
上海中级口译汉译英真题2016年3月(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、汉译英(总题数:1,分数:100.00)1. 大剧院位于市中心人民广场,建筑风格新颖别致,造型优美,是本市的一个标志性建筑。
(分数:100.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:( The Shanghai Grand Theater, located at the People’s Squar e in the city center, is original and unique in architectural style and graceful in shape, presenting a landmark in Shanghai. The unique architecture is an integration of the cultural appeal of the East and West. The Grand Theater is just like a crystal palace when the lights set off a harmonious entity of the white arc-shaped roof and the photosensitive glass curtain walls. The lobby of the Grand Theater, with the white color as its main tone, symbolizes elegance and purity. The floor is paved with a rare white marble known as the “Greek Crystal”. The design is of the shape of piano keys, and the giant white marble pillars and the stairs on both sides are imbued with a strong sense of rhythm, making people feel as if they were in a world of music the moment they step into the lobby. )解析:。

Text:In recent years, the issue of climate change has gained significant attention around the world. The drastic increase in global temperatures and the consequent changes in natural phenomena such as melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and extreme weather events are all clear indicators of the impactof climate change. Governments across the globe have recognized the urgency of the situation and have taken steps to mitigate its effects. However, individual actions are also crucial in combating climate change. By adopting sustainable lifestyle choices, such as reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions, individuals can contribute towards a greener future.Question:- What are some of the indicators of the impact of climate change?答案:Some of the indicators of the impact of climate change include melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and extreme weather events.第二部分:口译题目2:请以中文口译下面的英文演讲稿。

翻译三级笔译综合能力真题2016年下半年ⅠVocabulary and Grammar(60pionts)This section consists of3parts.Read the directions for each part before answering the questions.Part1Vocabulary SelectionIn this part,there are20incomplete sentences.Below each sentence,there are4choices marked by letters A,B,C and D respectively.Choose the word which best completes each sentence.There is only ONE right answer.Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.(20pionts)1、Many people find Stanley Jordan's music entertaining.Listening to it helps them to relax and to______the tensions they feel at the end of the day.A.alterB.alleviateC.allureD.alternate2、In many parts of East Africa at that time,wild animals were so______ that it was almost impossible for a photographer to approach close enough to film them.rgeB.rareC.numerousD.wary3、The finest films of the silent era depended on two______that we can seldom provide today-a large and receptive audience and a well-orchestrated score.A.gradientsB.focusesC.elementsD.thoughts4、Despite their seemingly______architecture,the pyramids of Giza are actually intricate marvels of ancient engineering.A.romanticplexC.classicalD.simplistic5、Her pregnancy was not easy:the typical morning sickness that often______ the first three months affected her every day for nine months.A.confrontedB.harmonizedC.accompaniedD.developed6、Any scientist who is not a hypocrite will admit the important part that______plays in the scientific discovery.A.projectB.researchC.geniusD.luck7、We must be committed______the deep greenhouse gas reductions since we need to avoid the worst outcomes of climate change.A.onB.withC.inD.to8、When I was15,my brother,and then my father,were all______ill,both with brain tumors.Instead of going to school,I had to stay at home and look after them.A.treatedB.struckC.announcedD.driven9、In Charles Dickens'A Christmas Carol,Scrooge is a particularly______ character,refusing to give his assistant a raise,despite his enormous wealth.A.meanB.amiableC.generousD.notorious10、Classroom observation was,no doubt,the most direct means of gaining ______into teachers'English language instruction as well as learners' classroom behavior.A.intrusionB.insightC.intuitionD.interview11、Although some insist that all behaviors are learned,there are others who hold that some behaviors are______,existing before any learning occurs.A.negligentB.durableC.innateD.customary12、Most house fires can be avoided through such simple______as proper education and a well-placed fire extinguisher.A.proceduresB.prohibitionsC.precautionsD.processes13、No matter how______snowmobiles are driven,they are capable of damaging the land over which they travel.A.dangerouslyB.seriouslyC.technicallyD.discreetly14、By providing people with information about their electricity use-down to every plugged-in device in a home or business-they can make choices that save money and______efficiency and convenience.A.maximizeB.intensifypressD.facilitate15、Nowadays many people are frustrated with serious______,especially when faced with something they do not want to do.A.delinquencyB.deficiencyC.delayD.defence16、It might be a good idea if educators could make knowledge about environmental protection an important part of the______school curricula.A.regularB.necessaryC.intensiveD.systematic17、As hard as it is to have an honest dialogue about business decisions, it is even harder to give individuals honest______.This is true for both employees and employers.A.elaborationB.feedbackC.repetitionD.conclusion18、Hoping to______the dispute,negotiators proposed a compromise that they felt would be acceptable to both labor and management.A.resolveB.reverseC.removeD.resist19、The linguist discovered striking similarities between a nearly______ language spoken in central Siberia and various languages spoken by native Americans.A.extinctB.ethnicC.exoticD.erratic20、John Smith hoped that the committee would not recommend a course of action that would______an already bad situation in the workplace.promiseB.exacerbateC.negotiateD.formulatePart2Vocabulary ReplacementThis part consists of20sentences.In each of them one word or phrase isunderlined,and below each sentence,there are4choices marked by letters A,B,C and D respectively.Choose the word that can replace the underlined part without causing,any grammatical error or changing the basic meaning of the sentence.There is only ONE right answer.Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.(20pionts)21、They did their best to avoid getting embroiled in the quarrel,preferring to maintain their neutrality as long as possible.A.involvedB.inclinedC.indulgedD.included22、Because their roots are external and their leaf bases clasp,palm trees are rigid and upright,yet elastic enough to bend in strong winds.A.eligibleB.flexibleC.thinD.soft23、Clara Brodeur tried hard to pull herself away from her famous mother, the renowned photographer,whose towering reputation rests on the nude portraits she took of her young daughter.A.notableB.apparentC.conspicuousD.prominent24、The following excerpt is the beginning of a memoir,published in1989, by a woman who emigrated with her family from Poland to Canada when she was a teenager.A.dissertationB.introductionC.publicationD.selection25、The strong efforts to gain equality for women in the workplace began to show results in the last century:women have since secured positions as research scientists and won wide recognition within their fields.A.sharedB.wantedC.elevatedD.obtained26、Lord Chatham who had the same feeling naturally seconded the proposal, but he wondered why they had to make a choice.A.substitutedB.submittedC.supportedD.supervised27、Not one to be easily frightened,the corporal remained composed while the opposing army pressed toward his troop's position.A.calmB.crossC.cozyD.casual28、The Internet is rapidly becoming another means of disseminating information traditionally made available through radio and television stations.A.creatingB.interpretingC.spreadingD.expressing29、Flints'finds in the region extending from the Nile Valley tothehighlan ds of easternlraq testify to the presence of people as long as100,000years ago.A.prophesyB.demonstrateC.implyD.mention30、Greg had a premonition that the day would not go well,and just as he feared, he had two important quizzes ahead.A.predictionB.sensationC.feelingD.intention31、No matter how many readers already revere Amy Tan,their appreciation for her will grow10fold after experiencing these unforgettable revelations.A.valueB.admireC.familiarizeD.memorize32、AUK study revealed that the children who demonstrated the highest measure of happiness came from families in which both parents worked outside the home.yerB.tierC.degreeD.scale33、Gregor was a gifted violinist who was diligent about practicing,showinga dedication to his art that even surpassed his talent.A.industriousB.ingeniousC.incredibleD.intelligent34、The English language,in particular,is a great arena in which etymologists can explore history through words.A.sourceB.originC.theaterD.field35、Even those who do not concur with Robinson's views recognize him as a candidate who has courageously refused to compromise his convictions.A.allyB.agreeC.aspireD.argue36、The two knights engaged in a perilous fight.It would not end until one of them lay dead on the ground.A.seriousB.dividedC.riskyD.humble37、A study shows that while some women continued to outpace men in achievements, they ceased making real progress at the top of an organization.A.stoppedB.retardedC.containedD.prevented38、Jane felt wishy-washy about whether to go to the party or not.On the one hand,it seemed like fun,but on the other,it was very boring.A.amicableB.ambientC.amiableD.ambivalent39、It is reported that several kinds of turtles have lived more than30years in captivity,but in natural environments,some can live as long as50years.A.confinementB.concealmentC.custodyD.cage40、As a tradition,important persons in the town would stand up in front of their communities to give the oration on July4each year.A.eloquenceB.speechC.topicD.contentPart3Error CorrectionThis part consists of20sentences.In each of them there is an underlined part that indicates a grammatical error,and below each,there are4choices marked by letters A,B,C and D respectively.Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part so that the error is corrected.There is only ONE right answer.Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.(20pionts)41、Only since the publication of her first novel,Olivia has been considering herself a true writer.A.Olivia consideredB.has Olivia consideredC.was Olivia consideringD.could Olivia be able to consider42、It was said that the board of directors decide to put Peter in charge of the work.A.decidedB.has decidedC.had decidedD.have decided43、We believe that the parcel will reach you safely by the time you read the mail.A.reachesB.will have reachedC.has reachedD.would reach44、This method saved half the labor that will be needed to move all the books downstairs.A.would needB.would be neededC.would have neededD.would have been needed45、Sally appears being a hard time convincing her husband to give up smoking.A.to beB.have beenC.to be havingD.having had46、Jennie is going to make a call and it rang.A.was about...whenB.is about...whenC.was about...whileD.is about...while47、No other quality is more important for an armyman to acquire like to obeya military order.A.so as toB.than toC.just as toD.as to48、If the food were as dangerous as some people think,more lot of us would be getting sick.A.more a lot of usB.a lot of more usC.a lot more of usD.a lot of us more49、The science of agriculture,which we owe a great deal,is perhaps the most important of all the sciences.A.for whichB.with whichC.in whichD.to which50、It is true that to find trained people is more difficult than we get financial support for a research project.A.gettingB.to gettingC.getD.to get51、The reason the hills were natural places for planting fruit trees wassince there is more sunlight.A.forB.thatC.whatD.because52、An ambulance was pulling over.Somebody would be hurt or sick somewhere nearby.A.must beB.should have beenC.should beD.must have been53、Her parents must not receive any message about her.They don't know what has happened to her.A.must not have receivedB.ought not to receiveC.not ought to have receivedD.not ought to receive54、My father used to make me repeating his instructions to make sure that I knew what I was doing after he had gone to work.A.repeat...doB.to repeat...doC.repeat...to doD.to repeat...to do55、No one could understand him postponing in making the decision until it was too late to do so.A.his postponing to makeB.why he postponed makingC.him to postpone to makeD.him to postpone making56、My PC is out of order,the experiment has to be put off.A.beingB.wasC.beD.has been57、He was told the whole story,John decided not to see the film.A.TellingB.Having toldC.Been toldD.Having been told58、Bob refused a good salary job and said he might refuse even if they may offer him twice as much.A.would refuse...offeredB.could have refused...had offeredC.could refuse...might offerD.would have refused...offering59、It is only because by an exercise of self-control thus he could concentrate on his reading with noises outside.A.It was only...thenB.Being only...hadC.It was only...thatD.Only...that60、Computers will develop more successfully because they enable us to fulfill tasks that wasn't able to undertake ever before.A.couldn't be undertakenB.mustn't have been undertakenC.could never before have been undertakenD.would never before have undertakenⅡReading Comprehension(30pionts)In this section you will find after each of the passages a number of questions or unfinished statements about the passage,each with4(A,B,C andD.choices to answer the question or complete the statement.You must choose the one which you think fits best.Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.Why do readers of New Scientist continue to get steamed up about race?After all,it can be used as an innocuous technical term by anthropologists.But all too often discussions of"race"lead to"racism",and tempers begin to fray.Before the18th century,race merely described a group of common cultural origin,not one defined by immutable characteristics.Unfortunately,this usage changed as the Western powers colonized Asia and Africa and needed a way to characterize the peoples they subjected as not only different,but inferior.A long list of scientists helped to"classify"the races.Among them were some of the famous names of the18th and19th centuries:Linnaeus,Cuvier, Haeckel,Huxley and Buffon.Although their classifications rarely agreed, many accepted that the races were fundamentally different and could be arranged with Caucasians at the top.Only after the Darwinian evolution and the emergence of genetics did the notion of a league table start to crumble.By the1940s,UNESCO could emphatically state:"Racism falsely claims that there is a scientific basis for arranging groups hierarchically in terms of psychological and cultural characteristics that are immutable and innate."That groups cannot be arranged hierarchically does not mean that anthropologists cannot set up classifications which divide people into different groups,or that such classifications will not be useful,as several of our latter writers point out.For example,they can provide vital tools (along with language distribution)to reconstruct the prehistoric movements of peoples.Where genetic data are available,these reconstructions can be greatly refined.In other contexts,such classifications are misleading.Many of the differences they record(including facial features,skin and hair color)are most probably superficial adaptations to local climate.Although useful as indicators of the origin of different groups,they imply nothing fundamental about differences between them.Attempts to assess more important differences between groups(of any number of cognitive abilities,for example)always come to the same very well-known conclusion-that the differences between individuals within one racial group are much larger than the differences between the average members of two such groups.What this means is that it is impossible to say anything about a particular individual's ability because of his or her race(however,defined)because the spread of variation within a race is larger than the average difference between races.Racism can thus receive no support from science,even though a classification of races can be scientifically useful.Lay people sometimes put more faith in the concept of race than scientists do,perhaps because they believe they can quite easily identify a person's race or even nationality.But it's not that easy:our correspondent from Le Vesinet,for example,identified some of the people in our recent feature ("Genes in Black and White")as Australian,Sicilian,Sumatran and Brazilian. In fact,they came from Sweden,Greece,the Central African Republic and Russia.61、The phrase"steamed up"underlined in Paragraph1means______.A.vaporizedB.interestedC.agitatedD.scared62、Before the18th century,the word"race"was used______.A.to describe the people of common origin and cultureB.by anthropologists for classifications of racesC.to indicate the hierarchy of different groupsD.rarely by ordinary people63、Some Western colonizers thought that they were______.A.arrogantB.weakC.inferiorD.superior64、The classification of races by famous18th-and19th-century scientists were______.efulB.hierarchicalC.valuableD.significant65、The Darwinian evolution and the emergence of genetics helped to______.A.promote the notion of a league tableB.get rid of the notion of a league tableC.establish the UNESCOD.arrange groups hierarchically66、The classifications of races by anthropologists are useful in that they ______.A.divide people into different groupsB.help to define prehistoric human movementsC.contribute to language distributionD.provide tools for the study of prehistoric human movements67、Anthropologists'classifications are sometimes misleading because they ______.A.imply fundamental differences between groupsB.refine the reconstruction of prehistoric human movementsC.do not imply the basic differences between groupsD.tell nothing about the influence of local climate68、Compared with differences between individuals within a group,the differences between groups are______.A.much greaterB.smallerC.more importantD.not clearly defined69、Racism receives little support from science because______.A.a classification of races can be scientifically usefulB.an individual's ability is determined by his or her raceC.the spread of variation within a race is largerD.the notion of racism has already become insignificant70、Which of the following is the appropriate title of the passage?______A.How to Get Rid of RacismB.New ScientistC.The Concept of RaceD.Reasons for RacismNow online provision is transforming higher education,giving the best universities a chance to widen their catch,opening new opportunities for the agile,and threatening doom for the slow and average.The roots are decades old.Britain's Open University started teaching via radio and television in 1971.MIT and others have been posting lectures on the Internet for a decade.But the change in2012has been electrifying.Two start-ups,both spawned by Stanford University,are recruiting students at an astonishing rate for "massive open online courses"or MOOCs.In January,Sebastian Thrun,a computer-science professor there,announced the launch of Udacity.It started to offer courses the next month-a nanosecond by the standards of old-style university decision-making.In April,two of Mr.Thrun's ex-colleagues launched a rival,Coursera.At first,it offered online courses from four universities.By August,it had signed up1million students,now boasting over2million.Harvard and MIT announced they would launch edX,a non-profit venture.Other schools have joined,too.One spur is economic and political pressure to improve productivity in higher education.The cost per student in the U.S.has risen at almost five times the rate of inflation since1983.For universities beset by heavy debts, smaller taxpayer subsidies and a cyclical decline in enrollment,online courses mean better tuition,higher graduation rates and lower-cost degrees. New technology also gives the innovative a chance to shine against their rivals.MOOCs are more than good university lectures available online.The real innovation comes from integrating academic talks with interactive coursework, such as automated tests,quizzes and even games.Real-life lectures have no pause,rewind(or fast-forward)buttons;MOOCs let students learn at their own pace,typically with short,engaging videos.The cost of the courses canbe spread over huge numbers of students.MOOCs enrich education for worldwide students,especially the cash-strapped,and those dissatisfied with what their own colleges are offering.But for others,especially in poor countries, online education opens the door to yearning for opportunities.Some of Europe's best schools are determinedly unruffled.Oxford says that MOOCs"will not prompt it to change anything",adding that it"does not see them as revolutionary in anything other than scale".Cambridge even says it is"nonsense"to see MOOCs as a rival;it is"not in the business of online education".Such universities are likely to continue to attract the best(and richest)applicants who want personal tuition and the whiff of research in the air.For these places,MOOCs are chiefly a marketing opportunity.To compete head-on with established providers,MOOCs must not just teach but also provide credible qualifications.The vast majority of Coursera, Udacity and edX offerings do not provide a degree.This may be one reason for MOOCs'high dropout rates.Another worry is that online tests are open to cheating and plagiarism.Peer grading even if honest,may be flawed.71、______was the first to offer the open lectures.A.HarvardB.MITC.Britain's Open UniversityD.Stanford University72、The word"MOOCs"underlined in Paragraph2is______.A.a shortened version of"massive online open courses"B.abbreviated from"massive open online courses"C.another type of open classroom coursesD.equivalent to flipped classroom teaching73、From Paragraph1,we can know that______.A.online education programs spring up like mushroomsB.Udacity,Coursera and edX are not rivalsC.other schools have joined Stanford and HarvardD.Online courses are offered by non-profit universities74、Universities embracing new technology in launching online courses DON'T consider______.A.better tuitionB.more innovationsC.lower-cost degreesD.higher graduation rates75、Compared with real-life lectures,MOOCs are offered to______.A.allow students to pause during academic talksB.encourage students to rewind the buttons to track the tapesC.enable students to learn in their classrooms with videosD.integrate academic talks with interactive coursework76、Paragraph5indicates that some of the best European universities______.A.cannot remain calm in the face of MOOCsB.regard MOOCs as a revolution in higher educationC.prefer traditional education to online provisionsD.attract the best applicants to challenge online courses77、The phrase"a marketing opportunity"underlined in Paragraph5suggests ______.A.some universities use MOOCs as a publicity facility onlyB.students can obtain their degrees with the lowest costsC.MOOCs,as any other online courses,mean better tuitionD.MOOCs can reduce financial pressure on the universities78、The MOOCs'dropout rate is high because______.A.they lose to the established providersB.they don't allow students to cheat in online testsC.they are not aware of the importance of qualificationsD.most courses offered don't provide degrees79、The phrase"peer grading"underlined in the last paragraph means______.A.the honesty of studentsB.the flaws in students'charactersC.students'assessment of their classmatesD.students of the same age and social status80、The passage implies that online courses are______.A.transforming higher educationB.creating new opportunities for the bestC.bringing some problems to the rest of studentsD.helping improve traditional classroom instructionThe world is on the cusp of a staggering rise in the number of old people, and they will live longer than ever before.Over the next20years,the global population of those aged65or more will almost double,from600million to 1.1billion.The experience of the20th century,when greater longevity translated into more years in retirement rather than more years at work,has persuaded many observers that this shift will lead to slower economic growth and"secular stagnation",while the swelling ranks of pensioners will bust government budgets.But the notion of a sharp division between the working young and the idle old misses a new trend,the growing gap between the skilled and the unskilled. Employment rates are falling among younger unskilled people whereas older skilled folk are working longer.The divide is most extreme in the U.S.,where well-educated baby-boomers are putting off retirement while many less-skilled younger people have dropped out the workforce.This trend will benefit not just fortunate oldies but also,in some ways, society as a whole.Growth will slow less dramatically than expected; government budgets will be in better shape,as high earners pay taxes longer. Rich countries with lots of well-educated older people will find the burden of ageing easier to bear than other countries,where half of all50-to-64-year-olds did not complete primary-school education.At the other end of the social scale,however,things look grim.Manual work gets harder as people get older,and public pensions look more attractive to those on low wages and the unemployed.Nor are all the effects on the economy beneficial.Wealthy old people willaccumulate more savings,which will weaken demand.Inequality will increase and a growing share of wealth will eventually be transferred to the next generation via inheritance,entrenching the division between winners and losers still further.One likely response is to impose higher inheritance taxes.So long as they replace less-fair taxes,that might make sense.This would probably encourage old people to spend their cash rather than salt it away.But governments should focus not on redistributing income but on generating more of it by reforming retirement and education.How likely are governments to make these changes?Look around the rich world today,and it is hard to be optimistic.The swelling ranks of older voters,and their disproportionate propensity to vote,have left politicians keener to pander to them than to implement disruptive reforms.Germany,despite being the fastest-ageing country in Europe,plans to cut the statutory retirement age for some people.In the U.S.,both social security(the public pension scheme)and the fast-growing system of disability benefits remain untouched by reform.Politicians need to convince less-skilled older voters that it is in their interests to go on working.Doing so will not be easy. But the alternative-economic stagnation and even greater inequality-is worse.81、The word"staggering"underlined in Paragraph1means______.A.swayingB.unstableC.zigzaggingD.astounding82、Observers believe that the rise in the number of old people will NOT______.A.affect the longevity of the elderlyB.bust government budgetsC.lead to secular stagnationD.slow down economic growth83、There is a new trend in the U.S.,where______.A.there appears a baby boomB.more younger unskilled people are unemployedC.more older skilled people are working longerD.both B and C84、Which of the following notions tends to be ignored as a new trend?______A.The big gap between the well-educated and the undereducated.B.The wide gap between male and female workers.C.The widening gap between the skilled and the unskilled.D.The growing gap between the working young and the idle old.85、The new trend may also benefit society,for______.A.economic growth will slow down as expectedB.high-earning old people pay taxes longerernment budgets will be in the redernments encourage early retirement86、Rich countries find the burden of ageing easier to bear because their aged people______.A.may pay less taxesB.may enjoy early retirement。

上海中级口译英译汉真题2016年3月(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、英译汉(总题数:1,分数:100.00)1. Education has long been embraced as one of the best ways to combat inequality. Yet, this faith in the power of education has begun to falter. There is mounting evidence that improving our education system won’t do much to fix inequality. Modern inequality isn’t driven by the gap between college-educated workers and high school grads. All the action is at the top of the income ladder, where the extremely rich have pulled away from everyone else. Since 1979, wages for the top 1 percent in the United States have grown nine times faster than wages for the bottom 90 percent. That’s not a tale of the well-educated doing better than the less-well-educated. It’s about the super-rich out-earning everyone else—including college graduates, who haven’t gotten a raise in over a decade. So what doesn’t seem to work is a focus on improving education. Even if we could dramatically increase the number of college graduates, or greatly expand access to high-quality education, the United States would likely remain an extremely unequal place, a country where even college grads are being left behind.(分数:100.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:( 教育,长期以来一直被奉为消除不平等现象的最佳途径之一。

2016下半年三级⼝译真题及答案 ⼝译(⼜称传译)是⼀种翻译活动,顾名思义,是指译员以⼝语的⽅式,将译⼊语转换为译出语的⽅式,做⼝语翻译.下⾯是店铺分享的三级⼝译考试真题及答案,希望能帮到⼤家! 英译汉: Today, I will talk about China, the United Nations and our world. As you know, I grew up in wartime Korea. My family was very poor, but we had something better than gold. We are also very hungry and thirsty for education. One of the most important guidelines for me was the Confucian tradition. My parents taught me to study hard, to work for other people, work for the public good. in 1962, when I was still a teenager, I was very lucky to be invited to the United States for a Red Cross meeting. I had an extraordinary honour of meeting President John F. Kennedy. 今天,我想谈谈中国,联合国以及我们的世界。

中级口译笔试试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 听下面一段对话,选择正确的答案。
A. 去图书馆B. 去电影院C. 去公园D. 去超市对话内容:(此处假设有一段对话内容)答案:C2. 听下面一段对话,选择正确的答案。
A. 他喜欢看书B. 他喜欢听音乐C. 他喜欢画画D. 他喜欢运动对话内容:(此处假设有一段对话内容)答案:A二、阅读理解(共30分)1. 阅读以下短文,选择正确的答案。
短文内容:(此处假设有一段短文内容)A. 短文主要讲述了...B. 短文主要讲述了...C. 短文主要讲述了...D. 短文主要讲述了...答案:B2. 阅读以下短文,选择正确的答案。
短文内容:(此处假设有一段短文内容)A. 短文主要讲述了...B. 短文主要讲述了...C. 短文主要讲述了...D. 短文主要讲述了...答案:D三、翻译(共30分)1. 将以下句子从英语翻译成中文。
英文:The weather is getting warmer, so I will take off my coat.中文:天气变暖了,所以我将脱掉我的外套。
答案:正确2. 将以下句子从中文翻译成英语。
英文:He goes running in the park every morning.答案:正确四、写作(共20分)1. 根据以下提示写一篇短文。
答案:(此处假设有一篇短文内容)评分标准:- 内容相关性:5分 - 语言准确性:5分 - 组织结构:5分 - 语法和拼写:5分总分:20分。

2010年3月上海英语中级口译证书第一阶段考试真题SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (45 minutes)Part A: Spot DictationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.The Internet is an excellent source for finding many types of information and for keeping up with new developments in the world. Today, an ever increasing number of people are using the Internet to __ dig up _(1) related information, conduct business, or personal activities, access electronic databases, send e-mail, and network with relatives, __ colleagues or friends _____(2). Frequently referred to as the Information Super Highway, the Internet is actually a network of ___ computer networks ____(3). You may think of the Internet as analogous to the ______ interstate highway system ___(4), Just as the interstate system connects to different cities via _ many different routes __(5), the Internet connects computers around the world via a number of different __ electronic pathways____(6). At the most basic level, a computer, a modem, and a right type of __ software ____(7) can get a person onto the Internet. Through the Internet you can access massive amounts of information by ____ accessing computers __(8) that are linked together.Generally speaking, two types of information ____ available on the internet ___(9), are the most useful for people. That is ,conversational resources, and _____ reference resources ____(10).Conversational resources allow users to have conversations with individuals __ anywhere in the world __(11). Mailing lists and news groups are __ the primary types ____(12) of conversational resources. Mailing lists include electronic mail, whereby the user _ can read messages ____(13), send to any other individual, or group of individuals, who have subscribed by having their name and electronic______ mail address ___(14) placed on the center’s list of addresses.News groups are essentially electronic _____ bulletin boards_(15). Any one with Internet access can _ post an article____(16) to the board, and any one with Internet access can read the board.The reference resources you____ most frequently encounter __(17) are the World Wide Web (www) or the web for short. The web uses HTML (hypertext markup language) to transfer text __(18), sound, graphics and video. Of course, you need browsers to view documents, and __ navigate ___(19)through the intricate links structure. The most __ popular and well-known __(20) browser is the Microsoft Internet Explorer.(1) dig up(2) colleagues or friends (3) computer networks(4) interstate highway system (5) many different routes (6) electronic pathways (7) software(8) accessing computers4 11 2201628(9) available on the internet(10) reference resources (11) anywhere in the world (12) the primary types (13) can read messages (14) mail address (15) bulletin boards (16) post an article(17) most frequently encounter (18) transfer text (19) navigate(20) popular and well-known Part B: Listening Comprehension 1. StatementsDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper; so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.1. (A) It is planned that we will go and visit Australia early next year. (B) It is proposed that a new branch be set up in Australia.(C) The tuition fee for studying in Australia will be raised next year. (D) We are confident that our plan to start a branch school will come off.2. (A) I cannot describe our accountant without drinking some coffee. (B) I have to keep awake during our chief accountant’s briefings. (C) I think our chief accountant’s briefings are really boring.(D) I doubt that our chief accountant will talk with you over coffee. 3. (A) Miss Brown is not qualified. (B) Miss Brown is right.(C) It is a well-paid job. (D) It is her first job.4. (A) The manager told the secretary not to rush.(B) The manager told his secretary to finish the memo on time. (C) The manager told the secretary to take the memo home.(D) The manager told the secretary to wind the clock in the office.5. (A) Your 10% discount is not enough for a second order. (B) You should deliver the second order next month. (C) We can give you a discount for this product.4 11 2201628(D) We’ll buy more if the price is cheaper.6. (A) Scientists are convinced that most animals cannot adapt to changes in climate.(B) Certain animals are more adaptable as they can live in extreme conditions. (C) Climate changes are responsible for the disappearance of some species.(D) Some species can move to the new surroundings in case of climate changes. 7. (A) I think sending the products by air is faster and safer.(B) I need a quick response for my question about the products. (C) To avoid any damage, we’d better send the products by sea. (D) It is dangerous to send the products by sea as there are pirates.8. (A) Generation gap is a new phenomenon of the ever-changing modern times. (B) Differences exist among people even if they are of the same generation.(C) Modern people can have different life expectancy, with only a few years apart. (D) Modern people of different age groups may easily share a common viewpoint. 9. (A) We have made doubled efforts to increase the attendance. (B) We need to find another 80 agents for our sales conference. (C) This year’s attendance will almost double that of the last. (D) More than 280 people will come to this year’s conference. 10. (A) We have invested less than half a million in that project. (B) We have invested almost three million in that project. (C) We have invested five million or so in that project. (D) We have invested about seven million in that project. 2. Talks and ConversationsDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE. When you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Questions 11--1411. (A) Husband and wife. (B) Customer and waitress. (C) Tenent and door-keeper (D) Patient and doctor.12. (A) His mother.(B) His father.(C) His child.(D) Himself.13. (A) Red salty beef. (B) Spicy seafood.(C) Fish and chips.(D) Sausages and eggs.4 11 220162814. (A) A notice.(B) Two tablets.(C) Some medicine. (D) Some red wine.Questions 15--1815. (A) In 1800 (B) In 1851 (C) In 1939(D) In 195016. (A) To attract people all over the world.(B) To save millions of dollars in hotel accommodation. (C) To offset the imbalance in foreign trade.(D) To outweigh the benefits and potential revenues.17. (A) To promote scientific exchanges.(B) To define cross-cultural communications. (C) To improve their national images(D) To display their technological advancements. 18. (A) the presentation of new inventions. (B) the promotion of cultural exchanges. (C) the ambition of nation branding.(D) the creation of a universal language. Questions 19--2219. (A) Because she wanted to invite him to Spain. (B) Because she needed some help to find a hotel. (C) Because she asked him to book a hotel.(D) Because she thought that he had been ill for some time. 20. (A) He generally camped around while traveling in Spain. (B) He used to work hard in a seaside hotel in Spain.(C) He found it difficult to travel around Spain on his own.(D) He normally would help Joyce to find a hotel in Spain.21. (A) She can not put up with her noisy kids.(B) She can not organize the trip to Spain. (C) She has to find hotel rooms for her kids. (D) She has to rent a bigger car for the camping equipment. 22. (A) Visit Joyce Cook. (B) Phone Mr and Mrs Simpson.(C) Book the hotel rooms in advance.(D) Consult someone else.Questions 23--264 11 220162823. (A) It has fixed weight.(B) It has functions. (C) It has color.(D) It has surface.24. (A) One-sixth pound. (B) One-fourth pound. (C) One-third pound.(D) Half a pound.25. (A) The weight of an object on the earth’s surface. (B) The power of attraction between two objects. (C) The natural beauty of an object in space. (D) The attraction of ancient objects and relics. 26. (A) Because there is less air on the Moon. (B) Because the moon is not inhabitable. (C) Because the moon is too far away from the earth. (D) Because the moon is much smaller.Questions 27--3027. (A) An advertising agency. (B) A beautiful picture. (C) A project from the finance office. (D) A catalogue of products.28. (A) They don’t have enough money for extra copies. (B) They don’t have time to print the new catalogue. (C) They cannot get in touch with their regular customers. (D) They cannot attend the expo coming up this spring.29. (A) Right away. (B) At noon.(C) In the afternoon.(D) In a couple of days.30. (A) To approve a budget supplement.(B) To pay the advertising agency for the expo.(C) To hold Mrs Cater responsible for the catalogue. (D) To design a real eye-catcher. Part C: Listening and Translation 1. Sentence TranslationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.(1)4 11 2201628(2)(3)(4)(5)2. Passage TranslationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. You will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening.(1)(2)SECTION 2: STUDY SKILLS (45 minutes)Directions: In this section, you will read several passages. Each passage is followed by several questions based onits content. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions4 11 2201628following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write the letter of the answeryou have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Questions 1-5On Saturday mornings I worked in the family shop. I started cycling down to the shop with Dad on Saturday as soon as I was big enough. I thought of it as giving him a hand and so I didn’t mind what I did, although it was mostly just fetching and carrying at a run all morning. I managed not to think of it as work and I looked forward to the bar of chocolate my grandmother passed me unsmilingly as I left. I tried not to look at her; I had reason to feel guilty because I’d generally already eaten some dried fruits or a sliver of cheese when no one was looking. As soon as I was fifteen, though, Dad said, “That’s it, our Janet. You’re of working age now and you’re not coming to work unless your grandmother pays you properly.’ He did his best to make his chin look determined. “I shall speak to her.”The next Saturday, Gran called me into her little office behind the shop. I always hated going in there. She had an electric heater on full blast, and the windows were always kept tightly closed whatever the weather. There were piles of dusty catalogues and brochures on the floor. “You’re wanting to get paid, I hear,” Gran said. “Yes, please,” I replied. It was rather like visiting the head mistress at school, so I was very quiet and respectful. Gran searched through the mess of papers on her crowded desk, sighing and clicking her tongue. Eventually she produced an official-looking leaflet and ran her fingers along the columns of figures. “How old are you?” “Fifteen ... Gran,” I added for extra politeness, but she looked at me as if I had been cheeky. “Full-timers at your age get two hundred and forty pounds for a thirty-five-hour week,” she announced in such a way as to leave no doubt that she wasn’t in favour of this. “No wonder there’s no profit in shopkeeping! So, Janet, what’s that per hour?” Question like that always flustered me. Instead of trying to work them out in my head, I would just stand there unable to think straight. “I’ll get a pencil and paper,” I offered. “Don’t bother,” snapped Gran angrily, “I’ll do it myself. I’ll give you 6 pounds an hour; take it or leave it,” “I’ll take it, please,” “And I expect real work for it, mind. No standing about, and if I catch you eating any of the stock, there’ll be trouble. That’s theft, and it’s a crime.”From then on, my main job at the shop was filling the shelves. This was dull, but I hardly expected to be trusted with handling the money. Once or twice, however, when Dad was extra busy, I’d tried to help him by serving behind the counter. I hated it. It was very difficult to remember the prices of everything and I was particularly hopeless at using the till. Certain customers made unkind remarks about this, increasing my confusion and the chances of making a fool of myself.It was an old-established village shop, going back 150 years at least and it was really behind the times even then. Dad longed to be able to make the shop more attractive to customers, but Gran wouldn’t hear of it. I overheard them once arguing about whether to buy a freezer cabinet. “Our customers want frozen food,” Dad said. “They see things advertised and if they can’t get them from us, they’ll go elsewhere.” “Your father always sold fresh food,” Gran replied. “People come here for quality, they don’t want all that frozen stuff.”1. How did Janet feel when she first started her Saturday morning job?(A) She enjoyed the work that she was given.(B) She was pleased to be helping her father.(C) She worried that she was not doing it well.(D) She was only really interested in the reward.4 11 22016282. What do we learn about her grandmother’s office in the second paragraph?(A) It was untidy.(B) It was dark.(C) It needed decorating.(D) It had too much furniture in it.3. The word “flustered” (para. 2) means _______.(A) bored (B) angered (C) confused (D) depressed4. What did Janet’s father and grandmother disagree about?(A) How to keep their customers loyal to the shop.(B) The type of advertising needed to attract customers.(C) The type of customers they wanted to attract.(D) How to get new customers to come to the shop.5. What impression do we get of Janet’s feelings towards her grandmother?(A) She respected her fairness.(B) She doubted her judgment.(C) She disliked her manner.(D) She admired her determination.Questions 6-10Many trees in the Brackham area were brought down in the terrible storms that March. The town itself lost two great lime trees from the former market square. The disappearance of such prominent features had altered the appearance of the town centre entirely, to the annoyance of its more conservative inhabitants.Among the annoyed, under more normal circumstances, would have been Chief Inspector Douglas Pelham, head of the local police force. But at the height of that week’s storm, when the winds brought down even the mature walnut tree in his garden, Pelham had in fact been in no fit state to notice. A large and healthy man, he had for the first time in his life been seriously ill with an attack of bronchitis.When he first complained of an aching head and tightness in his chest, his wife, Molly, had tried to persuade him to go to the doctor. Convinced that the police force could not do without him, he had, as usual, ignored her and attempted to carry on working. Predictably, though he wouldn’t have listened to anyone who tried to tell him so, this has the effect of fogging his memory and shortening his temper.It was only when his colleague, Sergeant Lloyed, took the initiative and drove him to the doctor’s door that he finally gave in. By that time, he didn’t have the strength left to argue with her. In no time at all, she was taking him along to the chemist’s to get his prescribed antibiotics and then home to his unsurprised wife who sent him straight to bed.When Molly told him, on the Thursday morning, that the walnut tree had been brought down during the night,4 11 2201628Pelham hadn’t been able to take it in. On Thursday evening, he had asked weakly about damage to the house,groaned thankfully when he heard there was none, and pulled the sheets over his head.It wasn’t until Saturday, when the antibiotics took effect, his temperature dropped and he got up, that he realised with a shock that the loss of the walnut tree had made a permanent difference to the appearance of the living-room. The Pelhams’ large house stood in a sizeable garden. It had not come cheap, but even so Pelham had no regrets about buying it. The leafy garden had created an impression of privacy. Now, though, the storm had changed his outlook.Previously, the view from the living-room had featured the handsome walnut tree. This has not darkened the room because there was also a window on the opposite wall, but it had provided interesting patterns of light and shade that disguised the true state of the worn furniture that the family had brought with them from their previous house.With the tree gone, the room seemed cruelly bright, its worn furnishings exposed in all their shabbiness. And the view from the window didn’t bear looking at. The tall house next door, previously hidden by the tree, was now there, dominating the outlook with its unattractive purple bricks and external pipes. It seemed to have a great many upstairs windows, all of them watching the Pelhams’ every movement.“Doesn’t it look terrible?” Pelham croaked to his wife.But Molly, standing in the doorway, sounded more pleased than dismayed. “That’s what I’ve been telling you ever since we came here. We have to buy a new sofa, whatever it costs.”6. Why were some people in Brackham annoyed after the storm?(A) The town looked different.(B) The police had done little to help.(C) No market could be held.(D) Fallen trees had not been removed.7. What do we learn about Chief Inspector Pelham and his work, from the third paragraph?(A) He found his work extremely annoying.(B) He was sure that he fulfilled a vital role in his work.(C) He considered the police systems not efficient.(D) He did not trust the decisions made by his superiors.8. When Inspector Pelham’s wife first told him about the walnut tree, he appeared to be _______.(A) worried (B) shocked (C) saddened (D) uninterested 9. As a result of the storm, the Pelhams’ living-room _______.(A) was pleasantly lighter (B) felt less private (C) had a better view (D) was in need of repair10. From what we learn of Inspector Pelham, he could best be described as _______.(A) open-minded (B) well-liked4 11 2201628(C) warm-hearted (D) strong-willedQuestions 11-15A team of world-leading neuro-scientists has developed a powerful technique that allows them to look deep insidea person’s brain and read their intentions before they act. The research breaks controversial new ground in scientists’ ability to probe people’s minds and eavesdrop on their thoughts, and raises serious ethical issues over how brain-reading technology may be used in the future. The team used high-resolution brain scans to identify patterns of activity before translating them into meaningful thoughts, revealing what a person planned to do in the near future. It is the first time scientists have succeeded in reading intentions in this way.“Using the scanner, we could look around the brain for this information and read out something that from the outside there’s no way you could possibly tell is in there. It’s like shining a torch around, looking for writing on a wall,” said John-Dylan Haynes at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Germany, who led the study with colleagues at University College London and Oxford University.The research builds on a series of recent studies in which brain imaging has been used to identify tell-tale activity linked to lying, violent behaviour and racial prejudice. The latest work reveals the dramatic pace at which neuro-science is progressing, prompting the researchers to call for an urgent debate into the ethical issues surrounding future uses for the technology.If brain-reading can be refined, it could quickly be adopted to assist interrogations of criminals and terrorists, and even usher in a “Minority Report” era (as portrayed in the Steven Spielberg science fiction film of that name), where judgments are handed down before the law is broken on the strength of an incriminating brain scan.“These techniques are emerging and we need an ethical debate about the implications, so that one day we’re not surprised and overwhelmed and caught on the wrong foot by what they can do. These things are going to come to us in the next few years and we should really be prepared,” Professor Haynes said. The use of brain scanners to judge whether people are likely to commit crimes is a contentious issue that society should tackle now, according to Haynes. “We see the danger that this might become compulsory one day, but we have to be aware that if we prohibit it, we are also denying people who aren’t going to commit any crime the possibility of proving their innocence.”During the study, the researchers asked volunteers to decide whether to add or subtract two numbers they were later shown on a screen. Before the numbers flashed up, they were given a brain scan using a technique called functional magnetic imaging resonance. The researchers then used a software that had been designed to spot subtle differences in brain activity to predict the person’s intentions with 70 percent accuracy.Because brains differ so much, the scientists need a good idea of what a person’s brain activity looks like when they are thinking something to be able to spot it in a scan, but researchers are already devising ways of deducing what patterns are associated with different thoughts.11. According to the passage, the brain-reading technology can be used ______.(A) to eavesdrop on potential criminals and terrorists.(B) to probe people’s minds and read their intentions.(C) to design a software to spot subtle differences in brain activity. (D) to suppress activities linked to lying, violence and discrimination.4 11 220162812. Which of the following words can best describe the research on the brain scan?(A) Ethical. (B) Powerful. (C) Compulsory. (D) Groundbreaking.13. What should people do before brain scans are to be put into practical use?(A) Mobilize adequate resources.(B) Resolve controversial issues.(C) Improve the scanner’s accuracy. (D) Identify different brain activities.14. The word “this” in the sentence “We see the danger that this might become compulsory one day, …” (para. 5) refers to ______.(A) the use of brain scanners(B) the prohibition of brain scanners(C) warning people who are likely to commit crimes(D) denying people the possibility of proving their innocence15. How did neuroscientists manage to detect different brain activities of people?(A) Flashing them up on a screen.(B) Deducing varying patterns. (C) Using a designed software.(D) Predicting their intentions.Questions 16-20Why bankrupt yourself in a so-called old people’s home? Try a health spa—it might actually be cheaper.Sometimes I see old ladies shuffling along the pavement with their sticks, Zimmer frames for greater support, swollen ankles, backs bent, fingers clutching at the small bag of shopping for one, and I think: “There goes my future.”But perhaps it need not be like that. Instead of bankrupting oneself or the state with the increasingly high cost of home care or an old people’s home, why not try a health spa instead?My friend Rosemary has just returned from a five-day visit to one of these health farms, which she thought might aid her recovery from her heart attack.It wasn’t exactly her cup of tea, she said: a sort of mix between mall shopping and a Saga cruise, “with the same awful whirlpools, people waiting about half-clothed, and loads of boutiques selling odd things.It would have been more beneficial had she not foolishly tried yoga and lay on the floor trying to breathe. One should not do this after a heart attack.4 11 2201628Rosemary soon felt clammy and sick, sat on a chair, and then, even more foolishly, raised her arms above herhead and nearly flaked out. So she staggered to the smoking room, now hidden away in a distant chalet behind the lawn because despite a tremendous struggle, she hasn’t quite managed to give up completely yet.But the food was fabulous, the grounds were heavenly, and there were hordes of charming young staff, and loads of free activities, not all strenuous. Rosemary was able to do blessed little for five days and she did have a lovely rest—perfect if one is old and fairly helpless.When my mother was alive, I took her to both Rosemary’s health spa and a local care home. It wasn’t a nursing home—my mother was able to wash and dress herself and move about—but entertainment and activities were minimal and the food was grim: the customary dried chicken legs and bits of quiche and white bread ham sandwiches for supper.This wretched place cost exactly the same as the health spa. How can the spa do it for that price and also manage respect for guests, fabulous food and attractive surroundings? We just can’t work it out.16. What does the author mean when she thinks “There goes my future.” (para. 2)? (A) The same is true of her future.(B) Her future might be worse.(C) She doesn’t have much of a future.(D) She can’t tell what her future holds for her.17. In the author’s eyes, why did her friend Rosemary benefit less in the health spa?(A) Because she did her mall shopping instead.(B) Because she reverted to her old habit of smoking.(C) Because she did physical exercise not suitable for her.(D) Because she stayed there for a span of five days.18. The author’s high opinion of the health spa is based on ______.(A) her own experience(B) her friend Rosemary’s experience (C) her mother’s experience(D) both Rosemary’s and her mother’s experiences19. According to the passage, which of the following can be found in a care home?(A) Loads of boutiques.(B) Lots of free activities.(C) Charming young staff.(D) Poor-quality food.20. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.(A) Rosemary will revisit the health spa and stay there longer for recovery (B) a care home is not as attractive as the health spa(C) the health spa is more to the taste of old ladies than to old men4 11 2201628(D) the health spa cannot manage itself long term with its lower price Questions 21-25The latest gloomy news from journalism’s battered front lines is that the prestigious New York Times (NYT) islaying off 100 staff. Paper-and-ink newspapers are in deep trouble, there’s no doubt about that. But the NYT, as comprehensive as its news coverage sometimes is, is hardly in a position to offer the real story on its current woes, anymore than a psychoanalyst is able to objectively analyze him or herself.What’s bad for the NYT is not necessarily bad for journalism any more than what is good for the NYT is necessarily good for journalism. But with more than 100 newspapers closing down last year, troubles at the NYT can be seen in a general perspective as part of a trend. With advertising revenue plummeting, and real estate losing value by the hour, the NYT is in a free fall accelerated in part by its own greed.As newspapers flap about trying to breathe another day, Internet news aggregators soar, circling above like birds of prey for whom the shifting tide is an opportunity waiting to be picked. Internet delivery of news is infinitely faster and more flexible. It saves millions of trees from the paper pulp mill and cuts down on the need for noisy delivery trucks and back-breaking labor, so what’s not to like about it?For a brief fleeting moment, consumers can have their cake and eat it too. Newspapers do the heavy lifting, while Internet news sites spread the information around for free, “lite” and easy.But who will write the news when the newspapers are gone? Who are the new news gatekeepers? The Internet makes us rather too dependent on terminals and telephone lines produced and controlled by a handful of big corporations. Another problem with the Net is its indiscriminate character. Falsehoods are floated as easily as truths, and although conscientious bloggers may help us navigate this unknown land, there’s no business model to sustain the most truthful bloggers, either.More ominous yet, there’s something called the digital divide which means people who don’t care to use or can’t afford computers are increasingly being left in the dark, reduced to second class citizens in an age awash in information.Ironically, readers in countries such as Thailand, though hobbled by lower income, are likely to enjoy their treasured national newspapers a bit longer than Americans, because on one hand, salaries and labor costs are lower, and on the other hand, there is the social imperative to reach the large percentage of the population who can’t afford the fancy new digital viewing devices and terminals.Journalism can and must survive even the most calamitous change if society is ever to right itself and get things right. In times of economic and social stress, reliable information is more important than ever, incisive analysis a necessity. With the diminished brightness of the day, more and more watchdogs are called for. Shining light in dark places is more critical than ever.A healthy society needs news and information that should be accessible to people from all walks of life at nominal cost, a role newspapers have played rather well for more than a century now. Newspapers will undergo drastic makeovers, but so will the Internet information highway, which will lose some of its luster when the pay-per-view toll booths are installed.4 11 2201628。

3月四日英语中级口译笔译答案及解析Spot dictation1. round flat cakes2. German immigrants3. their name4. claim5. clear answer6. great hit7. fast, practical and cheap 8. in the 1920 s 9. five cents each 10. drive-in restaurant 11. popular menu items 12. conquer13. hot-dog stand 14. sprang up15. sold twelve hamburgers 16. US culture 17. sixty percent 18. seven percent19. according to the times 20. a fish burger statements1-5 ACBDB6-10 ACBBBTalks and conversations:11-15. BADCD 16-20. ACCAB21-25. DBBDD 26-30. ABACDStudy skill1-5. DBCBC 6-10. BCBCD11-15. ABACC 16-20. CDDAD21-25. CCCDA 26-30 BADBB.Spot dictationYou might think that hamburgers were invented in the United States, but that is not totally true. These round flatcakes (1),or patties actually came from Germany in the middle of the 19th century. They were brought to theUnited States by German immigrants (2) who came from the city of Hamburg. That is why their name (3) wasHamburger Stake.However, people in other places claim (4) that they invented the hamburger. Perhaps we'll never have a clearanswer.(5) But there is no question that the hamburger was a great hit.(6) Why? Perhaps because at that time,industry was growing, and the kind of fast, practical and cheap (7) food was needed for workers.The hamburger became even more popular in the 1920 s (8) when the first chain of fast food restaurants wasstarted. This chain was called White Castle. It served tiny hamburgers that were sold for only 5 cents each. (9)Then, in the 1940 s there came the drive-in restaurant (10) where customers were served in their cars by waitersin uniform. And the hamburger was one of the most popular manual items. (11)By now, the hamburger was ready to conquer (12) the world. And this happened with McDonalds, which wasactually a hotdog stand (13) at first. But by the early 1950 s the hotdog was replaced by the hamburger.McDonalds and other fast food restaurants spring up (14) around the world throughout the west of the 20thcentury. McDonalds alone has sold 12 hamburgers (15) for every person in the world.The importance of the hamburger to US culture (16) remains significant. About 60% (17) of all sandwiches thatare eaten are hamburgers. According to some sources, 7% (18) of current workers in the Untied States had theirfirst job at McDonalds. But the face of the hamburger is changing according to the times. (19) Nowadays it ispossible to buy a chicken burger, a turkey burger, a fish burger,(20) or a veggie burger.Listening translationSentence Translation1. Please hold my telephone calls and just take a message. I can call back later.I must have a little peace andquiet to concentrate on these figures.请别挂断我的电话,先留个言,我会回电。
上海市中级口译第二阶段口试真题2016年03月 (1)

上海市中级口译第二阶段口试真题2016年03月(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、口语题(总题数:1,分数:40.00)1.News report:Many online consumers in China will spend more during the Nov. 11 Singles" Day shopping promotion this year than they did last year. In a survey of more than 1,000 Internet users in China this month, 56 percent said that they would spend more on Singles" Day this year. A third said they were likely to spend about the same on the biggest single day for shopping, and 6 percent planned to spend less. Some observers think Singles" Day could catch on globally.Topic: Singles" Day Shopping SpreeQuestions for reference:1. Did you do much shopping on Nov. 11 last year? Are there any other times when people would do a lot of shopping?2. Do you go shopping often? Do you often buy more than you actually consume? Give reasons for your answer.3. What are the impacts of those shopping spree days?(分数:40.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:略二、口译题(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:1,分数:30.00)Directions:In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each sentence or paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal...and stop it at the signal... You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now, let us begin Part A with the first passage.Directions:In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each sentence or paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal...and stop it at the signal... You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now, let us begin Part A with the first passage.(分数:30.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:所有女生,不仅是爱好运动者,都应该参加体育锻炼。
中级口译口试真题 (2)

问题:女生为什么感觉很累? A. 工作太忙 B. 最近生病了 C. 日常压力大 D. 最近失眠了答案:C. 日常压力大题目二:长对话听力理解请听下面的长对话,然后回答问题。
问题:女生目前在读一本关于什么的书? A. 化学 B. 历史 C. 心理学 D. 数学答案:C. 心理学第二部分:口语表达题目三:个人介绍请你用英语向考官进行个人介绍,内容包括但不限于:姓名、年龄、职业、爱好等。
示例: My name is Alice. I am 25 years old and I work as a teacher. In my free time, I enjoy reading and playing the piano.题目四:讨论话题请你用英语就以下话题展开讨论:电子书对纸质书的影响。
示例: I think electronic books have had a significant impact on the publishing industry. With the rise of e-readers and tablets, more and more people are opting for digital books instead of traditional paper ones. This has led to a decrease in the demand for physical books and has resulted in the closureof many bookstores. However, electronic books also offer benefits such as convenience and accessibility. People cancarry hundreds of books in a single device and can read them anytime, anywhere. Overall, I believe that electronic books have brought about both positive and negative changes to the book industry.第三部分:翻译题目五:中文翻译为英文请将以下中文句子翻译成英文:他们每天早上都会去晨跑。

公众号:卡普厅 A additional B governme(ntal专注实用口语和翻译)
A office
B adobe
C assembly
D building
The National Industrial Recovery Act was designed to spur industry.
A tax
B stimulate
C censure
D rebuke
The dichotomy postulated by many between morality and interests, between idealism and realism, is one of the standard clichés of the ongoing debate over international affairs. A division into two parts B combination of two parts C disparity D contradiction 第 11 题 The most striking technological success in the 20th century is probably the computer revolution. A profitable B productive C prominent

3月翻译资格中级英语口译实务试卷及答案英译中Back in 1972 $1 million was still an eye-popping amount of cash. But to Robert Hecht, an enterprising American antiquities dealer living in Paris, it was not too much to charge the Metropolitan Museum of Art for an exquisite Greek vase created 500 years before the birth of Christ and painted by one of the acknowledged masters of the craft. Since the acquisition of the Greek vase, the prices of antiquities have shot skyward.The problem with the burgeoning traffic in antiquities, however, is not so much the price but something far more significant: the provenance, i.e. where are these precious artifacts coming from? And who are their rightful owners? Evidence is increasing that more and more artifacts are being illegally unearthed from their countries of origin. A recent British study of five large collections totaling 546 objects, for instance, determined that 82 percent of the objects were suspect. From Italy to Greece to Turkey, countries have long complained about the trade in smuggled artifacts and have been largely unable to stop it.中译英中国赢得 2010 年世界博览会的举办权,靠的是国际社会对中国改革开放的支持和信心。

Spot Dictation In America there are no nobles or men of letters, and the common folk mistrust the wealthy; Consequently lawyers form the highest political class and the most cultivated circle of society. They have therefore nothing to gain by innovation, which adds a conservative interest to their natural taste for public order. If I were asked where I place the American aristocracy, I should reply without hesitation that it is not composed of the rich, who are united together by no common tie, but that it occupies the judicial bench and the bar. When I started researching this topic, I found an interesting website “Legal Reform Now”. As the name suggests, this website is devoted to legal reform and it is definitely concerned about the dominance of lawyers in American government. There I read an article by a political science professor from the university of Wisconsin. One observation the UW article confirms is that the legal profession is the dominant profession of the people re-elect to public office. For example, about half our representatives and two-thirds of our senators are lawyers. No other profession comes close to having the same the number of people in political office. Effectively, lawyers form our nation’s most powerful organized political constituency in America. Lawyers make our laws and lawyers interpret our laws. When judges are appointed, the American bar association is the only professional organization that is consulted to rate the fitness of potential judicial appointees. Our nation has been in existence for over 200 years and lawyers have been this nation’s aristocracy since its formation. Our system works, but do we really want to have a single profession in charge of our nation? Specifically, do we want to have the legal profession in charge? Next time you vote, that’s something to think about. 评析:这篇⽂章是关于律师在美国的地位。

2015年3月中级口译(笔试)真题[真题] 2015年3月中级口译(笔试)真题SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST A: Spot Dictation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.Good afternoon! The topic for today′s lecture is "The ′C lick and Go′ Generation" which, of course, refers to today′s teenagers. As you can __1__, we used to have just one telephone and one TV in the living room, and there was no such thing as__2__. Nowadays, all those items can be found in most teenagers′ bedrooms. Teens can have __3__behind closed doors, and they can turn the TV on to__4__. If they are curious, they will use the Internet to explore places they never imagined existed, get __5__, and talk to people far away. Having this equipment in their own rooms means__6__for the kids.As a result, many parents complain that teenagers are becoming too individualistic and__7__from the family. On the other hand, teenagers think that parents should__8__their privacy. Psychologists say that if the teens__9__, parents should just keep on knocking. Parents have__10__who their sons and daughters are with and what they are doing. But parents must be__11__, too. Some parents are very strict and try to__12__their kids. But in the end, that doesn′t work, because it makes t eens__13__. The more unhappy teenagers are, the more they want to be__14__. Some may even turn to the Internet and give up all__15__with family members and live in cyberspace.Today′s teenagers may be "__16__," but they are also the most educated, and the most globally aware, generation. They realize the importance of studying and__17__. If you ask teenagers today about the future, most of them will tell you that they are__18__. But teenagers will be teenagers. I once asked a teenager why he__19__his parents said and why he was behaving__20__, His answer was, "It′s my job. I′m a teenager. "[听力原文]Good afternoon! The topic for today′s lecture is "The ′Click and Go′Generation" which, of course, refers to today′s teenagers. As you canrecall, we used to have just one telephone and one TV in the living room, and there was no such thing as a home computer. Nowadays, all those items can be found in most teenagers′ bedrooms. Teens can have private conversations behind closed doors, and they can turn the TV on to any channel they like. If they are curious, they will use the Internet to explore places they never imagined existed, get a lot of information, and talk to people far away. Having this equipment in their own rooms means an increase in privacy for the kids. As a result, many parents complain that teenagers are becoming too individualistic and too isolated from the family. On the other hand, teenagers think that parents should respect their privacy. Psychologists say that if the teens lock their bedroom door, parents should just keep on knocking. Parents have the right to know who their sons and daughters are with and what they are doing. But parents must be flexible, too. Some parents are very strict and try to keep control of their kids. But in the end, that d oesn′t work, because it makes teens rebellious and unhappy. The more unhappy teenagers are, the more they want to be left alone. Some mayeven turn to the Internet and give up all social encounters with family members and live in cyberspace.Today′s teenag ers may be "click and go," but they are also the most educated, and the most globally aware, generation. They realize the importance of studying and getting a job. If you ask teenagers today about the future, most of them will tell you that they are optimistic. But teenagers will be teenagers. I once asked a teenager why he questioned everything his parents said and why he was behaving like such an idiot. His answer was, "It′s my job. I′m a teenager. "第1题:参考答案:recall详细解答:第2题:参考答案:a home computer详细解答:第3题:参考答案:private conversations 详细解答:第4题:参考答案:any channel they like 详细解答:第5题:参考答案:a lot of information 详细解答:第6题:参考答案:an increase in privacy 详细解答:参考答案:too isolated详细解答:第8题:参考答案:respect详细解答:第9题:参考答案:lock their bedroom door详细解答:第10题:参考答案:the right to know详细解答:第11题:参考答案:flexible详细解答:第12题:参考答案:keep control of their kids. 详细解答:第13题:参考答案:rebellious and unhappy.详细解答:第14题:参考答案:left alone.第15题:参考答案:social encounters详细解答:第16题:参考答案:"click and go,"详细解答:第17题:参考答案:getting a job.详细解答:第18题:参考答案:optimistic.详细解答:第19题:参考答案:questioned everything详细解答:第20题:参考答案:like such an idiot详细解答:B: Listening Comprehension Statements Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper; so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide whichone is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.第21题:A.Michael has been abroad for two years, so he speaks English very well.B.Michael has not studied English and he cannot speak it.C.In spite of his having studied English for years, Michael cannot speak it well.D.Michael has studied English for two years and he speaks it very well.参考答案:D[听力原文]Michael has put all his spare time into his foreign language training. Though he has only studied English for two years, he speaks it very well.第22题:A.I′m expecting a business phone call at the moment.B.I′m meeting a client at the cafeteria at the moment.C.I′ll use the phone over there at the cafeteria.D.I cannot wait much longer to join my colleagues at the cafeteria.参考答案:A[听力原文]All my colleagues are going over to the cafeteria now, but I cannot. I′m waiting for a phone call from a client of mine.第23题:A.My letter contained important information.B.My letter may not be found in the insurance company.C.The insurance company would reply to my letter very soon.D.The insurance company would deal with my claim.参考答案:D[听力原文]The insurance company acknowledged receiving my letter, saying that they are going to settle my claim very soon.第24题:A.You should wait to join those sports clubs.B.The heat wave will probably continue.C.Don′t worry. It will be cool very soon.D.I keep on jogging despite the hot weather.参考答案:B[听力原文]If this hot weather keeps up, you′d better stay away from outdoor activities. Autumn is still a long way off, you know.第25题:A.We should stand while watching television.B.We all need to exercise to stay healthy.C.We walk every day on the sports ground.D.We eat too much unhealthy food.参考答案:B[听力原文]I think television is unhealthy for us. We sit around too much. Do we play sports every day? Well, most of us walk very short distance and do little exercise!A.For years books were cheaper during Christmas.B.Books were too cheap to buy as Christmas presents.C.People used to buy books as Christmas gifts.D.People preferred to read books at Christmas.参考答案:C[听力原文]Over fifty years ago books were among the cheapest things you could buy and the expenditure of a dollar or two at Christmas solved all your gift problems.第27题:A.Bilingual language acquisition can start when a child is 5years old.B.Generally speaking, language learning should begin as early as possible.C.The best time for a child to have formal language courses is at5 years of age.D.A person may have language problems if not exposed to it at the age of 5.参考答案:A[听力原文]Generally, between the age of five and seven, a child will master two or more languages if the child is exposed to those languages equally and has comparable experiences in them.第28题:A.The maximum noise that our human ears can put up with is 140 decibels.B.It is advisable to listen to some rock music when an airplane is taking off.C.You may damage your hearing if you often attend a live rock concert.D.You should avoid taking a jet plane if you have chronic hearing problems.参考答案:C[听力原文]Listening to noise above 140 decibels, such as a jet taking off close by, can result in hearing loss. The same is true with listening to a live rock concert once or twice a week.A.In London, people earn £3,000 per month on average.B.In Britain, good looks often lead to higher income.C.Students in London are expected to pay more tuition fees.D.If you have B average in college, you′re eligible for thescholarship.参考答案:B[听力原文]A survey conducted by a London University claims that on average Britons with unattractive appearance earn £3,000 less than their better-looking colleagues.第30题:A.The promotions and higher salaries bring increased responsibilities.B.Employees have more opportunities to be promoted in government agencies.C.Businesses and government agencies are reluctant to promote their employees.D.There are more applications from employees once a higher position becomes vacant.参考答案:A[听力原文]Some businesses or government agencies provide employees with the opportunities to progress to higher positions with higher salaries. The higher position an individual occupies, the more responsibilities it brings.Talks and Conversations Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE. When you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.[听力原文]Jane: Hello. Jane speaking.Steve: Hi, Jane, it′s Steve here. Would you do me a favor?Jane: Well, it all depends, Steve. What do you want me to do? Steve: Could you lend me your car?Jane: You want to borrow my car?Steve: You see, Jane, I′m taking this girl to the country club on Saturday night. It′s our first date, and I want to impress her. Jane: Erm I don′t think it′s polite to drive someone else′s car to impress a girl. Besides, you are not covered by the insurance of my car.Steve: I know. The thing is that my car is in the garage. I had a mild bump yesterday, but that wasn′t my fault. The other driver didn′t stop at the traffic light.Jane: What a pity. I′ve got a better idea, Steve. How about getting a car from the Car Rental? I′ve got their phone number, if you want. Steve: OK. One more thing. Would you care to lend me some money for gas?Jane: No way. You can always use your credit card.第31题:A.To pick up something in the garage.B.To impress a girl on a date.C.To take the woman for a ride.D.To spend the weekend in the countryside.参考答案:B[听力原文]Why does Steve need a car?第32题:A.He lent it to a friend of his.B.He left it in the country club.C.It was stolen while parked along the roadside.D.It was involved in a traffic accident.参考答案:D[听力原文]What happened to the man′s own car?第33题:A.Rent a car.B.Open an account.C.Pay for their first date.D.Take the car to the insurance company.参考答案:A[听力原文]What is the woman′s suggestion?第34题:A.She has two cars available.B.She needs some money to buy gas.C.She is not impressed by the car.D.She is unwilling to lend her car.参考答案:D[听力原文]Which of the following is TRUE about the woman?[听力原文]I work for a beer distributing company. A secondary business we own isa carpet company. One Friday, I was trying to buy a carpet for my own personal use in a rental property. Julie is the salesperson I had to deal with to get this carpets. I met her on Friday at 4 : 00 P. M. in her office. We spent an hour talking about what party she was going to, what she was going to do this weekend, and so on. We only briefly talked about the purpose of my visit, which was to purchase a carpet. At first, this drove me a little crazy because I wanted to get the carpet and get out of there.An hour later, we went down to the showroom to look at some carpet. I agreed to one of the first carpets I looked at, and then we proceeded to talk about everything but purchasing the carpet. She was really nice. It was like we had known each otherall our lives.We finally agreed on a very low price, and it was a done deal. Well almost. After we agreed on the price, she said, "Oh, by the way. You only need sixty square yards, but you have to buy the whole roll to get it at that price. " There was about seventy-two square yards in the roll. I agreed to everything she said. When I got home and started thinking about it, I realized I had bought more than I really needed and I had actually paid more.第35题:A.To sell some beer.B.To purchase a carpet.C.To arrange a party.D.To plan a weekend visit.参考答案:B[听力原文]For what purpose did the speaker meet Julie in her office?第36题:A.A couple of minutes.B.Half an hour.C.About sixty minutes.D.Over seventy minutes.参考答案:C[听力原文]How long had the speaker stayed in Julie′s office?第37题:A.A secretary.B.A bartender.C.A consultant.D.A salesperson.参考答案:D[听力原文]What was Julie′s occupation?A.She had bought more than necessary.B.She had known Julie all her life.C.She took a long time choosing the right carpet.D.She was familiar with the carpet industry.参考答案:A[听力原文]Which of the following is TRUE about the speaker?[听力原文]W: So, what do you think is going to happen with this South African contract then?M: You mean the investment project? You know, something tells me we′re not going to get it.W: Oh, really? What makes you think that? It′s not like you to be so pessimistic.M: Well, for one thing, I mean the last bidding; we′ve gone in way too hi gher. My guess is that they′ll accept a lower tender.W: Mm. By the way, have some more lobster—there′s plenty of it in this dinner party, and it′s so delicious.M: Thanks. I think it′s one of the best dinner parties I′ve attended for years. I enjoy, in particular, those wonderful seafood.W: Me too. Going back to the contract, I don′t reckon price is really the issue.M: No? W: No. I mean, we′re talking long-term here. This is a seven-year project, maybe longer. So, reliability is what they′ll be looking for, if you ask me. They′ll pay more for that.M: You′ve got to be joking. This is one of the most price-sensitive markets in the world. The way I see it, we′ll be doing well just to get part of the contract. They′ll probably get a local firm in to do the main work.W: Hm, well, that′s bad news.A.In a seafood store.B.In a local factory.C.At a conference meeting.D.At a dinner party.参考答案:D[听力原文]Where is this conversation most probably taxing place?第40题:A.An investment contract.B.A seafood menu.C.The best dinner party.D.The price-sensitive market.参考答案:A[听力原文]What are the man and the woman talking about?第41题:A.They should bid a higher price for it.B.They are not going to get the contract.C.It is one of the best by far.D.It lasts for too long a period.参考答案:B[听力原文]What does the man think about the investment project?第42题:A.Time.B.Price.C.Reliability.D.Sensitivity.参考答案:C[听力原文]According to the woman, what is the mostimportant factor in the investment?[听力原文]Now I know you′re all curious about this place and you want to enjoy yourselves. That′s OK. I don′t want to spoil your fun, and it′s my duty to tell how to avoid putting yourselves and your property at risk. For all the girls here, if you′re in the bar or disco then make very sure that your handbag or purse is where you can keep an eye on it. Not on the floor or on another chair. If you want to dance, ask a friend to take care of it or take it with you.Um, for the gentlemen; don′t walk around with your wallet stuck in the back pocket of your trousers. It′s easy meat for a pick-pocket, believe me. As you are all foreigners here, don′t carry a lot of cash with you and the same goes for passports, identity cards and other important documents. For your own personal security, it′s always better to go home by bus or taxi if it′s late. If you have to walk home late at night go with some friends. If you′re alone, stick to well-lit areas. Should you see a group of people looking for trouble, cross over the road and, if you really think someone is going to bother you, bang onthe door of the nearest house and ask for help. Oh, another word of warning: Don′t hitch lifts. It′s asking for trouble. If a car stops to ask for information, just keep well clear of the door so you can see what the p eople want. This isn′t a dangerous town if you′re sensible.To close, I just want to say that in this country it is illegal to carry a knife, spray or anything that can be used as a weapon, even if it′s for self-defense.第43题:A.Describing types of crimes.B.Giving warnings against crimes.C.Telling people that it is a dangerous town.D.Showing the authorities′ determination to fight against crimes.参考答案:B[听力原文]What is this talk mainly about?第44题:A.It is likely to be stolen.B.It becomes a dog′s meat.C.It can alert the police when hit.D.It helps identify the owner.参考答案:A[听力原文]According to the man, what would happen to a wallet stuck in the back of one′s trousers?第45题:A.People who live in the town.B.Recently arrived immigrants.C.Young students.D.Foreign tourists.参考答案:D[听力原文]What kind of people is the man talking to?第46题:A.Taking a bus.B.Hiring a taxi.C.Asking for a lift.D.Going together with others.参考答案:C[听力原文]When you go home late at night, which of the following things are you advised NOT to do?[听力原文]W: Hi, Brown. I′d like to get your opinion about the news.M: OK. Well, I get most of my news on the Internet, but I read papers, too.W: And what do you think about the news in the newspaper?M: What I notice about the papers is that the news is really depressing, especially the main stories—you have bombings, and accidents, and people killing people. I find more and more that the news in the United States is getting focused on negative things. It′s always a disaster of some sort.W: So you think it′s very negative.M: Yeah, and there′s something else. I like to read about international news, but it seems that people here aren′t really that interested in it. I read somewhere, I can′t remember—that it′s a prestige thing, to cover the inter national news.W: And you don′t think people in the United States like international news?M: No. I don′t. But because I′ve lived in so many countries around the world, I am interested in international news. The news in Korea is from everywhere—the United States, Europe, Japan, China. Anyway, what I like about newspapers are the arts and culture sections. And the human interest stories, which can be really uplifting. I like to read about people. For example, there was a story about some crime in the park, b ut now they′re examining that case again, and it turns out that the five young people who they thought did it might be innocent, actually. It was shocking that the judicial system had failed in the beginning, but I′m glad they finally found out that those young people were innocent.W: So you liked that story.M: Yeah, I mean, that kind of news, people could actually read it and feel positive, like you could really improve the system, orwhatever—compared to news that′s depressing and you feel helpless—you can′t do anything about it.第47题:A.The news is not very interesting.B.The news is uplifting.C.The news is largely positive.D.The news is really depressing.参考答案:D[听力原文]What′s Brown′s opinion about the news in the newspaper?第48题:A.Because he likes to know more about foreign cultures.B.Because he is going to work in other countries soon.C.Because he has lived in many countries in the world.D.Because his job is closely linked with this type of news.参考答案:C[听力原文]Why is Brown interested in international news?第49题:A.Arts and culture.B.International news.C.Crime investigation.D.Human interest stories.参考答案:C[听力原文]Brown likes several sections in newspapers. Which of the following is NOT one of these sections?第50题:A.The Internet is his main source of news.B.The news of disasters is of special interest to him.C.He is getting more and more focused on negative things.D.He gets most of his news from the newspapers.参考答案:A[听力原文]Which of the following statements is TRUE about Brown?C: Listening Translation Sectence Translation Directions:In this part of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.第51题:_________参考答案:澳大利亚有成百万上千万头羊。

3月翻译资格中级英语口译实务试卷及答案英译中Imagine you have two candidates for a job. There CVs are equally good , and they both handsome. Are you swayed by their appearance?If you were swayed by someone's looks, would that be wrong? In the past, people often equated beauty with virtue and ugliness with vice.Even now, the expression "as ugly as sin" has not quite passed from the language. There is, of course, the equally famous expression "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", to counter it. Most beholders agree what is beautiful——and modern biology suggests there is a good rule of thumb for assessing someone of either sex. Not an infallible one. And certainly no substitute for an in-depth investigation. But, nevertheless, an instinctive one, and one that is bound to contribute to the advantage of the physically well endowed.中译英我国首次月球探测工程的成功,实现了中华民族的千年奔月梦想,并开始了中国人走向深空探索宇宙奥秘的时代,标志着我国已经进入世界具有探测能力的国家行列。

2016年3月上海市中级口译第二阶段口试真题试卷(精选)(总分:8.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、口译题(总题数:4,分数:8.00)1.Part A Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal.., and stop it at the signal...You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage.__________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析:Passage 1Passage 1(分数:4.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:所有女生,不仅是爱好运动者,都应该参加体育锻炼。

2016下半年三级口译真题及答案解析今天英语栏目的小编给大家带来“2016下半年三级口译真题及答案解析”,以下是详细内容,希望对大家有所帮助!英汉互译:A:when I knew that I am going to work in Beijing, I was a little nervous as I didn't know a first thing living in china. my friends suggested that I use Wechat, a social media platform that almost every Chinese uses. I didn't know how to use it. but I quickly downloaded the APPS on my cellphone. and guess what?I soon realized that Wechat had done something brilliant and I was soon addicted to it.我听到要到北京工作后,有些紧张,我对中国一无所知,我的朋友建议我用微信。
知识点:know a first thing,一无所知。
So am I. I could hardly have my day without using Wechat. Initially, Wechat can be used only for sending text messages. But now it has more and more functions including sending pictures, audio and video clips. All of these services are used for free. Family members and friends can contact each other conveniently with Wechat.知识点:而且不必花钱: All of these services are used for free.注意这类无主句的翻译要有效地加入主语,否则听起来显得句式凌乱不完整,容易被阅卷老师扣分。

1.2014年10月23日,中共十八届四中全会通过的《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》提出,坚持依法治国首先要坚持下列哪项?( c )a司法独立 b党的领导 c依宪治国 d建立法治政府2.社会力量参与社会救助,按照国家有关规定享有下列哪项优惠。
(d ) a. 财政补贴b. 税收优惠c. 费用减免d. 财政补贴、税收优惠、费用减免等政策3.一个自然人可以投资设立(c )个一人有限责任公司。
a.3b.2c.1d.不受法律限制4.我国现行宪法规定,省、自治区、直辖市的区域划分由(c )a.全国人民代表大会审议决定b.全国人大常委会批准c.国务院审批d.民政部批准5.依《航道法》规定,负责航道管理的部门进行航道疏浚、清障等影响通航的航道养护活动,或者确需限制通航的养护作业的,应当设置明显的作业标志,采取必要的安全措施,并提前通报( b ),保证过往船舶通行以及依法建设的工程设施的安全。
( a)a、一年、二年、三年b、六个月、一年、二年c、一年、二年、二年d、二年、二年、三年7.在环境与资源管理中使用最广泛的是哪类许可证?( d)a、规划许可证b、开发许可证c、建设许可证d、排污许可证8.人民法院受理环境民事公益诉讼后,应当在立案之日起( b )将起诉状副本发送被告,并公告案件受理情况。
a 5克b 50克c 500克d 1000克10.”全民守法”作为法治建设新16字方针的重要内容的首次提出是在( b)。
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[真题] 2016年3月中级口译(笔试)真题SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST A: Spot Dictation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.In the summer of 2010, record-high temperatures hit Moscow. At first it was just another__1__but the scorching heat that started in__2__continued through mid-August. Western Russia was__3__in early August that 300 or 400 new fires were starting every day. Millions of acres of forest__4__. So did thousands of homes. Crops withered. Day after day Moscow was bathed in__5__.The elderly and those with impaired respiratory systems__6__. The death rate climbed as heat stress and smoke__7__. The average July temperature in Moscow was a scarcely believable 14 degrees Fahrenheit__8__. Twice during the heat wave, the Moscow temperature__9__Fahrenheit, a level Muscovites had never before__10__. Watching the heat wave play out over a seven-week period on the TV__11__, with the thousands of fires and the smoke everywhere, was like watching __12__that had no end. Russia´s 140 million people were __13__, traumatized by what was happening to them and their country.The most __14__in Russia´s 130 years of record keeping was taking a heavy economic toll. The loss of __15__and the projected cost of their restoration __16__some $300 billion. Thousands of farmers faced bankruptcy. Russia´s __17__shrank from nearly 100 million tons to scarcely 60 million tons as crops withered. Recently the world´s number three wheat exporter, Russia banned grain exports __18__to rein in soaring domestic food prices. Between mid-June and mid-August, the world price of wheat __19__. Prolonged drought and the worst heat wave in Russian history__20__worldwide.[听力原文]In the summer of 2010, record-high temperatures hit Moscow. At first it was just another heat wave , but the scorching heat that started in late June continued through mid-August. Western Russia was so hot and dry in early August that 300 or 400 new fires were starting every day.Millions of acres of forest burned. So did thousands of homes. Crops withered. Day after day Moscow was bathed in seemingly endless smoke . The elderly and those with impaired respiratory systems struggled to breathe. The death rate climbed as heat stress and smoke took their toll. The average July temperature in Moscow was a scarcely believable 14 degrees Fahrenheit above the norm . Twice during the heat wave, the Moscow temperature exceeded 100 degrees Fahrenheit, a level Muscovites had never before experienced. Watching the heat wave play out over a seven-week period on the TV evening news , with the thousands of fires and the smoke everywhere, was like watching a horror film that had no end. Russia´s 140 million people were in shock , traumatized by what was happening to them and their country.The most intense heat in Russia´s 130 years of record keeping was taking a heavy economic toll. The loss of standing forests and the projected cost of their restoration totaled some $ 300 billion. Thousands of farmers faced bankruptcy. Russia´s grain harvest shrank from nearly 100 million tons to scarcely 60 million tons as crops withered. Recently the world´s number three wheat exporter, Russia banned grain exports in a desperate move to rein in soaring domestic food prices. Between mid-June and mid-August, the world price of wheat climbed 60 percent. Prolonged drought and the worst heat wave in Russian history were boosting food prices worldwide.第1题:参考答案:heat wave详细解答:第2题:参考答案:late June详细解答:第3题:参考答案:so hot and dry详细解答:第4题:参考答案:burned详细解答:第5题:参考答案:seemingly endless smoke 详细解答:第6题:参考答案:struggled to breathe详细解答:第7题:参考答案:took their toll详细解答:第8题:参考答案:above the norm详细解答:第9题:参考答案:exceeded 100 degrees 详细解答:第10题:参考答案:experienced详细解答:第11题:参考答案:evening news详细解答:第12题:参考答案:a movie详细解答:第13题:参考答案:in shock详细解答:第14题:参考答案:intense heat详细解答:第15题:参考答案:standing forests详细解答:第16题:参考答案:totaled详细解答:第17题:参考答案:grain harvest详细解答:第18题:参考答案:in a desperate move 详细解答:第19题:参考答案:climbed 60 percent 详细解答:第20题:参考答案:were boosting food prices详细解答:B: Listening Comprehension Statements Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper; so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.第21题:A.I´m pleased that George came to Italy with us.B.I´m sorry that George didn´t come to Italy with us.C.I don´t think that George will go to Italy with us.D.I hope that George isn´t going to Italy with us.参考答案:B[听力原文]Compared with the other countries we have visited on this trip, Italy is really a charming country to tourists. I wish George had come to Italy with us.第22题:A.Jane will arrive at 8:45.B.Jane will not arrive until 9:15.C.Jane is not going to work.D.Jane usually arrives on time.参考答案:B[听力原文]Although she is supposed to be at work by eight thirty, Jane usually turns up forty-five minutes late. The manager wants to talk to her about that.第23题:A.He lost his voice in arguing for the matter.B.He had no opinion whatever of the matter.C.He had little idea of what the matter was about.D.He had no say whatever in the matter.参考答案:D[听力原文]As a member of the board of the multinational company, he had no voice at all in the matter, though he little realized it.第24题:A.I feel sleepy because of the medicine I´m taking.B.The doctor hasn´t been able to help me.C.The doctor advised me to get more sleep.D.I think I should ask the doctor to give me more medicine.参考答案:A[听力原文]The medicine the doctor gave me seems to have helped, but it ´s making me awfully drowsy when I´m working in the office.第25题:A.I´m satisfied with my current schedule.B.I should design a new work schedule.C.My workload is extremely heavy as it is.D.My work schedule has put me to a lot of trouble.参考答案:C[听力原文]I´ve tried changing my work schedule several times, but in vain. No matter how I changed my schedule, there didn´t seem to be enough time to finish all.第26题:A.You should resist in face of a robber´s threat.B.You must not fight when your life is not threatened.C.The robber will run away when you fight back.D.The robber will threaten your life if you show your weakness.参考答案:B[听力原文]If a robber threatens you at home or on the street, try not to resist unless you feel that your life is in danger and you must fight or run away.第27题:A.Development plans will be reviewed at our next meeting.B.Our next meeting will be scheduled at 10 a. m. May 9.C.Contracts will be crossed off from our next meeting.D.More than two items will be discussed at our next meeting.参考答案:A[听力原文]Our next meeting will be May 10 at 9 a. m. , at which development plans will be examined. Soon after this, contracts will be drawn up.第28题:A.Jack will not make the agreement to share profits.B.Profits from the product will be divided between Susan and Jack.C.It´s difficult for Susan to make an agreement with Jack.D.Susan will not share profits with Jack unless he promotes the product.参考答案:D[听力原文]Susan wants to make an agreement with Jack to share profits from the product if Jack will promote it.第29题:A.Many tourists like the places with the French colonial influence.B.The menu features the Vietnamese and French styles.C.French cuisine is influenced by Vietnamese cuisine.D.Vietnam attracts a lot of French tourists.参考答案:B[听力原文]In those restaurants, many tourists like the menu that blends the cuisine of Vietnam with the French colonial influence.第30题:A.A larger European Union is sure to face more differences.B.The member countries will help the European Union solve differences.C.It is inevitable that the European Union will get bigger.D.The European Union is likely to settle differences if it gets bigger.参考答案:A[听力原文]The bigger the European Union gets, the more inevitable will be differences between the member countries.Talks and Conversations Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE. When you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.[听力原文]F: Next patient, please! ... Come in.M: Good morning, doctor. Sorry I´m a bit late, but I felt really awful when I got up.F: Don´t worry. It´s Mr. Barnes, isn´t it?M: That´s right.F: Is that B-A-R-N-E-S?M: Yes, it is.F: Right, now what seems to be the trouble?M: Well, I´ve had this awful flu and a terrible cough.F: I see. How long have you been feeling like this?M: Oh, about three or four days, I suppose.F: And have you been taking any medication?M: Just the normal things. Aspirins, lemon and hot drinks, but it hasn ´t done any good.F: Are you a smoker?M: No. I gave up three years ago.F: Have you had a temperature?M: Yes. For the last couple of days or so.F: OK. I´ll just take a look at your chest. Take off your jacket and pullover please. ... Right. Now breathe in ... and out slowly. And again. Good. Once more. That´s it. Put your clothes back on.M: Thank you.F: Well, it looks as if you´ve got a touch of bronchitis. I´ll give you some cough mixture and a prescription for a course of antibiotics as well. Take one capsule every 8 hours for the next five days.M: OK, doctor. What about going to work?F: No. You´ll have to spend a couple of days in bed till it clears up.第31题:A.He arrived too early for the appointment.B.He missed the early bus.C.He went to a wrong address.D.He felt very bad when he got up.参考答案:D[听力原文]What was the trouble with the man?第32题:A.Because he was late for the appointment.B.Because he was going to bother the other speaker.C.Because he wasn´t sure what was wrong with him.D.Because he said something improper.参考答案:A[听力原文]Why did he apologize?第33题:A.A weak heart.B.A headache.C.Pneumonia.D.Bronchitis.参考答案:D[听力原文]What was the man most probably suffering from?第34题:A.Three days.B.Four days.C.Five days.D.Six days.参考答案:C[听力原文]For how long did the doctor suggest the man take antibiotics?[听力原文]The day after Thanksgiving has become America´s wildest shopping day. Closed all day on Thursday, chain stores all across the nation open early on Friday. Some stores open at 12:01 Friday morning, while others open at 4 a. m. Some "sleepyhead" stores, like Target this year, don´t open their doors on Friday until 6 a. m. From Friday to the day before Christmas, this is the season when businesses make as much as 25 percent of their annual revenue. This season puts many businesses "in the black"—that is, into profitability—for the year.Reporters from local TV stations interview people who camp out in front of stores a day or two before the doors open on Friday. These people patiently wait in line to get products that are discounted 50 percent or more."Oh, we have fun," said one camper. "We bring games to play, we watch TV and order lots of pizza, and we meet interesting people. And, most important of all, we save big bucks!" The catch, of course, is that only a very small number of products are available at the largest discounts. Regardless, each store has plenty of other items that are reduced from 10 to 50 percent—saving shoppers from $ 10 to $ 400 per item—to entice Americans to shop.Not all Americans appreciate this frenzy of shopping. William Graham, pastor of the Church of the Risen Jesus, wants to rename Black Friday. "We want to call it Remember Jesus Friday. People should start the season with the right attitude. Christmas time has become a Season of Shopping. We want to make it a Season of Giving. And we don´t mean giving iPods, DVDs, flat screen TVs, and other crap. We mean giving your back, your mind, and your hands. Help an old lady clean up her house. Teach a kid how to read. Visit sick people in the hospital or in nursing homes. Pick up the trash in your neighborhood. Give blood to the Red Cross. Do volunteer work for charities. Celebrate Christmas by remembering Jesus and forgetting Santa Claus. "第35题:A.At 12:01 a.m.B.At 4:00 a. m.C.At 6:00 a.m.D.At 8:00 a. m.参考答案:C[听力原文]What time do some "sleepyhead" stores open their doors on the day after Thanksgiving ?第36题:A.Because they want to get products discounted 50% or more.B.Because they want to camp in front of the store to play games.C.Because they can meet interesting friends there.D.Because they can save more than $ 400.参考答案:A[听力原文]Why do many people wait a day or two outside the store before that Friday?第37题:A.It should be a season of shopping gifts for families and friends.B.It should be a season of giving and taking.C.It should be a season of helping others.D.It should be a season of remembering Santa Claus.参考答案:C[听力原文]What should be Thanksgiving season like according to William Graham?第38题:A.William Graham thinks Christmas season has been commercialized.B.Shoppers may spend as much as $ 400 on Friday after Thanksgiving.C.Discounted items are available in stores during this season.D.Many businesses rely on Black Friday to make more profits.参考答案:B[听力原文]Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the report?[听力原文]George: Hi Jenny. I´m thinking of applying for a job with a multinational company, but I´m worried about having an interview in English. Can you give me any good tips?Jenny: Hmmm. I guess the first thing is to try to make a good impression. We often say, "you never get a second chance to make a first impression". George: That sounds like good advice. But how do I make a good first impression?Jenny: To begin with, you should firmly shake the interviewer´s hand while greeting him or her with a smile. Be sure to keep eye contact, especially when listening to the interviewer.George: Ah, "body language" is really important, isn´t it?Jenny: Yes, it is. The second thing is to have confidence. You get confidence from being prepared. You should learn about the company before the interview and find out what they do, how long they´ve beenin business, and what their business motto is, that kind of thing. You should also anticipate possible questions, and think about how you will answer them.George: Should I memorize my answers beforehand?Jenny: No! That may sound mechanical. You should be natural when you speak. Just think about how you want to answer, and choose the right words. That way, you can use the interviewer´s words in your answer, which shows you´ve been listening. Then you´re sure to make a good impression.George: I never thought about that before. You´re really smart, Jenny! But what should I do if I can´t remember an English word when I´m answering a question?Jenny: In that case, you have to paraphrase. In other words, you have to explain what you want to say. For example, if you forget the word "manufacturing", you can say "making a product" instead.George: That´s very helpful, Jenny. Thanks so much. Ah, one more thing. Should I ask about the salary during the interview?Jenny: No, either let them bring up the topic of money, or else wait for a second interview. If you prepare well, make a good first impression, have confidence, and use English naturally, you´re almost certain to be interviewed again. Good luck!第39题:A.Because he plans to work for a national company.B.Because he wants Jenny to give him some advice.C.Because Jenny speaks good English.D.Because Jenny often attends interviews in English.参考答案:B[听力原文]Why does George want to talk to Jenny?第40题:A.Shaking hands firmly with interviewers.B.Smiling while greeting the interviewer.C.Keeping eye contact during the interview.D.Memorizing answers beforehand.参考答案:D[听力原文]Which of the following will not make a good impression on the interviewee?第41题:A.Prepare a quick speech to show your confidence.B.Find out as much as possible about the company.C.Guess the interviewer´s questions and memorize your answers.e some appropriate body language.参考答案:B[听力原文]What preparations should be made before the interview according to Jenny?第42题:A.Asking about the salary.B.Trying to be confident.ing interviewer´s words when answering questions.D.Paraphrasing some words to explain what you want to say.参考答案:A[听力原文]What behavior is considered inappropriate for the interview?[听力原文]When you stop and think about your high school or college you have graduated from, were your experiences more positive or negative? Do your feelings of success or failure in that school have anything to do with whether or not your school was single-sex or coeducational? Today, more and more Americans are electing to send their children to single-sex schools because they feel both boys and girls blossom when they study in the company of students of the same sex. They tend to achieve more.For years, only parents who could afford to send their children to private schools, or who had strong religious or cultural reasons, chose single-sex education for their children. For example, Catholic families often sent their children to church schools. Since U. S. public schools are, by law, coeducational and free, single-sex schooling was out of reach for most American families. Today, however, along with costly private schools, public schools are experimenting with the idea of separating the sexes. However, because public schools are not allowed to discriminate on the basis of sex, they have been denied federal support.Girls may be the ones who benefit most from single-sex schooling. Studies have shown that many girls get disappointed in coed classrooms because teachers sometimes pay more attention to boys. Girls´ positive, enthusiastic attitude toward their studies tends to disappear as they begin to feel less successful. They start to watch their male peers outperform them in math and science. As boys begin to gain confidence, girls start to lose it. Moreover, adolescence is such a fragile time for girls. As they experience adolescent changes, some girls become depressed, develop an addiction, or suffer from an obsession with weight.第43题:A.Single-sex schools.B.Co-educational schools.C.Public schools.D.Famous schools.参考答案:A[听力原文]To what kind of school do more and more American parents choose to send their children?第44题:A.They will be banned from enrollment.B.They will risk losing students.C.They will be denied federal support.D.They will rank low among schools.参考答案:C[听力原文]What will happen to public schools if they experiment with the idea of separating the sexes?第45题:A.Sometimes teachers pay more attention to boys.B.Male students outperform them in math and science.C.Girls start to lose confidence when boys begin to gain it.D.Boys make trouble for them and put them in a fragile condition.参考答案:D[听力原文]What is NOT a disadvantage for girls in co-educational schooling?第46题:A.Romance.B.Depression.C.Addiction.D.Weight obsession.参考答案:A[听力原文]Which of the following is NOT mentioned as adolescent changes that girl students experience?[听力原文]Alex: I think I really need to move, Linda. This apartment is too noisy and too dark. There are so many cars going by, but no sun comes through the windows. Do you think it would be easy for me to find a better apartment?Linda: Sure. There are lots of apartments available at this time of year. Which part of the city would you like to live in?Alex: I´d like to stay on the west side, near our university, but I´dalso like an apartment near the subway.Linda: Maybe you should consider the Park area. It´s a very convenient location.Alex: Yeah, it sounds good. It´s also near the shopping mall and not far from the airport.Linda: Next you have to think about rent. What price range are you thinking about?Alex: Well, I really can´t pay around 4,500 RMB a month, but I´d like to pay 3,000 if possible.Linda: I think 3,000 is possible if you have a roommate. You could share an apartment with a college student, or maybe a young clerk. Alex: That might be interesting, but I really like my privacy. I need to study Chinese in a quiet place and also sleep in peace every night. Linda: Maybe it´s best for you to pay a little bit more for your own apartment. So, the next step is to decide what kind of apartment you want—how many rooms, what kind of furnishings, stuff like that. Alex: I don´t need any special furnishings, but I certainly want a southern exposure. I like to have a bright, sunny room. One bedroom and one living room is enough, but I really want to have a balcony. Linda: Maybe we´ll get lucky and find something bigger but not expensive. Let´s wait and see.Alex: Okay, now that I know what I want, what do I have to do to actually find an apartment?Linda: I´ll look through some advertisements and make some phone calls. Then we can go check out the ones that sound good.第47题:A.The present apartment is noisy.B.The present apartment is not bright.C.The present apartment is far from the university.D.The present apartment gets no sunshine.参考答案:C[听力原文]Which of the following is NOT a reason for Alex to look fora new apartment?第48题:A.Furnishings.B.Surrounding.C.Exposure.D.Location.参考答案:A[听力原文]For a new apartment, which is not important to Alex?第49题:A.2,500 RMBB.3,000 RMBC.4,500 RMBD.5,000 RMB参考答案:B[听力原文]What is the highest rent Alex can possibly afford to pay?第50题:A.Find a small apartment.B.Find a one-bedroom apartment.C.Find an apartment with special furnishings.D.Find a young person to share an apartment.参考答案:D[听力原文]What suggestion does Linda offer to help Alex save money?C: Listening Translation Sectence Translation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.第51题:______参考答案:当你购买的东西送到家时应当检查一下,如果发现问题与商家联系,你有权利要求调换或者退款。