
第五课The Treasure in the OrchardAn old gardener who was dying sent for his two sons to come to his bedside, as he wished to speak to them. When they came in answer to his request, the old man, raising himself on his pillows, pointed through the window towards his orchard."You see that orchard?" said he."Yes, Father, we see the orchard.""For years it has given the best of fruit - golden oranges, red apples, and cherries bigger and brighter than rubies!""To be sure, Father. It has always been a good orchard!"The old gardener nodded his head, time and time again. He looked at his hands - they were worn from the spade that he had used all his life. Then he looked at the hands of his sons and saw that their nails were polished and their fingers as white as those of any fine lady's."You have never done a day's work in your lives, you two!" said he. " I doubt if you ever will! But I have hidden a treasure in my orchard for you to find. You will never possess it unless you dig it up. It lies midway between two of the trees, not too near, yet not too far from the trunks. It is yours for the trouble of digging - that is all!Then he sent them away, and soon afterwards he died. So the orchard became the property of his sons, and without any delay, they set to work to dig for the treasure that had been promised them.Well, they dug and dug, day after day, week after week, going down the long alleys of fruit trees, never too near yet never too far from the trunks. They dug up all the weeds and picked out all the stones, not because they liked weeding and cleaning, but because it was all part of the hunt for the buried treasure. Winter passed and spring came, and never were there such blossoms as those which hung the orange and apple and cherry trees with curtains of petals pale as pearls and soft as silk. Then summer threw sunshine over the orchard, and sometimes the clouds bathed it in cool, delicious rain. At last the time of the fruit harvest came. But the two brothers had not yet found the treasure that was hidden among the roots of the trees.Then they sent for a merchant from the nearest town to buy the fruit. It hung in great bunches, golden oranges, red apples, and cherries bigger and brighter than rubies. The merchant looked at them in open admiration."This is the finest crop I have yet seen," said he, " I will give you twenty bags of money for it!"Twenty bags of money were more than the two brothers had ever owned in their life. They struck the bargain in great delight and took the money - bags into the house, while the merchant made arrangements to carry away the fruit."I will come again next year," said he, " I am always glad to buy crop like this. How you must have dug and weeded and worked to get it!"He went away, and the brothers sat eyeing each other over the tops of the money-bags. Their hands were rough and toil-worn, just as the old gardener's had been when he died."Golden oranges and red apples and cherries bigger and brighterthan rubies," said one of them, softly." I believe that this is the treasure we have been digging for all year, the very treasure our father meant!"一个老园丁快死了,叫人把两个儿子叫到床边来,因为他想要对他们说话。

21世纪大学实用英语(综合教程)第一册Unit1-6课文翻译与课后答案21世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第一册)Unit1~6课文翻译及课后答案第一单元Text A 大学——我一生中的转折点佚名作为一名一年级新生初进大学时,我害怕自己在学业上搞不好。
Practice 51. smart2. succeed3. shortly4. managed5. share6. fear7. responsible 8. however 9. enter 10. surrounded 11. handle 12. comfortablePractice 61. is up to2. keep up with3. under control4. at first5. grew up6. make friends with7. turned out8. as a result9. set up 10. in additionPractice 71. how to play the game2. whereI wanted to go3. whether they would accept him or not4. what to do and how to do it5. whom to love and whom not to6. when he made that decisionPractice 81. I see Li Ming as my best friend. We share the same hobbies and interests.2. They looked upon their math teacher as their best teacher.3. We think of this place as our home.4. They looked on their college life as their happiest years in their life.Practice 91. John is both smart and responsible. He likes to make friends with other people.2. I have made the decision to compete for the new post. You can compete for it, too.3. Shortly after the doctor came, he managed to have my father’s illness under control.4. As freshmen, most of us do not know what college life has in store for us, but we all know that we must do well in our studies.5. To succeed in college, we must keep up with the other students and set up a routine thatmeets out needs.6. Though the assignments last week turned out to be more difficult than I thought, I handed them in on time.Text B 我希望从大学教育中得到什么亚历克西斯·沃尔顿中学毕业后,我计划做几件事。

第五课The Treasure in the OrchardAn old gardener who was dying sent for his two sons to come to his bedside, as he wished to speak to them. When they came in answer to his request, the old man, raising himself on his pillows, pointed through the window towards his orchard."You see that orchard?" said he."Yes, Father, we see the orchard.""For years it has given the best of fruit - golden oranges, red apples, and cherries bigger and brighter than rubies!""To be sure, Father. It has always been a good orchard!"The old gardener nodded his head, time and time again. He looked at his hands - they were worn from the spade that he had used all his life. Then he looked at the hands of his sons and saw that their nails were polished and their fingers as white as those of any fine lady's."You have never done a day's work in your lives, you two!" said he. " I doubt if you ever will! But I have hidden a treasure in my orchard for you to find. You will never possess it unless you dig it up. It lies midway between two of the trees, not too near, yet not too far from the trunks. It is yours for the trouble of digging - that is all!Then he sent them away, and soon afterwards he died. So the orchard became the property of his sons, and without any delay, they set to work to dig for the treasure that had been promised them.Well, they dug and dug, day after day, week after week, going down the long alleys of fruit trees, never too near yet never too far from the trunks. They dug up all the weeds and picked out all the stones, not because they liked weeding and cleaning, but because it was all part of the hunt for the buried treasure. Winter passed and spring came, and never were there such blossoms as those which hung the orange and apple and cherry trees with curtains of petals pale as pearls and soft as silk. Then summer threw sunshine over the orchard, and sometimes the clouds bathed it in cool, delicious rain. At last the time of the fruit harvest came. But the two brothers had not yet found the treasure that was hidden among the roots of the trees.Then they sent for a merchant from the nearest town to buy the fruit. It hung in great bunches, golden oranges, red apples, and cherries bigger and brighter than rubies. The merchant looked at them in open admiration."This is the finest crop I have yet seen," said he, " I will give you twenty bags of money for it!"Twenty bags of money were more than the two brothers had ever owned in their life. They struck the bargain in great delight and took the money - bags into the house, while the merchant made arrangements to carry away the fruit."I will come again next year," said he, " I am always glad to buy crop like this. How you must have dug and weeded and worked to get it!"He went away, and the brothers sat eyeing each other over the tops of the money-bags. Their hands were rough and toil-worn, just as the old gardener's had been when he died."Golden oranges and red apples and cherries bigger and brighterthan rubies," said one of them, softly." I believe that this is the treasure we have been digging for all year, the very treasure our father meant!"一个老园丁快死了,叫人把两个儿子叫到床边来,因为他想要对他们说话。

第五课The Treasure in the OrchardAn old gardener who was dying sent for his two sons to come to his bedside, as he wished to speak to them. When they came in answer to his request, the old man, raising himself on his pillows, pointed through the window towards his orchard."You see that orchard?" said he."Yes, Father, we see the orchard.""For years it has given the best of fruit - golden oranges, red apples, and cherries bigger and brighter than rubies!""To be sure, Father. It has always been a good orchard!"The old gardener nodded his head, time and time again. He looked at his hands - they were worn from the spade that he had used all his life. Then he looked at the hands of his sons and saw that their nails were polished and their fingers as white as those of any fine lady's."You have never done a day's work in your lives, you two!" said he. " I doubt if you ever will! But I have hidden a treasure in my orchard for you to find. You will never possess it unless you dig it up. It lies midway between two of the trees, not too near, yet not too far from the trunks. It is yours for the trouble of digging - that is all!Then he sent them away, and soon afterwards he died. So the orchard became the property of his sons, and without any delay, they set to work to dig for the treasure that had been promised them.Well, they dug and dug, day after day, week after week, going down the long alleys of fruit trees, never too near yet never too far from the trunks. They dug up all the weeds and picked out all the stones, not because they liked weeding and cleaning, but because it was all part of the hunt for the buried treasure. Winter passed and spring came, and never were there such blossoms as those which hung the orange and apple and cherry trees with curtains of petals pale as pearls and soft as silk. Then summer threw sunshine over the orchard, and sometimes the clouds bathed it in cool, delicious rain. At last the time of the fruit harvest came. But the two brothers had not yet found the treasure that was hidden among the roots of the trees.Then they sent for a merchant from the nearest town to buy the fruit. It hung in great bunches, golden oranges, red apples, and cherries bigger and brighter than rubies. The merchant looked at them in open admiration."This is the finest crop I have yet seen," said he, " I will give you twenty bags of money for it!"Twenty bags of money were more than the two brothers had ever owned in their life. They struck the bargain in great delight and took the money - bags into the house, while the merchant made arrangements to carry away the fruit."I will come again next year," said he, " I am always glad to buy crop like this. How you must have dug and weeded and worked to get it!"He went away, and the brothers sat eyeing each other over the tops of the money-bags. Their hands were rough and toil-worn, just as the old gardener's had been when he died."Golden oranges and red apples and cherries bigger and brighterthan rubies," said one of them, softly." I believe that this is the treasure we have been digging for all year, the very treasure our father meant!"一个老园丁快死了,叫人把两个儿子叫到床边来,因为他想要对他们说话。

21世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第一册)课后答案及课文翻译Text A 大学——我一生中的转折点佚名作为一名一年级新生初进大学时,我害怕自己在学业上搞不好。
Practice 51. smart2. succeed3. shortly4. managed5. share6. fear7. responsible8. however 9. enter 10. surrounded 11. handle 12. comfortablePractice 61. is up to2. keep up with3. under control4. at first5. grew up6. make friends with7. turned out8. as a result9. set up 10. in additionPractice 71. how to play the game2. where I wanted to go3. whether they would accept him or not4. what to do and how to do it5. whom to love and whom not to6. when he made that decisionPractice 8I see Li Ming as my best friend. We share the same hobbies and interests.They looked upon their math teacher as their best teacher.We think of this place as our home.They looked on their college life as their happiest years in their life.Practice 91. John is both smart and responsible. He likes to make friends with other people.2. I have made the decision to compete for the new post. You can compete for it, too.3. Shortly after the doctor came, he managed to have my father ’s illness under control.4. As freshmen, most of us do not know what college life has in store for us, but we all know that we must do well in our studies.5. To succeed in college, we must keep up with the other students and set up a routine that meets out needs.6. Though the assignments last week turned out to be more difficult than I thought, I handed them in on time.Text B 我希望从大学教育中得到什么亚历克西斯.沃尔顿中学毕业后,我计划做几件事。

21st Century College English
Unit 6 Food & Health
5. comprehend the application instructions for a practical driving test and do the exercise that follows; 6. be able to write invitation letters.
Unit 6 Food & Health
Part I Listening Part II Reading Part III Speaking Part IV Translation & Writing Part V Time to Relax Video Exercises for U6-Workbook 1
21st Century College English
Unit 6 Food & Health
II. Suggested Teaching Plan for Unit 6
Time 1 period Contents Themerelated Listening Plan Section 1 & 2 A. Turn students‘ attention to the vocabulary box, drawing on questions to explore some of its items; B. Next, play the short talk once, or twice if necessary, and ask class to complete the short summary according to the directions given; C. Afterwards, briefly discuss the short summary to explore the short talk‘s main idea; D. Then play the short talk again for details so that students can fill in the blanks in the text excerpt; E. Lastly, ask several students to put some useful expressions on the chalkboard as the basis of a discussion.
21世纪大学实用英语全新版综合教程1 Unit6ppt课件

Text B Can Milk Make You Happy? Exercises
Practical Reading
Part II Reading
Text A
Is Corn Making Us Fat? Sandy Fritz
5) What are we eating when we eat fast food according to Pollan? Corn.
Chinese Version
我们吃的很多东西都掺有玉米。鸡块中充满了玉米淀粉。 玉米糖浆成了果汁汽水和调味番茄酱的甜味剂。甚至牙膏里 也有右旋糖。
“一般超市里约有45000种商品,”作家迈克尔·波伦 写道。“其中超过四分之一的商品含有玉米。”
Whatever your motivation, I think I can understand. Obesity is a growing problem among us. The WHO says that
obesity is actually a disease. It can cause so many 6) _h_e_a__lt_h_ _p_r_o_b_l_e_m__s_.
The number of overweight kids…; the amount of corn… 超重儿童的数量……;玉米的数量…… 注意number和amount都表示“数量”意思时的用法:the number of +可数名词复数,谓语动词用单数;the amount of +不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。
growing fat in the list? Are there some young women here who say yes to that? Does anybody here skip breakfast or lunch just to 2) _s_t_a_y__s_li_m__? Or, are you a picky eater in the dining room? So, you are very careful about what you eat? Because you keep watch over 3) _y_o_u__r _w_e__ig_h_t_ , right? Are there any vegetarians here 4) i_n__c_la_s__s_ ? How come you eat only vegetarian foods? To control your weight, or for 5) _s_o_m__e_t_h_i_n_g__e_ls_e__ ?

Unit1Very hesita ntlyI select ed a tube of blue paint, and with infini te precau tionmade a mark aboutas big as a bean on the snow-whitefield.At that moment I heardthe soundof a motorc ar in the driveand threwdown my brushin a panic. I was even more alarme d when I saw who steppe d from the car: the wife of Sir John Lavert y, the celebr atedpainte r who livednearby."'Painti ng!‟shedeclar ed.‟Whatfun. But what are you waitin g for? Let me have the brush-the bigone.‟she plunge d into the paints and before I knew it, she had sweptsevera l fierce stroke s and slashe s of blue on the absolu telyterrif ied canvas. Anyone couldsee it couldnot hit back. I restit utedno more. Seized the larges t brushand fell upon my wretch ed victim with fury. I have neverfelt any fear of a canvas since."1.When his wife died of a stroke in her sixtie s, the 72-year-old retire d profes sor was overwh elmed by grief.Life wouldbe too diffic ult for him withou t anybod y to rely on.2.Last monthtwo amateu r painte rs held an exhibi tionof theirpictur es in London .Many people went to see it, includ ing a few celebr atedprofes sors.3.when sevenastron autsdied in the challe ngerdisast er in the mid-1980s,it plunge d the wholeworldinto shockand grief.4.Aftercomple tingher second primeminist ry, she remain ed active ly involv ed in politi cal affair s. She came to the rescue severa l timeswhen the govern mentwas in diffic ulty.5.Aftercomple tingher second primeminist ry, she remain ed active ly involv ed in politi cal affair. she came to the rescue severa l timeswhen the govern mentwas in diffic ulty.6.As long as you keep workin g hard all your life, you will recall your past with a glow of satisf actio n.7.We must awaken people to the import anceof enviro nment protec tionnow, or it will soon be too late.8. That offici al was remove d from office of beinginvolv ed in a politi cal scanda l. Had he knownthis wouldhappen, he mighthave acteddiffer ently.Unit2This belief in hard work is the firstof threemain factor s contri butin g to Asianstuden ts' outsta nding perfor mance. It spring s from Asians' common herita ge of Confuc ianis m, the philos ophyof the 5th-centur y-BC Chines e sage teachi ngs have had a profou nd influe nce on Chines e societ y. One of Confuc ius‟sprimar y teachi ngs is that throug h effort, people can perfec t themse lves.Confuc ianis m provid es anothe r import ant ingred ientin the Asians‟succes s as well. In Confuc ianphilos ophy, the family playsa centra l role--an orient ation that leadspeople to work for the honorof the family, not just for themse lves. One can neverreplay one's parent s, and there's senseof obliga tionor even guiltthat is as strong a forceamongAsians as Protes tantphilos ophyis amongthosein the West1.Female studen ts consti tutethe majori ty of our class. By contra st, theirclassis made up of malesonly.2.Americ an childr en can usuall y watchTV threehoursa day, wherea s theirChines e counte rpart s have to work on theirhomewo rk during most theirafter-school time.3.His develo pment of a series of new resear ch method s led to his huge succes s. He said he owed all this to his parent s‟encour ageme nt.4.He resent ed beingexclud ed from discus sions that direct ly concer ned his future.5.The fact that theseproble ms are contin ually showin g up sugges ts that this new device has to be readju sted.6.As one of the many Asianstuden ts who have surged into the best Americ an univer sitie s in recent years, ZhangHua says that many of his ideasare basedon tradit ional Chines e philos ophy.7.To startwith, it is not merely moneythat makesMr. Youngwork so hard. He is commit ted to educat ing the youngand tiresto motiva te them to get aheadin life.8.As time was runnin g out, we droveeven faster in the hope that we couldmake it to the airpor t in time.Unit3The firstcultur al transl atorI ever met was an instal latio n engine er, George by name, who worked for an Americ an compan y whereI was the direct or of intern ation al operat ions.The compan y had just starte d a jointventur e with a Japane se firm, and the Americ an manage mentneeded someon e to trainthe Japane se employ ees in its unique techno logy.George's solidunders tandi ng of the equipm ent, its instal latio n and use made him the best-qualif ied employ ee for the job ,so everyo ne was happywhen George accept ed a two-year contra ct for tempor ary transf er to Japan.Form the start,George was well accept ed by all the Japane se employ ees. Japane se manage rs oftendistru st anyone sent to repres ent US owners, but George was so natura lly nonass ertiv e that no one couldsee him as a threat to theircareer s. So they felt comfor table asking his advice on a wide rangeof matter s, includ ing the odd behavi or of theirpartne rs across the ocean.Engine ers throug houtthe compan y apprec iated George's expert ise and his friend ly and capabl e help, and they got into habitof turnin g to him whenev er they had a proble m-any proble m. And thesecret aries in the office were eagerto help this nice bachel or learnJapane se.1When this tempor ary job came to an end, George was offere d a perman ent job, whichhe accept ed at once.2.To ensure that theirventur es in Japanare profit able,the Americ an compan ies need cultur al transl ators even more than langua ge transl ators.3.As a cultur al transl ator, George was eagerto help the Japane se employ ees who came to ask his advice on a greatmany matter s, both within and outsid e of his fieldof expert ise.4.Someho w or other,George persua ded the Americ an manage r to go alongwith the Japane se accoun tant‟sdecisi on, thus smooth ing over the confli ct betwee n the two.5.Confli cts and argume nts do ariseat timesbetwee n the Americ an manage rs and theirJapane se counte rpart s. But sinceboth partie s have the good senseto compro mise,theseconfli cts are preven ted from escala tinginto big emotio nal battle s.6.All the Japane se employ ees, the person nel manage r includ ed, apprec iated George‟sfreque nt help with the multit ude of proble ms they run into.7.My spoken Japane se is not good enough to expres s myself well. Pleasedon‟tgetoffend ed if I someti mes say stupid things.8.with a solidunders tandi ng of tradit ional Chines e medici ne and a good master y of Englis h, dr. Zhangis highly qualif ied to trainforeig n doctor s who came to Chinato studyChines e medici ne.Unit4Failur e is neverpleasa nt. It hurtsadults and childr en alike.But it can make a positi ve contri butio n to your life once you learnto use it. Step one is to ask,”WhydidIfail?”Resist the natura l impuls e to blamesomeon e else. Ask yourse lf what you did wrong, how you can improv e. If someon e else can help, don‟tbeshyaboutinquir ing.Succes s, whichencour agesrepeti tionof old behavi or ,is not nearly as good a teache r as failur e. You can learnfrom a disast rouspartyhow to give a good one, from an ill-chosen firsthousewhat to look for in a second .Even a failur e that seemstotalcan prompt freshthinki ng, a change of direct ion.1.Protec tingchildr en from the knowle dge that they have failed is anythi ng but benefi cialto theirgrowth and develo pment.2.Emerso n does not thinkthereis a worldof differ encebetwee n succes s and failur e.A mature person is one who is good at turnin g failur e into succes s.4.She was so obsess ed with becomi ng a succes s in ice skatin g that she neverprepar ed hersel f for challe ngesof the real world.5.He suffer ed a comple te nervou s breakd own when he learne d that his compan y had gone bankru pt.6.When talkin g abouthis succes s, Mr. Smithis very proneto exagge ratio n.7.The compan y starte d by sellin g radios but now has branch ed out into sellin g comput ers as well. 8.In fact, failur e is nothin g to be afraid of. Once we learnhow to use it, it can make a positi ve contri butio n to our growth and develo pment.Unit5Balanc ing work and school was diffic ult. "I was stayin g up late studyi ng , and goingto work earlyeverymornin g .I was having a hard time concen trati ng in class, and a hard time on the job becaus e I was so tired," she says . But she endedup with two A's in her firstsemest er anyway.Prisci lla decide d to pursue an archae ology major,and in the summer of 1992,she got her fist opport unity to really test out her intere st in the subjec t. The archae ologi cal filedschool of Washin gtonStateUniver sitywas sponso ringa summer resear ch projec t at a site alongs ide the SnakeRiverin Washin gton. Prisci lla threwhersel f into the work, and the projec t superv isors were impres sed. At the end of the summer, one of the profes sorsoffere d her a job. "He said, ' We just got a contra ct for projec t in NorthDakota. We want to hire you if you're willin g to take a semest er off from school.‟“Theofferwas a divers ion from Prisci lla's pursui t of her BA. "But by then I no longer doubte d that I wouldultima telyfinish school,so I felt comfor table grabbi ng this opport unity,”shesays.1.The univer sityoffere d Prisci lla only a smallloan and she had to come up with the rest of the moneyhersel f.2.With smallincome from her restau rantjob, marrycouldbarely make (both) ends meet. That‟swhy she foundsome cleani ng work to do in the apartm ent buildi ng whereshe lived.3.During her firstsemest ers, she oftenstayed up late studyi ng becaus e she knew she had to get the highes t GPA in her classto qualif y the schola rship.4.Anyone who wantsto find employ mentin/ with that compan y must have at leasta master‟sdegree; if not a Ph. D. otherw ise he or she will not be accept ed.Only if you comple telythrowyourse lf into your studie s will you ultima telyachiev e your long-term goal of becomi ng an archae ologi st.6.In the office Beth always looked happyand had a readysmile. But deep down, she was tiredof beinga secret ary. She wanted to do someth ing more creati ve.7.A migran t farm labore r from Mexico, my father was overjo yed when I was accept ed by the Univer sityof Washin gtonand became the firstperson in my family to attend colleg e.8.When Prisci lla looked back on her yearsof hard strugg le, she said that it was no easy job to balanc e work and study.Unit6He had been procla imed”thefinest mind alive”,”thegreate st genius of the late 20th centur y”, and "Einste in's heir ".Knownto millio ns, far and wide, for his book A BriefHistor y of Time, Stephe n Hawkin g is a star scient ist in more ways than one. His gift for reveal ing the myster ies of the univer se in a stylethat non-scient istscan enjoymade Hawkin g an instan t celebr ity and his book a bestse llerin both Britai n and Americ a. It has earned a placein the Guinne ss Book of Record s for spendi ng 184 weeksin The Sunday Times”top-ten" list, and has sold more than five millio n copies worldw ide--virtua lly unhear d-of succes s for a scienc e book.How did all this happen? How has a man who is almost comple telyparaly zed and unable to speakexcept throug h a comput er overco me theseincred ibleobstac les and achiev ed far more than people ever dreamof?1.Stephe n Hawkin g, a Britis h scient ist specia lizin g in theore tical cosmol ogy has been procla imedthe greate st genius of the late 20th centur y.2.Everytime he releas es a new record, the singer dreams of its/ it earnin g a placeinthe…top-ten‟list one the radio.3.Locate d to the northw est of London, Oxford Univer sityis well known/ notedfar and wide for its academ ic excell ence.4.An intell ectua l giant, Einste in was respon sible for modernman‟snewconcep t of time and space.5.This medica l resear ch is aimedat findin g new treatm entsfor inheri ted blooddiseas es, becaus e the drugsnow in use cannot cure thesecompli cated diseas es.6.This year is the one hundre dth annive rsary of the foundi ng of our univer sity.A privat e school initia lly, it has now become a world-famous univer sityspecia lizin g in theore tical resear ch.7.Two yearsago, bob was feelin g boredwith his job as a restau rantmanage r. Luckil y he won a schola rship to the stateuniver sity.8.Askedwhat kind of studen t Stephe n was at colleg e, Prof. white,the then Chairof the Physic s depart ment, recall s: “Heimpres sed me as a very bright studen t with an instin ctive insigh t into physic s.”。

21st Century Practical College English ( Book 1 ) Year 1-term 1《21世纪大学实用英语》(第一册)一年级第一学期第六单元教案………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ.授课章节名称:Unit 6 授课形式:实践授课时间:Dec.21st 授课时数:3Ⅱ.Preview:Churchill once said, “Courage is the first of human qualities.”In the Listening and Speaking section of this unit, you will pick up language for building self-confidence and learn how to encourage people to do it. In the Reading and Writing section, the author of Text A learned through her own experience what courage meant to ordinary people. Text B is a touching story about the world-famous miler Glenn Cunningham. The Wisdom of Socrates in Text C may help anyone who wants to do something well.Ⅲ.Teaching Objectives:1.master the basic language and skills to encourage people to build self-confidence;2.understand the main idea of Text A, Text B and Text C, master the useful sentencestructures and the words and expressions found in the relevant exercises of the first two texts;3.grasp the basic English grammars of subject-verb agreement;4.know how to write a thank-you note in English.5.understand the signal words used to make a conclusion or summary;Ⅵ.Teaching Emphases and Difficulties:1.Emphases:1)The key words and useful phrases in the texts2)Understand the author‟s opinions and attitudes after learning the texts3)Master the skills of writing Thank-you Notes2.Difficulties: How to express one‟s opinions in correct EnglishⅤ. Teaching procedure:1. Listening and Speaking1) The Language for Building Self-confidence2) Building Self-confidence3) Listening Practice2. Starter3. Text A4. Grammar Review5. Practical Writing6. Text B7. Text C8. Basic Reading Skills课外作业:复习本课单词预习课文教学体会:在课堂教学中,让学生在英语学习情景中分析和表达自己的观点,培养学生的合作互助精神,逐步体验到用英语交流的成功与喜悦。

Lead-in Activities
2. Are there any negative terms or phrases in
Chinese that are used in connection with a fellow student? What are they? What values do they express? Are they used for hard working students? Why do you think they are used?
21st Century College English: Book 1
Unit 6: Text A
Nerds and Geeks
Unit 6: Text A
• Lead-in Activities • Text Organization • Reading & Writing Skills
• Language Points
Text A: Nerds and Geeks
We all know what a nerd is: someone who wears thick glasses
and ugly clothes; someone who knows all the answers to the
chemistry or math homework but can never get a date on a Saturday night. And a geek, according to “Webster’s New World Dictionary”, is a street performer who shocks the public by biting off heads of live chickens. It is a revealing fact about our language

21世纪大学实用英语练习册答案第一册Unit 1Part 1 Text ExercisesI.care─careful─carefully harm─harmful─harmfully help─helpful─helpfullyhope─hopeful─hopefully pain─painful─painfully skill─skillful─skillfully success─successfull─successfully thank─thankful─thankfully1 carefully2 harmful3 successfully4 thankful5 hopeful6 careful7 hopefully8 helpful9 painfully 10 painful 11 skillful 12 successfulII1 do well in one’s studies2 for the first time3 away from one’s f amily4 compete with sb. for sth.5 set a study program6 decide when to go to bed7 go to class on time 8 pass one’s exams with good grades 9 shareone’s fears with sb.10 look upon oneself from a differentperspective 11 a person responsible foroneself12 handle what is aheadIII.1 F2 C3 J4 D5 E 6B 7G 8A 9I 10HIV. 1 how 2 making 3 chose 4 Shortly 5 under 6 on 7 hand 8 fairly 9 addition 10 with 11 share 12 ownV.Passage 1:1B 2C 3A 4D 5C Passage 2:1C 2A 3C 4A 5DVI.1ask questions early 2 eatright 3 difficult assignments 4 to sit 5 work hardPart2I. 1A 2C 3D 4C 5 D 6C 7D 8C 9B 10 C11important 12 pulled out 13 rushed 14 away from 15 in front ofII. 1B 2A 3B 4D 5C 6C 7D 8C 9B 10 C 11A 12 D 13 B 14 C 15 A 16 A 17 D 18 A 19 B 20 D21 emotion 22decisions 23 had studied 24 talking 25 assign 26 driving27 more warmly 28 addition 29 ability 30 would haveIII. 1 A 2 B 3 D 4 D 5 B6 All students7 the Head Librarian8 be repaired9 the Reading Room10 June 15th, August 15thIV. 1 A 0.5 B 2 C 0 D 1 2 A 0.5 B 2 C 1 D 03 A 0.5 B 0 C 1 D24 A 2 B 1 C 0.5 D 05 明明:今晚我不能和你去参加英语晚会,因为我要在家做功课,不然明天要被王先生批评的。
21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程1 unit6

Unit 6 Family
Part A Listening Part B Viewing, Listening and Speaking
Part C Speaking Workshop Part D Quiz
Part E Fun Time
Part A Listening
teenager is developing his ‘unique personality
and o
fertility n. conceive v.
Unit 6 Family
Word Tips
[ 生]繁殖力 怀(胎)
Part A Listening
Part A Listening
Unit 6 Family
4. There can be big differences in height, weight and build among
healthy children.
5. During this phase of development, your
Unit 6 Family
Section A Listening Skills Section B Listening Practice
Part A Listening
Unit 6 Family
Section A Listing Skills
Task One Pronunciation Read after the recording, paying attention to the pronunciation, intonation and stress of the words.

21世纪大学英语读写教程第一册课后答案【1】Unit 1Text AExerciseV1. solutions.2. ignore.3. persuade.4. assign.5. deadline.6. approach.7. stuck.8. essentials.9. managed.10. necessarily.11. retained.12. due, draft.VI1. put in2. make the most of3. put down4. lead to5. get her hands on6. put away our picnic things7. to stick to8. time after time9. has cut down on smoking10. counts for much moreVIII1. thus cutting down on our costs2. while having his breakfast3. so that he can memorize a couple of new words everyday while cooking his meals4. thus greatly increasing his reading speed5. while studying Chinese modern history at BeijingUniversity6. thus being able to do very well in their work7. while doing his homework8. so that you can become one, tooIX1. used to go2. got used to getting3. used to study, has got used to working4. used to say5. used to write, got used to communicatingXI1. went unnoticed2. go unpunished3. go uncorrected4. goes unnoticed, unmentioned5. go unreportedXIII. Translation 1. Tom, a very curious boy, is interested not only in whats but also in whys and hows.2. According to Professor Smith, happiness is the ability to make the most of what you have.3. You’d better keep the book where your 15-year-old son can’t get his hands on it.4. The story was so funny that Bill kept laughing all the time while reading it.5. High-achieving students do not necessarily put in more time at their studies than their lower-scoring classmates.6. How did you manage to persuade these students to take the speed-reading course?7. Working hard is important, but knowing how to make the most of one’s abilities counts for much more.8. She asked her students to think for themselves rather than telling them what to think.Text BExerciseI1. opposite2. preference3. located4. feasible5. perspective6. have shifted7. concern8. attractive9. survive10. transfer11. prospect12. particularly13. treasure14. DespiteII1. on the other hand2. keep up3. As for4. for good5. turned out6. come of age7. what if8. welled upUnit 2 Text AExerciseIII1. response2. bounced3. Conversation4. previous5. encouragement6. parallelIV1. entirely2. objection3. challenged4. original5. responsible6. relative7. halfway8. startled9. simply10. back and forth11. joined in12. just as13. knocked down14. came to a halt15. Even if16. fell apartV1. unconsciously2. response3. previous4. suitable5. even though6. disagree7. topic8. calling on9. switched10. and so on11. in line12. take turnsVI1. Excellence2. independence3. intelligence4. significance5. patience6. silence7. violence8. differences9. distance10. confidenceVII1. disappeared2. disorder3. dishonest4. disobey5. disagree6. disadvantages7. discomfort8. dislike9. disbelief10. dissatisfiedVIII(A)1. Whoever is most qualified2. Whoever has money3. Whoever holds it4. whoever is not with him5. whoever would take the job6. Whoever fears to face his own past(B)1. Whatever they have2. whatever decisions he makes3. Whenever the weather is bad4. wherever he goes5. Whichever direction you turn to6. however hard she triedIX1. No wonder it’s freezing cold today2. No wonder there is no picture on the screen3. No wonder many career women are not married4. No wonder they asked so many questions5. No wonder it has become a best-seller of this spring6. No wonder US students are anxious about mathXII1. Referring to the differences between American English and British English, he sa id, “The United States and Britain are two different countries after all.”2. Professor Smith encourages his students to think for themselves. He often says, “I am just as happy, even if you challenge me or completely disagree with me.”3. We called on him to take part in our conservation about pop music, but as soon as he joined in, he introduced a new topic and referred to the NBA finals of the previous week.4. The driver is responsible for this accident. His car knocked downa tree and a man on his bike.5. Since our production of radios came to a halt, we have switched to the production of mobile phones.6. Our original plan was to see such famous sights as the Great Wall, the PalaceMuseum and the SummerPalace in Beijing.7. It’s no simple matter to lea rn a foreign language well. Even though I have learned English for a few years, I still can’t expressmyself effectively in the language.8. I don’t want you simply to agree or disagree with me – I need someone who can give me good advice, ideas, and so on.Text BExerciseI1. academic2. intelligence3. reflects4. Social5. predicted6. context7. advantage8. attitude9. traits10. communication11. distinguish12. represented13. influences14. matureII1. getting…across2. come out3. Because of4. in short5. as a result6. as well7. in some cases8. sent outUnit 3 Text AExerciseIV1. draw2. bear3. worn out4. got tired of5. racial6. paid, attention to7. mature8. broke into9. performed10. conquer11. aspects12. As far asV1. Brought up2. broke into running3. amazed4. All his wife could do was5. resemble6. with ease7. conquered8. wear out / are worn out9. turned out10. has grown into11. tragedy12. promptlyVI1. personal2. traditional3. humorous4. logical5. courageous6. poisonous7. educational8. victoriousVII1. darkness2. carelessness3. nervousness4. preparedness5. illness6. eagerness / nervousnessVIII1. go on playing2. went on reading3. went on to explain4. went on to teach5. went on playing6. went on to tellX1. work as fast as a skilled worker2. couldn’t perform as well as his parents had expected3. he promised that he would go and see his grandparents as often as possible4. that after finishing his studies abroad he would come back as soon as possibleXII1. As far as I know, all they have to do is come and see the child they want to bring up and fill out a form.2. As he learned more and more about the world, he finally got tired of going after fame and wealth.3. The little girl’s songs bro ught sunshine to the old man and helped him bear the hardships of life.4. People came one after another to congratulate them on the successful building of another big bridge over the HuangpuRiver.5. All the people present were amazed that the 10-year-old boy was playing the violin so skillfully.6. After the car accident, Stevie reevaluated his goals in life and decided to pay more attention to the world outside.7. Mother could never have imagined that her son would become a world-famous pianist even in her wildest dreams.8. The students broke into loud cheers when they heard that their teacher had fought back from the shadow of death.Text BExerciseI1. potential2. suggestions3. realistic4. embarrassed5. impression6. negative7. presently8. reacted9. improvement10. target11. inferior12. conceptII1. built up2. dwell on3. do justice to myself4. from the start5. were based on6. set aside7. wiped out8. improve on9. do, harm10. is working onUnit 4 Text AExerciseIV1. endure2. accumulated3. somewhat4. property5. informed6. wrinkled7. collapsing8. mourning9. contributed10. possessed11. recovered12. trembled13. fulfill14. drove15. stagger16. utteredV1. because of2. be blessed with3. as well as4. spoke of5. a good deal of6. at most7. stand on its feet8. be ashamed of9. as soon as10. leaning onVI1. a bearded young man2. three colored pictures3. a flowered lawn4. a gifted 〈talented〉pianist5. an old lady with a wrinkled face6. a home for the aged7. a cultured college student8. an experienced driver9. a skilled engineer10. a spirited<hitted> discussionVII1. shameless2. cheerful3. endless4. windless5. fearless6. countless7. meaningful8. colorful9. delightful10. thoughtfulIX1. Nor did he give me any explanation.2. Nor did he feel ashamed for that.3. Nor do I think it necessary to do so.4. Nor will he invite his relatives and friends.5. Nor did we know his phone number.6. Nor did she enter the home for the aged.XIII1. Sick and weak as Grandma is, she has undertaken all the housework in the family.2. The recording company had never been so pleased with any singer.For them, Stevie Wonder was a real find.3. They had no running water where they lived. Nor did they have conveniences of life such as gas and electricity.4. Six years passed, then seven and eight, and nothing was heard of that French artist. It seemed certain that he had left the country for only God knows where.5. He was very ill that summer, but as soon as he felt better in the fall, he resumed his writing and finished his novel within two months.6. Driven by a strong will, Alex finally fulfilled the task he had undertaken.7. With the help of the doctor and the nurses, the patient recovered quickly and in a few weeks was able to stand on his feet once more.8. It was really sad to watch the old man’s wrinkled face, which spoke of all that he had endured in his life.Text BExercise B1. D2. D3. A4. B5. A6. B7. D8. A9. B10. AVocabulary Exercises I1. responsibilities2. purchase3. portrays4. vanished5. immense6. decent7. eventually8. motivation9. reputation10. restore11. neighborhood12. sustain13. upholds14. creditII1. paved the way for2. is attributed to3. out of habit4. kept his word5. open the door to6. think twice7. think of … as8. care about9. had been passed on10. To this dayUnit 5 Text AExerciseV1. compromise2. content3. Unfortunately4. individual5. gamble6. spun7. attractive8. afterwards9. tradition10. unique11. arose12. energeticVI1. a little2. and so on3. as well4. give way to5. in the same way as6. had in mind7. most of the time8. have been on their feet9. went off10. are named after11. has no right to12. sorted outVII1. compromise with…over2. lying…in3. lie on4. content with5. call at6. called on7. named…after8. active in9. opinions about10. opinion ofVIII1. uncertain2. unknown3. unable4. unfortunate5. incorrect6. impatient7. illegal8. irregular9. irrelevant10. improperX1. What a pity you won’t be back before I leave!2. What a pity to waste the food!3. What a pity she isn’t here!4. What a pity that we can die only once for our country!5. What a pity that some of the best acting on stage today can only be seen by so few people!6. What a pity you can’t swim.XII1. That’s where2. That’s why3. that’s where4. That’s what5. That’s how6. That’s how7. that’s when8. that’s when9. that’s what10. That’s whereXIV1. They are Mary’s sons Robert and Lawrence. One is nam ed after her father; the other is named after her grandfather.2. He is not content with what has already got. What a pity he never understands that happiness lies in contentment.3. She is very active in classroom activities. I am sure she will make a good teacher.4. You may have different opinions about it, but I hate the idea of urging people to drink, especially at a dinner party.5. We are prepared to give way a little to them on minor problems, but we will never compromise with them on major questions of principle.6. Robert did not usually get much exercise during the year, while his wife Mary was on her feet most of the time. That’s why it was impossible, or difficult at least, for them to choose a place they both liked for their holiday.7. David is a young writer with a high opinion of himself. He thinks that his writing style is unique and refined. But unfortunately, that is not the case.8. All I want to say is that as individuals we enjoy many different rights, but we have no right to do anything harmful to society.Text BExerciseI1. effective2. argument3. alert4. typical5. avoid6. patience7. hostile8. mention9. significant10. complain11. bothered12. historical13. tempted14. selfishII1. lose her temper2. changed for the better3. make matters worse4. fell behind5. will take offence6. launched into7. added to8. saw eye to eye9. hold their tongues10. poke fun atUnit 6Text AExerciseIV1. shocked2. admitted3. pursue4. prefer5. intelligent6. acquire7. average8. cultivate9. typical10. pursuit11. imported12. bite13. compete14. constantly15. prestigious16. extentV1. dedicated to2. stood a chance3. held up as4. least of all5. conform to6. compares…to7. done away with8. deprived of9. looked down upon10. adapt to11. instead of12. keep upVIII1. If we are to promote higher education, we must try to make university professorships the most prestigious positions in the country.2. If we are to remain a world-class power, our universities must be able to train students to become first-class scholars and engineers.3. If you are to make your child a person of knowledge, you must encourage him to spend more time studying.4. If you are to apply for this scholarship, fill out the application form and return it now.5. If we are to further develop the economy of Shanghai, we have to make full use of the Yangtze River.XII1. The problem lies in how people look at those students dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge.2. Our government has decided to put a lot more money into education than before.3. We have to train more first-class engineers to compete in the technology race with Japan.4. The intellectually curious and hard-working students should be praised and held up as examples to other students.5. Not until we do away with our anti-intellectualism do we stand a chance to remain a world-class power.6. We must adapt ourselves to the demand of our times, otherwise we’ll fall behind other industrialized nations of the world.7. The parents are proud of their son who is studying English while other children are playing football.8. Do you really expect to improve your English without spending more time studying it?Text BExerciseI1. escapes2. specific3. frequent4. similar5. profit6. trends7. creative8. customer, customer9. consumers10. diet11. manufacturer12. advertisementII1. pointed out2. goes out of fashion3. According to4. and the like5. out of date6. broke down7. comes along8. on top ofUnit 7 Text AExerciseIV1. crept2. presence3. whereas4. spoiled5. previously6. roaring7. merely8. ignorant9. confident10. venture11. chased12. liberalV1. stared at2. come of3. establish itself as4. threw…at5. came up to6. are for7. move in8. viewed as9. among other things10. by chanceVI1. momentary2. lively3. attractive4. orderly5. selective6. deadly7. legendary8. protective9. constructive10. costly11. brotherly12. honorary13. progressive14. sickly15. customary16. earthly17. revolutionary18. reactionaryX1. Mr. Smith was viewed as a very liberal person who believed, among other things, that all men are equal under the law.2. It is not by chance that he won the prize; his success comes from his hard training.3. The teacher talked a lot with the white kids, trying to convince them that all men are created equal, but nothing much came of it in the beginning several weeks.4. As I was a newcomer to that school, I felt lonely and friendless for a time.5. Day after day Weiming kept talking with Mrs. Wilson, and his oral English became more and more fluent and natural.6. Whereas some of the kids were quite nasty during those first few weeks, a little white girl was extremely friendly to me.7. I later came to know that the man who looked old and wrinkled was only about 45.8. Soon after graduating from university, he established himself as a qualified and responsible teacher of English.Text BExercise B1. B2. A3. B4. C5. C6. B7. A8. DI1. personality2. dominates3. competent4. substituting5. respond6. somehow7. determined8. communicate9. current10. brief11. glance12. polish13. formal14. sensitiveII1. on their own2. for the most part3. kept his distance4. to no avail5. on occasion6. think…over7. lit up8. at ease9. all right10. now and thenUnit 8Text AExerciseIV1. one2. that3. one4. ones5. that6. thoseV1. promises2. reliable3. project4. barely5. be abolished6. simultaneous7. endless8. primarily9. equivalents10. application11. incredible12. purpose13. acceptance14. stimulatingVI1. ran into2. serves as3. well ahead of schedule4. arises…from5. communicate with6. brought about7. take advantage of8. is sure toVIII1. unhappy2. unnoticed3. unprepared4. unanswered5. unforeseen / unexpected / unbelievable6. unfair7. unknown8. unclearIX1. unforgettable2. enjoyable3. questionable4. unimaginable5. unbearable6. regrettable7. changeable8. foreseeableXIII1. No scientist knows exactly where the information highway will lead us in the decade ahead.2. It is crucial that developed countries and developing countries increase mutual understanding and mutual respect through more communication.3. From the very beginning, the mass media paid particular attention to this treatise on the personal computer.4. My nephew had thought that Japanese, which is similar to Chinese in many ways, was easy to learn, but it was not the case.5. You should have known better. The way a college professor teaches is not confined only to telling his students the basic facts. He or she also stimulates discussions and debates.6. It was originally estimated that the project would take five years. But thanks to the creativity of the workers as well as the engineers, it was finished well ahead of schedule.7. The process of thinking about and writing his autobiography took the American writer more than three years, during which he ran into many unimaginable difficulties.8. The doctors aren’t sure what illness he is suffering from. That’s why he had decided to reti re ahead of schedule.Text BExercise C1. D2. B3. A4. D5. B6. CI1. occupation2. artificial3. summarize4. solves5. sample6. identify7. extraordinary8. available9. consult10. environmental11. capability12. relationshipII1. has been tur ned … into2. a variety of3. was responsible for4. is capable of5. in control of6. in relation to7. gave up8. stopped dead .。

21世纪大学英语读写教程第一册课后答案Unit 1Text AExerciseV1. solutions.2. ignore.3. persuade.4. assign.5. deadline.6. approach.7. stuck.8. essentials.9. managed.10. necessarily.11. retained.12. due, draft.VI1. put in2. make the most of3. put down4. lead to5. get her hands on6. put away our picnic things7. to stick to8. time after time9. has cut down on smoking10. counts for much moreVIII1. thus cutting down on our costs2. while having his breakfast3. so that he can memorize a couple of new words everyday while cooking his meals4. thus greatly increasing his reading speed5. while studying Chinese modern history at Beijing University6. thus being able to do very well in their work7. while doing his homework8. so that you can become one, tooIX1. used to go2. got used to getting3. used to study, has got used to working4. used to say5. used to write, got used to communicatingXI1. went unnoticed2. go unpunished3. go uncorrected4. goes unnoticed, unmentioned5. go unreportedXIII. Translation1. Tom, a very curious boy, is interested not only in whats but also in whys and hows.2. According to Professor Smith, happiness is the ability to make the most of what you have.3. You’d better keep the book where your 15-year-old son can’t get his hands on it.4. The story was so funny that Bill kept laughing all the time while reading it.5. High-achieving students do not necessarily put in more time at their studies than their lower-scoring classmates.6. How did you manage to persuade these students to take the speed-reading course?7. Working hard is important, but knowing how to make the most of one’s abilities counts for much more.8. She asked her students to think for themselves rather than telling them what to think.Text BExerciseI1. opposite2. preference3. located4. feasible5. perspective6. have shifted7. concern8. attractive9. survive10. transfer11. prospect12. particularly13. treasure14. DespiteII1. on the other hand2. keep up3. As for4. for good5. turned out6. come of age7. what if8. welled upUnit 2Text AExerciseIII1. response2. bounced3. Conversation4. previous5. encouragement6. parallelIV1. entirely2. objection3. challenged4. original5. responsible6. relative7. halfway8. startled9. simply10. back and forth11. joined in12. just as13. knocked down14. came to a halt15. Even if16. fell apartV1. unconsciously2. response3. previous4. suitable5. even though6. disagree7. topic8. calling on9. switched10. and so on11. in line12. take turnsVI1. Excellence2. independence3. intelligence4. significance5. patience6. silence7. violence8. differences9. distance10. confidenceVII1. disappeared2. disorder3. dishonest4. disobey5. disagree6. disadvantages7. discomfort8. dislike9. disbelief10. dissatisfiedVIII(A)1. Whoever is most qualified2. Whoever has money3. Whoever holds it4. whoever is not with him5. whoever would take the job6. Whoever fears to face his own past(B)1. Whatever they have2. whatever decisions he makes3. Whenever the weather is bad4. wherever he goes5. Whichever direction you turn to6. however hard she triedIX1. No wonder it’s freezing cold today2. No wonder there is no picture on the screen3. No wonder many career women are not married4. No wonder they asked so many questions5. No wonder it has become a best-seller of this spring6. No wonder US students are anxious about mathXII1. Referring to the differences between American English and British English, he said, “The United States and Britain are two different countries after all.”2. Professor Smith encourages his students to think for themselves. He often says, “I am just as happy, even if you challenge me or completely disagree with me.”3. We called on him to take part in our conservation about pop music, but as soon as he joined in, he introduced a new topic and referred to the NBA finals of the previous week.4. The driver is responsible for this accident. His car knocked down a tree and a man on his bike.5. Since our production of radios came to a halt, we have switched to the production of mobile phones.6. Our original plan was to see such famous sights as the Great Wall, the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace in Beijing.7. It’s no simple matter to lea rn a foreign language well. Even thoughI have learned English for a few years, I still can’t express myselfeffectively in the language.8. I don’t want you simply to agree or disagree with me –I need someone who can give me good advice, ideas, and so on.Text BExerciseI1. academic2. intelligence3. reflects4. Social5. predicted6. context7. advantage8. attitude9. traits10. communication11. distinguish12. represented13. influences14. matureII1. getting…across2. come out3. Because of4. in short5. as a result6. as well7. in some cases8. sent outUnit 3Text A ExerciseIV1. draw2. bear3. worn out4. got tired of5. racial6. paid, attention to7. mature8. broke into9. performed10. conquer11. aspects12. As far asV1. Brought up2. broke into running3. amazed4. All his wife could do was5. resemble6. with ease7. conquered8. wear out / are worn out9. turned out10. has grown into11. tragedy12. promptlyVI1. personal2. traditional3. humorous4. logical5. courageous6. poisonous7. educational8. victoriousVII1. darkness2. carelessness3. nervousness4. preparedness5. illness6. eagerness / nervousnessVIII1. go on playing2. went on reading3. went on to explain4. went on to teach5. went on playing6. went on to tellX1. work as fast as a skilled worker2. couldn’t perform as well as his parents had expected3. he promised that he would go and see his grandparents as often as possible4. that after finishing his studies abroad he would come back as soon as possibleXII1. As far as I know, all they have to do is come and see the child they want to bring up and fill out a form.2. As he learned more and more about the world, he finally got tired of going after fame and wealth.3. The little girl’s songs bro ught sunshine to the old man and helped him bear the hardships of life.4. People came one after another to congratulate them on the successful building of another big bridge over the Huangpu River.5. All the people present were amazed that the 10-year-old boy wasplaying the violin so skillfully.6. After the car accident, Stevie reevaluated his goals in life and decided to pay more attention to the world outside.7. Mother could never have imagined that her son would become a world-famous pianist even in her wildest dreams.8. The students broke into loud cheers when they heard that their teacher had fought back from the shadow of death.Text BExerciseI1. potential2. suggestions3. realistic4. embarrassed5. impression6. negative7. presently8. reacted9. improvement10. target11. inferior12. conceptII1. built up2. dwell on3. do justice to myself4. from the start5. were based on6. set aside7. wiped out8. improve on9. do, harm10. is working on Unit 4Text AExerciseIV1. endure2. accumulated3. somewhat4. property5. informed6. wrinkled7. collapsing8. mourning9. contributed10. possessed11. recovered12. trembled13. fulfill14. drove15. stagger16. utteredV1. because of2. be blessed with3. as well as4. spoke of5. a good deal of6. at most7. stand on its feet8. be ashamed of9. as soon as10. leaning onVI1. a bearded young man2. three colored pictures3. a flowered lawn4. a gifted 〈talented〉pianist5. an old lady with a wrinkled face6. a home for the aged7. a cultured college student8. an experienced driver9. a skilled engineer10. a spirited<hitted> discussionVII1. shameless2. cheerful3. endless4. windless5. fearless6. countless7. meaningful8. colorful9. delightful10. thoughtfulIX1. Nor did he give me any explanation.2. Nor did he feel ashamed for that.3. Nor do I think it necessary to do so.4. Nor will he invite his relatives and friends.5. Nor did we know his phone number.6. Nor did she enter the home for the aged.XIII1. Sick and weak as Grandma is, she has undertaken all the housework in the family.2. The recording company had never been so pleased with any singer. For them, Stevie Wonder was a real find.3. They had no running water where they lived. Nor did they have conveniences of life such as gas and electricity.4. Six years passed, then seven and eight, and nothing was heard of that French artist. It seemed certain that he had left the country for only God knows where.5. He was very ill that summer, but as soon as he felt better in the fall, he resumed his writing and finished his novel within two months.6. Driven by a strong will, Alex finally fulfilled the task he had undertaken.7. With the help of the doctor and the nurses, the patient recovered quickly and in a few weeks was able to stand on his feet once more. 8. It was really sad to watch the old man’s wrinkled face, which spoke of all that he had endured in his life.Text BExercise B1. D2. D3. A4. B5. A6. B7. D8. A9. B10. AVocabulary Exercises I1. responsibilities2. purchase3. portrays4. vanished5. immense6. decent7. eventually8. motivation9. reputation10. restore11. neighborhood12. sustain13. upholds14. creditII1. paved the way for2. is attributed to3. out of habit4. kept his word5. open the door to6. think twice7. think of … as8. care about9. had been passed on10. To this dayUnit 5Text AExerciseV1. compromise2. content3. Unfortunately4. individual5. gamble6. spun7. attractive8. afterwards9. tradition10. unique11. arose12. energeticVI1. a little2. and so on3. as well4. give way to5. in the same way as6. had in mind7. most of the time8. have been on their feet9. went off10. are named after11. has no right to12. sorted outVII1. compromise with…over2. lying…in3. lie on4. content with5. call at6. called on7. named…after8. active in9. opinions about10. opinion ofVIII1. uncertain2. unknown3. unable4. unfortunate5. incorrect6. impatient7. illegal8. irregular9. irrelevant10. improperX1. What a pity you won’t be back before I leave!2. What a pity to waste the food!3. What a pity she isn’t here!4. What a pity that we can die only once for our country!5. What a pity that some of the best acting on stage today can only be seen by so few people!6. What a pity you can’t swim.XII1. That’s where2. That’s why3. that’s where4. That’s what5. That’s how6. That’s how7. that’s when8. that’s when9. that’s what10. That’s whereXIV1. They are Mary’s sons Robert and Lawrence. One is na med after her father; the other is named after her grandfather.2. He is not content with what has already got. What a pity he never understands that happiness lies in contentment.3. She is very active in classroom activities. I am sure she will make a good teacher.4. You may have different opinions about it, but I hate the idea of urging people to drink, especially at a dinner party.5. We are prepared to give way a little to them on minor problems, but we will never compromise with them on major questions of principle.6. Robert did not usually get much exercise during the year, while his wife Mary was on her feet most of the time. That’s why it was impossible, or difficult at least, for them to choose a place they both liked for their holiday.7. David is a young writer with a high opinion of himself. He thinks that his writing style is unique and refined. But unfortunately, that is not the case.8. All I want to say is that as individuals we enjoy many different rights, but we have no right to do anything harmful to society.Text BExerciseI1. effective2. argument3. alert4. typical5. avoid6. patience7. hostile8. mention9. significant10. complain11. bothered12. historical13. tempted14. selfishII1. lose her temper2. changed for the better3. make matters worse4. fell behind5. will take offence6. launched into7. added to8. saw eye to eye9. hold their tongues10. poke fun atUnit 6Text AExerciseIV1. shocked2. admitted3. pursue4. prefer5. intelligent6. acquire7. average8. cultivate9. typical10. pursuit11. imported12. bite13. compete14. constantly15. prestigious16. extentV1. dedicated to2. stood a chance3. held up as4. least of all5. conform to6. compares…to7. done away with8. deprived of9. looked down upon10. adapt to11. instead of12. keep upVIII1. If we are to promote higher education, we must try to make university professorships the most prestigious positions in the country.2. If we are to remain a world-class power, our universities must be able to train students to become first-class scholars and engineers.3. If you are to make your child a person of knowledge, you must encourage him to spend more time studying.4. If you are to apply for this scholarship, fill out the application form and return it now.5. If we are to further develop the economy of Shanghai, we have to make full use of the Yangtze River.XII1. The problem lies in how people look at those students dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge.2. Our government has decided to put a lot more money into education than before.3. We have to train more first-class engineers to compete in the technology race with Japan.4. The intellectually curious and hard-working students should be praised and held up as examples to other students.5. Not until we do away with our anti-intellectualism do we stand achance to remain a world-class power.6. We must adapt ourselves to the demand of our times, otherwise we’ll fall behind other industrialized nations of the world.7. The parents are proud of their son who is studying English while other children are playing football.8. Do you really expect to improve your English without spending more time studying it?Text BExerciseI1. escapes2. specific3. frequent4. similar5. profit6. trends7. creative8. customer, customer9. consumers10. diet11. manufacturer12. advertisementII1. pointed out2. goes out of fashion3. According to4. and the like5. out of date6. broke down7. comes along8. on top ofUnit 7Text AExerciseIV1. crept2. presence3. whereas4. spoiled5. previously6. roaring7. merely8. ignorant9. confident10. venture11. chased12. liberalV1. stared at2. come of3. establish itself as4. threw…at5. came up to6. are for7. move in8. viewed as9. among other things10. by chanceVI1. momentary2. lively3. attractive4. orderly5. selective6. deadly7. legendary8. protective9. constructive10. costly11. brotherly12. honorary13. progressive14. sickly15. customary16. earthly17. revolutionary18. reactionaryX1. Mr. Smith was viewed as a very liberal person who believed, among other things, that all men are equal under the law.2. It is not by chance that he won the prize; his success comes fromhis hard training.3. The teacher talked a lot with the white kids, trying to convince them that all men are created equal, but nothing much came of it in the beginning several weeks.4. As I was a newcomer to that school, I felt lonely and friendless fora time.5. Day after day Weiming kept talking with Mrs. Wilson, and his oral English became more and more fluent and natural.6. Whereas some of the kids were quite nasty during those first few weeks, a little white girl was extremely friendly to me.7. I later came to know that the man who looked old and wrinkled was only about 45.8. Soon after graduating from university, he established himself as a qualified and responsible teacher of English.Text BExercise B1. B2. A3. B4. C5. C6. B7. A8. DI1. personality2. dominates3. competent4. substituting5. respond6. somehow7. determined8. communicate9. current10. brief11. glance12. polish13. formal14. sensitiveII1. on their own2. for the most part3. kept his distance4. to no avail5. on occasion6. think…over7. lit up8. at ease9. all right10. now and then Unit 8Text AExerciseIV1. one2. that3. one4. ones5. that6. thoseV1. promises2. reliable3. project4. barely5. be abolished6. simultaneous7. endless8. primarily9. equivalents10. application11. incredible12. purpose13. acceptance14. stimulatingVI1. ran into2. serves as3. well ahead of schedule4. arises…from5. communicate with6. brought about7. take advantage of8. is sure toVIII1. unhappy2. unnoticed3. unprepared4. unanswered5. unforeseen / unexpected / unbelievable6. unfair7. unknown8. unclearIX1. unforgettable2. enjoyable3. questionable4. unimaginable5. unbearable6. regrettable7. changeable8. foreseeableXIII1. No scientist knows exactly where the information highway will lead us in the decade ahead.2. It is crucial that developed countries and developing countries increase mutual understanding and mutual respect through more communication.3. From the very beginning, the mass media paid particular attention to this treatise on the personal computer.4. My nephew had thought that Japanese, which is similar to Chinese in many ways, was easy to learn, but it was not the case.5. You should have known better. The way a college professor teaches is not confined only to telling his students the basic facts. He or she also stimulates discussions and debates.6. It was originally estimated that the project would take five years. But thanks to the creativity of the workers as well as the engineers, it was finished well ahead of schedule.7. The process of thinking about and writing his autobiography took the American writer more than three years, during which he ran into many unimaginable difficulties.8. The doct ors aren’t sure what illness he is suffering from. That’s why he had decided to retire ahead of schedule.Text BExercise C1. D2. B3. A4. D5. B6. CI1. occupation2. artificial3. summarize4. solves5. sample6. identify7. extraordinary8. available9. consult10. environmental11. capability12. relationshipII1. has been turned … into2. a variety of3. was responsible for4. is capable of5. in control of6. in relation to7. gave up8. stopped dead .。

Unit 6Text AII.“nerd” is someone who does well in school,but is socially unpopular.“Geek” literally means a street performer who bites the heads off from ,it is often used by teens to describe a person who is “uncool” or not popular.shows that such students,and academic skills in general ,are not valued or respected. phrase means that the author feels it is now time to reverse the trend and to start respecting intelligent,hardworking students.good students are not respected in school as children,they do not have any opportunity to develop the social skills that would make them popular as adults. suggests that poor students must stop teasing good students.says that they are treated much better in other countries than in the ..In East Asia,for example ,professors are well-paid and respected,and top students are praised as good examples.forecasts that it will lead to a downturn in the and to a lowering of America’s place in the world.the introduction ,the way in which “nerd”and“geek”are used to illustrate the value which the author is arguing against,In the conclusion,he points out that when these words gain a positive meaning,it will indicate that the battle has been won.IV.V.,to a chance up as of allto ,to away with ofdown upon to of upVI.VII.1.Not until the publication of the article did the come to realize that something hadgone wrong .2.Not until next week will the full text of the report be pubished.3.Not until the time of the final examinations did the student start to read his books.4.Not until we reconsider and change the system of values in our society willuniversity professorship become rewarding positions.5.Not until he fled to Moscow with his family did his role as a Soviet spy becomeknown.VIII.1.If we are to promote higher education,we must try to make university profesorshipthe most prestigiouspositions in the country.2.If we are to remain a world-class power,our universities must be able to trainstudents to become first-class scholars and engineers.3.If you are to make your child a person of knowledge,you must encourage him tospend more time studying.4.If you are to apply for this scholarship,fill in the application from and return itnow.5.If we are to further develop the economy of Shanghai,we have to make full use ofthe Yangtze River.IX.breathing to think teasingthinking ,stopped trying to listenX.1.He is able to make the point as clear and convincing as his teacher.2.This is not so much a matter of putting more money into education as a matter ofchanging our anti-intellectual values.3.They think that social ckills are as important as acdemic achievement to a student.4.The purpose of this article is not so much to answer as to discuss the question.5.Professional ballplayers are as respected and well paid as professors in thiscountry.XI.pursuit system intellectual hardworking populardown same Professional hand institution negative Rival compete away dedicatedVII.1.The problem lies in how people look at those students dedicated to the pursuit ofknowledge.2.Our givernment has decided to put a lot more money into education than before.3.We have to train more first-class engineers to compete in the technology race withJapan.4.The intellectually curious and hard-working students should be praised and heldup as examples to other students.5.Not until we do away with our anti-intellectualism do we stand a chance to remaina world-class power .6.We must adapt ourselves to the demands of our times,otherwise we’ll fall behindthe other industrialized nations of the word.7.The parents are proud of their son who is studying English while the otherchildren are playing football.8.Do you really expect to improve your English without spending more timestudying it?XIII.aand 4 eand 6 fand 8. gand 10 c,12 and 13 bXIV.In his eassay,“Nerds and Geeks,”Leonid Fridman criticizes a serious problem he sees in American society:people who are smart,the best students in schools and universities,the professors and researchers in the adult world,are not given the respect that they ,American society respects and praises people who achieve popularity through more supperficial means,such as athletes and prejudice is shown in the use of insulting words such as“nerd”and“geek”to describe the best,most hardworking studnets even at a university like says that in order to remain a successful,competitive nation, change its attitude and start respecting the smartest,hard-working when people are proud of being a nerd or a geek will this important problem be solved.Text BExercise A: the influence of fashion: fadsIn the United States,even people can be“in”or“out”.:reasons for such changesWhat causes such fads to come and go?And why do so many people follow them?:the difference between a fad and a trendpoints out that it’s something difficult to see the difference between a fad and a trend.:EurokidsSome of the Eurokids’fads will disappear and others will come along,but it will be interesting to see if the trend continues and becomes a true part of European culture.Execise B1.in fashion/fashionbale;old fashioned2. a kind of Italian food3. a person who kills the insects and rats in a place4.make money5.wonderful;wonderful6.against reasonable behavior7.being the only one of its type8. a general direction ,tendency9.Europeans in mid-1990s who follow the same fads in fashion,music,and food. Exercise C1,AText CExercise AExercise B。

21世纪大学英语读写教程第一册.课后答案21世纪大学英语读写教程第一册课后答案Unit 1Text AExerciseV1. solutions.2. ignore.3. persuade.4. assign.5. deadline.6. approach.7. stuck.8. essentials.9. managed.10. necessarily.11. retained.12. due, draft.VI1. put in2. make the most of3. put down4. lead to5. get her hands on6. put away our picnic things7. to stick to8. time after time9. has cut down on smoking10. counts for much moreVIII1. thus cutting down on our costs2. while having his breakfast3. so that he can memorize a couple of new words everyday while cooking his meals4. thus greatly increasing his reading speed5. while studying Chinese modern history at Beijing University6. thus being able to do very well in their work7. while doing his homework8. so that you can become one, too4. The story was so funny that Bill kept laughing all the time while reading it.5. High-achieving students do not necessarily put in more time at their studies than their lower-scoring classmates.6. How did you manage to persuade these students to take the speed-reading course?7. Working hard is important, but knowing how to make the most of one’s abilities counts for much more.8. She asked her students to think for themselves rather than telling them what to think.Text BExerciseI1. opposite2. preference3. located4. feasible5. perspective6. have shifted7. concern8. attractive9. survive10. transfer11. prospect12. particularly13. treasure14. DespiteII1. on the other hand2. keep up3. As for4. for good5. turned out6. come of age7. what if8. welled upUnit 2Text AExerciseIII1. response2. bounced3. Conversation4. previous5. encouragement6. parallelIV1. entirely2. objection3. challenged4. original5. responsible6. relative7. halfway8. startled9. simply10. back and forth11. joined in12. just as13. knocked down14. came to a halt15. Even if16. fell apartV1. unconsciously2. response3. previous4. suitable5. even though6. disagree7. topic8. calling on9. switched10. and so on11. in line12. take turnsVI1. Excellence2. independence3. intelligence4. significance5. patience6. silence7. violence8. differences9. distance10. confidenceVII1. disappeared2. disorder3. dishonest4. disobey5. disagree6. disadvantages7. discomfort8. dislike9. disbelief10. dissatisfiedVIII(A)1. Whoever is most qualified2. Whoever has money3. Whoever holds it4. whoever is not with him5. whoever would take the job6. Whoever fears to face his own past(B)1. Whatever they have2. whatever decisions he makes3. Whenever the weather is bad4. wherever he goes5. Whichever direction you turn to6. however hard she triedIX1. No wonder it’s freezing cold today2. No wonder there is no picture on the screen3. No wonder many career women are not married4. No wonder they asked so many questions5. No wonder it has become a best-seller of this spring6. No wonder US students are anxious about mathXII1. Referring to the differences between American English and British English, he said, “The United States and Britain are two different countries after all.”2. Professor Smith encourages his students to think for themselves. He often says, “I am just as happy, even if you challenge me or completely disagree with me.”3. We called on him to take part in our conservation about pop music, but as soon as he joined in, he introduced a new topic and referred to the NBA finals of the previous week.4. The driver is responsible for this accident. His car knocked down a tree and a man on his bike.5. Since our production of radios came to a halt, we have switched to the production of mobile phones.6. Our original plan was to see such famous sights as the Great Wall, the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace in Beijing.7. It’s no simple matter to learn a foreign language well. Even thoughI have learned English for a few years, I still can’t express myselfeffectively in the language.8. I don’t want you simply to agree or disagree with me –I need someone who can give me good advice, ideas, and so on.Text BExerciseI1. academic2. intelligence3. reflects4. Social5. predicted6. context7. advantage8. attitude9. traits10. communication11. distinguish12. represented13. influences14. matureII1. getting…across2. come out3. Because of4. in short5. as a result6. as well7. in some cases8. sent outUnit 3Text A ExerciseIV1. draw2. bear3. worn out4. got tired of5. racial6. paid, attention to7. mature8. broke into9. performed10. conquer11. aspects12. As far asV1. Brought up2. broke into running3. amazed4. All his wife could do was5. resemble6. with ease7. conquered8. wear out / are worn out9. turned out10. has grown into11. tragedy12. promptlyVI1. personal2. traditional3. humorous4. logical5. courageous6. poisonous7. educational8. victoriousVII1. darkness2. carelessness3. nervousness4. preparedness5. illness6. eagerness / nervousnessVIII1. go on playing2. went on reading3. went on to explain4. went on to teach5. went on playing6. went on to tellX1. work as fast as a skilled worker2. couldn’t perform as well as his parents had expected3. he promised that he would go and see his grandparents as often as possible4. that after finishing his studies abroad he would come back as soon as possibleXII1. As far as I know, all they have to do is come and see the child they want to bring up and fill out a form.2. As he learned more and more about the world, he finally got tired of going after fame and wealth.3. The little girl’s so ngs brought sunshine to the old man and helped him bear the hardships of life.4. People came one after another to congratulate them on the successful building of another big bridge over the Huangpu River.5. All the people present were amazed that the 10-year-old boy wasplaying the violin so skillfully.6. After the car accident, Stevie reevaluated his goals in life and decided to pay more attention to the world outside.7. Mother could never have imagined that her son would become a world-famous pianist even in her wildest dreams.8. The students broke into loud cheers when they heard that their teacher had fought back from the shadow of death.Text BExerciseI1. potential2. suggestions3. realistic4. embarrassed5. impression6. negative7. presently8. reacted9. improvement10. target11. inferior12. conceptII1. built up2. dwell on3. do justice to myself4. from the start5. were based on6. set aside7. wiped out8. improve on9. do, harm10. is working on Unit 4Text AExerciseIV1. endure2. accumulated3. somewhat4. property5. informed6. wrinkled7. collapsing8. mourning9. contributed10. possessed11. recovered12. trembled13. fulfill14. drove15. stagger16. utteredV1. because of2. be blessed with3. as well as4. spoke of5. a good deal of6. at most7. stand on its feet8. be ashamed of9. as soon as10. leaning onVI1. a bearded young man2. three colored pictures3. a flowered lawn4. a gifted 〈talented〉pianist5. an old lady with a wrinkled face6. a home for the aged7. a cultured college student8. an experienced driver9. a skilled engineer10. a spirited<hitted> discussionVII1. shameless2. cheerful3. endless4. windless5. fearless6. countless7. meaningful8. colorful9. delightful10. thoughtfulIX1. Nor did he give me any explanation.2. Nor did he feel ashamed for that.3. Nor do I think it necessary to do so.4. Nor will he invite his relatives and friends.5. Nor did we know his phone number.6. Nor did she enter the home for the aged.XIII1. Sick and weak as Grandma is, she has undertaken all the housework in the family.2. The recording company had never been so pleased with any singer. For them, Stevie Wonder was a real find.3. They had no running water where they lived. Nor did they have conveniences of life such as gas and electricity.4. Six years passed, then seven and eight, and nothing was heard of that French artist. It seemed certain that he had left the country for only God knows where.5. He was very ill that summer, but as soon as he felt better in the fall, he resumed his writing and finished his novel within two months.6. Driven by a strong will, Alex finally fulfilled the task he had undertaken.7. With the help of the doctor and the nurses, the patient recovered quickly and in a few weeks was able to stand on his feet once more. 8. It was really sad to watch the old man’s wrinkled face, which spoke of all that he had endured in his life.Text BExercise B1. D2. D3. A4. B5. A6. B7. D8. A9. B10. AVocabulary Exercises I1. responsibilities2. purchase3. portrays4. vanished5. immense6. decent7. eventually8. motivation9. reputation10. restore11. neighborhood12. sustain13. upholds14. creditII1. paved the way for2. is attributed to3. out of habit4. kept his word5. open the door to6. think twice7. think of … as8. care about9. had been passed on10. To this dayUnit 5Text AExerciseV1. compromise2. content3. Unfortunately4. individual5. gamble6. spun7. attractive8. afterwards9. tradition10. unique11. arose12. energeticVI1. a little2. and so on3. as well4. give way to5. in the same way as6. had in mind7. most of the time8. have been on their feet9. went off10. are named after11. has no right to12. sorted outVII1. compromise with…over2. lying…in3. lie on4. content with5. call at6. called on7. named…after8. active in9. opinions about10. opinion ofVIII1. uncertain2. unknown3. unable4. unfortunate5. incorrect6. impatient7. illegal8. irregular9. irrelevant10. improperX1. What a pity you won’t be back before I leave!2. What a pity to waste the food!3. What a pity she isn’t here!4. What a pity that we can die only once for our country!5. What a pity that some of the best acting on stage today can only be seen by so few people!6. What a pity you can’t swim.XII1. That’s where2. That’s why3. that’s where4. That’s what5. That’s how6. That’s how7. that’s when8. that’s when9. that’s what10. That’s whereXIV1. They are Mary’s sons Robert and Lawrence. On e is named after her father; the other is named after her grandfather.2. He is not content with what has already got. What a pity he never understands that happiness lies in contentment.3. She is very active in classroom activities. I am sure she will make a good teacher.4. You may have different opinions about it, but I hate the idea of urging people to drink, especially at a dinner party.5. We are prepared to give way a little to them on minor problems, but we will never compromise with them on major questions of principle.6. Robert did not usually get much exercise during the year, while his wife Mary was on her feet most of the time. That’s why it was impossible, or difficult at least, for them to choose a place they both liked for their holiday.7. David is a young writer with a high opinion of himself. He thinks that his writing style is unique and refined. But unfortunately, that is not the case.8. All I want to say is that as individuals we enjoy many different rights, but we have no right to do anything harmful to society.Text BExerciseI1. effective2. argument3. alert4. typical5. avoid6. patience7. hostile8. mention9. significant10. complain11. bothered12. historical13. tempted14. selfishII1. lose her temper2. changed for the better3. make matters worse4. fell behind5. will take offence6. launched into7. added to8. saw eye to eye9. hold their tongues10. poke fun atUnit 6Text AExerciseIV1. shocked2. admitted3. pursue4. prefer5. intelligent6. acquire7. average8. cultivate9. typical10. pursuit11. imported12. bite13. compete14. constantly15. prestigious16. extentV1. dedicated to2. stood a chance3. held up as4. least of all5. conform to6. compares…to7. done away with8. deprived of9. looked down upon10. adapt to11. instead of12. keep upVIII1. If we are to promote higher education, we must try to make university professorships the most prestigious positions in the country.2. If we are to remain a world-class power, our universities must be able to train students to become first-class scholars and engineers.3. If you are to make your child a person of knowledge, you must encourage him to spend more time studying.4. If you are to apply for this scholarship, fill out the application form and return it now.5. If we are to further develop the economy of Shanghai, we have to make full use of the Yangtze River.XII1. The problem lies in how people look at those students dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge.2. Our government has decided to put a lot more money into education than before.3. We have to train more first-class engineers to compete in the technology race with Japan.4. The intellectually curious and hard-working students should be praised and held up as examples to other students.5. Not until we do away with our anti-intellectualism do we stand achance to remain a world-class power.6. We must adapt ourselves to the demand of our times, otherwise we’ll fall behind other industrialized nations of the world.7. The parents are proud of their son who is studying English while other children are playing football.8. Do you really expect to improve your English without spending more time studying it?Text BExerciseI1. escapes2. specific3. frequent4. similar5. profit6. trends7. creative8. customer, customer9. consumers10. diet11. manufacturer12. advertisementII1. pointed out2. goes out of fashion3. According to4. and the like5. out of date6. broke down7. comes along8. on top ofUnit 7Text AExerciseIV1. crept2. presence3. whereas4. spoiled5. previously6. roaring7. merely8. ignorant9. confident10. venture11. chased12. liberalV1. stared at2. come of3. establish itself as4. threw…at5. came up to6. are for7. move in8. viewed as9. among other things10. by chanceVI1. momentary2. lively3. attractive4. orderly5. selective6. deadly7. legendary8. protective9. constructive10. costly11. brotherly12. honorary13. progressive14. sickly15. customary16. earthly17. revolutionary18. reactionaryX1. Mr. Smith was viewed as a very liberal person who believed, among other things, that all men are equal under the law.2. It is not by chance that he won the prize; his success comes fromhis hard training.3. The teacher talked a lot with the white kids, trying to convince them that all men are created equal, but nothing much came of it in the beginning several weeks.4. As I was a newcomer to that school, I felt lonely and friendless fora time.5. Day after day Weiming kept talking with Mrs. Wilson, and his oral English became more and more fluent and natural.6. Whereas some of the kids were quite nasty during those first few weeks, a little white girl was extremely friendly to me.7. I later came to know that the man who looked old and wrinkled was only about 45.8. Soon after graduating from university, he established himself as a qualified and responsible teacher of English.Text BExercise B1. B2. A3. B4. C5. C6. B7. A8. DI1. personality2. dominates3. competent4. substituting5. respond6. somehow7. determined8. communicate9. current10. brief11. glance12. polish13. formal14. sensitiveII1. on their own2. for the most part3. kept his distance4. to no avail5. on occasion6. think…over7. lit up8. at ease9. all right10. now and then Unit 8Text AExerciseIV1. one2. that3. one4. ones5. that6. thoseV1. promises2. reliable3. project4. barely5. be abolished6. simultaneous7. endless8. primarily9. equivalents10. application11. incredible12. purpose13. acceptance14. stimulatingVI1. ran into2. serves as3. well ahead of schedule4. arises…from5. communicate with6. brought about7. take advantage of8. is sure toVIII1. unhappy2. unnoticed3. unprepared4. unanswered5. unforeseen / unexpected / unbelievable6. unfair7. unknown8. unclearIX1. unforgettable2. enjoyable3. questionable4. unimaginable5. unbearable6. regrettable7. changeable8. foreseeableXIII1. No scientist knows exactly where the information highway will lead us in the decade ahead.2. It is crucial that developed countries and developing countries increase mutual understanding and mutual respect through more communication.3. From the very beginning, the mass media paid particular attention to this treatise on the personal computer.4. My nephew had thought that Japanese, which is similar to Chinese in many ways, was easy to learn, but it was not the case.5. You should have known better. The way a college professor teaches is not confined only to telling his students the basic facts. He or she also stimulates discussions and debates.6. It was originally estimated that the project would take five years. But thanks to the creativity of the workers as well as the engineers, it was finished well ahead of schedule.7. The process of thinking about and writing his autobiography took the American writer more than three years, during which he ran into many unimaginable difficulties.8. The doctors aren’t sure what illness he is suffering from. That’s why he had decided to retire ahead of schedule.Text BExercise C1. D2. B3. A4. D5. B6. CI1. occupation2. artificial3. summarize4. solves5. sample6. identify7. extraordinary8. available9. consult10. environmental11. capability12. relationshipII1. has been turned … into2. a variety of3. was responsible for4. is capable of5. in control of6. in relation to7. gave up8. stopped dead .。

Text A大学——我一生中的转折点佚名作为一名一年级新生初进大学时,我害怕自己在学业上搞不好。
21世纪大学英语读写教程第一册Unit 6

Course Name: College English I (21st century)Level: Band One, UndergraduateClass hours: 8 hoursUnit SixObjectives of the course:Students will be able to1.grasp the main idea and structure of the text;2.appreciate the write and reading skills;3.master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.Time Division for two-hour classes one time:1)Revision (10 minutes)2)Course delivery (around 70 minutes)3)Review and assignment (5-10 minutes)I. Revision:1. Reviewing the previous units;2. Reviewing what has been learnt about this unit in the course of learning it.;2. Testing the students‘ mastery of the key language points including the writing skill;3. Doing some dictating and having quizs.II. Course deliveryi. Study of Text A “The Washwoman”i) Pre-reading activities1. Ask Ss the following questions:1) A re there any negative terms in China that are used in connection with a fellow student? What values do they express? Are they used for hard working students?2) D o you know the terms “nerds” and “geeks”? If not, skim through the firsttwo paragraphs to guess their meaning.2. Text-related information:Harvard and Max Weber( 1864-1920).3. Pre-reading listeningDo the listening practice concerning ―Nerds and Geeks‖.ii) Words and expressions:Go through the words and expressions, paying attention topronunciationmeaningshaving in mind synonyms and antonymsword building: learn word building knowledge to enlarge vocabulary in terms of compound words, suffixes, prefixes and word roots.compound words: see Ex VIII;suffixes: -hood and –ship can be added to nouns to form new nounswhereas the suffix –al is used to form nouns from verbs and the suffix –dom to form either adjectives or nouns. (do Exx. VI)prefixesword roots: (part of a word) on which other forms of that word are based,如fuse, found = to pour (倾,倒);priv =private (私有的),to deprive (使丧失).学习2个词根: fuse, found = to pour (倾,倒);priv =private (私有的),to deprive (使丧失).词根fuse, found = to pour (倾,倒):拉丁文fundere(= to pour), 过去分词为fusus.●fuse v.熔,融合(为了注入)注意:以下的意思与字源相异,是为了方便起见而收录于此。
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Unit 6Text AListeningFirst listeningBefore listening to the tape, have a quick look at the following words.insult侮辱bite咬prefer宁愿constructive建设性的rival对手professional专业人员ignore忽视, 不理compete竞争Second ListeningListen to the tape again. Then, choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1. The main purpose of this listening passage is to_________.A) argue against higher salaries for athletesB) offer solutions to current economic problemsC) complain about the lack of respect for intellectualsD) describe changes in the English language2. What is the meaning of the words "nerd" and "geek"?A) They are insulting terms which are applied to smart students.B) They are used in the U.S. to describe students from other countries.C) A nerd is a good student and a geek is a poor student.D) A nerd is a poor student and a geek is a good student.3. The passage says that in nations other than the U.S.,_________.A) hardworking students are praisedB) professors are paid better salariesC) more respect is given to intellectualsD) all of the above4. The passage suggests that the words "nerd" and "geek" should_________.A) be made illegalB) become words of praise, rather than insultsC) be used to describe athletes instead of studentsD) all of the abovePre-reading Questions1. Have you heard the terms, "nerd" and "geek", before? If so, explain what they refer to. If not, read the first two paragraphs and try to guess their meaning from the context. Discuss your ideas with your classmates.2. In China, how are the most hardworking and intelligent students seen by the rest of society? Has this view changed over time? Explain.3. Based on the introductory and concluding paragraphs, what is the author's opinion about the situation in America?Nerds and GeeksLeonid FridmanThere is something very wrong with the system of values in a society that has only unkind terms like nerd and geek for the intellectually curious and academically serious.We all know what a nerd is: someone who wears thick glasses and ugly clothes; someone who knows all the answers to the chemistry or math homework but can never get a date on a Saturday night. And a geek, according to "Webster's New World Dictionary," is a street performer who shocks the public by biting off heads of live chickens. It is a revealing fact about our language and our culture that someone dedicated to pursuit of knowledge is compared to such a freak.Even at a prestigious educational institution like Harvard, anti-intellectualism is widespread: Many students are ashamed to admit, even to their friends, how much they study.Although most students try to keep up their grades, there is but a small group of undergraduates for whom pursuing knowledge is the most important thing during their years at Harvard. Nerds are looked down upon while athletes are made heroes of.The same thing happens in U.S. elementary and high schools. Children who prefer to read books rather than play football, prefer to build model airplanes rather than idle away their time at parties with their classmates, become social outcasts. Because of their intelligence and refusal to conform to society's anti-intellectual values, many are deprived of a chance to learn adequate social skills and acquire good communication tools.Enough is enough.Nerds and geeks must stop being ashamed of what they are. Those who don't study hard must stop teasing those who do, the bright kids with thick glasses. The anti-intellectual values that have spread throughout American society must be fought.There are very few countries in the world where anti-intellectualism runs as high in popular culture as it does in the U.S.. In most industrialized nations, not least of all our economic rivals in East Asia, a kid who studies hard is praised and held up as an example to other students.In many parts of the world, university professorships are the most prestigious and materially rewarding positions. But not in America, where average professional ballplayers are much more respected and better paid than professors of the best universities.How can a country where typical parents are ashamed of their daughter studying mathematics instead of going dancing, or of their son reading Weber while his friends play baseball be expected to compete in the technology race with Japan? How long can America remain a world-class power if we constantly put social skills and physical strength over academic achievement and intellectual ability?Do we really expect to stay afloat largely by importing our scientists and intellectuals from abroad, as we have done for a major portion of this century without making an effort to also cultivate a pro-intellectual culture at home? Even if we have the political will to spend a lot more money on education than we do now, do we think we can improve our schools if we laugh at our hardworking pupils and fail to respect their impoverished teachers?Our fault lies not so much with our economy or with our politics as within ourselves, our values and our image of a good life. America's culture has not adapted to the demands of our times, to the economic realities that demand a highly educated workforce and innovative intelligent leadership. If we are to succeed as a society in the 21 st century, we had better do away with our anti-intellectualism and teach our children that a good life depends on exercising one's mind and pursuing knowledge to the full extent of one's abilities.Not until the words "nerd" and "geek" become terms of praise rather than insults do we stand a chance.(608 words)New Wordsnerdn. [俚语] 讨厌鬼;呆子geekn. [俚语] 1. 反常的人, 畸形人2.“野人”(街头演出队的杂耍演员,其表演通常有咬下活鸡头或活蛇头等怪招)systemn. 1. a group of related parts working together 体系,系统2. an ordered set of ideas, methods, or ways of working 制度,体制termn. a word or phrase used to express an idea, esp. a specialized concept(有特定意义的)词,词语;术语daten. (尤指男女间的)约会;(异性的)约会对象shockvt. cause unpleasant or angry surprise to (sb.) 使震惊n. 震惊bite(bit, bitten)v. cut into with the teeth 咬revealvt. 揭示,揭露;暴露;(上帝)启示*dedicatevt. give, devote (one's time, energy, life, etc. to a noble cause or purpose) 献(身),把(时间、精力等)用于*pursuitn. the act of looking for or trying to find sth. 追求,寻求freakn. a person who is abnormal in appearance, behavior, or ideas 怪人*prestigiousa. 有威望的,有声望的,受尊敬的educationala. of or about education; providing education 教育的;有教育意义的institutionn. (教育、慈善、宗教性质的)社会公共机构anti-intellectualismn. 反对(或敌视)知识分子的行为;反理性知识主义admitvt. state or agree to the truth of (usu. sth. bad) 承认(事实、错误等)undergraduaten. a university student who has not yet taken his first degree(尚未取得学位的)大学生,大学本科生pursuevt. make continual efforts to gain (sth.) 追求,寻求elementarya. concerned with the beginnings, esp. of education and study 初级的,基础的prefervt. (to) choose (one thing or action) rather than another; like better 宁可,宁愿(选择);更喜欢airplanen. 飞机idlevt. waste time doing nothing 虚度a. not working; lazy 空间的,闲着的;懒散的sociala. 社会的;社交的,交际的outcastn. a person driven out from home or society 被遗弃者,被逐出者intelligencen. (good) ability to learn and understand 智力,理解力refusaln. 拒绝*conformvi. (to) follow generally accepted rules, standards, etc.; comply 遵照;顺从anti-intellectuala. 反对知识分子的;反知识的*deprivevt. (of) take away from; prevent from using or enjoying 夺去,剥夺;使丧失adequatea. enough for the purpose 足够的acquirevt. gain by skill or ability, by one's own efforts or behaviour 取得,获得;学到,习得*teasevt. make fun of ( a person or animal) playfully or unkindly 取笑,戏弄industrializev. (cause to) become industrially developed(使)工业化economica. 经济(学)的rivaln. a person, group or organization with whom one competes 竞争者,对手professorshipn. the position of a university professor 教授职位materiallyad. 物质上rewardinga. worth doing or having; worthwhile 值得做的;报酬丰厚的averagea. of the usual or ordinary kind 平常的professionala. doing for money what others do for enjoyment 职业性的,非业余的baseballn. 棒球(运动)competevi. try to win sth. in competition with someone else 竞争world-classa. among the best in the world 世界级的;世界一流水平的academica. concerning teaching or studying, esp. in a college or university(高等)教学的;学术的afloata. 1. out of difficulties or debt(在经济上)应付裕如的2. 浮在水上的largelyad. 1. to a great degree 主要地2. in great quantity 大量地importvt. (from) bring in, introduce, esp. goods from a foreign country 进口,输入n. (usu.pl.) goods imported [常用复数] 进口商品abroadad. to or in another country 到国外,在国外majora. greater when compared with others, in size, number, or importance 较大的,较多的,较重要的portionn. a part or share of sth. larger 一部分,一份cultivatevt. improve or develop by careful attention, training, or study 培养,培育pro-intellectuala. 有利于知识分子的;促进理性知识的impoverisheda. very poor 穷困的adaptvi. (to) change so as to be or make suitable for new needs, different conditions, etc. 适应vt. 使适应,使适合educatevt. teach; train the character or mind of 教育;培养,训练workforcen. 劳动大军,劳动力innovativea. introducing or using new ideas, techniques, etc. 革新的;富有革新精神的intelligenta. having or showing powers of reasoning or understanding 聪明的,睿智的leadershipn. a group of people who lead 领导层extentn. degree 程度,限度insultvt. speak or act in a way that hurts or is intended to hurt the feelings or dignity of (sb.) 侮辱n. remark or action that insults 侮辱Phrases and Expressionsbite offcut off with the teeth 咬掉be dedicated tobe devoted to 致力于,献身于look down upon /onhave or show a low opinion of 看不起,轻视idle awaywaste (time) lazily 浪费(时间)conform tobe in agreement with; comply with 遵照;符合be deprived of被夺去;被剥夺not least of allparticularly 尤其be held up asbe shown or offered as 被推举为;被展示为instead ofin place of 代替;而不是lie with应由…(承担责任);(作出决定等)得靠…adapt tochange so as to be or make suitable for 适应do away withabolish; cause to end 废除;去掉stand a chancehave the possibility of achieving sth. 有希望的;有可能Proper NamesLeonid Fridman利奥尼德·弗里德曼(人名)Webster's New World Dictionary《韦伯斯特新世界词典》Harvard(美国)哈佛大学(= Harvard University)Weber韦伯(Max Weber, 1864 - 1920, 德国社会学家,现代社会学奠基人之一)。