2015年大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)C类决赛真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Listening Comperhension 2. V ocabulary and Structure 3. Cloze 4. Reading Comperhension 5. Error Correction 6. Translation 7. IQ Test 8. WritingPart I Listening ComperhensionSection A听力原文:W: I’m starting a yoga class tomorrow. Do you want to come?M: I’m not sure. In the photos I’ve seen, it looks kind of painful. Plus, the people are all so thin. W: Don’t worry about that. It’s a beginner’s class, so it will be really easy. And, it’s for people of every height and weight. Come on, give it a try.1.What does the man say about the yoga class?A.He is too thin for yoga practice.B.It is a bit too boring for him.C.It seems painful to practise yoga.D.He wants to attend a higher level class.正确答案:C解析:对话中女士问男士是否想要参加瑜伽课时,男士回答,“it looks kind of painful”,即他认为练瑜伽比较痛。
Problem A Warmer Days or Sour Grapes ?The high quality of wines(葡萄酒)produced in the Finger Lakes Region(五指湖区)of upstate (北部)New York is widely known. Proximity(接近)to lakes tempers the climate and makes it more suitable for growing several varieties of premium(独特)grapes: R iesling(雷司令), G ewürztraminer(琼瑶浆),C hardonnay(霞多丽), M erlot(梅洛), P inot Noir(黑比诺), and CabernetF ranc(品丽珠). (There are many more, but we will restrict(限制)the discussion to these six to simplify(简化)the modeling.) Each variety has its own preferred “average temperature” range but is also different in its susceptibility(感受性)to diseases and ability to withstand(抵抗)short periods of unusually cold temperature.As our local climate changes, the relative suitability of these varieties will be changing as well. A forward-looking winery(酒厂)has hired your team to help with the long-term planning. You will need to recommenda) the proportion(比例)of the total vineyard(葡萄园)to be used for growing each of the above six varieties;b) and when should these changes be implemented (实施)(based on observed temperatures and/or current market prices for each type of wine).Naturally, the winery is interested in maximizing its annual profit. But since the latter (后者)is weather-dependent, it might vary a lot year-to-year. You are also asked to evaluate the trade-offs (权衡)between optimizing the expected/average case versus the worst(-realistic-)scenario(情景).Things to keep in mind:Climate modeling is complicated(复杂)and predicting the rate of “global warming” is a hotly debated area. For the purposes of this problem, assume that the annual average temperature in Ithaca(伊萨卡), NY will increase by no more than 4°C by the end of this century.It is not all about the average temperature – a short snap(临时)of sub- zero(零度)temperature in late Ferburay or early March (after the vines already started getting used to warmer weather) is far more damaging than the same low temperature would be in the middle of the winter.It takes at least 3 years for a newly planted vine to start producing grapes suitable for winemaking.Problem B Outlook of Car-to-Car TechSAN FRANCISCO -- After more than a decade of research into car-to-car communications, U.S. auto safety regulators took a step forward today by unveiling their plan for requiring cars to have wireless gear that will enable them to warn drivers of danger.These vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) transmitters and software could save thousands of lives and prevent hundreds of thousands of crashes each year by providing cars with information they never will be able to gather simply from cameras and sensors. “Safety is our top priority, and V2V technology represents the next great advance in saving lives,” Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx said in an announcement. “This technology could move us from helping people survive crashes to helping them avoid crashes altogether.”Requirement 1: Present a mathematical model to discuss the reduction of the number of traffic accidents and road fatalities/injuries in San Francisco by V2V technology. Requirement 2: Determine the maximum number of cars in San Francisco due to the V2V technology.Requirement 3: Discuss the benefits of V2V technology to alleviate road congestion. Requirement 4: Provide your recommendation to the government.Prblem C Forest FiresOne major environmental concern is the occurrence of forest fires (also called wildfires), which affect forest preservation, bring economical and ecological damage and endanger human lives. Such phenomenon is due to multiple causes (e.g. human negligence and lightnings). Despite an increasing of state expenses to control this disaster, each year millions of forest hectares (ha) are destroyed all around the world.Fast detection is an important element for successful firefighting. Traditional human surveillance is expensive and affected by subjective factors, there has been an emphasis to develop automatic solutions, such as satellite-based, infrared/smoke scanners and local sensors (e.g. meteorological). Propagation models try to describe the future evolution of the forest fire given an initial scenario and certain input parameters. Modeling the dynamical behavior of fire propagation in a forest is helpful for creating scheme to control and fight fire.Requirement 1 Describe several different metrics that could be used to evaluate the effectiveness of fire detection. Could you combine your metrics to make them even more useful for measuring quality?Requirement 2 Model the dynamical behavior of fire spread in a forest. Requirement 3 Discuss the factors to affect fire occurrence. Which factors are the most critical in causing fires. Build mathematical models to predict the burned area of fires using Meteorological Data.Requirement 4 Give y our suggestion for preventing from forest fire and fighting against it.Problem D Wearable Activity RecognitionThe percentage of EU citizens aged 65 years or over is projected to increase from 17.1% in 2008 to 30.0% in 2060. In particular, the number of 65 years old is projected to rise from 84.6 million to 151.5 million, while the number of people aged 80 or over is projected to almost triple from 21.8 million to 61.4 million (EUROSTAT: New European Population projections 2008–2060). It has been calculated that the purely demographic effect of an ageing population will push up health-care spending by between 1% and 2% of the gross domestic product (GDP) of most member states. At first sight this may not appear to be very much when extended over several decades, but on average it would in fact amount to approximately a 25% increase in spending on health care, as a share of GDP, in the next 50 years (European Economy Commission, 2006). The effective incorporation of technology into health-care systems could therefore be decisive in helping to decrease overall public spending on health. One of these emerging health-care systems is daily living physical activity recognition.Daily living physical activity recognition is currently being applied in chronic disease management (Amft & Troter, 2008; Zwartjes, Heida, van Vugt, Geelen, & Veltink, 2010), rehabilitation systems (Sazonov, Fulk, Sazonova, & Schuckers, 2009) and disease prevention (Sazonov, Fulk, Hill, Schutz, & Browning, 2011; Warren et al., 2010), as well as being a personal indicator to health status (Arcelus et al., 2009). One of the principal subjects of the health related applications being mooted is the monitoring of the elderly. For example, falls represent one of the major risks and obstacles to old people’s independence (Najafi, Aminian, Loew, Blanc, & Robert, 2002; Yu, 2008). This risk is increased when some kind of degenerative disease affects them. Most Alzheimer’s patients, for exa mple, spend a long time every day either sitting or lying down since they would otherwise need continuous vigilance and attention to avoid a fall.The registration of daily events, an important task in anticipating and/or detecting anomalous behavior patterns and a primary step towards carrying out proactive management and personalized treatment, is normally poorly accomplished by patients’ families, healthcare units or auxiliary assistants because of limitations in time and resources. Automatic activity-recognition systems could allow us to conduct a completely detailed monitoring and assessment of the individual, thus significantly reducing current human supervision requirements.Most wearable activity recognition systems assume a predefined sensor deployment that remains unchanged during runtime. However, this assumption does not reflect real-life conditions. During the normal use of such systems, users may place the sensors in a position different from the predefined sensor placement. Also, sensors may move from their original location to a different one, due to a loose attachment. Activity recognition systems trained on activity patterns characteristic of a given sensor deployment may likely fail due to sensor displacements.Your task is as follows.(1) Build models to recognize daily living activities.(2) Explore the effects of sensor displacement induced by both the intentionalmisplacement of sensors and self-placement by the user.(3) Verify your recognition models’ toleranc e to sensor displacement.Data Set Information:The REALDISP (REAListic sensor DISPlacement) dataset has been originally collected to investigate the effects of sensor displacement in the activity recognition process in real-world settings. It builds on the concept of ideal-placement, self-placement and induced- displacement. The ideal and mutual-displacement conditions represent extreme displacement variants and thus could represent boundary conditions for recognition algorithms. In contrast, self-placement reflects a users perception of how sensors could be attached, e.g., in a sports or lifestyle application. The dataset includes a wide range of physical activities (warm up, cool down and fitness exercises), sensor modalities (acceleration, rate of turn, magnetic field and quaternions) and participants (17 subjects). Apart from investigating sensor displacement, the dataset lend itself for benchmarking activity recognition techniques in ideal conditions.Dataset summary:#Activities: 33#Sensors: 9#Subjects: 17#Scenarios: 3ACTIVITY SET:A1: WalkingA2: JoggingA3: RunningA4: Jump upA5: Jump front & backA6: Jump sidewaysA7: Jump leg/arms open/closedA8: Jump ropeA9: Trunk twist (arms outstretched)A10: Trunk twist (elbows bent)A11: Waist bends forwardA12: Waist rotationA13: Waist bends (reach foot with opposite hand)A14: Reach heels backwardsA15: Lateral bend (10_ to the left + 10_ to the right)A16: Lateral bend with arm up (10_ to the left + 10_ to the right)A17: Repetitive forward stretchingA18: Upper trunk and lower body opposite twistA19: Lateral elevation of armsA20: Frontal elevation of armsA21: Frontal hand clapsA22: Frontal crossing of armsA23: Shoulders high-amplitude rotationA24: Shoulders low-amplitude rotationA25: Arms inner rotationA26: Knees (alternating) to the breastA27: Heels (alternating) to the backsideA28: Knees bending (crouching)A29: Knees (alternating) bending forwardA30: Rotation on the kneesA31: RowingA32: Elliptical bikeA33: CyclingSENSOR SETUP:Each sensor provides 3D acceleration (accX,accY,accZ), 3D gyro (gyrX,gyrY,gyrZ), 3D magnetic field orientation (magX,magY,magZ) and 4D quaternions (Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4). The sensors are identified according to the body part on which is placed respectively:。
2015 ICM C 题人力资源管理
建立一个由有才能并且训练有素的员工组成的机构是成功的关键之一。 不过为了做到这 点, 一个机构不仅需要招聘雇佣最好的竞聘者, 还要保留素质好的员工并保证他们正确的培 训和工作在合适的职位上, 并且逐渐的确定新的招聘人选来顶替那些离职的员工。 在一个机 构中, 每一个员工都是独一无二的角色。 因此, 一个员工的离职会带来信息和功能上的缺失, 这样就需要新人来顶替这样的缺失。这样的情形发生在体育队、商业公司、学校、政府和其 他几乎所有正式的组织机构中。 人力资源部(HR)的工作人员通过提高员工积极性、协同培训和建立高素质团队来帮 助高级领导层管理员工。尤其是,领导会建立一个有效的机构框架,在这个框架中,人们会 被分配到适合他们才能和经验的职位上, 而且有效的交流系统会促进创新想法和优质产品的 发展 (包括商品和服务) 。 这些人才管理和团队组建的方式现在广泛应用于很多组织机构中。 在一个机构中管理人力资源的流动网络需要了解员工对于公司或其分部的忠诚度, 在工 作场所中建立信任,管理员工之间正式和非正式关系的形成、消除和保持。当离职或退休的 的员工被顶替的时候,这些导致的动荡被统称为机构的“流失效应” 。现在人力资源部的经 理要求你们的团队来建立一个框架和模型来了解一个拥有 370 名员工的信息合作制造集团 (Information Cooperative Manufacturing,简称做 ICM)其中的流失效应。这个 ICM 集团在 市场中很有竞争力,因此要进行有效的人力资源管理也就很具有挑战性。 人力资源部经理想要通过建立一个网络模型来绘制出来集团中的人力资源。 下面是你们 需要注意的一些因素: 1. ICM 集团想要在早期阶段就确定员工流失的几率, 因为在员工任职的早期提高其忠诚度要 比在企业文化形成之后再来改善更加划算。 在一开始的时候就促进劳动力也要比在后期提供 激励来挽留员工更加有效。 2. 如果一个员工和另一个已经离职的员工有某些联系,那么这个员工更容易离职。这样看 来员工流失很像是从一个员工传播到另一个员工。 所以, 确定出那些很可能离职的员工是用 来阻止更多员工离职的有用的信息。 3. 人力资源部的一项工作就是让员工在正确的职位上工作,这样他们的知识和能力才能被 最大化。现在每个员工每年会得到一个基于工作表现评价,这个评价由他的主管给出。而这 些评价现在并没有被人力资源部使用。 4. ICM 集团意识到,中层干部(初级经理、有经验的主管、无经验的主管)经常会感到很少 有升职的机会因而觉得职位到了瓶颈, 这样如果他们找到了一个相近或更好的工作就很可能 会跳槽。这些中层职位往往都有很高的人事变动率(大概是其他职位的两倍)并且随时都需 要补充。 5. 招聘高素质的员工是有难度的,而且费时费钱。在任何时候 ICM 集团的 370 个岗位中经 常只有 85%是满的,并且由于管理的延迟、办公室的容量以及内部晋升,人力资源部会招聘 总岗位的 8%-10%(也就是大概空缺职位的三分之二) 。 6. 为了晋升到更高的职位,现在员工需要先在特定的职位上积累几年的工作经验。这也构 成了人力资源部的主要障碍。 7. 员工流失率一直在稳定地增长,特别是中层经理。ICM 集团的人力资源部把这一点视为 公司面临的最大挑战。首席执行官(CEO)听到现在的流失率达到了每年 18%表示很惊恐。 8. 因为 ICM 集团很担心人手不足, 所以一些勉强合格和不合格的员工都被招入进行试用期, 以此来降低员工流失率, 这样很少有员工被解雇。 这就导致了一些低水平的员工经常会一直 在公司里。员工水平这一问题已经引起了管理层的重视,但是现在还没人有解决方案。 9. 你的机构一直以良好的 CEO-员工工资比引以为傲(CEO 的工资到该是所有员工工资中位 数的 10 倍,而其他很多公司这一比率会达到几百) 。
大学生英语竞赛C类翻译专项强化真题试卷10(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1.(91) An active lifestyle and a healthy, fish-rich diet are not only good for your heart, they may also help tackle the memory loss associated with old age, two leading neuroscientists said. As people live longer, finding ways of halfing the decline in mental agility is becoming increasingly important, said Professor Ian Robertson, director of the Institute of Neuroscience at Trinity College Dublin.(92) “The biggest threat to being able to function well and properly is our brains, ”he told, journalists. “There is very strong evidence, particularly in the over-50s, that the degree to which you maintain your mental faculties depends on a handful of quite simple environmental factors, ”he said. (93) Those who remained physically fit, avoided high stress levels and enjoyed a rich and varied social life are better equipped to stay alert as they age. Mental stimulation, learning new things and simply thinking young also help. A new survey compiled for the University of Kent and the charity Age Concern showed ageism was rife in Britain where people, on average, see youth as ending at 49 and old age beginning at 65. But Robertson said such attitudes were not helpful given the number of 80-year-olds who remain “sharp as pins”. (94) “If you start to think of yourself as old when you are 60, which is no longer justified, you will behave old, ”he said. Research conducted by his Trinity College colleague, Professor Marina Lynch, showed healthy eating was another key requirement for staying on the ball. (95) Lynch said new research showed fish oils may reduce the cell inflammation that triggers a decline in memory.1.正确答案:两位著名的神经专家认为,积极的生活方式和健康的、富含鱼类的饮食不仅对心脏有好处,还有助于攻克由衰老引起的记忆力减退。
PROBLEM A: Eradicating(根除)EbolaThe world medical association has announced that their new medication could stop Ebola and cure patients whose disease is not advanced(晚期的). Build a realistic, sensible, and useful model that considers not only the spread of the disease, the quantity of the medicine needed, possible feasible (可行的)delivery systems, locations of delivery, speed of manufacturing of the vaccine or drug, but also any other critical factors your team considers necessary as part of the model to optimize the eradication of Ebola, or at least its current strain(压力). In addition to your modeling approach for the contest, prepare a 1-2 page non-technical letter for the world medical association to use in their announcement.PROBLEM B: Searching for a lost planeRecall the lost Malaysian flight MH370. Build a generic(一般的)mathematical model that could assist "searchers" in planning a useful search for a lost plane feared to(恐怕) have crashed in open water such as the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Southern, or Arctic Ocean while flying from Point A to Point B. Assume that there are no signals from the downed (坠落的) plane. Your model should recognize that there are many different types of planes for which we might be searching and that there are many different types of search planes, often using different electronics or sensors. Additionally, prepare a 1-2 page non-technical paper for the airlines to use in their press conferences concerning their plan for future searches.。
大学生英语竞赛C类翻译专项强化真题试卷2(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1.1.对于一个公司来说,能跟上市场的发展变化是很重要的。
(keep pace with)正确答案:It is important for a business to keep pace with changes in the market.2.要不是下雨,我们的旅行本来是很愉快的。
(but for)正确答案:But for the rain,we would/could have had a pleasant journey解析:(虚拟语气。
主句套用could/should/might have done,从句用had done。
but for固定用法,意为“要不是”。
(not far from)正确答案:Remember if you do your best at anything.you should not be far away from success.解析:(尽全力do one’s best.)4.教育部要求,课外活动应作为学校生活的一部分。
(require)正确答案:The Ministry of Education requires that extra—curricular activities be made part of school life.解析:(Ministry of Education意为“教育部”。
(名词性从句)正确答案:Whether a college student can succeed depends on how hard he works.解析:(翻译时可将whether置于句首,引导主语从句。
2015 C组织中的人力人力资本管理建立一个具有优秀的,有才华的和受过良好训练的人员的组织是成功的关键因素之一。
你的团队被你们的HR要求要去建立一个理解ICM 370人的组织内的“流失”的框架和模型,ICM 是一个高竞争力的市场,导致了与有效的人力资本管理有关的重要问题。
HR 想要通过建立网络模型映射出组织中的人力资本。
这里有一些你们公司需要面对的问题:1.ICM 的目标是在“流失”发生的早期识别其风险,因为在员工事业的早期获得其忠诚度比在企业文化变质时改进企业文化要便宜。
●以下所有时间都是美国东部时间EST(北京时间比美国东部时间早13个小时)●递交参赛论文后,意味参赛者同意以下条款:⏹论文提交后,出版权归COMAP, Inc所有;⏹COMAP可以使用,编辑,引用和出版论文,用于宣传或任何其他目的,包括在线展示,出版电子版,在UMAP杂志刊登或其他方式,并且没有任何形式的补偿;⏹COMAP可以在没有进一步的通知,许可,或补偿的情形下,使用这次比赛相关材料,团队成员、指导老师的名字,以及和他们的背景资料。
比赛之前注册报名1.报名截至时间:2015年2月5日下午2:00 EST。
2.每支参赛队伍都必须有一位来自参赛机构(institute)的教师担任导师(faculty advisor),不允许学生担任导师。
2015年大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)C类初赛真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Listening Comperhension 2. V ocabulary and Structure 3. Cloze 4. Reading Comperhension 5. Error Correction 6. Translation 7. IQ Test 8. WritingPart I Listening ComperhensionSection A听力原文:M: Have you ever heard the saying, “Clothes make the man”? It might be truer than we imagine. W: When a police officer or firefighter puts on their uniform it must affect their psychology. It probably gives them a sense of responsibility and authority. M: Absolutely. When a judge puts on that heavy black robe it transmits an image of power, but it also serves a reminder to the judge of the responsibility of their position.1.What does the conversation imply?A.Great minds think alike.B.You are what you wear.C.A contented mind is a perpetual feast.D.Actions speak louder than words.正确答案:B解析:对话开始时男士提到“Clothes make the man(人要衣装)”,接下来女士和男士列举了警察、消防员和法官的例子,说明了那些职业特有的衣服会影响穿衣者的心理,给他们一种责任感和权威性(a sense of responsibility and authority),因此该对话暗示了,穿什么样的衣服就决定了你是什么样的人,即You are what you wear.故本题选B项。
Problem C: “Cooperate and navigate”Traffic capacity is limited in many regions of the United States due to the number of lanes of roads. For example, in the Greater Seattle area drivers experience long delays during peak traffic hours because the volume of traffic exceeds the designed capacity of the road networks. This is particularly pronounced on Interstates 5, 90, and 405, as well as State Route 520, the roads of particular interest for this problem.Self-driving, cooperating cars have been proposed as a solution to increase capacity of highways without increasing number of lanes or roads. The behavior of these cars interacting with the existing traffic flow and each other is not well understood at this point.The Governor of the state of Washington has asked for analysis of the effects of allowing self-driving, cooperating cars on the roads listed above in Thurston, Pierce, King, and Snohomish counties. (See the provided map and Excel spreadsheet). In particular, how do the effects change as the percentage of self-driving cars increases from 10% to 50% to 90%? Do equilibria exist? Is there a tipping point where performance changes markedly? Under what conditions, if any, should lanes be dedicated to these cars? Does your analysis of your model suggest any other policy changes?Your answer should include a model of the effects on traffic flow of the number of lanes, peak and/or average traffic volume, and percentage of vehicles using self-driving, cooperating systems. Your model should address cooperation between self-driving cars as well as the interaction between self- driving and non-self-driving vehicles. Your model should then be applied to the data for the roads of interest, provided in the attached Excel spreadsheet.Your MCM submission should consist of a 1 page Summary Sheet, a 1-2 page letter to the Governor’s office, and your solution (not to exceed 20 pages) for a maximum of 23 pages. Note: The appendix and references do not count toward the 23 page limit. Some useful background information:On average, 8% of the daily traffic volume occurs during peak travel hours.•The nominal speed limit for all these roads is 60 miles per hour.•Mileposts are numbered from south to north, and west to east.•Lane widths are the standard 12 feet.•Highway 90 is classified as a state route until it intersects Interstate 5.•In case of any conflict between the data provided in this problem and any other source, use the data provided in this problem.Definitions:milepost: A marker on the road that measures distance in miles from either the start of the route or astate boundary.average daily traffic: The average number of cars per day driving on the road.interstate: A limited access highway, part of a national system.state route: A state highway that may or may not be limited access.route ID: The number of the highway.increasing direction: Northbound for N-S roads, Eastbound for E-W roads.decreasing direction: Southbound for N-S roads, Westbound for E-W roads.问题C:“合作和导航”由于道路的数量,美国许多地区的交通容量有限。
ICM 正处在一个竞争激烈的市场中,需要有效的人力资本管理来面对挑战。
年美赛C题翻译One of the techniques to determine influence of academic research is to build and measure properties of citation or co-author networks.学术研究的技术来确定影响之一是构建和引文或合著网络的度量属性。
Co-authoring a manuscript usually connotes a strong influential connection between researchers.与人合写一手稿通常意味着一个强大的影响力的研究人员之间的联系。
One of the most famous academic co-authors was the 20th-century mathematician Paul Erd?s who had over 500 co-authors and published over 1400 technical research papers.最著名的学术合作者是20世纪的数学家保罗鄂尔多斯曾超过500的合作者和超过1400个技术研究论文发表。
It is ironic, or perhaps not, that Erd?s is also one of the influencers in buildingthe foundation for the emerging interdisciplinary science of networks,particularly, through his publication with Alfred Rényi of the paper “On Random Graphs”in 1959.讽刺的是,或者不是,鄂尔多斯也是影响者在构建网络的新兴交叉学科的基础科学,特别是通过与阿尔弗雷德Renyi的出版论文的“随机”在1959年。
但要做到这一点,组织需要做更多的招聘和雇用的最佳人选- 他们还需要留住优秀的人才,让他们适当培训,并放置在适当的位置,并最终瞄准新员工来替换那些离开组织。
2015 ICMProblem DIs it sustainable?Problem backgroundOne of the largest challenges of our time is how to manage increasing population and consumption with the earth’s finite resources. How can we do this while at the same time increasing equity and eradicating poverty? Since the beginning of the modern envi ronmental movement in the 1960’s, balancing human needs with the earth’s health has been a topic of considerable debate. Are economic development and ecosystem health at odds? In order to reconcile this difficult balance, the concept of sustainable develo pment was introduced in the 1980’s. Sustainable development is defined by the 1987 Brundtland Report as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Since its conception, sustainable development has become a goal for international aid agencies, planners, governments, and non-profit organizations. Despite this, striving towards a sustainable future has never been more imperative. The United Nations (UN) predicts the world’s population will level at 9 billion people by 2050. This, coupled with increased consumption, places a significant strain on the earth’s finite resources. Understanding that the earth is a system that connects both time and space is critical to sustainable development. Development must focus on needs (e.g., reducing the vulnerability of the world’s poor) and limitations (e.g., the environment’s ability to detoxify wastes). In 2012, the UN conference on sustainable development recognized that: “that poverty eradication, changing unsustainable and promoting sustainable patterns of consumption and production and protecting and managing the natural resource base of economic and social development are the overarching objectives of and essential requirements for sustainable development.” Decreasing personal poverty and vulnerability, encouraging economic development, and maintaining ecosystem health are the pillars of sustainable development.Problem statementThe International Conglomerate of Money (ICM) has hired you to help them use their extensive financial resources and influence to create a more sustainable world. They are particularly interested in developing countries, where they believe they can see the greatest results of their investments.Task 1: Develop a model for the sustainability of a country. This model should provide a measure to distinguish more sustainable countries and policies from less sustainable ones. It can also serve to inform the ICM on those countries that need the most support and intervention. Some factors may include human health, food security, access to clean water, local environmental quality, energyaccess, livelihoods, community vulnerability, and equitable sustainable development. Your model should clearly define when and how a county is sustainable or unsustainable.Task 2: Select a country from the United Nations list of the 48 Least Developed Countries (LDC) list(/en/pages/aldc/Least%20Developed%20Countries/UN-list-of-Least-Developed-Countries.aspx). Using your model and research from Task 1, create a 20 year sustainable development plan for your selected LDC country to move towards a more sustainable future. This plan should consist of programs, policies, and aid that can be provided by the ICM within a country based on their demographic, natural resources, economic, social and political conditions.Task 3: Evaluate the effect your 20-year sustainability plan has on your country’s sustainability measure created in Task 1. Predict the change that will occur over the 20 years in the future by implementing your plan in your evaluation. Based on the selected country, you may need to consider additional environmental factors such as climate change, development aid, foreign investment, natural disasters, and government instability. The ICM would like to get the “most bang for their buck”, so determine which programs or policies produce the greatest effect on the sustainability measure for your country. Identifying highly effective strategies to be implemented is the ultimate goal of the ICM to create a more sustainable world.Task 4: Write a 20-page report (summary sheet does not count in the 20 pages) that explains your model, your sustainability measure, your sustainability development plan, and the effect of your plan based on your model and the country’s environment. Be sure to detail the strengths and weaknesses of the model. The ICM will use your report to invest in sustainability development intervention strategies for specific LDC countries. Good luck in your modeling work!Possible ResourcesUN sustainable development knowledge platform()Ecological footprint(/en/index.php/GFN/page/footprint_basics_overvi ew/)World Bank Data ()International Institute for Sustainable Development (https:///sd/)ReferencesWorld Commission on Environment and Development (WCED). 1987. Our Common Future. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987, 8.United Nations. The future we want. Resolution adopted by the General Assembly. 66th Session of the General Assembly, 123rd plenary meeting; 2012 July 27. New York: UN; 2012 Sep 11 (Resolution A/RES/66/288) [cited 2013 Jul 23]. Available at:/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/RES/66/288&Lang=E. Other useful SourcesBell, Simon and Stephen Morse. 2008. Sustainability Indicators: measuring the immeasurable. Earthscan, London.Daly, Herman. 1990. Towards some operational principles of sustainable development. Ecological Economics, 2(1990) 1-6.Kates, Robert W., Thomas M. Parris, and Anthony A. Leiserowitz. 2005. What is sustainable Development: Goals indicators, values, and practices. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, Volume 47, Number 3, pages 8–21.。
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1. ICM aims to identify the risk of churn in its early stages, as it is cheaper to gain the loyalty of an
employee early in their carreer rather than have to improve the culture once it has soured. It is more productive to have a motivated workforce from the start rather than having to provide incentives to prevent people from leaving.
A worker is more likely to churn if he or she was connected to other former employees who have churned. Thus churn seems to diffuse from employee to employee, so identifying those that are likely to churn is valuable information to prevent further churning.
One HR issue is matching employees to the right position such that their knowledge and abilities can be maximized. Currently each employee gets an annual evaluation based on performance as judged by the supervisor. These ratings are currently not used by the HR office.
ICM recognizes that middle managers (Junior Managers, Experienced Supervisors, Inexperienced Supervisors) often feel stuck in their jobs with little opportunity to advance, causing them to leave the company when they find a comparable or better job. These mid-level positions are critical ones that unfortunately suffer high turn-over (twice the average rate of the rest of the company) and seem to need filling all the time.
Recruiting good people is difficult, time consuming and expensive. ICM usually has only 85% of its 370 positions filled at any time and, because of administrative delays and office capacity and internal promotions, the HR office is actively hiring about 8-10% of the ICM positions (about 2/3 of the current vacancies).
大约8 - 10%的ICM位置(大约2/3的当前职位空缺)。
In order to move up into the higher management-level positions, people are currently required to
have several years of experience in the company at specific levels and types of positions. This can pose major obstacles for the HR department.
The churn rate has been increasing steadily, especially for middle managers. The ICM HR manager sees this as the biggest challenge the company faces. The CEO panicked when hearing that the current churn rate is 18% per year.
8. Because ICM is always worried about being short-handed, marginal and poor employees are allowed to stay on in an attempt to lower the churn and, therefore, very few employees are relieved or fired. This results in lower quality employees who often stay with the company for a full career. This quality issue is causing concern with the management, but no one seems to have a solution. 9. Your organization is proud of its modest CEO-to-worker salary ratio (i.e., the CEO salary is approximately 10 times the median of the salaries of all the employees in the organization as compared to hundreds of times the median as found in many companies).