
此电路包括转子位子检测器,温度补偿基准,锯齿波振荡器,三个集电极开路的高速驱动器,和三个高电流的图腾柱低速驱动器,适用于驱动功率MOSFET 管。
DIP-24SOP-24• 10 ~ 30 V 工作电压 • 欠电压锁定• 6.25 V 基准传感器工作电源 • 闭环伺服应用中的误差放大器• 高电流驱动,可控制外部三相MOSFET 电桥• 周期接周期限流控制 • 管脚输出的电流感应基准 • 内部过热保护电路• 60°/300°或120°/240°传感器相位可选 • 通过外部MOSFET 电桥可有效控制产品归类产品型号工作温度封装MC33035DW SOP–24 MC33035PTA =-40° to +85°CDIP-24管脚连接低速驱动输出传感器输入/PWN 输入°选择典型原理图此器件包含了285个有效的晶体管。
极限参数参数符号范围单位电源电压VCC 40 V数字输入(管脚3, 4, 5, 6, 22, 23) – VrefV 振荡器输入电流(源电流或陷电流)IOSC 30 mA 误差放大器输入电压范围(管脚 11, 12,注1)VIR –0.3 ~ Vref V误差放大器输出电流(源电流或陷电流,注2)IOut 10 mA 电流检测输入电压(管脚9,15)VSense –0.3~5.0V故障输出电压VCE(Fault) 20 V故障输出陷电流ISink(Fault) 20 mA高速驱动电压(管脚1, 2, 24) VCE(top) 40 V高速驱动陷电流(管脚1, 2, 24) ISink(top) 50 mA低速驱动工作电压(管脚 18) VC 30V 低速驱动输出电流(源电流或陷电流,管脚19, 20, 21)IDRV 100 mA 功率消耗和热特性DIP-24最大功耗@ TA = 85°C 过热电阻,结对空SOP-24最大功耗@ TA = 85°C 热敏电阻,结对空电阻PDRθJAPDRθJA86775650100mW°C/WmW°C/W工作结温TJ 150°C环境温度TA –40 ~ +85 °C贮存温度Tstg –65~+150°C电气特性(除非特别制定,否则VCC = VC = 20 V, RT = 4.7 k, CT = 10 nF, TA = 25°C)参数符号最小值典型值最大值单位基准部分基准输出电压(Iref = 1.0 mA) TA = 25°CTA = –40°~ +85°C Vref5.95.826.24–6.56.57V线路调整(VCC = 10~30 V, Iref = 1.0mA)Regline -- 1.5 30 mV负载调整(Iref = 1.0~20 mA) Regload -- 16 30 mV输出短路电流(注 3) ISC 40 75 – mA基准欠电压锁定阈值 Vth4.04.55.0V误差放大器输入偏移电压(TA = –40° ~ +85°C) VIO -- 0.4 10 mV输入偏移电流(TA = –40°∼+85°C) IIO -- 8.0 500 nA输入偏置电流(TA = –40° ~ +85°C) IIB -- -46 -1000 nA输入共模电压VICR (0 V ~ Vref) V开环电压增益(VO = 3.0 V, RL = 15 k) AVOL 70 80 -- dB输入共模抑制比 CMRR5586--dB 电源抑制比(VCC = VC = 10 to 30 V) PSRR 65 105 -- dB输出电压摆浮高电平状态(RL = 15 k to Gnd) 低电平状态(RL = 15 k to Vref)VOHVOL4.6–5.30.5–1.0V振荡单元振荡频率 fOSC222528kHz 频率随电压改变(VCC = 10~30 V) ∆fOSC/∆V – 0.01 5.0 %锯齿波峰值电压 VOSC(P)–4.14.5V锯齿波谷值电压 VOSC(V)1.21.5–V逻辑输入输入阈值电压(管脚3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 22, 23)高电平状态低电平状态VIHVIL3.0--2.21.7--0.8V传感器输入(管脚4, 5, 6)高电平输入电流(VIH = 5.0 V) 低电平输入电流(VIL = 0 V)IIHIIL-150-600-70-337-20-150µA前进/后退,60°/120°可选(管脚3, 22, 23)高电平输入电流(VIH = 5.0 V) IIHIIL-75-300-36-175-10-75µA低电平输入电流(VIL = 0 V)输出使能高电平状态输入电流(VIH = 5.0 V) 低电平状态输入电流VIL =0V IIHIIL-60-60-29-29-10-10µA限流比较仪阈值电压 Vth85101115mV 输入共模电压 VICR--3.0--V输入偏置电流 IIB---0.9-5.0µA输出和电源单元高速驱动输出饱和陷电压(Isink = 25 mA) -- 0.51.5 V高速驱动输出关闭状态漏电流(VCE = 30 V) -- 0.06100 µA高速驱动输出转换时间(CL = 47 pF, RL = 1.0 k)上升时间下降时间trtf––10726300300ns低速驱动输出电压高电平状态(VCC = 20 V, VC = 30 V, Isource = 50 mA)低电平状态(VCC =20V, VC = 30V, Isink = 50 mA) VOHVOL(VCC-2.0)--(VCC-1.1)1.5--2.0V故障输出饱和陷电压(Isink = 16 mA) VCE(sat) -- 225 500 mV 故障输出关闭状态漏电流(VCE = 20 V)IFLT(leak) -- 1.0 100 µA欠电压锁定驱动输出允许 (VCC 或VC 增加)滞后Vth(on)VH8.电源电流管脚17 (VCC = VC = 20 V)管脚17 ( VCC = 20 V, VC = 30 V) 管脚18 ( VCC = VC = 20 V)管脚18 (VCC = 20 V, VC = 30 V) ICCIC--------12143.55.01620 06.010mA注: 1.输入共模电压或输入信号电压不能低于-0.3V。

1. 定子(1)主磁极主磁极的作用是产生气隙磁场。

4、可以通过60°/ 120°选择引脚设置转子位置解码器,用于60°或120°的电机相位传感器输入。
兼容典型门限为2.2 V 的TTL电平输入。
通过管脚22(60°/120°选择输入)可以便利的完成A TE33035内部设置,能够控制60°、120°、240°和300°电相位传感器的电动机。

基于 MC33035 的电动自行车控制器设计——指导老师:林健
要按无刷直流电机调速机理进行脉宽调制处理。处理后的三相下桥 PWM 控制信 号(AB、BB、CB)及三相上桥控制信号(AT、BT、CT)经过驱动放大后,施加到逆变 器的六个开关管上, 使其产生出供电机正常运行所需的三相方波交流电流。 在控 制电机运转的过程,如有出现过流或欠压的情况,MC33035 就会控制电机停转, 来保护电机和电池。 计算过程: 【1.】发光二极管串阻值 R
Vcc Vd 5V 1.6V 170 I 20 10 3 A
给发光二极管供电采用 Vcc=5V,查阅资料,得到发光二极管的导通压降 Vd=1.6V,又可得发光二极管最大允许工作做电流 I=20mA, 故所需要串接的电阻 R 可由公式(1)求得,此处为保证安全,取 R=200 . 【2.】RC 时钟震荡电路
[keyword]: brushless DC motor;d control; drive circuit
南京工程学院自动化学院自动化 112——刘要直
基于 MC33035 的电动自行车控制器设计——指导老师:林健
永磁直流无刷电机是近年来迅速成熟起来的一种新型机电一体化电机。该电 机由定子、转子和转子位置检测元件霍尔传感器等组成,由于没有励磁装置,效率 高、结构简单、工作特性优良,而且具有体积更小、可靠性更高、控制更容易、 应用范围更广泛、制造维护更方便等优点,使无刷电机的研究具有重大意义。 本系统设计采用MOTOROLA公司MC33035无刷电机专用控制芯片实现无刷直流 电动车启动、调速、刹车控制,并实现保护功能。利用MC33035内部的转子位置 信号译码电路、温度补偿控制电路、频率外部调整的锯齿波发生器、PWM 调制放 大器、过流保护电路、欠压保护电路、芯片过热保护电路、输出驱动电路,外加 电源驱动电路设计无刷电机控制器。

Vc c Vc
l 4
l 5 l 6 l 7 l 8 1 2 21 9, 0,
2 2
具 有 温度 补偿 的 6 2 V内部 基 准 电源 ; .4 R 、 变锯齿 波 振荡 电路 ; Tc 可 脉 宽 调制 比较 器 ;
Ke od : r hesD oo; us i oua rP yw r sBu ls Cm t P l wd m d lt ( WM)Eet ncvl t s r e e o ; l r i e me r co o e
中图 分类 号 :M3 文献 标识 码 : 文章 编 号 :5 3— 75 2 0 )9—0 1 T 3 B 16 4 9 (0 2 0 0 4—0 3
欠压 、 过热保护 以及故障电平输出。
2 3 引脚 功 能 .
参 见 表 1 。
表 1 M 3 0 5的 引脚 功 能 C33
1, 2 2, 4
侧 半桥 输 出 P WM 对 电机进 行 调速 。
引 脚 符 号 与 功 能
B, , T AT CT
2 MC 3 3 30 5的功 能和组成
误 差放 大 器 ; 输 出驱 动 电路 ;
芯片供 电电源 (O I V一3 V) 0 给下桥驱动输 出提供 电源 ( O I V~3 V) 0 下桥三端驱动输 出 高电平选 择传感器相位差 6 。 0 ,低电平选 择传感器 相位差 10 2。 高 电平使 电机正常运行 , 低电平使电机制 动减 速
关键 词 : 无刷 直流 电机 ; 宽调 制 器 ; 脉 电子 测速 器

1 MC33035功能介绍MC33035是安森美公司推出的第二代无刷直流电机控制专用集成电路,主要组成部分包括转子位置传感器译码电路、带温度补偿的内部基准电源、频率可设定的锯齿波振荡器、误差放大器、脉宽调制(PWM)比较器、输出驱动电路、欠压封锁保护、芯片过热保护等故障输出电路和限流电路等。
SA、SB、SC为霍尔信号输入端,内部上拉20 kΩ电阻,外接霍尔传感器即可。
Fwd/Rew、Brake、Output Enable和60°/120°Select分别为方向、制动、使能和霍尔相位控制端口,内部上拉40 kΩ电阻,MCU控制端只要通过光耦或者三极管开漏接地即可进行控制。
2 基于MC33035的直流无刷电机控制驱动电路设计在本设计中主控制器以Freescale公司的基于PowerPC构架的32位处理器MPC5604P为例,MPC5604P控制端口通过比较器和MC33035接口,设计了基于MC33035直流无刷电机控制驱动电路。
传统的直流无刷电机控制驱动电路采用MPC5604P、预驱动IC和MOSFET 实现,其中包括电压泵即自举电路。
本设计是基于直流无刷电机控制芯片MC33035实现的,MC33035实现预驱动和电子自动换向功能,采用MC33035实现直流无刷电机的控制驱动电路,既简化了电路设计,同时也减轻了MPC5604P 的运算量。

它的工作原理可简析为:正常状下,接于引脚 10 的电阻 RT 与定 配的三相逆变器中高端功率开关器件选用三只达林顿晶体管
时电容 CT 决定了内部振荡器的振荡频率,在引脚 10 形成锯齿 (VT1、VT2、VT3),而低端功率开关器件选用三只功率 MOSFET
波,该锯齿波与从引脚 11 输入的经误差放大器放大或调节后的 (VF4、VF5、VF6)。应注意的是每个开关器件内部均带有续流二极
出的模型计算结果和投影结果增加或减少相关的投资,也可以 [3] 毛世平.技术效率理论及其测度方法[J].农业技术经济,1998
利用给出的方法,计算未讨论的投入、产出指标配置是否合理, (3):37- 41.
计算出合理的指标值,研究提高本企业技术效率的对策和措施, [4] 王丽,魏煜.企业效率研究方法比较[J].预测,1999(5):76- 79.
或闭环转速调节系统,现举例说明其应用。三相六状态全波电动 电压一样高,此时一旦突然制动,将产生两倍于电 (下转 12 页)
民营科技 2008 年第 10 期
角股钢丝绳,钢丝绳直径 Φ18mm,钢丝直径 Φ0.95mm,钢丝绳单 Φ1600mm 天轮,其直径也符合《金属非金属矿山安全规程》的要
900mm 的绞车在卷筒直径和宽度上都可满足需要。天轮采用
(上接 10 页) 动机正常电流的极大电流,这一点尤其应当注 意。
图 2 三相六步全波电机控制电路图 另一方面,转子位置检测信号还被送入 MC33039 经 F/V 转 换,得到一个频率与电机转速成正比的脉冲信号,该信号通过简 单的阻容网络滤波后形成转速反馈信号。利用 MC33035 中的误 差放大器可构成一个简单的 P 调节器,实现电机转速的闭环控


基于MC33035+MC33039的直流无刷电机速度闭环控制系统设计作者:应弋翔何嘉冰李沈崇史亦飞许宇翔来源:《科技创新与应用》2019年第24期摘; 要:文章详细介绍了Motorola公司的第二代直流无刷电机控制器专用芯片MC33035的基本原理,在分析了直流无刷电机的结构特点及应用现状后,设计了基于MC33035和MC33039及一些集成电路构成的小功率直流无刷电机的速度闭环控制系统,并进行了调试及试验,确认了其简单和优越的控制性能。
关键词:MC33035;MC33039;直流无刷电机;闭环控制中图分类号:TM359.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-2945(2019)24-0049-04Abstract: In this paper, the basic principle of MC33035, a special chip for the second generation brushless DC motor controller made by Motorola Company, is introduced in detail. After analyzing the structure characteristics and application status of the brushless DC motor, the speed closed loop control system of low power brushless DC motor based on MC33035, MC33039 andsome integrated circuits is designed, debugged and tested, and its simple and superior control performance is confirmed. In the process of design, the overtemperature protection of the motor is added, so as to make the brushless motor operate safely without fault in the actual working environment.Keywords: MC33035; MC33039; brushless DC motor; closed-loop control 引言近年來,我国中小型电机和特微电机行业迅速发展,其中直流无刷电机以其高效低噪等特点逐渐取代有刷电机,成为行业的一颗新星。

在驱动电路设计中,采用三相Y 联结全控电路,使用六支高速MOSFET开关管组成。
关键词:无刷直流电机;MC33035/33039;控制电路;驱动电路Design of control system for Brushless DC MotorsSUN GuanQun;SHI Ming;TONG LinYi;XU YiPingAbstract:It introduces the MOTORAL A company used for the characteristi cs of the chip MC33035 and MC3303 9 which control the brushless direc t current motor exclusively and its w ork principle. The system design divi良,而且具有体积更小、可靠性更高、控制更容易、应用范围更广泛、制造维护更方便等优点,使无刷电机的研究具有重大意义。
本设计采用无刷直流电机专用控制芯片MC33 035,它能够对霍尔传感器检测出的位置信号进行译码,它本身更具备过流、过热、欠压、正反转选择等辅助功能, 组成的系统所需外围电路简单,设计者不必因为采用分立元件组成庞大的模拟电路,使得系统的设计、调试相当复杂,而且要占用很大面积的电路板。


关键词:无刷直流电机控制 MC330351 概述MC33035无刷直流电机控制器采用双极性模拟工艺制造,可在任何恶劣的工业环境条件下保证高品质和高稳定性。
2 管脚排列及功能定义MC33035的管脚排列如图1所示,各引脚功能定义见表1。
表1 MC33035的管脚功能定义定管脚编号符号功能定义1,2,24 BT,AT,CT 三个集电极开路顶端驱动输出,用于驱动外部上端功率开关晶体管3 Fwd/Rev 正向/反向输入,用于改变电机转向4,5,6 SA,SB,SC 三个传感器输入,用于控制整流序列7 Ooutput Enable 输出使能,高电平有效。
该脚为高电平时,可使电机动8 Reference Output 此输出为振荡器定时电容CT提供充电电流,并为误差放大器提供参考电压,也可以向传感器提供电源表2 三相六步换向器真值表输入60度SA SB SC 120度SA SB SC 正向/反向使能电流检测顶部驱协AT BT CT 底部驱动AB BB CB1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 01 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 01 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 00 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 00 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 00 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 01 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 01 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 01 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 00 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 00 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 00 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 01 0 1 1 1 1 X X X0 1 0 0 0 0 X X XV V V V V V X 0 X V V V V V V X 1 X 表中,V表示六个有效传感器或驱动组合中的一个,X表示无关;输入逻辑0定义为小于85mV,逻辑1为于115mV3 工作原理MC33035的内部结构框图如图2所示。

表 1 MC33035的引脚功能3MC33035的应用图1是MC33035与MC33039构成的闭环三相无刷直流电机控制电路图。

此电路包括转子位子检测器,温度补偿基准,锯齿波振荡器,三个集电极开路的高速驱动器,和三个高电流的图腾柱低速驱动器,适用于驱动功率MOSFET 管。
DIP-24SOP-24• 10 ~ 30 V 工作电压 • 欠电压锁定• 6.25 V 基准传感器工作电源 • 闭环伺服应用中的误差放大器• 高电流驱动,可控制外部三相MOSFET 电桥• 周期接周期限流控制 • 管脚输出的电流感应基准 • 内部过热保护电路• 60°/300°或120°/240°传感器相位可选 • 通过外部MOSFET 电桥可有效控制产品归类产品型号工作温度封装MC33035DW SOP–24 MC33035PTA =-40° to +85°CDIP-24管脚连接低速驱动输出传感器输入/PWN 输入°选择典型原理图此器件包含了285个有效的晶体管。
极限参数参数符号范围单位电源电压VCC 40 V数字输入(管脚3, 4, 5, 6, 22, 23) – VrefV 振荡器输入电流(源电流或陷电流)IOSC 30 mA 误差放大器输入电压范围(管脚 11, 12,注1)VIR –0.3 ~ Vref V误差放大器输出电流(源电流或陷电流,注2)IOut 10 mA 电流检测输入电压(管脚9,15)VSense –0.3~5.0V故障输出电压VCE(Fault) 20 V故障输出陷电流ISink(Fault) 20 mA高速驱动电压(管脚1, 2, 24) VCE(top) 40 V高速驱动陷电流(管脚1, 2, 24) ISink(top) 50 mA低速驱动工作电压(管脚 18) VC 30V 低速驱动输出电流(源电流或陷电流,管脚19, 20, 21)IDRV 100 mA 功率消耗和热特性DIP-24最大功耗@ TA = 85°C 过热电阻,结对空SOP-24最大功耗@ TA = 85°C 热敏电阻,结对空电阻PDRθJAPDRθJA86775650100mW°C/WmW°C/W工作结温TJ 150°C环境温度TA –40 ~ +85 °C贮存温度Tstg –65~+150°C电气特性(除非特别制定,否则VCC = VC = 20 V, RT = 4.7 k, CT = 10 nF, TA = 25°C)参数符号最小值典型值最大值单位基准部分基准输出电压(Iref = 1.0 mA) TA = 25°CTA = –40°~ +85°C Vref5.95.826.24–6.56.57V线路调整(VCC = 10~30 V, Iref = 1.0mA)Regline -- 1.5 30 mV负载调整(Iref = 1.0~20 mA) Regload -- 16 30 mV输出短路电流(注 3) ISC 40 75 – mA基准欠电压锁定阈值 Vth4.04.55.0V误差放大器输入偏移电压(TA = –40° ~ +85°C) VIO -- 0.4 10 mV输入偏移电流(TA = –40°∼+85°C) IIO -- 8.0 500 nA输入偏置电流(TA = –40° ~ +85°C) IIB -- -46 -1000 nA输入共模电压VICR (0 V ~ Vref) V开环电压增益(VO = 3.0 V, RL = 15 k) AVOL 70 80 -- dB输入共模抑制比 CMRR5586--dB 电源抑制比(VCC = VC = 10 to 30 V) PSRR 65 105 -- dB输出电压摆浮高电平状态(RL = 15 k to Gnd) 低电平状态(RL = 15 k to Vref)VOHVOL4.6–5.30.5–1.0V振荡单元振荡频率 fOSC222528kHz 频率随电压改变(VCC = 10~30 V) ∆fOSC/∆V – 0.01 5.0 %锯齿波峰值电压 VOSC(P)–4.14.5V锯齿波谷值电压 VOSC(V)1.21.5–V逻辑输入输入阈值电压(管脚3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 22, 23)高电平状态低电平状态VIHVIL3.0--2.21.7--0.8V传感器输入(管脚4, 5, 6)高电平输入电流(VIH = 5.0 V) 低电平输入电流(VIL = 0 V)IIHIIL-150-600-70-337-20-150µA前进/后退,60°/120°可选(管脚3, 22, 23)高电平输入电流(VIH = 5.0 V) IIHIIL-75-300-36-175-10-75µA低电平输入电流(VIL = 0 V)输出使能高电平状态输入电流(VIH = 5.0 V) 低电平状态输入电流VIL =0V IIHIIL-60-60-29-29-10-10µA限流比较仪阈值电压 Vth85101115mV 输入共模电压 VICR--3.0--V输入偏置电流 IIB---0.9-5.0µA输出和电源单元高速驱动输出饱和陷电压(Isink = 25 mA) -- 0.51.5 V高速驱动输出关闭状态漏电流(VCE = 30 V) -- 0.06100 µA高速驱动输出转换时间(CL = 47 pF, RL = 1.0 k)上升时间下降时间trtf––10726300300ns低速驱动输出电压高电平状态(VCC = 20 V, VC = 30 V, Isource = 50 mA)低电平状态(VCC =20V, VC = 30V, Isink = 50 mA) VOHVOL(VCC-2.0)--(VCC-1.1)1.5--2.0V故障输出饱和陷电压(Isink = 16 mA) VCE(sat) -- 225 500 mV 故障输出关闭状态漏电流(VCE = 20 V)IFLT(leak) -- 1.0 100 µA欠电压锁定驱动输出允许 (VCC 或VC 增加)滞后Vth(on)VH8.电源电流管脚17 (VCC = VC = 20 V)管脚17 ( VCC = 20 V, VC = 30 V) 管脚18 ( VCC = VC = 20 V)管脚18 (VCC = 20 V, VC = 30 V) ICCIC--------12143.55.01620 06.010mA注: 1.输入共模电压或输入信号电压不能低于-0.3V。

MC33035, NCV33035 Brushless DCMotor ControllerThe MC33035 is a high performance second generation monolithic brushless DC motor controller containing all of the active functions required to implement a full featured open loop, three or four phase motor control system. This device consists of a rotor position decoder for proper commutation sequencing, temperature compensated reference capable of supplying sensor power, frequency programmable sawtooth oscillator, three open collector top drivers, and three high current totem pole bottom drivers ideally suited for driving power MOSFETs.Also included are protective features consisting of undervoltage lockout, cycle−by−cycle current limiting with a selectable time delayed latched shutdown mode, internal thermal shutdown, and a unique fault output that can be interfaced into microprocessor controlled systems.Typical motor control functions include open loop speed, forward or reverse direction, run enable, and dynamic braking. The MC33035 is designed to operate with electrical sensor phasings of 60°/300° or 120°/240°, and can also efficiently control brush DC motors. Features•10 to 30 V Operation•Undervoltage Lockout•6.25 V Reference Capable of Supplying Sensor Power•Fully Accessible Error Amplifier for Closed Loop Servo Applications•High Current Drivers Can Control External 3−Phase MOSFET Bridge•Cycle−By−Cycle Current Limiting•Pinned−Out Current Sense Reference•Internal Thermal Shutdown•Selectable 60°/300° or 120°/240° Sensor Phasings•Can Efficiently Control Brush DC Motors with External MOSFET H−Bridge•NCV Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring Site and Control Changes•Pb−Free Packages are Available241P SUFFIXPLASTIC PACKAGECASE 724DW SUFFIXPLASTIC PACKAGECASE 751E(SO−24L)See detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 27 of this data sheet.ORDERING INFORMATIONSee general marking information in the device marking section on page 27 of this data sheet.DEVICE MARKING INFORMATIONRepresentative Schematic DiagramThis device contains 285 active transistors.1.The input common mode voltage or input signal voltage should not be allowed to go negative by more than 0.3 V.2.The compliance voltage must not exceed the range of −0.3 to V ref.3.NCV33035: T low = −40°C, T high = 125°C. Guaranteed by design. NCV prefix is for automotive and other applications requiring site and changecontrol.4.MC33035: T A = −40°C to +85°C; NCV33035: T A = −40°C to +125°C.5.Maximum package power dissipation limits must be observed.ERROR AMPLIFIER Output Voltage SwingHigh State (R L = 15 k to Gnd) Low State (R L = 15 k to V ref)V OHV OL4.6−5.30.5−1.0VV s a t , O U T P U T S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E (V )5.0 µs/DIVA V = +1.0No Load T A = 25°C, O U T P U T V O L T A G E (V )O µs/DIVA V = +1.0No Load T A = 25°C3.053.02.95I O , OUTPUT LOAD CURRENT (mA)f, FREQUENCY (Hz)562202001801601401201008060−−16−08.0162432404840240A V O L , O P E N L O O P V O L T A G E G A I N (d B )E X C E S S P H A S E (D E G R E E S ),φT A , AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C)−55−4.0−2.02.01254.01007550250−25f O S C O S C I L L A T O R F R E Q U E N C Y C H A N G E (%),∆1001.0R T , TIMING RESISTOR (k Ω)100010010010f O S C O S C I L L A T O R F R E Q U E N C Y (k H z ),Figure 1. Oscillator Frequency versusTiming Resistor Figure 2. Oscillator Frequency Changeversus TemperatureFigure 3. Error Amp Open Loop Gain andPhase versus Frequency Figure 4. Error Amp Output SaturationVoltage versus Load CurrentFigure 5. Error Amp Small−SignalTransient Response Figure 6. Error Amp Large−SignalTransient Response1.02.00− 0.8− , O U T P U T V O L T A G E (V )O VI Sink , SINK CURRENT (mA)0−40−20−4020, N O R M A L I Z E D R E F E R E N C E V O L T A G E C H A N G E (m V )∆V r e f 0−−−−− 12− 16V r e f , R E F E R E N C E O U T P U T V O L T A G E C H A N G E (m V )∆Figure 11. Bottom Drive Response Time versusCurrent Sense Input Voltage Figure 12. Fault Output Saturationversus Sink Current0CURRENT SENSE INPUT VOLTAGE (NORMALIZED TO V th )50100150200250t H L , B O T T O M D R I V E R E S P O N S E T I M E (n s )1.0O U T P U T V O L T A G E (%)−40I O , OUTPUT LOAD CURRENT (mA)02.0806020, O U T P U T S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E (V )s a t V 50 ns/DIV V CC = 20 V V C = 20 V C L = 1.0 nF T A = 25°C100 ns/DIVV CC = 20 V V C = 20 V R L = 1.0 k C L = 15 pF T A = 25°CFigure 13. Top Drive Output SaturationVoltage versus Sink CurrentFigure 14. Top Drive Output WaveformFigure 15. Bottom Drive Output Waveform Figure 16. Bottom Drive Output WaveformI Sink , SINK CURRENT (mA) s a t , O U T P U T S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E (V )Figure 17. Bottom Drive Output SaturationVoltage versus Load Current 50 ns/DIVV CC = 20 V V C = 20 V C L = 15 pF T A= 25°CFigure 18. Power and Bottom Drive SupplyCurrent versus Supply Voltage, P O W E R S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (m A )C C , I 05.01015202530C I V CC , SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)1000100100O U T P U T V O L T A G E (%)O U T P U T V O L T A G E (%)INTRODUCTIONThe MC33035 is one of a series of high performance monolithic DC brushless motor controllers produced by Motorola. It contains all of the functions required to implement a full−featured, open loop, three or four phase motor control system. In addition, the controller can be made to operate DC brush motors. Constructed with Bipolar Analog technology, it offers a high degree of performance and ruggedness in hostile industrial environments. The MC33035 contains a rotor position decoder for proper commutation sequencing, a temperature compensated reference capable of supplying a sensor power, a frequency programmable sawtooth oscillator, a fully accessible error amplifier, a pulse width modulator comparator, three open collector top drive outputs, and three high current totem pole bottom driver outputs ideally suited for driving power MOSFETs. Included in the MC33035 are protective features consisting of undervoltage lockout, cycle−by−cycle current limiting with a selectable time delayed latched shutdown mode, internal thermal shutdown, and a unique fault output that can easily be interfaced to a microprocessor controller. Typical motor control functions include open loop speed control, forward or reverse rotation, run enable, and dynamic braking. In addition, the MC33035 has a 60°/120°select pin which configures the rotor position decoder for either 60° or 120° sensor electrical phasing inputs. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONA representative internal block diagram is shown in Figure 19 with various applications shown in Figures 36, 38, 39, 43, 45, and 46. A discussion of the features and function of each of the internal blocks given below is referenced to Figures 19 and 36.Rotor Position DecoderAn internal rotor position decoder monitors the three sensor inputs (Pins 4, 5, 6) to provide the proper sequencing of the top and bottom drive outputs. The sensor inputs are designed to interface directly with open collector type Hall Effect switches or opto slotted couplers. Internal pull−up resistors are included to minimize the required number of external components. The inputs are TTL compatible, with their thresholds typically at 2.2 V. The MC33035 series is designed to control three phase motors and operate with four of the most common conventions of sensor phasing. A 60°/120°Select (Pin 22) is conveniently provided and affords the MC33035 to configure itself to control motors having either 60°, 120°, 240° or 300° electrical sensor phasing. With three sensor inputs there are eight possible input code combinations, six of which are valid rotor positions. The remaining two codes are invalid and are usually caused by an open or shorted sensor line. With six valid input codes, the decoder can resolve the motor rotor position to within a window of 60 electrical degrees.The Forward/Reverse input (Pin 3) is used to change the direction of motor rotation by reversing the voltage across the stator winding. When the input changes state, from high to low with a given sensor input code (for example 100), the enabled top and bottom drive outputs with the same alpha designation are exchanged (A T to A B, B T to B B, C T to C B). In effect, the commutation sequence is reversed and the motor changes directional rotation.Motor on/off control is accomplished by the Output Enable (Pin 7). When left disconnected, an internal 25 µA current source enables sequencing of the top and bottom drive outputs. When grounded, the top drive outputs turn off and the bottom drives are forced low, causing the motor to coast and the Fault output to activate.Dynamic motor braking allows an additional margin of safety to be designed into the final product. Braking is accomplished by placing the Brake Input (Pin 23) in a high state. This causes the top drive outputs to turn off and the bottom drives to turn on, shorting the motor−generated back EMF. The brake input has unconditional priority over all other inputs. The internal 40 kΩ pull−up resistor simplifies interfacing with the system safety−switch by insuring brake activation if opened or disconnected. The commutation logic truth table is shown in Figure 20. A four input NOR gate is used to monitor the brake input and the inputs to the three top drive output transistors. Its purpose is to disable braking until the top drive outputs attain a high state. This helps to prevent simultaneous conduction of the the top and bottom power switches. In half wave motor drive applications, the top drive outputs are not required and are normally left disconnected. Under these conditions braking will still be accomplished since the NOR gate senses the base voltage to the top drive output transistors.Error AmplifierA high performance, fully compensated error amplifier with access to both inputs and output (Pins 11, 12, 13) is provided to facilitate the implementation of closed loop motor speed control. The amplifier features a typical DC voltage gain of 80 dB, 0.6 MHz gain bandwidth, and a wide input common mode voltage range that extends from ground to V ref. In most open loop speed control applications, the amplifier is configured as a unity gain voltage follower with the noninverting input connected to the speed set voltage source. Additional configurations are shown in Figures 31 through 35.OscillatorThe frequency of the internal ramp oscillator is programmed by the values selected for timing components R T and C T. Capacitor C T is charged from the Reference Output (Pin 8) through resistor R T and discharged by an internal discharge transistor. The ramp peak and valley voltages are typically 4.1 V and 1.5 V respectively. To provide a good compromise between audible noise and output switching efficiency, an oscillator frequency in the range of 20 to 30 kHz is recommended. Refer to Figure 1 for component selection.Figure 19. Representative Block DiagramNOTES:1.V = Any one of six valid sensor or drive combinations X = Don’t care.2.The digital inputs (Pins 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 22, 23) are all TTL compatible. The current sense input (Pin 9) has a 100 mV threshold with respect to Pin 15.A logic 0 for this input is defined as < 85 mV, and a logic 1 is > 115 mV.3.The fault and top drive outputs are open collector design and active in the low (0) state.4.With 60°/120°select (Pin 22) in the high (1) state, configuration is for 60°sensor electrical phasing inputs. With Pin 22 in low (0) state, configurationis for 120° sensor electrical phasing inputs.5.Valid 60° or 120° sensor combinations for corresponding valid top and bottom drive outputs.6.Invalid sensor inputs with brake = 0; All top and bottom drives off, Fault low.7.Invalid sensor inputs with brake = 1; All top drives off, all bottom drives on, Fault low.8.Valid 60° or 120°sensor inputs with brake = 1; All top drives off, all bottom drives on, Fault high.9.Valid sensor inputs with brake = 1 and enable = 0; All top drives off, all bottom drives on, Fault low.10.Valid sensor inputs with brake = 0 and enable = 0; All top and bottom drives off, Fault low.11.All bottom drives off, Fault low.Figure 20. Three Phase, Six Step Commutation Truth Table (Note 1)Pulse Width ModulatorThe use of pulse width modulation provides an energy efficient method of controlling the motor speed by varying the average voltage applied to each stator winding during the commutation sequence. As C T discharges, the oscillator sets both latches, allowing conduction of the top and bottom drive outputs. The PWM comparator resets the upper latch, terminating the bottom drive output conduction when the positive−going ramp of C T becomes greater than the error amplifier output. The pulse width modulator timing diagram is shown in Figure 21. Pulse width modulation for speed control appears only at the bottom drive outputs.Current LimitContinuous operation of a motor that is severely over−loaded results in overheating and eventual failure. This destructive condition can best be prevented with the use of cycle−by−cycle current limiting. That is, each on−cycle is treated as a separate event. Cycle−by−cycle current limiting is accomplished by monitoring the stator current build−up each time an output switch conducts, and upon sensing an over current condition, immediately turning off the switch and holding it off for the remaining duration of oscillator ramp−up period. The stator current is converted to a voltage by inserting a ground−referenced sense resistor R S (Figure 36) in series with the three bottom switch transistors (Q4, Q5, Q6). The voltage developed across the sense resistor is monitored by the Current Sense Input (Pins 9 and 15), and compared to the internal 100 mV reference. The current sense comparator inputs have an input common mode range of approximately 3.0 V. If the 100 mV current sense threshold is exceeded, the comparator resets the lower sense latch and terminates output switch conduction. The value for the current sense resistor is:R S+0.1I stator(max)The Fault output activates during an over current condition. The dual−latch PWM configuration ensures that only one single output conduction pulse occurs during any given oscillator cycle, whether terminated by the output of the error amp or the current limit comparator.Figure 21. Pulse Width Modulator Timing Diagram Current Sense Input Capacitor C T Error Amp Out/PWMInput Latch Set"Inputs Top Drive Outputs Bottom DriveOutputsFault OutputReferenceThe on−chip 6.25 V regulator (Pin 8) provides charging current for the oscillator timing capacitor, a reference for the error amplifier, and can supply 20 mA of current suitable for directly powering sensors in low voltage applications. In higher voltage applications, it may become necessary to transfer the power dissipated by the regulator off the IC. This is easily accomplished with the addition of an external pass transistor as shown in Figure 22. A 6.25 V reference level was chosen to allow implementation of the simpler NPN circuit, where V ref − V BE exceeds the minimum voltage required by Hall Effect sensors over temperature. With proper transistor selection and adequate heatsinking, up to one amp of load current can be obtained.Figure 22. Reference Output BuffersThe NPN circuit is recommended for powering Hall or opto sensors, where the output voltage temperature coefficient is not critical. The PNP circuit is slightly more complex, but is also more accurate over temperature. Neither circuit has current limiting.V V and Sensor Power6.25 VUndervoltage LockoutA triple Undervoltage Lockout has been incorporated to prevent damage to the IC and the external power switch transistors. Under low power supply conditions, it guarantees that the IC and sensors are fully functional, and that there is sufficient bottom drive output voltage. The positive power supplies to the IC (V CC ) and the bottom drives (V C ) are each monitored by separate comparators that have their thresholds at 9.1 V . This level ensures sufficient gate drive necessary to attain low R DS(on) when driving standard power MOSFET devices. When directly powering the Hall sensors from the reference, improper sensor operation can result if the reference output voltage falls below 4.5 V . A third comparator is used to detect this condition. If one or more of the comparators detects an undervoltage condition, the Fault Output is activated, the top drives are turned off and the bottom drive outputs are held in a low state. Each of the comparators contain hysteresis to prevent oscillations when crossing their respective thresholds.Fault OutputThe open collector Fault Output (Pin 14) was designed to provide diagnostic information in the event of a system malfunction. It has a sink current capability of 16 mA and can directly drive a light emitting diode for visual indication.Additionally, it is easily interfaced with TTL/CMOS logic for use in a microprocessor controlled system. The Fault Output is active low when one or more of the following conditions occur:1)Invalid Sensor Input code 2)Output Enable at logic [0]3)Current Sense Input greater than 100 mV4)Undervoltage Lockout, activation of one or more of the comparators5)Thermal Shutdown, maximum junction temperature being exceededThis unique output can also be used to distinguish between motor start−up or sustained operation in an overloaded condition. With the addition of an RC network between the Fault Output and the enable input, it is possible to create a time−delayed latched shutdown for overcurrent. The added circuitry shown in Figure 23 makes easy starting of motor systems which have high inertial loads by providing additional starting torque, while still preserving overcurrent protection. This task is accomplished by setting the current limit to a higher than nominal value for a predetermined time.During an excessively long overcurrent condition, capacitor C DLY will charge, causing the enable input to cross its threshold to a low state. A latch is then formed by the positive feedback loop from the Fault Output to the Output Enable.Once set, by the Current Sense Input, it can only be reset by shorting C DLY or cycling the power supplies.Drive OutputsThe three top drive outputs (Pins 1, 2, 24) are open collector NPN transistors capable of sinking 50 mA with a minimum breakdown of 30 V. Interfacing into higher voltage applications is easily accomplished with the circuits shown in Figures 24 and 25.The three totem pole bottom drive outputs (Pins 19, 20, 21) are particularly suited for direct drive of N−Channel MOSFETs or NPN bipolar transistors (Figures 26, 27, 28 and 29). Each output is capable of sourcing and sinking up to 100 mA. Power for the bottom drives is supplied from V C (Pin 18). This separate supply input allows the designer added flexibility in tailoring the drive voltage, independent of V CC. A zener clamp should be connected to this input when driving power MOSFETs in systems where V CC is greater than 20 V so as to prevent rupture of the MOSFET gates.The control circuitry ground (Pin 16) and current sense inverting input (Pin 15) must return on separate paths to the central input source ground.Thermal ShutdownInternal thermal shutdown circuitry is provided to protect the IC in the event the maximum junction temperature is exceeded. When activated, typically at 170°C, the IC acts as though the Output Enable was grounded.Figure 23. Timed Delayed Latched Over Current ShutdownFigure 24. High Voltage Interface withNPN Power TransistorsTransistor Q1 is a common base stage used to level shift from V CC to the high motor voltage, V M. The collector diode is required if V CC is present while V M is low.[R DLY C DLY Inǒ6.25–(20x10–6R DLY)1.4–(20x10R DLY)ǓFigure 25. High Voltage Interface withN−Channel Power MOSFETsFigure 26. Current Waveform Spike SuppressionFigure 27. MOSFET Drive Precautions Figure 28. Bipolar Transistor DriveSeries gate resistor R g will dampen any high frequency oscillations caused by the MOSFET input capacitance and any series wiring induction in the gate−source circuit. Diode D is required if the negative current into the Bot-tom Drive Outputs exceeds 50 mA.The totem−pole output can furnish negative base current for enhanced tran-sistor turn−off, with the addition of capacitor C.Figure 29. Current Sensing Power MOSFETs Figure 30. High Voltage Boost SupplyVirtually lossless current sensing can be achieved with the implementation of SENSEFET power switches.[R S @I pk @R DS(on)r DM(on))RS= 200 Ω, 1/4 W Pin 9 ≈ 0.75 I pkControl Circuitry Ground (Pin 16) and Current Sense Inverting Input (Pin 15)must return on separate paths to the Central Input Source Ground.This circuit generates V Boostfor Figure 25.Figure 31. Differential Input Speed Controller Figure 32. Controlled Acceleration/DecelerationV V A VPin 13+V A ǒR 3)R 41)R 2Ǔ R 23 *ǒR 43V B ǓResistor R 1 with capacitor C sets the acceleration time constant while R 2controls the deceleration. The values of R 1 and R 2 should be at least ten times greater than the speed set potentiometer to minimize time constant variations with different speed settings.This circuit can control the speed of a cooling fan proportional to the difference between the sensor and set temperatures. The control loop is closed as the forced air cools the NTC thermistor. For controlled heating applications, ex-change the positions of R1 and R2.Figure 35. Closed Loop Temperature ControlSYSTEM APPLICATIONSThree Phase Motor CommutationThe three phase application shown in Figure 36 is a full−featured open loop motor controller with full wave, six step drive. The upper power switch transistors are Darlingtons while the lower devices are power MOSFETs. Each of these devices contains an internal parasitic catch diode that is used to return the stator inductive energy back to the power supply. The outputs are capable of driving a delta or wye connected stator, and a grounded neutral wye if split supplies are used. At any given rotor position, only one top and one bottom power switch (of different totem poles) is enabled. This configuration switches both ends of the stator winding from supply to ground which causes the current flow to be bidirectional or full wave. A leading edge spike is usually present on the current waveform and can cause a current−limit instability. The spike can be eliminated by adding an RC filter in series with the Current Sense Input. Using a low inductance type resistor for R S will also aid in spike reduction. Care must be taken in the selection of the bottom power switch transistors so that the current during braking does not exceed the device rating. During braking, the peak current generated is limited only by the series resistance of the conducting bottom switch and winding.I peak+V M)EMFswitch)R windingIf the motor is running at maximum speed with no load, the generated back EMF can be as high as the supply voltage, and at the onset of braking, the peak current may approach twice the motor stall current. Figure 37 shows the commutation waveforms over two electrical cycles. The first cycle (0° to 360°) depicts motor operation at full speed while the second cycle (360° to 720°) shows a reduced speed with about 50% pulse width modulation. The current waveforms reflect a constant torque load and are shown synchronous to the commutation frequency for clarity.Figure 36. Three Phase, Six Step, Full Wave Motor ControllerFigure 37. Three Phase, Six Step, Full Wave Commutation WaveformsRotor Electrical Position (Degrees)100000001011111110100000001011111110720660600540480420360300240180120600S AS B S C CodeS C S B CodeS ASensor Inputs60°/120°Select PinOpenSensor Inputs60°/120°Select Pin GroundedA BB B Q 2 + Q 6C BQ 2 + Q 4Q 3 + Q 4Q 3 + Q 5Q 1 + Q 5Q 1 + Q 6Bottom DriveOutputsQ 2 + Q 6Q 2 + Q 4Q 3 + Q 4Q 3 + Q 5Motor DriveCurrentBFwd/Rev = 1C−O +−O +Conducting Power Switch TransistorsQ 1 + Q 5Top Drive OutputsQ 1 + Q 6AB T A TC T−O +100110001011001011110100010010101101Figure 38 shows a three phase, three step, half wave motor controller. This configuration is ideally suited for automotive and other low voltage applications since there is only one power switch voltage drop in series with a given stator winding. Current flow is unidirectional or half wave because only one end of each winding is switched. Continuous braking with the typical half wave arrangement presents a motor overheating problem since stator current is limited only by the winding resistance. This is due to the lack of upper power switch transistors, as in the full wave circuit, used to disconnect the windings from the supply voltage V M. A unique solution is to provide braking until the motor stops and then turn off the bottom drives. This can be accomplished by using the Fault Output in conjunction with the Output Enable as an over current timer. Components R DLY and C DLY are selected to give the motor sufficient time to stop before latching the Output Enable and the top drive AND gates low. When enabling the motor, the brake switch is closed and the PNP transistor (along with resistors R1 and R DLY) are used to reset the latch by discharging C DLY. The stator flyback voltage is clamped by a single zener and three diodes.Figure 38. Three Phase, Three Step, Half Wave Motor ControllerThree Phase Closed Loop ControllerThe MC33035, by itself, is only capable of open loop motor speed control. For closed loop motor speed control, the MC33035 requires an input voltage proportional to the motor speed. Traditionally, this has been accomplished by means of a tachometer to generate the motor speed feedback voltage. Figure 39 shows an application whereby an MC33039, powered from the 6.25 V reference (Pin 8) of the MC33035, is used to generate the required feedback voltage without the need of a costly tachometer. The same Hall sensor signals used by the MC33035 for rotor position decoding are utilized by the MC33039. Every positive or negative going transition of the Hall sensor signals on any of the sensor lines causes the MC33039 to produce an output pulse of defined amplitude and time duration, as determined by the external resistor R1 and capacitor C1. The output train of pulses at Pin 5 of the MC33039 are integrated by the error amplifier of the MC33035 configured as an integrator to produce a DC voltage level which is proportional to the motor speed. This speed proportional voltage establishes the PWM reference level at Pin 13 of the MC33035 motor controller and closes the feedback loop. The MC33035 outputs drive a TMOS power MOSFET 3−phase bridge. High currents can be expected during conditions of start−up, breaking, and change of direction of the motor.The system shown in Figure 39 is designed for a motor having 120/240 degrees Hall sensor electrical phasing. The system can easily be modified to accommodate 60/300 degree Hall sensor electrical phasing by removing the jumper (J2) at Pin 22 of the MC33035.Figure 39. Closed Loop Brushless DC Motor Control Using The MC33035 and MC33039。

《电工技术杂志》!""# 年第 $$ 期
MC33035 在直流无刷电机控制中的应用
韦 敏 季小尹
(西北工业大学机电工程学院 7l0072)
摘 要 主要介绍了 MC33035 的基本原理和基于 MC33035、MC33039、IRAMsl0UP60A 及一些 外围电路构成的三相无刷直流电机闭环速度调节控制系统,可以看出其简单和优越的控制性能。
3.3 主要外围元器件功能 此电路涉及到较多的外围器件,现将主要元器
件的功能说明如下。 (l)Rl,Cl 这两个组件的选择要依据电机极
对数和电机最高转速来确定。 (2)R2,C2 这两个组件跟 Rl,Cl 一样,构成
另外一个单稳态电路。这个单稳态电路是利用电容 C2 的冲放电来产生锯齿波的,锯齿波频率一般为 5 ~ 20khz,确定锯齿波频率的原则是既要能抑制杂 波的干扰,又要不影响功率管的效率。
MC33035、MC33039 都是高集成度的电子芯片, 因而基于它的三相无刷直流电机控制系统具有电路 简单,抗干扰性强,可靠性高,稳定性好等优点。 IRAMsl0UP60A 电 机 驱 动 芯 片 能 使 电 机 功 率 达 到 750W。
本文 主 要 介 绍 MC33035 的 基 本 原 理 和 基 于 MC33035、MC33039、IRAMsl0UP60A 及一些外围电 路构成的三相无刷直流电机的闭环速度调节控制系 统。
收稿日期:2004 05 20
· 85 ·
作者: 作者单位: 刊名:
英文刊名: 年,卷(期): 被引用次数:
韦敏, 季小尹 西北工业大学机电工程学院,710072


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CAN收发器:NXP恩智浦CAN收发器 Microchip微芯CAN收发器十.分销产品线:ONSEMI安森美 TI德州仪器 ADI TOSHIBA东芝 AVAGO安华高十一 MCU单片机ABOV现代单片机MC96F系列 Microchip微芯单片机PIC12F PIC16F PIC18F系列 FUJITSU富仕通单片机MB95F系列 STM单片机STM32F STM32L系列 CKS中科芯单片机CKS32F系列 TI单片机MSP430系列 TMS320F系列 NXP单片机LPC系列MC33035, NCV33035Brushless DC Motor ControllerThe MC33035 is a high performance second generation monolithic brushless DC motor controller containing all of the active functions required to implement a full featured open loop, three or four phase motor control system. This device consists of a rotor position decoder for proper commutation sequencing, temperature compensated reference capable of supplying sensor power, frequency programmable sawtooth oscillator, three open collector top drivers, and three high current totem pole bottom drivers ideally suited for driving power MOSFETs.Also included are protective features consisting of undervoltage lockout, cycle−by−cycle current limiting with a selectable time delayed latched shutdown mode, internal thermal shutdown, and a unique fault output that can be interfaced into microprocessor controlled systems.Typical motor control functions include open loop speed, forward or reverse direction, run enable, and dynamic braking. The MC33035 is designed to operate with electrical sensor phasings of 60︒/300︒ or 120︒/240︒, and can also efficiently control brush DC motors. Features123P SUFFIXPLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 724241DW SUFFIXPLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 751E24(SO−24L)1PIN CONNECTIONS∙ 10 to 30 V Operation ∙ Undervoltage Lockout∙ 6.25 V Reference Capable of Supplying Sensor Power ∙ Fully Accessible Error Amplifier for Closed Loop ServoApplications∙ High Current Drivers Can Control External 3−Phase MOSFET Bridge∙ Cycle−By−Cycle Current Limiting ∙ Pinned−Out Current Sense Reference ∙ Internal Thermal Shutdown∙ Selectable 60︒/300︒ or 120︒/240︒ Sensor Phasings∙ Can Efficiently Control Brush DC Motors with External MOSFET H−Bridge∙ NCV Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring Site and Control Changes∙ Pb−Free Packages are AvailableTop Drive B T OutputA TFwd/RevS A Sensor S InputsS COutput EnableReference Output Current Sense Noninverting Input Oscillator Error AmpNoninverting Input Error Amp Inverting Input C TBrake 60︒/120︒ Select A B Bottom B B Drive OutputsC B V C V CC Gnd Current Sense Inverting InputFault Output Error Amp Out/PWM Input(Top View)ORDERING INFORMATIONSee detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 27 of this data sheet.DEVICE MARKING INFORMATIONSee general marking information in the device marking section on page 27 of this data sheet.© Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 20041 Publication Order Number:13 1214 11151016 917 818 7 19 620 5 21 422 23 24 BRepresentative Schematic Diagram This device contains 285 active transistors.MAXIMUM RATINGS1. The input common mode voltage or input signal voltage should not be allowed to go negative by more than 0.3 V.2. The compliance voltage must not exceed the range of −0.3 to V ref.3. NCV33035: T low = −40︒C, T high = 125︒C. Guaranteed by design. NCV prefix is for automotive and other applications requiring site and changecontrol.4. MC33035: T A = −40︒C to +85︒C; NCV33035: T A = −40︒C to +125︒C.5. Maximum package power dissipation limits must be observed.φ, E X C E S S P H A S E (D E G R E E S )V s a t , O U T P U T S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E (V )∆ , f O S C O S C I L L A T O R F R E Q U E N C Y C H A N G E (%)1004.02.0 10−0 1.010 1001000−R T , TIMING RESISTOR (k Ω) Figure 1. Oscillator Frequency versusTiming Resistor T A , AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (︒C)Figure 2. Oscillator Frequency Changeversus Temperature5648 40 32 24 16 8.0 0 − 8.0 −16 − 24 1.0 k10 k100 k1.0 M40 60 80100 120 140 160180 200 220 240 10 M− 0.8− 0, FREQUENCY (Hz)Figure 3. Error Amp Open Loop Gain andPhase versus Frequency I O , OUTPUT LOAD CURRENT (mA)Figure 4. Error Amp Output SaturationVoltage versus Load Current3.053.02.954. μs/DIVFigure 5. Error Amp Small−SignalTransient Response 5.0 μs/DIVFigure 6. Error Amp Large−SignalTransient ResponseA V O L , O P E N L O O P V O L T A G E G A I N (dB )f O S C , O S C I L L A T O R F R E Q U E N C Y (k H z )V O , O U T P U T V O L T A G E (V )V O , O U T P U T V O L T A G E (V )V s a t , O U T P U T S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E (V )− 4.0 − 8.0 − 12 − 16− 20− 241020304050607.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.01.00 010203040I ref , REFERENCE OUTPUT SOURCE CURRENT (mA)Figure 7. Reference Output Voltage Changeversus Output Source Current V CC , SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)Figure 8. Reference Output Voltageversus Supply Voltage4020− 2− A , AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (︒C) Figure 9. Reference Output Voltageversus Temperature PWM I NPUT V OLTAGE (V)Figure 10. Output Duty Cycle versusPWM Input Voltage250200 0.250.2150100 0.150.150 0.050 12 16CURRENT SENSE INPUT VOLTAGE (NORMALIZED TO V th )Figure 11. Bottom Drive Response Time versusCurrent Sense Input Voltage I Sink , SINK CURRENT (mA)Figure 12. Fault Output Saturationversus Sink Current∆V r e f , R E F E R E N C E O U T P U T V O L T A G E C H A N G E (m V )∆V r e f , N O R M A L I Z E D R E F E R E N C E V O L T A G E C H A N G E (m V )t H L , B O T T O M D R I V E R E S P O N S E T I M E (n s ) O U T P U T D U T Y C Y C L E (%)V r e f , R E F E R E N C E O U T P U T V O L T A G E (V )1.21000.80.40 01020 I Sink , S INK C URRENT (mA)3040100 ns/DIVFigure 13. Top Drive Output SaturationVoltage versus Sink CurrentFigure 14. Top Drive Output Waveform1001000 050 ns/DIV50 ns/DIVFigure 15. Bottom Drive Output Waveform Figure 16. Bottom Drive Output Waveform−1.0− 02040601614 12 10 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0 805.01015202530I O , OUTPUT LOAD CURRENT (mA)Figure 17. Bottom Drive Output SaturationVoltage versus Load Current V CC , SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)Figure 18. Power and Bottom Drive SupplyCurrent versus Supply VoltageV s a t , O U T P U T S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E (V )O U T P U T V O L T A G E (%) V s a t , O U T P U T S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E (V )I C , I C C , P O W E R S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (m A )O U T P U T V O L T A G E (%)O U T P U T V O L T A G E (%)INTRODUCTIONThe MC33035 is one of a series of high performance monolithic DC brushless motor controllers produced by Motorola. It contains all of the functions required to implement a full−featured, open loop, three or four phase motor control system. In addition, the controller can be made to operate DC brush motors. Constructed with Bipolar Analog technology, it offers a high degree of performance and ruggedness in hostile industrial environments. The MC33035 contains a rotor position decoder for proper commutation sequencing, a temperature compensated reference capable of supplying a sensor power, a frequency programmable sawtooth oscillator, a fully accessible error amplifier, a pulse width modulator comparator, three open collector top drive outputs, and three high current totem pole bottom driver outputs ideally suited for driving power MOSFETs.Included in the MC33035 are protective features consisting of undervoltage lockout, cycle−by−cycle current limiting with a selectable time delayed latched shutdown mode, internal thermal shutdown, and a unique fault output that can easily be interfaced to a microprocessor controller.Typical motor control functions include open loop speed control, forward or reverse rotation, run enable, and dynamic braking. In addition, the MC33035 has a 60︒/120︒select pin which configures the rotor position decoder for either 60︒ or 120︒ sensor electrical phasing inputs. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONA representative internal block diagram is shown in Figure 19 with various applications shown in Figures 36, 38, 39, 43, 45, and 46. A discussion of the features and function of each of the internal blocks given below is referenced to Figures 19 and 36.Rotor Position DecoderAn internal rotor position decoder monitors the three sensor inputs (Pins 4, 5, 6) to provide the proper sequencing of the top and bottom drive outputs. The sensor inputs are designed to interface directly with open collector type Hall Effect switches or opto slotted couplers. Internal pull−up resistors are included to minimize the required number of external components. The inputs are TTL compatible, with their thresholds typically at 2.2 V. The MC33035 series is designed to control three phase motors and operate with four of the most common conventions of sensor phasing. A 60︒/120︒Select (Pin 22) is conveniently provided and affords the MC33035 to configure itself to control motors having either 60︒, 120︒, 240︒or 300︒electrical sensor phasing. With three sensor inputs there are eight possible input code combinations, six of which are valid rotor positions. The remaining two codes are invalid and are usually caused by an open or shorted sensor line. With six valid input codes, the decoder can resolve the motor rotor position to within a window of 60 electrical degrees.The Forward/Reverse input (Pin 3) is used to change the direction of motor rotation by reversing the voltage across the stator winding. When the input changes state, from high to low with a given sensor input code (for example 100), the enabled top and bottom drive outputs with the same alpha designation are exchanged (A T to A B, B T to B B, C T to C B). In effect, the commutation sequence is reversed and the motor changes directional rotation.Motor on/off control is accomplished by the Output Enable (Pin 7). When left disconnected, an internal 25 μA current source enables sequencing of the top and bottom drive outputs. When grounded, the top drive outputs turn off and the bottom drives are forced low, causing the motor to coast and the Fault output to activate.Dynamic motor braking allows an additional margin of safety to be designed into the final product. Braking is accomplished by placing the Brake Input (Pin 23) in a high state. This causes the top drive outputs to turn off and the bottom drives to turn on, shorting the motor−generated back EMF. The brake input has unconditional priority over all other inputs. The internal 40 kΩpull−up resistor simplifies interfacing with the system safety−switch by insuring brake activation if opened or disconnected. The commutation logic truth table is shown in Figure 20. A four input NOR gate is used to monitor the brake input and the inputs to the three top drive output transistors. Its purpose is to disable braking until the top drive outputs attain a high state. This helps to prevent simultaneous conduction of the the top and bottom power switches. In half wave motor drive applications, the top drive outputs are not required and are normally left disconnected. Under these conditions braking will still be accomplished since the NOR gate senses the base voltage to the top drive output transistors.Error AmplifierA high performance, fully compensated error amplifier with access to both inputs and output (Pins 11, 12, 13) is provided to facilitate the implementation of closed loop motor speed control. The amplifier features a typical DC voltage gain of 80 dB, 0.6 MHz gain bandwidth, and a wide input common mode voltage range that extends from ground to V ref. In most open loop speed control applications, the amplifier is configured as a unity gain voltage follower with the noninverting input connected to the speed set voltage source. Additional configurations are shown in Figures 31 through 35.OscillatorThe frequency of the internal ramp oscillator is programmed by the values selected for timing components R T and C T. Capacitor C T is charged from the Reference Output (Pin 8) through resistor R T and discharged by an internal discharge transistor. The ramp peak and valley voltages are typically 4.1 V and 1.5 V respectively. To provide a good compromise between audible noise and output switching efficiency, an oscillator frequency in the range of 20 to 30 kHz is recommended. Refer to Figure 1 for component selection.S A45 Sensor S BInputs 6S C3 Forward/Reverse60︒/120︒S elect22Output Enable 720 k20 k40 k25 μA20 k40 kRotorPositionDecoderV M14Fault Output2A T1 TopDriveB T Outputs24C TV in17V CC18V CUndervoltageLockout ReferenceReference Output 8Noninv. Input 11Faster 12 R T 13RegulatorError AmpPWM9.1 V4.5 VThermalShutdownLatch21A B20 BottomB B DriveOutputsError A mp Out R 19 PWM Input Q C BS10 Oscillator LatchC TSQ 40 kR9 Current Sense Input Sink Only= Positive TrueLogic WithHysteresis16 Gnd100 mV23Brake Input15 Current SenseReference InputFigure 19. Representative Block DiagramNOTES: 1. V = Any one of six valid sensor or drive combinations X = Don’t care.2. The digital inputs (Pins 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 22, 23) are all TTL compatible. The current sense input (Pin 9) has a 100 mV threshold with respect to Pin 15.A logic 0 for this input is defined as < 85 mV, and a logic 1 is > 115 mV.3. The fault and top drive outputs are open collector design and active in the low (0) state.4. With 60︒/120︒select (Pin 22) in the high (1) state, configuration is for 60︒sensor electrical phasing inputs. With Pin 22 in low (0) state, configurationis for 120︒sensor electrical phasing inputs.5. Valid 60︒or 120︒sensor combinations for corresponding valid top and bottom drive outputs.6. Invalid sensor inputs with brake = 0; All top and bottom drives off, Fault low.7. Invalid sensor inputs with brake = 1; All top drives off, all bottom drives on, Fault low.8. Valid 60︒or 120︒sensor inputs with brake = 1; All top drives off, all bottom drives on, Fault high.9. Valid sensor inputs with brake = 1 and enable = 0; All top drives off, all bottom drives on, Fault low.10. Valid sensor inputs with brake = 0 and enable = 0; All top and bottom drives off, Fault l ow.11. All bottom drives off, Fault low.Figure 20. Three Phase, Six Step Commutation Truth Table (Note 1)Pulse Width ModulatorThe use of pulse width modulation provides an energy efficient method of controlling the motor speed by varying the average voltage applied to each stator winding during the commutation sequence. As C T discharges, the oscillator sets both latches, allowing conduction of the top and bottom drive outputs. The PWM comparator resets the upper latch, terminating the bottom drive output conduction when the positive−going ramp of C T becomes greater than the error amplifier output. The pulse width modulator timing diagram is shown in Figure 21. Pulse width modulation for speed control appears only at the bottom drive outputs.Current Limit sensing an over current condition, immediately turning off the switch and holding it off for the remaining duration of oscillator ramp−up period. The stator current is converted to a voltage by inserting a ground−referenced sense resistor R S (Figure 36) in series with the three bottom switch transistors (Q4, Q5, Q6). The voltage developed across the sense resistor is monitored by the Current Sense Input (Pins 9 and 15), and compared to the internal 100 mV reference. The current sense comparator inputs have an input common mode range of approximately 3.0 V. If the 100 mV current sense threshold is exceeded, the comparator resets the lower sense latch and terminates output switch conduction. The value for the current sense resistor is:Continuous operation of a motor that is severely over−loaded results in overheating and eventual failure.R S =I0.1stator(max)This destructive condition can best be prevented with the use of cycle−by−cycle current limiting. That is, each on−cycle is treated as a separate event. Cycle−by−cycle current limiting is accomplished by monitoring the stator current build−up each time an output switch conducts, and upon The Fault output activates during an over current condition. The dual−latch PWM configuration ensures that only one single output conduction pulse occurs during any given oscillator cycle, whether terminated by the output of the error amp or the current limit comparator.Capacitor C TError A mpOut/PWMInputCurrentSense InputLatch “Set"InputsTop D riveOutputsBottom DriveOutputsFault OutputFigure 21. Pulse Width Modulator Timing Diagram Reference Undervoltage LockoutA triple Undervoltage Lockout has been incorporated to prevent damage to the IC and the external power switch transistors. Under low power supply conditions, it guarantees that the IC and sensors are fully functional, and that there is sufficient bottom drive output voltage. The positive power supplies to the IC (V CC) and the bottom drives (V C) are each monitored by separate comparators that have their thresholds at 9.1 V. This level ensures sufficient gate drive necessary to attain low R DS(on) when driving standard power MOSFET devices. When directly powering the Hall sensors from the reference, improper sensor operation can result if the reference output voltage falls below 4.5 V. A third comparator is used to detect this condition. If one or more of the comparators detects an undervoltage condition, the Fault Output is activated, the top drives are turned off and the bottom drive outputs are held in a low state. Each of the comparators contain hysteresis to prevent oscillations when crossing their respective thresholds.The on−chip 6.25 V regulator (Pin 8) provides charging current for the oscillator timing capacitor, a reference for the error amplifier, and can supply 20 mA of current suitable for directly powering sensors in low voltage applications. In higher voltage applications, it may become necessary to transfer the power dissipated by the regulator off the IC. This is easily accomplished with the addition of an external pass transistor as shown in Figure 22. A 6.25 V reference level was chosen to allow implementation of the simpler NPN circuit, where V ref − V BE exceeds the minimum voltage required by Hall Effect sensors over temperature. With proper transistor selection and adequate heatsinking, up to one amp of load current can be obtained. Fault OutputThe open collector Fault Output (Pin 14) was designed to provide diagnostic information in the event of a system malfunction. It has a sink current capability of 16 mA and can directly drive a light emitting diode for visual indication. Additionally, it is easily interfaced with TTL/CMOS logic for use in a microprocessor controlled system. The Fault Output is active low when one or more of the following conditions occur:1)Invalid Sensor Input code2)Output Enable at logic [0]3)Current Sense Input greater than 100 mVV in1718REF UVLO 4)Undervoltage Lockout, activation of one or more ofthe comparators5)Thermal Shutdown, maximum junction temperaturebeing exceededThis unique output can also be used to distinguish betweenMPS 8 U01ATo motor start−up or sustained operation in an overloaded condition. With the addition of an RC network between the Fault Output and the enable input, it is possible to create aV in SensorPower5.6 V39ControlCircuitry6.25 V1718UVLOtime−delayed latched shutdown for overcurrent. The addedcircuitry shown in Figure 23 makes easy starting of motorsystems which have high inertial loads by providingadditional starting torque, while still preserving overcurrentprotection. This task is accomplished by setting the currentlimit to a higher than nominal value for a predetermined time.MPSU51A0.1 8REF During an excessively long overcurrent condition, capacitorC DLY will charge, causing the enable input to cross itsthreshold to a low state. A latch is then formed by the positiveTo Control Circuitryand Sensor Power6.25 VThe NPN circuit is recommended for powering Hall or opto sensors, where the output voltage temperature coefficient is not critical. The PNP circuit is slightly more complex, but is also more accurate over temperature. Neither circuit has current limiting.Figure 22. Reference Output Buffers feedback loop from the Fault Output to the Output Enable. Once set, by the Current Sense Input, it can only be reset by shorting C DLY or cycling the power supplies.(Drive OutputsThe three top drive outputs (Pins 1, 2, 24) are open collector NPN transistors capable of sinking 50 mA with a minimum breakdown of 30 V. Interfacing into higher voltage applications is easily accomplished with the circuits shown in Figures 24 and 25.The three totem pole bottom drive outputs (Pins 19, 20, 21) are particularly suited for direct drive of N−Channel MOSFETs or NPN bipolar transistors (Figures 26, 27, 28 and 29). Each output is capable of sourcing and sinking up to 100 mA. Power for the bottom drives is supplied from V C (Pin 18). This separate supply input allows the designer added flexibility in tailoring the drive voltage, independent of V CC . A zener clamp should be connected to this input when driving power MOSFETs in systems where V CC is greater than 20 V so as to prevent rupture of the MOSFET gates.The control circuitry ground (Pin 16) and current sense inverting input (Pin 15) must return on separate paths to the central input source ground.Thermal ShutdownInternal thermal shutdown circuitry is provided to protect the IC in the event the maximum junction temperature is exceeded. When activated, typically at 170 C, the IC acts as though the Output Enable was grounded.t DLY = R DLY C DLY InV ref – (I IL enable R DLY )V th enable – (I IL enable R DLY )(6.25 – (20 x 10–6 R DLY ))Transistor Q 1 is a common base stage used to level shift from V CC to the = R DLY C DLY In 1.4 – (20 x 10–6 RDLY )high motor voltage, V M . The collector diode is required if V CC is present while V M is low.Figure 23. Timed Delayed LatchedOver Current Shutdown Figure 24. High Voltage Interface withNPN Power Transistors)The addition of the RC filter will eliminate current−limit instability caused by the leading edge spike on the current waveform. Resistor R S should be a low in- ductance type.Figure 25. High Voltage Interface withN−Channel Power MOSFETsFigure 26. Current Waveform Spike SuppressionI B+ 0 t−Base Charge RemovalSeries gate resistor R g will dampen any high frequency oscillations caused by the MOSFET input capacitance and any series wiring induction in the gate−source circuit. Diode D is required if the negative current into the Bot- tom Drive Outputs exceeds 50 mA.The totem−pole output can furnish negative base current for enhanced tran- sistor turn−off, with the addition of capacitor C.Figure 27. MOSFET Drive PrecautionsFigure 28. Bipolar Transistor Drive21D SENSEFETG S MK20199 15R SPower Ground:To Input Source ReturnR S · I pk · R DS(on)100 mVV Pin 9 =r DM(on) + R S16 GndIf: SENSEFET = MPT10N10M R S = 200 Ω, 1/4 W Then : V Pin 9 ≈ 0.75 I pkControl Circuitry Ground (Pin 16) and Current Sense Inverting Input (Pin 15) must return on separate paths to the Central Input Source Ground.Virtually lossless current sensing can be achieved with the implementation of SENSEFET power switches.This circuit generates V Boost for Figure 25.Figure 29. Current Sensing Power MOSFETs Figure 30. High Voltage Boost SupplyV AV BV = V (R 3 + R 4) R 2(R 4 V )Resistor R 1 with capacitor C sets the acceleration time constant while R 2 controls the deceleration. The values of R 1 and R 2 should be at least ten Pin 13 A R 1 + R 2 3 —R 3 Btimes greater than the speed set potentiometer to minimize time constant variations with different speed settings.Figure 31. Differential Input Speed Controller Figure 32. Controlled Acceleration/DecelerationR B o o s t V o l t a g e (V )S N 74L S 145 ( )5.0 V16 11V CC Q 910 Q 8166 k 145 k100 k 8 REFQ 9 126 k 12 P313 BCD 14 P2 Inputs P1 7Q 6 7 Q 5 6 Q 4 5 108 k92.3 k 77.6 k 7 25 μA11EA1215 P0 Q 3 4 Q2 363.6 k 51.3 k 13 PWMQ 1Gnd Q 082 40.4 k 1The SN74LS145 is an open collector BCD to One of Ten decoder. When con- nected as shown, input codes 0000 through 1001 steps the PWM in incre- ments of approximately 10% from 0 to 90% on−time. Input codes 1010 through 1111 will produce 100% on−time or full motor speed.The rotor position sensors can be used as a tachometer. By differentiating the positive−going edges and then integrating them over time, a voltage proportional to speed can be generated. The error amp compares this volt- age to that of the speed set to control the PWM.Figure 33. Digital Speed Controller Figure 34. Closed Loop Speed ControlVR 3 + R 4RR4Pi n 3 =V ref V V ref 1 23 3 8 B =R 5 + 1 R 6R 1T7 R 511 R 2 312 25 μAEAR 3 >> R 5 ǁ R 66R 413PWM This circuit can control the speed of a cooling fan proportional to the differencebetween the sensor and set temperatures. The control loop is closed as the forced air cools the NTC thermistor. For controlled heating applications, ex- change the positions of R 1 and R 2.Figure 35. Closed Loop Temperature ControlR R。

电动车无刷控制器硬件电路解释2009-07-08 08:25电动车无刷电机是目前最普及的电动车用动力源,无刷电机以其相对有刷电机长寿,免维护的特点得到广泛应用,然而由于其使用直流电而无换向用的电刷,其换向控制相对有刷电机要复杂许多,同时由于电动车负载极不稳定,又使用电池作电源,因此控制器自身的保护及对电机,电源的保护均对控制器提出更多要求。
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表 1 MC33035的引脚功能