
答案附在文后***大学***学院汉语言文学专业 外国文学1(双语)试卷A 答卷说明:1、本试卷共6页,5个大题,满分100分,120分钟完卷。
) ( ) 1. The Epics of Homer is about ———. A. Olympics B. Mycenaean War C. Trojan War D. Persia-Greece war ( ) 2. ——— is called by Plato “The tenth Muse”. A. Homer B. Anacreon C. Sappho D. Dante ( ) 3. The Greek Drama comes from the festival of ———. A. Zeus B. Athena C. Muse D. Dionysus ( ) 4. The greatest orator of the ancient Rome is ———. A. Cicero B. Virgil C. Augustus D. Pomepy( ) 5. Aeneid was written by ———.__________________学院__________级___________班姓名_______________学号_______________………………………………(密)………………………………(封)………………………………(线)……………………………… 密封线内答题无效A. HomerB. VirgilC. SapphoD. Lucan( ) 6. The Crusade was a war between ———.A. Christians and MuslimsB. England and FranceC. Romans and Germans C. Rome and Cathage( ) 7. The heroine of The Merchant of Venice is ———.A.JulietB. GertrudeC. PortiaD. Ophelia( ) 8. Paradise Regained was written by ———.A. J.B. Racine B. J. BunyanC. J. DonneD. J. Milton( ) 9. The title of V oltaire’s famous philosophical novel is ———.A.Rameau's Nephew B.Persian LettersC.the New Eloise D.Candide()10. Among these works _____ is written by Melville.A. Moby DickB. V anity FairC. The Portrait of a LadyD. The New Eloise二、多项选择题:(本大题共6小题,每小题3分,共18分,多选、少选均不得分。

11.They were heartbroken when they learned the news that their child was ________.
A. abnormal B. uncommon C. eccentric D. informal
18. The region of atmospheric pressure that is below ________ is not good for people’s health.
A. average B. ordinary C. regular D. normal
19. We’ll make experiments at selected points to ________ experience.
B. He gets up early, which is always his habit.
C. He is from the south, which we can see from his accent.
D. John was admitted into the college, which we had expected.
28. The highest and best form of efficiency is the ________ cooperation of a free people.
A. simultaneous B. contemporary C. concurrence D. spontaneous
A. little two other B. two little other C. two other little D. little other two

英语语言学试卷精粹及答案(10套题)(总31页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--有答案的第一部分选择题41、Explain how the inventory of sounds can change, giving some examples inEnglish for illustration.42、Briefly discuss the individual factors which affect the acquisition of a second language.英语语言学试题(2)五、论述题(每小题10分,共20分)each of the following sentences in two different ways to show the syntactic rules account for the ambiguity of sentences.(1)The shooting of the hunters might be terrible.(2)He saw young men and women present.(3)They were surprised at the president's appointment.the meaning of the following affixes and give each affix two examples. re- un- anti- super- -wise -itis -ize -age英语语言学试题(3)Ⅴ.Answer the following questions.(10%×2=20%)with examples the three notions of phone, phoneme and allophone, and also how they are related.英语语言学试题(5)五、论述题(第41、42小题各7分,第43小题6分,共20分)41. Under what conditions will two sounds be assigned to the same phoneme42. For the following sentence, draw a tree diagram to reveal its underlying structure.The girl ate the orange.43. Study the passage taken from Shakespeare’s HAMLET below carefully and identify every difference in expression between Elizabethan and Modern English that is evident.King: Where is PoloniusHamlet: In heaven, Send thither to see.If your messenger find him not there,seek him i’ the other place yourself.But indeed, if you find him not withinthis month, you shall nose him as yougo up the stairs into the lobby.Act IV, Scene iii英语语言学试题(6)41. The phonological features that occur above the level of individual sounds are called suprasegmental features. Discuss the main suprasegmental features, illustrating with examples how they function in the distinction of meaning.42. Explain and give examples to show in what way componential analysis is similar to the analysis of phonemes into distinctive features.英语语言学试题(7)五、论述题(每小题10分,共20分)1. Comment on the following conversation in terms of Grice’s Cooperative Principle:A: Where’ve you been?B: Out.2. Analyse the following words and show how many morphemes each of them contains:specialize , indisputable, individualistic, downfall, unexceptionableness, ungentlemanliness(每个语素0. 5分)英语语言学试题(8)语言学试题)do we say tree diagrams are more advantageous and informative than linear structure in analyzing the constituent relationship among linguistic elements Support your statement with examples.the process of language perception, comprehension and production英语语言学试题(9)语言学试题及参考答案41. Explain sociological triggers for language change by giving a typical example in the history of English. 42. Explain briefly the four main individual learner factors that affect a learner's acquisition of a second language.语言学试题参考答案一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)二、1、C 2、C 3、D 4、D 5、D三、6、B 7、B 8、C 9、A 10、D四、五、二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)六、七、11、knowledge八、12、bilabial九、13、morphology十、14、sentence十一、15、complete十二、16、representatives十三、17、coinage十四、18、delete十五、19、critical十六、20、interlanguage十七、十八、三、判断改错题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)十九、二十、21、F二十一、Actually modern linguistics lays more emphasis on the spoken form of language than the written form fora number of reasons.二十二、二十三、22、F二十四、Voicing distinguishes meaning in English but not in Chinese.二十五、二十六、23、F二十七、The meaning of some compound words has nothing to do with the sum total of the meanings of their components, such as the compound "redcoat".二十八、二十九、24、F三十、Apart from S and C, they also refer to a word, or a phrase that performs a particular grammatical function. 三十一、三十二、25、F三十三、Dialectal synonyms can often be found not only in different regional dialects such as British English and American English but also within the variety itself. Forexample, within British English, "girl" is called "lassie" in Scottish dialect, and "liquor" is called "whishey" in Irish dialect.三十四、三十五、26、T三十六、三十七、27、T三十八、三十九、28、F四十、They have a fairly clear fairly clear functional differentiation, . one language may be used in somedomains, other language in other domains.四十一、四十二、29、F四十三、The true statement is "According to the strong version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, languagedetermines speakers' perceptions and patterns their way of life"四十四、四十五、30、T四十六、四十七、四、名词解释题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)四十八、四十九、31、One of the major defining features of human language. Human language consists of two levels. At the lower level, there are a limited number of sounds which are meaningless while at the higher level there are anunlimited number of combinations of these sounds. It is also known as double articulation.五十、五十一、32、Linguistics that studies language over a period of time, also known as historical linguistics, study of the Chinese language since the end of the Qingdynasty up to the present.五十二、五十三、33、A way to transcribe speech sounds. The basic principle is to use one letter to indicate one sound. It is generally used in dictionaries and language teachingtextbooks.五十四、五十五、34、The rules that govern which affix can be added to what type of stem to form a new word, can be added to a noun to form an adjective.五十六、五十七、35、a rewrite rule that allows for the possible combinations of words to form phrases and sentences五十八、五十九、36、Relational opposites, a kind of antonyms, refer to pairs of words that exhibit the reversal of arelationship between the two items. For example,"husband" and "wife", "father" and "son" etc.六十、六十一、37、Componential analysis is a way proposed by the structural semanticists to analyze word meaning. The approach is based upon the belief that the meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components, called semantic features. For example, the word "man" isanalyzed as comprising of+HUMAN,+ADULT,+ANIMATE,+MALE.六十二、六十三、38、Context is regarded as constituted by all kinds of knowledge assumed to be shared by the speakerand the hearer, For example, the knowledge of thelanguage used and the knowledge of the world, including the general knowledge about the world and the specific knowledge about the situation in which linguisticcommunication is taking place.六十四、六十五、39、A euphemism is a mild, indirect or less offensive word or expression that replaces a taboo word or serves to avoid more direct wording that might beharsh, unpleasantly direct, or offensive, . "pass away" for "die".六十六、六十七、40、Brain lateralization refers to the localization of cognitive and perceptual functions in a particularhemisphere of the brain. For example, the righthemisphere processes stimuli more holistically and the left hemisphere more analytically. In most people, the left hemisphere has primary responsibility for language, while the right hemisphere controls visual and spatial skills.六十八、六十九、五、论述题(本大题共2小题,每小题10分,共20分)七十、七十一、41、The inventory of sounds can change, and sound changes include changes in vowel sounds, sound loss, sound addition, and sound movement.七十二、1) Vowel sound change: English has undergone the systematic and regular change in the vowel sounds, known as the Great Vowel shift which occurred at the end of the Middle English period and which involved sevenlong, or tense vowels. These changes led to one of themajor discrepancies between the phonemicrepresentations of words and morphemes, . betweenpronunciation and the spelling system of Modern English, /fi:v/(Middle English)→ /faiv/(Modern English)七十三、2) Sound loss: Sounds can change by the loss of phonemes. In the history of English the velar fricative /x/ was lost. This sound existed in Old English, so "night" was pronounced as /nixt/, but in Modern English, itspronunciation is /nait/.七十四、3) Sound addition: Sound addition includes the gain or insertion of a sound. For example, the wordleisure was borrowed from French, so the phoneme /3/ was added to the inventory of English sounds. A changethat involves the insertion of a consonant or vowel sound to the middle of a word is known as epenthesis,七十五、4) Sound movement: Sound change as a result of sound movement known as metathesis involves a reversal in position of two adjoining sound segments. Metathesis is less common, but it does exist. In some dialects ofEnglish, for example, the word ask is pronounced /七十六、 ks/. Also, bridd ("bird") is an Old English word.When metathesis occurred to this word, the movement of /r/ sound to the right of the vowel sound resulted in its Modern English counterpart "bird".七十七、评分标准:满分为10分,总论及四小点各占2分。

国际关系学院英语语言文学专业2003年硕士研究生入学考试试题英语语言文学专业综合本科目考试时间为3小时,总分150分考生一律在答题纸上作答,在试题纸或草稿纸上答题无效考试结束后,试题,答题纸,草稿纸不得带出考场,违者按违反考试纪律处理Ⅰ. Translate the following into Chinese. (40 points)ⅡTranslate the following into English (40 points)大自然一直是生活在它怀抱里的人类歌吟的对象。
(1)Thou are more lovely and more temperate:Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And summer’s lease hath all too short a date;By chance or nature’s changing course untrimm’d;But thy eternal summer shall not fadeNor shall Death brag thou wand’rest in his shade,So long as men can breath or eyes can see,So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.(2)Books and Man参考答案国际关系学院英语语言文学专业2003年硕士研究生入学考试试题英语语言文学专业综合本科目考试时间为3小时,总分150分考生一律在答题纸上作答,在试题纸或草稿纸上答题无效考试结束后,试题,答题纸,草稿纸不得带出考场,违者按违反考试纪律处理Ⅰ. Translate the following into Chinese. (40 points)参考译文ⅡTranslate the following into English (40 points)大自然一直是生活在它怀抱里的人类歌吟的对象。

国际关系学院英语语言文学专业2005年硕士研究生入学考试试题英语语言文学专业综合(以下内容重要,考生须在答题前认真阅读)本科目考试时间为3小时,总分150分考生必须在答题纸上作答,作答时须按试题顺序标清题号或写清题目,在试题纸,草稿纸上作答的一律无效考试结束后,经监考人员清点试卷无误后,考生方可离开考场,试题,答题纸,草稿纸一律不得带出考场Ⅰ.Translate the following into Chinese (40 points)It is difficult to imagine a greater contrast in ambassadorial posts than manila and Moscow. The cities themselves were so different. About the only thing they had in common was that both names began with “M”. In the Philippines, society was disorganized and free. There was prac tically no governmental control of anything. In Moscow, everything was organized and contrived. Manila was a city of brilliant color, with blue seas, fleecy white clouds, and waving palm trees marred by the shocking contrast between wealth and poverty. Moscow was gray and cold, homogenized and depressing. In Russia, however, you felt a sense of power that was lacking in the Philippines.There was a sharp difference between the people, too. The Filipinos were charming, friendly, warmhearted, and outgoing, whereas the Russians were reserved and suspicious. The average Filipino looked on the United States with respect and affection. In large measure, this sentiment was due to the hundreds of American teachers who set up schools in virtually every barrio in the country at the beginning of the century. the American military campaign that drove out the Japanese in World War Ⅱand the subsequent granting of independence to the islands certainly contributed to the Filipinos’ affection for the united states. So great was this affection, which bordered on loyalty to the united states, that it was a matter of concern to some of the younger politicians in manila. To offset what they regarded as excessive dependency, emotionally anyway, on the United States, they built little fires of anti-American sentiment. Some politicians in personal conversation with Americans admitted that they indulged in anti-American attacks to enhance their political fortunes.Ⅱ.Translate the following into English (40points)人人希望幸福, 但是,什么是幸福?如果经过一番深思,那么答案并不简单.古往今来没有人能拥有永远的,完美的幸福.这是人性的本质所决定的.幸福必须付出一定代价,起码在付出代价的时候必有艰难痛苦.人生虽有快乐,但更多的是不如意.人间如果人人幸福,事事美满,那么一切的追求和努力都会停止.所以,“幸福”使人生有享受与安慰,“不幸福”则促使人生不断努力追求,因而提升了个人的价值.人生不会有永久绝对的幸福.才华横溢,少年得志的英国文豪王尔德后半生非常痛苦。

Part One I.
European and American Cultures (50 points)
Explain any THREE out of the following five terms IN ABOUT 50 WORDS each: (15 points) William the Conqueror Homer The War of Roses Martin Luther The melting pot
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
II. Fill in the blanks in the following to complete the idea: (10 points) 1. The full name of the United Kingdom is _____________________ . 2. Thanksgiving Day falls on _______, on which Americans give thanks for _ _____; the _. executive
5. The Bible is a collection of religious writings comprising two parts: the __________________ and the__________________. 6. The word “Renaissance” means _______________, it generally refers to the period in
本题共 5 页,此页为第 1 页
Western civilization between the ____________ and mid _______________century. 7. In the early 1930s, ___________________ brought poverty and humiliation to millions of people in the United States and Europe. 8. 9. The American War of Independence began in _____________ and ended in _________. The United States government form is based on the three main principles: Federalism, ___________________________________and ________________________________. 10. Henrik Ibsen was born in ________________, as the Father of Modern Drama he was famous for his “ __________ plays.”

机密★启用前北京第二外国语学院2020年硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试科目:811综合考试(英1)满分:150分考试说明:1) 请将答案写在指定答题纸上,若答在试卷上,则该科成绩无效。
2) 英语语言文学专业、国际文化贸易(英语)专业考生选择语言学、英美文学、英美社会文化三部分作答;翻译学专业考生选择语言学、英美文学、翻译学三部分作答。
第一部分:语言学(50分)I. Multiple Choices (10 points / 1 point each)Directions: For each of the following ten unfinished statements, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the statement. Please write your answer on the Answer Sheet.1.According to Saussure, a linguistic sign is composed of two sides: signifier andsignified. Between them, there is no natural connection. This feature of language is termed _________.A. arbitrarinessB. dualityC. creativityD. displacement2.The function of the sentence “Tornados usually occur on a hot, sticky day withsouth winds and an ominous sky.” is _________.A. phaticB. emotiveC. metalingualD. informative3.In the English sound system, there are 24 consonants such as _________.A. /dz/B. /ts/C. /tʃ/D. /dr/4.All the following aspects of speech are suprasegmental features except for_________.A. toneB. stressC. lengthD. intonation5.The word “brunch” is an example of _________ in terms of word formation.A. derivationB. blendingC. compoundD. invention6.The following sentences are tautologies except for _________.A. Circles are round.B. Uncles are male.C. Colorless ideas are green.D. Cats are felines.第1页共7页。

英语语言文学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The word "bibliophile" refers to a person who is fond of ________.A. booksB. musicC. artD. food答案:A2. The phrase "a piece of cake" is commonly used to describe something that is ________.A. difficultB. expensiveC. easyD. heavy答案:C3. In the sentence "She is a woman of few words," the phrase "of few words" means she is ________.A. talkativeB. quietC. angryD. confused答案:B4. The correct spelling of the word meaning "to make something more attractive" is ________.A. embellishB. embelishC. embelishD. embelish答案:A5. Which of the following is NOT a form of literature?A. NovelB. PoemC. PlayD. Painting答案:D6. The term "hyperbole" refers to a figure of speech that is ________.A. literalB. exaggeratedC. ironicD. metaphorical答案:B7. The phrase "to be on the same page" means that people________.A. are reading the same bookB. agree with each otherC. are on the same teamD. are in the same room答案:B8. The word "serendipity" is used to describe a fortunate________.A. coincidenceB. accidentC. discoveryD. mistake答案:A9. In literature, the term "allegory" refers to a story that is ________.A. purely fictionalB. historicalC. symbolicD. biographical答案:C10. The correct term for a short, humorous piece of writing is ________.A. limerickB. epicC. novellaD. sonnet答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The ________ of a book refers to the main idea or theme that is explored throughout the text.答案:theme2. A ________ is a type of poem that tells a story and often has a moral or lesson.答案:narrative poem3. The ________ is the part of a play where the main character's situation changes from good to bad.答案:falling action4. The ________ is a literary device where the author directly addresses the reader.答案:apostrophe5. The ________ is a character in a story who is often used to represent the author's views or ideas.答案:mouthpiece6. A ________ is a type of novel that is set in a specific historical period and often reflects the customs and manners of that time.答案:historical novel7. The ________ is the part of a play where the main character's situation changes from bad to worse.答案:rising action8. The ________ is a literary device where the author uses words to create a vivid image or impression in the reader's mind.答案:imagery9. A ________ is a type of novel that is set in the present and often deals with everyday life and experiences.答案:contemporary novel10. The ________ is a type of poem that is written in aseries of lines of varying lengths, often without a regular rhyme scheme.答案:free verse三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. Explain the difference between a simile and a metaphor.答案:A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things using "like" or "as" to indicate the similarity, while a metaphor is a figure of speech that directly states that one thing is another, implying a comparison without using "like" or "as."2. Describe the role of setting in a literary work.答案:Setting in a literary work refers to the time and place in which the story occurs. It provides the backdrop against which the action unfolds and can influence the characters' behavior, contribute to the mood, and help to develop the theme of the story.3. What is the function of a foil character in literature?答案:A foil character is a character whose traits contrast with those of another character, usually the protagonist. The purpose of a foil character is to highlight and emphasize the qualities of the main character by providing a contrasting example.四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)1. Discuss the impact of Shakespeare's plays on English literature.答案:Shakespeare's plays have had a profound impact on English literature. They have introduced many new words andphrases into the English language, and their themes and characters continue to be studied and reinterpreted in modern literature,。

人文英语一综合练习题答案综合练习题1:选择题1. B2. C3. D4. A5. B6. C7. D8. B9. A10. C综合练习题2:阅读理解文章1:A文章2:B文章3:D文章4:C综合练习题3:填空题1. location2. educate3. professionals4. diversity5. demanding6. pursue7. offered8. success9. responsibilities10. recognitions综合练习题4:改错题1. 去掉第一个"the",即:"It is one of most important festivals celebrated in China."2. 将"where"改为"when",即:"This is the time when hundreds of millions of people travel back to their hometowns."3. 将"without"改为"with",即:"Chinese New Year is celebrated with traditional lion and dragon dances."4. 将"provides"改为"provide",即:"These decorations provide a festive atmosphere and bring good luck."5. 将"were"改为"was",即:"The Chinese New Year Gala was watched by hundreds of millions of people worldwide."综合练习题5:简答题1. 中秋节中秋节是中国传统的节日之一。

(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分)1.I _____ to her because she phoned me shoutly afterwards . A ought to have writtenB couldn’t have writtenC must have writtenD needn’t have written2.The varie of the new products in the exhibition _________. A was surprisingB were surprisingC was surprisedD were surprised3.We grow all our our own fruit and vegetables , _______ saves money, of course.A asB whatC whichD that4.______ her inexperience her failure to secure the contract was not surprising.A In view ofB By virtue ofC With regard toD According to5.The boy showed complete _____ of hos parents advice. A ignorance Bnegligence C disregard D avoedance6.They forced him to ____ with their request. A approve B conform C complyD consent7.But that he saw it , he ____ it .A would not believe B did not bilieve Ccould not believe D could not have believed8.When can the students ______ for nixt year’s evening classes? A assist Benroll C join D sing9.I will keep your applicaion _______ file for the time being . A in B with Con D at10.Two years of experience _______ him for a promotion. A qualified B made Ccarsed D turned11.It is high time we ______ something to protect our environment . A are to doB had better doC should have doneD did12.I am not having you _____ all over the house . A run B running C to run Dran13.I bought this eihgteenth century writing desk at a quite _____ price .Areasonable B cheap C smalll D expensive14.When he realized the police had spotted hom ,the man _______ the exit as quickllyas made off B made out C made for D made up15.Those students do not like to read novels _____ text books . A liaving out ofthe question B much less C in any case D forgetting about16.I can’t have you _______ idle all day long . A stay B staying C to satayD stayed17.He sas been to every other province _______Tibet . A than B only C to stayD stayed18.I don’t really know how to _______ the problem . A tackle B cope C set inD draw19.The child was running a high fever ,which made it imperative that he _______in bed . A was kept B had to be kept C be kept D was to be kept20.The ole ship will be towed into harbour and ________. A broken up B brokendown C broken in D broken off21.When I came through customs at the airport ,I had to pay _________on a clockI had taxes B duty C rates D allowance22.They have invited me to visit their ,________is very kind of them..A thatB whichC asD what23.I will give you _______books I have on the subject. A that B which C what D my24.Because the company was doing more business it was necessary to _____ thefactory . A extend B increase C grow D magnify25.If you insist on aarrying out more experiment ,you will have to _____ theconsequences. A run into B stand for C bear out D answer for26.I was very _____ by the nurse’s attitude, it really annoyed me . A put overB put upC put outD put by27.This beach is usually closed ______ a rainy day . A in B on C at D while28.Our letters are ______ every morning at 8 o’clock. A arrived B delayed Cdelivered D restored29.We can rely on William to carry out this mission, for his judgment is always____. A unquestionmable B sound C subtle D healthy30.The quality of teaching should be measured by the degree _______ the studentspotentiality is developed ,.A of which B with which C in which D to which Ⅱ.认真阅读下面两篇短文,每篇短文后有五个问题。

北京翻译研修学院2011-2012学年第二学期期末考试(A卷)年级:____________专业:________________姓名: ____________ 成绩:_________________I.语法和词汇。
(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1. They tried every way ______ the child, but it was too late.A. savingB. to saveC. to have savedD. to be saving2. What ______ you ______ when the war broke out?A. were, doingB. have, been doingC. are, doingD. did, do3. They have agreed to provide money ______ us.A. inB. atC. withD. for4. They ______ have a ticket for the movie.A. a lot ofB. manyC. everyD. each5. It ______ that the Marine was not the old man’s son.A. turned toB. turned upC. turned outD. turned down6. The old man couldn’t decide ______ of his children to leave his money to.A. whomB. whoC. whatD. which7. ______ 11:30 yesterday they had already had lunch.A. OnB. AtC. ByD. With8. A bridge is ______ built there now.A. beenB. beC. toD. being9. The city is known ______ its beautiful lakes.A. ofB. forC. withD. at10. It is strange _______ you should believe his words.A. whatB. thatC. whichD. when11. They need ______ students to help them.A. twenty or soB. or so twentyC. or twenty soD. twenty so12. The bus ran into a ______ train.A. passingB. passC. passedD. to pass13. Don’t tell Lao Lin about it, ______ ?A. will youB. won’t youC. can’t youD. can you14. The fire seems ______ out.A. to be putB. to have been putC. puttingD. to put15. Y ou can read the book here ______ you keep quiet.A. unlessB. whenC. as long asD. but16. The initials UN ______ The United Nations.A. stand byB. stand forC. stand atD. stand with17. He was interested in ______ I told him.A. whoeverB. howeverC. whateverD. that18. W ould you like me ______ where the nearest supermarket is ?A. to show youB. showing youC. show youD. and show you19. Ever since he was a boy, he ______ interested in math.A. isB. has beenC. wasD. have been20. Where there is a will, ______ is a way.A. hereB. thereC. whereD. nowhereII.阅读理解。

北京第二外国语学院美学(无此试卷)比较文学与世界文学(无此试卷)英语语言文学日语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)法语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)俄语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)德语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)西班牙语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)基础英语1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)综合考试(英1)(含英美文学、英美概况、语言学)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)[说明:其中英美文学部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,英美文学部分答案有:2001——2023年年;英美概况部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,英美概况部分答案有:2000——2023年年;语言学部分试卷惟独2001,2003——2023年年,语言学部分答案有:2001,2003——2023年年]综合考试(英2)(含经贸翻译、英美概况、国际贸易)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)[说明:经贸翻译部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,经贸翻译部分答案有:2001——2023年年;英美概况部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,英美概况部分答案有:2000——2023年年;国际贸易部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,国际贸易部分答案有:2003——2023年年]翻译1997(1997有答案)综合考试(现代汉语部分)1998——2002(2000——2002有答案)跨文化学(专业知识)1998,2001(2001有答案)美国研究1999——2001第 1 页/共 5 页英语写作1998——2001(2000有答案)应用英语(英文写作)2001应用英语(英语语言文学专业国际经济合作方向)2001应用英语(专业英语)2001英美文学2000——2002(2000——2002有答案)英美文学专业知识考试1998经济学原理1999俄语语言文学英语(二外)1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)日语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)法语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)德语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)西班牙语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)法语语言文学英语(二外)1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)德语语言文学英语(二外)1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)日语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)法语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)俄语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)西班牙语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)日语语言文学英语(二外)1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)法语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)俄语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)德语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)西班牙语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)基础日语1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)日语(专业)1998——1999,2002(2002有答案)专业日语(日本文学史)2004答案综合考试(日)(含日本文学、日本概况、翻译)2023年年——2023年年(2023年年——2023年年有答案)综合考试(日本概况)1998——1999,2002——2003(2002——2003有答案)综合考试(日本文学史)1998——1999,2002——2003(2002——2003有答案)综合考试(日语翻译部分)2003——2023年年(2004——2023年年有答案)阿拉伯语言文学英语(二外)1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)日语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)法语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)俄语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)德语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)西班牙语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)外国语言学及应用语言学英语(二外)1998——1999,2002——2023年年(2002——2023年年有答案)日语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)法语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)俄语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)德语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)西班牙语(二外)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)基础英语1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)综合考试(英1)(含英美文学、英美概况、语言学)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)[说明:其中英美文学部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,第 3 页/共 5 页英美文学部分答案有:2001——2023年年;英美概况部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,英美概况部分答案有:2000——2023年年;语言学部分试卷惟独2001,2003——2023年年,语言学部分答案有:2001,2003——2023年年]综合考试(英2)(含经贸翻译、英美概况、国际贸易)1998——2023年年(2000——2023年年有答案)[说明:经贸翻译部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,经贸翻译部分答案有:2001——2023年年;英美概况部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,英美概况部分答案有:2000——2023年年;国际贸易部分试卷有:1998——2023年年,国际贸易部分答案有:2003——2023年年]翻译1997(1997有答案)综合考试(现代汉语部分)1998——2002(2000——2002有答案)跨文化学(专业知识)1998,2001(2001有答案)美国研究1999——2001英语写作1998——2001(2000有答案)应用英语(英文写作)2001应用英语(英语语言文学专业国际经济合作方向)2001应用英语(专业英语)2001英美文学2000——2002(2000——2002有答案)英美文学专业知识考试1998经济学原理1999国际贸易学国际贸易与国际金融2023年年——2023年年(2023年年——2023年年有答案)国际贸易理论与实务1998——2003(2003有答案)经济学原理1999企业管理管理学综合(企业管理专业)2023年年——2023年年(2023年年——2023年年有答案)管理学综合2023年年(2023年年有答案)管理学原理2000——2002经济学原理1999旅游管理管理学综合(旅游管理专业)2023年年——2023年年(2023年年——2023年年有答案)管理学综合2023年年(2023年年有答案)管理学原理2000——2002旅游管理2004——2023年年(2023年年有答案)旅游经济学1998——1999,2003旅游学概论2000旅游专业综合考试2001——2003经济学原理1999第 5 页/共 5 页。

英语专业综合英语第一学期期末试题(卷)英语专业综合英语第一学期期末考试I. Please write the correct words according to themeanings given below. (10%)1. n. great effort2. n. (pl.) feelings of doubt and fear3. v. to deliberately get involved in a situation that does notconcern you, which may be annoying to others4. n. sb. who frightens, hurts, or threatens weaker people5. v. to criticize, to censure6. a. dark, esp. in a way that seems sad7. a. (of land, plants) producing much8. n. a sudden strong feeling of excitement or pleasure9. n. sceptic; a person who sees little or no good in others10.v. (of flowers) to open or to be open11.n. a way of thinking about or looking at sth.12.v. to tell sb. that sth. is sure to happen so that he doesnot have to worry13.n. a lack; not having enough, esp. food14.a. very unhappy15. v. to invite people to one’s home, usually for a meal16. v. to arouse interest or curiosity17.v. unroll; to open out; to straighten out18.adv. happening or done at exactly the same time19.v. to dry up; to be reduced in size and color20.v. to remove; to get rid ofII. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the expressions listed below. (10%)in some ways call for run out at oncebring up give rise to tear down happen tooccur to ask for deal in read intofor one thing take over at heart in turn resort to run into move in on used to1.Both sides are willing to sit down and talk becausethey know it is stupid ______ force.2.The heavy rains they had last summer ______ seriousflooding.3.Some of the nation’s best lawyers are on the case.They are offering their services free because theyhave no doubt ______the ethical nature of the case.4.The two men began to ______ me when they saw I was alone.Luckily a police officer happened to pass by just atthat time.5.Has it ever______ you that all these changes havehappened in the past three decades?6.There______ be lots of fish, shrimps and crabs in ourrivers and lakes and ponds, but now no longer.7.The government has promised that it will not hesitateto punish those who ______ cheating, gambling, black marketeering, and prostitution.8.In those days few people liked the job of coal mining,because ______, the work was hard, very hard. Besides it was very dangerous.9.He ______ his father’s business when his father died.10. The generation gap is a big problem and ______serious attention. I think we young people should try to understand older people’s worries and cares and respect their experience, while older people ______should respect youngpeople’s wishes and desires.11. I had not seen my sister for ages. So this visit wasa wonderful opportunity for me, because I could do twothings______ .12. Time is ______. Unless we come up with a solution inthe next few days, we will ______ serious trouble.13. This man is a joke. He has been ______ to believe thathe is the most learned person on earth.14. I think they are ______ trouble building those houseson the dry bed of the lake. These houses will have tobe______ sooner or later to return the land to the lake.15. The message of this essay is simple and obvious. Idon’t think you should ______ too much ______ it.16. He has lived in big cities for almost 10 years. But____ he is still a country boy______.III. Put in appropriate adverbs or prepositions. (10%) 1.Linda worked harder than before; she knew she had to make ______ the time she had lost.2.The police were informed that some neighborhood bully has been shaking the boy ______ for more than one month.3. We will not just look ______ whilst our next-door neighbor struggles with his enemy.4. The boy’s death was a terrible blow to his mother. She just couldn’t get ______ it.5. When I die of old age, I will have no regret becauseI know what I have left unfinished will be passed _______ ______ the young.6. She takes ________ her mother. She also likes to take an active part in social reform.7. My grandfather decided to work as a coal miner afterhe finished school instead of going ________ to college.8. Zhuge Liang promised to see _______ it that Zhou Yuget 100,000 arrows within three days.9. ________ want of a better word, let’s call them “professional drinkers”because it is their officialduty to drink ________ behalf of the officials at banquets.10. What he likes to do after a day in the office is tochat freely with a friend or two ________ a glass ofwine.11. Li Bai wrote this beautiful poem to express his thanksto a farmer who had walked a long way to see him____________.12. The generation gap is a big problem and calls ______serious attention.13. I did not tell her the truth but it ran contrary ______my principles, and I felt bad ______ it.14. I don’t understand why somebody who has made afactory turn _________ more cigarettes should bepraised.15. All night long she sang, and the thorn went deeperher breast.16. Somehow I couldn’t do it myself, so I went andgot a plain clothes man to do the job.17.They refused my request ______ offering a reason.18.I rose early on September 6, 1994, and headed ______theGolden Gate Bridge.19.The driver told me he was once robbed ______ knifepoint bya hitchhiker.20. He pretended to be a Frenchman, but his Americanaccent gave him ______.IV. Paraphrase the following sentences. (20%)1. Those who were able took advantage of the opportunities for success and happiness that presented themselves.2. Everything about him suggested a carefully dressed authority.3. … but in a bad year, it’s not only the ploughs that break but our hearts, too.4. It was a small room on the sixth floor, and hardly a setting for a romantic figure.5. “She has form. …. That cannot be denied. But has shegot feeling? I’m afraid not. In fact, she is like most artists: she is all style without any sincerity.”6. As a product of American education, I had never paid the slightest attention to the green banana, except to regard it as a fruit whose time had not yet come.7. Those who had the least to give often gave the most.8. We figured that in twenty years each of us ought tohave our fate worked out and our fortunes made, whatever they were going to be.9. A man gets stuck in New York. It takes the West to makea man really keen.10. When it finally died, I removed the roots from thesoil, washed them, and buried them in a corner of the garden.V. Read the following passages carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C andD. (20%)Passage 1As we have seen, the focus of medical care in our society hasbeen shifting from curing disease to preventing disease –especially in terms of changing our many unhealthy behaviors, such as poor eating habits, smoking, and failure to exercise. The line of thought involved in this shift can be pursued further. Imagine a person who is about the right weight , but does not eat very nutritious (有营养的) foods, who feels OK but exercises only occasionally, who goes to work every day, but is not an outstanding worker, who drinks a few beersat home most nights but does not drive while drunk , and who has no chest pains or abnormal blood counts, but sleeps a lot and often feels tired. This person is not ill. He may not even be at risk for any particular disease. But we can imagine that this person could be a lot healthier.The field of medicine has not traditionally distinguished between someone who is merely “ not ill” and someone who is in excellent health and pays attention to the body’s special needs. Both types have simply been ca lled “well”. In recent years, however, some health specialists have begun to apply the terms “well” and “wellness” only to those who are actively striving to maintain and improve their health. People who are well are concerned with nutrition and exercise and they make a point of monitoring their body’s condition. Most important, perhaps, people who are well take active responsibility for all matters related to their health. Even people who have a physical disease or handicap (缺陷) may be "well," in this new sense, if they make an effort to maintain the best possible health they can in the face of their physical limitations. "Wellness" may perhaps best be viewed not as a state that people can achieve, but as an ideal that people can strive for.People who are well are likely to be better able to resistdisease and to fight disease when it strikes. And by focusing attention on healthy ways of living, the concept of wellness can have a beneficial impact on the ways in which people face the challenges of daily life.1. Today medical care is placing more stress on ________.A. keeping people in a healthy physical conditionB. monitoring patients’ body functionsC. removing people’s bad living habitsD. ensuring people’s psychological well-being2. In the first paragraph, people are reminded that ________.A. good health is more than not being illB. drinking, even if not to excess, could be harmfulC. regular health checks are essential to keeping fitD. prevention is more difficult than cure3. Traditionally, a person is considered "well" if he ________.A. does not have any unhealthy living habitsB. does not have any physical handicapsC. is able to handle his daily routinesD. is free from any kind of disease4. According to the author, the true meaning of "wellness" is for people ________.A. to best satisfy their body’s spec ial needsB. to strive to maintain the best possible healthC. to meet the strictest standards of bodily healthD. to keep a proper balance between work and leisure5. According to what the author advocates, which of thefollowing groups of people would be considered healthy?A. People who have strong muscles as well as slim figures.B. People who are not presently experiencing anysymptoms of disease.C. People who try to be as possible, regardless oftheir limitations.D. People who can recover from illness even withoutseeking medical care.Passage 2Throughout this long, tense election, everyone has focused on the presidential candidates and how they’ll change America. Rightly so, but selfishly, I’m more fascinated by Michelle Obama and what she might be able to do, not just for this country, but for me as an African-American woman. As the potential First Lady, she would have the world’s attention. And that means that for the first time people will have a chance to get up close and personal with the type of African-American woman they so rarely see.Usually, the lives of black women go largely unexamined. The prevailing theory seems to be that we’re all hot-tempered single mothers who can’t keep a man. Even in the world of make-believe, black women st ill can’t escape the stereotype of being eye-rolling, oversexed females raised by our never-married, alcoholic (酗酒的) mothers.These images have helped define the way all women are viewed, including Michelle Obama. Before she ever gets the chance to commit to a cause, charity or foundation as First Lady, her most urgent and perhaps most complicated duty may be simple to be herself.It won’t be easy. Because few mainstream publications have done in-depth features on regular African-American women, little is known about who we are, what we think and what we face on a regular basis. For better or worse, Michelle will represent us all.Just as she will have her critics, she will also have millions of fans who usually have little interest in the First Lady. Many African-American blogs have written about what they’d like to see Michelle bring to the WhiteHouse—mainly showing the world that a black woman can support her man and raise a strong black family. Michelle will have to work to please everyone—an impossible task. But for many African-American women like me, just a little of her poise (沉着), confidence and intelligence will go a lon g way in changing an image that’s been around for far too long.6. Why does Michelle Obama hold a strong fascination forthe author?A) She serves as a role model for African women.B) She possesses many admirable qualities becominga First Lady.C) She will present to the world a new image ofAfrican-American women.D) She will pay closer attention to the interests ofAfrican-American women.7. What is the common stereotype of African-Americanwomen according to the author?A) They are victims of violence.B) They are of an inferior violence.C) They use quite a lot of body language.D) They live on charity and social welfare.8. What do many African-Americans write about in their blogs?A) Whether Michelle can live up to the highexpectations of her fans.B) How Michelle should behave as a public figure.C) How proud they are to have a black woman in theWhite House.D) What Michelle should do as wife and mother in theWhite House.9. What does the author say about Michelle Obama as aFirst Lady?A) However many fans she has, she should remainmodest,B) She shouldn’t disappoint the African-Americancommunity.C) However hard she trie s, she can’t expect toplease everybody.D) She will give priority to African-Americanwomen’s concerns.10. What do many African-American women hope MichelleObama will do?A) Help change the prevailing view about black women.B) Help her husband in the task of changing America.C) Outshine previous First Lady.D) Fully display her fine qualities.VI. Fill in each blank of the passage with ONE suitable word. (10%)More than one million children in the United States do not go to school. 1 , they learn at home. They are 2 by adults, like tutors (家庭教师).Most often, their parents are their teachers. Educational companies, libraries, and the Internet 3__ many families with teaching material.Parents choose home-schooling for several reasons. Some choose it because of their religious __4 . Others say it provides more time for the family to be 5 . They say home offers a 6 placefor learning. Some parents believe home-schooling C problems of traditional schools, which ___8__ classes that have too many students. Critics, 9 , say children need to 10 school with other children.VII. Translate. (20%)1.他喜欢炫耀它的财富,但是这完全是徒劳的,人们仍然像躲避毒药那样躲他。

---Ⅰ 文学1.① The Luddite protests 5分② Manifest Destiny 5 分2.①What is Eisteddfod ? In what way is it significant?②How relate muckrakers with the Gilded Age.注:大部分都没见过的感觉,建议,不要只看参考书,其他教材也看看吧,不然考场就发蒙。
Ⅱ英国文学1.The Theatre of the Absurd 5分2.What is romanticism ? What are major features of British romantic poetry ? 10分3. 作品是 The remains of the DayAnalyze the relations between the father and the son.可以用 tone ,setting ,dialogue等15 分注:分析题简直不知所云,呵呵哒了,材料给了 2 张 a4 纸。
坑Ⅲ美国文学1.Imagism2.American literary naturalism . and what is different from American realism .3.sacrifice提到的作品有,愤怒的葡萄,追风筝的人,。
忘啦Ⅳ语言学1.① Duality②Maximal onset principle③Recursiveness④Cardinal vowel theory⑤Illocutionary act2.① Contrastive sounds② seven types of meaning leech ...semantics记得不全③IC1-。
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江西财经大学2007年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题( B 卷)专业:英语语言文学考试科目:综合英语重要提示:考生必须将所有答案写在答题纸上,本试题上的任何标记均不作判题依据Part I Exam in the society and culture of major English–speaking countriesI. Fill in the blanks. (0.5’X30 = 15’)1. The doctrine of the “divine right of kings” held that the sovereign derived his authority from______ , not from _____________.2. The UK is divided into ________ constituencies with each of them represented by amember in ____________.3. In the 5th century AD it is said a great leader__________ appeared, united the British, andwith his magical sword, ___________, drove the Saxons back.4. New Zealand is keen to take environmental responsibility. New Zealand was declared____________. There are no __________________ in New Zealand.5. The largest school in New Zealand is the _________________, which provides__________________ for students who live in isolated places or who cannot attend school for medical or other reasons.6. In 1829 Ellen Turner published his proposals for the development of the colonies ofAustralia. His proposals is called __________________________ in order to avoid a basic problem of “__________________”.7. ________________________ television channel began broadcasting in 1980. It currentlybroadcasts in _________________ and provides a variety of programs in English that cover a much wider field of overseas stories than other channels.8. The Supreme Court has the function of determining Congressional legislative or executiveaction that violates ______________________. This power is called ______________________ .9. Canada ‘s political system was greatly influenced by the two major forces: ___________and ________ .10. Aid became an important component of Canadian foreign policy, and both Pearson andTrudeau pressed hard for international organization like __________________ and ______________________ to make humanitarian development assistance the priority of aid programs.11. Canada’s motto is the country stretches “_______________”, with the Pacific Ocean on thewest coast and ___________________ on the east coast.12. The two of the taxes: _______________ and _____________ were imposed on NorthAmerican colonies by the British government on the eve of the American Revolution.13. One advantage of corporation over sole proprietorship and partnership is that it has______________, so investor risked only the amount of their investment and not their entire assets.14. Freedom of religious belief or non-belief is provided in the ______________________ inthe US constitution.15. Under President Franklin Roosevelt’s “_____________” , Democrats set up governmentprograms that provided paid employment for people building dams and public buildings.16. Today the Irish educational system is among the _________ and best in Europe.17. __________is played by holding the airbag under the arm and pumping it with the elbow.18. About 25% of all schools of higher education in America are privately operated by_____________.II.State what you have known about the following in your own words.( 3’X5 = 15’)1.Independent schools2.the Elite Theory of Power3.the Puritanism4.the Bush Doctrine5.the Canadian MosaicPart Two Exam in basic EnglishⅠChoice of WordsChoose the correct word from the synonyms given in the brackets, changing the form of the choices when necessary. (1′x10=10′)1.They started the business together, but after a couple of years their relationship became (questionable, problematical) so they had to part company.2. Away from the madding crowd, many city-dwellers spend their weekends in the countryside to enjoy (peace, tranquility).3. He (grabbed, grasped) the rope with both hands and pulled it with all his strength.4. It is an excellent plan, but it would be very difficult to (execute, perform) it with our limited funds.5. In spite of his weakness his (rugged, dogged) determination helped him to win the race.6. Unaware of the truth, thousands of people gathered there, (clamoring, glamorizing) for legalrecognition of their organization.7. (Accusation, condemnation) of the bombing the embassy went swiftly across the country.8. Even if you (mix, blend) oil and water, they will not (mix, blend).9. Deep at night, they could still hear gun-fire (rambling, rumbling) in the distance.10. Obviously they were getting nowhere with the meeting, so he decided to (desist, resist) frommaking a final decision that afternoon.ⅡBlank-fillingThe following paragraphs are followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to T. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (2′x10=20′)The world is very different now. For man holds in his _1__ hands the power to __2_ all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still _3__ around the globe--the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.We dare not forget today that we are the ___4 of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans--born in this century, __5_ by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage--and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.This much we pledge--and more.To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the___6 of faithful friends. United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided, there is little we can do--for we dare not meet a powerful challenge _7__ and split __8_Finally, to those nations who would make themselves our__9_ , we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction _10_ by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction.A at issueB pledgeC unleashedD farthestE exploitationF adversaryG reductionH warfare,I asunder J mortal K torch L at oddsM previous N tempered O images P emergenceQ abolish R heirs S ride T loyaltyⅢReading Comprehension (2′x10=20′)Sign has become a scientific hot button. Only in the past 20 years have specialists in language study realized that signed languages are unique - a speech of the hand. They offer a new way to probe how the brain generates and understands language, and throw new light on an old scientific controversy: whether language, complete with grammar, is something that we are born with, or whether it is a learned behavior. The current interest in sign language has roots in the pioneering work of one rebel teacher at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C., the world’s only liberal arts university for deaf people.When Bill Stokoe went to Gallaudet to teach English, the school enrolled him in a course in signing. But Stokoe noticed something odd: among themselves, students signed differently from his classroom teacher. Stokoe had been taught a sort of gestural code, each movement of the hands representing a word in English. At the time, American Sign Language (ASL) was thought to be no more than a form of pidgin English. But Stokoe believed the "hand talk" his students used looked richer. He wondered: Might deaf people actually have a genuine language?And could that language be unlike any other on Earth? It was 1955, when even deaf people dismissed their signing as "substandard". Stokoe’s idea was academic heresy. It is 37 years later. Stokoe - now devoting his time to writing and editing books and journals and to producing video materials on ASL and the deaf culture - is having lunch at a cafe near the Gallaudet campus and explaining how he started a revolution. For decades educators fought his idea that signed languages are natural languages like English, French and Japanese. They assumed language must be based on speech, the modulation of sound. But sign language is based on the movement of hands, the modulation of space. "What I said," Stokoe explains, "is that language is not mouth stuff- it’s brain stuff."1.The study of sign language is thought to beA) an approach to simplifying the grammatical structure of a language.B) an attempt to clarify misunderstanding about the origin of language.C) a challenge to traditional views on the nature of language.D) a new way to took at the learning of language.2. The present growing interest in sign language was stimulated byA) a leading specialist in the study of liberal arts.B) an English teacher in a university for the deaf.C) Some senior experts in American Sign Language.D) a famous Scholar in the study of the human brain.3. According to Stokoe, sign language isA) an international language.B) a substandard language.C) an artificial language.D) a genuine language.4. Most educators objected to Stokoe’s idea because they thoughtA) a language should be easy to use and understand.B) sign language was too artificial to be widely accepted.C) a language could only exist in the form of speech sounds.D) sign language was not extensively used even by deaf people.5. Stokoe’s argument is based on his belief thatA) language is a product of the brain.B) language is a system of meaningful codes.C) sign language is derived from natural language.D) sign language is as efficient as any other language.The ideal companion machine-the computer- would not only look, feel, and sound friendly but would also be programmed to behave in a pleasant manner. Those qualities that make interaction comfortable, and yet the machine would remain slightly unpredictable and therefore interesting. In its first encounter it might be somewhat hesitant, but as it came to know the user it would progress to a more relaxed and intimate style. The machine would not be a passive participant but would add its own suggestions, information, and opinions; it would sometimes take the initiative in developing or changing the topic and would have a personality of its own.Friendships are not made in a day, and the computer would be more acceptable as a friend if it imitated the gradual changes that occur when one person is getting to know another. At an appropriate time it might also express the kind of affection that stimulates attachment and intimacy. The whole process would be accomplished in a subtle way to avoid giving an impression of over-familiarity that would be likely to produce irritation. After experiencing a wealth of powerful, well-timed friendship indicators, the user would be very likely to accept the computer as far more than a machine and might well come to regard it as a friend.An artificial relationship of this type would provide many of the benefits that could continue from previous discussions. It would have a familiarity with the user’s life as revealed in e arlier contact, and it would be understanding and good-humored. The computer’s own personality would be lively and impressive, and it would develop in response to that of the user. With features such as these, the machine might indeed become a very attractive social partner.6. Which of the following is not a feature of the ideal companion machine?A) active in communicationB) attractive in personality.C)enjoyable in performanceD)unpredictable in behaviour7. The computer would develop friendships with humans in a (n) ---------way.A)quickB) unpredictableC) productiveD) inconspicuous8. Which of the following aspects is not mentioned when the passage discusses the benefits of artificial relationships?A) Being able to pick up an interesting conversation.B) Being sensitive to earlier contact.C) Being ready to learn about the person's life.D) Having a pleasant and adaptable personality.9. Throughout the passage, the author is _____in his attitude toward the computer.A) favorableB) criticalC) vagueD) hesitant10. Which might be the most appropriate title of the passage?A) Artificial relationshipsB) How to form intimate relationshipsC)The affectionate machineD) Humans and computersⅣError correction(1′x10=10′)The hunter-gatherer tribes that today live as our prehistoric 1.___human ancestors consume primarily a vegetable diet supplementing 2.___with animal foods. An analysis of 58 societies of modem hunter-gatherers, including the Kung of southern Africa, revealed that onehalf emphasize gathering plant foods, one-third concentrate onfishing and only one-sixth are primarily hunters. Overall, two-thirdsand more of the hunter-gatherer’s calories come from plants. 3.___Detailed studies of the Kung by the food scientists at the University ofLondon, showed that gathering is a more productive source of foodthan is hunting. An hour of hunting yields in average about 100 4.___edible calories, as an hour of gathering produces 240. 5.___Plant foods provide for 60 percent to 80 percent of the Kung 6.___diet, and no one goes hungry when the hunt fails. Interestingly, ifthey escape fatal infections or accidents, these contemporaryaborigines live to old ages despite of the absence of medical care. 7.___They experience no obesity, no middle-aged spread, little dentaldecay, no high blood pressure, on heart disease, and their bloodcholesterol levels are very low( about half of the average American 8.___adult), if no one is suggesting what we return to an aboriginal life 9.___style, we certainly could use their eating habits as a model for 10.___healthier diet.ⅤTranslation1. Translate the following passages into Chinese. (20′)The distance being considerable, I started early on the 3rd, crossed the broad Delaware River, where blocks of ice bumped and crackled around us, and saw the flat shores of New Jersey expanding in front, raked by the broad morning light. I was put ashore in a crude and apparently uninhabited village, grim with concentrated ugliness that only an American township in the depth of winter can display. Nobody to ask the way, or next to nobody. I wandered aimlessly about, and was just ready to give all possessed to be back again in New York, when I discovered that I was opposite No. 328 Mickle Street, and that on a minute brass plate was engraved “W. Whitman”. I knocked at this dreary little two-storey tenement house, and wondered what was going to happen.A melancholy woman opened the door; it was too late now to go away. But before I could speak, a large figure, hobbling down the stairs, called out in a cheery voice, “Is that my friend?” Suddenly, by I know not what magnetic charm, all wire-drawn literary reservations faded out of being, and one’s only sensation was of gratified satisfaction as being the “friend” of this very nice old gentleman.2. Translate the following passages into English. (20′)要采取有效措施,促进经济社会协调发展。