【测控专业英语】Process Control System过程控制系统解析
过程控制系统概述杨峰电信学院06自动化3班学号:40604010321所谓过程控制(Process Control)是指根据工业生产过程的特点,采用测量仪表、执行机构和计算机等自动化工具,应用控制理论,设计工业生产过程控制系统,实现工业生产过程自动化。
一﹑过程控制的特点随着生产过程的连续化﹑大型化和不断强化, 随着对过程内在规律的进一步了解,以及仪表﹑计算机技术的不断发展, 生产过程控制技术近年来发展异常迅速.所谓生产过程自动化, 一般指工业生产中(如石油﹑化工﹑冶金﹑炼焦﹑造纸﹑建材﹑陶瓷及热力发电等)连续的或按一定程序周期进行的生产过程的自动控制.凡是采用模拟或数字控制方式对生产过程的某一或某些物理参数(如温度﹑压力﹑流量等)进行的自动控制统称为过程控制.生产过程的自动控制, 一般要求保持过程进行中的有关参数为一定值或按一定规律变化. 由于被控参数不但受内﹑外界各种条件的影响, 而且各参数之间也会相互影响, 这就给对某些参数进行自动控制增加了复杂性和困难性. 除此之外, 过程控制尚有如下一些特点:1. 被控对象的多样性.对生产过程进行有效的控制, 首先得认识被控对象的行为特征, 并用数学模型给以表征, 这叫对象特性的辨识. 由于被控对象多样性这一特点, 就给辨识对象特性带来一定的困难.2. 被控对象存在滞后.由于生产过程大多在比较庞大的设备内进行, 对象的储存能力大, 惯性也大. 在热工生产过程中, 内部介质的流动和热量转移都存在一定的阻力, 因此对象一般均存在滞后性. 由自动控制理论可知, 如系统中某一环节具有较大的滞后特性, 将对系统的稳定性和动态质量指标带来不利的影响, 增加控制的难度.3. 被控对象一般具有非线性特点.当被控对象具有的非线性特性较明显而不能忽略不计时, 系统为非线性系统, 必需用非线性理论来设计控制系统, 设计的难度较高. 如将具有明显的非线性特性的被控对象经线性化处理后近似成线性对象, 用线性理论来设计控制系统, 由于被控对象的动态特性有明显的差别, 难以达到理想的控制目的.4. 控制系统比较复杂.控制系统的复杂性表现之一是其运行现场具有较多的干扰因素. 基于生产安全上的考虑, 应使控制系统具有很高的可靠性.由于以上特点, 要完全通过理论计算进行系统设计与控制器的参数整定至今乃存在相当的困难, 一般是通过理论计算与现场调整的方法, 达到过程控制的目的.二﹑过程控制系统的组成过程控制系统的组成, 一般可用如下框图表示被控参数(变量)y(t ) ;控制(操纵)参数(变量)q(t) ;扰动量f(t) ;给定值r(t) ;当前值z(t); 偏差e(t) ;控制作用u(t)三、过程控制系统的分类按系统的结构特点来分反馈控制系统,前馈控制系统,复合控制系统(前馈-反馈控制系统)按给定值信号的特点来分定值控制系统,随动控制系统1.反馈控制系统偏差值是控制的依据,最后达到减小或消除偏差的目的。
过程控制系统PCS(Process Control System)的介绍及应用
新第10章 过程控制系统基本概念
在无人直接参与的情况下,利用 外加的设备或装置(控制装置),使 机器、设备或生产过程(控制对象) 的某个工作状态或参数(被控量)按 照预定的规律自动地运行。 控制器 执行器 水位测量 与变送 给定
10.1.1 过程控制系统
自动控制系统(Automatic Control Systems )
检测元件及变送器:检测 元件的功能是感受并测出 被控量的大小,变送器的 作用则是检测元件测出的 被控量变换成控制器所需 要的信号形式。
汽 包
省 煤 器
LC 液 位 控 制 器 给水
控制器:它将检测元件或变 送器送来的信号与被控变量 的设定值信号进行比较得出 偏差信号,根据这个偏差信 号的大小按一定的运算规律 计算控制信号u,然后将控制 信号传送给执行器。
执行器:其作用是接受控制器发出的控制信号u,直接改变操纵量q(例如电 流、重油、煤气等的量),即调整能量或物料的平衡,使被控量回复至设定 数值。
10.1.3 控制系统方框图 自动控制系统有两种表示方法:
方框图 工艺控制流程图(或称管道仪表流程图)
【需遵循 “GB/T 2625-1981 过程检测和控制流 程图用图形符号和文字代号” 或其它行业标 准】。
10.2.3 控制系统的品质指标
随着现代控制理论与计算机技术等学科的 发展,国内外控制界大力致力于过程控制 的研究和开发。如建模理论、在线辨识技 术、系统结构、控制方法等开始突破了传 统的PID控制方法,并取得成功的应用。
10.1.5 过程控制系统的发展概况
工业生产过程控制发展的几个阶段 1.局部自动化阶段(20世纪 50~60年代)
hover 盘旋
Human control 人工控制
Human dialogue 人对话,交互
Hydraulic tube 水力线
Hypothalamus 丘脑下部
Crank 曲柄
crossover point 交叉点
customizing computer 用户化计算机
Cutter 刀具,切割机,快艇
damper 阻尼闸
Data routing 数据路由
derivative mode 微分模型
Boolean programming method 布尔编程方法
bumpless ransfer 无扰动切换
Calibration curve 标定曲线
Calibration procedure 标定过程,检验方法
cascade control 串级控制
condense 精简
conductivity 传导性,传导率
Confirmation 证实,确认
conformance testing 相似测试,一致性测试
construction drawing 结构图 us 连续的
air to open 气开
Allowable bandwidth 允许的带宽
amplifier 放大器
Analog 模拟的
annunciate 告示,通知
area controller 装置控制器
area level 装置级
communicating equipment 通信设备
Communication 通信混合系统
《过程控制系统》 Process Control System
第四章 串级控制系统
但由于从控制阀到窑道烧成带滞后时间太大,如果燃料的压力 发生波动,尽管控制阀门开度没变,必将引起燃烧室温度的波动 ,再经过隔焰板的传热、辐射,引起烧成带温度的变化。因为只 有烧成带温度出现偏差时,才能发现干扰的存在,所以对于燃料 压力的干扰不能够及时发现。烧成带温度出现偏差后,控制器根 据偏差的性质立即改变控制阀的开度,改变燃料流量,对烧成带 温度加以调节。可是这个调节作用同样要经历燃烧室的燃烧、隔 焰板的传热以及烧成带温度的变化这个时间滞后很长的通道,当 调节过程起作用时,烧成带的温度已偏离设定值很远了。也就是 说,即使发现了偏差,也得不到及时调节,造成超调量增大,稳 定性下降。如果燃料压力干扰频繁出现,对于单回路控制系统, 不论控制器采用PID的什么控制作用,还是参数如何整定,都得不 到满意的控制效果。
《过程控制系统》 Process Control System
第四章 串级控制系统
《过程控制系统》 Process Control System
第四章 串级控制系统
这种控制系统对于上述的干扰有很强的抑制作用,不等到它 们影响烧成带温度,就被较早发现,及时进行控制,将它们对烧 成带温度的影响降低到最小限度。但是,我们也知道,还有直接 影响烧成带温度的干扰,例如窑道中装载制品的窑车速度、
重⼤⾃动化过程控制_process_control_中⽂_翻译_第⼀章Process Control Systems过程控制系统College of Automation,Chongqing University过程控制⾃动化重庆⼤学1Outline of the IntroductionW hat Is Process Control?DefinitionA few examples and forms⼀些例⼦和形式W hat Does It Do?Differences from automatic control theory⾃动控制理论的差异?W hat to be controlled?How Does It Do?如何实现Formulating the problem制定问题Control Equipment and Process Equipment控制设备和⼯艺设备?M odeling the process of the Problem建模过程的问题Introduction to Process Control Operator’s View of Process Control操作员的观点的过程控制A Day in aLife of a PlantOperatorDefinitionThe technology ofcontrolling a series of events to transform a material into a desired end product is called process control.控制技术的⼀系列事件把资料达到所希望的最终产品,被称为过程控制Short examples:M aking of fire for cooking rice (primitive and modern)The fly-ball governor for steam engine control (1774)短的例⼦:让⽕煮⽶饭(原始的和现代)州长的fly-ball蒸汽发动机控制(1774)Tendency of industrial process controlbeing computerized,being automatized , andbeing instrumented w ith smart sensors and M EM S⼯业过程控制的趋势在计算机化,在潜意识中⾃动使⽤,被装备智能传感器和微机电系统(M EM S)A Few Examples1.Flow Control in Oil refinery Plant:Do w e run around the plant to adjust the valves w hen required?流量控制,是炼油⼚植物:我们到处跑植物调节阀门在需要的时候吗?A Few Examples2. pH ControlManual⼿册AutomatedpH controlA Few Examples:3. Room temperature controlA Few Example4. Watt Centralfugal Speed Governor ⽡特Centralfugal调速器A Few Examples5. Level Control液位控制A Few Examples6. Cross Direction ProceControl⼗字⽅向过程控制Several hundred sensors andactuators,M illisecond operation,Controlling paper thickness tow ithin microns!⼏百传感器和执⾏器,微操作,控制纸张厚度和在微⽶!A Few Examples7. Discrete M anufacturing Processes 离散型制造过程A Few Examples8. Typical continuous processes典型的连续过程A Few Examples9. Typical non-continuous processesA Few Examples10. A Semi-Continuous Process半连续过程How large shouldthe tank volume be?油箱体积是多⼤呢?Sample-Plant: M ill W ide Process Control轧机⼴泛的过程控制Sample Softw are: Honeyw ell Intellimap样品软件:霍尼韦尔IntellimapW hat Is Process Control?Summary of the Examples- Forms总结的例⼦-形式Discrete M anufacturing, M otion, and Packaging离散型制造、运动、和包装Robotic Assembly Line in Automotive Production机械的汽车⽣产流⽔线M etal Stamping for the discrete pieces of product 五⾦冲压为离散件产品Continuous Production of Fuels, Chemicals连续⽣产的燃料、化学品Room Temperature Control室温控制Nucleus Chemical Reactor核化学反应器Batch Production of intermediate/end products批量⽣产中间/终端产品Adhesives and gluesFood, Beverages, andM edicineW hat Is Process Control?Tedency: Being Compueterized, Automatized, and Instrumented by smart sensors and M EM S计算机化,⾃动化,和动态化由智能传感器和微机电系统Sensors, local indicators,and valves in the process传感器、当地的指标,和阀门在这个过程中Valve openingdetermined by thesignal from computerDisplays of variables, calculations, commands to valves andhistorical data are in the centralized control center.显⽰变量的影响,计算,命令对阀门和历史数据是在中央控制中⼼Differences from Automatic Control Theory⾃动控制理论的差异?Using Control Theory as a ToolSolving the Real-W orld Problems forM aintaining controlled variables at the desired values保持控制变量在期望值M anufacturing products w ith consistent quality w hen raw material properties change⽣产质量稳定的产品,原料性质改变时?Responding dangerous situations w ith given time危险的情况下和给定的时间响应Being Specialized by transducer作为专业的传感器Smart sensorsM EM S 微机电系统。
(另有电力拖动控制方向,控制位移,加速度、角速度等 ——运动控制系统)
《过程控制系统》 Process Control System
第一章 绪论
对于过程控制系统进行设计,特别是复杂的过程 控制系统,需要用采用标准符号的仪表工艺图、 系统框图及文字等进行描述。
《过程控制系统》 Process Control System
第一章 绪论
被控变量(CV/y):系统中被控制的物理量即被控过程内要 求稳定的工艺参数,也是系统的输出变量
设定值(或给定值)(r):被控变量所要求的理想值,系统 的输入变量。(根据设定值不同分为定值和随动系统)
《过程控制系统》 Process Control System
第一章 绪论
1.2 过程控制系统的组成与特点
1.2.1 过程控制系统组成
在生产过程中有各种各样的控制系统,下图所示为几个简 单过程控制系统的示例。
《过程控制系统》 Process Control System
干扰量(f):除控制变量外,作用于被控过程并引起被控变 量变化的各种因素。多数扰动为阶跃扰动。
控制器输出(u):根据偏差值、经一定算法得到的输出值。 调节器输出亦称控制作用。
Process Control 过程控制
Lesson 4 Process Control1 Process-Control PrinciplesProcess Control is the active changing of the process based on the results of process monitoring. In process control, the basic objective is to regular the value of some quantity. To regulate means to maintain that quantity at some desired value regardless of external influences. The desired value is called the reference value or setpoint.Figure 5.9 shows the process to be used for this discussion. Liquid is flowing into a tank at some rate Qin and out of the tank at some rate Qout. The liquid in the tank has some height or level h. It is known that the flow rate out varies as the square root of the height, so the higher the level the faster the liquid flows out. If the output flow rate is not exactly equal to the input flow rate, the tank will either empty, if Qin > Qout, or overflow, if Qout < Qin.This process has a property called self-regulation. This means that for some input flow rate, the liquid height will rise until it reaches a height for which the output flow rate matches the input flow rate. A self-regulating system does nit provide regulation of a variable to any particular reference value. In this example the liquid level will adopt some value foe which input and output flow rates are the same and there it will stay. If the input flow rate changed, then the level would change also, so it is not regulated to a reference value.Suppose we want to maintain the level at some particular value H in Figure 5.9, regardless of the input flow rate, then something more than self-regulation is needed.Human-Aided ControlHuman-aided control shows a modification of the tank system to allow artificial regulation of the level by a human. To regulate the level so that in maintains the value H it will be necessary to employ a sensor to measure the level. This has been provided via a sight tube. The actual liquid level or height is called the controlled variable. In addition, a value has been added so the output flow rate can be changed by the human. The output flow rate is called the manipulated variable or controlling variable.Now the height can be regulated apart from the input flow rate using the following strategy: The person measures the height in the sight tube and compares the value to the setpoint. If the measured value is larger, the human opens the value a little to let the flow out increase, and thus the level lowers toward the setpoint. If the measured value is smaller than the setpoint, the person closes the value a little to decrease the flow out and allow the level to rise toward the setpoint.By a succession of incremental opening and closing of the value, the human can bring the level to the setpoint value H and maintain it there by continuous monitoring of the sight tube and adjustment of the value.Automatic ControlTo provide automatic control, the system is modified using machines, electronics, or computers to replace the operations of the human. An instrument called a sensor is added that is able to measure the value of the level and convert it into a proportional signal. The signal is provided as input to a machine, an electronic circuit, or a computer, called the controller. This performs the function of the human in evaluating the measurement and providing an output signal to change the value setting via an actuator connected to the valve by a mechanical linkage.2 Identification of ElementsThe elements of a process-control system are defined in terms of separate functional parts of the system.ProcessIn general, a process can consist of a complex assembly of phenomena that relate to some manufacturing sequence. Many variables may be involved in such a process, and it may be desirable to control all these variables at the same time. There are single-variable process, in which only one variable is to be controlled, as well as multivariable processes, in which many variables, perhaps interrelated, may require regulation.MeasurementClearly, to effect control of a variable in a process, we must have information on the variable itself. Such information is found by measuring the variable. In general, a measurement refers to the conversion of the variable into some corresponding analog of the variable, such as a pneumatic pressure, an electrical voltage, or a current. A sensor is a device that performs the initial measurement and energy conversion of a variable into analogous electrical or pneumatic information. Further transformation or signal conditioning may be required to complete the measurement function. The result of the measurement is a representation of the value in some forms required by the other elements in the process-control operation.ControllerThe next step in the process-control sequence is to examine the error and determine what action, if any, should be taken. This part of the control system has many names; however, controller is the most common. The evaluation may be performed by an operator, by electronic signal processing, by pneumatic signal processing, or by a computer. The controller requires an input of both a measured indication of the controlled variable and a representation of the reference value of the variable, expressed in the same terms as the measured value.Control ElementThe final element in the process-control operation is the device that exerts a direct influence on the process; that is, it provides those required changes in the controlled variable to bring it to the setpoint. This element accepts an input from the controller, which is then transformed into some proportional operation performed on the process.3 Process-Control Block DiagramTo provide a practical, working description of process control, it is useful to describe the elements and operations involved in more generic terms. Such a description should be independent of a particular application and thus be applicable to all control situations. A model may be constructed using blocks to represent each distinctive element. The characteristics of control operation then may be developed from a consideration of the properties and interfacing of these elements. Figure 5.10 shows a general block diagram. The controlled variable in the process is denoted by e in this diagram, and the measured representation of the controlled variable is labeled b. The controlled variable setpoint is labeled r, for reference.The error detector is a subtracting-summing point that outputs an error signal e=r-b to the controller for comparison and action.The purpose of a block diagram approach is to allow the process-control system to be analyzed as the interaction of smaller and simpler subsystems. If the characteristics of each element of the system can be determined, then the characteristics of the assembled system can be established by an analytical marriage of these subsystems. The historical development of the system approach in technology is dictated by this practical aspect: first, to specify the characteristics desired of a total system and, then, to delegate the development of subsystems thatprovide the overall criteria..4 Control System EvaluationA process-control systems is used to regulate the value of some process variable. When such a system is in use, it is natural to ask, “How well is it working?” This is not an easy question to answer, because it is possible to adjust a control system to provide different kinds of response to errors. This section discusses some methods for evaluating how well the system is working.The variable used to measure the performance of the control system is the error, which is the difference between the constant setpoint or reference value r and the controlled variable c(t).Since the value of the controlled variable may vary in time, so may the error.In principle, the objective of a control system is to make the error exactly zero, but the control system responds only to errors. Conversely, if the error were zero and stayed zero, the control system would be doing nothing and would not be needed in the first place. Therefore, this objective can never be perfectly achieved, and there will always be some errors. The question of evaluation becomes one of how large the error is and how it varies in time.The purpose of the control system is to regulate the value of some variables. This requires that action be taken on the purpose itself in response to a measurement of the variable. If this is not done correctly, the control system can cause the process to become unstable. In fact, the more tightly we try to control the variable, the greater the possibility of an instability.The first objective, then, simply means that the control system must be designed and adjusted so the system is stable. Typically, as the control system is adjusted to give better control, the likelihood of instability also increases.。
《过程控制系统》课程实验教学大纲课程名称:过程控制系统英文名称:Process Control System课程类型:专业必修课课程属性:课内实验总学时:64 总学分:4 实验学时:8适用专业:过程装备与控制工程一、实验教学目标与基本要求通过该课程的学习,使学生掌握工业过程控制系统和仪表的工作原理和一般的设计、整定、使用方法。
四、实验主要仪器设备浙大中控SUPCON JX-300X集散控制系统、EFAT/P-Ⅱ型过程控制综合实验装置五、实验项目的设置与内容提要六、实验报告要求每次实验提交实验报告。
七、考核方式与成绩评定标准实验成绩:预习 10%、考勤15%、操作规程 15%、结果验收 20%、报告 40%。
下篇 过程计算机控制
第10章 计算机控制系统概述 第11章 直接数字控制系统 第12章 集散控制系统 第13章 现场总线控制系统 第14章 计算机控制系统的工程设计
掌握过程控制和计算机控制系统的基础知识; 初步具备根据工业过程被控对象特点正确选用变 送器、执行器、过程通道的能力;具备正确选择 控制方案、设计控制系统的能力;理解工业过程 计算机控制系统的实现和整定方法,初步具备设 计计算机控制系统的能力。
第1章 过程控制概述
1.1 过程控制发展概况
显示 计 输出接口 执行器 打印 算 机 输入接口 测量变送 报警
SCC 计 算 机 给定 测量 DDC╱调节器 控制 生 产 过 程
生 产 过 程
第1章 过程控制概述
1.1 过程控制发展概况
3.基于网络的全盘自动化阶段(20世纪70年代中期——) 过程控制发展的高级阶段。主要特点: (1)开始采用智能单元组合仪表; (2)成份在线检测与数据处理技术的应用日益广泛; (3)模拟调节仪表的品种不断增加,可靠性不断提高; (4)电动仪表实现了本质安全防爆; (5)过程控制由单一的仪表控制发展到计算机/仪表 分布式控制,如DCS、FCS; (6)过程辨识、最优控制、最优估计以及多变量解耦 控制等获得广泛应用。
第1章 过程控制概述
1.1 过程控制发展概况
第1章 过程控制概述
1.1 过程控制发展概况
主要特点: (1)大量采用单元组合式仪表(气动、电动)或 组装式仪表; (2)相继出现各种高性能或特殊要求的控制系统; (3)计算机开始应用于过程控制领域,出现了直接 数字控制DDC和监督控制SCC; (4)理论基础:基于状态空间法的现代控制理论; (5)控制系统由单变量发展到多变量。
2 Measuring Transmitter
2– A resistance element converts temperature into a
resistance value, and the resistance transducer converts the resistance value into an electric current signal. – Other primary elements are handled in a similar manner.
Main content
Measuring Transmitter Controller Manipulating Element
3 4 5
Process Control
1 Process
– The process block in Fig. 7.1 represents everything performed in and by the equipment in which a variable is controlled. – The process includes everything that affects the controlled or process variable except the controller and the final control element.
过程控制系统Process Control System天津大学电气与自动化工程学院董峰通过这章的学习,我们可以得到以下收获:通过这章的学习,我们可以得到以下收获:z 什么情况下采用前馈增强控制系统性能?z 利用五个规则设计前馈控制系统;z 前馈控制系统设计和应用。
5.1 示例热交换搅拌罐如何控制?扰动=进料的温应用串级控制?度控制性能不能接受。
为了获得期望的控制性能,用方框图方法描述控制器G ff(s)的模型形式。
如何测量CV?A()()()()()()[]()00=+==+=s D s G s G s G s CV s CV s CV m p ff d B A()()()()()s G s G s D s MV s G p d m ff −==不是PID !为什么?这只是一般形式!??()()()s g d ff m ff ff es T s T K s D s MV s G θ−++==1111G d (s)和G p (s)的特殊条件是:一阶纯滞后请验证。
()sg d ffff ff e s T s T K s G θ−++=1111超前——滞后:FF 控制器增益:控制器纯滞后(死区)时间:超前时间:滞后时间:()()1111++=s T s T g d p d ff K K K −==0≥−==p d ff θθθp d T τ==1dg T τ==1如何得到这些参数的值?()sg d ff ff ff es T s T K s G θ−++=1111()()()()1lg lg 1lglg 1111−Γ−Γ−−⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛+ΔΔ−⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛+Δ+Δ++ΔΔ=N m ld ff N m ld ff N ff Nff D t T t T K D t T t T K MV t T t T MV ()()()()11−Γ−Γ−−++=N m N m N ff Nff D c D b MV a MV前馈控制器的超前——滞后环节的典型响应。
P4UIA A Process Control System
第四部分第一单元课文A 第四部分第一单元课文
过程流 T i(t), °C q(t), m 3/s T
加热后的过程 流 T (t), °C
图 4-1A-1 热交换器
P4UIA A Process Control System
Sensors and Transmitters
第四部分第二单元课文A 第四部分第二单元课文
4. 难句翻译
[1] The value does not have to be zero in order to be called the zero of the instrument. 仪表的零点并不一定就是零。 [2] gpm = gallons per minute 每分钟加仑数。 [3] This expression shows that the gain is not constant but rather a function of flow. 此表达式说明增益不是常量,而是一个时间的函数。 not…but rather… 不是……而是……
ensuing adj. 相继的 variable adj. 变化的,可变的;n. 变量
P4UIA A Process Control System
第四部分第一单元课文A 第四部分第一单元课文
latent heat 潜伏热 deviation n. 偏差 throttle v. 调节(阀门) thermocouple n. 热电偶 transmitter n. 热敏电阻 conveyor n. 传送带,传送机
【测控专业英语】Process Control System过程控制系统解析
3 Controller
5 – The derivative mode (D) produces a control action
that is proportional to the rate at which the error is changing.
– 微分模式产生一个正比于偏差变化率的控制动作。
Main content
Measuring Transmitter Controller Manipulating Element
3 4 5
Process Control
1 Process
– The process block in Fig. 7.1 represents everything performed in and by the equipment in which a variable is controlled. – The process includes everything that affects the controlled or process variable except the controller and the final control element.
3 Controller
4 – In fact, the rate that the correction increases is
proportional to the error signal. – 事实上,修正的速度是正比于偏差信号的。 – Mathematically, the integral control action is accomplished by forming the integral of the error signal. – 数学上,积分控制动作即是对偏差信号求取积分。
What Is Process Control?
A Few Examples
7. Discrete Manufacturing Processes 离散型制造过程
What Is Process Control?
A Few Examples
8. Typical continuous processes典型的连续过程
What Does It Do?
Differences from automatic control theory自动控制理论的差异 What to be controlled?
How Does It Do?如何实现
Formulating the problem制定问题 Control Equipment and Process Equipment控制设备和工艺设备 Modeling the process of the Problem建模过程的问题
4. Watt Centralfugal Speed Governor 瓦特Centralfugal调速器
What Is Process Control?
A Few Examples
5. Level Control液位控制
What Is Process Control?
A Few Examples
Process Control Systems 过程控制系统
College of Automation, Chongqing University
过程控制自动化 重庆大学
Outline of the Introduction
What Is Process Control?
Definition A few examples and forms一些例子和形式
Process Control System & Instrumentation
第 二 节
过程特性对控制品质的 影响
Process Control System & Instrumentation
在数值上等于过程处于稳定状态时输出变 化量与输入变化量之比,是描述过程静态 特性的参数。 放大系数愈大,表示控制作用愈灵敏。但 放大系数太大,会使控制作用对被控变量 的影响过强,使系统的稳定性下降。选择 被控过程的放大系数可适当大一些,但可 由控制器的放大系数来补偿。 扰动通道的静态放大系统Kf 太大,对控制 不利。
Process Control System & Instrumentation
数学模型的时间常数 T
时间常数 T 是被控过程中的一个重要动态 参数。 时间常数 T 一般是因为物料或能量的传递 受到一定的阻力而引起的反映被控变量变 化快慢。 当被控过程受到阶跃输入作用后,被控变 量如果保持初始速度变化,达到新的稳态 值所需的时间。 当被控过程受到阶跃输入作用后,被控变 量达到新稳态值的 63.2% 所需时间。
干扰作用至被控变量的信号通道可称为干 扰通道。 过程的数学模型可分为稳态数学模型和动 态数学模型。稳态数学模型描述过程在稳 态时,其输入量和输出量之间的关系,而 动态数学模型描述过程在输入量改变后输 出量的变化情况,过程的稳态是过程的动 态结束达到平衡时的状态。 过程的数学模型按功能可以分为参量模型 和非参量模型。
被控过程多种多样,如化学反应器、精馏 塔、锅炉、液体储罐、加热器、压力容器 等等形形色色的生产设备。 被控过程是过程控制系统四大基本组成部 分中的一部分,占有较重要的地位。 被控过程可用数学模型描述其控制特性。 被控过程的数学模型是指被控过程在输入 (控制量或扰动量)作用下,其输出(被 控量)随输入变化的定量数学函数关系表 达式,常用传递函数表示。
Short examples:
Making of fire for cooking rice (primitive and modern)The fly-ball governor for steam engine control (1774)短的例子:让火煮米饭(原始的和现 代)州长的fly-ball蒸汽发动机控制(1774) Tendency of industrial process control
6. Cross Direction ProceControl十字方向过程控制
•Several hundred sensors and actuators,
•Millisecond operation, •Controlling paper thickness to
within microns!几百传感器和执行器,
What Is Process Control?
Summary of the Examples- Forms总结的例子-形式
Discrete Manufacturing, Motion, and Packaging离散型制造、运动、和包装
Robotic Assembly Line in Automotive Production机械的汽车生产流水线 Metal Stamping for the discrete pieces of product 五金冲压为离散件产品
Displays of variables, calculations, commands to valves and
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2 Measuring Transmitter
2– The signal transducer receives the output of the
primary element and produces and electric current signal. – 信号变送器接收主要(敏感)元件的输出,并产 生一个电流信号。 – For example, a thermocouple converts temperature into a millivolt signal, and the thermocouple transducer converts the millivolt signal into a electric current in the range 4 to 20 mA. – 例如一个热电偶将温度转换为一个毫伏信号,同 时,热电偶变送器将毫伏信号转换为 4-20毫安的 电流信号。
– signal transducer 信号变送器 – temperature/flow/pressure transmitter 温度/流量/ 压力传感器 – proportional/integral/derivative mode 比例/积分/微 分模式 – microcontroller 微控制器 – switch 开关
– 一个电阻元件将温度转换为阻值,然后,电阻变 送器将阻值转换为电流信号。其他主要元件也是 以类似的方式工作。
3 Controller
1– The controller includes the error detector and a unit
that implements the control modes. – The error detector computes the difference between the measured value of the controlled variable and the desired value (or setpoint).
Words and Expressions
– manual control 手动控制
– local/remote setting 本地/远程设置 – on-off control 开关控制 – cascade control 串级控制 – bumpless transfer 无扰动切换
– adaptive gain 适应性增益 – pattern recognition 模式识别
Main content
Measuring Transmitter Controller Manipulating Element
3 4 5
Process Control
1 Process
– The process block in Fig. 7.1 represents everything performed in and by the equipment in which a variable is controlled. – The process includes everything that affects the controlled or process variable except the controller and the final control element.
Chapter 2 Introduction to Control System
Unit 7
Process Control System
Words and Expressions
– final trol element 最终控制单元
– sensing element 检测元件、敏感元件
– 图7.1中过程框图表达了其中的每一个环节和控 制变量的设备。过程包括影响被控量和过程量 的每件事,除了控制器和最终控制单元。
2 Measuring Transmitter
1– The measuring transmitter or sensor senses the
value of the controlled variable and converts it into a usable signal. – 测量传感器可以感知被控量的值,并将其转换为 可用信号。 – Although the measuring transmitter is considered as one block, it usually consists of a primary sensing element and a signal transducer (or signal converter). – 虽然,测量变送器作为一个框图环节来考虑,但 它通常是由主要的敏感元件和一个信号变送器 (或信号变换器)组成。
2 Measuring Transmitter
2– A resistance element converts temperature into a
resistance value, and the resistance transducer converts the resistance value into an electric current signal. – Other primary elements are handled in a similar manner.
2 Measuring Transmitter
1 – The term measuring transmitter is a general term to
cover all types of signals. – 术语测量传感器是一个适合所有类型信号的通 用名称。 – In specific cases, the word measuring is replaced by the name of the measured signal (e.g. temperature transmitter, flow transmitter, pressure transmitter, etc. ). – 在特殊情况下,测量一词用被测信号的名称所 替代。(例如,温度传感器,流量传感器,压 力传感器等等) 。