



I am on my own. strolling. hands behind my back. This bit of the universe seems in my possession now; and I myself seem to have been uplifted from my ordinary self into another world, I like a serene and peaceful life, as much as a busy and active one; I like being in solitude, as much as in company. As it is tonight, basking in a misty moonshine all by myself. I feel I am a free man, free to think of anything, or of nothing. All that one is obliged to do. or to say, in the daytime, can be very well cast a side now. That is the beauty of being alone. For the moment, just let me indulge in this profusion of moonlight and lotus frafragrance.
这几天心里颇不宁静。今晚在院子里坐着 这几天心里颇不宁静。 乘凉,忽然想起日日走过的荷塘, 乘凉,忽然想起日日走过的荷塘,在这满 月的光里,总该另有一番样子吧。 月的光里,总该另有一番样子吧。月亮渐 渐地升高了,墙外马路上孩子们的欢笑, 渐地升高了,墙外马路上孩子们的欢笑, 已经听不见了;妻在屋里拍着闰儿, 已经听不见了;妻在屋里拍着闰儿,迷迷 糊糊地哼着眠歌。我悄悄地披了大衫, 糊糊地哼着眠歌。我悄悄地披了大衫,带 上门出去。 上门出去。




下面店铺为大家带来英语经典散文附翻译,欢迎大家阅读!英语经典散文:一起生活One fine day, an old couple around the age of 70, walks into a lawyer’s office. Apparently, they are there to file a divorce. Lawyer was very puzzled, after having a chat with them, he got their story.This couple had been quarreling all their 40 over years of marriage nothing ever seems to go right.They hang on because of their children, afraid that it might affect their up-bringing. Now, all their children have already grown up, have their own family, there’s nothing else the old couple have to worry about, all they wanted is to lead their own life free from all these years of unhappiness from their marriage, so both agree on a divorce.Lawyer was having a hard time trying to get the papers done, because he felt that after 40 years of marriage at the age of 70, he couldn’t understand why the old couple would still wants a divorce.While they were signing the papers, the wife told the husband. “I really love you, but I really can’t carry on anymore, I’m sorry.”“It’s OK, I understand.” said the husband. Looking at this, the lawyer suggested a dinner together, just three of them, wife thought, why not, since they are still going be friends.At the dining table, there was a silence of awkwardness.The first dish was roasted chicken, immediately, the old mantook the drumstick for the old lady. “Take this, it’s your favorite.”Looking at this, the lawyer t hought maybe there’s still a chance, but the wife was frowning when she answer. “This is always the problem, you always think so highly of yourself, never thought about how I feel, don’t you know that I hate drumsticks?”Little did she know that, over the years, the husband have been trying all ways to please her, little did she know that drumsticks was the husband’s favorite.Little did he know that she never thought he understand her at all, little did he know that she hates drumsticks even though all he wants is the best for her.That night, both of them couldn’t sleep, toss and turn, toss and turn. After hours, the old man couldn’t take it anymore, he knows that he still loves her, and he can’t carry on life without her, he wants her back, he wants to tell her, he is sorry, he wanted to tell her, “I love you.”He picks up the phone, started dialing her number. Ringing never stops. He never stop dialing.On the other side, she was sad, she couldn’t understand how come after all these years, he still doesn’t understand her at all, she loves him a lot, but she just can’t take it any- more. Phone’s ringing, she refuses to answer knowing that it’s him. “What’s the point of talking now that it’s over. I have asked for it and now. I want to keep it this way, if not I will lose face. “She thought. Phone still ringing. She has decided to pull out the cord.Little did she remember, he had heart problems.The next day, she received news that he had passed away. She rushed down to his apartment, saw his body, lying on thecouch still holding on to the phone. He had a heart attack when he was still trying to get thru her phone line.As sad as she could be. She will have to clear his belongings. When she was looking thru the drawers, she saw this insurance policy, dated from the day they got married, beneficiary is her. Together in that file there’s this note.“To my dearest wife, by the time you are reading this, I’m sure I’m no longer around, I bought this policy for you, though the amount is only $100k, I hope it will be able to help me continue my promise that I have made when we got married, I might not be around anymore, I want this amount of money to continue taking care of you, just like the way I will if I could have live longer. I want you to know I will always be around, by your side. I love you.”Tears flowed like river.When you love someone, let them know. You never know what will happen the next minute. Learn to build a life together. Learn to love each other for who they are,Not what they are.英语经典散文翻译:在一个阳光明媚的日子里,一对70多岁的老夫妇走进了律师事务所。




















散文翻译Translation of essays什么是散文?广义而言,凡是不属于韵文的文章都可称为散文。












”(《家乡》)译文: He went off walking on air, his steps fairly flew. On his back he lugged an embroidered basket,in the basket bags of grain-bulging-ones stood at attention.“花篓”翻译成“embroidered basket”是不恰当的。




















Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite, for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of sixty more than a body of twenty. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. 青春意味着在气质上勇敢多于怯懦,冒险进取 多于舒适苟安,这在60岁的老人中往往比在20 岁的青年人中更为常见。人之变老不仅由于年 岁的增长,我们之变老常常是因为放弃了对理 想的追求。 青春气贯长虹,勇锐盖过怯弱,进取压倒苟安。 如此锐气,二十后生而有之,六旬男子则更多 见。年岁有加,并非垂老,理想丢弃,方堕暮 年。
对照译文:到用晚餐的时间,当我的肚子饿得咕 噜咕噜直叫的时候,我已经因为看到一本我已想 要多时的书籍而停住勒脚步。树上标着很合算的 价格,我实在是不能错过这个大好的机会,但是 如果我买下了这本书籍,那便意味着我将经受挨 饿的痛苦。 参考译文:某日正当进餐之时,我饥肠辘辘,步 履却为一书所止,此书令我心仪已久,而标价竟 如此诱人,实不忍失之交臂。然而,购之便意味 着忍饥挨饿。 咕噜咕噜直叫,一个滑稽,一个文雅
But I did not dare to hope that the Tibullus would wait until tomorrow, when a certain small sum fell due to me. I pace the pavement, fingering the coppers in my pocket, eyeing the stall, two appetites at combat within me. The book was bought and I went home with it, and as I made dinner of bread and butter I gloated over the pages.




下面店铺为大家带来英语经典散文翻译,欢迎大家阅读!英语经典散文:品味现在Tucked away in our subconsciousness is an idyllic vision. We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent. We are travelling by train. Out the windows, we drink in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways, of children waving on a crossing, of cattle grazing on a distant hillside, of smoke pouring from a power plant, of row upon row of corn and wheat, of flatlands and valleys, of mountains and rolling hillsides, of city skylines and village halls.But the uppermost in our minds is the final destination. On a certain day at a certain hour, we will pull into the station. Bands will be playing and flags waving. Once we reach there, so many wonderful dreams will come true and the pieces of our lives will be fit together like a completed jigsaw puzzle. How restlessly we pace the aisles, damning the minutes loitering, waiting, waiting, waiting for the station."When we reach the station, that will be it", we cry. "When I'm 18", "When I buy a new 450SL Mercedes Benz", "When I put my last kid through collage", "When I have paid off the mortgage", "When I get a promotion", "When I reach the age of the retirement, I shall live happily ever after."Sooner or later, we must realize that there is no station, no one place to arrive at once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip. The station is only a dream. It constantly outdistances us."Relish the moment" is a good motto, especially whencoupled withe the Psalm 118:24:"This is the day which the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it." It isn't the burdens of today that drive men mad. It is the regrets over yesterday and the fear of tommorrow. Reget and fear are twin thieves who rob us of today.So stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles. Instead, climb more mountains, eat more icecreams, go barefoot more often, swim more rivers, watch more sunsets, laugh more and cry less. Life must be lived as we go along. Then the station will come soon enough.散文翻译:我们的潜意识里藏着一派田园诗般的风光!我们仿佛身处一次横贯大陆的漫漫旅程之中!乘着火车,我们领略着窗外流动的景色:附近高速公路上奔驰的汽车、十字路口处招手的孩童、远山上吃草的牛群、源源不断地从电厂排放出的烟尘、一片片的玉米和小麦、平原与山谷、群山与绵延的丘陵、天空映衬下城市的轮廓,以及乡间的庄园宅第!然而我们心里想得最多的却是最终的目的地!在某一天的某一时刻,我们将会抵达进站!迎接我们的将是乐队和飘舞的彩旗!一旦到了那儿,多少美梦将成为现实,我们的生活也将变得完整,如同一块理好了的拼图!可是我们现在在过道里不耐烦地踱来踱去,咒骂火车的拖拖拉拉!我们期待着,期待着,期待着火车进站的那一刻!"当我们到站的时候,一切就都好了!"我们呼喊着!"当我18岁的时候!""当我有了一辆新450SL奔驰的时候!""当我供最小的孩子念完大学的时候!""当我偿清贷款的时候!""当我官升高任的时候!""当我到了退休的时候,就可以从此过上幸福的生活啦!"可是我们终究会认识到人生的旅途中并没有车站,也没有能够"一到永逸"的地方!生活的真正乐趣在于旅行的过程,而车站不过是个梦,它始终遥遥领先于我们!真正令人发疯的不是今日的负担,而是对昨日的悔恨及对明日的恐惧!悔恨与恐惧是一对孪生窃贼,将今天从你我身边偷走!那么就不要在过道里徘徊吧,别老惦记着你离车站还有多远!何不换一种活法,将更多的高山攀爬,多吃点儿冰淇淋甜甜嘴巴,经常光着脚板儿溜达,在更多的河流里畅游,多看看夕阳西下,多点欢笑哈哈,少让泪水滴答!生活得一边过一边瞧!车站就会很快到达!英语经典散文:一个人的空间Those who wish to sing always find a song. —Swedish proverbIf you have ever gone through a toll booth, you know that your relationship to the person in the booth is not the most intimate you’ll ever have. It is one of life’s frequent non-encounters: You hand over some money; you might get change; you drive off. I have been through every one of the 17 toll booths on the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge on thousands of occasions, and never had an exchange worth remembering with anybody.Late one morning in 1984, headed for lunch in San Francisco, I drove toward one of the booths. I heard loud music. It sounded like a party, or a Michael Jackson concert. I looked around. No other cars with their windows open. No sound trucks. I looked at the toll booth. Inside it, the man was dancing.“What are you doing?” I asked.“I’m having a party,” he said.“What about the rest of these people?” I looked over at other booths; nothing moving there.“They’re not invited.”I had a dozen other questions for him, but somebody in a big hurry to get somewhere started punching his horn behind me and I drove off. But I made a note to myself: Find this guy again. There’s something in his eye that says there’s magic in his toll booth.Months later I did find him again, still with the loud music, still having a party.Again I asked, “What are you doing?”He said, “I remember you from the last time. I’m still dancing. I’m having the same party.”I said, “Look. What about the rest of the people”He said. “Stop. What do those look like to you?” He pointed down the row of toll booths.“They look like tool booths.”“Nooooo imagination!’I said, “Okay, I give up. What do they look like to you?”He said, “Vertical coffins.”“What are you talking about?”“I can prove it. At 8:30 every morning, live people get in. Then they die for eight hours. At 4:30, like Lazarus from the dead, they reemerge and go home. For eight hours, brain is on hold, dead on the job. Going through the motions.”I was amazed. This guy had developed a philosophy, a mythology about his job. I could not help asking the next question: “Why is it different for you? You’re having a good time.”He looked at me. “I knew you were going to ask that, “ he said. “I’m going to be a dancer someday.” He pointed to the administration building. “My bosses are in there, and they’re paying for my training.”Sixteen people dead on the job, and the seventeenth, in precisely the same situation, figures out a way to live. That man was having a party where you and I would probably not last three days. The boredom! He and I did have lunch later, and he said, “I don’t understand why anybody would think my job is boring.I have a corner office, glass on all sides. I can see the Golden Gate, San Francisco, the Berkeley hills; half the Western world vacations here and I just stroll in every day and practice dancing.”散文翻译:如果你仔细观察一个收费亭,你就会知道你与亭子里的这个人关系不是最亲密的,这是生命中常常出现的非偶遇者。











Put the following into English1. 我从乡下跑到京城里,一转眼已经六年了。


【译文】Six years have slipped by since I came from the country to the capital. During that time the number of so-called affairs of state I have witnessed or heard about is far from small, but none of them made much impression. If asked to define their influence on me, I can only sat they taught me to take a poorer view of people every day.2. “你怎么样啦?”“我摔坏了。




【译文】”Are you all right?”“I hurt myself falling.”The driver did not hesitate for a minute after hearing the old woman’s answer. Still holding her arm, he helped her slowly forward. Rather puzzled by this I looked ahead and saw a police station. Because of the high wind, there was no one outside. It was there that the driver was taking the old woman.3. 这村庄的习惯有点特别,女人生下孩子,多喜欢用秤称了轻重,便用斤数当作小名。




以下小编为大家介绍英语优美文段摘抄大全,欢迎大家阅读参考!优秀的英语散文:财富与幸福真的有关系吗So, is it that we have been thinking in the wrong way all along?所以,是不是我们一直以来思考问题的方向都错了呢?Don’t care too much about money, because money can only interfere with your pursuit of happiness. The irony is that people think they will be happy when they have money.不要太在意金钱,因为金钱只会对你追寻幸福的过程造成干扰。


In fact, money has nothing to do with happiness. If you are happy and have money, you can use money in exchange for happiness.事实上金钱与幸福毫不相干。


However, if you are not happy but have money, then your money can only bring you more misfortune, as money is only a neutral force.然而如果你没有感到幸福,却拥有金钱,那么你的金钱只能换来更多的不幸。


Please do not get me wrong. I am not against money. I have no objection to anything. But money is just a means. Money will allow you to move forward with your current lifestyle, no matter how good or bad it is.请别误会:我并非反对金钱。


散文二:The Power of Kindness
Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see. It has the power to break down barriers and bring people together. Kindness can be as simple as a smile, a kind word, or a thoughtful gesture. It costs nothing, but it can mean everything to someone in need.
True friendship is built on trust, respect, and understanding. It is not about the quantity of time spent together, but the quality of those moments. It’s about sharing laughter, wiping away tears, and being there for each other no matter what.





精美英语散文作品带翻译:The 50-Percent Theory of LifeI believe in the 50-percent theory. Half the time things are better than normal; the other half, they re worse. I believe life is a pendulum swing. It takes time and experience to understand what normal is, and that gives me the perspective to deal with the surprises of the future.Let’s benchmark the parameters: yes, I will die. I’ve dealt with the deaths of both parents, a best friend, a beloved boss and cherished pets. Some of these deaths have been violent, before my eyes, or slow and agonizing. Bad stuff, and it belongs at the bottom of the scale.Then there are those high points: romance and marriage to the right person; having a child and doing those Dad things like coaching my son’s baseball team, paddling around the creek in the boat while he’s swimming with the dogs, discovering his compassion so deep it manifests even in his kindness to snails, his imagination so vivid he builds a spaceship from a scattered pile of Legos.But there is a vast meadow of life in the middle, where the bad and the good flip-flop acrobatically. This is what convinces me to believe in the 50-percent theory.One spring I planted corn too early in a bottomland so flood-prone that neighbors laughed. I felt chagrined at the wasted effort. Summer turned brutal---the worst heat wave and drought in my lifetime. The air-conditioned died; the well went dry; the marriage ended; the job lost; the money gone. I was living lyricsfrom a country tune---music I loathed. Only a surging Kansas City Royals team buoyed my spirits.Looking back on that horrible summer, I soon understood that all succeeding good things merely offset the bad. Worse than normal wouldn’t last long. I am owed and savor the halcyon times. The reinvigorate me for the next nasty surprise and offer assurance that can thrive. The 50-percent theory even helps me see hope beyond my Royals’ recent slump, a field of struggling rookies sown so that some year soon we can reap an October harvest.For that on blistering summer, the ground moisture was just right, planting early allowed pollination before heat withered the tops, and the lack of rain spared the standing corn from floods. That winter my crib overflowed with corn---fat, healthy three-to-a-stalk ears filled with kernels from heel to tip---while my neighbors’ fields yielded only brown, empty husks.Although plantings past may have fallen below the 50-percent expectation, and they probably will again in the future, I am still sustained by the crop that flourishes during the drought.译文:生活理论半对半我信奉对半理论。



30. 不死鸟三毛一年多前,爱书人杂志给我出了一个题目“如果你只有三十天的寿命,你将会做些什么?”我一直没有动笔。








The Surviving BirdSan MaoOver a year ago, the Book Enthusiast magazine asked me to write an article in answer to the question, “What would you do suppose you were to live for only 30 more days from now?”So far I still haven’t set pen to paper.Hexi, learning of it from me, asked with curiosity, “What would you do?”I was then kneading dough. Raising my hand caked with white flour to caress his hair with tenderness, I said unhurriedly, “O, silly, I’m not going to die, I have to live on to make jiaozi for you!”Later when we again mentioned the article I was supposed to write at the request of the magazine, I still took a simple and resolute stand. “I’ll keep watching over the house,”said I.“A person bearing responsibility for a home has no right to die at all.”Although I know my favourite way to end this life is by death, I still don’t want to die. Three persons in this world have their fate so closely tied up with my life and death. They are my parents and Hexi. I refuse to die as long as they’re alive. Not even a god can take me away when I say no.The loss of their beloved daughter would deprive my ageing parents of their life-long happiness and consolation. It would be cruel and unfair for them to suffer thecrushing blow.If Hexi should lose his beloved wife, with whom he had been living for interdependence, what an emotional trauma he would undergo! And what bitterness would be deeply engraved in his mind! The thought of the complete vanishing of smiles from his face during the rest of his life as a result of his bereavement made me all the more determined against my death.I cannot bear to think of the great adversity to be brought on my parents and husband by my death. No, I c an’t, absolutely can’t.Yes, those who leave first are happier than those left behind, and the latter are not necessarily the stronger. In spite of my painful illness. I reiterate that for the sake of love, let me stay behind to drink down the last bitter cup of parting.我愿意在父亲,母亲及荷西的生命圆环里,做最后离世的一个,如果我先去了,而将永远的哀伤留给世上的他们,那么是死不瞑目的,因为我的爱有多深,我的牵挂便有多长。




下面店铺为大家带来经典英语散文,欢迎大家阅读!经典英语散文:费利西娅的旅行The sun is warm now, the water of the river undisturbed. Seagulls teeter on the parapet infront of her, boats go by. The line of trees that breaks the monotony of the pavement is ladenwith leaves in shades of russet. Figures stride purposefully on a distant bridge, figures inminiature, creatures that could be unreal. Somewhere a voice is loud on a megaphone.阳光正暖,江面水波不兴。





She is not hungry. It will be a few hours before she begins to feel hungry and then there will bethe throwaway stuff in the bins. The sky is azure, evenly blue, hardly faded at the edges at all.She moves a hand back and forth on a slat of the seat she is sitting on, her fingers caressingthe smooth timber, the texture different where the paint has worn away.她一点也不饿,还要再过几小时才会感到饿,那时候垃圾箱里自会有人家扔掉的东西。



实用文体翻译之八散文翻译匆匆 (朱自清)燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候。











在逃去如飞的日子里,在千门万户的世界里的我能做些什么呢?只有徘徊罢了,只有匆匆罢了;在八千多日的匆匆里,除徘徊外,又剩些什么呢?过去的日子如轻烟,被微风吹散了,如薄雾,被初阳蒸融了;我留着些什么痕迹呢?我何曾留着像游丝样的痕迹呢?我赤裸裸来到这世界,转眼间也将赤裸裸的回去罢?但不能平的,为什么偏要白白走这一遭啊?你聪明的,告诉我,我们的日子为什么一去不复返呢?参考答案Rush (translated by Zhu Chunshen)Swallows may have gone, but there is a time of return; willow trees may have died back, but there is a time of regreening; peach blossoms may have fallen, but they will bloom again. Now, you the wise, tell me, why should our days leave us, never to return? If they had been stolen by someone, who could it be? Where could he hide them? If they had made the escape themselves, then where could they stay at the moment?I don't know how many days I have been given to spend, but I do feel my hands are getting empty. Taking stock silently, I find that more than eight thousand days have already slid away from me. Like a drop of water from the point of a needle disappearing into the ocean, my days are dripping into the stream of time, soundless, traceless. Already sweat is starting on my forehead, and tears welling up in my eyes.Those that have gone have gone for good, those to come keep coming; yet in between, how swift is the shift, in such a rush? When I get up in the morning, the slanting sun marks its presence in my small room in two or three oblongs. The sun has feet, look, he is treading on, lightly and furtively; and I am caught, blankly, in his revolution. Thus--the day flows away through the sink when I wash my hands, wears off in the bowl when I eat my meal, and passes away before my day-dreaming gaze as reflect in silence. I can feel his haste now, so I reach out my hands to hold him back, but he keeps flowing past my withholding hands. In the evening, as I lie in bed, he strides over my body, glides past my feet, in his agile way. The moment I open my eyes and meet the sun again, one whole day has gone. I bury my face in my hands and heave a sigh. But the new day begins to flash past in the sigh.What can I do, in this bustling world, with my days flying in their escape? Nothing but to hesitate, to rush. What have I been doing in that eight- thousand-day rush, apart from hesitating? Those bygone days have been dispersed as smoke by a light wind, or evaporated as mist by the morning sun. What traces have I left behind me? Have I ever left behind any gossamer traces at all? I have come to the world, stark naked; am I to go back, in a blink, in the same stark nakedness? It is not fair though: why should I have made such a trip for nothing!You the wise, tell me, why should our days leave us, never to return?。




以下小编为大家介绍英语优美文段摘抄大全,欢迎大家阅读参考!优秀的英语散文:不要生活在幻觉中,清醒一点And now we come to the most alarming delusion of all.现在,我们要讲所有幻觉中最需要防范的一种。

The idea that other people don't matter. Their feelings. Their needs.这种幻觉就是:觉得其他人都不重要,他们的感受、他们的需求都不重要。

Imagine a cave where those inside never see the ourside world.来想象一个洞穴吧,这里面的人从来没有见过外面的世界。

Instead, they see shadows of their world projected on a wall.他们看见的只有投射在墙上的影子。

The world they see in the shadows is not the real world. But it's real to them.他们在影子中看到的那个世界当然不是真实的世界,但他们就认为这是真的。

If you were to show them the world as it actually is, they would reject it as incompreshensible .而如果你把真实的世界展示给他们看,他们反而会抵制它,因为他们理解不了这个世界。

Now what if, instead of being in a cave, you were out in the world, except you couldn't see it.那么现在,如果你不是住在一个洞穴里,而是住在真实的世界里,只是你看不见这个世界呢?Because you weren't looking. You were only looking at what the media has shown you.你看不见它,因为你并没有在看它,你只是在看媒体呈现给你的东西。

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But I did not dare to hope that the Tibullus would wait until tomorrow, when a certain small sum fell due to me. I pace the pavement, fingering the coppers in my pocket, eyeing the stall, two appetites at combat within me. The book was bought and I went home with it, and as I made dinner of bread and butter I gloated over the pages.
At the very hour of dinner, when my stomach clamored or food, I have been stopped by sight of a volume so long coveted, and marked at so advantageous a price, that I could not let it go: yet to buy it meant pangs of famine.
青春不是指生命的一段时间,而是指一种精神状态;他 并不是指红润的面颊、透红的嘴唇和灵便的腿脚,而是 指坚强的意志、丰富的想象和强烈的感情。他是指生命 的源头活水的清新之感。 青春意味着在气质上勇敢多于怯懦,冒险进取多于舒适 苟安,这在60岁的老人中往往比在20岁的青年人中更为 常见。人之变老不仅由于年岁的增长,我们之变老常常 是因为放弃了对理想的追求。
青春不是年华,而是心境;青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝, 而是深沉的意志,恢宏的想象,炙热的恋情;青春是生 命的深泉在涌流。 青春气贯长虹,勇锐盖过怯弱,Байду номын сангаас取压倒苟安。如此锐 气,二十后生而有之,六旬男子则更多见。年岁有加, 并非垂老,理想丢弃,方堕暮年。
参考译文:在《狄巴拉斯诗选》的末页,我发现 铅笔的笔注:1792年10月4日,读毕。百年之前, 百年之前, 百年之前 谁藏此书?除此之外,别无他迹。我喜遥想 我喜遥想: 谁藏此书?除此之外,别无他迹 我喜遥想:一 介寒生,贫而爱书,一如鄙人, 介寒生,贫而爱书,一如鄙人,用滴学的钱买下 此书,又如我一般,字品句尝,乐在其中。欲细 字品句尝, 字品句尝 乐在其中。 言此乐,我自叹舌拙笔颓。
对照译文:书价为六便士——六便士!那时候, 我经常在一家咖啡店用午餐(当然,我的午餐)。 我想,现在那家咖啡店已经找不到了。六便士是 我的全部——是的,是我在这世上拥有的一切。 它可以用来购买一碟肉片和蔬菜。 参考译文:标价六便士——六便士而已 而已!其时, 而已 我常在一家咖啡店用午餐(当然是每日的正餐), 我想此类咖啡店现已鲜见。六便士便是我囊中之 所有——是的,是我在这个世上全部之所有。用 它可点一盘肉和蔬菜。 语气词尽显文绉绉的喜悦之情
散文特点: 散文特点: 散文与小说、诗歌、戏剧并称为四大文学门类,散文的 艺术魅力源自何处? 贾平凹先生说散文是美文,他甚至 主张所有美的文字都应该被称为散文。 散文翻译研究现状: 散文翻译研究现状: 相对于其它文学样式翻译的研究,散文翻译的研究不够 深入广泛。中国翻译界对散文翻译的研究较西方为盛, 然而主要是就散文翻译的某个侧面开展的研究。刘士 聪先生的“韵味说”和高健先生“语言个性论”及 “风格可译性”研究较为系统和深入,影响广泛。
Sixpence was the price —— sixpence! At that time I used to eat my midday meal (of course, my dinner) at a coffee-shop, such as now, I suppose, can hardly be found. Sixpence was all I had —— yes, all I had in the world; it would purchase a plate of meat and vegetables.
讲求整体效果,即“神韵”。有些表面 忠实的译文,失去了散文的文采,文雅, 便失去了自身的价值,终究是失败的译 文
Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life. Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite, for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of sixty more than a body of twenty. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.
对照译文:到用晚餐的时间,当我的肚子饿得咕 噜咕噜直叫的时候,我已经因为看到一本我已想 要多时的书籍而停住勒脚步。树上标着很合算的 价格,我实在是不能错过这个大好的机会,但是 如果我买下了这本书籍,那便意味着我将经受挨 饿的痛苦。 参考译文:某日正当进餐之时,我饥肠辘辘 步 饥肠辘辘,步 饥肠辘辘 履却为一书所止,此书令我心仪已久,而标价竟 履却为一书所止 如此诱人,实不忍失之交臂 不忍失之交臂。然而,购之便意味 不忍失之交臂 着忍饥挨饿。 咕噜咕噜直叫,一个滑稽,一个文雅
2、 传神写照 、 传神写照———“意,气,文”三位一体 在散 意气文 文翻译中,我们要想译得曲尽其妙,须得传神地摹 写作者的气质神韵。须知“文章以气韵为主,气 韵不足,虽有词藻,要非佳作(宋陈善《扪虱新话 上》一) 。”每一个作者有每一个的个性特点、 气质精神,着手翻译之前,要先对作者进行深入的 研究,把握其时代背景、人生经历、创作风格等, 这样的翻译方能做到传神达意,否则,难免貌合神 离
对照译文:我发现了海涅的诗集《狄巴拉斯》。 它躺在乔治街一家旧书店的书架上,在那里人们 总能从一堆无用的垃圾中挑出优秀作品来。 参考译文:那册海涅的《狄巴拉斯诗选》便得手 于此种情势之下。它静卧于古畿大街一家旧书屋 的书摊上,此书屋是一个可以沙里淘金的去处。 可以沙里淘金的去处。 可以沙里淘金的去处 暗喻不译总有些许遗憾,沙较之于原文的 rubbish更雅,更美
My Heyne’s Tibullus was grasped at such a moment. It lay on the stall of the old book-shop in Goodge Street —— a stall where now and then one found an excellent thing among quantities of rubbish.
对照译文:在这本《狄巴拉斯》中,我发现最后一页有铅 笔写的小字:“1792年10月4日,读完。”那或许是此书 一百年前的拥有者所写的吧!除此之外,书中再无笔迹。 我喜欢把那位书的曾经拥有者想象成和我一样的穷学者, 虽然穷却获得此书。也许他靠血汗才购得此书,却依然如 我一样享受读书之乐趣,即使我无法轻易确定此中有多少 乐趣。
对照译文:我的成打成打的书都是用了该花在生 活必需品上的钱买来的。不止次我站在书摊,或 是书店的橱窗前,经受精神需要和物质需要的冲 突的折磨。 参考译文:鄙人 鄙人所购的许多书籍,所用之款 之款本应 鄙人 之款 用于所谓生活必需品。我时常留连于书摊前或是 书店的橱窗前,在心智渴念 口腹之欲 心智渴念与口腹之欲 心智渴念 口腹之欲的矛盾中 受尽煎熬。 鄙人勾起读者时代联想Association of age, 百年旧 鄙人
散文翻译原则: 散文翻译原则:
1、文气贯通,气韵生动 、文气贯通 气韵生动 英国散文翻译家Hilaire Belloc 为文学散文翻译制 定了6 条原则,认为翻译的本质是异地之魂假借 异地之魂假借 本地之躯的复活(the essence of translating is 本地之躯的复活 the resurrection of an alien thing in a native body) ,强调散文的翻译不能拘泥于原文之字句, 要视段落或部分为整体。翻译要“以意译意 ( translate intention by intention) ”,以意译意”与 林语堂提倡的翻译要“翻译要遵循行文之心理” 是高度一致的,这样可以摆脱原文字句的束缚,有 利于发挥译入语的优势。
In this Tibullus I found penciled on the last page: “Perlegi ,Oct. 4, 1792,” who was that possessor of the book, nearly a hundred years ago? There was no other inscription. I like to imagine some poor scholar, poor and eager as I myself, who bought the volume with drops of his blood, and enjoyed the reading of it even as I did. How much that was I could not easily say.
对照译文:但我不敢希望这本《狄巴拉斯诗选》是否能等 到明天而不被买走,而这小笔价钱有很适合我。我往返于 人行道上,手指拨弄着口袋里的铜子,眼睛盯着那本书摊, 两种欲望在体内疯狂地交织。终于我买下了它,带它一起 回家。我边准备晚餐,面包黄油,边心满意足地翻看着书 页。 参考译文:然而,我岂敢奢望《狄巴拉斯诗选》会等我到 明日,而谁知明日又会不会恰有一笔菲薄的收入落入囊中 解我渴书之念。我踯躅于人行道上,手指拨弄着口袋中的 铜币,双眼盯视着书摊上的书籍。两种诱惑,一并袭来, 在我内心一决高下。书,买下了,我携之回家。边吃着黄 油面包的午餐,边忘情地徜徉于字里行间。 原文书痴形象传神,高雅文体特点突出。译文既绘形,有 传神。