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These are all of (the)seconds。这些都是次品。
I read the advertisement in (the)“21st Century”, an English paper。我是在《二十一世纪》英文报上看 到这则广告的。
序数词前可加a。 但需区别:不定冠词(a/ an)+序数词 表示"又一/再 一"的意思 定冠词(the)+序数词 表示"第几"的意思
This is the second time I have come here. 第二次来
The man had two houses in the country, and he
The first is the best of all.第一个最好。
Who was the fourth in the examination?谁在这次 考试中获得第四名?
He is the third tallest boy in his class.他在班上身高 排第三。
We don’t allow a third to have a hand in this matter. 我们不允许第三者插手此事。
This book reached me through a third person.这本书 是由第三者转到我手中的。
4.当“分数词”用到较小的序数词时。例如: A third of the students failed in the exam. 有三分之一 的学生在这次考试中没及格。 当分母较大时宜用one。例如: A nucleus is about one thousand billionth the size of an atom。原子核的体积大约是原子的一千兆分之一。
His name stands first on the list。他名列榜首。
The Temple of Heaven was first built during the Ming dynasty。天坛始建于明朝。
3.序数记号为名词所有格、物主代词或形容词等所限 定时。例如:
Fortunately for him, his father’s second wife was kind to him too。他很 幸运,他的继母对他也很慈爱。
My first impression of London is of rain and fog an d people with umbrellas。伦敦给我的第一印象就是 雨、雾和带着伞的人们。
bought a third one. 又买了一所房子。
Autumn is the third seaBaidu Nhomakorabeaon of the year.秋天是一年 的第三个季节。
I will never give up, not even on the 1,000th or 10,000th try.即使再试一 千次、一万次我也不放弃。
Mr Lu,who is good at maths, has been called a second Hua Luogeng。李老师擅长数学, 他被称为又一个华罗庚。
You should try to get a first or a second in the examination. 你应力争在这次考试中得个第一、二名。
5.用于某些街道名称中(如street,avenue等)。例 如:
He lives in 152,(the)8th street。他住在8街152号。
at first起先,first of all首先、第一,first or last迟早, from first to last自始至终,First Lady(美国)总统夫 人。
4.由序数词与名词构成的复合形容词。例如: They are all second-raters。他们都是些平庸之辈。 5.序数词用作名词复数时。例如: These are all firsts。这些都是一等品。
Canada is the second largest country in the world. 加拿大在世界上属第二大国家。
Now tell me why you took a second arrow.告诉我,为什么 你手里拿着另一支箭?
三、序数词前省去冠词的情况 1.表示日期。例如: I was born on November(the)17th,1956。我出 生于1956年11月17日。
October(the)first is National Day。十月一日是国 庆节。 2.表示职位。例如:
In Philadelphia the United States of America was b orn,and George Washington served as (the) first president。费城是美国诞生的地方,同时也是乔 治·华盛顿担任第一任总统的地方。