

跨文化交际Unit 9(大二英语)复习课程

跨文化交际Unit 9(大二英语)复习课程
Japan: Over-courtesy and male-dominated
2. Before the man saying sorry, the woman gave him a name-card and said: “This is my lawyer’s phone number. He will talk with you about your sex harassment. See you in the court.”
1. Before the man saying sorry, the woman bowed down and said in a tender voice: sorry, it is all my fault. It is all the bad quality of my skirt. I am sorry for the trouble I have brought to you.
Independence Self-reliance Self-esteem egalitarianism
Case Study 2
An American couple came to Beijing to work as foreign teachers for the first time in their lives. They had a three-year-old son. Since both of them worked, they hired a Chinese housemaid, who was in her late 40s. One of her jobs was to take their son to a kindergarten in the morning and pick him up and bring him home again in the afternoon. She found this the most difficult among all her tasks. Every day when it was time to take the boy to kindergarten there was bound to be a fight with the boy because she insisted on carrying the boy in her arms or at least holding his hand; but the boy never liked it. He preferred to walk by himself. After a few days, she quit the job.

跨文化交际Unit 4(大二英语)教学文案

跨文化交际Unit 4(大二英语)教学文案
Dr., Judge, Governor, Mayor, President
D. The ways of getting the attention of a stranger
In Chinese: 同志?,师傅,大哥,叔叔,阿姨,奶奶 …
In English: Excuse me, Pardon me
Differences Between Chinese and English Compliments
Who and what to compliment
How to compliment
How often to compliment
How to respond a compliment
English compliments Chinese compliments
Why do kin terms are extensively used by Chinese?
Politeness to others Respect to others Hierarchy
C. The Use of Titles
In Chinese : 宋局长,高经理,刘老师 ,杨博士
In English: Mr. ,Mrs., Miss, Ms,
American woman: It’s exquisite. The colors are so beautiful.
Chinese woman: Oh, it’s just an ordinary dress I bought in China.
Case 2: An American friend introduces Mr. Chen to his other friends.
The root of these differences lies in…



跨文化交际教程案例分析(英文)cross-cultural communication一.CaseAnalysisIn India, a white Sari(纱丽服,一种女性服装) symbolizes widowhood, while in the west, a white dress symbolizes purity.Answer the following questions:(1) What might these Indian women think about the Western custom of a bride in white?(2) What cultural phenomenon can be revealed in this case?Answer:1.Some Indian women who are more knowledgeable and well educated would have no difficulty in understanding the western brides in white, because they have seen the movies or plays from those English speaking countries or have read books about the western style of marriage routines. However, for some Indian women who hardly knew anything about the foreign culture or language, probably they would think the ladies in white are widows.2. In different cultures the same thing means differently to different people. This case particularly shows us that we are living in a world composed of nothing but cultures. The culture of one nation kind of defines their life and perceptions. It is hard to change your life not because you cannot change yourself but because you can’t change something invisible but powerful there, and that is culture.二.BOb中午下班的时候拿了本trade magazine准备出去吃中饭在大厅走廊里看到同事们在一起聊天其中几个跟他打招呼他心里不太高兴因为他们没有邀请他来吃中饭可他不知道的是他们之前讨论的就是他Bob不主动加入他们吃午饭每次都一个人先跑出去了他们觉得他被什么困难整天缠身他们很担心他This is a typical communication problems. Bob is not so active that his colleagues think he is always likes stay alone, which leads to a result that they do not ask Bob to have meal together. Actually, they all worry about him and think there must be something wrong with Bob.To avoid this situation they should have more communication to each other .As Bob i think he should spent more time with his collegues which is necessary to develop their relationship. As for the collegues, they should take more care about each other.。



Case 1 A CanadianThe shipping agent is serving the customers in the way that is considered efficient in Venezuelan culture. To the Canadian, however, this is unfocused activity that is not nearly as efficient as it would be —particularly from her point of view —if the agent simply dealt exclusively with her scheduled appointment./ In Canada, businesspeople typically write appointments and activities into the day’s agenda every day. They then work sequentially through the agenda until they have completed each task or the day is over. In other words, Canadians prefer to do one thing at a time, while the South Americans, including Venezuelans, tend to do a few things simultaneously.Case 2 A dozenAs a Westerner, the American visiting professor does not quite understand the collective ownership of information in some other cultural environments. What made her annoyed is a different attitude toward information about people. In the United States, it is generally assumed that personal matters are private. Teachers go through elaborate procedures to assure that students do not have access to each other’s grades. In business it is the same. Evaluations are confidential.Case 3 WhenAs a matter of fact, the American woman was not being disrespectful. However, it is clear that her way of showing respect and welcome was different from the ancient tradition of keeping physical distance from superiors, which is still widely observed, especially when royalty is involved.Paul Keating, the Australian prime minister, may have intended to suggest by his gesture that Australia would no longer accept the queen as head of state but just as one of their honored guests. Obviously, the British would not like it at all. Sometimes, such seemingly trivial things can influence relations between countries. That’s why protocol is taken seriously and people who are to hold diplomatic posts will be given detailed and careful instructions. Case 22 An AmericanPeople from different cultures mayconsider their own communicationstyle to be natural and normal, andtherefore tend to evaluate otherstyles negatively. In this case, bothpeople are unaware of the Americanpreference for a direct and explicitstyle in contrast to the morecontextual African style. Both thesecommunicators are likely to leavethe situation less inclined to ask oranswer questions of each other again.Case 23 A FrenchIn France it is required that all callsbegin with an apology for disturbingthe answer. They are also expected tobegin the call by checking that theyhave reached the right number,identifying themselves, and thenchatting with whoever has answeredthe phone, if this person is known tothem. Only after some conversationmay callers indicate their wish tospeak with the person they haveactually called to speak to.In contrast, callers in the U. S. A.apologize only when they feel theyhave called at an inappropriate time;they often ask for the person theywant without identifying themselvesor conversing with the answer, evenwhen that person is known to them;and they behave, in general, asthough the person who has answeredthe phone is just an extension of theinstrument itself.Case 24 At a 1970The Japanese have a strong dislike ofentering into direct confrontationsand placing others in anembarrassing position. It is verydifficult for a Japanese to respond toany suggestion or request with adefinite “no”. What the Japanese willoften do instead is resort to a vaguesort of reply to the effect that thematter needs further study andconsideration. They do this to saveface for the person who has made thesuggestion or request, but Americansmay not properly understand it andmay completely misinterpret thevagueness as compliance and assumethat the proposition has beenaccepted. But this was apparentlynever made clear to Nixon. That iswhy he included that he had beendouble-crossed. Themisunderstanding had seriousadverse consequences for Japanese U.S. relations.Case 9 In a cross-culturalWhen they are being scolded by thetrainers for being repeatedly late forafternoon sessions, the Chinesetrainees felt bewildered because theythought it is inappropriate for theCanadian trainers to become soangry about it. In their opinion, oneshould not let him- or herself behaveas emotionally like this. Theappropriate way to deal with such aperson would be to become coolertoward and more distant from theperson who behaved so irresponsibly.It was understandable that one wouldfeel angry in this situation but it wasnot appropriate to show anger, forthe other person would certainly loseface if anger were directed towardhim or her, and the angry personwould look foolish and childish andtherefore also lose face.Canadians see such situations in avery different way. They tend toexplicitly express how they feel andopenly criticize the person who theythink has been wrong orirresponsible. It seems to them thatthis has little to do with face.Case 18 Ted WashingtonTed Washington, the marketingmanager, rejected the sale proposalsof both the American, Dale Petersand the Japanese, Hideo Takahashi,without considering who made theproposal. While the direct andoutright rejection is O.K. with Peters,for he and the manager are from thesame culture, to Hideo, it meanssomething beyond the rejection of aproposal itself. Therefore, the twopeople responded to the rejection inquite different ways.In this case, the American believesthe root of the conflict lay indifferent goals and objectives,therefore, Peters entered into aheated discussion with Ted, trying toget his proposal accepted byproducing facts, figures, and graphsto illustrate his case. But theJapanese believes the conflict wasnot in the rejection of the proposalbut rather in the way it wascommunicated, so he thinks of it as apersonal attack or a sign of mistrust.In short, Americans tend to be moretask-oriented while the Japanese aremore likely to focus on interpersonalrelationships.Case 7 A femaleWhen the Canadian young man said, “Who took my peanut butter?”, what he really meant was “Where is my peanut butter? I can’t find it.”The Chinese doctor felt upset because in Chinese culture questions like this, especially expressed in the way the young Canadian man did, often imply that someone is to blame. Chinese culture prohibits direct accusing unless a person has been targeted for shame. However, true to her learned cultural behavior of never showing anger in public, the Chinese doctor didn’t say anything, though she was deeply distressed. Later, the physiotherapist was making a joke when she said the Chinese doctor had “three hands”. She wasn’t serious, of course, and expected the patient to be amused by her explanation for his pain: that the doctor on the other side of the room could have reached an imaginary hand out to touch him. She didn’t know that in Chinese a “three-handed person” is a slang for a thief.Case 17 TomIt is customary in China and many other Asian countries for hosts to ask their guests again and again to take more. Tom didn’t have to eat extra food if he didn’t want any more.In the U.S., a host will offer more food usually only once. And the Americans will take a “no” to mean “no”, whether it is the first, second or third time. However, in many other parts of the world it is considered good manners for guests not to accept an offer at first. Sometimes one mustn’t accept food the second time it is offered. Therefore, hosts try to repeat an offer until they are sure that their guests really want to decline.Case 25 A JapaneseNonverbal behaviors such as smiles seem to cut across cultural lines. But in reality, they are often found to be not universal. To most Americans, a smile is the most common nonverbal behavior to bridge gaps that may exist between strangers (including foreigners) and themselves. It is natural for them to be smiling and friendly when they come across strangers. But in eastern Asian countries like Japan, smiles are used differently. Japanese do not readily show their feelings. In Japan, people do not usually smile at a stranger. Ifyou do, you might be consideredimpolite.Case 8 Brent WeberIn American culture, people’spersonal goals take priority overtheir allegiance to groups like thefamily or the employer. The loyaltyof individuals to a group is usuallyweak. Americans are apt to changetheir relationship if it suits theirindividual needs, and they are notlikely to be emotionally dependenton organizations and institutions.In Japanese society, the relationshipbetween an employee and the firm ismuch more interdependent,somewhat similar to a child-motherrelationship where the mother (firm)is obliged to take care of her children(employees) and children(employees) have to obey and followthe commands of their mother (firm).It is not surprising for an Americanto try to find another job before he orshe leaves his or her presentemployer if he or she consider itnecessary for him- or herself.However, this action was regardedby the Japanese firm as disloyal,undermining the trust between thetwo parties. In spite of this, themanager of the firm did not like theparting to be understood as Brentbeing fired, because the appearanceof harmony and agreement withinthe group (the firm in this case) isimportant in Japanese society.Case 16 A missionWhat went wrong in this case?Contrary to general Americanperception, it is considered properbehavior for Japanese to be silent. Itis a discreet way to show respect ifhe listens to others speak rather thanspeaking out. So the Japanesedelegates did what they consideredproper, i.e., listen quietly to what theAmericans had to say. Silence oftenmeans that they are seriouslythinking about the subject at issue.But many Americans will interpretsilence in a conversation to meandisapproval, disagreement, or evenarrogance. This is an example thatillustrates the problem of theso-called “perception-gap”.Participants in communicationperceive each other’s behavior invery different ways, which oftenresults in misunderstanding orconflict.Case 26 Wang PingChinese people seldom hug eachother, particularly in public places. Ifpeople do, a romantic message isusually conveyed. Go to any airportor train station in China, and you willsee scenes of greeting and good-byewith all the feeling expressed in theeyes and the face and in the practicalthings family members and relativesand friends do for each other, but it isunlikely people will hug, with onlyyounger ones as an exception.In contrast, people of Latin Americancultures touch each other incommunication much more thanpeople of some other cultures,especially Eastern Asian cultures. Ata time of meeting a friend or upondeparting, hugging each other is verynatural for Latin American people.On such occasions, hugging has nosexual connotation; it is just like ahandshake in China, but warmer andmore enthusiastic. Women tend tohug each other more than men hugwomen, but both are common. One’sdiscomfort at hugging in suchsituations may be interpreted byLatin American people asunfriendliness.Case 27 The otherAs with smiling, laughing does notalways serve the same function indifferent cultures. Interestingly, forus Chinese, laughing often has aspecial function during tense socialoccasions. People may laugh torelease the tension or embarrassment,to express their concern for you,their intention to put you at ease or tohelp you shrug off theembarrassment. In this case, thepeople there actually wished to laughwith the American rather than at him.Their laughing seemed to convey anumber of messages: don’t take it soseriously; laugh it off, it’s nothing;such things can happen to any of us,etc. unfortunately, the America wasunaware of this. He thought theywere laughing at him, which madehim feel more embarrassed andangry, for in his culture laughing onsuch an occasion would beinterpreted as an insulting response,humiliating and negative.。



大垮英语第二章案例分析States, unless you express yourself clearly and directly, the others cannot understand you.中国学生想要美国学生理解底层的手段,他的话,但是美国学生用来直接的交流方式。




Case 8 (P34)She Has Three Hands她有三个指针:This case can reflect the different communication styles between Chinese and Canadians. In western cultures, communication is the means of transmitting ideas. Western people usually communicate directly with each other. 这种情况下可以反映出不同的沟通方式在中国和加拿大人。



That is why the Canadian in this case says what is in his mind directly in front of the Chinese woman without hiding anything. While Chinese culture stresses harmony and emphasizes the relationships between the communicators. Chinese people view communication as a process where all parties are searching to develop and maintain a social relationship. So the Chinese woman in this case tries not to argue with the Canadian face to face to keep the “harmonious relationship”between them.这就是为什么加拿大在这种情况下说什么是在他的脑海里的正前方的中国女人没有隐瞒任何事。



大学英语跨文化交际案例分析大学英语跨文化交际案例分析Case 2 (P8)White Dress女王的白色长裙:Case analysis: The Indian women might think the wedding ceremony is a funeral if they see the western bride in white gown. The case reflects the similes and metaphors in the text.案例分析:印度女人可能觉得婚礼是一个葬礼,如果他们看到西方的新娘的白色礼服。


Culture is like an iceberg: we can identify the color of the dress worn by women in different cultures, but we do not know the values underneath. Culture is like the water a fish swims in: people wear dress of different colors for different context but they usually take it for granted and never ask why.文化是像冰山:我们可以辨认颜色衣服的妇女所穿不同的文化,但我们不知道下面的值。


Case 4 (P18)Coconut-skating椰子-溜冰:Case analysis: The case reflects the characteristics of culture. We can tell from the case that culture is pervasive and it’s learned.案例分析:这个事件反映了文化的特点。

大学英语跨文化交际 chapter2

大学英语跨文化交际 chapter2

Chapter 2 Communication and InterculturalCommunicationI. Teaching ObjectivesIn this chapter, the teacher should enable the students to:1. know different definitions of communication.2. identify nine components of communication.3. identify the characteristics of communication.4. know the relationship between culture and communication.5. know the definition of intercultural communication.6. identify the 4 forms of intercultural communication.II. Contents1. Keywords(1) Sender/Source: A sender/source is the person who transmits a message.(信息发出者/信息源:信息发出者/信息源指传递信息的人。

)(2) Message: A message is any signal that triggers the response of a receiver.(信息:信息指引起信息接受者反应的任何信号。

)(3) Encoding: It refers to the activity during which the sender must choose certain words or nonverbal methods to send an intentional message. (编码:编码指信息发出者选择言语或用非言语的方式发出有目的的信息的行为。

大学英语跨文化交际chapter2 Communication and Intercultural Communication

大学英语跨文化交际chapter2 Communication and Intercultural Communication

Learning objectives:
Communication and Intercultural Communication
Characteristics of Communication
Culture and Communication
Interቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱultural Communication
Eastern perspective of communication
Definitions of communication from many Asian countries stress harmony, which is most notable in cultures with a Confucian tradition. Eastern cultures’ understanding would define communication as a process where all parties are searching to develop and maintain a social relationship.
b. Communication is systematic
Communication does not occur in isolation or in a vacuum, but rather is part of a larger system. We send and receive messages not in isolation, but in a specific setting. Setting and environment help determine the words and actions we generate. Dress, language, topic selection, and the like are all adapted to context.



Case 1 Girl-nessAs a visiting professor in an American university, Zhang Hua was invited to give a lecture to a group of American students、He talked about university students in China、During the question-and-answer period after the lecture, one female student asked a question that surprised Zhang Hua、“When you talked about female students, you referred to them as girls、Why?”“Because they are girls、That’s what they are called,” Zhang Hua tried to answer, but he knew he did not really understand the intent of the question、“ I don’t quite understand your question, I’m afraid、”“In the States, we call ourselves ‘ women’ if we’re old enough to go to the university、Calling us ‘girls’ is insulting、”Do Chinese female college students prefer to be called women?Case 2Many years ago, a Chinese man showed a photo of his wife to some American visitors、Out of courtesy, they all said,” She is very beautiful、” Also out of courtesy, the man replied with what he would have done in Chinese under the circumstance,” Where! Where!” Quite taken aback, nobody said anything for a moment, until the most ingenious one among the visitors, taking another look at the photo, said, “Oh, everywhere!”What did the Chinese intend to mean by replying with “ Where! Where!”?Case 1 Girl-nessAs a visiting professor in an American university, Zhang Hua was invited to give a lecture to a group of American students、He talked about university students in China、During the question-and-answer period after the lecture, one female student asked a question that surprised Zhang Hua、“When you talked about female students, you referredto them as girls、Why?”“Because they are girls、That’s what they are called,” Zhang Hua tried to answer, but he knew he did not really understand the intent of the question、“ I don’t quite understand your question, I’m afraid、”“In the States, we call ourselves ‘ women’ if we’re old enough to go to the university、Calling us ‘girls’ is insulting、”Do Chinese female college students prefer to be called women?Case 2Many years ago, a Chinese man showed a photo of his wife to some American visitors、Out of courtesy, they all said,” She is very beautiful、” Also out of courtesy, the man replied with what he would have done in Chinese under the circumstance,” Where! Where!” Quite taken aback, nobody said anything for a moment, until the most ingenious one among the visitors, taking another look at the photo, said, “Oh, everywhere!”What did the Chinese intend to mean by replying with “ Where! Where!”?Case 3 “I Just Wanted to Talk”、Wu tong was a graduate student in a Chinese university、Like many students these days, he was very keen on learning English、He would talk with English speakers as often as he could、One day, he saw a new foreigner on campus, Leonard Ramsay, and overheard him speaking English、When Mr、Ramsay finished speaking with the other person, he turned to go, but Wu Tong stopped him、He went up and said, “ You speak English, is that right?”“Yes, why?”“I’d like to practise my English with you, if you don’t mind、”Mr、Ramsay looked a little annoyed、“ I prefer not to, if you don’t mind、”Case 4 An Unwanted Food ServiceDuring a lunch buffet at a conference in China, Wu Fa, the interpreter of the conference, sat with four foreign participants、They were having a good time talking、When Wu Fa stood up for more food, she asked whether she could bring anything back for them、Everyone thanked her and said “no”、A while later, Wu Fa came back with a plate full of food, and asked whether the others would like to have something from her plate、Again, the four others said , “No”、“ Oh, please take something, I can’t eat this much food myself、”The foreigners shrugged and one or two of them even frowned a little、Case 5 Simple Can Be SpecialWen Hong had an American professor in her economics class in China、She had given the professor a lot of help during the course、At the end of the semester,the professor and his wife invited her to their home for dinner、They said they were going to cook her an American meal、Wen Hong felt very flattered and excited,since McDonald,KFC and Pizza Hut had been her only exposure to Western cooking、They had salad to start with,then steak with potatoes,followed by ice cream、Wen Hong had expected more courses but the meal came to an end、She knew the professor and his wife were being kind to her,but somehow she was a little disappointed、She wondered whether Americans do eat like that at home、Case 6 Chinese Coffee CustomsWhile studying in the United States, Lin Jun made a few American friends、One day he invited two of them to his apartment and cooked them a meal、When his friends said they would like some coffee, he started boiling some water、Without asking them any questions, he made three cups of 3-in-1 coffee, the way he usually took it、Both friends tasted the coffee and frowned、One said she always took coffee black,the other said he preferred to have less sugar in his coffee、They also told him that the spoon is for stirring the coffee,not to drink from like he did、LinJun was embarrassed、He had thought that everyone drank coffee the same way as he did、Case 7 Noise from NoodlesJane and Peter were Chen Dong’s landlord and landlady when he was in the States、They had become good friends by the end of his one-year stay、They kept in touch with each other after Chen Dong returned to China、Jane and Peter decided to visit China soon after Chen Dong left the States、They made a special stop in Guangzhou where Chen Dong lives、Chen Dong had promised to show them around the city and let them try some authentic Cantonese food、One thing,in particular,he wanted them to try was noodles、He knew several restaurants that served good noodles and took the couple to one of them for lunch one day、Noodles typically come in soup in Cantonese cooking、Chen Dong started eating the noodles with chopsticks,while Jane and Peter exchanged a look at the noise that came with his eating、After a little hesitation,they asked for forks、A waitress told them that they did not have forks,and Chen Dong explained that noodle restaurants do not usually keep forks because no one would think of using forks for noodles、In the next half an hour,Jane and Peter had a hard time trying to roll the long noodles onto their chopsticks、Chen Dong said,“that’s not the way we eat noodles、You put the noodles directly to your mouth with your chopsticks、”“But that’s not the way we eat noodles,” Jane and Peter said, frowning、Case 8 Dinner in a Chinese HomeBesides taking Peter and Jane to restaurants, Dong Chen also invited them to his home for dinner once、Dong Chen ‘s mother is a nice wife, and made eight courses for four of them、“I'm sorry there isn’t much for dinner, she said、”“God this is much more than enough food,” Jane sai d、Peter was too overwhelmed to even respond to Dong Chen‘ motherDong Chen was a little embarrassed、“This is what we usually say to guests,even though there’s plenty of food” he explained.What bewildered Jane and Peter most was that though Dong Chen’s m other kept saying that the food was not good,she constantly served helpings to Jane and Peter.Peter did not like two of the courses very much,and felt bad that his plate was full with whatever he would not be able to eat、At seeing Dong Chen's mother’s nex t move to serve him food,he said in a begging voice,“Please don’t give me any more food.Let me do it myself.Case 9A Not-sociable DrinkMartin was sent by an American company to work in a special economic development zone in China for a year、He became very friendly with a few Chinese colleagues、Soon, he started to go out with them、He noticed that Chinese like to have something , such as peanuts, when they have beer, instead of just drinking beer without anything to eat as many North Americans do、One day he was invited to a dinner party to celebrate a colleague’s birthday、They ordered alcoholic beverages and toasted the guest of honor frequently、Soon Martin realized that the plan was to get their friend drunk、Each colleague would offer a toast, conc luding with a cheery “ gan bei!” and tried to get Martin to join in, even though he was unwilling to do it、Martin didn’t think it a good idea, and tried to talk them out of the game、However, he was accused of not being a good friend for not co-operating、Martin remained an outsider during the rest of the dinner、He was getting increasingly worried as he watched the poor guest become increasingly inebriated、Case 10 A Misunderstanding at a Dinner TableRoger was a student majoring in East Asia Studies in an American university、He started an e-mail correspondence with Zhang Li, a sociology major in China, who was introduced to him through a mutual friend、Upon graduation, Roger got a big gift from his grandfather、Grandpa would pay for a round-trip ticket to China、He told Zhang Li the good news, and the two decided to meet、Zhang Li decided to give Roger a very special welcome: she and the three women students in her dormitory would cook him an authentic Chinese meal, as Roger had told her that he loved Chinese food、However, when Roger was presented the dinner, he was almost terrified by some of the food: pork stomach soup, pig liver with ginger and spring onion, chicken with mushrooms in which the chicken had been cut to pieces with bones attached to the meal、Fortunately , there were courses like tofu, stirred fried beef, steamed fish and vegetables that Roger loved、He tried to stick to them but Zhang Li kept putting food he did not like on his plate、When she asked how he liked the liver, Roger said, “ It’s very unusual…and interesting、“ This seemed to make Zhang Li happy、And she gave him more liver、Roger tried to stop her, but she would not be stopped、Roger was so frustrated that he told her that he did not really like it that much、“ But you said it was unusual and interesting!”Zhang Li said、“ Well, they both mean something less than positive,” Roger said carefully, trying not to hurt their feelings、Zhang Li and her friends became concerned at this、”“So you don’t like the food?” I’m not used to eating liver, that’s all、But I do like the chicken, the beef, the tofu, and the vegetables、I have had more than enough to eat、I never make this much food at home,” Roger was eager to let them know how much he appreciated their effort、“Trust me, I’m en joying the food、I know what I like、”Having said that, he found a piece of chicken that was less bony, held it in his hand to eat it, and then licked his fingers、Zhang Li and her friends looked at each other in shock、It was not a perfect first meeting for either Zhang Li or Roger、Case 11 Over-dressed TouristsAs a van stopped in front of Niagara Falls, a group of Chinese officials streamed out、They were dressed in suits and ties, wearing leather shoes、Many of the men also had left the manufacture’s tag on the sleeve of their suit jacket、As they wandered around Niagara Falls, some of them started to smoke、Their attire drew the stares of North American tourists, some of whom quietly laughed with their friends and pointed at the Chinese visitors、Others frowned at seeing the smoking and shook their heads in disapproval、Case 12 Tie CultureJane was a tourist and spent some time staying with a Chinese friend at her home、They watched a children’s porgram while having breakfast one morning、A young man, the host of the program, gave instructions of a game to a few children, and then joined them running in a circle、“My, he’s wearing a tie and running crazy with the children!” Jane exclaimed、The Chinese friend shrugged,”Is this very unusual?”Case 13 An American in ChinaProfessor Smith and his assistant,Chen Ming,were doing fieldwork in a small city in China、It was hot and humid, and both were casually dressed、One evening as they were leaving for dinner,a local administrator told them that the mayor of the city, who was interested in the type of research they were doing, would like to say hello to Professor Smith、As luck would have it,the Mayor was dining in the same restaurant as Smith and Chen Ming、Professor Smith said he had to go back to his room to change、“You look fine,Come on,the mayor is waiting,”the administrator said、“No, I can’t meet the mayor in my shorts”Case 14 The Generosity of a Chinese StudentMatt was invited to a Chinese university to give a few lectures、During his short stay there, a graduate student volunteered to show him around the city、Matt accepted the offer gratefully、It was summer and soon both Matt and the graduate student began to get quite hot、While Matt took some pictures, the graduate student went to buy some drinks、“Thank you、How much do I owe you?” Matt asked、“Nothing、” The student smiled、“ Are you sure?”“Yes、”At lunchtime, Matt suggested they have a quick meal、They stopped by a McDonald、Again, the graduate student tried to pay for Matt、“No, this is my treat、You’re a student, I’m a professor、You’ve given me the time to show me around、You already paid for my drink、I can’t let you pay for my lunch again、”Case 15 A Gift from a Chinese StudentXie Dong did his graduate study in an American university、He came back to China for summer vacation、When he went back to his program, he paid his supervisor a visit and presented him a gift、The professor opened the gift、It was a ginseng with its many tiny roots spreading out in a very artistic pattern、It clearly was an expensive gift、The professor’s eyes shone at the ginseng, but he then began to feel uneasy、“Xie Dong, I appreciate your kindness, but I can’t take this as a gift、”“ Why? Don’t you like it?” It was Xie Dong’s tur n to be uneasy now、“ Oh, sure, I love it、But I can’t accept it、”“Why?”“ Because I didn’t do anything to deserve such a gift、”Case 16 Telephone CourtesyKathy and David, a couple from the US, signed a one-year contract to work in China、Both were extroverted and soon made some Chinese friends、Before long, people started calling them at home、David was sometimes away on business trips for a few days, and if someone looked for him, Kathy often would find the conversation awkward、“ Where did he go?” The caller typically would ask、“Can I pass on any message?” Kathy asked politely, trying to avoid the question、“Is he out of town?” The caller was usually very persistent、“Yes, can I help you in any way?” Kathy tried to be polite, but she could not he lp feeling uncomfortable、Case 17 “Not So Close, Please”He Jia had lived in the United States for 7 years before she came back to work in China、She found that she had become accustomed to social habits in North America and that some Chinese behaviours now caused her some discomfort、For example, one day, back in China, she was in a queue to use an ATM、She had noticed that people were standing very close to each other、In fact, the person behind her could, if she or he wanted, to see her enter the PIN of her ATM card、He Jia wanted to make people aware of the discomfort of the user by keeping her distance from the person in front of her、However, the people behind her pushed her to move forward、Case 18 The Privacy of the PageSimon and Cheng Feng often studied together to prepare for exams、One day, in the middle of a study session, Simon said he wanted to get a coffee、He asked Cheng Feng if he wanted any, but he said, “No”、When he came back, he found Cheng Feng reading his notes、He was upset and, altho ugh he didn’t say anything at the time, he never studied with Cheng Feng again、Cheng Feng noticed the change and wondered what had happened、Case19 The Privacy of PhotographsRose invited Lili to her home one day、While they were having coffee, Rose showed Lili a few pictures of her boyfriend in a photo album、Lili casually turned to other pages after that、Rose stopped her, “I’d rather you not look at other pictures、”Lili was embarrassed, and apologized, “I’m sorry、”Case 20 The Privacy of PriceAfter living in the States for some time, Ping Li observed that Americans like to comment on each other’s looks and clothes、So when she saw a fellow graduate student wearing a nice dress at a party, she complimented her by saying、“This is a very beautiful dress、” “Oh thank you , I bought it last year before Christmas ,” the student very pleased、“How much was it?”Ping Li asked、“Well I don’t quite remember,” the student seemed unprepared for thequestion, and answered a little hesitatingly、Case 21 The Privacy of the PersonZou Qing and Nancy became friends after they met in a course they both took.Nancy had had gray hair much earlier than people of the same age,and had been dyeing her hair for several years、While they were having a break one day in between two classes, and Zou Qing noticed that Nancy had some invisible gray hair on her、She told her so, but Nancy changed the topic right away、When everyone else left,Nancy said to Zou Qing,“Please don’t mention my gray hair while there were men around、”Case 22 Unacceptable CuriosityMr and Mrs Peterson came to China with a tour group、One evening, they decided to take a walk outside their hotel、They soon noticed that quite a few people stared at them、One man even quickly walked past them and then turned back to look at them several times、Both Mr and Mrs Peterson feltuncomfortable about the staring and went back to the hotel sooner than they had planned、Case 23 Confusion in Communicating LoveLe, a Chinese woman, and Bill, an American man, were very much in love、Their relationship started with their shared interest in photography、As time went on, however, Le became dependent on Bill whenever she wanted to take a picture, because she felt that Bill was a much better photographer than she was、Whenever she noticed a scene that would make a good image, she would ask Bill to take the picture for her、Bill was not very pleased but did not say anything for a while、However, Le soon got to a point where she began to ask Bill to load and unload the film、Bill decided that it was too much for him to bear、He exploded, “What’s the matter with you? Don’t you know how to load and unload a film? Can’t you take a picture any more?”Le was so shocked that she burst into tears、“I ask you to do things only b ecause you do it better than me、What’s wrong with that?”Case24 Unwanted AttentionTeresa is a Chinese American teaching English temporarily at a Chinese university、She is very easy going, and soon the students got to know her well enough to invite her out regularly、Crossing the very busy and wide streets in the city was a scary experience for Teresa, and she complained of it repeatedly、As a result, the female students began to try to help her by taking her hand or grasping her arm while the male students seemed to be shy about protecting her、Teresa was uncomfortable with her female students touching her, and told the women they did not need to do it、Her female students thought she wasbeing polite and continued to take care of her the same way、Teresa became so uncomfortable that she tried to move away from her female students whenever they had to cross the road、Case 25 Holding HandsChris was a visiting professor in China、On one day, one of his students, Sun Hui, showed him around the city、Sun Hui soon noticed that Chris was interested in taking pictures of men that were walking arm-in-arm or touching each other when they talked、“ I don’t see anything special about those men,” Sun Hui said curiously、“ Well, we don’t see much of that in men in the States,” Chris said, “ They’re gay, aren’t they?”Case 26 Friendship MisunderstoodYan Hong was a Chinese painter who immigrated to the United States、She met Jenny, an American physician in a club one day、They soon became friends, and sometimes went out for coffee and lunch together、One day, Jenny gave Yan Hong a very beautiful vase、Yan Hong loved the vase very much, and felt she should give Jenny something in return、So she gave Jenny a painting she brought from China、Jenny was very pleased、A few days later, Jenny invited Yan Hong to her home for the first time、They made dinner together and enjoyed the meal a lot、Then they sat down to watch TV、When Jenny tentatively held Yan Hong’s hand, Yan Hong was not aware of anything unusual、However, when Jenny sat closer to her and kissed her, Yan Hong was terrified、She pushed Jenny away and cried, “ I’m not a lesbian!”Jenny was in shock, and asked accusingly, “ Then why didn’t you tell me earlier?”Case 27 Learning about FlirtingChen Qing was a visiting scholar in an American university、He had made some friends with professors and students there、One day he went to a party where the atmosphere became less and less inhibited、Chen Qing noticed that men and women touched each other a lot more than he was used to、At the end of the party, most people hugged each other good-bye、One woman came to hug Chen Qing, but he stiffened as she attempted to give him a hug、He had never hugged any women except his wife in his life、Other women noticed this, and no one else tried to hug him、However, Chen Qing felt left out when people hugged each other but not him、He found himself in a very awkward situation: he didn’t want to be hugged, neither did he want to be left out、He did not know what he wanted or how to resolve his conflicting emotions、Case28 Lost in LoveLi Ying fell in love with an American man in her second year in the United States、They spent a lot of time together、After they had been to all the places of interest in the city, they had to decide where to go or what to do for the next date、John typically would ask Li Ying, “ What do you want to do today?” , or “ Where shall we go?” Li Ying would sometimes tell what she wanted, but more often than not, she would say “It’s up to you”, or “ Whatever you want to do”, or “ Wherever you want to go、”John frowned at such responses several times until one day when Li Ying said “ up to you” again、“For God’s sake, tell me what you want to do!” He cried out loud、Li Ying was shocked at his reaction、“ Isn’t it clear to you? I’ll do what you want to do、”“ No, it isn’t clear at all、I want to know what you want to do!” John was almost angry、“ Don’t you realize that sometimes I want to do what you want to do, too?”Case 29 Lovers Become StrangersXiao Xin and Peter are newly-weds、Though they spent a lot of time with each other before getting married, they never really lived together、Not surprisingly, their marriage was followed by a series of minor problems while they tried t o adjust to each other’s ways of life、One difficult issue came up about two months after their new life, when Peter came home from work looking unhappy、“ What happened?” Xiao Xin asked、“Nothing much, I’m just very tired,” Peter said、“I can tell that it’s more than that、”Peter gave Xiao Xin a quiet look, went into the bedroom, and threw himself to bed、Xiao Xin followed him in、“Don’t you want to talk about it?”“No, I don’t、”“Perhaps I can help?” Xiao Xin suggested、“ Xiao Xin, sometimes you just ha ve to give me some space、All I need now is some privacy!” Peter yelled、Xiao Xin was in shock、“Don’t you trust me?”“Geez, it’s not a matter of trust! Can’t you accept the fact that talking to you isn’t the solution to every one of my problems?” Peter wa s becoming frustrated and impatient、Xiao Xin was in tears、Her husband seemed to have become a stranger to her、Case 30 A Gift of SelfZhang Ge and Simon were head over heels in love with each other、They decided to go away to spend a major holiday somewhere、It was winter time, so they flew south in search of sunshine and warm water、However, Simon developed diarrhea soon after they settled in a hotel、He felt weak and had to lie down for a rest、Zhang Ge was worried and stayed him in the room、Outside the window, the sun was shining, and they could hear the surf、The sun and beach is what they had dreamed about for months during the winter back home、“Go and have some fun,” Simon said to Zhang Ge、“ How can I go and have fun while you’re sick in bed?”“Why not, it’s not your fault that I’m sick、Besides, there’s nothing you can do here、”“Nonsense! I can keep your company, and you’ll feel better with me around you、”“Are you sure you want to do this instead of going out?”“Yes, I’m sure、I won’t go with out you、”“Oh, you’re so special、I love you so much!” Simon drew Zhang Ge near and kissed her、Case 31 A Close GirlfriendLiu Hong and Wu Xin have been good friends since they were young girls、Both eventually had the opportunity to study in the United States, although they ended up in two different cities、After their first year of hard work, they decided to do some traveling together、Liu Hong went to stay with Wu Xin for two days before they set off、Then they visited three cities over the next 10 days、Liu Hong came back from the trip and told her American friends about the trip、She casually mentioned that they had to share one bed in one particular motel、“ Oh, did you?” , said one of the friends in a tone that made Liu Hong feel uncomfortable、Case 32 Interpreting a Smile、Peter is the general manager of an American company in China、Recently, Chen Jun, one of the Chinese managers made a mistake at work that caused some difficulties that required a lot of effort to fix、Chen Jun was very upseta bout what had happened, and came to Peter’s office to make a formal apology、Chen Jun went into Peter’s office after being told to, smiling before he spoke、“ Peter, I’ve been feeling very upset about the trouble I’ve caused for the company、I’m here to apologize for the mistake、I’m terribly sorry about it and I want you to know that it will never happen again、” Chen Jun said, looking at Peter with the smile he had been wearing since he walked into the office、Peter found it hard to accept the apology、He looked at Chen Jun, and asked, “ are you sure?”“ Yes, I’m very sorry and I promise this won’t happen again,” Chen Jun said, with a smile even broader than before、“I’m sorry I just can’t take your apology、You don’t look sorry at all!” Peter said angrily、Chen Jun’s face turned very red、He did not in the least expect Peter to take it negatively、He was desperate to make himself understood、“ Peter, ” he managed to smile again, “ trust me, no one can feel any more sorry than I do about it、”Peter was a lmost furious by now, “ if you’re that sorry, how can you still smile?”Case33 Interpreting a LaughHuihua, a Chinese student, and Mary , an American student studying Chinese in China, were on their way to a bookstore、As they got to the bookstore, they saw a young man walking down a flight of stairs、In his hurry, he missed the last two steps, and fell on the ground、He struggled to get back to his feet while people around him laughed、Fortunately, he seemed to be O、K、Mary was worried、She found Huihua smiling a little and was not comfortable about it、Tell me, Huihua, how could people laugh when someone fell like that? Do they care at all? Shouldn’t they go up and ask the young man whether he was hurt?”Huihua said, “ they knew he wasn’t hurt too much、”“ But I still don’t understand、A fall is a fall、In my culture, people would do anything but laugh!”Case 34 Different Lunch BoxesPeter was one of the American technicians who came to China to help set up a coffee plant、He was in China for six months.Before leaving for home,one of his Chinese colleagues took him out to dinner、Peter decided to ask him a question that had puzzled him for as long as he worked in the plant.Why is it that the Chinese workers have stainless boxes for their lunch,while us foreigners have lunch put in the disposable plastic boxes?”The Chinese colleague smiled,“It’s because the plastic boxes are more convenient;they are disposable.With the stainless boxes, you have to wash them after every meal、”But Peter was not convinced.“I don’t think so.Stainless boxes are much better than plastic boxes.They look more professional, they are more durable, and they protect your lunch better、。



台州学院大二下英语跨文化交际课后答案The English character①What is a reserved person like?a reserved person is one who does not talk very much to strangers.does not show much emotion,and seldom gets excited.②what is the character of the Englishmen? Since reserve,a show of modesty and a sense of humor are part of his own nature,the typical Englishman tends to expect them in others.③what is sportsmanship? Sportsmanship is the ability to practice a sport according to its rules,while also showing generosity to one’s opponent and good temper in defeat.The American character①Can you summarize the character of Americans? The new Englander is described as stern and self-reliant,the southerners as gracious and leisurely,and the westerners as casual and friendly. ②In what sense is the pioneering spirit still an important part of the American character? The pioneering spirit of the immigrant is still an important part of the American character. ③what is the American dream?what’s its impact on the American character? American dream-the belief that any individual,no matter how poor,can achieve wealth and fame through diligence and virtue.④what are the basic roots of American character? pioneering spirit。

大学英语跨文化交际 chapter8

大学英语跨文化交际 chapter8

Chapter 8 Cultural Influences on ContextsI. Teaching ObjectivesIn this chapter, the teacher should enable the students to:1. Perceive the relationship between context and communication.2. Describe different views towards various contexts in different cultures.3. Understand the management concept and behavioral modes of business context.4. Summarize the different roles and behavioral patterns of educational context.5. Evaluate the different attitudes and conversational structures of health care context.II. Contents1. KeywordsCommunication is not devoid of external influence: all human interaction is influenced to some degree by the social, physical, and cultural settings in which it occurs. This is known as the communication context. (交际无法脱离外部环境的影响:所有的人类交际都或多或少受到社会、物理和文化场景的影响。


)2. Key Points(1) the relationship between context and communication.(2) different views towards various contexts in different cultures.(3) the management concept and behavioral modes of business context.(4) the different roles and behavioral patterns of educational context.(5) the different attitudes and conversational structures of health care context.3. Difficult Points(1) the relationship between context and communication.(2) different views towards various contexts in different cultures.(3) the management concept and behavioral modes of business context.III. Teaching Methods1. Pair/Group work2. Discussion3. Task-based approach4. Communicative approach5. Questions and answers6. Case analysis7. InterviewIV. Teaching Procedures1. Lead-in case: Let students do Lead-in Case and discuss the questions.2. Text Aa. Presentation: Pre-reading taskLet students do pre-reading task and discuss the questions provided by the activity.b. Practice: The explanation of the text and activitiesThree basic assumptions about human communication(1) Communication is rule governedLet students read “Communication is rule governed” and discuss the examples, and then do the Blank Filling task. Based on this discussion, students can understand why communication is rule governed?In this way, teacher can sense students’ understanding of communication is rule governed. (2) Contexts specify the appropriate rulesLet students think how such contexts as a classroom, bank, church, hospital, courtroom, wedding, or funeral determine which communication rules apply.(3) Rules are culturally diverseLet students know different cultures, different rules after reading this part and finishing “Blank Filling”.c. Production: after-reading checkLet students do the brief analysis of the case “Talk or not talk?” and then teacher provides the answer to them. And make the students clearly know the relationship between the communication and context.3. Text Ba. Presentation: Pre-reading taskLet students do pre-reading task and discuss the questions provided by the activity.b. Practice: The explanation of the text and activities(1) Culture’s Influence on the Business ContextLet students know business negotiation is intertwined with cultural exchange. This part is very easy so teachers just give some examples about Culture’s Influence on the Business Context(2) ManagementLearning on “Management” from the views various cultures hold regarding management and managers, and understand the cultural differences over management. Then teacher give some more examples about management and make the students do the activities:(a) Management In China(b) Management in the United States(c) Management in Germany(d) Management in Japan(e) Management in France(f) Management in Mexico and Latin America(3) Business Etiquette Norms(a) Appointment seeking(b) The Date for Business(c) Greeting behavior(d) Gift givingBusiness etiquette is very important in the business communication. Let students know the importance of appropriate etiquette and correct practice is essential. Then let the students do the role-play with their partners. And do the blank filling.c. Production: after-reading checkLet students do the brief analysis of the case “A Gift from Chinese” and then teacher providesthe answer to the questions:(1)Why did Dongxie give the manager a gift?(2)Why did the manager refuse to accept the gift?(3)What can be reflected related to cultural specific business practice in the case above?4. Text Ca. Presentation: Pre-reading taskLet students do pre-reading task and discuss the questions provided by the activity. Practice: The explanation of the text and activities(1) Culture’s Influence on the Educational ContextLet students read this part because students are so familiar with the educational context.And ask students about their own experience communicating with the foreigners.(2) Role Behaviors of Students and TeachersLet students talk about the roles of students and teachers in China. Then teacher give some examples to explain the difference of the roles of students and teachers between China and Europe. And let students do the activity.(3) Classroom ParticipationThis part is important and students should know clearly their own behaviors in class.Teacher introduce the classroom participation in western countries. And do the blank filling.(4) Turn takingLet students know that turn taking within the classroom is also governed by culturalexpectations.c. Production: after-reading checkLet students do brief analysis of the case “why is he angry” And ask the students to answer the questions. Then let student think about the exploring ideas and exchange some information with the classmate.5. Text Da. Presentation: Pre-reading taskb. Practice: The explanation of the text and activities(1) Culture’s Influence on the Health Care Context(a) Microreligious Approach(b) Naturalistic Approach(c) Biomedical ApproachLet students read “Culture’s influence on the Health care context’’ and understand what constitutes appropriate and effective medical care from different cultural patterns and expectations. And then do the activity “when you are ill”.(2) Family and Gender Roles in the Health Care ContextLet students talk about their own ideas of family and gender roles in the health care context, and then read this part of text and teacher explain the roles in the health care context from different countries.(3) Conversational Structures and LanguageLet student know that the medical interview between caregiver and patient and whether ambiguities in the use of language will present difficulties in diagnosing and treating illnesses. And then do the blank filling.c. Production: after-reading checkLet students do the brief analysis of the case ‘’ Refused to be Treated?’’ and check their actual understanding of culture’ influence on the health care context.V. Assignments1. Let students do the Checklist and Assessment.2. Let students do the rest exercises and activities in “After-reading Check” of each text.3. Review what has been learned and preview the next chapter.VI. Reference1. Cultural Background:中英宴客习俗的差异上面比较详细地介绍了英语国家的宴客形式和他们的待客之道。



2023年大学英语跨文化交际技巧期末结课论文Introduction:2023年大学英语跨文化交际技巧期末结课论文In today's globalized world, the ability to communicate effectively across cultures is becoming increasingly important. This is particularly true for students of English as a second language, who will likely encounter a variety of cultural contexts in their future professional and personal lives. In this paper, we will examine the role of cross-cultural communication skills in 2023, and the strategies that English language learners can use to improve their communication across cultures.Section One: The importance of cross-cultural communication skillsIn order to succeed in today's globalized world, it is essential to be able to communicate effectively across cultures. This is particularly true for students of English as a second language, who will likely encounter a variety of cultural contexts in their future professional and personal lives. Cross-cultural communication skills are important for several reasons. First, they help to build strong relationships with people from different cultures. Second, they can help to prevent cultural misunderstandings and conflicts. Finally, they are essential for success in the global marketplace.Section Two: Strategies for improving cross-cultural communication skillsThere are several strategies that English language learners can use to improve their cross-cultural communication skills. First, they should take advantage of opportunities to interact with people from different cultures. This can be done through travel, international exchange programs, or simply by participating in multicultural events in their local community. Second, they should work on building cultural awareness and sensitivity. This involves learning about different cultural norms, traditions, and customs, as well as developing an understanding of the historical and social contexts that underlie these cultural differences. Third, they should work on developing effective communication skills, such as active listening, asking questions, and using nonverbal cues to convey meaning.Section Three: Challenges and opportunities for cross-cultural communication in 2023While there are many opportunities for English language learners to improve their cross-cultural communication skills in 2023, there are also several challenges that they will need to overcome. One of the biggest challenges is the rapid pace of technological change, which is making it increasingly difficult to keep up with new communication tools and platforms. Another challenge is the rise of nationalism and xenophobia, which are making it harder for people from different cultures to connect and collaborate. Despite these challenges, there are also many opportunities for cross-cultural communication in 2023, particularly in the areas of business, technology, and international relations.Conclusion:In conclusion, cross-cultural communication skills are becoming increasingly important in today's globalized world, and will continue to be essential for success in the future. English language learners can improve their communication skills by taking advantage of opportunities to interact with people from different cultures, building cultural awareness and sensitivity, and developing effective communication skills. While there are several challenges to cross-cultural communication in 2023, there are also many opportunities for students to connect with people from different cultures and succeed in the global marketplace.。






















跨文化交际Unit 1(大二英语)

跨文化交际Unit 1(大二英语)

If you have a question to ask your foreign teacher of English, you may say goodbye to him and leave immediately after you have got the answer and expressed your gratitude. On his way to the school cinema, Li Hong saw Professor Jones walking to the cinema, too. Li said, “You’re going to see the film, aren’t you? On a cold winter day you met Professor Brinser on your way to the library. You said to him, “It’s rather cold. You’d better wear more clothes”.
Interracial Com.
Interethnic Com.
Case 1

My Japanese friend Satsuki was engaged with her American boyfriend Joe and brought him to her parents in Tokyo.
Course Objectives

get the basic information about communication and cultures and try to understand how culture influences our interaction with people of different cultural groups. raise cross-cultural awareness. get mind-prepared to predict and solve possible problems in intercultural communication. better understand and appreciate the Chinese people, Chinese language and Chinese culture.



Case 1 Girl-nessAs a visiting professor in an American university, Zhang Hua was invited to give a lecture to a group of American students. He talked about university students in China. During the question-and-answer period after the lecture, one female s tudent asked a question that surprised Zhang Hua. “When you talked about female students, you referred to them as girls. Why?”“Because they are girls. That’s what they are called,” Zhang Hua tried to answer, but he knew he did not really understand the in tent of the question. “ I don’t quite understand your question, I’m afraid.”“In the States, we call ourselves ‘ women’ if we’re old enough to go to the university. Calling us ‘girls’ is insulting.”Do Chinese female college students prefer to be called women?Case 2Many years ago, a Chinese man showed a photo of his wife to some American visitors. Out of courtesy, they all said,” She is very beautiful.” Also out of courtesy, the man replied with what he would have done in Chinese under the circumstance,” Where! Where!” Quite taken aback, nobody said anything for a moment, until the most ingenious one among the visitors, taking another look at the photo, said, “Oh, everywhere!”What did the Chinese intend to mean by replying with “ Where! Where!”?Case 1 Girl-nessAs a visiting professor in an American university, Zhang Hua was invited to give a lecture to a group of American students. He talked about university students in China. During the question-and-answer period after the lecture, one female student asked a question that surprised Zhang Hua. “When you talked about female students, you referredto them as girls. Why?”“Because they are girls. That’s what they are called,” Zhang Hua tried to answer, but he knew he did not really understand the intent of the question. “ I don’t quite understand your question, I’m afraid.”“In the States, we call ourselves ‘ women’ if we’re old enough to go to the university. Calling us ‘girls’ is insulting.”Do Chinese female college students prefer to be called women?Case 2Many years ago, a Chinese man showed a photo of his wife to some American visitors. Out of courtesy, they all said,” She is very beautiful.” Also out of courtesy, the man replied with what he would have done in Chinese under the circumstance,” Where! Where!” Quite taken aback, nobody said anything for a moment, until the most ingenious one among the visitors, taking another look at the photo, said, “Oh, everywhere!”What did the Chinese intend to mean by replying with “ Where! Where!”?Case 3 “I Just Wanted to Talk”.Wu tong was a graduate student in a Chinese university. Like many students these days, he was very keen on learning English. He would talk with English speakers as often as he could.One day, he saw a new foreigner on campus, Leonard Ramsay, and overheard him speaking English. When Mr. Ramsay finished speaking with the other person, he turned to go, but Wu Tong stopped him. He went up and said, “ You speak English, is that right?”“Yes, why?”“I’d like to practise my English with you, if you don’t mind.”Mr. Ramsay looked a little annoyed. “ I prefer not to, if you don’t mind.”Case 4 An Unwanted Food ServiceDuring a lunch buffet at a conference in China, Wu Fa, the interpreter of the conference, sat with four foreign participants. They were having a good time talking. When Wu Fa stood up for more food, she asked whether she could bring anything back for them.Everyone thanked her and said “no”. A while later, Wu Fa came back with a plate full of food, and asked whether the others would like to have something from her plate.Again, the four others said , “No”.“ Oh, please take something, I can’t eat this much food myself.”The foreigners shrugged and one or two of them even frowned a little.Case 5 Simple Can Be SpecialWen Hong had an American professor in her economics class in China. She had given the professor a lot of help during the course. At the end of the semester,the professor and his wife invited her to their home for dinner. They said they were going to cook her an American meal.Wen Hong felt very flattered and excited,since McDonald,KFC and Pizza Hut had been her only exposure to Western cooking.They had salad to start with,then steak with potatoes,followed by ice cream. Wen Hong had expected more courses but the meal came to an end. She knew the professor and his wife were being kind to her,but somehow she was a little disappointed. She wondered whether Americans do eat like that at home.Case 6 Chinese Coffee CustomsWhile studying in the United States, Lin Jun made a few American friends. One day he invited two of them to his apartment and cooked them a meal. When his friends said they would like some coffee, he started boiling some water. Without asking them any questions, he made three cups of 3-in-1 coffee, the way he usually took it.Both friends tasted the coffee and frowned. One said she always took coffee black,the other said he preferred to have less sugar in his coffee. They also told him that the spoon is for stirring the coffee,not to drink from like he did. LinJun was embarrassed. He had thought that everyone drank coffee the same way as he did.Case 7 Noise from NoodlesJane and Peter were Chen Dong’s landlord and landlady when he was in the States. They had become good friends by the end of his one-year stay. They kept in touch with each other after Chen Dong returned to China. Jane and Peter decided to visit China soon after Chen Dong left the States.They made a special stop in Guangzhou where Chen Dong lives. Chen Dong had promised to show them around the city and let them try some authentic Cantonese food. One thing,in particular,he wanted them to try was noodles. He knew several restaurants that served good noodles and took the couple to one of them for lunch one day.Noodles typically come in soup in Cantonese cooking. Chen Dong started eating the noodles with chopsticks,while Jane and Peter exchanged a look at the noise that came with his eating. After a little hesitation,they asked for forks. A waitress told them that they did not have forks,and Chen Dong explained that noodle restaurants do not usually keep forks because no one would think of using forks for noodles.In the next half an hour,Jane and Peter had a hard time trying to roll the long noodles onto their chopsticks. Chen Dong said,“that’s not the way we eat noodles. You put the noodles directly to y our mouth with your chopsticks.”“But that’s not the way we eat noodles,” Jane and Peter said, frowning. Case 8 Dinner in a Chinese HomeBesides taking Peter and Jane to restaurants, Dong Chen also invited them to his home for dinner once. Dong C hen ‘s mother is a nice wife, and made eight courses for four of them.“I'm sorry there isn’t much for dinner, she said.”“God this is much more than enough food,” Jane said. Peter was too overwhelmed to even respond to Dong Chen‘ motherDong Chen was a li ttle embarrassed. “This is what we usually say to guests,even though there’s plenty of food” he explained.What bewildered Jane and Peter most was that though Dong Chen’s mother kept saying that the food was not good,she constantly served helpings to Jane and Peter.Peter did not like two of the courses very much,and felt bad that his plate was full with whatever he would not be able to eat. At seeing Dong Chen's mother’s next move to serve him food,he said in a begging voice,“Please don’t give me any more food.Let me do it myself.Case 9A Not-sociable DrinkMartin was sent by an American company to work in a special economic development zone in China for a year. He became very friendly with a few Chinese colleagues. Soon, he started to go out with them. He noticed that Chinese like to have something , such as peanuts, when they have beer, instead of just drinking beer without anything to eat as many North Americans do.One day he was invited to a dinner party to celebrate a colleague’s birthday. They ordered alcoholic beverages and toasted the guest of honor frequently. Soon Martin realized that the plan was to get their friend drunk. Each colleague would offer a toast, concluding with a cheery “ gan bei!” and tried to get Martin to join in, even though he was unwilling to do it. Martin didn’t think it a good idea, and tried to talk them out of the game. However, he was accused of not being a good friend for not co-operating.Martin remained an outsider during the rest of the dinner. He was getting increasingly worried as he watched the poor guest become increasingly inebriated.Case 10 A Misunderstanding at a Dinner TableRoger was a student majoring in East Asia Studies in an American university. He started an e-mail correspondence with Zhang Li, a sociology major in China, who was introduced to him through a mutual friend.Upon graduation, Roger got a big gift from his grandfather. Grandpa would pay for a round-trip ticket to China. He told Zhang Li the good news, and the two decided to meet.Zhang Li decided to give Roger a very special welcome: she and the three women students in her dormitory would cook him an authentic Chinese meal, as Roger had told her that he loved Chinese food.However, when Roger was presented the dinner, he was almost terrified by some of the food: pork stomach soup, pig liver with ginger and spring onion, chicken with mushrooms in which the chicken had been cut to pieces with bones attached to the meal.Fortunately , there were courses like tofu, stirred fried beef, steamed fish and vegetables that Roger loved. He tried to stick to them but Zhang Li kept putting food he did not like on his plate. When she asked how he liked the liver, Roger said, “ It’s very unusual…and interesting. “ This seemed to make Zhang Li happy. And she gave him more liver. Roger tried to stop her, but she would not be stopped. Roger was so frustrated that he told her that he did not really like it that much. “ But you said it was unusual and interesting!”Zhang Li said. “ Well,they both mean something less than positive,” Roger said carefully, trying not to hurt their feelings.Zhang Li and her friends became concerned at this.”“So you don’t like the food?” I’m not used to eating liver, that’s all. But I do like the chicken, the beef, the tofu, and the vegetables. I have had more than enough to eat. I never make this much food at home,” Roger was eager to let them know how much he appreciated their effort. “Trust me, I’m enjoying the food. I know what I like.”Having said that, he found a piece of chicken that was less bony, held it in his hand to eat it, and then licked his fingers. Zhang Li and her friends looked at each other in shock.It was not a perfect first meeting for either Zhang Li or Roger.Case 11 Over-dressed TouristsAs a van stopped in front of Niagara Falls, a group of Chinese officials streamed out. They were dressed in suits and ties, wearing leather shoes. Many of the men also had left the manufacture’s tag on the sleeve of their suit jacket. As they wandered around Niagara Falls, some of them started to smoke. Their attire drew the stares of North American tourists, some of whom quietly laughed with their friends and pointed at the Chinese visitors. Others frowned at seeing the smoking and shook their heads in disapproval.Case 12 Tie CultureJane was a tourist and spent some time staying with a Chinese friend at her home. They watched a children’s porgram while having breakfast one morning.A young man, the host of the program, gave instructions of a game to a few children, and then joined them running in a circle.“My, he’s wearing a tie and running crazy with the children!” Jane exclaimed.The Chinese friend shrugged,”Is this very unusual?”Case 13 An American in ChinaProfessor Smith and his assistant,Chen Ming,were doing fieldwork in a small city in China. It was hot and humid, and both were casually dressed. One evening as they were leaving for dinner,a local administrator told them that the mayor of the city, who was interested in the type of research they were doing, would like to say hello to Professor Smith. As luck would have it,the Mayor was dining in the same restaurant as Smith and Chen Ming.Professor Smith said he had to go back to his room to change.“You look fine,Come on,the mayor is waiting,”the administrator said.“No, I can’t meet the mayor in my shorts”Case 14 The Generosity of a Chinese StudentMatt was invited to a Chinese university to give a few lectures. During his short stay there, a graduate student volunteered to show him around the city. Matt accepted the offer gratefully. It was summer and soon both Matt and the graduate student began to get quite hot. While Matt took some pictures, the graduate student went to buy some drinks.“Thank you. How much do I owe you?” Matt asked.“Nothing.” The student smiled.“ Are you sure?”“Yes.”At lunchtime, Matt suggested they have a quick meal. They stopped by a McDonald. Again, the graduate student tried to pay for Matt.“No, this is my treat. You’re a student, I’m a professor. You’ve given me the time to show me around. You already paid for my drink. I can’t let you pay for my lunch again.”Case 15 A Gift from a Chinese StudentXie Dong did his graduate study in an American university. He came back to China for summer vacation. When he went back to his program, he paid his supervisor a visit and presented him a gift.The professor opened the gift. It was a ginseng with its many tiny roots spreading out in a very artistic pattern. It clearly was an expensive gift.The professor’s eyes shone at the ginseng, but he then began to feel uneasy. “Xie Dong, I appreciate your kindness, but I can’t take this as a gift.”“ Why? Don’t you like it?” It was Xie Dong’s turn to be uneasy now.“ Oh, sure, I love it. But I can’t accept it.”“Why?”“ Because I didn’t do anything to deserve such a gift.”Case 16 Telephone CourtesyKathy and David, a couple from the US, signed a one-year contract to work in China. Both were extroverted and soon made some Chinese friends.Before long, people started calling them at home. David was sometimes away on business trips for a few days, and if someone looked for him, Kathy often would find the conversation awkward.“ Where did he go?” The caller typically would ask.“Can I pass on any message?” Kathy asked politely, trying to avoid the question.“Is he out of town?” The caller was usually very persistent.“Yes, can I help you in any way?” Kathy tried to be polite, but she could not help feeling uncomfortable.Case 17 “Not So Close, Please”He Jia had lived in the United States for 7 years before she came back to work in China. She found that she had become accustomed to social habits in North America and that some Chinese behaviours now caused her some discomfort. For example, one day, back in China, she was in a queue to use an ATM. She had noticed that people were standing very close to each other. In fact, the person behind her could, if she or he wanted, to see her enter the PIN of her ATM card. He Jia wanted to make people aware of the discomfort of the user by keeping her distance from the person in front of her. However, the people behind her pushed her to move forward.Case 18 The Privacy of the PageSimon and Cheng Feng often studied together to prepare for exams. One day, in the middle of a study session, Simon said he wanted to get a coffee. He asked Cheng Feng if he wanted any, but he said, “No”. When he came back, he found Cheng Feng reading his notes. He was upset and, although he didn’t say anything at the time, he never studied with Cheng Feng again. Cheng Feng noticed the change and wondered what had happened.Case19 The Privacy of PhotographsRose invited Lili to her home one day. While they were having coffee, Rose showed Lili a few pictures of her boyfriend in a photo album. Lili casually turned to other pages after that.Rose stopped her, “I’d rather you not look at other pictures.”Lili was embarrassed, and apologized, “I’m sorry.”Case 20 The Privacy of PriceAfter living in the States for some time, Ping Li observed that Americans like to comment on each other’s looks and clothes. So whe n she saw a fellow graduate student wearing a nice dress at a party, she complimented her by saying. “This is a very beautiful dress.” “Oh thank you , I bought it last year before Christmas ,” the student very pleased. “How much was it?” Ping Li asked.“Well I don’t quite remember,” the student seemed unprepared for thequestion, and answered a little hesitatingly.Case 21 The Privacy of the PersonZou Qing and Nancy became friends after they met in a course they both took.Nancy had had gray hair much earlier than people of the same age,and had been dyeing her hair for several years.While they were having a break one day in between two classes, and Zou Qing noticed that Nancy had some invisible gray hair on her. She told her so, but Nancy changed the topic right away.When everyone else left,Nancy said to Zou Qing,“Please don’t mention my gray hair while there were men around.”Case 22 Unacceptable CuriosityMr and Mrs Peterson came to China with a tour group. One evening, they decided to take a walk outside their hotel. They soon noticed that quite a few people stared at them. One man even quickly walked past them and then turned back to look at them several times. Both Mr and Mrs Peterson feltuncomfortable about the staring and went back to the hotel sooner than they had planned.Case 23 Confusion in Communicating LoveLe, a Chinese woman, and Bill, an American man, were very much in love. Their relationship started with their shared interest in photography. As time went on, however, Le became dependent on Bill whenever she wanted to take a picture, because she felt that Bill was a much better photographer than she was. Whenever she noticed a scene that would make a good image, she would ask Bill to take the picture for her.Bill was not very pleased but did not say anything for a while. However, Le soon got to a point where she began to ask Bill to load and unload the film. Bill decided that it was too much for him to bear. He exploded, “What’s the matter with you? Don’t you know how to load and unload a film? Can’t you take a picture any more?”Le was so shocked that she burst into tears. “I ask you to do things only because you do it better than me. What’s wrong with that?”Case24 Unwanted AttentionTeresa is a Chinese American teaching English temporarily at a Chinese university. She is very easy going, and soon the students got to know her well enough to invite her out regularly.Crossing the very busy and wide streets in the city was a scary experience for Teresa, and she complained of it repeatedly. As a result, the female students began to try to help her by taking her hand or grasping her arm while the male students seemed to be shy about protecting her.Teresa was uncomfortable with her female students touching her, and told the women they did not need to do it. Her female students thought she was beingpolite and continued to take care of her the same way. Teresa became so uncomfortable that she tried to move away from her female students whenever they had to cross the road.Case 25 Holding HandsChris was a visiting professor in China. On one day, one of his students, Sun Hui, showed him around the city. Sun Hui soon noticed that Chris was interested in taking pictures of men that were walking arm-in-arm or touching each other when they talked.“ I don’t see anything special about those men,” Sun Hui said curiously.“ Well, we don’t see much of that in men in the States,” Chris said, “ They’re gay, aren’t they?”Case 26 Friendship MisunderstoodYan Hong was a Chinese painter who immigrated to the United States. She met Jenny, an American physician in a club one day. They soon became friends, and sometimes went out for coffee and lunch together.One day, Jenny gave Yan Hong a very beautiful vase. Yan Hong loved the vase very much, and felt she should give Jenny something in return. So she gave Jenny a painting she brought from China. Jenny was very pleased.A few days later, Jenny invited Yan Hong to her home for the first time. They made dinner together and enjoyed the meal a lot. Then they sat down to watch TV. When Jenny tentatively held Yan Hong’s hand, Yan Hong was not aware of anything unusual. However, when Jenny sat closer to her and kissed her, Yan Hong was terrified. She pushed Jenny away and cried, “ I’m not alesb ian!”Jenny was in shock, and asked accusingly, “ Then why didn’t you tell me earlier?”Case 27 Learning about FlirtingChen Qing was a visiting scholar in an American university. He had made some friends with professors and students there. One day he went to a party where the atmosphere became less and less inhibited. Chen Qing noticed that men and women touched each other a lot more than he was used to. At the end of the party, most people hugged each other good-bye. One woman came to hug Chen Qing, but he stiffened as she attempted to give him a hug. He had never hugged any women except his wife in his life. Other women noticed this, and no one else tried to hug him.However, Chen Qing felt left out when people hugged each other but not him. He foun d himself in a very awkward situation: he didn’t want to be hugged, neither did he want to be left out. He did not know what he wanted or how to resolve his conflicting emotions.Case28 Lost in LoveLi Ying fell in love with an American man in her second year in the United States. They spent a lot of time together. After they had been to all the places of interest in the city, they had to decide where to go or what to do for the next date. John typically would ask Li Ying, “ What do you want to do today?” , or“ Where shall we go?” Li Ying would sometimes tell what she wanted, but more often than not, she would say “It’s up to you”, or “ Whatever you want to do”, or “ Wherever you want to go.”John frowned at such responses several times until one day when Li Ying said “ up to you” again. “For God’s sake, tell me what you want to do!” He cried out loud.Li Ying was shocked at his reaction. “ Isn’t it clear to you? I’ll do what you want to do.”“ No, it isn’t clear at all. I want to know what you want to do!” John was almost angry. “ Don’t you realize that sometimes I want to do what you want to do, too?”Case 29 Lovers Become StrangersXiao Xin and Peter are newly-weds. Though they spent a lot of time with each other before getting married, they never really lived together. Not surprisingly, their marriage was followed by a series of minor problems while they tried to adjust to each other’s ways of life. One difficult issue came up about two months after their new life, when Peter came home from work looking unhappy.“ What happened?” Xiao Xin asked.“Nothing much, I’m just very tired,” Peter said.“I can tell that it’s more than that.”Peter gave Xiao Xin a quiet look, went into the bedroom, and threw himself to bed.Xiao Xin followed him in. “Don’t you want to talk about it?”“No, I don’t.”“Perhaps I can help?” Xiao Xin suggested.“ Xiao Xin, sometimes you just have to give me some space. All I need now is some privacy!” Peter yelled.Xiao Xin was in shock. “Don’t you trust me?”“Geez, it’s not a matter of trust! Can’t you accept the fact that talking to you isn’t the solution to every one of my problems?” Peter was becoming frustrated and impatient.Xiao Xin was in tears. Her husband seemed to have become a stranger to her.Case 30 A Gift of SelfZhang Ge and Simon were head over heels in love with each other. They decided to go away to spend a major holiday somewhere. It was winter time, so they flew south in search of sunshine and warm water.However, Simon developed diarrhea soon after they settled in a hotel. He felt weak and had to lie down for a rest. Zhang Ge was worried and stayed him in the room. Outside the window, the sun was shining, and they could hear the surf. The sun and beach is what they had dreamed about for months during the winter back home.“Go and have some fun,” Simon said to Zhang Ge.“ How can I go and have fun while you’re sick in bed?”“Why not, it’s not your fault that I’m sick. Besides, there’s nothing you can do here.”“Nonsense! I can keep your company, and you’ll feel better with me around you.”“Are you sure you want to do this instead of going out?”“Yes, I’m sure. I won’t go without you.”“Oh, you’re so special. I love you so much!” Simon drew Zhang Ge near and kissed her.Case 31 A Close GirlfriendLiu Hong and Wu Xin have been good friends since they were young girls. Both eventually had the opportunity to study in the United States, although they ended up in two different cities. After their first year of hard work, they decided to do some traveling together. Liu Hong went to stay with Wu Xin for two days before they set off. Then they visited three cities over the next 10 days.Liu Hong came back from the trip and told her American friends about the trip. She casually mentioned that they had to share one bed in one particular motel.“ Oh, did you?” , said one of the friends in a tone that made Liu Hong feel uncomfortable.Case 32 Interpreting a Smile. Peter is the general manager of an American company in China. Recently, Chen Jun, one of the Chinese managers made a mistake at work that caused some difficulties that required a lot of effort to fix. Chen Jun was very upset about what had happened, and came to Peter’s office to make a formal apology.Chen Jun went into Peter’s office after being told to, smiling before he spoke. “ Peter, I’ve been feeling very upset about the trouble I’ve caused for the company. I’m here to apologize for the mistake. I’m terribly sorry about it and I want you to know that it w ill never happen again.” Chen Jun said, looking at Peter with the smile he had been wearing since he walked into the office.Peter found it hard to accept the apology. He looked at Chen Jun, and asked, “ are you sure?”“ Yes, I’m very sorry and I promise this won’t happen again,” Chen Jun said, with a smile even broader than before.“I’m sorry I just can’t take your apology. You don’t look sorry at all!” Peter said angrily.Chen Jun’s face turned very red. He did not in the least expect Peter to take it ne gatively. He was desperate to make himself understood. “ Peter, ” he managed to smile again, “ trust me, no one can feel any more sorry than I do about it.”Peter was almost furious by now, “ if you’re that sorry, how can you still smile?”Case33 Interpreting a LaughHuihua, a Chinese student, and Mary , an American student studying Chinese in China, were on their way to a bookstore. As they got to the bookstore, they saw a young man walking down a flight of stairs. In his hurry, he missed the last two steps, and fell on the ground. He struggled to get back to his feet while people around him laughed. Fortunately, he seemed to be O.K.Mary was worried. She found Huihua smiling a little and was not comfortable about it. Tell me, Huihua, how could people laugh when someone fell like that? Do they care at all? Shouldn’t they go up and ask the young man whether he was hurt?”Huihua said, “ they knew he wasn’t hurt too much.”“ But I still don’t understand. A fall is a fall. In my culture, people would do anything but laugh!”Case 34 Different Lunch BoxesPeter was one of the American technicians who came to China to help set up a coffee plant. He was in China for six months.Before leaving for home,one of his Chinese colleagues took him out to dinner. Peter decided to ask him a question that had puzzled him for as long as he worked in the plant.。

跨文化交际案例分析the gift

跨文化交际案例分析the gift





2.国外资料和例子解释说明这门课程3.学生被分成不同的小组进行讨论五、考核方式期末考核方式:考查过程性考核:平时成绩=出勤20%+课堂表现40%+平时作业40%成绩核定:总成绩=平时成绩30%+末考成绩50%+笔记*20%六、课时分配授课内容学时分配第一章:IntroductiontoCross-CulturalCommunication4学时第二章:Introductiontoculturesandcommunications4学时第三章:SocialInteraction4学时第四章:CultureandLanguageinInteraction4学时第五章:CulturalValues4学时第六章:BodyLanguage&Non-VerbalCommunication4学时第七章:CulturalConfliction--Causesofculturalconfliction,Improverelationshipsby CCC6学时第八章:CulturalConfliction--TeachingandusingstandardEnglish4学时七、教学内容第一章IntroductiontoCross-CulturalCommunication(4学时)【教学目标】了解Communication的过程,掌握EssentialElementsofCommunication【教学内容】第一节DiscoveringCharacteristicsofCommunication一、whatiscommunication?municationisthemediumforinstruction,assessment,interperso nalrelationships,groupinteractions,parentandcommunityrelationsandcou nseling.2.Mostbehaviorproblemsinschools,andtheirresolutions,involveso metypeofcommunication.Insum,communicationpermeateseducation.二、communicationisculturebound.1.Thewayanindividualcommunicatesemanatesfromhisorherculture.municationisaproductofculture.【教学方法与学时数】1、理论讲解与学生分析案例结合1学时2、通过国外资料和例子解释说明,然后学生们进行分组讨论2学时第二节DiscoveringCharacteristicsofOtherCultures一、Culture,CommunicationandLanguage二、CulturalDifferencesinDiscourseOpeningorclosingconversations;Takingturnsduringconversations;Interrupting;Usingsilenceasacommunicativedevice;【教学重点】Whatareessentialelementsofcommunication?【教学难点】Whatiscommunication?【教学方法与学时数】1、理论讲解与学生分析案例结合1学时2、通过国外资料和例子解释说明,然后学生进行分组讨论1学时。

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manners and understanding of things cultural)
East & West, Different Values
Different Values
❖ The core of Western values is individualism.
❖ The core of the Chinese value is collectivism.
the spiபைடு நூலகம்it of equality
What is the American Dream?
It’s the belief that any individual, no matter how poor, can achieve wealth and fame through diligence and virtue. (Para. 10)
The pioneering spirit is
still an important part of American character
in search of greater prosperity and freedom
The pioneering spirit
The pioneering spirit: the need to explore a new frontier, the desire to start a new life in a new place, the courage to try something new, social mobility—movement from class to class.
The American Character
➢The Roots of American Character
the spirit of pioneering the spirit of liberty the spirit of equality
the spirit of pioneering
the spirit of equality
The American belief in equality of opportunity is illustrated by the American Dream. These popular “rags-to-riches” stories exemplified the American Dream
This was explained as “There should be affection between father and son, righteous sense of duty between ruler and minister, division of function between man and wife, stratification between old and young, and good faith between friends.”
❖ Individualism refers to the doctrine(教条,信条) that the rights of the individual are the most important ones in a society.
❖ An individualist culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as individuals and to emphasize the needs of individuals.
Review of Culture Course
The English Character
the English character
Key words:
• reserved • modest • humorous • sportsmanship
❖What is a reserved person like? P1 ❖What is the sportsmanship? P7
❖ It emphasized cooperation among group members and individuals success is due to the collective effort of the staff in a unit, an organization or a community.
❖ The core of individualism is the pursuit of personal interest and achievements.
❖ “God helps those who help themselves.”
❖ A collectivist culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as members of groups, and usually consider the needs of the group to be more important.
Five Relationships of Confucianism: ruler-minister, father -son, husband-wife, elder-younger brother and friend-friend.
孟子的“五伦”说:君臣有义,父子有亲,夫妇 有别,长幼有序,朋友有信。
Can you summarize the character of Americans?
pioneering spirit the need to explore a new frontier the courage to try something new social mobility—movement from class to class big consumers rough around the edge (lack sophistication in