





一、农业科学专业英语词汇1. Agricultural science/agronomy 农业科学/农学2. Crop cultivation 农作物栽培3. Soil fertility 土壤肥力4. Crop rotation 农作物轮作5. Pest control 害虫防治6. Irrigation 灌溉7. Weed management 杂草管理8. Plant breeding 植物育种9. Genetic engineering 基因工程10. Fertilizer application 施肥11. Harvesting 收获12. Silage making 青贮制作13. Livestock breeding 畜牧养殖14. Dairy farming 奶牛养殖15. Poultry farming 家禽养殖16. Aquaculture 水产养殖17. Veterinary medicine 兽医学18. Agribusiness 农业经营19. Sustainable agriculture 可持续农业20. Organic farming 有机农业二、农作物栽培技术1. Soil preparation 土壤准备Soil preparation involves clearing the land, removing weeds and debris, and loosening the soil to improve its structure and drainage.2. Seed selection 种子选择Seed selection is an important step in crop cultivation. Farmers should choose high-quality seeds that are resistant to diseases and pests, and have high yield potential.3. Planting 种植Planting refers to the process of sowing seeds or transplanting seedlings into the soil. It is essential to provide the right spacing and depth for optimal plant growth.4. Fertilization 施肥Fertilization is the application of nutrients to the soil to provide essential elements for plant growth. It can be done through organic or inorganic fertilizers, depending on the specific nutrient requirements of the crop.5. Weed control 杂草防治Weeds compete with crops for nutrients, water, and sunlight. Effective weed control methods include manual weeding, the use of herbicides, and mulching to suppress weed growth.6. Pest management 害虫管理Pests can cause significant damage to crops. Integrated pest management techniques, such as biological control, cultural practices, and the judicious use of pesticides, help minimize pest damage while protecting the environment.7. Disease prevention 病害预防Crop diseases can reduce yield and quality. Disease prevention involves crop rotation, use of disease-resistant varieties, proper sanitation, and timely application of fungicides if necessary.8. Irrigation 灌溉Irrigation is essential for crop growth in areas with insufficient rainfall. It involves providing the right amount of water at the right time to ensure optimal plant health and productivity.9. Harvesting 收获Harvesting is the process of gathering mature crops for consumption or further processing. It involves careful timing to ensure maximum yield and quality.10. Storage and processing 储存和加工Proper storage and processing ensure that harvested crops remain fresh and maintain their nutritional value. This may involve drying, curing, canning, or freezing, depending on the specific crop.结语本文介绍了一些常用的农业科学专业英语词汇和农作物栽培技术,希望能帮助读者增加对农业科学领域的理解和掌握。



各种农作物翻译 cereals, grain 谷物 coarse grain 谷粒 rye 黑麦 barley 大麦 oats 燕麦 millet 粟, 黍 sorghum 高粱 bran 麸; 糠 flour, meal 粗磨谷粉 wheat 小麦 spring wheat 春小麦 maize 玉米 (美作:corn) maize cob 玉米棒子 (美作:corn cob) rice 稻 buckwheat 荞麦 tea 茶 coffee 咖啡 cocoa 可可树 coca 古柯 tobacco 烟草 hop 蛇麻; 啤酒花 tuber crops 块茎作物 sugar cane 甘蔗 sugar beet 糖用甜菜 potato 马铃薯 sweet potato 甘薯 vegetables 蔬菜 carrot 胡萝卜 cassava, manioc 木薯 turnip 芜菁 yam 山药; 薯蓣 pulses, leguminous plants 豆类植物 bean 菜豆 pea 豌豆 chick-pea 鹰嘴豆 lentil 小扁豆 soya bean 大豆 (美作:soybean) forage plants 饲料作物 fodder grain 饲用谷物 clover 三叶草 lucre, lucerne 苜蓿 (美作:alfalfa) textile plants 纤维植物 cotton 棉; 草棉 flax 亚麻 hemp 大麻 American agave 龙舌兰 sisal 剑麻; 西沙尔麻 kapok tree 木棉树 jute 黄麻 Manila hemp 马尼拉麻 raffia 酒椰 yucca 丝兰 oil plants 油料植物 sunflower 向日葵 groundnut, peanut 落花生 olive 油橄榄 olive tree 油橄榄树 sesame 芝麻 castor oil plant 蓖麻 rape seed 油菜籽 rubber tree 橡胶树 resin plant 树脂植物 mangrove 红树 fruits 水果 fruit tree 果树 grapevine 葡萄藤 grape 葡萄 农业专业词汇一 a horizon a 层 a humid acid a 型胡敏酸 a line 不育系 a priori 先天的 a priori probability 先验概率 abandoned land 荒地 abattoir by product 屠宰场副产物 abaxial 远轴的 abaxile 远轴的 abdomen 腹 abdominal 腹部的 abdominal aorta 腹织脉 abdominal apoplexy 腹率中 abdominal appendage 腹肢 abdominal cavity 腹腔 abdominal fin 腹 abdominal foot 腹足 abdominal gland 腹腺 abdominal leg 腹足 abdominal reflex 腹壁反射 abdominal respiration 腹呼吸 abdominal segment 腹节 abdominal wall 腹壁 abducens nerve 外展神经 abducent nerve 外展神经 abduction 外展 abductor 展肌 abductor muscle 展肌 aberration 畸变 abies 冷杉属 abietic acid 松脂酸 abiogenesis 自然发生 abiosis 死亡 abiotic 非生物的 abiotic factor 非生物因素 ablactation 断乳 ablation 切断术 ablepharia 无睑 ablepharon 无睑 ablephary 无睑 ablution 清洗 abnormal behaviour 变态习性 abnormal climate 异常气候 abnormal division 错分裂 abnormal egg 异常卵 abnormal estrus 异常发情 abnormal high temperature 异常高温 abnormal ovum 异常卵子 abnormal spermium 异常精子 abnormal value 异常值 abomasitis 皱胃炎 abomasum 第四胃 aboral 反口的 aboral pole 反口极 abortin 龙毒素 abortion 龙 abortive 龙的 abortive grain 秕粒 abortive infection 顿挫性感染 abortive pollen 败育花粉 abortive transduction 败育转导 aboveground part 地上部分 abscess 脓肿 abscisin 脱落素 abscission 切掉abscission layer 离层 absinthe 亚洲蒿absolute age 绝对年龄 absolute alcohol 绝对酒精absolute dried soil 绝对干土absolute error 绝对误差 absolute extreme 绝对极值absolute frequency 绝对频率absolute humidity 绝对湿度absolute lethal 绝对致死 absolute milk production 绝对产奶量absolute period of livestock use 家畜绝对利用年限absolute quantity 绝对量 absolute temperature 绝对温度absolute value 绝对值 absorbability 吸收能力 absorbent 吸收剂;吸收的 absorbing capacity 吸收能力absorbing complex 吸附复合体absorbing function 吸收机能absorbing velocity of fertilizer 肥料吸收速度 absorption 吸收absorption capacity 吸收容量absorption coefficient 吸收系数absorption obstacle 吸收障碍absorption ratio 吸收率 absorptive 吸收的absorptive amount 吸收量 absorptive cell 吸收细胞 absorptive hair 吸收毛 absorptive tissue 吸收组织absorptivity 吸收力abstergent 去垢剂 abstersion 洗涤 abundance 多度 acalcerosis 缺钙症 acalycine 无花萼的 acalycinous 无花萼的 acanthocephalosis 棘头虫病 acanthoid 刺状的 acardia 无心 acariasis 螨病 acariasis of domestic animal 家畜疥癣病 acaricide 杀螨剂 acarid control 螨防治 acaulescent 无茎的 acauline 无茎的 acaulose 无茎的 acaulous 无茎的 accelerated erosion 加速侵蚀 acceleration 加速 acceleration pedal 油门踏板 acceleration pump 加速泵 acceptor 受体 accessory 副的 accessory corpus luteum 副黄体 accessory fruit 假果 accessory genitalia 副生殖器 accessory gland 附腺 accessory ingredient 助剂 accessory sexual gland 副性腺 accidental error 随机误差 accidental species 偶见种 acclimatization 风土驯化 accommodation 第 accrescent 花后增大的 accumulated amount of dry matter 干物质蓄积量 accumulated error 累积误差 accumulated temperature 积温 accumulated temperature of crop 罪积温 accumulated temperature of cultivation 栽培积温 accumulated temperature of daytime 昼积温 accumulated temperature of growth 生育积温 accumulation 沉积 accumulator 蓄电池 accuracy 准确度 acellular organism 非细胞生物 acephalous 无头的 acephalous larva 无头幼虫 acephate 高灭磷 acerate 针状的 acerbity 酸味 acerose 针状的 acerous 针状的 acervuloma 沙瘤 acervulus 分生孢子层 acetabulum 臼;腹吸盘 acetal phosphatide 缩醛磷脂 acetaldehyde 乙醛 acetamide 乙酰胺 acetate 醋酸盐 acetic acid 醋酸 acetic acid bacteria 醋酸细菌 acetic anhydride 醋酐 acetic fermentation 醋酸发酵 acetoacetate 乙酰乙酸 acetoacetic acid 乙酰醋酸 acetobacter 醋酸细菌 acetone 丙酮 acetone body 酮体 acetone butanol fermentation 丁基丙酮发酵 acetonemia 丙酮血症 acetyl phosphate 乙酰磷酸 acetylation 乙酰化 acetylcholine 乙酰胆碱 acetylene 乙炔 acetylization 乙酰化 ache 痛achene 瘦果achenium 瘦果 achenocarp 瘦果 achlamydate 无被的 achlamydeous 无被的 achondroplasia 软骨发育不全 achrodextrin 消色糊精 achromacyte 无色红血球 achromatic 非染色质的 achromatic figure 非染色质象 achromatin 非染色质 achromatocyte 无色红血球 achromatopsia 色盲 achylia 乳糜缺乏 achylosis 乳糜缺乏 acicular leaved tree 针叶树 aciculate 针状的 aciculiform 针状的 acid 酸 acid base balance 酸碱平衡 acid base equilibrium 酸碱平衡 acid dye 酸性染料 acid fast 耐酸的 acid fast bacteria 耐酸菌 acid fermentation 酸性发酵 acid fuchsin 酸性品红 acid fume 酸烟 acid harm 酸性障碍 acid humus 酸性腐殖 acid humus soil 酸性腐殖质土 acid phosphatase 酸性磷酸酶 acid plants 适酸植物 acid rain 酸雨 acid removing 脱酸 acid rock 酸性岩 acid slag 酸性矿渣 acid smut 酸性煤尘 acid soil 酸性土 acid soil improvement 酸性土壤改良 acid solution 酸性溶液 acid spring 酸性泉acid treatment of feed 饲料的酸处理acid value 酸值acidic feed 酸性饲料 acidic waste 酸性废物 acidic waste water 酸性废水acidification 酸化 acidimeter 酸定量器 acidimetry 酸量法 acidity 酸度acidocyte 嗜酸血球 acidometry 酸量法 acidophil 适酸的 acidophile 适酸的 acidophilic 适酸的 acidophilous 适酸的 acidophilous plants 适酸植物acidophilus milk 酸奶 acidophytes 适酸植物 acidosis 酸中毒acidotrophic 酸营养的 acidulant 酸化剂 acidulous 弱酸性的 acidulous water 酸性水 acinesia 运动不能 acinous gland 胞状腺 aciular 针状的 aconitase 乌头酸酶 aconite 乌头aconitic acid 乌头酸 aconitin 乌头碱 aconitine 乌头碱 acontium 枪丝acorn 橡子acotyledon 无子叶植物 acotyledonous 无子叶的 acoustic 听觉的acoustic nerve 听神经 acoustic vesicle 听囊 acoustical 听觉的 acquired 后天获得的 acquired character 后天性状acquired immunity 后天性免疫 acrial part 地上部分 acridine 吖啶 acriflavine 吖啶黄素 acrisol 强淋溶土 acritochromacy 色盲 acritochromatocy 色盲 acroanesthesia 四肢麻木 acrocarpous 顶果的 acrolein 丙烯醛 acromegaly 肢端肥大症 acromion 肩峰 acropetal 向顶的 acrosome 顶体 acrospore 顶生孢子 acrotism 无脉 acrylic acid 丙烯酸 actidion 放线菌酮 actin 肌纤蛋白 actinometer 直接日射强度表 actinomorphic 辐射对称的 actinomorphic flower 辐射对称花 actinomorphous 辐射对称的 actinomyces 放线菌 actinomycetes 放线菌类 actinomycetic biotoxin 放线菌生体毒素 actinomycin 放线菌素 actinomycosis 放线菌病 actinomycosis of tongue 舌头放线菌病 actinophage 放线菌噬菌体 actinostele 星状中柱 actinotrocha 辐轮幼虫 actinula 辐射幼虫 action current 动诅流 action potential 动诅位 activated carbon 活性炭 activated sludge 活性污泥 activating centre 激动中心 activating enzyme 活化酶 activation 活化 activation centre 激动中心 activator 致活剂 active 活性的 active absorption 织吸收 active accumulated temperature 活动积温 active acetate 活性醋酸 active acidity 活性酸度 active alkalinity 活性碱度 active humus 活性腐殖质 active immunity 织免疫 active pore 活性孔隙 active substance 活性物质 active transport 织运输 activity 活性 actomyosin 肌动球蛋白 acuariosis of chicken 鸡胃虫病 acupuncture 针刺术 acute 急尖的 acute indigestion of rumen 第一胃食滞 acute infection 急性感染 acute poisoning 急性中毒 acute toxicity 急性毒性 acute toxicity experience 急性毒性试验 acutiflorous 尖花的 acutifoliate 尖叶的 acyclic 非轮生的 acyclic flower 非轮生花 acyesis 不孕症 acylase 酰化酶 acyltransferase 酰基转移酶 adaptability 适应性 adaptation 适应 adaptation to light 光适应 adaptive enzyme 适应酶 adaptometer 适应计 addition 添加 addition action 附加酌 addition reaction 加成反应 addition theorem 加法定理 additional fertilizer 追肥 additional water capacity 附加水量 additive 添加剂 additive effect 加性效果 additive gene 加性基因 additive model 加性模型 additive parentage map 加性血缘图 additivity 相加性 additivity of sum of squares 平方和的可加性 adduction 内收 adductor 内收肌 adductor muscle 收肌 adenase 腺嘌呤酶 adenine 腺嘌呤 adenitis 腺炎 adenocarcinoma 腺癌 adenofibroma 腺纤维瘤 adenohypophysis 脑下垂体前叶 adenoid 腺样的 adenoma 腺瘤 adenomatous carcinoma 腺癌 adenometous carcinoma 腺癌 adenopathy 腺病 adenophyllous 腺叶的 adenosarcoma 腺肉瘤 adenosinase 腺甙酶 adenosine 腺苷 adenosine diphosphatase 二磷酸腺苷酶 adenosine diphosphate 二磷酸腺苷 adenosine monophosphate 一磷酸腺苷 adenosine triphosphatase 三磷酸腺苷酶 adenosine triphosphate 三磷酸腺苷 adenosine triphosphate cycle 三磷酸腺苷循环 adenovirus 腺病毒 adenovirus infection of cattle 牛腺病毒感染症 adenylic acid 腺甙酸 adenylic deaminase 腺甙酸脱氨基酶 adermin 抗皮炎维生素 adhesion 粘附adhesive 粘附剂 adhesive disc 吸盘 adhesive organ 固着瀑 adhesivity 粘着性 adipic acid 己二酸 adipochrome 脂色素 adipogenesis 脂肪生成 adipopexis 脂肪沉着 adipose 脂肪的adipose cell 脂细胞 adipose tissue 脂肪组织 adiposis 肥胖病 adiposity 肥胖adiuretin 抗利尿激素 adjusted mean 蝶平均数 adjusting device 蝶装置 adjustment 蝶adjuvant 辅助剂admissible error 容许误差admissible limit 容许限度admissible value 容许值 adnexitis 子宫附件炎 adonit 阿东醇adonitol 阿东醇 adoral 口侧的adrenal cortex 肾上腺皮质adrenal cortex hormone 肾上腺皮质素adrenal gland 肾上腺 adrenal medulla 肾上腺髓质adrenal medullary hormone 肾上腺髓质激素adrenaline 肾上腺素adrenalinemia 肾上腺素血 adrenergic 肾上腺素性的 adrenergic nerve 肾上腺素激导性神经adrenochrome 肾上腺素红 adrenocorticotrophichormone 促肾上腺皮质激素 adrenocorticotropin 促肾上腺皮质激素adrenosterone 肾上腺甾酮 adrenotoxin 肾上腺毒素adrenotropic 泅上腺性的 adsorbed base amount 吸附盐基量 adsorbed hanging water 吸附悬着水 adsorbent 吸附剂 adsorbing capacity 吸附量 adsorption 吸附 adsorption capacity 吸附能力 adsorption heat 吸附热 adsorption rate 吸附率 adsorptive enzyme 吸附酶 adult 成虫 adulterant 混杂料 adulthood 成年状态 advanced farming method 先进农法 advection 平流 adventitious 不定的 adventitious bud 不定芽 adventitious plants 外来植物 adventitious root 不定根 adventive 不定的 adventive bud 不定芽 adventive root 不定根 adverse current 逆流 adverse slope 反坡 adynamia 无力 adzuki bean 赤豆 aecidiospore 锈孢子 aecidium 锈子器 aeciospore 锈孢子 aecium 锈子器 aedaeagus 阳茎 aeolian deposit 风积层 aeration 通风 aerator 通风器 aerenchyma 通气组织 aerial 气生的 aerial craft pollution 飞机污染 aerial infection 空气传染 aerial photography 航空照相学 aerial respiration 空气呼吸 aerial root 气生根 aerobe 需气生物 aerobic 需氧的 aerobic bacterium 需氧细菌 aerobic decomposition 好气分解 aerobic fermentation 好气发酵 aerobic glycolysis 好气性糖分解 aerobic purification 好气性净化 aerobic respiration 需氧呼吸 aerobiology 高空生物学 aerobiosis 好氧生活 aerobiotic 需氧的 aeroembolism 气栓 aerofilter 空气滤清器 aeromonas 气单孢菌属 aeroperitoneum 气腹 aeroperitonia 气腹 aerophilic 气生的 aerophilous 气生的 aerophotography 航空照相学 aerophytes 气生植物 aeroplankton 大气浮游生物 aeropleura 气胸 aerosol 烟雾剂 aerosol disinfection 气溶胶消毒 aerosol sterilization 气溶胶灭菌 aerosprayer 飞机喷雾机 aerostatic irrigation 气球式灌水 aerotaxis 区性 aerothorax 气胸 aerotropism 向气性 aestival 夏季的 aestivation 夏眠 aetiology 病原学 afferent 传入的 afferent nerve 传入神经 affinity 亲和力 affinity chromatography 亲和性层析谱 afforest 造林 afforestation and water conservancy 治山治水 aflatoxicosis 黄曲霉毒素中毒 african buffalo 非洲水牛 african horse sickness 马非洲瘟病 african pestis of horse 马非洲瘟病 african swine fever 非洲猪瘟 after effect 后效 after fermentation 补充发酵 after image 后象 after milking 后挤奶 after ripening 后熟 after swarm 再分蜂群 afterbirth 后产 afterbrain 后脑 afterculture 后茬栽培 afterculture vegetable 后茬蔬菜 aftergrass 再生草 aftermath 再生草 afterproduct 次品 afunction 机能缺失 agalactia 泌乳缺乏 agamete 拟配子 agamic 无性的 agamic cell 单性生殖细胞 agamogony 无配子生殖 agamospecies 无性种 agamous 无性的 agar 琼脂 agar agar 琼脂 agar plate 琼脂平板 agar plate count 琼脂平板计数 age 年龄 age class 龄级 age coitus 年龄交配 age covering 年龄交配 age of branch 枝梢的年龄 age of seedling 苗龄 agenesia 发育不全 agenesis 发育不全 agglutinate 凝集 agglutination 凝集 agglutination reaction 凝集反应agglutinin 凝集素 agglutinogen 凝集原 aggregate 土壤团聚体 aggregate structure 团聚体结构aggressin 攻回 aging 老化agitation 搅动 agitator 搅拌机 aglucon 配质aglucone 配质aglycone 配质agon 辅基agony 濒死agranulocyte 无粒白血球 agranulocytosis 粒性白细胞缺乏症agranulosis 粒性白细胞缺乏症agraphia 书写不能agrestal weed 耕棕杂草 agriconcentration 土壤渗透浓度agricultural air pollutant 农业大气污染物 agricultural aircraft 农用飞机农业专业词汇二bacciform 浆果状的 bacillar 杆菌的 bacillary 杆菌的bacilliculture 细菌培养 bacillosis 杆菌病 bacilluria 杆菌尿 bacillus 杆菌bacillus anthracis 炭疽杆菌bacitracin 枯草杆菌肽 back mutation 复原突变 backcross 回交 backfat 背膘backset 再现backwater zone 回水区 bacteria carrier 带菌者 bacteria culture 细菌培养bacterial biotoxin 细菌性生物毒素bacterial black rot 细菌性黑斑病 bacterial blight of kidney bean 扁豆叶烧病 bacterial culture 细菌培养 bacterial disease 细菌病 bacterial fire blight of apple 苹果火疫病 bacterial flacherie 细菌性软化病 bacterial infection 细菌感染 bacterial leaf spot of sorghum 高粱细菌性斑点病 bacterial leaf spot of tobacco 烟草斑点性细菌病 bacterial manure 细菌肥料 bacterial pesticide 细菌农药 bacterial slimy soft rot 细菌性软腐病 bacterial soft rot of potato 马铃薯软腐病 bacterial spot of red pepper 辣椒疮痂性细菌病 bacterial stalk rot 细菌性秆腐病 bacterial stalk rot of maize 玉米细菌性秆腐病 bacterial strain 菌株 bacterial stripe 细菌性条斑病 bacterial vaccine 细菌疫苗 bacterial wilt of kidney bean 扁豆青枯病 bactericidal action 杀菌酌 bactericide 杀细菌剂 bacteriochlorophyll 细菌叶绿素 bacteriocin 细菌素 bacteriology 细菌学 bacteriolysin 溶菌素 bacteriolysis 溶菌 bacteriophage 细菌噬菌体 bacteriosis 细菌病 bacteriostasis 抑菌酌 bacteriostatic 制菌的 bacteriotoxin 细菌毒素 bacterium 细菌 bacteroid 拟杆菌 bad crop 歉收 bag closing machine 封袋机 bagasse 甘蔗渣 bail 挤奶装置 bait 诱饵 balance 平衡 balance frequency 平衡频率 balance plough 平衡犁 balance trial 平衡试验 balanced experimental design 均衡排列 balanced relation 平衡关系 balanitis 龟头炎 balantidiasis of piglet 仔猪肠毛囊虫病 baldwin effect 巴尔得云氏效应 bale 压块 baling 压捆 balloon flower 桔梗 balloonical irrigation 气球式灌水 balsam of fir 加拿大屎 balsam of peru 秘鲁胶树 balsam pear 苦瓜 bamboo 竹 bamboo reed 芦竹 bamboo sprout 竹笱 banana 香蕉 banbo 大亩 band 畜群 band conveyor 皮带式输送器 band drier 带式干燥机 band sprayer 带状喷雾机 bandage 绷带 bang's disease 牛布氏杆菌病 bank protection 护岸 bank revetment 护岸工程 banker 培土器 banner 旗瓣 baobab 猴面包 bare fallow 无草休闲地 bare place 非耕地 barium 钡 barium carbonate 碳酸钡 bark 胜 bark beetle 小蠹虫 barking 剥皮 barley 大麦 barley bran 大麦麸 barley fodder unit 大麦饲料单位 barley meal 大麦粉 barley straw 大麦稿秆 barn feeding 舍饲 barnyard 牲畜运动场 barnyard grass 稗 barograph 气压器 barometer 气压计 barr body 巴氏小体 barrel 木桶 barrel churn 圆筒式乳油制作 barrow 手推车 basal dressing 施基肥 basal feed 基础饲料 basal medium 基础培养基 basal metabolism 基础代谢 basal sheath rot of orange 柑桔白绢病 basalt 玄武岩 basaltic soil 玄武岩土壤 base 盐基 base analog 盐基类似物 base exchange 盐基交换 base exchange capacity 阳离子交换量 base flow 基流底流 base pair 盐基对 base saturation 盐基饱和 base sequence 盐基顺序 base unsaturated soil 盐基不饱和土壤 basi gene 基本基因 basi karyotype 基本核型 basic fertilizer 基肥 basic ingredient 盐性成分 basic number 基数 basic ration 基础日粮 basic rock 盐基性岩 basic slag 盐基性炉渣 basic test 基础试验basichromatin 碱性染色质 basidiomycetes 担子菌类 basidiospore 担孢子 basidium 担子basin 盆地;硫basin area 硫面积basin irrigation 硫灌溉 basket 篮basophil cell 嗜碱细胞 basophilia 嗜碱性 basophilic 适碱的basophilic cell 嗜碱细胞 basophilous 适碱的 bast 韧皮bast fibre 韧皮纤维 bast mat 晒席bast plant 韧皮植物 bastard 杂种bastard lupine 野火球 basudin 二嗪农 batatas 甘薯batch drier 间歇式干燥机 battery cage 层架式鸡笼 battery disease 家禽笼病 battery husbandry 笼养 baume hydrometer 波美比重计baume scale 波美比重计 bauxite 铝土矿 bay laurel 月桂树 baycid 倍硫磷beak 喙beakless 缺嘴的 bean 扁豆bean combine 豆类罪联合收获机bean cutter 豆类罪收割机 bean huller 豆类脱壳机 bean picker 摘豆机bean planter 豆类播种机 bean thresher 豆类脱壳机 bearberry 熊果 beard 须bearded darnel 毒麦 beating 搏动beaver 河狸bed cleaning 除沙bedrock 基岩 bee 蜂 bee dysentery 蜜蜂赤痢 bee feeding 蜜蜂饲养 bee garden 养蜂场 bee glue 蜂胶 bee hive 蜂箱 bee house 养蜂场 bee keeper 养蜂家 bee keeping 养蜂学 bee larva 蜜蜂幼虫 bee louse 蜜蜂虱 bee master 养蜂家 bee master apiarist 养蜂家 bee milk 王浆 bee nosematosis 蜂胞子虫病 bee paratyphus 蜜蜂副伤寒 bee plant 蜜源植物 bee veil 面网 bee venom 蜂毒 beech 山毛榉 beech nut 山毛榉坚果 beef 牛肉 beef cattle 肉牛 beef type 肉用型 beesting 蜜蜂螫伤 beeswax 蜂蜡 beet chopper 甜菜间苗机 beet cleaner 甜菜精选机 beet digger 甜菜挖掘机 beet drill 甜菜条播机 beet fly 甜菜潜叶花蝇 beet pick up loader 甜菜收集装载机 beet root weevil 甜菜象虫 beet seeder 甜菜条播机 beet washer 甜菜清理机 beetle 甲虫 befouled water 污水 beginning period of growth 生育初期 behavior 行为 behavior pattern 行为型 behavioral mutant 行为突变体 bell pepper 柿子辣 belly meat 腹肉 belt conveyor 皮带式输送器 belt pulley 皮带轮 bench grafting 床接 bendiocarb 恶虫威 benomyl 苯菌灵 bentazone 噻草平 benthic environment 底栖生物环境 bentonite 膨润土 benzoic acid 苯甲酸 benzoic acid herbicide 苯甲酸类除草剂 benzole 苯 benzyladenine 苯甲腺嘌呤 berries 浆果类 berry 浆果 beryllium 铍 betain 甜菜碱 betel pepper 蒌叶 betting lice 羽毛虱 beverage crop 饮料罪 biacuminate 二渐尖的 biaristate 二芒的 bibracteate 二苞片的 bicapsular 二蒴果的 biennial 二年生的 biennial fodder crop 二年生饲料罪 biennial forage crop 二年生饲料罪 biennial vegetable 二年生蔬菜 biflorate 双花的 biflorous 双花的 bifoliate 双叶的 bifurcation 分歧 big agriculture 大农业 bilateral 左右对称的 bile 胆汁 bile acid 胆汁酸 bile duct 胆管 bile pigment 胆汁色素 bile vesica 胆囊 bilharziasis 血吸虫病 billhook 钩镰 binate 双生的 binder 打捆机 binder and reaper 割捆机 binomial distribution 二项式分布 binomial distribution law 二项分布定律 binomial population 二项总体 binomial test 二项试验 binominal nomenclature 双名法 binucleate cell 双核细胞 bio fertilizer 生物肥料 bioaccumulation 生物累积 bioactivator 生物活性物质 bioassay 生物检定 biocatalyst 生物催化剂 biocenology 生物群落学 biocenose 生物群落 biocenosis 生物群落 biochemical character 生化特征 biochemical feed 生物化学饲料 biochemical mechanism 生化学机制 biochemical pathway 生化过程 biochemical polymorphism 生化多态性 biochemical reaction 生化反应 biochemical selectivity 生化选择性 biochemical waste treatment 废物生化处理 biochemistry 生化学 biocide 杀生剂 biocide resistance 杀生体抗性 bioclimate 生物气候 bioclimatic region 生物气候区 bioclimatic zone 生物气候带 bioclimatology 生物气候学 biocoenology 生物群落学 biocoenose 生物群落 biocoenosis 生物群落 bioconversion 生物转化 bioculture 活体培养 biodeterioration 生物变质bioecological character 生物生态特性bioelectricity 生物电 bioenergy 生物能 bioerosion 生物侵蚀 biofuel 生物燃料 biogas 生物气体 biogen 生源体biogenesis 生源说 biogenic 生源的 biogenous 生源的biogeochemical cycle 生物地球化学循环 biohazard 生物危害biological absorbing capacity 生物学吸收能力 biological activity 生物学的活性biological analysis 生物检验biological assay 生物检定biologicalcharacteristics 生物学特性biological competition 生物竞争biological contamination 生物污染biological control 生物防治biological development 生物发育biological diagnosis 生物诊断biological effect 生物效果biological factor 生物因素biological half life period 生物学半衰期 biological husbandry 生物农业biological law 生物学定律biological matter cycle 生物物质循环biological nitrogen 生物氮 biological oxygen demand 生物需氧量 biological pesticide 生物农药 biological process 生物学过程 biological property 生物学特性 biological protection 生物学的保护 biological requirement 生物学要求 biological rhythm 生物节律 biological sedimentary rock 生物学沉积岩 biological time 生物学时间 biological toxic material 生物性有毒物质 biological waste treatment 废物生物处理 biological weathering 生物风化 biological world 生物界 biology 生物学 biolysis of sewage 污水的生物分解 biomass 生物量 biometeorology 生物气象学 biometry 生物统计 bionomics 生态学 bionomy 生态学 bionosis 生物病 biopesticide 生物农药 biophysical chemistry 生物物理化学 biophysics 生物物理学 biopolymer 生物聚合物 bioreactor 生物反应器 biorhythm 生物节律 biosensor 生物感受器 biosome 生命小体 biostatistics 生物统计 biosynthesis 生物合成 biosystematics 生物分类学 biota 生物相 biotechnology 生物工程 biothermic disinfection 生物热消毒 biotic environment 生物环境 biotic formation 生物群系 biotic habitat 生物环境 biotic pollution 生物性污染 biotin 生物素 biotope 群落生境 biotoxin 生物毒素 biotype 生物型 biparental progeny 双亲后裔 bipetalous 双瓣的 bipinnate 二回羽状的 bipinnatifid 二回羽状分裂的 bipinnatiparted 二回羽状深裂的 bipinnatipartite 二回羽状深裂的 bird control 鸟害控制 bird damage 鸟害 birth 产仔 birth wort 马兜铃 bisexual cucumber 两性黄瓜 bisexual flower 两性花 bisexual reproduction 两性生殖 bismuth 铋 bistriate 具双条纹的 biternate 二回三出的 bithionol 硫双二氯酚 biuret 缩二脲 biuret nitrogen 缩二脲态氮 biuret reaction 缩二脲反应 bivariate distribution 双变量分布 bivariate population 双变量总体 bivoltine 二化性 bivoltine race 二化性品种 black alder 赤杨 black bean aphid 蚕豆蚜 black bee 黑色种蜜蜂 black cutworm 小地老虎 black disease of bees 黑蜂病 black egg 黑卵 black flowered 黑花的 black fruit rot of apple 苹果黑腐病 black kerneled rice 黑米 black leg of cabbage 甘蓝根朽病 black muscardine 黑僵病 black mustard 黑芥 black night shade 龙葵 black pepper 胡椒 black poplar 黑杨 black root rot of jujube 枣蔬点病 black root rot of sweet potato 甘薯拟黑斑病 black rot 黑腐病 black rot of carrot 胡萝卜黑斑病 black rot of vine grape 葡萄黑腐病 black rust 黑锈病 black shank of tobacco 烟草黑茎病 black spot of cabbage 甘蓝黑斑病 black spot of kidney bean 扁豆黑霉病 black spot of tomato 番茄黑霉病 black stalked 黑茎的 black veined white 山粉蝶 blackberry 黑莓 blackflow condenser 逆龄凝器 blackhead disease 传染性肠肝炎 bladder 膀胱 blade 叶片 blade grader 铲式平地机 bladex 草净津 blanching 温汤处理 blank test 空白试验 blast furnace slag fertilizer 钢渣肥 blastocyst 胚胞 blastoderm 囊胚层 blastomere 分裂球 blastozoid 芽生体 blastula 囊胚bleeding 溢泌现象 bleeding sap 溢泌液 bleeding water 溢泌液 blepharitis 眼睑炎 bloat 臌胀block 区组blocker 间苗器blocky structure 块状结构blood cell 血细胞blood circulation 血液循环blood circulatory disorder 血循环障碍 blood coagulation 血液凝固blood drawing 抽血blood fluke disease 亚洲血吸虫病blood group 血型blood individual 血缘个体blood meal 血粉blood physiology 血生理 blood plasma 血浆 blood platelet 血小板 blood pressure 血压 blood protein 血蛋白质 blood red flowered 具红花的blood red fruited 红果的 blood red leaved 红叶的 blood relationship 血缘关系blood sampling 取血样 blood serum 血清 blood sugar 血糖blood transfusion 输血 blood type 血型 blood vessel 血管 blossom 开花blossom drop 落花 blossoming 开花blue algae 蓝藻类 blue green algae 蓝绿藻类 blue gum 桉树蓝桉 blue mould 青霉病 blue mould of sweet potato 甘薯青霉病 boar 公猪 board mounted sprayer 板固定喷雾器 body cavity 体腔 body compositional material 体构成物质 body condition 体况 body fluid 体液 body maturation 体成熟 body measurement 体尺测量 body region 体部位 body weight 体重 body weight of silkworm larva 蚕体重 bog 沼泽 bog bilberry 笃斯越桔 bog formation 沼泽形成 bog harrow 沼泽地缺口圆盘耙 bog peat 沼泽泥炭 bog whortleberry 笃斯越桔 boggy soil 沼泽土 boiled milled rice 白米饭 boiling point 沸点 bolter 筛选机 bolting 抽苔 bone 骨 bone disease 骨病 bone dust fertilizer 骨粉肥 bone flour 骨粉 bone formation 骨生成 bone marrow 骨髓 bone marrow disorder 骨髓障碍 bone meal 骨粉 boot 开沟器 booting stage 孕穗期 borax 硼砂 bordeaux mixture 波尔多液 border 边缘 border effect 边际效应 bordered 有边的 bordered pit 具缘纹孔 boric acid 硼酸 boric fertilizer 硼肥 boric magnesium fertilizer 硼镁肥 borna disease 包那病 boron 硼 boron superphosphate 硼过磷酸钙 boron zinc superphosphate fertilizer 硼锌过磷酸石灰肥料 bot fly disease of horse 马胃蝇幼虫症 botanic garden 植物园 botanical composition 植物构成 botanical garden 植物园 botany 植物学 botryoid 一串葡萄状的 botryoidal 一串葡萄状的 botryomycosis 葡萄状菌病 botryose 一串葡萄状的 botryose inflorescence 总状类花序 botrys 总状类花序 bottle gourd 瓢葫芦 bottom rot of chinese cabbage 白菜尻腐病 bottomland soil 洼地土壤 botulism 腐肉中毒 bough 大枝 boulder clay soil 泥砾土 bovine brucellosis 牛布氏杆菌病 bovine cysticercosis 牛囊虫病 bovine ephemeral fever 牛列热 bovine hemoglobinuria 牛血红蛋白尿症 bovine infectious pleuropneumonia 牛肺疫 bovine leptospirosis 牛钩端螺旋体病 bovine leucosis 牛白血病 bovine mastitis 牛乳房炎 bovine parainfluenza 牛副列性感冒 bovine paratuberculosis 牛副结核病 bovine three day sickness 牛列热 bovine trichomoniasis 牛滴虫病 bovine tuberculosis 牛结核病 bovine viral diarrhoea 牛病毒性腹泻 box rearing 箱饲 brachyblast 短枝 bracken 蕨菜 brackishwater environment 微咸水环境 bract 苞 bract leaf 苞 bract scale 苞鳞 bracteal 苞的 bracteal leaf 苞 bracteole 小苞片 bractlet 小苞片 bradsot of sheep 羊快疫 brain 脑 brain commotion 脑震荡 brain concussion 脑震荡 brain hormone 脑激素 brake 制动器离合器 brake block 制动块 braking system 制动系统 bran 糠 branch 枝条 branch tendril 枝卷须 branched channel 分支渠 branchiness 分枝性 branching 分枝 branching larkspur 翠雀 brassicaceous vegetable 十字花科蔬菜 bread fruit tree 面包果 breakdown 崩塌 breaker roll 破碎辊 breaking 破裂 breaking plant 粉碎设备 breast carcinoma virus of white mouse 小白鼠乳房癌病毒 breathing 呼吸 breed 品种breed improvement 品种改良breed storage 品种保存 breeder's stock 原原种 breedig stock 种畜 breeding 育种breeding age 繁殖年限 breeding ass 种驴 breeding boar 种公猪 breeding bull 种公牛 breeding by selection 选择育种breeding calf 种用牛犊 breeding character 育种性状breeding cycle 繁殖周期 breeding disorder 繁殖障碍breeding enterprise 种畜牧场breeding ewe 种用母羊 breeding experiment 育种试验breeding field 育种田 breeding herd 种畜群 breeding mare 种用母马 breeding material 育种材料breeding method 育种方法 breeding method of mulberry silkworm 家蚕育种方法breeding of new variety 新品种选育breeding physiology 繁殖生理breeding poultry 种禽 breeding season 繁殖季节 breeding sow 种母猪 breeding value 育种价 brevifoliate 短叶的 brewer's grains 啤酒糟 brewery by product 啤酒副产品brictly 刚毛状的 bringing in 收割 briquette 压块 briquetter 压捆机 briquetting 压捆bristle 刚毛 bristle tooth oak 柞树 broad bean 蚕豆 broad cocklebur 苍耳 broad leaved forest 阔叶手 broad leaved plant 阔叶植物 broad leaved tree 阔叶树 broad spectrum antibiotic 广谱抗菌素 broadcast fertilizing 全面施肥 broadcast seeder 撒播机 broadcast sowing 全面撒播 broiler chicken 肉用仔鸡 broken rice 碎米 bromacil 除草定 bromide 溴化物 bromomethane 溴代甲烷 bronchi 支气管 bronchitis 支气管炎 bronchopneumonia of domestic animal 家畜支气管肺炎 brood 同窝 brood chamber 蜂巢 brood hen 抱卵鸡 brooder 育雏器 broodiness 就巢性 brook erosion 溪水侵蚀 broom 金雀花 brown algae 褐藻类 brown blight of english rye grass 黑麦草斑点病 brown calcareous soil 棕色石灰土 brown coal huminite 褐煤腐殖酸肥料 brown earth 棕壤 brown eye moth 甘蓝夜蛾 brown forest soil 褐色森林土 brown fruit rot of apple 苹果菌核病 brown heart 心部褐腐病 brown humic acid 褐色胡敏酸 brown leaf spot of rice 稻褐色叶枯病 brown muscardine 蚕褐僵病 brown mustard 黑芥 brown paddy soil 棕色水稻土 brown rice 糙米 brown rust of rye 黑麦叶锈病 brown rust of wheat 小麦褐锈病 brown soil 棕壤 brown spot of hop 啤酒花褐斑病 brown spot of rice ear 稻穗枯病 brown tail moth 棕尾毒蛾 brownish forest soil 棕色森林土 browsing 啃草 brucellin 布氏杆菌疫苗 brucellosis of domestic animal 家畜布氏杆菌病 brushing of newly hatched larva by mulberry leaves 桑收法 brushing of newly hatched larva by silkworm net 网收法 brushing of newly hatched larva of oak silkworm 柞蚕收蚁 brushing of newly hatched larva with paper 棉纸收蚁法 brussels sprout 抱子甘蓝 bryophytes 苔藓植物 bryozoa 苔藓动物类 buccal cavity 口腔 buck 公山羊 bucket 桶 bucket loader 斗式装载机 buckwheat 荞麦 buckwheat poisoning 荞麦中毒 bud 芽 bud mutation 芽变 bud picking 疏芽 bud scale 芽鳞 bud variation 芽变 budding 出芽 budding knife 嫁接刀 buffer 缓冲剂 buffer action 缓冲酌 buffer solution 缓冲溶液 buffering 缓冲酌 build index 体格指数 build measurement 体格测定 bulb 球根 bulb bearing 生球根的 bulb digging machine 球根挖掘机 bulb growing 球根栽培 bulb onion 葱头 bulbar 球状的 bulbiet 珠芽 bulbiferous 生球根的 bulbiform 球根状的 bulbil 珠芽 bulbosummethod 保尔补杀母法 bulbotuber 球茎 bulbourethral gland 尿道球腺 bulbous 鳞茎的 bulbous plant 球根植物 bulbous vegetable 鳞茎蔬菜 bulk method of breeding 集团选择法 bulk sampling 大量抽样 bulking agent 填冲剂 bull 公牛 bull barn 公牛栏 bull calf 公犊 bull ring 鼻环 bulldozer 推土机 bulldozer blade 推土机刮土铲 bullock 犍牛 bumper crop year 丰收年 bumper harvest 丰收 bunk feeder 饲料分配器 bunostomosis of ruminant 反刍动物钩虫病 bunt smut 麦类黑穗病 burdo 体细胞杂种 burdon 体细胞杂种 burgundy mixture 碳酸钠波尔多液buried horizon 埋藏层 burn 灼伤burning 燃烧burnt earth 烧土 burnt lime 生石灰bursa fabricius 腔上囊 bush 灌木丛butanol 丁醇butter 黄油butter churn 乳脂制作 butter cooler 黄油冷却器 butter fat 乳脂butter milk 黄油奶水 butter mould 黄油造型 buttercup poisoning 毛茛中毒butterfly 蝴蝶butyl fermentation 丁基丙酮发酵butylhydroquinone 丁基氢醌butyrate 丁酸盐 butyric acid 丁酸butyric acid bacteria 酪酸菌butyric acid fermentation 丁酸发酵butyric fermentation 丁酸发酵butyrometer 乳脂计 by product 副产品by product feed 副产物饲料by product of cocoon 茧副产品by product silk 制丝下脚 农业专业词汇三cholesterin 胆甾醇 cholesterol 胆甾醇cholesterol esterase 胆固醇酯酶choline 胆碱cholinesterase 胆碱酯酶 chondriokinesis 线立体分裂chondriome 线粒体系 chondriosome 线粒体chondroma 软骨肿。



分学科词汇农业类10 AGRICULTURE 农业agriculture (farming) 农业agricultural 农业的land (soil) 土壤;土地soil conservation 土壤保护soil erosion 泥土流失silt 粉砂,泥沙clay 黏土,湿土clod 土块agrarian 土地的,农业的pilot (experimental ) 试验性的harrow( rake) 耙,耙土ridge 田埂furrow 犁沟plot (patch)小块地ranch 农场,牧场plantation 种植园orchard 果园nursery 苗圃seedbed 苗床sickle 镰刀spade 铲,锹shovel (平头) 铲pick 稿tractor 拖拉机cultivate (till) 耕作sow(seed) 播种harvest 收割weed 除草irrigate 灌溉manure(fertilizer) 肥料spray 喷洒(农药)insecticide(pesticide)杀虫剂pest 害虫rust 锈病grain (cereal) 谷物,谷粒granary(grain store) 粮仓mill 碾,磨wheat 小麦corn 玉米rice 大米barley 大麦sorghum 高粱oats燕麦rye 黑麦millet 粟,小米vegetable 蔬菜horticulture 园艺学hydroponics 水栽法,营养液栽培法greenhouse(glasshouse, hotbed) 温室cabbage 洋白菜lettuce 生菜mustard 芥菜spinach 菠菜broccoli 花椰菜cucumber 黄瓜eggplant 茄子pepper 辣椒pumpkin 南瓜tomato 西红柿beet 甜菜carrot 胡萝卜radish 小红萝卜pea 豌豆soybean 大豆celery 芹菜garlic 大蒜leek 韭菜onion 洋葱头potato 土豆peanut 花生sesame 芝麻cotton 棉花husbandry (animal husbandry) 畜牧业pasture 牧场livestock 家畜fowl (poultry) 家禽cattle 牛,家畜buffalo 野牛dairy (dairy cattle) 奶牛dairy farm 乳牛场hay (作饲料用)干草haystack 干草堆fodder (feed) 饲料trough 饲料槽barn(shed) 牲口槽stable 厩,马厩cowshed 牛棚pigpen (hog pen, pigsty) 猪圈sheepfold (sheep pen) 羊栏roost (hen house) 鸡舍fish farm 养鱼场aquaculture 水产养殖。



地理专业词汇英语翻译(UZ) 地理专业词汇英语翻译(U-Z) u shaped valley u形谷ubiquists 随遇植物udalf 湿淋溶土udershrub 小灌木udert 湿变性土udoll 湿软土udometer 雨量器udult 湿老成土ulexite 钠硼解石ullmannite 锑硫镍矿ulmic acid 棕腐酸ulmin 棕腐质ultimate form 终地形ultimate plain 终平原ultimate wilting point 极限凋萎点ultisol 老成土ultra microchemistry 超微量化学ultrabasic rock 超基性岩ultraclay 超粘土ultrafiltration 超滤ultrafine dust 超细粉末ultramafic rock 超基性岩ultrametamorphism 超变质ultramicrofossil 微化石ultramicroscope 超显微镜ultraplankton 超微浮游生物ultraviolet image 紫外影像ultraviolet microscope 紫外线显微镜ultraviolet radiation 紫外线辐射ultraviolet spectroscopy 紫外线光谱学ultraviolet spectrum 紫外线光谱umbraquult 暗色潮老成土umbrept 暗始成土umbric epipedon 暗色表层unavialable water 无效水unformity 不整合unconditioned reflex 非条件反射unconformity 不整合unconformity spring 不整合泉unconscious selection 无意识的选择uncontaminated soil 未污染土壤undefined structure 无定型结构under soil 心土underclay 底粘土undercurrent 暗流undercut slope 暗掘坡underdevelopment 显影不足underdrainage 地下排水underexposure 曝光不足underflow 潜流underground flow 地下水流underground part 地下部underground resources 地下资源underground river 地下河underground water 潜水undergrowth 林下植物underlying bed 下伏层underrun 潜流undershrub 小灌木丛undersize 筛下产品underthrust 俯冲断层underwater acoustics 水中声学underwater camera 水下照相机underwater television 水下电视undifferentiated alluvium 均匀冲积物undisturbed sample 原状试样undulant fever 布鲁菌病undulating land 波状土地undulation 波动undulation of the geoid 大地水准面起伏undulatory movements 波形运动uneven settlement 不均匀沉降unfilled porosity 非饱和孔隙度unfixed soil 非固定土壤ungulates 有蹄类unhumified organic matter 未腐解有机物质uniaxial volcano 单轴火山uniform development 均匀发育uniform flow 等速流uniform motion 匀速运动uniform profile 均质剖面uniformitarianism 均变说uniformity coefficient 均匀性系数unirrigated soil 非灌溉土壤unit area 单位面积unit cell 单位晶格unit of enzyme 酶单位unit value of symbol 地图符号价值单位unit weight 单位重量unity 整体universal theodolite 万能经纬仪universal time 世界时universal transverse mercator projection 通用横墨卡托投影universe 宇宙unpaired electron 不成对电子unproductive soil 不毛之土壤unsaturated rock 不饱和岩unsaturated soil 不饱和土壤unsaturated solution 不饱和溶液unstable channel 不稳定河槽unstable equilibrium 不稳定平衡unstable isotope 不稳定同位素unstable stratification 不稳定层结unsymmetrical fold 不对称褶皱unweathered mineral soil 未风化矿质土壤updraft 向上气流upheaval 隆起uphill sloping profile 升坡剖面upland 高地upland moor 高位沼泽upland savanna 高地热带琉林uplide motion 上滑运动upper air observation 高空气象观测upper atmosphere 高层大气upper clouds 高云upper crust 上地壳upper culmination 上中天upper layer clouds 上层云upper mantle 上地幔upper pool 上水池upper pool elevation 上游水位upper trade 高空信风upper wind observation 高空风测upright fold 直立褶皱uprise of salts 盐分上升uprooting 挖除伐根upslope fog 上坡雾upstream deposits 上游沉积物upstream facing of weir 堰的上游护面upthrow fault 上投断层upthrow side 上投侧upthrust fault 上投断层upward evolution of relief 地形的隆起演化upward movement of water 水分上升运动upwarping 向上挠曲uraninite 沥青铀矿uranite 铀云母uranium 铀uranium deposit 铀矿床uranium mine 铀矿uranium ore 铀矿uranocircite 钡铀云母uranophane 硅钙铀矿uranopilite 铀钙矿uranothorite 铀钍矿uranyl pound 铀酰化合物urban agglomeration 城市群urban ecological system 城市生态系统urban environment 城市环境urban function 城市功能urban information system 城市信息系统urban morphology 城市形态urban photogrammetry 城市摄影测量urban planning 城市规划urban planning information system 城市规划信息系统urban remote sensing 城市遥感urban sewage 城市污水urban size 城市规模urbanization 城市化urea 尿素usefull mineral 有用矿物ustalf 干淋溶土ustert 干变性土ustoll 干软土ustox 干氧化土ustult 干老成土uvala 坞洼uvanite 钒铀矿vacant field 空地vacant lattice site 未填满晶格结点vain 菌苗vacuum frame 抽气晒版机vadose water 渗廉valence 原子价valence crystal 价晶格valence electron 价电子valency 原子价valent state 价态valentinite 锑华valley 谷valley bog 河地沼泽valley bottom 谷底valley breeze 谷风valley fill 河谷填积valley fog 谷雾valley glacier 谷冰川valley in valley 谷中谷valley pattern 河谷型valley slope 河谷坡降valley water divide 河谷分水界valuation 评价value 值value class 数值等级vanadite 钒铅锌矿vanadium 钒vanadium pollution 钒污染vapor pressure deficit 饱和差vaporous water 气态水variability 变异性variability index 变化指数variable 变量variable standardization 变量标准化variable wind 转向风variance 方差variance analysis 方差分析variant of association 变异群落variation 变异variation diagram 变化图variation of latitude 纬度变化variegated sandstone 杂色砂岩variegation 彩斑variety 变种variogram 变量图variolite 球颗玄武岩variometer 升降速度表varve clay 纹泥varved clay 带状粘土vascular plant 维管植物vauclusian spring 龙潭vector analysis 向量分析vegetable garden 菜园vegetable remains 植物残余vegetal reign 植物界vegetation 植被vegetation coverage map 植被覆盖度图vegetation deterioration 植被破坏vegetation form 植被型vegetation index 植被指数vegetation maps 植被图vegetation parameter 植被参数vegetation regionalization 植被区划vegetation resources 植被资源vegetation suession 植被演替vegetation type 植被型vegetation type map 植被类型图vegetation zone 植被带vegetative hybrid 无性杂种vegetative propagation 营养繁殖vegetative season 生长期vegetative shoot 营养枝veil 灰雾vein rock 脉石veinlet 细脉velocity 速度velocity head 临水头velocity measurement 速度测定velocity meter 速度测量器测速计velocity of propagation 传播速度veneer 复面层veneer rock 覆盖层ventilated psychrometer 通风干湿表verification 检验verification scheme 检查简图verisimilitude 逼真性vermiculite 蛭石vermudoll 填土动物穴湿软土vermuth step 蒿草原vernacular name 土名vernadskite 水铜矾vernalization 春化处理vernalization stage 春化阶段vernier 游标vernier microscope 游标显微镜vernier reading 游标读数vernier theodolite 游标经纬仪vertebrate palaeontology 脊椎动物古生物学vertebrates 脊椎动物vertic cambisols 变性始成土vertic chernozems 变性黑土vertic luvisols 变性淋溶土vertical 垂线vertical aerial photography 垂直航空摄影vertical angle 竖角vertical circle 竖直度盘vertical displacement 竖直位移vertical distribution 竖直分布vertical exaggeration 垂直夸张vertical fault 垂直断层vertical fold 直立褶皱vertical ground visibility 垂直地面可见度vertical hill shading 直照晕渲法vertical line 垂线vertical parallax 上下视差vertical photography 竖直摄影vertical plane 竖直平面vertical position 竖直位置vertical scale 垂直比例尺vertical section 垂直剖面vertical seismograph 垂直震仪vertical stratification 垂直成层结构vertical surface 竖面vertical temperature gradient 温度垂直梯度vertical thread 竖直丝vertical velocity curve 临垂直分布曲线vertical visibility 垂直视距vertical wind shear 风的垂直切变vertically distributed agriculture 立体农业vertigo 眩晕vertisols 变性土very large scale integrated circuit 超大规模集成电路vesicular structure 多孔状构造vetch 巢菜viability 生活力vibrating screen 振动筛vibration spectrum 振动光谱vicariad 替代种vicarism 替代性video amplifier 视频放大器video camera digitizer 电视摄像数字化仪video data 可视数据video disk 电视唱片video file 可见文件video frequency 视频video information system 视频信息系统video monitor 可视监视器video signal 视频信号vidicon 光导摄像管viewfinder 取景器viewing 观察viewing angle 视场角vigting 渐晕village 自然村vinyl 乙烯基vinyl alochol 乙烯醇vinyl chloride 乙烯基氯vinylon 维尼纶violent earthquake ___ virgation 分岐virgin forest 原始林virgin land 处女地virgin soil 生荒地virtual image 虚象virtual memory 虚拟存储器virtual model 虚模型virtual temperature 虚温virus disease 病毒疾病virus infection 病毒感染viscosity 粘度viscous consistence 粘滞结持visibility 可见度visibility curve 可见度曲线visibility meter 可见度测定器可见度测定计visible cloud image 可见光云图visible horizon 视地平visible radiation 可见光visible region 可贝区vision 视力vision angle 视角visual acuity 视敏度visual balance of elements on a map 地图表示因素的低visual field 视野visual interpretation 目视判读visual line 视线visual observation 目力观察visual range 可视距离visual remote sensing 可见光遥感visual sense 视觉visualization 目测vital capacity 生存能力vitality 生活力vitrain 镜煤vitrandept 碎屑火山灰始成土vitreous lustre 玻璃光泽vitric andosols 玻璃质暗色土vitric tuff 玻璃凝灰岩vitriol spring 硫酸盐泉vivianite 蓝铁矿void 孔隙void ratio 孔隙比volatilization 蒸发volcanic action 火山活动volcanic ash 火山灰volcanic ash soil 火山灰土volcanic block 火山块volcanic breia 火山角砾岩volcanic chain 火山脉volcanic clay 火山粘土volcanic cone 火山锥volcanic conglomerate 火山砾岩volcanic cycle 火山轮回volcanic detritus 火山岩屑volcanic detritus soil 火山岩屑土volcanic dome 火山穹丘volcanic dust 火山尘volcanic earthquake 火山地震volcanic ejecta 火山喷出物volcanic explosion 火山爆发volcanic front 火山前沿volcanic gases 火山气体volcanic hazard 火山灾害volcanic islands 火山岛volcanic lake 火山湖volcanic landscape 火山景观volcanic mountains 火山volcanic mud 火山泥volcanic mudflow 火山泥溜volcanic plateau 熔岩高原volcanic plug 火山栓volcanic product 火山喷出物volcanic rent 火山裂缝口volcanic rock 火山岩volcanic row 火山列volcanic rumbling 火山地震声volcanic sand 火山沙volcanic soil 火山土壤volcanic spine 火山碑volcanic thunderstorm 火山雷雨volcanic tremor 火山脉动volcanic tuff 凝灰岩volcanic vent 火山口volcanic zone 火山带volcanism 火山酌volcano 火山volcano tectonic depression 火山沉陷地volcanogenic soil 火山土volubile plant 缠绕植物volume 体积volume of flood flow 洪水量volume of reservoir 水库容积volume of runoff 径量volume shrinkage 容积收缩volume weight 容重volumetric coefficient 容积系数volumetric flowmeter 体积量计volumetric method of measuring discharge 容积法测流volumetric procedure 容量法vomiting 呕吐vortex 涡旋vortex chain 卡曼涡voyage 航海wacke 玄土wad 锰土wadi 干谷walking 步行wall map 挂图wall rock alteration 围岩蚀变walnut mountain forest 胡桃山林wandering fan 徘徊扇wandering river 游荡性河流waning development 凹坡发育warm air mass 暖气团warm current 暖流warm front 暖锋warm high 暖高压warm sector 暖区warm temperate zone 暖温带warm tongue 暖气舌warm trough 暖槽warm wave 热浪warning coloration 警 ___ warp 淤积物warp clay 淤积粘土washed off soil 淋洗土壤washed out soil 淋洗土壤washing 洗涤washing bottle 洗瓶washing water 洗水waste 岩屑waste disposal 废物处理waste gas 废气waste heat 废热waste land 荒地waste lye 废液waste oil 废油waste paper 废纸waste pile 废石堆waste product 废产物waste rubber 废橡胶waste water 废水waste water treatment 废水处理water 水water absorbing capacity 吸水能力water absorption 吸水water and soil reservation information system 水土保持信息系统water balance 水分平衡water bearing bed 含水层water bearing formation 含水层water bird 水禽water bloom 湖靛water body 水团water bottle 采水器取水器water budget 水分平衡water capacity 容水量water clouds 水云water conductivity 水分传导度water consumption 水分耗损water content 含水量water content of snow 雪含水量water control 水分控制water control pivot 水利枢纽water course 水道water culture 溶液培养water cycle 水循环water delivery 供水water dispersion halo 水分散晕water divide 分水岭water droplets in clouds 云水滴water economy 水利water edge 水边;水边线water equivalent 水当量water equivalent of snow 雪的水当量water equivalent of snow cover 积雪水当量water erosion 水蚀water evaporimeter 水蒸发器water extract 水提取物water gall 水蚀穴water gap 峡谷water hemisphere 水半球water holding capacity 持水量water intake 进水口water leaf 水叶water level 水位water level amplitude 水位变幅water level fluctuations 水位波动water level recorder 水位计water management 水管理water mass 水团water microorganism 水微生物water migration 水迁移water migration coefficient of element 元素的水迁移系数water molecule 水分子water of crystallization 结晶水water of infiltration 渗入水water parting divide 分水界water percolating capacity 水分渗透能力water perocolation 渗水water plane 水面water plants 水生植物water pollution map 水污染地图water power plant 水电站water quality 水质water quality monitoring 水质监测water regime 水分状况water regime of soil 土壤的水分状况water relationship 水分状况water representation 水系表示法water requirement 需水量water reservoir 贮水池water resources 水资源water resources management 水资源管理water retaining capacity 保水能力water retention 保水water saturation 含水饱和度water self purification 水体自净酌water solubility 水溶性water sprout 徒长枝water stage measurement 水位测定。



农业专业英语词汇(U-Z)农业专业英语词汇 (U-Z) 农业专业英语词汇 (U-Z)u test u测试udder乳房udder index乳房指数udder induration乳房变硬udder massage乳房按摩udderform乳房型ulcer溃疡ulcerous acromastitis of cow牛溃疡性乳头炎ulmin乌敏ulminic acid乌敏酸ultisol老成土ultra dense planting mulberry field超密植桑园ultra microelement超微量元素ultraanthracite石煤ultrabasic rock超盐基性岩ultracentrifuge超速离心计ultrafiltration超出滤ultrametamorphic rock超变质岩ultrasonic超声波ultraviolet irradiation紫外线照耀ultraviolet rays紫外线umbel伞形花序umbelliferae伞形花序植物umbellulate具小伞形花序的umbellule小伞umbilical hernia脐疝umbrella leaved伞状叶的uncapping翻开蜜盖unchangeable humus不变腐殖质unchangeable metamorphosis不变态unconditioned reflex无条件反射uncultivated area非耕地uncultivated subsoil生荒地unden残杀威under lip下唇underdrain暗沟underdrainage地下排水underground地下underground dam地下坝underground installation地下埋设物underground moisture地下水分underground part 地下部underground pipe 潜管underground reservoir 地下水库underground water 地下水undergrown larva 迟小蚕undigested material 不用化物质undiluted liquid 原汁unfertilized egg 未受精卵ungula 蹄unheating hothouse不加温温室unicellular单胞的unicellular animal单细胞动物unicellular culture单细胞培育unicellular plant单细胞植物unifoliate单叶的uniform distribution均匀散布uniformity均匀性unilobate单叶的uniparous animal单胎动物unipetalous单瓣的unipolar nuclear division单极核分裂unisexual flower单性花unisexual reproduction单性生殖unit leaf area单位叶面积unit of soil classification土壤分类单位universal tractor全能拖沓机univoltine一化性unknown growth factor未知生长要素unpupated larva毛脚蚕unrestrictive feeding饱饲unripe未熟的unsaturated capillary permeance不饱和毛管浸透unsaturated fatty acid 不饱和脂肪酸unsaturated hydrocarbon 不饱和烃unsaturated solution 不饱和液unseasonable flowering 未熟开花unstable 不平定的unveined 无脉的unweighted mean 非加权均匀upland meadow 山地草原upland pasture 丘陵放牧地upland rice 旱稻upper lip 上唇upper maxillary fracture上颌骨骨折upper stream 上游upright spined 直刺的upright stalk 直立茎uprightness 直立uranium 铀uratosis尿酸盐沉稳urban sewage城市污水urban waste城市废料urea尿素urea biosynthesis尿素生物合成urea fertilizer尿素肥料urea fodder尿素饲料urea gypsum fertilizer尿素石膏肥料urea herbicide尿素类除草剂urea humate腐殖酸尿素urea nitrogen脲氮urea protein fodder尿素蛋白质饲料urease脲酶urease inhibitor脲酶克制剂urediniospore夏孢子urediospore夏孢子uredispore夏孢子uredospore夏孢子uremia尿毒症ureter输尿管urethra尿道uric acid尿酸uridine尿核甙uridine triphosphate尿啶三磷酸urinary passage尿道urination排尿urination disorder排尿阻碍urine尿urobacter尿素菌urolithiasis尿结石病urophyllous尾叶的useful animal益兽useful arthropods实用节足动物useful plant实用植物uterine子宫的uterine body子宫体uterine cervix子宫颈uterine disease子宫病uterine horn子宫角uterine hypoplasia子宫发育不全uterine torsion子宫扭转uterus子宫uterus hernia子宫脱出utility rate of luminous energy光能利用率utility rate of water用水率vacant hill空株vaccination注射疫苗vaccination by puncture of wing membrane膜翅穿刺接种vaccine 疫苗vacuole 液泡vacuum 真空vacuum cooling drying 真空冷冻干燥vacuum drying 真空干燥vacuum drying of cocoon 蚕茧真空干燥vagina 叶鞘vaginal disease 阴道病vaginal mucus 阴道膣黏液vaginal prolapse 阴道脱出vaginitis阴道炎vaginocele阴道脱出vaginoscope阴道镜vaginoscopy阴道镜检查vagotomy 迷走神经切断术vain growth 徒长valence 原子价valerian 缬草valine 缬氨酸valley alluvial soil 山谷冲积土valley paddy soil 山谷水稻土vanadium 钒vanadium fertilizer 钒肥vanilla 香子兰vanillin 香草醛vapour 蒸汽vapour density 蒸汽密度vapour water 气态水variability 变异性variable 变数variable humus 可变性腐殖variable resistance可变电阻variable transformation变量变换variance方差variance analysis方差剖析variance analysis table方差剖析表variant变异体variate随机变量variation变异variation curve变异曲线varietal purity品种纯度variety品种variety of field crop农罪品种variety rotation品种改换variety trial品种试验variola天花varroosis蜂大螨病vas deferens输精管vascular维管的vascular bundle 维管制vascular disease 血管疾病vascular plant 导管植物vascular spasm 血管痉挛vascular system 维管系vascular tissue 维管组织vasography血管照相术vasospasm血管痉挛veal小牛肉vector矢量vector insect媒介昆虫vegetable 蔬菜vegetable acid 植物性酸vegetable alkaloid 植物碱vegetable breeding 蔬菜育种vegetable crop 蔬菜罪vegetable dye 植物染料vegetable factory 蔬菜工厂vegetable farming 蔬菜种植vegetable feed 植物性饲料vegetable fertilizer 植物肥料vegetable fiber 植物纤维vegetable for can 罐头蔬菜vegetable for kimziang 腌泡菜用蔬菜vegetable harvester 蔬菜收获机vegetable insecticide 植物性杀虫剂vegetable legume 蔬菜豆类vegetable manure 植物肥料vegetable nursery bed 蔬菜苗床vegetable oil 植物油vegetable organ 营养瀑vegetable patch 菜园vegetable poison 植物毒vegetable poisoning蔬菜中毒vegetable processing 蔬菜加工vegetable protein feed 植物性蛋白质饲料vegetable science 蔬菜学vegetable seeds 蔬菜种子vegetable sponge 丝瓜vegetable storage 蔬菜储藏vegetable tier 捆菜装置vegetable under structure 保护地蔬菜vegetable washer 蔬菜冲洗机vegetable wax 植物蜡vegetable works 蔬菜工厂vegetal organ 营养瀑vegetal pole植物极vegetalization植物性化vegetation生长vegetation process生长过程vegetative营养的vegetative cone生长锥vegetative form生长型vegetative function植物性机能vegetative growth营养生长vegetative hybrid营养杂种vegetative hybridization营养杂交vegetative kingdom 植物界vegetative law 生长定律vegetative nerve 植物性神经vegetative nucleus 营养核vegetative organ 营养瀑vegetative period 生长久vegetative phase 生育相vegetative pole 植物极vegetative propagation 营养生殖vegetative regulation 生长第vegetative stage 生长阶段vegetative tissue 营养组织vein 叶脉vein handing of potato马铃薯条斑花叶病veinless无脉的veinlet细脉velamen根被velocity速度velocity of nitrogen absorption吸氮速度velocity of nitrogen assimilation氮素同化速度velogen strain强毒株velvet bent grass绒毛剪股颖veneer grafting嵌接venom毒物vent换气窗ventilation通风ventilator通风器ventriculitis肌胃炎vermicide杀蠕虫剂vermiculation蠕动vermiculite蛭石vermifugal驱蠕虫的vernalization春化办理vernalization stage春化阶段vertic cambisol变性始成土vertic luvisol变性淋溶土vertical distribution垂直散布vertical infection垂直传染vertical resistance垂直抗性vertical zonal soil垂直地带性土壤vertical zone of soil垂直土壤带verticillate轮生的verticillation轮生叶序verticillium wilt of egg plant茄子半身萎凋病vertisol变性土vesical calculus膀胱石vesical stone膀胱石vesicle小泡vesicular dermatitis of swine 猪水泡性疹vesicular stomatitis 水泡性口炎 vessel 导管vetch巢菜veterinarian兽医师veterinary and sanitary inspection兽医卫生查验veterinary antiepizootic measure兽医防疫举措veterinary biomedicine兽医生物药品veterinary biopreparation兽医生物药品veterinary clinic牲口诊断所veterinary equipment兽医设施veterinary hygiene兽医卫生veterinary implement兽医七veterinary instrument兽医七veterinary law and regulation兽医法例veterinary medicament兽医药品veterinary medicine兽医学veterinary pharmacy兽医药房veterinary quarantine兽医检疫veterinary service兽医服务veterinary work兽医工作veterinary worker兽医服务人员vexillum旗瓣viability生活力vibramycin强力霉素villose具长柔毛的villous具长柔毛的villus绒毛vinasse酒糟vine葡萄vine knife葡萄刀vine nursery葡萄苗圃vine prop 葡萄支柱vinegar fly 果蝇vineland 葡萄园vinery 葡萄温室vineyard 葡萄园vineyard cultivator 葡萄园中耕锄vineyard plough 葡萄园犁vineyard sprayer 葡萄园喷雾机vineyard tractor 葡萄园用拖沓机viniculture葡萄种植vining plant蔓生植物vintage葡萄收获vinyl acetate maleic acid醋酸乙烯酯马来酸vinyl chloride氯乙烯vinyl house塑料大棚vinyl storage塑料布储藏库vinyl tunnel塑料大棚violet堇菜violet root rot紫纹羽病viral diarrhoea of silkworm蚕病毒性泻病viral enteritis of turkey火鸡病毒性肠炎virgin soil处女地virology病毒学virulence病毒性virulent毒性的virulent phage烈性噬菌体virus病毒virus disease病毒病virus examination病毒查验virus of domestic animal牲口病毒virus resistance breeding病毒抗性育种virus rna病毒rnavirusfree plant无病毒植物viscometer粘度计viscose粘胶viscosimeter粘度计viscosity粘性viscous limit粘性限度visibility能见度visible lethal可见致死visible mutation可见突变visible radiation可见光辐射vision disorder视力阻碍vital生命的vital capacity肺活量vital force生命力vital power生命力vital staining活体染色vitalism活力论vitality 生活力vitamin 维生素vitamin additive维生素增添剂vitamin b2 抗神经炎素vitamin b23 氰钴胺vitamin b3 核黄素vitamin b6 泛酸vitamin content 维生素含量vitamin deficiency 维生素缺少病vitamin e 生育酚vitamin feed 维生素饲料vitamin h 生物素vitamin hay 维生素干草vitamin k 维生素 kvitamin pp 烟酰胺vitamin preparation 维生素剂vitamin requirement维生素需要vitelline peritonitis卵黄性腹膜炎vitelline sac卵黄囊vitellogenin卵黄蛋白原vitellus卵黄viticulture葡萄种植vitreousness透鸣质vitric andosol玻璃质暗色土vitroplant试管植物vivianite蓝铁矿viviparity胎生viviparous reproduction胎生生殖volatile compound挥发性化合物volatile fatty acid挥发性脂肪酸volatility挥发性volatilization挥发volcanic area火山地带volcanic ash soil火山灰土volcanic soil火山土volcano火山vole野鼠voltinism化性volubile plant 环绕植物volume 容积vomit 呕吐vulnus 创伤vulva 阴门wadi 旱谷wafered feed 饼状饲料wagner pot 瓦氏盆walking leg 步行足walking tractor 双轮拖沓机wallace effect 华莱士效应walnut 核桃walnut tree 核桃树胡桃树wandering cell 游走细胞warble 牛皮蝇幼虫warble fly disease of cattle 牛皮下蝇蛆病warehouse 储藏库warfarin 杀鼠灵warm air drier 烘干机warm blooded animal 温血动物warm front 暖锋warm tolerance 耐热性warming irrigation保温浇灌warning预察warning colouration戒备色warning device 预察装置warning lamp 预察灯warning method 预察法wash bucket 清洗桶washed out soil 淋洗土壤waste disposal 废物办理waste gas废气waste heat 废热waste hog disease 非洲猪瘟waste land 荒地waste water 废水waste water irrigation 污水浇灌waste water of spa 温泉废水waste water treatment 污水办理water 水water activity 水分活性water analysis 水剖析water availability 水有效性water balance 水分均衡water binding capacity 持水性water bowl 水箱water buffalo 水牛water chestnut 菱water circulation 水循环water content 含水量water culture 溶液培育water current 水流water deprivation 耗水water erosion 水蚀water exploration 水勘探water filling 冲水water for life 生活用水water fowl 水禽water gauge 水位计water hammer action水锤酌water harvesting 径怜蓄water holding capacity 保水力water hyacinth 水葫芦water inlet 进水口water intake to paddy field 水田引水water leak paddy field 漏水稻田water lily睡莲water logging积水water management用水管理water management in rice field稻田水管理water melon 蜗water metabolism 水代谢water microorganisms 水生微生物water of crystallization 结晶水water plants 水生植物water pocket 水塘water pollination 水媒water pollution 水质污染water pore 水孔water potential 水位water proofing work 防水工程water quality 水质water raising 抽水water requirement in transplantation 插秧期需水量water requirement of paddy field 田间需水量water resource 水资源water soluble fertilizer 水溶性肥料water soluble phosphorous fertilizer 水溶性磷肥water soluble potassic fertilizer 水溶性钾肥water soluble vitamin 水溶性维生素water spout 水龙卷water sprout 徒长枝water stable aggregate 水稳性聚会water storage tissue 储水组织water supply 给水water supply plan 给水计划water supply plant 供水设施water supplying system 供水系统water surface 水面water surface evaporation水面蒸发water table水面water tank水池water temperature水温water temperature in rice field稻田水温water tissue储水组织water treatment水办理water vapour蒸汽water wheel水车watercress水田芥watered mulberry leaf湿桑watered seedbed水育秧床watering喷水watering area喂水处watering can喷壶watermifoil狐尾藻waterproofing防水watershed分水岭wave leaved波叶的wax coat蜡质层wax extractor蜜蜡提取器wax gourd冬瓜wax producing产蜡的waxy maize蜡质种玉米weak podzolic soil弱漂白土weaned pig断奶仔猪weaning断奶weaning weight断奶重weanling断奶幼畜weanling number断奶只数weather天气weather and climate condition 气象天气条件weather control 天气控制weather damage 天气害weather forecast 天气预告weather satellite 气象卫星weather ship 天气船weathered crust 风化壳weathered granite 风化石weathered granite horizon 风化石层weathering 风化weathering speed 风化速度weathering type 风化型weed 杂草weed control 杂草防除weed infestation 杂草丛生weed killer 除莠剂weeder 除草机weedicide 除莠剂weeding 除草weeding by machine机械除草weeding of paddy field水田锄草weeding system 杂草防除系统weeping willow 垂柳weevils 象虫科weight increment 增重weight loss 失重weight of cocoons per liter 一升茧重weight of weaning litter 断奶窝重weighted arithmetic mean 加权算术均匀weighted deviation 加权误差weighted mean 加权均匀weighted sum 加权总和weil's disease牛钩端螺旋体病weir 溢吝well 井well construction 井建设well sinking 沉井well type drainage 井式排水welsh onion 大葱westerly zone 午带wet disinfection 湿式消毒wet feeding 湿喂法wet mash 湿粉料wet resistance耐湿性wether阉公羊wetland湿地wetland soil 湿地土壤wettability 润湿性wetter 润湿剂wetting agent 润湿剂wetting powder 可湿性粉剂wheat 小麦wheat bran 麦麸wheat meal 面粉wheat straw 麦秸wheel sprayer 手推车式喷雾机wheelbarrow 手推车whey medium 乳清培育基whip worm disease of domestic animal 牲口鞭虫病whipping 振荡whipworm 鞭虫whirlwind 旋风white alkali soil 白碱土white clover 白车轴草white cocoon 白茧white core rice 白芯大米white diarrhoea of calf 犊牛白痢white flowered 白花的white gourd 冬瓜white leaf spot of strawberry 草莓蛇眼病white line dart moth of turnip 黄地老虎white lupin 白羽扇豆white mulberry 桑树white muscardine白僵病white muscle disease 白肌病white mustard 白芥white of egg 蛋白white rot egg 白死卵white rot of sweet potato甘薯白纹羽病white rust of colza 油菜白锈病white rust of radish 萝卜白锈病white sweet clover 白香草木樨whole cocoon 全茧whole layer placement of fertilizer 全层施肥whole milk 全乳whole rice grain 完好米whorled 轮生的wide field trial大区试验wide ridge田塍wide row seeding宽行条播wild野生的wild animal 野生动物wild blueberry 短毛蓝果忍冬wild boar 野猪wild chervil 林峨参wild duck 野鸭wild goat 原山羊wild mulberry 山桑wild oat 野燕麦wild pig 野猪wild plant 野生植物wild silk yarn 天蚕丝wild silkworm 天蚕wild sow母野猪wild species野生种wild type野生型wild yeast野生酵母wildlife野生生物willow柳wilting凋萎wilting coefficient萎凋系数wilting moisture凋萎湿度wilting point萎蔫点winch 卷扬机wind 风wind break 防风林wind damage 风害wind egg 无精蛋wind erosion 风蚀wind erosive soil 风蚀土wind motor 风力原动机wind pollinated 风媒的wind pollination 风媒wind power 风力wind velocity 风速windrow loader 草条装载机windrower 铺条机windrowing 铺条割wine 葡萄酒wine grape 酿酒葡萄wing 翅wing media翅中脉wing muscle翼状肌wing radius翅径脉winged fruit翅果winnower簸风选机winnowing风选winter barley 冬大麦winter bud 冬芽winter catch crop 冬天填闲罪winter cherry 酸浆winter cress 山芥winter crops 秋插罪winter hardy 耐冬的winter injury 冻害winter pruning 冬天修剪winter rape 芜菁甘蓝winter season 冬天winter sleep 冬眠winter spore 冬孢子winter spraying 冬天喷雾winter squash 笋瓜winter wheat 冬小麦wintering越冬wintering ability越冬性wintering habit越冬性wintering rate越冬率wintering vegetable过冬的蔬菜witches broom of sweet cherry 欧洲甜樱桃丛枝病withers height 体高wolfram 钨womb 子宫wood anatomy 木材解剖学wood ashes 木灰wood fiber 木纤维wood leopard 豹蛾wood parenchyma 木薄壁组织wood small reed 酚茅wooden pipe 木管wooden tongue 舌头放线菌病woody plant 木本植物woody rooted 木质根的wool collector 毛采集器wool density 毛密度wool elasticity 毛弹性wool elongation 毛伸长性wool fat 脂汗wool grease 脂汗wool length 毛长wool productivity 绒毛生产性woolfell 羊毛皮woolskin 羊毛皮wooly aphis 苹果绵蚜worker bee 工蜂working capacity 役用能力worm 蛆wormwood 亚洲蒿wound 创伤wound gastritis 创伤性胃炎x chromosome x 染色体x ray apparatus x 射线装置x ray irradiation x 射线辐照xanthein 花黄素xanthic ferralsol 黄色铁铝土xanthine alkaloid 黄质生物碱xanthine dehydrogenase黄嘌呤脱氢酶xanthine oxidase黄嘌呤氧化酶xanthoceras sorbifolia文冠树xanthochromia黄变xanthoma黄瘤xanthomatosis黄瘤病xanthophyll叶黄素xanthosis黄变症xenia直感xenogamy异株异花授粉xenon氙xeromorphism旱生形态xerophilous适旱的xerophthalmia干眼病xerophytes旱生植物xerosol干旱土xylan木聚糖xylem木质部xylem fibre木纤维xylem parenchyma木薄壁组织xylene二甲苯xylitol木糖醇xylocarpous木质果的xylol二甲苯xylose木糖xylulose木酮糖y chromosome y染色体y suppressed lethal y克制致死yak牦牛yam薯蓣yeanling羔羊year old shoot一年生枝yearling一岁牲口yeast 酵母yeast treatment of feed 饲料的酵母办理yellow blood silkworm 黄血蚕yellow brown forest soil 黄棕色丛林土yellow cell 黄细胞yellow dwarf 黄矮病yellow enzyme 黄酶yellow fruited 黄果的yellow horn 文冠树yellow leaf stage 黄叶期yellow mealworm 黄粉虫yellow ripeness 黄熟yellow ripening stage 黄熟期yellow rust 条锈病yellow soil 黄色土yellow spot 黄斑yellow sweet clover 黄香草木樨yellow virosis of beets 甜菜黄化yermosol 漠境土yield 产量yield component 产量组成要素yield forecast 产量预告yield loss 收获损失yield of root根收量yield per jongbo每町步产量yield per pyong每坪实粒重yield per unit单产yield prediction产量展望yield weather model产量天气模式yielding ability生产性yoghurt酸奶yoke轭yolk卵黄yolk antibody免疫蛋黄yolk peritonitis卵黄性腹膜炎yolk sac卵黄囊yongyangalmo营养粒苗yongyangmo营养苗young ear幼穗young panicle formation stage幼穗形成期young plant 幼小植物young seedling 幼苗young silkworm 稚蚕young sprout 新梢young stand 幼林young stock 幼畜z chromosome z 染色体z transformation table z变换表zeatin玉米素zebra斑马zebu瘤牛zebu cattle瘤牛zein玉米蛋白zeolite沸石zero pasture青刈用草场zeropoint mutation起点突变zigzag planting锯齿形栽种zinc 锌zinc borate fertilizer 硼酸锌肥料zinc fertilizer 锌肥zinc oxide fertilizer 氧化锌肥zinc phosphide 磷化锌zinc residue 锌残渣zinc sulphate 硫酸锌zinc superphosphate 锌过磷酸钙zineb 代森锌zoidiogamy 游动精zona pellucida 透螟zonal index 纬向指数zonal soil 地带性土壤zone 地带zoogamete 游动配子zoogeographic region 动物地理区zooglea 菌胶团zoogloea 菌胶团zoology 动物学zoonosis人畜共患传得病zooparasite寄生动物zoophyte植虫zooplankton浮游动物zoosporangium游动孢子囊zoosporangium stem游动孢子囊茎zoospore游动孢子zootechnician畜牧学家zootechnician to breeding种畜技术员zootechnics畜牧学zygomorphic flower左右对称花zygosome接合染色体zygosperm接合孢子zygospore接合孢子zygote合子zygotic induction接合子引诱zygotic selection接合子选择zymase酒化酶zymogen酶原zymology酶学zymotic发酵的农业专业英语词汇 (U-Z)有关内容:。



生物学专业英语词汇(U生物学专业英语词汇(U-Z)生物学专业英语词汇(U-Z)ubiquinone 辅酶qubiquist 普遍种udder 乳房ulcer 溃疡ulna 尺骨ultimate consumer 末级消费者ultimobranchial body 后鳃体ultra thin section 超薄切片ultra violet radiation 紫外线放射ultracentrifugation 超速离心法ultracentrifuge 超速离心机ultrafilter 超滤器ultrafiltration 超滤ultramicroscope 超显微镜ultramicroscopic organism 超显微生物ultramicrotome 超薄切片机ultraplankton 超微型浮游生物ultrasonic sound 超声波ultrasonication 超声波处理ultrasonics 超声波ultrastability 超稳定性ultrastructure 超微细结构ultraviolet absorption 紫外线吸收ultraviolet lamp 紫外灯ultraviolet light 紫外线ultraviolet microscope 紫外光显微镜ultravirus 过滤性病毒umbel 伞形花序umbellule 小伞花序umbilical cord 脐带umbilical vein 脐静脉umbilical vesicle 脐囊umbilicus 脐umbo 壳顶umbrella 伞膜unbalance 不平衡unbalanced growth 不平衡生长unbalanced polyploidy 不平衡多倍性uncinate hair 钩毛unconditioned reflex 无条件反射unconditioned response 无条件反应unconditioned stimulus 无条件剌激unconscious selection 无意识淘汰uncoupling 解偶联uncoupling agent 解偶联剂under story 下木underdevelopment 发育不全undergland shoot 地下枝条underground part 地下部分underground water 地下水undergrowth 下木undernourishment 营养不良undershrub 小灌木underwood 下木undifferentiation 未分化undulate colony 波形菌落undulating membrane 波动膜undulating movement 波形运动undulation 波动unequal bivalent 不等二价染色体uneven aged forest 异龄林unfertilized egg 未受精卵unfolding 伸展ungulates 有蹄类unhulled rice 稻谷unicellular 单胞的unicellular culture 单细胞培养unicellular organism 单细胞生物unifacial leaf 单面叶unifaciality 单面性uniform distribution 等分布uniform variety cropping 单一品种栽培uniformitarianism 齐一说uniformity 均匀性unilateral atrophy 单侧面萎缩unilateral inheritance 单侧遗传unilinear inheritance 单线遗传unilocular 一室的unilocular sporangium 单室囊uninuclear 单核的uniovular twins 单卵双生unipetalous 单瓣的unique sequence 单一序列unisexual flower 单性花unisexuality 单性unistratal community 单层群落unit 单位unit character 单位性状unit membrane 单位膜unit of enzyme 酶单位unit of vegetation 植被单位univalent 一价染色体univalent chromosome 一价染色体universal buffer 万能缓冲液universal code 普遍密码universal veil 外菌膜universality 通用性universality of the genetic code 遗传密码的普遍性universe 宇宙unripe 末热的unsaturated fatty acid 不饱和脂肪酸upland 山地upland meadow 山地单旬upper arm 上臂upper eyelid 上睑upper jaw bone 上颌骨upper layer 上层upper leaf 高出叶upper lip 上唇upper stratum 上层uptake 摄取uracil 尿嘧啶urea 脲urea bacterium 尿素细菌urea cycle 鸟氨酸循环urea herbicide 尿素除草剂urease 尿素酶urediniospore 夏孢子uredospore 夏孢子ureide 酰脲ureogenesis 尿素生成ureosmotic animal 尿素渗透性动物ureter 输尿管urethra 泌尿管urethral gland 尿道腺urethroscope 尿道镜uric acid 尿酸uricase 尿酸酶uricogenesis 尿酸生成uridine 尿苷uridine diphosphate 尿苷二磷酸uridine monophosphate 尿苷酸uridylic acid 尿苷酸urinalysis 尿分析urinary bladder 膀胱urinary calculus 尿石urinary organ 泌尿瀑urinary tract 泌尿管urination 撒尿urine 尿uriniferous tubule 肾细管urinometer 尿比重计urne 孢蒴urobilin 尿胆素urobilinogen 尿胆素原urocanic acid 尿刊酸urochord 尾索urochordates 被囊类urochrome 尿色素urochromogen 尿色素原uroerythrin 尿红质urogenital membrane 尿殖膜urogenital region 尿殖区urokinase 尿激酶urolith 尿石uronic acid 糖醛酸uropod 尾足uropoiesis 尿分泌uropoietic organ 泌尿瀑uropygial gland 尾脂腺use and disuse 用不用use of resistance 抗性利用useful animal 益兽useful insect 益虫useful plant 有用植物usnic acid 松萝酸uterine endometrium 子宫内膜uterine fundus 子管底uterine hemorrhage 子宫出血uterine tube 输卵管uterotubal implantation 子宫输卵管移植uterus 子宫utilization 利用utilization of waste material 废物利用utilization rate 利用率utricle 胞果;小囊utriform 囊状的uv light 紫外线uv reactivation 紫外线再活化uvea 葡萄膜uvula 悬雍垂v shaped chromosome v形染色体vaccination 疫苗注射vaccine 菌苗vaccinia virus 牛痘病毒vaccinoprophylaxis 疫苗预防接种vacuolar system 液胞系vacuole 液胞vacuole membrane 液泡膜vacuole skin 液泡膜vacuolization 液泡化vacuome 空胞系vacuum 真空vacuum drying 真空干燥vacuum reaction 真空反应vagina 阴道vaginal vestibule 阴道前庭vagotonin 迷走紧张素vagus nerve 迷走神经vagus substance 迷走神经物质valence 价valency 价valine 缬氨酸valley 谷value 值value number 指标value of variety 品种值valve 瓣膜valve of the heart 心瓣van der waals forces 范德瓦耳斯力vanadium 钒vanadium chromogen 钒色素原vanadocyte 钒细胞vanilla 香子兰vapor sterilization 蒸气灭菌variability 变异性variable 变量variable region 可变区variance 分散variant 变异体variation 变异varicella virus 水痘病毒variegation 彩斑varietal change 品种变更varietal susceptibility 品种感受性varietal trial 变种试验variety 变种variety choice 品种选择variety line breeding 顶交variety test 变种试验variola 天花variola virus 天花病毒varnish tree 漆树vascular anastomosis 血管吻合vascular bundle 维管束vascular bundle sheath 维管束鞘vascular plant 维管植物vascular system 维管系;血管系统vascular wall 维管壁vascularization 血管形成vaseline 矿脂vasoconstriction 血管收缩vasoconstrictor 血管收缩神经vasoconstrictor nerve 血管收缩神经vasodilatation 血管舒张vasodilation 血管舒张vasodilator 血管舒张神经vasodilator nerve 血管舒张神经vasography 血管造影术vasomotor 血管舒缩神经vasomotor nerve 血管舒缩神经vasomotor reflex 血管舒缩反射vasomotorium 血管舒缩神经系vasopressin 抗利尿素vector 病媒动物vector insect 病原媒介昆虫vectorial enzyme 矢酶vegetable 蔬菜vegetable acid 植物性酸vegetable alkaloid 植物碱vegetable colourings 植物性染料vegetable dyes 植物性染料vegetable fiber 植物纤维vegetable garden 菜园vegetable glue 植物性胶vegetable wax 植物蜡vegetal pole 植物极vegetalization 植物极化vegetation 植被vegetation chorology 群落分布学vegetation cone 生长圆锥vegetation dynamics 植被带动力学vegetation form 植被型vegetation geography 植被地理学vegetation girdle 植被带vegetation map 植被图vegetation unit 植被单位vegetation zone 植物带vegetational analysis 植被分析vegetational continuum 植被连续性vegetative cell 营养细胞vegetative cone 生长圆锥vegetative dna 营养期dna vegetative function 植物机能vegetative hybridization 营养体杂交vegetative nervous system 自竹经系统vegetative nucleus 营养核vegetative organ 营养瀑vegetative period 生长期vegetative phage 营养期噬菌体vegetative phase 营养期vegetative point 生长点vegetative pole 植物极vegetative propagation 营养性繁殖vegetative rest 生长休止vegetative shoot apex 营养菌端vegetative shoot tip 营养菌端vegitabilia 植物界vehicle 病媒动物veil 菌幕vein 翅脉;静脉veine yard 葡萄园veinlet 细脉velamen 根被velar organ 缘瓣瀑velar statocyst 缘膜胞velarium 假缘膜veld 草原veliger 面盘幼体veliger larva 面盘幼体velocity 速度velocity of wind 风速velum 缘膜venation 脉系venereal disease 性病veniplex 静脉丛venom gland 毒腺venomous animal 有毒动物venomous spine 毒刺venous blood 静脉血venous duct 静脉管venous plexus 静脉丛venous sinus 静脉窦venous valvula 静脉辨模venter 腹ventilating tissue 海绵性组织ventilation 换气ventral 腹的ventral fin 腹ventral nerve chain 腹神经节链ventral root 运动根ventral shield 腹板ventral sucker 腹吸盘ventral tube 腹管ventricle 心室ventricose 溶胀的ventricous 溶胀的ventricular gradient 心室梯度ventricular systole 心室收缩ventrolateral edge 腹缘verdoperoxidase 绿过氧化物酶verification 证明验证vermes 蠕虫vermicide 蠕虫药vermicular 蠕虫状的vermiculate 蠕虫状的vermiculation 蠕动vermicule 动合子vermiform 蠕虫状的vermiform appendix 阑尾vermiform process 阑尾vernalization 春化酌vernalization stage 春化阶段vernation 幼叶卷叠式veronal 佛罗那verruca 疣状突起versatility 多能性vertebra 椎骨vertebral arch 椎弓vertebral column 脊柱vertebral foramen 椎孔vertebrates 脊椎动物vertex 头顶vertical distribution 垂直分布vertical migration 垂直迁移vertical tube 垂直管verticil 轮生体verticillaster 轮状聚伞花序verticillation 轮生叶序vesical calculus 膀胱石vesical stone 膀胱石vesicle 泡囊vesicular transport 小胞输送vessel 导管vestibular gland 前庭腺vestibule 前庭vestibulum 前庭vestige 痕迹瀑vestigial character 痕迹性状vestigial organ 痕迹瀑vetch 野豌豆veterinary inspection 兽医学检验veterinary medicine 兽医学vexillum 旗瓣viability 生活力viability of seeds 种子生活力viable 有生活力的vibraculum 振鞭体vibration 振动vibrational spectrum 振动光谱vibrio 弧菌vicariad 代替种vicariant 代替种vicarious species 代替种vicarism 替代性vicinism 偶发杂交vicinist 自然杂种vignin 豇豇豆球朊villus 绒毛vincristine 长春新碱vinculum 系带vine 蔓vinegar fly 果蝇viper 蝮蛇viral genetics 病毒遗传学viral genome 病毒基因组viral interference 病毒干涉viral multiplication cycle 病毒增殖环viral protein 病毒蛋白virescence 变绿色virgin forest 原生林virgin generation 无精生殖virgin land 处女地virilism 男性化virion 病毒粒子virogene 病毒基因viroid 类病毒virology 病毒学viroplast 病毒质体virosis 病毒病virulence 毒性virulency 毒性virulent mutant 毒性突变体virulent phage 毒性噬菌体virus 病毒virus culture 病毒培养virus disease 病毒病virus particle 病毒粒子virus replication 病毒复制virus strain 病毒株virus vector 病毒载体viscera 脏visceral arch 脏弓visceral inversion 脏倒位visceral mesoderm 脏壁层visceral pericardium 心外膜visceral sac 脏囊visceral sense 内脏感觉viscerocranium 脏颅visceroskeleton 脏骨viscoelasticity 粘弹性viscometer 粘度计viscose 黏胶viscosimeter 粘度计viscosity 粘性visibility 视距visibility curve 能见度曲线visible mutation 可见突变visible ray 可见光线visible spectrum 可见光谱vision 视觉visual acuity 视力visual angle 视角visual cell 视觉细胞visual cycle 视觉循环visual field 视野visual organ 视觉器visual pigment 视觉色素visual purple 视紫红visual rod 视杆visual sense 视觉vital capacity 肺活量vital force 生命力vital microscopy 生体组织检镜vital power 生命力vital reaction 活体反应vital staining 活体染色vitalism 生机论vitalistic theory 生机论vitality 活力vitamin 维生素vitamin a 维生素avitamin antagonist 维生素对抗体vitamin b complex 复合维生素b vitamin b1 维生素b1vitamin b12 维生素b12 vitamin b2 硫胺素vitamin b23 钴胺素vitamin b3 核黄素vitamin b7 核黄素vitamin c 抗坏血酸vitamin contents 维生素含量vitamin deficiency 维生素缺乏vitamin e 抗不育维生素vitamin h 生物素vitamin k 叶绿醌vitamin needs 维生素需要vitamin requirements 维生素需要vitamine d3 骨化醇vitaminology 维生素学vitellarium 卵黄腺vitellin 卵黄磷蛋白vitelline area 卵黄区vitelline duct 卵黄管vitelline gland 卵黄腺vitelline membrane 卵黄膜vitelline vein 卵黄静脉vitellogenesis 卵黄形成vitellus 卵黄vitreous body 玻璃状体vitreous humor 玻璃体液vitreum 玻璃状体viviparity 胎生viviparous animal 胎生动物viviparous plant 胎生植物viviparous seeds 胎生种子vivisection 活体解剖vivotoxin 体内毒素vocal band 声带vocal cord 声带vocal sac 声囊vocalization 发声voice 声音volatile fatty acids 挥发脂肪酸volatile matter 挥发物volatile oil 香精油volatility 挥发性volatilization 挥发volcanic rock 火成岩volcanical ash 火山灰volcano 火山voltage sensor 电位感受器voltinism 化性volubilate plants 缠绕植物volume 体积volumetry 容积测定法voluntary movement 随意运动voluntary muscle 横纹肌voluntary nervous system 随意神经系volunteer cereals 自生谷类植物volutin 异染质volva 菌托vomer 犁骨vomero nasal organ 犁鼻器vomiting 呕吐vomiting center 呕吐中枢voriability 连续变异vortex stirrer 涡亮拌机vulva 阴门walking leg 步足wall 壁wall pressure 壁压walnut 胡桃wandering bird 漂鸟wandering cell 游走细胞wandering dune 移动沙丘wandering nucleus 游走核warburg's manometer 瓦氏呼吸器warm blooded animal 恒温动物warm spot 温点warm temperate zone 暖温带warming 加温warning call 警报信号warning colouration 警戒色warning signal 警报信号wart 疣状突起washing agent 去垢剂wastage 损耗waste 废物waste disposal 废物处理waste of energy 能量耗散waste water 污水wasteland 荒地water 水water absorption 吸水water balance 水分平衡water birds 水禽water conservation 水保护water culture 溶液培养water dispersal 水媒传布water erosion 水蚀酌water fowl 水鸟water gauge 水位计water holding capacity 持水量water hyacinth 风眼蓝water level 水面water lung 水肺water microorganisms 水生微生物water moulds 水生真菌类water parting 分水线water permeability coefficient 水渗透系数water pollination 水媒water pollution 水污染water pore 水孔water potential 水势water resources 水生资源water storage tissue 储水组织water stress 水应变water tissue 储水组织water vascular system 水管系waterfall 瀑布waterglass 水玻璃watering 灌溉watermelon 蜗waterplant 水生植物watershed 分水线waterway 运河watson crick model 华生克里克模型wattle 垂肉wave 波waved 波状的wavy 波状的wax 蜡wax gland 蜡腺wax producing 产蜡的waxgourd 冬瓜way 途径weak acid 弱酸weak base 弱碱weak electrolyte 弱电解质weak interaction 弱互酌wealth of species 种丰度weaning 断乳weanling 离乳动物weasel 鼠weather 天气weather chart 天气图weather map 天气图weather report 天气预报weather station 气象台weathering 风化web 蹼weber's law 韦伯氏定律weed 杂草weed community 杂草群落weed control 除草weed covering 杂草覆盖weed infestation 杂草侵扰weed suppression 杂草抑制weedkiller 除莠剂weight 重量weight percent 重量百分率weighted average 重量平均weismannism 魏司曼学说welsh onion 葱wet weight 湿重wettability 可湿性wetter 湿润剂wetting 湿润wetting agent 湿润剂whale 鲸whale bone 鲸须wheat 小麦wheat germ 小麦胚芽wheat germ agglutinin 小麦胚芽凝集素whey 乳清whey medium 乳清培养基whipworm 鞭虫white ants 白蚁类white blood cell 白细胞white flowered 白花的white frost 白霜white matter 白质white muscle 白色肌who 世界卫生与健康组织whole arm transfer 完全臂移位whole arm transposition 完全臂移位whole food 天然食品whole milk 完全乳whorl 轮生体wild ancestor 野生原种wild animal 野生动物wild boar 野猪wild flower 野花wild flower meadow 野花草地wild growing plant 野生植物wild hog 野猪wild pig 野猪wild plant 野生植物wild strain 野生株wild type 野生型wild type gene 野生型基因wild yeast 野生酵母willow 柳wilt 萎蔫wilting 萎蔫wilting coefficient 枯萎系数wilting point 萎蔫点wind 风wind break 防风林wind damage 风害wind dispersal 风播wind egg 不完全卵wind erosion 风蚀wind gauge 风力计wind pollinated 风媒的wind pollination 风媒winding 绕windpipe 气管wing 翼wing coupling apparatus 联翅器wing covert 廓羽wing muscle 翼肌wing mutation 翅突变wing quill 飞羽wing tap 翼羽标牌wing venation 翅脉序winged 有翼的winged fruit 翅果wingless 无翅的winkled frog 皱皮蛙winter 冬winter annual plant 冬性一年生植物winter bird 冬鸟winter bud 冬芽winter cultures 秋播罪winter dormancy 冬眠winter egg 休眠卵winter hardiness 耐寒性winter sleep 冬眠winter spore 冬胞子winter visitor 冬鸟wintering 越冬winterkilling 冻死withering 萎蔫wolf 狼wolffian body 沃耳夫氏体wolffian duct 中肾管womb 子宫wood 木材wood chemistry 木材化学wood destroying fungi 木腐菌类wood fiber 木纤维wood meadow 稀瘦原wood parenchyma 木薄壁组织wood preservative 木材防腐剂wood protection 森林保护wood rotting fungi 木腐菌类wood sugar 木糖wood tar 木焦油woodland area 林业区域woodpecker 啄木鸟woody perennials 枢woody plants 枢woody texture 木材纹理worker 职蚁worker ant 职蚁working curve 校准曲线working population 劳动人口world food programme 世界粮食计划world health organization 世界卫生与健康组织worm shaped 蠕虫状的wormer 驱虫剂wormlike 蠕虫状的worms 蠕虫wormwood 艾草wort 麦芽汁wound hormone 伤激素wound substance 创伤物质wren 鹪鹩wright effect 赖特氏效应wrinkled 缩成皱纹的wrist 腕wrist bone 腕骨x ray crystallography x 射线晶体分析法x ray microscope x 射线显微镜x rays 伦琴射线xantheine 花黄素xanthine 黄尿圜黄质xanthine oxidase 黄嘌呤氧化酶xanthophore 黄色素细胞xanthophyll 叶黄素xanthoprotein reaction 黄色蛋白反应xanthotoxin 黄原毒xanthurenic acid 黄尿酸xenia 种子直感xenobiology 外层空间生物学xenogamy 异株受精xenogenesis 异种移植xenograft 异种移植片xenoplastic induction 异种诱导xenoplastic transplantation 异种移植xenotropic virus 异向性病毒xerarch 在干旱地发展的xeric animal 旱生动物xerocole 旱生动物xeromorphism 旱生形态xeromorphy 旱生形态xerophilous plant 旱生植物xerophyte 旱生植物xerosere 旱生演替系列xeroserie 旱生演替系列xerotherm 干热植物xerothermic plant 干热植物xylan 木聚糖xylanase 木聚糖酶xylem 木质部xylem fiber 木纤维xylem parenchyma 木薄壁组织xylose 木糖xylotomy 木材解剖学xylulose 木酮糖year 年yearly fluctuation 年变化yeast 酵母yeast autolysate 酵母自溶产物yeast extract 酵母膏yeast nucleic acid 酵母核酸yellow body 黄体yellow crescent 黄新月区yellow enzyme 黄酶yellow macular 黄斑yellow ripeness 黄熟yellow spot 黄斑yellows 萎黄病yield 产量yield coefficient 收率yield per unit 单位面积产量yolk 卵黄yolk duct 卵黄管yolk gland 卵黄腺yolk granule 卵黄粒yolk nucleus 卵黄核yolk plug 卵黄栓yolk stalk 卵黄蒂young growth 后生young stage 幼年期young stand 幼林z line z 线z scheme 锯齿形图解zein 玉米醇蛋白zeolite 沸石zero order reaction 零级反应zero point mutation 零点突变zigzag scheme 锯齿形图解zinc 锌zoea 水蚤幼虫zoidiophilous flower 动物媒花zona pellucida 透螟zona radiata 放射带zonal centrifugation 区带离心分离zonal soil 成带土zonal vegetation 显域植被zonality 地层zonation 成带现象zone 带zone electrophoresis 区带电泳zone of vegetation 植被带zoobenthos 底栖动物zoobiology 动物生物学zoocenosis 动物群落zoochlorella 虫绿藻zoochores 动物传布植物zoochory 动物散布zooclimatology 动物气候学zoocytology 动物细胞学zoodynamics 动物动力学zooecium 虫室zooecology 动物生态学zooeconomics 动物经济学zoogamete 游动配子zoogenetics 动物遗传学zoogeny 动物发生学zoogeographic region 动物地理分布区zoogeography 动物地理学zooglea 菌胶团zooid 个虫zoolite 动物化石zoolith 动物化石zoological garden 动物园zoological park 动物园zoological taxonomy 动物分类学zoology 动物学zoomagnetism 动物磁性zoomorphology 动物形态学zoomorphosis 动物诱起变态zoonosis 动物病zooparasite 动物寄生虫zoopathology 动物病理学zoophage 食肉动物zoophagous animal 食肉动物zoophagy 食肉性zoophilous plant 动物媒植物zoophysiology 动物生理学zoophyte 植虫类zoophytes 植虫类zoophytology 植虫类学zooplankton 浮游动物zoopsychology 动物心理学zoosporangium 游动孢子囊zoospore 游动孢子zoostatistics 动物统计学zoosterol 动物甾醇zoostratigraphy 动物地层学zootomy 动物解剖zootoxin 动物毒素zooxanthella 虫黄藻zwischenferment 间酶zygapophysis 关节突zygogamy 接合生殖zygoma 颧弓zygomatic arch 颧弓zygomatic bone 颧骨zygomorphic 两侧对称的zygomorphic flower 左右对称花zygomorphous 两侧对称的zygomycetes 接合菌类zygomycota 接合菌类zygonema 接合丝zygonema stage 偶线期zygophore 接合子梗zygosis 接合zygosome 接合染色体zygosperm 接合孢子zygospore 接合孢子zygote 接合子zygote nucleus 接合子核zygotene stage 偶线期zygotic induction 接合子诱导zygotic lethality 合子致死zygotic sterility 二倍体不育zygotonucleus 合子核zymase 酿酶zymogen 酶原zymogenic granules 酶原粒zymohexase 醛缩酶生物学专业英语词汇(U-Z) 相关内容:。



ubiquinone 辅酶qubiquist 普遍种udder 乳房ulcer 溃疡ulna 尺骨ultimate consumer 末级消费者ultimobranchial body 后鳃体ultra thin section 超薄切片ultra violet radiation 紫外线放射ultracentrifugation 超速离心法ultracentrifuge 超速离心机ultrafilter 超滤器ultrafiltration 超滤ultramicroscope 超显微镜ultramicroscopic organism 超显微生物ultramicrotome 超薄切片机ultraplankton 超微型浮游生物ultrasonic sound 超声波ultrasonication 超声波处理ultrasonics 超声波ultrastability 超稳定性ultrastructure 超微细结构ultraviolet absorption 紫外线吸收ultraviolet lamp 紫外灯ultraviolet light 紫外线ultraviolet microscope 紫外光显微镜ultravirus 过滤性病毒umbel 伞形花序umbellule 小伞花序umbilical cord 脐带umbilical vein 脐静脉umbilical vesicle 脐囊umbilicus 脐umbo 壳顶umbrella 伞膜unbalance 不平衡unbalanced growth 不平衡生长unbalanced polyploidy 不平衡多倍性uncinate hair 钩毛unconditioned reflex 无条件反射unconditioned response 无条件反应unconditioned stimulus 无条件剌激unconscious selection 无意识淘汰uncoupling 解偶联uncoupling agent 解偶联剂under story 下木underdevelopment 发育不全undergland shoot 地下枝条underground part 地下部分underground water 地下水undergrowth 下木undernourishment 营养不良undershrub 小灌木underwood 下木undifferentiation 未分化undulate colony 波形菌落undulating membrane 波动膜undulating movement 波形运动undulation 波动unequal bivalent 不等二价染色体uneven aged forest 异龄林unfertilized egg 未受精卵unfolding 伸展ungulates 有蹄类unhulled rice 稻谷unicellular 单胞的unicellular culture 单细胞培养unicellular organism 单细胞生物unifacial leaf 单面叶unifaciality 单面性uniform distribution 等分布uniform variety cropping 单一品种栽培uniformitarianism 齐一说uniformity 均匀性unilateral atrophy 单侧面萎缩unilateral inheritance 单侧遗传unilinear inheritance 单线遗传unilocular 一室的unilocular sporangium 单室囊uninuclear 单核的uniovular twins 单卵双生unipetalous 单瓣的unique sequence 单一序列unisexual flower 单性花unisexuality 单性unistratal community 单层群落unit 单位unit character 单位性状unit membrane 单位膜unit of enzyme 酶单位unit of vegetation 植被单位univalent 一价染色体univalent chromosome 一价染色体universal buffer 万能缓冲液universal code 普遍密码universal veil 外菌膜universality 通用性universality of the genetic code 遗传密码的普遍性universe 宇宙unripe 末热的unsaturated fatty acid 不饱和脂肪酸upland 山地upland meadow 山地单旬upper arm 上臂upper eyelid 上睑upper jaw bone 上颌骨upper layer 上层upper leaf 高出叶upper lip 上唇upper stratum 上层uptake 摄取uracil 尿嘧啶urea 脲urea bacterium 尿素细菌urea cycle 鸟氨酸循环urea herbicide 尿素除草剂urease 尿素酶urediniospore 夏孢子uredospore 夏孢子ureide 酰脲ureogenesis 尿素生成ureosmotic animal 尿素渗透性动物ureter 输尿管urethra 泌尿管urethral gland 尿道腺urethroscope 尿道镜uric acid 尿酸uricase 尿酸酶uricogenesis 尿酸生成uridine 尿苷uridine diphosphate 尿苷二磷酸uridine monophosphate 尿苷酸uridylic acid 尿苷酸urinalysis 尿分析urinary bladder 膀胱urinary calculus 尿石urinary organ 泌尿瀑urinary tract 泌尿管urination 撒尿urine 尿uriniferous tubule 肾细管urinometer 尿比重计urne 孢蒴urobilin 尿胆素urobilinogen 尿胆素原urocanic acid 尿刊酸urochord 尾索urochordates 被囊类urochrome 尿色素urochromogen 尿色素原uroerythrin 尿红质urogenital membrane 尿殖膜urogenital region 尿殖区urokinase 尿激酶urolith 尿石uronic acid 糖醛酸uropod 尾足uropoiesis 尿分泌uropoietic organ 泌尿瀑uropygial gland 尾脂腺use and disuse 用不用use of resistance 抗性利用useful animal 益兽useful insect 益虫useful plant 有用植物usnic acid 松萝酸uterine endometrium 子宫内膜uterine fundus 子管底uterine hemorrhage 子宫出血uterine tube 输卵管uterotubal implantation 子宫输卵管移植uterus 子宫utilization 利用utilization of waste material 废物利用utilization rate 利用率utricle 胞果;小囊utriform 囊状的uv light 紫外线uv reactivation 紫外线再活化uvea 葡萄膜uvula 悬雍垂v shaped chromosome v形染色体vaccination 疫苗注射vaccine 菌苗vaccinia virus 牛痘病毒vaccinoprophylaxis 疫苗预防接种vacuolar system 液胞系vacuole 液胞vacuole membrane 液泡膜vacuole skin 液泡膜vacuolization 液泡化vacuome 空胞系vacuum 真空vacuum drying 真空干燥vacuum reaction 真空反应vagina 阴道vaginal vestibule 阴道前庭vagotonin 迷走紧张素vagus nerve 迷走神经vagus substance 迷走神经物质valence 价valency 价valine 缬氨酸valley 谷value 值value number 指标value of variety 品种值valve 瓣膜valve of the heart 心瓣van der waals forces 范德瓦耳斯力vanadium 钒vanadium chromogen 钒色素原vanadocyte 钒细胞vanilla 香子兰vapor sterilization 蒸气灭菌variability 变异性variable 变量variable region 可变区variance 分散variant 变异体variation 变异varicella virus 水痘病毒variegation 彩斑varietal change 品种变更varietal susceptibility 品种感受性varietal trial 变种试验variety 变种variety choice 品种选择variety line breeding 顶交variety test 变种试验variola 天花variola virus 天花病毒varnish tree 漆树vascular anastomosis 血管吻合vascular bundle 维管束vascular bundle sheath 维管束鞘vascular plant 维管植物vascular system 维管系;血管系统vascular wall 维管壁vascularization 血管形成vaseline 矿脂vasoconstriction 血管收缩vasoconstrictor 血管收缩神经vasoconstrictor nerve 血管收缩神经vasodilatation 血管舒张vasodilation 血管舒张vasodilator 血管舒张神经vasodilator nerve 血管舒张神经vasography 血管造影术vasomotor 血管舒缩神经vasomotor nerve 血管舒缩神经vasomotor reflex 血管舒缩反射vasomotorium 血管舒缩神经系vasopressin 抗利尿素vector 病媒动物vector insect 病原媒介昆虫vectorial enzyme 矢酶vegetable 蔬菜vegetable acid 植物性酸vegetable alkaloid 植物碱vegetable colourings 植物性染料vegetable dyes 植物性染料vegetable fiber 植物纤维vegetable garden 菜园vegetable glue 植物性胶vegetable wax 植物蜡vegetal pole 植物极vegetalization 植物极化vegetation 植被vegetation chorology 群落分布学vegetation cone 生长圆锥vegetation dynamics 植被带动力学vegetation form 植被型vegetation geography 植被地理学vegetation girdle 植被带vegetation map 植被图vegetation unit 植被单位vegetation zone 植物带vegetational analysis 植被分析vegetational continuum 植被连续性vegetative cell 营养细胞vegetative cone 生长圆锥vegetative dna 营养期dna vegetative function 植物机能vegetative hybridization 营养体杂交vegetative nervous system 自竹经系统vegetative nucleus 营养核vegetative organ 营养瀑vegetative period 生长期vegetative phage 营养期噬菌体vegetative phase 营养期vegetative point 生长点vegetative pole 植物极vegetative propagation 营养性繁殖vegetative rest 生长休止vegetative shoot apex 营养菌端vegetative shoot tip 营养菌端vegitabilia 植物界vehicle 病媒动物veil 菌幕vein 翅脉;静脉veine yard 葡萄园veinlet 细脉velamen 根被velar organ 缘瓣瀑velar statocyst 缘膜胞velarium 假缘膜veld 草原veliger 面盘幼体veliger larva 面盘幼体velocity 速度velocity of wind 风速velum 缘膜venation 脉系venereal disease 性病veniplex 静脉丛venom gland 毒腺venomous animal 有毒动物venomous spine 毒刺venous blood 静脉血venous duct 静脉管venous plexus 静脉丛venous sinus 静脉窦venous valvula 静脉辨模venter 腹ventilating tissue 海绵性组织ventilation 换气ventral 腹的ventral fin 腹ventral nerve chain 腹神经节链ventral root 运动根ventral shield 腹板ventral sucker 腹吸盘ventral tube 腹管ventricle 心室ventricose 溶胀的ventricous 溶胀的ventricular gradient 心室梯度ventricular systole 心室收缩ventrolateral edge 腹缘verdoperoxidase 绿过氧化物酶verification 证明验证vermes 蠕虫vermicide 蠕虫药vermicular 蠕虫状的vermiculate 蠕虫状的vermiculation 蠕动vermicule 动合子vermiform 蠕虫状的vermiform appendix 阑尾vermiform process 阑尾vernalization 春化酌vernalization stage 春化阶段vernation 幼叶卷叠式veronal 佛罗那verruca 疣状突起versatility 多能性vertebra 椎骨vertebral arch 椎弓vertebral column 脊柱vertebral foramen 椎孔vertebrates 脊椎动物vertex 头顶vertical distribution 垂直分布vertical migration 垂直迁移vertical tube 垂直管verticil 轮生体verticillaster 轮状聚伞花序verticillation 轮生叶序vesical calculus 膀胱石vesical stone 膀胱石vesicle 泡囊vesicular transport 小胞输送vessel 导管vestibular gland 前庭腺vestibule 前庭vestibulum 前庭vestige 痕迹瀑vestigial character 痕迹性状vestigial organ 痕迹瀑vetch 野豌豆veterinary inspection 兽医学检验veterinary medicine 兽医学vexillum 旗瓣viability 生活力viability of seeds 种子生活力viable 有生活力的vibraculum 振鞭体vibration 振动vibrational spectrum 振动光谱vibrio 弧菌vicariad 代替种vicariant 代替种vicarious species 代替种vicarism 替代性vicinism 偶发杂交vicinist 自然杂种vignin 豇豇豆球朊villus 绒毛vincristine 长春新碱vinculum 系带vine 蔓vinegar fly 果蝇viper 蝮蛇viral genetics 病毒遗传学viral genome 病毒基因组viral interference 病毒干涉viral multiplication cycle 病毒增殖环viral protein 病毒蛋白virescence 变绿色virgin forest 原生林virgin generation 无精生殖virgin land 处女地virilism 男性化virion 病毒粒子virogene 病毒基因viroid 类病毒virology 病毒学viroplast 病毒质体virosis 病毒病virulence 毒性virulency 毒性virulent mutant 毒性突变体virulent phage 毒性噬菌体virus 病毒virus culture 病毒培养virus disease 病毒病virus particle 病毒粒子virus replication 病毒复制virus strain 病毒株virus vector 病毒载体viscera 脏visceral arch 脏弓visceral inversion 脏倒位visceral mesoderm 脏壁层visceral pericardium 心外膜visceral sac 脏囊visceral sense 内脏感觉viscerocranium 脏颅visceroskeleton 脏骨viscoelasticity 粘弹性viscometer 粘度计viscose 黏胶viscosimeter 粘度计viscosity 粘性visibility 视距visibility curve 能见度曲线visible mutation 可见突变visible ray 可见光线visible spectrum 可见光谱vision 视觉visual acuity 视力visual angle 视角visual cell 视觉细胞visual cycle 视觉循环visual field 视野visual organ 视觉器visual pigment 视觉色素visual purple 视紫红visual rod 视杆visual sense 视觉vital capacity 肺活量vital force 生命力vital microscopy 生体组织检镜vital power 生命力vital reaction 活体反应vital staining 活体染色vitalism 生机论vitalistic theory 生机论vitality 活力vitamin 维生素vitamin a 维生素avitamin antagonist 维生素对抗体vitamin b complex 复合维生素b vitamin b1 维生素b1vitamin b12 维生素b12 vitamin b2 硫胺素vitamin b23 钴胺素vitamin b3 核黄素vitamin b7 核黄素vitamin c 抗坏血酸vitamin contents 维生素含量vitamin deficiency 维生素缺乏vitamin e 抗不育维生素vitamin h 生物素vitamin k 叶绿醌vitamin needs 维生素需要vitamin requirements 维生素需要vitamine d3 骨化醇vitaminology 维生素学vitellarium 卵黄腺vitellin 卵黄磷蛋白vitelline area 卵黄区vitelline duct 卵黄管vitelline gland 卵黄腺vitelline membrane 卵黄膜vitelline vein 卵黄静脉vitellogenesis 卵黄形成vitellus 卵黄vitreous body 玻璃状体vitreous humor 玻璃体液vitreum 玻璃状体viviparity 胎生viviparous animal 胎生动物viviparous plant 胎生植物viviparous seeds 胎生种子vivisection 活体解剖vivotoxin 体内毒素vocal band 声带vocal cord 声带vocal sac 声囊vocalization 发声voice 声音volatile fatty acids 挥发脂肪酸volatile matter 挥发物volatile oil 香精油volatility 挥发性volatilization 挥发volcanic rock 火成岩volcanical ash 火山灰volcano 火山voltage sensor 电位感受器voltinism 化性volubilate plants 缠绕植物volume 体积volumetry 容积测定法voluntary movement 随意运动voluntary muscle 横纹肌voluntary nervous system 随意神经系volunteer cereals 自生谷类植物volutin 异染质volva 菌托vomer 犁骨vomero nasal organ 犁鼻器vomiting 呕吐vomiting center 呕吐中枢voriability 连续变异vortex stirrer 涡亮拌机vulva 阴门walking leg 步足wall 壁wall pressure 壁压walnut 胡桃wandering bird 漂鸟wandering cell 游走细胞wandering dune 移动沙丘wandering nucleus 游走核warburg's manometer 瓦氏呼吸器warm blooded animal 恒温动物warm spot 温点warm temperate zone 暖温带warming 加温warning call 警报信号warning colouration 警戒色warning signal 警报信号wart 疣状突起washing agent 去垢剂wastage 损耗waste 废物waste disposal 废物处理waste of energy 能量耗散waste water 污水wasteland 荒地water 水water absorption 吸水water balance 水分平衡water birds 水禽water conservation 水保护water culture 溶液培养water dispersal 水媒传布water erosion 水蚀酌water fowl 水鸟water gauge 水位计water holding capacity 持水量water hyacinth 风眼蓝water level 水面water lung 水肺water microorganisms 水生微生物water moulds 水生真菌类water parting 分水线water permeability coefficient 水渗透系数water pollination 水媒water pollution 水污染water pore 水孔water potential 水势water resources 水生资源water storage tissue 储水组织water stress 水应变water tissue 储水组织water vascular system 水管系waterfall 瀑布waterglass 水玻璃watering 灌溉watermelon 蜗waterplant 水生植物watershed 分水线waterway 运河watson crick model 华生克里克模型wattle 垂肉wave 波waved 波状的wavy 波状的wax 蜡wax gland 蜡腺wax producing 产蜡的waxgourd 冬瓜way 途径weak acid 弱酸weak base 弱碱weak electrolyte 弱电解质weak interaction 弱互酌wealth of species 种丰度weaning 断乳weanling 离乳动物weasel 鼠weather 天气weather chart 天气图weather map 天气图weather report 天气预报weather station 气象台weathering 风化web 蹼weber's law 韦伯氏定律weed 杂草weed community 杂草群落weed control 除草weed covering 杂草覆盖weed infestation 杂草侵扰weed suppression 杂草抑制weedkiller 除莠剂weight 重量weight percent 重量百分率weighted average 重量平均weismannism 魏司曼学说welsh onion 葱wet weight 湿重wettability 可湿性wetter 湿润剂wetting 湿润wetting agent 湿润剂whale 鲸whale bone 鲸须wheat 小麦wheat germ 小麦胚芽wheat germ agglutinin 小麦胚芽凝集素whey 乳清whey medium 乳清培养基whipworm 鞭虫white ants 白蚁类white blood cell 白细胞white flowered 白花的white frost 白霜white matter 白质white muscle 白色肌who 世界卫生与健康组织whole arm transfer 完全臂移位whole arm transposition 完全臂移位whole food 天然食品whole milk 完全乳whorl 轮生体wild ancestor 野生原种wild animal 野生动物wild boar 野猪wild flower 野花wild flower meadow 野花草地wild growing plant 野生植物wild hog 野猪wild pig 野猪wild plant 野生植物wild strain 野生株wild type 野生型wild type gene 野生型基因wild yeast 野生酵母willow 柳wilt 萎蔫wilting 萎蔫wilting coefficient 枯萎系数wilting point 萎蔫点wind 风wind break 防风林wind damage 风害wind dispersal 风播wind egg 不完全卵wind erosion 风蚀wind gauge 风力计wind pollinated 风媒的wind pollination 风媒winding 绕windpipe 气管wing 翼wing coupling apparatus 联翅器wing covert 廓羽wing muscle 翼肌wing mutation 翅突变wing quill 飞羽wing tap 翼羽标牌wing venation 翅脉序winged 有翼的winged fruit 翅果wingless 无翅的winkled frog 皱皮蛙winter 冬winter annual plant 冬性一年生植物winter bird 冬鸟winter bud 冬芽winter cultures 秋播罪winter dormancy 冬眠winter egg 休眠卵winter hardiness 耐寒性winter sleep 冬眠winter spore 冬胞子winter visitor 冬鸟wintering 越冬winterkilling 冻死withering 萎蔫wolf 狼wolffian body 沃耳夫氏体wolffian duct 中肾管womb 子宫wood 木材wood chemistry 木材化学wood destroying fungi 木腐菌类wood fiber 木纤维wood meadow 稀瘦原wood parenchyma 木薄壁组织wood preservative 木材防腐剂wood protection 森林保护wood rotting fungi 木腐菌类wood sugar 木糖wood tar 木焦油woodland area 林业区域woodpecker 啄木鸟woody perennials 枢woody plants 枢woody texture 木材纹理worker 职蚁worker ant 职蚁working curve 校准曲线working population 劳动人口world food programme 世界粮食计划world health organization 世界卫生与健康组织worm shaped 蠕虫状的wormer 驱虫剂wormlike 蠕虫状的worms 蠕虫wormwood 艾草wort 麦芽汁wound hormone 伤激素wound substance 创伤物质wren 鹪鹩wright effect 赖特氏效应wrinkled 缩成皱纹的wrist 腕wrist bone 腕骨x ray crystallography x 射线晶体分析法x ray microscope x 射线显微镜x rays 伦琴射线xantheine 花黄素xanthine 黄尿圜黄质xanthine oxidase 黄嘌呤氧化酶xanthophore 黄色素细胞xanthophyll 叶黄素xanthoprotein reaction 黄色蛋白反应xanthotoxin 黄原毒xanthurenic acid 黄尿酸xenia 种子直感xenobiology 外层空间生物学xenogamy 异株受精xenogenesis 异种移植xenograft 异种移植片xenoplastic induction 异种诱导xenoplastic transplantation 异种移植xenotropic virus 异向性病毒xerarch 在干旱地发展的xeric animal 旱生动物xerocole 旱生动物xeromorphism 旱生形态xeromorphy 旱生形态xerophilous plant 旱生植物xerophyte 旱生植物xerosere 旱生演替系列xeroserie 旱生演替系列xerotherm 干热植物xerothermic plant 干热植物xylan 木聚糖xylanase 木聚糖酶xylem 木质部xylem fiber 木纤维xylem parenchyma 木薄壁组织xylose 木糖xylotomy 木材解剖学xylulose 木酮糖year 年yearly fluctuation 年变化yeast 酵母yeast autolysate 酵母自溶产物yeast extract 酵母膏yeast nucleic acid 酵母核酸yellow body 黄体yellow crescent 黄新月区yellow enzyme 黄酶yellow macular 黄斑yellow ripeness 黄熟yellow spot 黄斑yellows 萎黄病yield 产量yield coefficient 收率yield per unit 单位面积产量yolk 卵黄yolk duct 卵黄管yolk gland 卵黄腺yolk granule 卵黄粒yolk nucleus 卵黄核yolk plug 卵黄栓yolk stalk 卵黄蒂young growth 后生young stage 幼年期young stand 幼林z line z 线z scheme 锯齿形图解zein 玉米醇蛋白zeolite 沸石zero order reaction 零级反应zero point mutation 零点突变zigzag scheme 锯齿形图解zinc 锌zoea 水蚤幼虫zoidiophilous flower 动物媒花zona pellucida 透螟zona radiata 放射带zonal centrifugation 区带离心分离zonal soil 成带土zonal vegetation 显域植被zonality 地层zonation 成带现象zone 带zone electrophoresis 区带电泳zone of vegetation 植被带zoobenthos 底栖动物zoobiology 动物生物学zoocenosis 动物群落zoochlorella 虫绿藻zoochores 动物传布植物zoochory 动物散布zooclimatology 动物气候学zoocytology 动物细胞学zoodynamics 动物动力学zooecium 虫室zooecology 动物生态学zooeconomics 动物经济学zoogamete 游动配子zoogenetics 动物遗传学zoogeny 动物发生学zoogeographic region 动物地理分布区zoogeography 动物地理学zooglea 菌胶团zooid 个虫zoolite 动物化石zoolith 动物化石zoological garden 动物园zoological park 动物园zoological taxonomy 动物分类学zoology 动物学zoomagnetism 动物磁性zoomorphology 动物形态学zoomorphosis 动物诱起变态zoonosis 动物病zooparasite 动物寄生虫zoopathology 动物病理学zoophage 食肉动物zoophagous animal 食肉动物zoophagy 食肉性zoophilous plant 动物媒植物zoophysiology 动物生理学zoophyte 植虫类zoophytes 植虫类zoophytology 植虫类学zooplankton 浮游动物zoopsychology 动物心理学zoosporangium 游动孢子囊zoospore 游动孢子zoostatistics 动物统计学zoosterol 动物甾醇zoostratigraphy 动物地层学zootomy 动物解剖zootoxin 动物毒素zooxanthella 虫黄藻zwischenferment 间酶zygapophysis 关节突zygogamy 接合生殖zygoma 颧弓zygomatic arch 颧弓zygomatic bone 颧骨zygomorphic 两侧对称的zygomorphic flower 左右对称花zygomorphous 两侧对称的zygomycetes 接合菌类zygomycota 接合菌类zygonema 接合丝zygonema stage 偶线期zygophore 接合子梗zygosis 接合zygosome 接合染色体zygosperm 接合孢子zygospore 接合孢子zygote 接合子zygote nucleus 接合子核zygotene stage 偶线期zygotic induction 接合子诱导zygotic lethality 合子致死zygotic sterility 二倍体不育zygotonucleus 合子核zymase 酿酶zymogen 酶原zymogenic granules 酶原粒zymohexase 醛缩酶。



农业类专业英语词汇 The manuscript was revised on the evening of 2021分学科词汇农业类10 AGRICULTURE 农业agriculture (farming) 农业agricultural 农业的land (soil) 土壤;土地soil conservation 土壤保护soil erosion 泥土流失silt 粉砂,泥沙clay 黏土,湿土clod 土块agrarian 土地的,农业的pilot (experimental ) 试验性的harrow( rake) 耙,耙土ridge 田埂furrow 犁沟plot (patch)小块地ranch 农场,牧场plantation 种植园orchard 果园nursery 苗圃seedbed 苗床sickle 镰刀spade 铲,锹shovel (平头) 铲pick 稿tractor 拖拉机cultivate (till) 耕作sow(seed) 播种harvest 收割weed 除草irrigate 灌溉manure(fertilizer) 肥料spray 喷洒(农药)insecticide(pesticide)杀虫剂pest 害虫rust 锈病grain (cereal) 谷物,谷粒granary(grain store) 粮仓mill 碾,磨wheat 小麦corn 玉米rice 大米barley 大麦sorghum 高粱oats燕麦rye 黑麦millet 粟,小米vegetable 蔬菜horticulture 园艺学hydroponics 水栽法,营养液栽培法greenhouse(glasshouse, hotbed) 温室cabbage 洋白菜lettuce 生菜mustard 芥菜spinach 菠菜broccoli 花椰菜cucumber 黄瓜eggplant 茄子pepper 辣椒pumpkin 南瓜tomato 西红柿beet 甜菜carrot 胡萝卜radish 小红萝卜pea 豌豆soybean 大豆celery 芹菜garlic 大蒜leek 韭菜onion 洋葱头potato 土豆peanut 花生sesame 芝麻cotton 棉花husbandry (animal husbandry) 畜牧业pasture 牧场livestock 家畜fowl (poultry) 家禽cattle 牛,家畜buffalo 野牛dairy (dairy cattle) 奶牛dairy farm 乳牛场hay (作饲料用)干草haystack 干草堆fodder (feed) 饲料trough 饲料槽barn(shed) 牲口槽stable 厩,马厩cowshed 牛棚pigpen (hog pen, pigsty) 猪圈sheepfold (sheep pen) 羊栏roost (hen house) 鸡舍fish farm 养鱼场aquaculture 水产养殖。



1) acaricide杀螨剂2) acetate 醋酸盐,醋酸纤维素及其制成的产品3) acetyltransferase 乙酰基转移酶4) acidify 使酸化5) activator 催化剂,触媒剂6) acute toxicity 急性毒性7) adult 成虫8) affinity 亲和力9) aldehyde 醛10) alkaloid 生物碱11) amino 氨基的12) analysis of covariance 协方差分析13) analysis of variance 方差分析14) antibiotics 抗生素15) antifeedant拒食16) antigen 抗原17) aphid 蚜虫18) arthropod 节肢动物19) avirulence无毒性20) baccine疫苗21) bactericides 杀细菌剂22) bioassay 生物测定23) biocontrol 生物防除24) biological control 生物防治25) biosynthesis 生物合成26) biotic pesticide 生物杀虫剂27) biotype 生物型28) botanical pesticide 植29) 物源杀虫剂30) broad spectrum pesticide 广谱杀虫剂31) carbohydrate 碳水化合物32) carbonyl 羰基;碳酰33) carcinogenicity 致癌性34) causal agents 病原体35) chiller 冷却器36) chloroform 氯仿37) chlorothalonil (daconil) 百菌清38) chronic 慢性39) coagulation 凝结物40) concentration 浓度,浓缩41) constant temperature 恒温42) contact pesticide 触杀性农药43) cytokinin细胞分裂素44) deactivation 灭活作用45) derivative 衍生物46) derosal多菌灵47) desorption 解吸附作用48) detoxification 脱毒49) development rate 发育速度50) development zero 发育起点51) diamondback moth 小菜蛾52) diapause 滞育53) digenesis 世代交替54) disease-resistant cultivar 抗病品种55) disinfectant 消毒剂56) dissect 解剖57) disulfide 二硫化物(=disulphide)58) ecdysone 蜕皮激素59) economic threshold 经济阈值60) egg/ovum 卵61) electrophoresis 电泳62) endotoxin 内毒素63) entomology 昆虫学64) entomophagous insect 食虫昆虫65) enzyme 酶66) epidemiology 流行病学67) ethylene 乙烯68) exotic species 外来的物种69) fatal temperature 致死温度70) fauna 动物群,动物区系,动物志71) fecundity 生殖力,72) 产卵力73) feign death 假死74) fermentation 发酵75) flammable 易燃的76) flavonod类黄铜77) formulation 剂型78) fumigant 熏剂79) fungicides 杀真菌剂80) galactosyltransferase 乳化转移酶81) glycol 乙二醇82) granular pesticide 粒状农药83) herbicide 除草剂84) hibernate 越冬85) hormone 荷尔蒙,激素86) hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物87) hydrophilic 亲水的88) hydrophobic 疏水的89) hydroxyl 羟基90) hypochlorite 次氯酸盐91) in vitro 体外92) in vivo 体内93) inorganic 无机的94) insecticide 杀虫剂95) instar 龄,96) 龄期97) instar larvae 幼虫龄期98) integrated pest management IPM有害生物综合防治99) interferon 干扰素100) ionization 离子化,101) 电离102) isotope 同103) 位素104) juvenile hormone mimic 仿生的保幼激素105) larva 幼虫106) less-persistent pesticide 低残留农药107) life history 生活史108) low-toxic pesticide 低毒性农药109) maggot 蛆110) malarial 毒气的111) male sterility 雄性不112) 育113) median lethal dosage (LD50)致死中量114) median lethal concentration (LD50)致死中浓度115) metabolic 代谢作用的, 新陈代谢的116) methyl 甲基117) microbial 微生物的,由细菌引起的118) mildethane托布津119) mist spryer 喷雾器120) molt 蜕皮121) mortality 死亡率122) moulting hormone antagonist 抗蜕皮激素123) mutase 变位酶124) mutation 突变125) nematicide杀线虫剂126) nematode 线虫127) nicotine 烟碱128) nitrogen 氮129) non-contamination pesticide 无污染农药130) nontarget organism 非靶标131) 生物132) normal saline 生理盐水133) nymph 若虫134) offspring 后代135) organic pesticide 有机农药136) organomercury pesticide 有机汞农药137) organophosphorus pesticide 有机磷农药138) parasitism 寄生139) pathogens 病原体(物)140) pathology 病理学141) peroxidase 过氧(化)物酶142) persistent pesticide 持久性农药;残留性农药143) pesticide 杀虫剂144) pesticide residue 农药残留145) pesticide tolerances 耐药性146) pest-resistant cultivar 抗虫品种147) petri dish 有盖培养皿148) pharmaceutical 制药学149) pheromone 信息素,150) 外激素151) phosphatase 磷酸酶152) photosynthesis 光合作用153) phytohormone植154) 物生长素155) phytopathology 植156) 物病理学157) phytotoxic 植158) 物性毒素的159) polyethylene 聚乙烯160) population density 种群密度,161) 虫口密度162) progeny 后裔163) pronotum前胸背板164) pupa 蛹165) quarantine 检疫166) reductase 还原酶167) remnant 残留168) repellent 忌避剂,169) 驱虫剂170) resistance 抗药性171) risk assessment 风险评估172) riskiest pesticide 高毒农药173) rodenticide 灭鼠剂174) secretion 分泌175) segregate 隔离176) selected insecticides 选择性杀虫剂177) semiochemicals化学信息素178) sodium 钠179) solvent 溶解的,180) 溶剂181) stochastic 随机的182) sublethal concentrations 亚致死浓度183) sublethal dose 亚致死中量184) sustainable agriculture 可持续农业185) synthase 合酶186) target organism 靶标187) 生物188) terpenoid萜类化合物189) tetrachloride 四氯化物190) virulence 毒力191) virus 病毒。



地理专业词汇英语翻译(U地理专业词汇英语翻译(U-Z)地理专业词汇英语翻译(U-Z)u shaped valleyu形谷ubiquists随遇植物udalf湿淋溶土udershrub小灌木udert湿变性土udoll湿软土udometer雨量器udult湿老成土ulexite钠硼解石ullmannite锑硫镍矿ulmic acid棕腐酸ulmin棕腐质ultimate form终地形ultimate plain终平原ultimate wilting point极限凋萎点ultisol老成土ultra microchemistry超微量化学ultrabasic rock超基性岩ultraclay超粘土ultrafiltration超滤ultrafine dust超细粉末ultramafic rock超基性岩ultrametamorphism超变质ultramicrofossil微化石ultramicroscope超显微镜ultraplankton超微浮游生物ultraviolet image紫外影像ultraviolet microscope紫外线显微镜ultraviolet radiation紫外线辐射ultraviolet spectroscopy紫外线光谱学ultraviolet spectrum紫外线光谱umbraquult暗色潮老成土umbrept暗始成土umbric epipedon暗色表层unavialable water无效水uncomformity不整合unconditioned reflex非条件反射unconformity不整合unconformity spring不整合泉unconscious selection无意识的选择uncontaminated soil未污染土壤undefined structure无定型结构under soil心土underclay底粘土undercurrent暗流undercut slope暗掘坡underdevelopment显影不足underdrainage地下排水underexposure曝光不足underflow潜流underground flow地下水流underground part地下部underground resources地下资源underground river地下河underground water潜水undergrowth林下植物underlying bed下伏层underrun潜流undershrub小灌木丛undersize筛下产品underthrust俯冲断层underwater acoustics水中声学underwater camera水下照相机underwater television水下电视undifferentiated alluvium均匀冲积物undisturbed sample原状试样undulant fever布鲁菌病undulating land波状土地undulation波动undulation of the geoid大地水准面起伏undulatory movements波形运动uneven settlement不均匀沉降unfilled porosity非饱和孔隙度unfixed soil非固定土壤ungulates有蹄类unhumified organic matter未腐解有机物质uniaxial volcano单轴火山uniform development均匀发育uniform flow等速流uniform motion匀速运动uniform profile均质剖面uniformitarianism均变说uniformity coefficient均匀性系数unirrigated soil非灌溉土壤unit area单位面积unit cell单位晶格unit of enzyme酶单位unit value of symbol地图符号价值单位unit weight单位重量unity整体universal theodolite万能经纬仪universal time世界时universal transverse mercator projection通用横墨卡托投影universe宇宙unpaired electron不成对电子unproductive soil不毛之土壤unsaturated rock不饱和岩unsaturated soil不饱和土壤unsaturated solution不饱和溶液unstable channel不稳定河槽unstable equilibrium不稳定平衡unstable isotope不稳定同位素unstable stratification不稳定层结unsymmetrical fold不对称褶皱unweathered mineral soil未风化矿质土壤updraft向上气流upheaval隆起uphill sloping profile升坡剖面upland高地upland moor高位沼泽upland savanna高地热带琉林uplide motion上滑运动upper air observation高空气象观测upper atmosphere高层大气upper clouds高云upper crust上地壳upper culmination上中天upper layer clouds上层云upper mantle上地幔upper pool上水池upper pool elevation上游水位upper trade高空信风upper wind observation高空风测upright fold直立褶皱uprise of salts盐分上升uprooting挖除伐根upslope fog上坡雾upstream deposits上游沉积物upstream facing of weir堰的上游护面upthrow fault上投断层upthrow side上投侧upthrust fault上投断层upward evolution of relief地形的隆起演化upward movement of water水分上升运动upwarping向上挠曲uraninite沥青铀矿uranite铀云母uranium铀uranium deposit铀矿床uranium mine铀矿uranium ore铀矿uranocircite钡铀云母uranophane硅钙铀矿uranopilite铀钙矿uranothorite铀钍矿uranyl compound铀酰化合物urban agglomeration城市群urban ecological system城市生态系统urban environment城市环境urban function城市功能urban information system城市信息系统urban morphology城市形态urban photogrammetry城市摄影测量urban planning城市规划urban planning information system城市规划信息系统urban remote sensing城市遥感urban sewage城市污水urban size城市规模urbanization城市化urea尿素usefull mineral有用矿物ustalf干淋溶土ustert干变性土ustoll干软土ustox干氧化土ustult干老成土uvala坞洼uvanite钒铀矿vacant field空地vacant lattice site未填满晶格结点vaccin菌苗vacuum frame抽气晒版机vadose water渗廉valence原子价valence crystal价晶格valence electron价电子valency原子价valent state价态valentinite锑华valley谷valley bog河地沼泽valley bottom谷底valley breeze谷风valley fill河谷填积valley fog谷雾valley glacier谷冰川valley in valley谷中谷valley pattern河谷型valley slope河谷坡降valley water divide河谷分水界valuation评价value值value class数值等级vanadite钒铅锌矿vanadium钒vanadium pollution钒污染vapor pressure deficit饱和差vaporous water气态水variability变异性variability index变化指数variable变量variable standardization变量标准化variable wind转向风variance方差variance analysis方差分析variant of association变异群落variation变异variation diagram变化图variation of latitude纬度变化variegated sandstone杂色砂岩variegation彩斑variety变种variogram变量图variolite球颗玄武岩variometer升降速度表varve clay纹泥varved clay带状粘土vascular plant维管植物vauclusian spring龙潭vector analysis向量分析vegetable garden菜园vegetable remains植物残余vegetal reign植物界vegetation植被vegetation coverage map植被覆盖度图vegetation deterioration植被破坏vegetation form植被型vegetation index植被指数vegetation maps植被图vegetation parameter植被参数vegetation regionalization植被区划vegetation resources植被资源vegetation succession植被演替vegetation type植被型vegetation type map植被类型图vegetation zone植被带vegetative hybrid无性杂种vegetative propagation营养繁殖vegetative season生长期vegetative shoot营养枝veil灰雾vein rock脉石veinlet细脉velocity速度velocity head临水头velocity measurement速度测定velocity meter速度测量器测速计velocity of propagation传播速度veneer复面层veneer rock覆盖层ventilated psychrometer通风干湿表verification检验verification scheme检查简图verisimilitude逼真性vermiculite蛭石vermudoll填土动物穴湿软土vermuth step蒿草原vernacular name土名vernadskite水铜矾vernalization春化处理vernalization stage春化阶段vernier游标vernier microscope游标显微镜vernier reading游标读数vernier theodolite游标经纬仪vertebrate palaeontology脊椎动物古生物学vertebrates脊椎动物vertic cambisols变性始成土vertic chernozems变性黑土vertic luvisols变性淋溶土vertical垂线vertical aerial photography垂直航空摄影vertical angle竖角vertical circle竖直度盘vertical displacement竖直位移vertical distribution竖直分布vertical exaggeration垂直夸张vertical fault垂直断层vertical fold直立褶皱vertical ground visibility垂直地面可见度vertical hill shading直照晕渲法vertical line垂线vertical parallax上下视差vertical photography竖直摄影vertical plane竖直平面vertical position竖直位置vertical scale垂直比例尺vertical section垂直剖面vertical seismograph垂直震仪vertical stratification垂直成层结构vertical surface竖面vertical temperature gradient温度垂直梯度vertical thread竖直丝vertical velocity curve临垂直分布曲线vertical visibility垂直视距vertical wind shear风的垂直切变vertically distributed agriculture立体农业vertigo眩晕vertisols变性土very large scale integrated circuit超大规模集成电路vesicular structure多孔状构造vetch巢菜viability生活力vibrating screen振动筛vibration spectrum振动光谱vicariad替代种vicarism替代性video amplifier视频放大器video camera digitizer电视摄像数字化仪video data可视数据video disk电视唱片video file可见文件video frequency视频video information system视频信息系统video monitor可视监视器video signal视频信号vidicon光导摄像管viewfinder取景器viewing观察viewing angle视场角vignetting渐晕village自然村vinyl乙烯基vinyl alochol乙烯醇vinyl chloride乙烯基氯vinylon维尼纶violent earthquake大地震virgation分岐virgin forest原始林virgin land处女地virgin soil生荒地virtual image虚象virtual memory虚拟存储器virtual model虚模型virtual temperature虚温virus disease病毒疾病virus infection病毒感染viscosity粘度viscous consistence粘滞结持visibility可见度visibility curve可见度曲线visibility meter可见度测定器可见度测定计visible cloud image可见光云图visible horizon视地平visible radiation可见光visible region可贝区vision视力vision angle视角visual acuity视敏度visual balance of elements on a map地图表示因素的低visual field视野visual interpretation目视判读visual line视线visual observation目力观察visual range可视距离visual remote sensing可见光遥感visual sense视觉visualization目测vital capacity生存能力vitality生活力vitrain镜煤vitrandept碎屑火山灰始成土vitreous lustre玻璃光泽vitric andosols玻璃质暗色土vitric tuff玻璃凝灰岩vitriol spring硫酸盐泉vivianite蓝铁矿void孔隙void ratio孔隙比volatilization蒸发volcanic action火山活动volcanic ash火山灰volcanic ash soil火山灰土volcanic block火山块volcanic breccia火山角砾岩volcanic chain火山脉volcanic clay火山粘土volcanic cone火山锥volcanic conglomerate火山砾岩volcanic cycle火山轮回volcanic detritus火山岩屑volcanic detritus soil火山岩屑土volcanic dome火山穹丘volcanic dust火山尘volcanic earthquake火山地震volcanic ejecta火山喷出物volcanic explosion火山爆发volcanic front火山前沿volcanic gases火山气体volcanic hazard火山灾害volcanic islands火山岛volcanic lake火山湖volcanic landscape火山景观volcanic mountains火山volcanic mud火山泥volcanic mudflow火山泥溜volcanic plateau熔岩高原volcanic plug火山栓volcanic product火山喷出物volcanic rent火山裂缝口volcanic rock火山岩volcanic row火山列volcanic rumbling火山地震声volcanic sand火山沙volcanic soil火山土壤volcanic spine火山碑volcanic thunderstorm火山雷雨volcanic tremor火山脉动volcanic tuff凝灰岩volcanic vent火山口volcanic zone火山带volcanism火山酌volcano火山volcano tectonic depression火山沉陷地volcanogenic soil火山土volubile plant缠绕植物volume体积volume of flood flow洪水量volume of reservoir水库容积volume of runoff径量volume shrinkage容积收缩volume weight容重volumetric coefficient容积系数volumetric flowmeter体积量计volumetric method of measuring discharge容积法测流volumetric procedure容量法vomiting呕吐vortex涡旋vortex chain卡曼涡voyage航海wacke玄土wad锰土wadi干谷walking步行wall map挂图wall rock alteration围岩蚀变walnut mountain forest胡桃山林wandering fan徘徊扇wandering river游荡性河流waning development凹坡发育warm air mass暖气团warm current暖流warm front暖锋warm high暖高压warm sector暖区warm temperate zone暖温带warm tongue暖气舌warm trough暖槽warm wave热浪warning coloration警戒色warp淤积物warp clay淤积粘土washed off soil淋洗土壤washed out soil淋洗土壤washing洗涤washing bottle洗瓶washing water洗水waste岩屑waste disposal废物处理waste gas废气waste heat废热waste land荒地waste lye废液waste oil废油waste paper废纸waste pile废石堆waste product废产物waste rubber废橡胶waste water废水waste water treatment废水处理water水water absorbing capacity吸水能力water absorption吸水water and soil reservation information system水土保持信息系统water balance水分平衡water bearing bed含水层water bearing formation含水层water bird水禽water bloom湖靛water body水团water bottle采水器取水器water budget水分平衡water capacity容水量water clouds水云water conductivity水分传导度water consumption水分耗损water content含水量water content of snow雪含水量water control水分控制water control pivot水利枢纽water course水道water culture溶液培养water cycle水循环water delivery供水water dispersion halo水分散晕water divide分水岭water droplets in clouds云水滴water economy水利water edge水边;水边线water equivalent水当量water equivalent of snow雪的水当量water equivalent of snow cover积雪水当量water erosion水蚀water evaporimeter水蒸发器water extract水提取物water gage水尺water gall水蚀穴water gap峡谷water hemisphere水半球water holding capacity持水量water intake进水口water leaf水叶water level水位water level amplitude水位变幅water level fluctuations水位波动water level recorder水位计water line水位线water management水管理water mass水团water microorganism水微生物water migration水迁移water migration coefficient of element元素的水迁移系数water molecule水分子water of crystallization结晶水water of infiltration渗入水water parting divide分水界water percolating capacity水分渗透能力water perocolation渗水water plane水面water plants水生植物water pollution map水污染地图water power plant水电站water quality水质water quality monitoring水质监测water regime水分状况water regime of soil土壤的水分状况water relationship水分状况water representation水系表示法water requirement需水量water reservoir贮水池water resources水资源water resources management水资源管理water retaining capacity保水能力water retention保水water saturation含水饱和度water self purification水体自净酌water solubility水溶性water sprout徒长枝water stage measurement水位测定water storage蓄水water stream水流water supply给水water surface水面water surface slope水面坡度water table地下水位water table contour地下水位等高线water temperature水温water tight structure不透水结构water vapor水汽water vapor cloud image水汽态云图water vein水脉water year水文年;水年water yield硫总出水量watercourse水道waterfall瀑布waterfall erosion瀑布侵蚀watering灌溉waterlining波状水线waterlogged soil渍水土壤watershed分水岭watershed area分水岭地区watershed line地形线waterspout海龙卷waterstable aggregate水稳性团聚体waterway水道wave analyzer波形分析器wave band波段wave base波浪酌的限界深度wave crest波锋wave current波流wave cut notch浪蚀龛wave cut plain浪蚀平原wave cut platgorm浪蚀台wave cut terrace海蚀阶地wave cyclone波动性气旋wave deformation波的变形wave diffraction波浪绕射wave erosion浪蚀wave height波高wave length波长wave mark波痕wave of translation移动波wave particle duality波粒二象性wave path波道wave reflection波反射wave refraction波折射;波浪折射wave sand body浪成沙体wave velocity波速wavemeter波长计waves波waxing development上升发展weak acid弱酸weak earthquake弱震weak rock软弱岩石weak structure脆弱结构weakened profile弱发育剖面weakly leached brown soil轻度淋溶棕壤weather天气weather analysis天气分析weather analysis and forecasting天气分析和预报weather chart气象图weather conditions气象条件weather divide天气区划分weather doppler radar天气多普勒雷达weather forecast天气预报weather information气象情报weather map天气图weather map analysis天气图分析weather message天气报告weather radar气象雷达weather satellite气象卫星weather station气象站weather surve气象服务weather system天气系统weathered pebble风化砾weathered zone风化带weathering风化weathering agent风化因子weathering crust风化壳weathering residues风化残留物weathering sequence风化系列weathering solutions风化溶液wedge of high pressure高压楔wedging thin尘灭weed杂草weed control除草weed killer除草剂weeding除草weight权weight coefficient权系数weight function权函数weight method称重法weight of observation观测权weight unit单位权weighted mean加权平均值weighted product加权积weighted sum加权和weighting bottle称瓶weir堰welded tuff熔结凝灰岩well井well curb井口护井圈well drilling凿井well function井函数west point毋westerlies偏午westerly wind偏午wet adiabat湿绝热线wet adiabatic change湿绝热变化wet adiabatic lapse rate湿绝热递减率wet adiabatic process湿绝热过程wet analysis湿法分析wet bulb temperature湿球温度wet bulb thermometer湿球温度表wet meadow soil湿草甸土wet sample湿试样wet soil渍水土壤wet solonchak湿盐土wet year多水年wetted area受潮面积wetting front湿润锋wheat小麦wheat cultivation小麦栽培wheat yield estimation小麦估产whirler旋转涂膜机whirlpool旋涡whirlwind涡旋风white clay高岭土white light白光white mica白云母whitecap白浪whole pipette全量吸移管whooping cough百日咳whorl轮生wichtisite玻基粗粒玄武岩wide angle camera宽角射影机wide angle lens宽角物镜wide bandpass filter宽带滤光片width of the channel渠宽willow stand柳林wilting凋萎wilting coefficient萎蔫系数wilting point凋萎点wilting range凋萎含水量范围wind风wind blown soil风积土wind break forest防风林wind carving风蚀wind current风海流wind damage风害wind direction风向wind direction meter风向测定器wind divide风向界线wind drift飞砂wind driven current吹流风海流wind driven waves强制波wind effected phenomena风力效应现象wind erosion风蚀wind erosion pillar蕈状石wind finding radar测风雷达wind force风力wind forest strip防护林带wind load风压负载wind measurement风速测定法wind path风程wind pollination风媒wind resistance抗风性wind ripples风成波痕wind rose风向图wind rotation风向转变wind sack风向袋wind shear风切变wind shift风向转变wind speed风速wind system风系wind tunnel风洞wind vane风向标wind velocity vector风速向量wind zone风带windbreak风障windfall风倒木windpressure风压windstorm大风windward迎风面windward bank向风岸windward coast向风海岸windward slope向风面wine soil葡萄园土winter dormancy冬眠winter flood冬季洪水winter half year冬半年winter hardiness耐寒性winter solstice冬至wintering越冬woadwaxen brake染料木丛林wolframite黑钨矿wollastonite硅灰石wombat袋熊wood木材wood cutting area伐区wood peat木质泥炭woodcutter's encephalitis春季森林脑炎woody mire木本沼泽woody plant示word length字长work sheet编绘原图workable可耕的workable soil适耕土壤worker职蚁working aperture有效孔径working capacity劳动能力working map工棕图world aeronautical chart世界航空图world atlas世界地图集world map世界地图world map series世界图组world refernece system世界参考系统worm's eye view仰视图wrench fault横推断层xxy 平面x axis横轴x rayx射线x ray absorption spectrumx射线吸收谱x ray camera伦琴室x ray crystallographyx射线结晶学x ray diffractionx射线衍射x ray fluorescence analysisx射线荧光分析x ray imagex射线照片x ray patternx射线图样x ray photographyx射线照相x ray refractive indexx射线折射指数x ray spectrometerx射线分光计x ray spectroscopic analysis伦琴射线光谱分析x ray spectroscopyx射线光谱学x ray tubex射线管x raysx射线xanthic ferralsols黄色铁铝土xanthic pigment黄色色素xanthophyll叶黄素xanthosis黄病xenolith捕虏岩xenomorphic他形的xenon氙xenothermal deposit浅成高温矿床xeralf干热淋溶土xerert季节性干旱变性土xerography静电复印xeroll干热软土xeromorphism旱生形态xerophilous plant旱生植物xerophilous plants喜旱植物xerophils适旱植物xerophyte旱生植物xerophytic vegetation旱生植被xeropsamment季节性干旱砂新成土xerosere旱生演替系列xerosols干旱土xerothermic plant干热植物xerult干热老成土xylem木质部y axisy轴y coordinate纵坐标y planexy 平面year of publication出版年代yearly ring生长轮yeast酵母yellow aphids黄蚜yellow brown soil黄棕壤yellow brown soils黄棕色土壤yellow fever黄热病yellow fever virus黄热病病毒yellow filter黄滤光镜yellow podzolic soils灰化黄壤yellow sand黄沙yellow soil黄壤yellowing黄化yelow mud黄泥yermosols漠境土yew grove紫杉林yield factors产量因素yield forecast单产预报yield index产量指标yield model产量模型yield of grass产草量yield programming产量程序设计yielding收获量yielding capacity生产量young forest幼龄林young mountains幼年山young platform幼年性台地young stage幼年期young topography幼年地形young valley幼年谷ytterbium镱yttrium钇yttrocrasite钛钇钍矿zechstein镁灰岩zenith天顶zenith distance天顶距zenith photography天顶摄影zenith point天顶点zenithal rains天顶季雨zeolite沸石zeolite facies沸石相zeolitization沸石化zero correlation零相关zero direction零方向zero indicator零点指示器zero position零位zeta potential动电位zinc锌zinc blende闪锌矿zinc pollution锌污染zincaluminite锌茂zinnwaldite铁锂云母zircon锆土zirconium锆zirconium deposit锆矿床zirkelite钛锆钍矿zodiacal light黄道光zoisite帘石zonal aberration区域像差zonal circulation纬向环流zonal distribution显域分布zonal flow纬向气流zonal index of circulation纬向指数zonal soil profile分带土壤剖面zonal soils显域土zonal structure带状构造zonal swamp地带性沼泽zonation分带zone带zone of dissipation消融区zone of faulting断层带zone of fracture破裂带zone of mathematical climate数理气候带zone of percolation渗漏带zone of saturation饱和带zone plate波带片zone time区时zoning of primary halos原生晕分带zoobenthos水底动物zoochores动物传布zoochory动物传布zoocoenose动物群落zoogeographic region动物地理区zoogeography动物地理学zoolith动物岩zoology动物学zoom stereoscope可变焦距立体镜zoophilous plant动物媒植物zooplankton浮游动物zootope动物生境zwitter ion两性离子zygospore接合孢子zygote合子zymology酶学地理专业词汇英语翻译(U-Z) 相关内容:。



1.Forage(饲料):Edible parts of plants, other than separated grain, that can provide feed forgrazing animals, or that can be harvested for feeding. Includes browse, herbage and mast. 2.Herbage(牧草):The biomass of herbaceous plants, other than separated grain, generallyabove ground but including edible roots and tubers.3.Browse(灌木嫩枝叶):Leaf and twig growth of shrubs, woody vines, trees, cacti, and othernon-herbaceous vegetation available for animal consumption.4.Grazing land(放牧地):Any vegetated land that is grazed or that has the potential to begrazed by animals.5.Cropland(农田):Land devoted to the production of cultivated crops. May be used toproduce forage crops.6.forestland(林地):Forestland that produces, at least periodically, sufficiently understoryvegetation that can be grazed.7.Pasture(牧草地):Land devoted to the production of indigenous or introduced forage forharvest primarily by grazing.Pasture generally must be managed to arrest successional processes.8.Range(天然放牧地):Land supporting indigenous vegetation that is grazed or that has thepotential to be grazed, and is managed as a natural ecosystem.9.Rangeland(天然草地):Land on which the indigenous vegetation (climax or naturalpotential) is predominantly grasses, grass-like plants, forbs, or shrubs and is managed as a natural ecosystem. If plants are introduced, they are managed as indigenous species.10.Mob-stocking(冒布放牧法):an agricultural technique whereby a large herd of sheep orlivestock is confined to an area to do intensive grazing!将一大群绵羊和家畜仅限于一个小区进行集约放牧的农业技术!11.Grazing land(放牧地)包括:Cropland(农田)、Range(天然放牧地)、Grassland(草地).12.Grassland(草地)包括:Pasture(放牧草地)、Range land(天然草地)、Turf(草坪).13.Meadow fescue(草地羊茅)、Meadow grasses(早熟禾)、Bentgrass(剪股颖)、Yorkshirefog(绒毛草).14.Sward(草层,草丛):A population of herbaceous plants, characterized by a relatively shorthabit of growth and relatively continuous ground cover, including both above- and below-ground parts.15.Ley (lay)(短期轮作草地):The pasture phase of a crop rotation specially designed to improvesoil productivity.16.IGC:International Grassland Congress;IRC:International Rangeland Congress.17.propagation (扦插)):The development of new plants by a process which does not requirethe production of seed.18.N:nitrogen ['naitrədʒən];P:phosphorus ['fɔsfərəs];K:potassium [pə'tæsjəm]19.Perennial ryegrass(多年生黑麦草)、Lucerne(紫花苜蓿)、White clover(白三叶).20.Moisture(潮湿)、Precipitation(降雨)、field capacity(田间最大持水量)、coefficient ofvariation(变异系数)、Water logging(水涝)、Arable(可耕的)、Sward(草地)、Susceptibility (感病率性)、Starch(淀粉)、Legume(豆科牧草)、Poaching(践踏)、Leys(牧地)、Troughs(饲料槽)、Monocultures(单作)、Rumen(瘤胃)、Ensilability(青贮能力)、Pastoral (牧草的)、Weaning(断奶)、Trefoils(三叶草)、hectare(公顷)、paddock(围场、小牧场)、drainage(排水)、occasional(偶然的)、acidic(酸性的)、alkaline(碱性的)、recommend(推荐、建议)、susceptibility(敏感性)、diminish(减小、缩小)、agronomist(农学家)、per se(本身、自身)、comprehensive(综合的)、stocking rate(载畜率)、complement(补充)、reclamation(开垦、改良)、ruminant (反刍动物)、synthesize(合成)、lactate(喂奶、泌乳)、glucose(葡萄糖)、simulate(模仿、冒充)、constituent(成分)、cellulose(纤维素)、constraint(约束、局促)21.The levels of herbage production are determined collectively by site conditions, includingsoil nutrient status, temperature and water availability, and the various management inputs employed by the farmers.(牧草产量的水平由场地条件,包括土壤养分状况、温度和水量,以及各种受雇于农民的管理投入共同决定)22.Soil moisture, which is affected by the amount and distribution of precipitation as well as bytemperature and soil conditions, is a most important factor affecting levels of herbage production, particularly in summer and in areas that experience seasonal drought.(土壤水分,受气候和土壤条件影响,同时又受降水的数量和分布的影响,它是影响牧草产量水平的最重要的因素,特别是在夏天和经历季节性干旱的地区)23.It also considers the chemical composition and nutritive value of forages, the prediction ofanimal performance on forage based-diets and the use of supplements to overcome nutrient limitations of grass.(它还考虑了牧草的化学成分和营养价值,预报动物日常饲料食用性能和补饲的使用,以克服草地营养的局限性)24.Feed Value has three main components:The amount of forage the animal will eat (voluntaryintake);The content of nutrients in the forage (nutrient content);The ability of the animal to absorb and utilize the nutrients (nutrient availability).25.Amenity(舒服)、trample(践踏)、turfgrass(草坪草)26.Leafspo t(叶斑病)– spots have a definite size, shape, and colour27.Leafblights(叶枯病)– spots have no definite size and shape, they spread until the entire leafis covered28.Galls(磨伤)– swellings(膨胀)on any part of the plant29.Cankers(溃烂)– sunken areas on any part of the plant30.Root rots(根腐病)– infection primarily of the outer layers of the root31.Vascular wilts (萎焉病)– infection primarily of the xylem vessels32.Stem rots/diebacks(茎腐病、枯死)、Distortions(扭曲、变形)、Crown rust(冠锈病)、Powdery mildew(白粉病)、Ryegrass mosaic virus(花叶病毒病)。

智慧农业 专业英语

智慧农业 专业英语

1. Precision farming:精准农业/精准农艺
2. Smart farming:智慧农业/智慧农艺
3. Agricultural IoT:农业物联网
4. Sensor:传感器
5. Weather station:气象站
6. Automated irrigation system:自动灌溉系统
7. Soil moisture sensor:土壤湿度传感器
8. Crop yield monitor:作物产量监测器
9. Phenotyping:表型分析
10. Drones in agriculture:无人机在农业中的应用
11. Farm management software:农场管理软件
12. Agricultural robots:农业机器人
13. Farm data analysis:农场数据分析
14. Livestock monitoring system:畜禽监测系统
15. Fertilizer application technology:化肥施用技术








一、农作物种植1. Crops - 农作物2. Cultivation - 种植3. Plants - 植物4. Seeds - 种子5. Soil - 土壤6. Irrigation - 灌溉7. Fertilizer - 肥料8. Pesticide - 农药9. Harvest - 收获10. Yield - 产量二、农业工程1. Machinery - 机械设备2. Tractor - 拖拉机3. Harvester - 收割机4. Seeder - 播种机5. Sprayer - 喷雾器6. Greenhouse - 温室7. Irrigation system - 灌溉系统8. Crop rotation - 农作物轮作9. Biotechnology - 生物技术10. Genetic engineering - 基因工程三、农业生产与管理1. Agriculture - 农业2. Farm - 农场3. Farmer - 农民4. Livestock - 畜牧5. Animal husbandry - 养殖业6. Organic farming - 有机农业7. Agricultural economics - 农业经济学8. Agricultural extension - 农业推广9. Agricultural research - 农业研究10. Sustainable agriculture - 可持续农业四、农产品加工1. Food processing - 食品加工2. Dairy products - 乳制品3. Meat processing - 肉类加工4. Canning - 罐头5. Freezing - 冷冻6. Fermentation - 发酵7. Milling - 粉磨8. Packaging - 包装9. Quality control - 质量控制10. Food safety - 食品安全五、农业市场与贸易1. Market - 市场2. Export - 出口3. Import - 进口4. Trade - 贸易5. Price - 价格6. Demand - 需求7. Supply - 供应8. International trade - 国际贸易9. Agricultural subsidies - 农业补贴10. Agricultural policy - 农业政策六、环境与可持续发展1. Sustainable development - 可持续发展2. Environmental protection - 环境保护3. Climate change - 气候变化4. Renewable energy - 可再生能源5. Conservation - 保护6. Ecosystem - 生态系统7. Biodiversity - 生物多样性8. Pollution - 污染9. Soil erosion - 土壤侵蚀10. Water conservation - 水资源保护以上是农业科学英语词汇大全,涵盖了农作物种植、农业工程、农业生产与管理、农产品加工、农业市场与贸易以及环境与可持续发展等多个方面的专业术语。





第一部分:农业生产与种植1. Cultivation(耕种):the process of preparing and tending land for crops.Example: Proper cultivation techniques can maximize crop yield.2. Irrigation(灌溉):the process of supplying water to crops.Example: Drip irrigation is an efficient method to conserve water in agriculture.3. Fertilizer(肥料):a substance that is added to soil or plants to promote growth.Example: Farmers need to carefully select and apply appropriate fertilizers.4. Pest control(害虫防治):the management of pests, such as insects or weeds, to protect crops.Example: Integrated pest management combines different strategies to control pests effectively.5. Harvest(收获):the act of gathering mature crops from the field.Example: The farmers celebrated a bountiful harvest this year.第二部分:畜牧业1. Livestock(畜牧业):animals raised on a farm for economic purposes.Example: Cattle, sheep, and pigs are common livestock in many agricultural regions.2. Breeding(养殖):the selection and mating of animals to produce offspring with desired traits.Example: Selective breeding has improved the quality of livestock over generations.3. Feed(饲料):food given to livestock for growth and nutrition.Example: Animal feed often includes a combination of grains, protein, and minerals.4. Dairy farming(乳制品生产):the production of milk and dairy products from cows or goats.Example: Dairy farming plays a vital role in providing nutritious products to consumers.5. Poultry(家禽):domesticated birds raised for meat and eggs.Example: Chickens and ducks are the most common poultry raised on farms.第三部分:农产品加工与营销1. Processing(加工):the transformation of raw agricultural products into processed foods or other value-added products.Example: Food processing helps extend the shelf life of perishable crops.2. Packaging(包装):the process of enclosing products in suitable containers for storage or sale.Example: Attractive packaging can enhance the market appeal of agricultural products.3. Quality control(质量控制):the measures taken to ensure that products meet specified standards.Example: Regular inspections and testing are essential for quality control in agriculture.4. Distribution(分销):the movement of agricultural products from farms to consumers.Example: Efficient distribution networks play a crucial role in ensuring timely delivery of fresh produce.5. Marketing(市场营销):the activities involved in promoting and selling agricultural products.Example: A well-designed marketing campaign can boost the sales of agricultural products.结语:本文介绍了一些与农业相关的重要英语词汇,涵盖了农业生产、种植、畜牧业、农产品加工与营销等方面。



农业专业英语词汇(FG)一、作物种植类1. Agriculture(FG):农业2. Crop(FG):作物3. Planting(FG):种植4. Harvest(FG):收获5. Irrigation(FG):灌溉6. Fertilizer(FG):肥料7. Pesticide(FG):农药8. Seedling(FG):幼苗9. Germination(FG):发芽10. Cultivation(FG):耕作二、土壤与肥料类1. Soil(FG):土壤2. Fertility(FG):肥力3. Humus(FG):腐殖质4. Loam(FG):壤土5. Sandy soil(FG):沙土6. Clay soil(FG):黏土7. Organic matter(FG):有机物8. Compost(FG):堆肥9. Manure(FG):粪肥10. Nitrogen(FG):氮11. Phosphorus(FG):磷12. Potassium(FG):钾三、农业技术类1. Agricultural technology(FG):农业技术2. Biotechnology(FG):生物技术3. Genetic engineering(FG):基因工程4. Plant breeding(FG):植物育种5. Transgenic(FG):转基因6. photosynthesis(FG):光合作用7. Respiration(FG):呼吸作用8. Growth regulator(FG):生长调节剂9. Integrated pest management(FG):病虫害综合治理10. Precision agriculture(FG):精准农业四、农业机械设备类1. Tractor(FG):拖拉机2. Plow(FG):犁3. Harrow(FG):耙4. Seeder(FG):播种机5. Sprayer(FG):喷雾器6. Reaper(FG):收割机7. Thresher(FG):脱粒机8. Grain dryer(FG):粮食烘干机9. Silo(FG):粮仓10. Irrigation system(FG):灌溉系统五、农产品加工类1. Processing(FG):加工2. Milling(FG):磨粉3. Pressing(FG):榨取4. Fermentation(FG):发酵5. Drying(FG):干燥6. Canning(FG):罐装7. Freezing(FG):冷冻8. Preservation(FG):保鲜9. Packaging(FG):包装10. Quality control(FG):质量控制六、农业经济与管理类1. Agricultural economics(FG):农业经济学2. Farm management(FG):农场管理3. Marketing(FG):市场营销4. Supply chain(FG):供应链5. Cooperative(FG):合作社6. Subsidy(FG):补贴7. Policy(FG):政策8. Sustainable development(FG):可持续发展9. Rural development(FG):农村发展10. Food security(FG):粮食安全七、农业生态与环境类1. Agroecology(FG):农业生态学2. Biodiversity(FG):生物多样性3. Ecosystem(FG):生态系统4. Conservation(FG):保护5. Sustainable agriculture(FG):可持续农业6. Organic farming(FG):有机农业7. Environmental impact(FG):环境影响8. Climate change(FG):气候变化9. Soil erosion(FG):土壤侵蚀10. Water management(FG):水资源管理八、畜牧业相关词汇1. Animal husbandry(FG):畜牧业2. Livestock(FG):牲畜3. Pasture(FG):牧场4. Grazing(FG):放牧5. Breeding(FG):繁殖6. Milking(FG):挤奶7. Vaccination(FG):疫苗接种8. Feed(FG):饲料9. Manure management(FG):粪便管理10. Meat processing(FG):肉类加工九、渔业与水产养殖类1. Fisheries(FG):渔业2. Aquaculture(FG):水产养殖3. Fish farming(FG):养鱼4. Pond(FG):池塘5. Fish feed(FG):鱼饲料6. Harvesting(FG):捕捞7. Fish processing(FG):鱼类加工8. Marine conservation(FG):海洋保护9. Freshwater ecosystem(FG):淡水生态系统10. Aquatic biodiversity(FG):水生生物多样性十、农业教育与培训类1. Agricultural education(FG):农业教育2. Vocational training(FG):职业培训3. Extension service(FG):推广服务4. Farmer field school(FG):农民田间学校5. Demonstration plot(FG):示范田6. Capacity building(FG):能力建设7. Knowledge transfer(FG):知识转移8. Scholarships(FG):奖学金9. Internship(FG):实习10. Continuing education(FG):继续教育十一、农业法律法规与政策类1. Agricultural law(FG):农业法2. Land tenure(FG):土地所有权3. Intellectual property rights(FG):知识产权4. Food safety regulations(FG):食品安全法规5. Environmental regulations(FG):环境法规7. Export subsidy(FG):出口补贴8. Import quota(FG):进口配额9. Tariff(FG):关税10. Agricultural policy(FG):农业政策十二、农业研究与开发类1. Research and development(FG):研究与开发2. Experimental station(FG):试验站3. Laboratory(FG):实验室4. Innovation(FG):创新5. Grant(FG):资助6. Patent(FG):专利7. Technical paper(FG):技术论文8. Peer review(FG):同行评审9. Research project(FG):研究项目10. Technology transfer(FG):技术转移十三、农业市场营销与贸易类1. Market analysis(FG):市场分析2. Consumer behavior(FG):消费者行为3. Branding(FG):品牌化4. Distribution channel(FG):分销渠道6. Export(FG):出口7. Import(FG):进口8. Commodity market(FG):商品市场10. International trade(FG):国际贸易十四、农业灾害与风险管理类1. Drought(FG):干旱2. Flood(FG):洪水3. Pest(FG):害虫4. Disease(FG):病害5. Disaster management(FG):灾害管理6. Risk assessment(FG):风险评估7. Insurance(FG):保险8. Crop loss(FG):作物损失9. Early warning system(FG):预警系统10. Emergency response(FG):紧急响应。



文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.【关键字】英语各种农作物翻译cereals, grain 谷物coarse grain 谷粒rye 黑麦barley 大麦oats 燕麦millet 粟, 黍sorghum 高粱bran 麸; 糠flour, meal 粗磨谷粉wheat 小麦spring wheat 春小麦maize 玉米(美作:corn) maize cob 玉米棒子(美作:corn cob)rice 稻buckwheat 荞麦tea 茶coffee 咖啡cocoa 可可树coca 古柯tobacco 烟草hop 蛇麻; 啤酒花tuber crops 块茎作物sugar cane 甘蔗sugar beet 糖用甜菜potato 马铃薯sweet potato 甘薯vegetables 蔬菜carrot 胡萝卜cassava, manioc 木薯turnip 芜菁yam 山药; 薯蓣pulses, leguminous plants 豆类植物bean 菜豆pea 豌豆chick-pea 鹰嘴豆lentil 小扁豆soya bean 大豆(美作:soybean)forage plants 饲料作物fodder grain 饲用谷物clover 三叶草lucre, lucerne 苜蓿(美作:alfalfa)textile plants 纤维植物cotton 棉; 草棉flax 亚麻hemp 大麻American agave 龙舌兰sisal 剑麻; 西沙尔麻kapok tree 木棉树jute 黄麻Manila hemp 马尼拉麻raffia 酒椰yucca 丝兰oil plants 油料植物sunflower 向日葵groundnut, peanut 落花生olive 油橄榄olive tree 油橄榄树sesame 芝麻castor oil plant 蓖麻rape seed 油菜籽rubber tree 橡胶树resin plant 树脂植物mangrove 红树fruits 水果fruit tree 果树grapevine 葡萄藤grape 葡萄农业专业词汇一a horizon a 层a humid acid a 型胡敏酸a line 不育系a priori 先天的a priori probability 先验概率abandoned land 荒地abattoir by product 屠宰场副产物abaxial 远轴的abaxile 远轴的abdomen 腹abdominal 腹部的abdominal aorta 腹织脉abdominal apoplexy 腹率中abdominal appendage 腹肢abdominal cavity 腹腔abdominal fin 腹abdominal foot 腹足abdominal gland 腹腺abdominal leg 腹足abdominal reflex 腹壁反射abdominal respiration 腹呼吸abdominal segment 腹节abdominal wall 腹壁abducens nerve 外展神经abducent nerve 外展神经abduction 外展abductor 展肌abductor muscle 展肌aberration 畸变abies 冷杉属abietic acid 松脂酸abiogenesis 自然发生abiosis 死亡abiotic 非生物的abiotic factor 非生物因素ablactation 断乳ablation 切断术ablepharia 无睑ablepharon 无睑ablephary 无睑ablution 清洗abnormal behaviour 变态习性abnormal climate 异常气候abnormal division 错分裂abnormal egg 异常卵abnormal estrus 异常发情abnormal high temperature异常高温abnormal ovum 异常卵子abnormal spermium 异常精子abnormal value 异常值abomasitis 皱胃炎abomasum 第四胃aboral 反口的aboral pole 反口极abortin 龙毒素abortion 龙abortive 龙的abortive grain 秕粒abortive infection 顿挫性感染abortive pollen 败育花粉abortive transduction 败育转导aboveground part 地上部分abscess 脓肿abscisin 脱落素abscission 切掉abscission layer 离层absinthe 亚洲蒿absolute age 绝对年龄absolute alcohol 绝对酒精absolute dried soil 绝对干土absolute error 绝对误差absolute extreme 绝对极值absolute frequency 绝对频率absolute humidity 绝对湿度absolute lethal 绝对致死absolute milk production绝对产奶量absolute period oflivestock use 家畜绝对利用年限absolute quantity 绝对量absolute temperature 绝对温度absolute value 绝对值absorbability 吸收能力absorbent 吸收剂;吸收的absorbing capacity 吸收能力absorbing complex 吸附复合体absorbing function 吸收机能absorbing velocity offertilizer 肥料吸收速度absorption 吸收absorption capacity 吸收容量absorption coefficient吸收系数absorption obstacle 吸收障碍absorption ratio 吸收率absorptive 吸收的absorptive amount 吸收量absorptive cell 吸收细胞 absorptive hair 吸收毛 absorptive tissue 吸收组织 absorptivity 吸收力 abstergent 去垢剂 abstersion 洗涤 abundance 多度 acalcerosis 缺钙症 acalycine 无花萼的 acalycinous 无花萼的 acanthocephalosis 棘头虫病 acanthoid 刺状的 acardia 无心 acariasis 螨病 acariasis of domestic animal 家畜疥癣病 acaricide 杀螨剂 acarid control 螨防治 acaulescent 无茎的 acauline 无茎的 acaulose 无茎的 acaulous 无茎的 accelerated erosion 加速侵蚀 acceleration 加速 acceleration pedal 油门踏板 acceleration pump 加速泵 acceptor 受体 accessory 副的 accessory corpus luteum 副黄体 accessory fruit 假果 accessory genitalia 副生殖器 accessory gland 附腺 accessory ingredient 助剂 accessory sexual gland 副性腺 accidental error 随机误差 accidental species 偶见种 acclimatization 风土驯化 accommodation 第 accrescent 花后增大的 accumulated amount of dry matter 干物质蓄积量 accumulated error 累积误差 accumulated temperature 积温 accumulated temperature of crop 罪积温 accumulated temperature of cultivation 栽培积温 accumulated temperature of daytime 昼积温 accumulated temperature of growth 生育积温 accumulation 沉积 accumulator 蓄电池 accuracy 准确度 acellular organism 非细胞生物 acephalous 无头的 acephalous larva 无头幼虫 acephate 高灭磷 acerate 针状的 acerbity 酸味 acerose 针状的 acerous 针状的 acervuloma 沙瘤 acervulus 分生孢子层 acetabulum 臼;腹吸盘 acetal phosphatide 缩醛磷脂 acetaldehyde 乙醛 acetamide 乙酰胺 acetate 醋酸盐 acetic acid 醋酸 acetic acid bacteria 醋酸细菌 acetic anhydride 醋酐 acetic fermentation 醋酸发酵 acetoacetate 乙酰乙酸 acetoacetic acid 乙酰醋酸 acetobacter 醋酸细菌 acetone 丙酮 acetone body 酮体 acetone butanol fermentation 丁基丙酮发酵 acetonemia 丙酮血症 acetyl phosphate 乙酰磷酸 acetylation 乙酰化 acetylcholine 乙酰胆碱 acetylene 乙炔 acetylization 乙酰化 ache 痛achene 瘦果achenium 瘦果 achenocarp 瘦果 achlamydate 无被的 achlamydeous 无被的 achondroplasia 软骨发育不全 achrodextrin 消色糊精 achromacyte 无色红血球 achromatic 非染色质的 achromatic figure 非染色质象 achromatin 非染色质 achromatocyte 无色红血球 achromatopsia 色盲 achylia 乳糜缺乏 achylosis 乳糜缺乏 acicular leaved tree 针叶树 aciculate 针状的 aciculiform 针状的 acid 酸 acid base balance 酸碱平衡 acid base equilibrium 酸碱平衡 acid dye 酸性染料 acid fast 耐酸的 acid fast bacteria 耐酸菌 acid fermentation 酸性发酵 acid fuchsin 酸性品红 acid fume 酸烟 acid harm 酸性障碍 acid humus 酸性腐殖 acid humus soil 酸性腐殖质土 acid phosphatase 酸性磷酸酶acid plants 适酸植物 acid rain 酸雨acid removing 脱酸 acid rock 酸性岩 acid slag 酸性矿渣 acid smut 酸性煤尘 acid soil 酸性土 acid soil improvement 酸性土壤改良 acid solution 酸性溶液 acid spring 酸性泉acid treatment of feed 饲料的酸处理acid value 酸值acidic feed 酸性饲料 acidic waste 酸性废物 acidic waste water 酸性废水acidification 酸化 acidimeter 酸定量器 acidimetry 酸量法 acidity 酸度acidocyte 嗜酸血球 acidometry 酸量法 acidophil 适酸的 acidophile 适酸的 acidophilic 适酸的 acidophilous 适酸的 acidophilous plants 适酸植物acidophilus milk 酸奶 acidophytes 适酸植物 acidosis 酸中毒acidotrophic 酸营养的 acidulant 酸化剂 acidulous 弱酸性的 acidulous water 酸性水 acinesia 运动不能 acinous gland 胞状腺 aciular 针状的aconitase 乌头酸酶 aconite 乌头aconitic acid 乌头酸 aconitin 乌头碱 aconitine 乌头碱 acontium 枪丝acorn 橡子 acotyledon 无子叶植物 acotyledonous 无子叶的 acoustic 听觉的 acoustic nerve 听神经 acoustic vesicle 听囊 acoustical 听觉的 acquired 后天获得的 acquired character 后天性状 acquired immunity 后天性免疫 acrial part 地上部分 acridine 吖啶 acriflavine 吖啶黄素 acrisol 强淋溶土 acritochromacy 色盲 acritochromatocy 色盲 acroanesthesia 四肢麻木 acrocarpous 顶果的 acrolein 丙烯醛 acromegaly 肢端肥大症 acromion 肩峰 acropetal 向顶的 acrosome 顶体 acrospore 顶生孢子 acrotism 无脉 acrylic acid 丙烯酸 actidion 放线菌酮 actin 肌纤蛋白 actinometer 直接日射强度表 actinomorphic 辐射对称的 actinomorphic flower 辐射对称花 actinomorphous 辐射对称的 actinomyces 放线菌 actinomycetes 放线菌类 actinomycetic biotoxin 放线菌生体毒素 actinomycin 放线菌素 actinomycosis 放线菌病 actinomycosis of tongue 舌头放线菌病 actinophage 放线菌噬菌体 actinostele 星状中柱 actinotrocha 辐轮幼虫 actinula 辐射幼虫 action current 动诅流 action potential 动诅位 activated carbon 活性炭 activated sludge 活性污泥 activating centre 激动中心 activating enzyme 活化酶 activation 活化 activation centre 激动中心 activator 致活剂 active 活性的 active absorption 织吸收 active accumulated temperature 活动积温 active acetate 活性醋酸 active acidity 活性酸度 active alkalinity 活性碱度 active humus 活性腐殖质 active immunity 织免疫 active pore 活性孔隙 active substance 活性物质 active transport 织运输 activity 活性 actomyosin 肌动球蛋白 acuariosis of chicken 鸡胃虫病 acupuncture 针刺术 acute 急尖的 acute indigestion of rumen 第一胃食滞 acute infection 急性感染 acute poisoning 急性中毒 acute toxicity 急性毒性 acute toxicity experience 急性毒性试验 acutiflorous 尖花的 acutifoliate 尖叶的 acyclic 非轮生的 acyclic flower 非轮生花 acyesis 不孕症 acylase 酰化酶 acyltransferase 酰基转移酶 adaptability 适应性 adaptation 适应adaptation to light 光适应 adaptive enzyme 适应酶 adaptometer 适应计 addition 添加 addition action 附加酌 addition reaction 加成反应 addition theorem 加法定理 additional fertilizer 追肥 additional water capacity 附加水量 additive 添加剂 additive effect 加性效果 additive gene 加性基因 additive model 加性模型 additive parentage map 加性血缘图 additivity 相加性 additivity of sum of squares 平方和的可加性 adduction 内收 adductor 内收肌 adductor muscle 收肌 adenase 腺嘌呤酶 adenine 腺嘌呤 adenitis 腺炎 adenocarcinoma 腺癌 adenofibroma 腺纤维瘤 adenohypophysis 脑下垂体前叶 adenoid 腺样的 adenoma 腺瘤 adenomatous carcinoma 腺癌 adenometous carcinoma 腺癌 adenopathy 腺病 adenophyllous 腺叶的 adenosarcoma 腺肉瘤 adenosinase 腺甙酶 adenosine 腺苷 adenosine diphosphatase 二磷酸腺苷酶 adenosine diphosphate 二磷酸腺苷 adenosine monophosphate 一磷酸腺苷adenosine triphosphatase 三磷酸腺苷酶adenosine triphosphate 三磷酸腺苷adenosine triphosphate cycle 三磷酸腺苷循环 adenovirus 腺病毒adenovirus infection of cattle 牛腺病毒感染症 adenylic acid 腺甙酸 adenylic deaminase 腺甙酸脱氨基酶adermin 抗皮炎维生素 adhesion 粘附adhesive 粘附剂 adhesive disc 吸盘 adhesive organ 固着瀑 adhesivity 粘着性 adipic acid 己二酸 adipochrome 脂色素 adipogenesis 脂肪生成 adipopexis 脂肪沉着 adipose 脂肪的adipose cell 脂细胞 adipose tissue 脂肪组织 adiposis 肥胖病 adiposity 肥胖adiuretin 抗利尿激素 adjusted mean 蝶平均数 adjusting device 蝶装置 adjustment 蝶adjuvant 辅助剂admissible error 容许误差admissible limit 容许限度admissible value 容许值 adnexitis 子宫附件炎 adonit 阿东醇adonitol 阿东醇 adoral 口侧的adrenal cortex 肾上腺皮质adrenal cortex hormone 肾上腺皮质素adrenal gland 肾上腺adrenal medulla 肾上腺髓质 adrenal medullary hormone 肾上腺髓质激素 adrenaline 肾上腺素 adrenalinemia 肾上腺素血 adrenergic 肾上腺素性的 adrenergic nerve 肾上腺素激导性神经 adrenochrome 肾上腺素红 adrenocorticotrophic hormone 促肾上腺皮质激素 adrenocorticotropin 促肾上腺皮质激素 adrenosterone 肾上腺甾酮 adrenotoxin 肾上腺毒素 adrenotropic 泅上腺性的 adsorbed base amount 吸附盐基量 adsorbed hanging water 吸附悬着水 adsorbent 吸附剂 adsorbing capacity 吸附量 adsorption 吸附 adsorption capacity 吸附能力 adsorption heat 吸附热 adsorption rate 吸附率 adsorptive enzyme 吸附酶 adult 成虫 adulterant 混杂料 adulthood 成年状态 advanced farming method 先进农法 advection 平流 adventitious 不定的 adventitious bud 不定芽 adventitious plants 外来植物 adventitious root 不定根 adventive 不定的 adventive bud 不定芽 adventive root 不定根 adverse current 逆流 adverse slope 反坡 adynamia 无力 adzuki bean 赤豆 aecidiospore 锈孢子 aecidium 锈子器 aeciospore 锈孢子 aecium 锈子器 aedaeagus 阳茎 aeolian deposit 风积层 aeration 通风 aerator 通风器 aerenchyma 通气组织 aerial 气生的 aerial craft pollution 飞机污染 aerial infection 空气传染 aerial photography 航空照相学 aerial respiration 空气呼吸 aerial root 气生根 aerobe 需气生物 aerobic 需氧的 aerobic bacterium 需氧细菌 aerobic decomposition 好气分解 aerobic fermentation 好气发酵 aerobic glycolysis 好气性糖分解 aerobic purification 好气性净化 aerobic respiration 需氧呼吸 aerobiology 高空生物学 aerobiosis 好氧生活 aerobiotic 需氧的 aeroembolism 气栓 aerofilter 空气滤清器 aeromonas 气单孢菌属 aeroperitoneum 气腹 aeroperitonia 气腹 aerophilic 气生的 aerophilous 气生的 aerophotography 航空照相学 aerophytes 气生植物 aeroplankton 大气浮游生物 aeropleura 气胸 aerosol 烟雾剂 aerosol disinfection 气溶胶消毒 aerosol sterilization 气溶胶灭菌 aerosprayer 飞机喷雾机 aerostatic irrigation 气球式灌水 aerotaxis 区性 aerothorax 气胸 aerotropism 向气性 aestival 夏季的 aestivation 夏眠 aetiology 病原学 afferent 传入的 afferent nerve 传入神经 affinity 亲和力 affinity chromatography 亲和性层析谱 afforest 造林 afforestation and water conservancy 治山治水 aflatoxicosis 黄曲霉毒素中毒 african buffalo 非洲水牛 african horse sickness 马非洲瘟病 african pestis of horse 马非洲瘟病 african swine fever 非洲猪瘟 after effect 后效 after fermentation 补充发酵 after image 后象 after milking 后挤奶 after ripening 后熟 after swarm 再分蜂群 afterbirth 后产 afterbrain 后脑 afterculture 后茬栽培 afterculture vegetable 后茬蔬菜 aftergrass 再生草 aftermath 再生草 afterproduct 次品 afunction 机能缺失 agalactia 泌乳缺乏 agamete 拟配子 agamic 无性的 agamic cell 单性生殖细胞 agamogony 无配子生殖 agamospecies 无性种 agamous 无性的agar 琼脂agar agar 琼脂agar plate 琼脂平板 agar plate count 琼脂平板计数age 年龄age class 龄级age coitus 年龄交配 age covering 年龄交配 age of branch 枝梢的年龄 age of seedling 苗龄 agenesia 发育不全 agenesis 发育不全 agglutinate 凝集 agglutination 凝集agglutination reaction 凝集反应agglutinin 凝集素 agglutinogen 凝集原 aggregate 土壤团聚体 aggregate structure 团聚体结构aggressin 攻回aging 老化agitation 搅动agitator 搅拌机 aglucon 配质aglucone 配质aglycone 配质agon 辅基agony 濒死agranulocyte 无粒白血球 agranulocytosis 粒性白细胞缺乏症agranulosis 粒性白细胞缺乏症agraphia 书写不能agrestal weed 耕棕杂草 agriconcentration 土壤渗透浓度agricultural air pollutant 农业大气污染物 agricultural aircraft 农用飞机农业专业词汇二bacciform 浆果状的 bacillar 杆菌的 bacillary 杆菌的 bacilliculture 细菌培养 bacillosis 杆菌病 bacilluria 杆菌尿 bacillus 杆菌 bacillus anthracis 炭疽杆菌 bacitracin 枯草杆菌肽 back mutation 复原突变 backcross 回交 backfat 背膘 backset 再现 backwater zone 回水区 bacteria carrier 带菌者 bacteria culture 细菌培养 bacterial biotoxin 细菌性生物毒素 bacterial black rot 细菌性黑斑病 bacterial blight of kidney bean 扁豆叶烧病 bacterial culture 细菌培养 bacterial disease 细菌病 bacterial fire blight of apple 苹果火疫病 bacterial flacherie 细菌性软化病 bacterial infection 细菌感染 bacterial leaf spot of sorghum 高粱细菌性斑点病 bacterial leaf spot of tobacco 烟草斑点性细菌病 bacterial manure 细菌肥料 bacterial pesticide 细菌农药 bacterial slimy soft rot 细菌性软腐病 bacterial soft rot of potato 马铃薯软腐病 bacterial spot of red pepper 辣椒疮痂性细菌病 bacterial stalk rot 细菌性秆腐病 bacterial stalk rot of maize 玉米细菌性秆腐病 bacterial strain 菌株 bacterial stripe 细菌性条斑病 bacterial vaccine 细菌疫苗 bacterial wilt of kidney bean 扁豆青枯病 bactericidal action 杀菌酌 bactericide 杀细菌剂 bacteriochlorophyll 细菌叶绿素 bacteriocin 细菌素 bacteriology 细菌学 bacteriolysin 溶菌素 bacteriolysis 溶菌 bacteriophage 细菌噬菌体 bacteriosis 细菌病 bacteriostasis 抑菌酌 bacteriostatic 制菌的 bacteriotoxin 细菌毒素 bacterium 细菌 bacteroid 拟杆菌 bad crop 歉收 bag closing machine 封袋机 bagasse 甘蔗渣 bail 挤奶装置 bait 诱饵 balance 平衡 balance frequency 平衡频率 balance plough 平衡犁 balance trial 平衡试验 balanced experimental design 均衡排列 balanced relation 平衡关系 balanitis 龟头炎 balantidiasis of piglet 仔猪肠毛囊虫病 baldwin effect 巴尔得云氏效应 bale 压块 baling 压捆 balloon flower 桔梗 balloonical irrigation 气球式灌水 balsam of fir 加拿大屎 balsam of peru 秘鲁胶树 balsam pear 苦瓜 bamboo 竹 bamboo reed 芦竹 bamboo sprout 竹笱 banana 香蕉 banbo 大亩 band 畜群 band conveyor 皮带式输送器 band drier 带式干燥机 band sprayer 带状喷雾机 bandage 绷带 bang's disease 牛布氏杆菌病 bank protection 护岸 bank revetment 护岸工程 banker 培土器 banner 旗瓣 baobab 猴面包 bare fallow 无草休闲地 bare place 非耕地 barium 钡 barium carbonate 碳酸钡 bark 胜 bark beetle 小蠹虫 barking 剥皮 barley 大麦 barley bran 大麦麸 barley fodder unit 大麦饲料单位 barley meal 大麦粉 barley straw 大麦稿秆 barn feeding 舍饲 barnyard 牲畜运动场 barnyard grass 稗 barograph 气压器 barometer 气压计 barr body 巴氏小体 barrel 木桶 barrel churn 圆筒式乳油制作 barrow 手推车 basal dressing 施基肥 basal feed 基础饲料 basal medium 基础培养基 basal metabolism 基础代谢basal sheath rot of orange 柑桔白绢病basalt 玄武岩basaltic soil 玄武岩土壤 base 盐基base analog 盐基类似物 base exchange 盐基交换 base exchange capacity 阳离子交换量base flow 基流底流 base pair 盐基对base saturation 盐基饱和 base sequence 盐基顺序 base unsaturated soil 盐基不饱和土壤basi gene 基本基因basi karyotype 基本核型 basic fertilizer 基肥 basic ingredient 盐性成分basic number 基数 basic ration 基础日粮 basic rock 盐基性岩 basic slag 盐基性炉渣 basic test 基础试验basichromatin 碱性染色质 basidiomycetes 担子菌类 basidiospore 担孢子 basidium 担子basin 盆地;硫basin area 硫面积basin irrigation 硫灌溉 basket 篮basophil cell 嗜碱细胞 basophilia 嗜碱性 basophilic 适碱的basophilic cell 嗜碱细胞 basophilous 适碱的 bast 韧皮bast fibre 韧皮纤维 bast mat 晒席bast plant 韧皮植物 bastard 杂种bastard lupine 野火球 basudin 二嗪农batatas 甘薯batch drier 间歇式干燥机battery cage 层架式鸡笼battery disease 家禽笼病battery husbandry 笼养baume hydrometer 波美比重计baume scale 波美比重计bauxite 铝土矿bay laurel 月桂树baycid 倍硫磷beak 喙beakless 缺嘴的bean 扁豆bean combine 豆类罪联合收获机bean cutter 豆类罪收割机bean huller 豆类脱壳机bean picker 摘豆机bean planter 豆类播种机bean thresher 豆类脱壳机bearberry 熊果beard 须bearded darnel 毒麦beating 搏动beaver 河狸bed cleaning 除沙bedrock 基岩bee 蜂bee dysentery 蜜蜂赤痢bee feeding 蜜蜂饲养bee garden 养蜂场bee glue 蜂胶bee hive 蜂箱bee house 养蜂场bee keeper 养蜂家bee keeping 养蜂学bee larva 蜜蜂幼虫bee louse 蜜蜂虱bee master 养蜂家bee master apiarist 养蜂家bee milk 王浆bee nosematosis 蜂胞子虫病bee paratyphus 蜜蜂副伤寒bee plant 蜜源植物bee veil 面网bee venom 蜂毒beech 山毛榉beech nut 山毛榉坚果beef 牛肉beef cattle 肉牛beef type 肉用型beesting 蜜蜂螫伤beeswax 蜂蜡beet chopper 甜菜间苗机beet cleaner 甜菜精选机beet digger 甜菜挖掘机beet drill 甜菜条播机beet fly 甜菜潜叶花蝇beet pick up loader 甜菜收集装载机beet root weevil 甜菜象虫beet seeder 甜菜条播机beet washer 甜菜清理机beetle 甲虫befouled water 污水beginning period ofgrowth 生育初期behavior 行为behavior pattern 行为型behavioral mutant 行为突变体bell pepper 柿子辣belly meat 腹肉belt conveyor 皮带式输送器belt pulley 皮带轮bench grafting 床接bendiocarb 恶虫威benomyl 苯菌灵bentazone 噻草平benthic environment 底栖生物环境bentonite 膨润土benzoic acid 苯甲酸benzoic acid herbicide 苯甲酸类除草剂benzole 苯benzyladenine 苯甲腺嘌呤berries 浆果类berry 浆果beryllium 铍betain 甜菜碱betel pepper 蒌叶betting lice 羽毛虱beverage crop 饮料罪biacuminate 二渐尖的biaristate 二芒的bibracteate 二苞片的bicapsular 二蒴果的biennial 二年生的biennial fodder crop 二年生饲料罪biennial forage crop 二年生饲料罪biennial vegetable 二年生蔬菜biflorate 双花的biflorous 双花的bifoliate 双叶的bifurcation 分歧big agriculture 大农业bilateral 左右对称的bile 胆汁bile acid 胆汁酸bile duct 胆管bile pigment 胆汁色素bile vesica 胆囊bilharziasis 血吸虫病billhook 钩镰binate 双生的binder 打捆机binder and reaper 割捆机binomial distribution 二项式分布binomial distribution law二项分布定律binomial population 二项总体binomial test 二项试验binominal nomenclature双名法binucleate cell 双核细胞bio fertilizer 生物肥料bioaccumulation 生物累积bioactivator 生物活性物质bioassay 生物检定biocatalyst 生物催化剂biocenology 生物群落学biocenose 生物群落biocenosis 生物群落biochemical character 生化特征biochemical feed 生物化学饲料biochemical mechanism 生化学机制biochemical pathway 生化过程biochemical polymorphism生化多态性biochemical reaction 生化反应biochemical selectivity生化选择性biochemical wastetreatment 废物生化处理biochemistry 生化学biocide 杀生剂biocide resistance 杀生体抗性bioclimate 生物气候bioclimatic region 生物气候区bioclimatic zone 生物气候带bioclimatology 生物气候学biocoenology 生物群落学biocoenose 生物群落biocoenosis 生物群落bioconversion 生物转化bioculture 活体培养biodeterioration 生物变质bioecological character生物生态特性bioelectricity 生物电bioenergy 生物能bioerosion 生物侵蚀biofuel 生物燃料biogas 生物气体biogen 生源体biogenesis 生源说biogenic 生源的biogenous 生源的biogeochemical cycle 生物地球化学循环biohazard 生物危害biological absorbingcapacity 生物学吸收能力biological activity 生物学的活性biological analysis 生物检验 biological assay 生物检定 biological characteristics 生物学特性 biological competition 生物竞争 biological contamination 生物污染 biological control 生物防治 biological development 生物发育 biological diagnosis 生物诊断 biological effect 生物效果 biological factor 生物因素 biological half life period 生物学半衰期 biological husbandry 生物农业 biological law 生物学定律 biological matter cycle 生物物质循环 biological nitrogen 生物氮 biological oxygen demand 生物需氧量 biological pesticide 生物农药 biological process 生物学过程 biological property 生物学特性 biological protection 生物学的保护 biological requirement 生物学要求 biological rhythm 生物节律 biological sedimentary rock 生物学沉积岩 biological time 生物学时间 biological toxic material 生物性有毒物质 biological waste treatment 废物生物处理 biological weathering 生物风化 biological world 生物界 biology 生物学 biolysis of sewage 污水的生物分解 biomass 生物量 biometeorology 生物气象学 biometry 生物统计 bionomics 生态学 bionomy 生态学 bionosis 生物病 biopesticide 生物农药 biophysical chemistry 生物物理化学 biophysics 生物物理学 biopolymer 生物聚合物 bioreactor 生物反应器 biorhythm 生物节律 biosensor 生物感受器 biosome 生命小体 biostatistics 生物统计 biosynthesis 生物合成 biosystematics 生物分类学 biota 生物相 biotechnology 生物工程 biothermic disinfection 生物热消毒 biotic environment 生物环境 biotic formation 生物群系 biotic habitat 生物环境 biotic pollution 生物性污染 biotin 生物素 biotope 群落生境 biotoxin 生物毒素 biotype 生物型 biparental progeny 双亲后裔 bipetalous 双瓣的 bipinnate 二回羽状的 bipinnatifid 二回羽状分裂的 bipinnatiparted 二回羽状深裂的 bipinnatipartite 二回羽状深裂的 bird control 鸟害控制 bird damage 鸟害 birth 产仔 birth wort 马兜铃 bisexual cucumber 两性黄瓜 bisexual flower 两性花 bisexual reproduction 两性生殖 bismuth 铋 bistriate 具双条纹的 biternate 二回三出的 bithionol 硫双二氯酚 biuret 缩二脲 biuret nitrogen 缩二脲态氮 biuret reaction 缩二脲反应 bivariate distribution 双变量分布 bivariate population 双变量总体 bivoltine 二化性 bivoltine race 二化性品种 black alder 赤杨 black bean aphid 蚕豆蚜 black bee 黑色种蜜蜂 black cutworm 小地老虎 black disease of bees 黑蜂病 black egg 黑卵 black flowered 黑花的 black fruit rot of apple 苹果黑腐病 black kerneled rice 黑米 black leg of cabbage 甘蓝根朽病 black muscardine 黑僵病 black mustard 黑芥 black night shade 龙葵 black pepper 胡椒 black poplar 黑杨black root rot of jujube 枣蔬点病black root rot of sweet potato 甘薯拟黑斑病 black rot 黑腐病black rot of carrot 胡萝卜黑斑病black rot of vine grape 葡萄黑腐病black rust 黑锈病black shank of tobacco 烟草黑茎病black spot of cabbage 甘蓝黑斑病black spot of kidney bean 扁豆黑霉病black spot of tomato 番茄黑霉病black stalked 黑茎的black veined white 山粉蝶 blackberry 黑莓blackflow condenser 逆龄凝器blackhead disease 传染性肠肝炎bladder 膀胱blade 叶片blade grader 铲式平地机 bladex 草净津blanching 温汤处理 blank test 空白试验blast furnace slag fertilizer 钢渣肥 blastocyst 胚胞 blastoderm 囊胚层 blastomere 分裂球 blastozoid 芽生体 blastula 囊胚bleeding 溢泌现象 bleeding sap 溢泌液 bleeding water 溢泌液 blepharitis 眼睑炎 bloat 臌胀block 区组blocker 间苗器blocky structure 块状结构blood cell 血细胞blood circulation 血液循环 blood circulatory disorder 血循环障碍 blood coagulation 血液凝固 blood drawing 抽血 blood fluke disease 亚洲血吸虫病 blood group 血型 blood individual 血缘个体 blood meal 血粉 blood physiology 血生理 blood plasma 血浆 blood platelet 血小板 blood pressure 血压 blood protein 血蛋白质 blood red flowered 具红花的 blood red fruited 红果的 blood red leaved 红叶的 blood relationship 血缘关系 blood sampling 取血样 blood serum 血清 blood sugar 血糖 blood transfusion 输血 blood type 血型 blood vessel 血管 blossom 开花 blossom drop 落花 blossoming 开花 blue algae 蓝藻类 blue green algae 蓝绿藻类 blue gum 桉树蓝桉 blue mould 青霉病 blue mould of sweet potato 甘薯青霉病 boar 公猪 board mounted sprayer 板固定喷雾器 body cavity 体腔 body compositional material 体构成物质 body condition 体况 body fluid 体液 body maturation 体成熟 body measurement 体尺测量 body region 体部位 body weight 体重 body weight of silkworm larva 蚕体重 bog 沼泽 bog bilberry 笃斯越桔 bog formation 沼泽形成 bog harrow 沼泽地缺口圆盘耙 bog peat 沼泽泥炭 bog whortleberry 笃斯越桔 boggy soil 沼泽土 boiled milled rice 白米饭 boiling point 沸点 bolter 筛选机 bolting 抽苔 bone 骨 bone disease 骨病 bone dust fertilizer 骨粉肥 bone flour 骨粉 bone formation 骨生成 bone marrow 骨髓 bone marrow disorder 骨髓障碍 bone meal 骨粉 boot 开沟器 booting stage 孕穗期 borax 硼砂 bordeaux mixture 波尔多液 border 边缘 border effect 边际效应 bordered 有边的 bordered pit 具缘纹孔 boric acid 硼酸 boric fertilizer 硼肥 boric magnesium fertilizer 硼镁肥 borna disease 包那病 boron 硼 boron superphosphate 硼过磷酸钙 boron zinc superphosphate fertilizer 硼锌过磷酸石灰肥料 bot fly disease of horse 马胃蝇幼虫症 botanic garden 植物园 botanical composition 植物构成 botanical garden 植物园 botany 植物学 botryoid 一串葡萄状的 botryoidal 一串葡萄状的 botryomycosis 葡萄状菌病 botryose 一串葡萄状的 botryose inflorescence 总状类花序 botrys 总状类花序 bottle gourd 瓢葫芦 bottom rot of chinese cabbage 白菜尻腐病 bottomland soil 洼地土壤 botulism 腐肉中毒 bough 大枝 boulder clay soil 泥砾土 bovine brucellosis 牛布氏杆菌病 bovine cysticercosis 牛囊虫病 bovine ephemeral fever 牛列热 bovine hemoglobinuria 牛血红蛋白尿症 bovine infectious pleuropneumonia 牛肺疫 bovine leptospirosis 牛钩端螺旋体病 bovine leucosis 牛白血病 bovine mastitis 牛乳房炎 bovine parainfluenza 牛副列性感冒 bovine paratuberculosis 牛副结核病 bovine three day sickness 牛列热 bovine trichomoniasis 牛滴虫病 bovine tuberculosis 牛结核病 bovine viral diarrhoea 牛病毒性腹泻 box rearing 箱饲 brachyblast 短枝 bracken 蕨菜brackishwaterenvironment 微咸水环境 bract 苞bract leaf 苞bract scale 苞鳞 bracteal 苞的bracteal leaf 苞 bracteole 小苞片 bractlet 小苞片bradsot of sheep 羊快疫 brain 脑brain commotion 脑震荡 brain concussion 脑震荡 brain hormone 脑激素 brake 制动器离合器 brake block 制动块braking system 制动系统 bran 糠branch 枝条branch tendril 枝卷须 branched channel 分支渠 branchiness 分枝性 branching 分枝branching larkspur 翠雀 brassicaceous vegetable 十字花科蔬菜bread fruit tree 面包果 breakdown 崩塌breaker roll 破碎辊 breaking 破裂breaking plant 粉碎设备 breast carcinoma virus of white mouse 小白鼠乳房癌病毒breathing 呼吸 breed 品种breed improvement 品种改良breed storage 品种保存 breeder's stock 原原种 breedig stock 种畜 breeding 育种breeding age 繁殖年限 breeding ass 种驴 breeding boar 种公猪 breeding bull 种公牛 breeding by selection 选择育种breeding calf 种用牛犊 breeding character 育种性状 breeding cycle 繁殖周期 breeding disorder 繁殖障碍 breeding enterprise 种畜牧场 breeding ewe 种用母羊 breeding experiment 育种试验 breeding field 育种田 breeding herd 种畜群 breeding mare 种用母马 breeding material 育种材料 breeding method 育种方法 breeding method of mulberry silkworm 家蚕育种方法 breeding of new variety 新品种选育 breeding physiology 繁殖生理 breeding poultry 种禽 breeding season 繁殖季节 breeding sow 种母猪 breeding value 育种价 brevifoliate 短叶的 brewer's grains 啤酒糟 brewery by product 啤酒副产品 brictly 刚毛状的 bringing in 收割 briquette 压块 briquetter 压捆机 briquetting 压捆 bristle 刚毛 bristle tooth oak 柞树 broad bean 蚕豆 broad cocklebur 苍耳 broad leaved forest 阔叶手 broad leaved plant 阔叶植物 broad leaved tree 阔叶树 broad spectrum antibiotic 广谱抗菌素 broadcast fertilizing 全面施肥 broadcast seeder 撒播机 broadcast sowing 全面撒播 broiler chicken 肉用仔鸡 broken rice 碎米 bromacil 除草定 bromide 溴化物 bromomethane 溴代甲烷 bronchi 支气管 bronchitis 支气管炎 bronchopneumonia of domestic animal 家畜支气管肺炎 brood 同窝 brood chamber 蜂巢 brood hen 抱卵鸡 brooder 育雏器 broodiness 就巢性 brook erosion 溪水侵蚀 broom 金雀花 brown algae 褐藻类 brown blight of english rye grass 黑麦草斑点病 brown calcareous soil 棕色石灰土 brown coal huminite 褐煤腐殖酸肥料 brown earth 棕壤 brown eye moth 甘蓝夜蛾 brown forest soil 褐色森林土 brown fruit rot of apple 苹果菌核病 brown heart 心部褐腐病 brown humic acid 褐色胡敏酸 brown leaf spot of rice 稻褐色叶枯病 brown muscardine 蚕褐僵病 brown mustard 黑芥 brown paddy soil 棕色水稻土 brown rice 糙米 brown rust of rye 黑麦叶锈病 brown rust of wheat 小麦褐锈病 brown soil 棕壤 brown spot of hop 啤酒花褐斑病 brown spot of rice ear 稻穗枯病 brown tail moth 棕尾毒蛾 brownish forest soil 棕色森林土 browsing 啃草 brucellin 布氏杆菌疫苗 brucellosis of domestic animal 家畜布氏杆菌病 brushing of newly hatched larva by mulberry leaves 桑收法 brushing of newly hatched larva by silkworm net 网收法 brushing of newly hatched larva of oak silkworm 柞蚕收蚁 brushing of newly hatched larva with paper 棉纸收蚁法 brussels sprout 抱子甘蓝 bryophytes 苔藓植物 bryozoa 苔藓动物类 buccal cavity 口腔 buck 公山羊 bucket 桶 bucket loader 斗式装载机 buckwheat 荞麦 buckwheat poisoning 荞麦中毒 bud 芽 bud mutation 芽变 bud picking 疏芽 bud scale 芽鳞 bud variation 芽变 budding 出芽 budding knife 嫁接刀 buffer 缓冲剂 buffer action 缓冲酌 buffer solution 缓冲溶液 buffering 缓冲酌 build index 体格指数 build measurement 体格测定bulb 球根bulb bearing 生球根的 bulb digging machine 球根挖掘机bulb growing 球根栽培 bulb onion 葱头 bulbar 球状的bulbiet 珠芽bulbiferous 生球根的 bulbiform 球根状的 bulbil 珠芽bulbosummethod 保尔补杀母法bulbotuber 球茎bulbourethral gland 尿道球腺bulbous 鳞茎的bulbous plant 球根植物 bulbous vegetable 鳞茎蔬菜bulk method of breeding 集团选择法bulk sampling 大量抽样 bulking agent 填冲剂 bull 公牛bull barn 公牛栏 bull calf 公犊 bull ring 鼻环 bulldozer 推土机bulldozer blade 推土机刮土铲bullock 犍牛bumper crop year 丰收年 bumper harvest 丰收 bunk feeder 饲料分配器 bunostomosis of ruminant 反刍动物钩虫病bunt smut 麦类黑穗病 burdo 体细胞杂种 burdon 体细胞杂种burgundy mixture 碳酸钠波尔多液buried horizon 埋藏层 burn 灼伤burning 燃烧burnt earth 烧土burnt lime 生石灰bursa fabricius 腔上囊 bush 灌木丛 butanol 丁醇 butter 黄油 butter churn 乳脂制作 butter cooler 黄油冷却器 butter fat 乳脂 butter milk 黄油奶水 butter mould 黄油造型 buttercup poisoning 毛茛中毒 butterfly 蝴蝶 butyl fermentation 丁基丙酮发酵 butylhydroquinone 丁基氢醌 butyrate 丁酸盐 butyric acid 丁酸 butyric acid bacteria 酪酸菌 butyric acid fermentation 丁酸发酵 butyric fermentation 丁酸发酵 butyrometer 乳脂计 by product 副产品 by product feed 副产物饲料 by product of cocoon 茧副产品 by product silk 制丝下脚 农业专业词汇三 cholesterin 胆甾醇 cholesterol 胆甾醇 cholesterol esterase 胆固醇酯酶 choline 胆碱 cholinesterase 胆碱酯酶 chondriokinesis 线立体分裂 chondriome 线粒体系 chondriosome 线粒体 chondroma 软骨肿 chondromucoid 软骨粘朊 chopped leaves of mulberry 切桑 chopped straw 铡碎的稿秆 chopper 切碎机 chopping knife 切碎贫片 chorioallantoid membrane 绒膜尿囊膜 chorion 绒毛膜 chorionic gonadotropin 绒毛膜促性腺素 choripetalous 离辨的 choripetalous plants 离瓣花类 chorology 生物分布学 chromatic figure 染色质象 chromatid 染色单体 chromatid break 染色单体断裂 chromatid bridge 染色单体桥 chromatid translocation 染色单体易位 chromatin 染色质 chromatography 色谱分离法 chromatolysis 染色质溶解 chromatophore 色素体 chromic cambisol 深色始成土 chromic luvisol 深色淋溶土 chromic vertisol 深色变性土 chromiole 染色微粒 chromium 铬 chromocenter 染色中心 chromofibril 染色体纤维 chromogen 色素原 chromogenic bacteria 生色细菌 chromomere 染色粒 chromonema 染色线 chromoplast 有色体 chromoprotein 色朊 chromosomal aberration 染色体畸变 chromosomal break 染色体断裂 chromosomal pattern 染色体型 chromosomal substitution 染色体置换 chromosome 染色体 chromosome aberration 染色体畸变 chromosome arrangement 染色体排列 chromosome assortiment 染色体联合 chromosome bridge 染色体桥 chromosome chain 染色体链 chromosome coiling 染色体螺线 chromosome contraction 染色体收缩 chromosome deletion 染色体缺失 chromosome diminution 染色体消减 chromosome disjunction 染色体分离 chromosome doubling 染色体加倍 chromosome fusion 染色体融合 chromosome map 染色体图 chromosome matrix 染色体基质 chromosome mottling 染色体斑纹 chromosome movement 染色体运动 chromosome number 染色体数 chromosome of mulberry silkworm 家蚕染色体 chromosome pairing 染色体接合 chromosome replication 染色体复制 chromosome reunion 染色体复合 chromosome set 染色体组 chromosome technology 染色体工艺学 chromosome translocation 染色体易位 chromosomics 染色体学 chronaxia 时值 chronaxie 时值chronaxy 时值chronic cystitis of cattle 牛慢性膀胱炎 chronic irradiation 慢性辐射chronic poisoning 慢性中毒chronic respiratory disease 呼吸道枝原体病 chronic toxicity 慢性毒性chrysalis 蛹chrysanthemum 菊花 chrysocarpous 黄果的 chufa 莎草chute 奔流chymotrypsin 胰凝乳朊酶 cicatrical tissue 瘢痕组织cicatrix 瘢痕ciliary 纤毛的ciliated epithelium 纤毛上皮ciliates 纤毛虫类 ciliolate 具短缘毛的 cinchona tree 红金鸡纳树金鸡纳树cinnamon bark 桂皮 cinnamonic soil 褐土 cion 接穗circular sprinkler 环形喷灌机circumnutation 回旋转头运动cirrhus 阴茎cirrus 阴茎citral 柑醛citrate 柠檬酸盐 citric acid 柠檬酸citric fermentation 柠檬酸发酵citric soluble phosphorous 柠檬酸溶性磷 citron 香橼city compost 城市垃圾堆肥cladode 叶状茎 cladodium 叶状茎。

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农业专业英语词汇(U-Z)农业专业英语词汇(U-Z)农业专业英语词汇(U-Z)u test u 测验udder 乳房udder index 乳房指数udder induration 乳房变硬udder massage 乳房按摩udderform 乳房型ulcer 溃疡ulcerous acromastitis of cow 牛溃疡性乳头炎ulmin 乌敏ulminic acid 乌敏酸ultisol 老成土ultra dense planting mulberry field 超密植桑园ultra microelement 超微量元素ultraanthracite 石煤ultrabasic rock 超盐基性岩ultracentrifuge 超速离心机ultrafiltration 超过滤ultrametamorphic rock 超变质岩ultrasonic 超声波ultraviolet irradiation 紫外线照射ultraviolet rays 紫外线umbel 伞形花序umbelliferae 伞形花序植物umbellulate 具小伞形花序的umbellule 小伞umbilical hernia 脐疝umbrella leaved 伞状叶的uncapping 打开蜜盖unchangeable humus 不变腐殖质unchangeable metamorphosis 不变态unconditioned reflex 无条件反射uncultivated area 非耕地uncultivated subsoil 生荒地unden 残杀威under lip 下唇underdrain 暗沟underdrainage 地下排水underground 地下underground dam 地下坝underground installation 地下埋设物underground moisture 地下水分underground part 地下部underground pipe 潜管underground reservoir 地下水库underground water 地下水undergrown larva 迟小蚕undigested material 不消化物质undiluted liquid 原汁unfertilized egg 未受精卵ungula 蹄unheating hothouse 不加温温室unicellular 单胞的unicellular animal 单细胞动物unicellular culture 单细胞培养unicellular plant 单细胞植物unifoliate 单叶的uniform distribution 均匀分布uniformity 均匀性unilobate 单叶的uniparous animal 单胎动物unipetalous 单瓣的unipolar nuclear division 单极核分裂unisexual flower 单性花unisexual reproduction 单性生殖unit leaf area 单位叶面积unit of soil classification 土壤分类单位universal tractor 万能拖拉机univoltine 一化性unknown growth factor 未知生长因素unpupated larva 毛脚蚕unrestrictive feeding 饱饲unripe 未熟的unsaturated capillary permeance 不饱和毛管渗透unsaturated fatty acid 不饱和脂肪酸unsaturated hydrocarbon 不饱和烃unsaturated solution 不饱和液unseasonable flowering 未熟开花unstable 不安定的unveined 无脉的unweighted mean 非加权平均upland meadow 山地草原upland pasture 丘陵放牧地upland rice 旱稻upper lip 上唇upper maxillary fracture 上颌骨骨折upper stream 上游upright spined 直刺的upright stalk 直立茎uprightness 直立uranium 铀uratosis 尿酸盐沉着urban sewage 城市污水urban waste 城市废料urea 尿素urea biosynthesis 尿素生物合成urea fertilizer 尿素肥料urea fodder 尿素饲料urea gypsum fertilizer 尿素石膏肥料urea herbicide 尿素类除草剂urea humate 腐殖酸尿素urea nitrogen 脲氮urea protein fodder 尿素蛋白质饲料urease 脲酶urease inhibitor 脲酶抑制剂urediniospore 夏孢子urediospore 夏孢子uredispore 夏孢子uredospore 夏孢子uremia 尿毒症ureter 输尿管urethra 尿道uric acid 尿酸uridine 尿核甙uridine triphosphate 尿啶三磷酸urinary passage 尿道urination 排尿urination disorder 排尿障碍urine 尿urobacter 尿素菌urolithiasis 尿结石病urophyllous 尾叶的useful animal 益兽useful arthropods 有用节足动物useful plant 有用植物uterine 子宫的uterine body 子宫体uterine cervix 子宫颈uterine disease 子宫病uterine horn 子宫角uterine hypoplasia 子宫发育不全uterine torsion 子宫扭转uterus 子宫uterus hernia 子宫脱出utility rate of luminous energy 光能利用率utility rate of water 用水率vacant hill 空株vaccination 注射疫苗vaccination by puncture of wing membrane 膜翅穿刺接种vaccine 疫苗vacuole 液泡vacuum 真空vacuum cooling drying 真空冷冻干燥vacuum drying 真空干燥vacuum drying of cocoon 蚕茧真空干燥vagina 叶鞘vaginal disease 阴道病vaginal mucus 阴道膣粘液vaginal prolapse 阴道脱出vaginitis 阴道炎vaginocele 阴道脱出vaginoscope 阴道镜vaginoscopy 阴道镜检查vagotomy 迷走神经切断术vain growth 徒长valence 原子价valerian 缬草valine 缬氨酸valley alluvial soil 山谷冲积土valley paddy soil 山谷水稻土vanadium 钒vanadium fertilizer 钒肥vanilla 香子兰vanillin 香草醛vapour 蒸汽vapour density 蒸汽密度vapour water 气态水variability 变异性variable 变数variable humus 可变性腐殖variable resistance 可变电阻variable transformation 变量变换variance 方差variance analysis 方差分析variance analysis table 方差分析表variant 变异体variate 随机变量variation 变异variation curve 变异曲线varietal purity 品种纯度variety 品种variety of field crop 农罪品种variety rotation 品种更换variety trial 品种试验variola 天花varroosis 蜂大螨病vas deferens 输精管vascular 维管的vascular bundle 维管束vascular disease 血管疾病vascular plant 导管植物vascular spasm 血管痉挛vascular system 维管系vascular tissue 维管组织vasography 血管照相术vasospasm 血管痉挛veal 小牛肉vector 矢量vector insect 媒介昆虫vegetable 蔬菜vegetable acid 植物性酸vegetable alkaloid 植物碱vegetable breeding 蔬菜育种vegetable crop 蔬菜罪vegetable dye 植物染料vegetable factory 蔬菜工厂vegetable farming 蔬菜栽培vegetable feed 植物性饲料vegetable fertilizer 植物肥料vegetable fiber 植物纤维vegetable for can 罐头蔬菜vegetable for kimziang 腌泡菜用蔬菜vegetable harvester 蔬菜收获机vegetable insecticide 植物性杀虫剂vegetable legume 蔬菜豆类vegetable manure 植物肥料vegetable nursery bed 蔬菜苗床vegetable oil 植物油vegetable organ 营养瀑vegetable patch 菜园vegetable poison 植物毒vegetable poisoning 蔬菜中毒vegetable processing 蔬菜加工vegetable protein feed 植物性蛋白质饲料vegetable science 蔬菜学vegetable seeds 蔬菜种子vegetable sponge 丝瓜vegetable storage 蔬菜贮藏vegetable tier 捆菜装置vegetable under structure 保护地蔬菜vegetable washer 蔬菜清洗机vegetable wax 植物蜡vegetable works 蔬菜工厂vegetal organ 营养瀑vegetal pole 植物极vegetalization 植物性化vegetation 生长vegetation process 生长过程vegetative 营养的vegetative cone 生长锥vegetative form 生长型vegetative function 植物性机能vegetative growth 营养生长vegetative hybrid 营养杂种vegetative hybridization 营养杂交vegetative kingdom 植物界vegetative law 生长定律vegetative nerve 植物性神经vegetative nucleus 营养核vegetative organ 营养瀑vegetative period 生长期vegetative phase 生育相vegetative pole 植物极vegetative propagation 营养繁殖vegetative regulation 生长第vegetative stage 生长阶段vegetative tissue 营养组织vein 叶脉vein handing of potato 马铃薯条斑花叶病veinless 无脉的veinlet 细脉velamen 根被velocity 速度velocity of nitrogen absorption 吸氮速度velocity of nitrogen assimilation 氮素同化速度velogen strain 强毒株velvet bent grass 绒毛剪股颖veneer grafting 嵌接venom 毒物vent 换气窗ventilation 通风ventilator 通风器ventriculitis 肌胃炎vermicide 杀蠕虫剂vermiculation 蠕动vermiculite 蛭石vermifugal 驱蠕虫的vernalization 春化处理vernalization stage 春化阶段vertic cambisol 变性始成土vertic luvisol 变性淋溶土vertical distribution 垂直分布vertical infection 垂直传染vertical resistance 垂直抗性vertical zonal soil 垂直地带性土壤vertical zone of soil 垂直土壤带verticillate 轮生的verticillation 轮生叶序verticillium wilt of egg plant 茄子半身萎凋病vertisol 变性土vesical calculus 膀胱石vesical stone 膀胱石vesicle 小泡vesicular dermatitis of swine 猪水泡性疹vesicular stomatitis 水泡性口炎vessel 导管vetch 巢菜veterinarian 兽医师veterinary and sanitary inspection 兽医卫生检验veterinary antiepizootic measure 兽医防疫措施veterinary biomedicine 兽医生物药品veterinary biopreparation 兽医生物药品veterinary clinic 牲畜诊疗所veterinary equipment 兽医设备veterinary hygiene 兽医卫生veterinary implement 兽医七veterinary instrument 兽医七veterinary law and regulation 兽医法规veterinary medicament 兽医药品veterinary medicine 兽医学veterinary pharmacy 兽医药房veterinary quarantine 兽医检疫veterinary service 兽医服务veterinary work 兽医工作veterinary worker 兽医服务人员vexillum 旗瓣viability 生活力vibramycin 强力霉素villose 具长柔毛的villous 具长柔毛的villus 绒毛vinasse 酒糟vine 葡萄vine knife 葡萄刀vine nursery 葡萄苗圃vine prop 葡萄支柱vinegar fly 果蝇vineland 葡萄园vinery 葡萄温室vineyard 葡萄园vineyard cultivator 葡萄园中耕锄vineyard plough 葡萄园犁vineyard sprayer 葡萄园喷雾机vineyard tractor 葡萄园用拖拉机viniculture 葡萄栽培vining plant 蔓生植物vintage 葡萄收获vinyl acetate maleic acid 醋酸乙烯酯马来酸vinyl chloride 氯乙烯vinyl house 塑料大棚vinyl storage 塑料布贮藏库vinyl tunnel 塑料大棚violet 堇菜violet root rot 紫纹羽病viral diarrhoea of silkworm 蚕病毒性泻病viral enteritis of turkey 火鸡病毒性肠炎virgin soil 处女地virology 病毒学virulence 病毒性virulent 毒性的virulent phage 烈性噬菌体virus 病毒virus disease 病毒病virus examination 病毒检验virus of domestic animal 家畜病毒virus resistance breeding 病毒抗性育种virus rna 病毒rnavirusfree plant 无病毒植物viscometer 粘度计viscose 粘胶viscosimeter 粘度计viscosity 粘性viscous limit 粘性限度visibility 能见度visible lethal 可见致死visible mutation 可见突变visible radiation 可见光辐射vision disorder 视力障碍vital 生命的vital capacity 肺活量vital force 生命力vital power 生命力vital staining 活体染色vitalism 生机论vitality 生活力vitamin 维生素vitamin additive 维生素添加剂vitamin b2 抗神经炎素vitamin b23 氰钴胺vitamin b3 核黄素vitamin b6 泛酸vitamin content 维生素含量vitamin deficiency 维生素缺乏病vitamin e 生育酚vitamin feed 维生素饲料vitamin h 生物素vitamin hay 维生素干草vitamin k 维生素kvitamin pp 烟酰胺vitamin preparation 维生素剂vitamin requirement 维生素需要vitelline peritonitis 卵黄性腹膜炎vitelline sac 卵黄囊vitellogenin 卵黄蛋白原vitellus 卵黄viticulture 葡萄栽培vitreousness 透鸣质vitric andosol 玻璃质暗色土vitroplant 试管植物vivianite 蓝铁矿viviparity 胎生viviparous reproduction 胎生繁殖volatile compound 挥发性化合物volatile fatty acid 挥发性脂肪酸volatility 挥发性volatilization 挥发volcanic area 火山地带volcanic ash soil 火山灰土volcanic soil 火山土volcano 火山vole 野鼠voltinism 化性volubile plant 缠绕植物volume 容积vomit 呕吐vulnus 创伤vulva 阴门wadi 旱谷wafered feed 饼状饲料wagner pot 瓦氏盆walking leg 步行足walking tractor 双轮拖拉机wallace effect 华莱士效应walnut 核桃walnut tree 核桃树胡桃树wandering cell 游走细胞warble 牛皮蝇幼虫warble fly disease of cattle 牛皮下蝇蛆病warehouse 贮藏库warfarin 杀鼠灵warm air drier 烘干机warm blooded animal 温血动物warm front 暖锋warm tolerance 耐热性warming irrigation 保温灌溉warning 预察warning colouration 警戒色warning device 预察装置warning lamp 预察灯warning method 预察法wash bucket 洗涤桶washed out soil 淋洗土壤waste disposal 废物处理waste gas 废气waste heat 废热waste hog disease 非洲猪瘟waste land 荒地waste water 废水waste water irrigation 污水灌溉waste water of spa 温泉废水waste water treatment 污水处理water 水water activity 水分活性water analysis 水分析water availability 水有效性water balance 水分平衡water binding capacity 持水性water bowl 水箱water buffalo 水牛water chestnut 菱water circulation 水循环water content 含水量water culture 溶液培养water current 水流water deprivation 耗水water erosion 水蚀water exploration 水勘探water filling 冲水water for life 生活用水water fowl 水禽water gauge 水位计water hammer action 水锤酌water harvesting 径怜蓄water holding capacity 保水力water hyacinth 水葫芦water inlet 进水口water intake to paddy field 水田引水water leak paddy field 漏水稻田water lily 睡莲water logging 积水water management 用水管理water management in rice field 稻田水管理water melon 蜗water metabolism 水代谢water microorganisms 水生微生物water of crystallization 结晶水water plants 水生植物water pocket 水塘water pollination 水媒water pollution 水质污染water pore 水孔water potential 水位water proofing work 防水工程water quality 水质water raising 抽水water requirement in transplantation 插秧期需水量water requirement of paddy field 田间需水量water resource 水资源water soluble fertilizer 水溶性肥料water soluble phosphorous fertilizer 水溶性磷肥water soluble potassic fertilizer 水溶性钾肥water soluble vitamin 水溶性维生素water spout 水龙卷water sprout 徒长枝water stable aggregate 水稳性团聚water storage tissue 储水组织water supply 给水water supply plan 给水计划water supply plant 供水设备water supplying system 供水体系water surface 水面water surface evaporation 水面蒸发water table 水面water tank 水池water temperature 水温water temperature in rice field 稻田水温water tissue 储水组织water treatment 水处理water vapour 蒸汽water wheel 水车watercress 水田芥watered mulberry leaf 湿桑watered seedbed 水育秧床watering 喷水watering area 喂水处watering can 喷壶watermifoil 狐尾藻waterproofing 防水watershed 分水岭wave leaved 波叶的wax coat 蜡质层wax extractor 蜜蜡提取器wax gourd 冬瓜wax producing 产蜡的waxy maize 蜡质种玉米weak podzolic soil 弱漂白土weaned pig 断奶仔猪weaning 断奶weaning weight 断奶重weanling 断奶幼畜weanling number 断奶只数weather 天气weather and climate condition 气象气候条件weather control 天气控制weather damage 天气害weather forecast 天气预报weather satellite 气象卫星weather ship 天气船weathered crust 风化壳weathered granite 风化石weathered granite horizon 风化石层weathering 风化weathering speed 风化速度weathering type 风化型weed 杂草weed control 杂草防除weed infestation 杂草丛生weed killer 除莠剂weeder 除草机weedicide 除莠剂weeding 除草weeding by machine 机械除草weeding of paddy field 水田锄草weeding system 杂草防除体系weeping willow 垂柳weevils 象虫科weight increment 增重weight loss 失重weight of cocoons per liter 一升茧重weight of weaning litter 断奶窝重weighted arithmetic mean 加权算术平均weighted deviation 加权偏差weighted mean 加权平均weighted sum 加权总和weil's disease 牛钩端螺旋体病weir 溢吝well 井well construction 井建设well sinking 沉井well type drainage 井式排水welsh onion 大葱westerly zone 午带wet disinfection 湿式消毒wet feeding 湿喂法wet mash 湿粉料wet resistance 耐湿性wether 阉公羊wetland 湿地wetland soil 湿地土壤wettability 湿润性wetter 湿润剂wetting agent 湿润剂wetting powder 可湿性粉剂wheat 小麦wheat bran 麦麸wheat meal 面粉wheat straw 麦秸wheel sprayer 手推车式喷雾机wheelbarrow 手推车whey medium 乳清培养基whip worm disease of domestic animal 家畜鞭虫病whipping 振荡whipworm 鞭虫whirlwind 旋风white alkali soil 白碱土white clover 白车轴草white cocoon 白茧white core rice 白芯大米white diarrhoea of calf 犊牛白痢white flowered 白花的white gourd 冬瓜white leaf spot of strawberry 草莓蛇眼病white line dart moth of turnip 黄地老虎white lupin 白羽扇豆white mulberry 桑树white muscardine 白僵病white muscle disease 白肌病white mustard 白芥white of egg 蛋白white rot egg 白死卵white rot of sweet potato 甘薯白纹羽病white rust of colza 油菜白锈病white rust of radish 萝卜白锈病white sweet clover 白香草木樨whole cocoon 全茧whole layer placement of fertilizer 全层施肥whole milk 全乳whole rice grain 完整米whorled 轮生的wide field trial 大区试验wide ridge 田塍wide row seeding 宽行条播wild 野生的wild animal 野生动物wild blueberry 短毛蓝果忍冬wild boar 野猪wild chervil 林峨参wild duck 野鸭wild goat 原山羊wild mulberry 山桑wild oat 野燕麦wild pig 野猪wild plant 野生植物wild silk yarn 天蚕丝wild silkworm 天蚕wild sow 母野猪wild species 野生种wild type 野生型wild yeast 野生酵母wildlife 野生生物willow 柳wilting 凋萎wilting coefficient 萎凋系数wilting moisture 凋萎湿度wilting point 萎蔫点winch 卷扬机wind 风wind break 防风林wind damage 风害wind egg 无精蛋wind erosion 风蚀wind erosive soil 风蚀土wind motor 风力原动机wind pollinated 风媒的wind pollination 风媒wind power 风力wind velocity 风速windrow loader 草条装载机windrower 铺条机windrowing 铺条割wine 葡萄酒wine grape 酿酒葡萄wing 翅wing media 翅中脉wing muscle 翼状肌wing radius 翅径脉winged fruit 翅果winnower 簸风选机winnowing 风选winter barley 冬大麦winter bud 冬芽winter catch crop 冬季填闲罪winter cherry 酸浆winter cress 山芥winter crops 秋插罪winter hardy 耐冬的winter injury 冻害winter pruning 冬季修剪winter rape 芜菁甘蓝winter season 冬季winter sleep 冬眠winter spore 冬孢子winter spraying 冬季喷雾winter squash 笋瓜winter wheat 冬小麦wintering 越冬wintering ability 越冬性wintering habit 越冬性wintering rate 越冬率wintering vegetable 过冬的蔬菜witches broom of sweet cherry 欧洲甜樱桃丛枝病withers height 体高wolfram 钨womb 子宫wood anatomy 木材解剖学wood ashes 木灰wood fiber 木纤维wood leopard 豹蛾wood parenchyma 木薄壁组织wood small reed 酚茅wooden pipe 木管wooden tongue 舌头放线菌病woody plant 木本植物woody rooted 木质根的wool collector 毛收集器wool density 毛密度wool elasticity 毛弹性wool elongation 毛伸长性wool fat 脂汗wool grease 脂汗wool length 毛长wool productivity 绒毛生产性woolfell 羊毛皮woolskin 羊毛皮wooly aphis 苹果绵蚜worker bee 工蜂working capacity 役用能力worm 蛆wormwood 亚洲蒿wound 创伤wound gastritis 创伤性胃炎x chromosome x 染色体x ray apparatus x 射线装置x ray irradiation x 射线辐照xanthein 花黄素xanthic ferralsol 黄色铁铝土xanthine alkaloid 黄质生物碱xanthine dehydrogenase 黄嘌呤脱氢酶xanthine oxidase 黄嘌呤氧化酶xanthoceras sorbifolia 文冠树xanthochromia 黄变xanthoma 黄瘤xanthomatosis 黄瘤病xanthophyll 叶黄素xanthosis 黄变症xenia 直感xenogamy 异株异花授粉xenon 氙xeromorphism 旱生形态xerophilous 适旱的xerophthalmia 干眼病xerophytes 旱生植物xerosol 干旱土xylan 木聚糖xylem 木质部xylem fibre 木纤维xylem parenchyma 木薄壁组织xylene 二甲苯xylitol 木糖醇xylocarpous 木质果的xylol 二甲苯xylose 木糖xylulose 木酮糖y chromosome y 染色体y suppressed lethal y 抑制致死yak 牦牛yam 薯蓣yeanling 羔羊year old shoot 一年生枝yearling 一岁牲畜yeast 酵母yeast treatment of feed 饲料的酵母处理yellow blood silkworm 黄血蚕yellow brown forest soil 黄棕色森林土yellow cell 黄细胞yellow dwarf 黄矮病yellow enzyme 黄酶yellow fruited 黄果的yellow horn 文冠树yellow leaf stage 黄叶期yellow mealworm 黄粉虫yellow ripeness 黄熟yellow ripening stage 黄熟期yellow rust 条锈病yellow soil 黄色土yellow spot 黄斑yellow sweet clover 黄香草木樨yellow virosis of beets 甜菜黄化yermosol 漠境土yield 产量yield component 产量构成因素yield forecast 产量预报yield loss 收获损失yield of root 根收量yield per jongbo 每町步产量yield per pyong 每坪实粒重yield per unit 单产yield prediction 产量预测yield weather model 产量天气模式yielding ability 生产性yoghurt 酸奶yoke 轭yolk 卵黄yolk antibody 免疫蛋黄yolk peritonitis 卵黄性腹膜炎yolk sac 卵黄囊yongyangalmo 营养粒苗yongyangmo 营养苗young ear 幼穗young panicle formation stage 幼穗形成期young plant 幼小植物young seedling 幼苗young silkworm 稚蚕young sprout 新梢young stand 幼林young stock 幼畜z chromosome z 染色体z transformation table z 变换表zeatin 玉米素zebra 斑马zebu 瘤牛zebu cattle 瘤牛zein 玉米蛋白zeolite 沸石zero pasture 青刈用草场zeropoint mutation 起点突变zigzag planting 锯齿形种植zinc 锌zinc borate fertilizer 硼酸锌肥料zinc fertilizer 锌肥zinc oxide fertilizer 氧化锌肥zinc phosphide 磷化锌zinc residue 锌残渣zinc sulphate 硫酸锌zinc superphosphate 锌过磷酸钙zineb 代森锌zoidiogamy 游动精zona pellucida 透螟zonal index 纬向指数zonal soil 地带性土壤zone 地带zoogamete 游动配子zoogeographic region 动物地理区zooglea 菌胶团zoogloea 菌胶团zoology 动物学zoonosis 人畜共患传染病zooparasite 寄生动物zoophyte 植虫zooplankton 浮游动物zoosporangium 游动孢子囊zoosporangium stem 游动孢子囊茎zoospore 游动孢子zootechnician 畜牧学家zootechnician to breeding 种畜技术员zootechnics 畜牧学zygomorphic flower 左右对称花zygosome 接合染色体zygosperm 接合孢子zygospore 接合孢子zygote 合子zygotic induction 接合子诱导zygotic selection 接合子选择zymase 酒化酶zymogen 酶原zymology 酶学zymotic 发酵的农业专业英语词汇(U-Z) 相关内容:。
