
He witnessed ①the sixth②postwar③ ecnomic crisis ④of serious consequence ⑤in the USA. 这三个县经历了①那场②中国③七十年 代④第四次⑤极为严重的⑥遍及数省的⑦ 自然灾害.
二断句译法 It is certain that man will eventually solve the riddle of UFO.(拆开名词从句) Three rains has passed and it was that lean season when the villages store of grain and other dried foods from the last harvest as almost gone. (拆开定语从句) Afer singing a concert in the city, he said he wanted to greet his admirers.(拆开壮语从句)
他每天都要处理很多棘手的问题. He has many hot potatoes to handle everyday. 他新雇来的用人懒得出奇,饭量倒很大,真是个无用而累赘的 东西. His new emplyed servant was lazy and eats a lot,no more than a white elephant. 这个男孩真粗心,他的书已经折角了. The boy is too careless,all the books are dog -eared. 你不要过早乐观. Don’t count the chikens before they are hatched.
考研英语翻译第四章 翻译方法与技巧(句法)

一.分句法1、将原文中的一个单词译成句子1)They, not surprisingly, did not respond at all.他们根本没有答复,这是不足为奇的。
(将一个副词译为一个句子)2)That region was the most identifiable trouble spot.那地区是个麻烦的地方,这是大家最容易看得出的。
(将一个形容词译为一句子)2、将原文中一个短语译成句子1)Sunrays filtered in wherever they could, driving out darkness, and choking the shadows.阳光射入了它能透过的几乎所有地方,赶走了黑暗,驱散了阴影。
(将一个名词语译为一个句子)3、将一个句子拆开译成两个或两个以上句子His failure to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accident to the machinery.因为他没有遵守安全规则,机器出了故障。
(将一个句子译为一个主句和一个从句)二、合句法1、将原文中两个或两个以上的简单句译成一个单句His father had a small business in the city of Pisa. This city is in the north and near the sea.他的父亲在意大利北部近海的比萨做小生意。
(将两个单句译为一个单句)2、将原文中的主从复合句译成一个单句When I negotiate, I get nervous. When I get nervous, I eat.我在谈判时总是有些紧张。

3.1 分句译法
• 分句译法又称之“拆句法”。就是把英语中较长的句 子译成汉语中较短的句子。
• 从结构上看:英语的句子好比参天大树,枝叶横生; 而汉语的句子则如万顷碧波,层层推进。
• 在下列两种情况下宜于使用分句法: • (1) 原文句子虽不长,但照直译时所得的译文很别
扭,不拆便读不 顺口或容易发生误解。一般将一些单 词或短语译成独立的句子。 • (2) 原文句子冗长,特别是那些曲折迂回,层见跌 出的一大串文字。一般将从句分译成汉语的单句。
• 4. He shook his head and his eyes were wide, then narrowed in indignation.
• 他摇了摇头,两目睁得圆圆的,接着又眯成一条线,脸 上露出了愤怒的神色。
3.1.2 将词组或短语译成汉语的句子
• 1.I wrote four books in the first three years, a record never touched before.
• 由于受到顽强抵抗,吹嘘能在几个小时内就占领要地的敌人甚 至还没有能占领外围地带,这一事实使我增强了信心。
指代它,与主句的其他 成分连句成文。
got to know the real people of Egypt.
• 英国人在埃及呆了那么多
4. It’s quite probable that he is gone.(他已经走了,有那一是条很举可世能的公。)
3.3.1 切断法(顺序法)
• 所谓切断法,就是按英语句子的语序把英语长句“化整为零”, 按意群将长句断开译成若干汉语分句。如:

• Measures have been taken to prevent the epidemic from spreading quickly. • 已经采取了措施来防止这种流行病迅速蔓延。 • Water can be shown as containing impurities. • 可以证明,水含有杂质。 • The unpleasant noise must be immediately put an end. • 必须全部停止这种讨厌的噪声。
• I finished my task just now. • My task was finished just now (by me).
• The farmers plant many apple trees there. • Many apple trees are planted there (by the farmers).
• 使用“被、受、遭、让、给、由、把、得到、受到、加以、得以、 为...所、由...来”等等。 • The minister was found to have appropriated government money. • 部长被发现挪用公款。 • He had been fired for refusing to obey orders from the head office. • 他因拒绝接受总公司的命令而被解雇了。 • The schoolboy was knocked down by a minibus when crossing the street. • 那名男生在穿过街道时让一辆小公共汽车撞倒了。 • He was praised by his teacher. • 他得到了老师的表扬。 • Problems should be resolved in good time. • 问题应及时加以解决。

As relations between China and Australia develop, the continuing importance of expanding trade will be balanced by the development of close contact over a broad range of political issues. 随着中澳关系的发展,扩大贸易仍将是重要的, 相应地还要在一系列广泛的政治问题上展开密切 的联系。 注:译者恰当地把英语动词balance译成 “相应 地”,同时,把主句译成汉语的并列句。
第三部分 句法翻译
一、换序译法 二、断句译法 三、转句译法 四、合句译法 五、缩句译法 六、转态译法 七、正反译法
4) 发生了这样的事不是你的错。It’s not your fault that this has happened. (×That this has happened is not your fault. 这样翻译过于正规,在 文体上与原文不符。)(主语从句换序) 5) 她每天早上教我们学法语。She teaches us French every morning. (×She every morning teaches us French.)(状语换序) 6) 一直在一旁观看的小学生们开始鼓起掌来。The pupils that had been watching started to applaud. (×The always watching pupils started to applaud.)(定语从shing thunderstorm, with thick rain hissing down from skies black as night, stopped Victor Henry from leaving the White House. (Herman Wouk: The Winds of War) 轰隆几声雷响, 从漆黑的天空哗啦啦下起大雨来。维克多· 亨利无法离开 白宫。(主语转句) 2) After an hour, the trail took them by a low, spreading tree strung thickly with beads. (Alex Haley, Roots) 走了一个时辰光景,他们走到了一棵矮 矮的枝繁叶茂的树旁,树上密密麻麻地挂满了念珠。(定 语转句) 3) I tried vainly to put the pieces together. (Helen Keller: The Story of My Life) 我想把这些碎 片拼在一起,可是拼不起来。(状语转句)

句法翻译法第一节名词性从句的翻译一、主语从句1、以what, whatever, whether, when, where, how, why等引导的主语从句,在翻译的时候,一般可以按照英语原文顺序来翻译。
(举例)What he told me was only liesWhen we can begin the journey is still a question.2、用it作形式主语的主语从句,可以把主语从句放到汉语句子的最前面翻译。
为了强调,it一般可以译出来, 翻译成“这”;如果不需要强调,it也可以不译出来, (但一定要采取颠倒语序倒着翻译!!!)(举例)It doesn’t make much difference whether he attends the meeting or not.It seemed unbelievable that the pilot could have survived the crash.题二、宾语从句1.用that, what, how, when, which, why, whether, if等引导的宾语从句,在翻译成汉语的时候,一般不需要改变它在原句中的顺序。
(举例)I told him that because of the last condition, I’d have to turn it down.Can you hear what I say?I don’t know that he swam across the river.I don’t know how he swam across the river.He has informed me when they are to discuss my proposal.2.用it作形式宾语的句子,在翻译的时候,that所引导的宾语从句一般可以按英语原文的顺序来翻译;it有时候可以不用翻译。
英汉互译第四单元 句法翻译(学生补充练习2)

第四单元句法翻译1. Nixon was greatly impressed by Stassen’s firm handshake.2. After an hour, the trail took them by a low, spreading tree strung thickly with beads. (Alex Haley: Roots)3. He had a sound feeling that idiom was the backbone of a language and he was all for the racy phrases.4. I tried vainly to put the pieces together. (Helen Keller: The Story of My Life)5. “It’s very bad, madam, obviously.” (Herman Wouk: The Winds of War)1. Darkness fell. // An explosion shook the earth. // It did not shake his will to go to the front.2. She is very busy at home. // She has to take care of the children and do the kitchen work.3. 袭人之母也早迎了出来。
// 袭人拉了宝玉进去。
(曹雪芹:《红楼梦》,第十九回)4. 笛声止了。
(巴金:《家》)5. 讲动武,祥子不能打个老人,也不能打个姑娘。
(老舍:《骆驼祥子》)1. It was April 1945. The Second World War was coming to an end.2. She went back home to take care of her husband. He was seriously ill.3. Her father became the mayor of the city. He was a murderer in the Second World War.4.黛玉又忙倒茶,一面又使眼色与宝玉。

More apartments will be built here.2)去年发现了一种稀有元素。
A rare element was found last year.2.表示要求、规定的无主句。
Wrongs must be corrected when they are discovered.4)本剧场内禁止吸烟。
Smoking is prohibited in this theater.(二)用there be句型,或是it 做形式主语+be +to, it is + past participle +that….等结构1.你忘了一句古话了吗:学到老,活到老。
(周而复《上海的早晨》)You’re forgetting the old saying: one is never too old to learn. In any case, you are not old at all.2.总之,有两点需要考虑。
In short, there are two aspects have to be considered.(三)用倒装语序1.在游廊的最左端,靠近一道门,却坐着一位将近三十岁的男子。
(矛盾《子夜》)Close by a door at the extreme left of the corridor sat a man of about thirty.(四)用祈使句。
1.中国共产党万岁!Long live the Chinese Communist Party.2.此处禁止停车No Parking(五)用适当的名词或代词补出主语1.没有受过恋爱洗礼的人生,不能算是真正的人生。

三)句子英译汉时抽象译法的译例 I was practically on my knees but he still refused. He earns scarcely enough to keep body and soul together. I have no head for music. Please don‟t wake a sleeping dog. Man for the field and woman for the hearth; Man for the sword and for the needle she. Man with the head and woman with the heart; Man to command and woman to obey. (Tennyson)
has a good heart. He has a bad heart. (heart attack) 亡羊补牢 -----未为晚也 Shut the stable door after the horse has bolted (/has been stolen).-------无补于事
All the people were exasperated by his fault-finding. 大家都被他那种吹毛 求疵的做法激怒了。 We were all greatly moved by his loftiness. 我们都被他那种崇高品质所深 深打动。 There had been too much violence in that region. 那个地区发生了许多暴 力事件。
Lecture 6 句法翻译1

English College
Try to translate the following sentences: 今天食堂吃饺子。
2011-5-4 5 English College
到底 “谁” 吃“谁”?! 这种紊乱的施事(Agent Agent)与受事(Object Object)关系在 Agent Object 英语中简直是离经叛道,却在汉语里显得那么自然。 (今天食堂有 Jiaozi are served in the canteen today. ( 饺子吃) ) Eat with chopsticks if you can’t (do it well) with a fork. ( (用叉子吃不好就用筷子吃吧) ) The food served in the canteen doesn’t taste (在食堂吃的饭菜味道不好) good. ( ) 英语上述各句中的“吃”都隐含有逻辑主语(即施事 者)“人”,而原文句中的主语功能都变成了施事的 方式或场所。 2011-5-4 6 English College
2011-5-4 14 English College
2).问遍千家成行家。 Learn from numerous advisers , and you will become a master.
English College
2.汉语的散点思维 2. 他有个女儿,在北京工作,已经打电话去了,听说明天就能回来。 , , , Version A :His daughter works in Beijing has been called, His and she would come back tomorrow. B:He Version B He has a daughter, working in Peking, who we have given a call and we hear of that she will come back tomorrow. 汉语句子变换了主语,并将其省略。补出主语后句子是这样的: 他有个女儿,(她)在北京工作,(有人)已经打电话去了,( 人们)听说(她)明天就能回来。 可以看出两例的译文基本没有摆脱原文形式的束缚,主语选择不 符合英语表达习惯。 It is heard of that his daughter who works in Beijing will come back tomorrow. 2011-5-4 16 English College

Whoever you admire most in your heart, don't have to become that person, but use that person's spirit and methods to become yourself.精品模板助您成功!(页眉可删)英汉句法翻译技巧学习英语翻译的同学们,大家在学习笔译中,一定要注意英汉语法的技巧,以下是英汉句法翻译技巧,一起来学习吧!常用英汉翻译技巧【1】英汉两种语言在句法、词汇、修辞等方面均存在着很大的差异,因此在进行英汉互译时必然会遇到很多困难,需要有一定的翻译技巧作指导。
汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语态或"There be…"结构来翻译以外,一般都要根据语境补出主语,使句子完整。
第六章1 句法翻译,长句翻译

英语属于“主语——谓语”结构框架的语法性语言, 除了主语和谓语这两大主干外,句子中许多有关成分 通过各种表示关系和连接手段直接或间接地粘连在主 谓结构的周围,这就使得英语句子显得繁复冗长,但 语法将这一繁复的结构联系在一起,使整个句子不至 流散。刘宓庆指出:“英语句子都有一个严格的SV提 挈结构”(刘宓庆,1992 :59)
因此,无论语句多长,结构多复杂,我们都可以先从 句子的核心即主谓入手,对句子进行第一层剖析,找 出主干,以统领大意;然后再运用形态手段,围绕主 谓结构对语句的其它成分逐层分析,逐层理解。
一般来说, 造成长句的原因有三方面: (1) 修饰语过多;(2) 并列成 分多; (3)语言结构层次多。 在分析长句时可以采用下面的方法:
例1 :他在饭桌上很仔细地打开红布小包,又打开一层写 过的纸,取出那些七凑八拼才凑起来的人民币来,拿出一 张五分票,付了汤面钱。 此句由五个分句组成,贯穿这五个分句的线即“他付汤面 钱”所涉及的一系列动作的先后顺序。
例2 :这是一本好书,它能引人深思,催人猛醒,催人进 取。 例2不像例1有事情发生的动作先后,但句中四个分句在内 在事理上层层递进,意义上逐步加深。贯穿着四个分句的 就是事理间内在的逻辑。
① 找出全句的主语、谓语和宾语, 从整体上把握句子的结构。 ② 找出句中所有的谓语结构、非谓语动词、介词短语和从句的引导 词。 ③ 分析从句和短语的功能, 例如, 是否为主语从句, 宾语从句, 表
等等。 ④ 分析词、短语和从句之间的相互关系, 例如, 定语从句所修饰的 先行词是哪一个等。 ⑤ 注意插入语等其他成分。 ⑥ 注意分析句子中是否有固定词组或固定搭配。

W h t e t o lr nt emid t u e eh r’ sn b e n s f r i i h o
T esig n  ̄o f u r g o s 0 u e h l sa d a ws ta e u n n . n oo f
Or o tk l s g i s as ao o be , ega a n t f r u ls t a n a e t
他过 去 是 工 人 , 在 当 了 工 程师 了 。 ( 现 同位 语 换 序 ) 上 面 两 个 例 句 主 要 是 对 较 简 单 的 句 子 的语 法 成 分 在 词 序 上 的调 整 , 涉 部 分 都 在 一 两个 。 面 我们 再 来 看 ~个 较 为 复 牵 下 杂 的换 序 译 法 :
关 键 词 :英语 翻 译
句 法翻 译
技 巧
今天 , 们 国家 空 前 团 结 。 ( 装 句换 序 ) 我 倒
( ) omel ok r i ef h sn wa n ie r 2 F r ryaw r e msl, ewa o ne gn e. h
翻译 不 仅是 一种 语 言 活 动 , 还是 一 门艺 术 , 语 言艺 术 的 是 再 创 作 。 在 翻译 过 程 中 , 翻译 既 要 忠 实 于 原 文 , 又要 按 照 译 文
H ie e ①t x @ps w r ) —a (e nmc r i④o wn s eih t  ̄c s
sr u osq ec e oscneun e⑤ t t rvid i vr u id i h eae n a osf ls⑥ i e ap l i e nt h
An y o p sn n e d b p o ig e d t m? ” h

In no way can the contract be put to an immediate end.
无法立即终止合同。 The plan for removing the barrier lake(堰塞湖) has been approved, and a flood relief channel (泄流槽), measuring 5 meters wide and 8 meters deep, will be excavated on the top of the barrier. 清除堰塞湖的计划已经得到审批,将在堰塞体顶部开凿一个宽5 米、深8米的泄流槽。
An acceptance (承诺)may be withdrawn. The withdrawl notice of the acceptance shall reach the offeror(要约人) before or at the same time as the acceptance notice (承诺通 知)reaches the offeror.
被动句式(1):译成汉语的主动式 ⑥ 以it为形式主语的被动句的翻译 有些以it为形式主语的英语被动式句子,在翻译成汉语的 时候常要改变成主动形式。译文有时不用加主语,有时则 需要加入一些不确定的主语,比如:“大家、有人、人们、 我们”等,或者将其处理成独立句。例如: It was rumored that Dec. 31 of 2012 would be the world’s doomed day
Passengers are requested to line up to get on board. 乘客请排队上车(船)。
Greece was offered financial support from other EU member nations.

Lecture 7I.Inverted translation (换序译法)左右right and left 高矮short and tall 文艺art and literature 贫富rich and poor手疾眼快quick of eye and deft of hand 软硬hard and soft1. 他认真热情,一字不漏地记下了所说的话。
(谓语&状语进行调整)Conscientious and eager, he put down what was said, careful not to miss a word.2. 他们乐观、能干、热情,总是想方设法使你一路上顺利舒适。
Optimistic, able and hospitable/warm-hearted, they always try every possible means to make your journey smooth and comfortable.3. 从他们走上祖国土地的时刻起,他们就受到同胞们热情接待。
(从…起—定语从句)Since/from the moment they set foot on their motherland, they will warmly received by their compatriots.4. 她,一个瘦弱多病的女孩子,以她坚强的毅力写出了一部部催人奋进的小说。
A thin and weak girl susceptible/vulnerable to diseases, she wrote one aspiring novel after another with strong will.5. 我们为顾全大局在第三方的调停下开诚布公地多次强烈要求贵方赔偿我们的一切损失。
(在…下:外围结构—独立结构;为的是…:目的—不定式) with the third party acting as an intermediary, to take the interests of the whole into account, we strongly demanded with frankness and sincerity many times that you should compensate allour losses.6. 环境好,图书设备充足,有良师益友指导启发,当然有很大的帮助,但是具备了这些条件,也不一定能保证一个人在学问上就有成就。


12 她光着脚 光着脚走进了房间。 光着脚
12 She came into the room with no shoes on.
13 那个房间的窗户总是关着的 总是关着的。 总是关着的
13 The windows of that room were never open.
14 这个小孩现在完全能自己 完全能自己走路了。 完全能自己
17 他提前三天达到是我们没想到的 是我们没想到的。 是我们没想到的
17 His arrival three days in advance is beyond our expectation.
18 请勿大声喧哗。
18 Keep quiet.
19 还没到家,她就激动得不得了。 就
19 She got extremely excited before she reached her home.
20 毋庸置疑 毋庸置疑,中国的航天工业在过去的四十年 中取得了辉煌的成就。
20 It is beyond doubt that China has made brilliant achievements in aviation and space industry in the last forty years.
※注意事项: 在进行正反译法时,我们一定要注意正说与 反说之间的语体变化。如正说“禁止张贴” 以及“Posters Forbidden” Posters Forbidden”较正规,而反说 “不许张贴”及“No posters, please”较口语 化。 正说“的的确确”及“indeed”较为口语化, 而反说“毋庸置疑”以及“It is beyond doubt that”则较为正规。

一、正反翻译:(反说:含否定词; 正说:不含否定词)●That’s a thing that might happen to any man. 这种事情谁也难免。
●Private. 闲人莫入。
●Keep upright. 切勿倒置。
●Urban clearway. 市区通道,不准停车。
●Keep off the lawn!请勿践踏草地!●He was the last man to say such things.译文:他绝不会说这样的话。
●I couldn’t agree more with you.译文:我完全同意你的看法。
译文:Law is no respecter of persons.(一)反说正译●All man between 18 and 45 without exception are expected to servein the army during the war. 战时凡年在18至45之间的男子应一律服兵役。
●No deposit will be refunded unless ticket produced.凭票退换押金。
(二)正说反译●I have fallen behind with my correspondence. 我有一些信件没有及时答复。
●The plane cracked up through a bad landing.飞机因着陆不慎而坠毁。
译文1:In the United States, everyone can buy a gun.译文2:In the United States, guns are available to everyone.●The darkness was thinning, but they were still in bed.天渐渐有些亮了,但他们还在睡觉。

• 2.He gave up all the hope when the appearance of a distant sail Raised his hope of rescue.(他绝望了,正在此时,他 见到远方的帆影,有了绝处逢生的希望。)
• 3.Air resistance must be given careful consideration when the aircraft is to be manufactured.(要制造飞机,就必须仔细 考虑空气阻力问题。) • 4.My holiday afternoons were spent in ramble about the surrounding country.(每 逢假日的下午,我总要漫游周围的乡村。)
• 2.Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century,because nowhere in nature is it found free,owing to its always being combined with other elements,most commonly with oxygen,for which it has a strong affinity. • 【译文】铝总是跟其它元素结合在一起,最普遍 的是跟氧结合,因为铝跟氧有很强的亲和力。由 于这个原因,在自然界找不到游离状态的铝。因 而铝直到19世纪才被人发现。 • 【评析】原文的“Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century"这一主 要信息译成汉语时被后置,同时汉语中原因往往 在结果之前,而英文中则相对较随意。翻译时需 要灵活处理。
• 一、英语重形合,汉语重意合 • 英汉两种语言,一个重形合,一个重意合,使 得两种语言各有千秋。英语重形合,句法结构严 谨,表词达意强调准确;汉语重意合,句法结构 松散,用词需要担负表达意思的作用,当然汉语 也会因此而显得灵活。相反,英语往往一览无余, 不像汉语把意思蕴藏在字里行间。英汉翻译时可 能会犯的错误就是将形合的特点迁移到重意合的 汉语中,是译文充斥太多的英语句法结构,我们 在努力“忠实原文”的基础上还必须牢记译文应 该有的汉语语言特征。
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6,SVA I live in Wuhan. He will be flying to Shanghai. 7,svoA He put the salt on the table. He treated her vilely
Category II contains only four items,/ and I shall say no more about them/ except that, (since they are under consideration), we shall not let the grass grow under feet, / but attempt, (as early as possible), to arrive at a common understanding/ in the interest of humanity. 第二类只包括四个项目,\ 我不想多说,\ 除了, (因为它们都已在审议之中,)我们应该不失时机, \但是力图尽快取得共识,\ 为了人类的利益。 第二类只包括四个项目,而且都已在审议之中。为 了人类的利益,我们应该不失时机,力图尽快取得共 识。除此之外,别的我不想多说了。
例3. (1)The Prime Minister stepped off the plane. (2)Journalists immediately surrounded her. (3)She was immediately surrounded by journalists. 讲英语国家的人会选择(1)与(3)连接,因为(3) 中的She与上句的The PrimeMinister是同一 主位,在(3)中是已知的信息。如果与(2)连接, 两个句子的出发点转换就不自然,当读者头脑 里建立起Prime Minister是谈话的中心时候, 突然第二个分句的话题变成了journalists.
9)选择句(或者….或者…,不是….就是…., 要么….要么…., 是….还是….) 3. 转折类复句 10)突转句(但是, 可是,然而,只是) 11)让步句(虽然…..但是….,即使….也…, 无论….都…., 宁可…也…) 12)假转句(….否则…, ….要不然….)
1, Sv Eg. Iron rusts. The guests have arrived. 2, Svo Eg. Liverpool won the game. 3,SVC Eg. She is in good health. The flowers smell fragrant. 4,SvoO间接直接 Dovid showed me the way. Mary lent me her car. 5,SVOC 主谓+宾语+宾补 The director appointed him sales manager. Wealth makes many people selfish.
例1.经过大修的十公里长的离宫墙,依山就势,蜿蜒曲 折,犹如万里长城的缩影,游客看后赞叹不已。 The mountain resort is enclosed by a recently renovated wall about 10 kilometers long, which rises and falls, twists and turns with mountain ridges like the miniature of the Great Wall. It is widely acclaimed by the tourists.(齐乃政,2003:276) 原文中的话题是整个语段“旅游避暑胜地——承德” 中的“离宫墙”,而句段最后分句的主位是“游客”, 但是这并不妨碍我们理解整个语段的话题,但是,如果 按照其次序译出来的话就不行。而译文的主位It与前 面句子主位一致。这一手段是英语写作中通常遵循 的一项篇章结构组织原则。(MicCrimmon,1976:378-380)
意合与形合 形合hypotaxis,指语言中的词与词,句与句的 结合主要凭借词形变化,关系词、连接词等显 性手段。 意合 parataxis,指语言中的词与词,句与句 parataxis 的结合主要依靠语义上的关系和联想达成,这 种结合在外部形态上没有明显的标志,交际双 方根据语境和语感对语句作出正确的解码。
4,译成复合结构的英语句子 冬天,在四周围都是山地的这里,看见太阳 的日子真是太少了。今天,难得雾这பைடு நூலகம்稀薄, 空中融融地混合着金黄的阳光,把地上的一 切,好像也照上一层欢笑的颜色。 In winter, sunny days were scarce here, as it was surrounded by hills all around. Today, however, the fog was wonderfully thin and the air was filtered through with golden sunlight that tinted everything on the ground with a joyful hue.
我们的事业从胜利走向胜利。 Our cause has won victory one after another. .(X) We have won one victory after another for our cause 汉字在历史上有过不可磨灭的功绩。 Chinese characters have made indelible contributions in history. .(X) The system of Chinese characters has played an invaluabe role in our history 宗教不得干预政治。 Religion must not interfere with politics. .(X) It is impermissible to interfere with politics in the name of religion.
意合与形合在汉英翻译中的操作 1译成带从句的英语句子 她们妯娌吵嘴,不巧被我撞见了。 I chanced to be present when the sisters-in-law were having a quarrel. 2,译成带介词短语的英语句子 好不容易才说服她,照我的想法办. With some difficulty I brought her round to my way of thinking. 3,译成带分词或不定式的英语句子 只见那个理发师俯下身,听那小姑娘说,她要什么发式。 Leaning down to hear the little girl, the barber listened to her about the style she wanted.
1,因果类复句 , 1)因果句(因为…所以…,越…越…,) 2)推断句(既然…那么、就…,可见….,与其…不如….) 3)假设句(如果…那么,就…, 要不是…就…,如果说… 那么….) 4 4)条件句(只有…才…, 只要…就…,除非…才…) … … … … … … 5)目的句(…以便…, ….以免….) 2,并列类复句 , 6)并列句(既…也…,又…又….,一边….一边….,一方 面…另一方面…,不是….而是…) 7)连贯句(….接着….,….然后….) 8)递进句(不但….而且…, 不仅…就连…,不但….反 而…., 固然….更…..)
主语本质上是语法化了的话题 相比之下,在语法方面,英语选择了主语,汉语选了话题, 以及“把”字结构和“被”字结构。 “典型的主语既是主题也是施事。”(Comrie 1981) 英语是主谓结构(subject-predicate structure)的语言。中国语 言学家赵元任(Chao,1968:69)指出:“汉语句子中主语和谓语的 语法意义是主题(topic)和述题(comment),而不是动作者(actor) 和动作(action)。”Li和Thompson (1975)在其Subject and Topic一书中提出:“语言有四种基本类型:1)注重主语(Subjectprominent)的语言;2)注重主题(Topic-prominent)的语言;3)主 语和主题都注重的语言;4)主语与主题都不注重的语言。”他 提出英语属于注重主语(简称SP)的语言,而汉语则属于注重主 题(简称TP)的语言。话题(topic),又称主题。
中国社会主义建设的航船将乘风破浪地驶向现代化 的光辉彼岸。 The ship of China’s socialist construction will brave the wind and waves and sail to the glorious destination of modernization.(X) China will stride forward in building socialism, like a ship braving the wind and the waves, towards the glorious destination of modernization. 世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。 At the turn of the century, China’s diplomacy is more active. .(X) The turn of the cntury finds Cina most active on the diplomatic area.
①我常见许多青年的朋友,②聪明用功,③成绩优 异,④而语文程度不足以表达,⑤甚至写一封信亦 难得通顺,⑥问其故则曰其兴趣不在语文方面。 (梁实秋《学问与趣味》) ① I have come across a great many young friends,②bright and diligent, ③do exceedingly well in studies, ④but they are rather weak in Chinese, ⑤even can’t write a smooth Chinese letter. ⑥When asked why, they’ll say they are not interested in Chinese. I have come across a great many bright and diligent young friends who have sone exceedingly well in heir studies, but are rather weak in Chinese. They cannot even write a letter in corret Chinese. When I asked them why, they said they were not interested in the Chinese language.