
1. Define the following concepts.(1)Phoneme(2)Deep Structure and Surface Structure(3)Speech Act Theory(4)The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis2. Explain why the sentence John saw a girl with a telescope is ambiguous, and explicate the ambiguity by drawing two or more syntactic trees for the sentence.3. What are gradable antonyms? Explain the concept with examples.4. Read the following passage and state what wrong is with the use of "hello" from the socio- cultural perspective.A group of Chinese girls who just arrived at the U.S. for their university education decided to visit the city of New York together. Since their school was not very far from the city, so they planned to take a Grevhound bus to go there at the weekend. Saturday morning, they got up early and after two hours' drive they got to the downtown of the city. They stayed therefor a couple of hours, shopping and sightseeing happily. Everything seemed OK until it was the time for them to go back—they suddenly realized that they lost their way back to the Greyhound bus station. What made the situation worse was that it was getting darker. In despair, they stopped at a corner on the street and decided to ask for help. At this moment they saw a young couple passing by so they said "Hello!" to this couple. To their surprise, the couple looked at them coldly and hustled on. Having no way out, they approached to the next group of passers-by and tried a louder "Hello" this time. Again they got nothing but a cold shoulder from these city people.5. Compare and contrast the following pairs of terms. Use examples if necessary.(1)Language learning and language acquisition(2)Field dependence and field independence(3)Contrastive analysis and error analysis6. Scholars have tried to explain how human being acquire or learn the language. There are two major schools of thought in language learning theories, empiricism and mentalism. Please define and explain these two terms, and then **ments with your own point of views.7. It is believed that the study of language (linguistics) is clasely related to language teaching. In what ways do you think linguistic studies contribute to the research and practice of language teaching?8. Some language teachers argue that we should "teach the language" rather than "teach about the language". What are the major differences between these two approaches to language teaching?第二部分:专业方向语言学、语法学和英汉语言对比方向。

北京师范大学2007年考博英语阅读新题型(匹配题)真题及解析Directions:You are going to read a list of headings and a text aboutwhat parents are supposed to do to guide their children into adulthood.Choose a heading from the list A—G that best fits the meaning of eachnumbered part of the text(41—45).The first and last paragraphs ofthe text are not numbered.There are two extra headings that you donot need to use.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10points)[A]Set a Good Example for Your Kids[B]Build You Kids’Work Skills[C]Place Time Limits on Leisure Activities[D]Talk about the Future on a Regular Basis[E]Help Kids Develop Coping Strategies[F]Help Your Kids Figure Out Who They Are[G]Build Your Kids’Sense of ResponsibilityHow Can a Parent Help?Mothers and fathers can do a lot to ensure a safe landing in earlyadulthood for their kids.Even if a job’s starting salary seems toosmall to satisfy an emerging adult’s need for rapid content,thetransition from school to work can be less of a setback if the start-upadult is ready for the move.Here are a few measures,drawn from mybook Ready or Not,Here Life Comes,that parents can take to preventwhat I call“work-life unreadiness”:Geng duo yuan xiao zhen ti jiqi jie xi qing lian xi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling lingliu liu ba liu jiu qi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wusan qi41.You can start this process when they are11or12.Periodically review their emerging strengths and weaknesses with them and work together on any shortcomings,like difficulty in communicating well or collaborating.Also,identify the kinds of interests they keep coming back to,as these offer clues to the careers that will fit them best.42.Kids need a range of authentic role models—as opposed to members of their clique,pop stars and vaunted athletes.Have regular dinner-table discussions about people the family knows and how they got where they are.Discuss the joys and downsides of your own career and encourage your kids to form some ideas about their own future. When asked what they want to do,they should be discouraged from saying “I have no idea.”They can change their minds200times,but having only a foggy view of the future is of little good.43.Teachers are responsible for teaching kids how to learn; parents should be responsible for teaching them how to work.Assign responsibilities around the house and make sure homework deadlines are met.Encourage teenagers to take a part-time job.Kids need plenty of practice delaying gratification and deploying effective organizational skills,such as managing time and setting priorities.44.Playing video games encourages immediate content.And hours of watching TV shows with caned laughter only teaches kids to process information is passive way.At the same time,listening through earphones to the same monotonous beats for long stretches encourageskids to stay inside their bubble instead of pursuing other endeavors. All these activities can prevent the growth of important communication and thinking skills and make it difficult for kids to develop the kind of sustained concentration they will need for most jobs.45.They should know how to deal with setbacks,stresses and feelings of inadequacy.They should also learn how to solve problems and resolve conflicts,ways to brainstorm and think critically. Discussions at home can help kids practice doing these thins and help them apply these skills to everyday life situations.What about the son or daughter who is grown but seems to be struggling and wandering aimlessly through early adulthood?Parents still have a major role to play,but now it is more delicate.They have to be careful not to come across as disappointed in their child. They should exhibit strong interest and respect for whatever interests their fledging adult(as naive or ill conceived as it may seem)while becoming a partner in exploring options for the future. Most of all,these new adults,must feel they are respected and supported by a family that appreciates them.答案详解41.【解析】[F]本题后面的这段话谈到家长们应当帮助孩子认识自我,从而让孩子在未来职业选择中扬长避短。

应考者必须在“答题卡”上按要求 填涂,不能答在试卷上。
PART ONE (50 POINTS ). Vocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1 point e Ⅰach)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。
1. To some extent the good service at the hotel ________ the poor food.A. brought outB. came aboutC. got down toD. made up for2. If you ________ in taking this attitude, we’ll have to ask you to leave.A. insistB. resist C persist D. exist3. He’ll ________ his nervousness once he's on stage.A. get overB. get offC. get outD. get through4. At the age of fourteen, Maggie went to a ________ girls' school along with her sister.A. nearB. nearbyC. closeD. neighbor5. Miranda happily accepted an invitation to lunch at Rules, her ________ restaurant.A. popularB. preferredC. favoredD. favorite6. We request that all cell phones ________ for the duration of the performance.A. be turned offB. should turn offC. ought to be turned offD. to be turned off7. Who was the first person ________ today?A. spoke to youB. with you spokeC. you spoke toD. spoke with you8. A person who talks to ________ is not necessarily mad.A. himselfB. oneselfC. yourselfD. itself9. Spanish people usually speak ________ than English people.A. quickB. quicklyC. more quickD. more quickly10. Did you hear ________ Mary said?A. thatB. whatC. whichD. that what. Cloze Test (10 points, 1 point each)Ⅱ下列短文中有+个空白,每个空白有四个选项。

北京师范大学2014年考博英语真题及详解Part I Reading Comprehension(45%)Directions:Read the following passages carefully and then select the best answer from the four choices marked A,B,C,and D by marking thecorresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line throughthe center.1Taken together,income,occupation,and education are good measures of people’s social ing a layered model of stratification,most sociologists describe the class system in the United States as divided into several classes:upper, upper middle,middle,lower middle,and lower class.Each class is defined by characteristics such as income,occupational prestige,and educational attainment. The different groups are arrayed along a continuum with those with the most money,education,and prestige at the top and those with the least at the bottom.In the United States,the upper class owns the major share of corporate and personal wealth;it includes those who have held wealth for generations as well as those who have recently become rich.Only a very small proportion of people actually constitute the upper class,but they control vast amounts of wealth and power in the United States.They exercise enormous control throughout society. Most of their wealth is inherited.Despite social myths to the contrary,the best predictor of future wealth is thefamily into which you are born.Each year,the business magazine Forbes publishes a list of the“Forbes400”—the four hundred wealthiest families and individuals in the country.Of all the wealth represented on the Forbes400list,more than half is inherited.Those on the list who could be called“self-made”were not typically of modest origins;most inherited significant assets(Forbes,1997;Sklar and Collins, 1997).Those in the upper class with newly acquired wealth are known as the nouveau niche.Although they may have vast amounts of money,they are often not accepted into“old rich”circles.The upper middle class includes those with high incomes and high social prestige.They tend to be well-educated professionals or business executives.Their earnings can be quite high indeed—successful business executives can earn millions of dollars a year.It is difficult to estimate exactly how many people fall into this group because of the difficulty of drawing lines between the upper,upper middle,and middle class.Indeed,the upper middle class is often thought of as “middle class”because their lifestyle sets the standard to which many aspire,but this lifestyle is simply beyond the means of a majority of people in the United States.The middle class is hard to define;in part,being“middle class”is more than just economic position.By far the majority of Americans identify themselves as middle class even though they vary widely in lifestyle and in resources at their disposal.But the idea that the United States is an open-class system leads many to think that the majority have a middle-class lifestyle because,in general,peopletend not to want to recognize class distinctions in the United States.Thus,the middle class becomes the ubiquitous norm even though many who call themselves middle class have a tenuous hold on this class position.In the hierarchy of social class,the lower middle class includes workers in the skilled trades and low-income bureaucratic workers,many of whom may actually define themselves as middle class.Examples are blue-collar workers(those in skilled trades who do manual labor)and many service workers,such as secretaries, hairdressers,waitresses,police,and firefighters.Medium to low income,education, and occupational prestige define the lower middle class relative to the class groups above it.The term“lower”in this class designation refers to the relative position of the group in the stratification system,but it has a pejorative sound to many people,especially to people who are members of this class.The lower class is composed primarily of the displaced and poor.People in this class have little formal education and are often unemployed or working in minimum-wage jobs.Forty percent of the poor work;ten percent work year-round and full time—a proportion that has generally increased over time.Recently,the concept of the underclass has been added to the lower class.The underclass includes those who have been left behind by contemporary economic developments.Rejected from the economic system,those in the underclass may become dependent on public assistance or illegal activities.1.Which of the sentences below best expresses the information in the highlighted statement in the passage?A.Although it is not generally accepted,your family provides the best prediction of your future wealth.B.You can achieve great future wealth in spite of the family in which you may have been born.C.It is not true that your family will restrict the acquisition of your future wealthand level of social status.D.Social myths are contrary to the facts about the future wealth and social status of your family.2.Why does the author mention the“Forbes400”in paragraph3?A.To explain the meaning of the listing that appears every year.B.To support the statement that most wealthy people inherit their money.C.To cast doubt on the claim that family income predicts individual wealth.D.To give examples of successful people who have modest family connections.3.According to paragraph5,why do most people identify themselves as middle class in the United States?A.They have about the same lifestyle as everyone else in the country.B.They don’t really know how to define their status because it is unclear.C.They prefer not to admit that there are class distinctions in the United States.D.They identify themselves with the majorities who have normal lifestyles.4.What can be inferred about poor people in the United States?A.They are not able to find entry-level jobs.B.They do not try to find employment.C.They are service workers and manual laborers.D.They work in jobs that require little education.5.According to paragraph7,why has the underclass emerged?A.The new term was necessary because the lower class enjoyed a higher lifestylethan it had previously.B.The increase in crime has supported a new class of people who live byengaging in illegal activities.C.Changes in the economy have caused an entire class of people to survive bywelfare or crime.D.Minimum-wage jobs no longer support a class of people at a standard level inthe economic system.【答案与解析】1.A语义判断题。

2007年华东师范大学考博英语真题及详解Paper OnePartⅠVocabulary and Structure(15%)Directions:There are30incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Thenmark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the center.1.We hadn’t enough money to pay our bus fare,and in______we had to walk.A.particularB.consequenceC.possessionD.succession【答案】B【解析】句意:我们没有足够的钱付车费,结果我们就不得不走路。
in particular特别。
in possession(法)占有,持有。
in succession接连着。
2.Wealthy people sometimes feel a______to steal things they can easily afford to buy.A.prioritypulsionC.privilegeD.repulsion【答案】B【解析】句意:富人有时会一时冲动,偷窃他们明明能买得起的东西。
3.This young man,______with a craving for materialistic gratification,cares about nothing but money.A.obsessedB.negotiatedpromisedD.provided【答案】A【解析】句意:这个年轻人,太痴迷于物质上的满足,除了金钱,他什么都不在乎。

人大考博英语真题整理2007年试题及答案Part I. Vocabulary (20%)Directions: Choose the best answer (from A, B, C and D) to complete each of the following sentences. Markyour choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.1. Tom doesn't think that the_______ situation here is as good as his hometown's.A. economicsB. economicC. economyD. economical2. ___ the increase in the number of computers in our offices, the amount of paper hat we need has risen as well.A. Along withB. AltogetherC. AlthoughD. All along3. The food was divided __ according to the age and size of the child.A. equallyB. individuallyC. sufficientlyD. proportionally4. Our new firm __________ for a credible, aggressive individual with great skillsto fill this position.A. have lookedB. are lookingC. is lookingD. look5. Plastic bags are useful for holding many kinds of food, __________ their cleanness, toughness and low cost.A. by virtue ofB. in addition toC. for the sake ofD. as opposed to (PS:育明考博课程咨询方式 扣扣:547.063 .862 TEL:四零零六六八六九七八 有售各院校真题)6.He ___ himself bitterly for his miserable behavior that evening.A.. repealedB. resentedC. replayedD. reproached7. Many of the fads of the 1970s __________ as today's latest fashions.A. are being revivedB. is revisedC. are revoked.D. is being reviled8. All of the international delegates attending the conference ______ to bringa souvenir from their own countriesA. has askedB. is askingC. were askedD. was asking9. Britain hopes of a gold medal in the Olympic Games suffered __________yesterday, when Hunter failed to qualify during preliminary session.A. a severe set-backB. sharp set-backC. s severe blown-upD. sharp blown-up10. If you want to do well on the exam, you _____ on the directions that the professor gives and take exact notes.A. will have concentratedB. have to concentrateC. will be concentratedD. will be concentrating11. What ____ about that article in the newspaper was that its writer showed an attitude cool enough, professional enough and, therefore, creel enough when facing that tragedy.A. worked me outB. knocked me outC. brought me upD. put me forward12. Since his injury was serious, the doctor suggested that he ________ in the game.A. did not playB. must not playC. not playD. not to play13. According to the latest report, consumer confidence________ a breathtaking15 points last month, to itslowest level in ten yearsA. soaredB. mutatedC. plummetedD. fluctuated14. Our car trunk ________ with suitcases and we could hardly make room for anythingA. went crammingB. was crammedC. is crammingD. was been crammed15. The secretary didn't know who he was, or she ________ him more politely.A. will be treatingB. would have treatedC. was treatingD. would have been treated16. The instructions on how to use the new machine _______ that nobody seemedto be able to understand.A. were very simplisticB. was very confusedC. were so confusingD. was so simplistic17. John played basketball in college and _________ active ever since.A. have extremely beenB. has been extremelyC. will be extremelyD. should extremely be18. The________ of the spring water attracts a lot of visitors from all over the country.A. clashB. clarifyC. clarityD. clatter19. _______ the gift in beautiful green paper, Sarah departed for the party.A. Having wrappedB. To wrapC. WrapD. Wrapping20. The advertisement for Super Suds detergent__________ that the sale' has increased by 25% in the first quarterof the year.A. have been so successfulB. had been so successfulC. has been so successfulD. will be so successful21. Tom and Alice___________ having a new car to replace their old one for year's.A. has been dreaming ofB. have been dreaming ofC. has dreamedD. will have dreamed22. When the air in a certain space is squeezed to occupy a smaller space, theair is said to be_______.A. commencedB. compressedC. compromisedD. compensated23. ______the heavy pollution, the city official shave decided to cancel school for the day. .A Prior B. By means of C. Due to D. through24. Our boss is taking everyone to the ballet tonight, and I need to make sure my new dress_____ for the occasion.A. has been cleanedB. should have been CleanedC. is being cleanedD. has been cleaning25. Peter’s mother kept telling him that ________ in the street is dangerous, but he would not listen.A. playedB. will playC. playingD. been playing26. A knowledge of history _____ us to deal with the vast range of problems confronting the contemporary world.A. equipsB. providesC. offersD. satisfies27. He wouldn't even think of wearing clothes____ they make him look so old!A. sameB. despiteC. suchD. in that.28. Mary finally decided ______ all the junk she had kept in the garage.A. get ridB. gotten rid ofC. getting rid ofD. to get rid of29. The team leader of mountain climbers marked out__________.A. that seemed to be the best routeB. what seemed to be the best routeC. which seemed to be tile best routeD. something that to be the best route30. Tom Jones, who _________ around the world, will come to Asia next month.A. will be touringB. have touredC. had been touringD. has been touring31. The paint on the clown's face_________ that it scared the children he was trying to entertain.A. was so exaggerationB. were an exaggerationC. was such an exaggerationD. was exaggerating32. Men often wait longer to get help for medical problems than women, and _______ women live about six years longer than men on an average.A. instead ofB. constantlyC. consequentlyD. because33. The ____________ emphasis on exams is by far the worst form of competitionin schools.A. negligentB. EdibleC. FabulousD. disproportionate34. There is _________ conflicting information on how much iron women need in their diet.A. so muchB. so manyC. too fewD. a few35. It must guarantee freedom of expression, to the end that all _________ to the flow of ideas shall be removed.A. propheciesB. transactionsC. argumentsD. hindrances36. Not until the 1980s _________ in Beijing start to find ways to preserve historic buildings from destruction.A. some concerned citizensB. some concerning citizensC. did some concerning citizensD. did some concerned citizens37. After failing his mid-term exams, Jeremy was _______ face his parents.A. too ashamed toB. too embarrassing toC. very ashamed ofD. very embarrassing to38. My grandmother has been going to a better dentist, so this_______ problems she is having with her dentures.A. won't eliminateB. will be eliminationC. should have been eliminatedD. should help eliminate39. He told a story about his sister who was in a sad __________ when she was ill and had no money.A. plightB. polarizationC. plagueD. pigment40. During her two-week stay in Beijing, Elizabeth never __________ a chrome to practice her Chinese.A. passed byB. passed onC. passed outD. passed upPart II. Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions: Read the following passages and then choose the best answer (from A, B, C and D) to complete each of the following sentences. Mark your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.Passage 1British food has a good reputation, but English cooking has a bad one. Itis difficult to explain the reason for this. Unfortunately, however, superb raw ingredients are often mined the kitchen so that: they come to the table without any of the natural flavor and goodness.This bad reputation discourages a lot of people from eating in an English restaurant. If they do go to one: they ate usury full of prejudice against the food. It is a pity, because there are: excellent cooks’ in England, excellent restaurants, and excellent home-cooking. How, then has the bad reputation been built up.Perhaps one reason is that Britain’s Industrial Revolution occurred very early, in the middle of the nineteenth century. As a result, the quality of food changed too. This (was because Britain stopped being a largely agricultural country. The population of the towns increased enormously between 1840 and 1.870, and people could no longer grow. Their own food, or buy it fresh from a farm. Huge quantities of food had to be taken to the towns, and a lot of it lost its freshness on the way.This lack of freshness was disguised by "dressing up" the food. The rich middle classes ate long; elaborate meals which were cooked for them by French chefs. French became, and has remained, the official language of the dining room. Out-of-season delicacies were served in spite of their expense, for there, were a large number of extremely wealthy people who wanted to establish themselves socially. The "look" of the food was more important than its taste.In the 1930s, the supply of servant began to decrease. People still tried to produce complicated dishes, however, but they economized on the preparation time. The Second World War made things even worse by making raw ingredients extremely scarce. As a result, there were many women who never had the opportunity to choose a piece of meat from a well-stocked butcher's shop, but were content and grateful to accept anything that was offered to them.Food rationing continued in Britain until the early 1950s. It was only afterthis had stopped, and butter, eggs and cream became more plentiful, and it was possible to travel abroad again and taste other ways of preparing food, that the English difference to eating became replaced by a new enthusiasm for it.41 According to the author, it is difficult to explain_________.A. why excellent ingredients are spoiled in the process of cookingB. why people do not like English cookingC. why British food often has a natural flavorD. why people prefer home-cooking to ready made food42. The negative effect of Britain's Industrial Revolution on English cookingis that___________.A. the population in the countryside decreased dramaticallyB. people no longer grew their own food on their own farmsC. the freshness of food was lost on the way to the citiesD. Britain was no longer an agricultural country43 As a result of the Industrial Revolution__________.A. more attention was given to the look of the foodB. French became the official language .in English restaurantsC. a large number of extremely wealthy people ate in French restaurantsD. out-of-season delicacies became very expensive44. The Second World War worsened the problem because___________.A. there was an increasing demand f6r servantsB. there was a lack of raw ingredient supplyC. many women refused to choose meat from butcher's shopsD. French chefs dominated English restaurants45. A new enthusiasm for eating emerged in Britain ____________.A. when many women finally had the opportunity to purchase fresh meat froma well-stocked butcher'sshop.B. when butter, eggs and cream became availableC. when people started traveling to other cities.D. after the early 1950sPassage 2In his typically American open style of communication, Mr. Hayes confronted Isabeta about not looking at him. Reluctantly, she explained why. As a newcomer from Mexico, she had been taught to avoid eye contact as a mark of respect to authority figures teachers, employers, parents. Mr. Hayes did not know this. He then informed her that most Americans interpret lack of eye contact as disrespect and deviousness. Ultimately, he convinced I sabela to try and change her habit, which she slowly did. People from many Asian, Latin American, and Caribbean cultures also avoid eye contact as a sign of respect.Many African Americans, especially from the South, observe this custom, too.A master's thesis by Samuel Avoian, a graduate student at Central Missouri State University, tells how misinterpreting eye-contact customs can have a negative impact when white football coaches recruit African American players for the teams.He reports that, when speaking, white communicators usually look away from the listener, only periodically glancing at them. They do the opposite when listening they are expected to look at the speaker all the timeMany African Americans communicate in an opposite way. When speaking, they tend to constantly stare at the listener; when listening; they mostly look away. Therefore, if white sports recruiters are not informed about these significant difference, they can be misled about interest and attentiveness when interviewing prospective African American ball players.In multicultural America, issues of. Eye 'contact' have brought about social conflicts of two different kinds: in many urban centers, non-Koreancustomers .became angry when Korean shopkeepers did not look at them directly. The customers translated the lack of eye contact as a sign of disrespect, a habit blamed for contributing to the open confrontation raking place between some Asians and African Americans in New York, Texas, and California. Many teachers too have provided stories about classroom conflicts based on their misunderstanding Asian and Latin American children lack of eye contact as being disrespectful.On the other hand, direct eye contact has now taken on a new meaning among the younger generation and across ethnic borders. Particularly in urban centers, when one teenager looks directly at another, this is considereda provocation, Sometimes called mad-dogging, and can lead to physical conflict. Mad-dogging has become the source of many campus conflicts. In one high school, it resulted, in. a fight between Cambodian newcomers and African-American students. The Cambodians had been staring at the other students merely to learn how Americans behave, yet the others misinterpreted the Cambodians' intentions and thefight began.Mad-dogging seems to be connected with the avoidance of eye contact as a sign of respect. Thus, in the urban contemporary youth scene, if one looks directly at another, this disrespects, or "disses," that person. Much like the archaic phrase "I demand satisfaction," which became the overture to a duel, mad-dogging may become a prelude to a physical encounter.At the entrances to Universal Studio's "City Walk" attraction in Los Angeles, they have posted Code of Conduct signs. The second rule warns against "physically over bally threatening any person, fighting, annoying others through noisy or boisterous activities or by unnecessary staring .... "46. Many African Americans from the South _______..A. adopt a typically American open style of communicationB. often misinterpret the meaning of eye contactC. avoid eye contact as a sign of respectD. are taught to avoid eye contact whenever telling to the others47. When listening to the others, white communicators tend to________.A. look at the speaker all the timeB. glance at the speaker periodicallyC. look away from the speakerD. stare at the speaker48. Many customers in American cities are angry with Korean shopkeepers because_________.A. Korean shopkeepers do not look at them directlyB. they expect a more enthusiastic recelSfi0n from the shopkeepersC. there are some social conflicts in' many urban centersD. they are not informed about difference between cultures49. Mad-dogging refers to ________.A. a provocation from one teenager to another of a different ethnic backgroundB. physical conflict among the younger generation in urban centersC. a lack of eye contact as a sign of respectD. the source of many campus conflicts across ethnic borders in urban centers50. The archaic phrase, I demand satisfaction_________A. was connected with the avoidance of eye contactB. often led to a fightC. was assign of disrespect:D. often resulted in some kind of misinterpretationPassage 3When television is good, nothing not the theatre, not the magazines, or newspapers- nothing is better. But when television is bad, nothing is worse. Iinvite you to sit down in front of your television set when your station goes on the air and stay there without a book, magazine, newspaper, or anything else to distract you and keep if your eyes glued to that set until the station signs off. I can assure you that you will observe a vast wasteland. You will see a procession of game shows violence, audience participation shows, formula comedies about totally unbelievable families, blood and thunder, mayhem, more violence, sadism, murder, Western bad men, Western good men, private eyes, gangster, still more violence, and cartoons. And endlessly, commercials that scream and offend. And most of all, boredom. True, you will see a few things you will enjoy. But they will be very, very few. And if you think I exaggerate, try it.Is there no room on television to teach, to inform, to uplift, to Stretch, to enlarge he capacities of our children? Is there no room for programs to deepen the children's understanding of children in other lands? Is there no room for a children's news show explaining something about the world for them at their level of understanding?Is there no room for reading the great literature of the past, teaching them the great-traditions of freedom? There are some fine children's shows, but they are drowned out in the massive doses of cartoons, violence, and more violence. Must these be your trademarks? Search your conscience and see whether you cannot offer more to your young children whose future you guard so many hours each and every day. There are many people in this: great country, and you must serve all of us. You will get no argument from me if you Say that, given a choice between aWestern and a symphony, more people will watch the Western. I like Westerns and private eyes, too, but a steady diet for the whole country is obviously not in the public interest. Well know that people .would more often prefer to be entertained than stimulated or informed. But your obligations are not satisfiedif you look only to popularity as a test of what to broadcast. You are not onlyin show business; you are free to communicate ideas as well as to give relaxation. You must provide a wider range of choices, more diversity, more alternatives.It is not enough to cater to the nation's whims you must also serve the nation's needs. The people own the air. They own it as much in prime evening time as theydo at six o'clock in the morning. For every hour that the people give you--you owethem something. I intend to see that your debt is paid with service.51. What the author advises us to do is to__________.A. read a book while watching television programsB. observe a vast wasteland on televisionC. watch all the programs of our television stationD. find out why television is good52. What seems to have offended the author most on television is________.A. violenceB. commercialsC. WesternsD. private eyes53. As far as children are concerned, the author's chief complaint is that __A. cartoons and violence have become trademarksB. there is no children's-news show on televisionC. there is no reading of great literature for childrenD. there are not enough good television programs for children54. According to the author, it is in the public interest to_________.A. broadcast only popular television programsB. cater for the needs-of all the peopleC. broadcast both Westerns and symphoniesD. entertain people only55. It is the obligation of television business to _________.A. cater to the nation's whimsB. provide best programs in prime evening freeC. broadcast news programs, at six in the morningD. serve the nation's needs all the timePassage 4Some of my classmates in the same dorm established a chatting group on the Net when broadband was available on campus. Then everyone faced their own laptops and talked to each other by sending messages in the chatting group in the same room. Their dorm was silent the whole night. The only sound came from tapping the keyboard. Before they went to bed that night, all of them sighed and said, " that's ridiculous."Information Technology brings about revolutionary changes to human communication. The Internet makes the world global village; that is to say, we can get in touch with each other: swiftly regardless of one's location.However, does the convenience in communication mean that we are actually getting closer? I don't think so. As the anecdote above shows, access to broadband made my fellow classmates fall in silence. The CambridgeInternational Dictionary defines "communication" as "various methods of sending information between people and places,” while it defines “communicate”as “to be able to understand each other and have a satisfactory relationship.”Therefore, the booming of IT in modern society is only the booming of communication. Exchanging ideas and mutual understanding between people do not base on such booming. On the contrary, due to the revolutionary changes, we’re getting farther from each other to some extent.Mutual understanding is based on expression. However, expression doesn’t necessarily lead to soul touching communication and understanding. When we waffle with a mere acquaintance, we normally conceal our true feelings. Thus, we don't establish communication with him, because we do not need him to understand us. The era of cyberspace further demonstrates such separation of form and content.The Internet gives us nearly absolute freedom to speak and express ourselves. With the prosperity of blog, there are, according to recent statistics, about 400,000 bloggers in China today, Bloggers express themselves on the Net at their will, while others read their blog and give comments once for a while. It seems that blog can make us touch upon the bloggers' inside world, and make us know them better. However, things are not always that perfect.Many netizens are abusing their right of free expression. Once you open the Explorer and browse a website,trash information about sex and violence hits our eyes. People scold and flirt in the chatroom and Bulletin Board System (BBS). When blog comes into being, netizens even transfer such vulgarity into their personal spaces, andshow it to the public.In the era of the Information Technology, boom, the farthest distance On earth is no longer die polar distance the negative impacts brought about by cyberspace have imposed an unfilled gulf between souls. Since we cannot communicate to each other like before, the distance between people's hearts has become the farthest distance on earth.56. The most ridiculous part of the anecdote is that .A. there was a dead silence in the dorm room the whole nightB. the only sound cane from tapping the keyboardC. those living in the same room communicated by sending messages via the NetD. they all faced their own laptops57 According to the author, Information Technology .A. brings people closer to each otherB. results/n silence, among her fellow classmatesC. enables us to reach anyone swiftlyD. helps to make the world a global village58. The author believes that the booming of IT in modern society .A. encourages the exchange of ideas and the mutual understanding between peopleB. leads to soul touching communication and understandingC. helps to establish a satisfactory relationshipD. results in further separation between people59. The prosperity of blog does not help us to touch each other because .A. many people abuse their right of free expression on the NetB. vulgarity has been transferred into bloggers' personal spacesC. bloggers express themselves on the Net at their willD. anyone is able to read blog and give comments60. The author believes that in the era of the Information Technology boom the distance between people's heartshas become the farthest distance on earth because .A. there is always a silenceB. people are not able to communicate to each other like beforeC. the Internet gives us nearly absolute freedom to express ourselvesD. people can scold and flirt in the chat room at willPassage 5According to a recent publication of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, at the present rate of, progress" it will take forty-three years to end job discrimination-----hardly a reasonable timetable.If our goal is educational and economic equity and parity-and it is then we need affirmative action to catch up. We are behind as a result of discrimination and denial of opportunity. There is one white attorney for every 680 whites, but only one black attorney for every 4,000 blacks; one white physician for every 659 whites, but only one black physician for every 5,000 blacks; and one white dentist for every 1,900 whites, but only one black dentist for every 8,400 blacks.Less than 1 percent of all engineers or of all practicing chemists--is black. Crueland uncompassionate injustice created gaps like these. We need creative justice and compassion to help us close them.Actually, in the U.S. context, "reverse discrimination" is illogical and a contradiction in terms. Never in thehistory of mankind has a majority, with power, engaged in programs and written laws that discriminate against itself. The only thing whites are giving up because of affirmative action is unfair advantage something that was unnecessary in the first place.Blacks are not making progress at the expense of whites, as news accounts make it seem. There are 49 percent more whites in medical school today and 64 percent more whites in law school than there were when affirmative action programs began some eight years ago.In a recent column, William Raspberry raised an interesting question. Commenting on the Bakke case, he asked, “What if, instead of setting aside 16of 100 slots, we added 16 slots to the 100?” That, he suggested, would not interfere with what whites already have. He then went on to point out that this, in fact, is exactly what has happened in law and medical schools. In 1968, the year before affirmative action programs began to get under way, 9,571 whites and 282members of minority groups entered U.S. medical schools. In 1976, the figures were14,213 and 1,400 respectively. Thus, under affirmative action, the number of "white places" actually rose by 49 percent: white access to medical training was not diminished, but substantially increased. The trend was even more marked in law schools. In 1969, the first year for which reliable figures are available, 2,933 minority-group members were enrolled; in 1976, the number was-up to 8,484. But during the same period, law school enrollment for whites rose from 65,453 to 107,064 an increase of 64 percent. In short, it is a myth that blacks are makingprogress at white expense.Allan Bakke did not really challenge preferential treatment in general, for he made no challenge to the preferential treatment accorded to the children of the rich, the alumni and the faculty or to athletes or the very talented only to minorities.61. The author is for affirmative actionA. because there is discrimination and denial of opportunity in the U.S.B. if we aim at educational and economic equity and parityC. because it will take 43 years to end job discriminationD. when there is no reasonable timetable in the U.S.62. It requires ________ to close the gap's between the whites and the blacks in the U.S.A. one black attorney for ever 4000 blacksB. a lot more black engineers and chemistsC. education and economic developmentD. creative justice and compassion63. Blacks are not making progress at the expense of whites, according to the author, because _______.A. what whims give up is only unfair advantageB. there are 49 percent more white in medical school today alreadyC. whites, the majority in the U.S., will never discriminate against themselvesD. there are 64 percent more whites in law schools today64. William Raspberry, while commenting on the Bakke case, suggests_______.A. to offer 100 slots to whites and 16 to blacksB. to offer 84 slots to whites and 16 to blacksC. to follow what has happened in law and medical schoolsD. to interfere with what whites already have65. What Allan Bakke challenged was __.。

北京师范大学考博英语翻译试题及其解析Investigators of monkey’s social behavior have always been struckby monkeys’aggressive potential and the consequent need for socialcontrol of their aggressive behavior.Studies directed at describingaggressive behavior and the situations that elicit it,as well as thesocial mechanisms that control it,were therefore among the firstinvestigations of monkeys’social behavior.Investigators initially believed that monkeys would compete forany resource in the environment:hungry monkeys would fight over food,thirsty monkeys would fight over water,and,in general,at time morethan one monkey in a group sought the same incentive simultaneously,a dispute would result and would be resolved through some form ofaggression.However,the motivating force of competition for Geng duoyuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xiquan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiuqi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi incentives beganto be doubted when experiments like Southwick’s on the reduction ofspace or the withholding of food failed to produce more than temporaryincreases in intragroup aggression.Indeed,food deprivation not onlyfailed to increase aggression but in some cases actually resulted indecreased frequencies of aggression.Studies of animals in the wild under conditions of extreme fooddeprivation likewise revealed that starving monkeys devoted almostall available energy to foraging,with little energy remaining foraggressive interaction.Furthermore,accumulating evidence fromlater studies of a variety of primate groups,for example,the study conducted by Bernstein,indicates that one of the most potent stimuli for eliciting aggression is the introduction of an intruder into an organized group.Such introductions result in far more serious aggression than that produced in any other types of experiments contrived to produce competition.These studies of intruders suggest that adult members of the same species introduced to one another for the first time show considerable hostility because,in the absence of a social order,one must be established to control interanimal relationships.When a single new animal is introduced into an existing social organization,the newcomer meets even more serious aggression.Whereas in the first case aggression establishes a social order,in the second case resident animals mob the intruder,thereby initially excluding the new animal from the existing social unit.The simultaneous introduction of several animals lessens the effect,if only because the group divides its attention among the multiple targets.If,however,the several animals introduced a group constitute their own social unit,each group may fight the opposing group as a unit;but,again,no individual is subjected to mass attack,and the very cohesion of the groups precludes prolonged individual combat.The submission of the defeated group,rather than unleashing unchecked aggression on the part of the victorious group,reduces both the intensity and frequency of further attack.Monkey groups therefore seem to be organized primarily tomaintain their established social order rather than to engage in hostilities per se.1.The author of the text is primarily concerned with[A]advancing a new methodology for changing a monkey’s social behavior.[B]comparing the methods of several research studies on aggression among monkeys.[C]explaining the reasons for researcher’s interest in monkey’s social behavior.[D]discussing the development of investigators’theories about aggression among monkeys.2.Which of the following best summarizes the findings reported in the text about the effects of food deprivation on monkeys’behavior?[A]Food deprivation has no effect on aggression among monkeys.[B]Food deprivation increases aggression among monkeys because one of the most potent stimuli for eliciting aggression is the competition for incentives.[C]Food deprivation may increase long-term aggression among monkeys in a laboratory setting,but it produces only temporary increase among monkeys in the wild.[D]Food deprivation may temporarily increase aggression among monkeys,but it also leads to a decrease in conflict.3.The text suggests that investigators of monkeys’socialbehavior have been especially interested in aggressive behavior among monkeys because[A]aggression is the most common social behavior among monkeys.[B]successful competition for incentives determines the social order in a monkey group.[C]situation that elicit aggressive behavior can be studied in a laboratory.[D]most monkeys are potentially aggressive,yet they live in social units that could not function without control of their aggressive impulses.4.The text supplies information to answer which of the following questions?[A]How does the reduction of space affect intragroup aggression among monkeys in an experimental setting?[B]Do family units within a monkey social group compete with other family units for food?[C]What are the mechanisms by which the social order of an established group of monkeys controls aggression within that group?[D]How do monkeys engaged in aggression with other monkeys signal submission?5.Which of the following best describes the organization of the second paragraph?[A]A hypothesis is explained and counter evidence is described.[B]A theory is advanced and specific evidence supporting it iscited.[C]Field observations are described and a conclusion about their significance is drawn.[D]Two theories are explained and evidence supporting each of them is detailed.[答案与考点解析]1.【答案】D【考点解析】本题是一道中心主旨题。

例:What is the man going to read?A.A newspaperB.A magazineC A book答案是AA.B.C.1、Where is the man from?A. AtlantaB. New YorkC. Washington,D.C2.How much is the man’s telephone bill?A. $50B. $24C. $303.What does the woman want to watch?A. NewsB. “Animal World”C. Movie4.Which apartment is the woman interested in?A. The one-bedroom apartmentB. The two-bedroom apartmentC. The three-bedroom apartment5.What is the woman doingA. Giving adviceB. Asking the wayC.Making a request第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,共22.5分)听下面6段对话或独白,每段对话或独白後有几道小题,从每题所给的A. B. C.三个选项中选出最佳选项。
6.Why is the woman late?A. She missed the busB. She couldn’t start her carC. She coulden’t find the key7.Where are the two speakers?A. At a garageB. At a bus stopC. At a restaurant听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。


北京大学2007年博士研究生入学考试英语试题参考答案与解析Part One Listening Comprehension(略)Part Two Structure and Written Expression21.D【解析】语法题,考查虚拟语气。
此句是混合虚拟,从句中有the day after tomorrow表将来的状语,因此应用were to形式,所以答案是D选项。
句子中有last year,所以动词应该用过去式,这里的left school指毕业,school不用加冠词,所以正确答案是B选项。
remain to be done为惯用法,表示“有待于(被做)”。
24.C【解析】此句子是一个强调句,强调了被动句的主语what the committee has decided,句意是“委员会的决定应该优先执行”。
25.D【解析】owe to的意思是“归功于,得益于”。
比如We owe much to Greek culture (我们得益于希腊文化之处甚多)。
这句话的意思是“过去几年,Jimmy Connors曾向观众展现了他的网球球技及其个性特点,在上周的美国公开赛上他再次展现了这两点”。

(一)引导主语从句例句:That the sun and not the earth is the center of our planetary system was a difficult concept to grasp in the Middle Ages.分析:该句是复合句,that the sun and not the earth is the center of our planetary system在句中充当主语。
例句:It may be said that the measure of the worth of any social institution is its effect in enlarging and improving experience;but this effect is not a part of its original motive.(2009年第46题)分析:该句是由转折连词but连接的并列句,其中第一个分句中it作形式主语,真正的主语是that the measure of the worth...,of any social institution是worth的后置定语,in enlarging and improving experience 是its effect的后置定语。

清华大学2007年考博英语真题及详解Part One Listening Comprehension(15points)Section OneDirections:In this section you will hear a talk about some language problems you may encounter while in the United States.The speaker will mainly talk about five problems.Listen to the recording and write down the five problems.Make your answers as brief as possible.You will hear the recording twice.Topic:language problems you may encounter in the United states1.【答案】1.You might not understand the different local accents right away.2.The Americans might not understand you because of your different accent and vocabulary.3.You might need time to completely understand the slang widely used in their speech.4.You may have trouble adapting to and understanding the American way of humor.5.You might not know all the abbreviations and technical terms used in your studyprogram or workplace.【录音原文】Speaking a foreign language in a classroom is one thing.But living in a society where you will have to use this language on a daily basis is completely different.So here are some language problems you may encounter while in the United States.You know you might not understand the local accent right away.Regional accents vary greatly.In a group of people from all over the US,Americans can usually pick out who is from Boston,New York,the Middle West or the south just by the way they speak.So give yourself some time to get used to the local accent and in time you will probably find yourself speaking in the same way.You know Americans might not understand you right away.You also have your own accent and you might use different vocabulary.So try to speak slowly at first to make sure you are understood.Don’t be shy.Ask others to speak slowly if you have trouble understanding them.Americans use a lot of slang in their speech.Their languages are very colorful and full of imagery and it might take you some time to completely understand it.You know humor is also an important part of American English.Some of the international students have a little trouble adapting to this informal style of conversation.And they also have trouble understanding whether the person they are speaking with is being serious or not.This,however,should be interpreted as a sign of friendliness rather than a show of disrespect.You know you might not know all of the abbreviations and technical terms used in your study program or workplace.Terms such as“poli sci”for political science,“dorms”for dormitories,or“TA”for teaching assistant,are just a few examples of campus slang you will encounter.The abbreviation is often the first syllable of the word or,if two or more words are together,their initials.If you don’t understand a word or an abbreviation,simply ask the meaning.You should give yourself time to adapt to the language and don’t hesitate to ask people to repeat what they have said,speak slowly,or to explain what they mean.It will be wise to carry a small dictionary with you in case of an emergency. Most importantly,don’t be afraid to make mistakes.This will all be a part of your learning experience.Section TwoDirections:In this section you will hear a lecture by a journalism professor.Listen to the recording and take notes to fill in the outline below.You will hear the recording twice.Main Idea:Government regulation of television has had limited success and will continue to be a challenge in the future.Original problems/reasons for regulation:-watching TV violence leads to violent behavior-6-7Solutions:Telecommunications ActTV industry responsibility:ratings system-8-9Manufacturer responsibility:V-chips-10-11Continuing problems:V-chips-12-13Ratings system-14-15【答案】6.American children watch too much violent shows on TV7.many people demand violent shows to decrease ratings of different signs means it suitable for different audience9.The FCC controls TV ratings10.V-chips allow parents to block inappropriate program11.The FCC regulates and monitors V-chips12.People seldom use V-chips,and it is easy to undo the block industry regards V-chip as an excuse to release inappropriate program14.Movie ratings don’t work as effective as for TV15.No box office,no intermediary point to check.【录音原文】Hello everyone.Ok,so,today we are going to continue our discussion of media censorship by looking at television.Since government regulation of television is fairly new in the United States, there is still plenty of debate about whether or not regulation should exist and how effective it is.Concerned about the effects of TV on children have existed,well, almost since the birth of television.Most researches show watching violent TV shows often leads to more violent behaviors in children.Now one study proves that the average American child will have watched8000murders on television by the age of12.It is no wonder then that many people believe that the amount of violent shows on TV should be decreased.OK,now in1996,congress responded to these concerns by passing the Telecommunications Act.This law ordered the TV industry to establish a rating system based on the system used to rate movies.The TV ratings are those signs on your screen that related to about program content.You see them,right?Like,for instance,TV14means parents strongly cautioned.The content maybe unsuitable for viewers under the age of14or TV MA means matured audience only.And details about the content released to as S for sex,V for violence,L for language,you get the idea.The FCC,the FederalCommunications Commission is the government agency that controls the TV ratings and issues defines when net work program with inappropriate content.Now the Telecommunications Act also require TV manufactures to install blocking devices on all new sets.These blocking devices are called V-chips,violence chips.And what they do is they allow parents to program the TV to block out inappropriate channels or programs.The FCC regulates and monitors these V-chips too,by the way.So the question is,has the Telecommunications Act lived up to its goals of cleaning up television programming,or the answer is mixed depending on which side of debate you are on.Ok,now on one side,parents,educators and religious leaders complain that V-chips have been ineffective.Most Americans don’t even know their TV as a V-chip.Most people don’t use them.And when they do,many children find it easy to undo the blocking.And parents and others complain the children can still see sex and violence on TV at all hours.And on the other side,the TV industry which opposed the V-chips when they first came out,they have been promoting it stations are probably reacting to the FCC’s clamping down,and issuing huge fines for recent violations.But you know the net work response isn’t as noble as you might have seen.I mean,after all,V-chip gives TV stations an excuse to offer any kind of program they want.And they can just say:“oh well,look,if you don’t like your program,just use your ratings have been more effective than V-chips.But even Richard Helphner,the creator of the movie ratings system,he warns that ratings don’t work as well as for TVs as for the movies,because there is。

2007年考博英语题一、vocabulary and structure1. This book is expected to ____ the best-seller lists.A. promoteB. prevailC. dominateD. exemplify答案:C. dominate2. under the guidance of their teacher, the pupils are building a model boat____.A. towedB. pressedC. tossedD. propelled答案:D. propelled3. Just because I’m _____ to him, my boss thinks he can order me around without showing me any respect.A. redundantB. superiorC. versatileD. subordinate答案:D. subordinate4. although the colonists ____ to some extent with the native Americans, the Indians’ influence on American culture and language was not extensive.A. migratedB. irritatedC. mingledD. melted答案:C. mingled5. The jobs of wildlife technicians and biologists seemed _____ to him but one day he discovered their different.A.identicalB. verticalC. parallelD. specific答案:A.identical6. Mary became _____ homesick and critical of the United States, so she fled from her home in west Bloomfield to her hometown in Australia.A. completelyB. sincerelyC. absolutelyD. increasingly答案:D. increasingly7. although the model looks good on the surface, it will not bear close ____.A. temperamentB. scrutinyC. symmetryD. contamination答案:B. scrutiny8. while a full understanding of what causes the disease may be several years away, ____leading to a successful treatment could come much sooner.A. a distinctionB. an identificationC. an interpretationD. a breakthrough答案:D. a breakthrough9. each workday, the workers followed the same schemes and rarely _____from this routine.A. disconnectedB. detachedC. deviatedD. distorted答案:C. deviated10. They were _____ in their scientific research not knowing what happen outside their job.A. submergedB. drownedC. dippedD. immersed答案:D. immersed11. Watch the magician and try to_____ how he makes the dove disappear.A. set outB. figure outC. catch onD. work on答案:B. figure out12. poor transport facilities and the lack of resources, raw materials and energy also partly____ the drop in contract fulfillment.A. accounted forB. attributed toC. contribute forD. depended on答案:A. accounted for13. The world’s population is not _____evenly throughout the regions of the world.A. scatteredB. placedC. organizedD. spread答案:A. scattered14. Many students find _____ jobs during their summer holidays.A. contemptibleB. temporaryC. satisfactoryD. counterpart答案:B. temporary15. the Grapes of Warth, a novel about the Depression years of the 1980s, is one of John Steinkeck’s _____books.A. most famousB. the most famousC. are most famousD. and most famous答案:A. most famous16. The human Skehon consists of more than two hundred bones_____ together by tough and relatively irrelastic connective tissues called ligamentsA. are boundB. to bindC. bind themD. bound答案:D. bound17. in the 1850’s H.B,Stowe’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin ”became the best shelter of the generation, _____a host of imitators.A. inspiredB. inspired byC. inspiritingD. to inspire答案:C. inspiriting18. I will see to _____ the regulations printed.A. getB. gettingC. haveD. be getting答案:B. getting19. Although most algae are predominantly single-celled, those masked with brown and red pigments ____ multicellular.A. forB. theC. areD. when答案:C. are20. although hazel tree are small, _____ branches are strong and flexible.A. andB. theirC. itD. but their答案:B. their二、Reading comprehension21. it is generally believed that ambition may be well regarded if _____.A. high levels of nitrogenB. the components of the soilC. the numbers and kinds of the plantsD. the diversity of the species答案:D. the diversity of the species22. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “bounty” ?A. good harvestB. poor harvestC. boundaryD. drought答案:A. good harvest23. according to Tillman, if the world loses its biological diversity_____.A. bounty and famine will alternateB. sea levels will rise rapidlyC. humanity’s waste products will become lessD. nitrogen in soil will rise above normal答案:A. bounty and famine will alternate24. Tillman implies that compared with the lifestyle of Westerners. Asians_____.A. are more likely to let cattle graze on grasslands.B. pay more attention to their relationship with other organism in this world.C. eat more agricultural products in their everyday life.D. use more natural resources in their everyday life.答案:B. pay more attention to their relationship with other organism in this world.25. The last paragraph mainly argues _____A. the different lifestyle between Westerners and AsiansB. human’s interdependence with other organisms in this worldC. how to keep environment from deteriorationD. how to turn to quality food into high-quality food.答案:C. how to keep environment from deterioration26. People in the 18 th and 19th centuries used to sleep about 9.5 hours a night because they had_____.A. no drive and ambitionB. no electric lightingC. the best sleep habitsD. nothing to do in the evening答案:B. no electric lighting27. according to Dr. David, Americans____.A. are ideally vigorous even under the pressure of lifeB. often neglect the consequences of sleep deficitC. do not know how to relax themselves properlyD. can get by on 6.5 hours of sleep.答案:B. often neglect the consequences of sleep deficit28. Many Americans believe thatA. sleep is the first thing that can be sacrificed when one is busyB. they need more sleep to copy with the complexities of everyday lifeC. to sleep is something once can do at any time of the dayD. enough sleep promotes people’s drive and ambition答案:A. sleep is the first thing that can be sacrificed when one is busy29. the word “subjects” refer to_____A. the performance tests used in study of sleep deficitB. special branches of knowledge that are being studiedC. people whose behavior or reactions are being studiedD. the psychological consequences of sleep deficit答案:C. people whose behavior or reactions are being studied30. it can be concluded from the passage that one should sleep as many hours as is necessary to ______A. improve one’s memory dramaticallyB. be considered dynamic by other peopleC. maintain one’s daily scheduleD. feel energetic and perform adequately答案:D. feel energetic and perform adequately31.in their speech young people like to ______A. invent words that older people cannot understandB. use words invented by pop starsC. give words new meanings to mislead their parentsD. copy the speech of their contemporaries答案:D. copy the speech of their contemporaries32. words of praise keep changing because______.A. they lose their freshnessB. there are more words available in this areaC. young people are becoming more discriminatingD. older people try to avoid the in-words of the young答案:A. they lose their freshness33.the fact that magic is a frequent source of words of praise suggests the people_____.A. lack linguistic originality.B. have always been interested in magicC. are becoming more superstitiousD. are interested in magic when young答案:B. have always been interested in magic34.the word “rage” probably means “______”A. violent angerB. a stormC. a current fashionD. a burning desire答案:C. a current fashion35. to the author’s granddaughter the word “ripping”_____.A. seems strange and old fashionedB. has a clearer meaning than it does for the authorC. is unacceptable because it is slangD. means much the same as smashing答案:A. seems strange and old fashioned36. From the passage we know that Wooster______.A. is the best model of growing city.B. is the place where the author lives.C. has no change in the past five yearsD. is a developed city with no pollution答案:B. is the place where the author lives.37.it can be inferred from the passage that _____.A. Wooster used to be a quiet and peaceful city surrounded by farmland.B. with many nationwide shopping centers, Wooster lost its uniqueness.C. it is unavoidable to destruct farmland when city grows.D. is a developed city with no pollution答案:C. it is unavoidable to destruct farmland when city grows.38.the author mentioned an oak tree in the 5th paragraph in order to ______.A. blame the planning commission for its wrong decision.B. describe the beauty and naturalness of the cityC. show the residential and commercial growth of the cityD. show the detriment of commercial expansion to plants答案:D. show the detriment of commercial expansion to plants39. it can be concluded from the passage that the author think Wooster’s plumping commission ______.A. should have avoided such a tragedy.B. has tried its best to protect the environmentC. is the cause of environment pollutionD. preserves the hillsides and fields答案:A. should have avoided such a tragedy.40. Which of the following sentence best expresses the main idea of the passage?A. when planning for future developments, effects on the environment should be taken into consideration.B. with a safety growth of pollution, more homes and more work places are needed.C. with immerse technology, population growth and economic flourish, we need to plan for the future.D. planning for future residential and commercial developments has had effects on the environment and the people.答案:A. when planning for future developments, effects on the environment should be taken into consideration.41. Robert Spring was so good as his profession as a forger that _______.A. his bookstore in Philadelphia was an immediate successB. even experts felt difficult to distinguish his products from the originalsC. even famous American liked his productsD. he prospered by selling his forgeries答案:D. he prospered by selling his forgeries42. why didn’t Spring sell his forgeries in America?A. because there was no demand for these thingsB. because America was not his motherlandC. because he would have to take greater risk of being discoveredD. because he would make more money by selling them in foreign countries答案:C. because he would have to take greater risk of being discovered43. according to the passage, Miss Fanny Jack was _____A. a respectable maiden from the southB. a famous general’s only daughter who survived the warC. a poor girl who had to sell her father’s paper to othersD. an imagined person created by Spring答案:D. an imagined person created by Spring44. in order to sell forgeries, Spring used all the methods except______.A. treating paper and ink with chemical.B. photocopying the handwriting of only famous AmericansC. using aged paper taken from old booksD. approaching people who were not experts答案:B. photocopying the handwriting of only famous Americans45. Spring hard work _____.A. failed to earn the well-off life in the endB. satisfied people’s demand for southern manuscriptsC. enabled him to live happily for fifteen yearsD. made it impossible for experts to tell the true from the false autographs答案:D. made it impossible for experts to tell the true from the false autographs46. The period of adolescence is much longer in industrial societies because____.A. the definition of maturity has changedB. more education is provided and laws against child labor are madeC. the industrialized society is more developedD. ceremonies for adolescence have lost their formal recognition and symbolic significance答案:B. more education is provided and laws against child labor are made 47. Former social ceremonies that used to mark adolescence have given place to _____.A. certain behavioral changesB. social recognitionC. socio-economic statusD. graduations from schools and colleges答案:D. graduations from schools and colleges48. no one can expect to fully enjoy the adulthood privileges until he is ____.A. twenty-one years oldB. sixteen years oldC. eleven years oldD. between twelve and twenty-one years old答案:A. twenty-one years old49. starting from 22, _____.A. one will obtain more basic rightsB. one won’t get more rights than when he is 21C. the older one becomes, the more basic rights he will haveD. one will enjoy more rights granted by society答案:B. one won’t get more rights than when he is 2150. according to the passage, it is true that _____.A. in the late 19th century in the United States the dividing line between adolescence and adulthood no longer existed.B. no one can marry without the permission of his parents until the age of twenty-oneC. one is considered to have reached adulthood when he has a driver’s licenseD. one is not free from the restrictions of child labor laws until he can join in army.答案:A. in the late 19th century in the United States the dividing line between adolescence and adulthood no longer existed.51. the nuclear family is made of ______.A. individuals from several generationsB. husband, wife and childrenC. husband, wife and their parentsD. widowed parents and their children答案:B. husband, wife and children52. The man who suffered from depression is mentioned as an example of _____.A. someone being accepted by family members regardless of how that personrespondsB. someone who is an outcast because of illnessC. there being limits to the amount of help a family will give to a member who fails to return or accept their care.D. someone who is brought into the family activities by a caring family答案:C. there being limits to the amount of help a family will give to a member who fails to return or accept their care.53. according to the passage, widowed parents live together with their children when______.A. they can not take care of themselvesB. they are invited by their childrenC. they are needed as grandparents to take care of the grandchildrenD. they have no other choice答案:D. they have no other choice54. in this short passage the author mainly describes_______.A. what the relations between adults and the immigrant generation are likeB. how old people are treatedC. what conflicts result between young and old if they live togetherD. the family type that existed among Italian-Americans living in Boston-West End.答案:D. the family type that existed among Italian-Americans living in Boston-West End.55. the types of family existing in the West End is ______.A. a nuclear familyB. an extended familyC. an expanded familyD. a working-class family答案:A. a nuclear family三、translation1. with so great a proportion of the young people entering higher education there is a problem of maintaining academic standards, and the process can be painful.答案:随着大量年轻人接受高等教育,确保学术水平的问题也出现了,这个问题是艰巨的。

2002年北京师范大学考博英语试题ⅡReading ComprehensionPassage One16. B 细节题。
第一段最后一句话说“What it does is to offer help in applying for a job.”。
17. C 细节题。
文章第二段第二句话说“The growth and apparent success of such a specialized service is a reflection on the current high levels of unemployment.”。
18. D 细节题。
文章第三段指出“Just put down your name, address, age and whether you have passed any exams, was about the average level of advice offered to young people applying for their first jobs…Everything else could and should be saved for the interview.”。
19. A 细节题。
文章第四段指出“Later, as you moved up the ladder, something slightly more sophisticated was called for. The advice then was to put something in the letter which would distinguish you from the rest.”。

第四段开头作者提到,devoted concertgoers认为“录音不能代替现场表演”,但作者认为devoted concertgoers are missing the point(现场表演虔诚的追随者没有切中要害),之后是论据支持作者的观点,作者认为These recordings are cheap,available everywhere,and very often much higher in artistic quality than today’s live performances,即录音便宜、容易得到,且通常比今天的现场音乐会有更高的艺术品质。
[D]项overestimate the value of live performances(高估了现场表演的价值)是对作者对于devoted concertgoers观点的高度概括,故为正确答案。
干扰项:选项[A]意思是“喜欢听现场音乐会的人忽视了现场表演的花销”,原文确实提到These recordings are cheap,但是这个选项片面,没有概括性。
选项[B]意思是“拒绝大多数种类演唱会录音”没有概括出作者对于devoted concertgoers的观点态度,太浅显,且与原文对devoted concertgoers的描述Devoted concertgoers who reply that recordings are no substitute for live performance…存在误差。
(PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:si ling ling-liu liu ba-liu jiu qi ba QQ:772678537)24.D解析:推断题。

2007年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题Paper OnePart ⅠListening Comprehension(30%)Section ADirections: In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said. The question will be read only once. After you hear the question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Listen to the following example.You will hear:Woman: I feel faint.Man: No wonder. You haven’t had a bite all day.Question: What’s the matter with the woman?You will read:A. She is sick.B. She was bitten by an ant.C. She is hungry.D. She spilled her paint.Here C is the right answer.Sample AnswerA B DNow let’s begin with question Number 1.1. A. To do some experiments. B. To attend a class.C. To review his lessons.D. To take a test.2. A. In a hotel. B. In the hospital. C. In the prison. D. At the airport.3. A. He got an ulcer in his stomach. B. He got hurt in the soccer game.C. He will be discharged soon.D. He got his tumor removed.4. A. She told a lie so as not to hurt Jimmy. B. She left because she had a headache.C. She hurt Jimmy by telling him a lie.D. She slept off her headache.5. A. His new car is not fast enough.B. His new car moves very fast.C. His new car is a real bargain.D. His new car is somewhat of a financial burden.6. A. Get more time to relax. B. Take some tranquilizers.C. Seek a second opinion.D. Avoid her responsibilities.7. A. He got a headache while establishing the institute.B. He had a hard time getting the institute started.C. Everything was OK at the beginning.D. Avoid her responsibilities.8. A. Excited. B. Frustrated. C. Annoyed. D. Relieved.9. A. Each class lasts an hour.B. The class is meeting in an hour and a half.C. The class meets four hours and a half per week.D. The class meets for half an hour three times a week.10. A. The woman was a good skier. B. The woman couldn’t ski.C. The woman didn’t intend to go skiing.D. The woman didn’t like Swiss.11. A. She’s an insurance agent. B. She’s an insurance client.C. She’s a bank clerk.D. She’s a driver.12. A. He tripped over some crutches. B. He had rheumatism in his legs.C. He sprained his foot.D. He broke his leg.13. A. The vacation is almost gone.B. The vacation has just started.C. They are prepared for the new semester.D. They can’t wait for the new semester.14. A. She was knocked down by a feather. B. She is shamed of Larry.C. She was really surprised.D. She was proud of Larry.15. A. To visit his son. B. To perform an operation.C. To have an operation.D. To send his son for an operation.Section BDirections: In this section you will hear three passages. After each one, you will hear five questions. After each question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage One16. A. A pharmacist. B. A visitor. C. A physician. D. A dieter.17. A. Cough. B. Diarrhea. C. Headache. D. Stomach upset.18. A. Pain-killers. B. Cough syrup. C. Antidiarrheas. D. Indigestion tablets.19. A. The cold weather. B. Tiredness caused by traveling.C. The strange food he had eaten.D. The greasy food he had eaten.20. A. Take the medicine from the woman. B. Go to see a specialist.C. Stop eating and drinking for a few days.D. Stay in bed for a couple of days.Passage Two21. A. Headaches. B. Insomnia.C. Respiratory problems.D. Digestive problems.22. A. On Monday in Edinburgh. B. On Wednesday in Edinburgh.C. On Monday at Staffordshire University.D. On Wednesday at Staffordshire University.23. A. 94. B. 41. C. 130. D. 135.24. A. The subjects were asked to write of their free will.B. The subjects were asked to write in a systematic way.C. The subjects were asked to say how often they made entries.D. The subjects were asked if they had written down anything traumatic.25. A. The diarists who write of their free will.B. The diarists who were students at Staffordshire University.C. The diarists who had written about trauma.D. The non-diarists who were susceptible to headaches.Passage Three26. A. A brief history of British pubs.B. Beer—the British national drink.C. Various attempts made to curb drinking in Britain.D. The frustrating opening and closing hours of British pubs.27. A. As early as 659 AD. B. After 659 AD.C. Before the Roman invasion.D. After the Roman invasion.28. A. To restrict drinking hours.B. To restrict travelers to certain drinks.C. To encourage the locals to drink in other towns,D. To encourage inns to lodge various kinds of people.29. A. People were better off.B. The government failed to persuade people from drinking.C. There appeared a new cheap drink.D. Drinkers had found various ways to get around the taws.30. A. The licensing hours have been extended.B. Old people are not allowed to drink in pubs.C. Children are not allowed yet to drink in pubs.D. Big changes have taken place in pubs.2007全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题参考答案及解析Paper OnePart ⅠListening Comprehension(30%)Section A1. D 由男士的话I have an exam in about twenty minutes可知他正赶去做测验。
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2007年北京师范大学考博英语真题及详解I.Listening Comprehension(15points)(略)II.Reading Comprehension(30points)Directions:Read the following passages carefully and then select the best answer from the four choices marked A,B,C,and D by marking the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Passage1Since the first brain scanner was constructed several years ago,computed tomography or computed medical imagery has become fairly widely used.Its rapid acceptance is due to the fact that it has overcome several of the drawbacks of conventional X-ray technology.To begin with,conventional two-dimensional X-ray pictures cannot show all of the information contained in a three-dimension object.Things at different depths are superimposed,causing confusion to the viewer.The computer is able to reconstruct pictures of the body’s interior by measuring the varying intensities of X-ray beams passing through sections of the body from hundreds of different angles.Such pictures are based on series of thin“slices”.In addition,conventional X-ray generally differentiates only between bone and air,as in the chest and lungs.They cannot distinguish soft tissues or variations in tissues.The liver and pancreas are not discernible at all,and certain other organsmay only be rendered visible through the use of radio paque dye.Since computed tomography is much more sensitive,the soft tissues of the kidneys or the liver can be seen and clearly differentiated.This technique can also accurately measure different degrees of X-ray absorption,facilitating the study of the nature of tissue.A third problem with conventional X-ray methods is their inability to measure quantitatively the separate densities of the individual substances through which the X-ray has passed.Only the mean absorption of all the tissues is recorded.This is not a problem with computed tomography.It can accurately locate a tumor and subsequently monitor the progress of radiation treatment,so that in addition to its diagnostic capabilities,it can play a significant role in therapy.16.Conventional X-rays mainly show the difference between______.A.bone and airB.liver and pancreasC.muscle and other body tissuesD.heart and lungs17.What kind of view is made possible by contiguous cross sections of the body?A.Two-dimensionalB.Three-dimensionalC.AnimatedD.Intensified18.It can be inferred from the passage that,compared to conventional X-raytechniques,computed tomography is more______.pactB.rapidC.economicalrmative19.What is the author’s attitude toward this new technique?A.CautionsB.TolerantC.EnthusiasticD.Critical20.According to the passage,computed tomography can be used for all of thefollowing EXCEPT______.A.monitoring a patient’s diseaseB.diagnosing disordersC.locating tumorsD.reconstructing damaged tissues【答案与解析】16.A第三段第一句明确提到In addition,conventional X-ray generally differentiatesonly between bone and air...另外,传统的X-光通常只区分骨头和空气,所以答案为A项。
而computed tomography能克服传统技术的缺点,也就是它能显示三维图像。
18.D第二段提到conventional two-dimensional X-ray pictures cannot show all ofthe information contained in a three-dimension object.传统的平面X-光照片不能显示一个三维物体所包含的全部信息。
接下来提到The computer is able to...计算机能够通过测量从数百种不同的角度穿过人体部位的X光线的不同强度来重组人体内部结构照片。
20.D文章最后提到It can accurately locate a tumor and subsequently monitor theprogress of radiation treatment,so that in addition to its diagnostic capabilities,it can play a significant role in therapy.计算断层照相法可以精确定位肿瘤,继而监视辐射治疗的进程。
Passage2Because early man viewed illness as divine punishment and healing as purification,medicine and religion were inextricably linked for centuries.This notion is apparent in the origin of our word“pharmacy,”which comes from the Greek pharmakon,meaning“purification through purging.”By3500B.C.,the Sumerians in the Tigris-Euphrates valley had developed virtually all of our modern methods of administering drugs.They used gargles inhalations,pills,lotions,ointments and plasters.The first drug catalog,orpharmacopoeia,was written at that time by an unknown Sumerian physician. Preserved in cuneiform script on a single clay tablet are the names of dozens of drugs to treat ailments that still afflict us today.The Egyptians added to the ancient medicine chest.The Ebers Papyrus,a scroll dating from1900B.C.and named after the German Egyptologist George Ebers reveals the trial-and-error know-how acquired by early Egyptian physicians.To relieve indigestion,a chew of peppermint leaves and carbonates(known today as antacids)was prescribed,and to numb the pain of tooth extraction,Egyptian doctors temporarily stupefied a patient with ethyl alcohol.The scroll also provides a rare glimpse into the hierarchy of ancient drug preparation.The“chief of the preparers of drugs”was the equivalent of a head pharmacist,who supervised the“collectors of drugs”field workers,who gathered essential minerals and herbs.The“preparers”“aides”(technicians)dried and pulverized ingredients,which were blended according to certain formulas by the “preparers.”And the“conservator of drugs”oversaw the storehouse where local and imported mineral,herb,and animal-organ ingredients were kept.By the seventh century B.C.,the Greeks had adopted a sophisticated mind-body view of medicine.They believed that a physician must pursue the diagnosis and treatment of the physical causes of disease within a scientific framework,as well as cure the supernatural components involved.Thus,the early, Greek physician emphasized something of a holistic approach to health,even if the suspected“mental”causes of disease were not recognized as stress anddepression but interpreted as curses from displeased deities.The modern era of pharmacology began in the sixteenth century,ushered in by the first major discoveries in chemistry.The understanding of how chemicals interact to produce certain effects within the body would eventually remove much of the guesswork and magic from medicine.Drugs had been launched on a scientific course,but centuries would pass before superstition was displaced by scientific fact.One major reason was that physicians unaware of the existence of disease-causing pathogens,such as bacteria and viruses,continued to dream up imaginary causative evils.And though new chemical compounds emerged,their effectiveness in treating disease was still based largely on trial and error.Many standard common drugs in the medicine chest developed in this trial-and-error environment.Such is the complexity of disease and human biochemistry that even today,despite enormous strides in medical science,many of the latest sophisticate additions to our medicine chest shelves were accidental finds.21.The author cites the literal definition of the Greek word pharmakon in the first paragraph in order to______.A.show that ancient civilization had an advanced form of medical scienceB.point out that man of the beliefs of ancient civilizations are still held todayC.illustrate that early man thought recovery from illness was linked to internal cleansing。