
(英语)高三英语阅读理解专项训练100(附答案)及解析一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解Since English biologist Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species in 1859, scientists have vastly improved their knowledge of natural history. However, a lot of information is still of the speculation, and scientists can still only make educated guesses at certain things.One subject that they guess about is why some 400 million years ago, animals in the sea developed limbs (肢) that allowed them to move onto and live on land.Recently, an idea that occurred to the US paleontologist (古生物学家) Alfred Romer a century ago became a hot topic once again.Homer thought that tidal (潮汐的) pools might have led to fish gaining limbs. Sea animals would have been forced into these pools by strong tides. Then, they would have been made either to adapt to their new environment close to land or die. The fittest among them grew to accomplish the transition (过渡) from sea to land.Romer called these earliest four-footed animals “tetrapods”. Science has alwa ys thought that this was a credible theory, but only recently has there been strong enough evidence to support it.Hannah Byrne is an oceanographer (海洋学家) at Uppsala University in Sweden. She announced at the 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting in Oregon, US, that by using computer software, her team had managed to link Homer's theory to places where fossil deposits (沉积物) of the earliest tetrapods were found.According to the magazine Science, in 2014, Steven Balbus, a scientist at the University of Oxford in the UK, calculated that 400 million years ago, when the move from land to sea was achieved, tides were stronger than they are today. This is because the planet was 10 percent closer to the moon than it is now.The creatures stranded in the pools wou ld have been under the pressure of “survival of the fittest”, explained Mattias Green, an ocean scientist at the UK's University of Bangor. As he told Science, “After a few days in these pools, you become food or you run out of food... the fish that had large limbs had an advantage because they could flip (翻转) themselves back in the water.”As is often the case, however, there are others who find the theory less convincing. Cambridge University's paleontologist Jennifer Clark, speaking to Nature magazine, seemed unconvinced. “It's only one of many ideas for the origin of land-based tetrapods, any or all of which may have been a part of the answer,” she said.(1)Who first proposed the theory that fish might have gained limbs because of tidal pools?A. Alfred Romer.B. Charles Darwin.C. Hannah Byrne.D. Steven Balbus.(2)Why were tides stronger 400 million years ago than they are today according to Steven Balbus?A. There were larger oceans.B. Earth was closer to the moon.C. The moon gave off more energy.D. Earth was under greater pressure.(3)The underlined word “stranded” in Paragraph 8 probably means “________”.A. foundB. settledC. abandonedD. trapped(4)What is the focus of the article?A. The arguments over a scientific theory.B. The proposal of a new scientific theory.C. Some new evidence to support a previous theory.D. A new discovery that questions a previous theory.【答案】(1)A(2)B(3)D(4)C【解析】【分析】本文为一篇说明文,一些新的证据验证了先前人们的猜测理论:即海洋中的动物是因为潮汐的作用导致鱼类发展出四肢,迁徙到陆地的。

高三英语阅读理解专项训练100(附答案)含解析一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解When you go to the doctor, you like to come away with a prescription.It makes you feel better to know you will get some medicine. But the doctor knows that medicine is not always needed. Sometimes all a sick person needs is some reassurance that all will be well. In such cases the doctor may prescribe a placebo.A placebo is a sugar pill, a harmless shot, or ail empty capsule. Even though they have no medicine in them, these things seem to make people well. The patient thinks it is medicine and begins to get better. How does this happen?The study of the placebo opens up new knowledge about the way the human body can heal itself. It is as if there was a doctor in each of us. The doctor will heal the body for us if we let it. But it is not yet known just how the placebo works to heal the body. Some people say it works because the human mind fools itself. These people say that if the mind is fooled into thinking it got medicine, then it will act as if it did, and the body will feel better.Placebos do not always work. The success of this treatment seems to rest a lot with the relationship between the patient and the doctor. If the patient has a lot of trust in the doctor and if the doctor really wants to help the patient, then the placebo is more likely to work. So in a way, the doctor is the most powerful placebo of all.A placebo can also have bad effects. If patients expect a bad reaction to medicine, then they will also show a bad reaction to the placebo. This would seem to show that a lot of how you react to medicine is in your mind rather than in your body. Some doctors still think that if the placebo can have bad effects it should never be used. They think there is still not enough known about it. The strange power of the placebo does seem to suggest that the human mind is stronger than we think it is. There are people who say you can heal your body by using your mind. And the interesting thing is that even people who swear this is not possible have been healed by a placebo.(1)What do we know about placebo according to the passage?A. It contains some sort of medicine.B. It won't function if you are negative about medicine.C. People who don't believe placebo can't be healed by it.D. Patients and doctors know clearly how it helps to heal the body.(2)Why is the doctor sometimes the most powerful placebo?A. The patient needs help badly.B. The patient believes in the doctor.C. The doctor knows better about your body.D. The doctor has carefully studied medicine.(3)What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 5 refer to?A. The placebo.B. The bad effect.C. The body.D. The medicine.(4)What is the passage mainly about?A. Placebo:Work on Your MindB. Placebo:The Most Powerful MedicineC. Placebo:The Best DoctorD. Placebo:Heal Your Body【答案】(1)A(2)B(3)B(4)A【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,有时候病人的病并不是需要真正的药物来医治,而是需要医生开一些安慰的药剂,安慰病人的心理使病人的情绪得到舒缓,从而有利于病情的痊愈。

(英语)高二英语阅读理解专项训练100(附答案)及解析一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解Generally speaking, government regulations normally ban anything from smoking in public places to parking in certain zones. But officials in the Brazilian town of Biritiba Mirim,70km (45miles) east of Sao Paulo, have gone far beyond that.They plan to prohibit residents from dying early because thelocal cemetery(墓地) has reached full capacity.There's no more room to bury the dead, they can't be cremated(火化) and laws forbid a new cemetery. So the mayor has proposed a strange solution: outlaw death. Mayor Roberto Pereira says the bill is meant as a protest against federal regulations that prohibit new or e某panded cemeteries in preservation areas. \have not taken local demands into consideration\he claims.A 2003 decree(法令) by Brazil's National Environment Council forbids burial grounds in protected areas. Mr. Pereira wants to build a new cemetery, but the project has been stopped because 98% of Biritiba Mirim is considered as a preservation area.Biritiba Mirim, a town of 28,000 inhabitants, not only wants to prohibit residents from passing away. The bill also calls on people to take care of their health in order to avoid death.\got a job, nor am I healthy. And now they say I can't die.That's ridiculous,%unemployed resident said.The city council is e某pected to vote on the regulation ne 某t week. \illegal, and will never be approved,\said Gilson Soares de Campos, an assistant of the mayor. \can you think of a better resolution to persuade the government to change the environmental decree that is prohibiting us from building a new cemetery?\\will be.(1)What is the bill to be proposed by the officials in Biritiba Mirim? A. Ban on building a new cemetery. B. Ban on parking in certain zones. C. Forbidding buried grounds in preservation. D. Prohibiting residents from dying early. (2)What can we infer from the phrase \ A. The officials in Biritiba Mirim have made these regulations. B. The officials in Biritiba Mirim have been to many places around the world.C. The bill to be proposed by officials in Biritiba Mirim is much too une某pected.D. The officials in Biritiba Mirim have built too many cemeteries in their town.(3)What's the attitude of the mayor of Biritiba Mirim towards the federal regulations? A. He gives strong backing to them. B. He objects to them.C. He remains silent about them.D. He asks the residentsfor advice on them. (4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the te某t?C. The government is going to change the unreasonale and laughable decree.D. No betterresolution of the problems has been thought out. 【答案】(1)D (2)C (3)B (4)D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇新闻报道,由于墓地短缺,巴西城市Biritiba Mirim的官员草拟了一份不准人过早的死去的法案,这引起了当地居民的争论。

(英语)高一英语阅读理解专项训练及答案及分析一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解Thenoiseofchatteringmouthssubsided(停息)astheteacherenteredclassroom.“Goodmorningclass.IamRiffatMonaf,andIwillbeyourgeographyteac her.Riffat”Monaf,aninterestingnameandanevenmoreinterestingperson.Herintroduction tookplace aboutsixyearsago,andsincethenIhavenevermetamoreinfluentialpersoninmylife. MrsMonafnotonlyconqueredmewithhervastknowledgeofgeography,butalsowonmeoverwithhersmileandw armeyes.ItwasinherclassthatItraveledtothehighestmountainsandtothedeepestseasfromthecomfort oftheclassroom.Ilearnedaboutthevastoceans,theeruptingvolcanoes,thesnow-cappedmountainsandthegreenvalleys.Shewouldoftenrelateheradventuresabouttravelingtodifferen tpartsoftheworld. NevercanIforgetthegloryofherfacewhenshetalksabouthowtrulybeautifulthisworldis.IfIsearchbac kmylovefortheenvironmentandgeography,Ifindhertobethesourceofmyloveforpreservingnature.Ifon edayIbecameanenvironmentalist,IknowthatI'llthankherforit.Apartfromthis,shehasalwaysgreetedmewithopenarmsandshecallsherstudents“mychildren”Mrs.Mon af'smoralsandvaluesrubbedoffmedeeplyandIhavealwaystakenheradviceintoconsideration.Shehasbe enoneofthemostconsistentlygoodthingsinmylife.Currently,sheisfightingabattleagainstbreastcancer,anditpainsmetoknowthatafterallshehasdone forme;Icandonothingforherexceptpray.WheneverIseeherinschool,shestillkeepsthatkindsmileanda nexpressionsosoftthatittremblesmyheart.MrsMonafstilltalksenthusiasticallyaboutgeography,an dIknowthatIcanneverseewhatatrulygreatpersonshehasbeeninmylife..1)Whatcanwelearnfromthesecondparagraph?A.Thewritertraveledalot.B.MrsMonafwasalearnedperson.C.Thewriterdidwellatschool.D.MrsMonafenjoyedtellingstories.(2)Theunderlinedword “rubbedoff”means.A.movedB.shockedC.influencedD.defeated3)Whatdoweknowfromthelastparagraph?A.Mrs.Monafwasanoptimisticperson.B.BreastcancermadeMrs.Monafupset.C.Anothergreatpersonmayappearinmylife.D.PrayingforMrs.Monafmadethewritertremble.4)Whatwouldbethebesttitleforthepassage?A.MyInterestingSchoolLifeB.TheTeacher-studentFriendshipC.AnInfluentialPersoninMyLifeD.BraveFightAgainstBreastCancer【答案】(1)B(2)C(3)A(4)C【分析】【剖析】本文是一篇记述文,作者叙述了生命中有影响力的人。

(英语)高二英语阅读理解专项训练及答案及解析一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解Just a few years out of law school, I decided that I wanted to write fictions. The only thing I had ever published before was a law-review article. I had made great efforts to write when I camehome at night after work, but I was too tired. I decided to quit my job.I began my new life on a February morning. I sat down at my kitchen table at 7:30 am andmade a resolution. Every day I would write until lunchtime. Then I would lie down on the floorfor 20 minutes to rest my mind. After that, I would return to work for a few more hours.In my first year, I sold two stories. Then I wrote a novel, but I thought it wasn't good enough, soI ended up putting it in a drawer. My second novel, Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk, waspublished to glowing reviews and received the National Book Critics Circle Award for fiction.My success sounds like a familiar story, but actually it was far from sudden. I quit my job, and for every story I published in those years, I had at least 30 rejections. The novel that I put awayin the drawer took my four years. My breakthrough came in 2006, 18 years after I first sat downto write at my kitchen table.Sometimes genius (天才 ) is just the thing that comes out after 20 years of working at your kitchen. Also, doing something truly creative requires the energy of youth. Orson Welles made hismasterpiece, Citizen Kan, at 25. T. S. Eliot wrote The Love Song of J. Afred Prufrock at 23.(1) When did the author decide to devote himself to writing fictions?A. When he was tired from his work.B. Straight after graduation from law school.C. On being informed his law-review article came out.D. When his hobby was disturbed byhis work.(2) We can infer from the second paragraph that the author.A. led a wealthy lifeB. arranged his life reasonablyC. was too diligent to relax himselfD. remained single(3) What does the author mainly intend to tell us in this passage?A. Failure is the mother of success.B. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.C. It is never too old to learn.D. It is the first step that costs troublesome.(4) Why did the author give the example of Orson Welles and T. S. Eliot?A. To make a comparison between them and himself.B. To show creativity needs energy andefforts.C. To persuade the readers of their great talents.D. To recommend their two masterpieces.【答案】(1) D(2) B(3) A(4) B【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者通过讲述自己成功的经历,进一步证实了“失败是成功之母”的道理。

高二英语阅读理解专项训练100(附)含解析高二英语阅读理解专项训练100( 附答案 ) 含分析一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解Dogs were living as companions to the early settlers of North America over 10,000 years ago. The oldest domestic dogs in the Americas were thought to be around 9500 years old. Angela Perri of Durham University, UK, and her colleagues have carried out fresh radiocarbon dating on thetwo dog skeletons that gave this date, discovered in the prehistoric Koster site in Illinois, and found they were even older: around 10,100 years old.A third dog from another Illinois site called Stilwell II was older still, at 10,190 years old. That makes it the oldest known domesticated dog in the Americas. The team concluded that all three dogs were domesticated as they skeletons were complete and unskinned, and so hadn't been butchered for food. They had also been carefully buried, evidence they were valued by their owners. The Stilwell II dog, which probably resembled a small English settler, was under what seemed to be the floor of a living area. It is unclear why it took so long for tame dogs to arrive in the Americas, given that they were domesticated at least 14,000 years ago in Eurasia. By this time, people were already moving into North America from Siberia; there is evidence some reached Chile 18,500 years ago. Geneticists have found signs of at least three waves of migration over the following millennia. There is no evidence that domestic dogs accompanied them. “ Wedon't know if dogs were part of the first waves of immigration to the Americas" says Luc Janssens of Ghent University in Belgium. "It could be so, but no archaeological bones have yet been found." It is "overwhelmingly probable" that some of the early settlers did bring dogs to the Americas, but they may not have had "the time or the spiritual compulsion to bury them", says Pat Shipman of Pennsylvania State University.(1) How old is the oldest known domestic dog in the Americas7A. About 9500 years.B. About 10,100 years.C. 10,190 years.D. 18,500 years.(2) The underlined word "butchered" in the fourth paragraph could be replaced by.A. killedB. boughtC. trainedD. raised(3) What is the attitude towards when tame dogs arrived in the Americas in the last three paragraphs?A. Undoubted.B. Unsure.(4) What is the main topic of this passage? A. The earliest domestic dog in the Americas. C. How dogs were domesticated in the Americas. Americas.【答案】(1) C(2) A(3) B(4) AC. Indifferent.D. Unconfident.B. The first dog arriving in the Americas.D. When the oldest dog was found in the【分析】【剖析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了大体一万年从前就在北美成为人类伙伴的狗的种类。
【英语】 高考英语阅读理解专项训练100(附答案)含解析

【英语】高考英语阅读理解专项训练100(附答案)含解析一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解Many people have long dreamed of being able to fly around as simply as riding a bicycle. Yet the safety and strength of a flying bike was always a big problem. Over the past 10 years, developments in technology have moved the dream of personal flying vehicles closer to reality. Now, two groups of inventors say such vehicles may be available soon.The British company Malloy Aeronautics has developed a prototype (原型) of its flying bicycle. Grant Stapleton, marketing sales director of Malloy Aeronautics, says the Hoverbike is able to get in and out of small spaces very quickly. It can be moved across continents very quickly because it can be folded and packed, he adds.Mr. Stapleton says safety was the company's main concern. He says the designers solved the safety issue by using overlapping rotors ( 交叠式旋翼 )to power the vehicle.The company is testing a full-size prototype of the Hoverbike, which will most likely be used first by the police and emergency rescue teams.In New Zealand, the Martin Aircraft Company is also testing a full-size prototype of its personal flying device, called the Jetpack. It can fly for more than 30 minutes, up to 1,000 meters high and reach a speed of 74 kilometers per hour.Peter Coker is the CEO of Martin Aircraft Company. He said the Jetpack “is built around safety from the start. In his words, reliability is the most important element of it. We have safety built into the actual structure itself, very similar to a Formula One racing car.”The Jetpack uses a gasoline-powered engine that produces two powerful jet streams. Mr. Coker says it also has a parachute (降落伞) that can be used should there be an emergency. “It starts to work at very low altitude and actual ly saves both the aircraft and the pilot,” he adds. Mr. Coker says the Jetpack will be ready for sale soon.(1)We can learn from the passage that the Hoverbike .A. can hardly get in and out of small spaces quicklyB. can fly for over 30 minutes, up to 1,000 meters highC. has been used by the police and emergency rescue teamsD. can be transported quickly after being folded and packed(2)The writer uses the example of For One racing car to show that .A. the Jetpack is very safe and reliableB. the engine of the Jetpack is powerfulC. the actual structure of the Jetpack is uniqueD. the Jetpack can reach a great speed and height(3)The underlined word “it” in the last paragr aph refers to.A. the jet streamB. the engineC. the JetpackD. the parachute (4)What is the authors main purpose of writing the passage?A. To describe the problems of inventing flying vehicles.B. To introduce the latest development of flying vehicles.C. To show the differences between two flying vehicles.D. To advertise the two personalflying vehicles.【答案】(1)D(2)A(3)D(4)A【解析】【分析】本文为说明文,主要讲述一种个人飞行工具很快就会应用于现实。

高考英语阅读理解(人生百味)专项训练及答案含解析一、高中英语阅读理解人生百味类1.阅读理解Experts note that an unhealthy lifestyle can put you at great risk of heart disease and stroke. So doctors urge us to eat healthy foods, get exercise, stop smoking and limit our alcohol intake. But there is something else you can do. And it is free and easy. Smile!Dr. Chockalingam, a heart disease specialist in Columbia, advises his patients to smile. He says a smile may be one way to help your heart. "When we smile, the brain wiring changes. The chemicals that are released are more positive." He says smiling is the first step in fighting physical and emotional stress and its sometimes harmful effects on human health. This is not just New Age advice. Several studies support his opinion.When you feel stressed or under pressure, your body releases many natural hormones (荷尔蒙) including adrenaline and cortisol. Adrenaline increases your heart rate and blood pressure. Cortisol is the body's main stress hormone. It increases sugar in the bloodstream. If you are truly in danger, these hormones can help you. They are part of what we call our fight-or-flight response. However, when we are stressed for a long period, these stress hormones are ever-present in our bodies. And that, medical researchers warn, may lead to health problems.Researchers say the connection between stress and heart disease is still unclear. However, they claim that when people are stressed for long periods of time, they may have an unhealthy lifestyle, which can lead to health problems.Dr. Chockalingam says a smile may be one way to help. He tells his patients to smile 20 times an hour. To some, that might seem like a lot of smiling. Or some might even feel foolish ... smiling for seemingly no reason. But a smile does not involve drugs. It is not invasive like a surgical operation. It is free and it has no bad side effects."Once people smile, they are relaxing. This relaxation directly lowers blood pressure, improves sugar levels in the blood. If we are smiling, we are breaking that link between stress and health." And it just may provide a little extra protection to everyone's heart health.(1)Which of the following agrees with Dr. Chockalingam's opinion?A.Smile has the same effects as laughter.B.Smile can be used to take the place of medicine.C.Smile is better than any healthy lifestyle to health.D.Smile can make our body produce beneficial chemicals.(2)What can we know about the mentioned stress hormones?A.They can lower our blood pressure.B.They will surely lead to heart diseases.C.They can benefit us when we are in danger.D.They will make us live an unhealthy lifestyle.(3)Why does Dr. Chockalingam think smiling is helpful to our health?A.It can make us relax.B.It increases sugar levels.C.It has little bad side effects.D.It can happen for no reason.(4)What can be the best title for the text?A.A Thorough Analysis of the Causes of Heart DiseasesB.One Thing You Can Do Right Now to Help Your HeartC.One Thing That Is Closely Connected with Stress HormonesD.The Clear Connection Between Unhealthy Lifestyles and Heart Diseases【答案】(1)D(2)C(3)A(4)B【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,哥伦比亚的心脏病专家Chockalingam博士建议多保持微笑,他认为微笑可能是帮助心脏的一种方式。

高三英语阅读理解专项训练 100(附答案 ) 含解析一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解When you go to the doctor, you like to come away with a prescription . It makes you feel better to know you will get some medicine. But the doctor knows that medicine is not always needed. Sometimes all a sick person needs is some reassurance that all will be well. In such cases the doctor may prescribe a placebo.A placebo is a sugar pill, a harmless shot, or ail empty capsule. Even though they have no medicine in them, these things seem to make people well. The patient thinks it is medicine and begins to get better. How does this happen?The study of the placebo opens up new knowledge about the way the human body can heal itself. It is as if there was a doctor in each of us. The doctor will heal the body for us if we let it. But it is not yet known just how the placebo works to heal the body. Some people say it works because the human mind fools itself. These people say that if the mind is fooled into thinking it got medicine, then it will act as if it did, and the body will feel better. Placebos do not always work. The success of this treatment seems to rest a lot with the relationship between the patient and the doctor. If the patient has a lot of trust in the doctor and if the doctor really wants to help the patient, then the placebo is more likely to work. So in a way, the doctor is the most powerful placebo of all.A placebo can also have bad effects. If patients expect a bad reaction to medicine, then they will also show a bad reaction to the placebo. This would seem to show that a lot of how you react to medicine is in your mind rather than in your body. Some doctors still think that if the placebo can have bad effects it should never be used. They think there is still not enough known about it.The strange power of the placebo does seem to suggest that the human mind is stronger than we think it is. There are people who say you can heal your body by using your mind. And the interesting thing is that even people who swear this is not possible have been healed by a placebo .(1) What do we know about placebo according to the passage?A. It contains some sort of medicine.B. It won't function if you are negative about medicine.C. People who don't believe placebo can't be healed by it.D. Patients and doctors know clearly how it helps to heal the body.(2) Why is the doctor sometimes the most powerful placebo?A. The patient needs help badly .B. The patient believes in the doctor .C. The doctor knows better about your body .D. The doctor has carefully studiedmedicine .(3) What does the underlined word “it ” in Paragraph 5 refer to?A. The placebo.B. The bad effect.C. The body.D. The medicine.(4) What is the passage mainly about?B.Placebo : The Most Powerful Medicine C. Placebo : The Best Doctor A. Placebo : Work on Your Mind D. Placeb :o Heal Your Body【答案】 (1) A(2) B(3) B(4) A【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,有时候病人的病并不是需要真正的药物来医治,而是需要医生开一些安慰的药剂,安慰病人的心理使病人的情绪得到舒缓,从而有利于病情的痊愈。

高考英语阅读理解专项训练100( 附答案 ) 含解析一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解Welcome to Holker Hall & GardensVisitor InformationHow to Get to HolkerBy Car: Follow brown signs an A590 from JB6, M6.Approximale travel times: Windermere-20 minutes, Kendal-25 minutes, Lancaster-45 minutes, Manchester----1 hour 30 minutes.By Rail: The nearest station is Cark-in-Cartmel with trains to Carnforth, Lancaster Preston for connections to major cities & airports.Opening TimesSunday-Friday (closed on Saturday)11:00 am-4:00pm,30 March-2nd November.Admission ChargesHall & Gardens GardensAdults: £ 12.00£ 8.00Groups £9£ 5.5Join us to taste a variety of fresh local food and drinks. Meet the producers and get some excellent recipe ideas.The event celebrate its 22nd anniversary with a great show of the very best of gardening, making it one of the most popular events in gardening.Holker once again opens is gardens in aid of the disadvantaged. For just a small donation you can take a tour with our garden guide.This is an event for all the family. Wander among a variety of shops selling gifs while enjoying a live music show and nice street entertainment.(1) How long does it probably take a tourist to drive to Holker from Manchester?A. 20 minutes.B. 25 minutes.C. 45 minutes.D. 90 minutes.(2) How much should a member of a tour group pay to visit to Hall & Cardens?A. £ 12.00.B£. 9.00.C£. 8.0.D£. 5.50.(3) Which event will you go to if you want to see a live music show?A. Producers' Market.B. Holker Garden Festival.C. National Garden Day.D. Winter Market.【答案】(1) D(2) B(3) D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇应用文,介绍了去Holker Hall& Garden 旅游的相关信息,如:出行方式,开放时间,旅行费用以及主要活动等。

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高考英语阅 读理解
一、考纲解读 二、解题策略 三、体裁导读 四、真题典例
阅读理解核心是“理解”。“理解”既包括能准确把握所读材料的表 层(字面意思)内容,还要理解内在含义;又包括能概括文章的主旨大 意,能对语篇、文段的内部结构进行逻辑分析,推断出段落大意、文 章主旨、作者的观点意图及文中未表达的事实、结论。阅读理解材料 内容真实新潮,选材贴近生活,贴近时代,渗透文化意识,强调实际 应用。大致涉及人物趣事、中外交流、社会文化、语言习惯、历史事 件、日常生活、新闻广告、科普知识等等。在体裁上,记叙文、说明 文、议论文和应用文各占一定的比例。
• 4)科学方法图示判断题
• 科普说明文常出现科学方法图示判断题,这种试题或以生物依赖关学—科—网 系为命题题点,要求考生判断正确的生物依赖关系;或以工艺流程为命题题点, 要求考生判断正确的流程顺序,或以生产方法为命题题点,要求考生判断正确 的生产方法;或以机械配制为命题题点,要求考生判断正确的机械配制。解题 时一定要认真阅读分析原文对生物依赖关系、发明创造诞生过程和工艺流程过 程的介绍,并且边读边画简易草图,以提高理解准确率。分析备选项时应对照 原文介绍情况,找出各图不同之处,以便最终做出正确判断。

高考英语阅读理解(科普环保)专项练习含解析一、高中英语阅读理解科普环保类1.薜薜阅读理解"Acting is the least mysterious of all crafts," Marion Brando once said. But for scientists, working out what is going on in an actor's head has always been something of a puzzle.Now, researchers have said actors show different patterns of brain activity depending on whether they are in character or not.Dr Steven Brown, from McMaster University in Canada, said, "It looks like when you are acting, you are suppressing (压制)yourself; almost like the character is possessing you."Brown and colleagues report how 15 actors, mainly theatre students, were trained to take on a Shakespeare role ——either Romeo or Juliet ——in a theatre workshop. They were then invited into the laboratory, where their brains were scanned in a series of experiments.Once inside the MRI scanner, the actors were asked to answer a number of questions, such as: would they go to the party? And would they tell their parents that they had fallen in love?Each actor was asked to respond to different questions, based on two different premises (前提). In one, they were asked for their own perspective, while in the other, they were asked to respond as though they were either Romeo or Juliet.The results revealed that the brain activity differed depending on the situation being tested. The team found that when the actors were in character, they use some third-person knowledge or inferences about their character.The team said they also found additional reduction in activity in two regions of the prefrontal cortex (前额皮质)linked to the sense of self, compared with when the actors were responding as themselves.However, Philip Davis, a professor at the University of Liverpool, was unimpressed by the research, saying acting is about far more than "pretending" to be someone — it involves embodying (体现)the text and language.(1)How did Dr Brown's team conduct their research?A.By scanning the brain activity of some actors.B.By doing a survey with some theatre goers.C. By interviewing some theatre teachers.D. By consulting some experienced researchers.(2)What is the finding of Dr Brown's research?A.Acting is not as mysterious as people think.B.Actors' brain activity differs when they are acting.C.Acting is far more than pretending to be the character.D.Actors' brain activity is more active when they are in character.(3)How did Philip Davis react to the research?A. He supported it.B. He doubted it.C. He explained it.D. He advocated it.(4)What is the text mainly about?A. A debate of how the brain functions.B. A play written by Shakespeare.C. A research on the brain activity of actors.D. A report of the cooperation of scientists and actors.【答案】( 1 ) A( 2) B( 3) B( 4) C【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一项对于演员大脑活动的研究。

【英语】高三英语阅读理解专项训练100(附答案)含解析一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解Many scientists today are convinced that life exists elsewhere in the universe---life probably much like that on our own planet. They reason in the following way.As far as astronomers can determine, the entire universe is built of the same matter. They have no reason to doubt that matter obeys the same laws in every part of the universe. Therefore, it is reasonable to guess that other stars, with their own planets, were born in the same way as our own solar system. What we know of life on earth suggests that life will arise wherever the proper conditions exist.Life requires the right amount and kind of atmosphere. This eliminates(除去) all those planets in the universe that are not about the same size and weight as the earth. A smaller planet would lose its atmosphere; a larger one would hold too much of it.Life also requires a steady supply of heat and light. This eliminates double stars, or stars that flare up suddenly. Only single stars that are steady sources of heat and light like our sun would qualify.Finally, life could evolve(进化) only if the planet is just the right distance from its sun. With a weaker sun than our own, the planet would have to be closer to it. With a stronger sun, it would have to be farther away.If we suppose that every star in the universe has a family of planets, then how many planets might support life? First, eliminate those stars that are not like our sun. Next eliminate most of their planets; they are either too far from or too close to their suns. Then eliminate all those planets which are not the same size and weight as the earth. Finally, remember that the proper conditions do not necessarily mean that life actually does exist on a planet. It may not have begun yet, or it may have already died out.This process of elimination seems to leave very few planets on which earthlike life might be found. However, even if life could exist on only one planet in a million, there are so many billions of planets that this would still leave a vast number on which life could exist.(1)The existence of life depends on all of the following factors EXCEPT .A.the right amount of atmosphereB.our own solar systemC.steady heat and lightD.the right distance from the sun(2)Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?A.The planet must be as big and heavy as the earth.B.Proper conditions are essential to the existence of life.C.Double stars can provide steady light and heat.D.The distance between a planet and its sun should be right.(3)What kind of planet might NOT support life?A.Most of the planets of the stars.B.Stars similar to our sun.C.Planets similar to the earth.D.Planets with proper conditions.(4)At the end of the passage the author suggests that .A.it is impossible for life to exist on planetsB.earthlike life could only exist on a few planetsC.life could exist on only one planet in a millionD.life could exist on a great number of planets【答案】(1)B(2)C(3)A(4)D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,整个宇宙都是由同一种物质构成的,物质在宇宙的每一部分都遵循同样的规律。

(英语)高中英语阅读理解解题技巧讲解及练习题(含答案)一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解The annual World Economic Forum (经济论坛) took place in Davos, Switzerland, in Jan 23 -26, 2018. What did Chinese entrepreneurs (企业家) speak in the forum? Are there some quotable quotes for you?Jack Ma, founder and executive chairman of Alibaba Group“I think globalization cannot be stopped --- no one can stop globalization, no one can stop trade. If trade stops, the world stops. Trade is the way to dissolve the war not cause the war,”said Ma in Davos, “Google, Facebook, Amazon and Alibaba we are the luckiest companies of this century. But we have the responsibility to have a good heart, and do something good.”Richard Liu, founder and chief executive officer of JD“Business is not only a way to make money but also a way to contribute yourself, to help people,” Liu said in a speech in Davos.”How can we face the fractured (分化的) world? That's the topics of the Davos this year. I think a very important thing in business is cooperation. If we can unite, work together, (if) we work very closely, I think we can bring more hope to the people and we can build more trust between the people, countries and companies and partners,” he said.Jane Sun, CEO of Ctrip“Tourism is a sunrise industry. Since I entered Ctrip, every year there are new comers, which, first of all, shows that tourism is booming.” Sun told in Davos. “We invested heavily in ABC. A refers to AI, B is big data, and C is cloud computing. As we continue to expand overseas, thes e three will be very good weapons for us. So we think those mean opportunity,” she said.Hu Xiaoming, president of Aliyun“In 2018, people will see the development in various countries more closely connected with cloud computing. More manufacturing enterprises and financial institutions will start to use 'cloud', and cloud computing will increase the efficiency of technology and finance,” Hu told Xinhua in Davos.(1)What do Chinese entrepreneurs like Jack Ma and Richard Liu focus more on?A. More huge jumps in profits.B. The joined efforts of mankind.C. Reducing production costs.D. The role of science in business.(2)What is the main business of Ctrip?A. Tourism.B. The creation of AI.C. Computer.D. Financial service online.(3)What does Hu think will promote global economic development?A. Economy recovery.B. The World Economic Forum.C. Cloud computing.D. Financial efficiency.【答案】(1)B(2)A(3)C【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文,文章介绍了中国企业家在达沃斯论坛上发表的一些观点。

高考英语阅读理解(人物故事)专项训练及答案含解析一、高中英语阅读理解人物故事类1.阅读理解On March 25, 2010, Kate and David heard the words every parent dreads: Their newborn wasn't going to make it. Their twins-a girl and a boy-were born two minutes apart and 14 weeks premature, weighing just over two pounds each. Doctors had tried to save the boy for 20 minutes but saw no improvement. His heartbeat was nearly gone, and he'd stopped breathing. The baby had just moments to live."I saw him gasp (喘息), but the doctor said it was no use," Kate told the Daily Mail five years later. "I know it sounds stupid, but if he was still gasping, that was a sign of life. I wasn't going to give up easily."Still, the couple knew this was likely a goodbye. In an effort to cherish her last minutes with the tiny boy, Kate asked to hold him."I wanted to meet him, and for him to know us," Kate told Today. "We'd resigned ourselves to the fact that we were going to lose him, and we were just trying to make the most of those last, precious moments."Kate unwrapped the boy, whom the couple had already named Jamie, from his hospital blanket and asked David to take his shirt off and join them in bed. The first-time parents wanted their son to be as warm as possible and hoped the skin-to-skin contact would improve his condition. They also talked to him."We were trying to persuade him to stay," Kate told the Daily Mail. "We explained his name and that he had a twin that he had to look out for and how hard we had tried to have him." Then something miraculous happened. Jamie gasped again-and then he started breathing. Finally, he reached for his father's finger.The couple's lost boy had made it."We're the luckiest people in the world," David told Today.Eight years later, Jamie and his sister, Emily, are happy and healthy. The couple only recently told the kids the story of their birth. "Emily burst into tears," Kate said. "She was really upset, and she kept hugging Jamie. This whole experience makes you cherish them more."(1)What can we learn about the newborn babies?A. The boy's heart had stopped beating.B. The boy was 2 minutes older than the girl.C. The twins were born 14 weeks before the due date.D. The twins were expected to live for only 20 minutes.(2)When the couple knew they would lose the boy, they .A. begged the doctor to save himB. took his shirt off and then put him in bedC. wrapped him with his blanket to keep him warmD. talked to him and made close physical contact with him(3)What's the best title for the passage?A. The Power of Hug.B. The Miracle of Love.C. The Bond Between Twins.D. The Responsibility of Parents.【答案】(1)C(2)D(3)B【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,一对双胞胎出生时,医生告诉他们的父母男孩难以存活,只有几分钟的时间了。

【英语】高一英语阅读理解专项训练100(附答案)及解析一、高中英语阅读理解1.阅读理解Three boys were enjoying themselves in their hometown of Bovina, Mississippi .However, their lives were turned upside down when they discovered the jawbone of a Mastodon (齿乳象).Brothers Shawn and Caid Sellers and cousin Michael Mahalitc found the prehistoric bone in a piece of earth that was recently plowed (犁、耕)."I thought it was a log," Caid said. "I tried to pick it up and it was really heavy and I saw teeth on it." The bone weighed about 50 pounds. They eventually got the bone to their home and fitted it in their tub (浴盆), but it took their collective strength, might and a golf cart, to carry the large Mastodon bone."They didn't expect to find that," Michael's mom said. "Now that they have, I believe that they will be more aware of their surroundings and what they're digging up when they are digging and playing.""We've gotten a lot of petrified (石化的) wood and Civil War relics from the area and that's what I thought it was," the brothers' mother said. "This is our first set of teeth we've found. So we thought it was their imagination. We were quite surprised to see that it was not their imagination."They were exploring near the brothers' home. Lo and behold (真想不到), they saw what they thought resembled a fossil. It was the curator of paleontology (古生物负责人) of the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science, George Phillips, who first identified the bone as a "very mature individual."The Mastodon was a mammal who lived during the prehistoric times. They had long tusks and trunks, like elephants. They were clearly different from their modern-day counterparts, as well as woolly mammoths (猛犸).(1)How did they find the jawbone of a Mastodon?A. With great efforts.B. By chance.C. Instructed by an expert.D. Through imagination.(2)At first the brothers' mother thought the jawbone was .A. from people who died in the Civil WarB. the bone from a very mature individualC. like a log or somethingD. the prehistoric bone(3)The discovery of the jawbone of a Mastodon is important mainly because it .A. helps people to know more about the Civil WarB. teaches kids to be more aware of their surroundingsC. promotes the research on more prehistoric creaturesD. attracts the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science(4)Which of the following can be the best title for the article?A. Prehistoric Bones Recently Found in MississippiB. Not Petrified Wood Nor Civil War RelicsC. First Identifying Bone as a "Very Mature Individual"D. Unexpectedly Discovering Mastodon Jawbone【答案】(1)B(2)A(3)C(4)D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,美国密西西比的三个男孩在玩耍的时候无意中发现了齿乳象的颚骨,起初他们并不知道这是史前生物的遗骸,所发现的遗骸对史前生物的研究有较强的促进作用。

阅读理解专项练习一:Do dogs understand us?Be careful what you say around your dog. It might understand more than you think.A border collie named Rico recognizes the names of about 200 objects, say researchers in Germany. The dog also appears to be able to learn new words as easily as a 3-year-old child. Its word-learning skills are as good as those of a parrot or chimpanzee(黑猩猩.In one experiment, the researchers took all 200 items that Rico is supposed to know and divided them into 20 groups of 10 objects. Then the owner told the dog to go and fetch one of the items and bring it back. In four tests, Rico got 37 out of 40 commands right. As the dog couldn't see anyone to get clues, the scientists believe Rico must understand the meanings of certain words.In another experiment, the scientists took one toy that Rico had never seen before and put it in a room with seven toys whose names the dog already knew. The owner then told Rico to fetch the object, using a word the dog had never heard before.The correct object was chosen in seven out of l0 tests, suggesting that the dog had workedout the answer by process of elimination(排除法. A month later, Rico remembered half of the new names, which is even more impressive.Rico is thought to be smarter than the average dog. For one thing, Rico is a border collie, a breed (品种known for its mental abilities. In addition, the 9-year-old dog has been trained to fetch toys by their names since the age of nine months.It's hard to know if all dogs understand at least some of the words we say. Even if they do, they can't talk back. Still, it wouldn't hurt to sweet-talk your dog every now and then. You might just get a big, wet kiss in return!60. From paragraph 2 we know that __ .A. animals are as clever as human beingsB. dogs are smarter than parrots and chimpanzeesC. chimpanzees have very good word-learning skillsD. dogs have similar 'learning abilities as 3-year-old children61. Both experiments show that .A. Rico is smart enough to get all commands rightB. Rico can recognize different things including toysC. Rico has developed the ability of learning mathematicsD. Rico won't forget the names of objects once recognizing them62. Which of the following statements is true?A. The purpose of the experiments is to show the border collie's mental abilities.B. Rico has a better memory partly because of its proper early training.C. The border collie is world-famous for recognizing objects.D. Rico is born to understand its owner's commands.63. What does the writer want to tell us?A. To train your dog.B. To talk to your dog.C. To be friendly to your dog.D. To be careful with your dog.4Paynes Prairie(usedHave you ever heard of Paynes Prairie? It is one of the most important natural and historical areas in Florida. Paynes Prairie is located near Gainesville. It is large, 21 000 acres. This protected land is called a preserve. The Florida Park Servicemanage the preserve.The Paynes Prairie basin was formed when limestone dissolved and the ground settled. It is covered by marsh(沼泽and wet prairie vegetation. There are areas of open water. During brief periods it has flooded enough to be considered a lake. Except for that, the basin has changed little through time.Man has lived on Paynes Prairie a very long time. He lived there as far back as 10000 B. C. At one time, the Seminoles lived there. The prairie is thought to have been named after King Payne, a Seminole chief. During the late 1600s, the largest cattle ranch in Florida was on Paynes Prairie. Today, Paynes Prairie is preserved land . It is occupied by visitors and Florida Park Service employees.Willam Bartram visited Paynes Praire. Bartram was the first person who portrayed (describednature through personal experience as well as scientific observation. He lived 200 years ago. He visited Paynes Prairie in 1774. At that time he described it. He called Paynes Prairie the "great Alachua Savannah."Most of the animal life, which Bartram described, is still here. A large number of sandhill cranes, hawks and waterfowl are here in winter. The animal diversity is increased by the presence of pine flatwoods, hammock, swamps and ponds.The Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park is open year round. The Florida Park Service works hard so that the park will appear as it did in the past. It offers many opportunities for recreation. At the park you can camp and picnic. You can hike and bike. You can boat and fish. You can ride on horse trails. And you can see lots of nature and wildlife. You can see Florida as it was in the early days.Paynes Prairie is a part of our Florida history. It is an example of our Florida natural resources. It is a place for recreation. Paynes Prairie is an important experience of the Real Florida.64. How was the Paynes Prairie basin formed?A. By the Seminole Indians.B. By the Florida Park Service.C. From dissolved limestone and the ground settling.D. From lots of flooding and wet prairie vegetation.65. The underlined word "diversity" means “.”A. varietyB. societyC. populationD. area66. All of the following are true EXCEPT that __ .A. Paynes Prairie has changed little through timeB. Paynes Prairie is covered by wet prairie grassesC. there used to be a big cattle farm on Paynes PrairieD. William Bartram was the first person~ to visit Paynes Prairie67. The purpose of the passage is to .A. call on people to protect widlifeB. attract people to this preserved parkC. show you the formation of Paynes PrairieD. introduce the recorded history of Paynes Prairie5NOT all memories are sweet. Some people spend all their lives trying to forget bad experiences. Violence and traffic accidents can leave people with terrible physical and emotional scars. Often they relive these experiences in nightmares.Now American researchers think they are close to developing a pill, which will help people forget bad memories.The pill is designed to be taken immediately after a frightening experience. They hope it might reduce ,or possibly erase(抹去,the effect of painful memories.In November, experts tested a drug on people in the US and France. The drug stops the body releasing chemicals that fix memories in the brain. So far the research hassuggested that only the emotional effects of memories may be reduced, not that the memories are erased.The research has caused a great deal of argument. Some think it is a bad idea, While others support it.Supporters say it could lead to pills that prevent or treat soldiers' troubling memories after war. They say that there are many people who suffer from terrible memories."Some memories can ruin people's lives . They come back to you when you don't want to have them in a daydream or nightmare. They usually come with very painful emotions," said Roger Pitman, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. "This could relieve a lot of that suffering."But those who are against the research say that changing memories is very dangerous because memories give us our identity (特质. They also help us all avoid the mistakes of the past."All of us can think of bad events in our lives that were horrible at the time but make us who we are. I'm not sure we want to wipe those memories out, "said Rebecca Dresser, a medical ethicist.68. The passage is mainly about .A. a new medical inventionB. a new research on the pillC. a way of erasing painful memoriesD. an argument about the research on the pill69. The drug tested on people can .A. cause the brain to fix memoriesB. stop people remembering bad experiencesC. prevent body producing certain chemicalsD. Wipe out the emotional effects of memories70. We can infer from the passage that .A. people doubt the effects of the pillsB. the pill will stop people's bad experiencesC. taking the pill will do harm to people's healthD. the pill has probably been produced in America71. Which of the following does Rebecca Dresser agree with?A. Some memories can ruin people's lives.B. People want to get rid of bad memories.C. Experiencing bad events makes us different from others.D. The pill will reduce people's sufferings from bad memories.6What's your dream vacation? Watching wildlife in Kenya? Boating down the Amazon? Sunbathing in Malaysia? New chances are opening up all the time to explore the world. So we visit travel agents, compare packages and prices ,and pay our money.We know what our vacation costs us. But do we know what it might cost someone else? It's true that many poorer countries now depend on tourism for foreign income. Unfortunately, though, tourism often harms the local people more than it helps them.It might cost their homes and lands. In Myanmar, 5,200 people were forced to leave their homes among the pagodas(佛塔in Bagan so that tourists could visit the pagodas.Tourism might also cost the local people their livelihood and dignity. Local workers often find only menial(卑微的jobs in the tourist industry. And most of the profits do not help the local economy. Instead, profits return to the tour operators in wealthier countries, When the Maasai people in Tanzania were driven from their lands, some moved to city slums. Others now make a little money selling souvenirs or posing for photos.Problems like these were Observed more that 20 years ago. But now some non-government organizations, tour operators and local governments are working together to begin correcting them. Tourists, too, are putting on the pressure.The result is responsible tourism, or “ethical tourism.” Ethical tourism has people at its heart. New international agreements and codes of conduct can help protect the people's lands, homes, economies and cultures. The beginnings are small, though, and the problems are complex.But take heart. The good news is that everyone, including us, can play a part to help the local people in the placeswe visit. Tour operators and companies can help by making sure that local people work in good conditions and earn reasonable wages.They can make it a point to use only locally owned hotel, restaurants and guide services. They can share profits fairly to help the local economy. And they can involve the local people in planning and managing tourism.What can tourists do? First, we can ask tour companies to provide information about the conditions of local citizens. We can then make our choices and tell them why. And while we're abroad, we can:Buy local foods and products, not imported ones.Pay a fair price for goods and services and not bargain for the cheapest price.Avoid flaunting wealth.Ask before taking photographs of people.They are not just part of the landscape!Let's enjoy our vacation and make sure others do, too.72. What is probably the best title for the article?A. Tourism Causes Bad Effects.B. Tourism Calls for Good Behavior.C. Vacations Bring a Lot of Fun.D. Vacations Cost More Than You Think73. Which of the following is not mentioned?A. Local people were well paid to leave their lands.B. Tourists may stay in hotels opened by local people.C. Local people are mainly provided with low-paying work.D. Tourists could bargain with local people for a reasonable price.74. The underlined phrase "take heart" means" ".A. pay attentionB. take careC. cheer upD. calm down75. According to the passage, the writer thinks .A. tourism is not a promising industryB. dream vacations should be spent abroadC. the problems caused by tourism are easy to settleD. tourists should respect local customs and culture7Robert Owen was born in Wales in 1771. At the age of ten he went to work. His employer had a large private library so Owen was able to educate himself. He read a lot in his spare time and at nineteen he was given the job of superintendent(监工 at a Manchester cotton mill. He was so successful there that he persuaded his employer to buy the New Lanark mill in Scotland.When he arrived at New Lanark it was a dirty little town with a population of 2,000 people. Nobody paid any attention to the workers' houses or their children's education. The conditions in the factories were very bad. There was a lot of crime and the men spent most of their wages on alcoholic drinks.Owen improved the houses. He encouraged people to be clean and save money. He opened a shop and sold the workers cheap, well-made goods to help them. He limited the sale of alcoholic drinks. Above all, he fixed his mind on the children's education. In 1816 he opened the first free primary school in Britain.People came from all over the country to visit Owen's factory. They saw that the workers were healthier and more efficient than in other towns. Their children were better fed and better educated. Owen tried the same experiment in the United States. He bought some land there in 1825,but the community was too far away. He could not keep it under control and lost most of his money.Owen never stopped fighting for his idea. Above all he believed that people are not born good or bad. He was a practical man and his ideas were practical. "If you give people good working conditions," he thought, "they will work well and, the most important thing of all, if you give them the chance to learn, they will be better people."56. For Owen, his greatest achievement in New Lanark was _____________.A. improving worker's housesB. helping people to save moneyC. preventing men from getting drunkD. providing the children with a good education57. From the passage we may infer that Owen was born ___________.A. into a rich familyB. into a noble familyC. into a poor familyD. into a middle class family58. Owen's experiment in the United States failed because _______.A. he lost all his moneyB. he did not buy enough landC. people who visited it were not impressedD. it was too far away for him to organize it properly59. We may infer form the passage that no children in Britain could enjoy free education until ____.A. 1771B. 1816C. 1825D. 18608Do you want to improve the way you study? Do you feel nervous before a test? Many students say that a lack of concentration (注意力 is their biggest problem. It seriously affects their ability to study, so do their test results.If so, use these tips to help you.Study Techniques●You should always study in the same place. You shouldn’t sit in a position that yo u use foranother purpose. For example, when you sit on a sofa to study, your brain will think it is time to relax. Don’t watch TV while you are studying. Experts warn that your concentration may be reduced by 50 percent if you attempt to study in this way. Always try to have a white wall in front of you, so there is nothing to distract (make less concentrated you. Before sitting down to study, gather together all the equipment you need. Apart from your textbooks, pens, pencils and knives, make sure you have a dictionary. If your study desk or table is needed when you are not studying, store all your equipment in a box beside it.●Your eyes will become tired if you try to read a text which is on a flat surface. Position yourbook at an angle of 30 degrees.●Be realistic and don’t try to complete too much in one study period. Finish one thing beforebeginning another. If you need a break, get up and walk around for a few minutes, but try not to telephone a friend or have something to eat.Test-taking Skills●A ll your hard work will be for nothing if you are too nervous to take your test. Getting plenty ofrest is very important. This means do not study all night before your test! It is a better idea to have a long-term study plan. Try to make a timetable for your study which lasts for a few months.●Exercise is a great way to reduce pressure. Doing some form of exercise every day will alsoimprove your concentration. Eat healthy food too.●When you arrive in the examination room, find your seat and sit down. Bre athe slowly anddeeply. Check the time on the clock during the test, but not too often. Above all, take no notice of everyone else and give the test paper your undivided attention.65. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A. You should study in a different place every day, so you don’t get bored.B. Your concentration will improve if you study and watch TV at the same time.C. Check the time during the exam at a certain time.D. Staying up all night and studying is tiring, but you will learn a lot using this method.66. What does the underlined word “it” refer to?A. Your study desk or table.B. Your textbook.C. Your dictionary.D. The equipment you need.67. What can be inferred from the passage?A. You shouldn’t look at ever yone else during the test.B. You will have enough energy to deal with your study and exams by eating healthy diet.C. You’ll concentrate more if there is nothing to distract you.D. If you feel tired during study, you can walk around for a few minutes.9On June 17, 1774, the officials from Maryland and Virginia held a talk with the Indians of the Six Nations. The Indians were invited to send boys to William and Mary College. In a letter the next day they refused the offer as follows: We know that you have a high opinion of the kind of learning taught in your colleges, and that the costs of living of our young men, while with you, would be very expensive to you. We are convinced that you mean to do us good by your proposal; and we thank you heartily. But you must know that different nations have different ways of looking at things, and you will therefore not be offended if our ideas of this kind of education happen not to be the same as yours. We have had some experience of it. Several of our young people were formerly brought up at the college of the northern provinces: they were taught all your sciences; but when they came back to us, they were bad manners, ignorant of every means of living in the woods– they were totally good for nothing. We are, however, not the less obliged by your kind offer, though we refuse to accept it; and, to show our grateful sense of it, if the gentlemen of Virginia will send us a dozen of their sons, we will take care of their education, teach them all we know, and make men of them. 68. The passage is about____. A. the talk between the Indians and the officials B. the colleges of the northern provinces C. the educational values of the Indians D. the problems of the Americans in the mid-eighteen century 69. The Indian chief’s pur pose of writing the letter seems to be to ____. A. politely refuse a friendly offer B. express their opinions on equal treatment C. show their pride D. describe Indian customs 70. According to the letter, the Indians believed that ____. A. it would be better for their boys to receive some schooling B. they were being insulted by the offer C. they knew more about science than the officials D. they had better way of educating young men 71. Different from the officials’ view of education, the Indians thought ____. A. young women should also be educated B. theyhad different goals of education C. they taught different branches of science D. they should teach the sons of the officials first 10 Never go into a supermarket hungry! This is a good piece of advice. If you go shopping for food before lunchtime, you’ll probably buy more than you plan to. Unfortunately, however, just this advice isn’t enough for consumers these days. Modern shoppers need an education in how and how not to buy things at the store. First, you check the weekly newspaper ads. Find out the items that are on sale and decide if you really need these things. In other words, don’t buy anything just because it’s cheaper than usual! “New and Improved!” or “All Natural” on the front of a package influence you. Instead, read the list of ingredients(contents on the back. Third, compare prices: that is, you should examine the prices of both different brands and different sizes of the same brand. Another suggestion for consumers is to buy ordinary items instead of famous brands. Ordinary items in supermarkets come in plain packages. These products are cheaper because producers don’t spend much money on packing or advertising. The quality, however, is usually as good as the quality of well-known name brands. In the same way, in buying clothes, you can often find high quality and low prices in brands that are not famous. Shopping in discount clothing stores can help you save a lot of money. Although these stores aren’t very attractive, and they usually do not have individual dressing rooms, not only are the prices low, but you can often find the same famous brands that you find in high-priced department stores. Wise consumers read magazine ads and watch TV commercials, but they do this with one advantage: knowledge of the psychology behind the ads. In other words, well-informed consumers watch for information and check for misinformation. They ask themselves questions: Is the advertiser hiding something in small print at the bottom of the page? Is there any real information in the commercial, or is the advertiser simply showing an attractive image? With the answers to these questions, consumers can make a wise choice. 72. All the following statements are true about the phrase “ordinary items” in Paragraph 2 excep t____. A. ordinary items never say “New and Improved” or “All Natural” B. ordinary products are usually cheaper than famous brands C. producers spend less money onpackaging of ordinary items D. the quality of ordinary items is usually as good as that of famous brands 73. What does the writer think about ads? A. They are believable. B. They are attractive. C. They are full of misinformation. D. They are helpful to consumers. 74. One of the author’s suggestions to consumers is ____.A. to make use of adsB. not to buy items with words like “New and Improved” or “All Natural”C. to buy high quality items such as famous brands after lunchD. to buy any ordinary items instead of famous brands 75. The author implies that ____. A. going into the supermarket hungry, you may buy more than you plan to B. the quality of ordinary items is usually high and the prices are relatively low C. discount clothing stores are good places to go to D. ads sometimes don’t tell the truth 11 Language learning begins with listening. Children are greatly different in the amount of listening they do before they start speaking, and later starters are often long listeners .Most children will “obey” spoken instructions some time before they can speak, though the word “obey” is hardly accurate as a description of the eager and delighted cooperation usually shown by the child .Before they can speak, many children will also ask questions by gesture and by making questioning noises. Any attempt to study the development from the noises babies make to their first spoken words leads to considerable difficulties. It is agreed that they enjoy making noises, and that during the first few months one or two noises sort themselves as particularly expressive as delight, pain, friendliness, and so on. But since these can’t be said to show the baby’s intention to communicate, they can hardly be regarded as early forms of language. It is agreed, too, that from about three months they play with sounds for enjoyment, and that by six months they are able to add new words to their store. This self-imitation(模仿)leads on to deliberate(有意的)imitation of sounds made or words spoken to them by other people. The problem then arises as to the point at which one can say that these imitations can be considered as speech. It is a problem we need to get out teeth into. The meaning of a word depends on what a particular person means by it in a particular situation and it is clear that what a child means by a word will change as he gains more experience of the world .Thus the use atseven months of “mama” as a greeting for his mother cannot be dismissed as a meaningless sound simply because he also uses it at other times for his father, his dog, or anything else he likes. Playful and meaningless imitation of what other people say continues after the child has begun to speak for himself, I doubt, however whether anything is gained when parents take advantage of this ability in an attempt to teach new sounds. 51. Before children start speaking________. A. they need equal amount of listening B. they need different amounts of listening C. they are all eager to cooperate with the adults by obeying spoken instructions D. they can’t understand and obey the adult’s oral instructions 52. Children who start speaking late ________. A. may hav e problems with their listening B. probably do not hear enough language spoken around them C. usually pay close attention to what they hear D. often take a long time in learning to listen properly 53. A baby’s first noises are ________. A. an expression of his moods and feelings B. an early form of language C. a sign that he means to tell you something D. an imitation of the speech of adults 54. The problem of deciding at what point a baby’s imitations can be considered as speech________. A. is important because words have different meanings for different people B. is not especially important because the changeover takes place gradually C. is one that should be properly understood because the meaning of words changes with age D. is one that should be completely ignored(忽略)because children’s use of words is often meaningless 55. The speakerimplies________. A. parents can never hope to teach their children new sounds B. children no longer imitate people after they begin to speak C. children who are good at imitating learn new words more quickly D. even after they have learnt to speak, children still enjoy imitating 12 The Peales were a famous family of American artists. Charles Willson Peale is best remembered for his portraits of leading figures of the American Revolution. He painted portraits of Franklin and Jefferson and over a dozen of George Washington. His life-size portrait of his sons Raphaelle and Titian was so realistic that George Washington reportedly once tipped his hat to the figures in the picture. Charles Willson Peale gave up painting in his middle age and devoted his life to the Pealemuseum, which he founded in Philadelphia. The world’s first popular museum of art and natural science mainly covered paintings by Peale and his family aswell as displays of animals in their natural settings. Peale found the animals himself and found a method to make the exhibits more lifelike. The museum’s most popular display was the skeleton (骷髅 of a huge, extinct elephant, which Peale unearthed on a New York fa rm in 1801. Three of Peale’s seventeen children were also famous artists. Paphaelle Peale often painted still lives of flowers, fruit, and cheese. His brother Rembrandt studied under his father and painted portraits of many noted people, including one of George Washington. Another brother, Rubens Peale, painted mostly landscapes and portraits. James Peale, the brother of Charles Willson Peale, specialized in miniatures (小画像. His daughter Sarah Miriam Peale was probably the first professional female portrait painter in America. 71. What is the main topic of the passage? A. The life of Charles Willson Peale. B. Portraits in the 18th century. C. The Peale Museum. D. A family of artists. 72. The author mentions in Paragraph 1 that Washington tipped his hat to th e figures in the painting to show that ________. A. Charles Willson Peale’s painting was very lifelike B. Washington respected Charles Willson Peale’s work C. Washington was friendly with Raphaelle and Titian Peale D. the painting of the two brothers was very large 73. The underlined word “unearthed” is closest in meaning to“ ______”. A. showed B. dug up C. invented D. looked over 74. Which of the following is NOT the child of Charles Willson Peale? D. Sarah Miriam Peale. A. Titian Peale. B. Rubens Peale. C. Raphaelle Peale. 75. The author’s attitude toward the Peales is in general _______. A. puzzled B. excited C. admiring D. disappointed。
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考生应能:(1) 理解主旨要义。
(2) 理解文中具体信息。
(3) 根据上下文推断单词和短语的含义。
(4) 根据所读内容做出判断和推理。
(5) 理解文章的基本结构。
(6) 理解作者的意图、观点和态度。
一、命题1. 题材非常广泛:包括日常生活、学校生活、人际关系、兴趣爱好、个人经历、实验报告、饮食健康、语言文化、社会现象、环境保护、旅游交通、服务指引等。
2. 短文体裁多样:文体包括信息类、记叙文、报道类(社会现象或社会热点)、说明文(特别是最新研究或调查发现等科普类说明文)、议论文等。
3. 长度比较稳定:一般说来,四篇阅读文章的长度,全国Ⅰ卷1100~1200词;Ⅱ卷和Ⅲ卷1000~1200词。
5. 考点分布均匀:所测试的信息点在文中的分布大致均匀。
6. 细节决定成败:细节题占的比例最大,一般有7~10题;其次是推理判断题,考4~7题;词义推断题考1~2题;主旨大意题1~2题。
准确理解细节不但有助于提高细节题的得分率,而且也是做好推理判断题的前提,因此,细节决定成败!7. 答案分布均等:A、B、C、D四个选项为正确答案的次数一般是均等或大致均等。
)1. 略读(skimming)——了解文章大意以最快的速度跳跃式地浏览文章的标题、首尾段、每段的首尾句,以及表示句、段关系的连接性词语(特别是however,but,therefore等)后的内容等重要部分,以了解文章的主旨大意或段落大意。
2. 查读(scanning) ——寻找所需信息也叫寻读,就是带着问题,特别是带着一两个特征词(如专有名词、缩写、数字等),寻找到我们所需要的信息在文中的位置,进行信息定位。
3. 研读(study reading)——理解深层含义通过略读了解文章主旨和通过查读找到相关信息之后,在相关范围内逐句、逐词地阅读,不仅要理解其字面意思,而且要结合语境,通过分析、比较、综合、联想等方法,并结合自己已有的知识和经验进行推理、判断,来理解文章的深层含义,以及作者的立场、观点、态度和意图等。
我们推荐以下步骤:1. 抓大意:用略读法了解文章及各段的大意,便于快速信息定位。
2. 读题干:了解题目问什么,并在题干中找出便于定位的特征词。
3. 定位信息:带着问题和特征词,用查读法到文中找到相关句段。
特别提醒:了解命题的顺序性和考点分布的均匀性原则,对迅速定位信息非常有用!4. 研读:理解所找到的相关句段,有的还要根据背景常识进行简单的推理或判断,对比各选项,做出选择。
5. 综合:考虑各题所选选项,看是否切合全文主旨。
注:分析长难句像“I am a student.”和“I love you.”这样的主系表和主谓宾结构的句子,几乎跟汉语一样,是非常容易理解的。
再长再难的句子,如果去掉修饰语,也会像“I am a student.”和“I love you.”一样简单。
一、分析长难句的基本方法是分清“三长两短”,将三长两短用括号括起来,找到句子主干(主谓语或主系表),即删除枝节,提取主干[例1] (2018年全国Ⅱ卷▪C篇) According to the report’s key findings, “the proportion (比例) whosay they ‘never’ or ‘hardly ever’ read for fun has gone from 8 percent of 13-year-olds and 9 percent of 17-year-olds in 1984 to 22 percent and 27 percent respectively today.”[分析]本句长达44个词。
将三长两短用括号括起来就是:(According to the report’s key findings,) “the proportion (比例) [who say (they ‘never’ or ‘hardly ever’ read for fun)] has gone [from 8percent of 13-year-olds and 9 percent of 17-year-olds (in 1984) to 22 percent and 27 percent] (respectively) (today).”主干是:the proportion (比例) has gone. 。
句中,who引导定语从句修饰先行词the proportion;而在这个定语从句中,they ‘never’ or ‘hardly ever’ read fo r fun是省略了that的宾语从句,作say的宾语。
二、另外,由and, or, not only...but also等连接的并列成分或平行结构,也会使句子变长。
[例2] (2018年全国Ⅱ卷▪D篇)We’ve all been there: (in a lift), (in line at the bank) or (on an airplane), {surrounded by people [who are, (like us), (deeply) focused on their smartphones or, (worse), strugglingwith the uncomfortable silence]}.[分析]本句为复合句。
主干是We’ve all been there,冒号后的三个并列介词短语用来解释说明there的具体内容;surrounded by people...为过去分词短语作伴随状语,在这个过去分词短语中又含一个who引导的定语从句,修饰people,like us在从句中作插入语,or连接focused…和struggling…两个并列结构。
[例3] (2018年全国Ⅱ卷▪D篇) (Dismissing small talk as unimportant) is easy, but we can’t forget [that deep relationships wouldn’t even exist (if it weren’t for casual conversation)].[分析]本句虽然不长,却很复杂。
全句是由but连接的两个并列分句,前一个并列句中Dismissing small talk ...为动名词短语作主语;后一个并列句中that引导一个宾语从句,而这个宾语从句中还包含了一个if 引导的条件状语从句,且该条件状语从句使用了虚拟语气。
其中大意类的题干中常含main idea或mainly about,标题类含title。
如:1. 大意类:What is the main idea of paragraph 1? (2012年全国课标卷)What is the first paragraph mainly about? (2017年全国Ⅱ卷)What is the main idea of the text? (2018年全国Ⅰ卷)What is the text mainly about? ( 2018年全国Ⅲ卷)2. 标题类:What is /can be /might be the best title for the text? (2018年全国Ⅱ卷)Which of the following can /might be the best title for the text? (2017年全国Ⅰ卷)What can be a suitable title for the text? (2018年Ⅰ卷;2018年全国Ⅲ卷)解答主旨要义题的主要方法是寻找主题句。
寻找主题句的方法是略读法,即快速浏览首尾段、每段的首尾句,以及表达句段关系的连接性词语,特别是but, however, though (adv.然而), in fact, therefore等。
段落中出现but, however, actually, while, in fact, on the contrary, in contrast等时,其后的内容往往是作者真正要表达的观点。
如therefore, thus, in short, conclude, conclusion等词后内容也可能是主题。