
This document contains minimum information to install and run LCR positioners. Download the complete LCR series product manual no. 102-4109-01 from /LCR .Step 1 Installation/Mounting:The LCR22/30 are mounted via accessory toe clamps part number 002-3233-XX. They engage the bottom t-slot in the base profile and utilizeqty 2 M3 x 0.5 x 16 mm long socket head cap screws. Position the toe clamps no further than 12” apart along the side of the extrusion.C = 28.5mm for LCR22C = 36.5mm for LCR30Minimum Suggested tap depth = 7.0mmWarning: To avoid damage to nut-carriage assembly, DO NOT BACK DRIVE (push by hand) the carriage. Carriage should only be moved by input shaft coupled to the screw.Step 2 Motor Mounting information (Skip this step if your unit arrived with an assembled motor) :Screw driven actuators : To provide proper engagement on non factory mounted motors and avoid preloading motor bearing, the couplinghalf must be accurately placed on motor shaft. The set screw should be aligned to flat on motor shaft and torque to 0.5 N-m.Step 3 Payload mounting to LCR:Using the M3 x 0.5 (LCR30) -or- M2.0 x 0.4 (LCR22) in the load plate. When fastening to load take precaution in using screws with no more than 5.5mm of thread engagement, to prevent damage to positioner from penetration rhrough the mounting plate. It is alsoimportant to verify the final mounted load does not exceed maximum moment load ratings shown below.Take each actual moment load and divide by the corresponding maximum allowable moment = moment factor. Then sum all theStep 4 Wiring the motor to the drive (Skip this step if your LCR came with P2 drive mounted):The following charts provide the needed information for wiring the motor to your stepper drive.Step 6 Wiring the limit sensors to the drive (Skip this step if your LCR has “L0” options):The following charts provide the needed information for wiring the sensors to your stepper drive.Pin Wire Color Wiring Connec。

●可測量參數:Z Y R G Cp Cs Lp Ls(各參數具體含義日後附上) ●主鍵的認識:
顯示屏上出現No,Y es
B 根據自己的需要進行設置:A步完成之後,按下Meas Prmtr
按下Meas Prmtr鍵,顯示上有參數出現,利用選
定須測試參數,按下enter鍵就可,我們用到最多的為Cp Cs Lp
C Cp,Cs 的測試:
D Ls,Lp的測試:

TH2839/A体积:400mm(W)x132mm(H)x425mm(D)净重:15kgTH2839系列精密LCR数字电桥性能特点■ 测试频率TH2839:20Hz-10MHzTH2839A:20Hz-5MHz■ 高精度:采用自动平衡电桥技术,四端对测试配置■ 高稳定性和一致性:高达15个测试量程配置■ 高速度:最快达5.6ms的测试速度■ 高分辨:7英寸,800×600分辨率■ 高功率:信号源:电压最大2Vrms,电流最大20mADC偏置:电压最高达±40V,电流最大100mA可通过外部DC BIAS偏置接口控制最多达6台TH1778系列偏流源,最大120A 独立电压源:±10V可编程输出■ 201点多参数列表扫描功能■ 图形化扫描功能■ 数学运算功能■ 变容二极管自动极性功能■ 一键截屏功能■ 一键记录功能■ 10档分选功能,分选结果声光报警■ 超大的存储空间:内置:40组设定文件扩展:可通过USB存储器存储500组设定文件、图像文件、数据记录文件■ 高兼容性:支持SCPI指令集,兼容KEYSIGHT E4980A、E4980AL、HP4284A 简要介绍■ TH2839/A是采用当前国际先进的自动平衡电桥原理研制成功的新一代阻抗测试仪器,其0.05%的基本精度、最快达5.6ms的测试速度、20Hz-10MHz的频率范围及高达1GΩ的阻抗测试范围可以满足元件与材料的一切测量要求,特别有利于测量低D电容器和高Q 电感器的测量。

LCR METER 4235 / 4236 / 42371.0中文操作手册目录1. 安全規範 ................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
1.1 概說 ................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
1.2 交流電源供應.................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
1.3 調整、維護與維修.......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.4 靜電 ................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
2. 說明 ........................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
3. 安裝 ........................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
72-10465 LCR 多功能仪表用户操作指南说明书

cursor position. cursor position.
sorting sorting
I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Front Panel VIII. Guidelines IX. Fast Applications X. XI. XII. XIII.
Please replace the battery immediately when the " - " prompt is displayed to avoid errors in measurement. Please replace the old battery with a new alkaline 9V battery.
Please use a damp, soft cloth to wipe away any direct and debris; do not allow water to drip inside of the case. The meter can not be used until the case is clean and dry.
优利德 UTR2830E系列数据手册 说明书

系列LCR数字电桥数据手册REV 02024.01⏹ 4.3英寸液晶显示屏⏹最高200kHz测试频率⏹基本精度0.05%⏹最快测试速度12.5ms/次⏹内阻30Ω,50Ω,100Ω可选⏹10档分选,计数,PASS/FAIL显示⏹软电源开关⏹DCR功能⏹RS232、HANDLER、USB HOST、USB DEVICE、网口UTR2830E系列LCR数字电桥是新一代低频元件测量仪器。
应用场景:无源元件:电容器、电感器、磁芯、电阻器、压电器件、变压器、芯片组件和网络元件等的阻抗参数评估;其他元件:印制电路板、继电器、开关、电缆、电池等的阻抗评估;显示方式双参数显示多参数及判定结果显示比较模式内置比较功能可将被测元件分成最多达10个档(BIN1至BIN9及BIN OUT)。
UNI-T技术支持热线: 400-876-7822是优利德科技(中国)股份有限公司的英文名称和商标。
LCR-1000 LCR Meter 用户手册说明书

用户手册User’s GuideAT827/AT828Rev.A0固件说明:适用于主程序RevA1.0及以上的版本@Instruments常州安柏精密仪器有限公司.江苏省常州市武进区漕溪路9号14幢电话:*************销售服务电子邮件: *****************技术支持电子邮件: ****************©2005-2023 Applent Instruments Ltd.2 LCR-1000 LCR Meter用户手册目录目录 (2)插图目录 (5)表格目录 (6)1.安装和设置向导 (7)1.1装箱清单 (7)1.2电源要求 (7)1.3操作环境 (7)1.4清洗 (7)1.5更换电池 (8)2.概述 (9)2.1引言 (9)2.2测量功能 (9)2.2.1测量参数 (9)2.2.2等效方式 (10)2.2.3量程 (10)2.2.4测试速度 (10)2.2.5基本准确度 (11)2.2.6测量显示范围 (11)2.3信号源 (12)2.3.1测试频率 (12)2.3.2测试电平 (12)2.3.3源内阻 (12)2.4主要功能 (12)2.4.1校准功能 (12)2.4.2比较器功能 (12)2.4.3系统设置 (12)2.4.4接口 (12)3.开始 (13)3.1前面板 (13)3.2接口 (14)3.2.1电池充电功能 (14)3.3开机 (15)3.4测试端的连接 (15)4.[MEAS DISPLAY] 测量页面 (16)4.1[MEAS DISPLAY] - 测量显示页 (16)4.1.1FUNC - 测量功能 (16)4.1.2FREQ - 测试频率 (17)4.1.3LEVEL - 测试电平 (17)4.1.4RANGE - 测试量程 (17)3安装和设置向导4.1.5 SPEED - 测试速度 ............................................................................ 18 4.1.6 EQU - 等效方式 ................................................................................. 18 4.1.7HOLD – 数据保持 (19)5.[SETUP] 设置页面 ........................................................................................................................ 20 5.1[SETUP] 设置页 .................................................................................................... 20 5.1.1 AUTO LCZ – 自动LCZ 选择 .............................................................. 20 5.1.2 COMP - 比较器开关 .......................................................................... 21 5.1.3 BEEP - 讯响设置 ............................................................................... 21 5.1.4 NOMINAL - 输入[标称值] ................................................................... 22 5.1.5TOL - 输入百分比偏差 (23)6. [OPEN SHORT] 清零页面 ............................................................................................................ 24 6.1 [OPEN SHORT] 清零页 ........................................................................................ 24 6.2 [OPEN TEST]-开路校准 ......................................................................................... 24 6.3 [短路]校准.............................................................................................................. 25 7. [SYST]系统配置页面 (27)7.1[SYSTEM CONFIG] 系统配置页 ............................................................................ 27 7.1.1 KEY BEEP - 按键音开关 .................................................................... 27 7.1.2 BRIGHTNESS – LCD 背光亮度调整 .................................................. 28 7.1.3 TOUCH PANEL – 触摸屏设置 ............................................................ 28 7.1.4 DIM DISPLAY - 降低背光亮度时间设置 .............................................. 30 7.1.5 APO – 自动关机时间设置 .................................................................. 30 7.1.6 VCOM ENDMARK – USB 虚拟串口结束符 ......................................... 31 7.1.7 USB-HID PID – 产品ID 设置 ............................................................ 32 7.1.8 DEFAULT SET – 恢复出厂设置 (32)7.2 [SYSTEM INFORMATION] 系统信息页 (32)8. 测量步骤及示例 ............................................................................................................................. 34 8.1 测量示例 (34)9.远程控制及指令集 (36)9.1 USB-HID 设备类 .................................................................................................... 36 9.2 USB-HID 编程指南 ................................................................................................ 36 9.3 USB-VCOM 虚拟串口 . (38)9.4 指令集 (39)9.4.1 USB-HID 命令包 ................................................................................ 39 9.4.2 说明符 ............................................................................................... 40 9.4.3 数据类型 ............................................................................................ 40 9.5 命令参考 (41)9.5.1 DISP 显示子系统 ............................................................................... 41 9.5.2 FUNC 功能子系统 .............................................................................. 42 9.5.3 FREQ 频率子系统 ............................................................................. 44 9.5.4 APER 速度子系统 ............................................................................. 44 9.5.5 FETC? 查询结果子系统 ..................................................................... 44 9.5.6COMP 比较器子系统 (45)4 LCR-1000 LCR Meter用户手册9.5.7CORR 校准子系统 (46)9.5.8SYST 系统设置子系统 (48)9.5.9IDN?子系统 (48)9.5.10ERR错误子系统 (49)9.6命令汇总 (49)10.规格 (51)10.1一般规格 (51)10.2准确度 (52)10.3准确度 (52)10.3.1电容C及损耗D (52)10.3.2电感L和品质因数 (54)10.3.3阻抗Z与相位角θ (55)10.3.4ESR (55)10.3.5DCR (55)10.4外形尺寸 (56)安装和设置向导5插图目录图1-1 更换电池 (8)图3-1 前面板 (13)图3-2接口挡板 (14)图3-3充电指示灯,充电时显示为橙色 (14)图3-4测试端的连接 (15)图4-1 [MEAS DISPLAY]页 (16)图4-2 [HOLD]数据保存功能 (19)图5-1[SETUP] 页 (20)图5-2键盘输入框 (22)图6-1[OPEN SHORT] 页 (24)图6-2杂散导纳 (24)图6-3剩余阻抗 (25)图7-1<系统配置>页 (27)图7-2亮度调节键 (28)图7-3<系统配置>页 (32)图8-1电容器的测试结果 (34)图9-1在计算机上,仪器被识别为GW Intek HID (36)图9-2在仪器上,在底部提示行显示USB Attached (36)图9-3Windows 主机访问USB-HID设备流程图 (37)6 LCR-1000 LCR Meter用户手册表格目录表2-1 串并联等效电路 (10)表2-2 AT827测量显示范围 (11)表2-3 AT828 测量显示范围 (11)表3-1 前面板功能描述 (14)表3-2 接口挡板描述 (14)表4-1测试量程说明 (17)表4-2 量程与对应的测试范围 (18)表9-1一个指令发送包数据 (39)表9-2说明符 (40)表9-3数据格式列表 (40)表9-4倍率 (40)表9-5错误代码及信息 (49)表9-6所有USB命令汇总 (49)安装和设置向导71. 安装和设置向导感谢您购买我公司的产品!使用前请仔细阅读本章。

国峰电子高端 LCR 数字电桥通用使用手册说明书

目录第1章仪器检查及准备 (7)1.1开箱检查 (7)1.2电源连接 (7)1.3保险丝 (7)1.4环境要求 (7)1.5测试夹具要求 (7)1.6精度保证 (7)第2章面板说明及入门操作 (8)2.1仪器简介 (8)2.2前面板说明 (8)2.3后面板说明 (9)2.4显示区域定义 (10)2.5主菜单按键和相应显示页面 (10)2.5.1 测量显示页面按键[MEAS] (10)2.5.2 设置页面按键[SETUP] (10)2.5.3 系统设置页面按键[SYSTEM] (10)2.6基本操作 (10)2.7开机 (11)第3章显示及设置页面说明 (12)3.1<元件测量显示>页面 (12)3.2<档号显示>页面 (14)3.3<档计数显示>页面 (14)3.4<列表扫描显示>页面 (15)3.5<多参数显示>页面(部分型号机型无该功能) (16)3.6<曲线扫描显示>页面 (17)3.6.1 A max 和 A)值: (17)3.6.2 A min 和a)值: (17)3.6.3 B max 和B)值: (17)3.6.6 超声器件的测试 (18)3.7LCR模式U盘保存数据功能 (19)3.8<测量设置>页面 (20)3.8.1 触发: (21)3.8.2 恒电平: (21)3.8.3 ISO: (21)3.8.4 平均: (22)3.8.5 电平监视功能Vm、Im: (22)3.8.6 延时: (22)3.8.7 内阻: (22)3.8.8 偏差测试功能:。
(22)3.8.9 清除设置: (22)3.9<用户校准>页面 (23)3.9.1 开路: (23)3.9.2 短路: (24)3.9.3 负载: (24)3.9.4 频率1、频率2、频率3: (24)3.9.5 电缆: (25)3.10<极限列表设置>页面 (25)3.10.1 参数: (25)3.10.2 比较方式: (25)3.10.3 标称: (26)3.10.4 比较器开关: (26)3.10.5 附属档开关: (26)3.10.6 上、下限: (26)3.11<列表扫描设置>页面 (26)3.11.1 方式: (26)3.11.2 列表扫描测试条件: (26)3.11.3 LMT、下限、上限: (27)3.12<多参数设置>页面(部分机型无该功能) (27)3.12.1 极限方式: (27)3.12.2 参数栏: (27)3.13<曲线扫描设置>页面 (27)3.13.3 结束: (28)3.13.4 纵坐标范围设定: (28)第4章变压器单机测试(部分机型有此功能) (29)4.1<变压器测试设置>页面 (29)4.1.1 延时: (29)4.1.2 偏置: (29)4.1.3 方式: (29)4.1.4 TURN: (29)4.1.5 Lx: (29)4.1.6 Zx: (30)4.1.7 Acr: (30)4.1.8 Dcr: (30)4.1.9 频率、电平及和√/χ开关 (30)4.2<变压器极限设置>页面 (30)4.2.1 极限方式: (30)4.2.2 参数、标称、下限及上限: (31)4.3<变压器测量显示>页面 (31)4.4<变压器判别显示>页面 (31)4.5单组变压器U盘数据保存功能 (32)第5章 [SYSTEM]菜单键说明 (33)5.1<系统设置>页面 (33)5.1.1 屏幕亮度: (33)5.1.2 显示风格: (33)5.1.3 按键声音: (33)5.1.4 语言: (33)5.1.5 密码: (33)5.1.6 日期和时间: (33)5.2<测试设置>功能页面 (33)5.2.1 系统功能: (34)5.2.2 讯响: (34)5.2.5 偏置源: (34)5.2.6 HANDLER模式: (34)5.2.7 触发沿: (34)5.3<接口设置>功能页面 (34)5.3.1 接口模式: (35)5.3.2 RS232C设置: (35)5.3.3 GPIB设置: (35)5.3.4 USBTMC: (35)5.3.5 USBCDC: (35)5.4<系统信息>功能页面 (35)第6章 [FILE]键文件管理说明 (36)6.1.1 单组元件设定文件(*.LCR) (36)6.1.2 文件操作步骤: (36)第7章性能与测试 (38)7.1测量功能 (38)7.1.1 部分测量参数细分说明 (38)测试信号频率 (38)7.1.2 信号模式 (38)7.1.3 测试信号电平 (38)7.1.4 测试信号电平监视器 (38)7.1.5 直流电阻测试电压 (38)7.1.6 内部直流电压偏置 (39)7.2测量准确度 (39)7.2.1 │Z│、│Y│、L、C、R、X、G、B的准确度 (39)7.2.2 D 准确度 (39)7.2.3 Q 准确度 (39)7.2.4 θ 准确度 (40)7.2.5 G 准确度 (40)7.2.6 Rp 准确度 (40)7.2.7 Rs 准确度 (40)7.3安全要求 (44)7.3.1 绝缘电阻 (44)7.3.2 绝缘强度 (44)7.3.3 泄漏电流 (44)7.4电磁兼容性要求 (44)7.5性能测试 (44)7.5.1 工作条件 (44)7.5.2 试验仪器和设备见下表 (45)7.5.3 功能检查 (45)7.5.4 测试信号电平 (45)7.5.5 频率 (46)7.5.6 测量准确度 (46)7.5.7 电容量C、损耗D准确度 (46)7.5.8 电感量L准确度 (46)7.5.9 阻抗Z准确度 (46)第8章远程控制 (47)8.1RS232C接口说明 (47)8.2GPIB接口说明(选购) (48)8.2.1 GPIB接口功能 (49)8.2.2 GPIB地址 (49)8.2.3 GPIB总线功能 (49)8.2.4 可编程仪器命令标准(SCPI) (50)8.3USBTMC接口说明 (50)8.3.1 安装驱动 (50)8.4USBCDC虚拟串口 (51)8.4.1 安装驱动 (51)第9章 HANDLER接口使用说明 (52)9.1技术说明 (52)9.2操作说明 (52)9.2.1 介绍 (52)9.2.2 信号线定义 (52)9.2.4 使用操作 (57)附录-仪器型号参数表 (59)本文约定:1.本手册将以我司代替常州市国峰电子科技有限公司,不再重复全称。
PCE-UT 603 数字 LCR 仪用户手册说明书

Tursdale Technical Services LtdTable of contentsOverview (3)Safety Information (3)Rules for Safe Operation (3)International Electrical Symbols (4)The Meter Structure (4)Functional Buttons (5)Display Symbols (5)Measurement Operation (6)A. Measuring Resistance (6)B. Diode and Continuity Test (7)C. Capacitance Measurement (8)D. Inductance Measurement (9)E. Transistor hFE Measurement (9)General Specifications (10)Accuracy Specifications (10)A. Resistance Test (10)B. Continuity & Diodes (11)C. Capacitance Test (11)D. Inductance Test (12)E. Transistor (12)Maintenance (12)A. General Service (12)B. Replacing the Battery (13)C. Replacing the Fuse (13)OverviewThis Operating Manual covers information on safety and cautions. Please read the relevant information carefully and observe all the Warnings and Notes strictly.WarningTo avoid electric shock or personal injury, read the “Safety Information” and “Rules for Safety Operation” carefully before using the Meter. Digital Inductance Capacitance Meter Model UT602/UT603 (hereafter referred to as “the Meter”) is a 3 1/2 digits with steady operations, fashionable design and highly reliable hand-held measuring instrument.The UT602 can measure inductance, while UT603 can measure capacitance and inductance. They both can measure resistance, transistor, diode and continuity buzzer UT602 has an extra Data Hold feature. Unpacking InspectionOpen the package case and take out the Meter. Check the following items carefully to see any missing or damaged part:Item Description Qty1 English Operating Manual 1 piece2 Test Clip 1 pair3 9V Alkaline Battery (NEDA1604, 6F22or1 piece006P) (installed)In the event you find any missing or damage, please contact your dealer immediately.Safety InformationThis Meter complies with the standards EMC EN61326. Use the Meter only as specified in this operating manual, otherwise the protection provided by the Meter may be impaired.In this manual, a Warning identifies conditions and actions that pose hazards to the user, or may damage the Meter or the equipment under test. A Note identifies the information that user should pay attention on. International electrical symbols used on the Meter and in this Operating Manual are explained on page 7.Rules for Safe OperationWarningTo avoid possible electric shock or personal injury, and to avoid possible damage to the Meter or to the equipment under test, adhere to the following rules:- Before using the Meter inspect the case. Do not use the Meter if it is damaged or the case (or part of the case) is removed. Look for cracks or missing plastic.- Pay attention to the insulation around the connectors. Inspect the test clips for damaged insulation or exposed metal. Check the test clips for continuity.- Replace damaged test clips with identical model number or electrical specifications before using the Meter.- Do not apply voltage to the Meter.- The rotary switch should be placed in the right position and no any changeover of range shall be made during measurement is conducted to prevent damage of the Meter. Do not apply more than 30Vrms between the terminals and the grounding to avoid electric shock and damage to the Meter.- Use the proper terminals, function, and range for your measurements. Do not use or store the Meter in an environment of high temperature, humidity, explosive, inflammable and strong magnetic field. The performance of the Meter may deteriorate after dampened.- Disconnect circuit power and discharge all high-voltage capacitors before testing resistance, continuity, capacitance or diodes.- Replace the battery as soon as the battery indicator appears. With a low battery, the Meter might produce false readings that can lead to electric shock and personal injury.- Remove test clips from the Meter and turn the Meter power off before opening the Meter case. When servicing the Meter, use only the same model number or identical electrical specifications replacement parts.- The internal circuit of the Meter shall not be altered at will to avoid damage of the Meter and any accident.- Soft cloth and mild detergent should be used to clean the surface of the Meter when servicing. No abrasive and solvent should be used to prevent the surface of the Meter from corrosion, damage and accident.- Turn the Meter power off when it is not in use and take out the battery when not using for a long time. - Please constantly check the battery as it may leak when it has been using for some time, replace the battery as soon as leaking appears. A leaking battery will damage the Meter.International Electrical SymbolsThe Meter Structure1. LCD Display2. Data Hold (UT602) or L-C switch (UT603)3. Transistor Jack4. Resistance, Diode and Continuity Input Terminal5. Capacitance Input Terminal (UT602) or Capacitanceand Inductance Input Terminal (UT603)6. Rotary Switch7. Power.Functional ButtonsBelow table indicated for information about the functional button operations.Display Symbols- Make sure the low Battery Display is not on, otherwise false readings may be provided.- Pay extra attention to the symbol, before carrying measurement, which is located besides the input terminals of the meter.A. Measuring ResistanceTo avoid damages to the Meter or to the devices under test, disconnect circuit power and discharge all the high-voltage capacitors before measuring resistance.The resistance ranges are 20Ω, 200Ω, 2kΩ, 20kΩ , 200kΩ, 2MΩ, 20MΩ, and 200MΩ.To measure resistance, please connect the meter as follows:1. Insert the red test clip into the Ω terminal and the black test clip into COM terminal.2. Set the rotary switch to Ω range.3. Connect the test clips across with the object being measured.The measured value shows on the display.NoteWhen measuring at 20Ω and 200Ω range, the test clips can add 0.1 to 0.3 error to resistance. To obtain precise readings in these low-resistance measurement, that is the range 20Ω and 200Ω, short circuit the input terminals before hand and record the reading obtained (called this reading as X). (X) is the additional resistance from the test clips.Then use the equation:measured resistance value (Y) – (X) = precision readings of resistance.The Meter displays “1” when there is no input, for example, open circuit situation.For high resistance measurement (>1M), it is normal taking several seconds to obtain a stable reading. When resistance measurement has been completed, disconnect the connection between the testing clips and the circuit under test and remove the testing clips away from the input terminals of the Meter.B. Diode and Continuity TestWarningTo avoid damages to the Meter or to the devices under test, disconnect circuit power and discharge all the high-voltage capacitors before measuring diodes and continuity. Do not input more than DC 60V or AC 30V voltages to avoid electric shock and damage to the Meter.Testing DiodesUse the diode test to check diodes, transistors, and other semiconductor devices. The diode test sends a current through the semiconductor junction, and then measures the voltage drop across the junction. A good silicon junction drops between 500mV and 800mV.To test a diode out of a circuit, connect the Meter as follows:1. Insert the red test clip into the Ω terminal and the black test clip into the COM terminal.2. Set the rotary switch to .3. For forward voltage drop readings on any semiconductor component, place the red test clip on thecomponent’s anode and place the black test clip on the component’s cathode.The display shows the diode forward voltage drop’s nearest value.Note- In a circuit, a good diode should still produce a forward voltage drop reading of 500mV to 800mV;however, the reverse voltage drop reading can vary depending on the resistance of other pathways between the probe tips.- Connect the test clips to the proper terminals as said above to avoid error display. The LCD will display “1” indicating open-circuit for wrong connection. The unit of diode is Volt (V), displaying the positive-connection voltage-drop value.- When diode test has been completed, disconnect the connection between the testing clips and the circuit under test and remove the testing clips away from the input terminals of the Meter.To test for continuity, connect the Meter as below:1. Insert the red test clip into the Ω terminal and the black test clip into the COM terminal.2. Set the rotary switch to .3. Connect the test clips across with the object being measured.4. The beeper comes on continuously when the resistance value of the tested circuit10Ω. The beepermay or may not come on when the resistance value of the test circuit>10ΩNoteThe LCD displays “1” indicating the circuit being tested is open. When continuity test has been completed, disconnect the connection between the testing clips and the circuit under test and remove the testing clips away from the input terminals of the Meter.C. Capacitance MeasurementWarningTo avoid damage to the Meter or to the equipment under test, disconnect circuit power and discharge all high-voltage capacitors before measuring capacitance. Use the DC Voltage function to confirm that the capacitor is discharged.The Meter’s capacitance ranges are: 2nF, 20nF, 200nF, 2µF, 20µF, 200µF and 600µF.To measure capacitance, connect the Meter as follows:1. Set the rotary switch to F measurement mode. If the value of capacitor to be measured is unknown,use the maximum measurement position 600µF and decrease the range step by step until a satisfactory reading is obtained and the overloading icon “1” is disappeared.2. Insert the red test clip into the CAP + terminal and black test clip into the CAP – terminal. For smallvalue capacitor measurement, insert the capacitor into the small value jack.3. Use the red test clip to clip the capacitor’s positive and the black test clip to clip the capacitor’snegative when the capacitor has polarity.4. The measured value shows on the display.NoteTo minimize the effect of capacitance stored in the test clips, the test clips should be as short as possible and use the small value jack when measuring small value of capacitance. The Meter cannot check the quality of the capacitor. For large capacitor, please make sure the contact is stable and reliable. When the tested capacitor is leaking or damaged and the tested value is not stable, the capacitor may have problems. You need to use other tools or equipment to check and confirm. When capacitance measurement has been completed, disconnect the connection between the testing clips and the circuit under test and remove the testing clips away from the input terminals of the Meter.D. Inductance MeasurementTo test the inductance, please follow the following procedure:1. Set the rotary switch to Lx measurement mode.2. If the tested inductance value is unknown, use the maximum measurement position and decrease therange step by step until a satisfactory reading is obtained.3. Insert the test clips into the corresponding Lx input terminals.4. Use the test clips to clip the inductance to carry out the testing.5. The measured value shows on the display.Remarks:- When carrying out measurement at 2mH, short circuit the test clip first, then carrying out the measurement. The actual correct reading is the measured reading minus the short circuit reading.- When testing a small value inductance, it is better to use the small value jack. The Meter cannot check the quality of the inductance.- When inductance measurement has been completed, disconnect the connection between the testing clips and the circuit under test and remove the testing clips away from the input terminals of the Meter.E. Transistor hFE MeasurementTo measure transistor, set up the Meter as follows:1. Set the rotary switch to hFE measurement mode.2. Check that the transistor is PNP or NPN type.3. Insert the Insert the transistor to be measured to the corresponding Transistor Jack.4. The Meter displays the tested transistor’s nearest valueNote:- When transistor measurement has been completed, disconnect the connection between the testing clips and the circuit under test and remove the testing clips away from the input terminals of the Meter.General Specifications- Fused Protection for Inductance Input Terminal (UT602):0.315A, 250V, fast type fuse, 5x20 mm. Fuse Protection for Inductance and capacitance Input terminal(UT603): 0.315A, 250V, fast type fuse, 5x20 mm.- Maximum Display: Display: 1999.- Measurement Speed: Update 2-3 times/second.- Polarity: Auto. (Display “_” when negative)- Overloading: Display “1”- Range: Manual Ranging- Temperature:- Operating: 0ºC-40ºC (32ºF – 104ºF).- Storage: -10ºC – 50ºC (14ºF – 122ºF).- Relative Humidity:<75% @ 0ºC – 30ºC;<50% @ 31 – 40ºC.- Altitude:Operating: 2000 m.Storage: 10000 m.- Battery Type: One piece of 9V alkaline (NEDA 1604 or 0062 or 6F22 or 006P).- Battery Deficiency: Display.- Dimensions (HxWxL): 172 x 83 x 38 mm.- Weight: Approximate 310g (battery include).- Safety/Compliance: EMC ENC61326- Certification:Accuracy SpecificationsAccuracy: ±(a% reading + b digits),guarantee for 1 year.Operating temperature: 23ºC±5ºC.Relative humidity: \< 75%.Temperature coefficient: 0.1 x (specified accuracy) / 1ºCA. Resistance TestRemarks:- Overload protection: 250V DC or AC rms at all ranges.20MΩ range, short circuit test lead, LCD displaying 12 digits is normal. During measurement minus - Atthese 12 digits from the obtained reading.- When measuring 20Ω and 200Ω range, short circuit test clips to display the resistance value of the test lead. Subtract this value from the measurement value to obtain the correct tested value.B. Continuity & DiodesRemarks:Diode:Open Circuit Voltage around 5.8V, forward current around1mA.Continuity<10Ω, beeper comes on continuously.>10Ω, beeper may or may not comes on.C. Capacitance TestRemarks:Protection- Overload- 0.315A, 250V, fast type fuse, Ф5x20 mm- Measure of Capacitance:1F=10^3 mF = 10^6 µF= 10^9nF = 10^12pF- Discharge all high-voltage capacitors before testing capacitance.- The tested value of 2nF range needs to minus open circuit value.D. Inductance TestRemarks:- Measure of Inductance: 1H=10^3 mH = 10^8µ.Protection:- Overload0.315A, 250V, fast type fuse, Ф5x20 mmE. TransistorMaintenanceThis section provides basic maintenance information including battery and fuse replacement instruction.WarningDo not attempt to repair or service your Meter unless you are qualified to do so and have the relevant calibration, performance test, and service information. To avoid electrical shock or damage to the Meter, do not get water inside the case.A. General Service- Periodically wipe the case with a damp cloth and mild detergent. Do not use abrasives or solvents.- To clean the terminals with cotton bar with detergent, as dirt or moisture in the terminals can affect readings.- Turn the Meter power off when it is not in use and take out the battery when not using for a long time. - Do not store the Meter in a place of humidity, high temperature and strong magnetic field.B. Replacing the BatteryWarningTo avoid false readings, which could lead to possible electric shock or personal injury, replace the battery as soon as the battery indicator “” appears.To replace the battery:1. Turn the Meter power off and remove all connections from the terminals.2. Remove the screw from the battery compartment, and separate the battery compartment from thecase bottom.3. Remove the battery from the battery compartment.4. Replace the battery with a new 9V alkaline battery (NEDA1604 or 0062 or 6F22 or 006P).5. Rejoin the case bottom and battery compartment, and reinstall the screw.C. Replacing the FuseWarningTo avoid electrical shock or arc blast, or personal injury or damage to the Meter, use specified fuses ONLY in accordance with the following procedure.To replace the Meter’s fuse:1. Turn the Meter power off and remove all connections from the terminals.2. Remove the screw from the battery compartment, and separate the battery compartment from thecase bottom.3. Remove the screws from the case bottom, and separate the case top from the case bottom.4. Remove the fuse by gently prying one end loose, then take out the fuse from its bracket.5. Install ONLY replacement fuses with the identical type and specification as follows and make sure thefuse is fixed firmly in the bracket. Fuse 1: 0.315A, 250V, fast type fuse, 5x20 mm.6. Rejoin the battery compartment and the case top, and reinstall the screw.7. Rejoin the case bottom and case top, and reinstall the screws.8. Replacement of the fuses is seldom required. Burning of a fuse always results from improperoperation.In this direction will find a vision of the measurement technique:/measuring-instruments.htmNOTE: "This instrument doesn’t have ATEX protection, so it should not be used in potentially explosive。

测试频率:I(X)HZ,IKHZIOKHZ, 测试电压:0.3V
显示范围:1:0.01uH—9999H C:0.O1pF-99999Uf
3. 2.3探头无极性。
制定: 审核:。

二、实验所需仪器设备1. LCR计(LCR Meter):用于测量电路中的电流和电压。
2. 电感器(Inductor):用于测量电感值。
3. 电容器(Capacitor):用于测量电容值。
4. 电阻器(Resistor):用于测量电阻值。
5. 电源(Power Supply):提供电路所需的电压。
6. 连接线(Connecting Wires):用于连接电路中的各个元件。
三、实验步骤1. 准备工作:a. 确保所有仪器设备正常工作,并接通电源。
b. 将LCR计连接到电路中,确保连接线的插头正确连接到相应的插孔。
c. 将电源连接到电路中,调整电源输出电压至合适的范围。
d. 将电感器、电容器和电阻器按照电路图连接到电路中。
2. 测量电感值:a. 打开LCR计,并选择电感测量模式。
b. 将测试夹具连接到电感器的引脚上。
c. 通过LCR计的操作界面设置测试频率和测试范围。
d. 将测试夹具的另一端连接到电路中的电感器引脚上。
e. 按下LCR计的测试按钮进行电感值的测量。
f. 记录测量结果。
3. 测量电容值:a. 在LCR计上选择电容测量模式。
b. 将测试夹具连接到电容器的引脚上。
c. 设置测试频率和测试范围。
d. 将测试夹具的另一端连接到电路中的电容器引脚上。
e. 进行电容值的测量。
f. 记录测量结果。
4. 测量电阻值:a. 在LCR计上选择电阻测量模式。
b. 将测试夹具连接到电阻器的引脚上。
c. 设置测试范围。
d. 将测试夹具的另一端连接到电路中的电阻器引脚上。
e. 进行电阻值的测量。
f. 记录测量结果。
5. 数据处理:a. 将测量得到的电感、电容和电阻值记录在数据表中。

LCR 手持电桥用户说明书V1.0.2目录安全事项 (1)安全指南 (1)安全符号 (1)概况 (3)第1章前面板概览 (4)1.1 前面板 (4)1.2 用户界面 (5)1.2.1 测量界面 (5)12.2 系统设置界面 (6)1.3 测试端口 (6)第2章操作指南 (7)2.1 开关机 (7)2.2 测试参数 (7)2.2.1 测试频率 (7)2.2.2 测试电平 (7)2.2.3 测试量程 (7)2.2.4 测试速度 (8)2.2.5 主参数选择 (8)2.2.6 副参数选择 (8)2.2.7 容差方式标称值设置 (8)2.2.8 等效方式选择 (9)2.3 相对模式 (9)2.4 读数保持模式(HOLD) (9)2.5 数据记录功能 (9)2.6 校正功能 (9)2.7 固件升级 (10)第3章快速应用指南 (12)3.1 电阻测量 (12)3.2 电容测量 (13)3.3 电感测量 (14)3.4 阻抗测量 (14)第4章远程通讯 (15)4.1 仪器连接电脑 (15)4.2 指令参考 (17)4.2.1 公用指令 (17)4.2.2子系统指令 (17)第5章仪器参数 (19)5.1 通用参数 (19)5.2 精度指标 (19)第6章维护 (24)6.1 检修 (24)6.2 清洁 (24)附件 (24)安全事项仔细阅读下列安全性预防措施,以避免受伤,并防止损坏本产品或与本产品连接的任何产品为避免可能的危险,请务必按照规定使用本产品。

珠海君柏电子有限公司LCR (CH-6115)数字电桥操作规范一、目的1、规范LCR 数字电桥测试仪的操作,指导测试作业。
三、仪器基本键位说明:四、仪器使用前准备工作:1:确认输入电源电压并可靠接通仪器,确认仪器电源开关置于OFF 位置; 2:开机预热至少1分种,确认LCR 电桥是否能正常可靠工作; 3:连接合适的测试夹具或测试电缆;4:开机稳定后,对仪器执行开路和短路清零,如下图所示:4.0开路清零设置:4.1如上图(1)所示,按清零(ZERO )键,箭头指向OPEN ,测试夹要求断开,再按确选择:OPEN清零键确认键认键,仪器开始进行开路清零。
4.2短路清零设置4.3如上图(2)所示,按清零(ZERO )键,按“上下方向键”使箭头选定SHORT ,测试夹要求短路连接,再按确认键,仪器开始进行短路清零。
5、测量被测物件(电阻、电容、电感)设置仪器相对应参数,请参考(插件与贴片产品进料检验规范)设置;五、使用仪器测试6、将被测件连接于测试端上,开始测量:6.1.0电容测量操作步骤:6.1.1通过相关的检验文件,确定所需的测量频率、电压和串并联状态,待机状态下按“下方向键”进行电容选取,先按“下方向键”屏幕上会显示(L/Q 、C/D 、R/Q ),选取C/D ;再按“左右方向键”依次进行频率、电压、串并联选定;选择被测物体所需频率(仪器所提供的频率分别为:100HZ 、120HZ 、1KHZ 、10KHZ 、40KHZ 、100KHZ );后按“左右方向键”进行电压(仪器所提供的电压分别为:0.10V 、0.25V 、0.30V 、1.00V )设置,再按“左右方向键”进行串联并联选定,选择所需串并联状态(SERIES :表示串联;PARALLEL :表示并联,选中后箭头会指上对应选项);用测试夹对被测元件进行测量,屏幕即可显示相应的测量结果;如图(3)所示:测试夹短路连接选择:SHORT确认键清零键设置参数如下:6.2.0电阻测量操作步骤:6.2.1通过相关的检验文件,确定所需的测量频率、电压和串并联状态,按“下方向键”进行电阻(屏幕上会显示L/Q、C/D、R/Q)选定,选取R/Q;按左右方向键依次进行频率、电压、串并联选定。
安捷伦 LCR表 Agilent B 用户操作手册 中文

LCR Meter Aglient 4263B简明用户手册(中文)1使用前准备 (2)1.1使用范围 (2)1.2设定供电电压(线电压) (2)1.3设定线电压频率 (2)2基本操作4263B (3)2.1恢复默认设置 (3)2.2连接测试夹具 (3)2.3设定测试线长 (4)2.4选择测试参数 (4)2.5设定测试信号频率 (4)2.6设定测试信号等级 (5)2.7设定直流偏置源电压DC Bias (5)2.8选择测量时间模式 (5)2.9设定平均值比率 (6)2.10选择测试量程 (6)2.11选择触发方式 (7)2.12设定触发延迟时间 (7)2.13开路校正 (8)2.14短路校正 (8)2.15使用范围限定分拣功能 (8)2.16使用连通确认功能,检测节点。
(9)2.17使用精度偏差分拣功能 (9)2.18选择显示模式 (10)2.19使用等级监视功能 (11)2.20选择蜂鸣模式 (11)2.21设定打印机,打印测量数据 (12)2.22连接被测试物体 (12)2.23使用直流偏置 (12)2.24触发测量 (12)2.25查证当前设置 (12)2.26问与答 (13)2.27参考 (13)2.28相关选用附件 (14)2.29测量量程设定 (15)3测量举例 (15)1使用前准备1.1使用范围1.2设定供电电压设定供电电压((线电压线电压))后面板电压档115V 或者230V 。
1.3设定线电压频率按LINE 打开电源。

二、LCR作业指导书内容1. LCR的基本介绍:包括LCR的定义、分类、结构和工作原理等内容,以便操作人员对LCR有全面的了解。
2. LCR的规格和参数:详细介绍LCR的各项规格和参数,如额定电流、额定电压、频率范围等,以便操作人员根据实际需求选择合适的LCR。
3. LCR的使用方法:包括LCR的连接方法、操作步骤和注意事项等,以确保操作人员能正确使用LCR,并避免操作中可能出现的问题。
4. LCR的维护和保养:介绍LCR的日常维护和保养方法,如清洁、存放和防护等,以延长LCR的使用寿命。
5. LCR的故障排除:列举LCR常见的故障现象和解决方法,以帮助操作人员在遇到问题时能快速排除故障。
6. LCR的安全注意事项:提醒操作人员在使用LCR时要注意的安全事项,如避免触电、防止短路等,以确保操作的安全性。
三、LCR作业指导书编写要求1. 简明扼要:指导书的内容要简洁明了,语言通俗易懂,避免使用过多的专业术语,以方便操作人员理解和使用。
2. 图文并茂:在指导书中加入适当的图片、图表和示意图,以帮助操作人员更好地理解LCR的使用方法和注意事项。
3. 细致入微:指导书要详细描述每一个操作步骤和注意事项,尽可能考虑到各种可能出现的情况和问题,并给出相应的解决方法。
4. 实例演示:通过实例演示LCR的使用过程,以帮助操作人员更好地掌握LCR的操作技巧和注意事项。
5. 安全可靠:指导书要强调LCR的安全使用,提醒操作人员在使用LCR时要注意的安全事项,并给出相应的安全防护措施。
四、LCR作业指导书编写流程1. 确定指导书的大纲和内容:根据LCR的特点和使用需求,确定指导书的大纲和内容,包括基本介绍、规格和参数、使用方法、维护和保养、故障排除和安全注意事项等。

IntroductionThe Agilent Technologies LCR meter makes fast measurements on compo-nents. It is optimized for applications that require precision and versatility. The instrument's performance ranges from general bench-top impedance measurements to complex trans-former, coil and electrolytic capacitor measurements. The LCR meter offers fast, reliable, and versatile testing at a low cost.Satisfy your needs for...Fast system test throughput •Maximize testing with rapid 25 ms measurements•Minimize user intervention with pass/fail testing•Communicate results with display and GPIB•Automate testing with built-in handler interface Fault-free results•Test with confidence using contactcheck function•Remove parasitics with error cor-rection•Get the best data with 0.1% basicaccuracy•Eliminate trigger timing errorswith trigger delay functionVersatile measurements•Select from 11 impedanceparameters•Add three complex transformerparameters with Option 4263B-001•Set signal level with 5mVrmsresolution•Monitor actual ac voltage andcurrent levels•Pick from many test fixtures andaccessories•Save and recall up to tenmeasurement setups Agilent4263B LCR Meter 100 Hz to 100 kHzTechnical OverviewKey Parameters and Specifications Test frequencies:100 Hz, 120 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz Option 4263B-002 adds 20kHzAC test signal levels:20m–1Vrms, 5mVrms steps Basic accuracy:0.1%Impedance parameters:|Z|, R, X, |Y|, G, B, C, L, D, Q, uOption 4263B-001 adds transformermeasurement functions: turns-ratio,mutual-inductance and dc-resistanceCable length settings:0, 1, 2, 4 metersBias:1.5 and2.0 VdcError correction:Open, short, and loadBuilt-in system features:GPIB and handler interfacesMeasurement time (typical):25 ms at best conditionsContact check time (typical):5 ms per measurement23High-quality results•See five digits of data•Make precise measurements with 0.1% basic accuracy•Select from 11 impedance parameters•Verify device performance at simulated operating conditions •Monitor actual test signal voltage and current levelsMake reliable impedance measurements.System features for test automation•Maximize accuracy with error correction•Use performance specified with 0, 1, 2, and 4 meter cables•Test device contact failure with contact check function•Automate testing with GPIB interface•Reduce ground-loops with isolated handler interface•Continue testing after ac power loss with continuous memory •Perform pass/fail testing with comparator function (High/In/Low)The 4263B LCR meter is designed for automated applications.Evaluate transformers and coils with Option 4263B-001•Measure turns-ratio, mutual inductance and dc-resistance •Easily make connections with 16060A transformer test fixture •Measure parameter responses with variable signal levelsSimplify transformer testing.Make electrolytic capacitor measurements•Obtain versatile testing with a large capacitance range•Keep costs down with built-in dc bias source•Protect your investment: high energy protection on terminals •Increase test throughput with fast system measurements•Make reliable handler measure-ments with contact check functionQuickly evaluate electrolytic capacitors.4SpecificationsMeasurement accuracyFigure 1. Conversion diagram Table 1. Measurement accuracy (±% of reading)Measurement conditions1. Warm-up time: ≥15 min.2. Ambient temperature: 23 ±5 ˚C3. Test signal voltage: 1 Vrms4. Test cable length: 0 meter5. Open and short corrections performed6. Measurement time: Medium or Long (Other test condition data is available in the operation manual.)For |Z|, |Y|, L, C, R, X, G, and B accuracy (Ae), refer to Table 1. Table 1 equations yield accuracy based on frequency and DUT characteristic impedance (Zm). Zm isfrom Figure 1, Conversion Diagram.D accuracy(De) = ±Ae/100Q accuracy(Qe) = ±where(Qm x De < 1)u accuracy (u e) = 0.573 x AeAe = Accuracy of |Z|, |Y|, L, C, R, X, G, and BDe = D accuracyDm = Measured value of DQe =Q accuracyQm =Measured value of Qu e = u phase angle accuracyZm =DUT impedance at test frequency in Hertz Other SpecificationsMeasurement parameters/rangesParameter Range|Z|, R, X 1 mΩto 100 MΩ|Y|, G, B10 nS to 1000SC 1 pF to 1 FL10 nH to 100 kHD0.0001 to 9.9999Q0.1 to 9999.9u-180˚to + 180˚∆-999.99% to 999.99%Option 4263B-001: DC resistance 1 mΩto100 MΩMutual inductance 1 µH to 100 H(typical)Turns-ratio 0.9 to 200 (typical)Measurement conditions and functionsTest frequency:100 Hz, 120 Hz,1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz. (Option 4263B-002adds 20 kHz.)AC test signal level:20 m - 1 Vrms,5 mVrms stepsBias:Internal: + 1.5 and +2.0 VdcExternal: 0 to + 3.0 VdcRanging:Auto and HoldTrigger: Internal, Manual, and ExternalTrigger delay time:0 to 9999 ms in1 ms stepsTest cable lengths:0, 1 meter @ f ≤100 kHz2 meter @ f ≤10 kHz (20 kHz)4 meter @ f ≤1 kHzMeasurement time:SHORT MEDIUM LONG25ms 65ms 500msOther instrument functionsTest signal level monitor:Voltage, currentError Correction:Open, Short, LoadComparator:HIGH, IN, and LOW for eachdisplayed parameterSave/recall:10 instrument states fromnon-volatile memoryFront-end Protection:Vmax = @ Vmax ≤250 VVmax = @ Vmax ≤1000 VC in FaradsHandler interface: Negative logic and isolated.Signals are HIGH/IN/LOW, No-Contact,EOM, Index, Alarm, Keylock, Ext. Trigger.GPIB interface: Instrument control, TALK-only mode for LISTEN-only printers usingGPIB or Centronics/GPIB converterPhysical characteristicsPower: 90-132 Vac or 198-264 Vac.47-66 Hz. 45 VA typical.Operating temperature:0 to 45 °CDimensions:320 (W) x 100 (H) x300 (H) mmWeight:4.5 kg (typical)√2/C√8/C5616060A transformer test fixtureAllows fast connections totransformers16065C external bias adapterFor external dc bias of DUT. Vmax≤40 Vdc.16089C Kelvin IC clip leadsIC package clip. 1 meter length.16034G Test fixtureFor SMD components.Component dimensions (L x W):0.6 mm x 0.3 mm to 5.0. mm x 1.6 mm16064B LED display/trigger boxDisplays comparator status.1.5 meter cable. External trigger.16089A Kelvin clip leadsLarge clip. 1 meter length.16089B Kelvin clip leadsMedium clip. 1 meter length.16089D Alligator clip leadsFour clips. 1 meter length.Test Fixtures/Accessories for the Agilent 4263BOrdering information1Agilent 4263B LCR MeterFurnished accessory:power cableOptions4263B-001 Add N/M/DCR MeasurementFunction4263B-002 Add 20 kHz Test Frequency Test fixtures are not furnished as standard.Manual options24263B-AB0Taiwan - Chinese localization 4263B-AB1Korea - Korean localization 4263B-AB2 China - Chinese localization 4263B-ABA U.S. - English localization 4263B-ABD Germany - German localization 4263B-ABE Spain - Spanish localization 4263B-ABF France - French localization 4263B-ABJ Japan - Japanese localization 4263B-ABZ Italy - Italian localization 4263B-0BW Add service manual Cabinet options4263B-1CM Rackmount kit4263B-1CN Handle kit(Rack flange and handle kit are not compatible.)Calibration certificate option4263B-A6J ANSI Z540 compliantcalibration Test fixtures and accessories16034E/G/H SMD component test fixture16043A/B33-terminal SMD test fixtureOptions16043A-ABA U.S. - English localization16043A-ABJ Japan - Japanese localization16043B-ABA U.S. - English localization16043B-ABJ Japan - Japanese localization16044A3Test fixtureOptions16044A-ABA U.S. - English localization16044A-ABJ Japan - Japanese localization16047A/E4Axial and radial test fixtureOptions16047E-ABA U.S. - English localization16047E-ABJ Japan - Japanese localization16334A SMD tweezer test fixture16048A0.94-meter/BNC test leads16048B0.94-meter/SMC test leads16048D 1.89-meter/BNC test leads16048E 3.8-meter/BNC test leads16060A Transformer test fixture16064B LED display/trigger box16065A200-Vdc external voltagebias fixture16065C40-Vdc external voltage biasadapter16089A Large Kelvin clip leads16089B Medium Kelvin clip leads16089C Kelvin IC clip leads16089D Alligator clip leads16089EKelvin clip leads7Agilent Technologies’ Test and Measurement Support, Services, and AssistanceAgilent T echnologies aims to maximize the value you receive, while minimizing your risk and problems. We strive to ensure that you get the test and measurement capabilities you paid for and obtain the support you need. Our extensive support resources and services can help you choose the right Agilent products for your applications and apply them successfully. Every instrument and system we sell has a global warranty. Support is available for at least five years beyond the production life of the product. Two concepts underlie Agilent’s overall support policy: “Our Promise” and “Your Advantage.”Our PromiseOur Promise means your Agilent test and measurement equipment will meet its advertised performance and functionality. When you are choosing new equipment, we will help you with product information, including realistic performance specifications and practical recommendations from experienced test engineers. When you use Agilent equipment, we can verify that it works properly, help with product operation, and provide basic measurement assistance for the use of specified capabilities, at no extra cost upon request. Many self-help tools are available.Your AdvantageYour Advantage means that Agilent offers a wide range of additional expert test and measurement services, which you can purchase according to your unique technical and business needs. Solve problems efficiently and gain a competitive edge by contracting with us for calibration, extra-cost upgrades, out-of-warranty repairs, and onsite education and training, as well as design,system integration, project management, and other professional engineering services. Experienced Agilent engineers and technicians worldwide can help you maximize your productivity, optimize the return on investment of your Agilent instruments and systems, and obtain dependable measurement accuracy for the life of those products. By internet, phone, or fax, get assistance with all your test & measurement needsPhone or FaxUnited States:(tel) 800 452 4844Canada:(tel) 877 894 4414(fax) 905 282 6495China:(tel) 800 810 0189(fax) 800 820 2816Europe:(tel) (31 20) 547 2323(fax) (31 20) 547 2390Japan:(tel) (81) 426 56 7832(fax) (81) 426 56 7840Korea:(tel) (82 2) 2004 5004(fax) (82 2) 2004 5115Latin America:(tel) (305) 269 7500(fax) (305) 269 7599Taiwan:(tel) 0800 047 866(fax) 0800 286 331Other Asia Pacific Countries:(tel) (65) 6375 8100(fax) (65) 6836 0252Email:*******************Online Assistance/find/assist Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc., 2003, 2000, 1995 Printed in USA, April 24, 20035964-6181EAgilent Email Updates /find/emailupdates Get the latest information on the products and applications you select.Agilent T&M Software and Connectivity Agilent’s Test and Measurement software and connectivity products, solutions and developer network allows you to take time out of connecting your instruments to your computer with tools based on PC standards, so you can focus on your tasks, not on your connections. Visit/find/connectivity for more information.。
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用户保存设置时,建议其名称与产品型号一致,这样便于管理,同时在主界 面上,可直接输入产品型号进行参数导入。(默认的保存位置为系统设置中指定 的文件夹)
(注意:①单次测量的标称值必须设定,数据存储时其数量级将根据标称值 而定。②上下限都为 0,表示分选为关。)
TH2829LCR 上位机使用手册
图 2-5
帮助菜单包括“用户手册”、“版本信息”、“重启”和“退出”项,如图 2-6。
图 2-6 4
TH2829LCR 上位机使用手册
3.1 通讯设置 系统刚启动时,若出现图 3-1 所示的提示框,则说明参数配置不正确或者仪
图 3-1
图 4-4 10
TH2829LCR 上位机使用手册
右击波形图,可将曲线图另存,如图 4-5。
图 4-5
如图 4-6,为数据保存格式,本系统默认使用 Excel 保存数据。
图 4-6 11
TH2829LCR 上位机使用手册
该软件版权归常州同惠电子股份有限公司所有,非经授权,不得非法使用、 复制、传播或作其他用途。
TH2829LCR 上位机使用手册
成功登入系统后ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้会自动将上次参数和测试数据导入,若是初次使用,则需 进行一系列设定。
首先要导入一参数文件,可从参数设置中导入,也可在主界面产品型号处导 入,此处在主界面处导入,输入参数文件名称(系统自动从设置文件夹中寻找类 似文件,如图 4-1,选中),点击导入。
图 3-3
将测试方式改为扫描时,设置界面将切换到扫描测试界面,如图 3-4,用户 可对扫描进行设定(扫描极值分选固定为 SEQ 模式)。
图 3-4
扫描可分为上位机扫描或下位机扫描(仪器扫描),上位机扫描时,扫描点 数可任意输入,且波形为实时绘制。
TH2829LCR 上位机使用手册
若用户以前另存了测试文件,则可单击文件菜单中的导入,如图 3-7,
软件版本号:V1.1.0@140429 如用户在使用过程中发现问题,可通过以下方式与我公司取得联系: ① Email:tech@ ② 电话:0519-85132222 欢迎广大用户光临我公司网站()了解更多详细 信息。
TH2829LCR 上位机使用手册
3.3 参数设置 单击“参数设置”菜单项,弹出如图 3-3 所示对话框,该设置界面为单次测
量设置界面。用户可根据测量需要进行设定。 分选方式具体举例如下:标称值为 1MΩ ①%模式:上限 10%,下限-10%,则实际比较的上下限为:1.1M 和 0.9M; ②ABS 模式:上限 0.2M,下限-0.2M,则实际比较的上下限为:1.2M 和 0.8M; ③SEQ 模式:上限 1.5M,下限 0.5M,则实际比较的上下限为:1.5M 和 0.5M;
1.4. 安装与卸载
程序的安装:双击安装程序中 Setup 项,按系统提示装载程序。 程序的卸载:打开控制面板,双击卸载程序,在卸载列表中卸载掉 TH2829LCR 即可。
TH2829LCR 上位机使用手册
如图 2-1,为系统的登入界面。
图 2-1
若用户启用了登入密码,则用户必须密码登入。系统成功登入后进入测试界 面,如图 2-2。
3.4 用户管理 点击管理菜单,选择用户管理菜单项,进入用户管理界面,如图 3-8
图 3-8
权限栏中,2 为管理者,1 为普通用户。输入完成后单击确定,即可生成新 的用户。用户名和密码用于登入系统。若想移除某一用户,可右击删除,如图 3-9
图 3-9
1. 概述
TH2829LCR 上位机使用手册
1.1. 程序概述
TH2829LCR测试系统为同惠公司TH2829LCR仪器配套设计的软件。该软件不仅 可以实现计算机操控仪器对被测件进行测量,同时可以对测量数据进行实时保存 和维护。
1.2. 程序接口
1.3. 系统要求
适合运行于Microsoft Windows 2000 以上,奔腾1.6GHz或更快,512MB 内存 或更多,40GB 以上的硬盘存储空间。
图 4-1
其次在菜单中选择新建或打开 Excel,用于数据的存储(若自动保存为开)。 设定完毕后单击启动,即可测试,如图 4-2,为单次测试界面。
图 4-2 9
TH2829LCR 上位机使用手册
若对测量数据有异议,可右击重测或删除,如图 4-3。
图 4-3
如图 4-4,为扫描测试界面,可显示测试值的波形图。
(注意:用 RS232 连接时,数据位固定为 8,停止位固定为 10,奇偶校验位固 定为 None。) 3.2 系统设置
单击“系统设置”菜单项,弹出如图 3-2 所示对话框。
图 3-2
本系统支持双语模式,用户可进行中英文切换。系统在测试时可自动将数据 保存,只需将自动保存打开。数据文件夹和设置文件夹分别用于指定数据文件和 参数文件的保存位置。(注意:这两个文件夹必须指定。)
记录表格 提示栏
图 2-2 3
TH2829LCR 上位机使用手册
在菜单栏中,Excel 文件菜单主要用于 Excel 的新建、打开和保存,如图 2-3。
图 2-3
设置菜单主要用于系统设置和测试参数的设置,如图 2-4。
图 2-4
管理菜单包括 “用户管理”项,如图 2-5。
TH2829LCR 上位机使用手册
目录 1. 概述 ........................................... 2
1.1. 程序概述 .................................. 2 1.2. 程序接口 .................................. 2 1.3. 系统要求 .................................. 2 1.4. 安装与卸载 ................................ 2 2.界面介绍 ........................................ 3 3.设置 ............................................ 5 3.1 通讯设置 .................................... 5 3.2 系统设置 .................................... 5 3.3 参数设置 .................................... 6 3.4 用户管理 .................................... 8 4.程序运行 ........................................ 9 5.版本申明 ....................................... 12