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决出1名 “最炫魔 南 (瓜)” ; 1名“超酷 魔南 (瓜)”;
Biblioteka Baidu
3名“鼓励 魔南 (瓜)”
1、先挖顶,把南瓜的顶削一个“盖子”下来,注意要保证“盖子”的完整 性,因为以后还要盖回去当帽子用的。盖子宜太大,太大不好看,也不宜 太小,太小不好掏里面的东西。2、再挖空里面的南瓜籽,将南瓜籽丢在小 脸盆里,注意不要随手丢在大南瓜旁边,容易弄脏南瓜的外皮,看起来不 干净。3、后画轮廓,用小刀轻轻地在大南瓜上划出眼睛、鼻子(可选)和 嘴巴的轮廓。注意,要先把南瓜放正了,找准位置后再刻,最后刻出来要 像一张脸。4、再雕空,用小刀按画好的轮廓对南瓜的脸进行雕刻,把眼、 鼻、口的部位雕空。5、用铁勺子挖肉(可选),因为南瓜都比较重,所以, 如果嫌南瓜太重的话,可以准备一个铁勺子,将南瓜里面的肉挖一挖,包 括南瓜顶上的“帽子”,这样可以减轻南瓜的分量,但要注意不可挖过头, 不然南瓜的壁太薄了,也容易破裂。6、最后放个小蜡烛进去,南瓜灯就制 作完毕了。当然,大白天的用不着这个步骤,只有到晚上才需要用。注意, 这种蜡烛必须是那种非常矮的,外面有铁皮包着的那种,这样不会把南瓜 烧坏。
The practice of carving jack o'lanterns actually originated in Ireland hundreds of years ago, but they were not the carved pumpkins commonly used today; the original jack o'lanterns were carved from large turnips or potatoes. When Irish immigrants arrived in America they brought the jack o'lantern tradition with them, but soon discovered that the American pumpkin was larger and easier to carve, and a new Halloween tradition was born.
007 由开始一人发音“zero”随声任指一人, 那人随即亦发音“zero”,再任指另外一人, 第三个人则发音“seven”,随声用手指作开 枪状任指一人,“中枪”者不发音不作任何 动作,但“中枪”者旁边左右两人则要发 “啊”的声音,而扬手作投降状。--出错者 饮!
Now please be attention.
The history of Jack o‘lanterns
Jack o'lanterns have been a part of Halloween celebrations for centuries, and each year on October 31, doorsteps and windows across the United States are still illuminated with glowing carved pumpkins. Pumpkin carving designs can range from simple to intricate and from silly to spooky, and even historical.
Trick or treat
Trick-or-treating is a customary practice for children on Halloween seen in many countries. Children in costumes, either in large groups or accompanied by an adult, travel from house to house in order to ask for treats such as candy(or, in some cultures, money) with the question "Trick or treat?". The "trick" is a (usually idle) threat to perform mischief on the homeowners or their property if no treat is given.
Introduction of Halloween
Halloween is an annual holiday celebrated on October 31. It has roots in the Celtic festival of Samhain and the Christian holy day of All Saints. It is largely a secular celebration but some have expressed strong feelings about perceived religious overtones. The day is often associated with the colors black and orange, and is strongly associated with symbols like the jack-o'-lantern. Halloween activities include trick-ortreating, wearing costumes and attending costume parties, ghost tours, bonfires, visiting haunted attractions, pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.
Bobbing for apples
You can't have a Halloween party without playing this classic game! It's easy - all you have to do is float apples in a large tub filled with warm water. The object of the game is to grab an apple in your mouth without using your hands. To make things even more challenging, try removing the stems from the apples. Happy bobbing!