



武汉市教育科学研究院命制2011.2.18 本试卷共14页。全卷满分150分。考试用时120分钟。











例:How much is the shirt?

A. f 19.15.

B. f 9.15.

C. £ 9.18.


1.Where did this conversation most probably take place?

A. In a store.

B. In a bank.

C. In a hotel.

2.What does the woman tell the man to do?

A.Present a new theory to the class.

B.Read the book more thoroughly.

C.Read more than one article.

3.Why will the speakers read children ’ s stories?

A.The stories are required for a course.

B.They are fond of reading them.

C.Those s t o r i e s are wonderful.

4.What are the speakers talking about?

A.When to move.

B.Whose house to visit.

C.Where to live the following year.

5.What is the woman probably doing while talking?

A. Eating.

B. Cooking.

C. Cleaning.



6.What is Mr. Turner doing now?

A. Having a meeting.

B. Talking to the speaker.

C. Calling Douglas Johnson.

7 ? What is Douglas Johnson' s phone number?

A. 782 -1842.

B. 872 - 1952.

C. 772 -1852.


(H)When does the conversation probably occur?

A. A workday morning.

B. A weekday evening.

C. A weekend afternoon.

(I)What is the couple' s agreement?

19.They will share the housework.

20.The man should clean the living room and the bathroom.

21.The woman can remind the man when the house gets dirty.


(J)What are the speakers talking about?

A. War.

B. Disease.

C. Disaster.

Where does the woman come from?

A. America.

B. Africa.

C. Asia. (L)How did the people feel when a tree ended up in the room?

A. Lucky.

B. Frightened.

C. Surprised.听下面一段对话,回答第13至16题。

(M)What do we know about the man?

19.He has never been abroad.

20.He has never been to the Olympic Games.

21.He has never watched sports games on TV.

(N)What is the man* s problem?

19.The tickets are too expensive.

20.He has no money to attend the games.

21.There are too many sports for him to watch.

(O)What do the speakers think of the coming Olympics?

19.It'll cost the host country more money.

20.It'll attract more people from around the world.

21.It' 11 be the best one.

(P)What does the woman think is the most important for the games?

19.The athletes.

20.The opening and closing ceremonies.

21.The buildings they' re putting up for the Olympics.


(Q)What kind of work does the speaker discuss with the students?

19.Selecting information.

20.Reading magazine articles.

21.Writing research papers.

(R)What does the speaker warn the students against doing?

19.Gathering nonrelated materials.

20.Stealing another person ’ s ideas.

21.Sharing notes with others.

How many steps should you take when you take notes on books?

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Three.

(T)In which way does the speaker advise the students to use the notes?

19.In the student, s own words.

20.In short phrases.

In copies.第二部分:词汇知识运用(共两节,满分40分)


从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。例:To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their ______ and weaknesses.

A. strengths

B. benefits

C. techniques

D. values


(U)It was said that the government would consider lifting a ______ o n immigration from other countries into the States, which launched a heated debate on the issue.

A. tournament

B. reservation

C. restriction

D. negotiation

(V)Our teacher told us that beauty is a universal ______ in folktales from around the world.

A. issue

B. theme

C. subject D- account

(W)It is difficult to _____ what the long-term effects of the accident will be.

A. calculate

B. forecast

C. guess

D. indicate

(X)Quality of such products shall be _____ according to the national or trade standards.

A. graded

B. confirmed

C. valued

D. fixed

(Y)It snowed heavily last night and we had to use thick sticks to ______ t he roof of the hut.

A. hold on

B. hold up

C. hold back

D. hold out

(Z)The kind old couple offered to _____ the poor homeless child, though life was hard for them.

A. bring in

B. put in

C. take in

D. turn in

(AA)He was an unselfish and ______ m an who was always willing to help in any way he could.[来


A. clever

B. rare

C. faithful

D. noble

(BB)I have to go now because I must be _____ f or class, otherwise, the teacher would scold me.

A. punctual

B. active

C. sensitive

D. optimistic

(CC)His conduct at the conference is regarded as being ______ unacceptable.

A. notably

B. firmly

C. fully

D. totally

(DD)Bob was arrested by the police on suspicion of driving ____ alcohol last night.

A. in favour of

B. with the help of

C. under the influence of

D. for the purpose of



Bob Richard shares with us a moving story about a skinny young boy who loved football withall his heart.

Practice 31_____practice, he eagerly gave everything he had. But being half the 32_____ of other boys,he got absolutely nowhere. At all the games,this 33_____ athlete sat on the bench and 34_____ ever played. This teenager lived alone with his lather. Even though the son was always on the 35 _____,his father was always

The young man was still the 37_____ of the class when he entered high school. But his father continued to encourage him. The young man loved football and decided to hang in there. He was

38_____to try his best at every practice, and perhaps he ’ d get to play when he became a ( n )

39_____. All through high school he never missed a practice or a game, he 40_____ a benchwarmer all four years. His 41 father was always in the stands, always with words of 42_____ for him.

When the young man went to college,he decided to 43_____ for the football team as a walk-on (无运动奖学金的球员)?Everyone was sure he could never make the cut, but he did. 44_____admitted that he kept him on the roster (花名册)because he always put his 45_____ into every practice, and at the same time, provided the other members with the 46 _____they badly needed.

His father shared his happiness and was sent season 47_____ for all the college games. This persistent young athlete never missed practice during his years at college,

but he never got to play in a game.

It was the end of his senior football season, and as he ran 48 _____onto the practice field shortly before the big play-off game,the coach met him with a telegram. The young man read the telegram and he became deathly silent.

49_____ hard, “My father died this morning,” in deep sorrow he murmured to the coach.

“Coach, please let me play. I’ve just got to play today," said the young man. He looked at the coach, with tears in his eyes ,and said, “ Well, you knew my dad died,but did you know that tny dad was blind?" The young man swallowed harder, “Dad came to all my games,but today was 50_____ he could see me play,and I wanted to show him I could do it !”


阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和D)中,选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


In March 2008,Joe Ryan got a notice from a billing agency for a hospital near Denver,Colorado. The hospital wanted payment for surgery totaling $ 41,188. Ryan had never set foot in that

hospital. Obviously there was some mistake. “I thought it was a joke,” says Ryan.

But when he called the billing agency nobody laughed. Someone, who ’ s also named Joe Ryan, 31. A. after

B. in C, for D. by 32. A. body

B.[来源:] h eight

C. weight

D. size 33. A. grateful

B. hopeful

C. helpful

D. wonderful 34. A. really

B. mostly

C. hardly

D. probably 35. A. side

B. bench

C. way

D. ground 36. A. watching

B. accompanying

C. participating

D. cheering 37. A. smallest

B. hardest

C. weakest

D. shortest 38. A. engaged

B. concerned

C. determined

D. forced 39. A. student

B. senior

C. athlete

D. player 40. A. remained

B. kept

C. stayed

D. seated 41. A. reliable

B. kind

C. faithful

D. responsible 42. A. agreement

B. sympathy

C. comment

D. encouragement 43. A. try out

B. turn out

C. go out

D. let out 44. A. The boy

B. The school

C. The coach

D. The master 45. A. head and hand

B. heart and soul

C. thought and mind

D. ear and eye 46. A. spirit

B. membership

C. friendship

D. practice 47. A. schedules

B. arrangements

C. tickets

D. invitations 48. A. quickly

B. deadly

C. properly

D. hurriedly 49. A. Crying B.[来源学&科&网Z&X&X&K]

Thinking C. Hiding D. Swallowing [来源学_科_网Z_X_X_K]

50. A. the only time


the first time C. the last time D. the right time

using Ryan's Social Security number, had indeed been admitted for surgery. He figured clearing this up would take a just few phone calls.

Two years later, Ryan continues to suffer from the damage to his credit rating and still doesn' t know if his medical record has been cleared of wrong information.

Joe Ryan was the victim of a little-known but frightening type of consumer cheating that is on

the rise: medical identity theft, which involves using your name to get drugs, expensive medical treatment and even cheating insurance payments.

As Ryan discovered, money isn ’ t the half of it. When someone steals your name to receive health care, his medical history becomes part of your record—and setting the record straight can be extremely difficult. That ’ s because,in part,the information is handed out among dozens of

care-givers, from doctors to medicine stores to ins urance companies and labs. "I wanted to help straighten this out,” says Ryan, ‘‘so I went to the hospital, and they had a three-inch-thick record for me, but they wouldn' t let me see it.

I showed them my ID, and they said that’ s not Joe Ryan’ s signature. Well, of course not! They had this other guy ’ s signature. ”Ryan had fallen into a victim’ s Catch-22:If your record doesn’ t appear to be you rs, you may not have the right to read it, much less change it.

Ryan' s next step was a visit to the police department. But the police said that there was not much they could do, that the local law enforcement has little experience with medical ID theft, and cases like this can end up being considered a civil matter.

21.The billing agency sent Joe Ryan a notice to .

21.play a joke on him for medical treatment

rm him of the payment for his surgery

21.correct the mistakes about payment for his surgery

21.clear up the wrong information in his medical record

21.Joe Ryan at first thought his problem was

A. easy to settle

B. difficult to settle

C. impossible to solve

D. unnecessary to solve

21.The number of medical identity theft cases in the United States is .

A. increasing

B. decreasing

C. countable

D. changeable

21.An even worse consequence of medical ID theft is .

21.some trouble in obtaining insurance payment

21. a big loss of money and damage to credit rating

21.the widely spread medical information of the victim

21.the difficulty in changing the wrong medical history


Laura Edmonds has a look of horror on her face as she turns to look out the airplane window.

It’ s not the threat of terrorism that worries her,but rather the possibility of mechanical

failure. She says she imagines the plane plunging to the ground because the engines may fall off.

So every few minutes she glances out the window to make sure they' re still attached. It is a fear that has gripped her for 18 years, since her wedding day. Since then she has t ried

drugs and co cktails to make it through flights. But, she says j they’ ve been no help in easing her


She has dragged her family on the train from Connecticut to Florida, insisted on long drives

and tried to avoid flying at all costs. Even when friends fly, Edmonds says she worries, counting

the hours till they arrive at their destination.

It’ s been three years since Edmonds has stepped on a plane.

Yet here she is now, 20,000 feet above the ground onboard a turbo-prop that's en route from

New York,s LaGuardia Airport to Baltimore-Washington International Airport in Maryland. She is

hoping this is the flight that will overcome her fear.

“I feel the seat. I feel the seat against my arm. I feel my hands,” recites Edmonds,her eyes

still closed.

She is attempting to change her mind, one of several so-called “ strengthening exercises" she

recently learned from a video course designed to overcome fear of flying. The idea is to focus on

the moment, rather than the abstract.

Former Pan Am and United pilot Tom Bunn is president of the company that produced the

videos and that instructs passengers in the basic mechanics of flying and teaches them to control

their thoughts.

Before boarding the U. S. Airways flight, Edmonds presents a letter from Bunn to the flight

attendant asking to speak with the captain. The pilot gladly obliges, telling her he ’ s been flying

for more than two decades and assuring her,You’ re going to be fine. We' re going to take good

care of you.,’

When the flight attendant offers drinks, Edmonds places her cup of water on the tray table

and studies it, tangible evidence that the plane is barely shaking.

“ Ladies and gentlemen, we are approaching Baltimore,” announces the flight attendant.

Edmond is relying heavily on Bunn ’ s coping strategies during t he 90-minute flight. But

she' s coping.

As the wheels touch down, Edmonds’ face lights up.

55. Laura Edmonds has a fear of flying because______ .

21.she once experienced a mechanical failure

21. a mechanical failure often appears in her mind

21.she is good at imagining a terrible situation

21.air crashes often happen in her hometown

21.The underlined word "grip" in the third paragraph means______.

A. seized firmly

B. hurt s eriously

C. cheated simply

D. treated carefully

21.From this passage it can be inferred that______.

21.every seat in planes is equipped with video

21.passengers on board always feel nervous

21.nervous passengers can get comfort from airlines[来源:]

21.travel by train is safer than travel by plane

urn' s overcoming the fear of flying is mostly owed to______?

A. airline' s comfort

B. her counting the hours on


C. a letter from Bunn

D. her defeating herself


The Terrafugia, a small airplane that can drive on roads

and has been billed as the first “ flying car,” is now one step

closer to becoming street-and-sky-legal. The vehicle has

cleared a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)(联邦航空

管理委员会)regulation for craft classification (分类)by

weight. A well-designed production model might be just

around the corner, according to multiple reports.

At issue was Mass-based company Terrafugia wanting its Transition vehicle to be classified as a “Light Sport Aircraft" by the FAA so people eager to fly it would need only 20 hours of flying time. Yet the two-seater vehicle came in 110 pounds (50 kilograms) overweight in providing

roadworthy-assuring safety items. The FAA sai d that so long as customers are advised about this

extra weight, the car-plane mixture can be sold.

The Terrafugia completed its maiden voyage last March in upstate New York. According to its maker, the Terrafugia can transform from a readable vehicle that can hit a highway speed of 65 miles per hour to a winged aircraft in 30 seconds.

The plane version can cruise at about 115 miles per hour ( 185 kilometers per hour) and

cover about 400 miles ( 644 kilometers) worth of the area before needing a refill of regular unleaded gas.

The price of a Terrafugia is expected to be around $200,000 and deliveries could start next year, assuming the vehicle passes crash tests. The company has envisioned its vehicle as finding a home with amateur pilots who live near air fields, but as any Jetsons’ fan knows, flying cars might well be the wave of the future.

21.The underlined part in the Para. 1 “has been billed,’ means ______.

A. has been sold

B. has been advertised

C. has been ordered

D. has been designed

21.The author tells us in the passage that ______.

21.this vehicle can carry only two passengers

21.the driver should weigh less than 110 pounds

21.anyone can drive this flying car if they want

21.the car flies faster than a modern plane

21.It is mentioned in the passage that flying cars might be______ .

A. popular

B. light

C. convenient

D. safe enough

21.Which is the best possible title of the passage?

21.Coolest Vehicles You ’ 11 Never Get to Ride

21.Flying Car Could Transform Traffic Jam

21.Flying Car One Step Closer to Reality

21.Transportation in Future Time


An overweight, middle-aged man lies dead on a trolley, with a woman weeping over his

body. The body' s cold hand still grasps a half-eaten McDonald ’ s ham burger.

American doctors

‘ TV ad features the image which weakens the slightest of appetites and the line ’ I was lovin ’ it ’

The hard-hitting US television commercial supported by a Washington-based medical group

has angered McDonald ’ s by taking an unusually direct shot at the world ’ s bi ggest fast-food chain this week. The line is a twist on McDonald’ s long-standing advertising slogan, "I'm lovin’ it”and a voiceover intones :” High cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart attacks. Tonight, make it vegetarian. ”

The commercial,funded by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine ( PCRM ),

goes further than most non-profit advertising and has drawn an angry reaction from both the

Chicago-based hamburger multinational and the broader restaurant industry.

The National Restaurant Association criticised it as "irresponsible" and said it was an attempt

to scare the public with a ‘‘limited” view of nutrition. A McDonald’ s spokesman said:‘‘This

commercial is unbearable, misleading and unfair to all consumers. McDonald ’ s trusts our

cus tomers to make food and lifestyle choices that are right for them. ”

The commercial,to be aired at the beginning in the Washington area but potentially in fuither US cities, comes amid an increasingly lively debate in the US about healthy eating. The first lady, Michelle Obama r has made nutrition a signature issue and is leading a campaign to encourage physical fitness and improved diets一 particularly among American children,a third of whom are overweight.

The economic decline has hardly helped the healthy eating cause. McDonald ’ s has enjoyed a relatively prosperous financial crisis as diners choose its affordable offerings in place of more expensive high-street restaurants. Its global profits for the six months to June were up 12% to $ 2. 3billion, powered by sales

rises both in the United States and Britain.

The PCRM’ s director of nutrition education, Susan Levin, made no apologies for singling out

the golden arches(拱f]) :“ McDonald' s is one of the biggest fast-food chains in the world. Its name and its golden arches are instantly recognisable. We feel we ’ re making a point about all fast food when we talk about McDonald ’ s. ”

21.The ad-maker makes a change in the McDonald ’ s slogan ______

21.to warn people of risk of eating fast food

21.to convince people of cause of the death

21.to remind people of the man’ s preference

21.to accuse the McDonald’ s of the murder

21.The goal of this passage is to tell us that______ .

21.the TV commercial goes too far

21.people enjoy eating fast food for its taste

21.Michelle Obama’ s campaign doesn' t work

21.McDonald' s provides unhealthy food

21."The golden arches,’ in the last paragraph refers to ______?

A. the line

B. the ad

C. McDonald' s

D. fast food

21.What is the theme of the passage?

21. A fierce debate about healthy eating

21.McDonald ’ s targeted in US health ad

21. A US health ad advocates healthy life

21.Say goodbye to McDonald' s right now


More than 17 ,000 flights to and from European airspace were cancelled, including all flights from Britain ’ s major airports. The Met office reported that volcanic ash had begun to fall across Britain, coating surfaces with a fine layer of dust and raising fears for people with breathing difficulties.

Meanwhile experts warned of shortages of some foods with produce destined for British shops in airport warehouses in other parts of the world.

Geologists reported that activity at the volcano increased yesterday, spewing a plume of ash 5.3 miles high into the atmosphere.

The Icelandic Meteorological Office said the winds blowing the volcanic ash south east to Europe and up into Scandinavia and Russia will continue in the same direction for at least two days and could go on until Wednesday. But scientists fear there could be more eruptions from the 5,466-foot volcano, Mount Eyjafjallajkull.

A university geophysicist said:“ From what we ’ve seen, it could erupt,pause for a few week ,and then possibly erupt again. It could go on for months. ” As the no fly zone

could go on erupting for months, geologists have warned.

The National Air Traffic Control Service ( Nats) extended restrictions on flights from British airports to 7p. m. on Sunday, with the expectation of further extensions.

Ferry operators have reported record bookings. P&O took 6,000 foot passengers across the channel on Friday compared to the 100 to 200 it would expect on a normal Friday in April.

Eurostar trains were fully booked until tomorrow, with 50,000 more passengers than normal since the airline disruption (中断)began on Thursday,including comedian John Cleese who arrived back in London last night after a most difficult overland journey from Switzerland, The operator is charging passengers a minimum £ 223 for a single ticket from Paris to London over the next two days prompting criticisms of profiteering. A return ticket can normally be bought for as little as £ 69. Eurostar denied it was cashing in. some 4,000 British tourists have been stranded in South Africa.

The British Embassy in Athens said there were currently “ many thousand ” British holidaymakers trying to leave Greece after the holidays, in many cases anxious to get back in time for the start of the school term this week,with some of those desperate to return resorting to renting cars or embarking on long trains journeys.

67 where is the volcano, Mount Eyjafjallajkull located?

A England. B. Ireland. C. Iceland. D. Switzerland.

68 The worst affected problem for most of the Europeans during the eruption was _ .

A breathing difficulties B. shortages of food

C the airline disruption D. a fine layer of dust

21.What does the underlined word "chaos" mean in Para 6?

A. Danger.

B. Anxiety.

C. Desperation.

D. Disorder.

21.From the passage, we know that the volcano eruption ?

21.forced all the people to go back home

21.brought the train company a large profit

21.made 6,000 passengers take ships to cross the Channel

21.prevented British students from going to school on time




例:We______(起床)before dawn. It was still dark outside. ( get)

答案:got up

21.They had delayed having children, for the usual reason, ______ (创建)their careers.(set)

21. A United Nations spokeswoman in New York said to the news media yesterday the request______ ______ (将会考虑) ( consider)

21.It has set us back in so many respects______ (我无法确定)how long it will take for us to catch up. ( sure)

21.I would rather stare at a clear, star-filled sky ______ (也不愿看)TV commercials.(watch )

21.We all stand firmly at your side, ______ (无论发生什么),my son! (happen) 21.一Is there a flight to New York at 8:00 tomorrow morning?

一There______ (有可能)? You can phone the airport and make sure, (be)

21.I was going along the street______ (找个地方)to park when the accident occurred.(look)

21.Not until the motorbike looked almost new, ______ (他停止)repairing and cleaning it.(stop)

21.Had you worked harder, you______(就不会失败)in the competition, (fail) 21.Her father gave her advice on learning English ______ (她用英语)as much as










2.参考释义:逃课-be absent from some lectures ;

淘课-search for some lectures ;



Hi Jim,



Li Ming

中考英语 第十一周 阅读模拟检测(A、B卷)

A卷 一、完形填空。 通读下面短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。 Jody was ten years old when he decided he needed a job. He thought it might be 1 to keep worms. He could sell them to farmers. So in 2 , he bought many worms. But that winter, the cold weather killed all the worms because he had not put them in a 3 place. The next spring Jody 4 again. He bought more worms. When winter came, he took them inside so they would stay warm. Many people bought his worms. One day when Jody was twelve, he got 5 . It was from State of New York. The letter said, “Everyone who 6 things has to pay taxes(税)!” Jody made only one dollar selling worms. But he still 7 to pay part of that money to the state. He told many people in his town what had 8 . A reporter 9 Jody on TV. Many people saw it and they began to write letters to the state. The letters now said that the law was unfair. Finally the law was 10 . Children like Jody can now sell things without paying money to the state. ( ) 1. A. boring B. lucky C. interesting ( ) 2. A. autumn B. spring C. winter ( ) 3. A. warm B. clean C. nice ( ) 4. A. tried B. waited C. failed ( ) 5. A. a present B. a letter C. an e-mail ( ) 6. A. buys B. sells C. feeds ( ) 7. A. hoped B. wanted C. had ( ) 8. A. happened B. appeared C. followed ( ) 9. A. saw B. played with C. reported ( ) 10. A. passed B. changed C. moved 二、阅读理解。 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。 A My son, Ian, was five years old at that time. We were staying with friends and it was his bedtime. When I looked at the living room floor, I saw toys everywhere.


武汉市江汉区、黄冈市2011届高三上学期期末统考 英语试题 黄冈市教育科学研究院、武汉市教育科学研究院联合命制 本试卷共10页,全卷共150分,考试用时120分钟。 ★祝你考试顺利★ 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。答在试题卷上无效。 3.非选择题用0.5毫米黑色的签字笔或黑色墨水钢笔直接答在答题卡上。答在试题卷上无效。 4.考试结束,监考人员将本试题卷和答题卡一并收回。 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What iS the man? A.A worker.B.A driver.C.A teacher. 2.What is the man going to do this weekend? A.Meet a friend of his.B.Go to Beijing.C.Hold a birthday party. 3.What did the woman buy her husband for Christmas? A.A book.B.A watch.C.A record. 4.How does the woman feel? A.Surprised.B.Light-hearted.C.Worried. 5.What does the man tell the woman? A.She is mistaken.B.His dog likes chasing cats. C.There is another cat that looks like hers. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面五段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题。从题中所给A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6.What is the woman going to do? A.Buy a birthday gift for David.



Directions: Read the following 100 sentences or dialogues carefully. Choose the best answer for each blank and mark A, B, C or D. 仔细阅读下列题目,并从A,B,C,D四个答案中选出正确的选项. 1. --Shall I make you _____to eat? --Oh, yes, please. I"ve not had _____all day. A. something; nothing B. anything; something C. something; anything D. anything; nothing "s too late _____ out now. A. go B. to go C. not to go D. not to going 3. The United States produces more apples than _____country except France. A. any B. any other C. another D. others 4. A cousin of ____doesn’t eat anything ____ steak. A. my, but B. mine, at C. my, at D. mine, but 5. Linda helps to look ____children for some families. A. after B. for C. at D. around 6. He knows that ____ is important to guard the factory at night. A. it B. this C. that D. which 7. _____ people died in the earthquake.


湖北省武汉市黄陂区征地补偿标准 1. 流转税:纯粹的股权转让不需要缴纳流转税; 2. 所得税:按照收入所得的20%缴纳个人所得税。 3. 印花税:按照产权转移数据,按转让价的万分之五交印花税。 4. 土地增值税:如果以股权形式表现的资产主要是土地使用权、地上建筑物及附着物,则应当缴纳土地增值税。 湖北省人民政府批复了湖北省国土资源厅报批的征地补偿 安置倍数和修正系数,以及青苗补偿标准,同时与《省人民政府关于公布湖北省征地统一年产值标准和区片综合地价的通知》一并实施。云讼征地拆迁律师团将湖北省武汉市黄陂区的征地补偿标准分享给各位网友: 湖北省武汉市黄陂区土地共分为三类: 一类区片区片范围:滠口、盘龙城经济开发区、武湖、前川。

补偿标准:耕地:47250元/亩;菜地:51975元/亩;果园:51975元/亩;茶园:51975元/亩;精养鱼池:51975元/亩;林地:51975元/亩;未利用地:47250元/亩。 二类区片区片范围:天河、祁家湾、罗汉、三里桥、六指、横店、大潭。 补偿标准:耕地:43050元/亩;菜地:47355元/亩;果园:47355元/亩;茶园:47355元/亩;精养鱼池:47355元/亩;林地:47355元/亩;未利用地:43050元/亩 三类区片区片范围:李集、长岭、木兰乡、王家河、蔡榨、木兰山。 补偿标准:耕地:38850元/亩;菜地:42735元/亩;果园:42735元/亩;茶园:42735元/亩;精养鱼池:42735元/亩;林地:42735元/亩;未利用地:38850元/亩 四类区片区片范围:蔡店、姚集。 补偿标准:耕地:34650元/亩;菜地:38115元/亩;果园:38115元/亩;茶园:38115元/亩;精养鱼池:38115元/亩;林地:38115元/亩;未利用地:34650元/亩。 云讼征地拆迁律师团提醒各位被征收人:

2017-2018学年高中英语 每日一题(第05周)每周一测试题(含解析)新人教版必修2

每周一测 I. 阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Personal computers and Internet give people new choices about how to spend their time. Some may use this freedom to share less time with certain friends or family members, but the new technology will also let them stay in closer touch with those they care most about. I know this from personal experience. E-mail makes it easy to work at home, which is where I now spend most weekends and evenings. My working hours aren’t necessarily much shorter than they once were but I spend fewer of them at the office. This lets me share more time with my young daughter than I might have if she’d been born before e-mail became such a practical tool. The Internet also makes it easy to share thoughts with a group of friends. Say you do something fun—see a great movie perhaps and there are four or five friends who might want to hear about it. If you call each one, you may be tired of telling the story. With e-mail, you just write one note about your experience, at your convenience, and address it to all the friends you think might be interested. They can read your message when they have time, and read only as they want to. They can reply at their convenience, and you can read what they have to say at your convenience. E-mail is al so an inexpensive way to stay in close touch with people who live far away. More than a few parents use e-mail to keep in touch, even daily touch, with their children at college. We just have to keep in mind that computers and the Internet offer another way of staying in touch. They don’t take the place of any of the ways. 1. The purpose of this passage is to ____________. A. explain how to use the Internet B. describe the writer’s joy of keeping up with the latest technology C. tell the value and usefulness of the Internet D. introduce the reader to basic knowledge about personal computers and the Internet 2. The use of e-mail has made it possible for the writer to ____________.


人文英语考试试题 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

人文英语1试题 2017/12/29 8:48:22阅读数:76 一、交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分) 1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,选择恰当的答语。 1.—What is your major —_______________ A. Li Mei B. A fresh man C. Education 2. – I can show you around, if you like. – ________________. A. I can’t wait. B. Sure. Thank you. C. Let’s go. 3.— Hi, Tom, how"s everything w ith you — ________, and how are you A. Don"t mention it B. Hm, not too bad C. Thanks 4. —Are you ready to take a rid e in my new sports car —________________. A. I don’t like your sports car. B. Yes, I’d love to. C. No, I won’t. 5.—________________. — Less than 50 miles per hour. A. How fast were you driving B. Were you driving north C. How was the road 二、词汇与结构(共计30分,每小题2分) 6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 6. The case happened _________ T uesday afternoon. B. on 7. The train is running fifty mi les ______. A. an hour B. the hour C. a hour 8. You"ll _________ have your ow n room. A. all B. each C. both 9. Well, I heard him _________ h e"d cover the afternoon shift. A. say B. said C. to say 10. Jim is one of the most popul ar ________ in my company. A.classmates B.citizens C.col leagues 11. The gunman stood ________ the th eater and shoot at the audience insi de. A.at the front of B.in front o f C.on front of 12. Tom is good at playing ________ piano. A.a B.an C.the 13. He did not ________ on my propos al about the new project. A.recommend B.comment C.comma nd


正月十六烟台高三英语试题 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分35分) A Singapore Garden Festival(SGF)is the only show in the world to gather the world's top award-winning garden and flowery designers under one roof.This“must-see”event will impress you with a wide range of displays and activities that have been planned specially for you.An experience of a lifetime awaits at the Singapore Garden Festival for you and your family.Mark your calendar today! Jacob Ballas Children's Garden Worry that your child is bored? Sign him or her up for a guided tour in Jacob Ballas Children's Garden.It will stimulate a sense of wonder in your child as it promises a unique discovery and provides interesting learning experiences in a garden setting.Let your child explore and play so that they will learn to take care of plants and the environment while you admire the exhibits with a peace of mind. Far East Organization Children's Garden Your child can have a fun-filled day with interactive games,water play features and educational programs in an abundant natural setting at Far East Organization Children's Garden! The play zone contains play such as a sway(摇摆)bridge and stepping springs,and the Fish Fountain with an interactive landscape of water tunnels and different fish-Shaped sculpture. Marine Cove Children's Outdoor Playground Come and bring your child to the 3500-square-metre playground suitable for children of various ages! It is located next to the beach,offering users open spaces and a good view of the sea.Your child can also join in the fun at a play area with talking tubes,fun mirrors and a drum set! The playground also has play equipment for children who have disabilities to play together.This includes special needs equipment such as sensory play panels. 21.Why is Singapore Garden Festival a“must-see”event? A.It is the only show to gather different roofs. B.It is a grand awarding ceremony for designers. C.It attracts flowery designers to the competition. D.It brings together the world-class garden and flowery designs. 22.What can the children do in Jacob Ballas Children's Garden? A.Have a good view of the sea.B.Participate in interactive games. C.Learn to look after the plants.D.Know about ways to design gardens. 23.Which of the following venues suits disabled children most? A.Marine Cove Children's Outdoor Playground.B.Far East Organization Children’s Garden.C.Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden.D.The Fish Fountain. B Jazz guitarist Joel Harrison came of age in 1960s and 70s’Washingt on,but he never saw it as a place to build a career as an adventurous,progressive musician.Everywhere he's gone,however,he’s taken the sounds of the city with him. “Growing up in that area allowed me access to a lot of different kinds of music,”says Har rison,61,who’s now based in New York after living in Boston and San Francisco.“Southern music traditions—old-time music,bluegrass,country—as well as jazz and R&B.” All of those appear to some degree in Free Country,a project Harrison began in 2003 as a means of filtering (渗透)country and bluegrass compositions through a up-to-date jazz sound and sensibility.On his new album,“Angel Band:Free Country V ol.3,”Harrison,on guitar and vocals(演唱),and his band take on many traditional bluegrass songs.Each cut is really kind of its own,distinct sound world.Since Harrison released the first two Free Country albums,he has produced 14 other albums.The Free Country releases,though,have been his most successful,and established his reputation. In particular,Harrison drew inspiration from Danny Gatton,a D.C.guitar hero who similarly combines the local musical currents.Harrison was a self-described adorer of Gatton,going to attend his countless performances. Harrison is also a composer.His work,rooted in progressive Jazz but exploring multiple types,is often through-composed and highly complex.He received a Guggenheim scholarship in2010 to compose and record an,eight-movement piece.The tunes he plays with Free Country are simpler,based on conventions of folk and pop music—which,for Harrison,is a large part of their appeal. The music that he’s covering timeless,and he aims to find endless currency in its timeless simplicity by maintaining me soul of the compositions and also adding a modern context and a modem language to it.24.What exposed Harrison to various music? A.His growth environment.B.His current place of residence. C.His family background.D.Touring the country. 25.What do we know about Joel Harrison? A.He has released 14 albums in total so far. B.He showed a new jazz style in Free Country. C.He earned large profits by releasing Free Country. D.He was inspired to hold many performances by Gatton. 26.What’s Harrison’s goal of creating music? A.To put modern elements into the languages. B.To develop different styles based on previous jazz. C.To compose more pieces and release more albums. D.To seek great popularity in its permanent simplicity. C Gene therapy(基因治疗)is a revolutionary new technique for treating people with health problems.Up until very recently,the most commonly available methods for treating patients were either through drugs or operations.Gene therapy provides a third option for treatment by transforming or replacing cells with new genetic materials and instructions.Scientists can be very precise in the kinds of changes they make in patients. Gene therapy works by using a delivery system,such as a virus,to enter a patient’s body.Once inside the body,the virus combines with a host cell and delivers the new DNA.The proteins then begin to repair the affected cells.New techniques have focused on removing cells from the patients and transforming them outside the body before reintroducing them to the patients. The two types of gene therapy are called somatic and germline.Somatic therapy refers to changing or replacing a body cell.In this case,the treatment is restricted to the patient only.This will not affect the patient’s future children because the patient's germ(生殖)cells are unaffected.In germline therapy,the patient germ cells are treated,which may affect the patient's future generation.This is highly controversial(有争议的)because it is not clear exactly how this might affect them and further generations.For this reason,many countries have passed laws that prohibit this kind of treatment. Despite the promise of gene therapy,there are still many barriers that need to be overcome before it comes into widespread use.One of the issues is that the use of viruses to deliver DNA may actually cause unexpected problems in patients if the virus grows and attacks the body. Another problem is the nature of many diseases is very complex and spread throughout multiple genes. The use of gene therapy to change a single gene in the body would probably not be sufficient as a cure.Finally,the costs of gene therapy are high. Some gene therapy procedures may cost over$1 million to undertake and require specialized doctors and equipment. 27.What does the underlined word“them”in paragraph 2 refer to? A.Techniques.B.Cells.C.Patients.D.Proteins. 28.What can we learn about gene therapy? A.Gene therapy has been put into practice widely. B.The cells of patients are developed in healthy people. C.Viruses entering the body can mix with host cells and form new DNA. D.Both somatic and germline therapy have side effects on later generations. 29.What's the last paragraph mainly about? A.The disadvantages of gene therapy.B.The promising future of gene therapy. C.The high costs of treatment procedures.D.The issues related to viruses and complex genes.30.What can be a suitable title for the text? A.Why Gene Therapy Procedures Are Extremely Expensive B.Gene Therapy:A Dangerous New After-operation Treatment C.Gene Therapy:A Contemporary Progressive Treating Method D.Scientists Are Accurate in Performing the Categories of Surgery


2017-2018 学年湖北省武汉市江汉区六年级(上)期末数学试卷 . 直接写得数 1直接写得数 、解下列方程. 2.解下列方程 x + =: 12 8 15 三、计算下面各题. 3?计算下面各题 「x… 14 21 25 3.4 X—+ 4.6- 8 7 (4.8 X +3.5) 12 11 [」一x(_1_-二)] 36 26 1S 9 四、填空题 4?用百分数表示图中直线上的点或涂色部分. 5. _____________ 3? 4= __ = _____________________ %=—= 12: 32 6. 560的25%是 _______ , 1.5的倒数是_________ 7. _____________________________________________________ 把a: 7 (0)的前项乘3,比值不变,后项应该是__________________________________________ ;若把后项"7”改为“ 1 ”,要使比值不变,前项应该是_________ &一卷彩带用去了,用去长度与剩下长度的比是__________ : _______ ,用去长度是剩下长12 2|5 14?- 33: x ''= 7 35 42 51 ?9 g16 6 6 7 13 24 4.8 =

9 ?弘扬长江文明,延续历史文脉?武汉将以南岸嘴为原点,以3千米为半径,覆盖三镇历 史文化核心区域,努力打造“长江文明之心”,建设世界级历史人文集聚展示区(如图) 2 此区域的周长约是_______ km,面积约是 ________ km2. 10 .图中AB 两个圆的周长比是_____________________________ : ____________ , 面积比 2 如果将鸡舍的直径增加2m,则鸡舍的面积增加了_________ m . A, B, C,边长分别是3cm, 4cm, 5cm, B的一个顶点在A cm2, 最多是____ cm2. 11 .在循环小数0. 234567冲,小数点后第2018位上的数字是______________ ;若将“ 1”上面的 循环点移动到新的位置,使新的循环小数的小数点后第 环小数是_______ . 2018位上的数字是6,则新的循12.如图是一个依墙而建, 用竹篱笆围成的半圆形鸡舍, 其直径为4m,则篱笆长 ---------- m; 的中心处,C的一个顶点在B的中心处,这3个正方形盖住的平面的面积最少是 13.如图,平面上叠放着正方形


Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the help of the first letter(s). Use only ONE word to fill in each blank. 1. I don't think this string can (Suggested first letter(s): with ) 2.These containers are made of materials that are 腐蚀). (Suggested first letter(s): res ) 3. Both dogs were chains that made noise each time they moved. (Suggested first letter(s): fas ) 4. The teacher drew a long, blackboard. (Suggested first letter(s): hor ) 5.Alice always keeps an English-Chinese dictionary (Suggested first letter(s): ha ) 6.Nowadays the accountants in enterprises use computers to calculate the cost of production with (Suggested first letter(s): acc ) 7. The 图示) represents the


武汉市黄陂区汉口北商贸物流枢纽区简介 汉口北商贸物流枢纽区地处武汉北端,在武汉天河国际机场、武汉北铁路编组站、武汉阳逻长江新港的金三角地带。枢纽区定 位为“中部最大,中国最 好”的国家级商贸物流枢 纽区,建设大规模专业批 发市场、物流基地,发展 配套产业。 汉口北商贸物流枢纽 区规划面积50平方公里,核心区建设用地规模24000亩,建筑 面积1800万平方米,总投资400亿元,预计年销售收入5000亿,税收60亿,安置就业50万人。该区域将建成以商贸物流业为特色的中等城市,远期目标将汉口北打造成为国家级贸工技集成创新区。枢纽区规划建设十大专业批发市场,目前在建的有小商品市场、汽配市场、农产品市场、电子数码市场、家俱市场、建材市场、农机市场、钢材市场和成品油市场等九大市场。截止目前,各市场已累计完成投资120亿元,建成面积380万平方米,开业面积280万平方米,引进客户3.1万户,安置就业2万余人。同时,汉口北规划有九大产业配套生产基地,其中,农产品加工基地、建材工业基地、机械电子基地、纺织服装基地、家俱制造业基地、2.5产业基地等六大配套产业基地已开工建设。规划建设

航空、铁路、水运、公路四大物流园,目前公路物流园和长江水运物流园项目已经启动。 汉口北商贸物流枢纽区是以现代物流业为基础,以商品交易 为特征的商贸 物流产业集群, 在其建设和发 展中呈现出以 下四个方面的 显著特点。 1、定位科学。在汉口北策划阶段,我们邀请美国科克勒公司、国务院发展研究中心、商务部市场研究所对该地区发展商贸物流业进行全方位论证,充分发挥“中国之中”的区位和物流优势,确定打造商贸物流枢纽区。目前,各专业市场均被列为省、市、区三级重点支持项目。 2、产业链明晰。我们按照“以贸促工、以工兴贸”的发展思路,发展专业批发市场促进二产业相关行业发展,以工业产业的发展推动物流业发展,拉长做大产业链,形成产业良性互动的格局。以中国家俱CBD项目为例,首先建设家俱卖场,然后建设家俱原辅材料市场,最后规划建设3000亩的家俱工业园,引进 以广东、福建为主的沿海地区家俱产业进入汉口北,已有上千家生产企业有入驻意向。
