



Appreciation of E.E. Cummings PoetryFrom the Perspective of Foregrounding1. Introduction to CummingsE. E. Cummings, poet and cubist painter, was the representative of American modern experimental poets. As a poet and painter, Cummings reflected the harmony of poems and paintings in his works, eschewing the conventional rhymes and syntactic structure of poems and even rejecting to transfer information and emotion in the way of conventional printing.2.Foregrounding in PoetryThe term ‘foregrounding’ is borrowed by stylisticians from art criticism, which distinguishes between the foreground and the background of a painting. The theory of foregrounding is probably the most important theory within Stylistic Analysis, and foregrounding analysis is arguably the most important part of the stylistic analysis in poetry.Leech’s Theory on ForegroundingForegrounding is realized by linguistic deviation and linguistic parallelism.Figure 1 The Realization of Foregrounding (Leech) Leech divides deviation into eight types: lexical deviation, grammatical deviation, phonological deviation, graphological deviation, semantic deviation, dialectal deviation, deviation of register and deviation of historical period. Now we construct a new pattern of the realization of foregrounding.Figure 2 The Realization of ForegroundingFigure 2 illustrates thatthe linguistic deviation and overregularity produceforegrounding. Linguistic deviation consists of lexical deviation, grammatical deviation, phonological deviation, graphological deviation and deviation of meaning. Linguistic overregularity includes phonological overregularity, lexical overregularity and grammatical overregularity, in which phonological overregularity consists of phonemic patterning and rhythmic patterning; lexical overregularity refers to lexical repetition; grammatical overregularity can be further divided into repetition and parallelism.3. Analysis of Cummings’ poem “in Just-”1. in Just-2. spring when the world is mud-3. luscious the little4. lame balloonman5. whistles far and wee6. and eddieandbill come7. running from marbles and8. piracies and it's9. spring10. when the world is puddle-wonderful11. the queer12. old balloonman whistles13. far and wee14. and bettyandisbel come dancing15. from hop-scotch and jump-rope and16. it's17. spring18. and19. the20. goat-footed21. balloonMan whistles22. far23. and24. wee3.1 Graphological DeviationThe most striking in this poem is perhaps the fact that there is no title. Rather, it is only one clause which runs over the whole poem. that only one clause runs over the whole poem. This may show that poet intends the poem to be read as a whole and places emphasis on the unity of the discourse. The important effect created is the arousal of the reader’s expectation and interest. This is because when the reader reads the first line, he gets a sense of incompleteness and, therefore would like to read on to find out ‘what’ is said. Taking a close look at the whole poem, we find that every line of the poem, in fact, creates a pulling-forward effect, though there may be differences in the degrees of strength.3.2 Lexical DeviationWhat may strike us is the compound nounsgoat-footed, mud-luscious , puddle-wonderful, balloonman, eddieandbill, bettyandisbel are ‘nonce-formations’ (the words the literary writer invents).The Function:1. The unusu al compounds that Cummings invents are suggestive of a “child’s language”: hence, mud-luscious (pleasant muddy) and puddle-wonderful (= pleasant puddly). mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful evoke the joyful scenery-the children playing happily on the muddy ground after spring rain.2. Secondly, the names are merged into one another; eddieandbill(=eddie and bill =Eddie and Bill) and bettyandisbel (betty and isbele=Elizabeth and lsabela). eddie and bill come running(=Eddie and Bill come running). eddie and bill are the names of two little boys which have several levels of meaning: (1)the decapitalization of the names demonstrates the boys are very little; (2) eddie and bill are merged into one word eddieandbill renders the cubic impression – the boys are running hand in hand. The effect here is to render the hustle, bustle, and speed of the children as they come running to the summons of the whistle.3. According to the context, the nonce-formation balloonman is the compounding of the words balloon and man which implies several meaning: 1) the man who sells balloons; 2) the man looks like a mixture of balloons and man because there are a lot of balloons in his hands and over his head; 3) balloonman is the symbol of spring. Balloons grant a profound impression of happiness and joy. Goatfooted/ balloonMan makes readers to associate it with Greek god Pan-Half-man, half-goat. Pan, God of music and play, is the symbol of spring. The capitalization of “Man” in balloonman emphasizes that the man selling balloons is Pan-God of spring.3.3 Lexical OverregularityThe repetition of words and phrases is another device to realize the foregrounding in this poem. The words “spring”, “whistle” ,“ballooman” and the phrase “far and wee” repeat three times respectively with the repetition of the word “come”, giving a vivid account of what is happening.这首诗描绘初春儿童欢乐嬉戏的情景,藉以引起成年人对儿时欢乐之回忆,同时也暗示成年人生活的世俗化,已无法感受和了解春的圣洁与童稚时之欢乐。



文体与文体学讲义第一章文体与文体学In this chapter, two major concerns will be presented, one is the definition, the origin, goal, and procedure of stylistics, another the definition of style, which is a heated discussion in academic areas.Part I Stylistics1 Definition of StylisticsStylistics in simple terms means the study of style.Widdowson (1975:3), “By stylistics, I mean the study of literary discourse from a linguistics orientation and I shall take the view that what distinguishes stylistics from literary criticism on the one hand and linguistics on the other hand is that it is essentially a means of linking the two.”Leech, holds a similar view. He defines stylistics as “the study of the use of language in literature”(1969:1), and considers stylistics a “meeting-ground of linguistics and literary study”(1969:2) From what Widdowson and Leech say, we can see that stylistics is an area of study which straddle two disciplines: literary criticism and linguistics.It takes literary discourse (text) as its object of study and uses linguistics as a means to that end. Now stylistics has developed into an interdisciplinary area of study with explicit aims and effective techniques, and promises to offer useful insights into literary criticism and the teaching of literature.English stylistics has developed on the basis of traditional rhetoric which may be traced back to Aristole’s time. Nevertheless, it was the ‘three revolutions’ in social science that brought it to the right track and brought it about its present status.One of the revolutions is the modernist movement in art and literature, lasting from 1890 to the beginning of World War II. To a great extent, the revolution was a break with tradition in the ways it influenced both the content and language of literature. From this movement onwards, creative writers exercise no restraints on the sort of language they use in their writing. In modernist literature, readers could find much to surprise them in respect to content as well as language.Another revolution is the one in literature criticism which has had a profound and radical influence on stylistics. In the 1930’s, the critical theorist, I.A. Richards, expressed his dissatisfaction with those critics of his age. In his opinion, they seemed to be too much preoccupied with literature’s role in educating the readers morally and emotionally. He called for a more objective approach to literary texts. in his famous book, Practical criticism, he established an approach to poetry which depend on close reading of the text. He was joined by scholars such as Willian Empson whose work Seven Types of Ambiguity had a wide influence and promoted the concept of ambiguity as a defining linguistic characteristic of poetry. Their insistence on close reading of the text and analysis of language of the text coincides with the starting point of stylistics, thus greatly facilitating its development.The third revolution took place in linguistic science starting in the late 1950. It was initiated by the work of Noam Chomsky and Michael Halliday whose thoughts were directly or indirectly influenced by the linguistic theory of F. de Sassure, the founder of modern linguistics. Chomsky’s transformational-generative grammar revealed a system of surface structure and deep structure in English syntax. It also brought about a new awareness of how the human mind is innately able to systematize reality by the use of language. Halliday’s systemic grammar has offered many insights into the methods of text analysis, particularly in respect of cohesion between sentences in discourse. The work done in the field of linguistics in the last three decades has provided the stylistician with effective and completely new tools for investigating language in use in both literature and other types of discourse. The above mentioned revolutions, in their own ways, have played a fundamental role in shaping stylistics into the important interdisciplinary field of academic study that it is today.1.2 The origin of stylistics and its research school文体学首先来自于古代的修辞学,来自于亚里斯多得的修辞论。









本诗的部分如下:pity this busy monster, manunkind,not. Progress is a comfortable disease:……into a mountainrange; lenses extendunwish through curving wherewhen till unwishreturns on its unself.……,but never thisfine specimen of hypermagicalultraomnipotence. We doctors knowa hopeless case if --- listen: there's a hellof a good universe next door; let's go一、《同情这个忙碌的怪兽,人类》的偏离现象分析偏离是对常规的违反,指共核语言之外的那部分特殊语法。



1.概述e.e.cummings 的诗歌特点
2.e.e.cummings 的诗歌形式
3.e.e.cummings 的诗歌主题
4.e.e.cummings 的诗歌影响
e.e.cummings 是美国现代主义诗歌的代表人物之一,他的诗歌以独特的形式和主题影响了整个美国诗歌界。

e.e.cummings 的诗歌特点是其打破传统的诗歌形式,他的诗歌没有标题,很少有标点符号,且常常把单词拆开,形成一种独特的视觉效果。


在诗歌形式上,e.e.cummings 的诗歌常常呈现出一种"碎片化"的形式,他的诗歌句子常常被拆开,形成一种独特的诗歌结构。


在诗歌主题上,e.e.cummings 的诗歌主题广泛,涵盖了爱情、自然、战争、生命等多个方面。


e.e.cummings 的诗歌影响深远,他的诗歌风格和主题对美国诗歌界产生了重要的影响。


总的来说,e.e.cummings 的诗歌以其独特的形式和主题,对美国诗歌界产生了深远的影响。




















论E.E.卡明斯诗歌的语篇衔接特征于学勇(杭州电子科技大学外国语学院,浙江杭州 310018)摘 要:本文根据系统功能语言学理论,从英语诗歌语篇衔接的角度来分析和研究E.E.卡明斯的诗歌-anyone liv ed in a pretty how town .,探讨卡明斯诗歌的语篇衔接特征和构建新的英语诗歌语篇分析模式。


关键词:卡明斯诗歌;语篇衔接;语篇分析模式Abstract:This paper,based on Systemic Functional Linguistics,analyzes and studies E.E.Cummings .poem -anyone lived in a pretty how town .from English text cohesi on perspective to discuss the characteristics of his text cohesion and construct new text cohesion pattern.T he value of it lies in finding a new perspective on text cohesi on of English poems )studying poems from text cohesi on perspective,helpi ng readers bui ld up text thinking habits to un ders tand the m eaning and aesthetic value of poems.Key Words:Cum mi ngs .poem;text cohesion;text analysis pattern中图分类号:I06 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-6038(2007)03-0019-051.引言E.E.卡明斯(1894~1962),美国诗人、立体派画家,美国现代实验派诗人的杰出代表。



1.概述:介绍 e.e.cummings 的诗歌特点和影响
2.诗歌风格:分析 e.e.cummings 的诗歌形式、语言和意象
3.主题:探讨 e.e.cummings 诗歌的核心主题
4.影响:讨论 e.e.cummings 对后世诗人和文学的影响
e.e.cummings 是美国现代主义诗歌的代表人物之一,以其独特的诗歌风格和主题影响了整个文学界。


e.e.cummings 的诗歌风格以形式独特、语言创新和意象丰富著称。



e.e.cummings 的诗歌主题也非常深邃和丰富,他的诗歌常常探讨爱情、生命、自由和个体意识等主题。


e.e.cummings 对后世诗人和文学的影响也非常深远。

他的诗歌风格和主题对整个现代主义诗歌运动产生了重要的影响,许多后世诗人都受到了他的启发和影响,他们在自己的诗歌创作中也使用了 e.e.cummings 的诗歌技巧和主题。

同时,e.e.cummings 的诗歌也影响了文学批评和文学理论的发展,他的诗歌作品成为了文学研究的重要对象。




Analysis on (E. ec) um! Mi, n, g-s' poem:r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-rr-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-rr-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-rWhoa ) s w (e loo)kUpnowgath PPEGORHRASSeringint( o-aThe:) l laeA!p:satoaThe):leA!p:S a(rrIvInG gRrEaPsPhOstorea(be)rran(com)gi(e)ngly,grasshopper;A possible translation:A grasshopper who welook up now gatheringa GRASSHOPPER into leaps:arriving grasshopperrearranginglybecomea grasshopperIntroductionE. E. Cummings, born in 1894, was an American poet, painter, essayist, author, and playwright. His body of work encompasses approximately 2,900 poems, two autobiographical novels, four plays and several essays, as well as numerous drawings and paintings. He is remembered as a preeminent voice of 20th century poetry, as well as one of the most popular.He loved cubism and futurism in painting, while all the achievements he made in other areas can hardly be compared with what he did in poetry.In general, his poems can be classified into 3 categories: Blues Poetry, which just like the Blues music, utilizes lyric, rhythm and rhyme, and shares some similar themes such as lost love; concrete poetry, in which typographical arrangement of the words is important in conveying the effect and elements of the poem; futurist, which believes that the constraints of syntax were inappropriate to modern life and that it did not truly represent the mind of the poet. Syntax would serve as a filter in which analogies had to be processed and so analogies would lose their characteristic "stupefaction". In his poetry, meter was rejected and the word was the top concern. In this way, he was able to create a now language free of syntax punctuation and full of free expression.Attached to his free and creative way of relating, I would like to give a brief stylistic analysis of his famous poem: "r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r". The examination will deal with phonological, graphological, lexical, syntactical, and semantic analyses respectively.Graphological Features1)PunctuationE.E. Cummings had a constant love for punctuation, especially in a random way. Hyphens are used to link the randomly spelled letters,which creates an impression of coherence;brackets are used to limit the letters into a certain space, such as (e loo), in order to create an effect of closure which coperate with the phrase of "get into". Exclamatory marks are used tocreate an effect of bouncing, which characterizes the motions of the grasshopper. Colons are also used to attract readers' attention. The punctuation takes up an organic part of the Cummings's poems;however, it consists only an auxiliary part some other poems. It seems clear that from the perspective of modernism, every part of the poem can contribute to the wholeness of its poetic effect. Punctuations are endowed with a sense of freshness and novelty in cummings' poetry.2)CapitalizationCapitalization as well as decapitalization is a device frequently applied in Cumming's poetry. The basic function of these devices is to emphasis. Take his name for example, he usually spelled his name as e.e.cummings to illustrate his own self-identification that he was nothing more important or distinguished than others and in addition, he wanted himself to be modest.In this poem, there are two outstanding capitalizations which catch my eyes: PPEGORHRASS and gRrEaPsPhOs. These two achieve the effect of foregrounding. Seen from a distance, these two words can call readers' attention more easily and successfully. PPEGORHRASS, through proper arrangement, can form the word "grasshopper". The first grasshopper in this poem is decapitalized and is linked by hyphens so that create a picture of a grasshopper crawls or stays with no apparent motions, while by highlighting the word PPEGORHRASS, the picture suddenly become dynamic, and the grasshopper all of a sudden become active, which arouses the interest of the readers and adds vitality into the poem.Another example is gRrEaPsPhOs. As we can see, the second half of the poem takes the shape of a grasshopper( I will cover this point shortly afterwards.), and through the picture I gave above, this word gRrEaPsPhOs is exactly the abdomen of this insect. Judging from our common sense, we know what external form it is. And arrangement of the letters in this way can just depict the abdomen of an insect with stripes.Here, we can see that through the devices of capitalization and decapitalization, the poet can achieve a far-reaching denotative meaning as well as a picturesque effect.3)ParagraphingBy paragraphing, we mean the way in which a text is divided into paragraphs. And thispoem is divided into two halves. The first half is in words and in the second half, the shape of a grasshopper is composed. The result is that when we read this poem, we are welcomed by a short introduction and a grasshopper at the bottom of the poem. The way he divided this poem is quite creative and imaginative. It makes a breakthrough in the traditional form of poetry and set foot in combining poems with pictures, or composing pictures in letters. It challenges people's common understanding of poetry and provides a broader view of modernism.4)Graphic signsGraphic signs are frequently used in cummings' poems, for this part is an indispensable component in his expression of his thoughts. This poem is a visual poem. The shape of his poem can also convey certain meaning, for example, this poem is arranged in the shape of a grasshopper; another poem of his took the shape of a cat. The graphic sign indicates the theme of his poem and also becomes a trick to the readers' eyes and creates a different and imaginative way of composing as well as reading a poem.Another trick played by cummings is enjambment, in which the words jump from line to line randomly and wait for the reader to rearrange them. In this poem, this feature is quite obvious. This poem is said to create a figure of an erratic grasshopper and jumping is involved in its nature. Our eyes move from side to side to catch the trace of the grasshopper, otherwise, we run the risk of losing ourselves in the poem.In addition to enjambment, the poems leave much room for margins. The bouncing of the letters in the first paragraph creates large chunk of margin in the middle of the poem. Instead of calling for pausing or introspective as the margins in other literature works, this chunk of margin is not provided for the rest of the eyes but for exercises. By constantly moving the eye from side to side can he understands the poem and also gets a sense of the dynamic movement of the insect as if there were a grasshopper on the paper, before the eye. This is one of the major fun or power of e.e.cummings' poetry. He successfully combines visual effect with written forms.5)SpellingMisspelling is another device enjoys cumming's favor. In each line of his poem, one should not take its spelling into serious consideration, but to read it out loud as a whole and notin parentheses as one word. For example, r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r, only by understanding with proper insight can we catch the real form of the word and follow the poet's intention.Lexical features1)The use of specific wordsIn cumming's poems, subordinate words are used more regularly than the superordinate ones. In this poem, such as grasshopper, look up, leap and so on. Subordinate words are easier for people to understand and give people a more specific view of the content of the poem.2)The use of connotative wordsIn poems, especially in modern poems, we are encountered tons of symbols, which have connotative meaning as well as denotative meaning. Such words call for reader's pausing and retrospective. However, in cumming's poems, there are hardly any word with denotative meaning. , Grasshopper is simply the insect and leap is just the motion of this little insect. The words here do not carry a far-reaching symbolic meaning and thus, the poem is plain and direct enough for readers to understand.3)The use of dynamic wordsIn this poem, as it depicts the figure of a grasshopper, the poet uses dynamic words to recapture the erratic and jumpy manner of this insect, such as the verb "look up", "gather", "arrive", "become", all of which make the picture full of vitality. These words, together with the emjambment, make the picture quite vivid and it seems that the whole poem just jumps out the paper and becomes alive. These words are to cumming's poems what strokes is to his paintings.4)The use of monosyllabic wordsThe simple words characterize the poems of cumming's, ranging from in Just- to a like a . All his poems avoid the use of polysyllabic words. In this poem, simple words like leap, now, look up are applied. Short and simple, these words add the bouncing flavor to this poem rather than long words, which make the poem heavy and awkward.5)Non - formationThe word "rearrangingly" is a word newly created by cummings, like the case of "balloonMan" in in Just-. By forming a new word, the poet can successfully catch the eyes of readers. And this word lies at the bottom of the poem, which indicates that the key of understanding the poem is to "re-arrange" it. What is more, non-formation adds a sense of newness to the poem, attracting the readers and expressing the poet's idea in a creative way, thus, fulfills the characters of modernism.6)AccessibilityWe often use Fog Index to test the accessibility of an article or a passage, for accessibility is more often than not a problem for non-poem work. We take it for granted that poetry are always accessible. In this poem:Fog Index= 0.4 (L+H)=0.4*(9+0)=3.6Merely referring to this index, we can say that the poem should be quite accessible; however, the fact is far from the case. The reason lies in Ungrammaticality, which characterizes most of cummings' poetry. Ungrammaticality makes the poem innovative and creative, lexically and semantically, on one hand; on the other hand, it decreases the accessibility of the poem. By decreasing the accessibility of the poem, the poet wins the attention and curiosity of the readers, for poetry must be read whole-heartedly and creatively. Proper inaccessibility can help to achieve the poetic effect and artistic sophistication and increases the readers' aesthetic comprehension.Synthetic features1)Word orderHis poem is full of words inverted into the sentence. The words are arranged randomly so as to a sense of deliberate mass. Especially for this poem, the inverted words even letters help create an effect of bouncing and the disorder of the words help make the poem a visual poem.2)GrammaticalityActually, cummings's poems hardly follow any strict grammatical rules. The non-grammatical way of composing characterizes his poetry and erects cummings as one of themost eminent poets of the 20s century. This not only shows his distinguished way of creation, but also his very quality of innovation, which constantly challenges the convention. He strongly opposed the traditional way of writing poems. It is his poem that gives us a brand-new understanding of poetry. That is another way of realizing foregrounding or defamiliarization, thus drawing attention to how he says something rather than to what he says and giving unusual significance to the visual effects of the poetry.3)Sentence lengthAs I have mentioned above, cummings's poems are famous for its visual effect. Based on this foundation, his poems all share a similarity, namely, understandability. Let alone its newfangled form, as long as one get the letters or words right, it would not be difficult for people to understand it. In addition, the words in the poem are also comparatively short corresponding to the motions of the insects. There is no complex sentence or hard words in the poem which set no verbal obstacles. Thanks to the short sentences, his poems are creative and do not set artificial obstacles to the understanding and interpreting to his poem.Semantic features1)Figure of speechSemantic features in this poem mainly lie in the rhetorical devices. The most significant one is repetition. The word "grasshopper" occurs three times in this poem. The function of this is to lay emphasis on the title and the theme of this poem. In addition, repetition can achieve the effect of foregrounding. Seen from a distance, these words can arrive at the point of highlighting, visually and sensuously.If I could put it in this way, the image of "grasshopper" is a symbol of vitality. It symbolizes the liveliness of nature and human society. It jumps here and there in the huzzle and buzzle all across the world, to which it adds luster and laughter and passes on the livelihood and vigor to the readers, which also enlightens the intellectual world of the readers.2) contextual factorsWhen it comes to the contextual factors analysis, this poem is quite unique. It belongs to acertain field--literature; tenor as informal. Moreover, most of the poems are written to be read; yet this piece is written to be seen.Conclusione.e.cummings' poetry has always been an ideal material for stylistic analyses for his various uses of language tactics as well as stylistic devices. His poetry provides a broader view of combining visibility with literature and leads a fresh style of expression into modern literature. Reading his poetry is an experience nourishing our eyes as well as our minds and it turns out to be a precious lesson for treating our aesthetic comprehension and stylistic awareness. It is true that literature is like the sunlight which enables us to see the world.e.e.cummings enables me to see the picturesque world from a poetic view.References杨金才、于建华《英美诗歌:作品与评论》上海外语教育出版社 2008刘宓庆《文体与翻译》中国对外翻译出版公司 2003王华民《文体与修辞》吉林大学出版社2004王守元《文体学要略》山东大学出版2000。



[从前景化角度赏析诗歌inJust赏析角度爱德华・埃斯特林・卡明斯(Edward Estlin Cummings 1894-1962 )是美国的一位现代诗人,小说家兼立体派画家,美国现代实验派诗人的杰出代表。

他将自己的名字小写为e. e. cummings,以显示自己是一个小人物以及自我的渺小。





二、诗歌in Just-及其简介诗歌in Just-是卡明斯的第一部诗集《郁金香和烟囱》中的一首抒情诗,最初发表于1920年,表现的是春天到来之际大地复苏,一群孩子正在快活地玩耍,看到前面来了一位跛足的卖气球者,更使他们感到无比欢欣,大自然的景色和人类的欢愉交相映衬。



全诗如下:in Justin Just-springwhen the world is mud-luscious the littlelame balloonmanwhistles far and weeand eddieandbill comerunning from marbles andpiracies and it’ sspringwhen the world is puddle-wonderfulthe queerold balloonman whistlesfar andweeand bettyandisbel come dancingfrom hop-scotch and jump-rope andit’ sspringandthegoat-footedballoonMan whistlesfarandwee ( e. e. cummings 5 )三、从文体学理论的前景化角度赏析诗歌in Just-1、前景化与语言变异“前景化”一词原用于绘画,意为让需要突出刻画的人或物处于画面突出的位置即前景,其他的人或物则构成背景。


one day anyone d ied i guess (and noone stoop ed to k iss h is face) bu sy fo lk bu ried them side by side little by little and w a s by w a s
a ll by a ll and deep by deep and m o re by m o re they d ream their sleep onone and anyone ea rth by ap ril w ish by sp irit and if by yes.
一、“变异”(dev ia tion) 和“突出”(foreground ing)
所谓变异 (deviation) , 又被称为偏离, 即对于常规 (no rm ) 的违反。 用雅各布逊的话来说, 就是“对于常用语言的有组织 的暴力行为”。“变异”一词的最早使用者是布拉格学派的语言 学家穆卡洛夫斯基, 他说文体就是突出 (前景化) , 引人注意, 创造新奇的感觉。 他认为, 日常语言由于太熟悉, 太传统化以 至于寻觅不到表达的潜能或美学的潜能; 他认为诗歌语言就 应该陌生化, 通过挑战日常语言的规则来产生突出的效果。变 异语言背离语言学的传统法则, 有时会被外行称之为“错误”。 由于变异语言在它所处的上下文中不同寻常而倍受读者瞩 目。因此, 变异和突出是不可分割的语言现象。“突出”这一概 念可追溯到亚里斯多德的《诗学》, 他说: 由于对常规用法的变 异而产生的“陌生化”会将变异语言从常规语言的语境中提 升、拔高, 而常规语言依然保留维持词语的清晰, 帮助表达信 息。 俄国的形式主义作家肖克洛夫斯基认为艺术的功能是以 一种新颖的功能让人们认识世界, 这种方法就是非熟悉化或 陌生化。 诗人的任务是从读者习惯的语境中取出某些熟悉的 事物和事件, 以一种似乎他们第一次被人看到的形式表现出 来, 从而使人们对世界有高度认识。穆卡洛夫斯基将突出归为 几个特色: 非普遍性、新颖性、难预见性、不寻常性和独特性。 一般说来, 变异是手段, 突出是目的, 变异是突出的策略。读者 在看到某种不寻常的语言现象时, 总被它吸引, 给予它较多的 注意, 甚至思忖揣摩它的含义, 这就表示变异有了突出的效果 了。 这种由于“非熟悉化”或“使陌生化”而被拔高的部分便是 突出部分。正如一幅画中总有一个人或物处于突出的位置, 其 他的人或物构成背景。即正常的语言好像是背景, 变异的语言 现象便好像是突出的部分。



A Brief Analysis of E.E.Cummings’s Peculiar Language in His PoemsLan Xiaomeng(Foreign Language Department, Taiyuan Normal University, Taiyuan 030012, Shanxi)Abstract:As a modernist and avant-garde artist and poet, E.E.Cummings boldly experimented with poetic forms and language, forming a unique style of his own. To understand him, the analysis of his language techniques is very important. Therefore, this paper gives focus on the analysis of his language techniques in terms of morphology, word-class and punctuation. In respect of morphology, Cummings’s exploration of the most potential possibilities of the morphemic structures of words is discussed, such as the unusual combination of words, the split-up of one word into several parts, or the free addition of derivational affixes to create new words. Cummings brought novelty to his audience and gave some words nonce-meanings in certain contexts by deliberately changing the established parts of speech. In punctuation, his favourite parenthesis and the use of period are discussed. Cummings has rendered them special functions, such as rhetorical, rhythmical and psychological effects.Key words: Cummings; peculiarity; morphology; word-class; punctuation浅析E.E.肯明斯奇特的诗歌语言兰晓萌(山西省太原市太原师范学院外语系030012)摘要:作为现代主义先锋派画家与诗人,E.E.肯明斯在诗歌形式及语言上进行了大胆的尝试,从而形成了自己独特的风格。



从多模态文体学视角分析in-Just作者:翟后铭来源:《语文学刊》 2016年第2期翟后铭(信阳师范学院外国语学院,河南信阳464000)[摘要]英美现代主义诗人E.E. Cummings以他独特的诗歌形式显示了卓越的抒情才能和艺术敏感。

本文选取E.E. Cummings众多诗歌中的一首in-Just,通过多模态文体学视角对文本in-Just进行分析,以求从新视角发掘诗歌奇特形式下掩饰的诗人内心欲望与想法,窥探出他用独特的形式想要表达的语篇意义与情感。

[关键词]多模态文体学;语篇意义;新视角[中图分类号]I106.2[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1672-8610(2016)02-0076-02E.E. Cummings(1894-1962)是第一代现代主义诗人,画家,散文家和作家。



作为一个画家,E.E. Cummings充分利用视觉效果来凸显诗歌内容,如下文所要谈论的in-Just,从整个语篇,诗句行与行之间,词与词之间的分配无不展现出他作为画家的才能。


我国已有不少学者对E.E. Cummings的诗歌进行分析,如:张华明(2009),王红阳(2007),傅铮(2010),丁廷森(2008),于学勇、张其云(2007)等多位学者从不同的角度对in-Just进行赏析。






2 0世纪美 国著名的、 最受欢迎的诗人之一 , 给我们留 下 了大约 2 9 0 0 首诗歌、 两本 自 传体小说、 四个剧本以
二、 视觉象似性 G r a p h o l o g i c a l I c o n i t y 形状象似性也有人称其为视
及很 多绘画。作为诗人和专业画家 , 其画诗的特点吸 觉象似性。形状象似性指篇章在整体 ( 指整首诗) 或 引了众多学者。本文旨在基于前人对标点符号象似性 局部 ( 指段落或诗节) 上模仿真实世界中物体的形状。
究作 者是如何把立体派 的精神渗透到标点符号 的使 代表圆圆的月亮等 。因此 , 标点符号视觉象似性指 的
用 中, 进而渲染诗歌气氛 、 表达情感及强化主题的。

是标点符号本身结构与世界 中物体 的形状 、 人的感知

象似 性理 论
概念结构或人 的经验之间存在某种联系。肯明斯作
象似性理论指 的是语言结构和符号与人 的经验 为一名出色的画家及诗人 , 其诗歌 中常常利用标点符
概念结构 的。王革英指出, 英汉标点符号 的使用中存 月亮 , 这也许 可 以解释身为画家 的经验结 构影响 了
在以下三个象似性 : 距离象似性、 数量象似性和标记 其诗歌创作 。 象似性。庞瑜指 出, 标点符号的象似性主要体现在形
b r i g h t
b ri g h t s ? ? ?bi g

45 ・
( s o f t )
s j i mm y
( B r i g h t )
c lm a s t ? ?ho l y
的研究 , 从视觉象似 、 数量象似、 距离象似和标记象似 本文认为 , 既然既定 的标点符号都有其规范的形体表





















Analysis on (E. ec) um! Mi, n, g-s' poem:r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-rr-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-rr-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-rWhoa ) s w (e loo)kUpnowgath PPEGORHRASSeringint( o-aThe:) l laeA!p:satoaThe):leA!p:S a(rrIvInG gRrEaPsPhOstorea(be)rran()gi(e)ngly,grasshopper;A possible translation:A grasshopper who welook up now gatheringa GRASSHOPPER into leaps:arriving grasshopperrearranginglybecomea grasshopperIntroductionE. E. Cummings, born in 1894, was an American poet, painter, essayist, author, and playwright. His body of work encompasses approximately 2,900 poems, two autobiographical novels, four plays and several essays, as well as numerous drawings and paintings. He is remembered as a preeminent voice of 20th century poetry, as well as one of the most popular.He loved cubism and futurism in painting, while all the achievements he made in other areas can hardly be compared with what he did in poetry.In general, his poems can be classified into 3 categories: Blues Poetry, which just like the Blues music, utilizes lyric, rhythm and rhyme, and shares some similar themes such as lost love; concrete poetry, in which typographical arrangement of the words is important in conveying the effect and elements of the poem; futurist, which believes that the constraints of syntax were inappropriate to modern life and that it did not truly represent the mind of the poet. Syntax would serve as a filter in which analogies had to be processed and so analogies would lose their characteristic "stupefaction". In his poetry, meter was rejected and the word was the top concern. In this way, he was able to create a now language free of syntax punctuation and full of free expression.Attached to his free and creative way of relating, I would like to give a brief stylistic analysis of his famous poem: "r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r". The examination will deal with phonological, graphological, lexical, syntactical, and semantic analyses respectively.Graphological Features1)PunctuationE.E. Cummings had a constant love for punctuation, especially in a random way. Hyphens are used to link the randomly spelled letters,which creates an impression of coherence;brackets are used to limit the letters into a certain space, such as (e loo), in order to create an effect of closure which coperate with the phrase of "get into". Exclamatory marks are used to create an effect of bouncing, which characterizes the motions of the grasshopper. Colons are also used to attract readers' attention. The punctuation takes up an organic part of theCummings's poems;however, it consists only an auxiliary part some other poems. It seems clear that from the perspective of modernism, every part of the poem can contribute to the wholeness of its poetic effect. Punctuations are endowed with a sense of freshness and novelty in cummings' poetry.2)CapitalizationCapitalization as well as decapitalization is a device frequently applied in Cumming's poetry. The basic function of these devices is to emphasis. Take his name for example, he usually spelled his name as e.e.cummings to illustrate his own self-identification that he was nothing more important or distinguished than others and in addition, he wanted himself to be modest.In this poem, there are two outstanding capitalizations which catch my eyes: PPEGORHRASS and gRrEaPsPhOs. These two achieve the effect of foregrounding. Seen from a distance, these two words can call readers' attention more easily and successfully. PPEGORHRASS, through proper arrangement, can form the word "grasshopper". The first grasshopper in this poem is decapitalized and is linked by hyphens so that create a picture of a grasshopper crawls or stays with no apparent motions, while by highlighting the word PPEGORHRASS, the picture suddenly become dynamic, and the grasshopper all of a sudden become active, which arouses the interest of the readers and adds vitality into the poem.Another example is gRrEaPsPhOs. As we can see, the second half of the poem takes the shape of a grasshopper( I will cover this point shortly afterwards.), and through the picture I gave above, this word gRrEaPsPhOs is exactly the abdomen of this insect. Judging from our common sense, we know what external form it is. And arrangement of the letters in this way can just depict the abdomen of an insect with stripes.Here, we can see that through the devices of capitalization and decapitalization, the poet can achieve a far-reaching denotative meaning as well as a picturesque effect.3)ParagraphingBy paragraphing, we mean the way in which a text is divided into paragraphs. And this poem is divided into two halves. The first half is in words and in the second half, the shape of a grasshopper is composed. The result is that when we read this poem, we are welcomed by a short introduction and a grasshopper at the bottom of the poem. The way he divided this poemis quite creative and imaginative. It makes a breakthrough in the traditional form of poetry and set foot in combining poems with pictures, or composing pictures in letters. It challenges people's common understanding of poetry and provides a broader view of modernism.4)Graphic signsGraphic signs are frequently used in cummings' poems, for this part is an indispensable component in his expression of his thoughts. This poem is a visual poem. The shape of his poem can also convey certain meaning, for example, this poem is arranged in the shape of a grasshopper; another poem of his took the shape of a cat. The graphic sign indicates the theme of his poem and also becomes a trick to the readers' eyes and creates a different and imaginative way of composing as well as reading a poem.Another trick played by cummings is enjambment, in which the words jump from line to line randomly and wait for the reader to rearrange them. In this poem, this feature is quite obvious. This poem is said to create a figure of an erratic grasshopper and jumping is involved in its nature. Our eyes move from side to side to catch the trace of the grasshopper, otherwise, we run the risk of losing ourselves in the poem.In addition to enjambment, the poems leave much room for margins. The bouncing of the letters in the first paragraph creates large chunk of margin in the middle of the poem. Instead of calling for pausing or introspective as the margins in other literature works, this chunk of margin is not provided for the rest of the eyes but for exercises. By constantly moving the eye from side to side can he understands the poem and also gets a sense of the dynamic movement of the insect as if there were a grasshopper on the paper, before the eye. This is one of the major fun or power of e.e.cummings' poetry. He successfully combines visual effect with written forms.5)SpellingMisspelling is another device enjoys cumming's favor. In each line of his poem, one should not take its spelling into serious consideration, but to read it out loud as a whole and not in parentheses as one word. For example, r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r, only by understanding with proper insight can we catch the real form of the word and follow the poet's intention.Lexical features1)The use of specific wordsIn cumming's poems, subordinate words are used more regularly than the superordinate ones. In this poem, such as grasshopper, look up, leap and so on. Subordinate words are easier for people to understand and give people a more specific view of the content of the poem.2)The use of connotative wordsIn poems, especially in modern poems, we are encountered tons of symbols, which have connotative meaning as well as denotative meaning. Such words call for reader's pausing and retrospective. However, in cumming's poems, there are hardly any word with denotative meaning. , Grasshopper is simply the insect and leap is just the motion of this little insect. The words here do not carry a far-reaching symbolic meaning and thus, the poem is plain and direct enough for readers to understand.3)The use of dynamic wordsIn this poem, as it depicts the figure of a grasshopper, the poet uses dynamic words to recapture the erratic and jumpy manner of this insect, such as the verb "look up", "gather", "arrive", "become", all of which make the picture full of vitality. These words, together with the emjambment, make the picture quite vivid and it seems that the whole poem just jumps out the paper and becomes alive. These words are to cumming's poems what strokes is to his paintings.4)The use of monosyllabic wordsThe simple words characterize the poems of cumming's, ranging from in Just- to a like a . All his poems avoid the use of polysyllabic words. In this poem, simple words like leap, now, look up are applied. Short and simple, these words add the bouncing flavor to this poem rather than long words, which make the poem heavy and awkward.5)Non - formationThe word "rearrangingly" is a word newly created by cummings, like the case of "balloonMan" in in Just-. By forming a new word, the poet can successfully catch the eyes of readers. And this word lies at the bottom of the poem, which indicates that the key of understanding the poem is to "re-arrange" it. What is more, non-formation adds a sense of newness to the poem, attracting the readers and expressing the poet's idea in a creative way,thus, fulfills the characters of modernism.6)AccessibilityWe often use Fog Index to test the accessibility of an article or a passage, for accessibility is more often than not a problem for non-poem work. We take it for granted that poetry are always accessible. In this poem:Fog Index= 0.4 (L+H)=0.4*(9+0)=3.6Merely referring to this index, we can say that the poem should be quite accessible; however, the fact is far from the case. The reason lies in Ungrammaticality, which characterizes most of cummings' poetry. Ungrammaticality makes the poem innovative and creative, lexically and semantically, on one hand; on the other hand, it decreases the accessibility of the poem. By decreasing the accessibility of the poem, the poet wins the attention and curiosity of the readers, for poetry must be read whole-heartedly and creatively. Proper inaccessibility can help to achieve the poetic effect and artistic sophistication and increases the readers' aesthetic comprehension.Synthetic features1)Word orderHis poem is full of words inverted into the sentence. The words are arranged randomly so as to a sense of deliberate mass. Especially for this poem, the inverted words even letters help create an effect of bouncing and the disorder of the words help make the poem a visual poem.2)GrammaticalityActually, cummings's poems hardly follow any strict grammatical rules. The non-grammatical way of composing characterizes his poetry and erects cummings as one of the most eminent poets of the 20s century. This not only shows his distinguished way of creation, but also his very quality of innovation, which constantly challenges the convention. He strongly opposed the traditional way of writing poems. It is his poem that gives us a brand-new understanding of poetry. That is another way of realizing foregrounding or defamiliarization, thus drawing attention to how he says something rather than to what he says and giving unusual significance to the visual effects of the poetry.3)Sentence lengthAs I have mentioned above, cummings's poems are famous for its visual effect. Based on this foundation, his poems all share a similarity, namely, understandability. Let alone its newfangled form, as long as one get the letters or words right, it would not be difficult for people to understand it. In addition, the words in the poem are also comparatively short corresponding to the motions of the insects. There is no complex sentence or hard words in the poem which set no verbal obstacles. Thanks to the short sentences, his poems are creative and do not set artificial obstacles to the understanding and interpreting to his poem.Semantic features1)Figure of speechSemantic features in this poem mainly lie in the rhetorical devices. The most significant one is repetition. The word "grasshopper" occurs three times in this poem. The function of this is to lay emphasis on the title and the theme of this poem. In addition, repetition can achieve the effect of foregrounding. Seen from a distance, these words can arrive at the point of highlighting, visually and sensuously.If I could put it in this way, the image of "grasshopper" is a symbol of vitality. It symbolizes the liveliness of nature and human society. It jumps here and there in the huzzle and buzzle all across the world, to which it adds luster and laughter and passes on the livelihood and vigor to the readers, which also enlightens the intellectual world of the readers.2) contextual factorsWhen it comes to the contextual factors analysis, this poem is quite unique. It belongs to a certain field--literature; tenor as informal. Moreover, most of the poems are written to be read; yet this piece is written to be seen.Conclusione.e.cummings' poetry has always been an ideal material for stylistic analyses for his various uses of language tactics as well as stylistic devices. His poetry provides a broader viewof combining visibility with literature and leads a fresh style of expression into modern literature. Reading his poetry is an experience nourishing our eyes as well as our minds and it turns out to be a precious lesson for treating our aesthetic comprehension and stylistic awareness. It is true that literature is like the sunlight which enables us to see the world.e.e.cummings enables me to see the picturesque world from a poetic view.References金才、于建华《英美诗歌:作品与评论》外语教育 2008宓庆《文体与翻译》中国对外翻译出版公司 2003王华民《文体与修辞》大学2004王守元《文体学要略》大学出版2000。



• While in the Harvard, he became intensely interested in the new movement in arts and began to experiment with free verse and to develop as a self-taught cubist painter。He wrote poems to celebrate nature, natural spontaneous power, the individual, as well as love. He was such a radical Modernist artist and poet that conformity, mass psychology, and snobbery were frequent targets of his humorous and sometimes scathing satires. His knowledge of the visual arts led him to experiment with versification and by 1918, he had created a poetic style of his own.
• thank • you
• E.E.Cummings
• E.E.Cummings (1894-1962), a poet and painter, was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the son of Edward Cummings, a Unitarian minister, and Rebecca Haswell Clarke. He had an inclination for arts and literature from an early age.




所谓变异, 也叫做“偏离”, 王佐良、丁往道在《英语文体学引论》一书中指出“所谓变异, 就是不符合语言的常规”(王佐良、丁往道, 2004 : 412)。

最早提出“变异”这一概念的是布拉格学派的语言学家穆卡洛夫斯基(Mukarovsky), 他在著名论文《标准语言和诗学语言》(Standard Language and PoeticLanguage) 中提出“变异”即“对常规的违反, 对常规的系统的违反才使诗歌的语言成为可能,没有变异就没有诗歌。

”穆卡洛夫斯基认为人们对于日常的语言过于熟悉, 因此看不到表达的潜能和美学的潜能, 诗歌的语言应该陌生化, 打破常规语言的规则。

所以,“诗人似乎在语言的运用上比散文作家有更大的自由, 他们为了各种目的, 有时可以不受习惯用法的约束, 大胆创新”(王佐良、丁往道, 2004 : 412)。

一般来说, 变异是手段, 突出是变异的目的。

“突出”最早可追溯到亚里士多德的《诗学》, 他认为: 由于变异而产生的“陌生化”将变异的语言从常规的语言中升华, 常规的语言帮助表达变异的语言。

“突出”原本是绘画上的概念, 后来被穆卡洛夫斯基引入到语言学的研究当中。

一幅画中总有某个人或物处于前景或突出的位置, 其他的人和物构成背景。

正常的语言好比背景, 变异的语言好比突出的部分。


Leech 也指出, 突出的重要性在于它在语言学描述的客观性和文学判断的主观性之间架起了一座桥梁, 变异和突出的关系紧密, 变异是突出的一种方式, 而突出则是变异的目的。

因此, 诗人往往不受传统的约束, 大胆创新, 对常规的语言进行不同程度的变异, 创造出令人耳目一新的诗歌, 达到表达思想的同时实现作品的美学价值。







里查得·科普莱(Richard Kopley)在其《美国文学研究展望》一书中指出,当前对福克纳的诗歌、短篇小说、非小说以及跨学科研究等领域存在不足[1];而国内学者认为“在大胆将语言学、心理学、哲学、人类学、社会和思想史等跨学科视野引入福克纳研究方面我们做得不多。
































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Analysis on (E. ec) um! Mi, n, g-s' poem:r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-rr-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-rr-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-rWhoa ) s w (e loo)kUpnowgath PPEGORHRASSeringint( o-aThe:) l laeA!p:satoaThe):leA!p:S a(rrIvInG gRrEaPsPhOstorea(be)rran(com)gi(e)ngly,grasshopper;A possible translation:A grasshopper who welook up now gatheringa GRASSHOPPER into leaps:arriving grasshopperrearranginglybecomea grasshopperIntroductionE. E. Cummings, born in 1894, was an American poet, painter, essayist, author, and playwright. His body of work encompasses approximately 2,900 poems, two autobiographical novels, four plays and several essays, as well as numerous drawings and paintings. He is remembered as a preeminent voice of 20th century poetry, as well as one of the most popular.He loved cubism and futurism in painting, while all the achievements he made in other areas can hardly be compared with what he did in poetry.In general, his poems can be classified into 3 categories: Blues Poetry, which just like the Blues music, utilizes lyric, rhythm and rhyme, and shares some similar themes such as lost love; concrete poetry, in which typographical arrangement of the words is important in conveying the effect and elements of the poem; futurist, which believes that the constraints of syntax were inappropriate to modern life and that it did not truly represent the mind of the poet. Syntax would serve as a filter in which analogies had to be processed and so analogies would lose their characteristic "stupefaction". In his poetry, meter was rejected and the word was the top concern. In this way, he was able to create a now language free of syntax punctuation and full of free expression.Attached to his free and creative way of relating, I would like to give a brief stylistic analysis of his famous poem: "r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r". The examination will deal with phonological, graphological, lexical, syntactical, and semantic analyses respectively.Graphological Features1)PunctuationE.E. Cummings had a constant love for punctuation, especially in a random way. Hyphens are used to link the randomly spelled letters,which creates an impression of coherence;brackets are used to limit the letters into a certain space, such as (e loo), in order to create an effect of closure which coperate with the phrase of "get into". Exclamatory marks are used tocreate an effect of bouncing, which characterizes the motions of the grasshopper. Colons are also used to attract readers' attention. The punctuation takes up an organic part of the Cummings's poems;however, it consists only an auxiliary part some other poems. It seems clear that from the perspective of modernism, every part of the poem can contribute to the wholeness of its poetic effect. Punctuations are endowed with a sense of freshness and novelty in cummings' poetry.2)CapitalizationCapitalization as well as decapitalization is a device frequently applied in Cumming's poetry. The basic function of these devices is to emphasis. Take his name for example, he usually spelled his name as e.e.cummings to illustrate his own self-identification that he was nothing more important or distinguished than others and in addition, he wanted himself to be modest.In this poem, there are two outstanding capitalizations which catch my eyes: PPEGORHRASS and gRrEaPsPhOs. These two achieve the effect of foregrounding. Seen from a distance, these two words can call readers' attention more easily and successfully. PPEGORHRASS, through proper arrangement, can form the word "grasshopper". The first grasshopper in this poem is decapitalized and is linked by hyphens so that create a picture of a grasshopper crawls or stays with no apparent motions, while by highlighting the word PPEGORHRASS, the picture suddenly become dynamic, and the grasshopper all of a sudden become active, which arouses the interest of the readers and adds vitality into the poem.Another example is gRrEaPsPhOs. As we can see, the second half of the poem takes the shape of a grasshopper( I will cover this point shortly afterwards.), and through the picture I gave above, this word gRrEaPsPhOs is exactly the abdomen of this insect. Judging from our common sense, we know what external form it is. And arrangement of the letters in this way can just depict the abdomen of an insect with stripes.Here, we can see that through the devices of capitalization and decapitalization, the poet can achieve a far-reaching denotative meaning as well as a picturesque effect.3)ParagraphingBy paragraphing, we mean the way in which a text is divided into paragraphs. And thispoem is divided into two halves. The first half is in words and in the second half, the shape of a grasshopper is composed. The result is that when we read this poem, we are welcomed by a short introduction and a grasshopper at the bottom of the poem. The way he divided this poem is quite creative and imaginative. It makes a breakthrough in the traditional form of poetry and set foot in combining poems with pictures, or composing pictures in letters. It challenges people's common understanding of poetry and provides a broader view of modernism.4)Graphic signsGraphic signs are frequently used in cummings' poems, for this part is an indispensable component in his expression of his thoughts. This poem is a visual poem. The shape of his poem can also convey certain meaning, for example, this poem is arranged in the shape of a grasshopper; another poem of his took the shape of a cat. The graphic sign indicates the theme of his poem and also becomes a trick to the readers' eyes and creates a different and imaginative way of composing as well as reading a poem.Another trick played by cummings is enjambment, in which the words jump from line to line randomly and wait for the reader to rearrange them. In this poem, this feature is quite obvious. This poem is said to create a figure of an erratic grasshopper and jumping is involved in its nature. Our eyes move from side to side to catch the trace of the grasshopper, otherwise, we run the risk of losing ourselves in the poem.In addition to enjambment, the poems leave much room for margins. The bouncing of the letters in the first paragraph creates large chunk of margin in the middle of the poem. Instead of calling for pausing or introspective as the margins in other literature works, this chunk of margin is not provided for the rest of the eyes but for exercises. By constantly moving the eye from side to side can he understands the poem and also gets a sense of the dynamic movement of the insect as if there were a grasshopper on the paper, before the eye. This is one of the major fun or power of e.e.cummings' poetry. He successfully combines visual effect with written forms.5)SpellingMisspelling is another device enjoys cumming's favor. In each line of his poem, one should not take its spelling into serious consideration, but to read it out loud as a whole and notin parentheses as one word. For example, r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r, only by understanding with proper insight can we catch the real form of the word and follow the poet's intention.Lexical features1)The use of specific wordsIn cumming's poems, subordinate words are used more regularly than the superordinate ones. In this poem, such as grasshopper, look up, leap and so on. Subordinate words are easier for people to understand and give people a more specific view of the content of the poem.2)The use of connotative wordsIn poems, especially in modern poems, we are encountered tons of symbols, which have connotative meaning as well as denotative meaning. Such words call for reader's pausing and retrospective. However, in cumming's poems, there are hardly any word with denotative meaning. , Grasshopper is simply the insect and leap is just the motion of this little insect. The words here do not carry a far-reaching symbolic meaning and thus, the poem is plain and direct enough for readers to understand.3)The use of dynamic wordsIn this poem, as it depicts the figure of a grasshopper, the poet uses dynamic words to recapture the erratic and jumpy manner of this insect, such as the verb "look up", "gather", "arrive", "become", all of which make the picture full of vitality. These words, together with the emjambment, make the picture quite vivid and it seems that the whole poem just jumps out the paper and becomes alive. These words are to cumming's poems what strokes is to his paintings.4)The use of monosyllabic wordsThe simple words characterize the poems of cumming's, ranging from in Just- to a like a . All his poems avoid the use of polysyllabic words. In this poem, simple words like leap, now, look up are applied. Short and simple, these words add the bouncing flavor to this poem rather than long words, which make the poem heavy and awkward.5)Non - formationThe word "rearrangingly" is a word newly created by cummings, like the case of "balloonMan" in in Just-. By forming a new word, the poet can successfully catch the eyes of readers. And this word lies at the bottom of the poem, which indicates that the key of understanding the poem is to "re-arrange" it. What is more, non-formation adds a sense of newness to the poem, attracting the readers and expressing the poet's idea in a creative way, thus, fulfills the characters of modernism.6)AccessibilityWe often use Fog Index to test the accessibility of an article or a passage, for accessibility is more often than not a problem for non-poem work. We take it for granted that poetry are always accessible. In this poem:Fog Index= 0.4 (L+H)=0.4*(9+0)=3.6Merely referring to this index, we can say that the poem should be quite accessible; however, the fact is far from the case. The reason lies in Ungrammaticality, which characterizes most of cummings' poetry. Ungrammaticality makes the poem innovative and creative, lexically and semantically, on one hand; on the other hand, it decreases the accessibility of the poem. By decreasing the accessibility of the poem, the poet wins the attention and curiosity of the readers, for poetry must be read whole-heartedly and creatively. Proper inaccessibility can help to achieve the poetic effect and artistic sophistication and increases the readers' aesthetic comprehension.Synthetic features1)Word orderHis poem is full of words inverted into the sentence. The words are arranged randomly so as to a sense of deliberate mass. Especially for this poem, the inverted words even letters help create an effect of bouncing and the disorder of the words help make the poem a visual poem.2)GrammaticalityActually, cummings's poems hardly follow any strict grammatical rules. The non-grammatical way of composing characterizes his poetry and erects cummings as one of themost eminent poets of the 20s century. This not only shows his distinguished way of creation, but also his very quality of innovation, which constantly challenges the convention. He strongly opposed the traditional way of writing poems. It is his poem that gives us a brand-new understanding of poetry. That is another way of realizing foregrounding or defamiliarization, thus drawing attention to how he says something rather than to what he says and giving unusual significance to the visual effects of the poetry.3)Sentence lengthAs I have mentioned above, cummings's poems are famous for its visual effect. Based on this foundation, his poems all share a similarity, namely, understandability. Let alone its newfangled form, as long as one get the letters or words right, it would not be difficult for people to understand it. In addition, the words in the poem are also comparatively short corresponding to the motions of the insects. There is no complex sentence or hard words in the poem which set no verbal obstacles. Thanks to the short sentences, his poems are creative and do not set artificial obstacles to the understanding and interpreting to his poem.Semantic features1)Figure of speechSemantic features in this poem mainly lie in the rhetorical devices. The most significant one is repetition. The word "grasshopper" occurs three times in this poem. The function of this is to lay emphasis on the title and the theme of this poem. In addition, repetition can achieve the effect of foregrounding. Seen from a distance, these words can arrive at the point of highlighting, visually and sensuously.If I could put it in this way, the image of "grasshopper" is a symbol of vitality. It symbolizes the liveliness of nature and human society. It jumps here and there in the huzzle and buzzle all across the world, to which it adds luster and laughter and passes on the livelihood and vigor to the readers, which also enlightens the intellectual world of the readers.2) contextual factorsWhen it comes to the contextual factors analysis, this poem is quite unique. It belongs to acertain field--literature; tenor as informal. Moreover, most of the poems are written to be read; yet this piece is written to be seen.Conclusione.e.cummings' poetry has always been an ideal material for stylistic analyses for his various uses of language tactics as well as stylistic devices. His poetry provides a broader view of combining visibility with literature and leads a fresh style of expression into modern literature. Reading his poetry is an experience nourishing our eyes as well as our minds and it turns out to be a precious lesson for treating our aesthetic comprehension and stylistic awareness. It is true that literature is like the sunlight which enables us to see the world.e.e.cummings enables me to see the picturesque world from a poetic view.References杨金才、于建华《英美诗歌:作品与评论》上海外语教育出版社 2008刘宓庆《文体与翻译》中国对外翻译出版公司 2003王华民《文体与修辞》吉林大学出版社2004王守元《文体学要略》山东大学出版2000。
