
以下是整理的《旅游英语⼝语300句:内蒙古之旅给⼈放松的感觉》,希望⼤家喜欢!After their stay in Inner Mongolian Prairie,Jason and Emmy are talking on the way back.埃⽶和贾森结束了他们的内蒙古⼤草原之旅两个⼈在离开的路上聊天。
Jason:How do you like your stay in the Inner Mongolia Prairie?贾森:你觉得你的内蒙古之旅怎么样?Amy:I like it very much. I believe the most attractive thing about it is the natural beauty here. You can see the vast grassland,the clear sky, the white clouds, the fresh air and the huge flocks.埃⽶:我很喜欢啊。
你可以看到⼴阔的草原、⼲净的天空、洁⽩的云朵、清新的空⽓和⼀群群的⽜马Jason:Yes. This place really makes you feel relaxed.贾森:是的在这⾥你会感到很放松。
Amy:Yeah. I agree. And the horse riding is really awesome. I love the feeling like you are flying above the rolling grass.埃⽶:我觉得也是⽽且骑马的感觉⾮常棒。
Jason:Maybe you can come here some other time.贾森:或许你可以改天再来。

1. We need to go back down. 我们该下山了."We need to go back down." 这句话值得学习之处在于,老美常常在go 或是come 之后连放两个副词来同时表达「方向」和「目地」。
例如在同样的句子我可能会说,"We need to go back." 或是"We need to go down." 但我就不会想到把 back 和 down 连用便成了,"We need to go back down." 这样子用法的好处在于可以同时表达出,「回去」和「下去」这两个概念。
听到这句话时让我想起以前也常听妈妈在叫她的小孩回来,"Come back over here." 当然你也可以单说,"Come back." (回来),或是 "Come over here." (过来这里。
),但是把 back 和 over here 连用就成了 "Come back over here." 也就是回来这里的意思。
2. We have folks passing us. 有人要超过我们.Folks 这个字指的是一群人,跟 people 的意思是差不多的。
但是folks 这个字的好用之处在于,它可以用来指一群跟自己有点关系,但又称不上是friends 的人们。
最简单的例子,假设我今天要发一封e-mail 给系上同学,e-mail 的开头就可以写Hi folks, 当然如果不嫌肉麻的话写 Hi my friends, 也可以,但是就不能说成 Hi people, 啦!另外 pass 这个字是当「超过」解释,所以整句话 "We have folks passing us." 的意思就是「有人要超过我们。

旅游台词英文作文素材英文:Traveling is one of my favorite hobbies. I love exploring new cultures and experiencing different ways of life. It's always exciting to see how people live in different parts of the world and to try new foods and activities.One of my favorite destinations is Japan. I love the contrast between the traditional and modern aspects of the country. For example, you can visit ancient temples and shrines in Kyoto, and then go to Tokyo and see the futuristic skyscrapers and technology.Another destination that I enjoy is Thailand. The people are incredibly friendly and welcoming, and the food is absolutely delicious. I also love the beautiful beaches and tropical climate.Traveling can be a great way to learn about yourself and the world around you. It can broaden your horizons and help you appreciate the diversity of our planet.中文:旅游是我最喜欢的爱好之一。

当你在旅游中需要使用英语时,以下是一些常用的旅游英语句子,可以帮助你与其他人交流:1. Where can I find a taxi?我在哪里可以找到出租车?2. How much does a ticket cost?一张票多少钱?3. Can you recommend a good restaurant nearby?你能推荐附近的一家好餐厅吗?4. Where is the nearest ATM?最近的自动取款机在哪里?5. How do I get to the train station?我怎样才能到达火车站?6. Is there a bus that goes to the airport?有没有去机场的公交车?7. Excuse me, can you take a photo for us?对不起,你能帮我们拍照吗?8. Is there a discount for students?学生有折扣吗?9. Can you give me directions to the nearest hotel?你能告诉我去最近的酒店的路吗?10. What time does the museum open?博物馆几点开门?11. Do you have a map of the city?你们有城市地图吗?12. Can you help me with my luggage?你能帮我拿行李吗?13. Where is the nearest pharmacy?最近的药店在哪里?14. How far is it to the beach?到海滩有多远?15. What is the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?16. Can I try this on?我可以试穿这个吗?17. Can you recommend any local attractions?你能推荐一些当地的景点吗?18. Are there any guided tours available?有没有导游接待?19. Can you tell me where the nearest restroom is?你能告诉我最近的洗手间在哪里吗?20. Is there Wi-Fi available here?这里有Wi-Fi吗?21. How long does it take to get to the city center?到市中心需要多长时间?22. Are there any vegetarian options on the menu?菜单上有素食选项吗?23. Can you help me book a hotel room?你能帮我预订一间酒店房间吗?24. What time is check-in/check-out?入住/退房时间是几点?25. Can I pay with credit card?我可以用信用卡付款吗?26. Is there a tour guide available?有导游可以提供吗?27. Can you recommend a good place for shopping?你能推荐一个购物的好地方吗?28. Are there any local festivals or events happening during my visit?在我访问期间有没有当地的节日或活动?29. Can you help me exchange currency?你能帮我兑换货币吗?30. Is there a swimming pool in the hotel?酒店里有游泳池吗?31. Do you have any recommendations for local dishes?你有没有当地菜的推荐?32. Can you tell me how to get to the nearest tourist attraction?你能告诉我如何去最近的旅游景点吗?33. Is there a shuttle service to the airport?有去机场的班车服务吗?34. Can I get a refund if I cancel my reservation?如果我取消预订,可以退款吗?35. Are there any hiking trails nearby?附近有什么徒步小径吗?36. Can you help me rent a car?你能帮我租一辆车吗?37. Are there any special discounts for seniors?有没有给老年人的特别折扣?38. Can you recommend a good spot for taking photos?你能推荐一个适合拍照的好地方吗?39. Is there a nearby park where I can relax?附近有一个我可以放松的公园吗?40. Can you provide me with a city map?你能给我一份城市地图吗?41. Do I need to make a reservation for the restaurant?我需要为餐厅做预约吗?42. Are there any guided tours available in English?有没有提供英语导游服务?43. Can you recommend a good place for nightlife?你能推荐一个好的夜生活场所吗?44. Is it safe to walk around at night in this area?在这个地区晚上四处走动安全吗?45. Can you help me find a local SIM card?你能帮我找一张当地的SIM卡吗?46. Can you recommend any scenic spots for outdoor activities?你能推荐一些适合户外活动的风景区吗?47. Is there a local market where I can buy fresh produce?有没有一个本地市场可以买到新鲜的农产品?48. What are the popular tourist attractions in this city?这个城市有哪些受欢迎的旅游景点?49. Can you help me book tickets for a show/concert?你能帮我预订一场演出/音乐会的门票吗?50. Is there a tourist information center nearby?附近有旅游咨询中心吗?51. Can you recommend a good spot for hiking?你能推荐一个适合徒步的好地方吗?52. Are there any historical sites that I shouldn't miss?有没有我不该错过的历史遗迹?53. Can you recommend a good place for water sports?你能推荐一个适合水上运动的好地方吗?54. Is there a local tour that includes transportation and guide?有没有提供交通和导游的当地旅游线路?55. Can you help me find a local souvenir shop?你能帮我找一个本地纪念品店吗?56. Are there any restrictions or rules I should know when visiting religious sites?参观宗教场所时有没有我应该知道的限制或规定?57. Can you recommend a good place to experience the local culture?你能推荐一个体验当地文化的好地方吗?58. Is there a local festival happening during my stay?在我逗留期间有没有当地的节日?59. Can you provide me with a schedule of local transportation?你能提供给我一个当地交通的时间表吗?60. Is it safe to drink tap water here?这里的自来水安全饮用吗?61. Can you recommend a good place for a scenic hike?你能推荐一个适合观赏风景的徒步好地方吗?62. Are there any local customs or traditions I should be aware of?有没有我应该了解的本地风俗或传统?63. Can you help me find a good place to try local cuisine?你能帮我找一个品尝当地美食的好地方吗?64. What are the must-see attractions in this city?这个城市有哪些必看的景点?65. Can you recommend a reliable tour guide?你能推荐一个可靠的导游吗?66. Are there any bike rental services available?有没有自行车租赁服务?67. Can you provide me with a list of recommended hotels?你能给我提供一份推荐的酒店列表吗?68. Are there any art galleries or museums worth visiting?有没有值得参观的艺术画廊或博物馆?69. Can you help me book a table at a popular restaurant?你能帮我在一家热门餐厅预订一张桌子吗?70. Are there any local festivals or events happening soon?有没有即将举行的当地节日或活动?71. Can you recommend a good place for shopping for souvenirs?你能推荐一个购买纪念品的好地方吗?72. Is there a specific dress code for visiting religious sites?参观宗教场所有特定的着装要求吗?73. Can you help me find a good spot to watch the sunset?你能帮我找一个观看日落的好地方吗?74. Are there any local markets or bazaars worth exploring?有没有值得探索的当地市场或集市?75. Can you recommend a good place for spa and relaxation?你能推荐一个适合水疗和放松的好地方吗?76. Can you recommend a good spot for bird-watching?你能推荐一个适合观鸟的好地方吗?77. Are there any local specialties or delicacies I should try?有没有我应该尝试的当地特色或美食?78. Can you help me find a good place for water activities like snorkeling or diving?你能帮我找一个适合浮潜或潜水等水上活动的好地方吗?79. Is there a local guidebook or tourist information brochure available?有没有当地的旅游指南书或宣传册?80. Can you recommend a good spot for photography?你能推荐一个适合摄影的好地方吗?81. Are there any famous landmarks or monuments in this area?这个地区有没有著名的地标或纪念碑?82. Can you help me arrange transportation for a day trip to a nearby city?你能帮我安排去附近城市的一日游交通吗?83. Are there any scenic drives or routes worth exploring?有没有值得探索的风景驾车路线?84. Can you recommend a good place for outdoor adventure activities like hiking or kayaking?你能推荐一个适合徒步或划船等户外冒险活动的好地方吗?85. Is there a local traditional performance or cultural show I can attend?有没有我可以参加的当地传统表演或文化秀?86. Can you help me find a good place to experience the local nightlife?你能帮我找一个体验当地夜生活的好地方吗?87. Are there any local workshops or classes where I can learn a traditional craft or skill?有没有我可以学习传统工艺或技能的当地工作坊或课程?88. Can you recommend a good place for family-friendly activities?你能推荐一个适合全家一起参加的好地方吗?89. Are there any scenic viewpoints or observation decks in the area?这个地区有没有风景观点或观景台?90. Can you help me plan a customized itinerary based on my interests and preferences?你能根据我的兴趣和偏好帮我制定一个定制的行程吗?91. Can you recommend a good place for camping or outdoor adventure?你能推荐一个适合露营或户外冒险的好地方吗?92. Are there any local cultural festivals or events happening during my visit?在我访问期间有没有当地的文化节日或活动?93. Can you help me find a good place for horseback riding?你能帮我找一个适合骑马的好地方吗?94. Are there any guided tours that focus on the local history and heritage?有没有专注于当地历史和文化遗产的导游服务?95. Can you recommend a good spot for bird-watching or wildlife photography?你能推荐一个适合观鸟或野生动物摄影的好地方吗?96. Are there any local cooking classes or food tours available?有没有提供当地烹饪课程或美食之旅?97. Can you help me find a good place for water rafting or kayaking?你能帮我找一个适合漂流或划独木舟的好地方吗?98. Are there any local traditional markets or flea markets worth exploring?有没有值得探索的当地传统市场或跳蚤市场?99. Can you recommend a good place for stargazing or observing the night sky?你能推荐一个适合观赏星空的好地方吗?100. Are there any local vineyards or wineries that offer wine tasting tours?有没有当地的葡萄园或酒庄提供品酒游览?101. Can you recommend a good place for scuba diving or snorkeling?你能推荐一个适合潜水或浮潜的好地方吗?102. Are there any local music festivals or concerts happening during my stay?在我逗留期间有没有当地的音乐节或音乐会?103. Can you help me find a good spot for fishing?你能帮我找一个适合钓鱼的好地方吗?104. Are there any historical walking tours available in the city?这个城市有没有提供历史步行游览?105. Can you recommend a good place for rock climbing or bouldering?你能推荐一个适合攀岩或攀石的好地方吗?106. Are there any local cultural performances or traditional dances I can watch?有没有我可以观看的当地文化表演或传统舞蹈?107. Can you help me find a good place for hot air balloon rides?你能帮我找一个适合热气球飞行的好地方吗?108. Are there any local farm tours or agritourism experiences available?有没有当地的农场游览或农业旅游体验?109. Can you recommend a good place for camping under the stars?你能推荐一个适合露营观星的好地方吗?110. Are there any local art galleries or exhibitions worth visiting?有没有值得参观的当地艺术画廊或展览?111. Can you help me find a good place for paragliding or skydiving?你能帮我找一个适合滑翔伞或跳伞的好地方吗?112. Are there any local cultural heritage sites or UNESCO World Heritage sites nearby?附近有没有当地的文化遗产或联合国教科文组织世界遗产?113. Can you recommend a good place for wildlife safari or nature exploration?你能推荐一个适合野生动物观赏或自然探索的好地方吗?114. Are there any local cooking workshops or culinary tours I can join?有没有我可以参加的当地烹饪工作坊或美食之旅?115. Can you help me find a good place for yoga or wellness retreats?你能帮我找一个适合瑜伽或健康养生的好地方吗?116. Can you recommend a good place for cultural immersion or homestay experiences?你能推荐一个适合文化融入或寄宿体验的好地方吗?117. Are there any local sports events or tournaments happening during my visit?在我访问期间有没有当地的体育赛事或锦标赛?118. Can you help me find a good place for birdwatching or nature photography?你能帮我找一个适合观鸟或自然摄影的好地方吗?119. Are there any local traditional crafts or artisan workshops I can visit?有没有我可以参观的当地传统工艺品或工匠工作坊?120. Can you recommend a good place for off-road adventures like ATV riding or dune bashing?你能推荐一个适合越野冒险,如骑ATV或沙丘冲浪的好地方吗?121. Are there any local cultural museums or heritage centers worth exploring?有没有值得探索的当地文化博物馆或遗产中心?122. Can you help me find a good place for river rafting or whitewater kayaking?你能帮我找一个适合漂流或白水划艇的好地方吗?123. Are there any local traditional festivals or ceremonies I can witness?有没有我可以见证的当地传统节日或仪式?124. Can you recommend a good place for cycling or bike tours?你能推荐一个适合骑行或自行车旅行的好地方吗?125. Are there any local historical trails or walking routes I can explore?有没有我可以探索的当地历史小径或徒步路线?126. Can you help me find a good place for hot springs or thermal baths?你能帮我找一个适合温泉或温泉浴的好地方吗?127. Are there any local eco-tours or nature reserves I can visit?有没有我可以参观的当地生态旅游或自然保护区?128. Can you recommend a good place for cultural performances or traditional music?你能推荐一个适合文化表演或传统音乐的好地方吗?129. Are there any local adventure parks or amusement parks for families?有没有适合全家游玩的当地冒险公园或游乐园?130. Can you help me find a good place for meditation or spiritual retreats?你能帮我找一个适合冥想或精神修养的好地方吗?131. Can you recommend a good place for wine tasting or vineyard tours?你能推荐一个适合品酒或葡萄园游览的好地方吗?132. Are there any local cultural villages or heritage sites I can visit?有没有我可以参观的当地文化村或遗址?133. Can you help me find a good place for skiing or snowboarding?你能帮我找一个适合滑雪或滑板的好地方吗?134. Are there any local cooking competitions or food festivals happening soon?近期有没有即将举行的当地烹饪比赛或美食节?135. Can you recommend a good place for wildlife safaris or animal encounters?你能推荐一个适合野生动物保护区或动物接触的好地方吗?136. Are there any local cultural performances or traditional dances I can learn?有没有我可以学习的当地文化表演或传统舞蹈?137. Can you help me find a good place for spelunking or cave exploration?你能帮我找一个适合洞穴探险的好地方吗?138. Are there any local art and craft markets or fairs happening during my visit?在我访问期间有没有当地的艺术和手工艺市场或展会?139. Can you recommend a good place for cultural heritage walks or guided tours?你能推荐一个适合文化遗产步行或导览的好地方吗?140. Are there any local festivals or events where I can experience traditional costumes?有没有我可以体验传统服饰的当地节日或活动?141. Can you help me find a good place for paddleboarding or kayaking in calm waters?你能帮我找一个适合在平静水域划桨板或划独木舟的好地方吗?142. Are there any local theaters or performance venues with shows in English?有没有有英语演出的当地剧院或演出场所?143. Can you recommend a good place for farm-to-table dining experiences?你能推荐一个适合农场餐饮体验的好地方吗?144. Are there any local heritage trails or historical walking tours available?有没有当地的遗产小径或历史步行游览?145. Can you help me find a good place for hot air balloon festivals or events?你能帮我找一个适合热气球节或活动的好地方吗?146. Can you recommend a good place for cultural exchanges or volunteer opportunities?你能推荐一个适合文化交流或志愿者机会的好地方吗?147. Are there any local photography workshops or photo tours available?有没有当地的摄影工作坊或摄影之旅?148. Can you help me find a good place for horseback riding on the beach?你能帮我找一个适合在海滩骑马的好地方吗?149. Are there any local food markets or street food stalls I shouldn't miss?有没有我不该错过的当地食品市场或街边小吃摊?150. Can you recommend a good place for cultural heritage preservation or conservation projects?你能推荐一个适合文化遗产保护或环保项目的好地方吗?151. Are there any local music or dance classes I can join during my visit?在我访问期间有没有我可以参加的当地音乐或舞蹈课程?152. Can you help me find a good place for zip-lining or canopy tours?你能帮我找一个适合滑索或丛林飞跃的好地方吗?153. Are there any local cultural exchange programs or homestay opportunities?有没有当地的文化交流项目或寄宿机会?154. Can you recommend a good place for off-the-beaten-path exploration or adventure?你能推荐一个适合探索未知领域或冒险的好地方吗?155. Are there any local food and wine festivals happening soon?近期有没有即将举行的当地美食和葡萄酒节?156. Can you help me find a good place for traditional handicraft shopping?你能帮我找一个适合购买传统手工艺品的好地方吗?157. Are there any local storytelling or folklore tours available?有没有提供当地故事讲述或民间传说导览?158. Can you recommend a good place for sailing or yachting experiences?你能推荐一个适合帆船或游艇体验的好地方吗?159. Are there any local meditation retreats or wellness centers I can visit?有没有我可以参观的当地冥想修行或健康中心?160. Can you help me find a good place for cultural performances or theater shows?你能帮我找一个适合文化表演或剧场演出的好地方吗?161. Can you recommend a good place for snorkeling with marine life or coral reefs?你能推荐一个适合与海洋生物或珊瑚礁浮潜的好地方吗?162. Are there any local cultural festivals or events celebrating the indigenous culture?有没有庆祝土著文化的当地文化节日或活动?163. Can you help me find a good place for rock climbing or bouldering with experienced guides?你能帮我找一个有经验导游的适合攀岩或攀石的好地方吗?164. Are there any local culinary schools or cooking classes I can attend?有没有我可以参加的当地烹饪学校或烹饪课程?165. Can you recommend a good place for wildlife conservation volunteering or eco-tourism initiatives?你能推荐一个适合野生动物保护志愿者或生态旅游项目的好地方吗?166. Are there any local historical reenactments or living history museums?有没有当地的历史再现或活历史博物馆?167. Can you help me find a good place for mountain biking or cycling tours?你能帮我找一个适合山地自行车或骑行旅行的好地方吗?168. Are there any local art festivals or exhibitions happening soon?近期有没有即将举行的当地艺术节或展览?169. Can you recommend a good place for exploring ancient ruins or archaeological sites?你能推荐一个适合探索古代遗址或考古遗址的好地方吗?170. Are there any local cultural workshops or classes where I can learn traditional crafts?有没有我可以学习传统工艺的当地文化工作坊或课程?171. Can you help me find a good place for birdwatching or bird photography?你能帮我找一个适合观鸟或鸟类摄影的好地方吗?172. Are there any local literary festivals or book fairs happening during my visit?在我访问期间有没有当地的文学节或书展?173. Can you recommend a good place for cultural heritage trails or walking tours?你能推荐一个适合文化遗产小径或步行导览的好地方吗?174. Are there any local adventure sports centers or facilities for adrenaline-filled activities?有没有当地的冒险运动中心或设施提供刺激的活动?175. Can you help me find a good place for hot springs or thermal baths with natural surroundings?你能帮我找一个自然环境中适合温泉或温泉浴的好地方吗?176. Can you recommend a good place for cultural immersion programs or language exchanges?你能推荐一个适合文化融入项目或语言交流的好地方吗?177. Are there any local traditional music or dance performances I can attend?有没有我可以参加的当地传统音乐或舞蹈表演?178. Can you help me find a good place for wildlife photography or safari tours?你能帮我找一个适合野生动物摄影或野生动物观赏游览的好地方吗?179. Are there any local cultural heritage sites that are UNESCO World Heritage sites?有没有当地的文化遗产地也是联合国教科文组织世界遗产?180. Can you recommend a good place for adventure activities like ziplining or canyoning?你能推荐一个适合滑索或峡谷探险等冒险活动的好地方吗?181. Are there any local food and wine tours or gastronomic experiences available?有没有当地的美食和葡萄酒之旅或美食体验?182. Can you help me find a good place for hiking or trekking in the mountains?你能帮我找一个适合在山区徒步或远足的好地方吗?183. Are there any local cultural museums or art galleries with contemporary exhibits?有没有当地的文化博物馆或艺术画廊有现代展览?184. Can you recommend a good place for wildlife conservation projects or volunteer work?你能推荐一个适合野生动物保护项目或志愿者工作的好地方吗?185. Are there any local traditional festivals or events celebrating local customs?有没有庆祝本地习俗的当地传统节日或活动?186. Can you help me find a good place for paddleboarding or kayaking in scenic lakes or rivers?你能帮我找一个适合风景如画的湖泊或河流划桨板或划独木舟的好地方吗?187. Are there any local historical landmarks or monuments that are significant to the region?有没有对该地区有重要意义的当地历史地标或纪念物?188. Can you recommend a good place for stargazing or astronomy tours?你能推荐一个适合观赏星空或天文之旅的好地方吗?189. Are there any local architecture tours or visits to iconic buildings?有没有当地的建筑导览或参观标志性建筑?190. Can you help me find a good place for cultural performances or traditional theater shows?你能帮我找一个适合文化表演或传统戏剧演出的好地方吗?191. Can you recommend a good place for cultural heritage walks or guided tours?你能推荐一个适合文化遗产步行或导览的好地方吗?192. Are there any local music festivals or concerts happening soon?近期有没有即将举行的当地音乐节或音乐会?193. Can you help me find a good place for wildlife watching or nature photography?你能帮我找一个适合观赏野生动物或自然摄影的好地方吗?194. Are there any local art workshops or classes I can join?有没有我可以参加的当地艺术工作坊或课程?195. Can you recommend a good place for adventure sports like rock climbing or white-water rafting?你能推荐一个适合攀岩或白水漂流等冒险运动的好地方吗?196. Are there any local cultural events or festivals celebrating the local traditions?有没有庆祝当地传统的当地文化事件或节日?197. Can you help me find a good place for bird watching or birding tours?你能帮我找一个适合观鸟或鸟类观赏游览的好地方吗?198. Are there any local food markets or culinary tours showcasing the local cuisine?有没有展示当地美食的当地食品市场或烹饪之旅?199. Can you recommend a good place for cultural exchanges or homestay experiences?你能推荐一个适合文化交流或寄宿体验的好地方吗?200. Are there any local historical sites or landmarks that are a must-visit?有没有必去的当地历史遗址或地标?201. Can you help me find a good place for scuba diving or snorkeling in coral reefs?你能帮我找一个适合在珊瑚礁进行潜水或浮潜的好地方吗?202. Are there any local cultural museums or galleries showcasing local artists?有没有展示当地艺术家作品的当地文化博物馆或画廊?203. Can you recommend a good place for hiking or trekking with beautiful scenery?你能推荐一个适合徒步或远足的好地方,风景优美吗?204. Are there any local festivals or events that celebrate the local traditions and customs?有没有庆祝当地传统和习俗的当地节日或活动?205. Can you help me find a good place for wildlife conservation projects or volunteer opportunities?你能帮我找一个适合野生动物保护项目或志愿者机会的好地方吗?206. Can you recommend a good place for cultural performances or traditional dance shows?你能推荐一个适合文化表演或传统舞蹈展示的好地方吗?207. Are there any local eco-tours or nature reserves that I can explore?有没有我可以探索的当地生态旅游或自然保护区?208. Can you help me find a good place for kayaking or canoeing on scenic rivers?你能帮我找一个适合在风景优美的河流划独木舟或皮划艇的好地方吗?209. Are there any local street markets or flea markets that I should visit?有没有我应该去参观的当地街头市场或跳蚤市场?210. Can you recommend a good place for cultural heritage preservation or restoration projects?你能推荐一个适合文化遗产保护或修复项目的好地方吗?211. Are there any local theater performances or live shows that I can attend?有没有我可以参加的当地剧院演出或现场表演?212. Can you help me find a good place for mountain climbing or mountaineering?你能帮我找一个适合登山或攀登的好地方吗?213. Are there any local food tours or gastronomic experiences that I can join?有没有我可以参加的当地美食之旅或美食体验?214. Can you recommend a good place for wildlife sanctuaries or animal rehabilitation centers?你能推荐一个适合野生动物保护区或动物康复中心的好地方吗?215. Are there any local cultural workshops or classes where I can learn traditional arts and crafts?有没有我可以学习传统艺术和手工艺的当地文化工作坊或课程?216. Can you help me find a good place for hot air balloon rides with panoramic views?你能帮我找一个适合俯瞰全景的热气球飞行的好地方吗?217. Are there any local historical walking tours or guided heritage walks available?有没有当地的历史步行游览或导览遗产之旅?218. Can you recommend a good place for underwater diving or snorkeling adventures?你能推荐一个适合水下潜水或浮潜冒险的好地方吗?219. Are there any local cultural festivals or events that showcase traditional music and dance?有没有展示传统音乐和舞蹈的当地文化节日或活动?220. Can you help me find a good place for cultural exchange programs or volunteer opportunities?你能帮我找一个适合文化交流项目或志愿者机会的好地方吗?221. Can you recommend a good place for outdoor adventure activities like zip-lining or rock climbing?你能推荐一个适合滑索或攀岩等户外冒险活动的好地方吗?222. Are there any local cultural heritage sites or museums that offer guided tours?有没有提供导览服务的当地文化遗产地或博物馆?223. Can you help me find a good place for birdwatching or bird photography in natural reserves?你能帮我找一个适合在自然保护区观鸟或拍摄鸟类照片的好地方吗?224. Are there any local food markets or street food vendors known for their specialties?有没有以特色美食而闻名的当地食品市场或街头小吃摊?225. Can you recommend a good place for cultural festivals or events celebrating the local traditions?你能推荐一个适合庆祝当地传统的文化节日或活动的好地方吗?226. Are there any local art galleries or exhibitions featuring contemporary artists?有没有展示当代艺术家作品的当地艺术画廊或展览?227. Can you help me find a good place for mountain biking or cycling in scenic trails?你能帮我找一个适合在风景如画的小径上骑山地自行车或骑行的好地方吗?228. Are there any local historical landmarks or ancient ruins with guided tours available?有没有提供导览服务的当地历史地标或古代遗址?229. Can you recommend a good place for wildlife safaris or nature walks?你能推荐一个适合野生动物观赏游览或自然步行的好地方吗?230. Are there any local cultural workshops or classes where I can learn traditional music or dance?有没有我可以学习传统音乐或舞蹈的当地文化工作坊或课程?231. Can you help me find a good place for river rafting or kayaking in adventurous rapids?你能帮我找一个适合在刺激的急流中漂流或划独木舟的好地方吗?232. Are there any local festivals or events that showcase traditional crafts and artisans?有没有展示传统工艺品和工匠的当地节日或活动?233. Can you recommend a good place for cultural heritage walks or architectural tours?你能推荐一个适合文化遗产步行或建筑导览的好地方吗?234. Are there any local adventure parks or theme parks for family-friendly activities?有没有适合全家参与的当地冒险公园或主题公园?235. Can you help me find a good place for meditation retreats or wellness retreats?你能帮我找一个适合冥想修行或健康养生的好地方吗?236. Can you recommend a good place for cultural performances or traditional theater shows?你能推荐一个适合文化表演或传统戏剧演出的好地方吗?237. Are there any local food markets or culinary tours that focus on organic or farm-to-table cuisine?有没有注重有机或农场至餐桌美食的当地食品市场或烹饪之旅?238. Can you help me find a good place for wildlife conservation volunteering or eco-tourism initiatives?你能帮我找一个适合野生动物保护志愿者工作或生态旅游项目的好地方吗?239. Are there any local historical sites or museums that offer audio guides in multiple languages?有没有提供多种语言语音导览的当地历史遗址或博物馆?240. Can you recommend a good place for water sports like surfing or kiteboarding?你能推荐一个适合冲浪或风筝冲浪等水上运动的好地方吗?241. Are there any local cultural festivals or events that feature traditional costumes and dances?有没有展示传统服饰和舞蹈的当地文化节日或活动?242. Can you help me find a good place for hiking or trekking in the mountains with experienced guides?你能帮我找一个有经验导游的适合在山区徒步或远足的好地方吗?243. Are there any local markets or bazaars known for their handicrafts or souvenirs?有没有以手工艺品或纪念品而闻名的当地市场或集市?244. Can you recommend a good place for birdwatching or wildlife photography in natural reserves?你能推荐一个适合在自然保护区观鸟或野生动物摄影的好地方吗?245. Are there any local cultural workshops or classes where I can learn traditional martial arts?有没有我可以学习传统武术的当地文化工作坊或课程?246. Can you help me find a good place for hot springs or thermal baths with healing properties?你能帮我找一个具有疗效的温泉或温泉浴的好地方吗?247. Are there any local festivals or events that celebrate the local music and dance traditions?有没有庆祝当地音乐和舞蹈传统的当地节日或活动?248. Can you recommend a good place for cultural heritage tours or visits to historical landmarks?你能推荐一个适合文化遗产导览或参观历史地标的好地方吗?249. Are there any local adventure sports centers or facilities for activities like bungee jumping or skydiving?有没有提供蹦极或跳伞等活动的当地冒险运动中心或设施?250. Can you help me find a good place for traditional tea ceremonies or tea tastings?你能帮我找一个适合传统茶道或品茶的好地方吗?251. Can you recommend a good place for cultural heritage walks or guided tours?。

英语口语:《旅游英语900句》之在黄山On the Huangshan Mountain在黄山Key Sentences(重点句子)441.What a breathtaking sight!多么神奇的景色啊!442.On your right is Tiandu Feng,one of the three main peaks of Huangshan and also the steepest.在你们的右边是黄山三大主峰之一的天都峰,也是最陡的一座山峰。
443.It is 1,810 meters high.它的高度是1,810米。
444.On the way up,you can see a cliff called Jiyu Bei.往上去,你们会看到一道被称作“鲫鱼背”的悬崖。
445.He said the cliff was called Jiyu Bei,which means Carp's Backbone.他说那座悬崖叫作“鲫鱼背”,意思就是鲫鱼的脊背。
446.On your left is Lianhua Feng,or the Lotus Flower Peak,at a height of 1,860 meters.在你们的左边是莲花峰,高度是1,860米。
447.It is the highest peak of Huangshan.它是黄山的峰。
448.At its summit is a rock only about six meters across.峰顶是一块仅仅6米见方的岩石。
449.Famous pine tree such as the“Flying Dragon” andthe“Twin Dragons”are found there.在莲花峰,还能看到一些名闻遐迩的松树,如“飞龙松”和“双龙松”。
450.That sounds very exciting.听起来真带劲!451.Shall we climb up the highest peak first, Sam?萨姆,我们先去登峰好吗?452.Please return here by 10∶30, will you?请您在10点半之前回到这儿,好吗?Dialogue ATourist A:What a breathtaking sight!Tourist B:It is,isn't it?Guide:Please,look.On your right is Tiandu Feng,one of the three main peaks of Huangshan and also the steepest.It is 1,810 meters high.On the way up,you can see a cliff called Jiyu Bei.Tourist A:Bob,I didn't quite catch what he said about the cliff.Tourist B:He said the cliff was called Jiyu Bei,which means Carp's Backbone.Tourist A:Oh,I see.Thank you.Guide:…on your left is Lianhua Feng,or the Lotus Flower Peak,at a height of 1,860 meters.It is the highest peak of Huangshan.At its summit is a rock only about six meters across.Famous pine trees such as the“FlyingDragon”and the“Twin Dragons”are found there.Tourist B:That sounds very exciting,Shall we climb up the highest peak first,Sam?Tourist A:That's good suggestion.Let's go.Guide:Plea se return here by 10∶30,will you?We'll have our lunch at Yuping Lou Guesthouse.Tourist B:All right.See you later.Words and Expressionsbreathtaking a.惊心动魄的peak n.山峰cliff n.悬崖,峭壁carp n.鲫鱼lotus n.莲summit n.顶,顶点dragon n.龙。

下面是小编为大家整理的,社区矫正思想汇报,想要知更多的资讯,请多多留意CNFLA学习网!1.The Temple of Heaven (天坛) is the largest intact alter temple(坛庙) of China. The Temple of Heaven used to be a place where emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties worshiped and offered sacrifices to Heaven(祭天)to pray for good harvests and fine rain(五谷丰登、风调雨顺).译:天坛是中国现存最大、保存最完好的坛庙。
2.The Fragrant Hill(香山)looks very much like a censer(香炉), often girdled (环绕) by wisps of spiraling (缭绕) mist as if it were giving out incense-smoke hence it was called the “Censer Hill”(“香炉山”). Later, it was shortened as the “Fragrant Hill”.译:香山因其形状似香炉,周围常常云雾缭绕,看起来犹如香烟弥漫。
3.The Beihai Park (北海公园) is located to the west of the Jingshan Park (景山公园) . The existence of the park can be traced back to the mid-eleventh century when a temporary royal residence named “Yaoyu”(瑶屿) was built here during the Liao Dynasty.译:北海公园位于景山公园的西面,早在11世纪中叶,辽代就在这里建立瑶屿行宫。

下面是店铺整理的关于旅游景点的英语口语,希望能帮到大家!中国的自然景点大嘴:Let us make out the most gorgeous natural scenery in our country .来数一下我国的自然之最吧。
脸盆:Mount Everest is the highest on land.珠穆朗玛峰是陆地最高山。
大嘴:Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is the highest plateau above sea level.青藏高原是海拔最高的高原。
脸盆:Brahmaputra Grand Canyon is the biggest canyon in the world.雅鲁藏布江大峡谷是世界最大的'峡谷。
大嘴:The Loess Plateau is the most tremendous loess landform of the world .黄土高原是世界最大的黄土地貌。
脸盆:Yeah,we can't keep count of them !真是数不清啊!逛北京大嘴:What is the typical entertaining places of Beijing ?北京有什么好玩的地方?脸盆:Numerous !Ranging from the Great Wall to the traditional single-story houses with rows of rooms aroud the 4 sides of a courtyard .太多了!大到万里长城,小到四合院。
大嘴:What about the feature snacks?有什么特色美食?脸盆:Beijing roast duck and a fermented drink made from ground beans.北京烤鸭,豆汁儿。

描写旅游的英文句子有哪些篇11.Travel can be very exciting.旅游非常有趣。
2. Many people like to travel.很多人喜欢旅游。
3. People think travel is expensive.人们觉得旅游挺花钱的。
4. This need not be so.事实未必如此。
5. We can travel by many ways.旅游的方式多种多样。
6. Walking is a form of travel.走路是一种旅游方式。
7. It can be very interesting.它可以是非常有趣的。
8. Walkingnbsp;enables us to see many things in detail.走路让我们能够仔细地观察很多事物。
9. We can travel by plane, bus, train or car.我们可以乘飞机、乘公共汽车、乘火车、乘汽车旅游。
10. When we travel that way, we get to places quickly.如果我们用上述的方式旅游,我们可以较快地到达目的地。
11. However, we donrsquo;t see things so deeply.然而,这样做我们不能很仔细地观察事物。
12. A bicycle is a quicker way to travel than walking.骑车旅游比走路快一些。
13. By bicycle, we can still see things in detail.骑车时,我们仍然可以较详细地观看许多事物。

整理了去旅游的英语情景对话,欢迎阅读!去旅游的英语情景对话篇一亨利: May I see your passport,please?麻烦请给我你的护照。
莫妮卡: Here is my passport.这是我的护照。
亨利: What`s the purpose of your visit?旅行的目的为何?莫妮卡: Business.公务.亨利: How long will you be staying in the United States?预计在美国停留多久?莫妮卡: I plan to stay for about 10 days。
I`m just passing through.I am leaving for Geneva tonight。
亨利: Where are you staying?将在那儿住宿?莫妮卡: I will stay at Boston Hotel。
亨利: Do you have a return ticket to Taiwan?是否有台湾回程机票?莫妮卡: yes,here it is.有的。
这就是回程机票.亨利: How much money do you have with you?随身携带多少现金?莫妮卡: I have 800 dollars.大约800元。
亨利: Good。
Have a nice day.祝你玩得愉快.莫妮卡: Thank you.谢谢。
去旅游的英语情景对话篇二安检: Next。
下一个.汤姆: Oh, hello.您好!安检: Please put all your stuff in this box, take off your shoes,and walk through this gate here。

For those who prefer a mountain getaway, hiking and camping might be on the agenda. It's crucial to have the proper gear and supplies for outdoor activities, such as hiking boots, a tent, and a backpack. Researching the trails and campsites in advance can help you plan the best route and make the most of your time in the mountains.
5. We have booked a hotel for our summer vacation.

以下是小编给大家整理的关于爬山生活场景口语,希望可以帮到大家,下面就跟小编一起来看看1. She is no enemy to mountain climbing.她喜欢登山。
还能这样说:She is fond of climbing.She prefer climbing.应用解析:an enemy worthy of sb.'s steel 值得某人与之交锋的劲敌,强敌;be an enemy to 厌恶;仇视;go over to the enemy 投敌2. He is an expert at mountain climbing.他是登山专家。
还能这样说:He is an expert mountainer.He is an expert in climbing mountain.应用解析:climb over a fence 翻过围墙;climb to power 上台;捞到大权;on the climb 有迁升的希望;climb aboard 上车3. He spent the holiday indulging his passion for climbing.他在度假期间尽情享受登山的乐趣。
还能这样说:He enjoyed the pleasure of climbing during vacation.He enjoyed the climbing to full during his trip.应用解析:indulge oneself in eating and drinking 纵情于吃喝;indulge in tobacco 吸烟无度;indulge in dream 爱空想4. Now is the best season for climbing.现在是登山的最佳季节。

以下是整理的《旅游英语⼝语300句:询问关于泰⼭的事情》,希望⼤家喜欢!This is a program on the head of China's five sacred mountains,Mount Tai.Emmy is asking something about it with Jason.电视中介绍到了中国五岳之⾸的泰⼭,埃⽶向贾森询问关于泰⼭的事情。
Amy:Do you know something about Mount Tai?埃⽶:你了解泰⼭吗?Jason:Yes.But not too much.It is considered as the head of five sacred mountains in China.贾森:知道⼀点⼉,但是不多。
Amy:Five sacred mountains?Why people call them so?埃⽶:五岳?为什么⼈们这么称呼呢?Jason:Because in history,the Chinese emperors used to climb onto these mountains and pay tribute to their ancestors and pray for good harvest and prosperity for the whole nation.贾森:因为历很多中国帝王来到这些⼭上祭拜祖先,祈求国泰民安。
Amy:Got it.Can we see any things left by them?埃⽶:明⽩了,那还有什么历史古迹吗?Jason:Definitely.There are many wall paintings and inscriptions on the huge rocks on the mountain.贾森:当然有。

山上旅游英语作文80词英文回答:Hiking in the mountains is an exhilarating andrewarding experience. Surrounded by breathtaking sceneryand pristine air, you'll embark on a journey thatrevitalizes your soul and invigorates your body.As you ascend the winding trails, each step propels you closer to the summit and panoramic views that stretch asfar as the eye can behold. The cool mountain breezecaresses your face, while the rhythmic sound of your footsteps provides a tranquil soundtrack to your adventure.Along the way, you'll encounter diverse flora and fauna, each adding a touch of enchantment to your journey. Towering trees reach towards the sky, providing shade from the warm sun. Wildlife, both timid and curious, may cross your path, reminding you of the interconnectedness of all living things.Nearing the summit, you'll experience a sense of accomplishment and pride. The panoramic views will take your breath away as you marvel at the vastness and beauty that lies beneath your feet. Whether you choose to bask in the glory of the sunrise or watch the sun paint the sky with vibrant hues at sunset, each moment spent on the mountaintop is etched into your memory.中文回答:登山是一次令人振奋且有益的经历。

中国旅游英语作文高级句式## 英文回答:Travel in China。
China is a vast and diverse country with a rich history and culture. There is so much to see and do in China, from visiting the Great Wall to exploring the ancient city ofXi'an.If you are planning a trip to China, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, China is a large country, so it is important to plan your itinerary carefully. You will also need to obtain a visa to enter China.Once you have arrived in China, you will be amazed by the beauty and diversity of the country. The Great Wall is a must-see for any visitor to China. It is one of the most iconic landmarks in the world and it is truly a sight tobehold.Xi'an is another popular tourist destination in China. It is home to the Terracotta Army, which is a group of over 8,000 life-size terracotta warriors that were buried with the first emperor of China.If you are looking for a more off-the-beaten-path experience, you can visit the Jiuzhaigou Valley. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and it is known for itsbeautiful lakes, waterfalls, and forests.No matter what your interests are, you are sure to find something to love in China. It is a country with a rich history, culture, and natural beauty.Tips for Traveling in China。

登山英文作文高级句型英文:As someone who loves hiking and mountaineering, I can say that there are few experiences that compare to thethrill and sense of accomplishment that comes with reaching the summit of a mountain. However, it's important to remember that mountaineering is a dangerous activity that requires proper planning, preparation, and experience.One of the most important things to consider when planning a mountaineering trip is the weather. Even if the forecast looks good, the weather can change quickly in the mountains, so it's essential to be prepared for all conditions. This means bringing appropriate clothing, gear, and supplies, as well as having a backup plan in case of an emergency.Another key factor in mountaineering is physical fitness. Climbing a mountain requires a lot of stamina,strength, and endurance, so it's important to train beforehand to ensure that you're in good shape. This includes cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and practicing hiking with a heavy pack.In addition to physical fitness, mental preparation is also important. Mountaineering can be mentally challenging, especially when facing difficult terrain or unexpected obstacles. It's important to stay focused, positive, and motivated, and to have a clear plan in mind for how totackle any challenges that may arise.Overall, mountaineering is an incredible experiencethat requires careful planning, preparation, and experience. By taking the time to properly prepare and train, you can ensure a safe and successful climb to the summit.中文:作为一个热爱徒步和登山的人,我可以说,征服山顶的刺激和成就感是无与伦比的。

下面是店铺整理的`关于登山旅游的英语口语,希望能帮到大家!1.China is a large country with various geographical terrains.中国国土面积很大,地形各异。
2.There are five sacred mountains in China.中国大山有五岳。
3.Emperors used to pay tributes their ancestors on the mountain.历代多位帝王前来此山祭拜祖先。
4.On the peak of the mountain,you can overlook the whole city.登上山顶,可以俯瞰整个城市。
5.It used to be a big volcano.此山过去是个大米山。
6.We can find many fossils in the mountain.山上可以找到很多化石。
7.You should be careful because the cliff is very steep.你要小心,悬崖很陡峭。
8.You may take the cable to the top.你可以乘坐缆车登上山顶。
9.It is famous for getting the best view of sunrise.这里以登山观日出而闻名。
10.You can climb the mountain along the stone stairs.你可以沿着石阶登山。
11.This mountain is not fit for snow skiing.这座山并不适合滑雪。
12.It has the highest peak in the world.这里有世界最高峰。

1、I would like to go to a beautiful place.我想去一个美丽的地方。
2、It's so big and marvelous that most visitors have not enough time to enjoy it.它是如此之大和神奇以至于大部分游客都没有足够的时间去欣赏它。
3、Because the trees and flowers are planted everywhere. They can purify the waste gas and offer us the fresh air.因为到处都是树木和花卉。
4、Firstly, owing to the good latitude, it's neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer. So, it seems like spring all the year round.首先,由于良好的纬度,冬天不是很冷夏天也不太热。
5、Secondly, as no large industry there and focus on tourism, there's almost no pollution. Maybe we can enjoy our beautiful nature there.其次,由于那里没有大型工业区,重点关注的是旅游,所以那里几乎没有污染。
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Useful Expressions
1.China is a large country with various geographical terrains.
2.There are five sacred mountains in China.
3.Emperors used to pay tributes their ancestors on the mountain.
4.On the peak of the mountain,you can overlook the whole city.
5.It used to be a big volcano.
6.We can find many fossils in the mountain.
7.You should be careful because the cliff is very steep.
8.You may take the cable to the top.
9.It is famous for getting the best view of sunrise.这里以登山观日出而闻名。
10.You can climb the mountain along the stone stairs.你能够沿着石阶登山。
11.This mountain is not fit for snow skiing.
12.It has the highest peak in the world.