跨国公司管理 考试论文题目
跨国公司经营与管理参考答案答案第一篇:跨国公司经营与管理参考答案答案参考答案1、跨国公司对世界、对母国、对东道国的影响? 1.对整个世界的影响(1)跨国公司推动资本、技术、人员在全球范围内的优化组合,提高了资源配置的效率;(2)跨国公司推动国际贸易的发展;(3)跨国公司提高消费者的生活品质;(4)跨国公司推动各种文明之间的交流;(5)跨国公司是全球经济增长的引擎,并且,加速了全球化的进程。
2、跨国公司管理与国内公司管理有何联系和区别? 1.相同点:自然属性 2.不同点:(1)环境异质性;(2)潜在市场规模更大。
为了帮助研究者更好地选择毕业论文题目,并切实解决实际问题,以下列举了49个优秀的企业管理毕业论文题目,供参考:1. 企业文化对员工绩效的影响研究2. 性别多样性与团队绩效的关系研究3. 跨国公司跨文化管理策略的比较研究4. 企业创新管理与竞争力的关系研究5. 领导者魅力对员工工作满意度的影响研究6. 企业社会责任与企业绩效的关系研究7. 新经济时代下企业创新管理的挑战与对策8. 职场多元化管理对员工创造力的影响研究9. 员工参与决策对组织绩效的影响研究10. 企业家精神对企业绩效的影响研究11. 全球化背景下的国际人力资源管理比较研究12. 跨文化团队合作中的沟通与冲突管理13. 知识管理对企业创新能力的影响研究14. 员工福利对工作满意度和员工忠诚度的影响研究15. 企业品牌形象对消费者购买决策的影响研究16. 管理者情绪智力对员工工作表现的影响研究17. 金融危机对企业战略调整和管理的影响研究18. 变革管理对组织绩效的影响研究19. 互联网时代下的电子商务管理策略研究20. 员工培训与绩效管理的关系研究21. 企业社会媒体管理与品牌营销的关系研究22. 流程再造对组织效能和效率的影响研究23. 组织变革中的变革管理与员工心理健康24. 创业公司人力资源管理的挑战与对策25. 高绩效团队的构建与管理策略26. 企业战略执行与绩效管理的关系研究27. 跨国公司人力资源管理在发展中国家的应用研究28. 扁平化组织结构对员工创新能力的影响研究29. 员工离职对企业绩效和创新能力的影响研究30. 绩效激励对员工工作动力和满意度的影响研究31. 绿色供应链管理对企业可持续发展的影响研究32. 激励制度对员工创业意愿的影响研究33. 组织文化对员工创新行为的影响研究34. 战略人力资源管理与企业创新的关系研究35. 企业家精神与组织绩效的关系研究36. 员工幸福感对组织绩效的影响研究37. 企业网络营销策略对品牌认知和忠诚度的影响研究38. 企业社会化媒体招聘对员工招聘质量的影响研究39. 绩效评估制度对员工创意行为的影响研究40. 商业模式创新对企业竞争优势的影响研究41. 职业发展对员工工作动力和留任意愿的影响研究42. 知识型团队的构建和知识共享管理策略43. 高绩效的人力资源管理实践探索与案例研究44. 知识管理与企业绩效的关系研究45. 企业文化对员工忠诚度和组织绩效的影响研究46. 多国家跨文化管理与人力资源管理比较研究47. 企业社会责任与员工工作满意度的关系研究48. 人力资源管理在创新型企业中的应用研究49. 高绩效人力资源管理制度评价与优化研究以上是49个优秀的企业管理毕业论文题目,从不同角度涉及了企业管理领域的各个方面。
忽视文化传统所塑造的不同民族的种族优越感、思维方式和感性认识,对文化符号的不同理解所造成的沟通误会,文化态度的差异等往往会导致文化冲突, 文化冲突又常常会导致怀恨心理、极度保守和非理性反映等不良后果。
国际企业管理论文选题1. 引言在当今全球经济一体化的背景下,国际企业管理成为了一个重要的研究领域。
2. 国际企业文化管理国际企业文化管理是国际企业管理中的一个重要议题。
3. 国际人力资源管理国际人力资源管理是国际企业管理中的另一个重要议题。
4. 跨国公司的战略管理跨国公司的战略管理是国际企业管理中的一个关键议题。
5. 国际供应链管理国际供应链管理是国际企业管理中的一个重要议题。
6. 结论本文系统地讨论了国际企业管理的一些关键议题,包括国际企业文化管理、国际人力资源管理、跨国公司的战略管理和国际供应链管理。
本科生期末论文Title: Zero Inventory Management-Its gradual steps from the world to ChinaStudent NameStudent No.MajorSupervisorDateZero Inventory Management:Its gradual steps from the world to ChinaAbstract:In 20th century, zero inventory management was originally developed and in widespread use in Japan. This management method applied in industries has great advantages of reducing inventory cost, improving the logistics efficiency, and increasing the production flexibility. Other developed countries, like US, noticed the significance of application of “zero inventory management” in domestic business administration. In consequence, a revolution of management administration took place among many corporations in developed countries, which results in the success of DELL, Wal-Mart and so on. Nowadays, the theory of “Zero Inventory Management” has ap pealed to great attention in China. How and on what conditions it can be well applied remains a focus on business administration in China.Key words:Zero inventory management enterprise supplier customer distributionContents1.Introduction (1)prehension of Zero Inventory Management and its actions oncorporations (1)2.1Definition (1)2.2Actions on corporations (3)3.Forms of Zero Inventory Management (4)3.1The bailment way (4)3.2Sub-way collaboration (5)3.3JIT (5)3.4The Wheeled mode (6)3.5The tap mode (6)3.6Reasonable distribution (7)4.Analysis of advantages and disadvantages (8)4.1Advantages (8)4.2Disadvantages (9)5.Case analysis (11)5.1DELL (11)5.2Haier (13)6.Conditions in implement of ZIM derived from cases above (14)parison of corporate environments domestically and internationally (15)8.Advices on how to apply ZIM to China corporations (16)9.Conclusion (18)10. Reference (20)1. IntroductionZero inventory management is a special concept of inventory. It is recently popular among China’s enterprises. But there are some misunderstandings in the comprehension of this concept. This paper will clarify it and discuss whether it will be well performed in China’s industries.prehension of Zero Inventory Management and its actions oncorporationsZero inventory management can date back to 60s in 20th century in Japan. At that time, Toyota Motor Corporation adopted a new mode of production, which was named pull manufacturing, in order to achieve zero inventories of raw materials and semi-manufactured goods. Eventually, Toyota not only reduced inventory by a large margin, but also improved the efficiency of relative management activities. From then on, new ways of zero inventory management were developed in other different production nodes, such as supplies, logistic distribution and delivery and goods marketing. Especially, with the rapid development of computer science and IT technology, zero inventory management has been applied to all kinds of enterprises and makes great contribution. For instance, Dell actualizes zero inventory of finished product by adopting direct-sales model; Wal-Mart uses advanced information technology (such as GPS, GIS, EOS and so on) and supply chain management mode to achieve zero inventory.In today’s Toyota, what you can see is the endless flow of production lines, but no warehouse. It’s no t hard to imagine, because its inventory volume approaches to zero. In our country’s business circles, in particular, some large and medium-sized enterprises are stepping up its launch to adopt zero inventory management and have achieved notable results. It is a goal for enterprises to control optimal inventory by as less human, material and financial resources as possible, which even has important impact on enterprises positions in competition.2.1DefinitionThe occurring of zero inventory can solve parts of the waste in the past inventory management. Inventory management is part of the four streams in business management system, which is to manage supply and demand relationship of production materials in order to strike a balance of them with possible minimum item inventory, as inventory consumes enterprise’s valuable liquid capital.Then what is zero inventory management?Zero inventory management is a special concept of inventory. It does not mean to desuetude reserves or have no reserves. The zero inventory management means materials (including raw materials, semi-finished and finished products, etc.) in the procurement, production, marketing, distribution and other aspects of one or more business nodes do not exist in warehouse storage, but in the state of turnover. It does not refer to real zero of warehousing storage of certain goods, but inventory control through the implementation of specific strategies to achieve the minimum of inventory. In other words, zero inventory does not have the regular inventory, which is a special supply mode adopted on the premise of sufficient material supplies in the society.The objective of zero inventory management is to reduce the use of social labor (mainly to reduce the amount of funds used) and improve the economic efficiency of logistics movements. If people treat zero inventory management merely as reduction of quantity of objects stored in the warehouse and neglect the change of other material elements, then it is difficult for zero inventory management to achieve the above purpose. Because with irrational inventory structure and distribution, even if some inventory of goods of enterprises tends to zero or equal to zero, but from the view of the whole society, as the exist of repeated storage facilities, there is no change in the amount of funds used in construction and maintenance of the warehouse. Therefore, inventory management should include the following two layers of senses: (1) the inventory of goods tends to zero or equal to zero; (2) storage facilities, inventory equipments and labor cost at the same time tends to zero or equals to zero. In fact, the latter one is the outward manifestation of the rational adjustment of social inventory structure and the centralization of social inventory.There are other aspects of the concept of zero inventory management.(1)It is a microcosmic concept, which is only suitable to individualistic operationalentity. For the existence of natural disasters or other incidents, it is impossible fora society or a country to achieve zero inventory management without anyreserved relief supplies.(2)It does not refer to all forms of inventories. Commercial inventories can bedivided into business stock, safety stock, seasonal stock, promotion stock and overstocked inventory. Zero inventory management focuses on business and overstocked inventory.2.2Actions on corporationsAs one of the key words to link manufacturing and logistics, zero inventory management has become the target for more and more enterprises to chase. What led to zero inventory management? In China, how many enterprises have truly achieved zero inventory management? Is it suitable or how is it suitable for China’s industries to adopt zero inventory management?As is mentioned above, lots of enterprises are eager to implement zero inventory management. So it is obvious that zero inventory management benefits enterprises a lot. What actions can zero inventory management bring on enterprises?Modern logistics is viewed as the third profit source, and zero inventory management is the effective way for resource optimization. With zero inventory management, enterprises will be able to reduce procedure of flow, improve logistics efficiency and create more commercial values. Zero inventory management will create the following values for the enterprises.(A) Reduce operating costs.The implementation of inventory management, due to downsizing inventory and minimized inventory levels, reduces the warehouse facilities and special ancillary equipment and management costs, thus reducing storage costs. Besides, with the strengthened relationship between enterprises and suppliers, the internal scale economies and the simplified procurement process, it makes lower the purchase price and the commission charge costs.(B) Improve the product quality.Inventory management enhances the management of quality and reduces rejected products. It not only improves the product profits, but also enhances product market competitiveness.(1)First, inventory management requires the enterprise not to have excess stock ,all employees to behave seriously in their respective positions on the quality control.(2)Second, zero inventory management requires suppliers to be able to supplyon schedule, with requested quality and quantity. So enterprises choose excellent and stable supplier.(3)Third, zero inventory management requires a high degree of consistency inall aspects. If any quality problem is discovered, it can be solved immediately, which reduces problems buried by inventory.(C) Improve the efficiency of funds used.Zero inventory management controls the inventory capital under minimum level, releasing large amount of usable funds. Enterprises can use this savings funds for other investments in order to obtain corresponding return.3.Forms of Zero Inventory Management3.1The bailment wayBy this way, users no longer set up its own warehouse, but entrust the goods to specialized logistics enterprises, enabling the actualization of zero inventory. Trustees accepts users’ commission, deposit goods whose ownership bel ongs to users, so that users no longer maintain inventory, or even no longer retain safety inventory, thus achieving zero inventory. Trustees receive a certain number of fees. The advantages for this form of zero inventory are,(A)First, specialized logistics enterprises can take advantage of their professionalknowledge and techniques to achieve a high level and low cost of inventory management.(B)Second, users no longer set inventory facilities and are lessened a large number ofaffairs in the warehouse and inventory.(C)Third, this not only helps enterprises focus on promotion of production,management and competitiveness, but also reduce inventory costs and improve inventory efficiency.However, this form of zero inventory management actually is achieved by inventory transfer. It will never reduce the amount of social inventories.3.2Sub-way collaborationSub-way collaboration is an industrial structure of manufacturing enterprises, which has one primary enterprise and many other supporting enterprises. This structure can make the inventory of the primary enterprise zero through flexible supply by supporting enterprises. At the same time the main enterprise's centralized sales inventory make certain subcontracting services and sales enterprise sales inventories become zero. In many developed countries, manufacturing enterprises are to form a pyramid-shaped structure based on a big primary enterprise and hundreds of or even thousands of small subcontracting enterprises. The primary enterprises are responsible for assembly and guidance of exploitation in product market, subcontracting enterprises subcontract their services, components manufacturing and outsourcing sales respectively. In practice, collaborative enterprises in subcontracting components production and supply generally base their production activities on the production speed and schedule of primary enterprise and can specify the time for delivery. For instance, components manufacturing enterprises can take various forms of production and inventory adjustment so as to ensure the primary enterprise production rate, delivery on schedule. For the guarantee of supply, the primary enterprises no longer need a separate level inventory, thus enabling its supply inventory to stay zero status. At the mean time, through quotas and random supply, the primary enterprises distribute their finished goods inventory to meet needs of various subcontractors of sales. By this way, the sales subcontractors have zero sales inventories.3.3JITJust in time (hereinafter referred to as JIT) is through the on-time rule of "at the right time, delivery the right goods to the right place" to achieve zero inventory. This requires good coordination among working positions and valid syntaxis between the supply and the production. Kanban is first adopted by Japan's Toyota and is a simple and effective way to achieve JIT production. Fixed-format cards are used for certificate among all working procedures and among enterprises. The latter working stage bases on its own rhythm, in inverse production flow direction, to decide the supply of the former working stage, so that different working procedures work consistently. As this way can ensure the supply of goods in synchronization with demand, therefore, the demand side of the enterprise naturally will not set a separate inventory. Some domestic enterprises have made better use of just-in-time to achieve zero inventory management, such as Haier. Enterprises under the traditional management purchase according to the production plan instead of the market, so they purchase for inventories. Haier implements information management and gets inventories together through the JIT. Haier has logistics centers around the whole country, enabling itself to achieve rapid delivery and JIT distribution.3.4The Wheeled modeWheeled mode is also called synchronous mode. Under the careful design of the production system, there is full coordination among each production position, thereby radically canceling even temporarily stagnant state between positions. This production mode is on the basis of the belt, which is extended to a large scale to include both production and material supply simultaneously. By this wheel transmitting system, zero inventory can be achieved. If JIT is largely based on "software", then the wheeled mode is based on "hardware".3.5The tap modeTap mode is a kind of zero inventory management without the need to maintain their own stocks, which is just like opening the faucet to connect the tap water. This is first adopted by Japan's Sony Corporation. With evolution over the time, this mode hasdeveloped into a JIT supply system. Users can announce requests at any time, adopting the rule of “need how much and purchase how much”. Suppliers undertake immediate and effective responsibility by their own inventories, allowing users to achieve zero inventories. Products whose production is suitable for this form of zero inventory management are mainly tools and standard components.3.6Reasonable distributionGenerally speaking, in the absence of buffer stock, production and distribution operations are more sensitive to the delivery time. Logistics and distribution to some extent affect the inventories of both production materials and the finished products. Therefore, through the establishment of a perfect logistics system with reasonable distribution methods, enterprises manufacture products under the order and delivery them to users in time. In the process goods in transit by the transportation and distribution process will reduce inventory. Enterprises can use a standard supply mode of operation and a reasonable distribution system in order to make goods in transit as storage, to achieve zero inventory management.(1) "Multi-batch, small batch" approach. Enterprises collect the needs of individual users, give an overall consideration and implement full vehicle transport. Increase the number of delivery and reduce the transport amount of every user and every batch, to improve transport efficiency. Distribution companies can also delivery goods directly to the workshop and production lines. So the manufacturer shows a zero inventory status.(2) Centralize inventories. By centralizing inventories, enterprises form advantage of economies of scale, so as to reduce unit production costs. Meanwhile, with the support of t he guaranteed distribution system, users’ inventories naturally become increasingly weakening.(3) "Instant delivery" and "on time delivery" approach. In order to meet customer specific requirements, enterprises adopt "immediate delivery" and "on time delivery" approach to delivery goods to the user. "Instant delivery" and "on time delivery" has features of flexible stable delivery time and big coefficient of supply elasticity.Therefore, for producers and operators, this way greatly reduces the inventory pressure and even helps enterprises cancel the stock to achieve zero inventory management.4.Analysis of advantages and disadvantages4.1AdvantagesIt is easy to generalize the advantages of zero inventory management. They are as follows:(1)Shorten the processing time from order receive to product delivery andimprove productivity.(2)Lower the rejection rate and reduce rework and warranty costs.(3)Lower inventory costs. Inventory costs mainly include storage costs andmanagement costs. Storage costs are the costs of storage facilities while management costs are mainly staff wages. With the implement of zero inventory management, the number of raw materials and purchased components put in inventory will be reduced, resulting in a much smaller scale of inventory, which of course will reduce inventory facilities and the number of management employee. So enterprises save related costs and increase profits.(4)Reduce the tie-up funds. When receiving orders, production enterprises needto purchase a large number of raw materials and parts, which take up much of the inventory and funds of enterprises. If enterprises can not effectively control the inventory, the tie-up funds will be enormous. Huge liquid capital will bring abouta heavy interest and risk burden. According to estimation, with zero inventorymanagement, enterprises can make an average reduction of 40%-85% of raw materials and purchased parts inventory, so as to reduce logistics costs and increase efficiency.(5)Accelerate the turnover rate of capital. With the development of modernlogistics, many companies treat inventory as the "root of all evil". For this reason, companies try to reduce inventory. Enterprises implement JIT purchase strategy, so that the liquidity of capital has been greatly enhanced.(6)Effectively avoid the risk of product backlog. Demand for the product isoften unpredictable. Once a product is in the event of poor sales, it will bring about product backlog, occupying large amounts of funds. By the implement of zero inventory management, it can reduce the risk of inventory backlog and give enterprises more liquid currency.(7)Improve management efficiency. Excess inventory often conceals a numberof problems in enterprises. For instance, the increase in inventory can be used to cover up the problem of quality management. Objective of zero inventory management is to reduce inventory, uncover management problems, and then solve those issues exposed in order to improve production systems. The concept of zero inventory management reflects the ideal idea of lean production.4.2DisadvantagesEvery coin has two sides. Lower inventory levels may affect customer service levels; improve customer service levels, it may require higher inventory levels, thus a corresponding increase in inventory costs. So, how to achieve the best balance between customer service and inventory costs is the real core problem to be solved in supply chain management. This is also the key point to impact whether zero inventory management can be well implemented. What’s more, the implement of zero inventory management is not decided by one or two aspects but by many factors constrained. Although zero inventory management has many evident benefits, it also has some vital disadvantages.(A) Once the supply chain is damaged, or enterprises can not in a very short time adjust production according to customer abrupt demand, the stability of production and operation will be affected, conducing to greater risks of running business. For instance, SARS in 2003 triggered the exceptional drugs demand, but the excessive zero inventory management led drugs out-of-stocks. In fact, in out-of-stocks this time, the losses were heavy for manufacturers, merchants, or hospitals. Because there is a logistics "discontinued cost". Drugs are different from other products, because timeliness is very strong. Once needs are formed, consumers do not want to wait forany moment. Therefore, different from general merchandise, cost caused by out-of-stocks of the drug actually often includes direct economic losses, loss of business reputation and image and even some certain degree of social impact. Therefore, in special period the cost of the hospital with zero inventory management can be very high.Second, in order to guarantee small batch of distribution frequently according to the contract, the supplier may require an additional fare, so enterprises lose the opportunity to gain a lower price from other suppliers.(B) The risk of information leakageWith the development of the network economy, a lot of "new economy" enterprises adopted the zero inventory management as a strong weapon to compete with the traditional business, claiming that online orders and JIT delivery can achieve zero inventory management, which will obtain a competitive advantage over other companies. Such operation mode of EDI eases the communication among enterprises, but it still has many restrictions in successfully implementing zero inventory management. Because even though you get orders, it is necessary for upstream suppliers to supply raw materials on time. So the network is a convenient way to position the information, but have no ability to make a real reduction in inventory. Even if we are completely prepared, and if there is a problem in the confidentiality of our information, when all the data are missing, the EDI system would lead a fatal blow to the enterprise.The information age brings enterprises great convenience, but security vulnerabilities increase due to information sharing and use of modern information platform and communication tools. If information loopholes cause problems in the transmission of EDI, then the enterprises will suffer great loss. When enterprises implement zero inventory management, it must analyze and compare the risks and benefits of implementation. Only there is little information risk can data be used for analysis and forecast and to form the zero inventory management.(C) Risks of the sluggish materialsAs a manufacturing enterprise, the signature of a contract requires it to prepareproduction materials, arrange production tasks and plan daily production in accordance with the requests of customers. If suddenly the customers ask to change a part, then the foregoing production of this part will become sluggish if it can not be used up within 60 days. So these parts become the unexpected inventory out of stock plan. If we ask for compensation from the customers, it is likely to be forever to lose the customer, so in some reason the manufacturer is not going to get angry easily with their God. The enterprises have to digest those redundant parts by other ways. However, within a certain period if all customers do not want to use these parts, they can only be disposed of to get some funds. There is another situation that customers ask to reduce orders when the goods have not been delivered. With the sudden reduction in order, we will have surplus production materials. Although we expect them to be used next time, they turned out to be inventory within a certain period.So the problem of zero inventory management is more than producer, it involves the entire supply chain. Observations and analysis of the entire supply chain are needed to ensure the full implementation of zero inventory management.(D)The quality riskIt there is any problem the business distribution process from purchase of raw materials to production, to delivery and eventually to consumers, the final product will lead to defects, eventually leading to customer complaints and the enterprise's declined reputation. For instance, we purchase raw materials under the required amount, but it is found that some raw materials are unqualified when they reach the production line. For this reason we can not finish the required number of products and meanwhile we also add a waste product inventory. There is the transport process which must ensure the safety of our products, if any problem happens in this section, it will cause great loss for the enterprise.5.Case analysis5.1DELLNowadays,every enterprise in computer industry take Dell as its model. The rapid development of Dell is a miracle in Business Administration in U.S. and is treated as amotivity to drive the development of computer industry. Within 20 years, Dell developed from zero to today’s admiring transnational corporation with 25 billion dollars of assets. It is the company that developed fastest in the world.The critical element to support the Dell’s rapid development is the direct-sales model and its efficient inventory management.Under direct-sales model, customers give orders directly to Dell by telephone, e-mail or network, with no intervene of wholesalers or retailers. In the 90s of 20 century, people doubted whether direct-sales model is suitable for computer industry. But the following facts proved the adventurous trial a great success. Dell sales volume increased by a large scale after it entered the Asian market, and to some extent, even replaced some major computer manufacturers in China. The direct-sales management contributes a lot to the Dell’s success. What benefits does this sales mode bring? (1)Skip middleman and save cost. Agents tend to raise the price when they areselling computers. Direct-sales model sell computers at mill price, which has the compet itive advantage in cost and save the customer’s money. This provides room for Dell to achieve tailor make for each customer.(2)Reduce product inventory to achieve zero inventory management. Direct-salesmodel requires Dell to assembly computers after orders are received. In other words, Dell put its computer production on the basis of orders. By this way, products need not be stored in different warehouses, but directly distributed to customers. Besides, the pulling production under direct-sales model can get parts from suppliers in time. So, there is little inventory for parts or finished-products in Dell. It saves the inventory cost. Computers update so rapidly that it becomes a burden for computer companies to have inventory.Another contribution point is the efficient and rapid production.In order to gain the advantage of direct-sales model, Dell adopted JIT into its production. It requires suppliers to store most of the parts in the warehouses nearest to the factory. To simplify the negotiation process with suppliers, Dell chooses as fewer suppliers as possible. Only suppliers that have the ability to supply under Dell’s requirement will be in consideration. Furthermore, Dell chooses suppliers nearest tothe factory to bear the responsibility of parts supply. Although this mode is easy to copy, but computer companies who want to adopt this new mode of sales and production, they have to handle the contradictory relationships with the former distributors.Efficient logistics distribution also creates large values.In Dell, inventory only exists for 5 days, but 30, 40 and even 90 days for other computer companies all around the world. In the logistics distribution, Dell keeps consanguineous and faithful relationship with 50 material suppliers. They communicate and negotiate every day online. Dell releases the up-to-date requirements of parts on the network in order to maintain transparence and to stimulate the competence between suppliers. Meanwhile, suppliers will report to Dell about its product development. Through information and network technology, Dell and its suppliers share information, know each other better and finally achieve JIT production with high collaborate level.5.2HaierHaier has created a miracle of Chinese manufacturing enterprises. With information management tools, Haier integrates global supply chain resources, respond quickly to market and finally earns great success.Haier put the originally dispersed functions of procurement, distribution of raw materials and finished products in integration and set up an independent specialized logistics company to deal with them.After the integration, Haier reduces 6% of procurement costs of raw materials on an annual basis. With the integration of storage, Haier built up two completely automated logistics centers, which not only reduces 200 thousand square meters of warehouse, but also brings about 90% reduction in inventory of sluggish materials and 63% reduction in inventory capital. With the integrated distribution, Haier now have 16000 trucks around China, which causes the transportation costs to reduce significantly.Combining the market chain model, Haier organizational structure and business processes are adjusted. The original of each division's financial, procurement and。
73834 公司研究论文亚马逊跨国公司经营管理1 概述在经济全球化过程中,跨国公司充当了相当重要的角色,跨国公司的入驻,给本土的经济实体带来了巨大的冲击。
2 亚马逊公司2.1 公司简介亚马逊公司(Amazon,简称亚马逊)成立于1995年,是美国最大的一家网络电子商务公司。
2.2 核心产品亚马逊发展至今,其销售产品已经扩展到生活和学习的各个领域,但其经营的核心产品和服务主要是Amazon Kindle和AWS。
Amazon Kindle优势为省电、亮度低,方便阅读、显示效果好;而AWS的优势更是显而易见的,就以AWS的销售额来说,当前亚马逊的零售业务每年进账700亿美元,而AWS业务进账为300亿美元。
2.3 跨国经营分析2.3.1 原因分析。
2.3.2 经营方式。
公司简介其标志GM取自其英文名称(General Motors Corporation)的前两个单词的第一个字母。
2007 年,通用汽车在全球售出近937 万辆轿车和卡车。
跨国公司经营与管理 试题
![跨国公司经营与管理 试题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6fbc418ce109581b6bd97f19227916888586b933.png)
山东英才学院毕业论文论文题目:跨国经营企业的跨文化管理二级学院:经济管理学院学科专业:工商企业管理学号:姓名:班级:指导教师:论文提交时间:2008年11月15日毕业论文内容介绍目录一、跨文化管理的概述 (6)二、文化差异对企业跨国经营的主要影响 (7)(一)文化差异影响管理的理论分析................................,71、“权利差距”的可接受程度 (7)2、“防止不肯定性”的迫切程度 (7)3、个人主义或集体主义倾向 (7)(二)文化差异所具有的实际影响 (8)1、影响着对外投资和市场开拓的方式 (8)2、影响着产品的设计和服务的方式 (8)3、决定着新兴市场的进入方式 (8)4、决定着企业制度的执行成本 (9)三、我国跨国经营企业跨文化管理的现状分析 (9)(一)失败案例——广州标致 (9)1、案例背景 (9)2、失败原因分析 (10)3、广州标致的启示 (11)(二)成功案例——合肥利华 (10)1、案例背景 (10)2、成功原因分析 (11)3、合肥利华的启示 (12)(三)我国跨国经营企业跨文化管理的现状 (12)四、企业跨文化管理的策略选择 (13)(一)本土化策略 (13)(二)文化相容策略 (13)(三)文化创新策略 (14)(四)文化规避策略 (14)(五)文化渗透策略 (15)(六)借助第三方文化策略 (15)(七)占领式策略 (15)四、跨文化管理的有效手段 (16)(一)文化教育 (16)(二)环境模拟 (16)(三)跨文化研究 (17)(四)语言培训 (17)五、结论 (17)参考文献 (17)谢词 (18)跨国经营企业的跨文化管理摘要:随着世界经济全球化趋势的加强,将有越来越多的跨国公司进入我国,也会有越来越多的国内企业采取与国外合资的方式求得发展。
题目:联想作为跨国公司,如何规避自身风险(一)简介1.1 问题的提出和目标的确立风险管理一直以来都是企业在发展过程中不断研究的热点话题,如何正确的识别风险,并针对不同的风险制定出合理的规避风险的措施,对于一个企业的发展和壮大是至关重要的。
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