商务英语口语实训 Unit12

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
❖ I have sent you the proforma invoice, please make T/T accordingly.我已传给您形式发票,请把款汇给 我。
❖ We agree to your terms of payment.我们同 意你的付款条件/付款方式。
❖ Could you tell us your terms of payment?可 否告知您的付款条件
❖ Your terms of payment are acceptable to us. 我们可以接受你们的付款条件。
Unit Twelve Payment
Part one Warm-up:
❖ (1)How do you know about a letter of credit? Why does a letter of credit offer some payment security? Discuss these questions with your partners.
years.近几年来,用分期付款的办法购物十分流行。 ❖ We wish to make the payment for these machines
by installment.我方希望用分期付款方式购买这些机 器。
Key Word(s):
payment by collection以托收形式来支付货款
❖ These are more flexible methods of payment. We have been working.这些支付方式更灵活,我们也 一直在努力。
❖ It will be beneficial to both parties to adopt flexible terms of payment.采取灵活的付款条件对双方有利。
Key Word(s):installment 分期付款
❖ Can I pay by installment?我可以分期付款吗? ❖ As a rule, we do not accept payment by
installment.一般来说我们不接受分期付款方式。 ❖ It is very popular to shop by installment in recent
Key Word(s):payment in advance
❖ He stipulated payment in advance.他规定要“预先” 付款
❖ You must make payment in advance.你必须预计付 款。
❖ The company wanted payment in advance.公司要 预先付款。
❖ We insist on a letter of credit.咱们坚持用信用证方 式付款。
❖ We insisted on payment by a confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit.我们用保兑的,不可撤消 的信用证为付款条件。
❖ We pay by letter of credit.咱们用信用证付款。 ❖ Our customers usually pay by letter of credit .我们
❖ We expect payment in advance on first orders.我 们希望第一次订货要求预付货款。
Key Word(s):flexible terms of payment
❖ We hope you'll adopt more flexible way of payment to enable us to solve the problem of funds tied up.为解决资金占用问题,希望你方能变 通一下付款方式。
Reference Answers
❖ letter of credit(信用证,信用状) is a letter issued by a bank authorizing the bearer to draw a stated amount of money from the issuing bank, its branches, or other associated banks or agencies. 信用证是由银行发行的证书,这一证书授权持有者 可从开证行、其支行或其他有关银行或机构提取定 量的钱。
Key Word(s):T/T=Fra Baidu bibliotektelegraphic transfer电汇
❖ The fastest way is telegraphic transfer.最快的方法 就是电汇。
❖ How will you pay us , by L/C, bank check , or T/T? 你怎么付钱给我们?期信用证,银行转帐还是电汇?
❖ Promissory notes may also be sent by the bank for collection so as to get its payment from the overseas maker.本票也可由银行托收,以从海外出 票人那里收到付款。
Key Word(s):letter of credit 信用证
❖ A letter of credit offers some payment security. 信 用证确实为付款提供了一定的安全保障。
Key Word(s): terms of payment 付款方式
❖ What are your terms of payment?您要求的 付款方式是什么?
❖ We should like to advise you that payment by collection is acceptable.我方想告诉你们的是,以 托收形式来支付货款,我方是可以接受的。
❖ I wonder if we can make payment for this order by documentary collection.不知这笔定单是否可以用跟 单托收方式收款。