



牛津版新教材8A Unit 2全部教案Warm-up activities1 Before looking at the comic strip, revise some of the ed to describe personalities focusing particularly on ‘smart’. Also revise comparatives and the structure ‘there be’. Preteach structures (‘What is …like?, It’s like…’) out of context.2 Ask students to study the page for a few minutes. Encourage them to ask any questions about the conversation. Invite more able students to give comments about the last sentence.3 After students have grasped the amusing message of the page, use it as a starting point for brainstorming on ‘What is school like?’ Ask students make comments, write everything on the Bb.4 Do a mini survey of students’ opinions.Presentation (Welcome to this Unit)1 Introduce the idea of the main language spoken in different countries around the world. Start with Chinese then move on to English. English is used as a main language in the following countries: Britain, Ireland, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Talk to students briefly about different varieties of English used around the world.2 Ask students to read the list of words in Part A. Check for pronunciation and explain any unfamiliar words. Give them more British and American words to match.Language pointsWhy don’t dogs…? What is school like? Be like watching TV, fewer advertisements, autumn-fall, American football-football,football-soccer, film-movie, secondary school-high school, etc.Homework1 Learn the language points by heart.2 一课三练 P.133 Preview the Reading Part.Presentation (Reading A)1 Talk about different countries to introduce the idea that there are different kinds of schools around the world.2 On the Bb, write the headings ‘Life in a Chinese School’. Brainstorm quickly students’ ideas about what they want to tell people in other countries about their school life. Focus on enjoyable and special aspects of school.3 Write ‘Life in a British school’ and Life in an American School’ on the Bb. As a pre-reading activity, ask students what they think lives in these schools are like. Elicit subjects, different class activities, extra-curricular activities and clubs.4 Ask students to read the text. Explain any difficult words.5 Divide the class into two groups. Allocate one of the letters to each group. In pairs, ask students to underline the main points . Then ask them to circle all the keywords in the text. Ask students to make a gird with the different ‘Wh-‘ questions.Presentation (Reading B)1Ask students to do Part B1 on their own.Encourage students to check their answer with a partner. Invite less able students to find and underline the words in the text on page 20. Check answers orally with the whole class.2 Divide the class into pairs. Students read the conversation in Part B2 first without filling the blanks. Check whether they understand the conversation.3 Ask a pair of more able students to read the conversationto the class, pay attention to fluency, pronunciation and stress. Provide feedback on the correct choice of words for each blank.Presentation (Reading C)1 Do the class feedback as a quiz. Divide the class into eight groups. Students check their answers with members of their group. Ask students to close their books while I read the sentences and tell me whether the sentences are true or not.2 Ask students to correct the false sentences.3 Explain and read the words in the box in Part C2 .Ask students to look at the pictures on the page and complete the task on their own. Students select the correct phrases for each picture.4 Ask students to check in the text on page 20 to find out whether each picture is from John or Nancy.5 Write some questions about the reading passage.* What are the names of the two students?* What are the names of their towns?* Why does John love Home Economics most?* How old are students when they learn to drive in American?* What do older students do at the buddy club?* What is the name of Nancy’s buddy?Language points (Part A)Year 8, a mixed school, have lessons together, Home Economics, how to cook and sew, how to do things for myself, cook healthy and tasty meals, a reading week, have to, the end of each class, as well, in 9th grade, driving lessons, drive me to school, it’s faster than takin g a bus, twice a week, spend a lot of time practicing, go to a bubby club, help me with my homework, my hero, have a great time doingLanguage points (Part B)A close friend, with a pleasant taste, an article by a girl from the USA, be called, someone you admire very muchHomework1 Learn the language points by heart.2 一课三练 P.14-153 Preview the Vocabulary Part.Presentation (Vocabulary)1 This section helps students expand their active vocabulary about school subjects. Ask students to read the words in the box and match pictures with correct subjects on their own.2 Check answers with class as a whole.3 Point out that two adj. are introduced, one using the prefix ‘un-‘ and the other using the suffix ‘-less’. Give them more examples.Unhappy, unhealthy, uncomfortable, carelessRead all the adj. Students should be able to recognize all the words. Ask them to do the task on their own first and then compare with a partner.Language pointsWant to learn more about the subjects that British students study, attach to, unimportant, unpopularHomework1 Learn the language points by heart.2 一课三练 P.13 Preview the Grammar Part.Presentation (Grammar Part A)1 Use the context in Part A1 to arouse students’ interest. Talk to students about how many hours they spend doing various things.Write down the results in a table on the Bb. Introduce the idea of ‘more than’ ,’fewer than’ and ‘less than’.2 Ask students to study the sample sentences at the top of the page.Read each sentence. Invite students to make one more sentence about each picture.3 Review the difference between countable and uncountable nouns. Elicit 6-7 nouns to illustrate the differences.4 Ask students to read and complete ‘Work out the rule!’5 Ask students to study the table in Part A1 carefully. Work out the correct information and complete sentences 1-4. Complete the table with their own information to arouse their interest. Ask them abouttheir results comparing with Nancy’s and John’s.Presentation (Grammar Part B)1 Ask students to look at the pictures at the top of the pageand read the sentences under each picture. Explain that we use ‘the most’ for the largest amount and ‘the fewest/the least’ for the smallest amount.2 Ask students to read the sentences on their own and then ask questions to elicit the rule in the introduction.3 Ask students to read and complete ‘work out the rule!’4 Part B1 is a problem-solving task and they have to use deductive skills to work out the information from the table on page 24.5 Ask students to read out the sentences to check the answers..Presentation (Grammar Part C)1 Point to the picture and read the sample sentences. Ask students to identify the nouns in each sentence. Tell them that the two sentences have the same meaning. Elicit the different usage of words depending on the position of the noun.2 Divide students into pairs and ask them to do Part C1. Readthe worked example and point out the word order.3 students to look at the contents of their school bags. Ask them to show and name the things in it.4 Ask students to work in pairs to do Part C2. Ask each pair to tell the rest of the class about the similar objects they have in their school bags.Presentation (Grammar Part D)1 Point at the pictures at the top of the page and read the sentences. Explain when we use ‘the same as’ and ‘different from’.2 Use the topic of the school uniform to arouse students’ interest and help students refocus on the task more easily.3 Point at the pictures in Part D1 and explain that Millie and Simon go to Beijing Sunshine Secondary School and Tina and John go to Woodland School. Ask students to complete the sentences on their own and then read out the answers in class.4 Encourage more able students to make more comparisons on their own. Ask them to make a summary of their findings using the ideas given in Part D2.Language pointsMore than, fewer than, less than, compare…with, the most…, the fewest/the least, a large/small amount of, like---alike, the same as, different from, a uniformHomework1 Learn the language points by heart.2 一课三练 P.17-183 Preview the Integrated skills, Speak up & pronunciation Part.Presentation (Integrated skills A)1 Read the list of future plans before playing the recording.2 Invite students to talk about their own and their partner’s future hopes.3 Play the recording. Students listen carefully and put a tick next to each correct phrase as they hear it. Stop the recording after each phrase listed in Part A1 if necessary.4 Ask students to read Millie’s letter addressed to Mr Zhou, the editor, on their own. Read the completed letter to check the correct answers.5 Play the recording for Part A3 and ask students to complete Sandy’s letter on their own. Go through the list of phrases in the table on page 12 again. Read the completed letter.Presentation (Integrated skills B)1 Close the books and listen to me while I read the conversation. Ask students to repeat the sentences as they hear them.2 Ask students to practice the conversation in pairs and then change roles.3 Ask students to bring photos of their friends. Divide them into pairs and invite them to ask each other questions about the people in the photos. E.g., Who is the boy on your left? What’s he like? What would he like to be when he grows up?Language pointsPopular, help people solve problems, make friends, make people happy, editor, try to do---try to be kind to people, try my best to help them, a social worker, I’m really happy to do, future plans, It is great to do, become a famous singer, agree/agree with, one of the nicest boysHomework1 Learn the language points by heart.2 一课三练 P.19-203 Preview the Main task & Checkout Part.Presentation (Study skills)1 Ask more able students what they want to find out when they read a passage. Write ‘What’s it about?’ on the Bb and try to elicit the other questions listed on the page. Underline the ‘Wh-‘ words.2 Read the letter to the whole class. Ask more able students to close the books while I read. Ask some open questions, e.g. , Who is Cindy? Why is Cindy unhappy? What is Cindy’s problem? Explain difficult or unfamiliar words.3 Ask students to read the letter carefully and underline the main points on their own using a pencil initially. Remind them to refer to the ‘Wh-‘ questions at the top of the page. Divid the class into groups of four and ask students to compare the main points they have underlined. Go through the letter again sentence by sentence and check the answers.4 Ask more able students to underline main points and circle keywords.5 Tell students to read them again, and answer t he ‘Wh-‘questions. Students work in pairs.Language points (Study skills)Smiling, general appearance, pleasant, abilityPresentation (Main task)1 Explain the context of entering a writing competition of a teenagers’ magazine. If possible, find out about similar writing.2 sk students to look at Daniel’s notes in Part A.3 Remind students that when we take notes, we don’t need to write in complete sentences--- we just need to write down the keywords.4 Encourage students to use a variety of adj. to avoidr epetition. Remind them of the adj. they’ve learned in this unit.5 Ask students to read Daniel’s article in Part C on their own. Then ask general questions to check comprehension.6 Ask students to underline the adj. in the article.7 Ask students to identify the four paragraphs in the article. Help them identify the purpose of each paragraph. Then focus on the layout of the article, e.g., introduction, main body and conclusion.8 Make sure that students are aware of the use of pronouns, which help link different ideas and sentences together and avoid repetition of names.9 Ask students to write a rough draft using their notes in Part B, Daniel’s article as a model and the plan in Part D.Language points (Main task)Live next door, have been friends for almost 10 years, wear a smile on her facePresentation (Checkout)1 Tell students that they will be able to check their use of adj., comparatives and superlatives in the structures they have learned in the unit by doing Part A.2 Ask students to read through the table and complete the conversation.3 Tell students that they need to select the correct adj. and noun phrases to fit the context of the sentences in the diary entry in Part B. Set a time limit.Language points (Checkout)Climbing, what about playing football?, a friend like Alan, answer questions correctlyHomework1 Learn the language points by heart.2 一课三练 P.21-223 Preview Unit 3。



牛津英语8Aunit2教案设计教案设计:Unit 2教学目标:1. 学习并掌握本单元的词汇和短语;2. 能够运用所学知识描述人物的外貌和性格;3. 能够运用所学知识描述人物的爱好和兴趣;4. 能够运用所学知识描述人物的日常活动和习惯。

教学重点:1. 掌握本单元的词汇和短语;2. 运用所学知识描述人物的外貌和性格;3. 运用所学知识描述人物的爱好和兴趣;4. 运用所学知识描述人物的日常活动和习惯。

教学难点:1. 运用所学知识描述人物的外貌和性格;2. 运用所学知识描述人物的爱好和兴趣;3. 运用所学知识描述人物的日常活动和习惯。

教学准备:1. 教材《牛津英语8A》;2. 多媒体设备。

教学过程:Step 1: Warm-up1. Greet the students and ask them how they are doing.2. Review the vocabulary from Unit 1 by playing a game of "Guess the Word". Show pictures of the vocabulary words and have the students guess the word.Step 2: Presentation1. Introduce the new vocabulary words and phrases from Unit2. Use flashcards or pictures to help the students understand the meaning of the words.2. Have the students repeat the words and phrases after you.3. Play a game of "What's Missing?" to review the vocabulary words. Show the students the flashcards or pictures of the words, then remove one and ask the students to guess which word is missing.Step 3: Practice1. Divide the class into pairs or small groups.2. Give each group a set of picture cards with different people and ask them to describe the people's appearance and personality using the vocabulary words and phrases.3. Have the groups share their descriptions with the class.Step 4: Listening1. Play the audio recording of the conversations in Exercise2.2. Have the students listen and answer the questions in the exercise.3. Check the answers as a class.Step 5: Speaking1. Have the students work in pairs or small groups.2. Give each group a set of role cards with different people and ask them to have a conversation using the vocabulary words and phrases to describe the people's appearance, personality, hobbies, and daily activities.3. Monitor the students' conversations and provide feedback.Step 6: Reading and Writing1. Have the students read the passage in Exercise 3 and answer the questions.2. Check the answers as a class.3. Have the students write a short paragraph about their favorite person using the vocabulary words and phrases.Step 7: Review and Wrap-up1. Review the vocabulary words and phrases from Unit 2 by playing a game of "Word Association". Say a word from the unit and have the students say the first word that comes to their mind.2. Ask the students to share one thing they learned or found interesting from today's lesson.3. Assign homework: Have the students write a short paragraph about their favorite person using the vocabulary words and phrases from Unit 2.教学延伸:1. 为学生提供更多的练习机会,让他们能够更熟练地运用所学知识描述人物的外貌、性格、爱好和日常活动;2. 引导学生拓展思维,让他们能够描述不同类型的人物,如名人、动物等;3. 鼓励学生多与同学交流,互相了解并分享自己的兴趣和爱好。

8A Unit2 《 School life》单元教学设计-优秀教案

8A Unit2 《 School life》单元教学设计-优秀教案
教师在讲解时可以说:I have 20 books. You have 15 books. So I have more books than you.以此帮助学生理解比较级的用法。
Step 2操练
⑸How often does John go to the Buddy Club? What can students do there?
⑹Who is Tony? Why does John think Tony is his hero?
⑺Why do John and his friends do sports together on Friday afternoon?
2.教师说:All thestudents in our class are clever.We should learn from each other.Ilove our class.It’s like a big family.What about you?接着向学生提问:What’s our school like?接受任何合理的回答,从而学习“What’s …like?”和“It’s like…”的句型,并进行巩固训练。
Welcome to the unit
课型新授课☑ຫໍສະໝຸດ /单元复习课□专题复习课□习题/试卷讲评课□ 学科实践活动课□ 其他□

牛津译林版-英语-八上-英语八上2单元 Grammar 教学设计

牛津译林版-英语-八上-英语八上2单元 Grammar 教学设计
2. Form comparative and supeபைடு நூலகம்lative adverbs correctly;
Pair work, Free talk, Discussion
To learn how to form comparative and superlative adv;
To learn to say with comparative and superlative adverbs
To let the students compare people or things happily
Learn to say and write.
1. Grasp the structures “fewer/less … than” and “the fewest/least/most” to describe the amount.
(2) Help the students to work out the rules: we use “more … than …”, “fewer … than …”, “the most”, “the fewest”to compare the amount of countable nouns.
Millie has the least juice.
She ran faster than Millie.
Amy came first in the race. She ran the fastest.
1. Use “fewer/less … than” and “the fewest/least” to compare the amount of countable nouns and uncountable nouns correctly;



上海牛津英语8A教案M2U教案Title: UNIT 2: SportsObjective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:1. Identify and describe different sports in English.2. Understand and use vocabulary related to sports.3. Express personal preferences and opinions about sports.4. Use the present continuous tense to talk about ongoing activities.5. Give reasons and explanations for their choices.Materials:- Textbook: Shanghai Oxford English 8A- Whiteboard or blackboard- Markers or chalk- Flashcards with pictures of different sports- Worksheets with activities related to sports vocabulary and grammarWarm-up (10 minutes)1. Greet the students and conduct a quick review of the previous lesson's vocabulary.2. Show flashcards with pictures of different sports and ask the students to name each sport in English.3. Write the names of the sports on the board and encourage students to help each other if they are struggling.Presentation (15 minutes)1. Introduce the new vocabulary related to different sports using the textbook. Display the pictures and words on the board, saying the words aloud and asking students to repeat after you.2. Use the pictures to elicit meaning and help students understand the words. For example, for the word "swimming," show a picture of someone swimming and ask, "What is this person doing?" to elicit the word.3. Write the names of the sports on the board and ask the students to write a sentence using each sport. For example, "I enjoy playing basketball." Correct any mistakes and provide feedback.Practice (25 minutes)1. Divide the class into pairs or small groups.3. Monitor the groups as they work and provide assistance or clarification as needed.4. Bring the class back together and have groups present their answers and explain their reasoning.Production (20 minutes)1. Ask students to think about their favorite sport and why they like it.2. In pairs or small groups, have students discuss their favorite sport, using the present continuous tense to talk about ongoing activities related to the sport. For example, "I am playing basketball because I enjoy being part of a team and dribbling the ball."3. Choose a few groups to share their discussions with the whole class.Review and Extension (10 minutes)1. Review the vocabulary and grammar covered in the lesson by playing a game of "Hangman" on the board. Write a wordrelated to sports and have students guess the letters.2. Introduce new sports vocabulary not covered in the textbook to challenge the students. Show pictures or provide descriptions and ask students to guess the sport.Homework1. Assign a vocabulary and grammar worksheet related to sports for homework.2. Ask students to write a short paragraph about their favorite sport, using the present continuous tense to describe ongoing activities.3. Review vocabulary and grammar on the next lesson.Note: The timing allocated for each activity is approximate and may vary depending on the pace and level of the class.。

牛津译林版八年级英语上册8A Unit2 第2课时教案(无答案)

牛津译林版八年级英语上册8A Unit2 第2课时教案(无答案)

牛津译林版八年级英语上册课题:8A Unit 2 Reading 课时2 主备人一、课前预习导学教学目标 1.能流利地朗读课文 2.掌握本课四会单词和短语3.通过本课学习,能流利讲述学校生活教学内容:1.词组:in Year 8 how to do sth. for oneself as well2.句型:I did not know how to do things for myself课前预习练习John lives in__1__. He is a_2___ __3__student in a school called __4__school. It is a _5__school . Boy and girl have lessens _6__. John’s school has a _7_ __8__every year . They 9___it very much . They read books from the school __10___or from their _11__. near the __12__of each class ,they_13___about the books of their friends ___14__their friends. They all think the reading class is too __15__because they want to read____16__the books of their friends__17__ _18____二、课堂合作探究1. I am in Year 8 at woodland shoo l near London. Year 8=Grade 8 意为“八年级。

用序数词表示:the Eighth year = the Eighth Grade2. It is a mixed school. mix 动词意为“搀和” “混合”mixed 形容词“ 混合的” mixed school “ 男女混合的学校”。



八年级英语上册Unit2 Task教学设计(牛津译林版)一.教学内容设计教学内容8AUnit2 school life Task教学对象初二学生教学项目词语及句型1.New words andphrases:luArt Club, need to get up early, have an houwork, a big clean dining hall, lusic, weaach claubudy, have computer la football field, a swimming pool, go on a schoolave fun, baddeal, my ideal school, at lu2.New structures:We have lafter-school activWe only have an houwork every daAn article教学方法Pair work, Free talk, Pra教学目标语言知识To remember the languagabove语言技能Tuct ideas for writingTo leaand easy ways to wg语言运用文化意识To write an article about our school life using the exleau情感态度To malove his/l l学习策略To understanductuarticle教学重点Gudents well trained in writingdraft of a lal about “My ideal school”;教学难点Gudapply the writing techniqually instructeddletter-writing.二.课堂教学过程时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学目的5分钟Step 1 Lead-Present a poem named “School” Get studand answquT: As we all know, this unit is about school life. I happened to find a poem talking about a schoolILet’Read it aloud together please. Here aquuDo you ll? Why or why not?Do you have a school that is dur mind?Are you willing to share your ideal school with us?2. Show learning aPlearning aims. Lead studad through the learning aims loudly.T: This is what we are going to do today. Let’s look at the learning a(1) Learn to decide on whaludarticle “My ideal school”.(2) Learn to write a good paragrabefore working out a first draft individually.Aanswer the quaad the alesson.以小诗欣赏的方式导入,既较快地调动学生的学习兴趣,又自然地过渡到本节写作课的话题上来。







在《八年级英语牛津版8A Unit 2 Integrated Skills教案》中,教师明确指出了课程目标:学生能够掌握如何描述人物的外貌特征,并能够在交流中实现正确地使用这些描述性词汇。



在八年级英语牛津版8A Unit 2 Integrated Skills教学过程中,教师首先要学生阅读一篇短文,然后带领学生分析文中的人物特征,引导学生理解描述人物特征的相关词汇。












8A Unit2 School lifePeriod 1-5 常州市北郊中学秦敏Period 1Comic strip and Welcome to the unit教课目的1.简要讨论学校生活,复习与学校生活有关的词汇2.掌握同样看法在英国英语和美国英语中的不一样表达法3.认识英国英语和美国英语的有关差别教课内容四会内容词汇: British lift post eraser fall vocation math movie词组: go to school be like watch TV句型: Why don’t dogs go to school, EddieWhat’s school likeIt ’s like watching TV, but there are fewer advertisements.其余内容词汇: elevator soccer词组: be smarter than fewer advertisements教课准备1.教课图片2.录音机3.多媒体教课步骤Step I 体现1. 在看卡通漫画以前,先复习有关描绘质量的形容词,特别解说smart 一词以及形容词比较级构造和 There be 句型。

2. 若有必需,可提早教授What islike It ’s like 的句型。

向学生发问: What is ourschool likeStep II 阅读1. 播放 Comic strip 部分录音前,让学生思虑问题: What does Eddie think school is like听完请学生回答。




Step III活动1. 在学生掌握了漫画中的信息后,教师可将此漫画作为起点,指引学生想有关What’sschool like的话题。

2. 解说必需的语言点。




I. 教学目标1.学习关于志愿者工作的词汇和短语;2.练习听、说、读、写和翻译技能;3.学习如何描述志愿者工作和谈论志愿者工作的重要性;4.提高学生在学习中的自主学习能力和合作能力。

II. 教学内容和活动1.词汇和短语训练学生们将自主学习定义和解释词汇和短语,例如“volunteer”,“community service”,“local volunteer organization”等等。












III. 教学评估教学评估将会从多个角度出发。




牛津译林版八年级英语上册8A Unit 2 I like sports单元教案

牛津译林版八年级英语上册8A Unit 2  I like sports单元教案

Unit 2 I like sportsWelcome to the unit教学目标1、能正确,流利地听说读写以下词汇及单词:walking really bowl time tennis volleyball enjoy go swimming2、能读,会说,会用以下句型:① What’s your favourite sport ?② Do you often play football ? ③ I often play football after school .④What about you ? ⑤ I walk to my bowl many times a day .3、理解听力对话内容,喜欢运动,会用英文简单表达对运动的喜爱。

教学重难点1. 教学重点:能运用所学词汇和句型喜欢的运动和人物。

2. 教学难点:学会谈论体育运动。

Step 1 Lead-in 视频导入(3min)Enjoy a video about sports and then ask: How many sports in this video?Step 2 words learning 单词学习(3min)1、Show some pictures to learn the new words:walking n. 散步,步行really adv. 的确,确实bowl n.碗,盆time n.次,回tennis n. 网球volleyball n. 排球go swimming 去游泳/2、组内检查导学问题一的单词拼读及翻译/3、组内齐读4、Show time5、自学反馈Step 3 课文学习1. Listen and answer(comic strip)Listen to the conversation between Eddie and Hobo, then answer:①What does Eddie like doing?② Does he really like sports?听一遍录音,学生做练习。



牛津8A Unit2全部配套教案(译林牛津版八年级英语上册教案教学设计)Objectives:- To introduce vocabulary used in British English and American English- To distinguish between British and American usage- To sort out vocabularyVocabularyBritish English American English1. American football2. autumn3. break4. corridor5. dustbin6. lift7. film8. football9. ground floor10. Maths11. rubber12. secondary school 1. football2. fall3. recess4. hall5. garbage can6. elevator7. movie8. soccer9. first floor10. Math11. eraser12. high schoolPre-task activities 1. Have my students read the words after the teacher. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the spelling of words.During-task activities 2. Check the answers in pairs, then in class.British English American English13. American football14. autumn15. break16. corridor17. dustbin18. lift19. film20. football21. ground floor22. Maths23. rubber24. secondary school 13. football14. fall15. recess16. hall17. garbage can18. elevator19. movie20. soccer21. first floor22. Math23. eraser24. high school3. Practice.1) Say the words after the teacher.2) Practice in pairs.3) Make sure my students are able to use the words.4. Have my students do Part B, on Page 19.Check the answers in class.Practice reading the words.Post-task activitiesUnit 2 School lives (Pp. 20 – 22) ReadingObjectives:- To guess general meanings from pictures and keywords. - To understand feelings and opinions.- To identify specific information about school life. Language focus:1. life in a British school (l. 1)life in an American school (l. 16)2. in Year 8 (l. 3)in 9th grade (l. 18)3. a mixed school (l. 4)4. have lessons together (l. 4-5)5. my favourite subject (l. 5)6. how to do things for myself (l. 6-7)how to cook healthy and tasty meals7. have a reading week (l. 9)8. bring in books and magazines from home (l. 11)9. the end of each class (l. 12 - 13)10. talk to our friends about our books (l. 13)11. our friends’ books (l. 15)12. as well (l. 15)13. in Denver (l. 19)14. have driving lessons (l. 20)have a driving lesson15. every day 16. twice a week (l. 23)17. play softball (l. 23)18. spend a lot of time practicing (l. 24)19. go to a ‘buddy club’ (l. 24-25)20. at the buddy club (l. 25)21. older students (l. 25)22. enjoy this a lot (l. 26)23. a senior in 12th grade (l. 27)24. help me learn (l. 27)25. help me with my homework (l. 28-29)26. listen to my problems (l. 28)27. my hero (l. 28)my heroes28. during lunchtime (l. 29)29. meet my friends (l. 29)30. have a great time (l. 29)31. talk to each other (l. 29-30)32. go to shopping malls (l. 30)33. after class (l. 30)Pre-task activities Brainstorming and Free discussion: What do you like in our school?What makes you unhappy?Which is your favourite subject?What subjects do you study at school?What subjects do you want to study at school?Do you want to study in Britain?Do you want to study in America?Why?During-task activities 1. Fast readingRead the articles on Page 20 as quickly as possible. Fill in the blanks below.Name John NancySchool Woodland School Rocky Mountain High SchoolGrade 8 9In class(Subject) Home Economics Driving lessonsAfter class(activities) A readin g week Play softball; go to a ‘buddy club’2. Detailed study of the articles and word guessingLife in a British School1) About a mixed schoolWhat kind of school is Woodland School? (A mixed school.) Who studies in a mixed school? (Boys and girls. They have lessons together.)There are some schools for girls only. Is our school a mixed school or not? (Yes, it is.)2) About Home EconomicsHome Economics is John’s favourite subject. It is one of the subjects in Woodland School.What can students learn in this subject? (How to cook healthy and tasty meals. ‘Tasty meals’ means meals with a pleasant taste.)Exercise 1Hi everybodyMy name is John. I am in Year 8 at Woodland School near London. It is a mixed school. Boys and girls have lessons together.My favourite subject is Home Economics. I like learning how to cook and sew. I did not know how to do things for myself before I came to this school. Now, I know how to cook healthy and tasty meals.3) About the reading weekSuppose you are John. Answer my questions:- How often do the students in Woodland School have the reading week? (Every year. = once a year.)- Can the students read all the books from the school library? (Yes, they can.)- What can you bring in (the library) from home? (Books and magazines.)- What must you do if you want to read books and magazines from home? (Tell our English teacher what we are reading. ‘have to’ = ‘must’)- Who can you talk to about your books near the end of each class? (Our friends.)- Do you like the reading week? Do you think it is too long? Why not? (We want to read all our friends’ books as well. ‘as well’ = ‘too’)Exercise 2Our school has a reading week every year. My classmates and I (我和我的同学们)love it. We can read any books from the school library. We can even bring in (把……带来)books and magazines from home but we have to (必须) tell our English teacher what we are reading. Near the end of (在……的结尾)each class we can talk to our friends about (对……谈论关于……)our books. The reading week is always too short because we want to read all our friends’ books as well (也).Life in an American School1) About driving age in the USA- Students at 17 years old are in 12th grade in the USA.- Students in 11th grade can have driving lessons.Exercise 3Hi guys,I’m Nancy and I’m 14 years old. I’m in 9th grade (在九年级)at Rocky Mountain High School in Denver. My brother’s name is Jim. He is 17 years old. He had driving lessons (驾驶课)in school last year. Now, he drives me to school (开车送我上学)every day. This is great b ecause it’s faster than (比……快)taking the bus.2) About softball- When do you play softball?- How often do you play softball?3) About the ‘buddy club’3.1) Home Economics2) Tasty3) As well4) Softball5) Buddy4. Detailed study of the text5.Post-task activitiesUnit 2 Making comparisons (Pp. 26 – 27) GrammarObjectives:- To compare two things using ‘like’ and ‘alike’- To make comparisons using ‘the same as’ and ‘different from’Language focus:Structures:- Amy’s sweater is like Millie’s sweater.- (Amy’s shoes are like Millie’s shoes.)- Amy’s sweater and Millie’s sweater are alike.- My uniform is the same as Simon’s uniform.- My uniform is different from Simon’s uniform.Vocabulary:Words about Stationery: ruler, paper, pencil, rubber, notebooktimetablePre-task activities 1. What are they wearing?Look at the picture on page 26.- How many students are there in the picture? (Four.)- What are they wearing?(Daniel is wearing a yellow jacket and a scarf.)(Simon is wearing sports clothes.)(Amy is wearing a red sweater.)(Millie is wearing a red sweater, too.)- Amy’s sweater is like Millie’s sweater.- Amy’s sweater and Millie’s sweater are alike.Have my students read the sample sentences and remember them.During-task activities 2. Things that are similar1) Have my students do Part C1.2) Check the answers in pairs.3) Ask my students to read the sentences aloud and check the answers in class.3. What stationery do you have?Have my students list the stationeries they have now. T each the word s ‘notebook’ and ‘paper clips’.Post-task activities 4. Things in your school bags.- My pen is like yours.- Our notebooks are alike.Pre-task activities 5. What are they wearing?Look at the pictures on page 27. What are the boys wearing? (They’re wearin g school uniforms.)- Daniel’s uniform is the same as Simon’s (uniform).- Daniel’s uniform is different from John’s (uniform).It’s better to use what my students are wearing as the presentation.During-task activities 6. Same or different?1) Have my students do Part D1.2) Check the answers in pairs.3) Ask my students to read the sentences aloud and check the answers in class.4) Then, go through Part D2 the same way.Post-task activities Exercises on the Workbook:How are their daily lives? (Pp. 26 – 27)Unit 6 An accident report (Pp. 100– 101) Integrated skillsLanguage focus:Vocabulary:1) New words:2) Numbers in EnglishStructure: more … than; fewer … than; less … than1) There are more students in Rocky Mountain High School than in Woodland School.2) There are fewer students in Rocky Mountain High School than in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.3) Rocky Mountain High School has more students than Woodland School.4) Rocky Mountain High School has fewer students than Woodland School.5) Chinese students have more weeks off in the summertime than British Students.6) British students spend less time doing their homework than Chinese students.Pre-task activities 1. John’s school, Nancy’s school and your school1) Which school is John in? (Woodland School, Britain.)2) Which school is Nancy in? (Rocky Mountain High School, the USA.)3) Which school are you in? (Nanjing No. 13 Middle School.)4) Which class are you in?5) How many students are there in your class?6) How many boys are there? How many girls are there?(There are more / fewer boys than girls in my class.)7) How many students are there in your grade?8) How many students are there in your school? How many teachers?9) How many students / teachers are there in Woodland School / Rocky Mountain High School?During-task activities 2. Numbers of students, teachers and classrooms; length of summer holidayA. Read the chart on Page 28.1) How many students are there in Woodland School? (550.)2) How many classrooms are there in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School? (45.)3) How many classrooms are there in Rocky Mountain High School? (35.)4) How long do the Beijing Sunshine Secondary Schoolstudents have their summer holiday? (7 weeks.)‘long’ & ‘length’B. Listen to the conversation between Sandy and Daniel. Complete the table of Part A1, on Page 28.- There are 550 students in Woodland School.- The students in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School have 7 weeks off in the summertime.D. Structures1) There are more students in Rocky Mountain High School than in Woodland School.2) There are fewer students in Rocky Mountain High School than in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.3) Rocky Mountain High School has more students than Woodland School.4) Rocky Mountain High School has fewer students than Woodland School.5) Chinese students have more weeks off in the summertime than British Students.6) British students spend less time doing their homework than Chinese students.E. Comparing Schools, Part A2, Page 28.F. Comparing Schools, Part A3, Page 29.Unit 2 Talking about different schools (P. 29) Speak upObjectives:- To develop fluency in asking and answering questions about school.- To develop interactive skills by responding appropriately.- To transfer a model conversation to a personal situation.Language focus:Vocabulary: kilometreStructures:1) How far do you live from your school?How far is it from your home to school?2) Do you walk to school?Do you go to school on foot?3) I usually take the school bus.I usually go to school by bus.4) What if it rains or snows?What are you going to do / do you do if it rains or snows?5) It doesn’t snow / rain, etc.6) I don’t mind the rain.Pre-task activities Mini-task I: How do you go to school?- How do you go to school every day?- How long does it take?1) T – S2) S – SDuring-task activities Mini-task II: How do they go to school?1. Listening task- Daniel goes to school by bus.- John walks to school2. Reading aloudRead after the tape twice.3. Language studies7) How far do you live from your school?How far is it from your home to school?8) Do you walk to school?Do you go to school on foot?9) I usually take the school bus.I usually go to school by bus.10) What if it rains or snows?What are you going to do / do you do if it rains or snows?11) It doesn’t snow / rain, etc.12) I don’t mind the rain.4. Role-playPost-task activities Additional exercises on language points:I. Fill in the blanksNancy: How far do you live from your school?John: About two kilometres.Nancy: Do you go to school on foot?John: Yes, I walk to school every day. I like walking. And you?Nancy: I usually ride my bicycle to school. (I usually go to school by bike.)It’s fun (funny).John: What if your bicycle doesn’t work?Nancy: I don’t mind. I can take a bus then.(I can go to school by bus then.)II. Translation1) The air pollution in Sunshine Town is less than that (the air pollution) in other areas of Beijing.There is less air pollution in Sunshine Town than in other areas of Beijing.2) British students spend less time (in) doing their homework than Chinese students (do).3) How far is your home from your school? About 10 kilometres.How far do you live from your school?About 10 kilometres.4) I don’t mind if it will rain tomorrow.Unit 2 My ideal school (Pp. 31 – 32) Main taskObjectives:- To complete a questionnaire with personal information.- To select specific information for an ideal school week including the choice of favourite activities.- To generate and organize ideas about an ideal school and write an article about it for website audience.Language focus:Vocabulary: finish, tick, baseball, table tennis, tennis, chess, drama, support, ideal, pop, tennis courtPhrases:1. get up late2. my ideal school3. start at 9 a.m.4. finish at 3 p.m.5. have lots of time for after-school activities6. have an hour for lunch7. a big dining hall8. eat lunch and chat9. listen to pop music10. in the hall11. eat fruite and vegetables12. every day13. have Maths14. love computers15. have Computer Studies16. before lunch 17. wear school uniforms18. wear ties19. be quite small20. in each class21. have a park22. on one side23. the other24. have a big library with lots of useful books25. have a tennis court and a swimming pool26. lots of clubs27. after-school activities28. have half an hour of homework29. at weekends30. go on a school trip to a museum or a theatrePre-task activities Mini-task I: Your ideal school1) When does your school start / finish? When do you get up?2) How much time do you have for lunch? What do you do after lunch?3) What subjects do you have every day? How many students are there in your class? Do you have to wear uniforms and ties?4) Where is your school? What is around your school? What is your favourite place in your school?5) What do you do after class? Every month? Every year?During-task activities Mini-task II: Daniel’s ideal school1) Introduction: starting and finishing time of school2) Lunchtime: length, location, food3) Subjects, school uniform and size of classes4) Environment and facilities5) Clubs and activitiesPost-task activities Where do you want to go on with your studies after your leave No. 13 Middle School in 2006?Unit 2 Showing surprise (P. 30) PronunciationObjectivesTo recognize and use intonation patternsTo recognize and use falling voice to indicate the end of astatementTo recognize and use rising voice to show surpriseLanguage focusVocabulary1. monkey n.- Joe wants to get a pet monkey.2. news n.- Did you hear the news?Tense1. Laura hurt her leg on Monday.2. She won’t be able to play basketball for three months.3. Look out the window. It’s snowing!4. Mr. Wu is going to be on TV tonight.5. Joe wants to get a pet monkey.6. You just ate four hamburgers.7. We’ll have cakes for dinner tonight.8. Did you hear the news? Liu Mei is going to move to Canada.I don’t believe it.During-task activities Mini-task I: Poor LauraA. Amy and Sandy are talking about their classmate Laura. Try to fill in the blanks below.Amy: Laura hurt her leg on Monday.Sandy: Oh, really!Amy: She has to stay in hospital for a month.Sandy: A month!Amy: Yes. She won’t be (be) able to play basketball for three months.Sandy: Three months!B. Amy and Sandy are talking about their classmate Laura. Listen to their conversation and fill in the blanks.C. Listen to the conversation. Pay attention to the intonation patterns. Read after the tape.D. Role-playMini-task II: IntonationA. Read the sentences and fill in the blanks.1) Look out the window. It is snowing (snow)!2) Mr. Wu is going to be (be) on TV tonight.3) Joe wants (want) to get (get) a pet monkey.4) I’m hungry.Hungry? You just ate (eat) four hamburgers.5) We will have (have) cakes for dinner tonight.6) Did you hear (hear) the news? Liu Mei is going to move (move) to Canada.B. Read the sentences and put an arrow at the end of each sentence.C. Listen to the tape and check the answers.D. Read after the tape.。



牛津英语8Aunit2教案设计教案设计:牛津英语8A Unit 2教学目标:1. 学生能够掌握和运用本单元的词汇和句型;2. 学生能够理解并运用本单元的语法知识;3. 学生能够通过听说读写的综合训练提高英语综合运用能力;4. 学生能够通过合作学习和交流提高团队合作和沟通能力。

教学重点:1. 学习并掌握本单元的词汇和句型;2. 运用所学知识进行听说读写的综合训练;3. 培养学生的团队合作和沟通能力。

教学难点:1. 运用所学知识进行听说读写的综合训练;2. 提高学生的团队合作和沟通能力。

教学准备:1. 教师准备教学课件、教材、黑板、多媒体设备等;2. 学生准备教材、学习用品等。

教学过程:Step 1:导入(5分钟)1. 教师用图片或实物引出本单元的话题,激发学生的学习兴趣;2. 教师简要介绍本单元的学习内容和目标。

Step 2:词汇学习(15分钟)1. 教师通过图片、单词卡片等方式教授本单元的词汇;2. 学生跟读、拼读、造句等巩固词汇。

Step 3:语法讲解(10分钟)1. 教师通过示例句子和练习题等方式讲解本单元的语法知识;2. 学生进行语法知识的操练和巩固。

Step 4:听力训练(15分钟)1. 教师播放录音材料,让学生进行听力训练;2. 学生根据听到的内容回答问题或完成听力任务。

Step 5:口语练习(15分钟)1. 教师组织学生进行口语练习,例如对话、角色扮演等;2. 学生互相交流、表达自己的意见和观点。

Step 6:阅读训练(15分钟)1. 教师分发阅读材料,让学生进行阅读训练;2. 学生根据阅读内容回答问题或进行相关练习。

Step 7:写作练习(15分钟)1. 教师给学生布置写作任务,例如写一篇关于自己假期计划的短文;2. 学生根据所学知识进行写作练习,并相互修改和评价。

Step 8:团队合作活动(15分钟)1. 教师组织学生进行团队合作活动,例如小组讨论、项目制作等;2. 学生通过合作学习和交流提高团队合作和沟通能力。

牛津英语8A Unit2 第三课时 教案

牛津英语8A Unit2 第三课时 教案
2. Play a game. Find the matched pictures.
3. The students can also play ive or six.
You can draw or paint pictures.
Computer Studies
1. Divide the students into groups of five. Complete Part B on Page 27.
2. Give the students more adjectives and get the students to practice more opposites.
What doesNancydo at lunchtime?
When does she go the Buddy Club?
Does she like sports?
Have the students complete the exercises in Part B2 on Page 25, and check the answers together. Read the dialogue in pairs.
do things for oneselftalk to somebody about something
near the end ofhave driving lessons
drive somebody tospend ... doing something
enjoy … a lot help somebody with/do something
Twice a week.
Every Monday.


Step4 Guessingwhat they are talking about?
(1)Show the first picture of Comic Stripes to the student without the words. Ask the students to guess:“what aretheytalking about?”Play the tape for the students tolisten and find out the answer to the questions.
Step1 Lead in
Ask some questions about their school life.
(1)How many lessons do you have every day?
(2)What subjects do you learn?
(3)How often do you have a class meeting?
(4)What clubs do you have?
(5)What after-activities do you have?
(6)Do you have a Reading Week?
(7)Where can you read books?
(8)Do you have a hero? Who is he/she?
教 学 过 程
Step1 Showinga world map
Get the students to know the English-speaking countries around the world, by showing a worldmap to them. Meanwhile write the name of different English-speaking countries in the world.Letthe studentsknow the differencesbetweenBritish and American English.






















牛津译林版中考英语总复习教案含习题(8A Unit2)

牛津译林版中考英语总复习教案含习题(8A Unit2)

中考英语总复习教案8A Unit 2 School life一、复习单词表A.拼读易错单词、重点单词British 英国的French 法语foreign 外国的language 语言discuss讨论,议论offer 主动提出least 最少的chess 国际象棋daily 每日的,日常的through 自始自终physics 物理B.重要单词用法a.advertisement; British; American; during; guy; buddy; baseball; least uniform; weekly; quick; through; real;lunchtime;badminton; ideal2.(1)Autumn,a British English word,is called f____ in American English.(2)The Greens are now in Canada on v_______(假期).(3)In the USA,people go to cinemas when they want to see m_______.(4)Rubber is another way of saying e________.3.French-Frenchman-Francespeak in .(France)4.discuss-discussion(n.)discuss sth. with sb.和某人讨论某事(1)The wise girl often (讨论)the problems with her classmates after class.(2)The programme started with a (discuss) about a survey.5.offer(1)offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. 向某人提供某物offer me help(2)offer to do sth.主动提出做某事(3)offer n.特价,减价---Would you please ________(主动提出) me some help?---Of course.( ) The little boy his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus.A. lentB. offeredC. tookD. brought6.end-endless(adj.)-ending(n.)(1)in the end/at the end of…/by the end of…(2)On Friday afternoon, our school ends earlier than usual.(end=be over)Our homework always seems .(end)The romantic films often have wonderful stories and happy .(end)7.win-won-won; winner (n.)The presents are those .(win)Our team two games last month.(win)8.far--farther/further--farthest/furthestfarther 表示路程更远further 表示程度更进一步(1)For (far) information, you can contact Amy on 55501212.(2)She wants to go abroad for (far)study.(3)He jumps (far) in our class.(4)She is far (slim) now.(5)He is far too (busy) (write) to his mother.7.spend,pay,cost,take的用法(1)sb.作主语spend some money on sth. / (in) doing sth. 花费......做某事pay some money for sth.buy sth.for some money(2)sth.作主语sth. cost sb. some money(3)It takes sb. some time to do sth.We’d better spend as much time as we can (practise) (speak) English.e.g. (1) My mother spends two hours doing housework every day. (同义句)My mother________ two hours ________ housework every day.It ________ my mother two hours_________ ________ ________ every day.(2)---你每天花多长时间读英语?---至少二十分钟。



Unit2 School life单元三维目标:一、知识与技能1.掌握课本中出现的重点词汇和句型2.熟练运用形容词比较级和最高级的构成和用法3.充分运用‘the same as’‘different from’进行比较4.学会谈论不同的学校及各类学生的学校生活二、过程与方法通过对比中外各类学校情况,借助课外媒体、材料,反复使用练习,在潜移默化中学好本单元需要掌握的知识点和语言点.三、情感态度与价值了解中西方学校情况,感受中西方文化如在教育、人文等反面的异同,为理解英语、学好英语奠定基础。

Period 1 Comic strip and welcome to the unitTeaching aims and demands:1.Talk about the school life and review the words about school life.2.Learn different words which mean the same thing between British Englishand American English。

3.Learn the differences between British English and American English。

Teaching difficulties and importance:1.Grasp the spelling of British words and American words such as lift andelevator, post and mail,film and movie, football and soccer,and so on.2.Know the differences between British English and American English.3.Grasp the words:British,lift,post, eraser, fall, elevator,math,movie,soccer4.Grasp the phrases:be smarter than, be like doing5.Grasp the sentences:Why don’t sb do sth?=Why not do sth? What’sschool like?Teaching preparation:pictures, recorder,computer, and the flags of Britain and EnglandTeaching steps:Ste pⅠLead—inT: Do you like our school?What do you like?How many subjects do you learn?Can you tell me some names of them?S: Chinese,Math, English, PE,Geography, etc。

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Unit2 School life单元三维目标:一、知识与技能1. 掌握课本中出现的重点词汇和句型2. 熟练运用形容词比较级和最高级的构成和用法3. 充分运用‘the same as’ ‘different from’进行比较4. 学会谈论不同的学校及各类学生的学校生活二、过程与方法通过对比中外各类学校情况,借助课外媒体、材料,反复使用练习,在潜移默化中学好本单元需要掌握的知识点和语言点.三、情感态度与价值了解中西方学校情况,感受中西方文化如在教育、人文等反面的异同,为理解英语、学好英语奠定基础.Period 1 Comic strip and welcome to the unitTeaching aims and demands:1. Talk about the school life and review the words about school life.2. Learn different words which mean the same thing between British English and American English.3. Learn the differences between British English and American English.Teaching difficulties and importance:1. Grasp the spelling of British words and American words such as lift and elevator, post and mail, film and movie, football and soccer, and so on.2. Know the differences between British English and American English.3. Grasp the words: British, lift, post, eraser, fall, elevator, math, movie, soccer4. Grasp the phrases: be smarter than, be like doing5. Grasp the sentences: Why don’t sb do sth?=Why not dosth? What’s school like?Teaching preparation:pictures, recorder, computer, and the flags of Britain and EnglandTeaching steps:StepⅠ Lead-inT: Do you like our school?What do you like?How many subjects do you learn?Can you tell me some names of them?S: Chinese, Math, English, PE, Geography, etc. (Encourage the Ss to say more about it.)T: Good. Is there another word for Math?S: Yes. Maths.T: Great. Maths is Math. Maths is British English. While Math is American English (write on Bb)StepⅡ Pre-task (Welcome to the unit)Show the flags of the UK and the USA. Tell them that people speak English in both Britain and the USA , but sometimes they use different words which mean the same thing.T: I know many boys like playing football.Do you know what it says in American English?S: Soccer.(Write on Bb)Do you know the same use of other words?Please give me some examples.Write other right answers of the students on the Bb.Teach the students the new words:BE=British English AE=American EnglishStepⅢ While-taskTask1 Practise the new words more. Pay attention to the pronunciations and spelling.Task2 Finish Part A on Page 23. Teacher can give more words, such as sweets and candies, holiday and vocation, biscuit and cookie and so on.Task3 Write down both the British and American words, then finish Part B.StepⅣ Different spellings(1) Say: There are also some differences in spelling between British English and American English. Make a table and write down some words. E.g. favourite and favorite, centre and center.(2) Ask Ss to find more different words means the same thing and different spellings after class.StepⅤ Comic stripsDo you remember Hobo and Eddie? They are talking about school life.Listen to the tape and answer : What does Eddie think of the school life?Listen again and read after it.Point out: Why don’t you do sth?=Why not do sth?be smarter than, be like doing sth, there be, few/a fewLook at the picture and practise the dialogueAct the dialogue in groups and pairs.StepⅥ Free talk about Ss’ ideal schoolWhat do you like more about school, the assembly, the classes, lunchtime or the after-school activities? Do you like outdoor activities? Do you like fewer lessons? Do you like the lessons on the Internet? Talk about the above questions in groups and then make a report.StepⅦ Post-taskFill in the blankets with American English:It’s my first day in high school. I felt a little tired, but I had a good time. Our classroom is on the__________ (ground/first) floor. So we don’t need an__________ (lift/elevat or). I like to go outsideplaying___________(soccer/football) after class. It’s my____________ (favourite/favorite) sport. Today we had 6 classes. I stillfound__________ (maths/math) was too difficult for me. But the new classmate next to me helped me work out a difficult problem.StepⅧ. Homework(1) Try to remember the new words and drills.(2) Finish the exercises.(3) Preview the next lesson.Period 2 Reading (1)Teaching aims and demands:1. Know the school lives in British school and American school.2. Learn to read and understand the article with different ways of reading.3. Learn how to understand the writer’s opinion.Teaching difficulties and importance:1. Know the meanings of the new words: mixed, together, subject, myself, tasty, meal, guy(s), twice, softball, practice, buddy, senior, hero, close, article, admire2. Understand the meanings of the phrases: in Year 8=in Grade 8,a mixed school, Home Economics, learn how to do sth, do sth for oneself, cook healthy and tasty meals, bring in, a Reading Week, the end of sth,as well, take a bus, twice a week, spend time doing sth, learn about, help sb with sth, each other, have a great time doing sth.3. Can use this sentence: What does the word ‘hero’ mean?It means someone you admire very much.4. Catch the main information about Lives in a British school and an American school.Teaching preparation:recorder and computerTeaching steps:Step I. Lead-in(1) Review the British and American words in different forms.(2) Act the dialogue between Hobo and Eddie.Step II. Pre-taskUse the pictures on Page 26 to teach some new words.Ask: What are they doing in the pictures?(Reading Week, driving lesson, Home Economics class, lunchtime, buddy club, softball game)Step III. While-taskT: Eddie thinks school is like watching TV. Now John and Nancy are talking about their lives in school. Let’s see if it is like watching TV.Life in a British schoolTask 1 Read Paragraph 1 and answer:1. What grade is John in?(In Year 8.)2. Is it a school for boys? (No, it’s a mixed school.)3. What’s his favorite subject? (Home Economics)4. What can he cook? (Healthy and tasty meals)Task 2 Listen to the tape and read after it.Use Questions 1-4 to sum up Paragraph 1.Task 3 Read Paragraph 2 and answer:5. Does he have a Reading Week every year?6. What books can they read ?7. What can they do near the end of the reading class?8. Why does he think the reading week is too short?Point out: as wellTask 4 Listen to the tape and read after it.Use Questions 5-8 to sum up Paragraph 2.Point out: I like learning how to cook and sew.We can even bring in books and magazines from home. Task 5 Practice the new words and phrases more.Read John’s composition together/by thems elves.Try to sum up the whole article.Life in an American schoolTask 1 Read Paragraph 1 and answer:1. How old is Nancy? Where does she study?2. How old is her brother? What did he learn last year?3. Is it great that Denver drives her to school? Why? Task 2 Listen to the tape and read after it.Use Questions 1-3 to sum up Paragraph 1.Task 3 Read Paragraph 2 and answer:4. How often does she play softball? (Twice a week.)5. Where does she go every Monday? ( A buddy club.)6. Who is her buddy? (Teach: senior)What can they do there?7. What does Nancy think of Julie? Why?Task4 Listen to the tape and read after it.Use Questions 4-7 to sum up Paragraph 2.Task5 Read Paragraph 3 and answer:8. Does she have a good time during lunchtime?9. What do they sometimes do after school?Task6 Listen to the tape and read after it.Use Questions 8-9 to sum up Paragraph 3.Task7 Read Nancy’s article by themselves and try to sum it up.Step IV. Post-taskTask 1 Finish Part B1 on Page 25.Task 2 Finish Parts B2 and C1 and check the answers.Point out: tell sb about sth, during lunchtime, in 12th grade. What does the word…mean?Step V. Homework(1) Read the two articles carefully and try to sum them up.(2) Finish the exercises.Period 3 Reading (2)Teaching aims and demands:1. Can grasp the words, phrases and language points of the two articles.2. Can retell the lives in a British school and an American school.Teaching difficulties and importance:1. Some important language points.2. Retell the two articles completely.Teaching preparation:ComputerTeaching steps:Step I. Warm-upTry to memorize the main idea of John’s and Nancy’s articles according to the table.Step II. Language points1. Year8 (the Eighth Year) = Grade 8 (the Eighth Grade)2. mixed adj. a mixed schoolmix v. Oil and water will not mix.3. how to do things for myself (反身代词, 我自己,独自做某事)疑问代词who, what. which等和疑问副词when, where, how等加动词不定式,在句中作主语、宾语、表语等成分.E.g. Where to go is a question.(作主语)The question is how to learn English well.(作表语)I know where to find the boy.(作宾语)4. tasty adj. The food is tasty.taste link.v. The food tastes good. n. The food has a good taste.5. as well, also, too, either, as well asa. as well 副词短语,多用于口语,只用于句末. He is a teacher and a writer as well.b. also 较正式,不用于句末,用语肯定句中. He also plays football.c. too 多用语口语,通常在句末,也可在句中. He is a worker, too.d. either 用于否定句中,通常在句末.Yesterday I didn’t watch TV and I didn’t see the film, either.e. as well as 用于肯定句中,意为“既……又……; 不仅……而且……”,起连接作用.He gave me clothes as well as food.6. have a great time talking to each otherhave a great/good time doing sth.=have fun doing sth.E.g. Mary had a god time dancing at the party. We have fun learning English.Step III. Reading and retellingTask 1 Read the articles together.Task 2 Fill in the blankets according to John’s composition.John was in _______ at Woodland School near London. It’s a_____school. His favorite subject is ________________.So he can cook healthy and ___________meals now. His school has a_______ week every year. He and his classmates can read books from the school library. And they can also ________ in books and_________ from home. The reading week is too ______ because he wants to read others’ books __________.Task3 Fill in the blankets according to Nancy’s composition.Nancy is 14 years old. She is in 9th g____ at Rocky Mountain High School. Her brother Denver had d______ lessons last year. It’s greatfor her because he d______ her to school every day. It’s f_____ than taking a bus. She plays s_______ twice a week. She spends lots of timep____________. Every Monday she goes to a b____ club. Her buddy is Julie. Julie h____ Nancy learn all about her new school. She helps Nancy with her homework and listens to her p_______. Nancy thinks Julie is a h____. During lunchtime, she has a good time t________ with her friends. Sometimes, they go to s_______ malls after school.Task4 Read the two parts by themselves.Task5 Retell John’s life in a British school and Nancy’s life in an American school.Step IV. HomeworkTask1 Translate the sentences into English.1、我最喜欢的科目是家政。
