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九年级模拟考试 1




1. —What do you think of _______ filmWrestling, Dad ?

—Well. I've never seen _______ more interesting one. It's worth _______ again.

A. a, a, to watch

B. the, the, to be watched

C. the, a, watching

D. the, the, watching

2. — Is this photo taken at Qinhu Lake?

—Yes. You can see the open water in the _______ of the photo.

A. form

B. shape

C. background

D. size

3. Many people do not realize the importance of health __________ they have fallen ill.

A. since

B. after

C. while

D. until

4. The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation______in Beijing, ____May 14, 2017.

A. opened, in

B. opened, on

C. held, in

D. held, on

5. Tom told me that he needed a chair and that soon he found _________.

A. it

B. that

C. one

D. this

6. We should try to __________ all our waste paper.

A. recycle

B. protect

C. produce

D. reduce

7. Smelly tofu in Taizhou is ___________ snack _________ I have ever tasted.

A. a tasty, that

B. the tastiest, /

C. a tasteful, which

D. the tastiest, what

8. —__________ amazing the news sounds!

—Yes, we can hardly believe it.

A. How

B. What

C. How an

D. What an

9. —I don't know how to use the words.

—Here is a dictionary. You can _________ in it.

A. look them over

B. look them up

C. look at it

D. look for it

10. — Can children under the age of 12 ride electrical-bicycles in Taizhou?

— No, according to the law, they________.

A. may not

B. needn’t

C. mustn’t

D. shouldn’t

11. —I'm afraid the little girl can't deal with the problem ________ her own.

—Me too. _________, she is only 7 years old.

A. of, In general

B. on, Above all

C. on, After all

D. by, In all

12. The red blouse ___________ the boots.

A. goes well with

B. gets on well with

C. gets along with

D. goes on with

13. —The novel Gulliver’s Travels is very nice.

— So it is. Could you tell me __________?

A. how long I can borrow it

B. if I can keep it for another week

C. when should I return it

D. that I can borrow it

14. —Sandy, can I get you _________to drink?


A. something, You’re welcome.

B. anything, No problem.

C. something, I won’t mind a glass of milk.

D. anything, It doesn’t matter.

15. —All the people of Taizhou need to work together to make our city more beautiful.

—That’s it. __________.

A. Practice makes perfect

B. Many hands make light work

C. When in Rome, do as the Romans do

D. A friend in need is a friend indeed


Forty years has passed, but I haven't forgotten the excitement of those moments with Grandma in Bobbie's bushes. One day before Christmas, my elder sister Emma dropped the 16 , “There is no Father Christmas,”she laughed. “Even fools know that!”

I ran to Grandma because I knew she always told me the 17 . After I told her everything, she said, "No Father Christmas? Don't believe it. Now, 18 your coat, and let's go."

“Go? Go where?” I asked.

“Where”turned 19 to be the General Store. Grandma 20 me ten dollars. That was a lot in those days. “Take this money and buy something for 21 who need it. I'll wait for you in the car.”

The store seemed 22 , full of people doing their Christmas shopping. For a few moments I just stood there, holding the money, 23 what to buy and who to buy it for.

Suddenly I thought of Bobbie who sat behind me at school. I remembered he didn't have a 24 .

“Is this a Christmas present for someone?” the shopkeeper asked me kindly, as I 25 my ten dollars down.

“Yes,”I replied shyly. “It's ... for Bobbie.”The shopkeeper smiled at me and __26 me a Merry Christmas.

That evening, Grandma helped me put the coat in a Christmas gift paper bag and wrote, "To Bobbie, From Father Christmas" on it. Then she drove me to Bobbie's house and parked down the street from his house.

Grandma and I crept(蹑手蹑脚地走)and 27 in the bush. Then Grandma gave me a sign.

“All right, Father Christmas, get going.”

I took a deep breath, rushed to his front door, threw the present down, rang his doorbell and 28 back to the safety. Together we waited breathlessly in the darkness for the front door to open. Finally it 29 and there stood Bobbie.

That night, I realized Father Christmas was 30 and well, and we were on his team.

16. A. thunder B. bomb C. lightning D. power

17. A. cause B. reason C. truth D. story

18. A. put on B. put out C. put in D. put up

19. A. on B. down C. out D. off

20. A. lent B. took C. paid D. handed

21. A. everyone B. ones C. someone D. those

22.A. crowded

23.A. knowing B. quiet

B. wondering

C. new

C. wanting

D. bright

D. finding

24. A. hat B. schoolbag C. coat D. pen

25. A. wrote B. took C. turned D. laid

26. A. wished B. hoped C. wanted D. offered

27. A. sat B. stood C. hid D. lay

28. A. moved B. turned C. walked D. flew

29. A. did B. came C. appeared D. sounded

30. A. live B. lively C. life D. alive
