decreases because of the changes in technology?A.Minerals.B. Horse drawn carriages・C・ Grandfather clocks・D・ Computers・14.We can infer from the passage that in the old days a grandfather clock was much cheaperbecause ______ ・A.the material was cheaper B・ skilled labor was cheaperC.more people made this kind of clockD. Both B and C15.As used throughout the passage the word 'curve5 refers to _______ ・A.a bending lineB. a winding roadC. a graphed line D・ shiftsPassage FourThere are various ways in which individual economic units can interact with one another.These basic ways may be described as the market system, the administered system and the traditi9nid system.In a market system individual economic units are free to interact among each other in the marketplace. It is possible to buy commodities from other economic units or sell commodities to them. In a market, transactions may take place via barter or money exchange・ In a barter economy, real good such as automobiles, shoes, and pizzas are traded against each other. Obviously, finding somebody who wants to trade my old car in exchange for a sailboat may not always be an easy task・Hence, the introduction of money, good and services are bought or sold for money・An alternative to the market system is administrative control by some agency over all transactions・This agency will issue edicts or commands as to h9w much of each good and service should be produced,。

Mr. Green had an unusual ___: he was first a sailor, then an office clerk, and ended up as a school teacher.A. professionB. occupationC. positionD. careerThe slides were ___ on t o a large screen.A. projectedB. thrownC. castD. emittedHe often takes the trouble ___ his all-English dictionary when he does reading.A. to consultB. consultingC. to be consultingD. to having consultedNobody ___ my ticket before I got on the train.A. examinedB. surveyedC. inspectedD. investigatedIn order to prevent stress from being set up in the metal, expansion joints are fitted which ___ the stress by allowing the pipe to expand or contract freely.A. relieveB. reconcileC. reclaimD. rectifyAt the beginning of the day, we all ___ in the main hall to be addressed by the head teacher.A. piledB. assembledC. joinedD. accumulatedThe wind has ___ from north to south.A. shiftedB. convertedC. alteredD. transformedI prefer to receive information in an ___ manner rather than in visual means.A. audibleB. oralC. auralD. aerialThey seldom paid us high ___, even if we did our best to do the job.A. complementB. complimentC. complicationD. comprehensionHe went back home without having ___ any success.A. completedB. achievedC. finishedD. accomplishedAnn has a wheelchair that was ___ designed for her.A. speciallyB. especiallyC. specialD. especialWhen he began speaking in English, the little girl looked at him ___ amazement.A. onB. ofC. inD. outEvery one of them agreed to attend the meeting ___ Mary.A. except forB. besideC. exceptD. besidesA complete investigation into the causes of the accident should lead to improved standards and should result ___ new operating procedures.A. inB. onC. upD. ofThe police are trying to find ___ the identity of the woman killed in the traffic accident.A. outB. withC. inD. onThe children were all ___ at the feats (绝技) of Superman.A. exclaimedB. shockedC. stunnedD. amazedYou’d better relieve her ___ some of her housework.A. ofB. inC. withD. aboveMan’s biological clock decides at which hours he can work at peak ___.A. efficientB. efficiencyC. efficienceD. effectiveThese tables showing the ups and downs of the world economy in the 1980's were complied ___ the basis of careful observation and detailed studies.A. withB. offC. inD. onScience and technology are the first ___ force.A. produceB. productC. productiveD. productionKeys:1-5 DAACA 6-10 BACBB 11-15 ACCAA 16-20 DABDCUnit 71. Those who look at goods in shop windows with no of buying are called window shoppers.A. inventionB. intentionC. attentionD. prevention2. The new books were neatly on the table.A. turned outB. turned downC. laid outD. laid down3. After failing four times, I passed my driving test.A. eventuallyB. frequentlyC. extremelyD. reluctantly4. You should this opportunity to practice your oral English.A. take care ofB. take advantage ofC. take outD. take off5. John is the only one that has the to get into the house.A. efficiencyB. foundationC. determinationD. privilege6. It is already eleven o' clock. I he will not come tonight.A. suspectB. disappointC. proposeD. inspect7. In the past two years, Myra has come to see her mother only .A. sincerelyB. fortunatelyC. possiblyD. occasionally8. Our shop only the very best quality products.A. electB. acceptC. checkD. select9. From the dark clouds it was that it would soon rain.A. dependentB. elementaryC. currentD. evident10. We have a lot of pictures for you to choose from. You can select the one which is most to your .A. adviceB. tasteC. sourceD. choice11. The children are longing the winter holiday.A. atB. forC. toD. of12. Jane was that she would get the promotion for her good management.A. positiveB. sincereC. reasonableD. humorous13. The foreigner the moon cake and found it very delicious.A. arrangedB. disciplinedC. qualifiedD. sampled14. He talks about Rome he had been there before.A. as well asB. as long asC. as ifD. as soon as15. Jimmy didn't bring the letter to the old lady. Instead, it was someone who did it.A. anotherB. elseC. otherD. or else16. He won the race, and , he broke the world record.A. what's moreB. what's worseC. insteadD. after all17. It's a pity that many judge people by .A. benevolenceB. appearanceC. observationD. inspection18. Mr. Smith is near-sighted that he often mistakes one thing another.A. toB. atC. fromD. for19. It seemed that the poorly dressed man was among those wealthy shoppers.A. in placeB. out of placeC. in positionD. out of position20. The woman was lucky enough to be saved from the fire.A. elderB. elderlyC. olderD. agingKeys: 1-5 BCABD 6-10 ADDDB 11-15 BADCB 16-20 ABDBBThieves ________ the bank of thousands of dollars.a. ruinedb. robbedc. stoled. broke2.I was persuaded to ________ all my savings in a business enterprise.a. depositb. investc. directd. afford3. The change was so _______ that we hardly noticed it.a. gradualb. necessaryc. continuous b. intense4.The toy boat turned over and sank to the ________ of the pool.a. basisb. basec. groundd. bottom5. I was so excited to see snow that I _______ to the cold.a. Opposedb. indifferentc. contraryd. accustomed6. He has expressed his desire to retire on the ______ of falling health.a. causeb. reasonc. groundd. excuse7. The car _________ him over , but he was not seriously hurt.a. pushedb. carriedc. gotd. ran8. With the help of hi roommates he has made great _______ in his study.a. progressb. improvementc. developmentd. advance9.Helen wished to ________ the leading role.a. designb. changec. playd. acquire10.He was poor but proud, and _______ every offer to help.a. jumped atb. counted onc. turned downd. took back11.They watched him intently in complete ______ for two or three minutes.a. interestb. silencec. doubtd. favor12.Try to avoid travelling in the _______ hour.a. leisureb. rush exact d. free13. After the students put up Christmas decorations, the classroom ________ a holiday appearance.a. took onb. put inc. gave outd. kept up14.The news of his wife's death was a terrible _______ to him.a. obstacleb. disasterc. shockd. resistance15. The meeting was _______ when the chairman fell ill.a. held trueb. cut shortc. made sured. fallen flat16.The car ______ up at the traffic lighta. stoppedb. turnedc. camed. drew17. As I like the photo I had it _______.a. lengthenedb. enlargedc. widenedd. developed18. These bananas _______ rather hard.a. tasteb. sensec. feeld. touch19. Be carefully you don't _______ on the ice near the door.a. swingb. slipc. slided. break20. I didn't feel too bad really, I only had a _______ attack.a. mildb. gentlec. smalld. weakKeys: BBADB CDACC BBACB DBCBA。

(0232)《英语写作二》复习思考题I. Define the following writing terms (20)Narration DescriptionExposition ArgumentationStyle InductionSummary DeductionBook ReportII. Give brief answers to the following questions. (20)1.What is paragraph development by comparison? How does it differ from the contrastmethod?2.What is unity? And what is coherence?3.Can you name three ways of beginning a composition? And what are they?4.What are the two major logical reasoning methods? Explain them.5.Can you explain simile and metaphor, please?6.Can you name three ways of essay development?III. Choose one of the following topics and develop a composition of about 300 words.(30)7. A Little Learning Is Dangerous8.Character Is Fate9.Is Money Everything?10.Does the End Always Justify the Means?11.God Must Be Lonely12.Mercy Killing13.Honesty Is the Best Policy(0232)《英语写作二》复习思考题答案II.Define the following writing terms (20)Narration DescriptionExposition ArgumentationStyle InductionSummary DeductionBook ReportNarration:one of the four major types of writing, the other three being description, exposition, and argumentation. Narrative writing gives an account of events or experiences in chronological order; that is, in the order in which they occurred. A writer can also use the flashback method of story-telling, starting with an important point in the sequence of events to be narrated and then going back in time. A story can be narrated from the first person point of view or from the third person point of view. Two kinds of narration are discriminated: the straight or simple narrative and the plot narrative. The former records a series of events without introducing complications and solutions. The latter makes use of suspense and climax, stresses cause and effect, and is usually fictional. In its broad sense, narrative writing includes stories, biographies, histories, news items, and narrative poems. Narration does not work alone. It goes hand in hand with description.Description: one of the four major forms or types of discourse. It means painting in words a picture of a person, place, object, scene or setting. It enables the reader to see, hear, taste or feel in imagination. Description is seldom used for its sake. It goes hand in hand with narration, exposition or even argumentation. While narration follows time order, description makes use of space order. Scientific description is objective, literary description is impressionistic, and journalistic description is a combination of the two. In literary description, figurative language abounds. Metaphor, simile, and personification are the most commonly used figures of speech.Exposition:one of the four major types of writing. Its function is to explain, explore or expound. Ways of development used in expository compositions include: definition, illustration, comparison, contrast, classification, analysis, cause and effect, and generalization. In drama and fiction, exposition refers to the essential information necessary for the audience and readers to appreciate what has happened and what is to happen.Argumentation:one of the four main types of writing, the other three being narration, description, and exposition. An argumentative essay aims to convince or persuade the reader that something is true or false.Style: how a writer says something. Style is the man.Induction: one of the methods used in the process of logical reasoning. It is the opposite of deduction.Summary: a type of writing that retells the main story in a book or that summarizes the main content in a longer piece of writing.Deduction: one of the methods used in the process of logical reasoning. It is the opposite of induction.Book Report:a type of writing that not only retells the main story in a book or that summarizes the main content in a longer piece of writing, but also contains the writer’s interpretation and analysis.III.G ive brief answers to the following questions. (20)1.What is paragraph development by comparison? How does it differ from the contrastmethod? (The former emphasizes the similarities and the latter differences)2.What is unity? And what is coherence? (The former means “one paragraph, one mainidea” and the latter means “the unbroken and smooth forward movement of ideas.”3.Can you name three ways of beginning a composition? And what are they? (By asking aquestion, by using a quotation, by making an analogy and so on.)4.What are the two major logical reasoning methods? Explain them. (Induction anddeduction)5.Can you explain simile and metaphor, please? (The former is an explicit comparisonbetween two essentially different things. It is indicated by “like” or “as”. The latter is animplicit comparison between two distinct things. It is without “like” or “as”.)6.Can you name three ways of essay development? (By cause and effect, by comparisonand contrast, by classification, by time and space, and the like.)IV.Choose one of the following topics and develop a composition of about 300 words. (30)1. A Little Learning Is Dangerous2.Character Is Fate3.Is Money Everything?4.Does the End Always Justify the Means?5.God Must Be Lonely6.Mercy Killing7.Honesty Is the Best Policy。

博雅学科英语西方文明张媛课后思考题答案一、选择填空1.Paper money was in use in China when Marco Polo visited the countryin thirteenth century. [单选题] *A. the; /B. the; theC. /; the(正确答案)D. /; /2.This magazine is very with young people, who likes its content and style. [单选题] *A. desirableB. similarC. particularD. popular(正确答案)3. of the land in that district covered with trees and grass. [单选题] *A. Two fifth; isB. Two fifth; areC. Two fifths; is(正确答案)D. Two fifths; are4. with a torch, he went up into the tower to see what was going on. [单选题] *A. To armB. Armed(正确答案)C. Having armedD. Arming5.I know I need most was my parents’ love and support. [单选题] *A. what(正确答案)B. howC. whichD. that6.Without the air to hold some of the sun's heat, the earth at night , too cold for us to live. [单选题] *A. would be freezing cold(正确答案)B. will be freezing coldlyC. would be frozen coldD. can freeze cold7.Jane's baby has blue eyes her. [单选题] *A. ofB.inC.as(正确答案)D.to8.—There are already four people in the car but they managed to take me as well.—It a comfortable journey. [单选题] *A. can’t be(正确答案)B. shouldn’t beC. mustn’t have beenD. couldn’t have been9. He had to his father’s business after his death, though he didn’t really want to continue it. [单选题] *A. take outB. make upC. set upD. carry on(正确答案)10. that Marie was able to make a performing tour all around the world. [单选题] *A. So successful her concert isB. So successful is her concert(正确答案)C. So her concert is successfulD. So is her successful concert11. When we got to the cinema, the film on for ten minutes. [单选题] *A. had begunB. had startedC. had been(正确答案)D. had performed12. Since the editor is out at the moment. You’d better leave a(an) . [单选题] *A. numberB. wordC. informationD. message(正确答案)13. We are at your service. Don't to turn to us if you have any further problems. [单选题] *A. begB. hesitate(正确答案)C. desireD. seek14 .Living in Africa was very different from home and quite . [单选题] *A. experiencedB. experientialC.an experience(正确答案)D. experiences15.—Next time you are in New York, come and visit us , will you?—I’d like to see you convenient. [单选题] *A. whateverB. whereverC. whenever(正确答案)D. however16.Wouldn’t it be wonderful world if everyone were in peace with one another? [单选题] *A. a; theB. the; theC. a; /(正确答案)D. the; /17.You really need to go out and get some fresh air and sunshine. You overworked during the last two weeks. [单选题] *A. areB. wereC. have been(正确答案)D. would be18.When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above . [单选题] *A. normal(正确答案)B. regularC. ordinaryD. average19.They can apply their wisdom to other net technology _ human beings can benefit. [单选题] *A. in thatB. through itC. on whichD. from which(正确答案)20.Many teens don’t get enough sleep because they have too much homework, which them up at night. [单选题] *A. makesB. breaksC. turnsD. keeps(正确答案)21. We ask for a new babysitter, for all our kids love her so much. [单选题] *A. shouldB. mightC. couldn’t(正确答案)D. mustn’t22. It was a great for him to be pleasant to people he didn’t like. [单选题] *A. attemptB. effectC. powerD. effort(正确答案)23. Both teams were in hard training. was willing to lose the game. [单选题] *A. EitherB. Neither(正确答案)C. AnotherD. The other24.Only when he reached the tea-house it was the same place he’d been in last year. [单选题] *A. he realizedB. he did realizeC. realized heD. did he realize(正确答案)25. the Internet is bridging the distance between people, it may also cause other family problems. [单选题] *A. WhenB. While(正确答案)C. IfD. As26. — Not getting that job was big let-down.—Don’t worry. Something better will . [单选题] *A. come along(正确答案)B. take onC. go byD. fall behind27. In order to be a good scientist, . [单选题] *A. mathematics is vitalB. one must master mathematics(正确答案)C. mathematics is important to understandD. one to understand mathematics28. I have no dreams to have a happy life. [单选题] *A. rather thanB. more thanC. other than(正确答案)D. less than29. The rude man seldom uses kind words, ? [单选题] *A. does he(正确答案)B. isn’t heC. was heD. hasn’t he30. — Are you feeling better today?— . But I still feel too weak to walk around. [单选题] *A. Much better, thanks(正确答案)B. Not very wellC. Very good, thank youD. Pretty good, thanks a lot31. People think that the beauty of the mountains is greater than of the desert. [单选题] *A.oneB. the oneC. thoseD. that(正确答案)32. He has recently tennis to relax himself. [单选题] *A. taken offB. taken up(正确答案)C. put upD. put out33. All those changes will lead to strong and powerful China, country that can surprise the world. [单选题] *A. a; a(正确答案)B. the; aC. the; theD. a; the34. For most Americans, the 18th birthday the end of one part of the life and the beginning of another. [单选题] *A. predictsB. tellsC. marks(正确答案)D. signs35. With a lot of difficult problems , the manager felt a heavy burden taken off his mind. [单选题] *A. settled(正确答案)B. to be settledC. settlingD. to settle36. lie in the sun for too long, you will get sun-burnt. [单选题] *A. Not; andB. Don’t; otherwise(正确答案)C. Shouldn’t forD. Let’s not; and37. Scientists are not sure about the of water on the Mars. [单选题] *A. occupationB. existence(正确答案)C. demandD. appearance38. —Bill, if it doesn’t rain, we can go straight on and spend more time in Vienna. — I just want to hear Mozart. [单选题] *A. Well done!B. No problem.C. That’s great!(正确答案)D. That’s it.39. You can only be sure of you have at present; you cannot be sure ofsomething you might get in the future. [单选题] *A. that, whatB. what, /(正确答案)C. which, thatD. /, that40. —The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned.—Oh, dear! She a lot of difficulties! [单选题] *A. may go throughB. might go throughC. ought to have gone throughD. must have gone through(正确答案)41. Space exploration has been made with the development of modern science and technology. [单选题] *A. it possibleB. it was possibleC. that possibleD. possible(正确答案)42. After half a year’s training, they were made entirely used underwater. [单选题] *A. stayB. to stayC. to staying(正确答案)D. staying43. Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people harm them. [单选题] *A. better thanB. more thanC. other thanD. rather than(正确答案)44. She wondered if she could have the opportunity to spend here so that she could learn more about the city. [单选题] *A. sometimesB. some time(正确答案)C. sometimeD. some times45. The film brought the hours back to me I was taken good care of in that far-away village. [单选题] *A. untilB. thatC. when(正确答案)D. where。

(0481)《大学英语B》复习思考题Part I Use of EnglishDirections: In this part, you will read some incomplete dialogs. After each of them, there are 4 choices. Choose one best answer to complete each of them.1. Scarlet: I'd like to buy a ticket to Detroit.Clerk:Scarlet: I am not sure. What is the differenceA. Round-trip or One-wayB. Go ahead.C. What can I do for youD. Are you living in Detroit2.Tommy: How is everything with youJohn:A. And youB. On top of the world, thanks.C. Yeah, it’s beautiful.D. Can’t complain.3. Larry: Why not stay here a little longerMary: I’d love to, but I really have to go. Thank you for inviting me.Larry:A. Well, hope to see you again.B. On top of the world, thanks.C. Pleased to meet you.D. It is easy to get to your place.4. Larry: I hate the nasty weather in this season of the year.Amy: No wonder you look so depressed.Larry: Yeah,A. I can't agree more.B. I feel under the weather.C. Thanks for saying that.D. It is none of your business.5. Janet: Can we talk for a secondAmy:A. Sorry, I am busy at the moment.B. Where shall we meetC. Sure, is there anything wrongD. What can I do for you6. Jamie: I am taking my final examination tomorrow.Lily: Oh, reallyA. Congratulations!B. Good luck!C. You made it.D. May I help you7. General Manager: I think that is all for the coffee break. Stop the jokes and let us carry on with our discussion.Johnny: Okay.General Manager: Next topic is about…A. My pleasure.B. I’m glad to hear that.C. Let’s get to the point.D. Cheers!8. Doctor:Patient: I am a teacher for a training center.Doctor: Do you often get tiredPatient: Yes, sort of.A. Where do you workB. How do you feel nowC. What is your jobD. What is you address9.Jack: Would you mind passing me the paper for me ,HenryHenry: , here you are.A. Sure, my pleasure.B. Yes , I mind.C. I’d like to help, but I am afraid that I can not.D. Not at all.10.John: Mary ,this is Joe’s brother David.Mary: I’m very glad to meet you.David: It’s a pleasure to meet you.Mary:David: It’s really d ifferent from what I expected.John: Don’t worry . You:ll get used to it in no time.A. How is JoeB. How do you like Florida so farC. Would are you doing so farD. Would you like some tea11.Jason: So, Annie, what do you doAnnie:A.I am cooking some fruit pie for the buffet.B.I am free now. What can I do for youC. I am an actor.D. How do you do12. Interviewer:Interviewee: Not at all. Go ahead please.A. What’s your major in universityB. Would you mind if I ask you several questionsC. How did you get to know our companyD. Why do you chose our company13. Lisa:Ben: I have been working as an accountant for years.A. What’s your occupationB. What’s your workC. What about working for our companyD. Can you tell me where you are from14. Paul:Jason: Phew! These bags are so heavy that I cannot go on one more step.Paul: Just put them down. Let me open the door.A. Here you are!B. Here it is!C. Here we are!D. Okay, see you tomorrow.15.Casey: HelloFred: Hi, StaceyCasey: This is Casey.Casey: Stacey, a guy.Stacey: Hello This is Stacey speaking.Fred: This is Fred.A. You got the wrong person.B. I am not she.C. Who is this speakingD. She is in the kitchen. Just a minute, please.16. Susan (wife): It is a beautiful day. Let’s do something.Andy (son):Nathan(father): I’m sorry, but I’m busy today. I have to work.A. No, I am not feeling like doing anything.B. How about going to the beach togetherC. I can go roller lading with Jack.D. What shall we do17. Tom: Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.Jim:A. I don’t .B. I won’t.C. I can’t.D. I haven’t.18. Sandy: It’s lovely today .Shall we go and play footballBob: When shall we meetA. Yes, we shall.B. It’s very kind of you.C. You are all right.D. That’s a good idea.19. Mary: Happy birthday to you, Kate. This is for you.Kate:A. Thank you so much. How nice of you!B. How much is itC. Sorry, I haven’t got any gift for you.D. Oh, it’s a watch.20. Salesgirl: Good morning! What can I do for youCustomer: Yes, please. Can you suggest some light and cool materialSalesgirl: What about that white cotton T-shirtA. How much do you sell a T-shirtB. Have you any smaller sizeC. I’m afraid this T-shirt is too big for me.D. I’d like to buy some T-shirt.21. Lucy: Have a nice journey home and doRose: Thank you, I certainly will.A. let me help you with your math.B. happy birthday to you .C. remember me to your mum.D. not forget to post the letter.22. Jim: Well, why not try some easier storiesTom:Jim: Maybe you can go to the school library for help.A. I am sure these materials will improve my English.B. I really want to be the best one. How can IC. Where can I get themD. So I think this is the reason why we’d better use easier ones.23. Wendy: I am going to New York for my new life.Jason: Well,A. I will keep my fingers crossed for you.B. New York is very exciting.C. That’s right.D. A very expensive place.24.Charles: How’s you aunt now She must be well and healthy.Mary: Well, actually, she passed away two weeks ago.Charles:A. Oh, it was easy.B. Oh, I am sorry to hear that. I didn’t know.C. It is OK. Please don’t bother yourself.D. Everyone has to die some day.25. Brad: Can you stop at the supermarket on your way home to pick up some things Susan:Brad: It is only a few things. Can you buy some milk, some flour, and some eggs A. Sure, I am glad to do that. B. Well, I’m really very busy today.C. Cool! Another partyD. Which supermarket26. Henry: Hello, honey. I’m home. What’s for dinnerWendy: It’s Monday. Sweetie. On Mondays, we have spaghetti. Remember Henry: Spaghetti againA. Cool, my favorite.B. I don’t want spaghetti to night.C. This is what I expected.D. Me, too.27. Andy (father): It smells great in here. I am hungry.Susan (mother):Teddy (son): Me, too, and thirsty.A. What about you, TeddyB. You are always hungry.C. Please come with me.D. What do you want28. Susan: Teddy,Teddy: My stomach hurts. I feel sick.Andy: He doesn’t look well. Maybe we should go home.A. What would you like to drinkB. What do you think of the hamburgerC. What’s the matterD. Are you full29. Terry: I’m thirsty.Robert: Me, too.Terry: Let’s get something to drink.Robert: Good idea.Terry:Robert: That’s okay with me.A. Let’s go.B. Who will pay the billC. Where shall we goD. Why don’t we go to that coffee shop over there30. Tom:Rose: Fine, thank you.A. How is everything with youB. How do you doC. What has happened to youD. What can I do for you31. Terry: Will you do me a favorJack: Yes,A. Please.B. I’ll glad to.C. I like it.D. I’ll be glad to.32. Wendy: Thank you for everything you have done for me during my stay here. John:A. All right. Good-bye.B. You are welcome.C. It’s very kind of you.D. No, thanks.33. Lily: Are you going back to your hotel, Mr. Smith If you are, I can give you a lift. Smith: It’s very kind of you, but they’re sending a car for me.A. Thank you.B. See you later.C. Good-bye.D. Thank you just the same.34.John:Mr. Smith: How do you doPierre Dubois: Hello.Mr. Smith: What’s your impression of the United StatesPierre Dubois: Well, I can’t get over how different the weather is here.Mr. Smith: Oh, you’ll get used to it soon!A. Good morning, Mr. Smith.B. Nice to meet you, Mr. Smith.C. Mr. Smith, I’d like to introduce a friend of mine, Pierre Dubois.D. What can I do for you, Mr.Smith35. A: Have a nice weekend!B: Thanks. You too!A:B: Well, my family’s away and I can’t afford to do much. What about you A: Oh, I haven’t decided what I’m going to do yet.A. Where are you goingB. Can we eat rogether on the weekendC. Do you have any plansD. Are you going to spend the weekend with your family36. Lisa: I am sorry; I can’t find the book you want to borrow. I’ve looked for it everywhere. Jack: I am sorry to have troubled you.A. It doesn’t matter.B. Don’t be worried.C. Thank you just the same.D. OK.37. Karen: What a wonderful game! Congratulations, Ben.Ben: Karen.A. Thank you.B. No, no, I didn’t play well.C. The same to you.D. Nothing to me.38. Lucy:Teddy: It’s quite warm and nice.A. What’s the temperature todayB. What’s the weather like outC. What’s the weather todayD. What’s the day today39. Salesgirl: What can I do for youCustomer: Would you show me some pensSalesgirl: Certainly. What about these pensCustomer: This one looks nice.A. I’ll look for it.B. I’ll take it.C. I’ll buy them.D. I’ll get some of them.40. Terry: Oh, hi, Caroline.Caroline: Hello, Terry.A. How do you doB. Can I help youC. What’s the matterD. How is everything41. Peter: Excuse me. I don’t think we’ve met. My name is Peter Green.Paul: How do you do I’m Paul Jamison.Peter:A. That’s all right.B. It’s nice to meet you.C. It’s nice to have met you.D. Sorry, I don’t know.42. Mrs. Castle: Terry!Terry: Yes, mum.Mrs. Castle: I’m trying to write a letter.Terry: Oh, sorry, I’ll turn it down.A. You’d better not to play your radio so loud.B. Anything elseC. Would you mind not playing your radio so loudD. I hope you don’t mind playing your radio so loud.43. Man: Excuse me, could you tell mw where the Hospital is, pleaseWoman: The hospital Let me see. Oh, yes. It’s on Market Road, opposite the Asia Hotel. Man:A. Is it far from hereB. How far is it from hereC. How can I get thereD. Is it neat here44.Tim: My brother fell off his bike and broke his leg.Peter: Is he feeling better nowA. That’s too bad.B. He is too careless.C. I’m sorry to hear that.D. He should be careful.45. Bob: I just heard that the tickets for tonight’s show had been sold out.Terry: Oh no!A. I was looking forward to that.B. It doesn’t matter.C. I know it alr eady.D. It’s not at all interesting.46. A: What did he toB:A: He is a tall man. B. he did very well.C. He was a scientist.D. He was well.47. Bill: Hello, Kate.Kate: Hello, Bill,Bill: I’m going to do some shopping in the town.Kate: I’m going to catch a train. I’m waiting for a bus.A. What’s the matter with youB. Good-bye.C. Nice to have seen you here.D. Nice to see you here.48. Mrs. White: You have a beautiful garden.Mr. Brown:Mrs. White: Do you do all the work yourselfMr. Brown: Yes.A. Yes, but I don’t enjoy working here.B. Thank you. I enjoy working in the garden.C. Really But I don’t think so.D. I’m afraid not.49. Librarian:Student: I’d like to borrow The Lost Necklace in English.A. What do you wantB. What are you going to doC. Can I help youD. Can you help me50. Lily: Do you mind if I read the text aloud hereJack:Lily: Thank you very much.A. Yes, I do.B. No, I don’t.C. Yes, I don’tD. No, I do.Part II Vocabulary and structureDirections: In this part, you will read some incomplete statements. After each of them, there are 4 choices. Choose one best answer to complete each of them.1. Fares are cheap; they ______, I’m told, for almost a hundred years.a. haven’t been risenb. haven’t raisedc. haven’t risend. haven’t being raised2. Don’t make a fuss, he’ll soon get ______ his disappoint ment and be cheerful again.a. overb. out ofc. awayd. through3. He has no alternative but ______ and ask his brother for assistance.a. to gob. goc. goingd. will go4. Even when stranded in an isolate village by snow, ______.a. it seemed my journey was still excitingb. my journey still seemed excitingc. I still thought my journey excitingd. my journey was still thought to be exciting5. “Let’s go, Tom. It’s time we ______.”“All right, Mary. I’ll finish it in a few seconds.”a. play baseballb. played baseballc. will play baseballd. are playing baseball6. After a while, he left Newton’s to start ______his own as an illustrator.a. forb. withc. asd. on7. Jim took his golf bag out of the car, wishing he had ______ freedom as Mr. Smith.a. so muchb. so manyc. as muchd. as more8. No sooner ______ the parrot flew out and settled in the same tree as the cat.a. had Mary opened the cage thanb. Mary opened the cage thatc. did Mary open the cage whend. Mary opened the cage when9. ______, you would have seen my nephew –– a very outstanding and promising boy.a. Had you arrived earlierb. If you arrived earlierc. Did you arrive earlierd. Unless you had arrived earlier10. ______ told by the doctor to stop smoking, Mr. Smith carried neither matches nor cigarettes.a. Had beenb. Have beenc. Having beend. Has been11. Although ______ French, he attended the course.a. he was knowingb. he is knowingc. having a knowledge ofd. knows12. Elizabeth, ______ Jane very soon communicated the chief of all this, heard it in silent indignation.a. whob. whomc. with whomd. to whom13. A law was even passed in one state of America ______ short skirts.a. forbiddenb. to be forbiddenc. be forbidd. forbidding14. It is very improbable they should meet at all ______ he really comes to see her.a. lestb. for fear thatc. untilld. unless15. Women wearing the gowns were said to look ______ they had just stepped out of bed.a. asb. thatc. as thatd. as though16. Your mother will never see you again if you do not marry Mr. Collins, and I will never see youagain if you ______.a. willb. doc. haved. married17. The composers soon began to write musical dramas about Bible stories ______ in Church.a. to performb. performingc. to be performedd. be performed18. It ______ a fine day, we went for a picnic.a. tob. bec. beingd. for19. At least he was there in time to tell his adventures to Jim while Jim did ______ of the work.a. three–fourthsb. three-fourthc. threes-fourthsd. threes-fourth20. For two hundred years before Johann Sebastian Bach was born, ______ had been musicians.a. the Bachb. the Bachsc. the Bach’sd. the Bachs’21. It’s very likely that he may fall in love with one of them, and therefore you must visit him as soon______.a. as he will comeb. as he shall comec. he comesd. as he comes22. It is essential that a child ______ loving attention.a. receivesb. is givenc. must be givend. should be given23. The person ______ I speak is a gentleman and a stranger.a. of whob. of whomc. whod. whom24. ______ he had been ill, I enquired about him.a. Learnedb. To learnc. Having learntd. Learnt25. Eventually they went on strike and achieved a reduction in hours to ______.a. a 52-hour weekb. a 52 hours weekc. an hour 52 weekd. 52 hours week26. You want to tell me, and I have no objection ______ it.a. to hearb. to hearingc. hearingd. having heard27. ______ everything else, art changes with time.a. Likeb. Comparedc. As withd. With28. “I ______ poetry as the food of love,” said Darcy.(be used to doing sth. Be used to sth.; used todo sth.)a. have been used to consideringb. have used to considerc. use to considerd. use to considering29. He continued after a pause, ______ Bingley join the group.a. seeingb. seenc. to seed. on seeing30. Not that I mean to find fault ______ you, for such things I know are all chance in the world.a. tob. forc. withd. on31. This book is borrowed from the library. You ______ all over it.a. shouldn’t have scribbledb. ought to not have scribbledc. need not scribbled. have not to scribble32. Harry wishes to be a doctor. Can you tell me what ______a. are you aiming atb. are you aiming forc. you are aiming atd. you are aiming for33. ______ in his scientific research, he had no time left for recreational activities.a. Having absorbedb. Absorbedc. Absorbingd. Be absorbing34. He read the newspapers regularly so he ______ about the world situation.a. was well informedb. has well informedc. well informedd. was well informing35. In the year A.D 79, a volcano erupted in ______ is now Italy.a. whatb. whichc. thatd. where36. I’m reading the novel ______ my husband recommended to me.a. whatb. of whichc. that whichd. that37. Ms. Franklin just called the office and said she ______ within the hour.a. arrivingb. is arrivingc. will arrived. would arrive38. He acted as if he ______ in England before.a. has never livedb. had never livedc. never livedd. would have never lived39. I know you’re pla nning to travel this summer, but do you know ______a. how much cost it will beb. how much has it costc. how much it will costd. how much will it cost40. His son must have a real talent ______ into fights.a. for to getb. having gotc. gettingd. for getting41. The stolen jewels must be recovered ______.a. at any costb. to any costc. with any expenditured. no matter any expenditure42. John was so worn out that he just ______ down and slept for 24 hours.a. liedb. laidc. lay b. had lain43. In the discussion, one speaker held that, since we live in a money-oriented society, the averageindividual cares little about solving ______.a. anyone else’s problemsb. anyone’s else problemsc. anyone else problemsd. problems of anyone’s else44. I raced through my breakfast and dressing, all thought of weariness ___ as my wife hurriedlypacked my bag.a. goneb. goingc. had goned. went45. You ought to go by plane, ______a. ought youb. shouldn’t youc. won’t youd. don’t you46. He has not been to Paris yet, and ______.a. I haven’t eitherb. I have neitherc. neither I haved. either have I47. If she ______ to come tomorrow, I would tell her everything.a. wasb. isc. wered. be48. He will finish the job quickly ______.a. if he applies himself to the taskb. if he applied himself to the taskc. if he will apply himself for the taskd. if he apply himself for the task49. The line was busy; someone ______ the telephone.a. must have been usingb. must be usingc. should have been usingd. must use50. We can make use of the money only ______ respect of instructions from the manager.a. forb. withc. tod. in51. In his first formal address to the College Paul ______ his general intentions.a. outlinedb. outputc. outletd. outbroke52. Please do n’t ______ what I say! My taste in films is not very reliable.a. go throughb. go back onc. go overd. go by53. John hasn’t been working hard and I dare to say that he will not ______ his examinations.a. get overb. get acrossc. get down tod. get through54. The window was open, but the rain ______ the air as effectively as a curtain.a. shut downb. shut upc. shut outd. shut away55. I’m not quite sure of it, for I ______ him saying that he was closing down his shop.a. caughtb. dislikedc. advisedd. overheard56. He was a most ______ man, who attended Mass in the local church every other week.a. optimisticb. piousc. jealousd. muscular57. Since the couple could not ______ their differences, they decided to get a divorce.a. correspondb. apologizec. frustrated. reconcile58. He thought he could prevent himself from being influenced by theopinion that ______ him.a. surrenderedb. sustainedc. surroundedd. subdued59. When she thought no one was looking she opened the cupboard and took a few sweets ______.a. on the wholeb. on the slyc. on second thoughtd. on the side60. The students felt a ______ of achievement in their writing ability at the end of the semester.a. senseb. mindc. thoughtd. sentiment61. Conditions everywhere have been seriously worsened, owing to the postwar ______ in pieces.a. liftb. promotionc. raised. rise62. Cowboys ______ their ropes round and round above their heads before throwing them.a. whirlb. windc. rotated. reel63. The policeman had to ______ with the criminal in order to get the handcuffs on him.a. consultb. wrestlec. argued. compete64. Soon after we gathered in all the wheat crop, we began to ______ it by using a machine.a. thrashb. shieldc. shedd. thresh65. There is a ______ resemblance between Jane and Mary, who are just in the same class.a. inspiringb. strikingc. excitingd. overwhelming66. The king ______ over a great variety of peoples and lands for as long as forty years.a. reignedb. governedc. controlledd. mastered67. Every year at sunrise on a May morning the choir gather on the top of the tower to sing a ______.a. tuneb. rhythmc. prayerd. hymn68. The check––out girl always puts the bread on top of the other groceries so that it does not get______.a. depressedb. condensedc. squeezedd. squashed69. A ______ of experts gave its opinion on ways to solve the traffic problem.a. panelb. parcelc. patrold. penal70. The bank of the river was covered in ______.a. moodb. mossc. mockd. moisture71. Your duties will ______ putting the children to bed.a. concludeb. excludec. included. involve72. All of them are ______ at Lana’s achievement.a. amazedb. interestedc. fondd. proud73. In USA Peter had to earn a _____ as a motorcar salesman.a. lifeb. lot of moneyc. livingd. diet74. Students should develop a good ______ about tests.a. attitudeb. activityc. hobbyd. grade75. As the general came the soldiers quickly ______.a. took upb. emerged upc. lined upd. played up76. An elliptical expression has words ______.a. missingb. disappearingc. losingd. vanishing77. Last week he went to the ______ register to withdraw money.a. cashb. chequec. priced. value78. The publishing company intends to ______ a new series of educational books.a. bring outb. bring toc. bring upd. bring on79. After the baby’s mother died her aunt took the duty to ______ her.a. bringb. nursec. take cared. look80. In ______ times the most important examinations were spoken, not written.a. primitiveb. ancientc. ancestrald. parental81. I’m ______ in this argument: I don’t care who wins.a. naturalb. centralc. neutrald. middle82. They ______ him that he and his Party had the full support of the Openshaw Branch.a. suggestedb. assuredc. showedd. ensured83. Owing to a previous ______, I shan’t be able to come.a. attainmentb. engagementc. investmentd. endorsement84. Is there a French word that is the exact ______ of the English word ‘home’a. substituteb. neutralityc. equalityd. equivalent85. He was ______ on the grass and had evidently ______ there all night.a. laying… lainb. lying… laidc. lying… liedd. lying… lain86. Tell the children to ______ the fire.a. put offb. put outc. put asided. put down87. She passed me in the street, but took no ______ of me.a. attentionb. watchc. sightd. notice88. My new teacher is both ______ and encouraging towards me.a. gentleb. hoarsec. indifferenced. temperate89. My wife’s health will not ______ this cold damp climate.a. stand up forb. face up toc. stand up tod. be faced with90. Mike was not upset ______ by the storm.a. at leastb. at the leastc. in the leastd. at most91. A good student must ______ what he reads with what he sees around him.a. combineb. contactc. related. connect92. Crime is certainly on the ______ in many big cities.a. raiseb. increasec. growthd. ascent93. You have ______ my name from your list.a. emittedb. admittedc. omittedd. remitted94. This newspaper doesn’t pay enough attention to ______ affa irs.a. exteriorb. externalc. interiord. elastic95. The newcomer ______ himself in the large leather chair.a. satb. keptc. installedd. sank96. Every citizen in a democratic country may ______ the protection of the law.a. claimb. providec. insistd. supply97. My face turned white and my body wasted away owing to ______ of proper food and exercise.a. lackb. littlec. needd. short98. The coach says that players must be in bed by midnight, and that rule is ______ tonight.a. in evidenceb. in earnestc. in placed. in effect99. There was ______ often minutes between the two parts of the concert.a. a periodb. a spacec. a restd. an interval100. Only experts can ______ the old coins that are dug up in our town.a. determineb. datec. decided. declarePart II Reading ComprehensionDirections:There are some reading passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four suggested answersmarked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to each question.Test OnePassage OneQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:Every human being, no matter what he is doing, gives off body heat. The usual problem is how to get rid of it. But the designers of the Johnstown campus of the University of Pittsburgh set themselves the opposite problem – how to collect body heat. They have designed a collection system which uses not only body heat, but the heat given off by such objects as light bulbs and refrigerators as well. The system works so well that no fuel is needed to make the campus’s six buildings comfortable.Some parts of most modern buildings – theaters and offices as well as classrooms – are more than sufficiently heated by people and lights and sometimes must be air-conditioned even in winter. The technique of saving heat and redistributing it is called “heat recovery”. A few modern buildings recover heat, but the University’s system is the first to recover heat from buildings and reuse it in others.Along the way, Pitt has learned a great deal about some of its producers. The harder a student studies, the more heat his body gives off. Male students send out more heat than female students, and the larger a student is, the more heat he produces. It is tempting to conclude that the hottest prospect for the Johnstown campus would be a hard-working overweight male genius.1. What is characteristic of the buildings on Johnstown campus of the University of PittsburghA. They are more comfortable to live in than other buildings.B. They collect body heat to regulate the temperature inside.C. They use light bulbs to heat the classrooms.D. They consume less fuel to keep the classrooms cool.2. According to the passage, the technique of heat recovery is used ________.A. to provide a special form of air-conditioningB. to provide heat for the hot water systemC. to find out the source of heatD. to collect heat and reuse it3. The phrase “the hottest prospect” in this passage refers to ________.A. the person who suffers most from heatB. the person who needs more heat than othersC. the person who gives off most heatD. the person who make better use of body heat。

(0002)《大学英语一》复习思考题Part I Grammar and VocabularySection A GrammarDirections: There are 75 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.1.The woman over there is __________.A. Julia and Mary motherB. Julia and Mary‘s motherC. Julia‘s and Mary‘s motherD. mother of Julia and Mary‘s2.Physics __________ with matter and motion.A. dealB. dealsC. areD. is3.__________ is too much for a little boy to carry.A. A bike‘s weightB. Bikes‘ weightC. The weight of a bikeD. The weights of bikes4.The Nazi kept those __________ in their concentration camps.A. prisoner-of-warsB. prisoners-of-warsC. prisoners-of-warD. prisoner-of-wars5.__________ grazing on the meadow.A. The cattle wasB. The cattles wereC. The cattle wereD. a cattle was6.The Chinese people __________ a great people.A. areB. isC. can beD. has been7.Mary and Jack _______ foreign teachers.A. both areB. are bothC. all areD. are all8._______ of the students has two books.A. AllB. BothC. EachD. Every9.Be careful! Don‘t cut ________ with the new knife.A. youB. yourselfC. yourD. yours10.There is still _______ hope of our getting there in time. Let‘s hurry up.A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a fewst Sunday we went sightseeing with ______.A. a friend of usB. one of our friendC. a friend of oursD. ours friend12.He tried to stay _____ the door and refused to get out.A. intoB. withinC. beyondD. inside13.We often take a walk _____ this road to the riverside.A. byB. alongC. onD. at14.We knew nothing about it ______ yesterday.A. tillB. onC. sinceD. by15.I don‘t have any English books ______ this one.A. forB. withoutC. exceptD. from16.He is leaving Washington _____ Paris tomorrow.A. forB. toC. fromD. across17.She is very strict ______ her children.A. inB. ofC. withD. by18.He is now in a difficult situation as all the public opinions are _____ him.A. withB. forC. towardD. against19._____ the interruption, he was able to finish his exercises before the class was over.A. Instead ofB. In spite ofC. Despite ofD. In case of20.He knows a lot about forest, but ________ the life in modern cities he can tell you nothing.A. regardingB. with regards toC. as regardsD. as regarding21.He came very early and sat _____ the classroom in order to hear the speaker clearly.A. beforeB. in front ofC. ahead ofD. in the front of22.―I thought he hated the TV.‖―You are right, _______ he still watches the programs.‖A. yetB. besidesC. alsoD. then23.Richard worked for three hours on this short composition, ________.A. and he had finished it at lastB. so that he must finish it by nowC. and finally it was finished nowD. but he finally finished it24.The reason I did not go to France was _____ a new job.A. because I gotB. because of gettingC. due toD. that I got25.Japan has taken a more independent stand _____.A. as it does beforeB. as it did beforeC. than it does a few years agoD. than it did a few years ago26.The history of nursing _____ the history of man.A. as old asB. is old, also old isC. that is as old asD. is as old as27.―What did the professor tell you to do?‖―I had to write a _______ report.‖A. two-hundred-wordB. two-hundred-wordsC. two-hundred wordD. two-hundred words28.―Did you buy anything at the clothing sale?‖―Yes, I bought three ______ ties for just $12.‖A. five-dollarB. fives-dollarC. five-dollarsD. fives-dollars29.Because his parents didn‘t approve of his majoring in mathematics, George had unwillinglytaken civil engineering _________.A. as the second choiceB. as the choice twoC. is second choiceD. the choice as the second30.⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽ should respect old people.A. YoungB. YouthC. The youngD. The young people31.―Why have you decided to go back to school?‖―I‘m tired ⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽as a secretary. ‖A. for workB. of workingC. to workD. about working32.After a long walk on a hot day, one often feels ⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽.A. exhaustiveB. exhaustingC. exhaustD. exhausted33.The ⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽ difficulties of the country will not diminish unless inexpensive fertilizerscan be widely distributed.A. economicsB. economicC. economyD. economical34.In modern ⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽ areas, socio-cultural change is occurring at an accelerated rate.A. industrialB. industriousC. industryD. industrialization35.England and America are ⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽ in many ways.A. likeB. alikeC. aliveD. likewise36.They ⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽their weekends in the suburb.A. nearly always spendB. nearly are always spendingC. spend nearly alwaysD. nearly always are spending37.⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽cigarette agrees with me.A. Hardly noB. Nearly noC. Rarely noD. Almost no38.It‘s quite late now and Mr. White ⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽hasn‘t left his office.A. stillB. alreadyC. sinceD. yet39.He doesn‘t ⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽have foreigners in his café.A. soonB. seldomC. oftenD. sometimes40._______ is very important in daily life.A. FriendshipB. The friendshipC. FriendshipsD. A friendship41.I‘ll keep _____ eye on the baby when she is away.A. theB. oneC. anD. much42.I am determined to go there ______ instead of taking a bus.A. on the footB. on footC. by footD. on two feet43.Thank you, sir. You have done me _______.A. kindnessB. a kindnessC. kindD. the kindness44.―What is he?‖―He is ________.‖A. a poet and novelistB. a poet and a novelistC. poet and novelistD. the poet and novelist45.―What musical instrument do you like to play?‖―____________.‖A. The violinB. A violinC. ViolinD. Violins46.―Make yourself _______ and help yourself to some candy‖, Mary said to me.A. at the homeB. in the homeC. at homeD. in home47.The man was put ___________ for theft.A. in the prisonB. at the prisonC. in prisonD. into prison48.In the ancient time, sailors believed they went in ______ power of the mighty spirit of ______sea.A. a, aB. the, theC. a, theD. the, a49.I‘ll never forget _______ of 1983 when I entered college.A. a summerB. summerC. the summerD. summers50.I went to ______ bed to pick up some papers that had left on it.A. theB. aC. a smallD. /51.There is a truck _____ the classroom.A. in the front ofB. in front ofC. in frontD. at the front of52.His honesty is _______. He can be always trusted.A. out of question.B. out of the questionC. not the questionD. in the question53._______ students ______ the meeting held the day before yesterday.A. The number …attendB. A number of …attendedC. The number of …attendedD. A number …attend54.He must ______ the meeting tonight.A. attendB. attend atC. attend toD. attend in55.The temperature has ______ 26 below zero.A. fell toB. fallen downC. fallen toD. falled to56.We want him to retire but he won‘t ______ to it.A. acceptB. admitC. agreeD. allow57.His report proved _______.A. trulyB. trueC. truthD. truism58.You shouldn‘t ______ to others while working.A. stop talkingB. stop to talkC. stop talkD. stop over-talk59.It was the longest experiment we have had. It _____ six hours.A. spent b. finishedC. lastedD. was lasted60.―Did you say that our neighbour ______ in the accident?‖A. badly hurtB.was badly hurtedC. was badly hurtD. had badly hurted61.We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are ⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽.A. out of workB. out of reachC. out of stockD. out of practice62.The seats in the second plane⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽.A. had completely been almost all filledB. has all been almost completely filledC. had almost all been completely filledD. had almost been completely filled all63.In Scotland, as in the rest part of the United Kingdom, ⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽ schooling begins atage 5 and ends at 16.A. compellingB. compulsoryC. obligedD. forced64.An almost ⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽line of traffic was moving at a snail‘s pace through the town.A. continuousB. constantC. continualD. solid65.Your proposal sounds ⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽, but we‘ll have to talk about it further.A. rationalB. reasonableC. logicalD. irrational66.To be an inventor, one needs profound knowledge as well as a very ⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽imagination.A. livingB. brightC. vividD. colorful67.These figures are not consistent ⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽ the results obtained in previous experiments.A. toB. inC. forD. with68.He often sat in a small bar drinking considerably more than ⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽⎽.A. he was in good healthB. was good for his healthC. his good health wasD. his health was good69.They differ from us _____ they are not willing to improve the working conditions of theworkers.A. in whichB. in thatC. whatD. that70.After the earthquake, more than 100 people were taken to the hospital, _______ had beenwomen and children.A. some of whomB. whom of someC. some of whichD. who of some71.No matter how ______ he should have self-respect and sense of responsibility.A. may be poor a personB. a poor person may beC. poor a person may beD. a person may be poor72.About two thirds of our population _________ in the countryside.A. is still livingB. were still livingC. was still livingD. are still living73.Writers often compare our society _______ a great stage and all men and women are actorsand actresses.A. toB. withC. forD. as74.The world‘s air pollution will certainly become worse______ effective measures are taken byall governments.A. ifB. unlessC. asD. since75.After examining it carefully I found it wasn‘t such a good instrument ______ their managerhad promised.A. likeB. alikeC. asD. thanSection B V ocabularyDirections: There are 22 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.76.People in those days had to move _________ by wagon since there were no railroads.A. from a place to a placeB. from here to thereC. all the placesD. from place to place77.They went ____ the woods, ____ the hills, and ____ the stream.A. over; through; downB. through; down; overC. through; over; downD. down; through; over78.The criminals ____ the little boy to steal the wallet from the passengers.A. persuadedB. seducedC. coaxedD. encouraged79.Although there were a lot of obstacles ahead, we were determined to ______.A. get throughB. make throughC. go throughD. break through80.The luggage is so heavy that the mother can‘t ____ it.A. bearB. supportC. put up withD. stand81. A dog ____ at a stranger and _____ when in pain.A. neighs; criesB. grunts; shoutsC. barks; whinesD. calls; screams82.He was ____ all over with cold when arriving at home.A. shakingB. tremblingC. breakingD. shivering83.She has always been a(n) ____ friend to me.A. honestB. obedientC. faithfulD. constant84.Don‘t stop to wait for me. I can manage to _____ you.A. overlookB. overtakeC. overrideD. overturn85.The horse _____ quickly up the hill.A. trottedB. jumpedC. walkedD. drove86.In the west, people usually _____ each other to show affection.A. hugB. holdC. graspD. pull87.He is easy to believe anything other people say at such a(n) ____ age.A. guiltilessB. happyC. innocentD. honest88.She is going to take a _____ flight from Beijing to New York.A. straightB. directC. continuousD. nonstop89. A best friend is that who would _____ the last pound with you.A. shareB. giveC. distributeD. hand out90.The fire _____ the whole district.A. flamedB. lit upC. kindled upD. blazed91.Chris took great _____ in teasing his sister.A. pleasantB. joyC. delightD. gladness92.The president, as was customary, _____ the opening address.A. talkedB. deliveredC. gaveD. offered93.Women are suggested to _____ smoking when pregnant.A. give inB. give awayC. give offD. give up94.Women have yet to ____ full equality with men in the workplace.A. obtainB. acquireC. achieveD. request95.I was so _____ when I forgot all that I had prepared to speak at the platform.A. shyB. shamedC. disgracedD. embarrassed96.I‘d like to pay ____ to the party workers for all their hard work.A. tributeB. respectC. sympathyD. praise97.You cannot _______ this in front of the fact.A. ignoreB. denyC. heedD. say no98.The home team ______ their errors.A. pay backB. pay offC. pay overD. pay for99.He agreed ______ my idea.A. withB. uponC. toD. on100.The fisher ______ the net for the second time, and still got nothing.A. castB. threwC. putD. sent101.The doctor came at once in _____ to my call.A. replyB. acceptanceC. answerD. reception102.There _____ to be a church at the corner of the street when I was a child.A. wasB. useC. usingD. used103.I didn‘t ______ to hurt you.A. meanB. planC. arrangeD. intentionally104.Class will be over ______.A. before longB. long beforeC. long agoD. not long105.He didn‘t know the situation _______.A. at leastB. at allC. at mostD. at the all106.A man named Jonas Collin saw the ______ in Andersen‘s work.A. possibilityB. probabilityC. potentialD. likelihood107.Andersen began his writing ______ at the age of 25.A. jobB. workC. occupationD. career108.The audience show _______ admires of the star.A. enthusiasticB. warmC. fierceD. fantastic109.The girl _______ coffee to tea.A. prefersB. likesC. thinksD. fonds110.He intends to _________ for a job in the city.A. applyB. replyC. askD. require111.Many good friends have a lot in _______.A. similarityB. differenceC. commonD. usual112.There is a high unemployment ______ in Hong Kong.A. ratioB. proportionC. scaleD. rate113.Mary wanted to go to Europe by herself, but her parents _____ at her idea.A. frownedB. angriedC. refusedD. inclined114.What is his _______ in coming back this time?A. aimB. goalC. objectD. purpose115.Love others little and you will get much love in ________.A. turnB. backC. returnD. award116.These numbers ______ up to 100.A. addB. sumC. totalD. quantity117.Professor Smith is one of the greatest ________ in the world of learning.A. personsB. peopleC. charactersD. figures118.She was _______ from a headache.A. hurtingB. sufferingC. painingD. aching119.The things you want are not ________ at present.A. availableB. readyC. handyD. possible120.There isn‘t enough room for us, _______ six dogs and one cat.A. not sayB. not mentioningC. no wonderD. let alonePart II Reading comprehensionDirections: Read the following passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the following questions according to the passage you have just read.(1)Americans love pets. And it‘s not just puppy lovers, either. Many pet owners treat their furry friends as part of the family. Sometimes they spice up their pets‘ lives with entertaining videos and amusing toys. If they have an eye for fashion, pet owners can dress their pets in stylish clothes. For special occasions, they can use canine perfume to make their dogs smell well, less beastly. You might say Americans treat their pets like they treat their children— sometimes even better.In America, there are more households with pets than those with children. At least 43 percent of U.S homes have pets of some sort. Exotic creatures, such as monkeys, snakes and even wolves, find a home with some Americans. More common pets include tropical fish, mice and birds. But the all-time favorites are cats and dogs, even at the White House. Americans sometimes have strong feelings about whether dogs or cats make better pets. ―Dog people‖ and ―cat people‖ oftenenjoy friendly rivalries.Leading a dog‘s life in America isn‘t a bad thing. Many grocery stores sell gourmet pet foods to owners eager to please their pets. In Houston, Texas, dogs can have their dinner delivered to their homes, just like pizza. Well-to-do canines can attend doggy daycare centers while their owners work. Pets can even accompany their owners on vacation. Fancy hotels are beginning to accommodate both men and beast. Furry guests at Four Seasons Hotels can enjoy gourmet meals served on fine china and sleep in soft beds.Beneath the fluffy luxuries, there lies a basic American belief: Pets have a right to be treated well. At least 75 animal welfare organizations exist in America. These provide care and adoption services for homeless and abused animals. Veterinarians can give animals an incredible level of medical care for an incredible price. To pay for the high-tech health care, people can buy health insurance for their pets. And when it‘s time to say good-bye, owners can bury their pets in a respectable pet cemetery.The average American enjoys having pets around, and for good reason. Researchers have discovered that interacting with animals lowers a person‘s blood pressure. Dogs can offer protection from burglars and unwelcome visitors. Cats can help rid the home of unwelcome pests. Little creatures of all shapes and sizes can provide companionship and love. In many cases, having a pet prepares a young couple for the responsibilities of parenthood. Pets even encourage social relationships. They give their owners an appearance of friendliness, and they provide a good topic of conversation.Pets are as basic to American culture as hot dogs or apple pie. To Americans, pets are not just property, but a part of the family. After all, pets are people.121.What‘s the meaning of ―spice‖ in paragraph 1?A. add interest toB. add ingredient toC. add worryD. add fuel to122.Which of the following has the closest meaning to the sentence ― ‗Dog people‘‖ and ‗cat people‘ often friendly rivalries.‖ in paragraph 2?A. People who are like the dog and the cat enjoy their quarrels.B. People who are like the dog and cat often relate well.C. People who like the dog and the cat often relate very well.D. People who like the dog and the cat enjoy joking argument.123.Why does the author say Americans have good reason for keeping pets?A. Because pets can please their owners.B. Because pets make their owners more friendly.C. Because pet owners can talk to their pets.D. Because staying with pets is healthy.124.According to the passage, what may happen to some homeless and abused animals?A. They have no food to eat and no place to love in.B. They can receive very good medical cares for very low prices.C. More than 75 animal welfare organizations can take care of them.D. They can be insured by some insurance companies.125.Why does the author say ―pets are people‖?A. Because people cannot live without pets.B. Because pets are property of people.C. Because all pets can get on well with people.D. Because pets can understand people well.(2)If you are like most people, your intelligence varies from season to season. You are probably a lot sharper in the spring than you are at any other time of year. A noted scientist, Ellsworth Huntington(1876—1947), concluded from other men‘s work and his own among peoples in different climates that climate and temperature have a definite effect on our mental abilities.He found that cool weather is much more favourable for creative thinking than is summer heat. This does not mean that all people are less intelligent in the summer than they are during the rest of the year. It does mean, however, that the mental abilities of larger numbers of people tend to be lowest in the summer.Spring appears to be the best period of the year for thinking. One reason may be that in the spring man‘s mental abilities are affected by the same factors that bring about great changes an all nature.Fall is the next-best season, then winter. As for summer, it seems to be a good time to take a long vacation from thinking.126.According to the selection, your intelligence probably __________.A. stays the same throughout the yearB. varies from day to dayC. changes with the seasonsD. changes from year to year127.Ellsworth Huntington decided that climate and temperature have __________.A. a great effect on everyone‘s intelligenceB. some effect on most person s‘ intelligenceC. some effect on a few persons‘ intelligenceD. no effect on most persons‘ intelligence128.It seems that the cold of winter __________.A. is the worst season for thinkingB. is the best time for thinkingC. is better for thinking than in very warm weatherD. increases the ability to think129.One possible reason why spring is the best season for thinking is that __________.A. all nature, including man, is growing thenB. it lasts longer than the other seasonsC. it is coolD. both A and C130.According to the selection, any vacations from thinking should be taken __________.A. several times throughout the yearB. during spring and fallC. during the summerD. as seldom as possible(3)Birds help us in different ways. Some birds kill enormous quantities of insects, which they feed to their young. Many birds eat insects throughout the year.It has been found that during the summer all the birds of a certain state together probably ate over 20,000 bushels of insects a day! Most of these insects were harmful. Think what would happen if all these insects were not killed. Trees and crops would be destroyed, and the air would be filled with insects.Some birds are thought of as policemen. All summer long, wrens, robins, and many other birds search for all kinds of insects. All day long, swallows and flycatchers are sweeping the air clean of flying insects. At night whippoorwills and nighthawks continue to patrol the air for flying insects.Many of our common birds are mostly seed eaters. These birds eat large quantities of weed seeds. Weeds keep cultivated plants from growing properly. Farmers and gardeners must fight weeds constantly if they wish good crops or attractive gardens. If it were not for the seed-eating birds, the farmer‘s task would be much harder. A large seed-eating bird, such as the snow bunting, can eat a thousand seeds of pigweed at one meal.Some of our larger birds are very useful in killing harmful small animals, such as mice and gophers. Such birds are often called birds of prey. The animals that they kill often do much damage to our crops. The hawks and owls are the most helpful birds in this group. The hawks work during the day, and the owls work at night.Some of our other large birds are useful in eating dead animals or other refuse that would cause bad smells if left to decay. These birds are called scavengers. The turkey buzzard is one ofour best scavengers.131.The sentence ―Weeds keep cultivated plants from growing properly‖ in Paragraph 4 means ______.A. Weeds are helpful to the growth of cultivated plantsB. Weeds will keep plants growing in the right wayC. Weeds are useful for the cultivation of plants through growing properlyD. Weeds will do harm to the cultivated plants for their proper growth132.The ―snow bunting‖ mentioned in the passage is most probably a bird that ______.A. lives on the snowB. feeds on pigweedC. is found in gardensD. is a seed eater133.Birds of prey are a particular type of birds that _______.A. work either during the day or at nightB. kill only small animals, such as mice and gophersC. kill animals that damage our cropsD. kill animals as their food134.Which of the following types of birds are NOT mentioned in the passage? _______.A. Birds that feed on cropsB. Birds that eat deserted dead animalsC. Birds that kill animalsD. Birds that catch insects135.Quite a number of birds are mentioned in the passage EXCEPT _______.A. turkey buzzardsB. swallowsC. sparrowsD. scavengers(4)Perhaps, you are going to finish school soon and, like many other students, you want to further your study abroad. Here are some points you should keep in mind if you intend to apply for a scholarship to study in the United States of America.First of all, you will have to ask for an application form, fill in the form with great care, and then send it in with a copy of your school records. After that, you will have to ask your teacher to write some letters of recommendation. You will also need to take some tests such as TOFEL and GRE. You may apply to several universities at the same time. Overseas students in the States are not allowed to work in their spare time except in the summer, and you need to get permission from US Immigration to do that.136.This passage is taken from a booklet for ______.A. visiting scholars to AmericaB. workers who are going to work in AmericaC. American students who are going to graduateD. those who want to study in American universities137.The author intends to give some ____ in the passage.A. warningsB. commentsC. solutionsD. special knowledge138.What is the first step to take in applying to an American university?A. To send school recordsB. To write to ask for an application formC. To provide the TOEFL score reportD. To supply letters of recommendation139.Which documents are needed to be sent in addition to the application form?A. A copy of your school recordsB. English test score reportsC. Reference lettersD. All of the above140.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Overseas students are not allowed to work in their spare time in the States.B. Overseas students must get permission from US Immigration to work during the summer.C. Summer is the time when foreign students can work in their spare time.D. You can apply to several universities at the same time.(5)May 15 Dear Sirs:I have just seen your advertisement in Binhai Daily of the 10t h May for salesman in the Electronic Appliance Section of your company. I‘m very interested in the job and I feel I‘mqualified to meet the requirements. I‘m therefore enclosing a resume together with references from my supervisor and the director of the Electronics Department of my university respectively.As you can see, I once worked in the Electronics Department. So I am quite familiar with different kinds of electronic appliances. As for the academic qualifications, I will graduate from the Management School soon and I have obtained good skills in advertising and marketing. I have worked more than once as a sale sman in some stores during my previous vacations. Besides, I‘m very patient and friendly in nature. I‘m confident that I shall be suitable for the kind of work.If you need any further information, I shall be very pleased to supply it. Or I wonder if you will grant me with an interview.I‘m looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours faithfullyWang Dong 141.From _____ Wang Dong got to know that a company is looking for someone as a salesman.A. a friendB. a newspaperC. the radioD. a brochure142.Wang Dong is enclosing ______ in this letter.A. application formB. resumeC. reference lettersD. both B and C143.What makes Wang Dong sure that he is qualified for the job?A. His academic qualificationsB. His previous working experiencesC. His characters and good skills in salesD. all of the above144.Wang Dong hopes that he would be given ________.A. application formB. informationC. an interviewD. a visa145.This letter was written on ________.A. May 10B. May 15C. May 12D. We don‘t know(6)Want to tell a story that will keep your listeners on the edge of their seats? Here are some tips from professional storyteller, Leticia Pizzino, who lives in Salt Lake City and is currently on a six-week storytelling tour.It sounds pretty basic, but every good story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. When you begin the story, give enough details about the setting and characters so that listeners can create their own pictures in their minds. Describe the scene and tell something about the people and the time so that your listeners know where they are.Your story should have some kinds of challenge or problem for the characters to solve. This is the heart of your story, and it should be something your listeners can understand. Maybe they had to deal with a similar challenge of their own.Even if the setting of your story is another galaxy far, far away, the challenge the characters face should be something your listeners can relate to. It might be helping a friend, choosing between good and evil, getting back home, or finding something that was lost. No matter where the story takes place, it can be about a subject or problem people face in their own lives right here.The story must have a good ending. It doesn‘t have to be a happy ending, although these are the most fun, but it does need to conclude. Don‘t leave any loose ends. Your listeners should feel a sense of completion when the story is over.Many storytellers use various things to help them bring their stories to life. They may add music or sound effects (bell, whistles, drum, even recorded sounds). They might use puppet, props, or costumes to help people imagine what is happening. And letting your audience participate in the。

对于基础较好的同学,可以根据选项中5个词的词性来做选择;也可以将这5个单词拿到选项中根据排除法来做选择和判断,剩余不会做的几道题,可以全部选还没有选的选项,例如. 基础特别差的同学实在不行就都选择A。
五、英译汉考前押题复习指导. (重头戏)英译汉考6题,每题5分,共30分。
英译汉是由老师来改卷的,老师改卷原则. 1、不作答0分;2、翻译对任何一个单词都能给0.5分或1分;3、英译汉没有标准答案,只要写得意思正确,就给满分即5分。

(0085)《英语阅读二》复习思考题考试范围:主要复习Unit7-12单元中下列各课:The Time MachineThe celebrated Jumping frog of Calaveras countyThe Lady or the tigerPrometheusThe Story of the BibleⅠT ext Comprehension (10 points)Direction: Each of the following comprehension questions, based on the texts you have learned, is provided with 4 possible answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to each question.目的:主要考察以上课文中的内容、情节、主题、人物。
示例:The story of The Time Machine is based on ____. CA. a person‘s dreamB. a person‘s experienceC. a science fictionD. a scientific planⅡ Reading Comprehension (40 points)Direction: There are some reading passages followed by 20 questions or unfinished statements. For each of the questions there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Please decide on the best answer.目的:主要考察学生运用所学技能阅读各类题材、体裁的文章。

西南大学《英语文体学引论》复习思考题及答案(0099) 《英语文体学引论》复习思考题I. Explain in brief the following terms. (10 points; in test it contains 10 terms)1. stylistics2. style3. dialect4. morpheme5. phoneme6. language7. register 8. acoustic phonetics 9. auditory phonetics10. syllable 11. general stylistics 12. literary stylistics13. form 14. content 15. phonological analysis16. lexical analysis 17. syntactical analysis 18. discoursal analysis19. paralinguistic features 20. social dialect 21. taboo22. whispery voice 23. breathy voice 24. creaky voice25. falsetto 26. common core words 27. technical words28. standard words 29. non- standard words 30. spoken words31. literary words 32. extension 33. specialization34. elevation 35. degradation 36. metaphor37. litotes 38. irony 39. compound sentence40. periodic sentence 41. loose sentence 42. elliptical sentence43. inverted sentence 44. antithesis 45. parallelism46. repetition 47. deviation 48. cataphora49. progressive conjunction 50. field of discourseII. Answer the following questions. (50 points; in test itcontains 5 questions)1. What is the relationship between form and content?2. What are the differences between language and speech?3. What is the methodology of stylistic analysis? What are the levels of stylistic analysis?4. Define paralinguistic features. What are they?5. What are the three ways of studying the sound of language?6. What are the four typical meters in English poetry?7. What is the relationship between sound and meaning?8. What is the relationship between style and the choice of words, according to thestylisticians?9. How many kinds of word meanings may be classified? And what are they?10. What are the three basic components of the English vocabulary?11. Functionally speaking, what are the four types of English sentences?12. What are the conjunctions used in combining English sentences?13. What are the gestures may be used in a casual conversation?14. What are the three types of substitution? Can you give some examples?15. What is the relationship between dialect and register?16. Name at least five kinds of figures of speech in English.17. Can you give some examples of rhetorical questions?18. What are the stylistic features of the Bible?19. What are the five kinds of reference in the English language?20. What are the three factors of register?21. Give examples to illustrate power relationship and solidarity relationship.22. What are the non-linguistic features of casual conversation?23. What are the linguistic features of the language of news reporting?24 .What are the linguistic features of the language of advertisement?25. What is the relationship between literary language and ordinary language?III. Stylistic analysis (20 points):1. Explain the connotative meaning of the italicized words or expressions in the followingsentences (12 points; in test it may or may not appear; it contains 3 words or expressions):.1) Don’t trust her; she is a snake i n the grass.2) The enemy will attack us tomorrow morning, but we are still not well prepared. TheDa mocles’ sword is hanging over us.3) We have to consult him, you know, he is the real Titan in our class.4) News from Pentagon today says …5) She knows nothing about the cruelty of the world. She isa lily.6) Hamlet, according to some psycho-analysis theory, is a character who has theOedipus complex.7) He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Don’t believe what he says.8) The doctor told him it is not cancer, however, it is only a white lie.9) He is always ready to help people when they are in need. He’s a real Robin Hood.10) Their policy is all sticks and no carrots.11) 0China never stands on the side of Chauvinism.12) Children are flowers of our country.2. What possible social relationships exist between the participants in the followingsentences? (12 points; in test it may or may not appear)1) Excuse me, could you tell me the right time, please?2) What time is it, please?3) What’ the time?3. Indicate what kind of figures of speech is used in the following examples? (8 points; intest it may or may not appear; it contains 2 items)The young hunter was as strong as a lion.Life is but a brief candle.from the cradle to the graveMany hands make light work.She’s as old as a mountain.A victorious defeatHe is a fool. He never knows where his personal interest lies. His whole heart is concerned about the interest of other people.Belinda smiled, and all the world was gay.The drunkard loves his bottle better than his wife.My love is a red, red rose.4. Try to analyze the following sentence and point out its stylistic value (12 points; it mayor may not appear in test; if it appears, it contains onesentence)1) It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a fortunemust be in want of a wife. (J. Austin. Pride and Prejudice)2) I came, I saw, I conquered. (Julius Caesar)3) O, my luve is like a red, red roseThat’s newly sprung in June;O, my luve is like the melodieTha t’s sweetly play’d in tune.(Robert Burns, A Red, Red Rose)4) A grief ago (Dylan Thomas)5) “Don’t be such a harsh parent, father!”“Don’t father me!”(0099) 《英语文体学引论》复习思考题答案I. Explain in brief the following terms (10 points; in test it contains 10 terms):1. stylistics: the study or the investigation of style.2. style: the linguistic habit of a particular person(s) or characteristic of typical situations.3. dialect: a subtype of language which may be determined by geographical locality orparticular social groupings.4. morpheme: the smallest unit in a language that carries meaning.5. phoneme: the smallest sound unit in a specific language capable of semantic distinction.6. language: a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.7. register: language determined by situation.8. acoustic phonetics: a branch of phonetics dealing with thephysical properties of thespeech sounds of a language.9. auditory phonetics: the study of how the sound of speech is received by the hearer.10. syllable: a vowel sound either with or without a consonant or consonants in clusters.11. general stylistics:the investigation of the linguistic features of all kinds of language use.12. literary stylistics: the study of the linguistic features of literature in particular, such asthose of poetry, novels and dramas.13. form: the particular way of expressing the message.14. content: the message or information or the communicative value that is encoded orloaded in a linguistic expression.15. phonological analysis: it is chiefly concerned about the sound patterns of a piece ofliterature, especially those of poetry.16. lexical analysis: it is chiefly concerned about the internal structure and the stylisticcoloring and the semantic relationship of the words in the text.17. syntactical analysis: it is chiefly concerned about how the words in a text are puttogether to produce meaning and other kinds of message.18. discoursal analysis: it is concerned about how sentences are joined together to produce acohesive and coherent text.19. paralinguistic features: the vocal effects caused by different shaping of the vocal cordsand openings20. social dialect: it is determined by the social groupings that a person belongs to.21. taboo: words forbidden to be used in public because of their being dirty or offensive22. whispery voice: utterance without any vocal cord vibration at all. Emphasizing contrast.23. breathy voice: utterance where there is too much breath for the needs of the articulation.24. creaky voice: a slow crackle of vocal cord vibrations at a low pitch, like a stick being runalong a fence.25. falsetto: a switch of the voice from one vocal register toa higher one; usually found onlyin males.26. common core words: refer to those words used in everyday life.27. technical words: refer to those words used in special professions.28. standard words: words that are used in the standard dialect.29. non-standard words: words labeled as slangs, vulgarisms and colloquialisms in thedictionary. the cultural and social implications of a word simile: a comparison between two things with emphasis on the similarity or likeness between them30. spoken words: words that most often used in face-to- face, casual and everydayconversations.31. literary words: words used in formal writings or literature.32. extension: a specific word comes to mean a general idea.33. specialization: the change of the word meaning may move in the opposite direction, aword with general reference is narrowed to a specific reference.34. elevation: words of derogatory association become words of favorable association.35. degradation: neutral words or words of favorable association degenerated intoderogatory words.36. metaphor: a covert comparison37. litotes: understatement38. irony: a figure of speech that takes the form of saying or implying the opposite of whatone feels to be the case39. compound sentence: a sentence made up of two or more simple sentences, joinedtogether by conjunctions or punctuations40. periodic sentence: one that is not grammatically complete until the end is reached41. loose sentence: one that may be brought to a grammatical close before the end is reached42. elliptical sentence: one in which either the subject or the predicate or part of thepredicate is missing43. inverted sentence: one in which the subject position is filled by other sentence elements44. antithesis: a figure of speech in the formula of X conj. Y with a contrast between them45. parallelism: a rhetorical device in which two or more thantwo similar syntacticstructures with different words are placed side by side46. repetition: a rhetorical device in which identical words are used but not necessarily inidentical position47. deviation: violation of standard use of the language48. cataphora: If the referred item comes after the referring item in a text, then it is a case ofcataphora.49. progressive conjunction: one sentence that joined by the use of conjunctive words ofaddition or progression50. field of discourse: the topic under discussion or the nature of the activity in whichlanguage is involvedII. Answer the following questions (50 points; in test it contains 5 questions):1. What is the relationship between form and content?One way of talking about style is to make a distinction between form and content.Content is the message or information or the communicative value that is encoded or loaded in a linguistic expression. Form is the particular way of expressing the message.The form is the style which may be different from case to case although the meaning may remain the same. For example, the Chinese term 开始may be expressed indifferent English words, such as start, begin and commence, but each suggests a different style.2. What are the differences between language and speech?Another way of talking about style is to make a distinctionbetween language and speech, which may be translated in Chinese as 语言and 言语. This distinction was first proposed by Saussure, the founder of the modern linguistics. According to Saussure, there are four major differences between language and speech.A. Language is abstract whereas speech is concrete. Language is abstract in the sensethat it has only psychological instead of physical existence. Language is notsomething that you can bring to the classroom and examine under the microscope,not something you can hear, see, smell , touch or taste. Speech is concrete in thesense that it has physical properties. Either can be heard in the spoken form or seenin the written form.B. Language is potential whereas speech is actual. Language is potential in the sensethat it is a kind of can-mean system, while speech is something that has an actualmeaning.C. Language is code whereas speech is message(语言是一个代码系统,言语才是信息). Language is a set of symbols that can be used to transmit information. Speechis the actual use of the language in an act of communication in a particular situationfor a particular purpose. It carries a real message.D. Language is stable and systematic whereas speech is subject to personal andsituational constraint. For example, the word book in the English language alwaysrefers to some printed matter. But in speech it may be used to refer to anything thatthe speaker wants to refer to by the use of it as long as it is understandable. Thecommon example is the sentence: He is a walking dictionary(a kind of book)meaning that he is very knowledgeable.3. What is the methodology of stylistic analysis? What are the levels of stylistic analysis?The major methodology for stylistic analysis is linguistic analysis. It tries to be objective or scientific in its analysis. According to the advocates of this methodology, anyone using this methodology to analyze a given text of literature will reach roughly the same conclusion.Levels of analysisSince stylistic analysis is a kind of linguistic analysis, naturally, how many levels of structure we have in a language correspondingly how many levels of structure at which we may do stylistic analysis.1) PhonologicalPhonological analysis is chiefly concerned about the sound patterns of a piece of literature, especially those of poetry.2) LexicalLexical analysis is chiefly concerned about the internal structure and the stylistic coloring and the semantic relationship of the words in the text.3) SyntacticalSyntactical analysis is chiefly concerned about how the wordsin a text are put together to produce meaning and other kinds of message.4) DiscoursalDiscoursal analysis is concerned about how sentences are joined together to producea cohesive and coherent text.4. Define paralinguistic features. What are they?Definition: the vocal effects caused by different shaping of the vocal cords and openings.Kinds and the corresponding stylistic effects.1) Whispery voice: utterance without any vocal cord vibration at all. Emphasizingcontrast.2) Breathy voice: utterance where there is too much breath for the needs of thearticulation, the effect being one of mild ‘puffing and blowing’. Expressing surprise and astonishment.3) Creaky voice: a slow crackle of vocal cord vibrations at a low pitch, like a stickbeing run along a fence.4) Falsetto: a switch of the voice from one vocal register to a higher one; usually foundonly in males.5. What are the three ways of studying the sound of language?A. articulatory phoneticsThe study of the sounds of a language with special attention to the speaker: the movement of the lungs, vocal cords, tongue, the lips and other organs which produce and control the noisy outward breathing.B. acoustic phoneticsThe study of the physical properties of the sound waves in the air when being transmitted from the speaker to the hearer.C. auditory phoneticsThe study of how the sound of speech is received by the hearer6. What are the four typical meters in English poetry?In English poetry, stress is usually used in the realization of meter. The followings arethe four most typical meters.1) Iamb: Iamb is a metric foot consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by astressed syllable.2) Trochee: Trochee is a metric foot consisting of a stressed syllable followed by anunstressed syllable.3) Anapest: Anapest is a metric foot composed of two unstressed syllables followed byone stressed one.4) Dactyl: Dactyl is a metric foot composed of one stressed syllable followed by twounstressed ones7. What is the relationship between sound and meaning?According to Saussure, the relationship between sound and meaning is arbitrary in the sense that why a certain meaning takes a particular sound has no reason and it is completely accident. But in literature, the writers always try to arrange the words in sucha way as to make the patterns of sound to directly suggest the meaning.8. What is the relationship between style and the choice ofwords, according to thestylisticians?The stylisticians’ attitude: they lay emphasis on the adaptability to the sit uation.Standard, non-standard, black, dialectal, slang, archaisms are equally good in their expressiveness. There is no distinction of one being superior and other being inferior.9. How many kinds of word meanings may be classified? And what are they?According to the linguists, a word has various kinds of meaning. The first kind of meaning is denotative meaning.1) Denotative (概念意义)The kind of meaning we can get from the dictionary. It can also be termed as dictionary meaning, conceptual meaning, logical meaning and referential meaning.This is the most basic meaning that we understand a word has.2) Stylistic = social (社会意义)The kind of meaning associated with a particular social situation in which a particular word is often used. e.g begin, start, commence3) Affective meaning(情感意义)It is the emotional, attitudinal and evaluative coloring of a word. e.g. cunning and clever. Both mean the skillful handling of a delicate or difficult situation. But they reveal different attitudes and evaluation of the speaker.4) Collocative (搭配意义)Some words may have the same dictionary meaning, but they collocate withdifferent words, as shown by the pair or synonyms of prettyand handsome.5) Connotative (内涵意义)the cultural and social implications of a word.10. What are the three basic components of the English vocabulary?The three basic components of the English vocabularyA Anglo-Saxona. Members of the familyb. Parts of the bodyc. Natured. Timee. One-syllabled verbsB Frencha. Government and Lawb. Army and military activitiesc. Religiond. CostumesC Latina. Medicineb. Lawc. Theologyd. Sciencee. Literature11. Functionally speaking, what are the four types of English sentences?1) Declarative 2) Interrogative3) Exclamatory 4) Imperative12. What are the conjunctions used in combining English sentences?1) Progressive conjunction (推进性连接): by the use ofconjunctive words of additionor progression, such as and, furthermore, moreover, etc.2) Contrastive conjunction (对照性连接): by the use of conjunctive words of contrastor transition, such as but, whereas, while, on the contrary, on the other hand, etc.3) Temporal conjunction (时间性连接): by the use of conjunctive words of temporalsequence, such as then, later, afterwards, at last, or finally, etc13. What are the gestures may be used in a casual conversation?Facial expressions, eye-contact, body positions, distance, physical touch, soundmodification, clothing, and environment14. What are the three types of substitution? Can you give some examples?A. Nominal substitution (名词性替代)1) The meaning of one/ones e.g. You bought a red pencil, I’d like a blue one.2) The use of the “same”Example:A: I want a cup of teaB: The same.3) T he use of “kind, sort”. e.g. American food is not t he same as the English kind.B. Verbal substitution (动词性替代)Do you like Chinese food?Yes, I do.He likes Chinese food. So do I.C. Clausal substitution (分句性替代)1) The use of “so” “not”Example: A: Do you think he will come tomorrow?B: Yes, I think so./ No, I think not.2) LimitationClausal substitution applies only to sentences, where the predicate verb of amain clause is one of the following verbs:believe, be afraid, expect, fear, hope, imagine, say, tell, think, suppose.15. What is the relationship between dialect and register?Another way of talking about style, is to make a distinction between dialects and registers.A: Speaker orientedDialects are speaker oriented. What kind of speaker speaks what kind of dialect.Dialects may be regional or social. Regional dialect (地域方言)is determined by the geographical locality the speaker lives in. The social dialect is determined by the social groupings that a person belongs to.B: Situation orientedRegister is situational oriented. Register is the language determined by situation, and because of this we have such registers as formal English, informal English, classroom English, legal English, etc.16. Name at least five kinds of figures of speech in English.Simile, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, irony, overstatement, etc.17. Can you give some examples of rhetorical questions?Idea: a rhetorical question is one which does not really need an answer, or the answer is obviousExamples:Is that a reason for despair?Can any one doubt the wisdom of this action?Is no one going to defend me?What difference does it make then?18. What are the stylistic features of the Bible?1. 1. Biblical simplicity2. Full of balanced sentences3. The use of concrete words4. Short paragraphs5. Heavy use of and to begin a new paragraph6. Syntactical features1) simple and complete sentences2) the use of old forms of personal pronouns3) the second personal pronoun take the verb of –est as in shouldest,gavest,etc.,and the third person doth and hath which are absent in other styles of writing4) negation takes the form of“verb+not” without the use of auxiliaries19. What are the five kinds of reference in the English language?According to relative positions of the referring item and the referred item, reference may be classified into the following kinds.1) Anaphora(后照应)In a case of reference, if the referred item (a word or a phrase) come before the referring item in a text, then it is a case of anaphora.Example: Mr. Wang is an engineer, he graduated from Beijing University.2) Cataphora(前照应)On the other hand, if the referred item comes after the referring item in a text, then it is a case of cataphora. As in the example:I was introduced to them; it was John Leathwall and his wife.3) Exophora(外照应)If the interpretation of an item in a text depends on something in the immediate environment, then it is a case of exophora.Example: Did the gardener water those plants?4) Paraphora(平行照应)An item which refers to something in another text.Example: He is the Shylock Holmes in our class.5) Homophora(自照应)When the class is composed of only one member, then any mention of it is a case of homophora.Example: The moon moves around the earth.20. What are the three factors of register?1) Field of discourse —the topic under discussion or the nature of the activity inwhich language is involved.2) Tenor of discourse —the kind of social relationships between the participants in aconversation.3) Mode of discourse —the medium along which the message is being transmitted.21. Give examples to illustrate power relationship and solidarity relationship.Power relationship is a kind of vertical relationship in the sense that the two participants in the conversation hold unequalauthority. For example, the relations between boss and employee, or between parents and children, or between teacher and students.Solidarity relationship is a horizontal relationship in that participants in a conversation hold equal authority. For example, the relations between playmates, classmates, friends, etc.22. What are the non-linguistic features of casual conversation?1) Unpreparedness or low degree of preparedness2) Frequent change of roles3) Monitoring4) Simultaneity in space and time5) Topic drifting6) Channel limitation7) Gestures23. What are the linguistic features of the language of news reporting?In news reporting one can find some characteristics in syntax, lexis, and textual structure.A. SyntaxThere is a heavy use of complex sentences and a heavy use of non-finite verb phrases. The subjects of sentences are usually very complicated. Compared with the verb phrases in the previous discussed varieties, the composition of the verb phrases in newspaper reporting is even simpler, mainly simple present or past tense. The structure of the noun phrases in news reporting is very complicated. There is a remarkable increase in the number of modifiers for an average sentence in the variety of newspaper reporting. And the modifiers themselves tend to be more complicatedly structured.B. LexisThere is rare use of pronouns, but by contrast, there is a remarkable increase of the use of proper nouns. The degree of complication in the aspect of word structure is about the same as that in public speech. Both in terms of the number of letters in an average word and the number of morphemes in an average word. Although the word structure in the style of newspaper reporting tends to be complicated, it is ever ready to use short instead of big word wherever possible, especially in headlines.Compound words are used frequently. Moreover, non phrases which actually express actions or state and heavily used, and they are derived from verb phrases in order to make the sentences more compact and save space without lowering the amount of information conveyed.C. Textual structureIn textual structure, one of the most outstanding characteristic is straightforwardness.24. What are the linguistic features of the language of advertisement?A. Syntax:In terms of syntax, the language of advertisement is simple in structure for easy understanding, and colloquial in style for familiarity, intimacy and solidarity. There is a higher frequency of imperative and interrogatives. As to structure, according to statistics, we have the lowest rate of occurrence of passive in comedies, the second lowest is in ads. There is also a heavy use of pre-modifiers, possessive’s, comparative and superlative adjectivesB. Lexis:There is a heavy use of compounds. Simple, short, innerstructure and a high percentage of active, affirmative, commendatory and large quantities of proper names could be found in the vocabulary of advertisement.C. Rhetorical devices:One can easily find a lot of parallelism, reiteration and alliteration.25. What is the relationship between literary language and ordinary language?1) The kind of language people use in daily conversation is the ultimate source of thelanguage of literature.2) Ordinary language follows the norm of convention, and the purpose is to beunderstood fully.3) Literary language is not the mechanical copy of ordinary language, but refined andprocessed.4) Literary language has some linguistic deviation.III. Stylistic analysis (20 points):1. Explain the connotative meaning of the italicized words or expressions in the followingsentences (12 points; in test it may or may not appear; it contains 3 words or expressions):1) Don’t trust her; she is a snake in the grass.Snake is a kind of animal, because of prejudice and cultural conventions now oftenused to refer to a person who is cunning and untrustworthy2) The enemy will attack us tomorrow morning, but we are still not well prepared. TheDamocles’ sword is hanging over us.Damocles’ sword is an allusion to Greek mythology. Damocles was invited to abanquet in the court. In the midst of the entertainment, Damocles looked up and sawsuspended above his head by a single thread a naked sword. By extension, it comesto mean an immediate danger.3) We have to consult him, you know, he is the real Titan in our class.Titan is a name used to refer to a class of gods huge in physical size. By extension,it comes to mean a person of great strength or influence.4) News from Pentagon today says …Pentagon is a huge building in Washington in which the U.S. Department ofDefense exercises its functions, now often used to refer to the ministry itself5) She knows nothing about the cruelty of the world. She isa lily.Lily is a flower and by cultural conventions a symbol of purity and innocence in thewest.6) Hamlet, according to some psycho-analysis theory, is a character who has theOedipus complex.According to psycho-analysis theory, Oedipus complex refers to the sexual love ofan infant for the parent of the opposite sex, with jealousy of the other parent, oftenin an unconscious way. In this play, Hamlet is believed to have。

译林版英语复习题答案1. 根据所给的英文句子,写出对应的中文翻译。
- English: "I have been learning English for three years." - Answer: 我已经学习英语三年了。
2. 将下列单词或短语翻译成英文。
- 动词:学习- Answer: learn- 名词:学生- Answer: student- 形容词:有趣的- Answer: interesting3. 选择正确的答案填空。
- I usually go to school by ________.- A. bus- B. car- C. bike- Answer: A4. 阅读下面的对话,并回答问题。
- Dialogue:- A: What's your favorite subject?- B: My favorite subject is science.- Question: What is B's favorite subject?- Answer: Science5. 将下列句子改写成一般疑问句。
- Sentence: She likes playing basketball.- Answer: Does she like playing basketball?6. 根据所给的单词,完成句子。
- Word: play- Sentence: We often _______ football on the weekend. - Answer: play7. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。
- Word: read- Sentence: I _______ a book about history last night. - Answer: read8. 选择正确的答案完成句子。
- Sentence: He _______ to school every day.- A. goes- B. went- C. going- Answer: A9. 根据所给的英文句子,写出对应的中文翻译。
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在图式理论的框架内划分了三种主要的学习模式:1)增生(accretion);2)调适(tuning);3)重建( reconstruction)。
(Rumelhart &Norman,1978:38–50;Rumelhart,1980:52 - 4)3.基于鲁梅尔哈特的学习模式,教学过程中应该重视什么?教学过程中应该重视的不是学生知识点的增加,而是学生的能动作用、学生认知能力的发展,因为在教学过程中,学生才是真正的主体4.课堂教学的设计应该以什么为起点?课堂教学要以学生的认知状况为起点。
14. 多媒体教学对外语学习者有何作用?为学习者的智力发展创造了哪些条件?多媒体教学使外语学习者可以自由选择适合自己的方法,从多个渠道刺激智力的潜能,为促进学生智力的发展起到了推动作用。
17. 阅读注意力是什么样的心理因素?阅读注意力在整个心理过程中从始至终都起着组织和维持的作用,是在阅读认知过程中具有调控作用的心理因素。
18. 对阅读过程起着定向与动力作用的是什么?阅读兴趣不仅对阅读过程起着定向与动力作用,而且是产生阅读动机的重要主观原因19. 读者对阅读材料的理解依赖于什么?读者对阅读材料的理解依赖于概念能力、处理策略和“已知知识、旧有的知识”的相互作用。
21. 英语阅读教学中的语言方面和非语言方面分别指什么?语言方面主要指语言知识水平,在教学中指词汇、习惯用语、语法及篇章知识等;非语言方面主要指与文章内容有关的背景知识、阅读技能和策略等。
23. 阅读活动中最活跃、最直接、起支配作用的心理因素是什么?阅读动机是阅读活动中最活跃、最直接、起支配作用的心理因素24. 外语阅读元认知策略包括哪些?元认知策略包括:阅读前策略(预读、预测、联想);阅读中策略(自我提问、自我监控);阅读后策略(自我评价、自我反应)。
25. 新课程下的英语科中、高考在考查知识时主要是考查什么?目前已经基本上形成以考查能力为主的命题指导思想,单纯考查知识的试题越来越少(占很少的比例)。
26. 新课程下应该怎样讲授语法?新课程不主张淡化语法,只是提出不要过于强调单纯传授语法知识的做法,不要脱离语境讲授和记忆语法规则。
27. 系统的语法知识与以考查能力为主的考试之间有无必然相关关系?英语新课程很重视语言知识,只是注意的方式不同。
28. 为什么考试不需要直接考查学生对语法知识的掌握情况?考试是抽样的,不能也不需要面面俱到。
29. 对于知识与能力的训练,平时练习与中、高考有何区别?1. 总体来讲,中高考主要以考查能力为主。
2. 即使是考查知识,也是考查知识的运用,而不是单纯的考查语言形式。
3. 部分省市的中、高考题将进一步改革,有的地区计划试题只有听力、阅读、写作三部分;适当的时候还要进行口语。
30. 听力理解和口头表达的基础是什么?语音是听力理解和口头表达的基础;31. 为什么没有必要单独检测微观语音能力?语音基础差的学生听力一般比较差;较好的听说能力的背后肯定有较好的语音知识和语音能力。
如果学生在听力和口语考试中有很好的表现,就说明他们已经具备了较好的语音能力,因而没有必要单独检测微观语音能力32. 课堂上为什么要开展听说活动或互动活动?一方面,多数地区的中高考含有听力部分,不考听力的地区越来越少;有些地区的中考已经包括口试,而且记入总分,这在很多程度上促进了学生的英语学习,将来的高考也可能进行口试。
33. 课文的主要功能是什么?课文的首要功能不是作为知识的载体,课文首先是用来阅读的;阅读的目的主要是培养阅读能力,其次是提供语言输入和文化输入;没有必要详细讲解课文中的语言点。
34. 为什么考试不能与教材挂钩?中高考命题时,如果要求考试内容与教材挂钩是不合理的。
35. 语言学习的主要途径是什么?阅读是语言学习的主要途径。
36. 老师应该为学生选择什么样的阅读材料?在阅读教学中,老师给学生的阅读材料的内容应该尽量广泛,能够让学生感兴趣,而不应该局限于带选择题的阅读练习材料。
37. 为什么说大量做习题对提高考试成绩并没有明显的作用?种类繁杂的练习题质量没有保证,各类练习题多围绕知识点设计,而不是考查学生的实际语言运用能力。
38. 考试前应怎样应试?题化,问题层次化,层次梯度化,梯度渐进化,59. 什么是导学案的核心?“三学”,即学生、学情、学法60. 怎样理解“导学案”?导学案重在“导”,核心是“学”,而案是基于“三学”的设计。