功放维修实例来源: 作者: 【大中小】浏览:33次评论:0条一台AV功放,交流哼声较大,开盖检查,断开前级到后级的信号线,交流声消失,说明故障在前级。
拆下激励管2N5401 b-e极间容量为100pF 的消振电容测量阻值只有20k欧,用一只相同的电容更换后故障排除。
4 ;检修步骤
若功放输出到扬声器都正常, 检查主机到功放的连接线插好了没有,插错,没有插好,
用万用表R×1挡,触碰音频线输入端插头, 或手触摸都有反应,正常情况扬声器会有咔嚓声, 若有咔嚓声,说明音频连接线,功放,扬声器都是正常的, 可能是主机没有音频信号输出。问题就在主机了。
功放电源指示灯也亮,没有声音, 把音量电位器开到最大,听扬声器有没有反应, 若扬声器没有反应,先确定是扬声器坏, 还是信号没有送入功放块。
用万用表R×1档,测量扬声器到功放输出 端各个插头的阻值;听扬声器有无咔擦声, 正常情况下,阻值在8Ω左右,并且有咔擦 声,若扬声器没有反应,阻值很大,可能功 放输出端到扬声器连接线脱落或损坏,或扬 声器坏了,若阻值很小,可能连接线短路或 扬声器损坏,先把这部分有故障的修好
检查电阻R9是否开路,c2是否 击穿。及4558D损坏。WR01 同轴电位器是否损坏等。
我们以R声道为例;用万用表RX1档,黑表笔接地,红表笔触碰功放块TDA1517的6脚, 听扬声器是否有声,没有声音,检查扬声器及连接线路。
当功放输出端直流电压因某种原因发生偏移,使IC2 2脚电压超过+0.7V,或低于-0.23V时,⑥脚内开关电路截止,输出高电平,使J1、J2释放,断开扬声器,实现功放输出端的直流电压偏移保护。
Yamaha db840、db1040、db1240单音频线路配线图说明书
![Yamaha db840、db1040、db1240单音频线路配线图说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d7f0900549d7c1c708a1284ac850ad02de8007a6.png)
With speakers wired in parallel: Two 4 Ohm speakers will present a 2 Ohm load.
DUAL VOICE COIL WIRING DIAGRAMS FOR db840DVC, db1040DVC, & db1240DVC Please make certain that your amplifier is rated to carry the specified load.
With the coils wired in series and the speakers wired in parallel, 2 dual 4 Ohm speakers will present a 4 Ohm load.
With the coils wired in series and the speakers wired in parallel, 3 dual 4 Ohm speakers will present a 2.7 Ohm load.
dual 4 Ohm 27-200Hz 30Hz 3.4 Ohm/coil 3.4 Ohm/bob. 5.1mH 10.4 0.49 0.50 2.40ft3 67.9L 80.6in2 (520cm2) 360 Watts 720 Watts 88dB/series 0.35" (9.0mm) 2" (50.8mm) 6" (152.4mm) 6 3/4" (171.4mm) 11" (279.4mm)
With coils in parallel, a dual 4 Ohm speaker will present a 2 Ohm load.
雅马哈贴片机_修机_调机的经验之谈1 SMT设备维修实例随着电子工业的飞速发展,SMT设备正得到越来越广泛的应用,但这些设备在使用过程中不可避免地会出现这样或那样的问题。
贴装托盘元件(如QFP)时,有一个专用吸头(TRAY HEAD)将元件从托盘中吸出并放在一个供料平台上,然后供料平台移到贴片头所在位置以供贴装头吸取贴装。
故障的产生及分析:我们发现贴装头(MOUNT HEAD)吸取元件时存在一定的偏差,吸嘴很难吸取到元件的正中心上,从而会对贴装造成一定的影响。
但若将机器工作方式改为直接取料,即MOUNT HEAD不通过供料平台而直接从托盘上吸取元件时,就不存在这种情况。
由此我们分析MOUNT HEAD与TRAY HEAD在供料台上吸取放置元件的位置不在一个轴上,从而造成吸取误差。
故障的排除:MOUNT HEAD与TRAY HEAD在供料平台上的吸取放置元件的位置可由机器参数(MACHINE DATA)来设定,我们以MOUNT HEAD在供料平台上吸取元件的位置为参考点,将TRAY HEAD在供料平台上放置元件的位置调整到与参考点位置重合即可。
节,由抽头输出经 C24、J12、R23 重新返回 IC3B 反相输
视 入端E F脚,使混响和回音信号再一次经 IC3B 的放大。
考。电路见图 1 所示。 一 、前 置 放 大 、混 合 放 大 与 音 、高 音 调 节 电 路
音 不过一个音频信号能够如此“循环”多长时间则是由ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้
IC 控制的,而且使其强度呈逐步衰减趋势,否则,若不
及低音和高音调节。其中 IC2、IC3,包括后面的 IC4 和 分别加到两个放大器的输入端,加到 IC3B 输入端都
IC5,均为双运算放大器,分别称放大器“A”、放大器 是为了形成混响和回音效果,加到 IC4B 输入端则都
是为了信号的放大,不过经 IC4B 放大的是既有主音
二 、混 响 和 回 音 效 果 的 形 成 与 调 节 放 大 电 路
雅卓功放卡拉 OK控制板电路 工作原理及其检修方法(上)
雅卓功放机在同期产品中档次较高,卡拉 OK 控 制电路功能也较完善,而且属于典型控制模式,具有
在该电路里由 IC1B C D脚输出的混响和回音信号,
影 经 R13、J6、C23 加到 VR4 高端,进行混响和回音强度调
很强的代表性,因此了解和掌握该电路工作原理及其 检修方法,对于检修各类功放机都是一个很好的参
过 IC1:;脚外接电位器 VR3,还可对回音强度进行单 上,作为卡拉 OK 复合信号输出 2。由 CN1 将输出 1 和
独调节。同时,IC1<=>脚和?@A脚外部可以连接 4 个按 输出 2 送到主控电路板上,与主声道、环绕声道汇合
键,对回音延时进行选择。该芯片主要特点是:性能优 及统一控制和处理,最后形成 3 种音乐模式与 3D 立
YAMAHA GF24 12 GF16 12 GF12 12功率放大器 说明书
![YAMAHA GF24 12 GF16 12 GF12 12功率放大器 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ae12062658fb770bf78a555b.png)
的电源线有引起火灾或电击的危险。 ● 切勿拆卸本机的罩盖。若不遵守、则会引起电击。若
您认为需要进行内部检查、维修或修理、请与经销 商联系。
● 切勿改造本机、这样做会引起火灾或电击的危险。 ● 若已经发生雷电、请尽快关断电源开关、并且从电
源插座拔出电源线。 ● 若可能发生雷电、在接线的状态下切勿触摸电源线。
非常感谢您购买 Yamaha 的 GF24/12,GF16/12 或者 GF12/12 型混频控制台。 这些型号的混频控制台各提供有充足的 12 种输出接口,并适应从音乐会声音的增强到安 装系统的应用范围的丰富变化。为了充分发挥混频控制台的功能以及保证无故障地长期使 用,请认真阅读本手册。
— 为安全操作 —
安装 ● 仅可将本机的电源线与本用户手册中述及、以及在
本机上标出型号的AC电源插座连接。若不遵守、则 会引起火灾或电击的危险。 ● 切勿使水侵入本机或使本机受潮。若不遵守、则会 引起火灾或电击。 ● 切勿将装有液体的容器或小型金属物品放置在本机 的顶部。若液体或金属物品 侵入本机, 则会引起火 灾或电击的危险。 ● 切勿将重物(包括本机)放置在电源线上。损坏的电 线有引起火灾或电击的危险。尤其应注意、切勿将 包裹地毯的重物放置在电源线上。
PRE 10
PRE 10
第 1 页共2 页维修手记机器型号:YV100X-S故障描述:生产进行中当机,提示L018:I/O CMU ERROR! 重启后OK,但高速运行中会当机.维修过程:一. 确定出故障的大概部件.1. 根据VIOS 提示,初步确认为HEAD I/O BOARD 引起故障.2. 与其它机器对调I/O BOARD 确定此片I/O BOARD 存在故障.排除机器本身的故障.3. I/O 板分主副板,对调后确认主板有问题.*此段目的已达到,初步确认为I/O 板之主板存在异常!排除法可用于同型号机器多种情况.可以很快找出大概故障部件.去掉测量线路之苦.二.确认故障范围1.既然故障已确定在I/O 板的主板之上,首先应搞清其输入输出的情况.通过查相关资料,了解到此板共有13 个连接器,但本机仅使用10 个,其功能如下:CN2: DC 24 1N CN5:EMG.CNX1: 与SYSTEM BOARD 通信(I/O2)CN13: LIGHT(控制相机光源)CN10: HEAD DOWN SENSORCN8: SL. DOWN SENSORCN7: DOWN HEADCN4: R.UP / DOWN / SAFATY SENSORCN9: VACUUM SENSOR可以看出唯一与外界通信的是CNX1 ,现在仅插X1 开机.自检OK.归零OK.到3/3/B5,MOVE RANDOM→X1→100→RUN. 3S 后当机,重复二次依然出现相同故障.依此判定其余未插的连接器不存在问题.现重点排查这4 个连接器是否存在接触不良的问题.X1 不太可能存在接触不良,因为它在副板上,再用排除法一一拨掉4.开机,均有故障出现.但不是L018.排除中不小心手碰了一下机板.突然发现副板上的5VLED 闪了一下.再碰,发现LED 有闪断的现象.是否可能为主/副板连接器接触不良呢?3.连接不良?清洁!无效;更换?找不到配件.只有使用最狠的一招.用线直接焊!60*2=120 30 分钟后完成!装好之后,竟然故障依旧!!!第 2 页共2 页4.排除此连接器的问题,还原连接器!5.在第2 步排除掉5,唯独没排除CN2. CN2 怎么排除?焊上去啰!在操作时由于晕了头未关电就顺手拨下CN2 了,不经意发现屏幕显示L018 !!!莫非电源部分有问题.7.联想到碰.高速会当机,会不会是由于在剧烈情况下电源部份的元件的瞬间接触不良而产生的呢?8.当I/O 板正常时,D23 常亮D22 启动前慢闪,启动OK 后快闪.LED2 常亮.9.取下机板分析.此板电源部份组件不多,将组件焊点加锡一遍后故障依旧.测量元件.经对比后也没发现有什么问题.10.转到正面,取下X1 (小心,此东东比较难拆). 发现在它的掩盖之后还有一个二极管.太小,本人近视,用放大镜观察,终于发现传说中的假焊.此发现纯属巧合,鬼子的东西也有假焊??加锡焊接先!11.装机,开机,祈祷,启动OK!归零OK!! 3/3/B5 正常.运行10 分钟OK!12.初出判定故障排除!三.总结1.解决此问题还有一个办法.就是换I/O 板!2.充分运用排除法,操作中胆大心细!3.具体操作中要一步步做好相关记录!。
![Yamaha EON OFFPOWER DA CONVERTERLOCK 产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5114a3959f3143323968011ca300a6c30c22f198.png)
DA CONVERTER Owner’s ManualEKeep This Manual For Future Reference.FCC INFORMATION (U.S.A.)1. IMPORTANT NOTICE: DO NOT MODIFY THIS UNIT!This product, when installed as indicated in the instructions contained in this manual, meets FCCrequirements. Modifications not expressly approved by Yamaha may void your authority, granted by the FCC, to use the product.2. IMPORTANT: When connecting this product to accessories and/or another product use only high quality shielded cables. Cable/s supplied with this product MUSTbe used. Follow all installation instructions. Failure to follow instructions could void your FCC authorization to use this product in the USA.3. NOTE: This product has been tested and found to comply with the requirements listed in FCC Regulations, Part 15 for Class “B” digital devices. Compliance withthese requirements provides a reasonable level of assurance that your use of this product in a residential environment will not result in harmful interference with other electronic devices. This equipment generates/uses radio frequencies and, if not installed and used according to the instructions found in the users manual, may cause interference harmful to the operation of other electronic devices. Compliance with FCC regulations does not guarantee that interference will not occur in all installations. If this product is found to be the source of interference, which can be determined by turning the unit “OFF” and “ON”, please try to eliminate the problem by using one of the following measures:Relocate either this product or the device that is being affected by the interference.Utilize power outlets that are on different branch (circuit breaker or fuse) circuits or install AC line filter/s.In the case of radio or TV interference, relocate/reorient the antenna. If the antenna lead-in is 300 ohm ribbon lead, change the lead-in to coaxial type cable.If these corrective measures do not produce satisfactory results, please contact the local retailer authorized to distribute this type of product. If you can not locate the appropriate retailer, please contact Yamaha Corporation of America, Electronic Service Division, 6600 Orangethorpe Ave, Buena Park, CA 90620The above statements apply ONLY to those products distributed by Yamaha Corporation of America or its subsidiaries.WARNING: THIS APPARATUS MUST BE EARTHEDIMPORTANTTHE WIRES IN THIS MAINS LEAD ARE COLOURED INACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CODE:GREEN-AND-YELLOW : EARTHBLUE : NEUTRALBROWN : LIVEAs the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this apparatus maynot correspond with the coloured markings identifying the terminals inyour plug, proceed as follows:The wire which is coloured GREEN and YELLOW must beconnected to the terminal in the plug which is marked by the letter Eor by the safety earth symbol or coloured GREEN and YELLOW.The wire which is coloured BLUE must be connected to the terminalwhich is marked with the letter N or coloured BLACK.The wire which is coloured BROWN must be connected to theterminal which is marked with the letter L or coloured RED.* This applies only to products distributed by YAMAHA KEMBLEMUSIC (U.K.) LTD.i Important InformationPlease read before operating the DA824Warnings•Do not subject the DA824 to extreme temperatures, humidity, direct sunlight, or dust, which could be a potential fire or electrical shock hazard.•Do not allow water to enter the DA824 or allow it to become wet. Fire or electrical shock may result.•Connect the power cord only to an AC outlet of the type stated in this Owner’s Manual or as marked on the DA824. Failure to do so is a fire and electrical shock hazard.•Hold the power-cord plug when disconnecting from an AC outlet. Never pull the cord.A power cord damaged through pulling is a potential fire and electrical shock hazard.•Do not touch the power plug with wet hands. Doing so is a potential electrical shock hazard.•Do not place heavy objects, including the DA824, on top of the power cord. A damaged power cord is a fire and electrical shock hazard. In particular, be careful not to placeheavy objects on a power cord covered by a carpet.•Do not scratch, bend, twist, pull, or heat the power cord. A damaged power cord is a fire and electrical shock hazard.•If the power cord is damaged (e.g., cut or a bare wire is exposed), ask your dealer for a replacement. Using the DA824 with a damaged power cord is a fire and electrical shockhazard.•Do not plug several devices into the same AC outlet. This may overload the AC outlet, and could be a fire or electrical shock hazard. It may also affect the performance of someequipment.•If you notice any abnormality, such as smoke, odor, or noise, or if a foreign object or liquid gets inside the DA824, turn it off immediately. Remove the power cord from theAC outlet and consult your dealer for repair. Using the DA824 in this condition is a fireand electrical shock hazard.•Do not place small objects on top of the DA824. Metal objects falling inside the DA824 is a fire and electrical shock hazard.•If a foreign object or water gets inside the DA824, turn it off immediately. Remove the power cord from the AC outlet and consult your dealer for repair. Using the DA824 inthis condition is a potential fire and electrical shock hazard.•Should the DA824 be dropped or the cabinet be damaged, turn off the power, remove the power plug from the AC outlet, and contact your dealer. If you continue using theunit without heeding this instruction, fire or electrical shock may result.•Do not remove the DA824’s cover. Y ou could receive an electrical shock. If you think internal inspection, maintenance, or repair is necessary, contact your dealer.•Do not attempt to modify the DA824. This is a potential fire and electrical shock haz-ard.•Do not block the DA824 ventilation slots. Blocking the ventilation slots is a potential fire hazard.DA824—Owner’s ManualiiCautions•Allow enough free space around the unit for normal ventilation. This should be: 10 cm at the sides, 15 cm behind, and 30 cm above. These distances should also be adoptedwhen rack-mounting the DA824. For normal ventilation during use, remove the rearof the rack or open a ventilation hole. If the airflow is not adequate, the DA824 will heatup inside and may cause a fire.•Use the DA824 in an environment where the temperature is between 10˚C and 35˚C (50˚F and 95˚F).•Turn off audio devices when connecting them to the DA824, and use only the cables specified in the relevant owner’s manuals.•If you plan not to use the DA824 for a long period of time, remove the power cord from the AC outlet. Leaving the DA824 connected is a potential fire hazard.•Do not use benzene, thinner, cleaning detergent, or a chemical cloth to clean the DA824. Use only a soft, dry cloth.•If the DA824 is stored in a cold place (e.g., overnight in a car), and then moved to a warmer environment, or the temperature rises sharply, condensation may form insidethe DA824, which may affect performance. In such cases, the DA824 should be allowedto acclimatize for about one hour before use.InterferenceThe DA824 uses high-frequency digital circuits that may cause interference on radioand television equipment located nearby. If interference is a problem, relocate theaffected equipment.DA824 Exclusion of Certain ResponsibilityManufacturer, importer, or dealer shall not be liable for any incidental damages includ-ing personal injury or any other damage caused by improper use or operation of theDA824.Y amaha cannot be held responsible for any loss of data or data damage due to improperuse or operation of the DA824.Package ContentsThe DA824 package should contain the following items. Contact your Y amaha dealer ifanything is missing.•DA824 DA Converter•This manualTrademarksADAT MultiChannel Optical Digital Interface is a trademark of Alesis Corporation.Tascam Digital Interface is a trademark and Tascam and T eac are registered trademarksof T eac Corporation. Y amaha is a trademark of Y amaha Corporation. All other trade-marks are the property of their respective holders and are hereby acknowledged.DA824—Owner’s ManualiiiCopyrightNo part of the DA824 software or this Owner’s Manual may be reproduced or distrib-uted in any form or by any means without the prior written authorization of Y amaha Corporation.© 2000 Y amaha Corporation. All rights reserved.DA824—Owner’s Manualiv ContentsContents1Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Setting the Maximum Output Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Connecting the Power Cord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Turning On the Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2Touring the DA824 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Front Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Rear Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3Digital I/O Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 About Digital I/O Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Card Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Installing I/O Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4Hookup Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Basic AES/EBU Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Basic ADAT Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6AES/EBU Connection with Splitter Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Dual ADAT Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5Wordclocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 About Wordclocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Wordclock Hookup Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Wordclock Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 DA824—Owner’s ManualIntroduction1DA824—Owner’s Manual2Chapter 2—Touring the DA824DA824—Owner’s ManualRear Panel3DA824—Owner’s Manual4 Chapter 3—Digital I/O CardsDA824—Owner’s Manual 3 Digital I/O CardsAbout Digital I/O CardsFor digital input, the DA824 uses optional mini YGDAI (Y amaha General Digital Audio Interface) cards, which are available in all the popular digital audio interconnect for-mats, including AES/EBU, ADAT, and Tascam TDIF-1.The following digital I/O cards are currently available. See the Y amaha Professional Audio Web site at the following address for up-to-date news on mini YGDAI cards: <http://www.yamaha.co.jp/product/proaudio/homeenglish/>.MY8-AT—ADATThe MY8-AT card provides ADAT format digital I/O via two MultiChannel Optical Digital Interface connectors, and supports 16-, 20-, and 24-bit wordlengths. MY8-AE—AES/EBUThe MY8-AE card provides AES/EBU format digital I/O via a 25-pin D-sub connector, and supports 16-, 20-, and 24-bit wordlengths.MY8-TD—Tascam TDIF-1The MY8-TD card provides Tascam TDIF-1 format digital I/O via a 25-pin D-sub con-nector, and supports 16-, 20-, and 24-bit wordlengths. A BNC connector is provided for wordclock output.MY8-TD cards feature a device selector switch (EXT: 88/INT: 38) that should be set to match the device being connected. This should be set to “EXT: 88” when connecting a Tascam DA-88, or “INT: 38” when connecting a Tascam DA-38, DME32, or other device.Card SpecificationsThe following table provides specifications for the DA824-compatible I/O cards. CardFormat In Out Wordlength ConnectorsMY8-ATADAT I/O 8816, 20, 24Optical x2MY8-AEAES/EBU I/O 8816, 20, 2425-pin D-sub (cable not included)MY8-TD Tascam TDIF-1 I/O 8816, 20, 2425-pin D-sub,BNC wordclock outInstalling I/O Cards5DA824—Owner’s Manual6Chapter 4—Hookup ExamplesDA824—Owner’s ManualAES/EBU Connection with Splitter Cable7DA824—Owner’s Manual8Chapter 5—WordclocksDA824—Owner’s ManualWordclock Termination9DA824—Owner’s Manual10AppendixDA824—Owner’s ManualAppendixSpecificationsSampling rateMY8-AE, MY8-TD 39.69–50.88 kHz MY8-AT41.013–50.88 kHzDA conversion resolution 24-bit linear, 128-times oversampling Frequency response –3, +1 dB, 20 Hz–20 kHz Dynamic Range 11.Measured with a 6 dB/octave filter at 12.7 kHz; equivalent to a 20 kHz filter with infinitedB/octave attenuation.110 dB (typical)Gain Error ±1 dB @ 1 kHz THD 22. 6 dB/octave filter @ 80 kHz.*Where dB represents a specific voltage, 0 dB is referenced to 0.775 V rms, 0 dBV is refer-enced to 1.00 V rms.0.05%, 20 Hz–20 kHz0.01% full scale output @ 1 kHz Hum & Noise Level 1–92 dB (typical)Crosstalk –70 dB between adjacent channels @ 1 kHz Signal Delay0.57 ms (digital input to analog output, fs = 48 kHz)IndicatorsPEAK 3 dB below full scale NOMINAL14 dB below full scale SIGNAL 34 dB below full scale LOCK Wordclock lock POWERPower on/offPower requirements U.S.A. & Canada 120 V AC, 60 Hz Europe 230 V AC, 50 Hz Power consumption 40 WDimensions (W × H × D)480 × 97.5 × 366.8 mm (18.9 x 3.84 x 14.44 inches)Weight7.5 kg (16.53 lbs)Free-air operating temperature 10˚ C to 35˚ C (50˚ F to 95˚ F)Storage temperature –20˚ C to 60˚ C (–4˚ F to 140˚ F)Power cord length 1.9 mSupplied AccessoriesOwner’s ManualSpecifications11DA824—Owner’s ManualAnalog OutputDigital I/OConnectionGAIN SWActual Source ImpedanceFor Use with NominalOutput Level ConnectorNominal Max. before clip OUTPUT 1–811.24-bit 128-times oversampling D/A converters.+24 dB 150 Ω lines600 Ω lines+10 dB (2.45 V)+24 dB (12.28 V)XLR-3-32 type (balanced)2&TRS phonejack (balanced)32.XLR-type connectors are electronically balanced (pin 1= ground, pin 2= hot, pin 3= cold).3.TRS phone jacks are electronically balanced (tip= hot, ring= cold, sleeve= ground).*Where dB represents a specific voltage, 0 dB is referenced to 0.775 V rms, 0 dBV is refer-enced to 1.00 V rms.+18 dB+4 dB (1.23 V)+18 dB (6.16 V)+15 dB +1 dB (0.87 V)+15 dB (4.36 V)+4 dBV–10 dBV (0.316 V)+4 dBV (1.58 V)Connection Format Level/ImpedanceConnector COM—RS232C 9-pin D-sub (male)WORD CLOCK IN —TTL, 75Ω (ON/OFF)BNC WORD CLOCK THRU —TTL, 75ΩBNC SLOTmini YGDAI——12AppendixDA824—Owner’s ManualYAMAHA CORPORATION V554060 R0 1 IP 20Pro Audio Division, #18/3P.O. Box 3, Hamamatsu, 430-8651, Japan 00 03 500 AP Printed in Japan。
YAMAHA XS350 XS250 功率放大器 说明书
![YAMAHA XS350 XS250 功率放大器 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6b9ab6c6964bcf84b8d57bb0.png)
2 音量控制(通道A, B)
这些旋钮可以使你在-∞dB~0dB范围内调节通道 A和B的输出电平,在桥接方式下,只有通道A的音 量使可以控制的。
3 立体/桥接/并联 开关
该条形开关用于设定放大器操作方式:立体方式, 桥接方式,并联方式。
在桥接方式中, 通道A-1, B-1和A-2, B-2的负(-) 极塞孔不使用。 连接的扬声器系统最小阻抗规定在第7页上的“扬声 器阻抗”中。
5 输入端子(通道A, B)
提供有通道A和B的三种型式平衡端子。 通道A输入端子用于桥接和并联方式。
● XLR-3-31型连接器 其接线针脚1-接地,针脚2-热端(+),和针脚3 冷端(-)
故障排除 ...................................................14
■ 前面板
1 电源开关和指示器
这是主电源开关,按下放大器电源接通,再次按下 断开电源,当放大器电源接通时,电源指示器点 亮。
● 在拔掉AC插孔上的电源线的时候,请握着电源线插 头部分。避免用力拉扯电源线,受损伤的电源线有 导致火灾或者触电的潜在危险。
● 避免使用湿手接触电源插孔。否则,有导致触电的 危险。
● 为了避免本机的内部温度上升过高,在本机的前面 部,后面部以及两侧,配有通风口。避免堵塞通风 口,否则,有导致火灾的危险。
YAMAHA维修手册一.夹板气缸不能回收机型:YV100-X 拉别:L19 日期:10月20日处理时间:20:45~21:23 故障现象:贴装一块PCB板完成后,在传送过程中报警,报警现象如下图所示:原因分析:1.经检查发现PCB板贴装完毕后没有到达出板感应器位置2.发现夹板气缸只能夹住PCB板,不能自动松开导致传送报警3.经检查确认后为夹边气缸坏解决方法:1.把坏的夹边气缸上三颗螺丝用2.5mm六角卸下来,用手把气缸尾部上的气管拔掉如下图所示:拔掉2.把新的夹边气缸用2.5mm 六角装上三颗螺丝回原位,再用手将气管插入气缸尾部如下图所示:插入装回3.安装完毕后进入手动模式,光标移动到EDGE CLAMP处按多几次ENTER键,使夹边气缸来回顺畅为标准如下图所示:二.吸嘴真空报警机型:YV100-X 拉别:L21 日期:10月22日处理时间:14:00~14:10 故障现象:机器自动运行取料时出现真空报警,报警现象如下图所示:原因分析:1.吸嘴上可能有元件没有被抛弃2.吸嘴堵塞3.经检查后发现吸嘴孔有灰尘,堵塞了吸嘴,确认为吸嘴堵塞解决方法:1.进入I/O命令将吸嘴下降“1为UP”“0为DOWN”如下图所示:2.用专用十字螺丝刀,把2.4.6.8号吸嘴头组件上的两颗螺丝卸下,再用手把1.3.5.7号头上的吸嘴拔下如下图所示:拔下组件2颗螺丝3.将卸下的吸嘴放入酒精盒清洗,并用飞枪吹干如下图所示:1.将清洁干净的吸嘴按照卸下吸嘴的反顺序安装回机器上,注意飞行嘴的安装,组件上的小圆点要和齿轮上的小圆点相对应如下图所示:齿轮圆点组件圆点2.进入真空检测的步骤如下图所示:3.将安装好的吸嘴进行真空测试,得出的数据保存后退出,此机器便可正常生产如下图所示:三.贴装漏料、更换电磁阀机型:YV100-X 拉别:L21 日期:10月25日处理时间:14:30~14:40 故障现象:贴装元件时在炉后面发现有漏料的PCB板,如下图所示:原因分析:1.吸嘴上有一定的粘合物把贴装后的元件又带回取料位置2.真空不足3.经最后发现为产生真空的电磁阀坏,在工作中真空出现时有时无的现象,导致了贴装漏料解决方法:1.把机器的主气源关闭,如下图所示:关闭2.用小号十字螺丝刀,把真空电磁阀上的24V插头拔下,并卸下两颗螺丝如下图所示:插头螺丝3.将新的电磁阀上的密封圈安装好,如下图所示:密封圈4.把安装好密封圈的新电磁阀装回真空摸块上,锁紧两颗螺丝并将24V插头插好如下图所示:插头螺丝5.将关闭的气源打开,并测试真空得出的数据要保存,便可正常生产如下图所示:。
一般技术规格模数/数模转换20Hz-20kHz(全部旁路)动态范围80dB(典型)全谐波失真小于0.1%(1kHz,最大电平)模数/数模转换模数转换16比特数模转换16比特采样频率44.1kHz储存程序99效果程序立体声混响、混响、混响加门、延迟、延迟+混响,混响-镶边,合唱+混响,交响乐+混响输入连接口PHONE JACK×2正常电平-20dB(输入电平标称)阻抗20kΩ(单声道:10kΩ)输出连接口PHONE JACK×2正常电平-20dB(输入电平正常)阻抗2kΩ(单声道:1kΩ)显示七段LED发光二极管×2(显示程序号)前面板控制部分输入电平,混音平衡,延迟衰减,电平前面板键部分▲,▼,MIDI,储存LED发光二极管显示器峰值,左右,延迟,衰减,电平(可编辑目录)MIDI输入5-Pin DIN电源直流12V输入尺寸(宽×高×厚)480×232×45.5mm(18.9″×9.1″×1.8″)重量2.5kg电源适配器美国加拿大:PA-1BU(120V AC)一般:PA-1BU(220V/240V AC)英国:PA-1(240V AC)详细使用说明:一、正确安装和连接YAMAHA--- REV100。
INPUT LEVEL:输入电平旋钮,调节此旋钮使峰值指示灯在正常工作时偶尔闪亮。
MIX BALANCE:效果混合旋钮,用来调节效果声和原声之间的比例。
混响程序名类型说明01 Vocal rev1 人声适用于人声混响02 Vocal rev2 大厅3号程序的前期延长,混响时间短03 Vocal rev3 人声04 Room ambience1 盘子04-08这些效果适用于鼓和打击乐音色,可作用于整个鼓组或某个鼓音色05 Room ambience2盘子06 Room ambience3盘子07 Wood booth1 人声08 Wood booth2 人声09 Acoustic piano plate 用于钢琴的混响10 Club piano 大厅用于钢琴的混响11 Booming kick1大厅用于底鼓的混响,强调低频12 Booming kick2 房间用于底鼓的混响,强调低频13 Loud snare房间用于军鼓的混响14 Acoustec steel guitar1 盘子钢弦原声吉它的混响15 Acoustec steel guitar2 盘子钢弦原声吉它的混响16 String plate 盘子弦乐的混响17 Acoustec gut guitar1 人声尼龙弦原声吉它混响18 Acoustec gut guitar2 人声尼龙弦原声吉它混响19 Btass room1 房间铜管乐器的混响20 Btass room 房间铜管乐器的混响立体声混响程序名类型说明21 Large hall1 大厅Stage比hall的混响更明亮22 Large hall2 大厅Stage比hall的混响更明亮23 Stage1 大厅Stage比hall的混响更明亮24 Stage2 大厅Stage比hall的混响更明亮25 Chamger1 人声模拟大房间,高顶的混响26 Chamger2 大厅模拟大房间,高顶的混响27 Church1 房间模拟大房间,高顶的混响28 Church2 大厅模拟大房间,高顶的混响29 Old gunnel 大厅模拟长通道中的混响,old暗、new明亮30 New tunnel 人声31 Large room1 房间房间混响,32比31低频更多32 Large room2 房间33 Slide reverb 房间混响的声像在右34 Huge room1 房间比房间混响更有力的混响35 Huge room2 房间比房间混响更有力的混响36 Bathroom 盘子短立体声的混响37 String ensemble 盘子用于弦乐的大混响38 Rude reverb1 人声粗混响39 Rude reverb2 人声粗混响40 Comcert grand piano 人声用于原钢琴的混响门混响程序名类型说明41 Small ambience1 大厅小房间反射混响,42比41的低频少42 Small ambience2 大厅43 Tight poom1 房间比上面两种效果更小的混响44 Tight poom 大厅比上面两种效果更小的混响45 Gate reverb1 盘子各种门混响46 Gate reverb2 人声各种门混响47 Gate reverb3 大厅各种门混响48 Gate reverb4 大厅各种门混响49 Stone room 房间石头房间混响50 Big curve 人声最长的门混响延迟程序名说明51 Analog delay1 软延迟52 Ping pong delay 声像左右变化的延迟53 Eighth note triplet 像8分三连音符的延迟54 Karaoke 用于卡拉OK的回声效果55 Short delay doubler 一次短的延迟56 Stereo long delay 左右声道同长的立体声延迟57 Sgereo medium delay 左右声道不等长的立体声延迟58 Stereo long delay 左右声道同长的短延迟59 Mono long delay 单声道输出的重复延迟60 Mono short delay 单声道输出的重复延迟延迟/混响程序名类型说明61 Electric piano 延迟+大厅常用于钢琴62 String pad 延迟大厅常用于背景音乐63 Synth 延迟人声用于弦乐背景64 Vocal1 64、65是用短延迟的长混响,适用于人声65 Vocal2 延迟大厅64、65是用短延迟的长混响,适用于人声66 Vocal3 延迟房间66是强调延迟的短混响67 Btinght vocal 延迟盘子有小延迟的亮混响68 Chorus 延迟+盘子一半混响,一半延迟69 Drum kit1 延迟+ 房间用于鼓和打击乐的混响70 Drum kit2 延迟盘子用于鼓和打击乐的混响混响/调制程序名类型说明71 Soft flange1 大厅+飘忽此效果结合了混响和小音高变化的飘忽,常用于合成音色背景音乐72 Soft flange2 大厅+飘忽此效果结合了混响和小音高变化的飘忽,常用于合成音色背景音乐73 Amgience flange1 房间飘忽短混响加飘忽74 Amgience flange2 房间飘忽短混响加飘忽75 Soft reverb flange 房间飘忽短混响加音高变化更大的飘忽76 Organ cabinet1 盘子飘忽用于风琴的飘忽效果77 Organ cabinet2 房间交响用于风琴的飘忽效果78 Symphonic reverb1 大厅+交响以混响为主的精致效果79 Symphonic reverb2 人声+交响以混响为主的精致效果80 Flange room1 房间+飘忽为鼓和打击乐加特效81 Flange room2 房间+飘忽为鼓和打击乐加特效82 Rolling flange1 盘子+飘忽为鼓和打击乐加特效83 Rolling flange2盘子+飘忽为鼓和打击乐加特效84 Big flange 人声飘忽喷气机效果85 Chorus rererb1 大厅+合唱85,86是普通的混响+合唱,用途很广如用于钢琴86 Chorus reverb2 盘子+合唱87 Chorus reverb3 大厅+和唱88 Chorus reverb4 人声+合唱89 Tremolo reverb1 大厅+震音震音+混响的各种变化效果90 Tremolo reverb2 大厅震音震音+混响的各种变化效果91 Tremolo reverb3 盘子+震音震音+混响的各种变化效果92 Tremolo reverb4 人声+震音震音+混响的各种变化效果93 Tremolo reverb5 人声+震音震音+混响的各种变化效果94 Tremolo reverb6 大厅+震音震音+混响的各种变化效果95 Tremolo reverb7 大厅+震音震音+混响的各种变化效果96 Ambient slow pan1大厅+震音左右声像变化和短混响97 Ambient slow pan2 房间+震音左右声像变化和短混响98 Sequence pan1房间+震音根据乐曲速度而定的声像变化效果99 Sequence pan2房间+震音根据乐曲速度而定的声像变化效果编辑模式(Edit Mode)REV100的每个效果都具有多个参数,3个主要参数可通过面板上的旋钮控制。
• 打开自我诊断模式 Image loading • 保护取消模式 • 取消自我诊断模式
Image loading
Image loading
“PRV” 表示一个或 多个稳定的电压不 正确或没有 X
±0.2Vdc 偏差 从 1.2V 在 PIN 35 启动 PRV. 单元关闭
(From page 22 of RX-V630/HTR-5560 Service Manual)
检修顺序 显示单位 “PS-PROTECT” 提示: 单位显示 “PS-Protect” 开始后 开机后会有1/2-1秒钟的延迟,然后关机 检修顺序: 查证阻抗选择开关 再恰当的位置 位置取决于: 1) 喇叭等级 2) 喇叭配置 连接到无极调压器 (设定在线路电压) 按<STANDBY / ON> 键,在前面板. 核实开机后1/2-1秒钟后关机 如果是的,请关闭无极调压器,分离接线.
连接到自耦变压器 (设在最小的电压) 使用交流
连接线2个公插头插入自耦变压器. 另一端接入功放内的交流 开关插座,然后把电源插头插入后版面的插座
电源继电器忽略过程 为检修保护症状
• 先把无极调压器调到0伏,把2个接头插入后面板的转换插口,把功放 本身的插头插入功放背后的转换插座。
直流平衡保护 “DC PRT” 主题:
• 线路描述 • 功能 • 检修
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NPN -侧用黑表笔接集电极,红表笔接发射极,PNP -侧交换表笔测量。
用MF47型万用表Rx1挡在路测量大中小功率管的脚间电阻,正常管子测量结果如下:正向测量,大功率管Rbe≈12Ω、Rbc ≈12Ω、Rce=∞(不导通);中功率管Rbe≈15Ω、Rbc≈15Ω,、Rce=∞:小功率管Rbe≈20Ω,Rbc≈20Ω、Rce=∞;反向测量,均不导通。