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PART A:Reading Aloud 模仿朗读

To Lisa Cherkasky, every detail makes a big difference.坨| She is looking for just the righ(t) position for this topping 坭on a Salmon Sandwich. Finally坭, everything seems 坭picture perfect坨. | Cherkasky is a food stylis(t). | Her job is to make food坭 look tasty. 坨| Today坭, Cherkasky is styling bread from the Gold 坭Crust Baking Company坨.

PART B: Role Play 角色扮演


W: Wow! They look very delicious, don’t they M: Of course. To be honest, I have

b een very hungry when working just now. This morning I didn’t have breakfast. So I prepare this good supper. W: I am sorry to hear that. But why, Bill Did you get up late so that you didn’t have time You should know breakfast is the most important meal of the day. M: You know I have a very busy schedule every day and have no time to have breakfast.

1. Please get ready to ask three questions according to the following Chinese tips.

Q1: Where do you have lunch A1: For lunch I often have some fast food in the company to save time. You know, time in the day is very valuable for me. Q2: What do you usually have for supper A2: Supper is my main meal in a day, so I usually have steak, pork chop and fried chicken for supper at about six o’clock. Q3: Do you have lunch and supper on time every dayA3: It all depends on my time whether I have lunch on time or not. But for supper, I have it at six o’clock on time every day, because I think it is a reward I deserve for my hard work.

2. Please get ready to answer five questions in English.

Q1: What did the man have for breakfast this morning A1: He had nothing for breakfast. Q2: Why does the man not have breakfast A2: Because he is very busy and has no time to have breakfast. Q3: What does the woman think of breakfast A3: She thinks breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Q4: What does the man usually have for supper A4: He usually has steak, pork chop and fried chicken for supper. Q5: Why does the man eat supper on time every day A5: Because he thinks having supper is a reward he deserves for his hard work.

PART C: Retelling 故事复述


Joe loved eating hamburgers. Every weekend, Joe and his friend Daniel would go to the McDonalds.

He liked hamburgers so much that during the week he couldn’t stop thinking about them. One night, he dreamed about hamburgers. In his dream there appeared many hamburgers. They looked very delicious. So Joe took two enormous

hamburgers, and ate them in one bite. Suddenly he felt sick, for he had eaten too much and too quickly. His stomach was hurting. Joe looked at himself in the mirror. There was such a big stomach that he shouted loud. This woke Joe up with a start and he ran to the mirror to check his stomach. It had all been a dream. The next day, Joe and Daniel went for hamburgers as usual. Just as they were entering the restaurant, Joe stopped and said that he didn’t want a hamburger that day. He said to Daniel if they kept on eating hamburgers frequently, they would get fat or sick. So Joe suggested changing the hamburger for a salad. They should eat salads more often, and that way their diet would be healthier. Daniel agreed with him.

That was how the boys realized they should eat much more vegetables for a healthy diet.


Joe liked hamburgers so much that during the week, h e couldn’t stop thinking about them. One night, he had a dream. In the dream he ate two hamburgers in one bite so that he felt sick and his stomach became very big. This dream influenced Joe. The next day, in the restaurant he didn’t order humbuggers as us ual, but ordered salads. Joe thought they shouldn’t eat hamburgers often, but should eat more vegetables for a healthy diet.


1-5 CDBCB 6-10 ACBAB 11-15 DADBC

16-25 (One possible version)

16. have dreamt 17. which 18. different 19. a 20. Seated 21. if 22. his 23. as 24. Luckily 25. in

26-30 BBCCC 31-35 BDCBC

36-40 DDBBA 41-45 DACCA

46-50 EDFCB

基础写作 (One possible version)

The blue whale, about 30 meters in length and 170 tons or more in weight, is the largest animal that human beings have ever known. It has four subspecies, which can be mostly found in the North Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean. Between the late 19th century and the middle of 20th century, blue whales were hunted and killed so largely that they almost died out. To protect blue whales, laws were made by different countries of the world in 1966 and people are forbidden to hunt and kill them. A report in 2013 shows that at present, there are only about 25,000 blue whales left in the world.

读写任务 (One possible version)
