(三)虽有第三款规定,常设机构支付给该企业总机构或该企业其他常设机构的下列款项(属于偿还代垫实际发生的费用除外),不应允许扣除:1. 由于使用专利或其他权利的特许权使用费、报酬或其它类似款项;2. 对从事具体的服务或管理的佣金;3. 借款给该常设机构的资金的利息,但该企业是银行机构的除外。
二、关于第八条本协定不影响缔约国双方1975年 10月 31日签订的海运协定的第八条和缔约国双方政府 1980年2月27日和3月14日关于双边空运税收问题的换文的规定。
二、两国之间存在双边协议的重要性1. 促进双方经济发展:双边协议在经济领域发挥着重要作用。
2. 维护地区和平稳定:双边协议有助于维护地区和平稳定。
3. 促进文化交流与人员往来:双边协议还有助于促进文化交流与人员往来。
国家对投 资方税收 优惠政策来节 省投资人税负 , 进而调动 投资
方 的 积 极 陆。 二、 被投 资 客体 的选 择
1 并购或投 资亏损企业 、 税法规定 ,企业纳税年度发 生的亏损 , “ 准予 向以后年度结
转 , 以后年度 的所得 弥补 , 结转年限最长 不得超过五年 。” 用 但
外 商 投 资 决 策 的企 业 所 得 税 税 收 筹 划 策略 . 以提 高 投 资 决 策行
我国 2 0 以前的外商投资及 外国企业所得税 法规定 许 08年 多减 免税 条款 , 主要 以减 免税 , 制造型企 业“ 如 两免 三减半 ” 及
低税 率为主 , 同时根 据国务院 关于实施企业所得 税过渡 优惠政 策的通 知规定 , 2 0 自 0 8年 1月 1日起 , 原享受企业所得税“ 两免 三减 半” “ 、 五免 五减 半” 等定 期减免税 优惠 的企业 , 新税法施 行
地方 的企业可 以定期减征 或免 征企业 所得 税中 属于地方 分享 的部分做 出了规 定 , 地区性 税率优 惠几 乎不复存 在 , 这对 外商 投资地区选择有了更广阔的余地。新 的企业所得税法对农 、 、 林 牧、 , 渔 国家重 点扶 持的公共基础设 施项 目 , 符合条件 的环境保 护 、 能节水项 目, 节 符合条件 的技 术转让 , 国家 重点扶持 的高新 技术企业 , 给予 了不同程度 的税收 优惠 。显见 , 外商投资企业可 以通过注 册从 事相应的享有税 收优惠政 策的行业 , 来降低税 收 成本 , 获取最 大的税收利益 。 4 产品出 口外商投 资企业的投 资 、 由于制造公 司 出 口不 予抵 扣 的进项转 出成 本是 以销售额
为虽然 两税合并 以后 , 外商投资企业所得税 的税率为 2 %, 5 但是 对 于不同的投资主体 , 其在股东 ( 或投资者 ) 分取股 息红利时所 征收的税率是不同的, 一般外国企业投资者要征 1%所得 税 , 0 香 港企业投资所得税征收税 率为 5 %,外 国个人税率则是 0 %。同 时 , 对投 资者提供专 利权 、 针 商标权 、 作权 、 著 非专 利技术 以及 其他特许权的使用权取得 的特许权使 用费 所得 , 不同投资主体
二、协定内容1. 减少关税壁垒中德自由贸易协定旨在逐步减少或消除双边贸易中的关税壁垒。
2. 降低非关税壁垒协定还包括降低和移除非关税壁垒的措施。
3. 促进投资合作中德自由贸易协定还将加强双方的投资合作。
如果 中国政府没有像 谭建议 的那样采取干预行动, 民币会继续升值 , 人 这是 一
种长期趋 势。有鉴于此,可 能引发 另一个 问题 :人 民币升值会持续到什 么时候 ?
许多中国经济学家认为,19 年的官方汇率 ( . ) 4 9 5 7 在事隔 1 年后,也即中国 4
联合 国下调 2 0 年世界经济增长预 测 08
联 合 国经济 和社 会事 务部 日前发 布 的 续低迷是降低世界经济增速预期的主要原因。 《08 2 0年世界经济形势与展望 》 中期报告预测 , 报告认为 , 美国房地产业和金融业在今年第一 世界经济今年将增长 1 %,明显低于 2 0 年 季度持续恶化 , . 8 07 并将进一步拖 累世界经济, 其 不利影响可能会延续至 20 年。 09 报 告 把 对 今 年 美 国经 济 增 长韵 预 测 从 1 该报 告 大幅 下 溷 了联合 国对 世 界经 济 增 长 的预 期 。今 年 1 月盼 ,联 合国 曾经预 测 今年 月份的增长 2 %下调至下降 0 % . .并认为今年 2
பைடு நூலகம்
经济高速发展后,如今可能反映 了人民币真正的价值。 对外经济贸易大学金融学院教授 丁志杰撰 文谎 “ 因此, 普遍认为人 民币会升值 到不用 6 元人 民币就 可以兑换 一美元 的水平 ”
综上所述 , 的报告提 出了一个很好 的观点:中国政府对被 它视为投机人 民币 谭
的国际 “ 热”钱 的持续流入深表担 忧。这进 一步加 重 了人 民币的升值压力。此外, 旦这样 的投机热钱 开始 大规模撤 出,可能引发很 多问题。
企业年营业额超过 百万欧元。
除 了直接 开设公 司外, 国并购 、 跨 战略联盟 以及设立研发 中心等方式 日益受到 企业的重视。近年来 ,五矿 、沈 阳机床 、尚德太 阳能等公 司都在德 国进行 了较大规
中德合资合同协议书这是小编精心编写的合同文档,其中清晰明确的阐述了合同的各项重要内容与条款,请基于您自己的需求,在此基础上再修改以得到最终合同版本,谢谢!中德合资合同协议书甲方:中华人民共和国某公司(以下简称“甲方”)地址:中国某市某区某路某号联系人:某某联系电话:xxxxxxxx乙方:德国某公司(以下简称“乙方”)地址:德国某市某区某路某号联系人:某某联系电话:xxxxxxxx鉴于甲方和乙方均具有独立法人资格,双方本着平等互利的原则,就双方合作事宜达成如下协议:一、合作目标1. 甲方和乙方共同投资设立一家中德合资企业(以下简称“合资企业”),从事某项产品的研发、生产和销售。
2. 合资企业的目标是实现技术交流、市场拓展和利润最大化。
二、投资总额和出资方式1. 投资总额为人民币XX万元,其中甲方出资XX万元,乙方出资XX万元。
2. 甲方以现金方式出资,乙方以技术作价出资。
三、经营管理1. 合资企业设立董事会,董事会由甲方、乙方和第三方组成,甲方和乙方各自提名董事候选人。
2. 合资企业的总经理由甲方提名,董事会批准。
3. 合资企业的经营管理原则为民主决策、科学管理、高效运营。
四、技术合作与知识产权1. 乙方将其拥有的某项技术以作价方式投入合资企业,并保证该技术的真实性、有效性和合法性。
2. 合资企业享有该技术的使用权,并负责技术的后续研发和升级。
3. 合资企业产生的知识产权归合资企业所有,甲方和乙方享有优先使用权。
五、市场与销售1. 合资企业产品的国内市场由甲方负责,国外市场由乙方负责。
2. 甲方和乙方应共同努力拓展市场,提高产品知名度和市场占有率。
六、利润分配与亏损承担1. 合资企业的利润按投资比例分配,亏损由甲方和乙方按投资比例承担。
2. 合资企业的净利润应优先用于弥补亏损、扩大再生产和提高研发投入。
七、合同的生效、变更和解除1. 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为十年。
2. 合同的变更或解除应经双方协商一致,并签订书面协议。
双边投资协定制度在我国已经签署的110多个双边投资协定〔BITs〕中,有17个规定了国民待遇,而各个BITs 中有关国民待遇的定义、适用对象、适用标准等的具体措辞并不一致。
第⼗节有关国际投资的双边条约 ⼀、双边投资条约的类型与作⽤ (⼀)双边投资条约的类型 双边投资条约可分为传统型与现代型两⼤类,传统的双边投资条约的内容主要在友好通商航海条约中体现;现代型的是指两国之间订⽴的专门⽤于国际投资保护的双边条约,⼜分为美国式的双边投资保证协定及德国式的促进与保护投资协定。
1.友好通商航海条约 友好通商航海条约(Friendship Commerce Navigation Treaty)是缔约国间就商业活动和航⾏⾃由事宜⽽签订的双边条约,并⾮保护投资的专门性条约。
从 有无 “ 符合 东道 国 法律 ”的角 度 , 投 资准 入规 则分 为欧 式准 上世 纪 的最 后 十年 , 既是 中 国改革 开 放 的关键 阶段 , 又 是吸 引 入模 式和美 式准入模 式 : [ 4 外资 的 “ 黄金 时代 ” , 中 国与大 量 国家签 署 B I T , 极 大地 促进 了 国内
1 、 欧式 准入模 式和 美式准入 模式
以欧 式准入 为模本 的过程 。 在1 9 8 2年 中瑞 B I T中 , 没有 明显 的准 入规则 条款 , 更谈 不上外 资 准入 阶段 的待遇 问题 , 仅在 第 2条第 1 款规 定 “ 缔 约 各方应 始终 保证 公平 合理 地对待 缔约 另一方 投资 者的 投资 ” 。1 9 8 3 年 中德 B I T 中 第 2条规 定 “ 缔约 任何 一 方应 促 进缔 约 另一 方 的投 资 者在 其境 内投资 , 依 照其 法 律规 定 接受 此种 投资 , 并 在任 何 情况 下 给予 公 平 合理 的待遇 ” 。这 是中 国 B I T准 入规则 条款雏 形 。 这一 阶段 中 国与其 他 国家签 署的 B I T , 准入 条款 基 本沿袭 中 德 B I T的模式 , 尽管措 辞有所 不同 , 一般文 本公式 为 : “ 依 据东道 国法律 ( 必选项 ) ”+ “ 促 进和 鼓励 投资 ( 可选项 ) ”+ “ 公平合 理或 公平 公 正 待遇 ( 可选项 ) ” 。
1 、 第一 阶段 ( 1 9 8 2 — 1 9 8 7 ) : 准入 规则从 无到 有, 初 步成型
东道 国对 投 资 准入 管 制 措施 的关 键 是 准入 阶段 的 投 资 待遇 。 随着 2 0世纪 8 O 年代 未经 济 自由主 义浪 潮 , 晚 近缔 结的 投资 条约突 破 传统 投 资保 护与 促 进功 能 , 以促 进 投资 自 由化 为 目标 , 将 国民待 遇 和最 惠国 待遇从 营运 阶段 延伸 适用 于准 入阶段 , 由此 使得 外资可 以更 容 易地 进入 东 道 国 。口 但 是经 济发 达 程 度不 同 的 国家对 于 准 入 阶段 给予 外资 何种待 遇 , 根本 上还是 取决 于在 投资市 场 开放与 国
关键词:投资仲裁;用尽当地救济;岔路口条款;竞合[中图分类号]D915 [文献识别码]A [文章编号]2096-6180(2019)03-0130-18引言2017年6月21日,德国的香料和食品加工剂制造商海乐·西亚泽有限公司(Hela Schwarze GmbH,下称海乐公司)根据《中华人民共和国和德意志联邦共和国关于促进和相互保护投资的协定》(下称《中德投资协定》)在国际投资争端解决中心(International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, ICSID)对中国提起投资仲裁请求(下称“海乐诉中国案”)。
〔1〕Hela Schwarz GmbH v. People's Republic of China, ICSID Case No. ARB/17/19.〔2〕EkranBerhad v. People's Republic of China, ICSID Case No. ARB/11/15.〔3〕Ansung Housing Co., Ltd. v. People's Republic of China, ICSID Case No. ARB/14/25.〔4〕案情的进展情况参见国际投资争端解决中心官方网站,https:///en/Pages/cases/casedetail.aspx?CaseNo=ARB/ 17/19,最后访问时间:2019年3月15日。
双边合作方案具有以下优势:1. 增进相互了解与友谊:双边合作方案可以促使参与方互相了解彼此的国情、文化及发展模式,增进友谊与互信。
2. 优化资源配置:不同国家拥有不同的资源和技术优势,双边合作方案可以实现资源的互补和优化配置,达到双赢的局面。
3. 扩大市场规模:双边合作方案可以打破国别壁垒,扩大市场规模,实现市场的开放和互通。
4. 加强创新合作:通过双边合作方案,双方可以在科技、教育等领域分享创新资源,共同开展科研项目,提升创新能力。
二、双边合作方案的实施步骤要制定一份成功的双边合作方案,需要经过以下步骤:1. 明确合作目标与范围:双方需明确合作的目标,并界定合作的领域和范围,确保合作方案的具体可行性。
2. 确定合作方式与模式:根据合作目标,双方需确定合作的方式与模式,例如联合研究项目、技术转让、人员交流等。
3. 制定合作计划与时间表:合作双方应共同制定合作计划和时间表,明确合作的具体步骤和实施时间,确保合作方案的顺利进行。
4. 分工与合作机制:明确合作双方的责任与分工,建立合作机制,包括合作协调机构的设立、沟通及信息共享渠道等。
5. 确定资金和资源保障:明确合作方案所需的资金和资源,并确定资金来源与保障机制,确保合作的顺利进行。
6. 监测与评估合作成效:合作方案的实施需要定期监测与评估,及时进行调整与改进,确保合作的成效和可持续发展。
以下是一些成功案例:1. “中德双边科技合作计划”:中德两国在科技领域开展的合作方案,涵盖了先进制造、环境保护、新能源等多个领域。
二、贸易合作1. 贸易自由化中德友好通商条约鼓励双边贸易自由化,促进双方进出口商品和服务的平衡发展。
2. 双向投资中德友好通商条约鼓励双方扩大双向投资。
Title: 中华人民共和国政府德意志联邦共和国政府关于对所得和财产避免双重征税和防止偷漏税的协定和议定书(w/ Eng translation)Doc No: 税收协定Year85No.号Location: State10/06/85 Eff. Date:01/11/0985Pub.date:This circular is purely for internal use only. Please do NOT send it to clients without an approval of a tax partner who will consider whether it is necessary or not.Due to time constraint, it is possible that the circular was uploaded to the database without proof reading for quick reference purpose.Abstract:Full Text中华人民共和国政府和德意志联邦共和国政府关于对所得和财产避免双重征税和防止偷漏税的协定和议定书(w/ Englishtranslation)1985年6月10日(缔约双方相互通知已完成各自法律程序。
2014.11CONTEMPORARY WORLD21当代世界大国关系Major Power Relations2014年10月,李克强总理出访欧洲三国,德国是他此次欧洲之行的第一站。
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Agreementbetweenthe People's Republic of Chinaandthe Federal Republic of Germanyonthe Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection ofInvestmentsThe People's Republic of Chinaandthe Federal Republic of Germany(hereinafter referred to as the "Contracting Parties"),Intending to create favourable conditions for investment by investors of one Contract-ing Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party,Recognizing that the encouragement, promotion and protection of such investment will be conducive to stimulating business initiative of the investors and will increase pros-perity in both States,Desiring to intensify the economic cooperation of both States,Have agreed as follows:Article 1DefinitionsFor the purpose of this Agreement1. the term "investment" means every kind of asset invested directly or indirectly byinvestors of one Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party, and in particular, though not exclusively, includes:(a) movable and immovable property and other property rights such as mortgagesand pledges;(b) shares, debentures, stock and any other kind of interest in companies;(c) claims to money or to any other performance having an economic valueassociated with an investment;(d) intellectual property rights, in particular copyrights, patents and industrial de-signs, trade-marks, trade-names, technical processes, trade and businesssecrets, know-how and good-will;(e) business concessions conferred by law or under contract permitted by law, in-cluding concessions to search for, cultivate, extract or exploit naturalresources;any change in the form in which assets are invested does not affect their character as investments;2. the term "investor" means(a) in respect of the Federal Republic of Germany:- Germans within the meaning of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany,- any juridical person as well as any commercial or other company or association with or without legal personality having its seat in the territoryof the Federal Republic of Germany, irrespective of whether or not itsactivities are directed at profit;(b) in respect of the People’s Republic of China:- natural persons who have nationality of the People’s Republic of China inaccordance with its laws,- economic entities, including companies, corporations, associations, partnerships and other organizations, incorporated and constituted underthe laws and regulations of and with their seats in the People’s Republic ofChina, irrespective of whether or not for profit and whether their liabilitiesare limited or not;3. the term "return" means the amounts yielded from investments, including profits,dividends, interests, capital gains, royalties, fees and other legitimate income.Article 2Promotion and Protection of Investment(1) Each Contracting Party shall encourage investors of the other Contracting Party to make investments in its territory and admit such investments in accordance with its laws and regulations.(2) Investments of the investors of either Contracting Party shall enjoy constant pro-tection and security in the territory of the other Contracting Party.(3) Neither Contracting Party shall take any arbitrary or discriminatory measures against the management, maintenance, use, enjoyment and disposal of the investments by the investors of the other Contracting Party.(4) Subject to its laws and regulations, either Contracting Party shall give sympathetic consideration to applications for obtaining visas and working permits to nationals of the other Contracting Party engaging in activities associated with investments made in the territory of that Contracting Party.Article 3Treatment of Investment(1) Investments of investors of each Contracting Party shall at all times be accorded fair and equitable treatment in the territory of the other Contracting Party.(2) Each Contracting Party shall accord to investments and activities associated with such investments by the investors of the other Contracting Party treatment not less fa-vourable than that accorded to the investments and associated activities by its own in-vestors.(3) Neither Contracting Party shall subject investments and activities associated with such investments by the investors of the other Contracting Party to treatment less fa-vourable than that accorded to the investments and associated activities by the inves-tors of any third State.(4) The provisions of Paragraphs 1 to 3 of this Article shall not be construed so as to oblige one Contracting Party to extend to the investors of the other Contracting Party the benefit of any treatment, preference or privilege by virtue of(a) any membership or association with any existing or future customs union, freetrade zone, economic union, common market;(b) any double taxation agreement or other agreement regarding matters oftaxation.Article 4Expropriation and Compensation(1) Investments by investors of either Contracting Party shall enjoy full protection andsecurity in the territory of the other Contracting Party.(2) Investments by investors of either Contracting Party shall not directly or indirectly be expropriated, nationalized or subjected to any other measure the effects of which would be tantamount to expropriation or nationalization in the territory of the other Contracting Party (hereinafter referred to as expropriation) except for the public benefit and against compensation. Such compensation shall be equivalent to the value of the investment immediately before the expropriation is taken or the threatening expropriation has become publicly known, whichever is earlier. The compensation shall be paid without delay and shall carry interest at the prevailing commercial rate until the time of payment; it shall be effectively realizable and freely transferable. Precautions shall have been made in an appropriate manner at or prior to the time of expropriation for the determination and payment of such compensation. At the request of the investor the legality of any such expropriation and the amount of compensation shall be subject to review by national courts, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 9.(3) Investors of either Contracting Party shall enjoy most-favoured-nation treatment in the territory of the other Contracting Party in respect of the matters provided for in this Article.Article 5Compensation for Damages and LossesInvestors of either Contracting Party whose investments suffer losses in the territory of the other Contracting Party owing to war or other armed conflict, revolution, a state of national emergency or revolt, shall be accorded treatment by such other Contracting Party not less favourable than that which the latter Contracting Party accords to its own investors or to investors of any third State as regards restitution, indemnification, compensation or other valuable consideration.Article 6Repatriation of Investments and Returns(1) Each Contracting Party shall guarantee to the investors of the other Contracting Party the transfer of their investments and returns held in its territory, including:(a) the principal and additional amounts to maintain or increase the investment;(b) returns;(c) proceeds obtained from the total or partial sale or liquidation of investments oramounts obtained from the reduction of investment capital;(d) payments pursuant to a loan agreement in connection with investments;(e) payments in connection with contracting projects;(f) earnings of nationals of the other Contracting Party who work in connectionwith an investment in its territory.(2) Each Contracting Party shall guarantee to the investors of the other Contracting Party the free transfer of compensation and other payments under Article 4 and 5.(3) The transfer mentioned above shall be made without delay in a freely convertible currency and at the prevailing market rate of exchange applicable within the Contract-ing Party accepting the investments and on the date of transfer. In the event that the market rate of exchange does not exist, the rate of exchange shall correspond to the cross rate obtained from those rates which would be applied by the International Monetary Fund on the date of payment for conversions of the currencies concerned into Special Drawing Rights.Article 7SubrogationIf one Contracting Party or its designated agency makes a payment to its investor under a guarantee given in respect of an investment made in the territory of the other Contracting Party, the latter Contracting Party shall recognize the assignment of all the rights and claims of the indemnified investor to the former Contracting Party or its designated agency, by law or by legal transactions, and the right of the former Con-tracting Party or its designated agency to exercise by virtue of subrogation any such right to same extent as the investor. As regards the transfer of payments made by virtue of such assigned claims, Article 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis.Article 8Settlement of Disputes between Contracting Parties(1) Any dispute between the Contracting Parties concerning the interpretation or ap-plication of this Agreement shall, as far as possible, be settled with consultation through diplomatic channel.(2) If a dispute cannot thus be settled within six months, it shall, upon the request of either Contracting Party, be submitted to an ad hoc arbitral tribunal.(3) Such tribunal comprises of three arbitrators. Within two months of the receipt of the written notice requesting arbitration, each Contracting Party shall appoint one arbi-trator. Those two arbitrators shall, within further two months, together select a national of a third State having diplomatic relations with both Contracting Parties as Chairman of the arbitral tribunal.(4) If the arbitral tribunal has not been constituted within four months from the receipt of the written notice requesting arbitration, either Contracting Party may, in the ab-sence of any other agreement, invite the President of the International Court of Justice to make any necessary appointments. If the President is a national of either Contracting Party or is otherwise prevented from discharging the said functions, the Member of the International Court of Justice next in seniority who is not a national of either Con-tracting Party or is not otherwise prevented from discharging the said functions shall be invited to make such necessary appointments.(5) The arbitral tribunal shall determine its own procedure. The arbitral tribunal shall reach its award in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the principles of international law recognized by both Contracting Parties.(6) The arbitral tribunal shall reach its award by a majority of votes. Such award shall be final and binding upon both Contracting Parties. The arbitral tribunal shall, upon the request of either Contracting Party, explain the reasons of its award.(7) Each Contracting Party shall bear the costs of its appointed arbitrator and of its representation in arbitral proceedings. The relevant costs of the Chairman and tribunal shall be borne in equal parts by the Contracting Parties.Article 9Settlement of Disputes between Investorsand one Contracting Party(1) Any dispute concerning investments between a Contracting Party and an investor of the other Contracting Party should as far as possible be settled amicably between the parties in dispute.(2) If the dispute cannot be settled within six months of the date when it has been raised by one of the parties in dispute, it shall, at the request of the investor of the other Contracting State, be submitted for arbitration.(3) The dispute shall be submitted for arbitration under the Convention of 18 March 1965 on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States (ICSID), unless the parties in dispute agree on an ad-hoc arbitral tribunal to be established under the Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on the In-ternational Trade Law (UNCITRAL) or other arbitration rules.(4) Any award by an ad-hoc tribunal shall be final and binding. Any award under the procedures of the said Convention shall be binding and subject only to those appeals or remedies provided for in this Convention. The awards shall be enforced in accordance with domestic law.Article 10Other Obligations(1) If the legislation of either Contracting Parties or obligations under international law existing at present or established hereafter between the Contracting Parties in ad-dition to this Agreement contain a regulation, whether general or specific, entitling investments by investors of the other Contracting Party to a treatment more favourable than is provided for by this Agreement, such regulation shall to the extent that it is more favourable prevail over this Agreement.(2) Each Contracting Party shall observe any other obligation it has entered into with regard to investments in its territory by investors of the other Contracting Party.Article 11ApplicationThis Agreement shall apply to investment, which are made prior to or after its entry into force by investors of either Contracting Party in accordance with the laws andregulations of the other Contracting Party in the territory of the latter.Article 12Relations between Contracting PartiesThe provisions of the present Agreement shall apply irrespective of the existence of diplomatic or consular relations between the Contracting Parties.Article 13ConsultationsEither Contracting Party may propose to the other Contracting Party that consultations be held on any matter concerning interpretation, application and implementation of the Agreement. The other Contracting Party shall accord sympathetic consideration to the proposal and shall afford adequate opportunity for such consultations.Article 14ProtocolThe attached protocol shall form an integral part of this Agreement.Article 15Entry into Force, Duration and Termination(1) This Agreement shall enter into force one month from the date on which both Contracting Parties have notified each other in writing that the national requirements for such entry into force have been fulfilled. The relevant date shall be the day onwhich the last notification is received.(2) This Agreement shall remain in force for a period of ten years and shall be ex-tended thereafter for an unlimited period unless denounced in writing through diplo-matic channels by either Contracting Party twelve months before its expiration.(3) After the expiration of the initial ten years period, either Contracting Party may at any time thereafter terminate this Agreement by giving at least twelve month’s written notice through diplomatic channels to the other Contracting Party.(4) With respect to investments made prior to the date of termination of this Agree-ment, the provisions of Article 1 to 14 shall continue to be effective for a further period of twenty years from such date of termination.Article 16Transition(1) Upon entry into force of this Agreement the Agreement of 7 October 1983 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the People’s Republic of China on the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investments shall terminate.(2) The present Agreement shall apply to all investments made by investors of either Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party, whether made before or after the entry into force of this Agreement, but shall not apply to any dispute or any claim concerning an investment which was already under judicial or arbitral process before its entry into force. Such disputes and claims shall continue to be settled ac-cording to the provisions of the Agreement of 7 October 1983 mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Article.Done at Beijing on 1st December,2003 in duplicate in the German, Chinese and English languages, all texts being authentic. In case of divergent interpretation of the German and the Chinese text, the English text shall prevail.For the For thePeople’s Republic of China Federal Republic of GermanyProtocolto the Agreementbetweenthe People’s Republic of Chinaandthe Federal Republic of Germanyon the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investments On signing the Agreement between the People’s Republic of China and the Federal Republic of Germany on the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investments, the plenipotentiaries, being duly authorized, have, in addition, agreed on the following provisions, which shall be regarded as an integral part of the said Agreement:1. Ad Article 1(a) For the avoidance of doubt, the Contracting Parties agreethat investments as defined in Article 1 are those made forthe purpose of establishing lasting economic relations inconnection with an enterprise, especially those whichallow to exercise effective influence in its management.(b) "Invested indirectly" means invested by an investor of oneContracting Party through a company which is fully orpartially owned by the investor and having its seat in theterritory of the other Contracting Party.(c) Returns from the investment and from reinvestments shallenjoy the same protection as the investment.2. Ad Article 2The Agreement shall apply to the territory of each Contracting Party including the territorial sea as well as to the areas of the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf insofar as international law permits the Contracting Party concerned to exercise sovereign rights or jurisdiction in these areas.3. Ad Article 2 and 3With regard to the People’s Republic of China paragraph 3 of Article 2 and paragraph 2 of Article 3 do not apply to(a) any existing non-conforming measures maintained withinits territory;(b) the continuation of any such non-conforming measure;(c) any amendment to any such non-conforming measure tothe extent that the amendment does not increase the non-conformity of these measures.The People’s Republic of China will take all appropriate steps in order to progressively remove the non-conforming measures.4. Ad Article 3(a) The following shall more particularly, though notexclusively, be deemed "activity" within the meaning ofArticle 3 (2): the management, maintenance, use, enjoy-ment and disposal of an investment. The following shall,in particular, be deemed "treatment less favourable"within the meaning of Article 3: unequal treatment in thecase of restrictions on the purchase of raw or auxiliarymaterials, of energy or fuel or of means of production oroperation of any kind as well as any other measureshaving similar effects. Measures that have to be taken forreasons of public security and order, public health ormorality shall not be deemed "treatment less favourable"within the meaning of Article 3.(b) The provisions of Article 3 do not oblige a ContractingParty to extend to investors resident in the territory of theother Contracting Party tax privileges, tax exemptions andtax reductions which according to its tax laws are grantedonly to investors resident in its territory.5. Ad Article 6(a) With regard to the People’s Republic of China:-Article 6, paragraph 1 (c) will apply provided that the transfer shall comply with the relevant formalitiesstipulated by the present Chinese laws and regulationsrelating to exchange control.- Article 6, paragraph 1 (d) will apply provided that a loan-agreement has been registered with the relevantforeign exchange administration authority.To the extent that the formalities mentioned above are nolonger required according to the relevant provisions ofChinese law, Article 6 shall apply without restrictions.(b) A transfer shall be deemed to have been made "withoutdelay" within the meaning of Article 6 (3) if effectedwithin such period as is normally required for thecompletion of transfer formalities. The said period shallcommence on the day on which the relevant request hasbeen submitted to the relevant foreign exchangeadministration with full and authentic documentation andinformation and may on no account exceed two months. 6. To Article 9With respect to investments in the People’s Republic of China an investor of the Federal Republic of Germany may submit a dispute for arbitration under the following conditions only:(a) the investor has referred the issue to an administrative review procedureaccording to Chinese law,(b) the dispute still exists three months after he has brought the issue to thereview procedure, and(c) in case the issue has been brought to a Chinese court, it can be withdrawn bythe investor according to Chinese law.7. The investors of either Contracting Party are free to choose international means of transport for the transport of persons and/or capital-goods directly connected with an investment within the meaning of this Agreement.For the For thePeople’s Republic of China Federal Republic of Germany。