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Chapter 1 Computer and Data

Knowledge point:

1.1The computer as a black box.

1.2von Neumann model

1.3The components of a computer: hardware, software, and data.

1.4The history of computers.


1.How is computer science defined in this book?

A:Issues related to the computer.

2.What model is the basis for today’s computers? ( Knowledge point 1.2)

A:The von Neumann model.

3.Why shouldn’t you call a computer a data processor? ( Knowledge point 1.1)

A:Computer is general-purpose machine. it can do many different types of tasks.

4.What does a programmable data processor require to produce output data? ( Knowledge

point 1.1)

A:The input data and the program.

5.What are the subsystems of the von Neumann computer model? ( Knowledge point 1.2) A:Memory, arithmetic logic unit, control unit, and input/output.

6.What is the function of the memory subsystem in von Neumann’s model? ( Knowledge

point 1.2)

A:Memory is the storage area. It is where programs and data are stored during processing.

7.What is the function of the ALU subsystem in von Neumann’s model? ( Knowledge point


A:ALU is where calculation and logical operations take place.

8.What is the function of the control unit subsystem in von Neumann’s model? ( Knowledge

point 1.2)

A:It controls the operations of the memory, ALU, and the input/output subsystem.

9.What is the function of the input/output subsystem in von Neumann’s model?

( Knowledge point 1.2)

A:The input subsystem accepts input data and the program from outside the computer; the output subsystem sends the result of processing to the outside.

pare and contrast the memory contents of early computers with the memory contents

of a computer based on the von Neumann model? ( Knowledge point 1.2)

A:Computer based on the von Neumann model stores both the program and its corresponding data in the memory. Early computers only stored the data in the memory.

11.How did the von Neumann model change the concept of programming? ( Knowledge

point 1.2)

A:A program in the von Neumann model is made of a finite number of instructions. The instructions are executed one after another.

12.The first electronic special-purpose computer was called c( Knowledge point


a. Pascal

b. Pascaline

c. ABC


13.One of the first computers based on the von Neumann model was called d

( Knowledge point 1.4)

a. Pascal

b. Pascaline

c. ABC


14.The first computing machine to use the idea of storage and programming was called

d( Knowledge point 1.4)

a. the Madeline


c. the Babbage machine

d. the Jacquard loom

15.d separated the programming task from the computer operation tasks.

( Knowledge point 1.3)

a. Algorithms

b. Data processors

c. High-level programming languages


Operating systems

30. According to the von Neumann model, can the hard disk of today be used as input or output? Explain. ( Knowledge point 1.2)

A:Yes. When the hard disk stores data that results from processing, it is considered an output device; when you read data from the hard disk, it is considered an input device. 32. Which is more expensive today, hardware or software? ( Knowledge point 1.3)


Chapter 2 Data Representation

Knowledge point:

2.1 Data Types.

2.2 Data inside the Computer.

2.3 Representing Data.

2.4 Hexadecimal and Octal notation.


five types of data that a computer can process. ( Knowledge point


A:Numbers, text, images, audio, and video.

2.How does a computer deal with all the data types it must process? ( Knowledge point 2.2) A:All data types are transformed into bit pattern.


4.What is the difference between ASCII and extended ASCII? ( Knowledge point 2.3)

A:ASCII is a bit pattern made of 7 bits and extended ASCII is a bit pattern made of 8 bits.

5.What is EBCDIC? ( Knowledge point 2.3)

A:Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code.

6.How is bit pattern length related to the number of symbols the bit pattern can represent?

( Knowledge point 2.3)

A:The relationship is logarithmic.



9.What steps are needed to convert audio data to bit patterns? ( Knowledge point 2.3)

A:Sampling, Quantization, and Coding.

10.What is the relationship between image data and video data? ( Knowledge point 2.3)

A:Video is a representation of images in time.

34. A company has decided to assign a unique bit pattern to each employee. If the company has 900 employees, what is the minimum number of bits needed to create this system of representation? How many patterns are unassigned? If the company hires another 300
