4-10mm 矫直机毕业设计说明书(加翻译)
关键词:矫正机;机架;下辊;AbstractRolling in the process of heating, rolling, heat treatment and finishing processes, due to the uneven plastic deformation, heating and cooling uneven shear as well as transport and stacking, and other reasons, will inevitably produce different degrees of bending, buckling , the plastic deformation of the wave-shaped, sickle bent and contorted, or internally generated residual stress, before becoming a qualified products must be straightening machine correction processing, correction of rolling shape and the elimination of internal stress. Therefore, the straightening machine is essential for rolling workshop and finishing line equipment, but also widely used in a variety of workshops to roll billets.The design by analysis of the rack of The straightening machine and the assemble of the lower roll. During the design, I refer to the straightening machine;’s existing literature to determine the design ideas and programs. Considering the technical requirements of the design, the use of basic knowledge of mechanics of materials, and basic mechanical model of the design ,I refer to the strength calculation and examination of the rolling mill’s rack and do the design and examination of the rack of the rolling mill.Key words: The straightening machine; rack; lower roller.目录1 绪论 (V)轧钢生产的国内外发展情况 (V)轧钢生产及产品种类 (V)轧机的分类............................................................................................... V I 矫直机在轧钢机中的作用和分类 .. (VI)矫直机的作用........................................................................................... V I矫直机的分类、工作原理及特点........................................................... V I 辊式矫直机的工作原理. (VII)辊式矫正机的发展趋势 (VIII)技术经济性分析 (VIII)技术经济评价的涵义 (VIII)经济评价在工程机械中的重要性 (VIII)课题选择 (IX)摸清课题要求 (IX)2 总体方案设计 (IX)矫正机的调整形式 (IX)辊式矫正机的矫正方案 (X)支承辊的布置形式 (X)矫正机的机座形式 (X)工作辊的材质 (XI)传动系统的形式 (XI)矫直辊列的布置形式与驱动形式 (XII)3 矫正机参数的计算 (XII)17辊矫直机主要设计参数 (XII)辊式矫直机基本参数的确定 (XII)辊距t (XII)辊径D (XIII)辊身长度L (XIII)辊数n (XIV)矫直速度v (XIV)矫正机力能参数的计算 (XIV)矫直力矩的计算 (XVI)矫直功率的计算 (XVI)电动机的选择 (XVII)4 机架的设计与校核 (XVIII)机架的形式及结构尺寸 (XVIII)机架的形式 (XVIII)机架的结构尺寸 (XIX)机架的强度计算 (XXII)几点假设 (XXII)求静不定力T (XXIII)机架和横梁的强度校核 (XXVI)5 工作辊和支承辊设计及强度校核 (XXVII)支承辊布置形式 (XXVII)工作辊的强度校核 ................................... X XVIII 6 压下装置的校核计算.. (XXIX)压下电动机的过载校核计算 (XXIX)压下螺丝及压下螺母的强度校核计算 (XXX)压下螺母挤压应力校核 (XXX)机架与螺母端面间挤压应力校核 (XXX)7 参考文献 (XXXI)8 致谢 (XXXII)9 附: (XXXIII)本科毕业设计资料清单 (XXXIII)1 绪论轧钢生产的国内外发展情况轧钢生产及产品种类在20世纪末,世界轧钢技术发展迅速。

关键词钢筋校直机;传动;设计外文摘要design on Steel straightening machineAbstractSteel processing machinery is indispensable to the construction machinery and equipment。
Steel bar straightening machine reduce construction time,speed up production speed, instead of artificial straightening's deficiency. Higher productivity. For engineering construction shorten project period,and the steel bar straightening machine plays a large role。
I design of reinforced straightening machine adopts the wheel of roller of,the role of the essence is imposed higher frequency periodic alternating stress ismaterial,produced the elastic deformation of the limit over。
4-10mm 矫直机毕业设计说明书(加翻译)

4-10mm板材矫直机的设计作者姓名:******指导教师:********单位名称:机械工程与自动化专业名称:机械工程及自动化东北大学2011年6月The 4-10 mm Straightening-Machine`s designby Zhang GangSupervisor: Associate Professor Yang Hui LinNortheastern UniversityJune 2011毕业设计(论文)任务书机械工程与自动化学院班级姓名东北大学毕业设计(论文)摘要4-10mm板材矫直机的设计摘要矫直机在冶金工业中用途非常广泛,它是冶金工业生产中常用的矫直设备。
关键词:板材矫直机,力能参数,结构参数,平衡液压缸The 4-10 mm Straightening-Machine`s designAbstractThe straightening machine are Very widely used in the metallurgical industry .It is commonly used in metallurgical industry .With the development of steel-rolling industry, the steel-rolling production industry has been integrated very well with the Traditional mechanical industry. Use the Steel-rolling production technology to enhance the Rolling products` quality , to reduce the time of rolling , to enhance the rate of good-products .to reduce the production cost and enhance the material`s utilization has become the main aim of the steel rolling machine design. However, the straighting techology is the important part of how to enhance the surface quality and flatness. In the modernization of high degree of continuous casting production line,The continuous casting slab of straightening equipment is indispensable。

关键词:矫直机;工作辊;支承辊;压下机构AbstractStraightening machine is a equipment, which straighten metal bar, pipe workpiece, wire and so on. After rolling, there are arch bending, vertical and horizontal bending, protuberance in steel strip. So it must be straightened. I consulted straightening machine of Tai Zhong Group, combining with the design requirements of the program, then designed the nine roller straightening machine. The project is based on the theory of elasto-plastic bending. It includes the following: the type of straightening machine, the theory of straightening machine and the structure of straightening machine, the calculation of straightening machine’s basic parameters, the structural design and the checking of the work roll and backup roll, the structural design and checking ofscrewdownKey words: Straightening machine; work roll; backup roll; screwdown目录摘要IAbstract II目录III一、前言 11.1 课题研究的意义及现状 11.2 论文主要研究内容3二、方案确定 42.1 矫直机类型 42.2 矫直原理 62.3 矫直机结构8三、设计计算173.1 矫直机基本参数的确定173.2 辊式矫直机的力能参数确定19展望35参考文献36致谢37附件1 38附件2 46一、前言1.1 课题研究的意义及现状在板带材的轧制生产中,由于轧件温度不均,变形不均及轧后冷却不均、运输和其他因素的影响,致使轧制出来的产品常出现波浪弯和瓢曲等缺陷。
校直机设计说明书 2

长江大学毕业设计(论文)题目:钢丝校直机传动及控制设计专业:机电一体化技术姓名:指导教师:王世春院系站点:沙市职业大学长江大学继续教育学院2010年5月钢丝校直机传动及控制设计学生:班级:指导老师: 王世春评阅人:完成日期:2010年1月7日至2010年5月20日毕业设计任务书一、设计题目钢丝校直机传动及控制设计二、设计条件本机采用两台三相异步电动机传动,普通电器元件控制,具有校直、拖动、定长切断、落料等功能。
本机可切断钢丝直径1.5~2 mm ;校直、切断最大速度为25m/min ;校直轴转速为4568 m/min ;拉轮转速为227.5 m/min ;校直长度为:蒸发器 300~500 mm ;冷凝器 500~1000 mm切断长度误差≤3.0mm ;最大切断行程 8 mm ;气源压力 0.4~0.6 MPa ;工作电源 AC 380V 50HZ ;三联体工作压力 4.5~5Kg ;三、设计内容1、设计计算说明书一份2、校直箱装配图一张1号图3、传动箱装配图一张1号图4、电气控制原理图一张1号图摘要本本钢丝校直、切断机是为了适应社会主义市场经济的需要,针对目前制冷行业的发展状况——采用丝管式冷凝器取代散热效果差的百叶窗式冷凝器后,结合工厂的实际生产要求而设计、研制的。

目次1 绪论 (1)1.1 工业机械手的概述 (1)1.2 工业机械手在生产中的应用 (1)1.3 机械手的组成概述 (2)1.4 工业机械手的发展趋势 (3)2 总体设计方案 (4)2.1 设计题目 (4)2.2 初始参数与设计要求 (4)2.3 方案拟定 (5)3 机械手手部设计计算 (6)3.1 手部设计基本要求 (6)3.2 手部力学分析 (7)3.3 夹紧力及驱动力的计算 (8)3.4 机械手手抓夹持精度的分析计算 (9)4 机械手腕部设计计算 (11)4.1 腕部设计基本要求 (11)4.2 腕部结构的选择 (11)4.3 腕部回转力矩的计算 (12)5 机械手臂部设计计算 (16)5.1 机械手臂部设计的基本要求 (16)5.2 手臂的典型机构及结构的选择 (16)5.3 手臂伸缩驱动力计算 (17)5.4 手臂伸缩油缸结构的确定 (19)5.5 油缸端盖的连接方式及强度计算 (21)6 机身设计与计算 (23)6.1 机身的整体设计 (23)6.2 机身回转机构的设计计算 (25)6.3 机身升降机构的设计计算 (28)7 液压驱动系统的计算 (31)7.1 绘制液压系统的工况图 (31)7.2 计算和选择液压元件 (36)总结 (38)致谢 (38)参考资料 (39)1.3 机械手的组成工业机械手由执行机构、驱动机构和控制机构三部分组成。
1.3.1 执行机构(1) 手部既直接与工件接触的部分,一般是回转型或平动型(多为回转型,因其结构简单)。
(2) 腕部是连接手部和臂部的部件,并可用来调节被抓物体的方位,以扩大机械手的动作范围,并使机械手变的更灵巧,适应性更强。

17辊矫直机毕业设计论文毕业设计-20-40mm普碳钢板材矫直机设计,共55页,20710字,附设计图纸、三维图纸、开题报告、任务书、外文翻译等设计(论文)的基本内容:矫直机主机总装图(A0×1)辊系装配图(A0×1)机架零件图(A0×1)夹送辊轴承透盖、工作辊、下工作辊辊座、主动夹送辊轴(A2×4)编写设计说明书外文科技文献翻译1.2 设计构想与思路了解中厚板产生不平直度的原因,根据国内外中厚板矫直机发展情况,切合公司实际需要,进行板矫直机设计。
2. 设计内容(1) 辊系结构的设计。
3. 关键技术(1) 对力能参数的计算及强度计算,合理确定结构,使整机设计准确、经济、先进。
(2) 轨道升降装置的设计,保证辊系顺利拉入拉出。
4. 主要设计流程(1)一台完整的中厚板辊式矫直机应由机架、上下横梁、上下矫直辊装置、上下支承辊装置、引料辊装置、压下机构、弯辊装置、倾斜机构、换辊装置、检测系统、安全装置、除铁皮与冷却系统、传动装置、电动机及走台等所组成。

矫直机论文中英文资料外文翻译文献外文翻译原文:AUTOMATING THE CONTROL OF MODERN EQUIPMENT FOR STRAIGHTENING FLAT-ROLLED PRODUCTS The company Severstal’ completed the successful introduction of new in-line plate-straightening machines (PSMs) on its 2800 and 5000 mills in August 2003 [1, 2, 3]. The main design features of the machines are as follows:●each machine is equipped with hydraulic hold-down mechanisms (toimprove the dynamics and accuracy of the machine adjustments and more reliably maintain a constant gap);●the machines have mechanisms to individually adjust each work roller with theaid of hydraulic cylinders (this broadens the range of straightening regimes that can be realized by providing a measure of control over the change in the curvature of the plate);●each work roller is provided with its own adjustable drive (to eliminate rigidkinematic constraints between the spindles);●the system of rollers of the PSM is enclosed in cassettes (to facilitate repairs andreduce roller replacement costs);●the PSM has a system that can be used to adjust the machine from a nine-rollerstraightening scheme to a five-●roller scheme in which the distance between the rollers is doubled (this is doneto widen the range of plate thick-nesses that the machine can accomodate).Thus, the new straightening machine is a sophisticated multi-function system of mechanisms that includes a wide range of hydraulically and electrically driven components controlled by digital and analog signals. The entire complex of PSM mechanisms can be divided into two functional groups: the main group, which includes the mechanisms that partici-pate directly in the straightening operation (the hold-down mechanisms, the mechanisms that individually adjust the rollers,the mechanisms that adjust the components fordifferent straightening regimes, the mechanism that moves the top roller of the feeder, and the main drive); the auxiliary group (which includes the cassette replacement mechanism, the spindle-lock-ing mechanism, and the equipment that cools the system of rollers). Although the PSM has a large number of mechanisms,the use of modern hydraulic and electric drives has made it possible to almost completely automate the main and auxiliary operations performed on the PSM and the units that operate with it.Described below are the features and the automatic control systems for the most important mechanisms of the plate-straightening machine.The operating regimes of those mechanisms are also discussed.The hydraulic hold-down mechanisms (HHMs) of the sheet-straightening machine function in two main regimes:the adjustment regime;the regime in which the specified positions are maintained.There are certain requirements for the control system and certain efficiency criteria for each regime.In the adjustment regime, the control system for the hydraulic hold-down mechanisms must do the following:●synchronize the movements of the hydraulic cylinders and keep the angulardeeflection within prescribed limits;●maximize speed in adjusting the machine for a new plate size;●maintain a high degree of accuracy in positioning the mechanisms;Fig. 1. Block diagram of the control system of the hydraulic cylinder.The control system has the following requirements when operating in the maintenance regime:●stabilize the coordinates of the top cassette and the top roller of the feeder with ahigh degree of accuracy;●minimize the time needed to return the equipment to the prescribed coordinateswhen deviations occur (such as due to the force exerted by a plate being straightened).Need for synchronization. Experience in operating the plate-straightening machine in plate shop No. 3 at Severstal’ has shown that the most problematic factor in adjusting the machineis the nonuniformity of the forces applied to the hydraulic cylinders. This nonuniformity is due to the asymmetric distribution of the masses of the moving parts of the PSM (in particular, the effect of the weight of the spindle assembly). Displacement of the “hydraulic zero point” relative to the “electrical zero point” in the servo valves is also a contributing factor.The latter reason is more significant, the smaller the volume of the hydraulic cylinder.Thus, the HHM of the top roller of the feeder is the most sensitive to drift of the zero point.There are also other factors that affect the dynamism,simultaneousness,and synchronism of the operation of the hold-down mechanisms:●differentiation of the frictional forces on parts of the hydraulic cylinders due todifferent combinations of deviations in the dimensions of the mated parts, despitethe narrow tolerances;●differences in the “springing” characteristics and the indices characterizing theinertia of the hydraulic supply channels (due to differences in the lengths of thepipes leading from the servo valves to the hydraulic cylinders).Thus, since the PSM is not equipped with devices to mechanically synchronize the operation of the cylinders, the ransmission of signals of the same amplitude to the inputs of the servo valves inevitably results in a speed difference that can seriously damage the mechanisms.To minimize and eliminate the effects of the above-mentioned factors, we developed an algorithm for electrical synchronization of the hold-down mechanisms.The HHM of the top cassette, composed of four hold-down cylinders and four balancing cylinders, is designed to ensuremobile adjustment of the machine to set the required size of straightening gap (in accordance with the thickness of the plate) andmaintain that gap with a specified accuracy in the presence .and absence of a load on the housings from the straightening force.The hydraulic system of the hold-down mechanism is designed in such a way that only one chamber of the hydraulic cylinders is used as the working chamber.The second chamber is always connected to the discharge channel.The top cassette is lowered when the balancing forces are overcome by the hold-down cylinders.The cassette is raised only by the action of the balancing cylinders.This arrangement has made it possible to eliminate gaps in the positioning of the equipment.The HHM of the top roller of the feeder consists of two hydraulic cylinders. Hydraulic fluid is fed into the plunger chamber when the roller is to be lowered and is fed into the rodchamber when it is to be raised.Control Principles. Individual circuits have been provided (Fig.1) to control the hydraulic cylinders of the hold-down mechanisms.The control signal (Xctl) sent to the input of the servo valve is formed by a proportional-integral (PI) controller (to improve the sensitivity of the system, we chose to use valves with “zero” overlap).The signal sent to the input of the controller (the error signal Xerr) is formed as the difference between the control-point signal for position (Xcpt) and the feedback signal (Xf.b).The latter signal is received from the linear displacement gage (G) of the given hydraulic cylinder.The gages of the HHM for the top cassette are built into the balancing hydraulic cylinders (HCs).The cylinders are installed in such a way that their movements can be considered to be equal to the displacements of the corresponding cylinder rods, with allowance for certain coefficients.The gages in the HHM for the top roller of the feeder are incorporated directly into the hold-down cylinders.The integral part of the controller is activated only during the final adjustment stage and during stabilization of the prescribed coordinate.When the displacements exceed a certain threshold value, the functions of the PI controller are taken over by a proportional (P) controller with the transfer function W(s) = k.Thus, Xctl(t) = kXerr(t).When there are significant differences between the displacements of the working rollers,the difference (error)between the control point and the feedback signal from the linear displacement gage reaches values great enough so that the output signal which controls the operation of the servo valve reaches the saturation zone.In this case, further regulation of the displacement rate and,thus synchronization of the movements of the cylinders becomes impossible as long as the error exceeds the value at which Xctl is greater than the boundary value for the saturation zone (Xsat).The limiting error–the largest error for which Xctldoes not reach saturation–is inversely proportional to the gain of the controller k: Xerr< Xsat/ k. Solving the given problem by decreasing k leads to a loss of speed in the adjustment of the PSM and a decrease in control accuracy during the straightening operation.Thus, to keep the control signal from reaching the saturation zone when there are substantial displacements, the system was designed so that the input of the controller is fed not the actual required value (Xrq) but an increment (∆X) of a magnitude such that the condition k∆X < Xsat is satisfied.The control point is increased by the amount ∆X after the position of the cylinder has been changed by the amount corresponding to the increment having the largest lag relative to the cylinder’s direction of motion. The adjustment of the control point is continued until the difference between the required value and the actual position of the mechanism becomes lessthan the increment:Xrq –Xf.b < ∆X.Then the input of the controller is fed the value Xcpt, which is equal to the required adjustment: Xcpt= Xrq.The adjustment is thus completed.Use of the principle of a stepped increase in the control point makes it possible synchronize the movements of the cylinders and set the control point with a high degree of accuracy for almost any ideal repetition factor.Mechanisms for Individual Adjustment of the Working Rollers.The plate-straightening machine is designed so that each working roller can be moved vertically, which is done by means of a hydraulic cylinder acting in concert with a V-belt drive.The cylinders are supplied with power from servo valves operated with proportional control.A linear displacement gage is built into each cylinder to obtain a feedback signal on the position of the roller.Since these gages are actually transmitinginformation on the position of the cylinder rods rather than the working rollers themselves, the following conversion is performed to obtain the rollers’ coordinates:Xrol= kredXf.b,where kred is the gear ratio of the drive;Xf.b is the position of the cylinder rod measured by the linear displacement transducers.Thus, a position feedback circuit is provided to control the position of each working roller. Figure 1 presents a diagram of one of the circuits.The control signals are generated by means of the PI controllere, which has made it possible to achieve a high degree of accuracy in adjusting the system without sacrificing speed.The individual drive of the rollers. The above-described design is based on the use of individual ac drives with motors of different powers fed from frequency converters. Each individual drive offers the following advantages over a group drive:●greater reliability thanks to the absence of additional loads on the components ofthe mechanisms due to differences between the linear velocities of the working rollers and the speed of the plate;●the possibility that the machine could continue to operate if one or even severaldrives malfunction;in this case,the corresponding rollers would be removed from the straightening zone;●the possibility that the linear velocities of the rollers could be individuallycorrected in accordance with the actual speed of the plate;such a correction could be made either as a preliminary measure (on the basis of measured and calculatedvalues) or during the straightening operation (on the basis of the data obtained from the frequency converters, which employ artificial intelligence).The main drive of the straightening machine rotates nine straightening rollers and two housing rollers.This drive must be highly reliable in operation, since the fact that the PSM is installed in the mill line means that sizable production losses can be incurred if the drive fails to work properly even for a short period of time.The requirements that must be satisfied by the drive are determined by the operational and design features of the machine as a whole:●the plate being straightened must create a rigid kinematic coupling between thestraightening rollers, the rollers of the housing, and the adjacent sections of the roller conveyors;●the plate should undergo elongation during the straightening operation as a resultof plastic deformation, with the increments in length being different on each working roller due to the differentiation of the bending radii;this situation leads to a nonuniform increase in the speed of the plate as it moves toward the end of the PSM;●it must be possible to use working rollers of different diameters (this being done,for example, due to nonuniform wear or regrinding);●the loads on the rollers should be differentiated in accordance with the chosenstraightening regime;●reverse straightening should be possible.In light of the above factors and the actual operating regimes of the plate-straightening machine being discussed here, the following requirements can be established for the electric drive:●regulation of speed within broad limits, including startup of the motors underload;●operation in the reverse regime;● a rigid characteristic ω = ƒ(M);●high degree of accuracy in maintaining the prescribed speed;●fully synchronous operation.The element base. The drive of the rollers was built with the use of asynchronous three-phase motors having a short-circuit rotor.The motors were designed by the German company VEM.They can continue to function under severe overloads and are reliable in operation.The motors are controlled by SIMOVERT frequency converters made by the German firm Siemens.Their modular design facilitates maintenance and repair, and the presence of a built-in microprocessor block makes it possible to execute most of the functions involved in controlling the operation of the drive (maintain the prescribed speed with a high degree of stability, recalculate the frequency of rotation in accordance with the actual diameters of the rollers, diagnose the condition o f the drive, control the drive’s operation, and exchange information on the PROFIBUS network).Motors of different powers are used in the system because of the differentiated distribution of the moments between the working ing different motors has made it possible to significantly reduce the cost of the electrical equipment and improve the performance characteristics of the machine as a whole.The machine has three main operating regimes: the working regime (semi-automatic and automatic), the transport regime, and the cassette replacement regime.Figure 2 shows a block diagram of the operations connected with realization of the working regime.In the semi-automatic variant of this regime, the operator controls the PSM from a control panel.In this case, the operator can do the following: choose the straightening regime from a database;correct the chosen regime;adjust the regime manually, which requires that the operator indicate the desired position of the bottom cassette (for five- or nine-roll straightening);adjust the gap between the top and bottom cassettes; set the coordinates for individual adjustment of the working rollers; choose the straightening speed and direction;generate a command to begin adjusting the machine to the specified regime.Fig. 2. Block diagram of the working regime of the PSM.The machine is adjusted to the chosen regime automatically.After the adjustment is completed, a signal is sent to the control panel indicating that the coordinates of the mechanisms have been changed and that the rollers have reached their prescribed working speeds.In the automatic variant of the working regime, the plate-straigthening machine isadjusted on the basis of data sent through a data network from a higher-level system. These data include the following information:●the thickness of the plate being straightened;●the group of steels (information on the properties of the material);●the temperature of the plate at the inlet to the PSM.The PSM is adjusted in several stages:●preliminary adjustment based on the plate thickness and steel group, for cold-rolledplates (t = 20°C);●further adjustment on the basis of data obtained from a pyrometer installed roughly50 m from the PSM;●final adjustment on the basis of data obtained from a pyrometer installed at theentrance to the machine.In the automatic variant, control over the roller conveyors adjacent to the machine is switched over to the control system of the PSM as the next plate approaches the machine.In this case, the plate cannot enter the working zone of the machine until the adjustment is completed.If it is necessary to pass a plate through the machine without straightening it, the machine is changed over to the transport regime.In this case, the top crossarm and the cassette are elevated a prescribed amount and the speed of the rollers is changed so that it is equal to the speed of the adjacent roller conveyors.The cassette replacement regime is used in the event of breakage of a roller or when it is necessary to regrind the working and backup rollers.In this case, the operator can control the operation of the auxiliary mechanisms:the spindle-locking mechanism, the roll-out cart, the mechanism that locks the bottom cassette and the cart in position, and the hydraulic cylinder that moves the cart.The mechanisms are fixed in position by means of noncontact transducers.PSM Control System. Control of the plate-straightening machine required the development of a powerful, high-capacity system that could provide the desired control accuracy in combination with rapid operation.The control system that was created is divided into two levels: the base level, and an upper level.The diagnostic system was created as a separate system.A second controller was also provided, to control the pump station of the PSM.The base level of the control system employs a SIMATIC S7 industrial programmable controller, while the upper level and the diagnostic system were built on the basis of standardcomputers.The computer used for the upper-level system also serves as the control panel for the PSM.Fig. 3. Network structure of the PSM control system.The different elements of the control system are linked by two loops of a PROFIBUS network (Fig.3).The first loop functions as the communications link between the controller, the upper-level computer, the diagnostics station, and the pump-station controller.The second loop links the PSM controller with the functional elements of the system (the frequency converters, linear displacement gages, and remote input/output module).The functions of the control system were divided between the base level and the upper level on the basis of the following principle: the base level was assigned all of the operations that involve receiving data from the sensors installed on the mechanisms, obtaining information from the automated process control system on the plate being straightened, and generating and transmitting control signals for the executive mechanisms (actuators); the upper level was assigned the functions of archiving the control points and monitoring the operation of the control panel.The following specific functions are performed by the base level of the automation system:obtaining the assigned straightening parameters (roller speeds, the coordinates of the top crossarm, and the coordinates of the rollers relative to the crossarm) from the upper-level system;●processing the parameters and sending corresponding control signals to the actuators;●obtaining information from the sensors installed on the mechanisms to determinewhether or not the PSM is properly set and ready for the straightening operation;●obtaining information from the feedback transducers installed on the mechanisms tocalculate the control actions;●analyzing the readings of the sensors to determine the accuracy of the data;TABLE 1. Specifications of the Plate-Straightening Machines●exchanging data with the pump-battery station (PBS) of the PSM and transmittingthe station’s operating parameters to the upper-level system for display;●receiving signals from the upper-level system for manual control of the machine andthe PBS;●obtaining initial data from the upper-level system for automatic correction andtransmission of the data in order to make the appropriate adjustments.The functions of the upper-level automation system are as follows:●entering data on the straightening regimes for subsequent selection of the regime andrecording that information in a database;●manually choosing the straightening regime from the database for the correspondingplate (this is done by the operator);●automatically choosing the straightening regime from the database on the basis ofinformation obtained from the upper-level system;●manually controlling the machine in the straightening and cassette-replacementregimes;●indicating the positions of the mechanisms based on readings from the sensors andthe positions of the limit switches;●indicating the presence of a plate in the working zone of the PSM;●indicating the temperature of the plate measured by the pyrometer;●visually representing the straightening regimes and machine adjustments;visually representing the state of the machine’s mechanisms and the PBS for diagnostic purposes.Remote input-output module ET200 is used to supply power to the unregulated drives.The cabinet containing the relays and contacts for these drives is located a considerable distance from the e of the module has made it possible to significantly shorten the connecting cables.Diagnostic System. The heavy concentration of electrical and hydraulic equipment included as part of the PSM–equipment which is located an appreciable distance from the machine itself and is often in hard-to-reach places–makes it more difficult to service the machine and locate the source of problems.To facilitate maintenance of the PSM and shorten repair time, it was necessary to build an advanced diagnostic system.The system is based on an industrial computer installed at the control post.It diagnoses the state of various mechanisms of the PSM, as well as its hydraulic and electrical equipment.The system can be used to evaluate the condition of the automatic switches, the temperature sensors of the motors, the linear displacement gages, terminals of the local PROFIBUS network, the currents, speeds, and direction of rotation of the motors, and other equipment and parameters.The diagnostic system can also be used to establish the operating protocol of the PSM.Its archives contains data on the time and types of errors and equipment failures that occur, the coordinates of the mechanisms, motor currents and speeds, and other information.To make the control system more reliable, the software and hardware of the diagnostics station are identical to the corresponding components of the control system’s upper level.When problems occur with the operation of the control computer, the PSM control functions can be transferred to the computer of the diagnostic system.Conclusions.The NKMZ has worked with its original partners in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) to successfully introduce plate-straightening machines equipped with a modern automated control system. Use of the machines makes it possible to minimize and almost completely eliminate the dependence of the quality of the finished plates on the skill of the machine operator.The control system, together with its convenient user interface,allows even personnel with no special training to quickly master the operation of the machine.The production of high-quality products is assured as a result of the exact movements of the machine’s mechanisms and the accuracy with which their positions are maintained, which owes to the use of precision equipment with proportional control and special controlalgorithms.In addition, the machine is equipped with a sophisticated diagnostic system which also records its key operating parameters.The availability of the system facilitates maintenance and repair of the machine’s many complex components.译文:现代化矫直轧制薄品设备的自动化控制谢韦尔钢铁公司在2003年8月成功完成了新引进的规格为2800—5000米尔的直线式钢板矫直机(平台相关模型)。

二、技术要点1. 结构设计:矫直机的结构设计是整个毕业设计的核心。
2. 辊轮设计:辊轮是矫直机的核心部件,直接影响到矫直效果。
3. 控制系统设计:矫直机的控制系统需要实现对辊轮的旋转速度、压力和位置等参数的精确控制。
4. 安全设计:矫直机在工作过程中存在一定的危险性,因此安全设计至关重要。
未来,矫直机的发展趋势主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 自动化:随着工业自动化水平的提高,矫直机将更加智能化和自动化。
2. 精确度和稳定性:随着对产品质量要求的不断提高,矫直机的精确度和稳定性也将成为关注的焦点。
3. 多功能性:矫直机在不同行业中的应用需求也在不断增加,因此未来的矫直机可能会具备更多的功能和适应性。

太原科技大学课程设计任务书专业班级机自112212H班设计人刘强同组人翟震设计题目:小型矫直机的设计设计参数:1、矫直机主电机参数:功率P=3KW, 转速n= 0.267r/s ;2、主减速机传动比:2.6 ;3、工作辊数目:19个;4、工作辊辊距:10mm ;5、工作辊直径:9.5mm ;6、工作辊辊长:170 mm ;7、板坯宽度厚度:115mm 、0.1~1.6mm ;设计要求:[1] 辊式矫正机基本参数的确定[2] 矫直功率的计算和电机功率的选择[3] 主要零部件校核计算[4] 压下机构的设计计算[5] 撰写设计说明书。
设计时间:2014年12月17日至2014年12月28 日摘要轧钢生产已经成为冶金生产行业中把钢坯轧制成钢材的重要生产环节,具有产量大、品种齐全,生产过程机械化自动化程度高等许多优点,是满足国民生产需要的重要技术。
关键词:轧钢生产、表面质量、矫直机、平坦度AbstractThe product of steelrolling has become an importanct tache of rolling billet to be steels in the metallurgy produce industry. The stongpoint of this industry is have great output of the production is the variety production.and the produce process is very mechanization and automatization.The steelrolling is a importanct technonlogy to fulfill the country need.Also with the development of steelrolling industry the industry integrate very well with the tration mechanism industry. How to make use of the steelrolling manufacture technology, enhance the rolling quality of the production, decrease the product of rolling time,enhance the rate of product useful rolled steel .The straighting techology is a important tache to enhance the surface quality and flatness of the production .This article design basis on the boardstrip straighting machine produce process and the working principle in the steel metallurgy. With practice in scene. The design is begin with the designing of the main transmission and the machine roller in the straighting machine .This article first begine with the scheme review of the collectively. Then go along with choice of the main electromotor, the design of work roller and the support roller , press down equipment and press up equipment .Following designed the local assessory and the over all structure. Besides researched the development direction of the straighting machine .Keywords: Product of steelrolling、Straighting machine、Surfacequality、Mechanization .目录1 绪论 (5)1.1 轧钢生产的国内外发展情况 (5)1.1.1 轧钢生产及产品种类 (5)1.1.2 轧钢机械的分类 (6)1.2 矫直机在轧钢生产中的作用及发展情况 (6)1.3 现场十九辊板带矫直机的工作原理 (7)2 总体方案评述 (8)2.1轿直机的调整形式 (8)2.2 机座形式 (8)2.3 支承辊的布置形式 (9)2.4 辊的材质 (9)2.5 传动系统的形式 (9)2.6 轴承选择 (10)2.7 压下机构的形式 (10)2.8 矫直辊列的布置形式与驱动形式 (11)3矫直机力能参数的计算 (11)3.1二十一辊矫直机的技术性能及矫直工艺参数 (11)3.2辊式矫正机基本参数的确定: (12)3.4矫直功率的计算和电机功率的选择 (15)4主要零部件校核计算 (16)4.1矫直辊的校核计算 (16)4.1.1 矫直机矫直扭矩的计算 (16)4.1.2 工作辊的强度校核和轴承校核 (18)5 压下机构的设计计算 (20)5.1 压下螺丝直径 (19)5.2 压下螺纹牙的强度校核........................................................ (20)参考文献 (22)1 绪论1.1 轧钢生产的国内外发展情况1.1.1 轧钢生产及产品种类在20世纪末,世界轧钢技术发展迅速。


关键词:压下系统;矫正力 ;矫正机;Type Plate Straightening Machine Pressure SystemDesignAbstractThe product of steeling has become an important tache of rolling billet to be steels in the metallurgy produce industry. The strongpoint of this industry is have great output of the production is the variety production. and the produce process is very mechanization and automatization.The steeling is a important technology to fulfill the country need.Also with the development of steeling industry the industry integrate very well with the traditional mechanism industry. How to make use of the steeling manufacture technology, enhance the rolling quality of the production, decrease the product of rolling time,enhance the rate of product useful rolled steel .The straighting technology is a important tache to enhance the surface quality and flatness of the production .This article describes the reasons inflatedness occurred on medium and heavy plate.The type of levelers,the determination of basic parameters,energetic date for 2600 plate leveler,the decision for complete structure and design,the development of plate leveling technology .This article design basis on the board-strip straighting machine produce process and the working principle in the steel metallurgy. This article first begin with the scheme review of the energetic date for 2600. Then go along with choice of the pressure electromotor, the design and checking of pressing the nut and the pressure screw, Worm and worm gear equipment.than design and checking the life of the bearing.Following designed the local assessor and the over all structure. Besides researched the development direction of the straighting machine .Keywords:Pressure system; Correction force; flatness目录1. 绪论 (1)1.1 矫正机现状 (1)1.2辊式矫正机的发展趋势 (1)1.3辊式矫正机的分类 (2)1.4矫正机压下系统 (2)1.5辊式矫正机原理 (3)1.6国内外概况和预测 (3)1.7矫正机压下机构的研究内容 (3)2.总体方案 (5)2.1矫正机压下方案 (5)2.2矫正工艺 (6)2.2.1上排工作辊整体平行调整 (6)2.3总体结构设计 (6)2.3.1压下装置的组成 (6)2.3.2电动机 (7)2.3.3减速机 (7)2.3.4联轴器 (7)3.压下电机选择 (9)3.1矫正机结构参数的确定 (9)M的确定 (10)3.2矫正扭矩k3.3各辊矫直力P的计算 (11)3.4 压下螺丝主要参数计算 (11)3.5电机的选择 (13)3.6传动比的分配 (13)4.蜗杆传动的设计 (15)4.1材料的选择 (15)4.2 蜗轮蜗杆的参数计算 (15)4.3 蜗杆的校核 (17)4.3.1校核齿根弯曲疲劳强度 (17)4.3.2蜗杆刚度的校核 (18)5.压下螺母的设计及强度校核 (20)5.1 螺母的尺寸计算 (20)5.2 螺母的强度校核 (20)6.圆锥滚子轴承寿命计算 (22)7. 润滑方式的选择 (25)8.经济可行性分析 (26)8.1 设备的可靠性分析 (27)8.2 投资回收期 (28)结论 (30)致谢 (31)参考文献 (32)1. 绪论1.1 矫正机现状随着科学技术的发展,钢铁行业的发展日趋完善。

1. 17辊矫直机传动装配设计
带钢屈服极限:Max .280 Mpa
带钢强度极限:Max.420 Mpa
压下行程:+35mm ~ -4.5mm
2. 入口钢卷小车
行走行程: 5000mm
3. 升降辊道
4. 夹送辊机架及压下装配设计主要设计参数
上辊行程: 50mm

毕业设计(论文)任务书毕业设计(论文)题目:20-40mm板材矫直机设计设计(论文)的基本内容:1、矫直机主机总装图(A0×1)2、辊系装配图(A0×1)3、机架零件图(A0×1)4、夹送辊轴承透盖、工作辊、下工作辊辊座、主动夹送辊轴(A2×4)5、编写设计说明书6、外文科技文献翻译毕业设计(论文)专题部分:题目:设计(论文)专题的基本内容:学生接受毕业设计(论文)题目日期第 1 周指导教师签字:2011年3月2 日工作计划毕业实习(调研)10月1日——3月1日(包括寒假期间)校外实习单位:沈阳机床厂任务:1.了解各机床的传动特性2.了解机床零件的加工类型3.了解整机设计的流程所需参考资料目录1.孙志礼,马星国,黄秋波,闫玉涛等.机械设计[M],北京:科学出版社,2008,247-266.2.崔甫矫,直原理与矫直机械(第2版),冶金工业出版社,20053.傅作宝,冷轧薄钢板生产(第2版),冶金工业出版社,20054.邹家祥轧钢机械.冶金工业出版社,20005.黄庆学,申光宪,梁爱生等轧机轴承与轧辊寿命研究及应用.冶金工业出版社,20036.史跃强.四重式辊式矫直机初探.鞍钢技术,1994(12)7.王廷溥.板带材生产原理与工艺.冶金工业出版社,19958.俞慧,裴瑞琳.宝钢5m宽厚板热矫直机新工艺.宽厚板,2005(3)拟定设计(实验)方案、论文选题2010年3月8日—2010年3月21日(第1 周—第2周)设计方案论证(论文开题报告,外文文献翻译)3月22日—3月29日(第3周)设计工作与图纸绘制(实验研究、论文工作)3月29日—5月31日(第4周—第12周)撰写说明书(论文)5月31日—6月7日(第13周)毕业设计(论文)主题部分6月8日—6月14日(第14周)毕业设计(论文)送交评阅人日期6月20日(第15周)答辩日期2010年6月21日(第16周)指导教师审批签字:2011年6月17日毕业实习(调研)3月8日—3月21日(第1 周—第2周)单位:东北大学图书馆完成任务情况:1、通过在图书馆查阅相关书籍文献,并做好读书记录和文献出处,对本课题的设计任务明了化;2、在检索数据库中进行本课题的相关检索任务,保存检索文献,进行吸收学习后,了解到本课题的相关前沿知识,对本课题的设计有了基本框架;3、在课余时间去工厂对各种机械进行熟悉,了解了机械产品设计的多样化。

关键词:矫直机,异辊距,矫直辊,扭矩NON-STANDARD ANGLE IRON COLDSTRAIGHTENING MACHINEABSTRACTStraightening machine is important and indispensable equipment in rolling workshop, and it is also used in a variety of workshops rolled to billets,Such as automotive, ship manufacturing, etc..When straightener is used to Straighten plates, due to length of the plastic ,its deformation is occurred, resulting in the velocity difference between steel plate and straightening rolls, just like the 3% rate,thereby creating additional torque. The overall drive past easily leads to damage between axis and gear.At the same time when the speed of straightening rollers and steel production is different, the steel skidding may damage the surface, in order to avoid the occurrence of these phenomena, straightening roll as far as possible use separate drive or group drive ,at the same time it can also be used to control the tension.Firstly, through the understanding and learning of the principle of straightening, the number of the straightening rollers are determined by a large number of calculations. Then according to the shape of the workpiece , the contour of the straightening roller and the entire design of the structure of straightening roller is determined. The second is the design of the power transmission and guide devices.Taking into account the traditional and modern design, this issue puts the straightening roller into straightening machine platform with uniform and independent distribution. In this design, it not only make the separate drive of straightening rollers possible, but also to transform into modern mainstream straightener by changing the distance between each straightening roller at any time.KEY WORDS: Straightening machine, different from the roll, straighteningrolle前言 (1)第1章绪论 (2)§1.1 矫直的定义 (2)§1.2 矫直技术的发展及现状 (3)§1.3 矫直机的发展及现状 (4)§1.4 平行辊矫直法的简介 (5)第2章矫直部分的设计 (6)§2.1矫直辊数的确立 (6)§2.1.1 矫直辊数与钢板厚度的关系 (6)§2.1.2 矫直的理论计算 (7)§2.2 矫直辊的结构设计 (10)§2.2.1 矫直辊径与辊距的确定 (10)§2.2.2 矫直辊上下两辊中心距地确定 (11)§2.2.3 矫直辊的整体设计 (12)§2.3 矫直辊的整体强度校核 (12)§2.3.1 矫直辊主要参数 (12)§2.3.2 矫直辊主动轴的强度校核 (13)§2.4 本章小结 (15)第3章主传动部分的设计 (16)§3.1传动的结构设计 (16)§3.2 传动部分的强度校核 (18)§3.3 本章小结 (21)第4章轧制部件的设计 (22)§4.1轧制部件的设计 (22)§4.2 轧辊轴的强度校核 (23)§5.3本章小结 (25)第 5 章进料部件、皮带轮的设计 (16)§5.1 进料部件的设计 (26)§5.2皮带轮的设计 (26)§5.3本章小结 (25)第6章总结 (28)参考文献 (30)致谢 (31)矫直技术多用于金属条材加工的后部工序,在很大程度上决定着产、成品的质量水平。

E.来料原始弯曲度:20 mm/m。
矫直速度:0~6 m/ s

编号毕业设计(论文)题目管材矫直机的PLC控制系统设计二级学院重庆理工大学应用技术专业机械设计制造及其自动化班级000000000学生姓名0000 学号0000000000指导教师职称时间目录摘要 (4)Abstract (5)1 绪论 (6)2 矫直机的发展及应用2。
1管材矫直机原理 (7)2.2管材矫直机的发展现状 (7)2.3 矫直机的应用场合与研究意义 (8)3 控制系统比较与介绍3。
1矫直机控制系统的比较 (9)3。
1.1 基于PLC控制系统优点。
(9)3.2可编程序控制器的发展历程 (11)3.3我国可编程序控制器发展中的问题及对策 (13)3.4欧姆龙PLC (14)4基于PLC控制的管材矫直机的硬件设计4。
1硬件选择 (17)4。
1 接触器与继电器的选择 (17)4。
2电机的计算与选择 (18)4.1。
3 可编程控制器的选择 (29)4。
2 主电路接线图 (20)4.3 控制电路接线图 (21)4.4 I/o端口的说明 (22)5 基于PLC控制的管材矫直机的软件设计5.1 软件控制流程图 (23)5。
2 PLC梯形图 (25)5。
2.1 梯形图大致说明 (27)设计总结 (28)致谢 (29)参考文献 (30)摘要本文介绍了利用欧姆龙CPM系列PLC对管材矫直机控制系统总体控制,阐述了控制方案。
本文采用日本欧姆龙公司生产的CPM型PLC 作为核心控制器进行全自动矫直机控制系统的设计,并且设计出了系统结构图、软件流程图、梯形图以及输入输出端子的分配方案。
关键字:PLC 矫直机控制系统 PLC软件设计AbstractThis paper introduces the use of CPM series PLC of omron tube straightening machine control system overall, expounds the control scheme。


2.1矫直机类型KRM30.1250/21T入口宽度1250mm零件厚度0.4-3.0mm辊直径30mm矫直辊号:21pcs进给方向:从左到右零件入口:右速度:5-12m/min矫直驱动:交流电动机测量手段:数字测量指示:米制辊构架调整:机动入口:手保护入口辊台出口:出口辊台驱动:矫直驱动:1pce. 交流驱动,功率5.5kw, 转速1450r/min油润总箱:1pce. 交流驱动,功率0,09kw, 转速1500r/min辊构架调整:2pcs. 正齿轮传动, 功率0,55kw, 转速56r/min2.2宽带研磨机类型GR-2200-900WB/1622-72(Messrs. Grindingmaster )进给高度:950mm(从工件顶部测量)产品宽度:930mm研磨带尺寸(长*宽)1900*960mm(参见Grindingmaster操作说明)2.2.1 湿法除尘部件类型THORNE W120/5.5KW(参见Grindingmaster操作说明)4.0 操作说明与命令4.1 各组成部分的描述4.2 操作模式,机器的启动与制动4.1 各组成部分的描述4.1.1矫直机的视图部分4.1.2辊构架设置4.1.3矫直机驱动4.1.4矫直机超载4.1.5入口出口辊台4.1.1矫直机的视图部分手保护控制台开关箱入口辊台油润总箱(在后部)出口辊台4.1.2辊构架设置设置矫直机以使材料厚度被拉直所需设置由将要拉直的材料质量决定,包括强度、延伸率、横截面积、通过拉直试验确定合适的设置。
例如:板厚=1.0mm入口:00.70 出口:01.00材料进料时应当使弯曲面朝上,如果第一次拉直后,材料仍然存在向上的曲面(欠拉直),则入口调整需更改,例如改为0.6mm,相反,如果薄板在第一次拉直后向下弯曲(过拉直),则入口缝隙太小而应增加。
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4-10mm板材矫直机的设计作者姓名:******指导教师:********单位名称:机械工程与自动化专业名称:机械工程及自动化东北大学2011年6月The 4-10 mm Straightening-Machine`s designby Zhang GangSupervisor: Associate Professor Yang Hui LinNortheastern UniversityJune 2011毕业设计(论文)任务书机械工程与自动化学院班级姓名东北大学毕业设计(论文)摘要4-10mm板材矫直机的设计摘要矫直机在冶金工业中用途非常广泛,它是冶金工业生产中常用的矫直设备。
关键词:板材矫直机,力能参数,结构参数,平衡液压缸The 4-10 mm Straightening-Machine`s designAbstractThe straightening machine are Very widely used in the metallurgical industry .It is commonly used in metallurgical industry .With the development of steel-rolling industry, the steel-rolling production industry has been integrated very well with the Traditional mechanical industry. Use the Steel-rolling production technology to enhance the Rolling products` quality , to reduce the time of rolling , to enhance the rate of good-products .to reduce the production cost and enhance the material`s utilization has become the main aim of the steel rolling machine design. However, the straighting techology is the important part of how to enhance the surface quality and flatness. In the modernization of high degree of continuous casting production line,The continuous casting slab of straightening equipment is indispensable。
In the steel, steel plates, steel rolling`s finishing workshop, Straightening machine is one of the necessary equipment. Straightness is one of the important indexes with quality. As the users` demand for the quality requirements enhances unceasingly, the steel`s straightness control and improvement is becoming more and more important. The straightening machine is the key equipment to eliminate straightness` defects.This article introduces the structure`s characteristics of the straightening machine, theory analysis and function, a straightening theory in detail. Accurate calculation design and check of it`s main parts. The Power Parameter of straighter and structure parameters are calculated.At the same time, there is a simple elaboration of the development trend of straighter and the problems of actual production.Keywords: straightening machine,Power Parameter,structure parameters,Balance hydraulic cylinder目录任务书.......................................................................................................................................i中文摘要...............................................................................................................................i i ABSTRACT......................................................................................................................i i i 第1章绪论.. (1)1.1 矫直设备简述 (1)1.1.1矫直机的种类 (1)1.1.2板材矫直设备的布置及结构特点 (4)1.1.3辊式矫直机传动形式特点 (5)1.2 板材矫直技术 (5)1.3 板材矫直机工艺理论及矫直原理分析 (7)1.3.1板材矫直机工艺理论 (7)1.3.2板材矫直机的矫直原理分析 (8)1.4 矫直机在轧钢生产中的作用及发展情况 (9)1.5 板材矫直机的国内外发展情况 (10)1.5.1国内发展情况 (10)1.5.2国外发展情况 (11)第2章总体方案评述 (13)2.1 轿直机的调整形式 (13)2.2 机架结构 (14)2.3 工作辊的装置 (14)2.4 上下支撑辊及调整装置 (14)2.5 换辊装置 (14)2.6 辊的材质选择 (14)2.7 干油、稀油润滑系统 (15)2.8 传动系统的形式 (15)2.9 轴承的选择 (16)2.10压下结构的形式 (16)2.11矫直辊列的布置形式与驱动形式 (17)第3章矫直机结构参数与力能参数的计算 (18)3.1矫直机的技术性能及矫直工艺参数··········································································错误!未定义书签。
3.2.1辊距P (18)3.2.2辊径D (19)3.2.3辊身长度L (19)3.2.4辊数N (19)3.2.5矫直速度V (20)3.3 矫直机力能参数的计算 (20)3.4 矫直功率的计算和电机的选择 (23)第4章主要零部件校核计算 (25)4.1矫直辊的校核计算 (25)4.1.1矫直机矫直扭矩的计算 (25)4.1.2第三辊弯曲力矩的计算 (26)4.1.3支反力的确定 (30)4.2矫直辊强度的计算 (32)4.3轴承寿命的校核 (33)4.3.1工作辊轴承寿命的校核 (33)4.3.2支承辊轴承寿命的校核 (33)第5章压下装置的计算及校核 (35)5.1平衡液压缸的选择 (35)5.2压下电机功率的选择 (36)5.2.1压下丝杠的设计 (36)5.2.2输出功率的计算 (36)5.2.3压下电机功率的计算··································································································-37-5.3压上装置的校核计算 (37)5.3.1压上丝杠及压下螺母的强度校核 (37)5.3.2机架与螺母端面间挤压应力校核 (38)第6章润滑方式的选择 (39)第7章技术经济性分析 (40)第8章结论与评价 (42)参考文献 (43)致谢 (44)附录英文资料及译文 (45)第1章绪论1 .1矫直设备简述1.1.1矫直机种类根据矫直方法和结构特点,矫直机可以分为(如图1.1所示):1:压力矫直机;2:辊式矫直机; 3:管、棒材矫直机;4:张力矫直; 5:拉伸弯曲矫直机等。