专题十主旨要义 高考英语(浙江版)复习




三角(▽)来表示。 (1)寻找主题句 有些段落有明显的引出细节的信息词,常见的信息词有for example,an example of,the most important example,first,second,next,then,last,finally,to begin with,also,besides that等。 在阅读中,应尽量利用上述信息词确定主题句的位置。从段落中的for example可以断定前一句是主题句。如果无明显的信息词,可先假设第 一句为主题句,在第二句前面添加一个for example,看看第二句是否可 以支撑第一句话,如果第二句不能支撑第一句话,便在其他地方找出主 题句。 (2)选择答案
三、如何通过略读归纳中心思想 略读(Skimming)是概括和归纳段落中心思想的手段。略读是指人们以 可能达到的最快速度所做的阅读。略读的技巧如下: 1.顺行快速向前移动眼睛,千万不要停顿或复视。 2.把注意力集中在关键词上。关键词都是实词,如名词、形容词、数 词、动词和副词等。介词、冠词、连接词、语气词、代词(一般性的 代词)以及助动词和情态动词等都不是关键词。 3.将关键词扩大为能够表达概念的词组,即语意群,按语意群进行阅读。 4.遇到生词尽量猜,猜不出的生词,可跳过去。 5.对关键词进行数量上的加工,筛选出最能表达作者意图的关键词及其 概念。然后对这些概念进行质的加工,即对已产生的概念重新在头脑中
控制概念:is a universal beverage(饮料)that is served in different ways around the world 标题:Coffee around the World 拟定标题必须概括全文,既不能片面,也不能包括未提及内容。
五、怎样去找文章的中心或主题 通读全文,抓住每段或每个层次的主要含义进行加工、提炼,通过对语 篇结构的分析即文章内部各层次间的逻辑关系,将每段的主题综合起 来,找出文章的中心。对于答案的选择,要看所给内容是否真正能概括 全文中心,那些只能概括部分内容或只呈现文中具体某点的选项要首先 排除,当然,与文章毫不相关的选项更能轻松排除。

2019版高考英语一轮复习(浙江用B版)课件:专题十 主旨要义阅读 (共188张PPT)

2019版高考英语一轮复习(浙江用B版)课件:专题十 主旨要义阅读 (共188张PPT)

C.Add some background information. D.Introduce a new topic for discussion. 4.What can be a suitable title for the text? A.Keeping Fit by Eating Smart B.Balancing Our Daily Diet C.Making Yourself a Perfect Chef D.Cooking Well for Less 答案 [语篇解读] 本文介绍了英国节目主持人Susanna Reid创办的一档新节目Save Money:Good Food的相关情况。 1.B 细节理解题。根据第一段的but she is cooking up a storm in her latest role可知,她创办了 一档新节目,故选B项。 2.C 推理判断题。根据第二段第一句话(在节目Save Money:Good Food中,她每周拜访一个不 同的家庭,并且在厨师Matt Tebbutt的帮助下在准备每个家庭每天低于5英镑的食谱时提供如 何减少食物浪费的很好的建议)可知,Matt Tebbutt在做饭方面帮助了Susanna,故选C项。
3.C 推理判断题。文章前三段主要介绍了新节目Save Money:Good Food的相关情况,而第四 段介绍了它和节目Save Money:Good Health的关系。由此推断本段主要补充这一节目的背景 知识,故选C项。 4.D 主旨要义题。通读全文可知,文章介绍了英国节目主持人Susanna Reid通过创办新节目 Save Money:Good Food教给观众如何花更少的钱制作更美味的食物。故选D项。 实战分析 见提分手册第1条:切实掌握“读文章”的方式方法 长难句 原句:The eight-part series, Save Money:Good Food, follows in the footsteps of ITV's Save Money: Good Health, which gave viewers advice on how to get value from the vast range of health products on the market.

2019版高考英语(江浙版)一轮讲义:专题十主旨大意Word版含答案 (1)

2019版高考英语(江浙版)一轮讲义:专题十主旨大意Word版含答案 (1)



【命题探究】【五年高考】第一组记叙文Passage1(2017浙江,A)词数:326BenjaminWest,thefatherofAmericanpainting,showedhistalentforartwhenhewasonly sixyearsofage.Buthedidnotknowaboutbrushesbeforeavisitortoldhimheneededone.Intho sedays,abrushwasmadefromcamel shair.Therewerenocamelsnearby.Benjamindecidedtha tcathairwouldworkinstead.Hecutsomefurfromthefamilycattomakeabrush.Thebrushdidnotlastlong.SoonBenjaminneededmorefur.Beforelong,thecatbegantolo okragged(蓬乱).Hisfathersaidthatthecatmustbesick.Benjaminwasforcedtoadmitwhathehadbeendoin g.Thecat slotwasabouttoimprove.Thatyear,oneofBenjamin scousins,Mr.Penningto n,cametovisit.HewasimpressedwithBenjamin sdrawings.Whenhewenthome,hesentBenjam inaboxofpaintandsomebrushes.Healsosentsixengravings(版画)byanartist.ThesewerethefirstpicturesandfirstrealpaintandbrushesBenjaminhadev erseen.In1747,whenBenjaminwasnineyearsold,Mr.Penningtonreturnedforanothervisit.Hew asamazedatwhatBenjaminhaddonewithhisgift.HeaskedBenjamin sparentsifhemighttake theboybacktoPhiladelphiaforavisit.Inthecity,Mr.PenningtongaveBenjaminmaterialsforcreatingoilpaintings.Theboyb eganalandscape(风景)painting.WilliamWilliams,awell-knownpainter,cametoseehimwork.Williamswasimpr essedwithBenjaminandgavehimtwoclassicbooksonpaintingtotakehome.Thebookswerelong anddull.Benjamincouldreadonlyalittle,havingbeenapoorstudent.Buthelatersaid, “Thosetwobooksweremycompanionsbyday,andundermypillowatnight.”Whileitislikelythatheunderstoodverylittleofthebooks,theywerehisintroductiontocl assicalpaintings.Thenine-year-oldboydecidedthenthathewouldbeanartist.1.Whatisthetextmainlyabout?A.Benjamin svisittoPhiladelphia.B.Williams influenceonBenjamin.C.ThebeginningofBenjamin slifeasanartist.D.ThefriendshipbetweenBenjaminandPennington.2.Whatdoestheunderlinedsentenceinparagraph3suggest?A.Thecatwouldbecloselywatched.B.Thecatwouldgetsomemedicalcare.C.Benjaminwouldleavehishomeshortly.D.Benjaminwouldhaverealbrushessoon.3.WhatdidPenningtondotohelpBenjamindevelophistalent?A.Hetookhimtoseepaintingexhibitions.B.Heprovidedhimwithpaintingmaterials.C.HesenthimtoaschoolinPhiladelphia.D.Hetaughthimhowtomakeengravings.4.Williams twobookshelpedBenjaminto .A.mastertheuseofpaintsB.appreciatelandscapepaintingsC.gettoknowotherpaintersD.makeuphismindtobeapainter答案1.C2.D3.B4.DPassage2(2016江苏,D)词数:590Notsolongago,mostpeopledidn tknowwhoShelly-AnnFraser-Prycewasgoingtobecome .Shewasjustanaveragehighschoolathlete.Therewaseveryindicationthatshewasjustanot herJamaicanteenagerwithoutmuchofafuture.However,onepersonwantedtochangethis.Ste phenFrancisobservedtheneighteen-year-oldShelly-Annatatrackmeetandwasconvincedth athehadseenthebeginningsoftruegreatness.Hertimeswerenotexactlyimpressive,buteve nso,hesensedtherewassomethingtryingtogetout,somethingtheothercoacheshadoverlook edwhentheyhadassessedherandfoundherlacking.HedecidedtoofferShelly-Annaplaceinhi sverystricttrainingsessions.Theircooperationquicklyproducedresults,andafewyears lateratJamaica sOlympictrialsinearly2008,Shelly-Ann,whoatthattimeonlyrankednum ber70intheworld,beatJamaica sunchallengedqueenofthesprint(短跑).“Wheredidshecomefrom?”askedanastonishedsprintingworld,beforeconcludingthatshemustbeoneofthoseone-hitw ondersthatspringupfromtimetotime,onlytodisappearagainwithoutsigns.ButShelly-Ann wastoprovethatshewasanythingbutaone-hitwonder.AttheBeijingOlympicsshesweptawaya nydoubtsaboutherabilitytoperformconsistentlybybecomingthefirstJamaicanwomanever towinthe100metresOlympicgold.ShediditagainoneyearonattheWorldChampionshipsinBer lin,becomingworldchampionwithatimeof10.73—thefourthfastesttimeever.Shelly-Annisalittlewomanwithabigsmile.Shehasamentaltoughnessthatdidnotcomea boutbychance.Herjourneytobecomingthefastestwomanonearthhasbeenanythingbutsmooth andeffortless.ShegrewupinoneofJamaica stoughestinner-citycommunitiesknownasWat erhouse,whereshelivedinaone-roomapartment,sleepingfourinabedwithhermotherandtwo brothers.Waterhouse,oneofthepoorestcommunitiesinJamaica,isareallyviolentandover populatedplace.SeveralofShelly-Ann sfriendsandfamilywerecaughtupinthekillings; oneofhercousinswasshotdeadonlyafewstreetsawayfromwhereshelived.Sometimesherfami lydidn thaveenoughtoeat.Sheranattheschoolchampionshipsbarefootedbecauseshecoul dn taffordshoes.HermotherMaxime,oneofafamilyoffourteen,hadbeenanathleteherself asayounggirlbut,likesomanyothergirlsinWaterhouse,hadtostopaftershehadherfirstba by.Maxime searlyentryintotheadultworldwithitsresponsibilitiesgaveherthedeterminationtoensurethatherkidswouldnotendupinWaterhouse sroundaboutofpoverty.Oneoft hefirstthingsMaximeusedtodowithShelly-Annwastakinghertothetrack,andshewasreadyt osacrificeeverything.Itdidn ttakelongforShelly-AnntorealizethatsportscouldbeherwayoutofWaterhou se.OnasummereveninginBeijingin2008,allthoselong,hardhoursofworkandcommitmentfin allyborefruit.Thebarefootkidwhojustafewyearspreviouslyhadbeenlivinginpoverty,su rroundedbycriminalsandviolence,hadwrittenanewchapterinthehistoryofsports.ButShelly-Ann svictorywasfargreaterthanthat.ThenightshewonOlympicgoldinBei jing,theroutinemurdersinWaterhouseandthedrugwarsintheneighbouringstreetsstopped .Thedarkcloudaboveoneoftheworld stoughestcriminalneighbourhoodssimplydisappear edforafewdays. “Ihavesomuchfireburningformycountry,”Shellysaid.Sheplanstostartafoundationforhomelesschildrenandwantstobuildacommuni tycentreinWaterhouse.ShehopestoinspiretheJamaicanstolaydowntheirweapons.Sheinte ndstofighttomakeitawoman saswellasaman sworld.AsMuhammadAliputsit,“Championsaren tmadeingyms.Championsaremadefromsomethingtheyhavedeepinsidethe m.Adesire,adream,avision.”OneofthethingsShelly-Anncanbeproudofisherunderstandingofthistruth.1.WhydidStephenFrancisdecidetocoachShelly-Ann?A.Hehadastrongdesiretofreeherfamilyfromtrouble.B.Hesensedagreatpotentialinherdespiteherweaknesses.C.Shehadbigproblemsmaintainingherperformance.D.Shesufferedalotofdefeatsattheprevioustrackmeets.2.WhatdidthesprintingworldthinkofShelly-Annbeforethe2008OlympicGames?A.Shewouldbecomeapromisingstar.B.Shebadlyneededtosethighergoals.C.Hersprintingcareerwouldnotlastlong.D.Hertalentforsprintingwasknowntoall.3.WhatmadeMaximedecidetotrainherdaughteronthetrack?A.Hersuccessandlessonsinhercareer.B.HerinterestinShelly-Ann squickprofit.C.HerwishtogetShelly-Annoutofpoverty.D.Herearlyentranceintothesprintingworld.4.WhatcanweinferfromShelly-Ann sstatementunderlinedinParagraph5?A.Shewashighlyrewardedforherefforts.B.Shewaseagertodomoreforhercountry.C.Shebecameanathleticstarinhercountry.D.Shewastheenvyofthewholecommunity.5.BymentioningMuhammadAli swords,theauthorintendstotellusthat .A.playersshouldbehighlyinspiredbycoachesB.greatathletesneedtoconcentrateonpatienceC.hardworkisnecessaryinone sachievementsD.motivationallowsgreatathletestobeonthetop6.Whatisthebesttitleforthepassage?A.TheMakingofaGreatAthleteB.TheDreamforChampionshipC.TheKeytoHighPerformanceD.ThePowerofFullResponsibility答案1.B2.C3.C4.B5.D6.APassage3(2015天津,C)词数:369OnedaywhenIwas12,mymothergavemeanorder:Iwastowalktothepubliclibrary,andborr owatleastonebookforthesummer.Thiswasonemoreweaponforhertodefeatmystrangeproblem —inabilitytoread.Inthelibrary,Ifoundmywayintothe“Children sRoom”.Isatdownonthefloorandpulledafewbooksofftheshelfatrandom.The coverofabookcaughtmyeye.Itpresentedapictureofabeagle.Ihadrecentlyhadabeagle,the firstandonlyanimalcompanionIeverhadasachild.Hewasmysecretsharer,butonemorning,h ewasgone,givenawaytosomeonewhohadthespaceandthemoneytocareforhim.Ineverforgotmy beagle.Thereonthebook scoverwasabeaglewhichlookedidentical(相同的)tomydog.Iranmyfingersoverthepictureofthedogonthecover.Myeyesranacrossthetitl e,Amos,theBeaglewithaPlan.Unknowingly,Ihadreadthetitle.Withoutopeningthebook,Ib orroweditfromthelibraryforthesummer.Undertheshadeofabush,IstartedtoreadaboutAmos.Ireadvery,veryslowlywithdiffic ulty.Thoughpageswereturnedslowly,Igotthemainideaofthestoryaboutadogwho,likemine ,hadbeenseparatedfromhisfamilyandwhofinallyfoundhiswaybackhome.Thatdogwasmydog, andIwasthelittleboyinthebook.Attheendofthestory,mymindcontinuedthefinalsceneofr eunion,onandon,untilmyownlostdogandIwere,inmymind,runningtogether.Mymother scallreturnedmetotherealworld.Isuddenlyrealizedsomething:Ihadread abook,andIhadlovedreadingthatbook.EveryoneknewIcouldnotread.ButIhadreadit.Books couldbeincrediblywonderfulandIwasgoingtoreadthem.Inevertoldmymotheraboutmy“miraculous(奇迹般的)”experiencethatsummer,butshesawaslowbutremarkableimprovementinmyclassroomperform anceduringthenextyear.Andyearslater,shewasproudthathersonhadreadthousandsofbook s,wasawardedaPhDinliterature,andauthoredhisownbooks,articles,poetryandfiction.T hepowerofthewordshasheld.1.Theauthor smothertoldhimtoborrowabookinorderto .A.encouragehimtodomorewalkingB.lethimspendameaningfulsummerC.helpcurehimofhisreadingproblemD.makehimlearnmoreaboutweapons2.Thebookcaughttheauthor seyebecause .A.itcontainedprettypicturesofanimalsB.itremindedhimofhisowndogC.hefounditstitleeasytounderstandD.helikedchildren sstoriesverymuch3.Whycouldtheauthormanagetoreadthebookthrough?A.Hewasforcedbyhismothertoreadit.B.Heidentifiedwiththestoryinthebook.C.Thebooktoldthestoryofhispetdog.D.Thehappyendingofthestoryattractedhim.4.Whatcanbeinferredfromthelastparagraph?A.Theauthorhasbecomeasuccessfulwriter.B.Theauthor smotherreadthesamebook.C.Theauthor smotherrewardedhimwithbooks.D.Theauthorhashadhappysummerseversince.5.Whichonecouldbethebesttitleofthepassage?A.TheCharmofaBookB.Mum sStrictOrderC.ReunionwithMyBeagleD.MyPassionforReading 答案1.C2.B3.B4.A5.APassage4(2015安徽,B)词数:275Whenherfivedaughterswereyoung,HeleneAnalwaystoldthemthattherewasstrengthinu nity(团结).Toshowthis,shehelduponechopstick,representingoneperson.Thensheeasilybrokeit intotwopieces.Next,shetiedseveralchopstickstogether,representingafamily.Sheshow edthegirlsitwashardtobreakthetiedchopsticks.Thislessonaboutfamilyunitystayedwit hthedaughtersastheygrewup.HeleneAnandherfamilyownalargerestaurantbusinessinCalifornia.However,whenHel eneandherhusbandDannylefttheirhomeinVietnamin1975,theydidn thavemuchmoney.They movedtheirfamilytoSanFrancisco.TheretheyjoinedDanny smother,Diana,whoownedasma llItaliansandwichshop.Soonafterwards,HeleneandDianachangedthesandwichshopintoas mallVietnameserestaurant.Thefivedaughtershelpedintherestaurantwhentheywereyoung .However,Helenedidnotwantherdaughterstoalwaysworkinthefamilybusinessbecauseshet houghtitwastoohard.Eventuallythegirlsallgraduatedfromcollegeandwentawaytoworkforthemselves,but onebyone,thedaughtersreturnedtoworkinthefamilybusiness.Theyopenednewrestaurants inSanFranciscoandLosAngeles.Eventhoughfamilymemberssometimesdisagreedwitheachot her,theyworkedtogethertomakethebusinesssuccessful.DaughterElizabethexplains,“Ourmothertaughtusthattosucceedwemusthaveunity,andtohaveunitywemusthavepeace.W ithoutthestrengthofthefamily,thereisnobusiness.”Theirexpandingbusinessbecamealargecorporationin1996,withthreegenerationsofA nsworkingtogether.NowtheAns corporationmakesmorethan$20millioneachyear.Althoug htheybeganwithasmallrestaurant,theyhadbigdreams,andtheyworkedtogether.Nowtheyar eabigsuccess.1.Helenetiedseveralchopstickstogethertoshow .A.thestrengthoffamilyunityB.thedifficultyofgrowingupC.theadvantageofchopsticksD.thebestwayofgivingalesson2.WecanlearnfromParagraph2thattheAnfamily .A.startedabusinessin1975B.leftVietnamwithoutmuchmoneyC.boughtarestaurantinSanFranciscoD.openedasandwichshopinLosAngeles3.WhatcanweinferabouttheAndaughters?A.Theydidnotfinishtheircollegeeducation.B.Theycouldnotbeartoworkinthefamilybusiness.C.TheywereinfluencedbywhatHelenetaughtthem.D.Theyweretroubledbydisagreementamongfamilymembers.4.Whichofthefollowingcanbethebesttitleforthepassage?A.HowtoRunaCorporationB.StrengthComesfromPeaceC.HowtoAchieveaBigDreamD.FamilyUnityBuildsSuccess答案1.A2.B3.C4.DPassage5(2015陕西,B)词数:282WhenthedognamedJudyspottedthefirstsheepinherlife,shedidwhatcomesnaturally.T hefour-year-olddogsetoffracingafterthesheepacrossseveralfieldsand,beingacityani mal,lostbothhersheepandhersenseofdirection.Thensheranalongtheedgeofacliff(悬崖)andfell100feet,bouncingoffarockintothesea.HerownerMikeHoldenpanickedandcalledthecoastguardofCornwall,whoturnedupinsec onds.Sixvolunteerssliddownthecliffwiththehelpofaropebutgaveupallhopeoffindinghe raliveaftera90-minutesearch.Threedayslater,ahurricanehitthecoastnearCornwall.Mr.Holdenreturnedhomefromh isholidayupsetandconvincedhispetwasdead.Hecomfortedhimselfwiththethoughtshehadd iedinthemostbeautifulpartofthecountry.Forthenexttwoweeks,theHoldenswereheartbroken.Then,oneday,thephonerangandSteveTregear,thecoastguardofCornwall,askedHoldenifhewouldlikehisdogback.Abirdwatcher,armedwithatelescope,foundthepetsittingdesperatelyonarock.While hesoundedthealarm,astudentfromLeedsclimbeddowntheclifftocollectJudy.Thedoghadinitiallybeenknockedunconscious(失去知觉的)buthadsurvivedbydrinkingwaterfromafreshstreamatthebaseofthecliff.Shemayhavef edonthebodyofasheepwhichhadalsofallenovertheedge.“Thedogwasverythinandhungry,”SteveTregearsaid.“Itwasaveryluckydog.Shesurvivedbecauseofaplentifulsupplyoffreshwater,”headded.Itwas,asMr.Holdenadmitted,“aminormiracle(奇迹)”.1.ThedogJudyfelldownthecliffwhenshewas .A.rescuingherownerB.caughtinahurricaneC.blockedbyarockD.runningafterasheep2.WhospottedJudyaftertheaccident?A.Abirdwatcher.B.AstudentfromLeeds.C.Sixvolunteers.D.ThecoastguardofCornwall.3.Whatcanweinferfromthetext?A.Peopleliketotravelwiththeirpets.B.Judywastakentothefieldsforhunting.C.LuckplaysavitalroleinJudy ssurvival.D.HoldencaredlittlewhereJudywasburied.4.Whichofthefollowingcanbethebesttitleforthetext?A.MiracleoftheCoastguard.B.SurvivingaHurricane.C.DangersintheWild.ingBackfromtheDead.答案1.D2.A3.C4.DPassage6(2015重庆,A)词数:284Atthirteen,Iwasdiagnosed(诊断)withakindofattentiondisorder.Itmadeschooldifficultforme.Wheneveryoneelseinth eclasswasfocusingontasks,Icouldnot.Inmyfirstliteratureclass,Mrs.Smithaskedustoreadastoryandthenwriteonit,allwi thin45minutes.Iraisedmyhandrightawayandsaid,“Mrs.Smith,yousee,thedoctorsaidIhaveattentionproblems.Imightnotbeabletodoit.”Sheglanceddownatmethroughherglasses,“Youarenodifferentfromyourclassmates,youngman.”Itried,butIdidn tfinishthereadingwhenthebellrang.Ihadtotakeithome.Inthequietnessofmybedroom,thestorysuddenlyallbecamecleartome.Itwasaboutabli ndperson,LouisBraille.Helivedinatimewhentheblindcouldn tgetmucheducation.ButLo uisdidn tgiveup.Instead,heinventedareadingsystemofraiseddots(点),whichopenedup awholenewworldofknowledgetotheblind.Wasn tIthe “blind”inmyclass,beingmadetolearnlikethe“sighted”students?Mythoughtsspilledoutandmypenstartedtodance.Icompletedthetaskwithin40mi nutes.Indeed,Iwasnodifferentfromothers;Ijustneededaquieterplace.IfLouiscouldfin dhiswayoutofhisproblems,whyshouldIevergiveup?Ididn texpectanythingwhenIhandedinmypapertoMrs.Smith,soitwasquiteasurprise whenitcamebacktomethenextday—withan“A”onit.Atthebottomofthepaperwerethesewords:“Seewhatyoucandowhenyoukeeptrying?”1.Theauthordidn tfinishthereadinginclassbecause .A.hewasnewtotheclassB.hewastiredofliteratureC.hehadanattentiondisorderD.hewantedtotakethetaskhome2.WhatdoweknowaboutLouisBraillefromthepassage?A.Hehadgoodsight.B.Hemadeagreatinvention.C.Hegaveupreading.D.Helearnedalotfromschool.3.WhatwasMrs.Smith sattitudetotheauthorattheendofthestory?A.Angry.B.Impatient.C.Sympathetic.D.Encouraging.4.Whatisthemainideaofthepassage?A.Thedisabledshouldbetreatedwithrespect.B.Ateachercanopenupanewworldtostudents.C.Onecanfindhiswayoutofdifficultieswithefforts.D.Everyoneneedsahandwhenfacedwithchallenges.答案1.C2.B3.D4.CPassage7(2014课标Ⅱ,A)词数:269ArrivinginSydneyonhisownfromIndia,myhusband,Rashid,stayedinahotelforashortt imewhilelookingforahouseformeandourchildren.Duringthefirstweekofhisstay,hewentoutonedaytodosomeshopping.Hecamebackinthe lateafternoontodiscoverthathissuitcasewasgone.Hewasextremelyworriedasthesuitcas ehadallhisimportantpapers,includinghispassport.Hereportedthecasetothepoliceandthensatthere,lostandlonelyinastrangecity,thi nkingoftheterribletroublesofgettingallthepaperworkorganisedagainfromadistantcou ntrywhiletryingtosettledowninanewone.Lateintheevening,thephonerang.Itwasastranger.Hewastryingtopronouncemyhusban d snameandwasaskinghimalotofquestions.Thenhesaidtheyhadfoundapileofpapersinthe irtrashcan(垃圾桶)thathadbeenleftoutonthefootpath.Myhusbandrushedtotheirhometofindakindfamilyholdingallhispapersanddocuments. Theiryoungdaughterhadgonetothetrashcanandfoundapileofunfamiliarpapers.Herparent shadcarefullysortedthemout,althoughtheyhadfoundmainlyforeignaddressesonmostofthedocuments.Atlasttheyhadseenahalf-writtenletterinthepileinwhichmyhusbandhadgive nhisnewtelephonenumbertoafriend.Thatfamilynotonlyrestoredtheimportantdocumentstousthatdaybutalsorestoredour faithandtrustinpeople.Westillremembertheirkindnessandoftensendawarmwishtheirway .1.WhatdidRashidplantodoafterhisarrivalinSydney?A.Goshopping.B.Findahouse.C.Joinhisfamily.D.Takeavacation.2.Thegirl sparentsgotRashid sphonenumberfrom .A.afriendofhisfamilyB.aSydneypolicemanC.aletterinhispapersD.astrangerinSydney3.Whatdoestheunderlinedword “restored”inthelastparagraphmean?A.Showed.B.Sentout.C.Delivered.D.Gaveback.4.Whichofthefollowingcanbethebesttitleforthetext?A.FromIndiatoAustralia.B.LivinginaNewCountry.C.TurningTrashtoTreasure.D.InSearchofNewFriends.答案1.B2.C3.D4.CPassage8(2014四川,C)词数:293Aschoolgirlsavedherfather slifebykickinghiminthechestafterhesufferedaserio usallergic(过敏的)reactionwhichstoppedhisheart.Izzy,nine,restartedfatherColm sheartbystamping(踩)onhischestafterhefelldow nathomeandstoppedbreathing.Izzy smother,Debbie,immediatelycalled999butIzzyknewdoctorswouldneverarrive intimetosaveherfather,sodecidedtouseCPR.However,shequicklydiscoveredherarmsweren tstrongenough,soshestampedonherfa ther schestinstead.Debbiethentookoverwithsomemoreconventionalchestcompressions(按压)untiltheambulancearrived.Izzy,whohasbeengivenabraveryawardbyherschool,said:“Ijustkickedhimreallyhard.MymumtaughtmeCPRbutIknewIwasn tstrongenoughtousehan ds.Iwasquitescared.ThedoctorsaidImightaswellbeadoctororanurse.MymumsaidthatDadw asgoingtohospitalwithabigfootprintonhischest.”“She salittlestar,”saidDebbie.“IwasreallyupsetbutIzzyjusttookover.Ijustcan tbelievewhatshedid.Ireallythinka llchildrenshouldbetaughtfirstaid.IzzydidCPRthenthedoctorturnedup.Colmhadtohavem oretreatmentonthewaytothehospitalandwe vegottoseeanexpert.”TruckdriverColm,35,sufferedamysteryallergicreactiononSaturdayandwastakentoh ospital,butwassenthomeonlyforittohappenagainthenextday.Thesecondattackwassoseri ousthathisairwayswelled,preventinghimfrombreathing,hisbloodpressuredroppedsudde nly,andhisheartstoppedforamoment.Hehasnowmadeafullrecoveryfromhissuffering.1.Izzykickedherfatherinthechest .A.toexpressherhelplessnessB.topractiseCPRonhimC.tokeephimawakeD.torestarthisheart2.What stherightorderoftheevents?A.③①②④B.④②③①C.③④②①D.④③①②3.WhatdoesParagraph8mainlytalkabout?A.WhatColmsuffered.B.Colm spresentcondition.C.WhatcausedColm sallergy.D.SymptomsofColm sallergicreaction.4.Whydoestheauthorwritethenews?A.Todescribeaseriousaccident.B.ToprovetheimportanceofCPR.C.Toreporta9-year-oldgirl sbraveact.D.Tocallpeople sattentiontoallergicreaction.答案1.D2.C3.A4.CPassage9(2014重庆,A)词数:262Iwasneververyneat,whilemyroommateKatewasextremelyorganized.Eachofherobjects haditsplace,butminealwayshidsomewhere.Sheevenlabeled(贴标签)everything.Ialwayslookedforeverything.Overtime,KategotneaterandIgotmessier.S hewouldpushmydirtyclothingover,andIwouldlaymybooksonhertidydesk.Webothgottiredo feachother.Warbrokeoutoneevening.Katecameintotheroom.Soon,Iheardherscreaming,“Takeyourshoesaway!Whyundermybed!”Deafened,Isawmyshoesflyingatme.Ijumpedtomyfeetandstartedyelling.Sheyelledbacklo uder.Theroomwasfilledwithanger.Wecouldnothavestayedtogetherforasingleminutebutfo raphonecall.Kateansweredit.Fromherendoftheconversation,Icouldtellrightawayhergrandmawasseriouslyill.Whenshehungup,shequicklycrawled(爬)underhercovers,sobbing. Obviously,thatwassomethingsheshouldnotgothroughalone.Allofasudden,awarmfeelingo fsympathyroseupinmyheart.Slowly,Icollectedthepencils,tookbackthebooks,mademybed,cleanedthesocksandsw eptthefloor,evenonherside.IgotsointomyworkthatIevendidn tnoticeKatehadsatup.Sh ewaswatching,hertearsdriedandherexpressiononeofdisbelief.Then,shereachedoutherh andstograspmine.Ilookedupintohereyes.Shesmiledatme,“Thanks.”KateandIstayedroommatesfortherestoftheyear.Wedidn talwaysagree,butwelearne dthekeytolivingtogether:givingin,cleaningupandholdingon.1.WhatmadeKatesoangryoneevening?A.Shecouldn tfindherbooks.B.Sheheardtheauthorshoutingloud.C.Shegotthenewsthathergrandmawasill.D.Shesawtheauthor sshoesbeneathherbed.2.Theauthortidieduptheroommostprobablybecause .A.shewasscaredbyKate sangerB.shehatedherselfforbeingsomessyC.shewantedtoshowhercareD.shewasaskedbyKatetodoso3.HowisParagraph1mainlydeveloped?A.Byanalyzingcauses.B.Byshowingdifferences.C.Bydescribingaprocess.D.Byfollowingtimeorder.4.Whatmightbethebesttitleforthestory?A.MyFriendKateB.HardWorkPaysOffC.HowtoBeOrganizedD.LearningtoBeRoommates答案1.D2.C3.B4.DPassage10(2014湖南,B)词数:319Inthemid-1950s,Iwasasomewhatboredearly-adolescentmalestudentwhobelievedthat doinganymorethannecessarywaswastedeffort.Oneday,thisapproachthrewmeintoembarras sment.InMrs.Totten seighth-grademathclassatCentralAvenueSchoolinAnderson,Indiana ,wewerelearningtoaddandsubtractdecimals(小数).Ourteachertypicallyassigneddailyhomework,whichwouldberecitedinclassthefollo wingday.Onmostdays,ourgradeswerebasedonouroralanswerstohomeworkquestions.Mrs.Tottenusuallywalkedupanddowntherowsofdesksrequestinganswersfromstudenta fterstudentintheorderthequestionshadappearedonourhomeworksheets.Shewouldstartei theratthefrontorthebackoftheclassroomandworktowardtheotherend.SinceIwasseatednearthemiddleofabout35students,itwaseasytofigureoutwhichques tionsImighthavetoanswer.Thisparticulartime,Ihadcompletedmyusualtwoorthreeproble msaccordingtomycalculations.WhatIfailedtoexpectwasthatseveralstudentswereabsent,whichthrewoffmyestimate .AsMrs.Tottenmadeherwayfromthebeginningoftheclass,Idesperatelytriedtodeterminew hichmathproblemIwouldget.Itriedtoworkitoutbeforeshegottome,butIhadbrainfreezean dcouldn tfunction.WhenMrs.Tottenreachedmydesk,sheaskedwhatanswerI dgotforproblemNo.14.“I...Ididn tgetanything,”Ianswered,andmyfacefeltwarm.“Correct,”shesaid.Itturnedoutthatthecorrectanswerwaszero.WhatdidIlearnthatday?First,alwaysdoallyourhomework.Second,inreallifeitisn talwayswhatyousaybuthowyousayitthatmatters.Third,Iwouldnevermakeitasamathematician.IfIcouldchooseoneschooldaythattaughtmethemost,itwouldbethatone.1.WhatdoestheunderlinedpartinParagraph1indicate?A.Itiswisetovalueone stime.B.Itisimportanttomakeaneffort.C.Itisrighttosticktoone sbelief.D.Itisenoughtodothenecessary.ually,Mrs.Tottenaskedherstudentsto .A.recitetheirhomeworktogetherB.gradetheirhomeworkthemselvesC.answertheirhomeworkquestionsorallyD.checktheanswerstotheirhomeworkquestions3.Theauthorcouldworkoutwhichquestionstoanswersincetheteacheralways .A.askedquestionsinaregularwayB.walkedupanddownwhenaskingquestionsC.chosetwoorthreequestionsforthestudentsD.requestedherstudentstofinishtheirusualquestions4.Theauthorfailedtogetthequestionshehadexpectedbecause .A.theclassdidn tbeginasusualB.severalstudentsdidn tcometoschoolC.hedidn ttryhardtomakehisestimateD.Mrs.Tottendidn tstartfromthebackoftheclass5.Whichofthefollowingcanbethebesttitleforthepassage?A.AnUnforgettableTeacherB.AFutureMathematicianC.AnEffectiveApproachD.AValuableLesson答案1.D2.C3.A4.B5.DPassage11(2014广东,A)词数:333SamuelOsmondisa19-year-oldlawstudentfromCornwall,England.Heneverstudiedthep iano.However,hecanplayverydifficultmusicalpiecesbymusicianssuchasChopinandBeeth ovenjustafewminutesafterhehearsthem.Helearnsapieceofmusicbylisteningtoitinparts .Thenhethinksaboutthenotesinhishead.Twoyearsago,heplayedhisfirstpieceMoonlightS onata(奏鸣曲)byBeethoven.Hesurprisedeveryonearoundhim.Amazedthatherememberedthislonganddifficultpieceofmusicandplayeditperfectly, histeacherssaySamuelisunbelievable.Theysayhisabilityisveryrare,butSamueldoesn tevenrealizethatwhathecandoisspecial.Samuelwantedtobecomealawyerasitwasthewisho fhisparents,butmusicteacherstoldhimheshouldstudymusicinstead.Now,hestudieslawan dmusic.Samuelcan tunderstandwhyeveryoneissosurprised.“Igrewupwithmusic.Mymotherplayedthepianoandmyfatherplayedtheguitar.Abouttwoyea rsago,Isuddenlydecidedtostartplayingthepiano,withoutbeingabletoreadmusicandwith outhavinganylessons.Itcomeseasilytome—Ihearthenotesandcanbeartheminmind—eacha ndeverynote,”saysSamuel.Recently,Samuelperformedapieceduringaspecialeventathiscollege.Thepiecehadmo rethanathousandnotes.Theaudiencewasimpressedbyhisamazingperformance.Heisnowlear ningapiecethatissodifficultthatmanyprofessionalpianistscan tplayit.Samuelsaysc onfidently,“It sallaboutsupermemory—IguessIhavethatgift.”However,Samuel sabilitytorememberthingsdoesn tstopwithmusic.Hisfamilysays thatevenwhenhewasayoungboy,Samuelheardsomeonereadastory,andthenhecouldretellthe storywordforword.Samuelisstillonlyateenager.Hedoesn tknowwhathewantstodointhefuture.Fornow, heisjusthappytoplaybeautifulmusicandcontinuehisstudies.1.WhatisspecialaboutSamuelOsmond?A.Hehasagiftforwritingmusic.B.Hecanwritedownthenotehehears.C.Heisatopstudentatthelawschool.D.Hecanplaythemusicalpiecehehears.2.WhatcanwelearnfromParagraph2?A.Samuelchoselawagainstthewishofhisparents.B.Samuelplannedtobealawyerratherthanamusician.C.Samuelthinksofhimselfasamanofgreatmusicalability.D.Samuelstudieslawandmusicontheadviceofhisteachers.3.EveryonearoundSamuelwassurprisedbecausehe .A.receivedagoodearlyeducationinmusicB.playedtheguitarandthepianoperfectlyC.couldplaythepianowithoutreadingmusicD.couldplaytheguitarbetterthanhisfather4.WhatcanweinferaboutSamuelinParagraph4?A.Hebecamefamousduringaspecialeventathiscollege.B.Heisproudofhisabilitytorememberthingsaccurately.C.Heplaysthepianobetterthanmanyprofessionalpianists.D.Heimpressedtheaudiencebyplayingallthemusicalpieces.5.Whichofthefollowingisthebesttitleofthispassage?A.TheQualitiesofaMusicianB.TheStoryofaMusicalTalentC.TheImportanceofEarlyEducationD.TheRelationshipbetweenMemoryandMusic答案1.D2.B3.C4.B5.BPassage12(2013天津,C)词数:357PoetWilliamStaffordoncesaidthatwearedefinedmorebythedetours(绕行路)inlifethanbythenarrowroadtowardgoals.Ilikethisimage.Butitwasquitebyaccidentt hatIdiscoveredthedeepmeaningofhiswords.ForyearswemadethelongdrivefromourhomeinSeattletomyparents homeinBoiseinnin ehours.Wetraveledthewaymostpeopledo:thefastest,shortest,easiestroad,especiallyw henIwasalonewithfournoisy,restlesskidswhohateconfinement(限制)andhavestrongopinionsabouteverything.Roadtripsfeltrisky,soIwoulddrivefast,stoppingonlywhenIhadto.Wewouldsticktot hefreewaysandarrivetired.ButthenBanner,ourlambwasborn.Hewasrejectedbyhismamadaysbeforeourplannedtrip toBoise.Ihadtwochoices:leaveBannerwithmyhusband,ortakehimwithme.Myhusbandmadeth edecisionforme.ThatishowIfoundmyselfontheroadwithfourkids,ababylambandnothingbutmyeverlast ingoptimismtoseemethrough.Wetookthecountryroadsoutofnecessity.Wehadtostopeveryh our,letBannershakeouthislegsandfeedhim.Thekidschasedhimandoneanother.They dget backinthecarbreathlessandenergized,smellingfreshfromthecoldair.Weexploredsideroads,catchinggrasshoppersinwaist-highgrass.Evenifwesimplyloo kedoutofthecarwindowsatbabypigsfollowingtheirmother,orfishleapingoutofthewater, itwasbetterthanthebestridedownthefreeway.Herewaslife.Andnewhorizons(见识).Weeventuallyarrivedatmyparents doorstepastonishinglyfreshandfullofstories.Igrewbravewiththetripbackhomeandcreativewithmydiscipliningtechnique.Onanemp tysectionofroad,everyonestartedquarreling.Istoppedthecar,orderedallkidsoutandto。


愈是临近高考,能否咬紧牙关、学会自我调节,态度是否主动积 极,安排是否科学合理,能不能保持良好的心态、以饱满的情绪 迎接挑战,其效果往往大不一样。以下是本人从事10多年教学经 验总结出的超实用新高考英语专题复习讲义希望可以帮助大家提 高答题的正确率,希望对你有所帮助,有志者事竟成!
the passage? ③ The best title for the passage is ________. ④ The most appropriate title of the passage
is ________.

特点: 1) 概括性—抽象、准确、简短,常用一个短语
或一句话 2) 针对性— 标题外延正好与文章内容相符,
答案 A 解析: 本题考查段落大意。 浏览全段可迅速找到 段落中心句: Mitch Prinstein, a professor of
clinical psychology sorts the popular into two cate gories。由此可知本段对受欢迎的人进行分类。
2. Main purpose型 选择项多为动宾结构,要求考生找到主要的 写作目的,常见以下几种题干形式:
本文的开头即点题,主人公凭借超乎常人的 意志力完成了大学学业。正确选项C中Hard work和pays off分别是首段中的willpower和 bore fruit的同义替换表达。
例2:(2020江苏卷D篇) We are repeatedly willing to imagine we have
Mitch Prinstein, a professor of clinical psychology sorts the popular into two categories: the likable and the status seekers. The likables’ plays-well-with-others qualities strengthen schoolyard friendships, jump-start interpersonal skills and, when tapped early, are employed ever after in life and work. Then there’s the kind of popularity that appears in adolescence: status born of power and even dishonorable behavior. What is the second paragraph mainly about? A. The classification of the popular. B. The characteristics of adolescents. C. The importance of interpersonal skills. D. The causes of dishonorable behavior.



第二部分题型应对策略主旨大意题——标题归纳题(建议用时:25分钟)A(2019·浙江五校联考)Recently whenever I turned on my computer ormy mobile phone, news about the great effect of Hurricane Harvey onthousands of people caught my eye. I saw many unfortunate events.However, there was also the bright news that confirmed the goodness of mankind. As a journalist, I wrote many human­interest stories during my career. That’s why the story about the guys in the bakery caught my eye.When the staff at a Mexican bakery chain in Houston were trapped inside the building for two days, they didn’t sit there feeling sorry for themselves. They used their time wisely after flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey. While they were waiting for the eventual rescue that came on Monday morning, four decided to make as many loaves of bread as possible for their community.The flood water rose in the street outside. They took advantage of their emergency power supply to bake bread. They used more than 4,200 pounds of flour to create hundreds of loaves and sheets of sweet bread. Although the water kept rising, they continued baking to help more people. By the time the owner managed to get to them, they had made so much bread that they took the loaves to loads of emergency centers across the city for people affected by the floods.The store manager, Brian Alvarado, told The Independent, “Whenever a disaster occurs, nobody should just feel forlorn. Instead, we should take positive action to save ourselves and help others. Our acts of kindness will make a big difference.”【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。

2021高中英语一轮复习新高考版专题十 读后续写(讲解部分)

2021高中英语一轮复习新高考版专题十 读后续写(讲解部分)
——与所给短文有一定的关系,与所提供各段落开头语有一定程度 的衔接。 ——写出了一些有关内容,应用了3个以上短文中标出的关键词语。 ——语法结构单调,词汇项目有限,有些语法结构和词汇方面的错误, 影响了意义的表达。 ——较少使用语句间的连接成分,全文内容缺少连贯性。
——与所给短文和开头语的衔接较差。 ——产出内容太少,很少使用短文中标出的关键词语。 ——语法结构单调,词汇项目很有限,有较多语法结构和词汇方面的 错误,严重影响了意义的表达。 ——缺乏语句间的连接成分,全文内容不连贯。
专题十 读后续写
清单一 续写中常用词汇
calm 镇静的 cheerful 兴高采烈的 confident 有信心的 delighted 高兴的 eager 渴望的;热切的 excited 兴奋的;激动的 patient 耐心的 proud 自豪的 peaceful 安静的;平静的 relaxed 放松的 thirsty 渴望的 thrilled 兴奋的;激动的
二、厘清续写思路,打造高分作文 1.梳理记叙要素,归纳文本大意 文本大意(main idea)指文章的主要内容,即围绕主要人或物描述的主要事 件及其结果。归纳记叙文文本大意可用要素归纳法,即找出记叙文的六要 素(时间、地点、人物和事情的起因、经过和结果),并将其概括为“何人/ 物于何时何地做了何事,最终结果如何”,有时根据实际情况“何时何地” 可以省略。 2.厘清叙事情节,助推故事高潮 情节是记叙文完整内容的具体展开,通常包括开端(beginning)、发展(development)、高潮(climax)和结局(ending)。在研读所给文本的前提下,巧 妙营造故事的高潮是提升写作质量的关键一环,其常用方法如下:

高考英语阅读理解考点 语篇的主旨和要义

高考英语阅读理解考点  语篇的主旨和要义




下表是2012年全国各省市高考英语试题对主旨要义的测试情况:1. 从考查的对象上来看,主旨要义题考查:(1)篇章主旨要义。





2. 从考查的内容上来看,主旨要义题可分为主题类,考查文章或段落的主旨大意和标题类,考查考生选出文章的最佳标题。

主旨大意题常用main idea, main point, key point, main topic, mainly discuss, mainly(1)不出现细节信息;不含过分肯定(否定)或绝对意义的词;(2)四个选项中,内容相近或完全相反的两个选项中往往有一个是正确选项;(3)那些概括全文,内容全面,含义深刻,说明道理的选项一般是答案项,而选项内容片面,单一的内容一般是错误选项。








27. What can be a suitable title for the text? A. Young Models Selling Dreams to the World B. A Chinese Art Exhibition Held in New York C. Differences Between Eastern and Western Aesthetics D. Chinese Culture Fueling International Fashion Trends
21. D。【解析】本文主要讲述了中国及其丰富的文化一直是西方创意的灵感来源, 在时尚界已经引领世界潮流,D选项符合。
Find out the key sentences in each paragraph
Para.4 "China is impossible to overlook," says Hill. "Chinese models are the faces of beauty and fashion campaigns that sell dreams to women all over the world, which means Chinese women are not just consumers of fashion — they are central to its movement. "Of course, only are today's top Western designers being influenced by China-some of the best designers of contemporary fashion are themselves Chinese." Vera Wang, Alexander Wang, Jason Wu are taking on Galiano, Albaz, Marc Jacobsand beating them hands down in design and sales," adds Hil. Para.5 For Hill, it is impossible not to talk about China as the leading player when discussing fashion. "The most famous designers are Chinese, so are the models, and so are the consumers," she says. "China is no longer just another market; in many senses it has become the market. If you talk about fashion today, you are talking about China-its influences, its direction, its breathtaking clothes, and how young designers and models are finally acknowledging that in many ways."



易混易错点突破 1.被every、each、many a、no等限定的单个主语由and连接时,谓语动词 仍用单数形式。其中,后一个限定词可省略。 例句 Each boy and(each)girl has an apple. 每个男孩和每个女孩都有一个苹果。 2.两个单数名词由and连接表示同一个人、同一个物时,谓语动词用单 数。 例句 The scientist and professor has made a great contribution to the research. 这个科学家兼教授已经对这项研究作出了巨大的贡献。
用单数形式;可数名词复数作主语,谓语动词使用 珀西的汉语取得了很大进步。
The Greens are very fond of working on the farm.
表示时间、距离、长度、金额、重量等的复数 名词作主语时,常被看作整体,谓语动词用单数
Twenty years is a long time. 二十年是一段很长的时间。 A hundred miles is quite a long drive,isn't it?一百 英里是一段很长的车程,例句
I'd rather they didn't hear of the news.我宁愿他们没有听到这个 消息。
I'd rather I had not told him the bad news.我宁愿没有告诉过他 那个坏消息。
虚拟语气在“It is (high) time+that从句”中
从句谓语动词先于主句谓 had+过去分词 语动词发生
If only I had seen the film!=How I wish I had seen the film!我要是看过那部电影该多好啊! She speaks English so fluently as if she had stayed in America for a long time.她说英语如此流利, 好像她在美国待过很长时间。

超实用高考英语复习:阅读理解——主旨大意题 -测 (解析版)

超实用高考英语复习:阅读理解——主旨大意题 -测 (解析版)

专题14 阅读理解:主旨大意题备考高考英语二轮复习距离高考还有一段时间,不少有经验的老师都会提醒考生,愈是临近高考,能否咬紧牙关、学会自我调节,态度是否主动积极,安排是否科学合理,能不能保持良好的心态、以饱满的情绪迎接挑战,其效果往往大不一样。








名校最新模拟试题主旨大意题(共20小题)1.(2022年8月浙江省“山水联盟”高三联考)You really should ask the question: will my donation to this charity actually help the people or cause? Sometimes it makes matters worse. For example, many charities help African people install water pumps to deliver clean water to their communities. Money has been invested over the past 20 years to install a total of 60, 000 pumps across sub-Saharan Africa. However, today 40% of those have failed to work at some point. They have been left there, like expensive but useless decorations.......Ultimately, to whom and how much you give is your choice. It is important to provide highly specialized services instead of material goods. As a general rule of thumb, the more your donation matches the need of the receivers, the better it will be for the long-term prosperity of those you want to help.15. Which is the best title for the passage?A. Has your donation hit a dead end?B. Why should you make a donation?C. Where does my donation take its way?D. Will my donation to charity really help?【答案】D【解析】主旨大意题。

新课标高考英语专题复习 专题十 主旨大意

新课标高考英语专题复习  专题十 主旨大意

专题十 主旨大意探考情 悟真题【考情探究】考卷年份 课标全国Ⅰ 课标全国Ⅱ 课标全国Ⅲ2019 第33题,第35题 第31题,第35题 第27题 2018 第27题,第31题 第28题,第35题 第27题, 第35题 2017 第31题 第28题,第31题 第28题,第35题 2016 第35题 第32题 第35题 2015 —— 第28题 —— 考点内容 主旨大意题要求学生在理解全文后归纳文章要点,概括中心思想,因此需要学生能够分析文章的篇章结构,抓住文章开头的主题或文章最后的结论,从而找出文章主旨或文章的标题。






课标全国卷近五年考查主旨大意题的题量相对较少,但考查深度、难度却不断增加,解题时需对文章的主旨大意进行综合、归纳、推断后方可得出正确答案 。


【五年高考】A 组 统一命题·课标卷题组Passage 1(2019课标全国Ⅰ,D)词数:370During the rosy years of elementary school(小学), I enjoyed sharing my dolls and jokes, which allowed me to keep my high social status. I was the queen of the playground. Then came my tweens and teens, and mean girls and cool kids. They rose in the ranks not by being friendly but by smoking cigarettes, breaking rules and playing jokes on others, among whom I soon found myself.Popularity is a well-explored subject in social psychology. Mitch Prinstein, a professor of clinical psychology sorts the popular into two categories:the likable and the status seekers. The likables’ plays-well-with-others qualities strengthen schoolyard friendships, jump-start interpersonal skills and, when tapped early, are employed ever after in life and work. Then there’s the kind of popularity that appears in adolescence:status born of power and even dishonorable behavior.Enviable as the cool kids may have seemed, Dr. Prinstein’s studies show unpleasant consequences. Those who were highest in status in high school, as well as those least liked in elementary school, are “most likely to engage(从事)in dangerous and risky behavior.”In one study, Dr. Prinstein examined the two types of popularity in 235 adolescents, scoring the least liked, the most liked and the highest in status based on student surveys(调查研究).“We found that the least well-liked teens had become more aggressive over time toward their classmates. But so had those who werehigh in status.It clearly showed that while likability can lead to healthy adjustment,high status has just the opposite effect on us.”Dr.Prinstein has also found that the qualities that made the neighbors want you on a play date—sharing, kindness,openness—carry over to later years and make you better able to relate and connect with others.In analyzing his and other research,Dr.Prinstein came to another conclusion:Not only is likability related to positive life outcomes,but it is also responsible for those outcomes,too.“Being liked creates opportunities for learning and for new kinds of life experiences that help somebody gain an advantage,”he said.1.What sort of girl was the author in her early years of elementary school?A.Unkind.B.Lonely.C.Generous.D.Cool.2.What is the second paragraph mainly about?A.The classification of the popular.B.The characteristics of adolescents.C.The importance of interpersonal skills.D.The causes of dishonorable behavior.3.What did Dr.Prinstein’s study find about the most liked kids?A.They appeared to be aggressive.B.They tended to be more adaptable.C.They enjoyed the highest status.D.They performed well academically.4.What is the best title for the text?A.Be Nice—You Won’t Finish LastB.The Higher the Status,the BetterC.Be the Best—You Can Make ItD.More Self-Control,Less Aggressiveness答案1.C2.A3.B4.APassage2(2019课标全国Ⅱ,C)词数:348Marian Bechtel sits at West Palm Beach’s Bar Louie counter by herself,quietly reading her e-book as she waits for her salad.What is she reading?None of your business!Lunch is Bechtel’s“me” time.And like more Americans,she’s not alone.A new report found46percent of meals are eaten alone in America.More than half(53percent)have breakfast alone and nearly half(46percent)have lunch by themselves.Only at dinnertime are we eating together anymore, 74percent,according to statistics from the report.“I prefer to go out and be out.Alone,but together,you know?”Bechtel said,looking up from her book. Bechtel,who works in downtown West Palm Beach,has lunch with coworkers sometimes,but like many of us,too often works through lunch at her desk.A lunchtime escape allows her to keep a boss from tapping her on the shoulder.She returns to work feeling energized.“Today,I just wanted some time to myself,”she said.Just two seats over,Andrew Mazoleny,a local videographer,is finishing his lunch at the bar.He likes that he can sit and check his phone in peace or chat up the barkeeper with whom he’s on a first-name basis if he wants to have a little interaction(交流).“I reflect on how my day’s gone and think about the rest of the week,”he said.“It’s a chance for self-reflection.You return to work recharged and with a plan.”That freedom to choose is one reason more people like to eat alone.There was a time when people may have felt awkward about asking for a table for one,but those days are over.Now,we have our smartphones to keep us company at the table.“It doesn’t feel as alone as it may have before all the advances in technology,”said Laurie Demeritt,whose company provided the statistics for the report.1.What are the statistics in paragraph2about?A.Food variety.B.Eating habits.C.Table manners.D.Restaurant service.2.Why does Bechtel prefer to go out for lunch?A.To meet with her coworkers.B.To catch up with her work.C.To have some time on her own.D.To collect data for her report.3.What do we know about Mazoleny?A.He makes videos for the bar.B.He’s fond of the food at the bar.C.He interviews customers at the bar.D.He’s familiar with the barkeeper.4.What is the text mainly about?A.The trend of having meals alone.B.The importance of self-reflection.C.The stress from working overtime.D.The advantage of wireless technology.答案1.B2.C3.D4.APassage3(2018课标全国Ⅰ,B)词数:264Good Morning Britain’s Susanna Reid is used to grilling guests on the sofa every morning,but she is cooking up a storm in her latest role—showing families how to prepare delicious and nutritious meals on a tight budget.In Save Money:Good Food,she visits a different home each week and with the help of chef Matt Tebbutt offers top tips on how to reduce food waste,while preparing recipes for under£5per family a day.And the Good Morning Britain presenter says she’s been able to put a lot of what she’s learnt into practice in her own home,preparing meals for sons,Sam,14,Finn,13,and Jack,11.“We love Mexican churros,so I buy them on my phone from my local Mexican takeaway restaurant,”she explains.“I pay£5for a portion(一份),but Matt makes them for26p a portion,because they are flour,water, sugar and oil.Everybody can buy takeaway food,but sometimes we’re not aware how cheaply we can make this food ourselves.”The eight-part series(系列节目),Save Money:Good Food,follows in the footsteps of ITV’s Save Money: Good Health,which gave viewers advice on how to get value from the vast range of health products on the market.With food our biggest weekly household expense,Susanna and Matt spend time with a different family each week.In tonight’s Easter special they come to the aid of a family in need of some delicious inspiration on a budget.The team transforms the family’s long weekend of celebration with less expensive but still tasty recipes.1.What do we know about Susanna Reid?A.She enjoys embarrassing her guests.B.She has started a new programme.C.She dislikes working early in the morning.D.She has had a tight budget for her family.2.How does Matt Tebbutt help Susanna?A.He buys cooking materials for her.B.He prepares food for her kids.C.He assists her in cooking matters.D.He invites guest families for her.3.What does the author intend to do in paragraph4?A.Summarize the previous paragraphs.B.Provide some advice for the readers.C.Add some background information.D.Introduce a new topic for discussion.4.What can be a suitable title for the text?A.Keeping Fit by Eating SmartB.Balancing Our Daily DietC.Making Yourself a Perfect ChefD.Cooking Well for Less答案1.B2.C3.C4.DPassage4(2018课标全国Ⅱ,C)词数:294Teens and younger children are reading a lot less for fun,according to a Common Sense Media report published Monday.While the decline over the past decade is steep for teen readers,some data in the report shows that reading remains a big part of many children’s lives,and indicates how parents might help encourage more reading.According to the report’s key findings,“the proportion(比例)who say they‘hardly ever’read for fun has gone from8percent of13-year-olds and9percent of17-year-olds in1984to22percent and27percent respectively today.”The report data shows that pleasure reading levels for younger children,ages2—8,remain largely the same.But the amount of time spent in reading each session has declined,from closer to an hour or more to closer to a half hour per session.When it comes to technology and reading,the report does little to counsel(建议)parents looking for data about the effect of e-readers and tablets on reading.It does point out that many parents still limit electronic reading,mainly due to concerns about increased screen time.The most hopeful data shared in the report shows clear evidence of parents serving as examples and important guides for their kids when it comes to reading.Data shows that kids and teens who do read frequently,compared to infrequent readers,have more books in the home,more books purchased for them,parents who read more often,and parents who set aside time for them to read.As the end of school approaches,and school vacation reading lists loom(逼近)ahead,parents might take this chance to step in and make their own summer reading list and plan a family trip to the library or bookstore.1.What is the Common Sense Media report probably about?A.Children’s reading habits.B.Quality of children’s books.C.Children’s after-class activities.D.Parent-child relationships.2.Where can you find the data that best supports“children are reading a lot less for fun”?A.In paragraph2.B.In paragraph3.C.In paragraph4.D.In paragraph5.3.Why do many parents limit electronic reading?A.E-books are of poor quality.B.It could be a waste of time.C.It may harm children’s health.D.E-readers are expensive.4.How should parents encourage their children to read more?A.Act as role models for them.B.Ask them to write book reports.C.Set up reading groups for them.D.Talk with their reading class teachers.答案1.A2.B3.C4.APassage5(2018课标全国Ⅲ,B)词数:312Cities usually have a good reason for being where they are,like a nearby port or river.People settle in these places because they are easy to get to and naturally suited to communications and trade.New York City, for example,is near a large harbour at the mouth of the Hudson River.Over300years its population grew gradually from800people to8million.But not all cities develop slowly over a long period of time.Boom towns grow from nothing almost overnight.In1896,Dawson,Canada,was unmapped wilderness(荒野).But gold was discovered there in1897,and two years later,it was one of the largest cities in the West,with a population of30,000.Dawson did not have any of the natural conveniences of cities like London or Paris.People went there for gold.They travelled over snow-covered mountains and sailed hundreds of miles up icy rivers.The path to Dawson was covered with thirty feet of wet snow that could fall without warning.An avalanche(雪崩)once closed the path,killing63people.For many who made it to Dawson,however,the rewards were worth the difficult trip.Of the first20,000people who dug for gold,4,000got rich.About100of these stayed rich men for the rest of their lives.But no matter how rich they were,Dawson was never comfortable.Necessities like food and wood were very expensive.But soon,the gold that Dawson depended on had all been found.The city was crowded with disappointed people with no interest in settling down,and when they heard there were new gold discoveries in Alaska,they left Dawson City as quickly as they had come.Today,people still come and go—to see where the Canadian gold rush happened.Tourism is now the chief industry of Dawson City—its present population is762.1.What attracted the early settlers to New York City?A.Its business culture.B.Its small population.C.Its geographical position.D.Its favourable climate.2.What do we know about those who first dug for gold in Dawson?A.Two-thirds of them stayed there.B.One out of five people got rich.C.Almost everyone gave up.D.Half of them died.3.What was the main reason for many people to leave Dawson?A.They found the city too crowded.B.They wanted to try their luck elsewhere.C.They were unable to stand the winter.D.They were short of food.4.What is the text mainly about?A.The rise and fall of a city.B.The gold rush in Canada.C.Journeys into the wilderness.D.Tourism in Dawson.答案1.C2.B3.B4.APassage6(2017课标全国Ⅰ,C)词数:325Some of the world’s most famous musicians recently gathered in Paris and New Orleans to celebrate the first annual International Jazz Day.UNESCO(United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization)recently set April30as a day to raise awareness of jazz music,its significance,and its potential as a unifying(联合)voice across cultures.Despite the celebrations,though,in the U.S.the jazz audience continues to shrink and grow older,and the music has failed to connect with younger generations.It’s Jason Moran’s job to help change that.As the Kennedy Center’s artistic adviser for jazz,Moran hopes to widen the audience for jazz,make the music more accessible,and preserve its history and culture.“Jazz seems like it’s not really a part of the American appetite,”Moran tells National Public Radio’s reporter Neal Conan.“What I’m hoping to accomplish is that my generation and younger start to reconsider and understand that jazz is not black and white anymore.It’s actually color,and it’s actually digital.”Moran says one of the problems with jazz today is that the entertainment aspect of the music has been lost.“The music can’t be presented today the way it was in1908or1958.It has to continue to move,because the way the world works is not the same,”says Moran.Last year,Moran worked on a project that arranged Fats Waller’s music for a dance party,“just to kind of put it back in the mind that Waller is dance music as much as it is concert music,”says Moran.“For me,it’s the recontextualization.In music,where does the emotion(情感)lie?Are we,as humans,gaining any insight(感悟)on how to talk about ourselves and how something as abstract as a Charlie Parker record gets us into a dialogue about our emotions and our thoughts?Sometimes we lose sight that the music has a wider context,”says Moran,“so I want to continue those dialogues.Those are the things I want to foster.”1.Why did UNESCO set April30as International Jazz Day?A.To remember the birth of jazz.B.To protect cultural diversity.C.To encourage people to study music.D.To recognize the value of jazz.2.What does the underlined word“that”in paragraph3refer to?A.Jazz becoming more accessible.B.The production of jazz growing faster.C.Jazz being less popular with the young.D.The jazz audience becoming larger.3.What can we infer about Moran’s opinion on jazz?A.It will disappear gradually.B.It remains black and white.C.It should keep up with the times.D.It changes every50years.4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.Exploring the Future of JazzB.The Rise and Fall of JazzC.The Story of a Jazz MusicianD.Celebrating the Jazz Day答案1.D2.C3.C4.APassage7(2017课标全国Ⅱ,C)词数:317Terrafugia Inc.said Monday that its new flying car has completed its first flight,bringing the company closer to its goal of selling the flying car within the next year.The vehicle—named the Transition—has two seats,four wheels and wings that fold up so it can be driven like a car.The Transition,which flew at1,400 feet for eight minutes last month,can reach around70miles per hour on the road and115in the air.It flies using a23-gallon tank of gas and burns5gallons per hour in the air.On the ground,it gets35miles per gallon.Around100people have already put down a$10,000deposit to get a Transition when they go on sale, and those numbers will likely rise after Terrafugia introduces the Transition to the public later this week at the New York Auto Show.But don’t expect it to show up in too many driveways.It’s expected to cost$279,000. And it won’t help if you’re stuck in traffic.The car needs a runway.Inventors have been trying to make flying cars since the1930s,according to Robert Mann,an airline industry expert.But Mann thinks Terrafugia has come closer than anyone to making the flying car a reality. The government has already permitted the company to use special materials to make it easier for the vehicle to fly.The Transition is now going through crash tests to make sure it meets federal safety standards.Mann said Terrafugia was helped by the Federal Aviation Administration’s decision five years ago to create a separate set of standards for light sport aircraft,which are lower than those for pilots of larger planes.Terrafugia says an owner would need to pass a test and complete20hours of flying time to be able to fly the Transition,a requirement pilots would find relatively easy to meet.1.What is the first paragraph mainly about?A.The basic data of the Transition.B.The advantages of flying cars.C.The potential market for flying cars.D.The designers of the Transition.2.Why is the Transition unlikely to show up in too many driveways?A.It causes traffic jams.B.It is difficult to operate.C.It is very expensive.D.It burns too much fuel.3.What is the government’s attitude to the development of the flying car?A.Cautious.B.Favorable.C.Ambiguous.D.Disapproving.4.What is the best title for the text?A.Flying Car at Auto ShowB.The Transition’s First FlightC.Pilots’Dream Coming TrueD.Flying Car Closer to Reality答案1.A2.C3.B4.DPassage8(2017课标全国Ⅲ,D)词数:324The Intelligent Transport team at Newcastle University have turned an electric car into a mobile laboratory named“DriveLAB” in order to understand the challenges faced by older drivers and to discover where the key stress points are.Research shows that giving up driving is one of the key reasons for a fall in health and well-being among older people,leading to them becoming more isolated(隔绝)and inactive.Led by Professor Phil Blythe,the Newcastle team are developing in-vehicle technologies for older drivers which they hope could help them to continue driving into later life.These include custom-made navigation(导航)tools,night vision systems and intelligent speed adaptations. Phil Blythe explains:“For many older people,particularly those living alone or in the country,driving isimportant for preserving their independence,giving them the freedom to get out and about without having to rely on others.”“But we all have to accept that as we get older our reactions slow down and this often results in people avoiding any potentially challenging driving conditions and losing confidence in their driving skills.The result is that people stop driving before they really need to.”Dr Amy Guo,the leading researcher on the older driver study,explains:“The DriveLAB is helping us to understand what the key stress points and difficulties are for older drivers and how we might use technology to address these problems.”“For example,most of us would expect older drivers always go slower than everyone else but surprisingly, we found that in30mph zones they struggled to keep at a constant speed and so were more likely to break the speed limit and be at risk of getting fined.We’re looking at the benefits of systems which control their speed as a way of preventing that.”“We hope that our work will help with technological solutions(解决方案)to ensure that older drivers stay safer behind the wheel.”1.What is the purpose of the DriveLAB?A.To explore new means of transport.B.To design new types of cars.C.To find out older drivers’problems.D.To teach people traffic rules.2.Why is driving important for older people according to Phil Blythe?A.It keeps them independent.B.It helps them save time.C.It builds up their strength.D.It cures their mental illnesses.3.What do researchers hope to do for older drivers?A.Improve their driving skills.B.Develop driver-assist technologies.C.Provide tips on repairing their cars.anize regular physical checkups.4.What is the best title for the text?A.A New Model Electric CarB.A Solution to Traffic ProblemsC.Driving Services for EldersD.Keeping Older Drivers on the Road答案1.C2.A3.B4.DPassage9(2016课标全国Ⅰ,D)词数:332The meaning of silence varies among cultural groups.Silences may be thoughtful,or they may be empty when a person has nothing to say.A silence in a conversation may also show stubbornness,uneasiness,or worry.Silence may be viewed by some cultural groups as extremely uncomfortable;therefore attempts may be made to fill every gap(间隙)with conversation.Persons in other cultural groups value silence and view it as necessary for understanding a person’s needs.Many Native Americans value silence and feel it is a basic part of communicating among people,just as some traditional Chinese and Thai persons do.Therefore,when a person from one of these cultures is speaking and suddenly stops,what may be implied(暗示)is that the person wants the listener to consider what has been said before continuing.In these cultures,silence is a call for reflection.Other cultures may use silence in other ways,particularly when dealing with conflicts among people or in relationships of people with different amounts of power.For example,Russian,French,and Spanish personsmay use silence to show agreement between parties about the topic under discussion.However,Mexicans may use silence when instructions are given by a person in authority rather than be rude to that person by arguing with him or her.In still another use,persons in Asian cultures may view silence as a sign of respect,particularly to an elder or a person in authority.Nurses and other care-givers need to be aware of the possible meanings of silence when they come across the personal anxiety their patients may be experiencing.Nurses should recognize their own personal and cultural construction of silence so that a patient’s silence is not interrupted too early or allowed to go on unnecessarily.A nurse who understands the healing(治愈)value of silence can use this understanding to assist in the care of patients from their own and from other cultures.1.What does the author say about silence in conversations?A.It implies anger.B.It promotes friendship.C.It is culture-specific.D.It is content-based.2.Which of the following people might regard silence as a call for careful thought?A.The Chinese.B.The French.C.The Mexicans.D.The Russians.3.What does the author advise nurses to do about silence?A.Let it continue as the patient pleases.B.Break it while treating patients.C.Evaluate its harm to patients.D.Make use of its healing effects.4.What may be the best title for the text?A.Sound and SilenceB.What It Means to Be SilentC.Silence to Native AmericansD.Speech Is Silver;Silence Is Gold答案1.C2.A3.D4.BPassage10(2016课标全国Ⅱ,C)词数:254Reading can be a social activity.Think of the people who belong to book groups.They choose books to read and then meet to discuss them.Now,the website turns the page on the traditional idea of a book group.Members go on the site and register the books they own and would like to share.BookCrossing provides an identification number to stick inside the book.Then the person leaves it in a public place,hoping that the book will have an adventure,traveling far and wide with each new reader who finds it.Bruce Pederson,the managing director of BookCrossing,says,“The two things that change your life are the people you meet and books you read.BookCrossing combines both.”Members leave books on park benches and buses,in train stations and coffee shops.Whoever finds their book will go to the site and record where they found it.People who find a book can also leave a journal entry describing what they thought of it.E-mails are then sent to the BookCrossers to keep them updated about where their books have been found.Bruce Pederson says the idea is for people not to be selfish by keeping a book to gather dust on a shelf at home.BookCrossing is part of a trend among people who want to get back to the“real”and not the virtual(虚拟).The site now has more than one million members in more than one hundred thirty-five countries.1.Why does the author mention book groups in the first paragraph?A.To explain what they are.B.To introduce BookCrossing.C.To stress the importance of reading.D.To encourage readers to share their ideas.2.What does the underlined word“it”in Paragraph2refer to?A.The book.B.An adventure.C.A public place.D.The identification number.3.What will a BookCrosser do with a book after reading it?A.Meet other readers to discuss it.B.Keep it safe in his bookcase.C.Pass it on to another reader.D.Mail it back to its owner.4.What is the best title for the text?A.Online Reading:A Virtual TourB.Electronic Books:A New TrendC.A Book Group Brings Tradition BackD.A Website Links People through Books答案1.B2.A3.C4.DPassage11(2015课标全国Ⅱ,B)词数:304Your house may have an effect on your figure.Experts say the way you design your home could play a role in whether you pack on the pounds or keep them off.You can make your environment work for you instead of against you.Here are some ways to turn your home into part of your diet plan.Open the curtains and turn up the lights.Dark environments are more likely to encourage overeating,for people are often less self-conscious(难为情)when they’re in poorly lit places—and so more likely to eat lots of food.If your home doesn’t have enough window light,get more lamps and flood the place with brightness.Mind the colors.Research suggests warm colors fuel our appetites.In one study,people who ate meals in a blue room consumed33percent less than those in a yellow or red room.Warm colors like yellow make food appear more appetizing,while cold colors make us feel less hungry.So when it’s time to repaint,go blue.Don’t forget the clock—or the radio.People who eat slowly tend to consume about70fewer calories(卡路里)per meal than those who rush through their meals.Begin keeping track of the time,and try to make dinner last at least30minutes.And while you’re at it,actually sit down to eat.If you need some help slowing down,turn on relaxing music.It makes you less likely to rush through a meal.Downsize the dishes.Big serving bowls and plates can easily make us fat.We eat about22percent more when using a12-inch plate instead of a10-inch plate.When we choose a large spoon over a smaller one,total intake(摄入)jumps by14percent.And we’ll pour about30percent more liquid into a short,wide glass than a tall,skinny glass.1.The text is especially helpful for those who care about.A.their home comfortsB.their body shapeC.house buyingD.healthy diets2.A home environment in blue can help people.A.digest food betterB.reduce food intakeC.burn more caloriesD.regain their appetites3.What are people advised to do at mealtimes?A.Eat quickly.B.Play fast music.e smaller spoons.D.Turn down the lights.。

(浙江专用)高考英语二轮复习 专题一 第二部分 题型应对策略 第三讲 理解主旨要义——主旨大意题专题

(浙江专用)高考英语二轮复习 专题一 第二部分 题型应对策略 第三讲 理解主旨要义——主旨大意题专题

第二局部题型应对策略主旨大意题——标题归纳题(建议用时:25分钟)A(2019·浙江五校联考)Recently whenever I turned on my computer ormy mobile phone, news about the great effect of Hurricane Harvey onthousands of people caught my eye. I saw many unfortunate events.However, there was also the bright news that confirmed the goodness of mankind. As a journalist, I wrote many human­interest stories during my career. That’s why the story about the guys in the bakery caught my eye.When the staff at a Mexican bakery chain in Houston were trapped inside the building for two days, they didn’t sit there feeling sorry for themselves. They used their time wisely after flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey. While they were waiting for the eventual rescue that came on Monday morning, four decided to make as many loaves of bread as possible for their community.The flood water rose in the street outside. They took advantage of their emergency power supply to bake bread. They used more than 4,200 pounds of flour to create hundreds of loaves and sheets of sweet bread. Although the water kept rising, they continued baking to help more people. By the time the owner managed to get to them, they had made so much bread that they took the loaves to loads of emergency centers across the city for people affected by the floods.The store manager, Brian Alvarado, told TheIndependent, “Whenever a disaster occurs, nobody should just feel forlorn. Instead, we should take positive action to save ourselves and help others. Our acts of kindness will make a big difference.〞【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。


Facebook,while another applauds the scheme for bringing different generations together. But some wish it were open to more people,with one user saying,“It's a shame that the flats are so small.It would have been nice if the elderly had a small family with children or a single parent as their neighbour.”And one person has a different opinion about the cut-off age,writing,“Shame I'm too old for this—I would have surely applied.” What would be the best title of the text? A.Young Finns offered cheap flats at a care home B.New apartments designed for the elderly C.A new approach to caring for the old D.A good chance for the needy families
如果有主旨句,主旨句通常是段落的第一句或末尾一句,偶尔在段落中 间。在非故事性文章中,主旨句尤为明显。有的文章无明显的主旨句, 而是把主题隐含在段意之中。
主旨句位于段首是因作者先立论,后摆事实讲道理的写作手法形成的。 这种段落称作演绎型段落。据有关统计数字表明,在英语议论文或说明 文中,有60%~90%的主旨句是段落的第一句。这样的段落模式可用倒 三角(▽)来表示。 (1)寻找主旨句 有些段落有明显的引出细节的信息词语,常见的信息词语有for example,an example of,the most important example,first,second,next,then,last, finally,to begin with,also,besides that等。

考点21 阅读理解主旨大意题-备战2020年浙江新高考英语考点一遍过

考点21 阅读理解主旨大意题-备战2020年浙江新高考英语考点一遍过



在高考阅读理解中,针对短文主旨常见的命题形式如下:(1) What would be the best title for the text? /What is the topic of the text?(2) The main topic / subject of the passage is _________.(3) The main idea/The general idea is/The main theme of this passage is…(4) The last paragraph ends the passage with an emphasis on _________.(5) What is mainly discussed in the text?(6) What is the main idea of the passage?(7) What’s the main point the writer is trying to make in the last paragraph?(8) The purpose of this passage is.(9) Which of the following statements is best supported by the text?(10) Which of the following best summarized the passage?(11) The passage mainly focuses on.从上述命题形式可以看出,此类阅读测试题主要可概括为两大类,即怎样理解段落及文章整体的中心思想和怎样拟定或选择恰当的标题。

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专题十主旨要义挖命题【考情探究】考点考向考情分析预测热度考频统计考查目标2018.112018.62017.112017.62016.10阅读理解主旨要义 1 1 1 1 0 考纲要求考生能够理解文章或某段落的主要内容,能归纳文章要点,概括中心思想★★★分析解读 1.主旨要义题主要考查考生理解文章或特定的段落并概括大意的能力。




过专题【五年高考】A组2018年全国高考题组Passage 1(2018浙江6月,B)词数:279Steven Stein likes to follow garbage trucks. His strange habit makes sense when you consider that he’s an environmental scientist who studies how to reduce litter, including things that fall off garbage trucks as they drive down the road. What is even more interesting is that one of Stein’s jobs is defending an industry behind th e plastic shopping bag.Americans use more than 100 billion thin film plastic bags every year. So many end up in tree branches or along highways that a growing number of cities do not allow them at checkouts(收银台). The bags are prohibited in some 90 cities in California, including Los Angeles. Eyeing these headwinds, plastic-bag makers are hiring scientists like Stein to make the case that their products are not as bad for the planet as most people assume. Among the bag makers’ arguments:many cities with ban s still allow shoppers to purchase paper bags, which are easily recycled but require more energy to produce and transport. And while plastic bags may be ugly to look at, they represent a small percentage of all garbage on the ground today.The industry has also taken aim at the product that has appeared as its replacement:reusable shopping bags. The stronger a reusable bag is, the longer its life and the more plastic-bag use it cancels out. However, longer-lasting reusable bags often require more energy to make. One study found that a cotton bag must be used at least 131 times to be better for the planet than plastic.Environmentalists don’t dispute(质疑)these points. They hope paper bags will be banned someday too and want shoppers to use the same reusable bags for years.1.What has Steven Stein been hired to do?A.Help increase grocery sales.B.Recycle the waste material.C.Stop things falling off trucks.D.Argue for the use of plastic bags.2.What does the word“headwinds”in paragraph 2 refer to?A.Bans on plastic bags.B.Effects of city development.C.Headaches caused by garbage.D.Plastic bags hung in trees.3.What is a disadvantage of reusable bags according to plastic-bag makers?A.They are quite expensive.B.Replacing them can be difficult.C.They are less strong than plastic bags.D.Producing them requires more energy.4.What is the best title for the text?A.Plastic, Paper or NeitherB.Industry, Pollution and EnvironmentC.Recycle or Throw AwayD.Garbage Collection and Waste Control答案1.D2.A3.D4.APassage 2(2018课标全国Ⅰ,B)词数:264Good Morning Britain’s Susanna Reid is used to grilling guests on the sofa every morning, but she is cooking up a storm in her latest role—showing families how to prepare delicious and nutritious meals on a tight budget.In Save Money:Good Food, she visits a different home each week and with the help of chef Matt Tebbutt offers top tips on how to reduce food waste, while preparing recipes for under £5 per family a day. And the Good Morning Britain presenter says she’s been able to put a lot of what she’s learnt into practice in her own home, preparing meals for sons, Sam, 14, Finn, 13, and Jack,11.“We love Mexican churros, so I buy them on my phone from my local Mexican takeaway restaurant,”she explains.“I pay £5 for a portion(一份), but Matt makes them for 26p a portion, because they are flour, water, sugar and oil. Everybody can buy takeaway food, but sometimes we’re not aware how cheaply we can make this food ourselves.”The eight-part series(系列节目), Save Money:Good Food, follow s in the footsteps of ITV’s Save Money:Good Health, which gave viewers advice on how to get value from the vast range of health products on the market. With food our biggest weekly household expense, Susanna and Matt spend time with a different family each week. In tonight’s Easter special they come to the aid of a family in need of some delicious inspiration on a budget. The team transforms the family’s long weekend of celebration with less expensive but still tasty recipes.1.What do we know about Susanna Reid?A.She enjoys embarrassing her guests.B.She has started a new programme.C.She dislikes working early in the morning.D.She has had a tight budget for her family.2.How does Matt Tebbutt help Susanna?A.He buys cooking materials for her.B.He prepares food for her kids.C.He assists her in cooking matters.D.He invites guest families for her.3.What does the author intend to do in paragraph 4?A.Summarize the previous paragraphs.B.Provide some advice for the readers.C.Add some background information.D.Introduce a new topic for discussion.4.What can be a suitable title for the text?A.Keeping Fit by Eating SmartB.Balancing Our Daily DietC.Making Yourself a Perfect ChefD.Cooking Well for Less答案1.B2.C3.C4.DPassage 3(2018课标全国Ⅱ,C)词数:294Teens and younger children are reading a lot less for fun, according to a Common Sense Media report published Monday.While the decline over the past decade is steep for teen readers, some data in the report shows that reading remains a big part of many ch ildren’s lives, and indicates how parents might help encourage more reading.According to the report’s key findings, “the proportion(比例)who say they ‘hardly ever’read for fun has gone from 8 percent of 13-year-olds and 9 percent of 17-year-olds in 1984 to 22 percent and 27 percent respectively today.”The report data shows that pleasure reading levels for younger children, ages 2—8, remain largely the same. But the amount of time spent in reading each session has declined, from closer to an hour or more to closer to a half hour per session.When it comes to technology and reading, the report does little to counsel(建议)parents looking for data about the effect of e-readers and tablets on reading. It does point out that many parents still limit electronic reading, mainly due to concerns about increased screen time.The most hopeful data shared in the report shows clear evidence of parents serving as examples and important guides for their kids when it comes to reading. Data shows that kids and teens who do read frequently, compared to infrequent readers, have more books in the home, more books purchased for them, parents who read more often, and parents who set aside time for them to read.As the end of school approaches, and school vacation reading lists loom(逼近)ahead, parents might take this chance to step in and make their own summer reading list and plan a family trip to the library or bookstore.1.What is the Common Sense Media report probably about?A.Children’s reading habits.B.Quality of children’s books.C.Children’s after-class activities.D.Parent-child relationships.2.Where can you find the data that best supports “children are reading a lot less for fun”?A.In paragraph 2.B.In paragraph 3.C.In paragraph 4.D.In paragraph 5.3.Why do many parents limit electronic reading?A.E-books are of poor quality.B.It could be a waste of time.C.It may harm children’s health.D.E-readers are expensive.4.How should parents encourage their children to read more?A.Act as role models for them.B.Ask them to write book reports.C.Set up reading groups for them.D.Talk with their reading class teachers.答案1.A2.B3.C4.APassage 4(2018课标全国Ⅱ,D)词数:312We’ve all been there:in a lift, in line at the bank or on an airplane, surrounded by people who are, like us, deeply focused on their smartphones or, worse, struggling with the uncomfortable silence.What’s the problem?It’s possible that we all have compromised conversational intelligence. It’s more likely that none of us start a conversation because it’s awkward and challenging, or we think it’s annoying and unnecessary. But the next time you find yourself among strangers, consider that small talk is worth the trouble. Experts say it’s an invaluable social practice that results in big benefits.Dismissing small talk as unimportant is easy, but we can’t forget that deep relationships wouldn’t even exist if it weren’t for casual conversation. Small talk is th e grease(润滑剂)for social communication, says Bernardo Carducci, director of the Shyness Research Institute at Indiana University Southeast.“Almost every great love story and each big business deal begins with small talk,”he explains. “The key to successful small talk is learning how to connect with others, not just communicate with them.”In a 2014 study, Elizabeth Dunn, associate professor of psychology at UBC, invited people on their way into a coffee shop. One group was asked to seek out an interaction(互动)with its waiter;the other, to speak only when necessary. The results showed that those who chatted with their server reported significantly higher positive feelings and a better coffee shop experience.“It’s not that talking to the waiter is better than ta lking to your husband,”says Dunn.“But interactions with peripheral(边缘的)members of our social network matter for our well-being also.”Dunn believes that people who reach out to strangers feel a significantly greater sense of belonging, a bond with others. Carducci believes developing such a sense of belonging starts with small talk.“Small talk is the basis of good manners,”he says.1.What phenomenon is described in the first paragraph?A.Addiction to smartphones.B.Inappropriate behaviours in public places.C.Absence of communication between strangers.D.Impatience with slow service.2.What is important for successful small talk according to Carducci?A.Showing good manners.B.Relating to other people.C.Focusing on a topic.D.Making business deals.3.What does the coffee-shop study suggest about small talk?A.It improves family relationships.B.It raises people’s confidence.C.It matters as much as a formal talk.D.It makes people feel good.4.What is the best title for the text?A.Conversation CountsB.Ways of Making Small TalkC.Benefits of Small TalkD.Uncomfortable Silence答案1.C2.B3.D4.CPassage 5(2018课标全国Ⅲ,B)词数:312Cities usually have a good reason for being where they are, like a nearby port or river. People settle in these places because they are easy to get to and naturally suited to communications and trade. New York City, for example, is near a large harbour at the mouth of the Hudson River. Over 300 years its population grew gradually from 800 people to 8 million. But not all cities develop slowly over a long period of time. Boom towns grow from nothing almost overnight. In 1896, Dawson, Canada, was unmapped wilderness(荒野).But gold was discovered there in 1897, and two years later, it was one of the largest cities in the West, with a population of 30,000.。
