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The national flower of Germany
国花:The cornflower is the national flower of Germany. It is also called the knapweed.The flowers of the plant are striking because of their blue color. At present, the flowers are also available in white, pink, and red.矢车菊,又名蓝芙蓉、 荔枝菊、翠蓝,属于菊科。头状花序生在纤 细茎秆的顶端,仿佛一位隽秀的少女,向着 “生命之光”——太阳,祈祷幸福和欢乐。 矢车菊是德国的名花,德国人用她象征日耳 曼民族爱国、乐观、顽强、俭朴的特征,并 认为她有吉祥之兆,因而被誉为“国花”。
Historical figures名人
贝多芬Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 –1827)
was a German composer and pianist. 爱因斯坦Albert Einstein, (1879 – 1955)
was a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of general relativity, effecting a revolution in physics.
普鲁士皇帝威廉一世的母亲路易斯 王后,在一次内战中被迫离开柏林。 逃难途中,车子坏了,她和两个孩子 停在路边等待之时,发现路边盛开着 蓝色的矢车菊,她就用这种花编成花 环,戴在九岁的威廉胸前。后来威廉 一世加冕成了德意志皇帝,仍然十分 喜爱矢车菊,认为它是吉祥之花。
矢车菊花语: 人格;幸福。
*Brief introduction of Germany *Geography *Flag , Emblem *National Flower , Bird , Stone *City *Car
Full name : The Federal Republic of Germany Capital city: Berlin Government : the parliamentary republic(议会共和制) Population: 82,110,000 The main religion : Christianity(_基督 教), Protestant(新教), Roman Catholic(天主教) Land area: 357022 square kilometers National Day: October 3rd Average GDP: $39,710
Germany stretches from the high mountains of the Alps(阿尔卑斯 山),in the south to the shores of the North Sea(北海) and in the northwest of the Baltic(波罗的海).
The national bird of Germany
• 国鸟:白鹳(学名:Ciconia ciconia) ,一种著名的观赏珍禽。在欧洲,自古 以来白鹳就被认为是“带来幸福的鸟” ,是吉祥的象征,是上帝派来的“天使 ”,是专门来拜访交好运的人的。
The national stone of Germany
• 德国的国石——琥珀(Amber)
• 德国位于欧洲中部,面积为3 57020. 22平方公里。人 口8237万。自然资源贫乏 ,除硬煤、褐煤和盐的储量丰 富之外,在原料供应和能源方 面很大程度上依赖进口,2/ 3的初级能源需要进口。德国 的国石为琥珀,琥珀的英文名 称为Amber,来自拉丁文 Ambrum,意思是"精髓"。
歌德 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 – 1832) was a German writer, pictorial artist, biologist, theoretical physicist,
and polymath. 黑格尔Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel(1770 –1831) was a German philosopher, one of the creators of German Idealism.
Black :the rigorous、 solemn(严谨、肃 穆); red :the burning flame, arouse people's vision of enthusiasm; gold :the light of truth
Yellow shield(盾牌) background ; Black eagle; Red beak(鹰喙) and claws.
Germany is traversed by some of
Europe‘s major rivers such as the Rhine,(莱茵河) and Danube (多瑙 河). Thanks to its central situation
GermanyΒιβλιοθήκη Baiduhas more neighbors than
any other European country; these are Denmark(丹麦)in the north, Poland (波兰)and the Czech Republic(捷克共和国)in the east, Austria奥地利and Switzer(瑞士)land
in the south, France and Luxembourg卢(森堡)in the southwest and Belgium(比利时)and the Netherlands(荷兰)in the north-west.