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you/ What’s the matter with you?
12. 污染越来越严重了,我们必须做些什么来阻止
它。The pollution is getting more and more
serious. We must do something to stop it.
13. 你能告诉我如何与别人融洽相处吗?
busy cleaning the classroom. 3. 爱迪生以他的发明闻名于世。 Edison is famous for his inventions in the world. 4. 学生们学习英语和数学。 Students study both English and Chinese. 5. 杰克的哥哥可能是老师,也有可能是医生。 Jack’s brother is either a teacher or a doctor.
6. 体育考试中我们要尽可能快地跑到终点。
We must run as fast as possible to the end in
PE exam. 7. 你介意把这本书借给我吗? Would you mind lending me the book? 8. 如果我是你,我将把这钱给慈善机构。 If I were you, I’d give the money to charity. 9. 请记住明天把你的字典帮我带来。
but also helped his sister with her English. 28.去年天气太冷了,以致于很多人都患了感冒。
Last year it was so cold that many people caught
a cold. 29. 妈妈经常告诉他不要在计算机游戏上花太多时
1. 我认为音乐和英语不一样重要。 I don’t think music is as important as English. 2. 聚会将在一小时以后开始,孩子们正忙着打扫 教室。
The party will begin in an hour. The children are
I don’t enjoy eating moon cakes at all, because
they are too sweet. 19. 这对双胞胎喜爱运动。
The twins like having/doing sports. 20. 你做完家庭作业了吗?
Have you finished doing your homework?
I used to like to hang out with friends. 25. 为了学好英语,老师总是让我们早晨大声朗读。 To learn English well, the teacher always makes us read aloud in the morning.
26. 今天天气多好啊!出去野餐怎么样?
What a beautiful day today! How/ What about
going for a picnic? 27. Mike不仅写完了作业,而且还帮妹妹复习了英
语。Mike not only finished doing his homework
Mother often tells him not to spend too much time
on computers.
30. 严重的交通堵塞使得他没能赶上最后一班火车。 The serious traffic jam stopped him from
catching the last train. 31. 当老师进来时学生停止讲话了。 The students stopped talking when the teacher came in. 32. 请停下来休息一下。你看起来很累。 Please stop to have a rest. You look tired. 33. 今天天气很好,你出门没必要带伞了。 It’s a fine day today. You don’t have to take an umbrella with you when you go
21. 接完电话妈妈继续看电视。 After answering the phone, mom went on watching TV. 22. 我想告诉你点重要的事情。 I want to tell you something important. 23. 到Tom吃药的时间了。 It’s time for Tom to take medicine. 24. 我过去喜欢和朋友闲逛。
16. 多喝水对你的健康有好处。
It’s good for your health to drink more water. 17. 我让他不停地读课文以便他能快速地将其背下 来。
I kept him reading the text so that he could recite
it quickly. 18. 我一点也不喜欢吃月饼,因为它们太甜了。
Biblioteka Baidu
Can you tell me how to get on well with others ?
14. 最好不要在街上边走边吃东西。
You’d better not eat while you’re walking down
the street.
I don’t think chickens can swim.
Please remember to bring me your dictionary
here tomorrow. 10. 她告诉我发生什么事了。
She told me what happened to her.
11. 今天你看起来很疲惫。你怎么了?
You look exhausted today. What’s wrong with