
1、听说法的历史背景 2、听说法的主要代表人物
1)弗里斯(C.C Fries) 2)拉多(do) 3、听说法的理论基础 1)语言学的理论基础 2)心理学的理论基础
4、听说法的基本原则 1)听说领先 2)反复实践 形成习惯 3)以句型为中心 4)排斥或限制母语 5)对比语言结构 确定教学难点 6)及时纠正错误 培养正确的语言习惯
日常交际 完整的交际活动 1、理论基础
1)语言习得理论 2)社会建构理念 3)课程理论
2、教学原则与特点 原则: 1)言语、情景真实性 2)形式---功能性 3)任务相依性 4)做中学 5)脚手架
特点: 1)目标 2)教师的输入 3)教学技巧与方式 4)教师角色 5)学生角色 6)评价方式与内容
1、功能法产生的时代背景 威尔金斯《意念大纲》
( “Notional Syllabuses”,1978 )
2、功能法的理论基础 1)语言学理论基础 2)心理学理论基础
3、功能法的基本原则 1)以单元---学分体系组织语言教学 2)以功能意念为纲 考虑交际要素 3)教学过程交际化 4)基本目的语和专业目的语兼顾
4、对自觉对比法的评价 附:自觉实践法
七、认知法(cognitive Approach)
• 按照认知规律 • 调动学生的智力潜能 • 努力发现和掌握语言规则 • 创造性地活用语言 • 一种外语教学法体系 • 又称为认知——符号学习理论
1、认知法产生的背景 2、认知法的理论基础 3、认知法的基本原则
一、语法翻译法 二、直接法 三、听说法 四、视听法 五、认知法 六、自觉实践法 七、交际法
(一)全身反应法 (二)咨询法 (三)暗示法 (四)沉默法

2. 教授新词:教师课前将本课新词的英语、音标和汉语 解释写在小黑板上(或卡片上)。上课时按单词表逐 字讲解。学生跟教师朗读英语单词后,教师说汉语, 学生说英语单词,或反之。
3. 讲授语法(规则动词现在进行时):教师讲解动词现 代进行时的意义及其变化规则后,在黑板上写出课文 中的动词原形,要求学生将它们转换成现在分词,再 变成现在进行时。
2. Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught.
3. Grammar was taught inductively.
4. New teaching points were introduced orally.
5. Concrete vocabulary is taught through demonstration, objects, and pictures. Abstract vocabulary is taught by association of ideas.
Audiolingual Approach Community Language Learning
Humanistic Approach Total Physical Response
The Silent Way Suggestopedia
Development of Communicative Approach:


2024年我TESOL培训心得 (2)2024年我TESOL培训心得 (2)精选3篇(一)2024年,我参加了一个TESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages,对非母语者进行英语教学)培训,以下是我对此课程的心得体会。
2024年我TESOL培训心得 (2)精选3篇(二)2024年我参加了TESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)培训课程,获得了宝贵的教学经验和知识。

A meaningful context is paramount.
Advantages children benefit from in learning a foreign language:
• Children’s greater potential for developing accurate pronunciation, accent and fluency before puberty
• Children’s favorable attitude towards a language and its culture, either their mother tongue or a second language.
English Teaching Methodology
Class 2 What you should know about English
Reference Books
Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, Diane Larsen-Freeman, Oxford University Press.
• the number of English speakers: 600-700 million speak English; in Asia alone, 100 million children are learning English.
• How English got there: a colonial history, economics (globalization), travel, information exchange (academic discourse; the Internet), popular culture (music, movies)

tesol考试参考答案TESOL考试参考答案TESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)是指教授英语给非英语为母语的人群的教学方法和技巧。
听力部分:1. 答案:B解析:根据录音中提到的信息,选项B是正确答案。
2. 答案:C解析:根据录音中提到的信息,选项C是正确答案。
以下是一些参考答案:1. Q: What is your favorite hobby?A: My favorite hobby is reading. I enjoy getting lost in different stories and exploring new worlds through books.2. Q: How do you relax after a long day?A: After a long day, I like to relax by practicing yoga. It helps me calm my mind and release any tension in my body.阅读部分:阅读部分主要考察考生对文章的理解和推理能力。
以下是一篇文章的参考答案和解析:文章标题:The Benefits of BilingualismBilingualism, the ability to speak two languages fluently, has numerous benefits. Firstly, it enhances cognitive abilities. Studies have shown that bilingual individuals have better problem-solving skills and higher levels of creativity. This is because the brain has to constantly switch between two languages, which strengthens its ability to adapt and think critically.Secondly, bilingualism opens up a world of opportunities. In today's globalized world, being able to speak multiple languages is highly valued by employers. It increases job prospects and can lead to higher salaries. Additionally, bilingual individuals have the advantage of being able to communicate and connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds.Furthermore, bilingualism has been linked to better academic performance. Research has shown that bilingual students tend to have higher scores in subjects such as math and science. This may be due to the fact that learning a second language enhances overall cognitive abilities, which in turn improves academic performance.In conclusion, being bilingual has numerous advantages. It not only enhances cognitive abilities and opens up job opportunities, but also improves academic performance. Therefore, it is highly beneficial for individuals to learn and become fluent in multiple languages.写作部分:写作部分要求考生根据给定的题目或问题进行写作。
【免费】2022年TESOL国际英语教师资格证 少儿证书 100分答案-(问题1-5)

TESOL for Children Sample AnswersQuestions 1 – 5注意:此文档中所有答案均获满分,仅供参考。
更多参考答案请见同作者百度文库***1.Which age group would you like to teach most and why?***仅供参考,这个问题要根据自己真实经历填写,不可以照抄!I would like to teach teenagers aged from 14 to 17 years old because of the followingreasons. Firstly, it is more likely for me to provide meaningful learning opportunities such as contemporary case studies that can help students from this age group develop problem-solving and critical thinking abilities. This can potentially bring me withmore rewarding experiences compared to teaching children from younger age groups.In addition, I am looking forward to interacting with teenagers from diversebackgrounds who can contribute different thoughts and ideas to classroom activities, which allows me to develop more effective communication skills with futuregenerations. Lastly, because I have been working with multiple secondary colleges fora few years in Melbourne, I personally feel more confident in providing high-qualityeducational experiences to secondary students from the age group of 14 to 17.2.Describe the characteristics of your 3 most influential teachers throughout childhood.***仅供参考,这个问题要根据自己真实经历填写,不可以照抄!1)Ms Yousif was my form teacher in the primary school who had a high level ofpatience towards students. She was a good listener who always ensured that everychild was feeling supported at school, especially when people failed their tests. Ifound it comfortable talking to Ms Yousif as she would let students finish talking, then respond to our needs and help us resolve problems patiently.Patience. My form teacher in the primary school had a high level of patiencetowards students. She was a good listener who always ensured that every child was feeling supported at school, especially when we failed our tests. I found it comfortable talking to my form teacher as she would let us finish talking, then respond to our needs and help resolve problems patiently.2)Mr Wu taught me Mathematics in Year 9 when I was preparing for my entryexams for high school. By incorporating numbers of engaging activities such as academic games, Mr Wu has transformed Mathematics into an interesting subject that most students loved to learn. During that stressful time of aiming at highscores, Mr Wu still prioritised engagement and participation of students, which has assisted me in achieving satisfactory results in Mathematics.My Mathematics teacher in Year 9 has demonstrated his creativity in teaching this subject by incorporating numbers of engaging activities such as academic games to help students participate better. He has transformed Mathematics into aninteresting subject that most students loved to learn, and assisted us in achieving satisfactory results in Mathematics.3)Ms Colaluca had the greatest impacts on my career choice of becoming a teacher.As a highly responsible English teacher, Ms Colaluca often made herself available after school hours for ESL students who require additional support to askquestions. I remembered one time when I was struggling with my grammarmistakes, Ms Colaluca has spent one hour correcting my essay and providing me with constructive feedback on how can I improve on my writing skills.As a highly responsible teacher, my English teacher often made herself available after school hours for ESL students who require additional support to askquestions. I remembered one time when I was struggling with my grammarmistakes, my English teacher has spent one hour correcting my essay andproviding me with constructive feedback on how I can improve on my writingskills.3.Define the acronyms TESOL, SLA, L1, and L2.有标准答案,可以抄:TESOL: Teaching English to Speakers of Other LanguageSLA: Second Language AcquisitionL1 (Language 1): The student’s native (primary or first acquired) languageL2 (Language 2): The language being learnt or studied4.What is an icebreaker activity? What are two types of icebreakers? (Describe what anicebreaker activity is, two types of icebreakers, when it should be used, and why it is useful to students.)有标准答案,可以抄:An icebreaker activity can be used to help classroom participants better connect with each other when they meet for the first time by creating a comfortable learningenvironment. There are two types of icebreaker activities:以下不能全抄,需要稍作修改:1)Facilitating Introductions can be used to help teachers and students learn moreabout others including their names, personal experiences and birth dates. This type of icebreaker activities should be used on the first day of school when students are unfamiliar with their new classmates, which can be helpful for them to buildconnections and open conversations with each other.2)Topic Lead-ins can be used to generate interests and activate prior knowledge ofstudents, which also allows the teacher to identify learning needs and objectives.This type of icebreaker activities can be used when introducing new topics byincorporating multiple choice questions and short quizzes to assess students’existing knowledge. It is useful to students because they can develop interest inthe new topic and identify personal learning goals through these icebreakeractivities.5.Design your own icebreaker activity, or choose one you like from the e-book readingassignment above. Outline the steps of the activity, describe why you like thisactivity, and indicate what you think the benefits are for your students.***仅供参考,步骤不可以全抄,需要自行另外找一个icebreaker activityIcebreaker Activity: Two truths and a lieSteps:1)The teacher will group students in pairs, or in small teams of three to four people.2)Each student will be given a sheet of paper, or a sticky note.3)Students write down three sentences with information about themselves. (Note: Inthese three sentences, one must be a lie.)4)Other students in the same team can ask questions to find out which statement is alie.5)Students will take turns to ask questions until everyone’s lie has been discovered.***仅供参考,需要自行解释为什么选用以上activityI like this icebreaker activity because it allows students to exchange informationin a game setting on the first day of class. Students can also take the opportunity of asking follow-up questions to communicate with each other and find out their similarities and differences. In addition, teachers can participate in this activity by asking students to guess their truths and lies.Students can benefit from this icebreaker activity by building positiverelationships with classmates and the teacher, which can subsequently enhance their engagement and participation in following classroom activities such as group discussion.。

TESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)领域中正统的英语教学方法主要有语法翻译法、句型练习法、沟通法、阅读法、综合法等五种。
1. 语法翻译法:教师在课堂上用母语教授一套完整的语法系统,讲解范文时则大量采用母语翻译。
2. 句型练习法:美国国防部委托美国语言学专家规划设计出一套针对听讲能力的速成训练课程,这套课程就是句型练习法。
3. 沟通法:这种教学法旨在培养学生的英语沟通能力。
4. 阅读法:通过阅读英文文章、书籍等,提高学生的阅读理解能力和词汇量。
5. 综合法:综合法是一种结合了多种教学法的英语教学方式。

Create 5 lesson plans for beginner students using any approach or approachesthat you prefer.Lesson plan 1Background information :Students: Chinese kindergarten students (3-5 years old)Lesson Duration: 45 minsTeaching contents : greet others in EnglishNew vocabulary: hello, hi, fineNew sentence: How are you? I am fine, thank you.Teaching objects :By the end of the lesson, students should be able to1.greet others in English.2.recognise English words: Hello, hi, fine.3.express simple sentence in English.Teaching proceduresStep 1:Warm up (5 mins) : Make students as groups, and ask them to introduce themselves in Chinese.Step 2Introduction to teaching objectives (5 mins) : We would like to learn how to greet others in English.Step 3Teaching assignments (30 mins) We are going to spend 15 minutes to learn how to greet others in English. Then students will be asked to act as they meet for the first time for another 15 minutes. During that time, students can practice how to greet others in English.Step 4Review assignments (5 mins) teacher together with students will review the newwords. Students are asked to greet their parents in English after school.Lesson plan 2Background information :Students: Chinese primary school students (7-12 years old)Lesson Duration: 45 minsTeaching content:Describe fruits in English.New vocabulary: apple, pineapple, pear, fruits.New sentence: This is a/an apple, pineapple, pear. I like to eat a/an apple/pineapple/ pear.Teaching objects :By the end of the lesson, students should be able to1.know the English name of several fruits.2.recognise English words: apple, pineapple, pear, fruits.3.express simple sentence in English.Teaching proceduresStep 1:Warm up (5 mins): Put some fruits in a box. Make students as groups. Ask students close their eyes and touch fruit in the box. Students can describe the fruit in Chinese. Right answer will be marked 2 point.Step 2Introduction to teaching objectives (5 mins) : We would like to learn how to describe those fruits in English.Step 3Teaching assignments (30 mins) We are going to spend 15 minutes to learn how to how to say the English name of some fruits. Students will learn the pronunciation of new words. Simple grammar and sentences will also be taught. Students will spend another 15 minutes to practice what they learn. Students will be asked to touch and feel the fruit, and tell others the English name of fruits. During that time, students canpractice how to describe fruits in English.Step 4Review assignments (5 mins) teacher together with students will review the new words. Students are asked to tell their parents the name of fruits in English after school.Lesson plan 3Background information :Students: Chinese secondary school students (13-15 years old)Lesson Duration: 45 minsTeaching content:Speaking lesson: talk about what you plan to do in summer holiday in English. Teaching objects :By the end of the lesson, students should be able to1.prepare for a speech.2.deliver a simple speech in English.Teaching proceduresStep 1:Introduction of teaching objectives (5 mins) : talk about your plans in summer holiday in English.Step 2Preparation (15 mins): Divide the students into groups. Students take turns to talk about their summer vacation plans in the group. Teacher will go around and provide instruction for students.Step 3Presentation (20 mins). Select one student from each group to represent the group and present the results of the discussion. Teacher and other students will listen and provide some comments.Step 4Review (5 mins) Discuss all the mistakes and correct them. Teacher will conclude andprovide a quick review of all summer holiday plans.Lesson plan 4Background information :Students: Chinese high school students (16-18 years old)Lesson Duration: 45 minsTeaching content:Reading and writing lesson: Read the letter that Li Hua wrote to you and reply to him. Teaching objects:By the end of the lesson, students should be able to1.learn the basic format of the letters and emails.2.read letters and emails.3.write letters and emails.Teaching procedures:Step 1:Introduction to teaching objectives (5 mins) : Read the letter that Li Hua wrote to you and reply to him.Step 2Preparation (15 mins): Give students 5 minutes to read the letter. Use 10 minutes to teach students how to write a letter in English. The basic format of the letters and emails will also be taught to students.Step 3Assignments (20 mins). Students are asked to write a letter to reply letter. Teacher will go around and provide instruction for students.Step 4Review (5 mins) Collect students’ assignments. Conclude and review the content that students learnt.Lesson plan 5Background information :Students: AdultsLesson Duration: 45 minsTeaching content:Listening and speaking lesson: Listen to a podcast and deliver a speech.Teaching objects:By the end of the lesson, students should be able to1.know the basic structure of news and basic grammar knowledge of news.2.summarise the content of podcasts after listening.3.show their attitude about the content of podcasts by delivering a speech. Teaching proceduresStep 1:Warm up (5mins): Listen to a podcast from BBC News.Step 2Introduction to teaching objectives (15 mins) : Teach students to describe and summarise what they learnt from the podcast. Teach students the basic structure of news and how to use the right grammar and tense.Step 3Assignments (20 mins).In the first 10 minutes, students can prepare their speech independently. Teacher will answer questions whenever students want to enquire something.In the second 10 minutes, students can deliver a speech in front of others. Teacher along with Other students will give suggestions and comments for them.Step 4Review (5 mins) Teacher will review with all the shows, and to give some suggestions about grammar, tense and so on.。
知识点——approach用法及与way, means,method等区别

approach用法及与way, means, method等区别 【知识点解析】
请大家注意,access to与approach to中的两个to均为介词,但后 者的意思虽为“方法,手段”,但翻译成汉语应译为:解决某 一问题的方法,尽管句中并未出现“解决”(deal with,solve) 之类的词。 而way to在表达这一意思时,to就不再为介词,而 是不定式to。比如: There are many ways to tackle the problem. 有多种方法解决这一问题。此时,way to后面必须接动词原形, 且为表达“解决”(solve, tackle, etc.)意思的词。 其三, access to还有另一意思,opportunity or right to use sth or approach sb 即(使用某物或接近某人的)机会或权利。如:
知识点—— approach用法 及与way, means, method等区别
approach用法及与way, means, method等区别 【知识点解析】
一、approach 英 [ə'prəʊtʃ] 美 [ə'protʃ] n. 方法;途径;接近 vt. 接近;着手处理 vi. 靠近 用法: 1、an approach to 学习…...的入门;学习…...的途径 例句:This article lays out the problem and proposes an approach to solve it. 本文将逐渐解释这个问题,并给出一种方法来解决这个问题。
approach用法及与way, means, method等区别 【知识点解析】
These economies are demanding access to the world cash supply.(权利,机会) Foreign buyers will find that adapting a legalistic approach to negotiations at key intervals will result in the granting of major concessions.(方法) During the meeting, they put forward some brilliant ways to cut back on the expenditure.(方法)

外语教学法主要流派及其特点一、翻译法(Translation Method)翻译法也叫语法翻译法(Grammar-Translation Method)、阅读法(Reading Method)、古典法(Classical Method)。
翻译法历史悠久,其优点是:1. 学生语法概念清晰;2. 阅读能力较强,尤其是遇到长而难的句子时通过分析句子结构便能理解意思;3. 有助于培养翻译能力和写作能力。
翻译法的缺点是:1. 忽视口语教学,学生的语音语调差,不利于培养学生用外语进行交际的能力;2. 教学方式单一,学生容易失去兴趣。
二、直接法(Direct Method)直接法也叫自然法(Natural Method)、心理法(Psychological Method)、口语法(Oral Method)、改良法(Reformed Method)。
直接法流行甚广,其优点是:1. 采用各种直观教具,广泛运用接近实际生活的教学方式,有助于培养用外语思维的能力;2. 强调直接学习和直接应用,注重语言实践练习,学生学习积极性高,学习兴趣浓厚;3. 重视口语和语音教学,能有效地培养学生的语言运用能力。
其缺点是:1. 排斥母语,使学生对一些抽象和复杂的概念难以理解;2. 没有明晰的语法解释,导致学生说出的话语法错误较多。
三、听说法(Audiolingualism, Audiolingual Method)听说法于20世纪40至60年代盛行于美国。

How to teach?Abbreviation:PPP—presentation, practice, and productionOHP—The overhead projectorSARS—select, adapt, reject, supplement.ESL—English as a Second LanguageEFL—English as a Foreign LanguageNCTE—the foundation of National Council of Teachers of EnglishWriting symbols: S—Spelling….WO—word orderESA—Engage-study-activateEAP—English for Academic PurposeESP—English for Specific PurposeIATEFL--The International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language TESOL—Teaching English to Speakers of other languageOHP—the overhead projectorOHTs—overhead transparenciesLCRA—Listening Comprehension Practice PageTTT—Teacher Talk TimeSTT—Student Talk Time(一)?(二)?(三)?(四)Information gap?(speaking activity) where two speakers have different parts of information making up a whole. Because they have different information, there is a ‘gap’ between them.—one popular information-gap activity is called ‘Describe and Draw’.P88(五)Information(一)Principles of Teaching Listening1)???????1 The tape recorder is just as important as the tap2)???????Preparation is vital3)???????Once will not be enough4)???????Students should be encouraged to respond to the context of a listening, not just to the language.5)???????Different listening stages demand different listening tasks.4. Vary the materials in terms of speakers' gender, age, dialect, accent, topic, speed, noice level, genre,5. Always ask students to listen with a purpose and allow them to show their comprehension in a task.6. Language material intended to be used for training listening comprehension should never be presented visually first.(二)Principles of Teaching Speaking1)???????Be aware of the differences between second language and foreign language learning contexts.2)???????Give students practice with both fluency and accuracy3)???????Plan speaking tasks that involve negotiation for meaning.4)???????Design classroom activities that involve guidance and practice in both transactional and interactional speaking.(三)Principles of Teaching reading1)???????Reading is not a passive skill.2)???????Students need to be engaged with what they are reading.3)???????Students should be encouraged to respond to the content of a reading text, not just to the language.4)???????Prediction is a major factor in reading.5)???????Match the task to the topic.6)???????Good teachers exploit reading texts to the full.7)???????Exploit the reader’s background knowledge.(四)Principles of Teaching Writing1)???????Understand your students’ reasons for writing.2)???????Provide opportunities for students to write – practice writing.3)???????Make feedback and correction helpful and meaningful: over-correction?4)???????Clarify for yourself, and for your students, how their writing will be evaluated.(五)??Three special features about teaching listening1)???????Tapes go at the same speed for everybody.2)???????Students have to be encouraged to listen for general understanding first rather than trying to pick out details immediately.3)???????Spoken language has a number of unique features.(六)??Four aspects that should be included in a teaching plan.1)???????Who – detailed information about the students.2)???????What – what do the teacher and students want to do?3)???????How – how should the teacher and students do it?4)???????To predict what might go wrong and how it can be dealt with.(七)Four Teaching methods and approaches that have influenced the current teaching practice.1)???????Grammar-translation method2)???????Audiolingualism3)???????Cognitive approach4)???????Humanistic approach5)???????Communicative language teaching6)???????Task-based teaching and learning(八)Four differences between teaching adults and teaching children1)???????Motivation---Adults are likely to be seeking educational solutions to help them get to where they want to be in life which they will have specifically outlined in their minds prior to joining your class2)???????Direction---As an instructor you can rely on adults to be more self-directed than children who will depend on you for focus and support.3)???????Trust---Adults are more likely to be skeptical about new information and will prefer to test out the information before they believe and accept it.4)???????Experience---Something to remember is that adults have a lot they can bring to the table and they will expect to be able to share their life experiences and knowledge in the learning environment.5)???????Feedback---Finally, adults will be more sensitive to errors and will take constructive criticism more personally.(九)Three reading skills that students need to acquire and explain each of them.1)???????To scan the text for particular bits of information they are searching for.—this means they do not have to read every word and line;???2)???????To skim a text to get a general idea.3)???????To read for detailed comprehension.Or1)???????Scanning: for a specific focusThe technique you use when you're looking up a name in the phone book: you move your eye quickly over the page to find particular words or phrases that are relevant to the task you're doing.2)???????Skimming: for getting the gist of somethingThe technique you use when you're going through a newspaper or magazine: you read quickly to get the main points, and skip over the detail. It's useful to skim:Use skimming when you're trying to decide if a book in the library or bookshop is right for you.3)???????Detailed reading: for extracting information accuratelyWhere you read every word, and work to learn from the text.In this careful reading, you may find it helpful to skim first, to get a general idea, but then go back to read in detail. Use a dictionary to make sure you understand all the words used. (十)………………(十一)?????Four seating arrangements in the class1)???????Orderly rowsT??The teacher and the students can see each other clearly. Discipline and personal??contact is easy.T??The teacher is working with the whole class and every student should be involved. T??One trick that many teachers use is to keep their students guessing. 2)???????Circles?and?horseshoesT??The Round Table LegendT??A far greater feeling of equalityT??Lowering the barriers: greater opportunity to get close to the students.T??All the students can see each other and various contacts are easier. 3)???????Separate tablesT??It is much easier for the teacher to work at one table while the others get on with their own work.T??Students may not always want to be with the same colleagues.T??It makes “whole-class” teaching more difficult, since the students are more separated.(十二)????????Four pieces of equipment that you can make use of in an English class.T??The board/ the computer/ the dictionary/ the overhead projector/pictures and cards/ the tape recorder/ the radio playback machine/ the video camera/(十三)?????Two popular information-gap activitiesDescribe and Drawq??One student has a picture.q??The partner has to draw the picture without looking at the original.q??The one with the picture will give instructions and descriptions, and the “artist” will ask questions and draw.q??It is highly motivating, there is a real purpose for the communication (the information gap, completion of the task), and almost any language can be used. Remember to exchange the students’ roles if the activity is used more than once.Story-telling activityv??Memorizev??Regroupv??Tell pictures and form a new story????The final stories may be different. The groups tell the whole class what their version is, and the teacher can finally re-show the pictures.a)????????put the students into four groups, calling them A, B, C, D, and give one of the following pictures. The groups have to memorize everything they can about the pictures—who’s in them, what’s happening ect.b)???????The teacher now collects back the pictures and asks one student from each group (A, B, C and D) to form a new four-person group. The teacher tells them they have seen a different picture and asks them to talk with each other and tell a story.—the task is for students to work out what the story is. The only way they can do this is by describing their pictures to each other.c)???????The final version may be different. The groups tell the whole class what their version is. The teacher can finally reshow the picture.???Jigsaw activity(十四)?????Three types of writing rubrics1)???????Non-weighted rubric: This type of rubric provides descriptions of writing quality by level across other writing criteria. A brief example of this type of rubric would look like the following:2)???????Weighted rubric:?A weighted rubric is similar to the unweighted one, but itbreaks the writing skills into categories and sub-categories. A specific point value is assigned to each. Converting the organization element of the non-weighted rubric on page 94 into an element in a weighted rubric might3)???????Holistic rubric:?A holistic rubric describes in general terms the qualities ofexcellent, good, fair, and unsatisfactory assignments. These descriptions can be tied to grades or stand on their own. The instructor then chooses the description that fits the assignment. An example of one part of a holistic rubric might look like this:(十五)?????Four alternatives that Neville Grant suggests when the teacher finds the textbook is inappropriate.q???Omission –firstly, he or she might simply decide to omit the lesson.q???Replacement –the second option is to replace the textbook lesson with one of the teacher’s own.q???Addition – third is to add activities or exercises to what is in the book.q???Adaptation—final is for the teacher to adapt what is in the book.(十六)?????Four characteristics of good learners.q??A willingness to listen-listen to what’s going on.q??..to experiment: many good learners are not afraid to ‘have a go’. prepared to take risks.q??..to ask questions: constantly ask questions to know why.q??..to think about how to learn: bring or invent their own study skills when they come toa lesson.q??..to accept correction: are prepared to be corrected if it helps them.(十七)?????Four stages of choosing a textbook.1)???????Analysis—analyzes various books on offer for answers to questions needed to consider when choosing a textbook.??2)???????Piloting –try out the book with a class to find its strengths and weaknesses. Maybe teach two different books to compare them.3)???????Consultation –consult any of their colleagues who have used the book to find out if it is right for them.4)???????Gathering opinions?–anyone who might have an opinion on the book is worth speaking to. Their opinion is important for choosing a book.(十八)?????Three advantages of encouraging students to speak English in class1)???????Rehearsal: A free discussion outside the classroom and a real-life role-play inside the classroom may help students understand what communication is.2)???????Feedback: Speaking activities may provide feedback, which is beneficial to both students and teachers.3)???????Engagement: Speaking activities can be highly motivating and involve more participation and enjoyment.??(十九)?????The natural order of language acquisition1)???????Be exposed to it2)???????Understand its meaning3)???????Understand its form (how it is constructed)4)???????Practice it(二十)?????The purpose of ‘activate’ activities:v??Activate: to get students using language as freely and communicatively as they can; to try out real language use to rehearse for the real world.v??Typical activate activities:q??role-plays, where students act out as realistically as possibleq??advertisement design, where students write and then record a radio commercial q??debates and discussionsq??“Describe and Draw”, where one student tries to get another to draw a picture without that other student being able to see the originalq??story and poem writing or writing in groups(二十一)???????????The purpose of ‘engage’ activities:to arouse the students’ interest, thus involving their emotions.Engage activities:1)???????Games, music, discussions, stimulating pictures, dramatic stories, amusing anecdotes.2)???????Students will be asked what they think of a topic before asking them to read about it.3)???????Students will look at the picture of a person and be asked to guess what hisoccupation is before they listen to that person on tape.4)???????Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn. – The more time students spend in the stage of engagement, the better they learn.(二十二)???????????Two principles of giving instructionsTwo: they must be kept as simple as possible, and they must be logical.The beat activity in the world is a waste a time if the students don’t understand what it is they are supposed to do.Ps. it is important for the teacher to check that the students have understood what they are being asked to do.(二十三)???????????Three basic levels distinctions of language learners. 1)???????Beginners: those who don’t know any English at all. Success is easy to see at this level, and easy for the teacher to arrange. But then so is failure.2)???????Intermediate students: success is not easy to perceive here. Intermediate students have already achieved a lot. Gone are the days they could observe their progress almost daily. Sometimes, it may seem to them, they don’t improve that m uch or that fast anymore. We often call this the Plateau effect. We need to help them to set clear goals for themselves so that they have sth to measure their achievement by.3)???????Advanced students: they already know a lot of English. There is still danger of plateau effect. At the advanced level, we need to be able to show students what still has to be done and we need to provide good clear evidence of progress.。

A. Grammar-translation Approach(语法翻译法)
The aim is to develop students’ competence in reading literary works, so students must master voc & structure in order to translate works. Students must recite everything and do translation exercises. ( Xu Guozhang’s English)
Other Approaches Related to CL
French immersion (浸泡式教学) Segmentation(碎片式教学) Integrated Reading (整体阅读法) Using the peers as teacher of the poor students(同伴互教式学习法) Task-based Learning (任务学习法) Project Learning (项目学习法) Cooperative learning (合作式学习法) Tribal Learning (部落式学习法)
Material design: works in the original; exercises for grammar; words both in Chinese and English versions.
Teacher’s and students’ functions:
T: authority who imparts knowledge, organizer of the class. Ss: do whatever teacher asks them to do, passive in learning.

《TESOL教学理论》课程教学大纲课程名称:TESOL教学理论课程类别:教育选修课适用专业:英语考核方式:考查总学时、学分: 32 学时2学分其中实践学时: 0 学时一、课程教学目的TESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)即对外英语教学。
二、课程教学要求To explore the theories in TESOLTo explore the goals of SLA research;To explore terms and definitions used in SLA studies;To consider why SLA research is needed by teachers of English三、先修课程英语听力,英语口语,英语阅读,英语写作,英语语音,英语词汇学,英语语法四、课程教学重、难点1.教学重点该课程的重点是提升学生英语教学理念。
五、课程教学方法与教学手段课堂讲授、小组讨论六、课程教学内容A1 Introduction: approaches and methods (2学时)1. 教学内容a) Methodologyb) approaches and methods in ELT2.重、难点提示A2 Speaking (2学时)1. 教学内容To explore the nature of spoken languageTo explore what is involved in the ‘speaking skill’To consider potential difficulties faced by learners in learning to speak another languageTo consider appropriate methodology for teaching speaking skillsTo present a variety of activities for teaching speaking skills2.重、难点提示Appropriate Methodology for Developing Speaking SkillsA3 Reading (2学时)1. 教学内容To explore definitions and core issues related to readingTo explore what is involved in the ‘reading skill’To consider potential difficulties faced by learners in learning to read in another languageTo examine how the notion of authenticity has influenced contemporary approaches to reading instructionTo consider an appropriate methodology for teaching reading skills2.重、难点提示1) Why we read - our various purposes for reading2) How we read - the processes involved in effective reading comprehension3) What skills are involved in reading - a specification of the components of reading ability A4 Writing (2学时)1. 教学内容To explore key insights from the research on first and second language writing To explore what is involved in the writing skillTo consider appropriate methodology for teaching writing skills2.重、难点提示Key Issues in Writing PedagogyA 5 V ocabulary (2学时)1. 教学内容1) To explore various aspects of word knowledge2) To explore frameworks for the analysis of vocabulary3) To consider factors influencing the selection of vocabulary for pedagogicalpurposes4) To present a range of classroom techniques to teach vocabulary2.重、难点提示A6 Listening (2学时)1. 教学内容To explore the process of listening comprehensionTo explore the characteristics of ‘real-life’ listeningTo consider potential difficulties faced by learners in learning to listen to another language To review the relationship between listening and other skillsTo consider appropriate methodology for developing listening strategies and skillsTo present a variety of activity types for teaching listening skills2.重、难点提示Problems Related to Different Phases of the Listening Comprehension ProcessA 7 Classroom Interaction (2学时)1. 教学内容Language and interaction inside the classroomLanguage input and language learningDescribing conversation2.重、难点提示Discussion topicsSeminar I (2学时)B1 Introduction to SLL (2学时)1. 教学内容to explore the goals of SLA research;to explore terms and definitions used in SLA studies;to consider why SLA research is needed by teachers of English2.重、难点提示GOALS of SLA researchB2 Input theories of SLL (2学时)1. 教学内容What is Second Language Acquisition (SLA)Linguistics-based Approaches to SLA.2.重、难点提示B3 Task-based SLL (2学时)1. 教学内容Perceived problems with ‘traditional’ language teaching Perceived problems with CLTLooking for a solution in TBL (Task Based Instruction) 2.重、难点提示Ellis’s (1997) Model of Noticing (in Cross, 2002)B4 Motivation in SLL (2学时)1. 教学内容To review research learner variables (social and affective factors) that impact on second language teaching and learning, in particular motivation, and the construct ‘willingness to communicate’.2.重、难点提示There are many individual differences (learner variables) that have been the subject of research, for example:ageaptitudeattitudesmotivationintelligencepersonalitylearning styleslearner beliefslearning strategiesB5 Social interation and SLL (2学时)1. 教学内容macro social influences on second language acquisitionindividuals in social settings2.重、难点提示classroom settingssociocultural theory and classroom language learningB6 Learner strategies and autonomy (2学时)1. 教学内容To consider how insights from the areas of language learner strategies and learner autonomy have contributed to understandings of SLLTo consider the classroom implications of the above areas2.重、难点提示Classifying Learning StrategiesB7 Teachers and SLL (2学时)1. 教学内容review of second language acquisition theorieswhat models of ‘language’ underlie second language acquisition?Assessing second language acquisition research for its pedagogic relevance2.重、难点提示How to assess the effects of pedagogical activity (which may or may not be based on second language acquisition theories) on classroom learning (as opposed to second language acquisition in the abstract)Seminar II (2学时)七、学时分配2学时×16周=32学时八、课程考核方式1.考核方式:笔试;闭卷2.成绩构成:平时成绩+期末考试成绩九、选用教材和参考书目[1]Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. (2nd ed.). Richards, J. & Rodgers. Cambridge: CUP. T. 2002;[2]How Language are Learned. P. & Spada, N. Oxford: OUP, 2006;[3]Second Language Learning and Language Teaching. Cook, Vivian. London: Arnold. 1996;[4]Task-based Language Learning and Teaching (Oxford Applied Linguistics). Ellis Rod.,Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003;[5]The Practice of English Language Teaching.(4th ed.). Harmer, Jeremy, Harlow: Pearson Longman, 2007.。

Methods And Approaches In Language Teaching1.The Latin Teaching Method2. The Translation Method , The Grammar Translation Method3. The Direct Method.4. The Audio-visual Method5. The Audio-lingual Method6. The Communecative Approach7. Situational Language Teaching also Oral Approach8. The Situational Method9. Total Physical Response10. The Silent Way11. Community Language Learning12. The Natural Approach13. Suggestopedia also Suggestopaedia, Suggestopedy, Lozanov Method14. The Cognitive Approach also The Cognitive Code Approach15. Immersion Programme16. Discovery Learning17. Linguistic Method18. Co-operative Learning also Collaborative Learning19. Individualized Instruction20-1. The Whole Language Approach20-2. The Integrated Whole Language Approach21. The Whole-word Method22. The Humanistic Approach23. The Discussion Method24. The Language Experience Approach25. Consciousness Raising26. The Comprehension Approach27. Conscious Comparison Method28. Student-centered Learning29. Student-centered Teaching30. Teacher Directed Instruction31. The Mim-men Method32. Integrated Approach33. The Synthetic Approach34. Serial Learning35. Total Communication36. Deductive learning Also Learning By Deduction37-1. Reflective Teaching37-2. Reflective Teaching38. Distance Learning39. Paired-associate Learning40. Multiple Intelligences41. Nerolinguistic Programming42. The Lexical Approach43. Competency-Based Language Teaching44. Content-Based Instruction45. Task-Based Language Teaching46. The Auditory/Oral Method47. Direct Teaching48. The Monitor Method49. The Structural Method50. The Functional-notional Approach51. The Analytic Approach52. The Staged-teaching Methodology(《外语界》2003/6任务型教学方法(论) 自主式学习项目教学法探索式学习互动式教学情景式学习探究式教学合作式学习外语立体化教学法立体式科学形态外语教学法“四位一体”教学法任务式功能式情景式交际式、互动式自主式探索式合作式、表演式讨论式或综合型(折中型)1. TESOL: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages2. TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language3. TESL: Teaching English as a Second Language4. EFL: English as a Foreign Language5. English as an International Language6. ESD: English as a Second Dialect7. ESL: English as a Second Language8. ESL/ESOL programme: English as a second language programme9. EAP: English for Academic Purposes10. EGP: English for General Purposes11. EST: English for Science and Technology12. ESOL: English for Speakers of Other Languages13. ESP: English for Specific Purposes Also English for Special Purposes。

语言学概论(2)复习要点Chapter 61、three approaches to the study of language and cognition P129 para.22、Psycholinguistics(definition) P130 para.23、Psycholinguistics has its roots in... P130 para.34、Six subjects of research within psycholinguistics P130 para.45、Three central topics in psycholinguistics P131 para.16、Four stages of children's acquisition of language P131-P1337、cohort theory P135 para.58、minimal attachment theory P138 para.29、schemata P139 para.3 (或见课件)10、image schema P147.para.111、metaphor(definition) P148 para.612、3 kinds of conceptual metaphors P149. para.213、metonomy (definition)P151. para.214、3 ICMs in ontological realms P151. para.315、blending theory P155. Para.6Chapter 71、sociolinguistics (definition)P159. para.22、speech community, register P160. Para.33、Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis P162. para.24、Linguistic determinism, Linguistic relativity P163 para.15、Three objectives for us to teach culture in our language class P169 para.76、Some social factors that influence our language behavior in a social context P171 para.47、William Labov, the professor in the linguistics department of the University ofPennsylvania,.the founder of the discipline of quantitative sociolinguistics8、the features of women register P172 para.29、linguistic sexism P173 para.110、A sociolinguistic study of society (macrosociolinguistics)A sociolinguistic study of language (microsociolinguistics):P173 para3 -- P174 para1--311、Pidgin and Creole(definition) P174 para. 3(见课件)Chapte r 101、computational linguistics P242, para. 22、Distinguish CAI, CAL & CALL P243, para.4--53、Four phases of CALL development P244 para. 2-- P245 para. 14、Machine Translation (MT) P247 para. 15、Two types of Machine Translation and the definition P247 para. 16、Development of MT(3 subtitles) P247--P2487、MT research methods (4 types) P249--P2508、the relationship between MT and human translation P253 para. 2--49、Corpus and Corpus Linguistics (definition) P25410、The roles of corpus data (5 subtitles) P258-- P259Chapter 111、applied linguistics(definition) P266 Para.12、Dr. Ellis, who is known as the "Father of Second Language Acquisition", has served as the Director of the Institute of Language Teaching and Learning at the University of Auckland.3、Input-based teaching methods (7 approaches) (见课件)4、input hypothesis (definition) P270, para. 45、Interlanguage(definition) P271, last para.6、Dr. David C. Nunan , Director of the English Centre and Chair Professor of Applied Linguistics, University of Hong Kong. He is currently serving as President of TESOL and teaches at Newport Asia Pacific University and Hong Kong University.7、Two broad types of tasks: real-world tasks and pedagogical tasks P273, para.48、Syllabus and curriculumP277, para.2; P277, para.49、Types of syllabus P 279--P280 (4 subtitles)10、Components of a syllabus P285 para.2-311、language transfer P287 para.312、Contrastive Analysis P287 para.413、Error and mistake P289 para.214、In terms of the source of errors, errors ... P289 para.3In terms of the nature of errors, errors... P289 para.4Chapter 121、About Saussure P294 para.1, para. 3, Line 1-22、The contributions of Saussure to modern linguistics (见课件)3、The differences between modern linguistics and traditional grammar(见课件)4、The most important contribution of Prague School to linguistics P296. para.3;P297.para.15、Functional Sentence Perspective P298-P299 para.16、theme and rheme P299 para.27、Representatives in London School P301.para.3-48、M A K Halliday and his Systemic-Functional GrammarSpecial features of Systemic-Functional Grammar P307 para.3;P307 para.5 —P308 para.19、transitivity choices P310 (learn to analyze examples)10、Representatives in American Structuralism :Boas , Sapir, Bloomfield11、Bloomfield contribution to English linguistics:P320-P32112、behaviorism (definition) P320 para.213、Noam Chomsky and his TG GrammarThe publication of his Syntactic Structures(1957) marked the beginning of the Chomskyan revolution14、Five stages of development of TG grammar Perspective P326, para.315、The innateness hypothesis P327 para.2LANGUAGE ACQUISITION DEVICE P327 para.316、Main features and influences of TG grammar (课件)I. Term Defining:1、Psycholinguistics is the study of psychological aspects of language. It usually studies thepsychological states and mental activity with the use of language, with focus on the process of language acquisition, language comprehension and language production. It takes upon itself the job of exploring the biological basis of human language, critical periods for child language acquisition, and the relationship between language and though t.2、Cognitive Linguistics: A newly established approach to the study of language. It is thescientific study of the relation between the way we communicate and the way we think. It is an approach to language that is based on our experience of the world and the way we perceive and conceptualize it.3、Garden Path sentences are sentences that are initially interpreted with a different structure thanthey actually have. It typically takes quite a long time to figure out what the other structure is if the first choice turns out to be incorrect. They have been “led up the garden path,” fooled into thinking the sentence has a different structure than it has. Examples are The horse raced past the barn fell. The boat floated downstream sank. While Mary was mending the sock fell off her lap.4、Corpus: is a collection of linguistic data, either compiled as written texts or as a transcription ofrecorded speech. The main purpose of a corpus is to verify a hypothesis of language.5、Corpus linguistics: an approach to investigating language structure and use through the analysisof large databases to real language examples stored on computer.6、Interlanguage is the type of language constructed by second or foreign language learners whoare still in the process of learning a language / a language system between the target language and the learner’s native language. Interlanguage is a dynamic language system, which is constantly moving from the departure level to the native-like level. It is formed when the learner attempts to learn a new language,and it has features of both the first language and the second language but is neither.7、B ehaviorism:This principle was put forward by American descriptive linguist L. BloomfieldFor Bloomfield, linguistics is a branch of psychology. And specifically of the positivistic brand of psychology known as BEHA VIOURISM. Behaviorism is a principle of scientific method, based on the belief that human beings cannot know anything they have not experienced.Behaviorism in linguistics holds that children learn language through a chain of “stimulus-response reinforcement”, and the adult’s use of language is also a process of STIMULUS-RESPONSE.8、M ethaphor: Metaphors are actually cognitive tools that help us structure our thoughts andexperiences in the world around us. It involves the comparison of two concepts in that one is constructed in terms of the other. It is often described in terms of a target domain and a source domain. The target domain is the experience being described by the metaphor and the source domain is the means that we use in order to describe the experience.9、I nput hypothesis learners acquire language as a result of comprehending input addressed tothem. Krashen brought forward the concept of “i+ 1” principle, i.e. t he language that learners are exposed to should be just far enough beyond their current competence that they can understand most of it but still be challenged to make progress. Input should neither be so far beyond their reach that they are overwhelmed, nor so close to their current level that they are not challenged at all.10、Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis: It is a belief that our language helps mould our way of thinking and,consequently, different languages may probably express speakers’ unique ways of understanding the world. On the one hand, language may determine our thinking patterns. On the other hand, similarity between languages is relative. The greater their structural differentiation is, the morediverse their conceptualization of the world is. As this hypothesis was put forward by the American anthropological linguists Sapir and Whorf, it has often been called the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis.II. Questions:1. What are the contributions of Saussure to modern linguistics?The revolution aspect of modern linguistics is that relations and relation system are given great priority, which was insisted by Saussure. Saussure’s contribution to modern linguistics involves the following aspects:First, Saussure proposed the direction for linguistic research and explained the tasks of linguistics. Saussure believed that language was a system constituted by signs and relations, and the aim of linguists was to analyze the system including identifying the units, explaining their relations and the rules governing their combination. Later on, it almost becomes the definition of linguistic research. Structural approach started by Saussure covers nearly all the important schools in modern linguistics, Prague school, Copenhagen school, Functionalism, American structuralism, even Norm Chomsky.Second, Saussure believed that language was a system of sense. He held that the linguistic sign unit was a concept and a sound-image. The combination of a concept and a sound-image made up the whole of the linguistic sign. Saussure called the concept signified and the sound-image signifier. The relationship between signified and signifier was arbitrary. For Saussure, meaning existed only because there were differences of meaning, and it was these differences of meanings that enabled one to establish the articulation of linguistic form.Third, Saussure proposed some basic concepts and their distinctions which were influential. They are langue and parole, synchronic and diachronic, prescriptive and descriptive, syntagmatic and paradigmatic relation.2. Why should language teachers learn some knowledge of linguistics?Some knowledge of linguistics will not only help language teachers to better understand the nature of language, but also helps them better understand how to teach language. Theoretical views of language explicitly or implicitly inform the approaches and methods adopted in language teaching. Language teachers do need theories of language in order to teach language effectively, and they need to know at least how the language they teach works. To discover the real language and to obtain some understanding of it, language teachers may well turn to linguistics. Many language learning theories are proposed based on certain linguistic theories. In fact, knowledge in linguistics lies at the root of understanding what language learners can learn, how they actually learn and what they learn ultimately. Therefore, linguistics has always played an important role in the studies of language acquisition and learning.3. In what way are language and computer related?With the development of the computer technology and internet system, more and more people touched upon the computer field. Computer has been used in the classroom for foreign language teaching and learning. CAI stands for computer-assisted instruction, which means the use of a computer in a teaching program. CAL stands for computer-assisted learning, which means the use of computer in both teaching and learning. Following CAI and CAL, CALL appears. It refers to the use of a compute in the teaching or learning of a second or foreign language. If CAI or CAL deals with teaching and learning in general, then CALL deals with language teaching and learning in particular.4、Why do we need to teach culture in our language classroom? Give examples if necessary.1) Language not only reflects culture but also is part of culture.2) Language is an indispensable carrier of culture and culture finds a better representation through language use.3) Learning a foreign language is inseparable from learning its culture. The influence of cultural knowledge on the linguistic perfomance of language learners has been identified and highlighted.4) It has repeatedly been found that learners who lack sufficient knowledge about the target language can hardly become active and appropriate language usres in their target language.5) For these reasons, the information concerning cultural differences has rightly been introduced in language classrooms of different kinds for enhancing learners’ cultural consciousness and improving their performance in cross-cultural contexts of communication.5、What is the relationship between MT and Human Translation?At the beginning of the new century, it is already apparent that MT and human translation can and will co-exist in harmony. When translation has to be of “publishable”quality, both human translation and MT have their roles.For the translation of texts where the quality of output is much less important, machine translation is often an ideal solution. It is undeniable that there are still faults in all present actual translations produced. One can still find those errors that no human translators would ever commit, such as wrong pron., incorrect choice of terms, etc. Translation is not an operation that preserves meaning. Three types of knowledge are needed so that MT systems can be improved: linguistic knowledge independent of context ( semantics); linguistic knowledge that relates to context, sometimes called pragmatic knowledge (pragmatics); common sense/real world knowledge ( non-linguistic).For the one-to-one interchange of information probably always need a human translator. As for spoken language translation, there must surely always be market for the human translator.6、How do you understand Chomsky’s LANGUAGE ACQUISITION DEVICE?Chomsky believes that language is somewhat innate, and that children are born with a Language Acquisition Device, which is a unique kind of knowledge that fits them for language learning. He argues the child comes into the world with specific innate endowment, not only with general tendencies or potentialities, but also with knowledge of the nature of the world, and specifically with the knowledge of the nature of language. According to this view, children are born with knowledge of the basic grammatical relations and categories, and this knowledge is universal. The categories and relations exist in all human languages and all human infants are born with knowledge of them. According to him, the study of language, or the structure of language, can throw some light on the nature of the human mind. This approach to language is a reaction against behaviorism in psychology and empiricism in philosophy, making linguistics a branch of psychology.。

1.功能法的语言观 :语言不只是某种形式的符号系统,语言 是一种社会规范,语言的社会交际功能是语言的最本质的功 能。
2.功能法的特点 (1)功能法认为以前的教学法忽视学生交际能力的培养, 因此主张让教学过程交际化,把言语交际作为外语教学的全 部出发点,让学生在真实的情景和真实的交际过程中使用语 言,以培养学生的交际能力。 (2)功能法的教材内容选取的是真实、自然的言语,而且 是根据功能、意念等要素来选择的,而不是根据语言形式。 (3)教学中为不同小组确定不同的目标。教学活动的练习 形式多样,采用二人、三人、小组和全体的相互交流形式。
(3)强调控制及模仿练习,让儿童靠直觉感知、靠直觉模 仿,进行机械操练和记忆背诵,以求养成一种语言习惯。 (4)教学过程中完全用外语进行教学,把外语声音形式同 客观表象直接联系,不经过母语这一"中介",不依赖母语 翻译,丢掉“心译”过程。 (5)为了帮助理解,教师广泛采用各种直观手段,如实物、 图画、动作、手势、表情和游戏等来解释词义和句子,使 外语语词的声音和它代表的语义直接联系起来,培养儿童 把外语与客观事物直接建立起联系和直接用外语思维的能 力。
语言学习就是要掌握语言能力,如听、说、读、写的能力, 而非语言知识,如语音、词ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้、语法等。
(1)将语言和情景紧密结合,以情景为中心,充分利用视 听手段,让儿童一面听声音,一面看图像,作出模仿反应, 形成自动化习惯。 (2)强调对语言的整体结构感知,掌握句子结构的整体意 义,采用整体教学。如:要求儿童听一段内容完整的对话, 掌握它的语音语调和节奏等整体结构,然后再进行个别音素 的训练。

教学法在英文中的三种说法:一、Teaching Methods 在英文中,教学法常常被称为Teaching Methods。
讲授法(Lecture Method)是最常见的教学方法之一,它主要是通过教师的口头讲解来传达知识。
讨论法(Discussion Method)是一种互动的教学方法,促进学生思考和参与。
实验法(Experimental Method)是一种基于实践和实验的教学方法,尤其适合自然科学和工程领域。
二、Pedagogical Approaches Pedagogical Approaches是另一个常用的术语,特指教学过程中教师采用的不同方法和策略。
与教学法类似,Pedagogical Approaches也强调了教师在教学中的角色和影响力。
分层教学(Differentiated Instruction)是一种注重个性化学习的教学方法。

英语教学法课程介绍英语教学法是英语教育学院 1995年以来就已开设的一门专业基础课,该课程主要由英语教育学院专业英语教师担任。

英语学科教学整理一.缩写PPP: presentation, practice, and productionTTT : Teacher Talking TimeSTT: Student Talking TimeEAP:English for Academic PurposesESP:English for Specific PurposesESEA: Engage-Study-Engage-ActivateIATEFL: The International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language TESOL: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (P185)EFL: teacher a teacher who teaches English as a foreign language p2ESA:engage study activateTQ:teaching aidsSA: means stages where the teacher leads a question and answer session with the studentsSS: means pairworkTQ---SA: it means stages where the teacher leads a question and answer session with the studentsOHP: the overhead projector二.Definition1.Schema: schema is a structured cluster of pre-conceived ideas about a specific theme, it helps us to organize our background knowledge about the reading material.2. skimming and scanning:Skimming is a kind of reading skill which means getting a general idea of what the reading material is about. Scanning is a kind of reading skill which means searching for particular bits of information.3. language acquisition and language learning:language acquisition: gaining use of a language without any conscious learning4. Stereotype: Stereotype is a popular and highly exaggerated concept of a particular group of people. Concentrating on just a few features of the particular group, it is an image, conception, or belief which exaggerates, oversimplifies, and thus distorts the characteristics of people and their behavior. For example, one group might consider another to be backward, belligerent, sexy, or arrogant. In those traditional Chinese films, thieves and criminals are always those who have ugly faces and look violent. But in reality, people with ugly faces may also have a kind heart like the cartoon film ―The Beauty and the Beast‖. This kind of misconception is the result of stereotype.5. Gist listening: Listening exercise which require students to listen for the main idea6. comprehensible input: language which is certainly above the students’productive level, but which they can more or less understand7. attention span: the length of time you can concentrate on some idea or activity(internet P11)8. plateau effect: the phenomenon that people sometimes find they don’t improve much or as fast as before.(P13)9. rough-tune: exaggerate the voice tone and gesture to help get the meaning across/ rough-toning is that unconscious simplification which both parents and teacher use by exaggerating tones of voice, speaking with less complex grammatical structures than they would if they were talking to adults. When rough-toning, their vocabulary is generally more restricted. They don’t set out to get the level of language exactly correct for their audience, but to rely on a general perception of whatis being understood by the people listening to them. (P3)10. Interactional speech and transactional speechInteractional speech: communicating with someone for social purposes. It includes both establishing and maintaining social relationships. It is more unpredictable pattern.Transactional speech: communicating to get something done, including the exchange of goods or services. It is a highly predictable11.Parallel writing (P81): where students stick closely to a model they have been given, and where the model guides their own efforts. It is especially useful for the kind of formulaic writing represented by postcards, certain kinds of letters, announcements and invitations, for example 12.Accuracy and fluency : Accuracy: the extent to which students‘ speech matches what people actually say when they use the target language. Fluency: the extent to which speakers use the language quickly and confidently, with few hesitations or unnatural pauses, false starts, word searches, etc.13.overgeneralization:A process in which a learner extends the use of a grammatical rule of linguistic item beyond its accepted uses, generally by making words or structures follow a more regular pattern. For example, use mans instead of men for the plural of man.14.Development error: An error in learner language that does not result from first language influence but rather reflects the learner's gradual discovery of the second language system. These errors are often similar to those made by children learning the language as their mother tongue. 15.Corpus: In linguistics, a corpus (plural corpora) or text corpus is a large and structured set of texts (now usually electronically stored and processed). They are used to do statistical analysis and hypothesis testing, checking occurrences or validating linguistic rules on a specific universe. A corpus may contain texts in a single language (monolingual corpus) or text data in multiple languages (multilingual corpus). Multilingual corpora that have been specially formatted forside-by-side comparison are called aligned parallel corpora.rmation gap: Two speakers have different parts of information making up a whole. One person has information that the other lacks. The speaker has the information which the listener does not know or the speaker wants to know information that the listener has. They have different information, and there is a gap between them. Students need to negotiate. In the classroom, the same kind of information gap will have to be created if we are to encourage real communication.17.Strategy and skill: strategy:a systimatic and elaborate plan to achieve particular purposes skill:an ability that has been acquired by training三.Short questions:1.List at least four principles of teaching listening.①The tape recorder is just as important as the tape.②Preparation is vital.③Once will not be enough.④Students should be encouraged to respond to the content of a listening, not just to thelanguage.⑤Different listening stages demand different listening tasks.⑥Good teachers exploit listening texts to the full.2.List at least four principles of teaching speaking.①Be aware of the differences between second language and foreign languagelearning contexts.②Give students practice with both fluency and accuracy.③Plan speaking tasks that involve negotiation for meaning.④Design classroom activities that involve guidance and practice in both transactionaland interactional speaking.3.List at least four principles of teaching reading.①reading is not a passive skill②students need to be engaged with what they are reading③students should be encouraged to respond to the content of a reading text, not just to the language.④prediction is a major factor in reading⑤match the task to the topic⑥good teachers exploit reading texts to the full4.List at least four principles of teaching writing.1)The type of writing we get students to do will depend on their age, interests and level. Our decisions will be based on how much language the students know, what their interests are and what we think will not only be useful for them but also motivate them as well.2) Provide opportunities for students to write -practice writing.3) Make feedback and correction helpful and meaningful: over-correction ; Over-correction can have a very demotivating effect. As with all types of correction, the teacher has to achieve a balance between being accurate and truthful on the one hand and treating students sensitively and sympathetically on the other. One way of avoiding the 'over-correction' problem is for teacher to tell their students that for a particular piece of work they are only going to correct mistakes of punctuation, or spelling, or grammar etc. This has two advantages: it makes students concentrate on that particular aspect, and it cuts down on the correction.4)Written symbolsAnother technique which many teachers use is to agree on a list of written symbols (S = spelling, WO = word order etc.). When they come across a mistake they underline it discreetly and write the symbol in the margin.This makes correction look less damaging.5)Write a comment at the end of a piece of written work.Different forms of feedback are also very important.6)Correcting is important, but it can be time-consuming and frustrating. Common sense and talking to students about it are the only solutions here.7)Correction is worthless if students just put their corrected writing away and never look at it again.5.List at least three special features about teaching listening.①Tapes go at the same speed for everybody.②Students have to be encouraged to listen for general understanding first rather than trying to pick out details immediately.③Spoken language has a number of unique features.6..List at least four aspects that should be included in a teaching plan.It needs to contain detailed information about the students.It has to contain what the teachers/students want to do.It will say how the teacher/students should do it.It will talk about what might go wrong (and how it can be dealt with) and how the lesson fits in with lessons before and after it.6.7.List at least four teaching methods and approaches that have influenced currentteaching practice.Grammar-translation, audio-lingualism, PPP(presentation practice production) , task-based learning, communicative language teaching8.List at least four differences between teaching adults and teaching children.(P11)A.The first difference between adults and younger ages is that the former come to lessonswith a long history of learning experience.B.Adolescents have their own histories.C.Adults are frequently more nervous of learning than younger pupils are.D.It is hard for the teachers of adolescents to control the class.E.The adults may have a view of the importance of learning which makes them stick to acourse of study in a specifically adult way.F.The adults do not necessarily need their learning to be camouflaged.9.List at least three reading skills that students need to acquire and explain each of them.①To scan the text for particular bits of information they are searching for. This skill means thatstudents do not need to read every word and line, but to search for particular information.②To skim a text to get a general idea. This skill means that students should not try to gather all details or concentrate too hard on specifics. Students need to skim to get a general idea of what the reading material is about.③To read for detailed comprehension. When looking for details, students are expected to concentrate on the minutiae of what they are reading.10.List at least four areas that teachers should consider when choosing textbooks.1. price2. availability3. layout and design4. methodology5. skills6. syllabus7. topic8. stereotyping9. teacher‘s guide11.List at least four seating arrangements in the class.Orderly rows, circle, horseshoe, separate tables(P18)12.List at least four pieces of equipment that you can make use of in an English class.the board; the computer; the dictionary; the overhead projector pictures and cards; the tape recorder; the video playback machine; the video camera13.List two popular information-gap activities.Two sets –set A and set B making up a whole. Each set carries part of the information needed to solve a problem.Describe and DrawOne student has a picture.The partner has to draw the picture without looking at the original.The one with the picture will give instructions and descriptions, and the “artist”will ask questions and draw.It is highly motivating, there is a real purpose for the communication (the information gap, completion of the task), and almost any language can be used. Remember to exchange the students’roles if the activity is used more than once.14.List three types of writing rubrics.1)Non-weighted rubric2)Weighted rubric3)Holistic rubric15.List the four alternatives that Neville Grant suggests when the teacher finds the text notappropriate.Neville Grant‘s suggestionsOmission replacement addition adaptation16.List at least four characteristics of good learners. (P10)a willingness to listen; a willingness to experiment; a willingness to ask questions; a willingness to think about how to learn; a willingness to accept correction17.List at least two magazines you know concerning the teaching of English.TESOL in Context (Australia)ELT News and Views (Argentina)JALT News (Japan)Israel English Teaching Journal (Israel)UK journals:ELT Journal (published by Oxford University Press)Modern English Teacher (published by Prentice Hall Europe)English Teaching Professional (published by First Person Publishing)US journals:English Teaching Forum (published by the United States Information Service )TESOL Journal18.What are the four stages of choosing a textbook?Analysis, Piloting, Consultation, Gathering opinions19.List at least three advantages of encouraging students to speak English in class.①Rehearsal: A free discussion outside the classroom and a real-life role-play inside the classroommay help students understand what communication is.②Feedback: Speaking activities may provide feedback, which is beneficial to both students andteachers.③Engagement: Speaking activities can be highly motivating and involve more participation and enjoyment.20.What is the natural order of language acquisition?(P24)Be exposed to itUnderstand its meaningUnderstand its formPractice it21.What is the purpose of “activate” activities?(P26)Get the students using language as freely and ―communicatively‖ as they can.Offer the students a chance to try out real langue use with little or no restriction—a kind of rehearsal for the real world.22.What is the purpose of “engage” activities?Arouse the students‘ interest, thus involving their emotions so that they can learn better.23.List at least two principles of giving instructions.⑴The instructions must be kept as simple as possible.⑵The instructions must be logical.⑶The instructions must be clear and well stated.⑷It is important for the teachers to check that the students have understood what they havebeing asked to do. P424.What are the three basic level distinctions of language learners?(P13)Beginners; intermediate students; advanced students四. Discussions:1.What is accuracy? What is fluency? How to give students practice in both accuracy andfluency? State your point of view.Accuracy: the extent to which students‘ speech matches what people actually say when they use the target language.Fluency: the extent to which speakers use the language quickly and confidently, with few hesitations or unnatural pauses, false starts, word searches, etc.My point of view is to avoid interruptions and offer fluency-building practice. Making mistakes is a natural part of learning a new language. When students are repeating sentences trying to get their pro nunciation exactly right, then the teacher will often correct appropriately every time there‘s a problem. But if students were involved in a passionate discussion, the teacher shouldn‘t interrupt. Otherwise the conversational flow may be destroyed.2.What are the key elements in a lesson plan? How to design an effective lesson plan andmake it feasible in the process of teaching? State your point of view.Coherence , variety。
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It stresses competence in oral English expression and correct pronunciation Material design: According to the syllabus; according to learners’ mother tongue.
A. Grammar-translation Approach(语法翻译法)
The aim is to develop students’ competence in reading literary works, so students must master voc & structure in order to translate works. Students must recite everything and do translation exercises. ( Xu Guozhang’s English)
Other Approaches Related to CL
French immersion (浸泡式教学) Segmentation(碎片式教学) Integrated Reading (整体阅读法) Using the peers as teacher of the poor students(同伴互教式学习法) Task-based Learning (任务学习法) Project Learning (项目学习法) Cooperative learning (合作式学习法) Tribal Learning (部落式学习法)
Mother tongue function: Teaching language and class language. Attitudes towards Ss’ mistakes: Correct all mistakes for correct usage of the language.
Mother tongue: mainly use the target language, occasionally use mother tongue in very difficult situation. Students are not encouraged to translate sentences by using mother tongue.
Mother tongue: no mother tongue is used in class Attitudes to mistakes: Teacher doesn’t point out the mistakes, just repeats the correct sentence for students.
Competence development: As it stresses voc and grammar learning, so students’ reading and writing competences are intensified. Listening and speaking are ignored.
Teaching Approaches
Aspects to Consider in Approaches
1. 2.
4. 5. 6. 7.
Teacher’s teaching aim Teacher’s and student’s task and function in teaching Main teaching activities and characteristics which competence to cultivate in students? Listening or else? Design of teaching materials? Linear? Function of the mother tongue Attitude to students’ mistakes.
Material design: works in the original; exercises for grammar; words both in Chinese and English versions.
Teacher’s and students’ functions:
T: authority who imparts knowledge, organizer of the class. Ss: do whatever teacher asks them to do, passive in learning.
It stresses the competence mainly in listening and speaking. Oral is first. Material design: in project from easy to difficult.
Teacher’s and students’ functions:
Aim: to develop students’ communicative competence with the target language.
Main activities and characteristics:
Dialogues are the main activities. Listen and say-----imitate and retell sentence---intensify practice and master structure--read and write to strengthen oral English.
Oral competence is stressed. Teacher pays attention to pronunciation and voc.
Material design: Mostly living language is used. Situations are used. Themes (like weather and geography) are used.
Main Activities: Teacher uses mother tongue to introduce the content of texts, and then translate the target language into mother tongue, and also explains grammar in detail with other examples. Students are asked to read the text for better understanding.
Teacher’s and students’ function: Teacher
is the model, instructor; students imitate.
Teacher dominates teaching.
Mother tongue: The target language is used
Teacher is the language model, designer and commander of the class activities. Students imitate the teacher and are also free in expressing themselves in dialogues.
History of FL Teaching
Grammar Translation Method Direct Method Audio-lingual Method Situational Method Communicative Method Cognitive-code Learning The Silent Way TPR Community Language Learning Suggestology Natural Approach Collaborative Learning
Attitude towards mistakes: Correct mistakes as pronunciation and grammar are very important.
D. Audio-lingual Approach (听说法)
*Listening and speaking first, reading and writing second.
Teacher’s and students’ function: Teacher organizes activities, he/she is the organizer, authority; students are more active, asking questions, having dialogues and discussion.
Main activities: Teacher offers the situation, then students listen; then teacher explains texts, then students practice oral English with key words and sentence in the texts. Written exercises are also in structure.
teacher uses the target language to teach in class and uses real things, pics, gesture, facial expression etc. to explain the meaning of the words and sentences. Students imitate the teacher, read aloud and answer questions in complete sentences. At first, oral and listening communicative competence is stressed, later, reading and writing are stressed.