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Part I: Listening 听力部分:40%

I. Listen and circle(听录音,选出你所听到的内容) 10%

( )1.A.teacher B.mother C. father ( )2. A. 543 B. 345 C. 534 ( )3. A. tall B. hall C. ball ( )4. A. balloon B. banana C. blue ( )5. A. who B. How C. what

( )6. A. mouth B. mouse C. mice ( )7. A. your B. you C. you’re

( )8. A. clean B. close C. kite ( )9. A. long ears B. short tail C. small eyes ( )10. A. a blue rubber B. four clean desks C. five clean desks

II. Listen and circle(听录音,选出你听到的词的反义词) 5%

( )1. A. black B. small C.short ( )2. A. sad B. new C. hungry ( )3. A. clean B. open C. good ( )4. A. tall B. long C. old ( )5. A. small B. little C. big III. Listen and choose (听录音,选出正确的图片,在括号内打“?”) 5%

1. 2.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3. 4.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5.

( ( ) ( )

IV. Listen and choose (听录音,选择最恰当的应答句) 5%

( )1. A. He’s Tom. B. I am Alice.


( )2. A. Yes, here you are. B. No, thank you.

( )3. A. Yes, she’s five. B. She’s five.

( )4. A. OK. B. Thank you. ( )5. A. He’s my grandfather. B. He’s my brother. V. Listen and order (听录音,将下列句子按听到的顺序排列) 5% ( )He can skip the rope well.

( )His name is Sky.

( )I have a new friend.

( )He has a long rope.

( )Sky is ten.

VI. Listen and choose (听短文,做选择题) 5%

( )1. John is Kitty’s .

A. father

B. brother ( )2. John is ..

A. tall and thin

B. tall and fat ( )3. is a teacher.

A. Kitty

B. John ( )4. John likes .

A. red

B. white

( )5. John has a kite.

A. red

B. yellow VII. Listen and fill in the missing words (听录音,填入所缺单词) 5%

Mr has a dog. Its name is Didi. It’s fat and lovely. It has long . Its eyes are big. Look at the . It’s short. Didi likes to meat very much. It can play me. I like it.

Part II: Writing 笔试:60%

I. Copy (正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号) 8%

ben is he your father no hes mr chen

II. Read and judge (根据划线字母,判断发音是否正确,用“?”表示正确,用“X”表示错误) 3%

1. I have a plate. ( )

2. The cake is on the table. ( )

3. The fat boy has a big face. ( )

4. The pig is pink. ( )

5. She is ten years old. ( )

6. The kite is big. ( )


III. Look and write (看图写出单词) 5%

1. I can fly

the .

2. I like to eat .

3. My brother is good at riding a .

4. Pick up your , please.

5. can run fast. Look, it's running.

IV. Read and choose (选出不同类的词) 5%

( )1. A. hungry B. nice C. run D. big ( )2. A. hall B. desk C.

library D. classroom ( )3. A. elephant B. tiger C. kite D. lion ( )4. A. tail B. boy C. ear D. hand ( )5. A. girl B. father C. sister D. grandfather

5% V. Fill in the blanks (用I, you, my, your填空)

1. How are ? am very well, thanks.

2. Here are. Thank .

3. Wha t’s name? name’s Alice.

4. are my teacher. I am pupil.

5. Who’s friend? friend is Peter.

VI. Fill in the blanks (用is, am, are填空) 5%

Hi, my name is Lily. I have a round face. My eyes big. This my tail.

It’s long. I like to eat fish. May and Tom my good friends. We can play together. There a nice ball in my home. I happy!

VII. Choice (选择填空) 10%

( )1. Who you? I Alice.

A. am…are

B. are…am

C. are…are

( )2. Kitty, look your hands. They are dirty.

A. on

B. at

C. for ( )3. I like . And you?
