• 同样类似的称呼还 包括:
brother sister uncle aunt
儒家学说对于中国人有着非 常深厚的影响。人性的思想 哲学认为恰当的人际关系是 社会的基础。 在研究人性 和动机中, 儒家学说阐明正 确的行为起 源于四个基本 原则: humanism (仁) , faithfulness (义) , propriety(礼) 和wisdom (智) 。
范宏伟 何金 高磊 丁进
• 举例来说, 英语中的 ;cousin ;可以表示你 叔叔、舅舅、姑妈或姨妈的孩子,它有着 更加广泛的 范围。 而在中国, 我们已经详细的区分化了 ,称 呼父亲兄弟的儿子且比自己年长的为堂哥, 女儿为堂姐; 父亲兄弟的且比自己年幼的儿 子为堂弟, 女儿为堂妹; 称呼母亲兄弟的且 比自己年 长的儿子为表哥, 比自己年幼的 儿子为表弟; 称呼母亲兄弟年长的女儿为表 姐, 比自己年幼的女儿为表妹。因此, 如果 我们对中国人说cousin, 他们将非常迷惑不 解,不知道你正和哪一个亲戚谈话。
• 为了表明他们的谦虚礼让, 中 国人传统地把血缘关系分为 九 族, 即高祖、曾祖、祖、父、 本人、子、孙、曾孙、玄孙。 但是在英语中, 我们只能找 到:grandfather, father, son和 grandson来指代祖,父,儿 和孙。如果我们想表达曾祖 或高祖,我们只能用上形容 词:great来表达,即great grandfather 或 great - great – grandfather.
• 从表中对比可以看出,英语亲属 称谓分割词义以性别和辈分为准, 比较笼统模糊,汉语则更明确、 具体。语言中表示亲属关系词的 语义分割也因在一定社会关系中 亲属之间的亲密程度和重要性的 不同存在很大的差异。汉英两种 语言中亲属称谓词的不同也从一 个侧面反映出东西方社会家庭文 化的差异性。
父母的长辈称谓即爷爷/外公在英文中都是grandfather ;奶奶/外婆英文都是grandmother ;父母的兄弟统一用uncle 表示,父母的姐妹统一用aunt 表示,而uncle 和aunt 的子女统一用cousin 表示。
如grandpa 后面加上名字或姓氏来区分爷爷和外公。
如果一个人的外公的名字叫Ben ,爷爷叫Jack ,他会称呼外公为grandpa Ben ,爷爷就是grandpa Jack 。
同样的,如果爷爷那边的姓氏是Bronte ,外公那边的姓氏是Smith ,他也可以叫爷爷grandpa Bronte ,外公也就是grandpa Smith 。
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下面将介绍一些常见的家庭成员及其对应的英文词汇:1. 父亲 - 父亲在英语中被称为"father",亲昵的称呼可以是"dad"或"daddy"。
2. 母亲 - 母亲在英语中被称为"mother",亲昵的称呼可以是"mom"或"mum"。
3. 儿子 - 儿子在英语中被称为"son",无论是亲生的还是领养的都可以这样称呼。
4. 女儿 - 女儿在英语中被称为"daughter",与儿子一样,无论是亲生的还是领养的都可以用这个词来称呼。
5. 祖父 - 祖父在英语中一般被称为"grandfather",亲昵的称呼可以是"grandpa"。
6. 祖母 - 祖母在英语中一般被称为"grandmother",亲昵的称呼可以是"grandma"。
7. 祖父母 - 祖父母在英语中被称为"grandparents",可以用"grandpa"和"grandma"来代称。
8. 兄弟 - 兄弟在英语中被称为"brother",如果是亲生的,也可以称之为"sibling"。
9. 姐妹- 姐妹在英语中被称为"sister",与兄弟一样,如果是亲生的,也可以称为"sibling"。
10. 丈夫 - 丈夫在英语中被称为"husband",亲昵的称呼可以是"hubby"。
集中精力,越往后越难,要坚持看完哦!immediate family直系亲属Immediate family这个概念在各种法律中会有不同的定义,但一般来说,英文中的直系亲属包括父母、兄弟姐妹(siblings)、配偶(spouses)和子女。
Close relative也可表达同样的意思。
extended family稍远的亲属►Grandparents英美人民称呼自己的祖父母时有很多种亲昵叫法。
如果你想分清楚到底是爸爸那边还是妈妈那边的祖父母,就可以用“on ... side”的表达,例句:My grandmother on my mom's side is Korean.我外婆是韩国人。
你还可以用maternal grandparent来指代外婆外公,爷爷奶奶则称为paternal grandparent。
例句:The patient says that his maternal grandfather died of brain cancer.病人说他的外祖父死于脑癌。
你可以继续在前面加great-,表示再上一辈的祖父母,例句:My great-great-great-grandfather fought in the Civil War.我的曾曾曾爷爷打过内战。
下面是一些常见的家庭成员的称呼及其解释:一、直系亲属称谓1. 爸爸(Father/Dad/Daddy):称呼父亲,Father较正式,Dad和Daddy较亲昵。
2. 妈妈(Mother/Mom/Mummy):称呼母亲,Mother较正式,Mom和Mummy较亲昵。
3. 儿子(Son):用来称呼父母的儿子。
4. 女儿(Daughter):用来称呼父母的女儿。
5. 哥哥(Brother):用来称呼自己的哥哥。
6. 姐姐(Sister):用来称呼自己的姐姐。
7. 弟弟(Younger Brother):用来称呼自己的弟弟。
8. 妹妹(Younger Sister):用来称呼自己的妹妹。
二、其他亲属称谓9. 祖父/外祖父(Grandfather):称呼父亲的父亲或母亲的父亲。
10. 祖母/外祖母(Grandmother):称呼父亲的母亲或母亲的母亲。
11. 翁/丈人(Father-in-law):称呼自己配偶的父亲。
12. 婆/丈母娘(Mother-in-law):称呼自己配偶的母亲。
13. 岳父(Father-in-law):称呼自己父亲的配偶的父亲。
14. 岳母(Mother-in-law):称呼自己父亲的配偶的母亲。
15. 女婿(Son-in-law):用来称呼自己的儿婿。
16. 儿媳(Daughter-in-law):用来称呼自己的女媳。
17. 孙子(Grandson):用来称呼儿子或女儿的儿子。
18. 孙女(Granddaughter):用来称呼儿子或女儿的女儿。
实在需要说明时,可以说paternal/maternal grandparents 或grandparents on my mother's side/on my father's side。
对⽗母的兄弟姐妹的孩⼦们,⼀概称Cousin,属于first cousin。
⽽second cousin是指远房堂兄弟姐妹或远房表兄弟姐妹(即⽗母的堂表兄弟姐妹的⼦⼥),同属⼀个曾祖⽗母的⾎缘关系。
不管多复杂的关系,在美语⾥,也只能说“This is my second cousin."
后⾯⼀般都带上他们的名字,⽐如Uncle Jim或Aunt Betty等。
下面是一些英汉称谓语对比及其文化内涵:1.先生/先生 - Mister在英文中,先生(Mister)是男性通用的称谓,无论是对陌生人,还是对熟人,使用都很普遍。
2.女士/太太 - Mrs.在英文中,女士(Mrs.)是已婚女性的尊称,太太(Miss)则是未婚女性的称谓。
3.阿姨/叔叔 - Aunt/Uncle在英文中,Aunt和Uncle是亲戚关系中的称谓,但也可用于对年长者的尊称。
4.小姐/奶茶妹/女神 - Miss在中文中,小姐(或姑娘)是对未婚女性的通称。
• 汉语 姐姐 –血亲 嫂嫂– 姻亲 在字面上没有体现。 • 英语 sister(血亲)-in-low(姻亲) 英语国家的人认为姻亲是一种法律上的规定,也只 有经过法律程序才能得到这种关系,而中国人则 把它灾形式上和血亲区分不是很大,法律上认可 是一方面,另一方面是亲情维系
• 汉语 中国文化强调宗法和等级,“以亲属称谓称 外人”:大爷,大叔,大妈等等。 警察叔叔,幼儿园阿姨等等 英语 Uncle aunt 后加人名 Son sonny等称“小伙子” 相对中文来说比较少,很难理解“警察叔叔”
• 汉语父系/母系称谓语归类表 父方 母方 姑 姨 叔(伯) 舅 姑父 姨丈 婶 舅妈 侄 甥
(great) Grandfather father (great) grandmother mother uncle aunt
cousins sister brother: Son(-in-low)/daughter (-in-low) niece /nephew
• 主要在三个方面进行对比: (1)长幼辈分上的差别 (2)血亲和姻亲 (3)泛化差别 • 英汉称谓语差别很大,与两种文化中的伦 理差别有关。在翻译和文化交流中,很多 时候要根据需要进行调整,才能被目标语 听众接受。为此,要充分理解两者差异。
• 主要在三个方面进行对比: (1)长幼辈分上的差别:英语不分长幼 (2)血亲和姻亲 (3)泛化差别
• 汉语 九族概念,上四代长辈,下四代晚辈,序列为: 高祖 曾祖 祖 父 本人 子 孙 曾孙 玄孙 • 英语 father 、son 上面加grand, 再往上或往下加great, great great GrandUncle、aunt等词不能区分年纪大小,只能区分辈分
英语中的father,mother 存在着“多词同义”的情况。
除father,mother 之外,sister,brother,grandmother,grandfather,uncle,aunt,cousin 等词都是“身兼数职”。
sister,brother 不分年龄,既可指妹妹,弟弟(younger sister 专指妹妹;younger brother 专指弟弟),又可指姐姐、哥哥(elder sister 专指姐姐,elder brother 专指哥哥)。
grandmother 和grandfather 既是“祖母、祖父”,也指“外祖母、外祖父”,没有父系、母系之分。
uncle 的词义就更广了,它不仅可以用于叔叔、伯伯、舅舅,还可以用于姑父、姨父,不存在父系、母系及年龄大小的区别;aunt 可以用于姑、姨、婶母、伯母和舅母。
cousin 所指亲属成员也不分父系、母系,不分性别、年龄,囊括了堂哥、堂弟、堂姐、堂妹、表哥、表弟、表姐、表妹一系列汉语的亲属成员。
英语中对亲属成员的称呼要表明属于父方还是母方,就必须在前面加Paternal 或on my father's side;maternal 或on my mother's side.另外,aunt 和uncle 也可用于非亲属成员。
例如:父母的朋友可以称为Aunt Helen,Uncle John 等。
aunt 和uncle 有时用来指grandaunt 和granduncle。
grandaunt 和granduncle 通常不被用来直接称呼祖父母或外祖父母的兄妹及配偶,而只起向别人说明的作用,晚辈一般要用aunt 或uncle 来称呼他们,即将他们的辈份降一级。
2 1年 3 01 月
浙 江 工 贸 职 业 技 术 学 院 学 报
V0. 1 . 1 NO 1 1
M a .011 r2
的亲属称谓 ,例如 ,ft r父亲 ,m te= a e= h o r母亲 ,sn h o=
CHEN Yua — n n ho g
( un nF rs y eh oo i l ol eK n n , u n n 6 02 ) Y n a oet cn l c l g u mig Y n a 5 2 4 rT g aC e
A bs r t act :Bo h En ls n i e e l n u g s h v h i u i u i s i em y t ms T i a e te t o ma e a t g ih a d Ch n s a g a e a e t er n q e k n h p tr s se . h sp p ra t mp s t k
p t r a n tr a, h lo ea i n n e ai n y ma r g ,l e — o n e e ai n a d g n r l ai n o i s i e s ae l d mae n l t e b o d r lt sa d r lt sb ri eed r u g r l t n e e ai t f n h p tr .Th n a o o a y r o z o k m e
表姊 妹
f t e ’ s se ’ d u h a h r S it r S ag— tr ;f ma e c u i e s e l o sn
h s a d’ ah r u b n s fte
女 婿
d u h e ’ o — i— a n lw
分。 如哥 哥 、 姐姐 和弟 弟 、 妹妹 。 而英 语 的
亲 属称 谓 仅 用几 个 词 就 能 全 部 涵盖 。 有 时甚 至连 男女 也不 分 .如 c u i 词可 os n一
可 以称 年轻 的小 男 孩为 sn o 。长 辈对 晚
辈 的称 呼 比较随便 。通 常可 以直呼 其名 ( 用 呢称 ) 多 ,也 可 用 My b y o ,My g i d, My c i ,My c i rn等 称呼语 。 hl d h de l
妈 。sn这个 词 也 具 有 亲属 性 和社 交 性 o
外甥 、 孙 ; 外 区分 父 系母 系 , 叔 叔 、 如 姑
妈、 堂兄 和舅 舅 、 妈 、 兄 ; 姨 表 区分长 幼 辈
两 种 属性 。一 方 面父 母 可 以 直接 用 sn o
称 呼 自己的儿子 ; 一方 面 , 长 的人也 另 年
r a a n ft e g e tg e tga d ah r r r
内兄/ 舅子 大
wi S od r b o h r f le rte e’
g e tge tga d t e r a a r r n mo r h
女 儿
d u h e a g tr
l ・据I o qh 英 馆 英 ]l tns 语 uEl F b — i
下面是店铺分享的关于家庭称呼的英语单词,欢迎大家阅读!uncle 叔父,伯父,舅父,姑父aunt 婶母,伯母,舅母,姑母nephew 侄儿,外甥niece 侄女,外甥女cousin 堂兄妹,表兄妹generation 代descent 世系,血统offspring 后代,后辈ancestor 祖先heir 继承人family 家庭marriage 婚姻spouse 配偶couple 夫妻parents 父母child 孩子single 单身者male 男的.female 女的husband 丈夫wife 妻子father 父亲mother 母亲son 儿子daughter 女儿grandchildren 孙辈grandson 孙子,外孙granddaughter 孙女,外孙女brother 兄弟sister 姐妹twin 双胞胎的grandfather 祖父grandmother 祖母granny 奶奶,外婆grandma 奶奶,外婆grandpa 爷爷,外公great-grandfather 曾祖父great-grandmother 曾祖母son-in-law 女婿daughter-in-law 儿媳father-in-law 岳父(公公) mother-in-law 岳母(婆婆) sister-in-law 妯娌stepfather 继父stepmother 继母stepson 继子stepdaughter 继女stepbrother 异父(母)之兄弟stepsister 异父(母)之姐妹foster father 养父foster mother 养母adopted son 养子adopted daughter 养女【家庭称呼英语单词中文对照】。
通常使用“爸爸”、“妈妈”或“爹 ”、“娘”等称呼,表示亲昵和尊敬 。
除了直呼其名外,还可以使用“哥哥”、“姐姐”、“弟弟”或“妹妹”等称 呼,表示亲缘关系。
通常使用“Grandpa”或 “Grandma”来称呼祖父母,孙子女 则直呼其名。
在商务场合,通常使用姓氏和职务或行业 职称来称呼对方,例如“刘总”或“赵律 师”。
在中文中,对于长辈亲戚,我们通常会使用敬语和尊称,如“爷爷”、“奶奶”、“叔叔”、“阿姨”等,以表 达尊敬和亲密。
在英文中,对于长辈亲戚,一般使用“Mr.”、“Mrs.”或“Miss.”加上姓氏来称呼,如“Mr. Smith”、“Mrs. Johnson”等,较少使用亲昵的称呼。
祖父母通常被称为“爷爷”、“奶奶 ”,而孙子女则使用“爷爷”、“奶 奶”来称呼,表示尊敬和亲昵。
中西方社交场合称呼差异Leabharlann 正式场合的称呼差异西方
在正式场合,通常使用姓氏和头衔来称呼对方,例如“Mr. Smith”或 “Professor Johnson”。
在警察和法官的称呼上,中西方也存在明显的差异。中国 更注重职务和职称,而西方更注重关系和姓名。
汉英亲属语义场1. 引言亲属关系在社会交往中起着重要的作用,不同文化背景下对亲属关系的称谓和语义有所差异。
2. 汉语亲属称谓及其特点汉语中的亲属称谓较为丰富,涵盖了家庭成员之间的各种关系。
3. 英语亲属称谓及其特点相比汉语,英语中的亲属称谓较为简洁,并且存在一些差异。
4. 汉英亲属语义场的差异汉英两种语言中的亲属称谓存在一定差异。
基本的亲属关系单词下面是一些常见的表示亲属关系的英文单词及其对应的中文含义:1.Father - 父亲2.Mother - 母亲3.Son - 儿子4.Daughter - 女儿5.Brother - 兄弟6.Sister - 姐妹7.Grandfather - 祖父8.Grandmother - 祖母9.Grandson - 孙子10.Granddaughter - 孙女父母和子女关系父亲和母亲父亲和母亲是孩子最亲近的人,他们为孩子提供了无微不至的关爱和支持。
西方称呼语举例说明一、亲属称谓1. 亲属称谓主要包括以下两方面(有时大写第一个字母):1) 较正式的称谓:mother 母亲father 父亲son 儿子uncle 叔叔,伯伯,姨父,舅父aunt 姑母,婶母,伯母,姨母grandfather 爷爷,外公grandmother 奶奶,外婆2) 较随便的称谓(昵称):mom(my) 妈妈(美) mum(my) 妈妈(英)dad(dy) 爸爸pa 爸爸ma 妈妈auntie/aunty 姑妈,舅妈,阿姨granny 奶奶,外婆grandma 奶奶,外婆grandpa 爷爷,外公2. 几点注意之处:1) 对父母的称呼:不同的家庭可能有不同的称呼,但最通常的是用dad, mum/mon;有的家庭用father, mother, 但有人认为这样称呼太正式;至于daddy, mummy /mummy, 这通常为小孩用语,不过成年人有时也用;另外非正式用语pa, ma也用得很经常。
2) 在亲属称谓中,有些称谓同时也含有社会称谓的功能。
如uncle, aunt, grandpa, grandma 等,它们除表示亲属关系外,还可表示一般意义的“叔叔”、“阿姨”、“大爷”、“大妈”等。
3) uncle, aunt(ie),grandpa, grandma 等称谓语,除单独使用表示称呼外,它们有时也可与姓名连用:Uncle David 大卫叔叔Aunt Polly 波莉姑妈4) son 这个词也具有亲属性和社交性两种属性,一方面父母可以直接用son 称呼自己的儿子;另一方面,年长的人也可以称年轻的小男孩为son。
5) 长辈对晚辈的称呼比较随便,通常可以直呼其名(多用昵称),也可用My boy, My girl, My child, My children等称呼语。
二、社交称谓"Mr"用于对男士的称呼,意思是"先生",一定要在它的后面加上对方的姓."Mrs "是对已婚女士的称呼,意思是"夫人,太太",一定要在它的后面加上她丈夫的姓.“sir”在这里是对男老师的尊称,也可以用来称呼其他男士."sir"通常是单独用,它的后面不加姓."Miss "在这里是对女老师的称呼,也可以用于称呼年轻女子或未婚女士.后面加不加姓都可以."madam "用于称呼你不认识的女士.婚否不限.后面加不加姓都可以.。
1. 爸爸和妈妈- 爸爸 (Father/Dad/Daddy): Father是一种正式的称呼,通常用于正式场合或写作中;而Dad/Daddy则是一种口语化的称呼,较为亲切。
- 妈妈 (Mother/Mom/Mommy): Mother与Father类似,为正式称呼;而Mom/Mommy则是一种口语化的称呼。
在家庭关系方面,父母二人通常还有其他的称谓,来表示他们的关系:- 夫妻 (Husband and wife): Husband指丈夫,wife则指妻子,用于表示婚姻关系。
- 父亲/丈夫 (Father/Husband) 和母亲/妻子 (Mother/Wife):这是另一种较为正式的表示方式,用于说明两人在家庭中的角色。
2. 子女- 儿子 (Son): Son指的是男性的子女,在全球通用。
- 女儿 (Daughter): Daughter指的是女性的子女。
子女的年龄大小可以使用词语来修饰:- 大儿子 (Elder/Male) 或大女儿 (Elder/Female): 指的是年龄较大的儿子或女儿。
- 小儿子 (Younger/Male) 或小女儿 (Younger/Female): 指的是年龄较小的儿子或女儿。
3. 爷爷和奶奶/外公和外婆在英文中,爷爷和奶奶的称呼与外公和外婆的称呼稍有不同:- 爷爷 (Paternal grandfather/Grandpa) 和奶奶 (Paternal grandmother/Grandma):这对于父亲一方的爷爷奶奶的称呼,paternal 表示"父系的"。
- 外公 (Maternal grandfather/Grandpa) 和外婆 (Maternal grandmother/Grandma):这对于母亲一方的外公外婆的称呼,maternal 表示"母系的"。
渭南师范学院本科毕业论文题目:论中英亲属称谓的异同学院名称:外国语学院专业班级:英语专业08级英本4班毕业年份:2012年6月姓名:叶雨露学号080241090指导教师:陶正娜职称:副教授渭南师范学院教务处制The Cultural Differences and similarities between Chinese andEnglish Kinship TermsByYang HaiyingA Thesis Presented to School of Foreign Languages ofWeinan Normal Universityas Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree ofBachelor of ArtsMay 17, 2012Class: Class 4 of 2008Advisor: Guo Zhengxia论中英亲属称谓的异同摘要:语言和文化有着很密切的关系,所以,如果人们要学好一门语言,那么了解其文化是非常重要的。
关键字:亲属称谓;中英文亲属称谓的对比;文化差异The Cultural Differences and similarities between Chinese andEnglish Kinship TermsAbstract: Language and culture have very close relationship. It is very necessary and important to learn a kind of language well and know the culture well, The more understanding of the language's culture, traditions, customs, lifestyles as well as details of life, the more you can correctly understand and accurately use the language. Kinship terms are reflections of traditional ethnic culture and historical accumulation and different addressing terms respectively embody different ethnic cultures. In fact, language is influenced and shaped by culture, at the same time, language reflects the culture. In this paper, there are three main parts. The first part describes the similarities between English and Chinese kinship terms from two aspects: same functions and similar categories. The second part describes the differences between English and Chinese kinship terms from six aspects: between collateral relations and lineal relations, between blood relation and affined relations, between elder-younger relations and seniority order, between paternal and maternal kinship terms, between gender kinship terms, and derivatives. The third part, from family structures, historical background, sources and other reasons, explains the reasons of the cultural differences between English and Chinese kinship terms.Key words:Kinship terms; Contrast between English and Chinese kinship terms; Cultural differencesTable of ContentsI. Introduction (1)II. Comparison between English and Chinese Kinship Term Systems (1)A. Similarities of English and Chinese kinship terms (2)1. The Same Functions (2)2. Similar Categories (2)B. Differences between English and Chinese kinship terms (3)1. Between collateral relations and lineal relations. (3)2. Between blood relation and affined relations. (5)3. Between paternal and maternal kinship terms (6)4. Gender kinship terms. (7)5. Elder-younger relations and seniority order (7)6.Derivatives of kinship terms (8)III. The reasons of the cultural difference between English and Chinese kinship terms (9)A. Different family structures (9)B. Different historical background (10)C. Different source (11)D. Other reasons (11)IV. Conclusion (12)I. IntroductionLanguage is not only a kind of cultural expression, but also the bridge of communication and kinship terms are indispensable to communication. Kinship term system is a very important part of language expression. Therefore, the kinship terms should be paid more attention. It is impossible to learn English well if you do not understand the British and American cultural background knowledge, especially, the kinship terms. So the different kinship terms between English and Chinese are importance in studying English. And this paper mainly talks about the differences and the similarities between English and Chinese kinship terms, including the reasons of forming these differences.Kinship terms, according to E.R.Leach, are "category words by means of which an individual is taught to recognize the significant groupings in the social structure into which he is born"(1958, P.143). Nowadays, Kinship terms belong to social language and they are used widely in daily communicative life. Therefore, the comparative study of kinship terms in Chinese and English is to understand better different cultural implication and make sure that communication is going on well. So, if we want to learn English, we must pay more attention to kinship terms.In this paper, there are 3 main parts, the first part describes the similarities between English and Chinese kinship term from 2 aspects: same functions and similar categories. The second part describes the differences between English and Chinese kinship terms from 6 aspects: between collateral relations and lineal relations, between blood relation and affined relations, between elder-younger relations and seniority, between paternal and maternal kinship terms, between gender kinship terms, and derivatives. The third part, according to family structures, historical background, sources and other reason to explain the reason of the cultural difference between English and Chinese kinship terms.II. Comparison between English and Chinese Kinship Term Systems There are both similarities and differences between English and Chinese kinship terms; there are not so many limits. They have some similarities in the kinship terms’functions and categories. At the same time, because English and Chinese languages have defined their own set of kinship terms and the roles they serve in the society. There are a lot of differences between English and Chinese kinship terms. English kinship terms are less complicated than Chinese kinship terns. In Chinese, kinship terms are oriented by generation, age, paternal and maternal relationships and in-law relationships. But in England, the way people address others are very random. Then, we will talk the similarities and differences between English and Chinese kinship terms.A. Similarities of English and Chinese kinship termsPeople from different countries have different cultures, but there are many similarities in cultures. Kinship terms must have some similarities in different countries too. It’s necessary to realize the similarities of the kinship terms. It may promote people to get along well with each other. So, the analysis of them is quite important.1. The Same FunctionsEnglish and Chinese kinship term have many important social functions. Generally, no matter English kinship or Chinese kinship terms, they have a basic functions, linking function. according to the linking function of human communication, communication is used to establish relationships between the individual and the environment, and that people use symbols to create a desired image to facilitate this linking to the environment. Thus, the individual is consubstantial with society.2. Similar CategoriesNo matter English kinship terms or Chinese kinship terms, they can be divided into two parts:the kinship terms and the social terms. Kinship system is not only a universal feature of languages, but also a result of the importance in social organization. Social term means the usage of all kinship term strategies and regulations between different social groups and social organizations in their communication according to their social positions and social roles.B. Differences between English and Chinese kinship termsEnglish and Chinese kinship terms stem from two different civilization traditions that have their own evolving history. It is not strange that there are many differences between the two. It is very important to understand these differences, only in this way can avoid many problems in intercultural communications. And then , there 5 key points will be followed.1. Between collateral relations and lineal relations.In Chinese kinship terms, there is some difference between collateral relations and lineal relations, but in English kinship terms, there is little difference. First, please look at the following 2 tables; they will help us to understand the differences between collateral relations and lineal relations.Table 1 Lineal relationsRelation Chinese Terms English Termspaternal grandfather maternal grandfatherzu fu(祖父)wai zu fu(外祖父)grandfatherpaternal grandfather maternal grandfatherzu mu(祖母)wai zu mu(外祖母)grandmotherfather fu qin(父亲)father mother mu qin(母亲)motherelder brother younger brother ge ge(哥哥)di di (弟弟)brotherelder sister younger sisterjie jie(姐姐)mei mei(妹妹)sisterson er zi(儿子)son daughter nv er(女儿)daughterson's son daughter's sonsun zi(孙子)wai sun(外孙)grandsonson's daughter daughter's daughtersun nv(孙女)wai sun nv(外孙女)granddaughterThe above table talks about the lineal relations kinship terms, from table 1, we can see that the English language pays little attention to consanguinity and affinity relations in its kinship terms. But the Chinese language considers that these are important. And in China, there is another relation, who is collateral relations; therefore, the following table is to talk about it.Table 2 Collateral relationsRelations Chinese Terms English Termsfather's elder brother father's younger brother mother's brother bo fu(伯父)shu fu(叔父)jiu fu(舅父)unclefather's sister mother's sister gu mu(姑妈)yi mu(姨妈)auntfather's brother's sonfather's sister's son mother's brother's sonmother's sister's son father's brother's daughter father's sister's daughter mother's brother's daughter mother's sister's daughtertang ge/di(堂哥/弟)gu biao ge/di(姑表哥/弟)jiu biao ge/di(舅表哥/弟)yi biao ge/di(姨表哥/弟)tang jie/mei(堂姐/妹)gu biao jie/mei(姑表姐/妹)jiu biao jie/mei(舅表姐/妹)yi biao jie/mei(姨表姐/妹)cousinBrother’s sonSister’s son Wife’s sibling’s sonzhi zi(侄子)wai sheng(外甥)biao zhi(表侄)nephewbrother’s daughtersister’s daughter wife’s sibling’s daughterzhi nv(侄女)wai sheng nv(外甥女)biao zhi nv(表侄女)nieceThe above box talks about collateral relations. From the table, we know that many differences between Chinese and English in collateral relations. For example, when a boy says this is my uncle. In fact, we can’t get the informationonly from the word those words, but in Chinese, we can know much information, such as sex, birth order and so on.2. Between blood relation and affined relations.About the blood relation and relations by marriage, these people are called relations with blood; and those are called relation by marriage. In Chinese, their kinship terms are different and are very clear. In paternal clan, bo fu, shu fu, jiu fu, gu mu,and yi mu belong to blood relation; Gu fu, yi fu, bo mu, shen mu,and jiu mu, belong to relations by marriage. At the same time, it reflects that Chinese have strong clan relative sense.But in English, there is no classification between blood relation and relations by marriage. There being an example is the kinship term uncle. According to Ullmann (1962), the English word "uncle" comes via French from the Latin avunculus, which meant onl y one kind of uncle, namely, the mother’s brother, whereas the father’s brother was called patruus. Since the latter word fell into disuse, the descendants of avunculus have come to stand for both kinds of uncle, so that the range of the Latin term has been doubled (p. 228).In the OXFORD ADV ANCED LEARNER’S English-Chinese Dictionary, the word, uncle,is explained: 1. the brother of one's father; 2. the brother of one's mother; 3. the husband of one's aunt (p.1915). And the same, aunt is explained: 1. a sister of one's mother; 2. a sister of one's father; 3. the wife of one's uncle (p.95). So, based on the above examples, uncle includes parents' brothers and parents' sisters' husbands, for example, gu fu, shu fu, jiu fu, gu zhang and y i zhang; aunt means parents' sisters and parents' brothers' wives, such as gu mu, yi mu, bo mu, shen mu and jiu mu.Of course, English does not ignore relations by marriage, in English, there often has a suffix in-laws followed by some kinship terms of blood relation, for instance, brother-in-laws ,this word means jie fu, mei fu, husbands' jie fu , husbands' mei fu, nei xiong, nei di, da bo zi and xiao shu zi.There is a table to show the affined relations:Table 3 Affined relationsRelation Chinese Term English Term wife's/husband's father yue fu /gong gong(岳父/公公)father-in-law wife's/husband's mother yue mu/po po(岳母/婆婆)mother-in-lawfather's sister's husband mother's sister's husband gu fu(姑父)yi fu(姨夫)unclefather's elder brother's wife father's younger brother's wife mother's brother's wife bo mu(伯母)shen mu(婶母)jiu mu(舅母)auntwife/husband qi zi/zhang fu(妻子丈夫)wife/husbandelder sister's husband younger sister's husband husband'selder/younger brotherwife's brother jie fu(姐夫)mei fu(妹夫)da bo/xiao shu(大/伯小叔)da/xiao jiu zi(大/小舅子)brother-in-lawelder brother's wife younger brother's wife wife's elder/younger sister brother's wife sao zi(嫂子)di xi(弟媳)da/xiao yi zi(大/小姨子)zhou li(妯娌)sister-in-lawson's wife er xi(儿媳)daughter-in-law daughter husband nv xu(女婿)son-in-law The above box talks about affined relations, just like the second box, in English, just several kinship terms can express more in Chinese.3. Between paternal and maternal kinship termsIn contrast to English kinship terms, the Chinese kinship system is more complicated. There are many differences in paternal and maternal kinship terms.Chinese kinship emphasizes paternal kinship, while English is not. Chinese people attach much importance to consanguineous relations rather than affined relations which connotes by kinship terms apparently. The difference between "close" and "distant" is taken seriously in Chinese culture. Paternal lineages are more "close" thanmaternal ones. Usually, paternal lineages is labeled "tang", such as"tang ge/ di", "father’s brother’s so n, while maternal lineages is labe1ed"biao",such as "biao ge/di "(mother’s brother’s son). In Chinese kinship system, affined relations, i.e. in-laws, 0uses of your siblings) have their own specific titles, such as father’s elder brother’s wife is called "bo mu",younger sister’s husband is called"meifu", and so on. In English, maternal and paternal lineages, consanguineous and affined relations are not distinguished so distinctly. We even can not distinguish an "uncle" whether is one’s father’s brother or one’s mother’s brother.4. Gender kinship terms.The gender of the relative is distinguished in Chinese culture, while not in English. In Chinese culture,the gender of the relative is distinguished distinctly. For example, title for "father’s brother’s son" is strictly distinguished from that for "father’s brother’s daughter". English kinship system may ignore the sex distinction.For example,all male and female children of a person’s father/mother’s brother/sister can be called "cousin". It may refer to the mother’s brother’s son, mother’s brother’s daughter, mother’s sister’s son, mother’s sister’s daughter,father’s brother’s son, father’s brother’s daughter,father’s sister’s son, father’s sister’s daughter, and so on. Meticulous Chinese kinship system has its roots deep in Chinese culture. It is the product of an agricultural society, a family-centered economy, and a hierarchical family system. Likewise,English kinship system also origins from its own culture. Simple nuclear family, independence of individuals, friendship extended to non—kinship all these factors result in the straightforward English kinship system.5. Elder-younger relations and seniority orderTraditional Chinese society is organized in vertical structure, and has always advocated family and lives for generations under one roof. Chinese culture lays stress on ”superior controls junior” , in the family, people should respect for seniority, the descendant is not allowed to call the elderly by name, and seniority is extremely important to the level of scale. Therefore, in kinship terms words, the same seniority in the family distinguishes from ge ge and di di, jie jie and mei mei,bo fu and shu fu, bo mu and shen mu. In the different seniority, as to the higher seniority, they can callothers who are lower seniority with their full names, including the last name. However, oppositely, the lower seniority can not call the higher seniority with name, it will shows that they are not polite. The kind of idea has rooted in Chinese mind. These older people's kinship terms are sacred title.However, in English, there is no difference in seniority, and the higher seniority is not important, the descendant and the elderly relate as friends, the descendant is allowed to call the elderly by name. In the western culture, old age is not advantaged. So, in English, we can know that “brother”includes the elder and the younger one, “sister” applied to elder sister and younger sister are both feasible. and there are many word like that, such as, uncle and aunt. Besides, in western country, people usually call families with names or even nick names. For example, in Family Album, U.S.A, the daughter-in-law Marilyn calls her father-in-law Philip with name.(Episode 6,Act Ш).So, in their mind, it will show that they are much closer. The following dialog is taken from Family Album, U.S.A:1.Ellen:Where are you going,Philip?Philip:Remember,the Michigan football game?And Michigan needs a touchdown.Ellen:Did you forget something?Robbie:Dad,your famous apple pie.Philip:Just let me see the score,Ellen.Marilyn:Go ahead,Philip.We should all take a little breakbefore dessert.2.Ellen:Robbie,would you bring the dessert plates.And,Marilyn,would you pour coffee,please.Marilyn:Sure,Ellen.6.Derivatives of kinship termsChinese is an analyzing language, the grammar relationship among words is expressed by some other words, and the formation of those words is stable. Therefore, in Chinese, there is no some derivatives expressing “love”. If we need to express love, we can add some words to the front of some kinship term. For example, A ba, A jiu, Amei, hao mama, guai er zi, qin ai de baba,or other words, mei zi, shen er and some kinship terms from Hong Kong and Tai Wan, lao ba, lao ma.And some are from Europe or America, just like ma mi, ba bi, and so on.But English belongs to comprehensive language, it has own character that the grammar relationship among words is expressed by those words own changing. So, generally, they often add to some suffixes. For instance, mum-mummy, mom-mommy; dad-daddy, dadie; grandpa-grandpop, gramp; grandma-grandmama; granny-grannie; nan-nany, nana; daughter-daughtie; son-sonny; aunt-auntie, aunty and so on.III. The reasons of the cultural difference between English and Chinese kinship termsEnglish and Chinese address forms originated from two different civilization traditions that have their own evolving history. It is not strange that there are many differences between the two. The main reasons for cultural differences lie in the family structures, history background, source and so on.A. Different family structuresMany cultural differences exist in family structures and values. On one hand,, i t’s well- known that ancient China was a feudal agricultural country. People lived on tilling the land and settled in those places with rich soil. In this case, self-supporting natural economy gradually took shape. However, people had to labor together and had a collective life owing to the low productivity. So, they lived together and formed an extended family, gradually, the dominant type of family is extended family. An extended family means a family is made up of two or more adult generations, and these generations of the family sharing a common household and economic resource. Therefore, there are complex relations between family members. In addition, in China, the position in the family hierarchy is distinguished clearly. It has a strict distinction between blood relative and affined relative, clan and non-clan, and also personal status, right, obligation, behavior, therefore, in China, a detailed and clear division in kinship terms is necessary. According to generation, age and sex, people were required to address and distinguish different family members.On the other hand, in the west, there is no extended family, but a nuclear family. With the advent of the Industrial Revolution period, manpower in Anglo-American countries was no longer the important factor in the process of working. Therefore, an increasing number of nuclear families began to form and played a leading role in the current society. A nuclear family means a family consisting of parents and their unmarried children, and they live far away from other relatives. Generally speaking, a nuclear family has very few members, only parents and offspring. In western countries, because people usually hold the view that they should live a independent life, they are willing not to live with their parents after they get married, they believe in self-reliance and freedom. Furthermore, aged people prefer to live in the nursery home rather than live with their children. As a result, the parents and their children also have their own families, which can avoid conflicts between parents and children brought about by the generation gap.So the nuclear family is simpler. It is no wonder that the English kinship terms is more simple than Chinese.B. Different historical backgroundAs we all know, feudal patriarchal society controlled China for two thousand years, influenced by the moral and ethical concepts; Chinese must chose suitable terms to address others according to the rank and identity. In addition, Chinese people value the close family relationship and prefer living together with or near their families. This is greatly influenced by China's great teacher and philosopher Confucius, who educated his people not to study or work far away from home while their parents were still alive. This concept has since become one of the traditions of Chinese culture. Because of this concept of close family ties, Chinese families are usually very large. Since people prefer living with or near their families, family members encounter each other frequently in daily routine;therefore, it is convenient for them to keep those precise kinship terms. It is no doubt that the patriarchal clan system produced a great impact on Chinese culture, including the kinship term system.On the contrary, in the west, people think equality is very important. They hold the view that all men are born equal. In western families, all members are in an equalstatus. Thus, father and mother, husband and wife, son and daughter and the siblings are in the same status respectively. They are prone to address others by names regardless of the rank and identity. This phenomenon expresses intensely their hope of getting rid of differences in social status. Therefore, English kinship terms give expression to equality in personality, especially for addressing relatives on father’s side or mother’s side.C. Different sourceChinese kinship terms belong to Sudanese kinship system, but English kinship terms are Eskimo kinship system. Sudanese kinship system is descriptive system, which makes a clear distinction between maternal and paternal relatives. It is so highly descriptive and detailed that generally every relative is named by a different kinship term. What’s more, there is an inclination to relatives of paternal side as well as of lineal relationships because of the male people in paternal side and consanguineous relatives having been put more emphasis. Eskimo kinship term system, which is a typical example of classification, puts more emphasis on the nuclear family which of only father, mother, son, daughter, brother and sister. It also ignores the distinction between father’s side and mother’s side, which shows that it is bilateral.D. Other reasonsFrom a cultural point of view of origin, the environments of China and Western countries are different, which has made those people choose different methods to adapt to the environment, therefore, different cultures were formed. In West, the development of material changes in production methods, social and political changes in the economic development, but also influence and determine the changes in cultural development.Europe’s geographic structure formats the Western culture the survival of the state of coexistence with the sea, seafaring and the Industrial Revolution developed, so that from the very early development of commercial economy, which created the mankind's oldest commercial civilization. However, China is a traditional agricultural country, after one thousands of years developing, China has developed as an agricultural civilization. So it is different from theEuropean countriesSo China and the European countries produced different civilization and culture, and it was reflected by language, especially in kinship terms. Therefore, there are some different points between Chinese and English kinship terms.IV. ConclusionSo, based on the above statements, kinship term, an indispensable part of verbal communication, is clearly highlighted in address system of a language. Although English and Chinese languages share a few semantic constants in common, however, kinship terms of these two languages can not be fully translated equivalently. In this paper, the authors illustrate the similarities differences between English an d Chinese kinship terms and reveal the causes it results from. In contrast: English address forms are less complicated than Chinese address forms, with Chinese kinship terms, it will help us better understand English kinship system and their cultures, which will also help us improve cross-cultural communication and thus conduct the further studies in this field.BibliographyHu Wen, Hu Min. Comparative study on English and Chinese kinship terms.US-China Foreign Language Press,2007Leach E. R. Concerning trobriand clans and the kinship category "tabu." 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在中国传统文化体系中占 主导地位的孔孟儒学,其 伦理道德说教均以宗法性 家庭及血缘纽带为宗旨, 受“长幼有序、男女有别、 内外有别、亲疏有别、血 亲姻亲有别”的传统伦理 规范的影响,汉语言中的 亲属称谓体系特别强调等 级的差异,提倡长幼、尊卑 有序。
特别是男尊女卑的典型例证:“外 祖父/外祖母”(母亲的父母)和 “外孙/外孙女”(女儿的子女)有 别于“祖父/祖母”(父亲的父母) 和“孙子/孙女”(儿子的子女)。 一个“外”字折射出男性在家庭中 的主导地位,而女性是外人,处于 从属地位。
以父系为中心的宗法制社会 重名分、讲人伦的儒家文化 中国人集体主义的价值观
在家族和血缘关系基础上建立的君主 制的宗法制社会,其实是一个“差序 格局”的等级社会,这样的社会以维 护上尊下卑的秩序为根本,是个不平 等的社会,即使是同一家庭里的人也 是不平等的。
Comparison of kinship terms between Chinese and Western 中西方亲属称谓 对比
法律上对亲属范围的界定只限于直系血亲和三代以内的旁系血亲,那些诸如 干爹干妈之类的不在我们讨论的范围之内。
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• There is no difference in the name of your family members between father’s side and mother’s side in English.
当下贾母一一指与黛玉:“这是你大舅母; 这是你二舅母.”
“This ,” she said , “ is your __e_l_d_e_r _u_n_c_le_’s wife . This is your __s_e_c_o_n_d_u_n_c_le_’s wife .”
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Eskimo kinship term system, which is a typical example of classification, puts more emphasis on the nuclear family which of only father, mother, son, daughter, brother and sister. It also ignores the distinction between father's side and mother's side.
According to the linking function of human communication, communication is used to establish relationships between the individual and the environment, and that people use symbols to create a desired image to facilitate this linking to the environment. Thus, the individual is consubstantial with society.
1. The Same Functions
English and Chinese kinship term have many important social functions.Generally, no matter English kinship or Chinese kinship terms, they have a basic functions, linking function.
The reasons of the cultural
2 difference between English
and Chinese kinship terms
English and Chinese address forms originated from two different civilization traditions that have their own evolving history. It is not strange that there are many differences between the two.
No matter English kinship terms or Chinese kinship terms, they can be divided into two parts: the kinship terms and the social terms. Kinship system is not only a universal feature of languages, but also a result of the importance in social organization.
Other reasons From a cultural point of view of origin, the environments of China and Western countries are different, which has made those people choose different methods to adapt to the environment, therefore, different cultures were formed. Europe's geographic structure formats the Western culture the survival of the state of coexistence with the sea, seafaring and the Industrial Revolution developed, so that from the very early development of commercial economy, which created the mankind's oldest commercial civilization.China is a traditional agricultural country, after one thousands of years developing, China has developed as an agricultural civilization.
目1 录
Comparison between English and Chinese kinship terms systems
The reasons of the cultural difference between English and Chinese kinship terms
无论是英语的亲属称谓还是汉语的亲属称谓, 都可以分为两部分:亲属称谓和社会称谓。 亲属制度不仅是语言的普遍特征,也是社会组 织中重要地位的结果。
社会称谓是指不同社会群体和社会组织在交 往中根据其社会地位和社会角色所使用的各种 亲属称谓策略和规则。
Differences between English and Chinese kinship terms
The main reasons for cultural differences lie in the family structures, history background, source and so on.
英汉亲属称谓文化差异 的原因
英汉称呼语起源于两种不同的文明传统, 都有各自的发展历史。这两者之间有许多 不同之处,这并不奇怪。
Social term means the usage of all kinship term strategies and regulations between different social groups and social organizations in their communication according to their social positions and social roles.
3 Conclusion
Comparison between English and Chinese kinship terms
Similarities of English and Chinese kinship terms英汉亲属称谓的相 似性
1. The Same Functions
2. Similar Categories
造成文化差异的主要原因有家庭结构、 历史背景、来源等。
Different family structures
The ancient China was a feudal agricultural country. People lived self-supporting natural economy gradually took shape. However, people had to labor together and had a collective life owing to the low productivity. So, they lived together and formed ar extended family.In China, the position in the family hierarchy is distinguished clearly. According to generation, age and sex, people were required to address and distinguish different family members.
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้古代中国是一个封建的农业国。 人们自给自足的自然经济逐渐形 成。但由于生产力低下,人们不 得不共同劳动,过集体生活。于 是,他们住在一起,组成了一个 大家庭。
在中国,家庭等级的地位有明 显的区别。人们需要根据辈分、 年龄和性别来称呼和区分不同的 家庭成员。
众所周知,封建宗法社会统治了中 国两千年,受到道德伦理观念的影响: 中国人必须根据身份和地位选择合适 的称谓。相反,在西方,人们认为平 等是非常重要的。他们认为人人生而 平等。在西方家庭中,所有的家庭成 员都很幸福。
因此,父亲和母亲,丈夫和妻子, 儿子和女儿,兄弟姐妹分别处于相同 的地位。他们倾向于称呼别人的名字, 而不管他们的等级和身份。
Different source Chinese kinship terms belong to Sudanese kinship system(苏丹亲属制度), but English kinship terms are Eskimo kinship system(爱斯基摩亲属制度). Sudanese kinship system is descriptive system, which makes a clear distinction between maternal and paternal relatives.