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Sex prejudices are based on and justified by the ideology that biology is destiny...according to this ideology,

3.person w ho supports a family

4.socially determined

5.the division of sex-defined roles is totally unacceptable

Let childres learn to judge their own work.a child learning to t alk does not learn by being corrected all the time;1.imitating w


Every profession or trade ,every science has it s technical vocabulary .such special dialect s ,or jargons, are necessary1.the

3.immediately after the new invention,the new technical terms are adopted by common speech

4.a linguist

5.describe a phenomenon

Sp ace is a dangerous place,not only because of meteors but also because of rays from the sun and other st ars.the atmosphere again act s as our

2.people may fall victim to radiation exposure without know ing it.

3.remains unknow n

4.protection from space radiation is no easy job

5.effects of space radiation

It is the year 2050,and april blizzards have gripped southern England for the third successive year while violent storms batter the north sea coast.1.global w

3.dubious so that he takes no serious consideration to it

4.a treaty w hich aims to improve the climate conditions

5.diar consequences may result from the increase in the amount of carbon dioxide if no actions are taken

Each of us is different genetically from all humans who have ever lived or who will come in the future. And yet we all must share

2.genes that may cause diseases

3.muscular dystrophy

4.infectious diseases are the leading causes of death


Water problems in the future will become more intense and more complex .our increasing population will tremendously increase urban wastes,

2.industrial development includes the simplification of complex chemical processes

3.some industries are now developing economic use of w astes

4.examples and analysis

5.liquid w aste materials

Trees should only be pruned when there is a good and clear reason for dong so and , fortunately ,the number of such reasons is small.pruning involves 1.all of the above

pruning more easily 5.to give practical instructions for pruning a tree

1the term could yet become the word of the year;stress is on everyone’s lip s these days and everywhere. Not only managers,officials and teachers are complainiong nowadays,

and exhausted 3.very happy 4.mental disorder 5.eating delicious food

first aid is emergency care foe a victim of sudden illness or injury until more skllful medical treatment is available. It may save a life or improve cert ain bit al signs including pulse, 1.helping a person recover speedily

hat to do and w hat not to do 3.call for professional medical help 4.w hether the person is bleeding internally

5.some know ledge about first aid

today,more an more people are using credit cards instead of money to buy the things they need.almost anyone who has a steaey income and a continuous work record can apply for

’t have to be concerned about your final bill

2.because it is convenient for the users


4.dealing w ith goods and services illegally charged to its customers’account

5.to present the business of credit cards

water pollution affect s man’s health,recreational use of water,industrial use of water and sense of beauty.the spread of water-carried disease is of great concern. In highly

2.their impact on man’s health has not been completely know n

3.eht w ater be pleasant and of high quality

4.w aste w ater from industrial processes

5.examples of w ater-carried disease

The secret of a long and happy marriage appears to be not to expect too much from it. Us researchers say that,unless you have superior relationship sklls 1.realistic expectation

5.prople of different personalities may maintain a steady relationship

if you want to st ay young ,sit down and have a good think.this is the research finding of a team of Jap anese doctors,who say that most of our brains are not 1.w hy certain people aged sooner than others 2.the study of brain volumes of different people

3.brain contraction may ary w ith people’s ages and jobs

4.person being experimented on


Eye cont act is a nonverbal technique that help s the speaker”sell”his or her ideas to an

audience.besides it s persuasive powers eye cont act help s hold listenerinterest

4.none of the above

5.analyze his audience before the speech

Some people believe that international sport creates goodwill between the nations and

that if countries play games together they will learn to live together.others say that the

opposite is true1.created good w

4.the jury had made a w rong decision

5.sport should be played competitively

Unidentified flying object(UFO)is any object or light,reportedly sighted in the sky that

connotcannot be immediately explained by the observer

2.some explanations about UFO sightings

3.most of the ufo reports received w ere unexplained

4.w ould be accepted if it met the requirements of the scientific method

5.the belief in ufos gives them p sychological satisfaction

about ten men in every hundred suffer from color blindness in some way ; women are

luckier,only about one in two hundred is affected in this manner 1.most may think that

or no cones

4.have few er cones than human beings

5.insects can see more colors than human beings

gene therapy and gene-based drugs are two waws we coule benefit from our growing

mastery of genetic science.but there will be others as well here is one of the remarkable

make a complete person 4.w ill be very common 5.bring great benefits to human beings

nuclear power’s danger to health, safety,and even life it self can be summed up in one

word:radiation.nuclear radiation has a cert ain mystery about it ,p artlybacause it cannot


2.w hen it damages a few cells


4.all of the above

5.people may suffer from radiation w ithout knowing it

if you want to sp ark a heated debate at a dinner p arty,bring up the topic of genetically

modified foods.for many people,the concept of genetically altered,high-tech crop

2.they may help solve the problems of malnutrition and food shortages

cking in nutrition

4.all of the above


for travelers to Europe,from January 2002,there is something special on offerbesides all

the usual sight,it’s the chance to see at the end of an era,the birth of a new currency ,yes

1.might be a little of mystery

2.cannot get the old notes and coins from A TM

3.rack one’s brains for the complicated currency conversion

4.some regional differences w ill be more distinct in europe

5.the birth of the niw euro curreency

global warming is heating the planet twice as quickly as previously feared.temperatures

could soar by nearly 6c this century-faster than at any time in the p ast 10000 years, warns

a UN1.the earth is getting much w armer than before this century

’s temperature w as the highest during the last decade of the 20t h century 3.emissions

of greenhouse gases 4.restrain 5.nothing can be done to restrain glebal w arming

clothes play a critical p art in the conclusions we reach by providing clues to who people

are,who they are not and who they would like to be . they tell us a good deal about the

werer’s backgroud

1.has a great impact on how people think of us

2.clothes may be used to manipulate the other people

3.eatlier examples for men to follow

4.theyare not sure to w hat extent they should display their feminine qualities through clothing

5.show less feminine attributes

It’s no secret that many children would be healthier and happier with adoptive p arent s

than with the p arent s that nature dealt them

3.a significant advance that should have been made long before

4.by misstate


When a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is faulty or in some other way

does live up to the manufacturers’s claim for it

1.show the w ritten or printed guarantee of the article to the store

2.a store manager

3.explaining exactly w hat the fault is w ith the item

4.how to make an effective complaint about a faulty item

5.w arn the seller of the possibility to take it to court or the consumers’association

Prolonging human life has increased the size of the human population many people

alive today would have died of childhood diseases if they had been born

1.prolonged human life

2.the survival of infant w as less important than that of their parents in

thmes of starvatrion 3.many of them remain in a state of near poverty after thir retirement 4.to

take care of the sick or w eak old people 5.critical

T oday,there are many avenues open to those tho wish to continue

theireducation.however,nearly all require some break in one’s career in doder to attend

school full time.1.it requires some break in one

3.further training of employees and business grow th

4.the resultant diploma or degree is different from that of on-campus study

5.professional advances

Fresh water,life it self,has never come easy in the middle east.ever since the old test ament

when god punished man with 40 days and 40 night s of rain

2.all the above

3.develop other enterprise that consume less w ater

4.the problem of w ater is usually involved in politics


Do you find getting up in the morning so diffcult that it’s p ainful?this might be called

laziness,but dr.kleitman has a new explanation

2.unaw areness of energy cycles

3.get up earlier than usual

4.help to conserve your energy for the day’s work

5.dr.kletman explains w hy people reach their peaks at different hours of day.

Americans usually consider themselves as friendly people. Their

friendship s,however,tend to be shorter and more casual than friendship s


2.americans usually have many intimate friends in their life

3.highly active

4.americans’character is influenced by their social and geographical surroundings

5.their country does not have many neighboring nations

Auctions are public sales of goods conducted by an officially approved auctioneer.he

asks the crowd assembled in the auction

3.he is a government official

4.to purchase the item at a much low er price

5.the higher prices the an auctioneer gets…..he earns for himself

What are the zebra stripes on the tomato soup cans and pot ato chip bags?they are

special black and white vertical lines.these black and white stripes can be

2.a small laser beam of the light

3.it can print the price of an item on it


5.all of the above

Once it was possible to define male and female roles easily by the division of labor.men

work ed out side the home and earned the income

1.man and w omen’s roles w ere usually quit separated in the past

2.the counterculture gave man and w omen new role cholices

3.transformed some American values

4.men have begun to share some of the household responsibilities w ith their wives

5.transformations in the roled of men and w omen

Recent research has claimed that an excess of positive ions in the air can have an ill

effect on people’s pht sical or p sychological health.what are positive ions?1.electrically

How of ten do you sit still and do absolutely nothing?the usual answer these days is

never,or hardly ever.as the p ace of life

2.continued exposure to stress can lead to serious health problems

3.stress is not alw ays a bad thing

4.stress influences different people in the same w ay

5.people should learn how to deal w ith stress

Scientist s have made a breakthrough to clone a human being.that’s how at least one

television news anchor put it last week,and while his description was off

1.caused much heated debates

2.human beings could be produced outside the mother’s w omb

3.they are mature enough to contain more cells


mercially promising

Rhythm in literature is a more or less regular occurrence of cert ain element s of writing:a

word , a phrase,an idea ,a sound,or a grammatical construction.1.rhyme,the

manifestation in all facets of life,is an essential element is literature 2.inhibited 3.a strong feeling

of excitement and happiness 4.reading an essay and then taking a nap

5.rhythm in literary w orks refers to the recurrence of certain elements of w riting

Hong kong,major commercial center for asia,and with a population which has grown at

an alarming rate to over 5 million,is a city highly dependent1.is in great need of public


4.the most efficient method

5.the central district

Racket,din clamor,noise,whatever you want to call it,unwanted sound is america’s most

widespread nuisance.but noise is more than just a nuisance.

1.unaffected by


3.noise is a significant problem and has not yet been recogniz ed

as such 4.in a threat to people’s health5.essential
