







额定电压24 (240V)
电压范围(包括脉动)20 (264V)










3、齿形:渐开线或梯形直齿4、齿轮材料:导磁材料◆接线图:◆选型表齿轮传感器型号CL12-3005NACL12-3005PA输出方式NPNPNP外形直径12mm 额定感应距离(SN)5mm 检测频率1Hz┈10KHz检速范围1┈20000(转/分钟)(与合适齿轮配套)工作电压6...24VDC 防护等级IP67最大输出电流200mA 运行温度―25℃―+75℃保护措施有工作电压极性保护和输出短路保护注:如遇到传感器不感应时,可调近距离或手工测试下传感器最灵敏区域,安装时使齿轮经过此区域。

















二.光码盘系统1. 光码盘简介光电式码盘是一种非接触性光电传感器,它具有测量准确度高、响应速度快、可靠性高和使用寿命长等优点。

我们应用光码盘测试原理,完成了直流电机测速装置设计(工作原理如图% 所示)。





2. 光码盘基本工作原理由光源1发出的光线,经柱面透镜2变成一束平行汇聚光照射到码盘上。




1-光源2-透镜3-码盘4-狭缝5-光电元件3. 光码盘安装(UG建模)光码盘轴电机4.输出信号及其后续测量电路输出信号为数字信号,使用整形放大电路,为了确保转速测量准确度,使用单片机系统对脉冲信号处理。

5.实际可用的传感器类型及其参数6. 问题解答对于光码盘传感器来说,如采用二进制码编码,在设有8条码道的情况下,最小能够分辨测量多少度的转角?并需要多少个感光元件?答:采用二进制编码,在设有8条码道德情况下,最多可测量28=256次,因此,最小能够分辨角度360/256=1.41°因为需要设有8条码道,因此至少需要8个感光元件来支持设备的正常运行。


三.电感式传感器系统1. 基本工作原理电感式传感器是利用电磁感应把被测的物理量如位移,压力,流量,振动等转换成线圈的自感系数和互感系数的变化,再由电路转换为电压或电流的变化量输出,实现非电量到电量的转换。

银河电气 VSA701-G150T02-I 电压传感器使用说明书_副本

银河电气 VSA701-G150T02-I 电压传感器使用说明书_副本

VSA701-G150T02-I 电压传感器使用说明V1.0本手册为湖南银河电气有限公司产品电压传感器用户手册,本手册为用户提供安装调试、操作使用及日常维护的有关注意事项,在安装、使用前请仔细阅读。









1. 产品概述VSA701-G150T02-I是一种能在原边、副边完全隔离条件下测量直流、交流、脉冲以及各种不规则波形的电压传感器,它主要用于要求准确度高的计量检定和计量校准领域,以及要求高灵敏度、高稳定性和高可靠性的电能质量分析、功率分析仪、医疗、航空航天、导弹、舰艇等领域。

2. 技术特点●极高的准确度●极好的线性度●极高的稳定性●极高的灵敏度●极高的分辨率●极低的温度漂移●极低的失调电压●抗干扰能力强●响应速度快●极低的噪声●极小的角差●宽频带●模拟量输出3. 应用场合●计量检定与校准●实验室电压测量●仪器仪表(如功率分析仪)●医疗设备(如核磁共振MRI)●电池组检测●电力控制●电源●舰船●新能源●轨道交通●航空航天●工业测量4. 电气性能项目 符号 测试条件数值单位最小标称最大原边额定电压 V PN -- -- 700 -- Vrms 测量范围 V PM 1分钟/小时 -- -- ±1000 Vp 工作电压 V c 全范围 -- ±15 -- VDC 电流消耗 I c I PM 范围内 -- ±80 -- mA变比 K N 输入:输出 1000:100 V/mA 额定输出 I SN 原边额定电压 --±100--mA测量电阻 R M全量程范围0 50 100 Ω5. 精度-动态参数项目 符号 测试条件 数值单位最小 标称 最大精度 X e额定输入,25±10℃--0.1-- %角差 ∆φ 50Hz -- 0.0315 -- ° 线性度 εL -- -- -- 100 ppm 零点失调电流 I o 25±10℃ -- -- ±5 uA 零点失调电流 I oT全工作温度范围内----±10 uA频带宽度(- 3 dB) F -- 0 -- 200 kHz6. 一般特性项目符号 测试条件数值单位最小标称最大工作温度范围 T A -- -10 -- +70 ℃ 存储温度范围T S-- -25 -- +85℃质量 m -- 350±30 g7. 安全特性项目符号 测试条件数值单位最小标称最大耐受 电压原、副边之间 副边与外壳之间V d DC -- 6 -- KV8. 外形尺寸及端口定义 8.1.外形尺寸 (单位:mm)图1 外形图外形图说明:外形尺寸、安装定位尺寸公差按照GB/T1804-2000 C 级标准执行。













一、产品概述 ..............................................................................................二、应用范围 ..............................................................................................三、技术参数 ..............................................................................................四、功能特点 ..............................................................................................五、结构尺寸图 ..........................................................................................六、固定方式 ..............................................................................................七、信号输出定义 ......................................................................................八、线色定义 ..............................................................................................九、脉冲型风速输出电路图 ......................................................................十、脉冲输出型计算 .................................................................................. 十一、RS485/232通讯协议 ....................................................................... 十二、风力等级划分表 .............................................................................. 十三、风速与输出信号对应表 ..................................................................一、产品概述该三杯式风速传感器是我公司自主研发、生产的一款风速测量仪器,本品由壳体、风杯和电路模块组成,内部集成光电转换机构、工业微电脑处理器、标准电流发生器、电流驱动器等。

汽车速度传感器用户指南(Bendix WS-24 SD-13-4860)说明书

汽车速度传感器用户指南(Bendix WS-24 SD-13-4860)说明书

1FIGURE 1 - WHEEL SPEED SENSORS AND CONNECTORSOPERATIONThe sensor's magnet and pole piece form a magnetic field.As an exciter tooth passes by the sensor, the magnetic field is altered, which generates AC voltage in the sensor coil.Each time an exciter tooth and its adjacent space move past the tip of the sensor, an AC voltage "cycle" is generated.DESCRIPTIONThe WS-24™ wheel speed sensor is an electromagnetic device used to obtain vehicle speed information for an antilock controller. When the wheel rotates, the sensor and an exciter ring (sometimes called a “rotor” or “tone” wheel)generate a simple AC signal. This signal is sent to the controller, which analyzes the data and commands the antilock system accordingly.Specifically, the speed sensor consists of a coil, pole piece,and magnet. The exciter is a steel ring or gear-like device that has regularly spaced high and low spots called "teeth."The sensor is mounted in a fixed position, while the exciter is installed on a rotating member so that its "teeth" move, in close proximity, past the tip of the sensor.The WS-24™ sensor is available in both straight and right angle versions, to accommodate axle/wheel spacelimitations. (See Figure 1.)PREVIOUS MODEL WHEEL SPEED SENSORSThe WS-24™ sensor fit and function is compatible with all previous Bendix models.EXCITER RINGMOUNTING BLOCK WHEEL SPEED SENSORFIGURE 2 - WHEEL END ABS COMPONENTSSTRAIGHT WS-24™SENSOR90° WS-24™SENSORCONNECTORSPACKARD GT 150 SERIESPACKARD METRIPACK 150.2 SERIESDEUTSCH DTM06 SERIESPACKARD METRIPACK 280SERIES (FEMALE)PACKARD METRIPACK 280SERIES (MALE)DEUTSCH DT04SERIESSTANDARD ROUND TWOPIN2The number of AC cycles per revolution of the vehicle's wheel depends on the number of teeth in the exciter, which is programmed into the antilock controller. Using the programmed data, the controller can calculate "vehicle speed" by analyzing the frequency of AC cycles sent by the speed sensor. (The frequency of AC cycles is directly proportional to wheel speed.) See Figure 4.AC voltage is also proportional to speed, but voltage is not used to determine speed. It is only an indication of AC signal strength. The amount of AC voltage generated by a specific speed sensor depends on the distance, or "gap"between the tip of the sensor and the surface of the exciter.Voltage increases as the sensor gap decreases.Typically, the WS-24™ sensor is installed in mounting blocks that are welded to the axle housing. (See Figure 2.)WS-24™ wheel speed sensors are protected by a stainless steel sheath. They are designed to be used with beryllium-copper clamping sleeves (sometimes referred to as a “retainer bushing”, “friction sleeve” or “clip”) (See Figure 3).The clamping sleeve provides a friction fit between the mounting block bore and the WS-24™ sensor.Please note that WS-24™ wheel speed sensors must use clamping sleeve p/n 5012878 instead of p/n 5006849 (used for previous wheel speed sensors). Always use correct clamping sleeves to avoid problems associated with reduced retention force, such as sensor movement and resulting ABS trouble codes.The friction fit allows the WS-24™ sensor to "slide" back and forth under force but to retain its position when the force is removed.When the WS-24™ sensor is inserted all the way into the mounting block and the wheel is installed on the axle, the hub exciter contacts the sensor, which pushes the sensor back. Also, normal bearing play will "bump" the sensor away from the exciter. The combination of these two actions will establish a running clearance or air gap between the sensor and exciter.FIGURE 4 - SPEED SENSOR VOLTAGE CYCLE OUTPUTPEAK TO PEAKPEAK TO PEAKHIGH SPEEDLOW SPEEDTECHNICAL INFORMATIONElectrical connector 2 Pin.Sensor resistance 1500-2500 ohmsOutput voltageAt a minimum of 100Hz (approximately 7 mph) the sensor output across the leads should be 0.400 VAC.Sensor gap 0 to 0.015 inch.Sensor body Outer diameter is 0.627 inch.Normal resistance 1500-2000 Ohms.range across pins (Note: Previous model WS-20™at room temperaturesensor was rated at 2000-2500Ohms.)FIGURE 5 - TYPICAL ANTILOCK SYSTEMFIGURE 3 - CLAMPING SLEEVESP/N 5006849P/N 5012878CORRECT CLAMPING SLEEVES PREVIOUS CLAMPING SLEEVES HAVEPREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE1.Every 3 months; 25,000 miles; 900 operating hours; orduring the vehicle chassis lubrication interval, make the visual inspections noted in "SERVICE CHECKS" below.2.Every 12 months; 100,000 miles; or 3600 operatinghours, perform the OPERATIONAL TEST in this manual. SERVICE CHECKSCheck all wiring and connectors. Make sure connections are free from visible damage.Examine the sensor. Make sure the sensor, mounting bracket, and foundation brake components are not damaged. Repair/replace as necessary.WARNING! PLEASE READ AND FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS TO AVOID PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH:When working on or around a vehicle, the following general precautions should be observed at all times.1.Park the vehicle on a level surface, apply the parkingbrakes, and always block the wheels. Always wear safety glasses.2.Stop the engine and remove ignition key whenworking under or around the vehicle. When working in the engine compartment, the engine should be shut off and the ignition key should be removed.Where circumstances require that the engine be in operation, EXTREME CAUTION should be used to prevent personal injury resulting from contact withmoving, rotating, leaking, heated or electrically charged components.3.Do not attempt to install, remove, disassemble orassemble a component until you have read and thoroughly understand the recommended procedures. Use only the proper tools and observe all precautions pertaining to use of those tools. 4.If the work is being performed on the vehicle’s airbrake system, or any auxiliary pressurized air systems, make certain to drain the air pressure from all reservoirs before beginning ANY work on the vehicle. If the vehicle is equipped with an AD-IS™ air dryer system or a dryer reservoir module, be sure to drain the purge reservoir.5.Following the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendedprocedures, deactivate the electrical system in a manner that safely removes all electrical power from the vehicle.6.Never exceed manufacturer’s recommendedpressures.7.Never connect or disconnect a hose or linecontaining pressure; it may whip. Never remove a component or plug unless you are certain all system pressure has been depleted.e only genuine Bendix® replacement parts,components and kits. Replacement hardware, tubing, hose, fittings, etc. must be of equivalent size, type and strength as original equipment and be designed specifically for such applications and systems.ponents with stripped threads or damagedparts should be replaced rather than repaired. Do not attempt repairs requiring machining or welding3unless specifically stated and approved by the vehicle and component manufacturer.10.Prior to returning the vehicle to service, make certainall components and systems are restored to their proper operating condition.11.For vehicles with Antilock Traction Control (ATC),the ATC function must be disabled (ATC indicator lamp should be ON) prior to performing any vehicle maintenance where one or more wheels on a drive axle are lifted off the ground and moving. REMOVAL1.Unplug the cable assembly connector from its lead. Liftthe lock tab and pull on the connector until it disengages.2.Gently pry the sensor and clamping sleeve from themounting block.INSPECTIONLook for any visible damage to the sensor, cable assembly, connector, mounting block, and foundation brake. Repair or replace any damaged components. Make sure the block is securely attached to the axle housing.SENSOR INSTALLATION1.For increased corrosion protection we recommend thata high-temperature rated silicon- or lithium-based greasebe applied to the interior of the mounting block, the sensor, and to a new clamping sleeve.2.Install the new clamping sleeve fully into the block, withthe retaining tabs toward the inside of the vehicle.3.Gently push (DO NOT STRIKE) the sensor into themounting block hole until it bottoms out on the face of the tone ring. Secure the cable lead wire to the knuckle/ axle housing 3-6 inches from the sensor.4.Apply a moderate amount of dielectric non-conductivegrease to both the sensor connector and harness connector.5.Engage the connectors, and push together until the locktab snaps into place.NOTE:It is important for the wheel bearings to be adjusted per the manufacturer's recommendations.Excessive wheel end play can result in antilockfunction shutdown in cases where the sensor ispushed too far away from the tone ring. ELECTRICAL TESTING1.Before testing the speed sensor, its location on thevehicle should be confirmed using the Troubleshooting or Start Up procedure for the specific antilock controllerin use. (See the Service Data Sheet for the antilock controller for this procedure.)2.Proceed to the sensor in question and inspect its wiringconnector. Disconnect the connector and test the resistance between the pins ON THE SENSOR.Normal resistance range across pins at room temperature should be 1500-2000 Ohms. (Note: Previous model WS-20™ sensor was rated at 2000-2500 Ohms.)Individually test the resistance of each pin to vehicle ground and note there is NO CONTINUITY.If the resistance readings are as shown, the wire harness leading to the modulator may require repair or replacement. Before attempting repair or replacement of the wire harness, refer to the test procedures specified for the antilock controller in use for possible further testing that may be required to substantiate the wire harness problem. If the resistance values are NOT AS STATED, replace the sensor. Resistance could be as low as 1100 Ohms or as high as 3300 Ohms if wheel end has recently been exposed to extreme temperature.OPERATIONAL TESTINGTo test sensor operation, one of two tests can be done. TEST 1Drive the vehicle in a safe area to a minimum speed of 15 mph. Be sure to apply the vehicle brakes several times. Then stop the vehicle and check the LED display on the Bendix controller. If the dash light is out and the sensor LED(s) are not illuminated, the sensor is installed properly. TEST 2Disconnect the connector from the sensor's socket or from the attached lead. Raise the vehicle wheel so it rotates easily. Connect a volt-Ohm meter (set to read Volts AC) to the pins on the sensor or lead and spin the wheel. If the wheel is spun at 1/2 revolution per second the reading should be greater than 0.250 VAC.If the sensor fails to operate as described, check the wiring from the controller to the sensor. Make sure all connectors are properly and tightly installed. Check for frayed or damaged wires and check and/or reset the sensor air gap (distance from sensor tip to exciter ring) as described in this manual. For additional troubleshooting information, see the troubleshooting procedure for the specific antilock system in use.BW2364 © 2004 Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC. All rights reserved. 9/2004. Printed in U.S.A.4。

巴克尔(Parker)速度传感器Series F10 F11 F12和V12 V14 T12 说明书

巴克尔(Parker)速度传感器Series F10 F11 F12和V12 V14 T12 说明书

Bulletin MSG30-8303-INSTSpeed Sensor Series F10/F11/F12 and V12/V14/T12Valid for sensor 3722481Effective: March, 2023Supersedes: November, 2022Visit our homepage for additional support/pmdeGeneral InformationThe sensor consists of a ferrostat differ-ential (Dual Channel) speed sensor and a seal nut. The sensor installs in a threaded hole in the housing. The sensor output is a2 phase shifted square wave signal withina frequency rang of 0 Hz to 15 kHz. The sensor detects both speed and direction of rotation. The sensor withstands high as well as low temperatures and is highly moisture protected (IP68).Technical DataPower supply 10V to 30V protectedagainst reverse polarity. Current Max 20 mA. consumption (without load)Signal output • 2 phase shifted signals square waves• Open collector outputswith 10 Kohm pull-up,Imax = -20 mA.Frequency Min 0 Hz max 15 kHz Insulation Housing and electronicsgalvanically separated(500V/50Hz/1 min)Operating -40 to +125 °C temperature [-40 to +255 °F]Protection class IP68 (DIN 40050)SensorIP67 (DIN 40050)ConnectorSensor head Max 25 bar pressure [360 psi]Weight 0.15 kg(incl. cable) [0.33 lb]Sensing distance 0.1 to 2.0 mm;1.0 recom.[0.004 to 0.08 in;0.04 recom.]Transistor NPNAmplifier variant Variant; .02 SHWOutput 1: SpeedOutput 2: SpeedOutput type: Open Col. CABLEMaterialPUR castingLength 260 mmNo. of wires 4-Wire area 4 x 0.34 mm²Connector M12X1, Male,Straight 4 PinBending radiusMin 50 mm [1 in]Installation Procedure • I nstall the sensor in the threaded hole (M12x1) of the F10-30-125/V12/V14/T12bearing housing; turn the sensor until its head just touches the ring gear teeth (F10/F12) or the shaft head (F12-250/V12/V14/T12); refer to the installation drawing above.• O n *F10-5-19/F11 the pistons positionsmust be known before mounting the sen-sor. Install the sensor in the threaded hole(M12x1) of the F11 barrel housing; turnthe sensor until its head just touches thepiston.• W hen mounting the sensor in the thread-ed hole be sure that you also rotate the cable so the cable not get twisted.• B ack off the sensor one turn (counter clockwise).• I f required, back it off further until the sensor guiding hole centerline is either as shown in Fig. 1 & 2 or 180° opposite.• T ighten the seal nut; max 12 Nm (100 lb in). Be sure that the position of the guid-ing mark is correct.• I f you only use one signal, we recommend you to use S2 cable.ConnectionSensor wires are susceptible to radiated noise. Therefore, the following shoud be noted:- The sensor wires must be installed as far away as possible from electricalmachines and must not run in parallel with power cables in the vicinity.The maximum cable length that can be uti-lized is dependent on sensor voltage, how the cable is installed, and cable capacitance and inductance. It is, however, always ad-vantageous to keep the distance as short as possible. The sensor cable supplied can be lengthened via a terminal box located in an IP20 protected connection area (per DIN 40050).Pulse diagram:Connections:M12X1, Male, Straight 4 Pin Pin 1 RED - VDCInstallation InformationAs the sensor has a built-in differential Hall effect device, the sensor housing must bealigned according to the drawing (Fig. 1& 2) of the Speed Sensor Installation picture. If it is not, the sensor may not function properly and noise immunity decreases. The sensor is non-sensitive to oil and the stainless steel housing withstands hazardous environment conditions.S1S2directions of rotation directions of rotation 13Speed sensor intallation, F10-30-125, F12, V12,V14Fig. 1Bearing housingFixed and Variable MotorsSeries F10/F11/F12 and V12/V14/T12Bulletin MSG30-8303-INSTMarketing informationOffer of SalePlease contact your Parker representation for a detailed ”Offer of Sale”.Position notification regarding Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC:Products made by the Pump & Motor Division Europe (PMDE) of Parker Hannifin are excluded from the scope of the machinery directive following the “Cetop” Position Paper on the implementation of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC in the Fluid Power Industry.All PMDE products are designed and manufactured considering the basic as well as the proven safety principles according to: • ISO 13849-1:2015 • SS-EN ISO 4413:2010so that the machines in which the products are incorporated meet the essential health and safety requirements.Confirmations for components to be proven component, e. g. for validation of hydraulic systems, can only be provided after an analysis of the specific application, as the fact to be a proven component mainly depends on the specific application.Christian Jäger General MangerPump & Motor Division EuropeParker Hannifin Manufacturing Sweden AB Pump & Motor Division Europe Flygmotorvägen 2 MSG30-8303-INST 461 82 Trollhättan Art. No 3722353-01SwedenTel. +46 (0)520 40 45 00 © Copyright /pmdeAll rights reserved。



1 of 4 134946 Rev 1 - Pubblicato il: 05/15/19• Il sensore ruota utilizza un sistema di adattatori di montaggio in due parti per il montaggio su diversi tipi di mozzo/ruota.Vedere pagina 3 Compatibilità dell’adattatore di montaggio. Isegni di identificazione dell’adattatore sono impressi nel supporto dell’adattatore in gomma e nel morsetto dell’adattatore.• Un montaggio diverso del sensore da quello specificato può causare danni al sensore stesso e/o alla ruota o provocare ildistaccamento del sensore ruota.• Il sensore deve essere montato verticalmente rispetto all’interno dei raggi sul lato non di trasmissione della ruota anteriore e deveessere a contatto con due raggi. Tuttavia, quando si pedala alchiuso, il sensore può essere spostato sul lato non di trasmissione della ruota posteriore utilizzando l’adattatore 0A. Ciò può compor-tare una leggera inclinazione del sensore, che non ne pregiudica il funzionamento. Il montaggio del sensore in qualsiasi altro orien-tamento comporta una lettura meno precisa della velocità e della distanza.• Posizionare il sensore ruota e fissarlo il più vicino possibile all’asse del mozzo con la superficie inferiore curva che corrisponda allacurvatura del mozzo.Vedere CORRETTO, INCORRETTO.Strumenti necessari:Occhiali di sicurezza, guanti da lavoro, chiave esagonale: Chiave esa-gonale da 2 mm2431Installazione1. Inserire il supporto dell’adattatore nel corpo del sensore ruota.2. Posizionare il morsetto del raggio sulla ruota come specificato in Compatibilità dell’adattatore di montaggio. Pagina3.3. Posizionare il sensore ruota all’interno dei raggi e allineare il foro del bullone del morsetto di montaggio con il foro del sensore ruota. Premere e tenere insieme le due parti.4.Utilizzando una chiave esagonale da 2 mm, serrare il bullone adattatore a 0,5 Nm, tenendoCompatibilità dell’adattatore di montaggio2ASolo mozzi HollowGram KNØT2BRaggiatura in seconda con il raggio d’uscita sul lato INTERNO della flangia.NOTA: Se il morsetto per raggio non si adatta agli angoli dei raggi, utilizzare l’adattatore dimontaggio 0A.4 of 4Si prega di fare riferimento . alla propria regione per letraduzioni linguistiche disponibili.I termini “componenti” si applicano a questo accessorio. Per ulteriori infor-mazioni, visitare l’area di supporto all’indirizzo .Contattare CannondaleAndare su . per informazioni di contatto perla propria regione.Sostituzione della batteriaVedere anche “Garmin Informazioni importanti sulla sicurezza e sul prodotto”.Per controllare il livello della batteria, far fare due giri alla ruota. Se il LED (a) sul corpo del sensore ruota lampeggia in rosso, il livello della batteria è basso.bcdb“+”ag1. Rimuovere il sensore ruota dalla ruota utilizzando una chiave esagonale da 2 mm.2.Utilizzare una moneta nell’alloggiamento del coperchio (b) e ruotare il coperchio in senso antiorario fino a quando il trattino del coperchio (c) si allinea con il simbolo di sblocco (d) e viene allentato.Se necessario, utilizzare con cautela un piccolo cacciavite piatto sottile posto sotto il lembo del coperchio per sollevarlo. Usare solo una leggera pressione per evitare di danneggiare il coperchio, l’o-ring di guarnizione (e) o il coperchio. Non ruotare il cacciavite.3. Rimuovere la batteria dall’alloggiamento. Attendere 30 secondi.4.Inserire la nuova batteria (g) con il simbolo positivo “+” sulla batteria rivolto verso l’alto. Prendere nota del contrassegno “-” (h) nel coperchio, il contrassegno della batteria deve essere rivolto verso di esso. Individuare delle piccole linguette (f); inclinare leggermente la batteria sotto queste linguette prima di premerla.5.Per reinstallare nell’alloggiamento dell’unità, allineare il trattino del coper-chio (c) con il simbolo di sblocco (d) e inserire il coperchio con la batteria nuova.6.Utilizzare la moneta con una leggera pressione verso il basso e ruotare lo sportello della batteria in senso orario fino a quando il trattino del coperchio è allineato con il simbolo “CHIUSO”. Controllare lo sportello della batteria per assicurarsi che sia a filo con l’alloggiamento e non inclinato, mostrando o stringendo la guarnizione o-ring arancione. Allentare il coperchio e riprovare.NOTA: Il LED (a) lampeggia in rosso e verde per alcuni secondi dopo la sostituzione della batteria. Quando il LED lampeggia in verde e poi smette di lampeggiare, il dispositivo è attivo e pronto per l’invio dei dati.La prima volta che si collega un sensore wireless al dispositivo utilizzando la tecno-logia ANT+® o Bluetooth® , è necessario associare il dispositivo e il sensore. Dopo l’accoppiamento, il dispositivo si collega automaticamente al sensore quando si ini -zia un’attività e il sensore è attivo ed entro il raggio d’azione.NOTA: Le istruzioni di accoppiamento differiscono per ogni dispositivo compatibile con ANT+ o Bluetooth. Vedere il manuale d’uso.• Portare il dispositivo compatibile con ANT+ o Bluetooth entro 3 m dal sen sore.• Stare a 10 m di distanza da altri sensori wireless durante l’accoppiamento.Dopo il primo accoppiamento, il dispositivo compatibile con ANT+ o Bluetooth riconosce automaticamente il sensore wireless ogni volta che viene attivato.Il Sensore ruota Cannondale deve essere accoppiato direttamente tramite l’appli -cazione Cannondale e non dalle impostazioni Bluetooth dello smartphone.1. Dall’App store sul proprio smartphone, installare e aprire l’App Cannondale.2. Portare il proprio smartphone a meno di 3 m dal sensore ruota.NOTA: Rimanere a 10 m di distanza da altri sensori wireless durante l’accoppia -mento.3. Mentre si è sulla schermata Pair a Sensor nell’Aapp Cannondale, far fare alla ruota anteriore almeno 2 giri per riattivare il sensore ruota. Il sensore ruota è atti-vo quando il LED nel vano batteria lampeggia in verde.4. Continuare a seguire le istruzioni nell’App Cannondale.NOTA: Se si abbina un sensore ruota supplementare all’App Cannondale:aggiungere una nuova bici al proprio Cannondale App Garage utilizzando un sen-sore ruota, facendo clic su “+Add Bike” dalla schermata Garage.oppureaggiungere un sensore ruota a una bicicletta esistente nel proprio Cannondale App Garage facendo clic su “+Add Sensor” dalla schermata Bike Details. Questo può essere utile se si hanno due set di ruote per una bicicletta .CHIUSOse allineato in questo modo.。

L1-GSC6-SC 速度开关说明书

L1-GSC6-SC 速度开关说明书

L1-GSC6-SC 速度开关说明书速度开关应用电路原理当检测体所反应出的电机转速高于传感器设定速度时,开关输出导通;当转速低于设定速度时,输出断开。



型号:L1-GSC6-SC外形:圆柱形输出形式:三线制两线制工作电压:24-240V开关容量:5~200 mA DC 5~200mA AC电压:≤5.7V环境温度:-25~+70℃检测距离:15mm(非齐平)响应时间:10~0.4s(6~150脉冲/min)速度传感器是TE电气专门用于旋转监测的接近传感器(Proximity sensors for rotation monitoring),其工作原理如图1所示。







(2)传感器导通后,用锡箔纸将传感器与被测物体隔开,观察、记录DEL LED灯由亮到灭的时间(即响应时间),然后根据需要进行调整。






Passive Speed SensorsDimensions in inches and (mm).LISTED PRODUCT Ordering Part #Thread Length (A)70085-1010-413 1.500(38.10)70085-1010-005 1.875(47.63)70085-1010-327 2.750(69.85)70085-1010-328 4.000 (101.60)70085-1010-414 6.000(152.40)Specifications:Output Voltage (Standard): 54 V (P-P)Output Voltage (Guarantee Point):13.4 V (P-P)DC Resistance: 240 ohms max.Typical Inductance: 30 mH ref.Output Polarity: White lead positiveOperating Temperature: -65 to +100°CLead Length: 10 ft (3.05 m)Housing Ground: Green/Yellow TracerNet Weight: 14 oz. max.Rating:UL and CSA listed for hazardous locations.Class I, Div 1, Groups A, B, C & D; Class II, Div 1,Groups E, F ,G. Temp Code T3C.Ordering Part #Thread Length (A)70085-1010-081 1.500(38.10)70085-1010-411 1.875(47.63)70085-1010-329 2.750(69.85)70085-1010-330 4.000(101.60)70085-1010-412 6.000(152.40)Rating:UL and CSA listed for hazardous locations.Class I, Div 1, Groups A, B, C & D; Class II, Div 1,Specifications:Output Voltage (Standard): 54 V (P-P)Output Voltage (Guarantee Point):13.4 V (P-P)DC Resistance: 240 ohms max.Typical Inductance: 30 mH ref.Output Polarity: White lead positiveOperating Temperature: -65 to 100°CLead Length: 10 ft (3.05 m)Housing Ground: Green/Yellow TracerNet Weight: 14 oz. max.Based on 8 D.P. GearGroups E, F ,G. Temp Code T3C.AI-TekInstruments,Cheshire,CTUSA UL/ATEX/CSA SensorsATEX Group II, Category 3G, Zone 2ATEX Group II, Category 3G, Zone 218Passive Speed SensorsDimensions in inches and (mm).LISTED PRODUCTOrdering Part #Thread Length (A)70085-1010-403 1.500(38.10)70085-1010-4052.75070085-1010-415 4.000(101.60)70085-1010-416 6.000(152.40)Specifications:Output Voltage (Standard): 90 V (P-P)Output Voltage (Guarantee Point): 9.4 V (P-P)DC Resistance: 750 ohms max.Typical Inductance: 210 mH max.Output Polarity: White lead positive Operating Temperature: -55 to +232° C*Mounting Thread: -0405, 3/4 - 20 UNEF-2A Cable Length:15 ft (4.57 m)Net Weight: 16 oz. max.Ordering Part #Thread Length (A)70085-1010-404 1.500(38.10)70085-1010-406 2.750(69.85)70085-1010-417 4.000(101.60)70085-1010-420 6.000(152.40)Specifications:Output Voltage (Standard): 60V (P-P)Output Voltage (Guarantee Point): 13.4V (P-P)DC Resistance: 210 ohms max.Typical Inductance: 75 mH max.Output Polarity: White lead positive Operating Temperature: -55 to +220°C Cable Length:15 ft. (4.57m)Net Weight: 16 oz. max.Based on 8 D.P. Gear*THREAD SIZEFM / ATEX SensorsTHREAD SIZE(69.85)5/8-18 UNF-2A 5/8-18 UNF-2A 5/8-18 UNF-2A 5/8-18 UNF-2A 2.750(69.85)4.000(101.60) 6.000(152.40)5/8-18 UNF-2A 70085-1010-544 1.875(47.63)70085-1010-541 1.875(47.63)3/4-20 UNEF-2A70085-1010-5423/4-20 UNEF-2A 70085-1010-5403/4-20 UNEF-2A70085-1010-5433/4-20 UNEF-2A3/4-20 UNEF-2A5/8-18 UNF-2A 5/8-18 UNF-2A 5/8-18 UNF-2ARating:FM listed Intrinsically Safe, Class I, Division 1,Groups A, B, C, D; A TEX Group II, Category 3G, Zone 2 .Rating:FM listed Intrinsically Safe,Class I,Division 1,Groups A, B, C, D; A TEX Group II, Category 3G, Zone 2 .A I -T e k I n s t r u m e n t s , C h e s h i r e , C T U S AThread Size (B)Thread Size (B)19。

SICK 加速器传感器 WTR、WLR 和 ZLM1 的产品说明说明书

SICK 加速器传感器 WTR、WLR 和 ZLM1 的产品说明说明书

WWTR, WLR und ZLM1:Individual solutions for accu-mulating roller conveyorsWTR, WLR and ZLM1 control the material flow on backup conveyor sections and, above all, support the exact infeed and outfeed of the conveyed products at distribution stations. No programming and lesscabling. WTR and WLR: “3 in 1” – photo-electric proximity switch and special photoelectric switch always form a compact unit with valve and logic.The special slimline housing in the top section of the WTR and WLR fits between all common roller spacings. Simultaneously, thismounting method offers protection against damage and simplifiesinstallation.The ZLM1 contains the logic function of the accumulating roller conveyor. Suitable optoelectronic or inductive SICK sensors can be con-nected to the ZLM1. Furthermore,the ZLM1 can be combined with WTR or WLR.WTR and WLR ensure low-noise buffering of conveyed products free from dynamic pressure, no wear and tear and no mechanical problems in addition to detecting the conveyed products irrespectiveof weight.Overview of WTR, WLR and ZLM1:■Controlling the flow of goods on conveyor systems without additional programming.■Increasing the availability of the conveyor systems.■Reduced cabling and reduced mounting effort (“3 in 1”) improve economy.■Mounting between the rollers offers optimum protection against damage.■Flexible: ZLM1 can be used in conjunction with any SICK sensors.Main industries:■Materials handlingDA T ASH E E T2S I C K 2009-04-08L o g i c f u n c t i o n s :– S i n g l e Fe e d – S i n g l e R e l e a s e – S l u g R e l e a s e – S l e e p m o d e – A w a k e m o d eWTR, WLR und ZLM1Valve type Conveyed product is not detected.Conveyed product is detected.De-ener-gised and closedValve energisedAir flows into the cylinderValve de-energisedCylinder is vented via valveDe-ener-gised and openValve energisedCylinder is vented via valve Valve de-energisedAir flows into the cylinderWTR, WLR, ZLM12009-04-08S I C K3WTR Photoelectric proximity switches for accumulation roller conveyors 4S I C K2009-04-08WTR, WLR and ZLM1: logic functions for accumulating roller conveyorsThe logic functions of the WTR, WLR and ZLM1 ensure a controlled flow of products, sothat the conveyed products are started at the defined segments within a conveyor belt.The logic functions autonomously control the accumulating roller conveyor and, in particular,support the exact infeed and outfeed of the conveyed products at the distribution stations.The conveyed goods pass through the feed area and will not be stopped until they reach the last WTRn of the WTR line.The conveyor section of the WTRn is occupied. The WTRn passes this informa-tion onto the WTRn-1, i.e. the next conveyed good is detected by WTRn-1 and stopped in the correspond-ing section n-1 etc.Basic function which occurs at any point on the conveyor system:An object on the roller conveyor is stopped when two successive sections are occupied. Even if the flow of the conveyed goods per hour is increased, it still remains controlled because a defined space between the goods is given.21The release of the con-veyed goods from the sec-tion of the WTRn is initiated by electrical control of the WTRn (+24 V at input “E” of the WTRn).The section of the WTRn starts and is not occupied any longer as soon as the WTRn does not see any object. The information will be passed onto the WTRn-1which in turn starts the cor-responding section etc. Inthis way, the objects are transported section by section.The manual release of the conveyed goods from the section of the WTRn has the same effect as the release by electrical control.21It is possible to increase the flow of goods by starting all sections within a WTR line at the same time. This will be initiated by activating the last WTRn (+24 V at input “VT”of the WTRn).S i n g l e Fe e dS i n g l e R e l e a s e – e l e c t r i c a l –S i n g l e R e l e a s e – m a n u a l –S l u g R e l e a s eWTR2009-04-08S I C K 5S l e e p m o d eA w a k e m o d eThe WTR2-P621S22 and the WLR2-P610S01 contain additional logic functions, usually,used in conjunction with motorised rollers.After the motorised rollers have been switched off by the sleep mode, the motorised rollersare successively re-energised with the wake-up mode.If the conveyed product has left the beam path of a WTR then, after 9 sec.approx., the connected motorised roller is switched off.1st option:At the beginning of the conveyor belt, the WTR1requires an external start signal (+24 V DC on input “E2”), so that the wake-up mode is activated and the motorised roller in the first segment is switched on .When the conveyed product has been moved into the WTR1’s beam path, then this informa-tion is passed on to the WTRn, so that the motorised roller in the segment (WTRn...) is switched on etc. .212nd option:When the conveyed prod-uct is placed onto any segment (WTRn...), then the associated motorisedroller in this segment is switched on. Simultane-ously, a signal is given to the WTRn-1 which switches the motorised roller on. When the con-veyed product has reached the beam path of the WTRn-1, a signal is given, in turn, to the WTRn which then switches the associated motorised roller on etc.WTR Photoelectric proximity switches for accumulation roller conveyors6S I C K 2009-04-08WTR1-P421, WTR1-P721, WTR1-P721 S09, WTR1-P721 S10 (picture on the left): Photoelectric proximity switch, solenoid valve and logic, single feedWTR1-P821 (picture on the left):Photoelectric proximity switch, solenoid valve and logic, block feed. WTR1-P421 S02 (picture on the right):Photoelectric proximity switch, solenoid valve and logic, single feed.Advantages of the SICK conceptIn general, a conveyor system is uniformly equipped with one single type of WTR. Depend-ing on the application T-pieces and other WTR types which should be adapted to the appli-cation may also be used.This simplifies procurement and installation, reduces stock of spare parts and prevents confusion of different types of unit.Standardisation within the conveyor systems is increased.WTR1-P421 S08, WTR2-P621:Photoelectric proximity switch, logic, cable for connecting solenoid valve or motor.WTR2-P621S22:Photoelectric proximity switch, logic specially for motorised rollers.WTR2-P521, WTR2-P511:Without logic and without solenoid valve.Accessories1.Bracket for mounting the WTR2.T-piece to be used for ■additional power supply to increase the maximum number of WTRs■interrogation of the status of a WTR or its corresponding conveyor section■interruption of the logic at any point and its reset3.Cable receptaclesWTRApplication examplesPossibilities of control and information interrogation of the WTR, WLR or ZLM1 forprocessing in an external control system (simplified description).Please contact us, especially for detection of critical objects, e.g. reflecting, irregular or verysmall surfaces. We recommend to carry out tests with the original conveyed goods.2009-04-08S I C K7WTR1 Photoelectric proximity switches for accumulation roller conveyors8S I C K2009-04-08Centre of transmitter’s optical axis Centre of receiver’s optical axis Cable with receptacle, 4-pin Solenoid valveMedia connector (2 x) l 8 x 1M12 plug, 4-pinMounting holes l 4.5LED signal strength indicator Scanning distance adjustment Control for timing element3 in 1: Photoelectric proximity switch, valve and logic form a compact unitBackground suppressionContinuously variable scanning distanceIntegrated logic for accumulatingroller conveyorsE M EM VT 2)VT Direction of transport198********)-P821: R 2)-P821: A VT1)Average service life 100,000 hat T A = +25 °C2)Limit values3)May not exceed or fall short ofV S tolerances4)Without load, without valve5)Don not bend cable below 0 °C6)Max. per power supply at 27.6 V DC7)Reference voltage 50 V DC8)A=Inputs/outputs reverse-polarityprotectedB=Outputs short-circuit protectedC=Interference pulse suppression9)Other valve types available on requestMedium: Compressed air or neutral gas-es (filtered) lubricated or unlubricated10)In combination with cylinders with smallair volume we recommend tests0 (mm) 200 400 600 800 1000(mm) 400 500 600 700 800 90010987654321%ofscanningdistanceWTR1 2009-04-08S I C K9WTR1/2 Photoelectric proximity switches for accumulation roller conveyors10S I C K2009-04-08Centre of transmitter’s optical axis Centre of receiver’s optical axis Cable with receptacle, 4-pin M12 plug, 4-pinCable without plug for motor or valve Mounting holes l 4.5Electrical connection via plug lugs (to DIN 43650 Form C)LED signal strength indicator Scanning distance adjustmentIntegrated logic for accumulating roller conveyors, especially for motorised rollersBackground suppressionContinuously variable scanning distanceConnection for motor or valveE M VTEM L+A M VT 2)9876543211)WTR2-P621S22: A 22)WTR2-P621S22: E 23)WTR1-P421S08:No cable to valve (plug-in)1)Average service life 100,000 hat T A = +25 °C2)Limit values without load, withoutsolenoid valve3)May not exceed or fall short ofV S tolerances4)Without load, without valve5)Do not bend cable below 0 °C6)Max. per individual feed at 27.6 V DCas well as dependent on the solenoidvalve (1W)/motor7)Reference voltage 50 V DC8)A=Inputs/outputs reverse-polarityprotectedB=Outputs short-circuit protectedC=Interference pulse suppression0 (mm) 200 400 600 800 1000(mm) 400 500 600 700 800 90010987654321%ofscanningdistanceWTR1/2 2009-04-08S I C K11WTR2 Photoelectric proximity switches for accumulation roller conveyors12S I C K 2009-04-08Centre of transmitter’s optical axis Centre of receiver’s optical axis M12 plug, 4-pinMounting holes l 4.5LED signal strength indicator Scanning distance adjustmentContinuously variable scanning distanceBackground suppressionL+NC M Q P6543211)Average service life 100,000 h at T A = +25 °C 2)Limit values3)May not exceed or fall short of V S tolerances4)Without load, without valve 5)Reference voltage 50 V DC6)A =Inputs/outputs reverse-polarityprotectedB =Outputs short-circuit protectedC =Interference pulse suppression0 (mm) 200 400 600 8001000(mm) 400500600700800900109876543210%of s c a nn i n g d i s t a n c eWTR22009-04-08S I C K 13WLR1 Special photoelectric reflex switch, red light for accumulation roller conveyors14S I C K2009-04-08Centre of transmitter’s optical axis Centre of receiver’s optical axis Cable with receptacle, 4-pin Solenoid valveMedia connector (2 x) ø 8 x 1M12 plug, 4-pinMounting holes ø 4.5Signal strength indicator Sensitivity control3 in 1: Special photoelectric reflex switch (FGS adjustable), valve and logic form a compact unitVery insensitive against mirroring,reflecting, shiny, depolarizeing surfacesIntegrated logic for accumulating roller conveyorsE ML+A M VTE M VT987654321WLR12009-04-08S I C K 151)Average service life 100,000 h, at T A = +25 °C 2)Limit values3)May not exceed or fall short of V S tolerances4)Without load, without valve 5)Do not bend cable below 0 °C 6)Max. per power supply at 27.6 V DC7)Reference voltage 50 V DC8)A = Inputs/outputs reverse-polarityprotectedB = Outputs short-circuit protectedC = Interference pulse suppression9)In relation with cylinder with small air volume we recommend tests– Diamond Grade reflective tape (prefabricated) should be installed at max. 1.5 m away from WLR – Align red light spot of WLR on the middle of the reflector, LED (8) ON– Turn sensitivity control (9) to the right until you’ve reach max., LED (8) OFF– Turn sensitivity control (9) back again to the left until LED (8) is constant luminously – WLR is adjustedWLR2 Special photoelectric reflex switch, red light for accumulation roller conveyors16S I C K2009-04-08Centre of transmitter’s optical axis Centre of receiver’s optical axis Cable with receptacle, 4-pin Plug M12, 4-pin Cable for motorMounting holes ø 4.5 mm LED signal strength indicator Scanning distance adjustmentSpecial photoelectric reflex switch (FGS adjustable)Very insensitive against mirroring,reflecting, shiny, depolarizeing surfacesIntegrated logic for accumulating roller conveyors, especially formotorised rollersE 1M A 2L+A 1M E 2E A A 1E 2M 87654321WLR22009-04-08S I C K 171)Average service life 100,000 h, at T A = +25 °C 2)Limit values3)May not exceed or fall short of V S tolerances4)Without load, without valve 5)Do not bend cable below 0 °C6)Max. per individual infeed at 27.6 V DC as well as dependent on the magnetic valve (1 W)/motor resp. separate power supply for motorised rollers 7)Reference voltage 50 V DC8)A = Inputs/outputs reverse-polarityprotectedB = Outputs short-circuit protectedC = Interference pulse suppression– Diamond Grade reflective tape (prefabricated) should be installed at max. 1.5 m away from WLR – Align red light spot of WLR on the middle of the reflector, LED (8) on– Turn sensitivity control (9) to the right until you’ve reach max., LED (8) off– Turn sensitivity control (9) back again to the left until LED (8) is constant luminously – WLR is adjustedZLM1-B Logic module with solenoid valve for accumulation roller conveyors18S I C K2009-04-08Cable with M12 socket, 4-pin Solenoid valveConnection for sensor, cable with M12socket, 4-pin or M8 socket, 4-pin M12 plug, 4-pinMedia connector (2 x) ø 8 mmLogic module with logic mode and solenoid valve for accumulation roller conveyorsConnection for different kinds of SICK sensors are possible Compatible with WTR1Adjustable release delay (ZLM1-B5612E41 only)E M L+A M VTE M VTDirection of transport21345543211)for ZLM1-B5612E41 = 93 mm2)ZLM1-B5612E41 with time controlZLM1-B2009-04-08S I C K 19Sensor output requirements PNP, reflex switch: light-switching;Proximity switch: dark-switching 5)PNP, inductive sensor: 5)1)Limit values, the device may connect only to protected extra low voltage 2)May not exceed or fall short of V S tolerances3)Without load, without valve, without sensor4)Do not bend cable below 0 °C5)Additional adapter is required to put pin 2 at the sensor onto pin 4 for the ZLM16)Max. per feed to 26.4 V DC as well as current consumption by the sensors7)A = Inputs/outputs reverse-polarityprotectedB = Outputs short-circuit protectedC = Interference pulse suppression8)Other valve types available on request 9)In combination with cylinders with small air volume we recommend testsSICK AG | Waldkirch | Germany | 2009-04-08 G O /G O P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y (2009-04) S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e T h e s p e c i f i e d p r o d u c t f e a t u r e s a n d t e c h n i c a l d a t a d o n o t r e p r e s e n t a n y g u a r a n t e e 01 A 4 4c i n t 32AustraliaPhone +61 3 9497 4100 1800 33 48 02 – tollfree ********************.au Belgium/Luxembourg Phone +32 (0)2 466 55 66E-Mail ************BrasilPhone +55 11 3215-4900E-Mail ************.br Ceská RepublikaPhone +420 2 57 91 18 50E-Mail ************ChinaPhone +852-2763 6966E-Mail ************.hk 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TV110便携式测振仪使用说明书时代集团公司北京时代之峰科技有限公司目录第一章 TV110概述 (2)1.1适用范围 (2)1.2基本原理 (2)1.3基本性能指标与技术参数 (2)1.4仪器基本配置及各部分名称 (3)第二章快速操作入门 (7)2.1开机 (7)2.2设置日期 (7)2.3测量、存贮并打印一个数据 (8)2.4测量、存贮并打印一幅频谱图 (9)第三章仪器的使用与操作 (11)3.1启动 (11)3.2测量 (11)3.3设定测试日期 (11)3.4设定工作方式 (11)3.5设定测量参数 (11)3.6设定带宽 (12)3.7设定限界 (13)3.8空走纸 (15)3.9打印测量数据 (15)3.10打印频谱图 (15)3.11设定点号 (15)3.12设定次号 (16)3.13存储 (16)3.14删除 (16)第四章仪器的应用 (17)4.1测值与频谱分析 (17)4.2传感器的安装与固定 (18)第五章维修与保养 (22)5.1维修保养与注意事项 (22)5.2简易故障诊断 (23)附录1:本机使用的有关定义 (24)附录2:有关振动标准的部分内容 (25)附录3:振动频率与可能的原因 (27)阅读指南:●对于首次使用TV100且希望迅速投入使用的用户建议您阅读本说明书第三章第一部分:仪器的功能键介绍与使用入门第一章 TV110概述1.1适用范围本仪器适用于常规振动测量,尤其是旋转或往复式机械中的振动测量,它不仅可以测量振动的加速度、速度、位移,而且还可以进行简易故障诊断和打印输出。



WFS 风速传感器使用说明书

WFS 风速传感器使用说明书

WFS 系列风速传感器使用说明书[ WT-197V2.0 ]-1--4--2--3-WFS-1型风速传感器应用典型三杯式设计,由壳体、风杯、和电路模块等组成。




测量范围:1.0~60m/s准 确 度:<30m/s±(0.5+0.05v) ≥30m/s±5% 起动风速:<0.1m /s 工作电压:DC12-36V 响应时间:<0.5s环境温度:-20℃~ +70℃ 湿度: 20%-90%RH (25℃不结露)-6-WFS-15.2 信号输出航插座引脚定义1:电源+2:4~20MA 3:NA 4:NA 5:GND例、WFS-1-3 表示信号输出为0-5V 。

5.1 产品选型及引脚定义WFS-2-2 接线定义4~20mA 0~5V Rs4851234厂家型号 输出型号代码 输出型号类型5.3 MODBUS RTU 通讯协议5.3.1参数说明我公司对外输出的通讯采用标准modbus 的RTU 协议。

串口通信方式:RS485通信参数设置:波特率:9600 数据位:8 停止位:1 校验位:无通信超时:建议设置50ms 以上轮询间隔:建议设置50ms 以上5.3.2消息说明接收的命令字格式如下:字节序号 类别 内容 说明 备注0102030405060708消息头可变消息尾XX 030001XX XX XXXX仪表地址 功能码 寄存器地址H 寄存器地址L 数据长度H 数据长度L 根据仪表系统参数设置固定固定根据每台仪表的需要设置随数据的变化而变化CRC16校验码当仪表接收到正确的命令字后,开始回传正确的数据,命令格式如下:字节序号 类别 内容 说明 备注010203消息头回传的数据消息尾仪表地址 功能码 数据长度数据1(风速)数据2(风级)数据3根据仪的地址设置固定 根据每台需要来040506070809XX 03XX H L H L H L ……………………XX XXWFS-2-3 接线定义 WFS-2-4 接线定义数据的长度和每个数据代表的含义根据每台仪表的情况来确定随数据的变化而变化CRC16校验码本产品属精密电子产品,正确的维护保养有助于保护仪器性能、延长传感器的使用寿命,应注意下列几点:1、按说明书要求正确使用,接线有误可能导致传感器损坏.2、轻拿轻放,误压,否则导致产品结构变形损坏,或精度降低。

VRS产品说明书:Variable Reluctance Speed电磁速度传感器

VRS产品说明书:Variable Reluctance Speed电磁速度传感器

Application NoteVRS Industrial Magnetic Speed SensorsSensing and Control1.0 General InformationCompletely self-powered, VRS (Variable Reluctance Speed) sensors are simple, rugged devices that do not require an external voltage source for operation. (See Figure 1.)VRS sensors are generally used to provide speed, timing orsynchronization data to a display (or control circuitry) in the form of a pulse train. 2.0Potential ApplicationsEngine RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) measurement on aircraft, automobiles, boats, buses, trucks and rail vehiclesMotor RPM measurement on drills, grinders, lathes and automatic screw machinesProcess speed measurement on food, textile, woodworking, paper, printing, tobacco and pharmaceutical industrymachineryMotor speed measurement of electrical generatingequipmentSpeed measurement of pumps, blowers, mixers, exhaust and ventilating fansFlow measurement on turbine metersMotor RPM measurement on precision camera, taperecording and motion picture equipmentWheel-slip measurement on autos and locomotivesFlow measurement on turbine metersMPH measurement on agricultural equipmentSome of the unique features that make the use of VRS sensors valuable in these potential applications include:Self-powered operationError-free conversion of actuator speed to output frequency Simple installation No moving partsUseable over a wide range of speedsAdaptable to a wide variety of configurationsThese properties have led to wide-spread use in manyindustries. As a result, VRS sensors are known by many use-related names such as:Magnetic-pickups Speed sensors Motion sensors, Pulse generators Frequency generators Variable reluctance sensors Transducers Magnetic probes Timing probes Monopoles Pick-offs 3.0 Principles of OperationThe output signal of a VRS sensor is an ac voltage that varies in amplitude and wave shape as the speed of the monitored device changes, and is usually expressed in peak-to-peakvoltage (Vp-p). One complete waveform (cycle) occurs as each actuator passes the sensing area (pole piece) of the sensor.The most commonly used actuator is a metal gear; however, bolt heads (cap screws are not recommended), keys, keyways, magnets, holes in a metal disc and turbine blades are allappropriate. In all cases, the target material must be a ferrous metal, preferably unhardened.A permanent magnet is the heart of a VRS sensor and establishes a fixed magnetic field. An output signal isgenerated by changing the strength of this field. This is caused by the approach and passing of a ferrous metal target near the pole piece. The alternating presence and absence of ferrous metal (gear tooth) varies the reluctance, or “resistance of flow” of the magnetic field, which dynamically changes the magnetic field strength. This change in magnetic field strength induces a current into a coil winding which is attached to the output terminals. (See Figures 2 and 3.)VRS Industrial Magnetic Speed Sensors2 Honeywell Sensing and ControlFigure 3: Low Reluctance Position of Magnetic CircuitIf a standard gear is used as an actuator, this output signal resembles a sine wave if viewed on an oscilloscope. (See Figures 4, 5, 6.)Figure 6: Steel Sprocket4.0 Potential Application ConsiderationsVRS sensors are not designed for sensing extremely low speeds. The target passing the pole piece of the sensor must be traveling at a minimum velocity, or surface speed, toprovide an adequate output voltage. Typical minimum surface speeds for each of Honeywell’s VRS sensor product offerings can be found in the VRS sensor product documentation .Proper VRS sensor selection requires that the sensor:Provide the required Vp-p at the minimum speed of interest. Will still function properly at the maximum operating frequency of the application.VRS Industrial Magnetic Speed SensorsHoneywell Sensing and Control 35.0 Standard Test ConditionsThroughout the VRS product documentation, an output voltage specification is given, expressed in Vp-p, for each sensor. This reference voltage is the minimum guaranteed peak to peak output voltage of the sensor as tested by the factory, and is the starting point for the series of calculations that will provide the actual output voltage the sensor will provide in the application. The reference voltage value is established by testing the sensor under one of the conditions in Table 1.*IPS = inches per second. 6.0Polarity of OutputThe polarity of the output signal is usually of no concern for most applications. For those situations where polarity is important, the following applies to all VRS sensors:When ferrous metal approaches the pole piece of a given sensor:Pin B will be positive with respect to Pin A.The white lead will be positive with respect to the black lead. 7.0 Gear Tooth ConfigurationFor every gear tooth configuration, there is an optimum pole piece size and shape to achieve maximum output voltage from the sensor. This relationship is noted in Figure 7.= Dimension of top tooth E = Clearance= Height of toothF = Gear thickness The optimum dimensions of A , B and C are given as they relate to D , the pole piece diameter of the VRS sensor being used. The optimum relationship for maximum output is as follows:A equal to or greater than DB equal to or greater than CC equal to or greater than three timesDE as small as possibleF equal to or greater than DThe above configuration is usually not available in a stock gear; however, it is seldom necessary to have the maximum output. Very close to the maximum output may be generated by conventional stock gears if the tooth width A is equal to or greater than the pole piece diameter D and C is 1.5 times D .For ease of alignment, gear thickness should be two or three times the pole piece diameter. 8.0 Example Calculation: Actual Output Voltage for a Given ApplicationUse the following calculation sequence to determine if a certain VRS sensor will work in a specific application. In this example:The calculations use imperial units. For metric calculations, substitute appropriate units. Sensor size is not critical.Data for the calculations is given in Table 2.When the actuator is a gear, an excellent staring point inchoosing a sensor is to match the pole piece diameter as close as possible to the gear pitch.Because overall sensor size is of no concern in this example, an examination of the 5/8 diameter VRS sensor shows that a 20 pitch gear is ideal for both the 3010 General Purpose and 3030 High Output devices. Note that the 3010 GeneralPurpose device has a lower output voltage than the 3030 High Output device.The low resistance and inductance are desirablecharacteristics for areas of high electrical noise and for high frequency applications. The 3030’s higher output is desirable for lower speeds.The example calculation first looks at the 3010 General Purpose device.VRS Industrial Magnetic Speed Sensors4 Honeywell Sensing and Control8.1. Calculate the gear diameter:If a VRS sensor is going to be an appropriate choice, it must be able to work at the lowest speed of interest; however, the missing gear diameter must first be calculated:GEAR DIAMETER = TOTAL # OF TEETH + 2GEAR PITCH 62203.1 in==8.2. Calculate the minimum surface speed:MIN SURFACE SPEED = 100 x 3.1 x 3.146016.2 in/s=8.3. Calculate the output at the calculated minimum surface speed:The product data shows that the output of the 3010 General Purpose device is 40 Vp-p; however, this output is at 1000 IPS. The output of the 3010 General Purpose device at 16.2 IPS surface speed must be determined.Because output voltage changes in an approximate linear response to speed, use the following ratio:REF VOLTAGE OUT REF SURFACE SPEED =UNKNOWN VOLTAGE OUT ACTUAL SURFACE SPEED401000 x16.2==0.648 Vp-pBecause the sensor needs a minimum of 1 Vp-p to operate, the 3010 General Purpose device is now disqualified as an acceptable choice.Next, consider the higher output 3030 High Output sensors. The output of the 3030 High Output device is 190 Vp-p at 1000 IPS. Using the same ratio:1901000 x16.2== 3.078 Vp-p8.4. Consider the gear pitch/pole piece factor.Table 3 shows that the output from a sensor having a 0.106” dia. pole piece (3030 High Output) when sensing a 20 pitch gear is 100%. Therefore, no correction factor is applied. The output voltage remains at 3.078 Vp-p.VRS Industrial Magnetic Speed SensorsHoneywell Sensing and Control 58.5. Calculate the Effect of the Load Resistance of the Sensor Being DrivenIn this example, the load resistance of the sensor being driven is 10 kOhm. Because this change is also a linear function, use the following ratio:PRESENT VOLTAGE OUT TOTAL RESISTANCE*=UNKNOWN VOLTAGE OUTLOAD RESISTANCE 3.07811200x 10000 ==2.748 Vp-p*Total Resistance = Load Resistance +Sensor Resistance.Figure 8 shows the equivalent circuit in this example.8.6. Consider the Allowable Air GapAir gap is also known as the pole piece clearance. In this example, the air gap is 0.010 in. Figures 9 and 10 show that the output of the 3030 High Output at 0.010 in is 60% of the present value.Figure 9. 3030 Output for Pole Pieces Less ThanFigure 10. 3030 Output Pole Pieces Greater Than or EqualAll the variables that have an effect on the actual outputvoltage at the lowest speed of interest have been considered, and the 3030 High Output device has been found to be appropriate.If the result at this point would have been less than1 Vp-p, it would have been necessary to look at a near-zero or zero-speed sensor for this application.8.7. Ensure the Sensor Will Function at the Maximum Frequency of the ApplicationMAX FREQUENCY =MAX RPM x # OF GEAR TEETH601000 x 6060 =1000 kHz==1 kHzThe 3030 High Output product specifications show a typical frequency response of 15 kHz. 1 kHz is obviously well withinthis limit. 9.0Sensor Selection Process SummaryPotential applications with limited mounting space will indicate the smaller diameter sensors, then apply the previous calculations.When possible, select a sensor with lower coilresistance/inductance to minimize unwanted noise signals, drive lower impedance loads, and operate at higher frequencies.When the target allows, use a sensor with a larger polepiece diameter to provide maximum output voltage and allow use of larger air gap settings.Use a chisel tip pole piece to maximize output from fine gear pitches or to provide an accurate timing pulse from a similar “knife edge” type actuator.VRS Industrial Magnetic Speed SensorsSensing and ControlHoneywell1985 Douglas Drive NorthGolden Valley, MN 55422 /sensing 005934-2-ENJune 2012Copyright © 2012 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.10.0VRS Sensor General NotesAll housings, unless otherwise noted, are 303 stainless steel.Recommended cabling is twisted pair, shielded type.All pole pieces are conical, except 0.187 in units, which arestraight, and chisel units, which are indicated where used.All sensors are designed to operate in moderate oil/fluidsplash applications up to the rated temperature. For heavyoil/fluid splash, immersion. or if any differential pressureexists, sealed front end sensors are recommended.If a VRS sensor is mounted completely surrounded byferrous metal, a 10% to 20% output voltage reduction mayoccur.Recommended max. mounting torques are given in Table 4.Table 4. Recommended Max. Mounting TorquesPERSONAL INJURYWARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free ofdefective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell’sstandard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwiseby Honeywell in writing; please refer to your orderacknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specificwarranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywellduring the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace,at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. Thefore going is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all otherwarranties, expressed or implied, including those ofmerchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In noevent shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special,or indirect damages.While we provide application assistance personally, throughour literature and the Honeywell web site, it is up to thecustomer to determine the suitability of the product in theapplication.Specifications may change without notice. The information wesupply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of thisprinting. However, we assume no responsibility for its useWARNINGMISUSE OF DOCUMENTATIONThe information presented in this application sheet is forreference only. Do not use this document as a productinstallation guide.Complete installation, operation, and maintenanceinformation is provided in the instructions supplied witheach product.Failure to comply with these instructions could result indeath or serious injury.SALES AND SERVICEHoneywell serves its customers through a worldwide networkof sales offices, representatives and distributors. Forapplication assistance, current specifications, pricing or nameof the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact your local salesoffice or:E-mail:*********************Internet: /sensingPhone and Fax:Asia Pacific +65 6355-2828; +65 6445-3033 FaxEurope +44 (0) 1698 481481; +44 (0)1698 481676 FaxLatin America +1-305-805-8188; +1-305-883-8257 FaxUSA/Canada +1-800-537-6945; +1-815-235-6847+1-815-235-6545 Fax。

FMA-900 气流速度传感器说明书

FMA-900 气流速度传感器说明书

494ߜUp to 1.5% AccuracyߜRemote Pobe Model Available with 4.6 m CableߜEach Unit Individually Calibrated ߜDurable Fast-Response Platinum SensorsߜCompact Solid-State Electronics ߜDirectly Monitors True Air Mass Velocity ߜLinear 0 to 5 Vdc or 4 to 20mA Outputߜ400 msec Response Time ߜEconomical Insertion DesignThe unique FMA-900 air velocity transducer utilises both a velocity sensor and a temperature sensor to accurately measure air velocity. The built-in temperature sensor automatically corrects theflowrate for temperature variations. Both sensors are rugged glass-coated platinum resistance detectors (RTDs). The circuit heats the velocity sensor to a constant temperature differential above ambient temperature and measures the cooling effect of the air flow. This design provides excellent low velocity sensitivity and high accuracy. The FMA-900 also features negligible pressure drop.A traverse across the pipe or duct can be performed to determine the mounting location for averagevelocity indication. The FMA-900 can be mounted in pipes (down to 38 mm size) with the use of OMEGA TM SSLK compression fittings (SSLK-14-14, £10.50 ea ).PTFE ferrules are required. (Model T-FER-1/4, £50/10 pack ).Each unit is individually calibrated in OMEGA’s traceable wind tunnel.Suggested power supply; PSU-UNIVERSAL, £19 ea.Replacement mating connector, model FMA-3CON, £16.75.FMA-900-V Starts at£550FMA-900, £550,shown smaller than actual size.GENERAL-PURPOSEAIR VELOCITY TRANSDUCERSSPECIFICATIONSAccuracy:1.5% FS @ room temperature Probe Pressure:10 bar maxElectronics Temperature:Power:15 to 24 Vdc, 300 mA(0 to 0.5 and 0 to 1 m/s only);Models with remote probeadd suffix “-R” and £20than actual size.CANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec)1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM Manchester,England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn,Germany************FRANCE www.omega.fr 088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford,CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná,Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References, Indicating Labels,Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders, Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, PT100 Probes, PT100 Elements,Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters,Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes and Assemblies,Thermocouples, Thermowells and Head and WellAssemblies, Transmitters, Thermocouple Wire, RTD ProbesPressure,Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and StrainMeasurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers,Proximity Transducers, Regulators, Pressure Transmitters,Strain Gauges, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation,Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation,Environmental Instrumentation,pH Electrodes and Instruments,Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters,Cartridge Heaters,Circulation Heaters,Comfort Heaters,Controllers,Meters and SwitchingDevices,Flexible Heaters,General Test and Measurement Instruments,Heater Hook-up Wire,Heating Cable Systems,Immersion Heaters,Process Air and Duct,Heaters,Radiant Heaters,Strip Heaters,Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators,Doppler Flowmeters,LevelMeasurement,Magnetic Flowmeters,Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes,Pumps,Rotameters,Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters,Ultrasonic Flowmeters,Valves,Variable Area Flowmeters,Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems,Communication Products and Converters,Data Acquisition and Analysis Software,Data LoggersPlug-in Cards,Signal Conditioners,USB,RS232,RS485and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems,Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。


• Minimal preventative maintenance as sensing element is covered with an engineered protective coating • Easy field setup via the on board dip switches for range and units
Temperature Limits 32 to 122°F (0 to 50°C).
Power Requirements 24 VDC ±20% or 24 VAC ±20%.
Humidity Limits 5 to 95% RH, non-condensing.
Output Signal 4-20 mA, 0-5 VC, 0-10 VDC.
Device Load 1/8 unit load.
Electrical Entry 1/2˝ NPS thread; Accessory (A-151): Cable gland for 5 to 10 mm diameter cable.
Enclosure Rating NEMA 4X (IP66).
ZERO 1 2 3 4
3-33/64 [89.13]
7-41/64 [194.07]
7-17/64 [184.60]
39/64 [15.32]
2-5/32 [54.82]
Ø15/32 [11.84]

XSAV02373L10 速度开关说明书

XSAV02373L10 速度开关说明书

XSA V02373L10 速度开关说明书KJT系列速度开关应用电路原理当检测体所反应出的电机转速高于传感器设定速度时,开关输出导通;当转速低于设定速度时,输出断开。



1、传感器主要技术参数型号:KJT-DCV11801/WY外形:圆柱形输出形式:三线制两线制工作电压:24-240V开关容量:5~200 mA DC 5~200mA AC电压:≤5.7V环境温度:-25~+70℃检测距离:15mm(非齐平)响应时间:10~0.4s(6~150脉冲/min)速度传感器是TE电气专门用于旋转监测的接近传感器(Proximity sensors for rotation monitoring),其工作原理如图1所示。







(2)传感器导通后,用锡箔纸将传感器与被测物体隔开,观察、记录DEL LED灯由亮到灭的时间(即响应时间),然后根据需要进行调整。



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