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Operating rules of G OTTFERTR

熔融指数仪操作规程Doc. No ` ***-WI-W-33

Verified/Date Rev. B Page 1of7 Approved/Date Effective date


使操作规范化、制度化,确保测试结果准确、统一,有效控制原料及产品的质量。Operation standardization, institutionalization, ensure the accuracy of testing results, unified, effective control of raw materials and product quality.



物在高温下熔体流动速率的测定。Applicable to model SS-4GL melt flow rate

instrument according to the GB / T3682-2000method for determination of

thermoplastic polymer in high temperature melt flow rate measurement.

3. 测试前准备Preparation before testing

3.1.1 检查工具是否齐全;仪器电源是否接通;棉布是否够用,必须确保有足够的棉布于

试验后清洁仪器。Check whether the tools are prepared completely:instrument power supply

is connected; cotton is enough, must ensure that there is enough cotton to test after the cleaning


3.1.2 试样准备Sample preparation


On raw materials and grain shell melting index related experimental parameters

with reference to" melt index testing parameter specification table";

3.1.3 将素壳剪成约5mm大小颗粒或原料(8g以上) (如图1),进行烘烤.Cut the

shell into 5mm particle size or raw materials ( more than 8G ) ( Fig. 1), baking.

3.2 测试步骤Testing steps

3.2.1 启动仪器及程序设定Starting apparatus and program

将活塞杆及口模放入料筒中,接上电源并按电源键启动仪器(如图2),程序中设定条件和参数随塑胶种类的不同而需作相应的设定,设定方法如下:Put the

piston rod and the die into the barrel, switch on and press the power button to

start apparatus ( Figure 2), procedures set of conditions and parameters with the

plastic different types require the corresponding set, setting method as follows: 按菜单试验参数设定(如图3) 依次输入要求加热温度值,Press menu test

parameter setting (Figure 3) input required temperature value,for example:260℃press

“260”to confirm;(温度要求参照《熔融指数试验参数规范表》和相关物性表),预热时

Made/Date Operating rules of G OTTFERTR


Doc. No ` ***-WI-W-33 Verified/Date Rev.





Effective date

间一般规定为240秒,按数字键直接输入并确认 ;( the temperature requirements with reference to" melt index testing parameter specification table" and related properties table ), the preheating time general provisions for240 seconds, press the number keys directly enter and confirm; 刮料的间隔时间,一般规定为30秒,按数字键直接输入“确认”;取样次数一般为5次,按数字键直接输入“确认”;砝码重量值(砝码重量要求参照《熔融指数试验参数规范表》和相关物性表);选择手动或自动切料;试验参数设定好并确认无误后(如图4),按“菜单”退回主菜单,然后按“T ”开始加热升温(如图6)。Scraper interval of time, the general regulations for30 seconds, press the number keys directly enter the" confirmation"; sampling frequency is 5times, press the number keys directly enter the" confirmation"; the weight of the weights ( weights weight requirements with reference to" melt index testing parameter specification table" and related properties table ); choice of manual or automatic cutting; test parameter setting and confirmation ( Figure 4), click "menu" back to the main menu, then press" T " to start the heating ( Figure 6).

1. The piston rod

into the barrel, switch on and press the power button to start apparatus, show the initial page

2. Select " set interface", enter the test parameter settings





Test parameter setting and confirmation, press "back"

button to return to main menu page ( Figure 4); 3. Select the " up","down" button, test parameters.
