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Study on Market i ng Tact i cs of Masterkong’s BeVerages
With the change of the marketing conception 劬m “product—centered” t0 “consumer.centered”,the
key poillt of marketing is not t0 filld proper consumerS for products any more,but to
filld阻itable products for consume璐.Then a new Challenge is
o骶red to the marketillg of ente叩rises.MeaIlwhile,the competition is greater thaIl befbfc
for beVerage illdustry.There觚e many re鹬ons for this phenomenon.On the one hand,barrier t0 entry
is low, on the other hand, illcreasing enterprises b面mg more homogeIlization.Therefbfe,it
iS more significant for柚ente印rise to have proper marketillg conception,stmtegies and
tactics.Because Masterkong HoldiIlg CI)rporation
has a good perfbm卸ce ill beVerage industⅨs0 that it is Very me柚ill萨hlto summarize
its mafketing experience that can g宣ve othcf rclated companies reference.
髓is paper锄alyses and summa血es marketing tacticS of Master:kong’s BeVerages systematically f如m three
aspects such弱“ta唱et marketing”,“positionill分’锄d“tactics”. The丘rst reason for its success t0 be the
domestic leadillg brand of beVerage industr)r lies
ill its illsistence of taF萨t marketing conception.It ta唱ets its suitable mafket 0n the base of its
ea.ectiVe market se孕nentation.Then it combiIles the property of br柚d with the 伽苫et of ta瑁eting
c0硒umers柚d make certaill of the brand positioning for every l【ind of product.Under the guid柚ce,it f0珊ulates and implements its tacti璐.It iIlsists on the
researclling孤d developing gIlideliIles such舔“respect,panicipation,liviIlg 柚d health” and o虢rS
consumer-ta玛eted卸d hi曲-quality products in good time.晰th the help of strong media,it applies
adVenisement—cofed integrated marketiIlg comm岫ications in
order to gpt a unique position in the millds of consumers rapidly.The most important is that
Master:kong’s BeVerages hplement intensiVe—ch柚nel—cllltiVation tactics. n
cultiVates intensively markets iIl corc cities.For that,it compresses its ch 锄el,reduces
its selling pIDcess,shortens its selling period and infiltrates itself into channels.1n
addition,it makes strate西 c alli卸ces with its distfibutors agaillst the competitors jointly to
achieVe its marketiIlg objective.
T1le experience on the marketing tactics of Masterkong’s BeVerages酉Ves following
refbrences for relatiVe Companies:T1le successful marketiIlg is resulted f 如m the inte伊ation
consisting of ta唱et marketing,positioning and tactics.Among them,the ta唱et marketing is the basic
concept of marketing,iIl that the ta唱et marketing can make cenain of the basic direction of the
bfand positionillg and lays a strong foundation for it.The
positioning is critical because it啪gct v锄tages against its competito瑙.Tactics are basic measures
and security of the fIllfillment of marketing aim.At the same tinle,for a
specific ente叩rise,the focal point of its mafketillg tactics should be adjusted according to
the reality.Because its surroundiIlgs锄 d statlls are di虢rem f幻m that of