




九年级下册英语作业本答案北师大版Ⅱ、1、C 2、C 3、B 4、A 5、C Ⅲ、1、B 2、B 3、A 4、A 5、C Ⅳ、 1C6A 2A7D 3B8D 4C9A 5A10C Ⅴ、 1B9D 2D10A 3D11A 4A12C 5C13D 6B14B 7C15B 8C

Ⅵ、 1C9D 2C10B 3B11C 4A12F 5D13A 6C14B 7A15E 8D Ⅶ、1、shoulders 2、instructions 3、Lately 4、plastic 5、thirsty/hungry 6、disappeared 7、overslept 8、responsible 9、kings 10、President Ⅷ、One possible version: My junior high school life is coming to an end. In the past 3

years, we all experienced a lot. My parents always pushed me to take many after-school classes and didn’t allow me to have outdoor activities, especially this year. Besides, the life at school was also hard for me. It seemed we should spend all the time studying. I got really tired of it. Luckily, my teacher had a long talk with me.She agreed that I could have spare time and do something I like. She hoped I could make good use of time. Later, I had a communication with my parents and understood them. I’II study in a senior high school soon. I hope I can get along well with teachers and classmates and have a colorful school life.


2021九年级下册英语作业本答案浙教版 Unit3答案 Vocabulary A:1、c 2、a 3、c 4、b 5、a B:1、increase 2、proper 3、makes a difference 4、act as 5、recycled 6、in danger 7、role model 8、guess 9、habit 10、took action Grammar A:1、the same 2、different

3、different 4、the same B:1、the same, as 2、 different from 3、the same 4、the same as 5、the same 6、like 7、the same, as 8、different 9、the same, as Listening A:1、b 2、c 3、b 4、b 5、d 6、c B:(1) is native to (2) fastest growing (3) as short as (4) 40 metres (5) 100 feet

(6) in many ways (7) delicious to eat (8) it was believed Reading A:1、d 2、c 3、d 4、c 5、a 6、d B:1、b 2、c 3、b 4、a 5、b Writing A:1、Can you guess the result of this match? 2、She has mountains of homework to do tonight. 3、His words made a difference to my decision. 4、This car was destroyed in the accident. 5、Can you act as a secretary? B:1、She was late for the meeting because of the heavy snow. 2、These cleaning materials do no harm to the environment.


九年级上册英语作业本浙教版 【Unit1第一课答案】 Ⅰ、1、keep diaries in English 2、listen to English tapes 3、work with a group 4、ask the teacher for help 5、look-up new words in a dictionary 6、watch English videos 7、read the textbook aloud Ⅱ、1、working with a group 2、watching English videos 3、ask the teacher for help . 4、Listening to English tapes 5、read the textbook aloud 6、to look them up in a dictionary 7、kept diaries in English 【Unit1第二课答案】 Ⅰ、1、Memorizing 2、grammar 3、pronunciations

4、secret 5、discovered 6、repeat Ⅱ、watching English movies ,improved ,practiced ,never ,writing practice ,learning grammar ,taking Ⅲ、1 - 4 D A B C 【Unit1第三课答案】 Ⅰ、1、increase the reading speed 2、review from time to time 3、make mistakes in grammar 4、get much writing practice 5、spoken English 6、get the pronunciation right Ⅱ、understand ,if ,speak ,sentences ,helped ,good ,difficult ,notes ,Then ,learning Ⅲ、1、First of all ,it wasn't easy for him to understand the English teacher most of the time.He was also afraid to speak in class.And he had trouble making complete sentences. Another thing that he found very difficult was English grammar. 2、Doing lots of listening practice. 3、He took lots of grammar notes in every class and wrote his own original sentences using the grammar he was learning.


九年级 Unit14 Section A 3a. 1. It’s a poem. 2. Missing junior high school time. 3. I think the writer is a student who will graduate. 3b. rings fear pass understand cool ours 4a. 6 1 3 5 4 2 Section B 2b. 1. It’s a speech. 2. The principal of the school is probably the person who wrote it. 3. It is for the graduating students of the school. 2c. 1. They were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge. 2. They are now talented young adults who are full of hope for the future. 3. They should thank the important people in their lives—their parents, teachers and friends—because these are the people who have helped and supported them. 4. Life in senior high will be harder and they will have many difficult tasks ahead of them. 5. They should learn from their mistakes and never give up, choose wisely and be responsible for their own decisions and actions, and not


九年级英语配套作业本答案参考 【Unit 1】 Section A 一、1.improve 2.vocabulary 3.flashcards 4.pronunciation 5.aloud 6.grammar 二、1.watching 2.speaking 3.listening 4.to finish 5.seen 6.frustrating 7.excited 三、1.making flashcards 2.by making vocabulary lists 3.by practicing conversations with his friends 4.ask the teacher for help 5.by working with a group 四、1.How does; learn 2.Why not 3.five years ago 4.doesn't;ask 5.Has;had;yet 五、1.Sure/Certainly 2.how 3.asking 4.yes 5.practicing 6.How 7.long 8.skills 9. at 10.welcome Section B 一、1.pronounces 2.slowly 3.spoken 4.mistake 5.solution 6.impressed 7.challenges 二、1.slowly 2.to use 3.spoken 4.pronunciation 5.writing 6.worried 7.right 三、1.First of all https://www.360docs.net/doc/4410347592.html,ter on https://www.360docs.net/doc/4410347592.html,ugh at 4.take lots of grammar notes 5.couldn't pronounce 6.already sung 7.special suggestions 8.wactching;boring 四、1.don't;either 2.to study 3.spent;on 4.too;to 5.How does 五、1.best 2.by 3.watching 4.voices 5.keeping 6.studied 7.conversations 8.improves


英语下册作业本九年级答案 听力部分A,听对话,选答案. 听下面对话,回答第1题. M: What's the matter, Lucy Why did you call me W: Look at the washing machine! It's broken. I must get it repaired. Question: Why did the woman call the man 听下面对话,回答 第2题. M: It's so hot today. Let's go swimming, OK W: I prefer to go to the supermarket. It's cool there, too. Question: What does the woman want to do 听下面对话,回答 第3题. W: I have some difficulty in listening. Could you give me some advice M: You can listen to some English programs on the radio. It'll be really helpful! Question: What does the man suggest to the woman 听下面 对话,回答第4题. W: What about the concert M: I have never heard a better voice! You should have gone there. Question: What does the man think of the concert 听下面 对话,回答第5题. M: Mom, I think I'm well enough to go back to school now. W: No, dear. You'd better stay at home for another day or two. Question: What's the matter with the boy B,听对话,选答案. 听下面一段对话,回答第6 和第7两个小题. W: Good afternoon, Sir. M: Good afternoon. Is there a table for two W: Sure. This way, please. M: Oh, in fact we want a table the window. W:OK. We still have one over there. M: Thanks a lot! W:You're welcome. Questions: 6. What kind of table does the man want 7. Where does the conversation happen 听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10三个小题. W: Hi, Tim! Have you been here long M: I arrived here yesterday, on Sunday. W: But we don't need to be here until today. M: Yes, I know, but I wanted to get my things moved in first.


九年级课堂作业本下册英语答案 Unit 9 Section A 一: 1. prefer 2. dialogues 3. suppose 4. down 5. spare 6. smooth 7. war 8. director 二: 1. Australian 2. electronic 3. relaxing 4. songs 5. enjoyable 6. watching 7. dislike 8. Laughing 9. sadder 10. scary, scared 11. inexpensive 12. Salty 三: 1. has great lyrics 2. along with 3. dance to 4. may not be 5. different kinds of music 6. stick to, depending on 7. plenty of 8. shut off, in time 9. Once in a while/From time to time /Now and then 10. make, happy 11. don't mind 12. seem less serious 13. doesn't, anymore 四: 1. music that/which I love 2. that/who play different kinds 3. What kind of 4. that/which I lost 5. that/who looked after Section B 一: ACAA BCCC 二: 1. sensed 2. pain 3. reflected 4. performed 5. pity 6. masters 7. praised 8. wounded 9. comfortable 10. serious 三: 1. painful 2. beauty, sadness 3. musical 4. ability 5. popularity 6. interested, interesting 7. musicians 8. Scary 四: 1. looked up 2. in total/all 3. It is a pity 4. not only, but also 5. folk music 6. that/which was played on 7. musical instruments, such as 8. one of China's national treasures 9. during his lifetime 10. is famous/known for 11. grew worse 五: 1. who/that 2. which/that 3. which 4. whose 5. who/that/whom 6. That 七: CABCC AEDB 10. Yes, it is. 11. Four. 12. Because music is mathematical, with notes in order.


2020英语作业本九年级上答案参考 一、单项选择 1—5 AADAB 6---10BDABA 11---15BCBCC 16—20 AAADC 二、完型填空 21—25 CDBAB 26---30 CDDCC 三、阅读理解 31—35 DCBAC 36—40 CBBAC 41—45 BCADC 46—50 BDCDA 四、补全单词 1.waste 2.himself 3.aloud 4.duty 5.pronounce 6. memorize 7.regards 8.mistakes https://www.360docs.net/doc/4410347592.html,ed 10.death 11.patient 12.realized 13.dealth 14.soldier 15.airplane 五、用所给的动词适当形式填空 1. are having 2. haven’t skated 3.am flying 4.heard 5. was 6. to save 7.ran 8.did n’t feel 9.was sent 10. was saved I. DBACB BAABD AABDA CCBDA II.ADCAD CDBAA III. CABCD BCCBA ACABD CACDB IV. 1. license 2. pierced 3. instead 4. opportunity 5. achieve 6. medical 7. correct 8. concentrate 9. downstairs 10. importance

11. reply 12. knowledgeable 13. refuse 14. successfully 15. experience V. 1. to have 2. saw 3. Parking 4. is 5. doesn’t come 6. will put 7. have been 8. could catch 9. Come 10. must drive 1-5 BBCAD 6-10 BCBDB 11-15 DCDCC 16-20 DACDC 21-25 BCACD 26-30 CBBAA 31-35 CABAC 36-40 BDAAD 41-45CDDAC 46-50 CDDBD IV. 1. dropped 2. belong 3. catch 4. Whatever 5. reminds 6. neighbor 7.camera 8. dishonest 9. suited 10. increasing 11. director 12. escaped 13 oceans 14. heart 15. suggest V. 1. were sitting 2. was carrying 3. was 4. was smoking 5. not to see 6. Following 7. pulled 8. to sit 9. smiled 10. felt


2021九年级下册英语作业本答案 【导语】学习就像一个无望无际的海洋,那样宽广,那样伟大,我们就像一艘小船,在这迷茫的大海中,寻找着彼岸。本篇文章是xx为您整理的2021九年级下册英语作业本答案,供大家借鉴。 Unit10第一课答案 Ⅰ、1、is supposed to 2、are supposed to 3、are supposed to 4、am supposed to 5、are supposed to Ⅱ、1、the United States, Finland

2、the United States, Finland 3、Korea 4、the Philippines Ⅲ、1、red, are supposed to wear white or black 2、are supposed to wear white, are supposed to wear black Unit10第二课答案 Ⅰ、1、supposed 2、value 3、expected

4、impolite 5、relaxed 6、polite 7、passport 8、worth Ⅱ、1、B 2、A 3、D 4、C Ⅲ、1、Taxi drivers, waiters and porters who help carry bags. 2、After 9 p.m. 3、Because it’s very bad manners to eat with left hand.

4、入乡随俗。 Unit10第三课答案 Ⅰ、1、tum up 2、greet sb.in the wrong way 3、the welcome party 4、drop by 5、after all 6、get mad 7、make an effort


九年级英语新人教版教 材课后作业答案 TPMK standardization office【 TPMK5AB- TPMK08- TPMK2C- TPMK18】

九年级 Unit14 Section A 3a. 1. It’s a poem. 2. Missing junior high school time. 3. I think the writer is a student who will graduate. 3b. rings fear pass understand cool ours 4a. 6 1 3 5 4 2 Section B 2b. 1. It’s a speech. 2. The principal of the school is probably the person who wrote it. 3. It is for the graduating students of the school. 2c. 1. They were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge. 2. They are now talented young adults who are full of hope for the future.

3. They should thank the important people in their lives—their parents, teachers and friends—because these are the people who have helped and supported them. 4. Life in senior high will be harder and they will have many difficult tasks ahead of them. 5. They should learn from their mistakes and never give up, choose wisely and be responsible for their own decisions and actions, and not forget where they came from. 2d. 1. none 2. set out 3. are thirsty for 4. attend 5. be proud of 3b. The one person from my junior high school days that I will never forget is Mrs. Wang, my English teacher in Grade 7. When I first started Grade 7, I was shy and did not dare to speak to anyone. My English was not very good and I felt nervous when I had to


九年级课堂作业本英语答案参考 Unit 9 Section A 一: 1. prefer 2. dialogues 3. suppose 4. down 5. spare 6. smooth 7. war 8. director 二: 1. Australian 2. electronic 3. relaxing 4. songs 5. enjoyable 6. watching 7. dislike 8. Laughing 9. sadder 10. scary, scared 11. inexpensive 12. Salty 三: 1. has great lyrics 2. along with 3. dance to 4. may not be 5. different kinds of music 6. stick to, depending on 7. plenty of 8. shut off, in time 9. Once in a while/From time to time /Now and then 10. make, happy 11. don't mind 12. seem less serious 13. doesn't, anymore 四: 1. music that/which I love 2. that/who play different kinds 3. What kind of 4. that/which I lost 5. that/who looked after Section B 一: ACAA BCCC 二: 1. sensed 2. pain 3. reflected 4. performed 5. pity 6. masters 7. praised 8. wounded 9. comfortable 10. serious 三: 1. painful 2. beauty, sadness 3. musical 4. ability 5. popularity 6. interested, interesting 7. musicians 8. Scary 四: 1. looked up 2. in total/all 3. It is a pity 4. not only, but also 5. folk music 6. that/which was played on 7. musical instruments, such as 8. one of China's national treasures 9. during his lifetime 10. is famous/known for 11. grew worse 五: 1. who/that 2. which/that 3. which 4. whose 5. who/that/whom 6. That 七: CABCC AEDB 10. Yes, it is. 11. Four. 12. Because music is mathematical, with notes in order.


九年级下册英语作业本答案外研版2019 Module 1 Unit 1 1 I. By land:coach,bus,train,car,taxi,subway By sea:ferry,ship,boat By air:spacecraft,airplane 略 II. 1.because of 2.is full of 3.stay with 4.fly direct 5.as long as 6.succeeded in 7.take a tour III.1.Although the party was very noisy,we had quite a good time. 2.They didn’t go back by plane because it was very foggy. 3.You’d better close the windows so the polluted air won’t come into the room. 4.We went to the bus stop but the last bus had left. 5.You should get up earl y tomorrow,or you can’t catch the first train to Hangzhou. 2 I.1.welcome back 2.fly back 3.look forward to 4.at the end of this term 5.take a boat to 6.时差 7.游览城市 8.毕业生晚会9.回来工作 10.有一场大考 II.1.children 2.boys’ 3.girl student,women teachers 4.is 5.advice 6.twelve,twelfth III. 略 Unit 2 1 I. 1.Take care 2.stupid 3.surprised 4.ready 5.take off 6.got up,getting on II.1.背包旅行可能正适合你。 2.A 3.hot,popular,dangerous,world,adventure


九年级上外研版英语作业本答案 浙教版外研新标准九年级英语(上) 作业本 Module1 Unit 1 1I. 1.the Terracotta Army 2.Victoria Falls 3.the Three Gorges Dam 4.The Giant’s Causeway 5.The Great Wall II. 1.natural 2.eastern 3.ancient 4.modern https://www.360docs.net/doc/4410347592.html,lions of 6.Though III.discussion,man-made,more than,agree with,long, electricity,opinion,wide,loud,have seen\visited 2 I.1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C II.1.opinion,natural,more interesting 2.sure,am going https://www.360docs.net/doc/4410347592.html,rgest\hugest,have, seen4.long,high,wide5.produces electricity,millions of Unit 2

1I. 1.natural 2.ancient 3.beside 4.reply 5.huge6.stranger 7.silent 8.appear 9.remain 10.sign II.1.shone 2.fell away 3.silver 4.sky,nearly 5.greyIII.1.Thousands of people visit Hangzhou every year. 2.My brother is washing his car in the garden now. 3.I will send you an email tomorrow. 4.When I arrived home,my mother was cooking. 5.Amy has read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer several times. 2I. 1.appeared 2.natural 3.below 4.rises 5.ancientII.1.of,through,along\on 2.behind,on 3.by,for 4.On,of,of 5.At,of III.1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.A Background information:世界最高峰珠穆朗玛峰 Unit 3 I. 1.fall away 2.on (the)top of 3.look over 4.at the bottom of 5.go through 6.natural wonder(s)


英语作业本七年级上册参考答案2020活动一: 1. 单项选择。 (1) B (2) C (3) A (4) B (5) A 2. 补全对话。 (一) (1) are (2) fine (3) thanks (4) What's (5) It's (二) (6) nice (7) Is (8) This (9) Welcome (10) Thank 活动二: 1. 请选择下表中的单词完成对话,填在对话后的横线上。 (1) me

(2) pen (3) you (4) your (5) color 2. 完成句子,每空一词。 (1) What color is, white (2) What's, a computer game (3) the key, lost, found (4) Please call, at, morning (5) is, cousin, these, parents (6) What's (7) What is 3. 阅读理解 (1) T (2) F (3) T (4) F (5) F 活动三: 1. 句型转换。 (1) Are they, they are (2) What is this (3) Is he, he is (4) photo of (5) Thanks for the photo of your family.

2. 完成对话:在对话后面的句子中选出准确的答案填入空白处。 (1) C (2) E (3) A (4) B (5) D 活动四: 1. 选择题。 (1) D (2) A (3) B (4) A (5) A 2. 改错,把错误的选项写在前面的括号里,然后将其改正在后面的横线上。 (1) B 去掉are (2) C 改为at (3) B 改为playing (4) B 改为plays (5) B 改为buy 3. 用代词填空。 (1) your (2) your (3) My (4) my (5) Her (6) your (7) it (8) its


九年级英语作业布置的具体措施 初中英语新教材在重视听、说能力训练的同时,也加强了读、写能力的培养。恰当的作业可以促进学生对所学知识的巩固,久而久之,会促使学生养成良好的学习习惯,强化英语学习观念。初中英语课后作业布置得科学合理,会达到提高教学质量、取得理想的教学效果的目的。 一、英语作业的布置要符合学生的学情,切忌公式化 教师在选题时,只有将学生的水平层次与知识层次有机地结合起来,才能使练习具有较强的针对性。我们切忌公式化的单一型练习模式和大量盲目“引进”习题的做法。如设计巩固交际语言项目的练习,教师也要注意设计的情境性和艺术性,要重点练习学生运用语言的得体性、规范性。新课标尤其强调学生的主体作用,教师必须利用作业为学生提供全方位练习的平台,要注意多角度、多题型、多形式。 二、英语作业的布置要注重实效,切忌“一刀切” 教师在布置作业时要遵循“因材施教”这一教学原则,既要面向全体,又要兼顾个别差异,给不同层次的学生创造成功的机会,在设计作业时一定要注意分层,不要一刀切、一个要求,确保“优等生吃得精,中等生吃得好,后进生吃得饱”。对于英语学优生,我们可以给他们设计一定难度的题目,以提高和发展他们的能力为主;对于学困生,教师要俯首甘为孺子牛,耐心讲解,诚心引导,细心指导,要通过自己精心设计或选编的练习,让每个学生都能享受到成功的快乐。所以教师要充分尊重学生的经验,尊重学生的个性,重视学生个性的发展。 三、英语作业的布置,要注重课内外相结合,切忌“课外题海战” 作业不仅是单位时间内教学内容的延伸与补充,而且是对某一阶段内重点知识的巩固和教学效果的评价。英语作业按其类型可分为课内作业与课外作业。因此,教师应指导学生积极参与课堂教学,自主学习和合作探究,把课堂作为学习的主阵地,而不是进行大量的、毫无针对性的、机械性的练习。教师应把握好这一原则,做到选材有针对性且题量适中,不可把练习变成“题海”,更不能把布置大量的作业当成学生复习和把握知识的唯一途径。 四、英语作业的布置要注重计划性和可控性,切忌“拿来主义” 在作业的设计上一定要精心计划要针对本班级学生的英语实际水平,根据新课标学生应达到的水平要求来制定有班级特色又顾及学生个体差异的长远作业目标和短期作业目标。作业材料一定要“求质而不追量”。如九年级复习阶段的作业,教师应根据一定的目标去精心挑选,而不是随意地发试卷让学生做。 总之,作业是课堂教学的延伸和巩固,英语作业的内容应该是丰富多彩的,形式应该是多种多样的,能极大地调动学生的学习爱好,能引导学生关注生活,使学生在生活中应用科学知识形成综合能力,为学生的终身发展奠定坚实的基础。作为英语教师,在作业设计上要落实新课标精神,充分考虑到学生的学情,注重作业的实用性和趣味性,把课内外有机结合起来。这样,既提高了课堂教学的“精讲”,又提高了学生“精练”的水平,以此为学生提供和创设了一个“学有所用”、“学有所得”、“会学会用”的课后练兵“场景”。


九年级英语上册作业本答案浙教版2020 Unit 1 How do you study for a test? 1& 一.1.taking 2.by 3.vocabulary 4.flashcards 5.asking 6.list 7.with 二.1.How by asking 2.by listening to tapes 3.How learn collecting stamps 4.will by having 2& 一.1.running 2.get good grades 3.interviewed 4.How 5.What about 6.How often 二.236154 三.A need how for By listen way practicing B reading too What improve Have watched 3& 一.1. excited 2.memorize 3.specific 4. pronunciations 5.quickly 二.1. How did Lillian learn a lot about the Olympic Games? 2. How often does Eric watch Chinese-language TV? 3. How long have they been learning to play the violin?

4. How far is your home from the school? 5. Reading English magazines to learn 6. to learn by studying grammar 三. learn listening to tapes never watched quickly At all by writing studying grammar 4& 一.A stressed learning make memorize slowly reading by for helps B hard speaking suggestions join mistakes Problem should pronunciation might 二.E C A D B 5& 一.1. later on 2.was afraid to 3. to laugh at 4.Taking notes 5.realize 二.E A D B C


九年级下册英语作业本答案2021浙教版 (2021最新版) 作者:______ 编写日期:2021年__月__日 Unit 1答案基础夯实Ⅰ、1-5 DBFEAⅡ、 1. full of2. because of3. flight4. direct5. pilot6. at the end of7. as long as8. looking forward to能力提高Ⅲ、1-5. CCAAB6-10 BAAABⅣ、1. because of2. filled with3. flew to4. have fun5. or least oftenV、1-5. ABCDA6-10 BCDABⅥ、 1-5BCADD视野拓展Ⅶ、1. An egg.2. A mushroom.3. 、The horse′s shadow.Unit 2答案基础夯实Ⅰ、 1. take off2. surprised3. stupid4. Take care5. looking for6. officerⅡ、1. seat2. pocket3. stupid4. offered5. surprised6.

jacket能力提高Ⅲ、1. 1-5BCBBC6-10 DA AADⅣ、1. took a tour; coach2. have a look at3. had better4. had a good time5. Take careV、 1-5BDACA6-10 CDBCAⅥ、 1. Children. / For children. / It’s for children.2. Because they think being close to nature is good for children. /Because they think the survival activities are good for children.3. They usually watch TV and play computer games. /Watching TV and playing computer games. /What they do is to watch TV and play computer games. /What they do is watching TVand playing computer games.4. They don’t know what to do. /They feel uncomfortable ( terrible ). /Not comfortable. /Uncomfortable. /Terrible. / They don’ t feel com-fortable.5. They can learn some survival skills. / They can learn to stay calm in different times, keep safe and work in team.视野拓展Ⅷ、 1. Your age.2. Y.3. Grow old.Unit 3答案基础夯实Ⅰ、1-5 CACAD6-10 CACBCⅡ、1. successful2. succeeded3. surprising4. surprised5. Because of6. because7. at theend of8. by the end of9. took place10. hap-pened能力提高Ⅲ、1. flew direct; a little late2. as long as3.taken the wrong4. gets/got on; looks/looked for5. stupid I amⅣ、1-5 BABAB6-10 DACCDⅥ、1. Maybe we can sit in a car that can driveitself.2. Google.3. Yes, they have.4. Roberts make safer drivers than humans.5. Because it is expensive and costs about $ 100,000.视野拓展Ⅶ、
