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Exercise One


1 .short _______ _______ 2.big _______ _______

3 .thin _______ _______ 4.funny _______ _______

5 .beautiful _______ _______ 6.expensive _______ _______

7 .good/well _______ _______ 8.many/much _______ _______

9 .little _______ _______ 10.bad/badly _______ _______

11 .far _______ _______

Exercise Two

1.My pencil is ________ than your pencil.

A .long B. longer C. longest D. the longest

2. When winter comes,the days get ______.

A. short and short

B. shorter and shorter

C. long and long

D. longer and longer

3.Mike is ________, but his brother Sam is much ________than him.

A. heavy; heavier

B. heavy; heaviest

C. heavier ; heaviest

D. heavier; the heaviest

4. __ Remember this , kids. ______careful you are, ______mistakes you will make.

__Yes , Miss Gao.

A. The more ; the fewer

B. The more ; the few

C. The more ; the less

D. The much ; the fewer

Exercise Three

1. Frank is my _______ friend of all the classmates.

A. good

B. better

C. best

D. more

2. Miss Li is one of ________ in our school.

A. a popular teacher

B. more popular teacher

C. most popular teacher

D. the most popular teachers

3. Guangzhou is the third ________ city in China.

A. large

B. larger

C. largest

D. more larger

Exercise Four

1.---I think English is as ______ as math.

----I agree with you.

A. more interesting

B. most interesting

C. the most interesting

D. interesting

2.She isn’t so______ at Chinese as you are.


B. good

C. better

D. best

3.---Mom ,could you buy me a dress like this?

---Certainly, we can buy _____one than this ,but ____this.

A.a better; better than

B. a worse ;as good as

C. a cheaper; as good as

D. a more important ;good as

4.Becky is ______ than any other girl in the class.

A. the tallest

B. tallest

C. taller

D. tall

Exercise Five

There are 36 students in our class. There are 20 boys and 16 girls. They all like art class. Mike is the _____boys in our class .Mark is ____of the tallest boys in our class .So Mark is much ____than Mike .Mike is funnier than ____other student. May likes music very much. She sings ____of the girls. She is as tall as Anna .She is not so ____as Mark. Barry studies hard .He wants to go to college .He is getting taller and____. Eric is thinner ____Bill .Grace is the second _____girl in our class . Her pencil is longer than _____.We all like our class .

( )1.A.short B . shorter C . shortest

( )2.A.one B . first C . two

( ) 3.A.taller B . tall C . tallest

( ) 4.A.all B . much C . any

( )5.A.well B . better C. best

()6.A.tall B . taller C . tallest

( ) 7.A.tall B. taller C . tallest

( ) 8.A.that B than C . then

( ) 9. A . serious B . much serious C . most serious

( ) 10.A.I B . me C . mine
