高中英语必修五-unit 1 课文详解

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必修五Unit 1 Great Scientists 伟大的科学家

steam engine 蒸汽机characteristic n.特征;特性radium n.镭

put forward 提出

theory n。理论;学说

infect vt.传染;感染

infectious adj.传染的

cholera n.霍乱

scientific adj.科学的

examine vt.检查;诊察;考察conclude vt. & vi.结束;结论;议定conclusion n.结论;结束;议定draw a conclusion得出结论analyse vt.分析

repeat vi & vt.重复;重做n. defeat vt. N.打败;战胜;使受挫attend vt.照顾;护理;出席;参加expose vt.(与to连用)暴露;揭露;


deadly adj.致命的

cure n. vt.治愈;痊愈;治疗outbreak n.爆发;发作(疾病或战争)control vt.& n.控制;支配

absorb vt.吸收;使专心

severe adj.严重的;严厉的;严格


valuable adj.贵重的;有价值的

clue n.线索;提示

pump n.泵;抽水机

pub n.酒馆;酒吧

blame vt.责备;谴责;把…归咎于;


immediately adv.立即;马上

handle n.柄;把手;vt.处理

germ n.微生物;细菌

addition n.加;增加;加法

in addition也;另外

link vt.连接;联系n.联系;环


announce vt.宣布;通告

certainty n.确知;确信;确实

instruct vt.命令;指示;教导

virus n.病毒

construction n.建设;结构;建筑物

apart from 除…之外;此外

creative adj.有创造力的;独创的

co-operative adj.合作的

positive adj.积极的;肯定的

be strict with对…严格的

revolutionary adj.革命的

calculation n.计算;计算结果

lead to通向;导致

movement n。移动;运动;动作

make sense有意义

backward adv. & adj.向后地(的);


loop n.圈;环

complete adj.完整的;完成的

privately adv.私下地;秘密地

spin vi. & vt.(使)旋转;纺(线)

brightness n.明亮;亮度;聪颖

enthusiastic adj.热情的;热心的

cautious adj.小心的;谨慎的

reject vt.拒绝;不接受;丢弃

point of view态度;观点;看法

logical adj.和逻辑的;合乎常理的

John Snow was a well-known doctor in London —so famous, indeed,

that he attended Queen Victoria to ease the birth of her babies.约翰斯诺在伦敦是


v.出席;到场;注意;照看attend to处理;注意倾听;专心于;照料;attend school/

class/ church/ a wedding/ a meeting/ a lecture/ a movie; attend on/ upon sb.伺候某人;照顾

某人;eg. 1) I’ll attend to the matter.我来处理此事。2) He was very tired after the long

run, and expected someboday to attend on him.长袍之后他感到非常疲劳,很想有个人来

照顾自己一下。▲辨析:attend, join, join in, take part in(1) attend是正式用语,

一般指参加会议、典礼、婚礼、葬礼及去听课、听报告等;(2)join指加入某党派、某组织、某社会团体以及参军等,如:He joined the football club two years ago. (3) join in通常指参加某种活动,尤其指其他人一起参加某项活动,如:I hope you’ll all join in the discussion. (4) take part in指参加群众性活动、会议、劳动、游行等,往往参加者持有积极地态度,并起到一定的作用,有时可与join in互换,如:Will you take part in the English evening 试题:

——Who is ______ the patient ——Maybe his sister.

A. taking care

B. looking for

C. joining in

D. attending on】

But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.但当他想到要帮助受霍乱侵扰的普通民众,他就感到受到激励(或感受到神灵的召唤)。【注释:①inspire(1)影响或触动:eg. The falling leaves inspired her with sadness.落叶触动了她的伤感. (2) 鼓励;激励eg. 1) inspire sb. with hope激起某人的希望2) I was inspired to work harder than ever before.我受激励比以往任何时
